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MLK #180
July 2003

Great Men and Women of God Who Help
Know Your Spirit Helpers-Part 2

Art by Shae

Copyright © 2003 by The Family

       Excerpts edited from and based on “Happy Family Birthday 2001!” ML #3320, GN 924 and “Mama's Birthday 2002, Part 1,” ML #3443, GN 1024.


Speech bubble (angel):
       There are many great men and women of
       God who lived before us, who now help the Family. Some of these are…

Page 2:
David Livingstone

Speech bubbles (David Livingstone):
       You are always exploring new ways to spread the Word. I admire your determination and pioneering zeal [enthusiasm].
       Your love for the lost is what I love most about the Family. You too are pioneers and explorers, for you have pioneered a way of life that few have lived since the days of the Early Church.
       For more about David Livingstone's life, read LWG 2, page 358.

       Ask your parent or teacher to do a further study from the Letters and an encyclopedia on the lives of the spirit helpers mentioned in this MLK.
       Also, ask these spirit helpers questions you have about them, and talk to them personally. Have fun!

Page 3:
Martin Luther

Speech bubbles (Martin Luther):
       I appreciate how the Family prays as if everything depends on prayer.
       I once told my helper, Melanchthon, that we had to spend twice as much time in prayer if we were going to get everything done we needed to do that day. That's how important it is to pray.

For more about Martin Luther, read LWG 2, page 319.

Pages 4 and 5:
Joan of Arc

Speech bubbles (Joan of Arc):
       I am the weak and helpless one who led the armies of France to victory.
       I have done many jobs for Christ since I've been here.
       I am now at your side with my heavenly army, waiting to be given orders to carry out missions and to attack the Devil and his forces as needed.
       There are tens of thousands under my command. We are honored to help the Family and to fight for the faith. Use us!

Ask your parent to view with you age-appropriate excerpts of the JETT-rated movie Joan of Arc (starring Leelee Sobieski) to learn more about this spirit helper.

Fact box:
       Joan of Arc, also called the Maid of Lorraine, was a simple Catholic teen girl whom Jesus used to lead the armies of France to victory in the year 1429. One of Jesus' helpers, Saint Catherine, spoke to Joan through visions and prophecy, giving her messages from Jesus. This was at a time when very few people heard from the Lord and spirit helpers in prophecy. Jesus was calling Joan to lead the armies of France to defeat the English who ruled large parts of France. She took up the challenge, and rode with the armies of France, and led them to victory over the English at the city of Orleans and several later battles.
See also CCHB 3, pages 158 and 160.

Pages 6 and 7:
Florence Nightingale

Speech bubbles (Florence Nightingale):
       Near the end of my life, when someone asked me for my life's secret, I replied, “Well, I can only give one explanation. That is, I have kept nothing back from God.” And now I can tell you, He has far more than repaid me.
       The Family's willingness to go anywhere, anytime, to be little nobodies to help and serve others, to comfort the brokenhearted, is what I love about the Family!
       I'm proud to help you from Heaven. Anytime, anywhere, at any hour, I count it an honor to help you, dear Family, in any way I can.

       Ask your parent to view with you age-appropriate excerpts of the JETT-rated movie Florence Nightingale (starring Jaclyn Smith) to learn more about this spirit helper.

Fact box:
       Florence Nightingale was born in 1820, and raised in a well-off British home. She forsook the easy life to lead 38 other women nurses in caring for wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War (1853-1856) under difficult circumstances. This was in the days before nurses were common, and
       Florence Nightingale is known for beginning the nursing line of work.

Page 8 and 9:

Speech bubble (Cromwell):
       Jesus has instructed me to help the Family and to give you courage. You have the most righteous cause on Earth!

Speech bubble (Cromwell to the army):
       Men, God has brought us to where we are.

Fact box:
       Oliver Cromwell lived from the year 1599 to 1658. He was a Christian country gentleman who led the people of England in a fight against the corrupt and selfish king who ruled England at that time. Cromwell then ruled England as Lord Protector from the year of 1653 until he died in 1658. Many years ago, in 1971, when the Family was first in England, Jesus told Grandpa that Cromwell was helping the Family.-And he still helps us today!
Pages 10 and 11:
Queen Victoria

Speech bubbles (Queen Victoria):
       When I reigned on Earth as the queen of England, it was one of the greatest periods of British history.
       I really wanted to see England be a blessing to the world and a help to others. Thanks to Jesus, a great deal of good was accomplished when I was queen.
But a great deal of bad also happened, which was disappointing.
       This was due to the selfishness of some of those who helped me rule.
       I see in Mama Maria the fulfillment of what I tried to do. I see the purity and the unselfishness of our precious Lord's love shining brightly through her. She rules with great love and wisdom.
       I am there for her whenever she needs me to counsel and guide her and help her to rule wisely.

More from Queen Victoria:
       I thought Britain was great when she reached the point that the sun never set on the British flag. [That means there were lands ruled by Britain all around the world. So when the sun was setting on one side of the world on part of the British empire, there were lands in other parts of the world where the sun was still shining that were also ruled by Britain.] But that is nothing compared to the new nation of the Family. Not only does the sun never set upon the Family, not only is there a Family member somewhere witnessing, helping others, reaching the lost, every waking moment around the globe, but you're doing it in a way that is truly making a difference.
       You're conquering the world for love and the truth-the real values in life. This is what I admire most in the Family. I only gave the world British rule; you're giving the world the Kingdom of God!

Fact box:
       Queen Victoria ruled England from 1837-1901.

Page 12:
Catherine the Great

Speech bubbles (Catherine the Great):
       I come to give Mama Maria encouragement and strength, from one queen to another.
       I will help her with the things which I have learned, which helped me to be a great queen, to help her rule and reign over the children of David.
Fact box:
       Catherine the Great was the empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796. She is another former great ruler who helps Mama Maria.

Read more about Catherine the Great in MLK Book 2, page 429.

Call on Jesus, and He will activate these and other spirit helpers to help you.

       You can read about some other spirit helpers in “Many Are the Helpers of David,” KTK 3, page 241. (Also, do a study using the reading list in the Kiddy Cat Book, “The Spirit World, Angels and Spirit Helpers,” page 100.)

(End of File)