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More about Mama, Part 2

From “Ask Mama!-No.2” ML #3248, GN 850, 6/98 & No.4 ML #3281, GN 901, 6/98

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

The Lord has said how He's given you a new anointing. Are there any particular ways you've seen this new anointing manifested?

Yes! Actually, the Lord recently talked to me about one aspect of that subject when I asked Him a question having to do with my anointing of answering people's questions.
       Since Dad went to be with the Lord, it just seems like I've really lost my anointing as far as having answers to give to people. I often draw a blank and the only thing I can think of is ... Let's ask the Lord about it!
       I thought the Lord was probably doing this on purpose to help me really make it a habit to ask Him about everything, and also so we'll see that He's serious about giving us the answers Himself, straight from Heaven in prophecy.
       When I asked the Lord about it, He called it part of my new anointing.

This is your new anointing-the anointing of having no answers of your own, the anointing of weakness in your own ability to answer people. Through this new anointing, I've turned you to Me for the answers you need.
       It's so much easier for most of My children to lean to their own understanding, to give a quick answer or judgment from their own past experience or reasoning.

       Speech bubble:
“What I've usually found in my experience…”

       Jesus continues:
It's much harder for them to learn to turn to Me and seek My leading and My answers for everything. They struggle with their own natural strength and reasoning.
       Whereas, you, My precious queen, struggle to do anything in your own carnal reasoning and wisdom, and need Me for everything.

       Speech bubble:
“What color sweater should we get him?”
       “I have no idea. Shall we ask the Lord?”

       Jesus continues:
I've planned it this way so that you, as My queen and head of the Family, would set the standard and the sample of turning to Me, o f seeking Me and praying and listening for My instructions and obeying the things I say.
       This is one of the most important things that I wish to teach all of My shepherds and children to do.
       And by using you as their role model and sample, I make it much easier for them to follow and learn the way that I desire to work through them.

       Speech bubble:
“How did you know I would like this color sweater?”
       “We asked the Lord!”

       Jesus continues:
It also makes it much easier for you, My love, because you don't have to think up the answers on your own.
       You don't have to worry about whether you're giving people the right answer or the right counsel, because you turn to Me and get the answers directly from Me, and can rest assured that what I say is the right thing.
       This eases the pressure and strain of your leadership role, and lightens the great responsibility that you would otherwise feel if you thought that you had to come up with all the right answers.
       I've ordained it that you must come to Me and let Me carry the burden. Let Me bear the ultimate responsibility.
       It's not a weakness that you can't think of what to tell people without seeking Me; this is your greatest strength! For through this you allow Me to work and do My will as you constantly turn to Me for everything. (End of message from Jesus.)

Are there any things you really dislike and that really upset you?

I think the things that I dislike the most are things that people do th at hurt themselves or others. I ­really don't like to see people hurt.
       Of course, sometimes we have to be hurt in order to bring about the Lord's purpose in our lives.
       For example, if we need correction, even if it's going to hurt, we still need it, and it's through the hurt and the breaking that we're made better.

       Speech bubble:
“We have to tell you this, Keana, because we love you!”

       Mama continues:
But I'm talking about here when something is unnecessarily hurtful to someone, or hu rtful in a bad way-when it's through our lack of prayer­ful­ness, lack of love, or disobedience that we bring about the hurt, Lord help us.
       The things I really dislike, because through them people hurt themselves or others, are:

       1) When our folks watch bad movies which pollute their spirits and influence them negatively.

       I don't think people always realize just how powerful an influence movies have on them, without them even knowing it. It really bothers me when people watch bad movies , because I know it's corrupting their spirits and hurting them even if they don't realize it.

       2) Another thing I strongly dislike is when people gossip about each other.

       It's so sad to see people hurt, offended, stumbled, and weakened in their service for the Lord because of some­one's gossiping about something that's none of their business! Lord forgive them!
       And when reporting something or talking to your shepherds, it's very important to present situations prayerfully and carefully when you talk about anyone to anyone!
       Present things prayerfully so that what you are saying is accurate. And hopefully you're talking about it to the right people.
       May we all pray desperately for the Lord to put a watch before our mouths and completely stop talking about others in situations that are not appropriate!
       “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” (Psalm 141:3)

) Another thing that really hurts me and that I don't like is when people say unkind thi ngs to others, or don't show enough love.

       It really saddens me when I see an obvious lack of love. Unkind words can often discourage and wound someone's spirit in a way that takes a long time to heal and get over.
       We're all responsible to others for the words we say and the effect these words have on them.
       Lord help us, we all need to always be asking the Lord for more love. That's something we can never stop growing and making progress in.-There's always room to grow!
       In the Lord's ey es, no matter who you're talking to, you still should pray and ask the Lord to help you say things lovingly-whether it be sharing your heart, giving observations, or just chatting casually.
       Lord help us all to be more prayerful and to pray for more love in our words and actions! Amen? I love you all!

Mama's Sweet Tooth

Do you like sweets as much as you did when you first joined? Did you get the victory over your sweet tooth?

I asked Dad if he would like to answer this for me. Here's what he said:

       Dad speaking:
My dear precious little birdie was so attached to those sweets that she was almost addicted. I prayed about it one day, and the Lord showed me that she needed to stop. It was a real fight for her to give them up. She just loved those little candy bars and chocolates and candies. Goodness me, she would eat just about anything as long as it had sugar in it!
       When the Lord told me to get her off them, I argued with Him a bit, wondering if it was really necessary that I get so involved in her life, and the Lord confirmed it through the voice of His Word.
       So I went and told dear Mama, and God bless her, she took it without being sensitive and started to try not to eat them. But it was such a fight, and we had to keep working on her and reminding her and keep those things well away from her. It was as if she were irresistibly drawn to them and she just had to have them!
       But thank the Lord, after a few months of gentle and firm prodding , she finally got the victory to where she could at least resist them herself, and her face was clearing up wonderfully!
       I remember she used to try to sneak a few in here and there, but either I or someone else would catch her and remind her, and she would-grudgingly at first, then cheerfully later on-skip those yummy desserts.
       I loved your Mama and wanted her to have a nice clear beautiful face, like her personality. She's done so well and is such a fighter! Even now she asks me or the Lord about whether or not it's okay for her to eat certain things, and because she now does it in moderation it is okay, and it doesn't have a bad effect on her.
       Besides, now the sweets she does eat are made with either honey or raw, unrefined sugar, and don't have white sugar in them, which is poison and just totally robs your teeth and body of all the nourishment you need.
       That's why I've encouraged you all to eat healthy things, because you are the temple of the Lord and He wants you to have the healthiest body you can, so you can do the job better and be a better sample.
       If you were to see Mama's face now, it's just gorgeous, radiant and lovely! I still love her more than any other woman. She was God's special gift to me, and there could never be another one like her.
       It's so nice that I've been able to stay so close by her, and that I've been able to stick around all of you, my dear loved ones. This truly was my heart's desire.

Care of Your Teeth

Excerpt of ML#190:7-9
Fro m: “NEWSLETTER AND ADVISORY II”-MO December 1972 NO.190

       I IMMEDIATELY ATE ALL THE CHOCOLATE-COVERED NUTS-the only kind of candy I like-out of a box recently sent us in love from Love and Asaph, but I helped my little secretary resist temptation of her favourite sweet by putting her on a strict ration! When she first came to us, she had a rather serious acne problem which she'd had since her early teens, but which the Lord and I cleared up completely with a strict diet with little or no sweet s in just a few weeks, and it also helped her teeth-only one cavity in four years!
       OF COURSE, I, WHO HAD HAD only one cavity in my first fifty years, was a pretty good teacher on the subject, as my father had taught us from childhood to always rinse our mouths thoroughly with water immediately after eating or drinking anything sweet, and to eat as little sweets as possible, as they not only rot your teeth, but also rob your bones of calcium, the building material with which your body tries to repair those cavities! See what the Bible says about honey, even.
       NEVERTHELESS, EVEN I MUST HAVE BACKSLIDDEN SOMETIMES, BECAUSE RECENTLY I HAD TO GO TO THE DENTIST WITH MY FIRST TOOTHACHE IN 53 YEARS, and he found several small cavities!-Shame on me! However, he also found two brand new wisdom teeth just coming in nicely! When I told him I'd only had one filling in my whole life and that one thirty-five years ago when I was 18, after a little patchwork, he said, “Well now! That should last you for another thirty-five years!”-And Maria rejoiced at the good news that she only had one in four years, as her previous record had been pretty bad before I and the Lord and the Revolution got ahold of her! So take good care of those teeth God gave you!-They may have to last you all your life!-Eat right, clean right, rinse right and live right!

(End of File)