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By Mike D. (SGA), Mideast
[To Mama:] Thank you for the dinner we, the staff, were able to have with you last night. That truly was special and it was so sweet to be able to talk and fellowship in this way. I know that we all are so touched, and this will be something that I will cherish for a long time.
I know that
you've been very busy and are very tired, due to your tight schedule, constant pouring out and all that you've been doing, yet that hasn't stopped you from giving so much to each one of us--not just for a day or even a week, but for the whole month that we've all been here.
Even though I haven't been directly involved with all that's happening here in the form of attending the meetings, etc., I feel it has been a special time and that the Lord has used it to work in my life. I pray that I've b
een able to make the most of my time here.
Encounters with Mama and Peter
“The Roses!”
By Mary (of Adam), Thailand
[In a letter to Mama:] The roses! WOW! Mama sent me roses! Somebody pinch me quick to make sure I'm not dreaming! Is this real? Mama thought of me? She could have given them to anybody! But she gave them to me, wow! Mama sent me twenty-four beautiful roses-roses given to her on Valentine's Day! This is pretty incredible! I'm overwhelmed!
[Note: The Summit staff presented
Mama with 24 roses on Valentine's Day, as a token of love from everyone in attendance at the Summit. Mama had them in her room, and then set them in a vase by her and Peter's chairs during the commitment ceremony for the CROs. The following day she sent them to Mary (of Adam), in Bangkok, who didn't attend the Summit.]
“Mama started crying.”
By Emmy (SGA), Mideast
One time when we sang “He Was a Brave Pioneer” for the last song of our inspiration, Mama started crying and praying for all of
us and all of the wonderful Family pioneers, thanking and praising the Lord and pouring out her heart to Him. She never ceases to do the humble thing in every situation, loving the Lord with intimate words in public, singing in tongues and countless other things. It shows how much she loves the Lord and practices what the Lord is showing us.
“The next day she sent someone to ask me to go up to her room.”
By Marie Claire (SGA), Japan
During my time here I had a few talks with Mama, and eac
h time Mama passed on some prophecies that she'd asked one of her channels to receive for me, which was so special and such an encouragement to me. In one of those prophecies the Lord was asking me to make some big changes in my life, some of which were pretty monumental. Although the Lord had been working in my life up until that point and had given me other prophecies, both personally and through Mama about the need for this change, this particular prophecy was more specific and therefore more
difficult to take. Actually, although changes are difficult for me, it was wonderful news, and I was so touched by it and by the Lord and Mama and Peter's love for me.
Sweet Mama was so concerned about me, though, that the next day she sent someone to ask me to go up to her room, as she wanted to check on me and make sure I was okay. Again the day after that, she asked me to come up to her room, and she sat with me and talked with me, encouraging me, telling me how proud she was of me, and pr
aying for me.
Mama was very, very busy this Summit, as she was having talk time and prayer time with everyone here. And the times that she wasn't, she was reading our reactions and letters to her, as well as all the prophecies that the Lord was giving through her channels and through us about all the changes and things that we were here to discuss. So it was just so overwhelmingly touching to me for her to take these times with me.
“One free day they were catching a tuk-tuk to town.”
By Ad
am (FGA), Thailand
One very practical example of the Folks' love and consideration was one free day when they were catching a tuk-tuk [local transport, an open-air three-wheeled vehicle] to town, they so considerately brought the tuk-tuk back to the camp, just in case there was anyone else who would like to go in to town at that time. And they wanted to be sure that they didn't take a tuk-tuk that had been meant for another team or that another team could also use.
“Mama would stop to ask h
ow I was feeling.”
By Emmy (SGA), Mideast
Besides being full of life and excitement, Mama was also very concerned and caring. I was four months pregnant at the time, and she was so concerned about every little detail--that I had enough to eat and drink, that I wasn't standing out in the rain, that I was going to wear my seatbelt in the car, that I wasn't working too hard. She even talked with the driver and asked him to make sure that we stopped whenever I needed to use the bathroom or get sn
acks or water. During the Summit, whenever she would see me she would stop to ask how I was feeling, if I had enough snacks to last me through the meeting, and she shared her healthy pudding snack with me.
“It really makes me want to change.”
By Adam (FGA), Thailand
[To Mama:] Thank you for the wonderful blessing of being able to accompany you on your shopping trip. Your sample of being saving in your shopping and always giving a tract to each one we met or connected with, always rememberi
ng to pray for people or situations that came up, continually confirmed in my heart that you are everything I had always thought you to be. I am not a very “touching” type of person, which I've tried for years to do better in, but riding close to you in the taxi and the way you held my arm and my hand and the hugs I received from you made me feel so fantastic. It really makes me want to change and to be that way more with others.
“I found it harder to believe the commendations from the Lord t
han to believe His corrections.”
By Stephen (FGA), Japan
I said that I wasn't nervous around [Mama] but actually I was, just one time-when at the end of our personal time she handed me some prophecies regarding the areas that I need to make progress in. I was expecting to receive some prophecies and even looking forward to them, but as soon as I saw the printout I got nervous and started thinking, Here comes the “coercion by prophecy,” as some detractors put it! Ha!
I got discouraged a bit
when I read them. But the fact is that I knew every instruction and correction in the prophecies was absolutely right, and I had no difficulty believing them as being from the Lord. There were some minor points that weren't so clear to me, so I asked the Lord about them and He gave me clear explanations. I also knew that Mama gave me those prophecies only because she wants to help me, and yes, they were and still are very helpful! I thank God for that. All those who didn't like to be “controlled
by prophecy” and rejected the Lord's counsel for them don't know what they are missing!
Before she gave me the prophecies, she tried to help me understand that it's good to make mistakes because they make us humble, cause us to lean on the Lord more, etc. She even read some sweet things the Lord said to me from the same prophecies before handing me the printout, at the risk of hurting her eyes. Sweet Mama! Actually I found it harder to believe the commendations from the Lord than to believe H
is corrections. He certainly loves me with unconditional love, and Mama shows the same love with her every word and deed!
“You know what I'd like to ask you to do?”
By Emmy (SGA), Mideast
Before our trip to the site, Mama said, “You know what I'd like to ask you to do, besides fellowshipping and anything else you guys want to talk about … could you take some time to pray for the different aspects of the Summit and see if the Lord has anything to say?” Her connection and close relationship
with the Lord is so clear and obvious in the way that she communes with the Lord during her meetings, through inspiration, and in the other things I saw her do.
You can tell that she really has faith in the words the Lord gives. Every meeting we'd walk away from we'd have a new list of questions to ask the Lord. When she had talk time with me, I left with a list of ten questions to ask the Lord-and these were all questions that she got from reading over prophecies that I had received or that w
ere received for me.
“Mama and Peter didn't want to make our mates back home feel left out.”
By Stephen (FGA), Japan
Towards the end of the Summit, we were called to see Mama individually, because she wanted to make sure that she saw everyone and personally said goodbye before parting. When she must have been already very busy! She is so giving.
It was raining that day, but her sweet smile was like a ray of sunshine. She prayed for me and gave me some encouraging words, then handed me a
personal letter to my mate. Mama and Peter didn't want our mates back home to feel left out, and so they wrote a personal letter to each of them. I was so touched by her love and concern that as I walked outside back to my room my eyes were as moist as the air around me.
“By the time I was through talking with her, I was really thankful for these battles.”
By Leila (SGA), Brazil
During my personal time with Mama, we walked together on the beach talking and then also went and sat up in her
living room. Mama has so much faith and a heavenly, godly perspective on things. It's really supernatural! I was pouring out my heart to Mama about some personal battles, but by the time I was through talking with her, I was really thankful for these battles, because she was so positive and pointing out the blessings and things I had to gain through it.
I really like Mama's straightforwardness. She's just so natural about the things of the spirit and asks questions like, “How do you feel you a
re doing with overcoming bitterness?” or “Have you asked the Lord about that?” and so many things like that.
I sometimes try to go about talking about the spiritual aspect of my life with others in a roundabout way as I don't want to appear too “spiritual” or whatever, but Mama is incredibly natural about these spiritual things and so heavenly minded.
“She calls out something like 'Yoo hoo.'”
By Crystal (FGA), India
When we are walking on the beach and we see Mama passing by having talk
time with someone, we don't want to disturb her talk time so we walk on past without looking at them. But when we pass, she calls out something like “Yoo hoo,” so we turn around and she's there waving at us with a big smile and blowing a kiss. Boy, it makes me feel so cared for and loved and touched in a special way.
“A real, live, walking, talking, miraculous answer to the Family's prayers!”
By Oli (SGA), Africa
It's been incredible to see Mama so active!-She's a real, live, walking, talk
ing, miraculous answer to the Family's prayers! One thing that impressed upon me how truly miraculous this has been was that during my walk and talk with Mama her eyes were hurting quite badly due to a five-minute video clip of the Family we had all watched together the evening before, and as a result she had to keep her eyes shut during most of our walk with me guiding her. I realized what a daily battle and miracle it's been that she's been able to be here at the Summit with us all. And not on
ly has she been here but she's been going non-stop, spending walk and talk time with people, counseling folks, asking the Lord for messages for situations and individuals, leading meetings, keeping so very in tune with all that's going on, etc.
“I began to realize that receiving personal shepherding from the Lord is not just taking the time to hear from Him.”
By Joy (SGA), Europe
Over the first couple of weeks at the Summit I had sent Mama a number of different prophecies the Lord had give
n me regarding areas in my personal life that I needed to improve in, as well as His answers to various questions I had asked Him, prophecies full of a lot of personal shepherding from Jesus. Some of these prophecies were pretty long, so with Mama being busy having personal times with each of us (sometimes till very late at night), I didn't expect her to thoroughly listen to all the prophecies that I had sent her. In fact, I wondered if she'd have time to listen to them at all.
However, when t
he time came for me to have personal time with her I was surprised as we sat down together that she had a whole list in her notebook of notes she had taken from the prophecies I had sent her, solutions the Lord had given to my questions, and so on. There were times during our talk that she would ask me a question about something she had heard from one of my prophecies and I couldn't even remember the exact counsel the Lord had given on the subject (oops!) yet she seemed to know all the details,
and asked me about them, having so much faith in what the Lord had given me.
Experiencing this made me feel her great love and concern for each of us, as dear Mama knew so much about me personally. It also impressed upon me how much she believes and stands on what the Lord says. As we talked she didn't just give her own counsel, but kept referring back to what the Lord had told me.
I also saw how I often miss the changes the Lord wants to bring about in my life through the things that He giv
es me due to my lack of expectancy, faith, and thoroughly studying what He gives me. I'll often ask the Lord about something and then read through the prophecy once and then go on without making His counsel a part of my life. After spending time with Mama, I began to realize that receiving personal shepherding from the Lord is not just taking the time to hear from Him, feeling encouraged and going on, but taking His Words as clear instruction, studying them, going back to Him with further questi
ons until those things have become part of my life and I have made the changes that the Lord wants to bring through them.
By the way, I'd like to add that I talked with Mama till about 12:30 a.m., and dear Mama never showed any sign of tiredness. She was full of faith, cheerful, very interested, and making sure that we found the Lord's solutions to my battles or concerns. She laughed a lot and made me feel that at that moment I was truly important to her and the Lord. I left our talk time toge
ther feeling lighter, and not tired at all myself.
“Easy to relax in the Lord's presence.”
By Steven (FGA), Thailand
One of the things that I thought was the most amazing and moving thing that took place here was one evening during an inspiration, when Mama challenged everybody to try to sing to Jesus in tongues and she began singing in this beautiful, melodic, angelic tongue, that mesmerized me at least, and maybe most of us who were in the audience. I don't know if I have ever actually s
ung in tongues, lately at least, maybe I did in the past. But I tried it and it was so effortless, taking it from her faith and the Lord's presence in the room.
I think the fact that Mama is so free and so natural makes it easy for everyone else to relax in the Lord's presence and lift up our hands and praise and speak in tongues. I am sure it is something that every one of us in the Family needs to be more mindful to do often on a day-to-day basis-lift up our hands in praise, as Mama is such
a good sample in doing.
“Mama and Peter browsing around the shops.”
By Crystal (FGA), India
How often do we meet Mama and Peter walking down the street shopping!! Today we did and it was so much fun, just seeing King Peter and Mama browsing around the shops, waving and smiling at all of us passing by.
“Mama was unshakable in her belief that the Lord does all things well.”
By Steven (FGA), Thailand
The Summit team heard the news of David (of Josiah and Marianne) graduating in Africa.
The day following Mama came down and was talking with everybody and was full of faith and unshakable in her belief that the Lord does all things well, and every word of prophecy was so beautiful and eloquently edifying. It was such an example of faith in the midst of adversity.
“That night was a dance night … I was not looking forward to it so much.”
By Oli (SGA), Africa
During my talk time with Mama I shared a little something that was very difficult for me to confess to her. She not onl
y went to great lengths to reassure me of her love but she told me how thankful and proud of me she was that I had been honest! This was very encouraging at the time, but as soon as our talk time was over the battles began. I felt under such a barrage of condemnation. The Enemy was telling me that I shouldn't have shared it, that it wasn't a major thing, and that I could have just told the Lord about it and He would have forgiven me, but that now I had shared it with Mama, she'd think this was a
major problem in my life and would have a hard time trusting me. … And on and on it went! I was under such attack that I had to take it to the Lord. He gave beautiful explanations and once again some encouragement to hold on to.
I then proceeded to write Mama a little reaction to our talk, sharing my battles and including the prophecy the Lord had given me, as well as taking the plunge and sharing a few more things that hadn't come up in our talk together (at this stage I couldn't make things
much worse, ha!). That night was a dance night, which, especially due to these battles, I was not looking forward to so much.-You know, being around so many wonderful people when you feel so lousy! Well, Mama was at the dance and due to the air-conditioning she was in a room adjacent to the main dance room. I was immediately called in for my special dance with Mama, who just held and hugged me and completely melted away all the battles, the fears, the apprehensions. I left that dance feeling co
mplete renewed, the battles gone, and just with a great sense of peace and reassurance.
I've often read about Mama's great love and appreciation of honesty, but experiencing it firsthand was quite something!
Summit Observations
Forty-something CROs, several hundred opinions
By Adam (FGA), Thailand
Attending the Summit has truly been a life-changing experience. Such a wide variety of topics were discussed. Although I knew I wasn't the most open-minded person in the Family by any means,
having been in the Family for 28 years, and lived in many different countries and settings and situations with many different people, I thought I had at least a pretty broad perspective on things, even though my personal opinions can be somewhat narrow-minded at times. But this myth was quickly dispelled, as each meeting was truly a mind-expanding experience.
I would say on the best of days, with my most open-mindedness, I probably had what would compare to about a 90 degree view of any singl
e subject matter, whereas the meetings and the discussions from so many different shepherds, from so many different parts of the world, covered each subject in a full 360-degree circle, and even well beyond this, if that's possible. I was amazed as I watched Peter conduct the meetings in such a way as to encourage and draw out every single opinion and aspect to the subjects covered, so that no stone was left unturned.
For some reason I thought that most CROs probably had generally the same poi
nt of view on most subjects and topics. This proved to be a total fallacy, and as someone so rightly said, “when you get forty-something CROs together, you have several hundred opinions.”
Turn the elephant upside-down
By Ginny (FGA), USA
Just in general, an observation I made during the meetings where we were reviewing or adjusting Charter rules was how many angles and facets were explored regarding each point. It was fascinating to watch and listen to those representing different parts o
f the world, different cultures, and different age groups, debating all sides of the “elephant.” As one person mentioned, “We looked at all sides of the elephant and then we turned it upside down and looked some more.”
Being Marys, not Marthas
By Leila (SGA), Brazil
During the whole time here one of the main messages the Lord had for us was about spending time with Him and learning to be Marys and not Marthas. One of the main things I have realized while here is how the Lord is able to pou
r into us no matter what situation we are in. In the past, I had sometimes felt left out when I'd see others of my peers get to go to Summits or when my husband would go and I would stay behind, but coming here has helped me to fully realize how the Lord has a master plan for each of our lives and it's not like if we don't get to attend a certain meeting or be in a certain place, we “miss out” spiritually. Even here at the Summit, spiritually it's really between each one of us and the Lord, just
like at home.
Considering other angles
By Phoenix (FGA), Japan
During these meetings, there were totally different mindsets and opinions between the first and second generation with certain issues, just because of the difference in the experiences we have gone through. When everyone was sharing their thoughts and feelings and it even got emotional one time, I did think that our younger generation needed to learn to trust the Lord more about these things. But Peter felt led to let our youn
ger generation speak up about their own feelings and even hurts, in order for us to understand that there are folks in the Family that feel that way, and it was very important for us all to consider that.
This really opened my eyes, that I really need to be more open to what our younger generation has to say, even if I already have some mindset, and I need to hear out what they have to say before we bring it to the Lord together in prayer.
Impressions in a nutshell
By Stephen (SGA), Europe
-There was a continual use of and dependency on prophecy-for everything.
-Quite a few young people were on every teamwork and from WS as well.
-Seeing how the Folks and the FGA CROs viewed the SGAs, there was no generation gap or feelings of intimidation or seniority. Each showed a genuine interest and respect for our opinions and ideas, as much as other FGAs. There was a unity and bond and solidarity that didn't matter in age, maturity or title. This made me admire the FGA CROs and the F
olks so much. We are younger and have so many things to learn from them, but they accept us and want us to be a part of the highest levels of leadership and decision-making in the Family.
-Each CRO showed a loving concern and interest in the needs of their fields. When making changes in policy or anything for the Family, the question was continually asked: How will this affect the single moms, the children, the young people, the nationals, the older folks, those on difficult fields?--And so on
-Mama didn't attend the meetings covering policy, Charter amendments, and the board structure. Peter led these meetings with all in attendance, but he led them exactly like the Letter “Good Executive” advises. He got us to share ideas, he helped those who had a harder time presenting their suggestions and points, and he balanced out those who gave stronger presentations by presenting other sides. I can only think of a few times in all the meetings we had where Peter even gave his personal op
inion! He just let us be the speakers and helped to conduct the final voting. The Folks want what's best for the Family, and the Folks wanted to hear how we saw things and how things would affect our fields. The love they have for each Family member comes through even in a top leadership meeting.
The CROs are normal Family members in their perception of themselves
By Marco (SGA), Mideast
I was always a bit intimidated by the thought of being around so much leadership at one time. I thought
that they would all be special people and probably really close to the Lord and consequently not super easy to relate to for an average, normal person like myself. When I met them I found out that they were all special people and they did have a good connection with the Lord. But the thing that made them really special was that they were at the same time normal Family members in their perception of themselves. They didn't think of themselves as special and I found it very easy to connect with t
hem because they were all very humble people.
“I'd start to wonder, “'What in the world am I doing here?'”
By Mike D. (SGA), Mideast
At the time of writing it's been about three weeks since I've returned home from the Summit and I've come out of the “bubble” stage. Now it's back to reality and my normal ministry, but I think I'm still a little bit in awe about everything, and the fact that I was blessed to attend.
There was so much sweetness and affection between everyone, not just in wo
rds but in deeds. Granted, everyone was out of their typical surroundings and the bustle and pressure that they're faced with on a day-to-day basis. But I have to give credit where credit is due, and that's what this is for.
I'm not saying that there were never any differences; I'm sure there were. There were members of both generations converging from all corners of the globe; by my count, those who attended live in at least 13 different countries. The CROs represent the Family and the works
in their areas, and of course this means that what would be best for one area might very well be the complete opposite for another, but it sure looked to me that everyone was going forward, moving and working together in the Lord's Spirit to do what He's asking of them and the Family.
Each of the CROs came across so meek and humble. I would look around and see everyone-each of them top Family leaders, experts in their fields, all very smart and talented-and I'd start to wonder, “What in the wo
rld am I doing here?” But never once did I feel that kind of reaction coming from any of the CROs. The majority of casual contact that I had with the CROs was either during mealtimes and get-outs and everyone was so natural and normal, certainly no airs or pretenses.
“It turned out there were not enough seats for everyone…”
By Praise (FGA), Thailand
We [the staff] spent weeks planning and organizing the trips to bring all the attendees to the site of the Summit. We went over every possible
scenario, trying to make sure no one was stranded at the airport. We thought every eventuality was covered. However, the particular trip that I was on somehow ended up with a couple of additional people, and there was one factor we had overlooked-luggage. After all the suitcases, laptops, winter coats, and miscellaneous bags were in the van, and piled on the roof rack, it turned out that there were not enough seats for everyone.
During the four-hour drive, with ten people squished into seven
seats, and some tall CROs scrunched up with their knees to their chins in the small Asian van, I got the first impression of how sweet, precious, humble, unassuming, appreciative, and praiseful the CROs were. Mind you, this was arriving in 30-plus degrees centigrade, 90 percent humidity, after a sleepless night and spending 14 to 16 hours packed in economy class flights from the cold north-and still dressed in their winter woolies!
“Peals of laughter from the dish line…”
By Thai Anna (FGA),
When I was first asked to go and help at the Summit I had mixed feelings. I was inspired and challenged about the blessing of being a part of this monumental event, but on the other hand I was a bit nervous and apprehensive, as I've never been around so much leadership at one time for a long period of time. I was there to help on the staff with cooking, shopping, communicating with the hotel staff, and so on.
When the time came, I found out everyone was so sweet, simple and loving.
They made it so easy for us, the staff, to be good and were so encouraging the whole time we were there. You can see that they really work hard and put in long hours, discussing and praying about what will benefit the Family, but they do know how to enjoy themselves also in simple ways, like having yummy food, dancing, playing, and so on. Sometimes you could hear peals of laughter from the dish line as they joked and had fun with each other. Just seeing how they were willing to help in any way t
hey could to make our job easier was a real sample of true humility.
Now I'm back at my desk doing translating and my ministry, and I'm fighting to put in to practice all that I saw and learned there in my personal life.
“There were bound to be a few screw-ups.”
By Mike D. (SGA), Mideast
Something that impressed me was the way that everyone put their hearts into the meal cleanups. The way the schedule worked, each [CRO] teamwork did lunch and dinner dishes once a week (NACRO split in tw
o for this, and the staff was the seventh team), and everyone wholeheartedly did their jobs, whether it was slop wash, sweeping or whatever, even going so far as to take people's plates from the table and wash them themselves.
Of course, despite our best intentions, there were bound to be a few screw-ups upon occasion, such as the meals being late, the laundry schedule not really flowing (sometimes there was quite a backlog or several days before people got their laundry back), network problem
s, the shredder overheating on the last day (you should have seen the reams of paper to be shredded!) or even the slow connections of the upcountry Thailand Internet connection being shared by so many people at the same time. I would think that there would have been frustrations for some people, and probably there were, but that never came across.
Last but not least, I want to say how our job as staff was made easy by so many people, not the least of which were Mama and Peter, who were constan
tly making sure that we weren't doing too much and finding ways to cut down our workload.
Everyone was so appreciative of what we did and had no qualms about expressing it. I don't think there was anyone who didn't thank each one of us staff members for the job that we were doing. One night when the staff wasn't available for our turn on dinner dishes, one of the NACRO teams did it for us. Another of the CRO areas took the ten of us out for dinner (thanks, SACRO, we all had a great time), and
just in general everyone was so good to us.
“No Greek nor Jew, male or female, CRO or staff…”
By Praise (FGA), Thailand
Something that touched my heart in a very special way was how the CROs brought us into their circle of friendship, making each of us feel that there indeed was “no Greek nor Jew, male or female, CRO or staff.” And by the end of the Summit I felt I was close to each and every one in some way, through working on some project together, or having a little talk time on free da
y, a lesson shared or an interesting conversation at the dining table, a walk on the beach, get out, or from doing a fun activity together, not to mention the many hugs and inspiring interactions throughout each day.
As an FGA I was also very, very impressed by the SGA CROs-their love, dedication, simplicity, openness, honesty, and sincerity. It was easy to understand why the Lord has called them and chosen them for their big jobs. Being around them I was totally at ease, and there was no gene
ration gap whatsoever.
“Not as wacky as some might think…”
By Philip (SGA), USA
Our Family leaders-both those in WS and the CROs-aren't as wacky (emphasis on as) or out-of-touch as some might think. They have the same needs, problems and desires that the Family has as a whole. They cry, laugh, sing, have battles. And to top it off they have spirit and fight. You should see how they fight for their fields and people. They're great folks!
[Insights into the Family's government]
By Ado (F
“Would you like to come to the Summit?” read the invitation letter. “Your input would be appreciated.” Wow! The Summit!! Although I thought it was an honor to be asked to participate in Summit 2001, I was a little scared. I'd never attended a Summit before, and didn't know what to expect other than what had been pubbed about them. Although I enjoy talking and giving my opinions, somehow I wasn't exactly jumping up and down with joy at the thought of attending the Summit with WS and CR
O leadership gathered from around the world for a month of meetings. Only days before departure I even contemplated calling the CRO who had sent me the invitation and canceling. But, here I am writing this as the Summit draws to a close, and thankfully, I can wholeheartedly say, “I'm glad I came.”
I have been thrilled to see Family government in action. I have always been fascinated about the functions of government and how laws are made. I thought that the Family at large would also be very i
nterested in this aspect of Family government. “Somebody should write something to describe to the Family all about this wonderful happening,” I suggested. But rather than having busy WS do it, I will attempt to put it in my own words.
After a few days of introduction to the meeting site, the business at hand, and the various procedures of how the Summit was going to work, it all began. We were each given nearly 500 pages of devotional material to read which kept us busy in between the six hou
rs spent daily in meetings. Monday through Saturday were considered work days. Two meetings were held each day, each meeting three hours long. Some were group meetings of all the CROs and WS personnel, and others were smaller subcommittees or CRO teamworks. Apparently, as questions or reports regarding the Charter or Family policies in general come into WS via the CRO offices, they are compiled and sent around to the CROs worldwide for their input. Here at the Summit these questions and the CRO
comments are turned into proposed Charter amendments or discussion points given to subcommittees.
The subcommittees (there were six of them) consisted of one or two members from each of the five worldwide CRO teamworks. Each committee had four or five meetings to discuss and pray about the points they were given and then present their conclusions to the body of CROs and WS.
It was in these large group meetings that the action really got hot. I often sat in amazement as CROs and WS personnel
first of all asked the subcommittee questions to clarify their decision. Then when the floor was open for debating, things got real exciting. The proposals were examined from top to bottom, thoroughly dissected and put under a microscope from every angle in order to see how each would impact the Family Homes worldwide.
The CROs were very faithful to represent their fields, their countries, and the Homes in their area. There were CROs from the east and the west, from the north and from the sout
h, from rich western countries and poorer developing nations. There were young twenty-something CROs, older mid-fifties CROs, male and female, liberal and conservative, and just about everything in between. But what inspired me the most was that they each had conviction to speak up about what they felt regarding each proposal.
In these meetings some delicate and sensitive topics were discussed, like the sex guidelines, alcohol quotas, education of our children, ex-com rules, pubs, future Famil
y expansion, and much more. Everyone had the opportunity to speak and share his or her point of view. At times some spoke with great passion, emotion, or were just funny. But the overall discussion, after all was said and done, came down to “How will this proposal affect the Family?” “How will it affect the Homes … our young people … our FGAs … our children?” These questions were repeated over and over, after almost every proposal or discussion.
Now, I've heard both current and former members
talk about the “Family Rules” being made by Mama and Peter, as if there was some “dictum” sent down from “on high.” Well, that ain't so. Although the subcommittee presentations began with Peter sitting with the CROs, when the debating began, it was obvious that his presence was needed up front to guide the debate and to keep things orderly. A few points took a full three hours to cover, and final decisions were not always unanimous. It was inspiring to watch as Peter tried to keep the discussion
s on course and the points clear.
An interesting thing that several CROs mentioned to me is that it was difficult to tell what Peter's opinion was on the matter, because he would summarize both sides of the issue before a vote. Oftentimes Peter would present the opposite viewpoint of an issue just to see how a certain argument would stand.
The voting was interesting. Often a straw vote was taken just to see the general leading of the body. And if it was split too closely, the debating would
continue until it got closer to a unanimous vote. Even then, if there were only a few dissenting votes on a matter, Peter specifically asked those individuals to give their reasons why they felt differently.
Believe me when I say that these CROs are not pushovers. They are definitely not “yes men.” Each had his or her opinions, thoughts, and feelings about the proposal, and they weren't afraid to present them. Granted there were some more involved in certain aspects of Family life than others,
or those who were more vocal about a topic that they were more familiar with than another, but, generally speaking, each had a great concern about each proposal or topic.
After each presentation, the proposed Charter amendments that got approved were sent back to the subcommittee to finalize the wording. Then each point of discussion or Charter amendment that was put to a vote was also passed on to several of the CROs for prayer and prophecy to ask Jesus for His vote.
I wish there was a way
that all the Family members worldwide could get a glimpse of these discussions. I believe it would inspire their faith in the Family and their CROs to see how our Family nation is governed. However, like a worldly government can't have everyone attend the law-making sessions in legislature or parliament, it is not feasible for all Family members to participate in such deliberations. Thankfully, though, all Family members and all Family Homes, no matter what countries or continents they are in,
were faithfully represented by their CROs and WS personnel. It would behoove each of us to pray for our dear CROs, as they carry such a heavy load and have strong convictions and concern for their areas.
With all the prayer, discussion, and voting on these important issues, I'm sure the Lord will successfully lead and guide our Family into this era of action.
[Log of outstanding moments at the Summit]
By Crystal (FGA), India
I wrote a little log of my interactions, thoughts, and impressi
ons of my encounters with Mama and Peter.
We [the staff] spent the past six days cleaning up the kitchen, rooms, and compound getting ready for the meetings. Very hard work, but lovely surroundings, which makes it quite pleasant actually.
* * *
January 14th, 7 PM. I met Mama and Peter personally! She was so sweet; she made me feel so at ease around her. Considering she's our queen, she was meek and humble and very personable. She talked most of the time, making it easy for me, because she p
robably knew I was feeling nervous. She even thanked me and said how privileged she was to be here and to meet me. So humble and unassuming, it was amazing. She held my hand the whole time and was wonderful. I didn't feel even the tiniest bit nervous.
She said that she felt she has known me for a long time, and then she said, “Of course I've known you for a long time.” She was trying to remember if she had received a prophecy from me or not. I was amazed because I thought that they would just
be thanking people generally for their prophecies, but she actually knew that she didn't remember receiving mine.
Dear Peter also was very sweet and hugged me two times-so cuddly! What a privilege being here and not only being around the CROs but also Mama and Peter and their staff.
In talking to Michael (from WS) at the table, he mentioned to us that it would be good for us all to make the most out of this time, to be sucking in spirit and drawing from the spiritual riches, even just being
around the place, so that's my prayer right now.
* * *
January 15th. There was a meeting for everyone in the meeting hall and we were all invited. It was special because Mama came in, and when she entered she said, “Well, you can all take a good look at me now, because you won't see any bare skin for long, because I'll have to start putting on my sweaters right away!” It was an air-conditioned room. She was dressed in a small singlet [summer top] with no bra and it was quite revealing. She wa
s bubbly and excited and talkative. You were just transfixed to see her talking and interacting with everyone. So sweet. She has such a spirit of calmness and liveliness, but also seriousness of spirit, really drawing and sucking for anything the Lord has for her at any time.
This is not to minimize the impact of dear King Peter. He's majestic in many ways. You can see he loves Mama and is happy she's here with him. He's funny and direct and very sweet in his presentation.
* * *
I saw Mama
again today. She was wearing a very cute wicker cap, turned up at the edges. She had dark glasses on and cute Indian-style clothing-most of her clothing is loose and free. She walked up to some of the delegates after her walk and talked for a while-very natural. She is sweet and always seeing the need.
* * *
Joy lost her wedding ring today. It flew off her hand when she was playing volleyball. Mama was nearby and noticed, as we were all searching and combing through the sand to try to find it
. Mama had gone, but then someone came back and Mama had called for Joy and she sat talking with her, obviously concerned about how she felt about having lost her wedding ring. I walked by, not wanting to disturb their conversation, but Mama called out and cheerfully said hello to me by name and then she carried on talking to dear Joy.
* * *
(Praying about my day today:) Jesus, I'm just so thankful for the beautiful dance night last night, for being able to love my brothers and sisters, for i
nteracting and taking time with them. I'm especially thankful for Mama and Peter taking time and dancing with me. They were both very precious and I felt loved inside. It was towards the end of the evening; I was sitting with Steven, as he wasn't able to dance [he had a sprained ankle]. I saw Peter walking towards me and holding out his hand in such a gentlemanly way! Boy, was that a thrill--to go onto the dance floor with him. It was beautiful taking time dancing with Peter. I felt Your love, J
esus. I felt like a little baby nesting up in Your arms. He was touching my face and hair; it was sweet and gentle and I loved it. I know You love me, Jesus, and I thank You for that unconditional love. Peter said he was sorry he didn't talk much during our dance, but in not saying anything, it spoke loud and it reached right into my heart-his love, tenderness and care. We danced for two dances and I was just flying high in Your and his arms. Oh, the first thing he said to me was he thought I wa
s an SGA and he said that it might encourage me, ha!
Dancing with Mama was truly a wonderful experience for me. Misty told me I was going next into the room, so I had someone pray for me that I would be an encouragement to Mama and it would be an anointed time. She was quite delicate and I pray I wasn't holding her too tightly. I had my face next to her neck by her hair and we hugged each other quite closely all the way through the dance. She had a very thin shirt on with nothing on underneath
and I think it was see-through. There were candles in the dimly lit room and the bed had a glass piece on it, with a candle in the middle. I prayed for her and thanked the Lord for her, for healing her eyes, for her sacrifices, for staying up late, for the opportunity to be here at this time, for His love for us. She then prayed a very sweet prayer for me, thanking the Lord for me and for all I've been through in my life, for being willing to stay in India and I can't remember what else.
said that she was thankful I hadn't cut my hair, that I had still kept it long. We were both crying together and I'm sorry if I hurt her eyes, but I couldn't help it. At the end of the dance we both had tissues, and then she looked me in the eyes and said I had a sweet or gentle spirit or something like that.-I can't remember now. I came out feeling like I was walking on a cloud.
On the way out, I met up with Peter again and he thanked me for the dance and wished me good night. Rebecca came an
d said I looked lovely, and I know it was only because I had the privilege of being there with them and every other precious Family member. What a privilege.
* * *
February 10th. I've just come back from being with Mama and Peter and having dinner with them. What an experience that was! It was my secret prayer that we would be able to do that, as the CROs did, but at the same time I knew how busy they had been and I didn't want to be too greedy, but all the same it was my secret prayer! Anywa
y, the Lord worked it out and I'm so thankful! They took a picture of us all together, but I doubt I'll ever get to see that, but it was nice to know that we do have one together and we can see it in Heaven, ha!
They are both so in love with each other, lifting each other up, preferring the other, being sensitive to each other's needs and leadings of the Spirit. They are also natural and normal together, sitting at the head of the table, talking about odds and ends, thanking us and just being
very human and loving! Again, they make you feel like you are a part of them and that we're all special to them. (End of Crystal's log)
(End of File)