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FSM 389       CM/FM
July 2002

Discovering the Power!
Part Three

No matter what the obstacle, stand fast in My will, call upon the power of the keys of the Kingdom, stand back and see Me do the miracle.

Watching the keys work

By Gideon (of Heidi), Pakistan

       We'd been praying and claiming the key of supply for various needs in the Home, as well as for our Deaf Reach Training Center. Two of the air conditioners at the Deaf Center had given up the ghost, and with the Karachi heat and all the computer equipment, they were necessary items. We'd also been praying for a photocopy machine, laser printer, fax, etc.
       One of our Active members is the head of an oil exploration company that has been based in Pakistan for the past few years. He is a monthly pledger, and comes over to our Home from time to time for fellowship. He's been growing in the Lord.
       On the last day of the Feast we held a farewell dinner for him, as he was leaving to base out of another country. The next morning he asked us to come over to his office to before he closed things up.
       He walked us around the office and asked us to make a list of whatever we felt we needed. In direct answer to our prayers, this friend donated four air conditioners, a fax machine, a laser printer, a photocopy machine, cordless phones, a cell phone, office equipment, a washer/dryer, a refrigerator, desks, office chairs, bookshelves, etc.!
       He also made arrangements for the repairs of our vehicle, which turned out to be a complete overhaul on the engine, and redoing exterior paintwork. He then charged the bill to his company. Our car looks like new now!
       Since we've been claiming the keys, a number of requests on our prayer list have been answered. We'd been petitioning a large, multinational oil company for a grant to sponsor our deaf center, and they have approved our grant request for the coming year.
       Additionally, two businessmen have agreed to sponsor the monthly cost of running the transport service that we began for deaf women to attend the center. With this van service, we are now able to provide educational opportunities for 40 more deaf young women to attend daily classes. This is something that we had been praying about for many, many months, and it's been miraculous to see the power of the keys at work in meeting all these needs so quickly. We had also been praying for more computers for the IT lab at the center, and since the Feast we have received donations of 15 Pentium computers, PTL!
       Our two deaf centers, located in the major cities of Karachi and Lahore, are growing so much that we can barely keep up with the demand for admissions. It's already time to expand.
       It's very exciting for us to see the power of the keys come alive in meeting all of our needs in such miraculous ways despite the difficult situation we've had to face here.

Just because He said He would!

By Lily Paulina, Russia

       Our situation was desperate: We needed a car. It had been our hope to go on a follow-up trip, but venturing up the mountains with a newborn child in wet and windy conditions, and temperatures that reach minus 60 to 80o C was not a pleasant thought.
       Andy, who was fundraising at the time in Japan knew of our plight as well, and was looking for a car for our team. There were ten days remaining before his return to Russia and there wasn't even a small ray of hope! He had looked high and low, but hadn't found a potential vehicle. Time was running out. We were desperate, to say the least!
       On top of this, Andy had to go to Osaka from Nagoya, 300 km away, to submit his papers to the Russian consulate. But he arrived a few minutes late, and found the consulate closing. After pleading and praying, the people at the consulate told Andy to return at 4 p.m.
       Shortly thereafter another call was placed to the Russian consulate. “I want to go to Russia,” the caller said. “I need to know what papers to submit.”
       The person at the consulate, thinking that it was Andy on the phone, responded: “Didn't we tell you? …Come at 4 p.m. We can talk then.”
       At 4 p.m. two men showed up at the consulate--Andy and the previous caller, a Japanese man. This was how Andy got acquainted with Mr. Yamagata.
       The days continued to pass and still there was no car. Three days before his return, Andy fell to his knees in desperation. “Lord, You cannot fail!” he prayed. “You have promised to supply a car. In the name of the keys, and in Your name I claim it!”
       Back at home, the same earnest prayer was being prayed. We needed a miracle--and we needed it now!
       Call Mr. Yamagata and ask him, the inner voice told Andy.
       It seemed crazy, but Andy obeyed.
       “Three days is pretty short notice,” said Mr. Yamagata, after hearing Andy's request. “Perhaps I could help you next time.”
       “Thank you anyway,” Andy said disappointed. He hung up the phone and shook his head in despair.
       What was I thinking?
Andy thought. I only met him once! What will I do now?
       Five minutes later the phone rang. It was Mr. Yamagata. “I can give you my own car, if you'd want it.”
       Andy stood mouth agape. The miracle had happened! Mr. Yamagata was offering us a Mazda Persona, in perfect running condition, with a heater, air-conditioning, tape deck, etc.
       The Lord had not failed us. He had fulfilled His promise to us and brought the answer as we called on the keys!

The Lord works through the keys

By Dawn (CO, of Philip), Europe

       Sara has been a faithful and close Fellow member for a number of years, a real witness and sample to us all. She witnessed to her parents many years ago and they received the Lord.
       Towards the end of last year, Sara's brother Janos was diagnosed as having a life-threatening brain tumor, which required an operation. The doctors didn't give him much chance of surviving the operation, and if he did there was a good possibility that he would be handicapped in some way. Sara requested prayer from Family members. Those in the area asked the Lord to do a miracle through the keys for Janos and claimed a successful operation. And the miracle happened!
       Janos was out of the hospital in time for Christmas, and is making a remarkable recovery from the operation, with complete deliverance from the tumor and its effects. It truly is a miracle that only the Lord could perform, in answer to our intercessory prayers and claiming the power of the keys on his behalf.
       Shortly afterwards, Sara informed us that her father, who knew that the Family was praying for Janos, was so touched and thankful that he decided to give one of his houses to the Family. This is a house which Sara's parents were no longer living in, and which they had tried to sell or rent for a number of years.
       Now her father, with his son's healing, felt indebted to the Lord. He believes that the Lord didn't allow the house to be rented or sold so that he could give it to the Lord's work instead.
       Isn't that wonderful?--A true miracle!

Engineered by the keys

By Daniel Pioneer, India

       “Let's make this road trip extra special by availing ourselves of the power of the keys!” That was our plan of attack when we set off. We had this great miracle-working weapon in our hands and we eagerly anticipated the miracles that would happen.
       Throughout our trip we claimed the power of the keys for everything--that the sheep would keep their appointments with us, that what we'd feed them would hit the mark, that they would receive it all, and that we could draw them closer to the Family and the Word. And those prayers were answered! We even saw people change their attitudes towards us as we called on the keys.
       We headed for another city in the region. The forecast predicted for bitter cold weather, and rainy and cloudy days. We prayed and claimed the keys for good weather, and the weather was beautiful--no clouds, no bitter cold--just fine, lovely weather.
       While still in bed on the last day of our road trip, I desperately prayed that the Lord would give us our best outreach day yet. En route to our planned witnessing area, I got a severe itch on the back of my neck, and despite our prayers, the itch would not subside.
       Sara and I headed toward a shop to get some ointment for my itch. While heading in that direction we passed a large house with a high wall around it. The gate was open and a truck was parked inside. I told Sara that on our way back we needed to stop by that house.
       When we returned to the house we met the owner, who was a Hindu. He was very sheepy, and ended up getting saved, subscribing to Activated, taking 10 Mottos and several CD cards. He also gave us a few referrals of people he knew who might be interested in our tools.
       Every one of the people on his referral list was receptive. They all took our tools and got saved. It was our best outreach day on the trip! The Lord used my itch to have us go to an entirely different area than we had planned, and then He stopped the itch as soon as we started witnessing.
       On that same trip, while getting off a bus I slipped and missed a step. My knee had taken the weight of my stumble, and it had bent at an awful angle. I felt a strong pain in my knee. Sara and I stood on the pavement and claimed the power of the keys for my knee to not be hurt or damaged. Within a minute I was able to walk, and once I started walking I was thrilled to find that my knee was A-OK.
       We went to buy our train tickets for home, but as it was Christmas, all the trains were booked up and packed. After desperately praying and claiming the keys, we went ahead and got in line to buy our tickets. It was a long line.
       When I was the third person from the ticket counter, the man at the counter put up a sign that said, “Closed due to link failure.”
       It was 4 p.m., and the counter would close at 4:30 p.m. The man said that if the train link was restored before closing time, he would process a few tickets. We claimed the keys for a breakthrough.
       At 4:28 p.m. the link was restored. He took the forms from the first three people and said that those were all the tickets he would issue for the day. I was the third and last person he gave tickets to. What a relief! We were absolutely thrilled!

The keys work, even if it takes time

By Angela, Bosnia

       While riding on a crowded bus before Christmas, my wallet was stolen. In my wallet were my ID card, driver's license, and almost U.S.$100. Needless to say, I was quite discouraged! The Lord had tried to give me a check about the safety of all those items, but I didn't recognize it as such.
       When I got home I took time to hear from the Lord. I claimed the power of the keys that my papers would turn up, as I would not be able to get them replaced at the nearby embassy, but would have to travel to my home country. I checked with the police and my embassy, but my papers hadn't been turned in.
       Almost two months later, I got an e-mail from the embassy saying that my wallet and its contents had been dropped off and I could come and pick it up. What a miracle!

Knowing the Lord's power!

By Brian, Kenya

       Shortly before Christmas we were conducting the last of our homeless camps for the year. I was responsible for administering the first aid, as well as collecting prayer requests from the people. I had just finished bandaging a patient when a kid, about 11 years old, came to me with a very serious ear infection. I had treated him before, but his ear seemed to be getting worse. The infection was in and around his ear and had caused the whole side of his face to swell up, and there were sores that were full of pus.
       This type of infection would require more than one treatment, and I knew that we wouldn't be holding another camp for three or four weeks. I decided to dress it and give him the required medicine, but more importantly, to ask the Lord for a miracle to heal his infection completely. So I put my hand over the boy's ear and with the help of a translator, I claimed a miracle of healing through the keys.
       A couple of weeks later, I was out on outreach in town when I saw the same boy on the street with his grandmother. He excitedly pointed to his ear, telling me in Swahili that his ear was all better. The infection was gone and his one ear looked just like the other one. TYJ!
       We've also started to claim the power of the keys for our friends and sheep. A couple months ago my sister, Petra, and I went to see a man who loves our CDs and wanted to buy another one. This man was already saved and subscribing to Activated, and was generally pretty turned on about our work.
       It was shortly after New Year's and we were asking him how his Christmas break had been. He told us that when he went up country he got very sick with malaria and had been quite sick for a whole week. He was still sick, but had to go to work anyway.
       We told him we'd pray for him, but then the Lord gave me a check to pray for him right there. We called on the power of the keys for his healing. He thanked us and asked if we could pick up the money for the CD the next day.
       When we returned the next day, we met him in an adjoining office. “Come right into my office!” he exclaimed excitedly. “You won't believe what happened to me yesterday!”
       Knowing the Lord's power, we answered, “Oh, we would!”
       Beaming, he excitedly told us that he had felt so sick the day before, that after we'd prayed for him he had gone home to rest. As he reached his home, only an hour after our prayer, his fever broke and the malaria symptoms began to lessen. By the time we saw him the following day he was totally healed! It was very clear to both him and us that his healing was directly due to our prayer and calling on the keys.
       He started introducing us to others in his office as “the ones that prayed for him,” telling them that if they had any sicknesses we'd be the ones to “get rid of that demon” for them. The keys rule!

Bites at bay!

By Debbie Tree (of Michael), Honduras

       After one of the Feast meetings, I went out on a quiet balcony to reread one of the pubs and to take some prayer time. By the time I neared the end of the GN, I was slapping at the dozens of mosquitoes that were buzzing around me. In the GN, Mama had requested that we take the time to hear from the Lord on the different questions included there.
       Yeah, right! I thought with a smile. I imagined myself being carried away by thousands of mosquitoes. Nevertheless, I felt a nudge from the Lord that He wanted me to hear from Him right then.
       I didn't want to miss a golden opportunity to hear from Jesus, so I stopped and prayed, telling the Lord that I wanted to put the power of the keys to the test.
       “If You want me to hear from You right away, then You're going to have keep the mosquitoes from biting me,” I prayed.
       I then opened my prophecy book and for the next thirty minutes wrote down what I was receiving in prophecy. During that time the mosquitoes flew all around me, and even lighted on my clothing, and exposed arms and ankles, but I wasn't bitten--not even once! This was completely contrary to my logical thinking, so I really praised the Lord for this example of the power of the keys and His gift of faith to believe His promises!

Nothing the keys won't overcome

By Gentleness (of Philip), Ukraine

       The Lord had supplied food items in another country. So with our loaded van, we headed off en route to the Ukraine. We prayed desperately, calling on the power of the keys for each border crossing and checkpoint that we'd have to go through. All went well until the final day of our trip.
       After passing the last checkpoint we were suddenly flagged down and overtaken by the police. There were four policemen, and they were insisting that we had not obeyed their command to stop, and that we needed to come back to the checkpoint with them. We knew that they had not signaled for us to stop, and assumed that they had noticed that ours was a foreign van, and were now hoping to get some money from us.
       They took our car papers, threw them in their car and drove back to the checkpoint. The Lord showed us that only Philip should return with them, while I remained in the van to pray and claim the power of the keys. The police seemed very uptight and not willing to listen to any explanation Philip offered them.
       In the office Philip was able to talk with the top officer, showing our PR album with pictures of our work. The Lord touched his heart, and he said that we were free to go. What a relief!
       As we continued on our trip, the gearbox started having problems. We decided to turn the van around and head back to the capital, which we had just left, in order to find a mechanic. We were again quite desperate. We soon came to a filling station and the Lord told us to pull in there and pray desperately, again claiming the keys. Philip then got under the van and was able to fix the problem by tightening some screws that apparently had come loose when we had driven over some very bad roads.
       We were once again thankful and relieved at the Lord's wonderful answer to prayer. When reading this, it could seem that the answer each time was quite simple, but we know that it was nothing short of a miracle the way the Lord delivered us time and again. We are thrilled and thankful to have the keys of the kingdom to rely on. They are a real boost to our faith. There is nothing that the power of the keys cannot overcome!

Revving up key power

By Faith Davidsfriend, India

       The circus had come to town, so Nicole and I set out to provision tickets for the Homes in our area to attend. After making our request, the owner agreed to let us come for free.
       The following day everyone arrived at the circus site, eagerly anticipating the show. However, we soon discovered that the owner wasn't there, and his manager hadn't been informed about the free tickets for us. The staff tried in vain to contact the owner, and when they couldn't reach him offered us discounts on the tickets instead. Things got more complicated as we tried to work it out. It was time to rev up the key power.
       We got together to claim the victory in the power of the keys. By this time the manager had contacted the owner, who had now changed his mind and was only willing to give us a discount. We prayed again, calling on the power of the keys. David and Angel went to talk to the staff, and David started talking to a young guy, who looked like a performer.
       We finally decided that because the entry fee was high, we'd just take the younger kids in. Just then the young guy that David had been witnessing to began talking with the manager. The next thing we knew, we'd all been given free tickets!
       Later we found out that the young man was in fact the owner's son, and had personally okayed our entry.

It was working perfectly!

By Rose Fe, Venezuela

       One evening I was watching the news in a darkened room. I raised my arm and my watch flew off. I was intently listening to the telecaster, so I absentmindedly picked up my watch and put it back on.
       I went to bed and later woke up. My watch said it was 1 a.m. Since I was so awake I decided to read something and write a few messages, after which I went back to bed.
       The sun was starting to rise outside, but when I looked at my watch again, it said that it was only 1:30 a.m. It was then I realized my watch must have gotten broken when it flew off earlier in the evening.
       As I was watching the beautiful sunrise, I heard a little voice tell me to claim the power of the keys for my watch.
       I can't pray for that,
I thought to myself. My watch is not going to get fixed, and then it's going to hinder my faith for another occasion.
       Claim the keys for your watch to be fixed,
I heard again.
       Okay, I'll claim the keys.

       So I did. When I next looked at my watch it was working perfectly, showing the correct time.

Not by might, nor by power … but by the keys!

By Steven Faithful, India

       It'd been quite a while since we'd gone on the road, and it was a step of faith for me. We'd been reading about the keys and learning how to use them, and this road trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to see them in action.
       We were a four-man road trip, and the first day went well for both teams. I had the keys promise sheet placed on top of the tools in my briefcase, so whenever I'd open my briefcase to pull the tools out, my teammate and I would quickly claim a key promise. It worked well!
       I'm not an outstanding outreacher; I have to depend totally on the Lord when it comes to selling tools. I generally feel more comfortable going with another adult; however, on the second day I went out with the junior teen on our team. Throughout the day I was really praying and claiming the keys, but our day was not outstanding. I was a bit discouraged, especially as the previous day the junior teen had had a great time with his other partner.
       That night I spent time talking to the Lord. The Devil had taken the opportunity to discourage me and tell me I was not cut out for tool distribution and that I'm a loser. The fight was intense and I really had to hold on to the Lord.
       I read one of the “Keys” GNs, and there was a quote that said, “We are destined to win.” So the next morning I woke up early and had time alone with the Lord, praying and claiming the Lord's promises.
       It was our last day on the road, and we had been aiming for at least 10 VCDs per day, but the Lord told me to claim 20 VCDs for my team that day. Wow!
       After telling the other team of the goal that the Lord had told me to claim, I set out with the junior teen again. We only had half a day for outreach, so it was going to have to be the Lord alone. We prayed and set off to see what the Lord would do.
       Before entering an office for our first appointment of the day, I opened my briefcase to claim a promise. My eyes fell on: “Ask in faith, waver not, and through the power of the keys I will give you your heart's desire.”
I thought. My heart's desire is what You laid on my heart--20 VCDs.
       We ended up waiting in the office for an hour, during which time we were able to pray with the office boy. We took time to pray for the other team, and had praise time.
       Two brothers that we had previously met ran the office we were visiting. After waiting an hour, the elder brother invited us in and said that his younger brother would like to see us next. The elder brother gave us a warm welcome, and we talked for a while, after which he selected two VCDs. I was a bit disappointed, but remembered the Lord's promise. So I told him we were hoping that he would take the whole set.
       “Okay,” he said. “Show me the whole set.” He ended up taking 16 VCDs.
       He went on to explain that the last time we met him they were going through a tight phase and that the Lord pulled them out of it, and he would now be able to help us on a regular basis. He gave me his cell phone number and asked me to keep in touch with him regularly, and promised to help us. We prayed for him and his family.
       We then went to see his younger brother. He also shared how the Lord had helped them with their problems. I told him that his elder brother had taken 16 VCDs and that there were four more to complete the set, if he would like to take them. He readily agreed and took the remaining four VCDs. Wow!
       Twenty VCDs--just what the Lord said that morning. The younger brother also took a Feed My Lambs set for his child, and commented that the quality of the books is the best he has ever seen. What a miracle! What keys! What power!
       We came out of the office totally shocked! It was such an encouragement for me. With the power of the keys we are destined to win!

Following the Lord's lead

By Topaz (of Peter), USA

       Peter has been witnessing to the owner of an auto paint and repair shop for over a year, and even though he has fed him the Word, including Activated, this man has remained skeptical about the Lord and salvation.
       Due to other commitments we hadn't seen our friend for about a month. Out of the blue he called and asked Peter to go out to dinner with him. We had desperate prayer, asking the Lord to use the power of the keys to do a miracle that would move this man to receive the Lord. The Lord told Peter not to prepare any Word for the meeting, other than to take his Bible.
       Our friend took Peter to a Mexican restaurant, which he obviously frequented on a regular basis, as everyone, including the owner, knew him. The owner came out to talk as soon as they were seated and immediately started telling them about the miracles of healing, supply, and protection that Jesus had been doing in his life since he'd received the Lord in prison some two years ago.
       When Peter told the owner he was a full-time missionary, the man got even more fired up about the Lord and his personal testimony. Peter supported his comments with Scriptures that the Lord brought to mind. Our friend was very surprised, as he had known the restaurant owner for some time, but they had never discussed the Lord before.
       During the meal, the Lord showed Peter to use Bible prophecy to show that there is no reason to doubt anything the Bible says, so he opened his Bible to Daniel 2. As he did, the owner came back and sat down. He began to rave about the lesson, saying he had never heard anything as convincing at his church. Peter ended up giving them both a Daniel 2 class.
       When the owner left again, our friend prayed with Peter to receive Jesus. TTL! When they left the restaurant, there was a round of hugs between them all. The owner also gave Peter a donation and told him to come back anytime. What proof of the power of the keys and the Lord's perfect timing!

God's little miracles

By Joy, Maria and Pedro, Colombia

       We've had a color printer that has never worked. For a couple of weeks, Miguel was trying to get it to work and had asked a printer technician about it. However, the guy said that it was almost impossible for this type of printer to work after such a long time, as the ink cartridge dries and solidifies, and then there's no way to get it to work after that.
       The day we finished reading one of the inspiring GNs on the keys, Miguel went to the closet to look for something and saw the printer there. He thought seriously about not having it take up space in storage anymore, when the Lord told him to lay hands on it and call on the keys. He obeyed, and guess what happened? The printer started working perfectly without even changing the cartridge and without taking it in for repairs. What a miracle!

Completely gone!

By Olivia, Vietnam
Three months after giving birth, I developed a serious infection in my uterus. One doctor said that it would take a particular electrical treatment to cauterize the infected area. I asked Peter [my husband] to lay hands on me to claim the Lord's healing power. Though not as strong, the pain continued, but I continued to trust the Lord for my healing.
       After a month, another doctor said my infection was worse and that it had spread. I was told once again that I would need to have it cauterized. Then we prayed, claiming the power of the keys of the Kingdom, and another Home prayed for us as well. Three or four days later I went for another checkup, and this doctor said the infection was completely gone! Praise the Lord for the power of the keys of the Kingdom!

With the keys in hand

By an FGA woman, Africa

       A little over three years ago my husband and I separated and the Lord called me to Africa. The breakings have been many. I can sincerely say that I am honored and humbled that He considers me worthy to go through them, although it hasn't always been that way.
       Shortly after coming to Africa I made a solid decision to obey the Lord regardless of my fears and apprehensions. That's when the battles and attacks of the Enemy became fierce.
       When I arrived in my present location, I was faced with various problems within the Home. I felt like I'd made a mistake in coming. The Lord slowly but surely had to humble me and help me to deal with these problems in His Spirit of love, mercy, compassion, and not my own self-righteous spirit.
       Around that time, my then 12-year-old son was hospitalized over a very serious health condition. Thankfully, the Lord delivered him and totally healed him.
       Then I went through various heartaches and heartbreaks after getting involved in a personal relationship. Afterwards, I became close to and dependent on other brethren in the Home I lived in. However, when it was time for them to move on, I was crushed. Still, in looking back on that time, I see that the Lord was making me stronger, more able to bounce back and continue fighting for Him.
       I began to feel like I would not make it. It really wasn't until I read the “Call on the Keys” GN (ML #3368, GN 962) that something within me clicked. I had been battling heavily, and I was physically and spiritually exhausted. I felt like I wouldn't make it in the CM Family because of my problems with Selvegion.
       One day I just cried hopelessly. I finally asked a dear sister to pray for me. After she left the room, I started going through it again. Then, realizing my desperate situation, I prayed, “Lord, You've given us the keys. Please help me use them to get the victory I need! I claim their power for me!”
       It was as if a blanket of love had been placed on top of me, and I felt relief and peace come over me. The next day I found myself thinking, Whoa! This is great! I'm still in the victory! But I wonder how long it will last this time around? But when reading “Call on the Keys,” I realized that because I had called on the power of the keys, this victory is sure and real and will last forever! I know that the Enemy will try to hinder me and come in with “lying vanities,” but I will jingle my set of keys in front of his face and tell him to get out because now I've got the keys.

Home improvements with the keys

By Hannah Sunshine, India

       Recently we set about to improve the accommodations in our Home. The list of to-dos and needs grew rapidly. We needed paint, shelves, a mattress, bedspreads, curtains, reading lights, fans, a bathroom cabinet, and a host of other things. At the time our Home was in the red financially, and we weren't sure how we'd be able to meet those needs.
       As for our plan of attack: We got together and claimed the power of the keys for the different needs (and the accompanying list of wants). The children even claimed specifics on items that they wanted. We had prayer meetings together as a family several times, always calling on the power of the keys for supply. The children were quite excited, and eagerly anticipated the answer to their prayers.
       A few of my friends gave us the reading lights and fans that we needed. A little later, another friend gave the funds to purchase the bedspreads and pillows, as well as funds for the paint. A sweet lady donated a beautiful set of curtains, and the Lord also supplied a bathroom cabinet.
       We were so excited! The Lord was wonderfully giving us all the things we needed through new ways. It was terrific to see the kids claiming the Lord's supply through the keys! It took about two months till we had all that we needed, but the Lord did it.
       The children really had their hearts set on beanbags, but they're very expensive here. I was going to approach a company about donating the beanbags, so I asked if anyone else in the Home wanted one. The list grew to five, and I admit I was a bit hesitant to ask.
       Still claiming the keys, we met the man in charge, who not only donated five beautiful beanbags (we were even able to choose the colors we wanted), but he also got Activated! My heart was full of gratitude to the Lord. He never fails!
       The kids had prayed specifically for a Sony music system, and that being a more expensive item, it had moved to the back of the list. Being an outreach person, I thought I had the inclination to know who to ask or who not to ask. But I have to testify that I was wrong; only the Lord knows, and I simply needed to be willing to trust in the power of the keys.
       One day I went to see a man I'd met a few years ago. I'd kept in contact with him by mail for some time, and I had gone to see him with the intent of presenting him with Mottos and the CD cards, but he wasn't particularly interested in them.
       As we were sitting there in his office he played the Diwali CD. I felt the Lord tug on my heart. I knew that the Lord wanted me to ask this man to help with a music system, but I wasn't sure about asking him there and then.
       When I got home I took it to the Lord, and He encouraged me to ask. I phoned him a few days later, and felt a little odd asking him for the sound system sitting on his desk.
       After hearing my request, he said, “No, not the one on my desk. I can give you a much better and bigger one. Just leave it to me.”
       I was so surprised! True to his word, one month later two of his men came to our Home with a bigger and better system than the one he'd had in his office. And it was a Sony, just like the children had prayed.
       My heart is so full of thanksgiving to the Lord for His kindness and generosity, and the way in which He so sweetly worked it all out. If we stir ourselves up and claim the Lord's promises there is absolutely nothing that He cannot do!

Learning to focus

By Sarah C., Canada

       With the new Letters on the keys, and the counsel about focusing on the power, I have been finding that whenever I do focus and really concentrate on the power, whether it is for the weather or a battle I am facing, the Lord always shows His power immediately and answers.
       My 49-year-old sister is joining the Family and we had to make a long trip across the States. Because we were going through mountain passes it was imperative for the weather to be good. Daily we had to focus the key power on the weather, and every time the Lord was faithful to answer our requests. Despite the forecasts, the weather was excellent. The Lord provided all the necessities and money we needed for the trip.
       Bringing in a new disciple was not easy, the Enemy was very angry. But having the keys to claim made everything go smoothly. We arrived without the smell of smoke.

What we asked for with the keys!

By Ezequiel, Ester, and Taines, Brazil

       In November 2001 we were deciding what to do for Christmas. We prayed and the Lord told us to do a CTP for about 2,000 poor children. Every day at devotions we claimed the power of the keys because we knew that with just two adults and three teens, we wouldn't be able to pull off this project. We also needed a miracle to get all the supplies necessary for the project.
       As we called on the keys, our wonderful Husband began to do the miracles we needed. We put an ad in a local newspaper, and the giant snowball began rolling!
       By Christmas week we had reached our goal: 2,862 new toys were collected, 140 bags of food staples, stoves, beds, mattresses, baby beds, kitchen utensils, electric appliances, a large quantity of clothes, shoes, construction material, and more. It was a miracle and answer to prayer through using the keys.

A thrilling healing sensation

By Seri Whispers, Thailand

       We took the children to see a snake show at a snake farm run by one of our friends. After the show we talked and thanked our friend for always giving us free entrance. When we asked how he was doing, he explained that his stomach was in a lot of pain, and that he wasn't feeling well.
       Christy asked him if she could pray for him. He agreed, and she laid her hands on him and prayed for his healing through the power of the keys. After the prayer he thanked us and we soon left.
       A few weeks later we met him again at his newly opened cultural center in a busy beach town. He excitedly explained about the day that Christy laid hands on him and prayed for him. As she prayed he had felt a thrilling sensation in his stomach. “And that day,” he said, “Jesus healed me of the pain in my body.”

Tree decorating with the keys

By Tim (of Hannah), Taiwan

       My plan was to set up the Christmas tree and decorate it. It's a project I enjoy; however, I wasn't looking forward to sorting out the mess of lights and all of last year's decorations right after Word time. I knew the Lord wanted me to work on the tree, so with a prayer under my belt I tackled the thing that couldn't be done. … But it didn't seem to be happening. Just getting the lights up and half working was a trial, but I knew I couldn't quit. I could picture the delighted looks on the kids' faces already. I knew I had to finish decorating the tree.
       I persevered and continued to work on the lights. I couldn't find the problematic light that was causing the string of lights not to work and I was getting frustrated. “Lord, I call on the keys so that I can know exactly which of these 100 lights isn't working now!”
       Jiggle that part of the lights,
was His answer.
       “Okay,” I said, and wiggled that portion of the lights He had directed me to. Immediately all the lights started working.
       “Hallelujah!” I shouted.
       A few days later the lights went out again. But I'd done my “keys homework” and this time I got specific. “Through the keys, Jesus, show me exactly where the short is.”
       Like a finger pointing it out, the spot was shown to me. I worked on it, was able to get it working, and there were no further problems.
       I also used the keys in asking for a spirit helper to help me design the decorating of the tree, as my mind was blank. I heard a sweet-sounding small voice telling me to color code the tree with three colors. I was also told what colors to use, and what decorations to place where and when. The result was the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. It wasn't me! The Lord and the keys did it!

Countering the impossible

By Sara (of Barz), South Africa

Barz was scheduled to leave for Portugal in November, where he'd stay until early January to visit friends and contacts. Our Home team was very limited, with just Heidi (a single sister), myself, and eleven children under the age of sixteen. Our Home is 50 km away from the main city where we do outreach, provisioning, etc., and we had no driver.
       Despite our limited personnel we still wanted to do something for the poor people in our area for Christmas. As we got together with the children to pray, the Lord said: “As I guide, I will provide. I'm with you and will make the impossible become possible. I will overcome any obstacle if you just call on the power of the keys of the Kingdom. … I can work through you and do the miracles for you. I'm not limited by many or by few. I'm the One Who put you in this situation, so you can't really lean on anybody or anything but Me.”
       The Enemy tried every trick to discourage us. The security alarm stopped working the day after Barz left, our computer stopped working, the pool pump broke, and every Monday was a struggle to pick up the provisioning.
       A mall in the city agreed to let us set up a table for our tools for the month of December. I was very excited about our table at the mall, but at the same time I wasn't sure how we'd be able to travel the 100 km there and back every day without a driver. Public transportation is not considered very safe here, but when we prayed about it the Lord told me to take the bus, and gave me total peace. The weekends were a dilemma as the buses didn't run, but the Lord didn't fail us. Each weekend He would raise up someone to drive us there, even people we didn't know very well.
       During that time Heidi was waiting for a visa extension, but it was refused. She had to make a visa trip with her three children, and I was left alone. We asked the Home in Maputo, 250 km away, for help, and dear Jonathan came to man the table. GBH!
       The victory was that during this time we sold 203 books, 257 CDs, 143 Activated mags, 21 videos, 11 tapes, 97 posters, and we met lots of potential people! The different restaurants in the mall helped us with donated meals for the days that we were there.
       The Christmas meal that we prepared for the poor was also a miracle. We had nobody to help us with the driving to pick up the provisioning or shopping. God bless the children who helped carry things home, and all the rest. We couldn't have done it without them.
       We cooked for sixty people and served them the meal right in front of our house. The children sang for them and we distributed A Christmas To Remember booklets along with posters. We could see the Lord's hand so clearly, because there were so many impossible situations. Only the Lord could have overcome them all--through the keys!

Keys in action

By Elimelech, Esteban, and Maria Clara, Venezuela

       The mother of one of our Active members was in bed with severe back pains. She could hardly move without harsh pains in her legs and down her spine. She was planning to have an operation that same week in another city and was working on her insurance papers to cover the expenses of the operation.
       While visiting their house we laid hands on the mother, and claimed the power of the keys for her complete healing, and if possible, without her having to undergo the operation.
       The following week, she started to get better; she could move more easily without as much pain. As time went on, she got so much better that she stopped working on her insurance papers.
       A week later we happened to bump into her on the street--she was completely different from the woman in bed that we had prayed for. We walked and chatted, and she kept pace with us not feeling any pain as she walked. This is the power of the keys in action!

Tangible proof

By Alan (of Meekness), China

       I woke up early one morning and our loving Husband led me to call on the power of the keys for a few people and situations that needed prayer. I started to pray and soon noticed that the loud, high-pitched ringing in my ears that I've had for the last three years and that had been particularly loud that morning, had gone down to a very low level.
       As I continued using the keys on the behalf of others, the keys were also having a positive effect on me. That made me want to pray more and more for others, and as I did the ringing went down to an even lower level, almost unnoticeable.
       By then it was 6 a.m., and the Lord told me to get up. Normally I struggle to jump out of bed, but the Lord told me that I needed to learn to obey instantly. So I immediately got up. I'd only taken a few steps when I realized that I couldn't even hear the ringing at all.
       Thank You, sweet Lover, for this manifestation of Your power and the power of the keys. I know that it is an extra special blessing to be able to have this confirmation of the power of the keys, as so often You expect us to go by faith alone.

Defying the impossible through the keys

By Margie (CO, of Jerry), Mexico

       Neither Jerry nor I are bold pioneer-types or great fundraisers, and the whole idea of taking our crew of 12 across the ocean, from Japan to Mexico, was an exciting but scary prospect.
       At the beginning of the year, a dear friend of the Manna Home approached us suggesting that she could help organize a fund-raising show to help us to get to Mexico. She offered to put us in touch with a top hotel in Ginza, Tokyo, where she thought we could get the conference room donated for this event.
       Jerry and I were very touched, but we didn't see how a show of this type could be arranged successfully on such short notice. In Japan everybody's extremely busy, and generally everything is scheduled way in advance, and we would only have three weeks to get the show organized, send out invitations, etc. God bless dear Timothy and the Manna Home, who prayed and received a confirmation from the Lord to go ahead with the idea.
       We explained to Timothy and the Manna Home that we had a lot to do to wrap up our move. Though Jerry, of course, would love to participate and sing, there wasn't much we could do on the organizing front. Timothy called around New Year's to tell us that some of his contacts had already invited about 60 people!
       Timothy met the manager of one of the most exclusive hotels in Ginza, who had just renovated his hotel and was interested in helping to organize charity concerts. The manager offered to donate a beautiful room and lobby for free, and charge only ¥2,000 (approx. US$15) for the meal, which is very reasonable and a great discount. He checked us out quite a bit to see what type of group we were, and cautioned us that we shouldn't do a religious show.
       Jerry and I prayed in the power of the keys that if we held this concert, that it would be a beautiful witnessing event. What more could we want than to sing with our dear friends, Ezra and Philip, Michael, Keiko and John, and witness together one last time before we leave this wonderful country we have grown to really love in the last 14 years.
       The whole show was a beautiful event, and the Spirit was moving. The evening began with the musical performance, followed by dinner. First “Infinity”--Michael, Keiko, and John--performed some beautiful songs. Then Ezra, Philip, and Niki performed an incredibly fun and well-presented set. Next Jerry sang a Spanish song, followed by “Golden Butterfly” in Japanese and English (which deeply touched the crowd). And he concluded the musical program with “Change the World” and “The Prayer of St. Francis” in Spanish and Japanese.
       The hotel manager wanted to check us out, so he and his wife, as well as their twin children, attended the concert. It was the twins' birthday that day, and they had said they would come for an hour to see how we were doing, but they got totally captivated by the show. When Timothy called the manager the next day, he gave a rave review the next day to Timothy. He went on to offer Timothy the use of the room anytime he had such parties in the future.
       Several people commented that they weren't even hungry for the food, as their hearts were so full and they were so inspired. Usually at these types of parties in Japan, once the show and meal are over, people leave quickly afterwards, but it was past 10 p.m. when the hotel was still trying to move people on, as everyone so enjoyed talking and fellowshipping together.
       The day of the show, Jerry and I had to go to Tokyo to take care of some business; in fact, far too much business to fit into one day and still be on time to prepare for the show. We needed to work out the details concerning our two crates of studio equipment, musical equipment, computers, and other miscellaneous items to be shipped to Mexico. (A miracle is that the Mexican Embassy granted a permit for all the contents of these two crates!)
       The dear man who helped us with the shipping of these crates was a new contact, and we had only dealt with him by phone. We hadn't yet settled on a final price or done the necessary final paperwork.
       The shipping company would be closed over the weekend, so the day of the concert was the only day we could meet this man. Mary P. called him and said that we would be in town and we could meet him to settle the business, but that we'd only be available between 1 and 2 p.m.
       When he heard about the concert, he said that he loved music and would love to attend our concert. He suggested that we finalize the business at the concert. Quick decisions like that are not so common for the Japanese, who usually have tightly packed schedules.
       This dear man thoroughly enjoyed the concert! He even insisted on paying for his ticket, to help our cause. After the show and the meal, Phoenix and I sat down with him to discuss business. As he was trying to explain all the expenses that these crates would incur, he apologized for not being very clear, because, he said, he was so moved by the concert that he couldn't really think straight.
       He itemized the expenses, the taxes, the storage fees, and the boat fee. We had ¥250,000 (approx. US$2,000) put aside for the shipping of the two crates, hoping that it would cover all of our expenses, but I started to worry, as the price was going up and up. After he thoroughly explained to us all the expenditures related to shipping the crates, he said that after seeing the concert and meeting us, he decided to waive this tax and that fee, and basically gave us a ¥100,000 (approx. US$760) reduction on the total price. That brought it down to exactly ¥250,000, which is what the Lord had shown us to set aside for the crates.
       Throughout that time we felt totally dependent on our dear Jesus to see us through. We knew the whole affair was too big for us, but as we used the new weapons and tried to apply the new Word, and were diligent to ask Him everything step by step and claim the power of the keys, we were amazed to see how He came through beautifully for us.

Sweet relief through the keys!

By an FGA woman

       Through the keys the Lord has delivered me from migraine headaches. I've suffered from migraines for more than 15 years and lately I had been getting them on a weekly basis. Stressful times would trigger my migraines, and I had accepted them as part of my life. The Lord told me many times that He was using them to teach me lessons of staying desperate with Him.
       I hit a time that would've been perfect ground for an excruciating migraine, and I wasn't going to be able to slow down. So throughout that time I just kept calling on the keys. And guess what? No headaches!
       Ever since then I haven't had a single migraine. In fact, I haven't had a headache in over five months! A couple of times when I felt like a migraine was coming on, I had someone lay their hands on my head and claim the power of the keys (one time I even had the toddlers do it, as no one else was around), and I never got the headache. PTL!

Not a work of the flesh

By Andy, Maria, and Irene, Colombia

       As a Home we decided that last year's Christmas push (2001) had to be different from the previous ones. We knew we had to stop getting frantic, running around like chickens with their heads cut off while pushing our tools and materials, booking innumerable shows, and over extending ourselves. Though we had accomplished a lot in our previous Christmas pushes, it wasn't without paying a high price, leaving the entire Home totally exhausted and drained by the year's end.
       This year we wanted to do things differently; after all, we now had the power of the keys at our disposal. We got together and desperately prayed, asking the Lord to release the power of the keys to open doors for us, touch people's hearts, and to work the financial miracles needed.
       Lo and behold, in a matter of days, without the frantic rush and push of previous years, we started to receive tool order after order. By the middle of October, having only begun our Christmas push, we had already sold 1,200 CDs and 2,500 calendars!
       We met several women who are administrators of 25 buildings located in the upper class business center. They were so turned on by our missionary work that on their own initiative they started promoting our work in their meetings. They also decided to let us set up a booth at the entrance of each of their buildings to sell our tools. They asked us for a list of needs for our missionary work and CTP projects, as they wanted to inspire each company working in their buildings to donate something from the list to us for that Christmas. They also wanted our show group to perform for their Christmas gatherings and celebrations, resulting in over 20 shows being booked.
       So many marvelous and miraculous things have happened since we started to claim the power of the keys. As a Home we can't help but marvel and praise the Lord for helping everything to flow so peacefully and smoothly, without our having to struggle in the flesh.

Powerful prayers with the keys

By Mary, Andrew, and Michael, Kenya

       A close Muslim friend of ours recently went to the hospital to have her feet operated on. We went to see her and read some Word to her, and then prayed for her feet, claiming the power of the keys.
       After we finished she excitedly said, “Wow! I felt that! It was like a soothing feeling washed all over me! It was beautiful.”
       By the time we were ready to go, she was smiling from ear to ear. Just before we left, she pulled me over to the side of her bed and whispered in my ear. “You know, I pray to Jesus now and I'm never afraid,” she said. “Before I used to be scared and cry over the littlest things, but when I went in for my operation I was so calm. It was a miracle, and it's because I knew that the Lord was right by my side. He has given me such peace and confidence that I'm not afraid anymore.”
       We have been ministering to her for over six years, and it's been amazing to see her change. She used to be a very shallow person, but now she loves the Lord. Her favorite books are From Jesus - with Love and To Jesus with Love. She's always talking about the Lord.
       Two young Hindu guys came over to our Home the other night to ask for prayer. One of them, who has been pledging to our work, was suffering from a disease that would cause him to break out into a sweat; he was also experiencing drastic weight loss. He had planned to go to India for a checkup and wanted us to pray for him before he left.
       We read to him and his friend about healing and then called everyone in to pray for him. While praying we claimed the power of the keys. When we finished, he remained quiet for some time. When he finally spoke, he said, “I felt that! Something is different.”
       We talked for a little more when his friend shyly asked if we could pray for him as well, as he had a rash all over his body. The doctors had put him on steroids, which had not helped but only made him uptight and tense.
       We witnessed to him and got him saved and filled with the Holy Spirit first. We then laid hands on him and prayed, again calling on the power of the keys.
       The next day they came over to talk more and read the Word. The man who had had the rash was so excited. “I just came back from the doctors,” he said, “and they told me I'm completely healed!” He brought another friend with him and told him, “Man, these guys' prayers are really powerful!”

Blown away by key power!

By someone at an Office Home

       One of the programmers was working on a database program, but he couldn't find the right expression to make it do what he needed it to do. Several times he tried to come up with the correct expression, but he couldn't get it right.
       One evening I was in our room rereading the GN series on prayer, when the Lord suddenly put it in my heart to pray for our programmer concerning this problem he was having. I had no idea that the programmer was working on it at that very moment upstairs. I prayed for the Lord to help the programmer find a solution, in such a way that the Lord would get all the glory.
       About 15 minutes later, he came into the room beaming and said, “Guess what happened?” He then explained that he had been working on the database program again, but to no avail. He finally got so frustrated with it that he had left the computer, with the program still on the screen, to go into the kitchen to get a snack. When he came back and sat down, he noticed an expression typed on the screen that he hadn't put there.
       It was an expression that was completely different from what he had been trying. He tried running the program with the new expression, and it worked! He was totally blown away by how it got there! Now we see how powerful the keys are! Isn't that awesome? &&&
       Anonymous, Europe

       I have had a problem with my complexion since I was young. I have prayed against it many times, sometimes even with tears because it has been such a trial for me! I tried everything, but nothing seemed to help. The Lord has given me many beautiful promises about how He would heal me, but though my face would clear up sometimes, it never remained fully clear.
       Recently I got the inspiration to call on the power of the keys to claim a total and lasting victory. I'm utterly amazed at the miraculous change that has occurred in me!--I don't have a problem with pimples anymore, and I feel wonderful!

By Tim (of Hannah), Taiwan

       After several days of concerts and clown shows, I crawled into bed early with a wretched head cold. I couldn't breathe well either. I called on the keys to clear my nose and breathing, as soon as the words left my mouth my breathing cleared up. I then fell into a restful sleep.

By Nat, Taiwan

       I was fixing a toilet seat, and one of the big rusted bolts would not budge. I was about to give up, and even thought about hammering it out. Instead I called on the power of the keys, and went to get a bigger wrench. When I came back, to my amazement the bolt easily unscrewed, and I didn't even use a wrench--just my fingers!

By Andres and Pilar, Ecuador

       Our granddaughter contracted a urinary infection. We prayed for her, claiming the power of the keys of the Kingdom. She was miraculously healed!

By Elias, Dave, and Ana, Colombia

       One of our faithful supporters asked us to pray for her 72-year-old mother who had a brain tumor and needed to be operated on immediately.
       We went to her house, and laid hands on her mother, claiming the power of the keys of the Kingdom, asking that the operation would be anointed and that she would be totally healed.
       The operation was a success, and after a week her mother returned home totally healed. Everyone, including the doctors, was amazed at her surprising recovery.

By Paul and Faith, Denmark

       We were trying to provision kids' games and activities for a CTP. We had approached a company the previous summer with a similar request but were turned down. Before making our request again, we claimed the promise, “If you ask anything in My name and in the power of the keys, I will do it, and you will see miracles.”
       When we arrived, the boss was in a meeting, so we explained our request to the secretary. She told us to return in two hours, saying that she would try to have an answer for us. On our return she told us there were some boxes waiting for us in storage. When we got there, it was a whole pallet full, valued at US$5,000.

By Lianne, China

       One of the guys in our Home had lost his glasses and was looking for them everywhere. When he claimed the power of the keys, his hand swept over the top of the couch, and there they were, just like that.
       Someone else in our Home was trying unsuccessfully to zip up a broken bedcover zipper. The minute she called on the power of the keys, it worked!

By Jesse Godspell, Brazil

       We were in desperate need of finances last month. We claimed the keys and then contacted a friend and Activated subscriber to ask for a gift. We showed him a list with our Home's monthly budget, as well as our pending payments that were double our monthly expenses. He then offered to pay for most of our pending payments. Praise the Lord for the keys of Heaven!

Copyright © 2002 by The Family

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