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MLK #178
June 2003

Know Your Spirit Helpers-Part 1
We Are Helping You!

Copyright © 2003 by The Family Art by Shae


       Meet Archangels Michael and Gabriel (pages 6-12)

Page 2:

Angel boy speaking:
       Hi! Jesus sent me from Heaven to teach you more about your spirit helpers.
       In this series of MLKs we will be introducing you to more of us spirit helpers. First let's talk about some of the angels and awesome spirit beings who help you.
Page 3:

       Angel boy speaking: You've heard about the three angels who were assigned to you when you were born:
       1) the angel of your heart and conscience,
2) your guardian angel who protects you,
and 3) the angel who prays for you.
       (See “Prayer Angels,” MLK #138.)

       Jesus speaking: Many are the helpers in the spirit world who help the children of David.
       I have given each of you as many spirit helpers as you need.
       There is always one available to assist you whenever you need Our help.

Pages 4 and 5:

       Angel boy speaking: Two other spirit beings that help are…
Natalia who leads you in praise, and Ellya who is teaching you how to use the keys.
(See “Ellya,”MLK #156.)

Speech bubbles:
       Teacher: Suzy, it's your turn to lead praise time!
       Girl: Let's use Natalia's praise cards to say praises to Jesus! (See “Christmas
Praises,” MLK #141; and “Praising with Natalia,” MLK #167.)

Natalia speaking: My specialty is to lead you and all of Heaven in praise!

Speech bubbles:
       Second teacher: Let's have prayer vigil on the way to the park. We can claim these keys promises when we get there.

Pages 6 and 7:

       Angel boy speaking: There are two archangels who have been assigned to care for and help the Family. The archangels Michael and Gabriel are mighty angels, like generals, who lead the armies of angels in defense of the Family.
       Archangels are super-duper angels that are put in charge over other angels.
(Edited from ML #1499:1 and ML #1500:90.)

Pages 8 and 9:

       Angel boy speaking: Michael is the Archangel whom God has put in charge of the Family. The Family is his most important responsibility.
       In the Bible the Archangel Michael fought the Prince of Persia. Read Daniel 10:4-21 to hear the full story.
       Need help in hearing from Heaven? Michael will help you like he did the prophet Daniel. Ask for his help!

Speech bubbles:
       God: Deliver this message to My prophet Daniel.
       Demon prince of Persia: You're not getting past me.

Michael to the rescue!

Speech bubbles:
       Spirit helper: O Daniel, understand the words that I speak unto thee.
Daniel: My lord, there remains no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.

Pages 10 and 11:

       Angel boy speaking: The archangel Gabriel is in charge of the Word. He protects it and gives it out from Heaven to all of My children.

       Archangel Gabriel speaking: I am the angel Gabriel, the keeper of the reservoir [large lake] of the Word of God! Jesus has commanded me to open the reservoir, so that a flood of His Word will pour forth.
       And so I, the angel Gabriel, have opened the reservoir unto the children of David, and unto all those who hunger after the heart of God.
       Ask and you shall receive. According to your faith it will be given unto you.

       If you want to know more about these two powerful archangels, ask your parents to explain these portions in the Letters about them: ML #115:5; 12-18; ML #622:5; ML #3119:27-34;
ML #3420:177; ML #3429:1013; and ML #3444:121.

Page 12:

       Angel boy speaking:
       The archangel Gabriel is the angel God sent to tell Mary about how she would give birth to God's Son, Jesus (Luke 1:26-37),
       …and later Joseph, about how Mary would give birth to Jesus, God's Son (Mat.1:19-21).
This same Gabriel helps the Family!

       Later in this series we'll introduce you to other spirit beings and departed saints who help the Family.
       Have you read, “Holy Ghosts!-More Holy Ghosts!-The Spirit World” in Junior DB 1?
       Also, the full versions of these Letters, “Holy Ghosts” (ML #620), “More Holy
       Ghosts” (ML #621), and “The Spirit World” (ML #622) have more interesting details in them.
       Ask your parents or teachers to read these with you.

(End of File)