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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

VICTORY IN BABYLON--PART Eight DO       [Chapters 35-39 (end)]

November 1994, Family Services, Zurich, Switzerland.

Required reading for all, age 7 years and up!

        Based on the true adventures of God's children! God's miraculous care, protection, leading, guidance and help in difficult circumstances!

        THE STORY SO FAR!--The 18 teens and children from the Green Trees Home have been released from Morfield, the institutionin which they were being held, pending* the outcome of a court case in which the Family has been outrageously accused of child abuse. Now, as the Family Members face their enemies in court in an all-out fight for the continued freedom of their children, the Lord unexpectedly takes their main lawyer, Robert O'Riley, Home to Heaven to be with Him! This causes the Green Trees Family to lean on the Lord even harder, knowing that only Jesus can give them the victory!


        The Lord was wonderfully answering the Family's prayers for the court case, and marvellously fulfilling all the prophecies and promises! It was all turning out the way that Grandpa, Mama Maria and the whole Family had prayed it would! The wickedness of those fighting against them was being exposed to the whole nation and the Message was getting out like never before!
        It was now the CWD (Children's Welfare Department) and the police who were on trial! Desperately they tried to justify their behaviour to an angry public, who were getting more and more upset that hundreds of thousands of dollars of their tax money was being spent on cruelly persecuting a small group of Christians.
        Out on the streets, the teens and JETTs were on the attack, distributing the "Religious Persecution" Tract by the thousands. As they gave them out to people, they would say, "This is about those kids who got taken away.--And we were some of them! This is about religious persecution of Christians standing up for their faith!"
        Many people showed their immediate support with comments like, "I'm glad you're giving these out! People need to hear this!" and, "It's about time the truth was told!"
        The teens and children were thrilled to see how much the Lord had used all that they had been through to affect people's lives and open their hearts to the truth.
        In court, the on-fire team of Heavenly Helpers were having a great time anointing His children and confounding those fighting against them!
        Miss Snell had located a small number of discontented ex-members of the Family who were willing to testify against the Family. Most of these ex-members' pride had been hurt by not getting things their way when they were in the Family, or they had been asked to leave because they wouldn't abide by Family rules, so they wanted to strike out and hurt the Family now. Others were paid by the opposition or the anti-cult movement to speak against the Family and thereby "make a name for themselves".
        After the court had sat through their murmurings, gripings, lies and gross exaggerations, it was Mark Pierce's turn to cross examine them. Even though he was only a junior barrister*, Mark had bravely stepped into Robert O'Riley's shoes and taken over the case! Although he wasn't as dramatic as Robert O'Riley in court, it was plain to see that the Lord was wonderfully anointing him. Little did Mark know that he was being helped not only by the "two Williams", but also by Robert O'Riley himself, who after a short but glorious vacation in Heaven was granted permission by the Lord to return to Earth to join this spirit helper team. They helped Mark do a terrific job! Mark clearly showed that these pitiful people had hypocritically accused the Family of the very "crimes" of which they themselves were guilty!--And for which some of them had been excommunicated*!
        The prosecution* had planned to use these backsliders' testimonies to turn the judge and the public against the Family, but instead "their weapons of war" were "turned back" against them, and they fell into the very pit which they had digged.... (See Jer.21:4a; Psa.7:15 and 57:6.)
        Finally, when Miss Snell had finished calling all of the prosecution's witnesses, it was Mark Pierce's turn to call witnesses for the defence--witnesses who would stand up for the Family!

* * * * * * *

        "I'd like to call Mrs. Susan Pryers to take the witness stand!"
        Susan Pryers was head of the city's Home Schooling Association. The prosecution had attacked the Family's home schooling, saying that the children were being deprived of a good education by not attending System schools. Susan gave facts and figures that proved the home is an excellent place for children to learn, and that most home-schooled kids receive superior training!
        "But one of my main concerns is that the Family moves around a lot," Judge Walker commented. "Surely this must have a bad effect on their education?"
        "Actually, in the case of the Family children the opposite is true." Susan assured him. "Usually when children move, it's very difficult for them to adjust to a new school. But the Family provides the same schooling course and the same atmosphere in each of their homes. This makes it much easier for the children to move from one place to the other."
        "Do you personally know any of these Family children?" asked Mark Pierce.
        "Oh, yes!" replied Susan. She smiled and waved at the children, who smiled and waved back as they silently supported her in prayer. "Sometimes the parents bring the children with them to Home Schooling meetings and I've found them very bright and outgoing and they get along with the other children very well! Personally, I don't see any problems with these kids at all!"

* * * * * * *

        Next to take the stand was dear Mr. Kokonis. He was from a Greek background, and had been a long-time Family friend and supporter. The prosecution had been criticising the Family's attitude towards outsiders, and also the way the Family raised support. Mr. Kokonis' simple and sweet testimony shot their accusations down in flames!
        Mark Pierce asked Mr. Kokonis questions that he knew would help him get out the truth about Family life.
        "How did you first come in contact with the Family?"
        "Seven or eight years ago, my business started to do extremely well. I went to church and prayed for divine guidance on how to put my extra money to use in a good cause. Then, right after that, as I was driving home, I met a man and a woman hitchhiking*. They told me about Jesus and said they were missionaries. I knew about Jesus from church, but when I prayed with them to ask Jesus to come into my heart, I came to know Him in a more personal way. I invited them to lunch the following Monday. At this meeting I asked them more about their work and then offered to help them financially, as I believed it was an answer to my prayer."
        "What do you give the Family money for?"
        "To help with their rent, or when tickets are needed for Family missionaries going abroad.--Whenever I hear about a need."
        "But doesn't it bother you that they want financial help from you?" the judge asked.
        "Not at all! All churches need support. I've always told them that's what I was there for. I've always believed that's what God wanted me to do."
        "How has the Family helped you?" asked Mark Pierce.
        "Spiritually. They've given me literature that has helped strengthen my faith in God and given me guidance to be a better Christian."
        "Was any of this literature written by Father David?"
        "Oh yes. And I feel that all of his teachings are absolutely from the Bible. I already believed in the Bible, but I was never able to understand it so well until I met the Family and read the Letters of Father David."
        Peter and Praise looked at each other and smiled. It was beautiful to see their dear friend standing up for Grandpa and the Family like this. It was the pay-off for all their faithful follow-up. It had sometimes seemed a sacrifice to take time to visit their supporters and friends and give them Word classes, but here was the fruit!
        "Mr. Kokonis, have you ever been invited to the Family Home?"
        "Oh yes, many times!"
        "And what were your impressions of the children?"
        "That they were happy and healthy and often smiling!"
        "Did they ever treat you as an enemy or an evil person?"
        "Absolutely not! Everything is very Godly in their Home." He looked down and smiled at Precious, who was faithfully praying for her dear Uncle Kokonis. "The little children call me `Uncle Coconuts' and I always feel welcomed by all!"
        "In all your visits to the Home have you ever noticed anything unusual that would cause you to be concerned about the children?"
        "No, absolutely not. I've never noticed anything at all."
        "What is the most unusual thing that you've noticed about the Family?"
        "Well ... the fact that so many people can live harmoniously* together has always amazed me and still does. I think it's wonderful, but I couldn't personally live like that!"
        "What do you mean by living harmoniously together?"
        "When my three kids were growing up, they fought a lot among themselves and it made me upset. I've never noticed this in Family Homes."
        "Would you call this group a `sex cult'?"
        "No, that's ridiculous!"
        "Have the stories in the media about this case changed your view of the Family?"
        "No, absolutely not!"
        "Are you going to continue contact with the Family?"
        "Yes, of course! I look on them as my church. They have forsaken everything to preach the Gospel, and the Lord has called me to help support them. For me that is a great privilege!"

* * * * * * *

        Next in the witness box was Steven Whitaker. He was a Christian theologian* who was considered to be the country's leading expert on "cults".
        The Children's Welfare Department had tried everything to persuade Steven to speak against the Family, but he refused. He said that his research had shown that the Family was a Christian organisation with a high regard for family integrity*. To the opposition's dismay, he instead began to speak out publicly for the Family on radio and TV!
        When the Family contacted Steven to thank him for his support, he said, "I've been hearing this still small voice in my heart telling me to help you! Don't worry, this is all going to work out for the best! Just remember what you joined the Family for and let nothing shake those ideals! That is what I admire about you people, you've got such conviction and faith! You question and contradict all the things that you feel are wrong in society, and because of it they are trying to get you! The Children's Welfare Department are jealous of your beautiful children and strong family life, because that's what they are supposed to achieve, but can't!"
        Steven Whitaker was another wonderful answer to prayer! The worldwide Family had been asked to specifically pray that the Lord would raise up a sympathetic theologian who would be able to positively explain the Family's beliefs in court.
        Mark Pierce asked Steven questions that would help him do just that.
        "Mr. Whitaker, you are considered to be a cult expert, is that correct?"
        "Yes, I've written a number of books on the subject."
        "Would you consider the Family to be a cult?"
        "No. I'd like to make it clear that the Family is definitely not a cult! They have no fear, they have freedom to differ and discuss ideas, they are open, and this is in no way the same as a cult!"
        "Mr. Whitaker, from your studies of the Family, what would you say is the main motive* for their existence?"
        "They see themselves as being a prophetic group of the Endtime, and witnessing is their main desire and motive. That was the reason their members joined the Family, and that is still their main motive today."
        "Do you consider them to be genuine Christians?"
        "Oh, absolutely! They are an evangelical* Christian group who have a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. They believe in Creation, and are definitely against evolution. Their message about the Endtime and Eternal Salvation are the same as many other Christian denominations. Their dedication and commitment is similar to a Benedictine monk*, or a Franciscan friar*. As for their forsaking all and separating themselves from the World, many Catholic orders do the same."
        "What is your opinion of Father David?"
        "An important point that I'd like to bring out about Father David that further distinguishes the Family from a cult is that unlike most cult leaders he believes that he makes mistakes and he readily admits them. He does not try to pretend to his people that he is infallible*."
        "So his followers are not `mindless robots', as some would suggest, obeying without question everything he says?"
        "No, because Father David backs up his teachings with Scripture, and he encourages the Family to weigh what he says with the standard of the Word."
        "Do you think that any members of this group have been brainwashed*?"
        "No, absolutely not! Modern brainwashing is pretty much like what the Children's Welfare Department tried to do to these children! They take them away from their normal surroundings, bombard them with questions until they are confused, and question their beliefs."
        The parents and children silently praised God for this slam against the Children's Welfare Department, and were happy to see that the reporters were eagerly writing it down!
        "Praise the Lord, he's doing great!" Sharon whispered to the children. "I've noticed that when we tune in and fight for the witnesses in prayer, their answers are more powerful! Thank You Jesus!"
        After Mark Pierce had questioned Steven for much of the morning, it was Miss Snell's turn to cross-examine him.
        "Don't you think it's unhealthy for the children to be so isolated from what they call `the System'?"
        "Not at all! There are many people in this country who feel that things in society are wrong, and limit their children's access to them. Considering the evils of society I think that it is an advantage to protect the children the way they do!"
        "But don't you feel that parents in the group have a duty to encourage their teenagers to go on to university?"
        "No, there are lots of other people in this country who feel that university isn't the only means to getting a good education, and not just the Family."
        "What is your impression of the Family children you have met?" asked Judge Walker.
        "They are very confident. They have a lot of openness between them, and I think that they could relate to society very well. They act towards others in love and have great personalities! Frankly, I find their children very impressive!"
        "What do you think about the way that the Family supports themselves?"
        "They get tithes and donations and food, like many mainstream Christian* churches do, which is normal and acceptable. They also support themselves from sales of videos and tapes."
        "Why is all the literature of the group so sexual?"
        "You must not have read much of their literature, Miss Snell, because it's not all sexy. Only some of the MO Letters deal with the subject of sex, and I'd like to point out very strongly that the Family is totally against any sex between adults and minors. However, they rightly believe that according to the Bible, sex is not a sin, but a beautiful God-created act that He intended to be enjoyed by people. Take the Song of Solomon in the Bible. It is about a man wooing a woman, and her responses."
        "That's not what the nuns taught me in the Catholic school I went to!" remarked Miss Snell.
        "It's a pity that they didn't!" Steven shot back.
        Poor Miss Snell went bright red as the whole court roared with laughter!


        Eleven-year-old Gabriella was so nervous she felt sick in her tummy. The day she had dreaded had finally arrived--the day that she was going to testify in court!
        Yesterday teen David had been in the witness stand and Gabriella had marvelled how anointed he had been! In fact all of the teens had done a terrific job of showing the court that they were not "brainwashed zombies*" like their enemies said. They were normal teens with teen hopes and ideals, independence, humour, enthusiasm and zest for life. They were in the Family because they loved it. They were getting the love, attention, parenting, training, recognition, fulfilment, challenge, change and opportunity to be of service to others, that every teen desperately wants and needs!
        Gabriella came out of the washroom for the third time and sat down with the rest of the Family in the lobby, where they were waiting for the afternoon session to begin.
        "Oh, Uncle Peter!" Gabriella despaired. "I know I'll be the one who will put my foot in my mouth and mess things up! I'm not as smart as Sharon and David and those guys. I can't speak as well!"
        "It's natural to wish that we're more than we are at times and that we could express ourselves better!" Uncle Peter encouraged her. "But what did the crowd that beheld Peter and John say?"
        "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled and took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus!" Gabriella quoted. (Acts 4:13.)
        "Right!" said Uncle Peter. "They were only simple fishermen who were willing to do God's Will and to be used by Him! Then what about Jeremiah?--Remember how he said, `Ah, Lord God, behold, I cannot speak, for I am but a child!' But then what did the Lord tell him?"
        "Say not, I am a child: for whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." answered Gabriella. (See Jer. 1:6,7.)
        "Exactly!" continued Uncle Peter. "And remember when Moses questioned the Lord, saying, `Who am I to lead Thy people, I cannot speak to Pharaoh.'--Exo.3:11; 4:10. But God told him, `I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what to say.'--Exo.4:12. So you see, you're in good company! Many of God's `greats' felt very inadequate and incapable of testifying and speaking in public! In fact, did you know that many of the great evangelists of past years whom you read about in the Good Thots and the Letters, like Dwight L. Moody and William Branham, were ignorant, uneducated folks whose words were certainly anything but polished or refined? But the Lord used them by His Spirit to preach the Message to millions and give them Jesus!" (See 1Cor.1:26-29.)
        "Wow, praise the Lord!" exclaimed Gabriella. "That's encouraging! Thanks, Uncle Peter!"
        Uncle Peter gave her a hug, "Don't worry, sweetheart! We've had desperate prayer for you, haven't we? So don't worry about what you're going to say, or whether you're going to get in trouble if you say this or that! Keep on praying, step out by faith, and let Jesus speak through you, and you'll shine beautifully! (See Mat.10:18-20; Psa.81:10 and 1Cor. 2:4,5.) And remember, it is not by our own might or courage that we win the victory! It is our prayers and our confidence in Jesus, the Victor, that wins!"
        Uncle Peter stood up to greet Mark Pierce as he walked over to where they were sitting.
        "Are you ready, Gabriella?" Mark smiled. "You'll be the first in the witness box this afternoon."
        "It's certainly going to have to be the Lord!" Gabriella smiled back bravely. "But, let's go for it!"
        Right then, Linda Phelps hurried in the front door carrying a large yellow folder.
        "Mark, I've got the police files! I had a quick peek inside and some of it looks very interesting!"
        "Good!" replied Mark. "Linda, why don't you and Peter find somewhere quiet to look through it. Meanwhile, it's time for the rest of us to go into court."

* * * * * * *

        It looked like something out of a spy movie! Linda and Peter were huddled together around a back table in a nearby coffee shop, examining the contents of the thick yellow folder that Linda had picked up from the police headquarters.
        "Look at this!" whispered Linda. "These records show that the police have been tapping your phones, following your cars, spying on you from vans and helicopters, and videoing you from the house across the street. They've got records on your vehicles, bank accounts, immigrations records...."
        "But why have we been allowed to see these?" asked Peter.
        "The police have to let the defence lawyers see any records that have anything to do with the case," Linda explained. "However, they are allowed to keep back any documents that they think would reveal their methods of surveillance, so I don't know why we were able to get these ones! ... Wow, look at this one! It shows they've been working with international police agencies as well as anti-cult groups in France, Britain, Rome, Argentina, Brazil, Hong Kong, Spain, Washington. ... My goodness, Peter, you were right! There is an international conspiracy against the Family!"
        "It must have cost millions to gather all of this information," said Peter, "and they still haven't been able to bring one charge against us! This should prove to those who have been doubting it that this case against us is religious persecution and a real abuse of power*!"
        "Peter, all of you must have been praying!" exclaimed Linda. "It's nothing short of a miracle that this information has fallen into our hands!"


        "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
        "I do!" replied Gabriella with conviction.
        As Gabriella climbed into the witness box she silently reviewed one of the prophecies she had memorised to strengthen her for her "day in court".
        "This is not your battle, but Mine, saith the Lord, and I will fight for you and I will vindicate My children! For My hand is upon you and upon your mouth, and I will vindicate you before the World. Therefore, fear not and be not afraid of the Enemy, for I am there to protect you and to lead you and to guide you. Follow Me and hear My voice, for I will stand by you and I will fight for you!"
        Miss Snell arose from her table and approached Gabriella in the witness stand.
        "Tell me about witnessing. How much involvement do you have in witnessing?"
        "I usually go once a week."
        "And what do you do when you go witnessing?"
        "Last time we went we handed out Posters and sometimes prayed with people."
        "What do the Posters say?"
        "They're mostly about Salvation and the Endtime."
        "But isn't it true that you are sent out to earn money?"
        "Then how do you pay your rent?"
        "We live by faith!"
        "But faith does not pay your rent!"
        "Oh, yes it does! God promises in the Bible to provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory! (Phil.4:19.) For example, a couple of weeks ago one of our vans ran out of gas. We prayed for the Lord to help and provide for us, and right then a car came speeding by and three $20 bills came flying out and fluttered down at our feet! It was a miracle! But also, many people like us and help us with our work."
        "But why do you witness?" asked Judge Walker.
        "Because Jesus told us to! In Mark 16:15 He says, `Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature.' The Gospel means the `Good News' that if you ask Jesus into your heart you can be saved and go to Heaven."
        "And do you like witnessing?"continued the judge.
        "Oh yes, I like it very much! There is so much sadness in this World and I like to help make people happy. Just the other day I met two teen girls who had run away from home, and I was able to pray with them and help them and be a comfort to them. Sometimes we go to old folks homes and sing for them, and this makes me very happy to do something for these old people who have no one!"
        "Let's go on to your schooling," said Miss Snell. "Tell me about that."
        "We usually have school from around nine in the morning until one, and this includes Bible class, reading, writing, math and different scholastics."
        "Do you have school five days a week?"
        "But only from nine to one!"
        "No, I did not say that! In the afternoon we do activities like art projects, science, history and current events, vocational training, or go on excursions and educational outings."
        The children's outings were especially interesting to the judge, as he had the mistaken idea that the children did not have enough contact with the outside world. Gabriella gave him a long list of places she had been, like the zoo, a dairy farm, the fire station, a guitar factory, and told him what she had learned at these places.
        Miss Snell continued her cross-examination, "What do you want to do when you grow up?"
        "I want to stay in the Family."
        "But don't you want to become `somebody' or be something?"
        "Sure, in the Family we can be anything we want! We can be artists, secretaries, teachers, carpenters or study whatever we're interested in."
        "But aren't you denied the opportunity to go on to higher education?"
        "No, I could if I wanted to, but I don't believe I need to go on to higher education if I don't want to. The most important thing to me is that I'm happy and doing what's right. I want to be a missionary."
        At this point the judge butted in and asked, "Are you not taught to be a mother and have lots of children, and taught about how babies are made?"
        "Yes, your Honour, I know how babies are made. But I've never been told that I need to be a mother and have a lot of children. Maybe I will, but no one told me I have to."
        "Do you like communal living?" Miss Snell continued.
        "Oh, yes, Ma'am. It's fun to live with my friends. I like communal living! I feel sorry for those who have to live on their own."
        "But isn't it true that you children aren't allowed to go into the fridge and eat what you want?"
        "Our parents try to give us what we like to eat. We have three good meals a day, and we have snacks during the day if we get hungry. But you can't have 18 children going into the fridge whenever they please. Things are just a little different when you live communally."
        "Are you allowed to watch television?"
        "Of course, we watch all kinds of good movies and documentaries that are suitable for our age. Our parents prerecord them, and then when we watch these videos we are able to fast forward over the violent scenes."
        "But don't they keep stopping it all the time?"
        "No, only if we don't understand something."
        "Isn't it true that your leaders don't allow you to spend much time with your parents?"
        "I can see them any time I ask! I see them daily at parent time, and often now and then throughout the day, and once a week we have a whole day for parent day. We probably spend more time with our parents than a lot of other children do."
        "Isn't it true that you are beaten and disciplined harshly within the group?"
        "That's absolute nonsense! I don't get disciplined much at all. And if I do, it's mainly a talk, to talk over the problem."
        "Do you feel isolated in the Family?"
        "Are you allowed to walk down to the corner shop by yourself if you want to, or go to the movies or to a concert?"
        "We usually have times scheduled when we can watch a movie, or go for an outing."
        "But can you go on an outing without an adult?"
        "No, not usually."
        "But don't you feel that's wrong?"
        "No, because there are too many weirdos around today, and you hear of missing children."
        "But don't you ever think of doing things on your own without the group?" Judge Walker asked.
        "No, because I am very happy with my Family!"
        "Are you kept away from relatives outside the group?"
        "No, the only relatives we stay away from are the ones who want to hurt our Family. Most relatives are favourable and friendly and fun to see."
        "Let's talk about Father David. What does he mean to you?"
        "He teaches me about the Bible and how to live for Jesus."
        "What kind of things does he teach you?"
        "He teaches me how to take care of my pets, and how to make sure we keep clean and healthy, and how to have love and kindness for one another."
        "But doesn't he interpret the Bible for you?"
        "Yes, he helps me to understand it, because it's pretty hard to understand sometimes. He makes it really simple."
        "Do you believe you are living in the time of the End of the World?"
        "Yes, and we're not the only ones. There are a whole lot of other Christians who believe this way too. We don't yet know exactly when, but I can show you from the Bible that Jesus is coming back very soon. I think most people today realise that the World can't go on much longer the way that it is."
        "What about all these allegations of sexual abuse?"
        "I've never seen anything like that in the Family."
        "Has anyone told you what to say in court?"
        "Only to be honest and stick up for the truth."
        "What is your opinion of the Children's Welfare Department and the way they've treated you?" asked the judge.
        "I think they've been deceived by people who have told them lies about us. I've never been abused by anybody in my life, except by them!"

        "Wow! Gabriella is so anointed!" marvelled Martin, as he and the other Family kids watched and prayed as Gabriella earnestly contended for the faith. (Jude 3.)

* * * * * * *

        The next morning there was a wonderful surprise for all the Green Trees teens, JETTs and children!--A personal letter written especially to them from dear Mama Maria!

        (Note: Following is an actual Letter that Mama Maria sent to some Family children who stood up for the Family in court.)

Dear Children,
        Grandpa and I and Techi and David are so proud of you for the wonderful sample you are to all of us! We love you very much and we're praying for you during your time on the witness stand! We're very encouraged with how the Lord has anointed you all and given you wisdom to answer the questions and to stand up for your faith! God bless you! With a new generation like you coming up, it's a great reassurance to us, as well as a witness to outsiders, of the tremendous training you have received in this wonderful Family!
        We're sorry that you've had to endure such a difficult trial for Jesus' and the Family's sake. We're sorry it's been so rough for you, but we've heard that you've done wonderfully.--You really let Jesus shine through! You were our stars and you shone so brightly! Jesus and all the Heavenly witnesses who were watching and all of us who have heard what took place are applauding you!
        You certainly were brave soldiers and you fought a good fight! "Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give you at that day."--2Tim.4:7,8. You've suffered for Him and you will also reign with Him! You may not have a crown yet and your throne in the courtroom isn't exactly what you would like, but some day all of this that you have had to go through will be worth it and Jesus will make it up to you for all you've had to suffer for His sake! We all stopped today and had very special prayer for you, that the Lord would continue to strengthen you and give you wisdom.
        We are praying daily for your mommies and daddies and for our lawyers and for the judge, that the Lord will show him the truth. Isn't it exciting to see the Endtime being fulfilled right before your eyes, and to actually be major participants in it? It may not be easy but it sure is exciting! You're good fighters, children, and we're proud of you! God bless you and keep you and all your loved ones!

        Love, Mama Maria


        The lights were burning late as usual on the top floors of the downtown skyscraper that temporarily housed the Antichrist's secret World Headquarters.
        The Commander's fierce countenance relaxed somewhat as he strode by the security guards outside his office. (See Dan.8:23.) The guards relaxed and nodded to each other. Their Leader was in a good mood. The great occasion of his "revelation" to the World was getting closer by the day. (See 2Thes.2:3,8.)
        He took the elevator to his luxury penthouse office, where he was to meet with his top scientific advisors. They were huddled around his desk, looking over some blueprints.
        "What will this computer be able to do?"
        "It will hold all of the World's knowledge, plus information on every person in it?"
        "Oh, yes indeed, Sir! It will also be able to speak and perform the other special duties that you asked for." (See Rev.13:15.)
        Suddenly the phone rang, the red phone that was the AC's secret hotline to his top officers in other countries. Impatiently he picked it up.
        "Ah, Senator Greenbaum!" he snapped, annoyed at the interruption. "Yes, what is it?"
        His aides glanced at each other nervously. Their Commander's countenance was rapidly changing from fierce to downright ferocious! Anticipating an explosion, they discreetly stepped away to a safer distance.
        "WHAT?!!" the Commander roared, after he had heard the awful news. "You fools! You idiots! Just when my plans were going so well, you tell me this! How did the notes from that meeting ever get into their hands? Who was responsible? ... Biggs? I want him dealt with most severely, do you hear? ... And I want you to stop that court case right now! This could lead to a public enquiry* and endanger our whole operation there! Back out the best way you can, but stop the case now before you imbeciles* do any more damage to my World Plan!"
        "Curses!" The AC slammed down the phone in frustration. "The Family is a continual thorn in my side! But not for much longer. It's time to move on to the final solution. Then my word will be law! Then I will be the World's religion!" He slapped his hand down decisively on the plans on his desk. "And this will help wipe out all those who dare to stand against me!" He turned to his chief scientist. "How soon can you have this computer ready?"
        "Sir, the computer chips, circuit boards and so on are all assembled. You now need to tell us how you'd like the outside of the computer to look."
        Deep in thought, the Antichrist strode over to the big office window and gazed out over the sleeping city.
        "Hmmmm ... that's a good question. How should the computer look?"
        Suddenly the AC's eyes refocused from looking at the city below to the reflection of his own image in the window. He looked himself up and down admiringly.
        "Of course," he smirked, "how else?"


        Several years later ...

        "So how does the story end?"
        Sharon was telling Jamie the story of Morfield and the court case--their victory in "Babylon"! Jamie had been very young at the time, so he didn't remember that well what had happened.
        Jamie, now an OC, had also been too young to fight in the Battle of Armageddon, which had finished only a few days before! He had asked Sharon to take him to see where one of the greatest of all historical events had taken place! So they had flown down from Space City, which, enclosed within the beautiful blue orb* of the Crystal Sea, now shone in the heavens more beautifully than the moon or the sun, and was plainly visible for all on Earth to see! (See Isa.24:23.)
        Sharon and Jamie had started off in Jerusalem searching through the rubble of the Temple. Jamie was curious to see what, if anything, remained of the AC's giant Image of the Beast. (See Dan.11:31; 12:11; Mat.24:15; Rev. 13:14,15.) But all they could find was a few melted scraps of mangled metal, as the entire Abomination had been completely obliterated*!
        They then flew northwest from Jerusalem up the Valley of Megiddo. Jamie wanted to see the actual spot where the Antichrist had been defeated by the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS! The Antichrist had been captured in the midst of the battle and sent to the Lake of Fire. The remnant of the Antichrist's forces were slain by the Sword of the Lord. (See Rev.19:20,21.)
        Below them, scattered along the Megiddo Valley all the way up to the port city of Haifa, lay the twisted, smoking wrecks of thousands upon thousands of tanks, field guns, missile batteries and crashed fighter planes. Also strewn along the valley, "cut down like the grass", lay the remains of hundreds of thousands of AC soldiers. (See Psa.37:1,2.)
        "My goodness, that's some JJT!" exclaimed Jamie. "No wonder it's going to take 7 months to bury the bodies and 7 years to burn and clear the junk!" (See Eze.39:9-15.)
        Already various teams of millennial survivors were toiling in the mammoth* job of mopping up the massive mess.
        "At the end," Sharon said, "it was like the story Grandpa tells of Farmer Brown! Farmer Brown was sitting on his porch when a neighbour ran to tell him that his wife was in the pasture being attacked by a bear! Farmer Brown puffed on his pipe and said, `Well, that old bear got himself into it, and so he can get himself out of it the best way he knows how!'"
        "Ha!" led Jamie.
        "See, our enemies had gotten themselves into the fight with us," continued Sharon, "and they didn't know how to get out of it without admitting that the raid had been a terrible mistake! And yet the longer the fight in court dragged on, the worse they were getting humiliated and exposed, and the more Message we were broadcasting to the whole nation!--The very Message that they had persecuted us for in the first place!"
        "So what happened next?" asked Jamie, as he and Sharon left the Earth's atmosphere and headed off into Space.
        "It seemed that they then decided to back down before we exposed them even further!" Sharon explained. "The Children's Welfare Department decided it would be better to have someone mediate the case."
        "What does `mediate' mean?" asked Jamie.
        "That's when someone helps to resolve a conflict outside of court," said Sharon. The Children's Welfare Department admitted publicly that we were not guilty of child abuse or any of their ridiculous accusations, and gave us a written apology for all the wrong they'd done to us. They also had to agree not to further interfere with our Home or with our children or with our freedom to witness and travel and do our work for the Lord!"
        "Did we agree to give them anything?"
        "That was the big question! Should we agree to make any agreements with the Children's Welfare Department when we had done nothing wrong? When we Family kids were first taken to Morfield, our parents were tempted to agree to the conditions the Children's Welfare Department were demanding in order to get us back. But then the Lord showed them to fight and not to make any agreements with the Enemy, and Grandpa and Mama Maria encouraged them in their stand of faith. (See GN 526, ML #2811:48-66.) But later, in the middle of the court case when the Children's Welfare Department wanted to mediate, this was a different situation. Again Grandpa and Mama Maria encouraged us to look to the Lord in desperate prayer for fresh guidance. And the Lord told us through prophecy that in this case we should go ahead with the Mediation and be willing to make some small concessions* that would allow the Children's Welfare Department to save face and back down, so we could get back to our important work of witnessing and not spend all our time in court.
        "Grandpa and Mama Maria commended us for being Spirit-led with our decision. They pointed out that neither did Naaman's little maid do anything wrong, nor Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel, and quite a few others who were taken into captivity and had to obey their captors. While on Earth all of God's children had to obey earthly governments to some degree.--That was the price we had to pay to be in the World so that we could rescue others from the Enemy's clutches. (See Rom.13:1-7.) We could never be entirely free in the former World, or be completely vindicated* in our former life.
        "However, the settlement that we came to with the Children's Welfare Department did give us a clear public vindication, and allowed us to get most of what we wanted! One of the concessions that the Family agreed to make was to take the teens and older children to some outside classes such as arts and crafts, dancing, music class or swimming lessons etc. We had fun at the classes learning these different skills, and they turned out to be super fruitful witnessing outings! Also the court appointed our lawyers to come once a month to visit our home. The lawyers really liked this, as they were then paid by the court to come and see us, and get to know us better, and they grew to love us even more."
        "Ha!" laughed Jamie. "So the end result of our enemies' whole attack was we learned new skills to use for the Lord, and we kept witnessing!"
        "Exactly! Beautiful, isn't it?"
        By now Sharon and Jamie had arrived at the Heavenly City, and as they entered through one of the huge white shimmering pearls, the giant Gatekeeper Angel respectfully saluted them.
        Only now that they were in Heaven along with the billions of other Christians from all ages, did Sharon and Jamie fully appreciate how special their calling had been! Other Heavenly citizens smiled and waved as they recognised Sharon and Jamie as being some of the famous few who been part of the Lord's revolutionary Endtime Army!
        Sharon and Jamie felt such recognition was much more than they deserved! In fact, now they wished that they had taken their high calling even more seriously while on Earth, and tried to do even more for the Lord. (See Luk.17:10.) One time Sharon had even been tempted to leave the Family when her vision got dim and the going got tough. Now Sharon wept as she praised Jesus for giving her the grace to run the race and finish the course and keep the faith. (See Heb.12:1 and 2Tim 4:7,8.) For she had received the crown of being able to enjoy this fantastic Forever World to the full! (See Jam.1:12; 1Pet.5:4; Rev.2:10.)
        As Sharon and Jamie entered the City they gasped in wonder at the indescribable beauty that lay within. Oh what joy!--To know that this incredible Wonder World was now their Home to enjoy forever and ever! The joys and delights and unending pleasures that the Lord had richly prepared for them that love Him were beyond anything that any man on Earth had ever dreamed! (See 1Cor.2:9.)
        How ridiculous past Earthly problems and trials seemed now! Nothing they had done or suffered for the Lord made Sharon or Jamie feel even the teensy-weensiest bit worthy to receive a prize like this. (See Luk.17:10.) The riches in glory that Jesus had laid up as a reward for those who had received Him, served Him, loved Him, suffered for Him and had been willing to die for Him were without measure. (See Eph.1:18.)
        There was the Fair Ground--looking almost exactly like dear Grandpa had envisioned it! And there, rising for seven miles above the Fair, was the Family Corner.--Just as Grandpa had desired.
        As Sharon and Jamie began to sail up towards their Heavenly mansion, they heard a voice calling.
        "Hi, Sharon!"
        A tall, queenly woman with a golden crown of gorgeous frizzy hair was waving to them from the front lawn of a nearby mansion. Sharon squealed in delight.
        "Frizzy, is that you?! My goodness, you look absolutely beautiful!"
        "So do you, Sharon! Oh, wow! Isn't this wonderful! How can I ever thank you enough for telling me about Jesus! That time at Morfield might have been a little rough for you, but I'm so thankful you came, otherwise I might never have met Jesus!"
        "Hey, Frizzy," Sharon exclaimed, "the Lord sure prepared a gorgeous place for you! (See Jn.14:2.) You must have gone on to do something for the Lord."
        "Sure," laughed Frizzy, "I joined the Family, didn't you know?"
        "Really!" Sharon gave another squeal of delight. "No, I never heard. Shortly after the court case ended I went to help with the `consider the poor' ministries overseas!"
        "Yes, sweet Danny was faithful to follow up on me at Morfield through the mail!" explained Frizzy. "Then a couple of years later I bumped into the Family in another city. They convinced me from the Word that Jesus was coming back very shortly and so there wasn't any future in doing anything else with my life except serving Him!"
        "Oh, that's great! Listen,      Frizzy, Peter and Praise are going to be having a reunion at their place for everyone that was at Green Trees! I'm sure that Danny and the whole Green Trees Family will be there! Why don't you come along?"

* * * * * * *

        Peter and Praise's mansion rang with long and happy peals of laughter! There was no sweeter bliss in Heaven than the joy of being reunited with Family and loved ones!
        Of course, there are no disappointments in Heaven, and so everyone that everybody hoped would be there was there!--The whole Green Trees crew!--Everyone looked great in their new heavenly super bodies! Even mama kitty was there!
        "Hello, Jamie!" she purred playfully, in her cute little kitty-cat voice. "You were always so faithful to feed me and wash my bowl on Earth. Now I'm going to love you forever in Heaven!"
        Precious, and the other Heavenly JETTs and teens, Suzy, Aiko and Nina were serving a Tree of Life fruit punch which they'd had great fun creating with their wands!
        "We've called it the `Heavenly Taste Explosion'!" smiled Precious, as she offered a glass to Sharon. "I dare you to try it!"
        "Ha! Thanks, sweet Precious! I bet Frizzy would like one too ... er ... where is Frizzy?"
        "I saw her out on the terrace smelling roses with Danny! They both had that dreamy look in their eyes."
        "Hallelujah for Heaven!" exclaimed Sharon.
        "Excuse me, Sharon," it was Naomi, accompanied by a very handsome young man. "I'd like you to meet some more fruit from our Morfield experience. This is Stevie."
        "Hi there!" smiled Stevie.
        "Remember those weekly classes we agreed to go to as a result of the Mediation?" asked Naomi.
        "Yes," replied Sharon. "I was just telling Jamie about it! We had a little trial about making any compromise with the Children's Welfare Department, but it turned out to be the Lord."
        "That's for sure!" smiled Stevie gratefully. "I might never have met the Family if Jesse and Paul hadn't attended our swimming lessons. Right away I was convicted by their sample, as they were so mature for their age! The rest of us boys were rather foolish. God bless'm, they were so faithful to witness to us about Jesus and the Endtime, even though some of the boys made fun of them. I shrugged it off and didn't believe it--until it actually happened! Then when the Antichrist introduced the 666 Mark, I decided to split the System and find the Family. Miraculously, the Lord gave me a dream showing me exactly where I could find them, and I did!"
        "Wow, thank You Jesus! That's amazing!" exclaimed Sharon. "We've just lived through an Age of Miracles, that's for sure!"
        A lot of the excited talk and testimonies around the room was about the great things the Lord had done for them during the Great Tribulation. The Bible had not been exaggerating in its description of the plagues, monsters, disasters and gruesome horrors that were sent to tribulate the wicked. (See Rev.8,9 and 16.) But for God's children it had been their time of greatest power and glory and supernatural worldwide witness, just as Grandpa said it would be. (See MLs #1665, 1689 and 1703.)
        This was the glorious destiny* that the Family's younger generation had been in training for all their lives. And their expectation was not cut off. (See Prov.23:18.)
        Morfield was only the beginning of even greater persecutions in the future, not only against the Family, but against all Christians. But the more fiercely the winds of the Antichrist's persecution blew, the higher the Lord's children flew! Zapping, freezing, fire from Heaven--God set no limits on the miracles He did to empower and protect His children and keep them exploding with the Gospel right up until the very End!
        Suddenly Uncle Peter's voice called out, "WOULD EVERYONE LIKE TO WELCOME OUR SPECIAL GUESTS?"
        The cheerful chit-chat ceased as everyone looked to see who the new arrivals were. Sometimes it took a few moments to recognise people in their new glorified bodies and resurrection robes. It was Danny who recognised them first.
        "Hey! It's Robert O'Riley, Mark and Linda!"
        Everyone joyfully crowded around their beloved lawyer friends, showering them with heartfelt hugs, kisses, and loving words of welcome.
        "It's so, so wonderful to be Here with you all!" choked Mark and Linda, almost crying with happiness.
        "Yes," smiled Robert O'Riley, who since his graduation had helped Family lawyers in a number of very important cases around the World. "Helping you all was one of the greatest things that we ever did for anybody in our lives! But what you gave us in return was so much more. Your sample--and especially the sample of the beautiful teens and children--affected our lives so deeply. Thank you!"
        "And thank you most of all," added Linda, "for giving us Jesus!"
        Everyone was just raising their glasses of "Heavenly Taste Explosion" to toast Robert, Mark and Linda when Tommy noticed something happening out of the window.
        "Oh, wow, look!" he exclaimed.
        There, headed for their front garden, were four gorgeous gleaming golden gondolas*! At the helm of each gondola stood a majestic figure in flowing white robes of heavenly light!
        "Who on earth ... I mean, who in Heaven are they?" wondered Clara excitedly, as everyone piled out to the terrace to watch their arrival.
        One by one the beautiful flying boats sailed in and landed next to the swimming pool on the front lawn. Then one of the figures stepped down from his gondola and walked over to greet the amazed Green Trees Family. By his royal bearing and brilliant shining countenance they could tell that he was a top City official.
        "Greetings in the Name of our dear Lord!" he beamed. "My name is Daniel, and these are my old friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego." He winked at the children. "You may have heard of us!"
        Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego smiled and waved, beckoning everyone to come and jump aboard their gondolas. A fun twinkle gleamed in Daniel's eyes.
        "I gather that this is not the first time that you've been taken away by unexpected visitors to your Home!" he grinned. "But this time I think you'll find your destination a lot more enjoyable!"

* * * * * * *

        Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's lips were sealed! They gave their passengers no clues where they were taking them, as they gracefully piloted the four golden gondolas over breathtaking City scenery towards some mysterious destination.
        The Family kids and adults were speechless with excitement as by and by they landed in front of one of the most stunningly beautiful buildings they had ever seen.
        "Oooh!" exclaimed Aiko. "I wonder what's goes on in there?"
        They soon found out! Their distinguished hosts ushered them through the building's fabulous foyer* and into a massive banquet hall. Inside thousands of guests were already seated at long golden tables on which was spread an incredible feast!
        "Please follow us," beckoned their four hosts, as they escorted them to their seats.
        "Hey, look Sharon, isn't that Conan and Darlene over there?" exclaimed David. "And Daryl? ... Yes, look! They're waving at us! It's all the teens that got saved at Morfield!"
        When the Green Trees team reached the head table, a number of distinguished-looking Saints and Angels rose to greet them! And chief among them were dear Grandpa and Mama Maria!
        After Grandpa and Mama Maria had hugged and kissed and welcomed their beloved children, Daniel introduced them to the other important guests who came to greet them!
        "You don't know us," smiled Ruthie, as she hugged Gabriella, "but we know you very well!"
        "This is the team of Heavenly Helpers that looked after you at Morfield!" Daniel explained. "I'm sure you've heard of Joseph, and this is Valiant!"
        The girls went weak in the knees as the gorgeous Archangel graciously kissed their hands. "I've kept watch over thousands of my Lord's children since the very dawn of Time," Valiant beamed, "but few were as easy to take care of as you!--Thanks to your obedience, yieldedness and desperation in prayer!"
        When the general greetings and introductions were over, everyone was shown to their place.
        "Love, why don't you come and sit next to me!" smiled Joan of Arc. "Do you remember your interrogation at Morfield? It was a real thrill for me to be called on to help you!" (See Chapter 13.)
        "Hi, Brian!" said Sparkles, the little comforter Angel, as she perched playfully on his knee. "I helped to cheer and comfort you when you were still a little boy."
        Mark and Linda were overjoyed to meet the two Williams, who invited them to sit next to them and Robert O'Riley!
        "I wonder who is going to sit at the head of the main table?" wondered Precious, as she looked at the large empty chair next to Grandpa and Mama Maria.
        Suddenly, a royal fanfare! Everyone swiftly rose to their feet as the glory of the Lord filled the giant banquet hall and Jesus Himself appeared in their midst, accompanied by the Archangel Michael!
        "Please relax, everyone, and be seated!"
        All of the heavenly little birdies that were flitting merrily around outside the windows hushed their singing so they could listen to the sound of His sweet voice!
        Precious was in ecstasy as Jesus seated Himself in the empty chair at the head table. How many times she had looked at her Poster and yearned for this day--the day when she could gaze full and long into her dear Lord's wonderful face!
        The Green Trees team were completely flabbergasted*! As they looked around at the other tables they saw others of the Family who had also been through times of major persecution during the last years on Earth before Jesus' return. There were the brethren from Spain, France, Argentina, England and many other countries where the Family had stood up for the truth in the face of persecution, all sitting at their tables of honour before the King! The Lord had thrown a surprise party to reward them for their faithful fight in the Endtime!
        The Lord swept His hand towards the sea of shining, smiling faces at the second row of banquet tables.
        "These are My sheep who saw you on the television or read about you in the newspapers, or met you at the institutions, prisons or homes you had stayed in, or on the street! Some believed and received Me at the time, others later as times waxed worse and worse! This, My children, is the fruit of what you suffered for My sake!"
        The great crowd rose to its feet and burst into shouts of praise to the Lord and thanks to the members of the Family.
        "Great battles have been won because of prayer!" the Lord continued. "And others have been lost because men did not pray! But these Endtime battles were won through the prayers of David's Family!"
        The celebration was also honouring those of the Family who had been so personally involved in the battles through their many prayer vigils for their brethren. It was to these unsung* heroes of prayer that the Lord now gave great credit!
        "You came together before Me as one from the corners of the Earth in prayer and supplication for My children! In this you did take part in the battle! In this you did take up the sword! In this you did fight for the right, as you interceded* with your prayers. For in praying for My children you did strengthen them. In praying for them, you did release the forces of Heaven on their behalf. For as you did persevere and hold on and pray without ceasing, so was I able to send these Angels and ministering spirits to help, to fight, to comfort, to guide, to lead, to give wisdom, to give understanding, to conquer the Enemy and to win the victory!
        "For your part was to pray!--To pray and pray and pray again! Your part was to fall down before Me in utter desperation and strong tongues and crying and weeping for My children in the hour of their need! The tide of battle* was turned according to your prayers, and the devices of your enemies were brought to naught! It was through prayer that you accomplished these great victories!"
        "For in your sacrifice to pray was I well pleased! And I did delight Myself in your prayers as if breathing in the beautiful fragrance of a lovely rose!--For I dwell in the praises and prayers of My children!"
        Then the Archangel Michael loudly proclaimed,
        The whole building exploded again with shouts of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord! It went on and on and on, until finally the Lord quieted everybody by raising His glass for a toast! Everyone followed His lead and held high their shining golden goblets of sparkling heavenly elixir!
        "TO OUR VICTORY!" Jesus proclaimed. "TO OUR VICTORY IN BABYLON!"
        Oh, what a glorious time of heavenly fun, feasting and fellowship followed! After the feast, everyone moved into the grand ballroom to fellowship or to dance! The younger children scampered outside with Abednego, who had organised some fun tiger rides and flying games!
        "Hey, look, Paul! Isn't that Spud and Clarence over there with Clara?" exclaimed Jesse. "Don't they look great! Come on, let's go over and join them!"
        As Sharon swirled and twirled to the incredible music, she felt like she was in Heaven!
        "Ha! I am in Heaven!" she rejoiced. But even more thrilling than celebrating the victories of the past was the anticipation of all that lay ahead in the immediate Future! Soon the Lord would be appointing them to their positions in His Millennial Government! A whole new beginning had dawned, and slowly memories from the former World would fade and vanish away and seem like a dream. (See Ecc.1:11 and Isa.43:18-21.) But all that the Family children had learned in the World of there and then had prepared them for Here and Now, and would be the everlasting foundation for everything that they were yet to become in the eternal Future...

        Sharon's thoughts were interrupted by a Voice behind her.
        "May I have the next dance, Sharon?"
        "Oh ... y ... yes ... of course, my Lord!" she stammered.
        As she sank into the arms of Jesus and lay her head on His gentle breast, she no longer could think of anything except Him! Then she looked up into His wonderful Face and told Him what she had told Him countless thousands of times before,
        "I love You, Jesus!"
        "I love you too, My precious child," He whispered tenderly, as He held her tightly to Him. "You have always been this close to Me, and you always will be!"

        (--Of the rest of their eternal lives, and yours!)

        pending -- awaiting
        junior barrister -- a junior lawyer in some countries who helps the senior lawyer or barrister argue cases in court
        excommunicated -- asked to leave the Family, and cut off from fellowship
        prosecution -- lawyers who are trying to prove wrong-doing
        hitchhiking -- travelling by walking along the side of the road and getting free rides from vehicles that are passing by
        harmoniously -- agreeably
        theologian -- someone who studies religions
        integrity -- honesty and sincerity
        motive -- reason, purpose
        evangelical -- beliefs are based on the New Testament
        Benedictine monk -- a man who has taken religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and lives in a Benedictine Monastery, which is a part of the Catholic Church
        Franciscan friar -- a man who is a member of the Franciscan order, a part of the Catholic church whose members depend on gifts for their living
        infallible -- faultless, never makes mistakes
        brainwashed -- forcibly indoctrinated or instructed to try to change one's beliefs or attitude
        mainstream Christian -- popular or traditional Christian
        conspiracy -- an agreement to perform together an illegal, treacherous or evil act
        brainwashed zombies -- someone who only does what he has been forcibly taught to do
        abuse of power -- misusing one's power or authority
        public enquiry -- official investigation of wrongdoing
        imbeciles -- foolish or stupid people
        orb -- sphere; round like a ball
        obliterated -- wiped out; thoroughly destroyed
        mammoth -- very large; gigantic
        concessions -- acts of granting or yielding
        vindicated -- cleared of accusations or suspicions of wrong-doing
        destiny -- what becomes of a person in the end
        gondolas -- long narrow boats like the ones used on the canals in Venice, Italy
        foyer -- entrance room or hallway of a building
        flabbergasted -- astounded; amazed; overwhelmed
        unsung -- not previously honoured or praised
        interceded -- pleaded on behalf of another
        tide of battle -- the direction that the battle is going
        wrought -- worked; brought about


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family