DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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Notable Quote:
(Dad:) Show the Enemy you're not going to surrender. Show him you're willing to go down with the ship. Keep fighting! Fight until your last breath. God loves a fighter.
If you want to grow, you have to be willing to be trained, willing to learn what you need to know to do the job He's called you to do. It's all part of the job description.
("Gems and Jewels, Part 1," ML #3416:145,148)
Keys Promise:
The power of the keys penetrates into every fiber of your body and becomes your shield of light and your sword to conquer all your foes.
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Xn Ad:
Modern Parables!
Lina: Jesus, what kind of parables would You have told the people if You had been born in this age instead of 2000 years ago?
(Jesus speaking:) The parables I told were simple stories for that day, and they would not be terribly complicated today either. Sometimes the purest thoughts come in the simplest packaging. But here is a fresh parable for the modern day, and particularly for you, My children. (End of prophecy.)
Lina: Thank You Jesus! "The Parable of the Two Globetrotters"-don't miss it!
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Xn Ad:
Jesus quoted in Kevin Kanwayte
(Jesus:) Though these words are a bit different than the usual message from Me, they are indeed from Me. Who says I can't be funny and unconventional? If anything, I can be and am the most humorous humor columnist of them all, and I sometimes wish to grab the attention of My children through slightly uncongenial messages.
(Xn: Professor Jesus speaks on gossip! Kevin Kanwayte.)
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Xn ad:
Finally!-And Caricatures!
Dear Xn readers,
You may remember that in Xn 14 we mentioned publishing your photos and one-liners about being a "Professional Christian." Sorry it took us so long. Due to the varying quality in the photos sent to us, the Lord led the Xn team to transform your photos into caricatures (that is, Tiago transformed them-thank you, Tiago!). You'll be able to enjoy this "Extra" in the next four Xns.
Your Xn Team
P.S.: FYI, due to the travels of our madly moving missionaries, the locations of each P.C. may not be current. Keep moving for Jesus!
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Xn Ad:
You Need All Three
Don't you see? The three pieces that fit together during these Last Days to defeat the Enemy, to give you power to rise to victory and to make it through till the End are Me, the Word and the keys. Together, We are your salvation, your anointing, and without all three you won't make it.-Jesus
("Feast 2003," ML #3433:71)
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Efforts Magnified
(Jesus:) The saying, "No man is an island" is very true; every life makes a difference and affects another. But something I want to point out to you is that this saying is even more true of each of you in the Family, because you've given your life to Me to help others come to know Me and My love.
You travel the world over reaching out and touching many lives, much more so than most. And because you're yielded to Me and attuned to My Spirit and My leadings, I'm able to lead and guide you so that you are in the right place at the right time. Also because you give My love to others and not only your own love, it has a much more profound and lasting effect.
Your smallest efforts are magnified many times over, for little is much if God is in it.
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The Hours and Minutes of Preparation
(Xn: This message was received by an SGA.)
(Jesus:) The days of preparation are over; boot camp might seem silent. It seems like nothing's happening. Where is this war that they told you to prepare for?
Don't be deceived by appearances. Although there's not a breath of wind in the air, and no sign of activity, I tell you that it's simply because the armies are getting into position. It's the calm before the storm.
It's easy to become distracted as you continue with your personal preparations-dumping your extra baggage and getting your act together for the front lines. It's difficult to envision the magnitude or intensity of the battle that is soon to come, because the sun is shining and all seems peaceful.
But I say, gird yourselves with soberness of mind, watching and waiting always, knowing that your orders may come at any moment.
In some ways there is elation in your heart. You did not know when the days of preparation would end, and sometimes you might have wondered if they would ever end. But now they have. Now you know, you have My word, that things are advancing. Yes, finally-action! You feel mild excitement and anticipation.
Things you have heard about for so many years are upon the horizon. You may not see them with your eyes yet, but if you are very quiet and listen, you will hear the faint but unmistakable sound. It is the sound of the drums of war.
The drums of war are beating, My brides. Heaven is a beehive of activity. There is no fear, but all are watchful, attentive, and diligent in their preparations. There is excitement, but also great soberness.
My forces are preparing to be unleashed to stand by your side. History has seen great battles between right and wrong, but no one in Heaven has ever seen such great preparations for battle as I am ordering now.
Your helpers in the spirit world know that soon I will unbar the gate, and let the tide of evil cover the world, unhindered by Me. So they are watchful, diligent, committed to being faithful to My Words, and doing all they can to assist you, so that you, My children, will have an edge.
So must you also watch and pray, and work the works I have given you while it is yet day.
Yes, the great battlefield is still silent. But look into the distance and you will see the forces of evil stationing themselves. So also are My children stationing themselves. Almost everyone is in place, and there are but a few more troops arriving and positioning themselves where I have ordered.
Yes, you might still be waiting. But do not let the duration of the wait dull your senses, for the forces of evil are ready. They have been preparing for centuries-even millennia-just as I have been preparing My forces.
There is another noise. It is a noise of laughter and of drunken revelry. There is a large tent off to the side of the field, in an area between the two forces. It is filled with the soldiers who gave up waiting for the great Endtime battle, the soldiers who did not stop long enough to hear the drums of war, or to heed My battle orders. It is a tent that is steadily filling, too, for as the time draws nearer I am letting those soldiers go whose hearts are not fully with Me, and whose faces are not set to the battle at hand.
My children, My brides, keep your faces forward. As you return to your beds each night, take care to polish your new weapons well. As you go about your day, take care to work with a hammer in one hand and your sword in the other. Enter into My chambers often-for though I am your War Commander, yet I am also your Husband, and the doors of My tent are always open to you.
Keep your heart right with Me. Tell Me your fears and your reservations now, so that I may dispel them. Do not wait and carry them into battle. Strengthen your confidence in Me, so that even when it seems you are alone in the thick of the battle, with enemy soldiers on all sides, you will still hear My voice clearly in your heart. My new weapons will not fail you.
Sanctify yourselves in Me now, that My Spirit may fill you to overflowing. Then there will not be any room for the fear of the Enemy. You shall see his ugly face as never before. The sights and the sounds of battle will be gruesome, but you must remind yourselves that I have already defeated the Enemy, and that this is but a reminder to him that I am more powerful. And because I dwell in you, so shall you be more powerful.
We will be victorious, but before victory there must be battle, and before battle there must be preparation. As you have been through the days of preparation, so now are you in the last hours and minutes of preparation. Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation.
Notable Quote:
(Jesus:) I know that you were happy to hear that the days of preparation are over and now is the time for battle, but to do battle you must be spiritually fit, tuned up and toned in spirit and ready for all that the Devil will throw at you. Build up your faith muscles daily through using My Word and the weapons I've provided to fight the Enemy at every turn.
("The Era of Action!-Part 2," ML #3289:108, January 2000)
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The Inside Scoop
(Jesus:) "When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed about with armies, then know that the time is near." (Luke 21:20)
Much time has passed since the day I spoke those words. Some people believe that prophecy was already fulfilled when the Roman armies besieged Jerusalem. Those were indeed days of vengeance, when My Father let My blood be upon the children of those who cried out "Crucify Him" against Me.
But you will see Jerusalem encompassed with armies once again, and in those days shall come the Great Tribulation, of which I spoke, and after which I shall return in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory, and every eye shall see Me.
There are still many things and forces of history that must fall into place before this can happen, but it will happen, and it is happening. The time will come when the things that have been mysterious will be made clear, and you who understand among the people shall find yourselves instructing many in the things that you know and have been taught.
You are going to know the truth. You are going to have the inside scoop on the big deal being signed. You'll know when the treaty is going to be broken. You know what will become of this ultimate world leader who shall rise with his smooth speech and promises of peace. You're gonna be way ahead of CNN or TIME Magazine in understanding who are his friends, and who are his enemies. You'll know who his secret allies are, and that he'll recover miraculously from his deadly wound.
You'll know who is going to stand up against him, who he's going to overthrow, what kingdoms will side with him, and how he will try to enslave everyone by branding them with his mark and his number, 666.
Much of the rest of the world is forgetting about these things. Even the Christians don't hear much about this time and these details from their pastors. But to you, the children of David, I have given these details, these secrets, this insight into the future of the end of the world that is soon to come.
So study the words that I have spoken, that you might know and understand among the people, and be strong and do exploits through your intimate knowledge of Me and these things that are to come.
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The Parable of the Two Globetrotters
(Told by Jesus)
There was a young woman who, from the time she was of age, traveled often, seeing first this place then that. She loved Me, and sought to serve Me in all her travels. However, she could never stay long in one place, and after working in a certain land helping others and ministering in My Name, she longed for distant unexplored shores and could not be dissuaded no matter how dire the need where she was.
There was a young man who equally loved to travel. He had seen many lands in his childhood and more when he had come of age. He too loved Me and sought to serve Me, and he too felt the tug of distant unexplored lands before much time in his current situation had expired. He too could not resist the lure of adventures not yet had, and being tied to no personal family, would be off in a flash the moment opportunity arose.
What is the difference between these two youths who serve Me? I shall tell you something of a detail I have not told you before.
The young woman allowed the whims of her heart to lead her about, and though she sought to please and serve Me in all her travels, she seldom bothered to ask Me specifically where I could use her talents most, or where the need was greatest.
The young man, on the other hand-no less subject to the whims of his heart-sought My voice of personal prophecy for all his plans and desires, and thus I was able to lead and guide him in all his many and varied paths. I was able to gently instruct him to persevere yet a little while in a land that had grown old to him, and thus his life was more open to the perfect timing and the rhythms of My will. As a result, I was able to bring him great happiness and contentment so that by and by, when he landed in that one field he was called to from the beginning, he had learned to trust My voice. Now, though other lands beckon him-and indeed I do bless him with forays into new territories from time to time-he has truly found his calling and place of service, that special place I have prepared for him in this Endtime.
Even so, I have prepared a place for each of you, My children. Though you love adventure and challenge and change, seek My still voice in your heart at each bend of the road, that I may lead you by and by to know and to love My voice, and to know and to love the field and place I am ultimately leading you to. It is that place where you will fight best and feel the most happiness and contentment when the great Endtime battle begins.
(Xn: Stay tuned, DV, for more modern parables in "Blade.")
Xn Ad:
Blessed Even in the Routines of Life
(Jesus:) Don't fear the routines of life; these things have to be done whether you're in the Family or some other place. All of mankind has routines and sameness in some form or other. But know that the children of David are specially blessed even in the routines of life, because you have the wonderful blessing of knowing that you're doing it for a worthy cause.
Those of the world who don't know Me and who must do some similar things, just ordinary things of life, feel a much greater sense of hopelessness and futility. They really suffer with feeling like nobodies and that nobody even knows they exist, that they don't make any difference. They're really the ones who need help with boredom. Some have almost no contact with anyone, and no lasting goals to strive for, and yet they have to continue on day after day.
Most of all, you, My brides, know that your labors of love are not in vain, but that what you are accomplishing is worthy of many blessings, is worth a great reward, for you are helping someone in another land, or in another Home, to have a touch of My love in their life. You're helping to make it possible for My precious Words to get out, for My Family to preach the Gospel and reach the lost. This is a great thing, which is worth enduring a little boredom for from time to time.
("Issues, Part 13: Bored?" ML #3430:102-104)
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Caricature of a Professional, Part 1
(Xn: For a refresher on what makes a Professional Christian, please refer to Xn Issue 6 (pages 22-23) and Issue 7 (page 28). Also, as you read the notable quotes we've included in this "Extra," know that they apply to all of you who are striving to be disciples for Jesus.)
"The greatest goal in my life is to become a professional Christian and I wouldn't trade anything for it."
Celeste (12), USA
"When it comes to being able to use your creativity, inspiration and initiative, I think the Family's definitely where it's at-this is where my destiny is."
-Steven (18), USA
Notable Quote:
(Dad:) The closer you get to the Lord and the more tuned into Him you are, the more of an individual you become, because He makes you into what He wants you to be, which is different from what He wants everyone else to be.
("Individuality," ML #3302:72)
"We are not kidding… We're professionals!!!"
-Tim (41, of Shine), USA
"Just between you and me … we're expert Xns."
-Andy (12), USA
Notable Quote:
(Jesus:) People won't necessarily remember you for the clothes that you wear, the hairstyle that you have, or the jewelry or trinkets you sport, but they'll always remember your spirit. They'll always remember the love you gave, the freedom you possessed, the cool treasures of the spirit that were a living part of you. Those are the things that count. Those are the things that make a difference. Those are the things that make you stand out in the crowd.
("Individuality," ML #3302:5)
"Family education rules."
-Andrew Vee (SGA), Mexico
"Please count me in, I do not want to be left behind! I want to be a professional, AND STAY ON THE BALL!"
-Abi (French, 30 years in the Family), Senegal
Notable Quote:
(Mama:) Jesus was a missionary! He left His Home in Heaven with a mission from His Heavenly Father-to live, love and die for humankind. His was the greatest mission of all, and we follow in His footsteps when we become missionaries. "Because He laid down His life for us, so we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
("Be a Missionary!" ML #3135:16)
"This goes out to all you peoples. Stand strong, the best is yet to come. We can do it, if we stand as one-together. Love the challenge, always."
Sophie (16, of Dove), Mozambique
Asa: "The Professionals Rule. Stand true to your convictions. Be true to the Revolution!"
Ben: "Kick Satan's lies back to Hell, and stay a Professional Christian no matter what!"
Flo: "Conviction is our stand. Stay true to your calling as a Professional with the keys of the Kingdom!"
-Asa (13), Ben (13), Flo (11), Mozambique
Notable Quote:
(Mama:) As you open your heart and yield your will to Jesus, He will show you the path that He has for you, one where you will find fulfillment and joy and the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a difference in others' lives-which is what being a missionary is all about!
("Be a Missionary!" ML #3135:17)
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Kevin Kanwayte:
Human Rights Activist Almost Condemns Gossip
By Kevin Kanwayte
At the closing of a recent international Human Rights conference, Sara Scuttlebutt (16) publicly condemned any and all forms of gossip, with the one notable exception being hearsay transmitted via e-mail.
"Gossip can cause serious spiritual and psychological damage to the environment, and should be completely prohibited in any way, shape or form!" said Scuttlebutt, who immediately received a standing ovation from conference attendees. She then added, "On the other hand, I've just gotta keep my friends abreast of ... well ... everything, so let's just turn a blind eye to e-gossip." The applause quickly turned into a round of head scratching.
It is estimated that during the course of a week over 50 megabytes of gossip originates from Miss Scuttlebutt's computer and is passed on to those of her friends. When asked about the possible negative repercussions, Scuttlebutt's response was, "But they are my friends-they won't tell anyone."
Interestingly, an identical response came from several of Scuttlebutt's acquaintances, including Chuck Chinwag, who has for years been re-distributing e-gossip to friends of his own. When asked about e-gossip, Chuck explained. "It's a great way for people to have sweet fellowship time ... sort of. Sure, it sometimes causes people to weep bitterly and feel like dying and stuff, but it's really all a lot of fun, once you get addicted to it."
However, "fun" is not the word used by professional handyman Harry Hardway (17), who after years of reveling in "e-gossip," himself became a victim when a scandalous e-mail appeared in his Inbox and that of all his immediate friends. The e-mail contained an ongoing discussion about his secret pink stuffed dinosaur named "Boo-Boo," which Mr. Hardway keeps under his pillow for clandestine bedtime cuddling purposes. "It was extremely embarrassing for not only me, but Boo-Boo as well, to have such personal details plastered all over the Internet. I want no further part in e-gossip!" he exclaimed.
While Human Rights Activist Sara Scuttlebutt maintains that e-gossip is "much less harmful than other forms," some experts vehemently disagree. When asked for an opinion, Professor of Everything, Jesus Christ of the University of Heaven answered:
"Gossip is gossip! If, for example, you hear a rumor that your friend's boyfriend has been having an affair with a toaster, whether you spread the rumor verbally or write it in an e-mail message, it's still insidious gossip, and must be stopped immediately. E-mail is a terrific tool that you can use for My service, but Internet technology can greatly accelerate the dissemination of horrible rumors that can really hurt people. So, before you hit that send button make sure it's not going to hurt someone. Put yourself in another's shoes."
When asked to comment on Dr. Christ's professional opinion, Sara Scuttlebutt refused to comment, citing personal matters needing attention. Rumor has it that an e-mail has recently been circulating about her, with excessive details about her big hairy ... well ... let's not spread a rumor, and instead let Dr. Christ counsel her.
(Xn: While names and events depicted in this article are of a fictitious nature, the message from Jesus is a real prophecy and applies to real-life situations.)
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Kenasha the Artist
(Xn: This message was given anonymously as a birthday gift to an artist.)
(Spirit being speaking:) I am Kenasha, one who is gifted to project heavenly visions and illustrations, heavenly images and forms-that which inspires and moves and speaks to those who view them.
I am among the great art masters who sit in the Heavens, those who create, who illustrate, who paint heavenly visions, those who mix colors, who blend, who shade, who tone, who lead, who guide, who mentor those who will yield to us, in the ways of heavenly art.
I am highly skilled in heavenly graphics, highly exercised in heavenly styles, for my mentor is the great God of the Universe, the Master Artist, the One Who paints the sunset and Who has illustrated all that is pure and beautiful in the world around you. And now, He commissions me to be by your side.
May our hearts be melted as one. May our minds blend, our thoughts merge, our spirits blend. Jesus, make us one in love, one in friendship, one in the art skills of Heaven, a finely knit team for You. (End of message.)
(Xn: Do you have an artistic streak? Why not ask Jesus for some specific spirit helpers to help you develop and hone it?)
Keys Promise:
The keys can open your eyes to the workings of the spirit world like never before.
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Radicals Unlimited:
Ambassador for Christ
(Courtesy of Voice of the Martyrs.)
Name: Boris (pseudonym)
Location: USSR
Time period: 1970s
Finally the inmates' mocking laughter stopped.
Boris did not smile.
On purpose-to humiliate him for his faith in Christ-the prison guards had issued him a uniform that was twice his size. The sleeves reached his knees; his gigantic shoes made him look like a clown. When he entered the barracks, the criminals, incited by the camp commander, greeted him with laughter and ridicule.
A prisoner came and bowed in front of him with fake piety. "I greet you, Holy Father. You are the Ambassador of Christ Himself. Do you represent the interests of Heaven?"
His mocking words gave Boris courage. He forgot how ridiculous he looked and boldly answered, "Yes, I do represent Heaven. That is why the atheists hate me and have imprisoned me."
Boris recalled, "While I was preaching to those despising sinners, the sermon affected me too. Soon, I wanted to hug them for having reminded me of my high calling!
Many fear suffering; in the past, I too feared. But the presence of the Lord in jail has given me so many happy experiences that I would not have changed them for years in easy living in freedom.-Boris
[End of box]
Notable Quote:
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.-Paul the Apostle
(2 Corinthians 5:20)
Keys Promise:
The keys of the Kingdom will help bring about conviction and vigor in your life.
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Recap of Sharpen Your Sword, Part 2
(Continued from Xn 24)
(Condensation of the series found in ML #3420 to #3427, August 2002.)
"Dad's Glorious Graduation!-And How We'll Carry On!"
(ML #2946, October 1994)
(This was compiled from Letters Dad gave before his graduation, published shortly after his graduation.)
(Dad:) Jesus will still lead you after I'm gone. Don't worry about it. The same One that's at the head of us right now is still going to be the head of you, and that's Jesus!
If you've got your eyes on me as being the only head, God help you, you are in a hell of a mess, because when I die you're going to flunk out like some of the disciples did after Jesus was crucified!
"Yeah, yeah," some may say, "sure, Jesus is going to be the leader. But through whom?"
Well, who is the most logical instrument that God is going to use when I am gone?-Maria, of course! The Lord has even said so several times, that she is going to become a great prophetess of the Lord!
So she'll have her ministry then, and it'll be her ministry, not my ministry! She will be anointed for that hour, and she will have the victory and the anointing and the power and the leading and the guidance and the revelations that will be hers, uniquely hers, but the same Spirit, same God, same Family!
I think the Lord's indicated quite a few times that I'm going to continue to minister to her, whisper in her ear, continue to help her take care of you.
(Prophecy to Maria:) "Fear not, little one, for I the Lord thy God shall be with thee whithersoever thou goest, and I will lead thee into the pastures of the mountains. I shall lead thy flock unto the valleys of the mountains that they may find pure water and green pastures that shall sustain them until the hour of My coming."
(Dad:) Our foolish foes don't realize that God's Word and Family will go on with or without me, because it's God's Word and it's His Family! It's going to boom more than ever, praise the Lord!
"Mama's Love Story!-Part 2"
(ML #2993, February 1995)
(To Mama in prophecy, Dad speaking:) And concerning your love and the fact that I worked to put you two [Mama and Peter] together, don't be afraid to share that. Don't be ashamed, don't worry, for it is only a continuation. It is a continuation of our love together, and it is a continuation of Jesus' and our love together. We're all still one.
All that's changed is that I am here and that I have helped to put a deeper love in your heart.
And my children shall rejoice that you are well cared for and that you are happy, and that you have love and feel loved, and that you are not lonely or sad.
(Mama:) This talk is called "Carry the Crown," which Dad gave about four years ago:
(Dad, to Peter:) I want you to take her hand, honey, and tell her that you will take care of her.
(Peter: I'll take care of you, Mama.)
And you will help feed my sheep. You've done a good job. I'm proud of you. You've done a good job of taking care of Mama and all the sheep and the shepherdess.
I anoint you now in the name of Jesus to carry the crown if I should die.-To carry the crown, to help the queen carry the crown.
If I should go, then you two shall be able to carry the crown together. It's a heavy load, but the Lord will give you strength and wisdom, anointing and inspiration.
You are a king and a queen, better fit and able to carry the crown than I am, because now I'm old and I'm tired and I'm sick, and these people who are young and strong like you two can carry the crown. Okay? Amen. King Peter and Queen Maria.
Now I feel better, because I know if I should slip away that you have the anointing. I anointed you, now don't forget that. Don't tell me you can't. You are now heirs apparent. Okay? Now that's that! Don't ever forget this little ceremony.
(ML #206, February 1973)
(Heidi is crying because Grandfather is talking about dying:) (Dad:) You must not cry. I'm not going to go far away. I'll still be here, although you can't see me, and if you be real quiet I'll sing to you songs of David and whisper you words of spirit.
Maybe Peter can build you a nice house right here in my cave, and the wind will never blow it and the rain will never strike it and at night you can hear me whisper and sing to you.
Peter's nice boy and he love you and help you take care of Grandpa's goats, and he help you milk the goats and make the cheese and he make you good husband.
"Mama's Love Story!-Part 3"
(ML #2994, February 1995)
(Jesus:) So what if I call this one "king"? I could have called him "dog"! Or "beggar"! I have called him a faucet. I have called him a knight.
What is in a name? Yea, there are many things, for it is a test, it is an honor, and it is what I have chosen.
(Jesus:) This is My king in whom I am well pleased. He is no longer a consort, but a king.
Do you think it strange that he should now be called king? Was he not a prince? And what are princes for if they do not become kings?-For that is what they are groomed to be, that is what they are trained to be.
My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me. Did they not follow David? Did they not recognize My voice in him?
And I called him by many names. I called him MO, I called him David, I called him Jeremiah, I called him Daniel, I called him a toilet, I called him Moses David.
It doesn't matter what you are called, My sheep hear My voice and they will follow Me!
(End of File)