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YP FSM Special Edition CM/FM--December 2002

Copyright © 2002 by The Family - CM/FM
Cover art by Kristen

Where I Belong!

Part Three

       An Executive Secretary or Disciple?       3
       "It Rocks to Be an Instant Witness!"       9
       Branching Out                            10
       No Experience … Just the Keys!              13
       Making My Priorities His                     16

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An Executive Secretary or Disciple?

By Olivia (21), Thailand

       Who I am: Well, I am trying to be normal, and also a better disciple. I'm Oli (actually, Olivia, but these days, not many people refer to me as such, unless I am the recipient of correction, referred to in a message, or being addressed by people who don't live in this Home). My parents are Luke (John) and Catherine.
       Am I single? Married? With kids? Every wife thinks that her husband is the greatest. Definitely in this case, however, my Husband wins hands down! He leaves me speechless every moment I'm with Him. (I will spare you as to the details of why.) He's so wonderful! He's caring, charming, practical, personable, down-to-earth, funny, witty, sexy, and passionate. He always knows what I'm thinking, so it's very difficult to surprise Him. He understands me when I'm silent. He is definitely the love of God for me. (For those of you who don't know me and don't know who "He" is, my husband is Jesus. Mortally speaking, I'm happily single.)
       The other day I got a little note saying, "You may not have such a great testimony, but…" Well, I certainly had to agree. This is not an amazing, eye-popping, jaw-dropping, heart-stopping-type testimony, but if it can be an encouragement to someone else or glorify the Lord in some way, that's the most important thing.
       Like many others who are the eldest child in a large family (there are nine of us kids), I remember spending quite a lot of time doing childcare. In fact, I was pretty sure that that was what I was going to do till the Lord returned, which I thought would be when I was 16-max! Obviously, the Lord had other, better plans. I also spent a few years as a kitchen deacon, which now people think is quite funny, because it is not my forte at all.-Goes to show that it doesn't matter what you're doing or whether or not you think you have any talent in a certain area; if it's the Lord's will, then He will give you an anointing for that task or the role He's called you to play.
       I guess that applies to my involvement in my present ministry, because I don't think anyone, especially myself, ever thought I would be a secretary. Computers were the rage to some, but didn't really hold any special attraction to me. I didn't even know how to type and had no burden to learn.
       At the age of 15, one fine day, after living in Indonesia for eight years, my family moved to a new field in the Middle East. Our Home was in the simple, small, pioneer stage-just our family and a couple of singles coming and going-so I was pretty involved in taking care of and teaching my younger sisters, and yes, even cooking and kitchen work.
       Another fine day I realized (I'm sure the Lord was the one giving me the hint) that it was high time I learned how to type, and so every day during quiet time I would do Typing Tutor. After more months than I care to reveal, I reached an incredibly high maximum speed of 40 wpm! Clearly, I did not have any great skill or amazing ability, agility, and speed when it came to typing, but I tried to be faithful, and by virtue of sitting at the computer each day, I began to learn how to do a few other things too, like open Word and find Windows Explorer, etc.
       A couple of months after I turned 16, the service Home in the city was in need of a "replacement secretary," as their secretary was about to have a baby, and I was asked if I'd like to get some office training. This was a pretty inspiring prospect to me and I was quite excited to give it a try. God bless everyone there who took time to train and teach me. (Day 1: "Secretary" means being a keeper of secrets. You're a servant of those you work with/for.) I was still only typing at 40 wpm, which is definitely slow for doing full-time secretarial work, particularly transcribing. They really had a lot of patience with me because it must have taken me ages to do anything.
       Six months after I first started getting secretarial training, when visiting my parents one day, they told me that there was an invitation for me to go to the CO Office in Thailand, as there was a need for more secretaries. As a secretary wannabe, this sounded too good to be true!
       On the other hand, I was quite happy there in my ministry, on the field. Plus, I was also on the singing/clowning team there (not for any great talent along those lines, I can assure you; I think there just weren't too many others around). But dancing was actually the thing I enjoyed doing the most, and I knew that if I went to Thailand, there was not much hope of continuing in that ministry. So this invitation brought on a bit of a conflict in my mind, but the choice was up to me, of course, as to whether or not I wanted to go. One other important factor in this equation, which I should not forget to mention, was that if I wanted to go, well, there was a team leaving in five days that I could go with.-Five days! That was quite a catch. But I went and prayed about it and the Lord told me I should accept the invitation and go.
       It came to pass that I arrived at the Ivy Home in Thailand, where all the brethren were very kind, loving, and welcoming. I was supposed to get adjusted to the field and then move to the Office in a few weeks. Time sometimes seems to take on a life of its own, though, and the weeks slowly passed, doubling, tripling, yet no date of departure in sight. There was already a wonderful talented, gifted, quick, and efficient office person in this Home, so I didn't get much in the way of hands-on office training except when the dear soul went on outreach or had W&R. So I did cooking and kids, and helped around the Home. The Lord had told me to seek to be useful. Then one of the kids came down with a serious illness, and our Home was in quarantine for a few months. Sometimes it was a bit of a battle, as because I was in limbo there was some reluctance to involve me full time in any one ministry, so I didn't really feel like I had a place per se. There were times, though, when I was leaving in two weeks or in two days or any time now, so the Home would have a going away party for me. I think I had three or more going away parties at least!
       I began to struggle quite a bit.-It didn't seem that my going to the Office would actually eventuate. A few months after I moved to Thailand, all my peers back in the ME were getting more involved in performing on a larger scale, which had always been a passion of mine and seemed to be "the opportunity of a lifetime." I felt that that was not very fair of the Lord when He knew how much I had desired that. I didn't feel very fulfilled in the Home where I was, partially because I didn't feel that it was "my Home," and I didn't put my heart into the situation very much. I began wondering if I had made a mistake in coming to Thailand and if I should ask to go back to the Middle East.
       I remember one night that I was quite low, weeping and despondent, when I received a note from Joan (CO). She was going to be visiting in a couple of weeks and asked me if I could hold on till then to find out about what was going to be happening with my life. She suggested that maybe I could ask the Lord what I had gained spiritually or practically from having to wait all this time. LHM, I didn't want to ask the Lord that question. And I did not feel that I could hold on any longer. I remember talking to the YA office guy about my woes and he was like, "Did you ask the Lord about it yet?"
       "I can't do that!" I answered. I almost didn't want to ask the Lord because I was pretty sure I knew that the Lord was going to tell me to hold on. Anyway, the Lord had mercy on me and when I prayed about it He told me:
       "Burdens are one of the least important ways to find out the will of God. My will for you is not contingent on what you feel or think, for My thoughts are high above yours. … Out of this squeezing and difficulty will come beauty for ashes. Yes, My blessings in your life cannot always be judged physically or by how happy you feel, and it is good for you to see and understand that I am blessing your life spiritually by putting you through the wringer, for out of it will come spiritual lessons and the contentment of yieldedness, if you yield to Me in this. … Will you give up your desires to receive My desire for you-something far greater than you can even think of? Don't worry if you feel you can't. All you have to do is say yes to Me and I'll do it for you."
       This prophecy meant a lot to me and was an encouragement, even though it was still all by faith as far as what the Lord was going to do with my life. But my outlook on the situation was quite a bit more positive.
       So Joan came and I talked with her about different things I was learning, some of my battles, etc., and the all-important question of, "What now?" She explained to me that there had been some restructuring going on at the Office and so forth, which was why it hadn't worked out for me to go there, and that now there wasn't such a need there anymore for a secretary. (I'm trying to hold back my tears at this point.) But she went on to say that there was a need for secretarial help for Steven at the DF Home, and asked if I'd be willing to pray about going there.
       A few days later I was driving out the gate.
       Exactly six months after I left the Middle East, I moved to the DF Home and my ministry as a secretary began in earnest. As you can probably imagine, it wasn't like I was suddenly transformed overnight (or even after some months) into anything amazing spiritually or even practically as far as knowing the ropes of the ministry. (I am still waiting for such a transformation.) Actually, as far as my initial involvement in this ministry, it was still kind of on a part-time basis, just a few days a week, and the rest of the time I took care of kids and helped in the kitchen. The Lord used this to teach me lessons on humility and not thinking that my ministry was more important than the next guy's.
       Now, nearly four years later, my work/ministry is part of the "others" in the Jesus-Others-You line-up. It's pretty much a 24-7 deal, and there's never a dull moment, which I'm thankful for because it's exciting to be busy serving Jesus.
       People who know me from before who hear what my ministry is now have a response that goes something along the lines of, "GASP! You do what? That doesn't sound like you at all." I guess it wasn't, but now I can't imagine doing anything else. (Though I'm sure if the Lord's will for me changed, I would learn.) Just the fact that I'm still doing this ministry is a daily reminder to me that it's entirely the Lord; if there's anything good I do, it's only Him.
       It took some commitment, and I was afraid of letting go of the other things I wanted to do, the dreams I had, because… well, this is probably a bad analogy, but it's like when you lose someone you love, you're almost afraid to let go of the hurt, because you feel that if you do, it somehow lessens the love you shared or the bond you had. That's sort of what my mindset on letting go of dreams and personal desires was. But I'm learning that if I want to be happy and fulfilled, I need to be content with what the Lord's will is for me, without continuing to think about the other things I thought I wanted to do. The Lord has done a lot of miracles for me in this way and has made it easy for me to be good.
       There have been times along the way when I've gotten "weary in well doing" and wondered if it was time for me to do something else. The verse the Lord has faithfully brought to mind, though, is "Art thou called being a servant? … Seek not to be loosed" (1Cor.7:21,27). No matter what happens, what others may say, how difficult or challenging things may get, how routine, or whatever, as long as it's the Lord's will for me to be here, doing what I do, then by God's grace, I'm not going to let go of His will for me or give up my crown. If the Lord has shown you and confirmed that it's His highest will for you to go somewhere or do a certain ministry, then go for it all the way. Because you'll never be truly happy with second best.
       Something I've also learned is that your ministry is what you make it. It doesn't matter what it is, you'll get out of your ministry what you put into it. If you're inspired and enthused about what you do and you can get the Lord's mind on the things that may be naturally difficult for you, then everything becomes a joy and you actually look forward to doing those things. This is something the Lord tests me on every day-choosing to rise above physical circumstances and conditions. Day by day, I am learning more and more that the only things that matter in this life are the Lord, the Word, and the things of the spirit, and that if I want to not just make it through but be an overcomer, those need to be the number one priorities in my life.
       My prayer is that, at the end of the day, should I in fact be asked, "Who are you?" I will, by His grace and power, be able to say-to show by the life I've lived-not that I was an executive secretary, but that I am a disciple. When all is said and done, when all that is hidden is revealed, that's really the only thing that matters!

Picture captions:

L-R, back: Peter (19), Khaled Patrick (2), Dad (Luke), Jon (15); middle: Cathy (17), Oli (21), Mom (Catherine), Ameena (11), Melody (13); front: Kareem (5), Sumaya (8)
L-R: Khaled Patrick (2), Dad, Mom, Oli (21)
African dress-up night
Oli and Shay (23)

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"It Rocks to Be an Instant Witness!"

By Sara (21), Brazil

       I was the newest addition to the Home, and was just learning how to pass out those famous Activated mags. To be honest, initially I unfortunately had the mindset that the Activated ministry was more of a hindrance and drag than anything else. I mean, it would definitely cut down on our fundraising, and I had no idea how to get started. I had been in meetings where the "Activated pros" from all over Brazil had come to tell us about how you have to do it and how it could be done, but to actually put all that into day-to-day practice seemed harder than climbing Mount Everest.
       After hearing Tommy, Jere VS, and Matt tell us about how wonderful it all is, no offense, but all I could think of was: Hey, for them it's easy! They were once the Jesus Revolution, prophets and hippie freaks of bygone times, so that mustn't be harder to do than to dress in sackcloth and shout woe in the streets like they used to. Plus they're the anointed big shots. I didn't see it fitting in with the young people of today!
       But when I moved to my present Home, all I would hear about was how the teens were pushing Activated for their subscription contest. Man, I was put to shame, as I saw how cool, modern, and "in" it was. At first I found myself a little left behind until I got into the groove as well.
       Activated is nothing more than being instant witnesses! I was burnt out with fundraising, and was seriously considering forsaking any witnessing for that matter, as in short terms it all seemed to sum up to selling. But now all I can think about is how I'm going to get my next subscription. I even found myself dreaming about that, and to my surprise, I wasn't the only one dreaming about the mags. Activated has become part of our lives.
       A little while ago I was out with Davida (17). It was lunchtime, and we hadn't done much that day, so we sat on a bench to pray. We began asking the Lord what He wanted us to do, and who we should go to. I began scanning the people around us. We were desperately searching for an answer, but just when we began getting something, this older lady came to sit on the same bench where we were on.
       What a bummer, I thought. Now we won't be able to say our prophecies out loud.
       I was a little bugged with the woman, until our eyes met. I was met with eyes of anguish and pain. The Lord had brought someone in need right to us. I was filled with the Lord's compassion for her, and it wasn't hard to find the "Jesus loves you" look. The woman returned my smile as I handed her a "Somebody Loves You."
       Davida and I just kept on silently praying, as we felt we needed to give the Word time to speak to her and touch her heart. Within a few minutes she began to open her heart to us, and admitted that she was having heart trouble when she went to sit down, and she couldn't even talk as it was hard to breathe, but as soon as she began reading, then talking to us, the pain had left, and she had forgotten she had it-a wonderful opportunity to pull out our mags and get her activated!
       We showed her the mags and she subscribed. We got our message through, and she got the bonus of getting healed as well. All that to say, it rocks to be instant witnesses!

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Branching Out

By Mercy (23), Tim (21), and Pandy (20), Delhi, India

       It all started when we were a small part of a large Service Home, filling in wherever the need was, which definitely taught us faithfulness in the little things, something we're still learning. As time went by, our big Home became three small Homes, and we suddenly found ourselves included in on the "how are we going to raise our rent" discussions. We could no longer hide behind the adults and live our own quiet lives.
       Even though at times it's been rough, the Lord has always pulled us through. We have been heading some interesting ministries, with backing and support from the adults. (Although three of us are writing this article, there are two more on our team who carry the same load-Dawn (20) and John (19).
       We have a growing and unique ministry, which we started through clowning at birthday parties, that we dubbed "Mother's Follow-Up." We've been organizing birthday parties for about two years, which initially was only a source of quick income. Gradually, through keeping record of the parties we'd done, we collected a growing list of mothers, and we decided to start showing them the tools. So we began making appointments and getting out the tools, and soon we began feeding them more deeply from the Word.
       A couple of months ago we started a monthly mailing with feeding material and an update on our projects, which has been a real hit, and we've gotten many positive reactions from it. So now we're getting them saved and the goal is to get them Activated. (Some of them are already Activated.)
       We also have a youth ministry, which has been growing slowly but surely. It's been tough at times, because we don't always see big results right away. It's always been a battle to get young people to come every week to our meetings as it's pretty hot here in summer and very cold in winter, but we've found that even if we don't feel like it we still have to put our best foot forward, and the Lord always brings people. We now have quite a few young people who are growing into Active members.
       We have two girls who come to our house regularly for Word, prayer, and fellowship. Their spiritual growth has definitely been a team effort with FGAs and SGAs working together, as we've learned that's one of the keys for bringing in people. There are a few other sheep who are also growing in the Lord.
       Children's Day Out is a project we've started for underprivileged kids where we take them out on a day excursion, with lunch, snacks, drinks, and ice cream. We get everything sponsored and try to involve as many friends and mothers as can come. Mothers like to sponsor a part of these projects and even come if they can. We've found it is a good way for new friends to see one of our projects, get involved, and help out. It's bait to bring them in and witness to them. Some of the places we've taken these kids to include a bowling alley, a planetarium, museums, movies, playgrounds, etc.
       We would like to encourage other young people who are trying to find their place or ministry. Don't give up, because it didn't come easy for us either. If the Lord can do it for us, He can definitely do it for you, as we're nothing without Him! We've seen firsthand that the rewards are great. And they're available for anyone who takes the first step. Although we've had to sacrifice sometimes and we're not always able to do what we like (even skipping W&R from time to time), the Lord more than repays us. He always takes such good care of us, supplying not only our needs, but even our wants and extras.

Picture captions:

Pandy, Mercy, and Dawn
Our city's singing team performing at an Activated meeting
Tim (L) on a road trip, promoting our fabulous tools

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No Experience … Just the Keys!

By Rayne Pearl (20), South Africa

       When the messages first came out about the keys, I was a bit on the dull side spiritually. I basically forgot all about them and didn't even understand their purpose until a year later when the GN "Call on the Keys" (ML #3368, GN 962) came out along with the key quotes. I started to use the keys here and there in my prayer times, but not nearly as much as the Lord was asking.
       In the middle of December 2001, I went on the road with Aaron (VS) and team. What really impressed me on this trip was that during our prayer times everyone would be focusing and calling on the power of the keys while one person was praying. Well, after being on his team for about a month and a half, with the Lord's help I was able to form the habit of calling on the power of the keys. Even though I was praying and using the keys frequently, my belief in them and all the power they had to give us was still vague. I kept calling on them, trusting in faith that the Lord would help me to have confidence in them with time.
       After being on Aaron's team for a while I temporarily joined a Home in Kenya. During that time the Lord started putting me through the fire through different trials and tests He sent my way, mostly motivating me to learn to trust Him more and to believe and be a doer of His Word.
       The Lord had shown me that I should move to South Africa. So after being in contact with one of the Homes there for a while, they said that for visa purposes I would need a one-year return ticket or a one-year ongoing ticket, preferably to some place outside of Africa. I started phoning different airline companies to see how much the ticket I needed would cost, but it was way out of my price range. After praying and hearing from the Lord, He told me to approach one of the main airline companies here and ask them for the ticket for free. I was real nervous about this prospect, as I'm not a super-duper provisioner.
       A million different thoughts ran through my mind about talking to the managing director of the airline company, like, What if he's rude, or condescending, or doesn't understand our work? Every fear under the sun ran through my mind. Then I remembered the testimony I had just read in one of the latest Key FSMs about the Family member in South America who was nervous about going to provision some dental work from the dentist. The Lord asked her, "What type of man do you want him to be?" and he was exactly like she had prayed for. This testimony gave me the courage to believe that if it was possible for her then it could be possible for me too (FSM 386).
       I then phoned the secretary of the airline company to find out the managing director's name and other information, and she told me he was out of the country till the following week, and suggested I call back. This gave me time to pray and ask the Lord about the next move.
       He told me to pray specifically, letting him know how I wanted the managing director to be, and to call on the power of the keys to work the miracle. He also showed me to read up on faith and reread the GNs about the keys. He reminded me of all the key promises and GN quotes that say He loves to be put on the spot. So I told the Lord, "If it's Your will for me to go to South Africa, then You are going to have to supply the ticket, because there is no way I can afford it." I prayed that the manager would be a sweet, friendly man, and would understand our work, and that the Lord would send him dreams and visions and give him a burden to help me with the ticket I needed. I prayed continuously throughout the day.
       A few days later I called his secretary again, this time to find out when he'd normally be in the office. The secretary said that he was always in and out of the office and that I would need to call and speak with him when he was back in the office to make an appointment. So Maria and I prayed about it and got that it would be okay to call him first before seeing him. Originally Maria was going to phone him, but the Lord worked it out that she was so busy that I ended up having to phone him. Gulp! Needless to say, I was real nervous before I called and I asked everyone in the Home to pray for me.
       Well, the Lord showed me exactly when to call the managing director to explain our work and my request, so I did. He was sweet, understanding, and arranged right away for us to be able to come see him the following week. He said to bring a letter explaining our work and my request. Originally the Lord told me to ask for a ticket from Kenya to South Africa and then to the States one year open, but I didn't have full faith to ask for that so I settled for requesting a ticket from Kenya to South Africa, valid for one year.
       The following week rolled around and Maria and I went to his office. When we entered the room he said, "Let's just make this informal, shall we?" and motioned for us to sit on the couches in his office. That put me at ease. Maria spoke with him for a while, explaining about our work and showing him some pictures.
       "Do you have a passion for your work, or is it just a profession?" he asked. He went on to explain that a lot of NGO workers do the work because they get paid to do it, but that they don't particularly like their job or the people they are helping. He mentioned sadly that it was more of a profession to them and that he felt their attitudes were wrong. He wanted to know if we were different. We replied that our main focus is on the spiritual side of things and that what really matters is to show people God's love.
       "I agree," he said. "I believe that time is short. We need to do the most we can while we can. If God has put me in a position like this, I feel that I should take the initiative to do all I can to help you."
       He then started talking about how he felt the spiritual warfare was raging and how the Devil was trying to tighten his grasp on the people of this world. It was so amazing for me to hear him speak, as he was everything that I had prayed for and more. I don't doubt at all that it was the Lord who had put me in the position with a lack of funds for my ticket so that we were able to meet him, for his sake and for mine too, to help boost my faith.
       After we spoke with him for an hour and a half the Lord gave me a check to ask him for the original ticket that He had showed me in prophecy. He answered positively, and asked me to revise my original request letter and bring it to him as soon as possible.
       At first he wasn't sure if he could give a one-year open ticket as the company only sells three- to six-month open tickets, but with prayer and the power of the keys he was able to give me the exact ticket I'd requested.
       I must admit, while I waited the next few days for the final reply to my request the Enemy did come in with his lies and doubts, but the Lord kept reassuring me through prophecy that it was His will and to proceed as if possessing my ticket already. He said through faith I already had the ticket in my hands even if I couldn't see it.
       When I went to pick up my ticket he told me, "Pray for this company. Pray that the Lord will put godly leaders into power and that the Lord will be able to use this company to win souls. I've seen this company waste a lot of money on worthless causes, and it's sad. Please also pray for the employees, that all of them will get saved. I hope the little I've done has helped. God does appreciate even the little we can do if it's from the heart." He again emphasized the shortness of time and how important it is to win souls.
       I've been flipped about this whole experience. Do the keys work? Can that actually be a question!? It no longer is to me! If the Lord can do something like this for me and use me, a little nobody without any real professional experience whatsoever, He can do it for you too. Use His miracle-working power today!

Picture captions:

Angel and Rayne, South Africa

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Making My Priorities His

By Marie Clair (20), Japan

       My story begins almost two years ago, when my parents asked me to move back to their Home to help out. My mom had been fighting cancer (she recently graduated), so I was needed to help take care of my younger brothers and sisters. Until that point I'd spent most of my teen years away from home.
       Being a Virgo, the situation I all too often idealize is perfection. Naturally, these fantasies never ever include real people, because as we all know, real life, however beautiful, doesn't work that way! And oh, how I always wish I could see how things were going to end up, and have a look at the test before I have to go through it so I'd have time to rehearse and be prepared. (Also known as cheating! Ha.)
       Previously I'd been living in another Home. I lived with my close friends, got along well with everyone, received training, and was involved in an exciting youth ministry. I was apprehensive about the move to my parents' Home. Although I knew the Lord wanted to use it to work in certain areas of my life, I inwardly hoped that things would just go smoothly, and that I would be able to adjust gracefully and not embarrass myself by getting emotionally mucked up over a few minor lessons and trials.
       Everyone has their times of trial and re-making, but for some reason I was under the impression that the tough battles would go away as long as I gave the Lord an initial "yes" and got on the plane of His will. However, you can't expect a crash course in parenting to be easy; things are never perfect, and I grew increasingly frustrated when my band-aid/cut-off-the-thumb solutions to problems with the kids wouldn't work. I worked impatiently to mold my surroundings to meet my standards and make the kids progress, trying at the same time to hold on to myself and my personal priorities.
       I'd ask myself: "Am I giving myself a fair chance at being everything I've always wanted to be, and doing the things I've always wanted to? Or am I missing out on all the fun and opportunities that other young people my age have?" I was resentful when others who I thought were doing less than I was seemed to have things so much easier. But then I'd go back to reminding myself that if I tried hard enough, everything would work out and I'd eventually learn to love this life.
       Confusing? Yes. A works trip? Yes. Things were so complicated because I was double-minded and therefore pretty unstable in all my ways.
       In my heart I so badly wanted to be simple and happy again. I wished I could go to sleep for a long time, then wake up one morning to find that I was a kid again, with renewed faith and simplicity. I know the Lord heard my prayer and used all my crying and failing to get me to where I was desperate enough to admit that I didn't understand what was going on or how to make good come out of it. He was trying to show me that His highest will is as good as it gets. He was asking me to stop fussing and pouting and yield. I was good at pointing out what was wrong, but what I really needed to do, and hadn't done, was obey the Word by taking time out to ask Him for the solutions to my problems. I needed to commit to being a part of those solutions; I needed to believe that prayer and prophecy were the solutions.
       Changes don't come overnight, but it was such a relief to give it all up. Once I let go and told the Lord that I couldn't take the way I was anymore, things began to come into focus. I had to choose to let my eyes be opened to what the Lord was doing, the ways He was blessing me, the opportunities He was giving me. It wasn't complicated. I was amazed to find that, yes, lots of other people had gone through this before me. And more importantly, every single question that I had been so tripped out on had its answer in the Word.
       The Lord gave me a new start. He is helping me to relax, take things one day at a time, let go of my personal priorities, and replace them with His. That's the easiest and only way to find out what I was meant to be and do here. Surprisingly enough, it has been here, since coming home, that I've begun to see more clearly than ever before that caring for children and young people is what I want to do for the Lord.
       I remember my JETT teacher telling me that each of us had a special destiny created for us, and that we were created for a place that no one else could fill like we could. I have two teen brothers and they are totally unalike. That must mean that they both have something totally unique to offer, something they can do for the Lord that no one else can do.
       Grandpa dreamed, believed, and knew that we would change the world! That's the kind of faith and love I pray I can have for my younger brothers and sisters! They have so much potential. I just hope I can be the one to encourage them and tell them that I know they can make it, that I will pray for them and help them to find their place.
       Uncovering and channeling all that potential isn't always easy. I've started studying Letters on childcare, shepherding, and Family education, as well as Kidland, Raise 'em Right, and other Family materials. I had no idea of the depth and quality of these pubs until I was forced to research various topics, but now I'm hooked on the encouragement and counsel they provide. I don't have the time or inclination to look to the System for education when I already have so much going for me in the library I have right here in my house!
       Cory, a 13-year-old boy from the States, has been coming over to our Home for about four months now. He spends three days a week here being homeschooled with my brothers and sisters. The kids and I have been reading the Word, doing memory and review work, and hearing from the Lord with him whenever he comes over. Yesterday, he got really turned on by the Word that we were reading, which was about living by faith. He said, "I've got to start thinking about what I'm going to do when I grow up. Hey, I've got an idea. I think I'm going to buy a van, 'cause then I won't have to pay rent. I'll get other people who want to follow Jesus to come with me and we'll travel around witnessing all over the place! Witnessing is totally the best thing to do!" He went on and on about it.
       I was so happy to hear him express that desire! Of course the kids were laughing, and told him right away that they do that sort of thing all the time. "It's called a faith trip, Cory!" It's encouraging to see the kids mature and start pouring into Cory based on what they've learned in their own Word times. Seeing the difference between our way of life and his has brought the Word to life for them and helped them to appreciate the special blessing of being born into the Lord's service in the Family.
       Being on the JT board is another opportunity that I'm very thankful for. Actually, I'm on the board with my younger sister and a young-at-heart FGA. My sister supplies the brains, I supply all the exclamation marks for our all-Home messages, and our board chairperson supplies all the daisies for us to pick and mull over together in our board meetings. I think we make a good team. Knowing that the boards are going to work because we have the Lord's backing and approval is reassuring for me, as I feel clueless and inexperienced when it comes to official-type things like this. And things are beginning to move; things are happening!
       There is so much to be done, and like most young people I know, I'm an idealist. I want to go all the way for Jesus, live life to the full, get things right, see things accomplished. But what I'm seeing more and more is that idealism alone isn't enough to keep me going for the Lord. If I run on ideals and they run out, then what else is there? A lot of my high ideals and expectations only make me strive harder in the arm of the flesh, and then leave me frustrated and disillusioned. So thank God for the keys and the gift of prophecy, which help me let go of my unrealistic expectations and provide wings and landing gear for all those "impossible" dreams. Living life to the full, and finding fulfillment in the Lord's service is not an impossible dream! We can have life and have it more abundantly than anyone, because we have the Lord.
       I admire everyone who is still here because they care more about what the Lord thinks and what He wants than anything or anyone else. Just the fact that you are here means a whole lot to someone who needs you. There aren't that many of us compared to the millions there are to be reached. Your average day is probably pretty busy, and all too often I'm completely wiped out and stressed when my day is done. But when I stop to think about it, even though I'm tired and worn out, I got to spend that whole day working for, studying about, talking about, bragging about, and living for something and Someone I like and believe in.-I get to do this all day, every day! Where else can you get a deal like that? The future is as bright as the Lord's promises of the power of the keys!

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Giving a class at a recent JETT and teen get-together

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