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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

VICTORY IN BABYLON--PART SEVEN DO       [Chapters 29-34]

July 1994, Family Services, Zurich, Switzerland.

Required reading for all, age 7 years and up!

Based on the true adventures of God's children! God's miraculous care, protection, leading, guidance and help in difficult circumstances!

        18 Family kids from the Green Trees Home have been held in captivity for three days at Morfield, an institution run by the Children's Welfare Department. Here they have learned many precious and life-changing lessons, and have led many of the System teens and children at the institution to the Lord!
        Now the next round of the battle is about to begin, as the Family faces its vicious enemies in court in an all-out fight for the freedom of their children!

        Throughout the story, the prayers by Grandpa and Mama Maria are actual prayers they prayed during a real-life situation similar to this story. All prophecies in the story are real prophecies which were received by our Family during that same time.


        "Sharon ... Sharon...."
        Sharon tossed restlessly on her bed.
        "Sharon ... Sharon...."
        Sharon awoke. It took her a few moments to remember where she was. She had just wakened from a dream in which she was living with a family known as "the Barkers". Thankfully she realised she wasn't at the Barkers' house! She was at Morfield, sleeping with Lily, Jamie and Brian in the "C" Block Toddler Room.
        "Sharon ... I'm scared!" a young voice whimpered.
        So it was 2-year-old Jamie who had awakened her! Sharon slid quickly out of bed.
        "What's the matter, Jamie?" whispered Sharon, as she knelt by his cot and stroked his hand.
        "Jesus is not here!" Jamie sniffled.
        "Oh, Jamie, of course He is!" Sharon tenderly assured him. "Jesus is right here with you!"
        "No, He's not."
        "But remember we prayed and asked Jesus to take care of you, and you had such a happy time playing with the hamsters and the toys and sweet Miss Price? Jesus took such good care of you the whole day, didn't He? So of course He's going to be here with you the whole night too!"
        "No, Jesus is gone!"
        Sharon saw that her own words of comfort and reassurance were not going to do the trick. It was going to take the Word to convince him.
        "Jamie, Jesus promised in His Word, 'Fear thou not, for I am with thee!'--Isa.41:10a. 'I will never leave thee nor forsake thee!'--Heb.13:5b. 'I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.'--Jn.14:18. 'Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World!'--Mat.28:20b. And let's whisper Psalm 23 together, shall we?" (See also Gen.28:15a; Deu.33:27a; Psa.9:10; 91:15; 139:7-12; Isa.43:2 and Jer.1:19.)
        Sharon reviewed all the simple, comforting, reassuring verses she could think of, and as the Lord spoke directly to his young heart, Jamie began to grasp a wonderful truth!
        "Jesus says He is here! So Jesus is here!"
        Jamie began to feel soothed and comforted, as he received faith from the Word to believe that Jesus was very close to him after all. (See Rom.10:17.) Sparkles, the little comforter Angel, waved her wand and a beautiful, calming, comforting glow spread out over the little boy like a heavenly blanket, helping him to feel protected and loved and safe and secure.
        "Jesus is always with me!" was Jamie's last thought, as he drifted peacefully back to sleep.

        Sharon crawled back into bed. She lay awake for awhile, praying about her dream. She could only remember a few parts of it.
        In the dream--how it happened she couldn't remember--she had been taken away from her parents and the Family and placed in government foster care*. Her foster parents were the Barkers. Mr. Barker was a successful businessman, very much involved with making money and keeping his business going. Mrs. Barker was a plump middle-aged lady with short red hair. Their 16-year-old daughter, Nancy, was not friendly to Sharon at all. She seemed angry that Sharon had come, and often did mean things to make Sharon uncomfortable. One time she even threatened Sharon with a knife.
        The Barkers tried to be kind to Sharon by giving her things they thought a teen girl would want. But they were very cold in the way they treated Sharon, and did not even have a very loving or close relationship with their own daughter, Nancy. They thought they were being good to Sharon by trying to turn her into a "normal" worldly girl like their daughter. The social workers that had placed Sharon in this home had told the Barkers that she had been "deprived" of normal teen activities, so they gave Sharon her own room stuffed full of all kinds of teenage junk. Their TV was always blaring with programs that were occasionally interesting, but more often senseless and violent. At first some of the things had been interesting to Sharon, but it soon became clear that it was all "husks"--nothing to satisfy her spiritual hunger or feed her soul. And rather than developing a taste for the System, Sharon was seeing more and more how dead end it all was.
        Every day she was dropped off by Mrs. Barker at the local high school. Sharon felt like she was being thrown to the lions!--Rowdy, unruly kids, with unkind and often boring teachers who couldn't control their classes. There were crowds and crowds of kids in the hallways, pushing, shoving, shouting, swearing--what could she do?
        The whole dream was a nightmare! It was bad enough being at Morfield, but at least she was still with her precious brothers and sisters. But to be virtually* a prisoner alone in the System!--What a despairing thought!
        There was nowhere to look but up to Jesus, for His strength and leading in a very difficult time. Sharon didn't have any Family lit with her, but she had been given a Bible, which she would read at every opportunity. Then she started a project each night of writing out the quotes she remembered from Grandpa and Mama Maria in a little booklet. She would often refer to this little booklet and read the strengthening, inspiring tidbits she had written down.
Two quotes that she remembered and which especially spoke to her were, "The greatest work in the World is to witness the Words of God, to preach the Gospel, to tell people about God's Love, to show them the Love of Jesus!" (Memory Book, "Our Job" #19), and, "To love them is to weep with them that weep, to suffer with them that suffer, and to feel the agony of heart with them whose hearts are broken!" (Memory Book, "Our Job" #34.)
        Sharon began to feel very sorry for Nancy. Here was a girl who had never had the wonderful opportunity Sharon had had of growing up in the Family, of being surrounded by loving brothers and sisters, and of living a wonderful life of faith, feeding on the Word of God through the Bible and Grandpa's Letters. She prayed that the Lord would work in Nancy's heart and make a way for Sharon to get closer to her and be a witness to her.
        Mr. and Mrs. Barker and Nancy were not at all receptive to Sharon sharing her faith with them. They had attended church in the past, but didn't any more. And since they thought of Sharon as a child brought up in a "cult", they certainly didn't want any preaching from her. Sharon remembered Grandpa's words, "Show them the Love of Jesus," and did her best to be a loving sample, and show the Barkers the good fruit of being brought up in the Family. She wasn't sure, but she thought she caught Mrs. Barker looking at her in quite an admiring way one day as she tidied the kitchen. And one night Nancy even came to Sharon's room crying, after breaking up with her boyfriend. She only stayed a few minutes and the next day acted as cold and mean as ever, but Sharon was encouraged that maybe the Lord was gradually getting through to her.
        It was a very difficult time for Sharon, but she knew that Jesus was always near. The Lord wonderfully supplied her with all the extra grace and power she needed to stand strong against the influences of the System and keep the victory, even though she was alone in "Babylon"! She even enjoyed the challenge of staying true to her convictions and all that she had learned in the Family!
        The last part of the dream was the most exciting! There had been some kind of terrible natural disaster, and the Lord was using her to be a wonderful witness and comfort to the survivors in this time of great crisis. She had been separated from the Barkers in the catastrophe*, and somehow she just knew that she was going to meet up with her parents and the Family again! But just at that moment Jamie woke her up.
        "Jesus, why did You let me dream all that?" Sharon asked the Lord.
        Then she remembered that before falling to sleep she had been worrying a little about the upcoming court battle. What would happen if they lost? What if the children couldn't go back to their Family Homes? But now she felt reassured. Whatever the outcome, the Lord would always be there to comfort and take care of His children, and help them to be a witness and a testimony!
        "Dear Jesus, please help us win the court battle!" prayed Sharon. "We really want to be back with our parents and the Family. Please answer our prayers and do miracles for us in court tomorrow! We're praying! Our parents are praying! Our worldwide Family is praying! And Grandpa and Mama are praying! So Jesus, please defeat our enemies in answer to our prayers!"


        Peter Amsterdam approached Grandpa and Mama Maria's room. As he drew closer he heard Grandpa's rich, deep voice rumbling on the other side of the door, crying out to the Lord in desperate prayer! Respectfully, Peter tip-toed back down the hallway.
        There was also a holy hush within the chamber of the King of kings at the top of Space City.Jesus was listening intently to His servant David's fervent prayers!
        "Rebuke the Devourer and the Enemy!" Grandpa prayed. "Jesus, You deal with the persecutors! You deal with the liars and the enemies who hate us because we are defying their Godless System! In their hypocritical self-righteousness they're attacking us because of jealousy, envy, and because we have proven that their System is so vile and wicked!
        "May this court case expose* them to the public, Lord! May it reveal their horrible, evil wickedness, how wrong they are to persecute the helpless and the innocent and the righteous! Expose their wickedness and their cruelty! Use this case to expose them, Lord! Use it to broadcast our Message, Thy Message of Love, Light, hope and goodness, and to expose the Devil's lies about us!
        "Reveal the Truth to the ignorant public about how evil the authorities and the System have become, using these laws that are supposed to protect children, to instead attack them and their parents. Turn it back on their own heads as a witness against them! For they do fight against Thee, O God, and do lift up evil hands against Thyself and Thy Holy Child Jesus!"
        Grandpa began to weep as he explained to Mama Maria, "It's Jesus they're persecuting! It's like they're trying to reach up for the Lord Himself, and get a hold of Him, and destroy Him!"
        Then the wrath of God rose up within His Prophet, as Grandpa pounded the arm of the chair with his fist, crying out to the Lord in desperation with all of his heart, "Silence the lying tongues of the accusers of Thy Saints, in the Name of Jesus, we ask Thee! Raise now Thy mighty sword, Lord! We cannot deliver ourselves! We are hopeless and helpless without Thee! Deliver Thy children, Lord! Defend and protect us from them that persecute us! Show now Thy mighty arm, O God! Show Thy strength, O Lord, Thy love, Thy concern, Thy care for Thy little ones!
        "O Jesus, my God, deliver those that love Thee from them that hate Thee! Deliver Thy children, in the Name of Jesus!"
        Then the Holy Spirit moved Grandpa to weep softly and beautifully in tongues, as the Lord gave Grandpa a message for all of His children.
        "Oh, to think they could try to raise their hand against the forces of God and the forces of Heaven that side with My David! How can they expect to overcome the children of David, for they have not got the power to do this thing! For I am with My children and I will go with them against all their enemies, and overcome all evil, and there is none that can stand against Me! I am with My people and I am with My children and I will overcome the gates of Hell and all opposition, and all the enemies are as nothing to the children of God, the children of Jesus, and the children of David! They shall overcome all the enemies and none can stand against them or stop them!"

* * * * * * *

        More powerful than any spacecraft ever dreamed of in Man's space movies, the flying saucer lifted off from its launching pad and soared gracefully away from its gigantic Mother Ship, Space City! Then, passing through the silvery crust of the Moon, within which the Heavenly City was secretly enclosed, the saucer hurtled down towards the planet Earth, which shone like a glimmering blue jewel against the great blackness of Space!
        Inside the saucer the atmosphere was electric with excitement! It was always an adventure to go on an Earth mission. But this assignment was particularly special because of its great importance to the Lord!
        "This is such a great honour!" smiled William Gladstone*. (See page 7.)
        "Yes!" agreed William Jennings Bryan*. "I feel completely unworthy."
        Both of these great historical figures had been asked by the Lord to be spirit helpers to help Robert O'Riley defend the Lord's children in court.Although they were a little nervous about this big responsibility, they also were greatly encouraged by the prophecies that the Lord had just given, promising victory in the court battles ahead.The Family around the World was desperately praying and the Lord poured out hundreds of beautiful, faith-building prophecies.
        The Archangel Michael was already in town helping Valiant and his boys set up the security around the court house.
        Suddenly Auberon, the Angel piloting the flying saucer, warned that enemy saucers were approaching!
        "Just as we expected," said Auberon, as he activated the flying saucer's defense shield. "The Enemy is going to try to delay us from coming to the aid of the children in their time of need!"
        William Gladstone and William Jennings Bryan watched calmly as a large formation of evil black saucers rose up to meet them from the World below. They knew that thanks to all the prayer power that the Family on Earth had been sending up, the Lord had given them extra firepower to make sure there were no delays in getting to their destination.
        The enemy saucers split in different directions and then began to attack from all sides.
        Whsssssssssshhht! Whsssssssssshhht! Whsssssssssshhht!
        They fired their death guns, and dark rays of evil energy zapped through space, harmlessly fizzling out as they hit the flying saucer's glowing defense shield of Heavenly light.
        Whssssssssssshht! Whssssssssssssht! Whsssssssssssht!
        Auberon zapped back! Laser beams of intense brilliant light shot out and locked onto the enemy spacecraft. Their demonic adversaries tried desperately to swerve out of the light rays. But in vain! In rapid succession, their black saucers exploded in a shower of fireworks, and their demon pilots tumbled back down into Hell from whence they had come!
        Streaking down into the Earth's atmosphere, Auberon piloted the saucer to the country of their destination. Finally, as they descended through cloud level, they could see the city and the surrounding countryside below.
"That's Morfield on that hill over there," Auberon pointed out to the two Williams. "And look at how many Angels are escorting that bus! That must be the children on their way to court!"

* * * * * * *

        Oh, what a joyful reunion! The older and younger groups of Family kids had met in the gym, as they waited for the bus that would drive them to court. After they had hugged and kissed and prayed, both groups had exciting testimonies to tell.
        Everyone was amazed to hear the miracles the Lord had done to help Jesse and Paul lead Spud, Clarence and their whole dorm to the Lord! No one had ever seen such light and fire and conviction shining in the OC boys' eyes!
        "I'm sorry that I've been so foolish and such a problem," Jesse apologised to all. "I was like the foolish man whose house was not built on the foundation of the Rock or the Word!" (See Mat.7:24-27.)
        Paul also humbly apologised for his past foolishness and off-guard behaviour.
        "If only I had been less selfish, less self-centred and had a closer walk with the Lord," Paul said, "I could have been a bellwether and not a burden, a blessing to the younger children instead of a bad sample."
        Everyone was touched by Paul and Jesse's confession. It was yet another beautiful Romans 8:28 that might not have happened if they were all still tucked safely away at Green Trees.
        The bus arrived, and as the Family kids climbed on they were still bubbling over with excitement at all the Lord had done, just in the very short time that they had been apart.
        The OC and MC girls, Clara, Nina, Aiko, Suzy and Precious, also had a beautiful testimony of leading four of the little girls in their quarters to the Lord!
        Then the teens shared their witnessing adventures from Martin's birthday party the night before! As David was telling how he had prayed with Daryl, Sharon noticed that Gabriella was looking down in the dumps.
        "Are you okay, Gabby?" she asked, sitting beside her.
        "Oh, Sharon! I feel like such a dumbo. Sid was the only one who didn't get saved last night. He seemed like such a sheep, but I couldn't even lead him to the Lord!"
        "Well, Grandpa and Mama Maria have said that it's only our job to witness and give people a chance to be saved. I know you were a good witness, and you shared your heart with Sid. And the Lord will give you just as much credit as if he had gotten saved! Maybe he will keep thinking about it and pray later--lots of people do that."(See "Witnessing Is Never Wasted!"--ML #2793, GN 516.)
        "Yes, that's right," Gabriella agreed.
        "Is there anything else on your heart, Gabby?"
        "Well ... I'm a little worried about the court hearing. I won't have to say anything, will I? I'm just so bad at speaking in public! I'm sure I'd blow it for everybody!"
        "Don't worry, you won't have to," Sharon assured her, "at least not today. Maybe I better explain that to everyone."
        Sharon stood up in the aisle of the bus.
        "PLEASE LISTEN UP, EVERYBODY! Before we all pray together, I'd like to explain that we kids will probably not have to say anything in court today, as this is not the main court battle. This first court hearing is only to decide who will take care of us right now--our parents and precious Family ... "
        "YES!" all the kids shouted.
        " ... Or Miss Rottweiler at Morfield?"
        "NO!" everyone booed.
        "Okay then, so we need to stay in desperate prayer throughout the whole day as we sit in the courtroom. We need to pray for the Lord to confound every word that our enemies try to speak against us.We need to pray for the judge, that the Lord will open his heart and mind to the truth and be able to judge righteous judgement.And we need to 'pray without ceasing' for our dear lawyers.They are fighting for us in court, and it is our responsibility to fight for them in prayer!"

* * * * * * *

        As the bus pulled into the court house car park, they were met by Mark Pierce and Linda Mason.
        "We're Robert O'Riley's legal assistants," Linda explained. "He asked us to meet you and show you into court!"
        The court house was quite a busy place, with various lawyers and officials hurrying around with their hands full of papers. Sitting in the front lobby were a number of nervous-looking children and parents who were involved in other cases.
        "This is Courtroom D where your case is being heard," Mark explained quietly, as they paused outside some large polished wooden doors with shiny brass knobs. "I'll show you to your seats."
        The children's hearts went pitter-pat as the big courtroom doors swung open. Then their nervousness was quickly replaced by joy!
        "MOMMY! DADDY!" Suzy's loud little voice rang through the echoey wooden courtroom. A buzz of excitement followed, as reporters and newsmen spun around to witness this dramatic and newsworthy moment.--The first time the children and parents had set eyes on each other since the early morning raid four days ago!
        "Mommy! Daddy!" the other children excitedly exclaimed, as they started to run over to the area where their parents were sitting.
        "ORDER! ORDER!" The judge demanded. The teens quickly grabbed the hands of the younger children and turned them to face the judge.
        The Honourable Samuel Jeffries peered at them over the top of his spectacles.
        "Very well," he smiled, "I will allow the children a few minutes to greet their parents before we begin!"
        It was hard for the hardest heart not to be moved as the children rushed into the open arms of their beloved mommies and daddies! It was obvious to everyone from their emotional greetings, hugs, kisses, and words of love and encouragement that both the children and parents were overjoyed to see each other!
        Then some of the children went up to greet Robert O'Riley, whom they recognised as the kind man who had visited them at Morfield, and showered him with hugs and kisses too!
        The CWD's lawyer, Patricia Snell, looked on in dismay.
        "Uh-oh. I can see that the judge and the reporters are getting drawn in by the children being so lovey dovey," she whispered to Sgt. Biggs and Miss Rottweiler.
        "Drat!" snarled Miss Rottweiler. "We're not off to a very good start. They look so genuine!"


        In a home in a plush suburb far away from the courtroom, another drama was unfolding with 14-year-old Janet Walters. She came home from school, ran upstairs and threw herself on her bed, "I just can't take another day at school!"
        That very day a gang of boys at school had had a terrible fight, and two of them were taken off in an ambulance. Last week someone in her class had been shot in an argument. Gangs and drug dealers roamed the corridors and the playgrounds.
        "Everything is so awful!" she despaired. "This whole World is so evil and violent and crazy and falling apart. I wish I could talk to someone, but Mom's always too busy. God, if there is a God, please help me! I can't see anything in this World that's worth living for!"
        Suddenly she heard a car outside. "Mom is home already! I can't tell her what I'm thinking. She'll never understand."
        She dried her tears and ran quickly downstairs into the living room and switched on the TV. As her mom came in, Janet pretended that she had been watching it the whole time.

        "This is Pat Donaldson with 'News Hour'!"
        "Hi, Mom. You're home early."
        "Yes, I wasn't feeling so well. I've brought us dinner from MacDonalds again. I hope you don't mind."

        Pat: "And our main story on 'News Hour' today: The children of 'The Family' religious sect are released!"

        "That's unlike you to watch the news, Janet."
        "Yes, well ... er ... I'm interested in this story. Look! There are the kids that were taken in that raid!"
        Pat: "These scenes of joyful reunion are coming to us live from the steps of the court house where Judge Samuel Jeffries has just announced his decision to release the children of the Family into the custody of their parents. This has followed three days of lively court hearings in which the Children's Welfare Department and police failed to convince the judge that the Family were guilty of any of the serious allegations* that had been brought against them. Our reporter on the scene is Kevin Harris."
        Kevin Harris: "Behind me some of the parents and children are singing and praising God for their victory in round one of their court battle with the CWD (Children's Welfare Department) and police. We can't show the children's faces, because they are involved in this legal battle, but you can hear their happy voices ... "
        Kevin Harris: "Here with me are some of the teens and children, along with their lawyer, Robert O'Riley."
        Teens David, Sharon and Love, eight-year-old Jesse, and four-year-old Precious: "Hi, everybody!"
        Kevin: "Mr. O'Riley, some say that you have been risking your reputation by defending the Family in this case."
        Robert O'Riley: "Not at all!--Because I am so convinced of the Family's sincerity and innocence. In fact, Kevin, this is one of the most moving and rewarding experiences of my entire life to see these wonderful children released. I think it's outrageous the way they've been treated! It's the biggest bungle* the police and the social services in this country have ever made."
        Kevin: (Pointing his microphone at the Family kids.) "Just how have you been treated by the CWD in the week that you've been in their custody?"
        David: "Well, when we first arrived at the institution where we were imprisoned we were shocked, to say the least! The toilets were dirty! The kitchen was filthy! We had to do a major clean-up of the bathrooms and the dormitories before we could even let our younger brothers and sisters use them. We found it quite revolting actually, as our own Home is always kept very clean, and we have never lived in such conditions before."
        Kevin: "You said that you were 'imprisoned'. Surely the CWD would say that you were under their protection and care!"
        Love: "Ha! That's a laugh! Here the CWD were supposed to be protecting us from child abuse, and almost as soon as I got there I was harassed by one of their lesbian social workers!"
        David: "We were treated worse than prisoners, because they even denied us our basic legal rights. They refused to let us contact our lawyer or parents, and wouldn't even tell us why we were being held!"
        Sharon: "That's right! They repeatedly lied to us and tried to trick us into saying things they could use against us! After two days they cruelly separated the younger children from us teens, so that they could more easily interrogate and try to deprogram the little ones!"
        Precious: "And they wouldn't even let me put up my picture of Jesus!"

        Janet and her mother glanced at each other and smiled.
        Then their gaze quickly returned to the TV. They were both fascinated. They had never heard teens or children like these!

        Kevin: "So you've obviously no regrets about leaving the institution!"
        Sharon: "No regrets whatsoever! My heart goes out to the other teens and children who have to continue staying there. We're so thankful we were able to help them and lead them to Jesus."
        Kevin: "What do you think about the stories in the newspapers that say that you children are forced to do what you are doing, and are severely punished if you don't?"
        Jesse: "Those are just lies made up by the people who are trying to hurt our parents because of their religious beliefs. We have a wonderful Family, and the sweetest, most loving parents in the World! We're very happy, and we don't want to do anything else with our lives but live the way we do now!"
        Kevin: "Our station has received information which says just the opposite about life within the Family."
        David: "Well, I'm sorry, we don't know anything about that, but it doesn't surprise us to hear about these slanderous lies! It is not the first time vicious allegations have been brought against us by our enemies and disgruntled* ex-Members! They are trying to destroy our good work, so of course they'll cook up the most horrible stories they can imagine to try to slander us."
        Sharon: "But despite what some disgruntled ex-members may say about the Family, we know that the Lord has used Father David to bring us God's Message and to teach us how to love and serve Jesus, and we have been able to bring thousands and thousands of others to know Jesus too!"
        David: "In fact, Mr. Harris, you or anybody watching can receive Jesus and His free gift of Eternal Life right now, simply by praying and asking Him into your heart! Why don't you ask Him in right now?" (David spoke boldly.)
        Kevin Harris: (A little embarrassed) "Er ... yes, well, I can certainly tell that you young people do have sincere religious beliefs."
        David: "You bet we do! And that's why we are being persecuted! In fact, we see this vicious attack against the Family as just the beginning of the worldwide persecution that the Bible predicts will come upon all peoples of faith in the Last Days, the days we are now living in. The Bible prophecies about the rise of an anti-Christ one-world government are coming to pass now! (See Dan.11:21-45; 2Thes.2:1-12; Rev.13:1-18.)
        Kevin Harris: (Tries to cut David off) "Well, thank you very much, kids ... "
        David: "I'd like to say one final thing to the freedom-loving citizens of this country, if I may! How soon and how easily these anti-God forces take over the World has a lot to do with how you, the general public, react when the rights and freedoms of people like us are trampled upon! If such things can happen to us today, who will be the victims tomorrow? Will you? Or your children?
        "So we appeal to you, whether your personal beliefs are the same as ours or not, to stand up and to speak out against such outrageous religious persecution as we are having to endure.Your prayers and support will not only be greatly appreciated, but are greatly needed! God bless you!"
        Others: (Waving) "We love you!"
        Sharon: "And remember that Jesus is the only answer to your problems and the whole World's problems! Just take Jesus!"
        All: "Bye!"
        Kevin Harris: Now with me is Miss Snell, lawyer for the Children's Welfare Department ... "

        Janet and her mother sat in silence for a moment. Then Janet threw her arms around her mom for the first time in what seemed like years.
        "I love you, Mom," she whispered, nestling her head on her mom's shoulder.
        "I love you too, Janet," replied her mom, "so much! I'm sorry I haven't shown you enough love, my dear."
        "Oh, I understand, Mom.I know you're busy."
        Her mother tenderly stroked Janet's hair.
        "I tell you what. How about we do something fun together tonight? That is, after I've cooked you a decent meal, for a change!"
        "Oh yeah, sure, Mom!" Janet grinned. "That would be great!"
        The mother and daughter lingered* on in their embrace for another precious minute. They couldn't explain it, but both felt it. Something had changed inside of them.
        Janet felt she had the courage to go on living after all!

* * * * * * *

        Janet and her mom were not the only two people in the country who had silently asked Jesus to come into their heart when David slipped in the Salvation message during the TV interview.
        Only the Lord, and the Bookkeeper Angel who faithfully recorded every Salvation in the Book of Life knew the exact number, but it was in the hundreds, if not thousands! Tens of thousands more had seen the sample and had gotten the warning message!
        Daniel and Joseph, at Heavenly Headquarters, were flipped! The Lord's plan was working, as always, and was already bearing much fruit!
        "Praise God! It's terrific!" Daniel rejoiced, as he playfully did a hop, skip and somersault. Then he passed on the Lord's congratulations to the team on Earth.
        "All that fruit from just the first court hearing! And the big court battle is yet to begin!"

* * * * * * *

        Senator J.W. Green, chairman of the government's powerful Finance Committee, quickly threw a robe over his pyjamas and hurried down to his private study. Nervously he approached the ringing special red security phone. Only one person would phone him on this phone at this time of night.
        "Hello, Senator Green speaking. ... Oh, hello, Sir ... "
        Even though it was a chilly night, the senator's palms began to sweat. He was right. It was "the Commander".--Not of the senator's country, but of the secret World government, and Senator Green was one of the few in his nation who were "in the know" about this international organisation.
        "Oh, you heard ... " the senator gulped nervously. "I'm very, very sorry, Sir ... er, however Rottweiler and Biggs have assured me that we'll do better in the main court case. We've tried to make sure things will go our way ... Yes, Sir, I realise how important it is that we win this case ... Yes, Sir, I agree that we have to smash this organisation whatever the cost ... yes, Sir ... all power to you and the 666 World government! ... Goodnight!"


        Oh, what a wonderful homecoming! Oh, what a beautiful feeling to be back safe and secure with their beloved parents and Family at Green Trees! Oh, what a time of rejoicing and joy and praise and thanksgiving! The court hearings had lasted three days, which meant they had been at Morfield for a total of seven days. One week as "captives in Babylon" had helped the children appreciate their "heaven on earth" so much more.
        But as Uncle Peter had explained, the battle was not over yet. Powerful enemy forces were still arrayed against them! The big court case was still to come! But at least they were now no longer at Morfield! They were Home, sweet Home!
        "Can you imagine," testified Martin, "as we were leaving Morfield, Miss Rottweiler ordered us to give back everything that the CWD had bought for us!--Track suits, sports shoes, new clothes. I even had to give back the Walkman they gave me for my birthday! It really exposed to us how those people were not concerned at all about our welfare. They had just been trying to tempt us with the System's goodies."
        Even though the Family kids were now all safely home, their contact with the Children's Welfare Department was not entirely over. The judge had allowed the CWD social workers to make regular visits to Green Trees to check on the children.
        At first the children acted very cold towards these unwelcome intruders. This was quite understandable considering what these people had done to them. It was also good in that it clearly showed the CWD that the children loved their parents and they didn't want to be with the CWD!
        But then, after a few tense and uncomfortable visits, Auntie Praise got the children together for a little pow-wow.
        "It's true," she explained, "that these people are trying to stop us from witnessing and doing the Lord's Work. But we mustn't get bitter towards them! Jesus told us to 'Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.'--Mat.5:44. (See also Pro.25:21,22; Mat.5:43-47 and Luk.6:32-35.) Who knows? Maybe we can win them to Jesus if we talk to them about the Lord, quote our verses, sing to them, and are kind to them and show them God's Love. Of course, if they don't respond to our witness, then we don't have to keep on loving and trying to help them forever, but we should at least try!"
        As it turned out, most of the social workers weren't sheepy. They were obviously just using their visits to spy on the children and parents, to try to find further "evidence" to use against the Family in the upcoming court case. However, a couple of them did get saved and became very friendly, thank the Lord!
        A young policeman had also become a good friend of the Family. His name was Bill. Jeremy and Angel had witnessed to him at the time of the raid while he was searching through their things. He had an 18-month-old son of his own, so they had told him about how the Family teaches the younger children Bible stories, and uses word cards and math dots. He then started coming over to the Home when he was off duty to learn more and to fellowship. He was a very precious fellow, and a good example to the children of a good Godly policeman, doing what the Lord intended policemen to do. ("For he is the minister of God to thee for good."--Rom.13:4a.)
        The legal battle and having friends, social workers, newspaper reporters, and their lawyers visiting Green Trees at all times, had helped unite their Home like never before! Parents, teens and children prayed and worked together to be a living, loving sample of their Family life and Message that they were preaching to the media and in court.
        Then there were the prophecies! The children were deeply moved when they found out that thousands of Family Members they'd never met, scattered over the whole World, had come together as one before the Lord to fight and agonise for them in prayer, as their very own beloved children!
        Every precious promise that the Lord had spoken in the prophecies was a wonderful source of faith, strength and encouragement!--To know that the Lord and His Heavenly Hosts were in total control of the whole situation, and that a glorious victory was assured!
        However, even victors in the battle have a few battle wounds, and their week at Morfield had had an effect on some of the younger children's behaviour, and they had a little trouble settling back into their normal routines. Some of them also had a few bad dreams. One night Suzy was talking in her sleep, groaning, "Please don't ask me any more questions!"
        This was heartbreaking for the parents to think that this experience might have a lasting bad effect on the little ones, who were too young to fully understand what had happened.
        They then pow-wowed with the children all the good things that had come out of this experience.--How it could become a good memory because of all the wonderful lessons they had learned from it. They should be happy and rejoice because they had a chance to suffer for Jesus, and that He was so proud of them! (See Acts 5:41 and Heb.11:16.)
        Sure enough, after a good cleansing prayer over the spiritual effects that the raid and Morfield might have had on the kids, and with lots of extra Word and prayer and hugs and kisses and tender loving care, the children began getting healed from their battle wounds.
        Then came an unexpected and wonderful surprise!--A personal letter to the children from their loving and concerned Shepherdess, Mama Maria herself, giving them just the comfort they needed:

Dear Children,
        My heart goes out to you, and as you know, Grandpa and I have prayed desperately for you. We are so thankful that the Lord has brought you home again to your families.
        You've been in the battle, and the Lord is going to reward you because you've suffered for His sake! But because of the battle, you have some battle wounds like every soldier gets who really fights! What are some of your wounds? Some of you are having nightmares, some of you aren't getting along so well with your brothers and sisters, some of you are fearful and clinging to your parents, you're being rowdy, and you're having to learn again how to communicate lovingly with others and trust your Shepherds and teachers. These are some of the results of the experience you went through. These are your battle wounds. But what do you do with wounds? Do you do nothing about them and wait and see if they get better? No, you tend them, you clean and bandage them, and you take good care of them.--And in time they heal! Wounds are something that every soldier gets, but they heal. Jesus promised, "I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds."--Jer.30:17a.
        You don't have to be fearful. You don't have to worry. Because if a situation like that happens again, you know that the Lord will see you through!--And you'll receive double reward! It's not something to fear or worry about. From your own experience as well as from the Word, you know that Jesus will take care of you. You can look back and remember that the Lord delivered you safely, just as He's told you He always will.--And He was with you in all your troubles, just as He promised: "Lo, I am with you alway."--Mat.28:20b. The Lord has promised that you're His children, and you're going to be His witnesses to the End! No matter what you're doing or where you are, He is with you. You've always got Him, and you're going to be accomplishing His purpose! Hallelujah!
        God bless you for being wonderful soldiers and shining examples for Jesus! Soldiers in men's armies who are wounded in battle get special medals. When soldiers in the Lord's Army are wounded, they get eternal Heavenly rewards which are much better. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him!"--2Tim.2:12a. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne...."--Rev.3:21. Hallelujah!
        Keep looking to the Lord and the Word, and we know the Lord will pull you through--shining more brightly than ever! We love you!
        Love, Mama Maria

* * * * * * *

        "Guess who's coming over to visit us today?" Auntie Praise asked the children.
        "Who, Auntie Praise? Please tell us!"
        "Our dear friend, Mr. O'Riley, our lawyer!"
        "Oh, goodie!"
        All of the children and teens were very impressed with Robert O'Riley, and were so thankful that the Lord had raised up such a good, and famous, fiery lawyer to defend them. In preparation for the big court case, each one of the children had been to see Mr. O'Riley for a personal interview at his office. This dear man had taken the extra step of wanting to get to know the children individually, so that he could speak from a full heart about each one of them in court.
        "Is Mr. O'Riley feeling better now?" asked little Suzy, who remembered that a week ago the children had been asked to make some "get well" cards for him, in which they wrote lots of healing verses.
        "I sure hope so!" Auntie Praise answered her. "We've really been praying for him!"
        Robert O'Riley's visit to the Green Trees Home went very well indeed. He was so impressed with the setup of the house and how the children were cared for and schooled. He commented, "This is such a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere for the children to be brought up in. Now I understand why you like to live communally! The CWD make it sound like you're living in a dirty, over-crowded home, which isn't the case at all.I'm so glad I came, because I never imagined it would be so nice!"
        After a tour of the Home, Robert O'Riley sat down in the living room area and the children came in group by group and did a little performance for him. The YCs, Precious, Suzy, Aiko and Nina, recited a poem about love and consideration for others, and the OCs and JETTs sang a song each.
        "Thank you so much!" he beamed. "It's a real privilege to be able to sit and listen to you. You're all such wonderful children!"
        Then, just as Love was about to sing a song, Robert O'Riley clutched his side and gasped in pain. He looked a little embarrassed as he explained to the children, "It's okay ... I get a pain there sometimes. But don't worry, I'll be alright."
        Uncle Peter looked concerned. "Would you like us to pray for you?" he asked.
        "Well, I don't believe like you all do," Robert O'Riley confessed, "but, yes, please do pray for me."
        As the children gathered around and lay hands on him and earnestly asked the Lord to heal the pain in his side, Robert O'Riley looked very touched.
        "Thank you so much!" he smiled, as the prayers ended. "I appreciate your concern, I really do!"
        Later, as Uncle Peter walked him to his car, Robert O'Riley confessed, "Peter, I didn't want to worry the children, but it's only fair to tell you that I've got cancer! I'm having radiation treatment*, and I feel much better than I did, so I'm sure I'll pull through!"
        "I'm so sorry to hear that!" said Peter sympathetically. "We'll be praying every day for the Lord to heal you, and I know He'll answer and give you the strength needed for the task ahead. But, please, get all the rest you need, and don't wear yourself out working on our case."
        "No, that's what's keeping me alive and kicking!" smiled Robert O'Riley. "I'm going to keep those beautiful kids free from the clutches of the CWD, if it's the last thing I do!"


        "I'd like to call the first witness! ... Miss Geraldine Rottweiler!"
        Two months had passed since the children had been released from Morfield. And now the day had finally arrived! The big court battle had begun!
        On one side of the courtroom sat the Family's lawyers, Robert O'Riley, Mark Pierce and Linda Mason. Behind them sat the parents and children.
        On the other side of the courtroom sat the lawyer for the Children's Welfare Department, Patricia Snell, and her assistants.
        Judge Thomas Walker was presiding over the case. He was sitting behind a raised desk at the front.
        The rest of the courtroom was packed with newspaper and television reporters.--Not to mention the Angels and spirit helpers!
        Imagine if the newsmen could have peeked into the Spirit World and seen the host of holy ghosts who were sitting around them.--That would have made headlines for sure! What an honour to be brushing shoulders with such famous Biblical personalities as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! Also present were the two Williams, William Gladstone and William Jennings Bryan.They were sitting on either side of Robert O'Riley.
        The television news people would also have been amazed at the heavenly communication system that was broadcasting this exciting courtroom drama live to every mansion in Space City. Millions of Heavenly citizens were rooting and cheering and praying for the children, as they tuned into the action on channel 7 of their Heavenly Communicators.
        "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" Miss Rottweiler was asked, as she placed her hand on a Bible.
        "I do," she replied.
        Patricia Snell then proceeded to question Miss Rottweiler about why the CWD felt they needed to take the children from their Family Homes, using the question and answer session in such a way as to slander* the Family.
        The Family kids had heard about false witnesses who lie against the Family, but this was their first time to see one in action. It was almost unbelievable how anybody could spout off so much bad about so much good! It was all the teens could do to stop themselves from jumping up and calling Miss Rottweiler a liar to her face.
        "There's one thing we can do!" Sharon reminded them. "Pray! And claim Scriptures!"
        "That's right!" whispered Jesse. "'The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace!'--Ex.14:14. (See also Deu.1:30; 3:22 and 20:4.) 'Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous!' --Psa.31:18. (See also Psa.27:12; 109:1-4; 120:2 and 1Pet.3:16.) Thank You Jesus, that praying is not the least we can do, it's the most we can do!"
        "Hey, remember some of those prophecies?" Paul whispered excitedly. "The Lord said we could expect miracles to happen in the courtroom!--Our enemies saying things they don't mean to, and being confused on the witness stand!"
        "That's right!" remembered Danny. "Yes, Lord, we claim that for Miss Rottweiler!"
        Valiant looked thoughtfully at the other Heavenly Helpers and smiled.

* * * * * * *

        "Your witness, Mr. O'Riley!"
        Miss Snell smiled smugly, as she finished questioning Miss Rottweiler. She had helped make the Family sound like the most wicked and sinister* group in the World. The press was eating it up.
        There was an expectant hush as Robert O'Riley arose from his defense lawyer's table. His footsteps echoed dramatically on the wooden courtroom floor as he approached Miss Rottweiler in the witness box.
        "Miss Rottweiler, what exactly do you have against the Family? What are your concerns?"
        "Er ... well, one of our main concerns is that they have been, or will be abused. When the children turn 12 they are considered adults and are forced to have sex."
        "Did the children tell you this in their interviews?"
        "Well ... er ... no ... they all denied being involved in any sexual activity."
        "Then why do you think they had been abused?"
        "Number one, the Family literature said so. Number two, the ex-members told us, and number three, we read police reports."
        "Well, what do you know about the literature? How much have you read?"
        "Um ... er ... well, I admit not much."
        "Is what you've read 'bad' enough to cause you to want to take these 18 children away from their parents?"
        "On its own, no. But there were also the ex-members' stories."
        "But didn't you consider that their stories might be rather one-sided and exaggerated?--A bit like when marriages break up and there are bitter feelings involved?"
        "No, we didn't take that into consideration."
        "So you believed all that the ex-members told you?"
        "And you believed the police reports?"
        "Then why didn't you believe the children when they said they weren't abused?"
        "Um ... I ... "
        "Miss Rottweiler, please name which of these 18 children who are before the court were sexually abused, and by whom."
        "Well ... er ... I admit that we don't have any definite information that proves that any of them were sexually abused."
        There was a buzz of surprise among the newsmen in the courtroom. The CWD had justified the raid to the public by saying that all of the children had been sexually abused. But now they were admitting the opposite.
        Miss Rottwieler continued, "Er ... but there are other forms of abuse that cause us great concern!"
        "And what are these 'concerns', may I ask?"
        "The children are kept isolated from mainstream* society. They are not able to socialise with other children outside the Family. We're very concerned about that."
        "I see. But did you notice that any of the children had a drug abuse problem?"
        "Did you notice any violence amongst them?"
        "Any drinking problems?"
        "So it seems that a certain amount of isolation from the evils of society has been good for these children! How about within the Family? Don't you feel that the children have good communication and socialisation within the group?"
        "Yes, I can't deny that."
        "Then how do you know that they don't have good socialisation outside the group as well?"
        "Well ... um ... "
        Miss Rottweiler put her hand to her head. For some reason her mind just wasn't as clear as usual. And no wonder! Valiant had stepped into the witness box with her and was fuzzing up her thinking! Robert O'Riley continued his attack.
        "You talk about the Family keeping their children separate from the rest of society.--But what about those of some of the orthodox* Jewish groups, who encourage their children not to mix with Gentiles? Are you also planning to take away their children? And what about the fundamentalist* Muslims, who call all non-Muslims 'infidels'? Will you also take away their kids? And what's to stop you from busting down the door of every Quaker, or Jehovah's Witness, or Seventh-day Adventist, or Mormon, or Hindu, or any religion with which you do not agree, and taking their children away too?!"
        Unlike Miss Rottweiler, Robert O'Riley had never been able to think so clearly. His extra "umph" was being fuelled not only by the desperate prayers of the children and parents in court, but also by the prayers of Grandpa, Mama Maria and the worldwide Family. He also had the help of the two Williams, who were in great form! William Gladstone inspired Robert to point his finger dramatically at Miss Rottweiler, as he slammed the next point home.
        "Miss Rottweiler! I put it to you that your department has no genuine love or concern for the well-being of these children! Is it not true that your final goal is to crush and disband the entire Family and take their children away completely so that you can brainwash and deprogram them from their religious beliefs?"
        "Objection!" Miss Snell called out. "It's not Miss Rottweiler that's on trial today!"
        "Objection sustained*!" Justice Walker decided. "Please stick to the point, Mr. O'Riley."
        "Very well, your Honour. The point is this: These children were cruelly torn apart from their parents purely on rumours that they had been abused.--Rumours provided by bitter and disgruntled enemies! Yet after thoroughly testing and examining and interrogating the children, the CWD have not been able to find one shred of evidence of child abuse or neglect of any kind--sexual, physical, mental, or emotional! In fact, Miss Rottweiler, isn't it true that you found just the opposite?--That far from being abused or neglected, these children are happy, healthy, emotionally stable, intelligent, articulate*, and well cared for?"
        The eyes of everyone in court turned to look at the Family children.
        "They sure don't look like abused children to me!" whispered one reporter to another. "They look alert and happy and well cared for. They've been sitting in court like Angels!"

* * * * * * *

        After five days of intense cross-examination*, Miss Rottweiler was still in the witness box. Robert O'Riley wanted to keep her on the hot seat for as long as possible so that they could expose her wicked motives, and show clearly that she did not have the best interests of the children in mind.
        From then on, as the Family lawyers continued to relentlessly expose the shameful injustices that her department had committed, Miss Rottweiler began to crack up under the pressure. It took her longer and longer to answer questions, and she began to get confused and blurt out things that she didn't even mean to say!
        The big shocker came when she unexpectedly admitted that the raid had been "incorrect", and that her department was no longer seeking the full-time care of the children. This latest bombshell was headlines in every major newspaper!
        Miss Rottweiler's daily humiliation in court was being followed with great interest by the general public.
        As Robert O'Riley continued to cross-examine her, she began to look more and more on the verge of a complete breakdown. Finally, at the beginning of her tenth day in the witness box, she completely "lost it" and broke down in tears, jabbering hysterically, "Leave me alone ... I can't stand coming back here day after day ... I can't think properly ... there's nothing going on inside my mind .... Please don't make me go back in that box ... I go dizzy ... I just can't take it any more ... no, please, not the box...."
        All this, of course, was eagerly lapped up by the hungry news hounds, who described her breakdown in dramatic detail!

"ROBERT'S REWARD!--The Ultimate Trip!"

        Robert O'Riley lay in bed listening to the beautiful Tape of Family music. He had felt fine up until a couple of days ago, but then he had suddenly collapsed at his office and been rushed to the hospital. Apparently the radiation treatment had not been working and his cancer had gotten worse. He still felt sure that he would recover, though. He had to, for the Family children's sake. He had to get back to court.
        "That was nice of the Family to bring me these Tapes," he thought. He relaxed and closed his eyes and listened deeply to the soothing sound of the sweet music. "Wow, just listen to those heavenly bells! It's so gorgeous!"
        Then suddenly Robert realised that the bells were not part of the music coming from the tape-recorder. He opened his eyes. "Then where are they coming from?" he wondered. "They're getting louder and louder!" He got out of bed to investigate.
        "Hey, I feel great!" he thought. "What am I doing in bed? I need to get back to court to defend the children!" He looked at all the cute little "get well" cards that they had made for him, which were standing cheerfully on his bedside table. "Their prayers for me must have worked! I've never felt so good!"
        Just then a nurse came in.
        "Excuse me, nurse, but where are those bells coming from? ... Nurse ... nurse!"
        The nurse didn't seem to hear him. Robert O'Riley followed her over to his bed trying to get her attention. Suddenly he couldn't believe his eyes! He was watching the nurse bending over his sleeping body trying to wake him up.
        "But how can I be standing here looking at myself in the bed?" he wondered.
        Then suddenly it began to dawn on him.
        "If I'm standing here looking at my own body, then that means I must be ... am I ... could I be ... dead?"
        His first thought was, "Why was I ever afraid of death, or imagined that it was some terrible thing? I didn't even know I had died until it had already happened. Wow, this is fantastic!" he thought, as he enjoyed the wonderful, delightful, exhilarating feeling of weightlessness and being free from his tired old sick body.
        By this time the nurse had shouted for a doctor, who was pounding on his chest trying to revive him. Robert O'Riley tried to yell at them that he was fine and standing right behind them, but they couldn't hear him.
        Then suddenly he was hit by a great feeling of loneliness and isolation.
        "Oh, my goodness," he began to despair, "I can't even get their attention! I'm cut off from the whole World! They don't even know that I still exist! I'm here all alone!"
        Suddenly, Robert O'Riley remembered the time that Peter and Praise had visited him in his office and asked him about his beliefs. He told them he respected everybody's right to believe in whatever they wanted, and that was the reason why he took the Family's case. But he had made it clear to them that he didn't have any beliefs himself and that he didn't want to be preached to. The truth was, he now realised, he had been too proud to humble himself in front of them to receive Jesus.
        "Oh, Jesus," he prayed, "is it too late to receive You now?"
        Suddenly a beautiful voice called his name. He turned to see a gorgeous girl with wavy blonde hair and a shimmering white gossamer* gown of glistening light.
        "Hi, Robert!" smiled the girl. "I was sent to greet you!"
        "Are you one of the Family?" asked Robert, so relieved to see someone who had the same kind of shining eyes and smiling face as theirs.
        "Yes," she smiled. "My name is Phoebe."
        Now Robert could tell where the sweet heavenly sound of the bells was coming from. They were coming from Above, as though they were calling him to come Upward!
        "Come! Hold my hand!" beamed Phoebe.
        "Where are we going?" smiled Robert. He had never felt so loved, relaxed, and completely at ease.
        "We'll be flying out of Earth's atmosphere through a long dark tunnel to a place more wonderful than anywhere you ever imagined! Hold tight! This is the Ultimate Trip!"

* * * * * * *

        "Is something the matter, Honey?" asked Praise, as Uncle Peter soberly put down the phone receiver.
        "Er ... yes." Peter sat down by Praise. "Jesus, please be with us and help us as I share this news," he prayed. "That was Mark Pierce," he told Praise. He called to tell us that at 3:30 this afternoon Robert O'Riley died in the hospital."
        Both Peter and Praise were silent for a few moments, stunned by this shocking news.
        Then Praise reached for Peter's hand and they prayed together, "Dear Jesus," prayed Praise, "we know Your ways are not our ways, and we don't understand why this happened. But we pray that you will bear Robert up in Your arms. You said that he that receiveth us, receiveth You, and we claim that for dear Robert."
        "Yes, Lord," continued Peter, "and please comfort his loved ones. Thank You that it doesn't seem that he had to suffer too much, but that You relieved him of that."
        "And thank You that he has been such a blessing to us in our case," continued Praise. "We know and we trust that You do all things well, so we pray that You will continue to be with us and fill in the gap that Robert has left."
        "And Lord," added Peter, "please help us as we share this news with the others and with the children. Amen."
        Peter squeezed Praise's hand. "I must admit, I have a hard time understanding why the Lord would have allowed this to happen. We prayed for him to get better, and I don't know how we can carry on the court case without him."
        "Well, Honey, I'm sure the Lord must have a very good reason. 'His ways are not our ways.' (See Isa.55:8 and 9.) Let's call a Home meeting and pray and ask the Lord why."


        (Uncle Peter prays:) "Lord, we are coming before You now with a question. We know that you do all things well, yet it is a mystery to us why You took Robert O'Riley Home at this time and why You didn't heal him. Because to us, in our carnal minds, it seems like he was so very important to our case, and he put his heart into it. He had a love for us, a love for Your Family, and it just seems strange to us that You didn't heal him at this time. Jesus, Your Word does promise that You would reveal Your secrets to Your servants the Prophets and that the hidden things will be revealed. (See Amos 3:7 and Mat.10:26.) We pray now that You would speak to us and show us clearly why this happened, in Your name we pray."
        After speaking in tongues and then getting quiet, Uncle Peter also prayed that the Lord would help the Green Trees Family not to fear to "step out on the waters" and give whatever He gave them.
        (Note: The following prophecies are ones actually received when one of our main lawyers for one case died.)
        Mary: "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Man. For I sent thee to this man to be a witness unto him, that through your witness I might bring him into My Kingdom. Rejoice with this man, for he hath entered into an eternal reward. For he that receiveth you receiveth Me. Now he knows what it is to know joy unspeakable."
        Ben: "For I have yet many people to raise up for you. I have yet many people in this country to win. Fear not! Have I let you down this far? Have ye not gone from strength to strength and from victory to victory? Ye were despised and hated of all men, yet I have raised you up to where you are now admired by many! The Word is gone forth into all the land. Rejoice with Me!--For My children do hear the Word and are gathered to Me!
        "I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are Mine. I guard you jealously. I will raise up for you a new advocate. I will do a new thing in the land, that you might glorify Me and praise Me more!"
        Sharon: "You have an advocate with the Father, for he is with Me. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. For he hath planted himself into the Work. He hath received the words and testimonies of My children into his heart. He shall aid and help those that fight for you! For My Word hath not returned void. That which hath been invested and planted in him shall prosper and grow, and he shall be a help to many, an advocate, a helper, a present help in time of trouble. For ye have need of many that shall fight for you and defend you, and I shall work through many. For I have need of many helpers, just as I have Abner and Phoebe. Lo, I shall have many to help you, and he is one of them."
        David: "Lest the people say, 'Robert O'Riley has defended us!' It is I the Lord that must deliver you. I am the Lord, the God of all strength. Hope in God, and I shall deliver you."
        Jeremy: "I have taken him from the few, that he might be a blessing unto the many. For now he can help in many places, whereas before he could only help in one. Behold, I say unto you, the people of this nation seek after a sign, but no sign shall be given unto them except the sign of My children. If I had miraculously healed him, it would have been a sign that all would have feared and known that I was on thy side. But I seek those who seek after Truth, not those who seek after miracles. I seek those who would believe My Words and accept them and rejoice, not those who would come merely for loaves and fishes, for healing.
        "So I worked My Work in his life, I brought him low that he might be brought to Me. Now that he is Home, rejoice with Me, for this son who once was lost is now found, and is Home forever!"
        Peter: "Did anyone else get something?"
        Jesse: "God doesn't take away anything without giving you something better in return."
        Bathsheba: "The example came to me several times of Elijah on Mount Carmel pouring water on the sacrifice. (See 1Kgs.18:33-39.) The Lord took away our best lawyer, but He will give us the victory anyway."
        Gabriella: "I got the Letter, 'Stand in the Gap' about Abner. It was like Robert O'Riley was going to stand in the gap for us on the Other Side."
        Sharon: "I got a picture of Pandita Ramabai, how she gave not half, but all that was left of her life to the cause. I also got a picture of Robert O'Riley still defending the Family, even when he was really sick and in pain. I got the impression that it really touched the Lord's heart."
        Peter: "I was getting how this could be one of the main reasons for our involvement with the courts, to give us an opportunity to reach these men, who normally we would probably not come in contact with. Looking at it this way, it certainly makes the long drawn-out process of a court battle much easier to bear, and makes us see the wonderful witnessing opportunities the Lord has forced us into. Praise the Lord!"
        (From Naomi: I missed the meeting, because I was helping to look after the younger children. But later, as I was listening to the tape of the meeting, the Lord started to give me a prophecy, which I wrote down:)
        "Thou art in need of an advocate. For this warfare is not fought in the flesh, but in the spirit. What better representative could I have to fight for My children than one who has touched the heart and soul of thy little ones? For this warfare is not carnal, it is not of the Earth and earthly, but it is a spiritual warfare and I need an advocate for My children.
        "I raised him up, knowing that his time was short. I trained him, I put it within his heart to have a burden for the children, to know them, to love them, to care for them, to see their pure hearts and their love for Me. I could have chosen one who was strong, one who was healthy, one who had a long life and successful career ahead of him, but I chose this one who was broken in health and broken in spirit.
        "He knew his time was short, he knew this was his last case, that is why he put his heart into it, because he knew his time was at hand and he did it for Me. In his heart of hearts, he knew he was doing it for Me. He loved Me through the children. Now he is My advocate, fighting for you in the Spirit. He is thy Heavenly representative to help fight the forces of evil that would seek to destroy you."

(Note: A transcript of the above prophecies was sent to Grandpa, and upon reading them he received the following from the Lord: "These Words that I have spoken are true and faithful as I have given them unto them that have received them and believed them, and for the encouragement of thy father.")

        "What a wonderful miracle that the Lord gave us such beautiful answers about Robert," commented Peter to Praise later that evening. "It's wonderful that the Lord confirmed that Robert is with Him in Heaven!"
        "Yes," agreed Praise. "And how exciting that Robert is standing in the gap for us! We can certainly use his help! Thank You Jesus!"


        foster care -- a situation in which children are given parental care by people who are not their own parents
        virtually -- practically; in almost every way
        catastrophe -- a great and sudden disaster
        expose -- show openly; uncover
        William Gladstone -- (1809-1898) English statesman and orator (a person who can speak very well in public and who speaks with emotion) who served as prime minister of Great Britain four times during his lifetime! A devout Christian and personal witness, he once said, "All that I think, all that I hope, all that I write, all that I live for, is based upon the divinity of Jesus Christ, the central joy of my poor, wayward life. I have known 95 of the World's greatest men in my life, and of these, 87 were followers of the Bible." (See also his illustrated witnessing adventure in KTK Book 3, "The Little Newsboy and the English Orator!")--Good Thots 2, pg.1787.
        William Jennings Bryan -- (1860-1925) American political leader, a Christian, who ran for President three times but was defeated. He was a firm advocate of peace, not war. Shortly before his death he faced Clarence Darrow in the 1925 Scopes' Monkey Trial against Evolution. Dad said of him, "He was a great politician, as well as a Christian statesman. And he looked through the telescope at the stars of God's great Universe and he was just stunned to silence! He shook his head and said those famous words, 'I guess it really doesn't matter who wins the election after all!' And he lost it too, ha! But God's plan went on. I'm sure one reason he lost the election was because he was too good a man to win it, too honest, too Christian, too outspoken in his opposition to Evolution and the Devil and the anti-Christ spirit of the age." (One of Dad's counsellors!--See ML #102:7.)--Good Thots 2, pg.1764.
        allegations -- accusations
        bungle -- blunder, a big mistake
        disgruntled -- discontented
        lingered -- continued a little longer
        radiation treatment -- a medical treatment where doctors use radioactive rays to treat cancer
        slander -- spreading a false report about a person or group with the purpose of doing harm
        sinister -- bad; evil
        mainstream -- the popular or current direction people are taking
        orthodox -- holding to traditional or established beliefs
        fundamentalist -- strictly holding to a set of basic principles
        sustained -- allowed, agreed with
        articulate -- able to express themselves well
        cross-examination -- being questioned in court by a lawyer of the opposition
        gossamer -- very thin,light cloth; filmy


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