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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #99; November 1, 2000.)


            Christopher, born to Heidi and Yvan in September.--France

            Casey Paul, born to Milah and Daniel on September 5.--Russia

                Ian Fenix, born to Angelica on September 6.--Brazil

            Lorenzo Emilio, born to Marie-Claire on September 9.--La Reunion

            Anna, born to Katya and Benjamin on September 11.--Russia

            Michael, born to Grace and Steven on September 12.--Poland

                Andres Javier, born to Katrina and Mateo on September 15.--Brazil

            Francisc Valentin, born to Kris and Peter on September 17.--Romania

            Dominique Lee, born to Pauline and Sonny on September 18.--Russia

            Sundeep Solomon Lama, 3rd boy, born to Kalyani and John S. on October 12.--India


more disciples …

                Miguel Fire (19, Brazilian) joined in Brazil.

            Giovanni Meek (24, Italian) joined in Italy.

            Michael To Go (21, American) rejoined in Spain.

fervently pray for our brethren in bonds

By Mama

            I hope that you're praying every single day for Joseph and Simon, and the court case going on in Mexico. Our Family there is depending on each one of us to pray. We should be praying in the morning, noon and night, at every mealtime, before going out, before going to bed--at all times. The Lord has promised to deliver them, but remember, He leaves a lot up to our prayers. Our fervent prayers can make the difference for them, and move God's hand to work powerfully and quickly on their behalf.

          Here's an excerpt from a recent letter that Joseph sent me, which I want to share with you all, so that we can be faithful prayer warriors and intercede for our brethren. “When one member suffers, the whole body suffers.” Please be faithful to pray and do your part in bringing about the victory of our loved ones' speedy release!

 Dear Mama and Peter,

            ILY so very, very much! Because we submitted an appeal against our being held in prison, our court case has stopped, pending the results of the appeal. I know the Lord is going to free us, He has promised it. Sometimes, though, I wonder in what form this miracle will take place? “Not my will, Lord, but Thine be done!” I know the promises the Lord has given for victory, but time had started to wear me down, and just like that, our precious Lover reminded me of Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.”

          Mama and Peter, I just want you to know that the Word is so important to me. It is what gets me through. We have several Daily Breads. We have received copies of some of the New Wine, and we have our Bibles. I try to take at least two hours per day in the Word. I have also received several prophecies that I have been able to write down. It is such a blessing to have the Lord's Words with us, and to see them come alive as promise after promise is fulfilled!

          We have one bellwether sheep out of the group we have been witnessing to. Simon and I were moved to a different section of the prison where we do not have direct contact with this man. We have found out that he has a nightly prayer session with eight others. TYJ! Just seeing his faith and that of the others grow has been an inspiration. Please keep this dear one in your prayers!

          You are constantly in my prayers. Your sample of love and dedication is so wonderful. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you. When He blesses you, He is blessing us. He uses these blessings to give us the New Wine and an ever stronger taste of His love.

          This experience has really turned me into a prayer warrior. I fall asleep in prayer. I do not make a move in the morning until I've prayed for the day. I even find myself waking up in the middle of the night praying for the legal team! I thank Jesus that I'm able to uphold everyone in prayer. I used to think it was least I could do, because I had been the type who was always out the door. Well, now I know it's the MOST I can do.

          I pray that my next letter to you will be proclaiming the Lord's victory! I love you all so much!



 Special Action FSMs!

           With Action GNs going out each month, the effect is being felt, seen, heard, and experienced throughout the Family. A special series of Action FSMs will bring to you testimonies and reactions from around the world! You have probably already received the FSM about the pivotal Conéctate meetings in Mexico--in following mags you'll read more about the eruptions of follow-up fever in Mexico! Coming next: two FSMs by Tommy and Spanish Juan about their live-out ministry in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Next is a compilation of testimonies from India to Taiwan, Bulgaria to Ghana, including that of a super on-fire group of live-outs in Liberia who had desperately prayed for training and saw the answer to their prayers in the arrival of the Family.

            There are many others who've pioneered vital follow-up, live-out, and discipleship ministries both in Brazil, and in Homes around the world. We salute all of those involved in follow-up ministries and congratulate you for all your pioneering efforts, and the vast amount of progress you've already made in this ministry! The rest of us are just now trying to catch up to what you've already been doing for years. Although there are not entire mags covering your accomplishments, we know that they are just as great as those covered in the current FSMs. Please send testimonies and reports of how you've been able to win fruit that remains, so that we can learn from you! We're sorry that in these Action FSMs we're not mentioning the many Homes who have pioneered active and fruitful follow-up ministries, but we would like to include your lessons and testimonies, so please write'm up and send'm in so we can all benefit.

            And stay tuned, Family, for the exciting stories of how YOU can shine in the  Activated program, following up and shepherding, as the Lord promises in the Action GNs!

THE BIBLE album--Double CD

           $10 for both CDs!

Mail your order to:

            P.O. Box 65215

          MexCity Mission

          San Antonio, TX 78265 USA

          E-mail address: TheBibleCD@aol.com

 Shipping Rates                      First Class    Priority                   International

1-2 CDs           $1.75                $3.50            $ 4

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7-15 CDs         $3.50                $6                $10

February to September 2000 Activated Shiners!


             As mentioned in our last notice regarding Activated Shiner Prizes, we'll be giving prizes to the top Activated distributing Homes for the months of February to September 2000!

            Below we're listing the top 10 Shiners for February to September. We'll be giving prizes to the top three (who all got out over 100 subscriptions for this period). Congratulations and God bless you for your faithfulness to feed the sheep!

 Top 3 Homes, and corresponding prizes:

            $500 - IA 42 (Bangalore Service Home, India): 244

            $350 - IA 40 (Rose Garden Home, India): 232

          $150 - JA062 (David Searcher and Team, Japan): 127 (mostly sponsored subscriptions for Africa)

4th to 10th place shiners:

            IA21 (Bombay DF Home, India): 86

            IA27 (Elkanah and Faith, India): 62

            IA25 (Simon and Sarah, India): 48

            IA23 (Victor and Dove, India): 46

            IA50 (Jewel, Stephen and Rejoice, India): 38

            IA07 (Andrew and Mary, India): 32

          US1191 (Steve, Sherry, Nic, Eva, USA): 31

 Reflections for Christmas!

By Chloe, for the Reflections team

            For Christmas this year, we put together an illustrated four-page set that tells about the birth of Jesus in the words of The Living Bible. This is conversational, modern English that presents the events in readable, story form. With beautiful original art by Kristen, these pages could help people who are not from a Christian background understand what Christmas is all about, and how Jesus' birth was so special. They could also be used for children, photocopied on colored or textured paper as a small gift, or used to read the Christmas story together with friends or family as part of a special Christmas event.

            The other four Christmas Reflections pages are aimed at those from a Christian background, people familiar with Christmas but who may or may not understand its true meaning. We pray these pages help you bring the Christmas spirit of God's love and His Word to those you are ministering to. We love you!

Grapevine snail-mail address change!

Here's the new one. Please discontinue using the old one immediately. Thanks very much! Write us!!

The Grapevine

P.O. Box 168751

Irving, Texas, USA


 Activated Members Only corner!

            Come one, come all, and check out the new Activated section on the Members Only site. You'll find up-to-the-minute news, stats, tips, follow-up resources and more!

            Please be sure to visit regularly, because a lot of the material is only available on this site, and not in print!

Some of the site's features:

          (Note: Some of these features are already up on the site, others will be added as they're done. So if you don't see something there yet, don't despair! It's probably coming soon. Rather than wait until we had a whole bunch of stuff to put on this section, we thought it best to get something up and add as we go. So keep checking back and there will be new stuff all the time. Activated is moving forward!)

Happenings: Testimonies, photos, news, meetings, etc.

Tips: Ideas and suggestions from those who are making Activated work!


          Overall monthly subscription stats, worldwide and by area.

          Ongoing Shiner stats of the top 20 Homes, so you can see where you're at. (COMING SOON!)

Online subscription form: Send your Subscribers' information to your Activated desk online.

Contact information for Activated desks.

GP tool information: Master list of all tools, and hot-off-the-griddle information as soon as new tools are released.

Q/As: Answers to your questions about the Activated program and GP products.

NEW! Basic Course for new disciples in the making. This project is still in progress, and each new class will be posted as it's finalized.

Follow-up resources: Bible classes, seminar notes, and other teaching materials and resources sent in by our Family worldwide.

Stuff: Downloads of all GP/DFO pubs including:

          New Wine (NEW! Letters from the latest GNs edited for friends and live-outs!--As well as condensed versions of some old favorites.)


            Activated mags

          Living Waters

          DFO GNs

          CLTPs (Power and Protection, etc.)





          And more coming!

          If you have suggestions of features you'd like to see on this site--things that would interest or be of help to you--please let us know! There will be a place on the site to post your suggestions.

The Vine needs YOU!

By your Vine team, Thailand

            “Have you seen your face on The Vine yet?”

            “Have you wondered why your ministry hasn't been featured on The Vine?”

          “Would you like to see more news of far out places, ministries and testimonies on The Vine?”

          “Well, you now can...”


            It's simple! Take out your video camera and film your CTP project, wedding, travels around the globe, toddler's show team, Johnny's first tooth coming in, Uncle Shadrach's first plane ride, etc. There are folks out there in the Family who are dying to see it and hear it and feel a part of what you're doing. So send it in today to our NEW address:

            THE VINE

            P.O. Box 520

            Samsen Nai

            Bangkok 10400


Here's a quick preview of what's coming on Vine #003

          The Lukthoong Phenomenon

            Chile CTP ministries







          and more...

legal and media - Europe, September 2000

            SOUTH AFRICA - David, Liberty and Precious: An article reaching one million was printed in the Daily Dispatch, a local newspaper, about the prison ministry CTP here in East London.

            ICELAND - Thaddeus and Sara: DV, a national populist newspaper, ran an informative article with a photo of Sarah in her clown outfit. The article (reaching about 15,000) explained our work. A popular news magazine show also did an interview with Victor about his work and life in India. There was a film shot by Victor from India, including scenes of his personal family, the deaf work, children with an elephant. It was a very positive show with positive audience reaction (reaching about 100,000).

            REUNION ISLANDS - Isaac, Meekness and Natacha: The second biggest newspaper on the island ran a beautiful full two-page article about our personal testimony and our local CTP association. We've received very good feedback from our friends and people who have called us, wanting to contribute with goods for Madagascar, etc.

            An article (reaching about 150,000) came out in the second biggest daily newspaper of the island, Journal de L'ile, in a special report made on outstanding characters living here. It was about our life testimony and our local association.

            SWEDEN - Steven and Christina: The King's Pavilion is a documentary about a Thai pavilion in north of Sweden. Swedish Andrew (Jonas) was interviewed. It showed clips of him performing in Thailand reaching approximately 430,000. (This is the figure we got from the TV station. However this is very approximate, as this television station is the main one and broadcasts throughout Sweden, with a population of about 9 million.)

rumor mill

            Q: We heard a rumor among some YAs that, when a gift is sent to someone on the mission field through the TRF, that WS is collecting the tithe from it--which of course would not be right since it is a designated gift for which tithe has already been paid. Could you please clarify this for the sake of all?

--Peter and Hanna, France

            A: Of course not! Not only does WS not “skim off the top” 10% of designated gifts that they forward, but we forward them for free and usually take the exchange loss ourselves! I bet you can't find a bank in the world that would do that! The only time 10% of designated gifts is collected is when the recipients of the gifts themselves tithe on them via their TRF, which they should do.

 FTT #18: Rapturous Feeling


 1. Rapturous Feeling

           Paul M./Jaffy/Juno/Juno

 2. Beyond Me


 3. Song of Freedom

           Andrew V./Michael Piano/Michael Piano/Andrew V.

 4. Know It's True

           Gavin, Tigo, Emmanuel/Parmenas and RAD/Parmenas and Emmanuel/Emmanuel

 5. Lion in Winter


6. Innocence of Love


7. Heart Cry

          Steve M./Michael E./Steve M./Owen C.

8. Love Me

          Esther WW/Esther WW, JJ/Esther WW, JJ/Steve M.

9. One Flesh

          Nora C. and Emmanuel/Jeremy and RAD/Katrina L. and Emmanuel (Inspired from Song of Solomon; Revolutionary Lovemaking; Christian Digest “Sex Is Holy;” “Sinless Sex”)

10. Lest I Fall Away

          Sunny/David L./David L./Francesco

11. Like This

          JJ, Owen C./Julz, JJ/Michael E./Steve M.

12. Counting the Days

          Steve M./Jem, Danny/Jem, Danny/Steve M.

13. My Love for You

          Vas/Windy/Windy, Vas/Vas

14. It's Gonna Be Fine

          Jeff, Chris/Jeff/Jeff/Jeff


            How far does a missionary's calling beckon? And above all, will it be answered, even if it means entering a country torn and shattered by war and desolation?

            Read “Despite Raging War” in the upcoming Free Zine #48, for the story of a large family and team who found their calling in Liberia. There were tests, trials, and difficult circumstances, but the Big Someone saw them through.

            You wouldn't want to miss it--a testimony for all, both young and old.

Reminder: Feast 2001 will be held from January 2-January 4. Please begin to arrange your schedules, witnessing and relative visits or trips around our 2001 Family Feast schedule!

Don't miss...

            Heaven's Library special Christmas edition A4 coloring book. A beautiful story poem to go along with 12 pages of pictures for your children to color. Coming to a mailbox near you!

            Don't miss Kidland #14 for a special extended feature on how to help your little ones fight against fear!--It's jam-packed with words from Heaven, top tips, expert opinion and more. Also join us in Kidland #14 for a cool celebration as we “Ring Christmas Bells” together!

            Check out the testimony from the Jubilee Team (Rome) at the once-in-a-lifetime witnessing opportunity--Giubileo, World Youth Day, in an upcoming FAR! Pictures coming soon on the MO site!

reax to New Wine

The Way Things Really Are in WS

          Now that I know more about you all, I super appreciate you and your labors of love to pump the Word to us. No matter what others say or think about you, I think you are great and incomparable. I personally never heard slander about WS; I took it by faith and appreciated each one of you for cooking up the Word--our Lifeline. After reading “The Way Things Really are In WS,” it gives me a clear picture of WS, makes me love you more, feel closer to you, and sympathize with you, as you are also going through trials and experiencing things that we experience, and are as normal as we are here on the field.

--Female FGA

None of These Things Move Me

            I just finished reading, “None of These Things Move Me.” One thing I wanted to comment on is in paragraph 278: “If you will partake of it, you will know whether it be of God or whether it be of man.” That's what I've found in my personal life. I know it's true because it's true in my own personal life. So it is with the new revelations and new moves of the Spirit. They become indisputable when you personally experience them, and until then, I can imagine there is room to doubt. That's why I like to jump in and get my feet wet right away, as if I just stand on the shore debating what the water will be like, I might talk myself out of getting in.

          I mention this because in talking to different people, I find the thing I have the most conviction about is my own personal testimony and often that's not so easy for others to dispute, especially if you say it with love and conviction, about what it means to you. I've not found anyone who would tell me that my own personal experiences are not true. Also, that's what is the most convincing to me as well, and what I fall back on if I start to waver--I know how it works in my own life, I know it is true and real for me personally, and it makes me so thankful that you have had the faith to introduce these new moves to us that continue to make our lives so much more fulfilling.

            I think often people's doubts might center more on not wanting to try, and then criticizing something that they personally haven't really experienced. I find it hard to believe that people can be convinced of things they don't experience personally. They might do a little lip service, but it will never become real until it is real in a personal way, just like everything about the Lord! So we can continue to encourage people to try, but if they don't want to, then it's very difficult to think they will really understand some of these spiritual principles.

            I don't know how anyone can make sound judgment of something they haven't personally tried; and if they do try, then their eyes will be opened by their step of faith and it will be clear to them, or at least begin to be. We just have to take steps of faith. I guess it's come to that!

            With prophecy, hearing from Heaven, and Loving Jesus, I know they are true because I practice them and they are changing my life. I can't imagine arriving at the same conclusions by just reading a new pub and trying to analyze its validity. You have got to take your shoes off and get into the water to even begin to be able to make any kind of clear judgment. If we aren't willing to do that, then it's hard to even intelligently discuss the subject, although it's not even an intelligent decision that needs to be made, but just a childlike step of faith. I believe that if we do try it, the Lord will more than meet us in even our smallest steps of faith, and He will reveal Himself to us!

            Mama and Peter, you now have more than answered these questions for all of us. Thanks you so much for taking time to do that. PTL that now we can get on with the business at hand of reaping this great and wonderful harvest the Lord has promised us! I think this is the most wonderful time to be in the Family.

--female FGA, Mexico

Our Side

            Yesterday our Home received the four issues of “Our Side” FSMs. I couldn't stop reading them! They are so full of nitty-gritty stuff on things you always wanted to know about Dad, Mama and Peter. To me, reading these mags was a confirmation of my faith and beliefs in this precious and worth-giving-my-life for Family, and my always loved and respected shepherds and leaders: Dad, Mama, Peter.

            The testimonies I read were a flood of inspiration, fun, admiration, and definitely helped to increase my loyalty and devotion for Mama, Peter and WS Family. The variety of writers gave a nice selection of point of views and writing styles.

            In my Home I'm surrounded by nine young people--all full of character, spunk and ideals. A few of them are brand new disciples that have forsaken university and good jobs to serve the Lord. All these idealistic, sharp, full of life young people are very happy, excited and thrilled about serving Jesus and being in this precious Family. This to me--and many--is the proof of the pudding; if the fruit is good and right, then to me, as simple as it may sound, the tree (the Family leadership) is right as well! This fruit is not faked or pretended! It's a fact that the Words of Jesus and the counsel that Mama and Peter are giving us is causing positive changes in people's lives--the lives of smart, bright-minded, free-willed men and women that have decided to be in this Family! Like it or not, it's a fact!

--FGA woman, Colombia

The Way Things Really are In WS

                I must confess I had a good laugh when I read this GN. It's just so ridiculous how people can say such stupid things about the WS. Even a child would know that that's not true at all. Although I've never met Mama or Peter, much less lived within any WS unit, I truly believe that they would do all they can to follow the Charter and the New Wine and be an example for the rest of the Family. And I don't think that just because they live behind the scenes it means they can do whatever they want or please. I don' t think it's like that, but totally the contrary. I think they're just normal people the Lord called to work in that way, and I'm truly thankful for them. I think they're doing a great job. Thank God for you!

--Love you guys, a senior teen in Brazil

None of These Things Move Me

          We want to say how much we love you Mama and Peter, and all of the brothers and sisters in WS, who we personally think are great. We have met a few of you in recent years and know a few of you from years ago, plus feel like we know some of you by your writings, poetry, letters, compilations, and especially you, Peter, by your good-looking face on those videos.

          I guess everyone has room for improvement, and I certainly was convicted by your willingness to pray about what your critics or folks' critique about you.--A definite good sample to all. But it makes us sad that some couldn't see by the volume of pubs in our trunks that you are giving us so much. Sure, I guess we always need more to feed the myriad of varied sheep with all their special diets. And then we continue to be a bunch of little birdies clamoring for more from you.

          Of course, I am glad to see the call to pull up our socks and put on our boots and get going again. Guess this comment is just to say just keep sending the water. We need it to wash us and wash us and wash us again. Fill all these broken vessels. We wouldn't even be doing the little we do without you. Thanks!

--Female, India

 None of These Things Move Me/Our Side

            I'm not a CRO and neither have I been in The Family a long time. I'm a fairly young sheep, but I cherish my place in The Family. I've survived all this while only through your words and will not trade it for anything else in the whole world. My life has never been the same since I got saved 10 years ago, and it took me years of struggle and “enduring hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” to become one of your own! I thank the Lord for it and am sure of my place here and treasure it every moment of every day.

            I just wanted to thank you for your faithfulness in standing your ground and not pulling punches for our sake. It shows your deep love for each one of us, and I'm greatly indebted to you for feeding me the true and life-giving words. I'm proud of my heritage and I will stand up for you and for the Family in spite of all that people have to say. When I read the FSMs, I felt like, “I can't testify like all the CROs, or the dear ones in Mama's Home.” But I can truly say that whatever you were accused of didn't make any sense to me. Anyway, like Dad had taught us that “you don't go chasing the darkness with a stick, but just let the light in,” we can drive all these false accusations away only by speaking the truth and testifying of the right things.

            I pledge my loyalty to our Husband, and you, sweet Mama and to Peter too. I will stand by you, come what may, by the grace of our Lord.

--Female, India

The Way Things Really Are In WS

     Shucks! Ain't it just disgusting how rumors spread? Though some may be tired of hearing over again the answers to accusations given, for me personally, I don't mind in the least. Gives clearer insight and convinces the mind till it doesn't need more convincing of believing the truth as it stands. That people in WS, are really quite...normal!

                I look up to you guys for your conviction, and above all other statements you proclaimed, I especially liked the way you answered the threesome question. Plain and tall, the answer is, “ain't none of my business.”

     Months back we had a “get together” night and yeah, it went on as they do. When a couple of teams had left and we were some of the few remaining, I took the time to sneak out to the outdoors and get to know one of the hosting men a little better. We talked and what can I say...we talked! About a week or two later I was home upgrading the house when I got a call from another in the city. There was something “real important” he needed to ask, but gave up the thought when he couldn't remember what it was.

                …The phone rang. I pick it up. Same voice. Same guy.

            “Oh, I remember what it was,” he announces,” I heard that you and ____ (no name given for duhh! reasons) are together.”

            Well, my reaction was one of “losing breath and a choking laughter,” but I soon broke out of that and normaled up. “Well for the record, we're not, but why would you care?”

     There was some sort of talk from his side, a reason that didn't mean much. I said, “What does it matter if we were? Who's business is it? Straight away, no, I'm not after his pants…um…nope! But whatever the case, the rest of the world shouldn't have to be vocally involved in what's 'going on' behind doors!” He wasn't there at the time, so it must've been earshot rather than eyeshot that let him on.

          I guess we all know that's one of the main weaknesses we possess--an unprayerful tongue. Rumors are commonly and too often spread in the area. I'm sure it goes that way all around.

                I've met and know about a few of the jovenes (young people) in Mama's Home before they moved there, and if they're anything like what I remember them to be, they're normal. I've been personally writing to Chandra because of a story they're publishing, and she sounds fair and squarely normal. “Sure,” somebody might be saying, “anyone can write anything.” But being a writer (not well known), I know that you write how you feel.

            To put it to math dots, on a gloomy day, you won't write about the sun, you'll write about the blowing leaves and the blustery wind, the shadow the lightning casts over the sky and the sound of the rain pattering on the earth. Maybe a wish for the sun. Otherwise, writing the opposite scenario wouldn't sound right. You wouldn't be “feeling” the words, therefore the reader wouldn't feel the words and so on. You read the Letters and you know they're sincere, you just…FEEL it! Sorry readers, my vocabulary is limited though the flow is not.

     I believe in you, Mama. I know I don't deserve you or the Family, so thank you for loving me. Thanks for not giving up on us though we're so give-up-able. I'm just the typical teenager. I have my doubts and questions and crazy moments. But I can “feel” your love. That's what keeps me going, you and my Babe!--Our Babe. Please keep believing in me. It's only through your faith that I'll make it.

--Carmen Angel

 The Way Things Really Are In WS

            I'm so grateful for the New Wine on WS and what it's like. It makes me so proud and happy for the Family and our WS brethren! But it also has filled me with great sadness. To know that these letters have had to come about by people spreading such horrible and far-fetched rumors is completely disheartening. I can't help but feel like crying for these people who sacrifice so much to serve us, and all some of us can do is criticize and belittle them? What ever happened to our Family of Love? I too have heard rumors going around such as: “Mama and Peter, I gotta give it to them, they have a real good con going.” Poor Mama and Peter! They have such humongous burdens, and yet we dare to add to that load by gossiping and saying negative, outrageous things about them. I am personally torn up and disgusted with this attitude.

            I have never been in WS, and have always been a little nobody on the field, but my opinion would be: If you don't like it, get out. If you like it, and are staying, then where does all this malice come from? Let's remember that words are real things, and they can sting, badly. I'm sure all of us know that from personal experience. I know Mama and Peter and all those in WS are only human, and that's what makes me admire them all the more for the wonderful job they accomplish for us and for the Lord.

--Maria (18), USA

None of These Things Move Me

            I want to write about my personal experience in the Family. And if there is a way, let our enemies know about it! I'm a relatively new disciple in the Family, 4-5 years. But I really hope that I'll be able to stay in the Family for ever and ever!

            I wanted to have real meaning in my life--something to live and to die for! And that's what I have now! It's dangerous to be on the field that I'm on, but I'm happy because I know that what I'm doing is worth any sacrifice! Speaking of sacrifice, it's never been a sacrifice for me to be in the Family. The Family is like Heaven in comparison to what I had in the System. Most of the people are sweet and respectful, considerate and polite. I always wanted to have some real good friends--and I have so many of them in the Family!

          I always wanted to travel and see the world. And so I did. Very few people in the System travel as much as we do in the Family! I wanted to learn foreign languages. And so I do! Ten years of learning English in school and then in university didn't teach me much, except: “What is your name?” and “How do you do?” Of course, my English is far from being perfect but at least it's something.

            Since I got to know the Family seven years ago my life was slowly transformed from being miserable to being happy and fulfilled!


“Our Side” FSMs

            I'm so sorry that James needed to expand his personal battles into a war against the ones we love so dearly. He picked the wrong target. If anything at all, this all-out attack makes Mama's and Peter's good deeds and sweet souls shine all the brighter.

          Thank God for James Penn. The Lord makes man's wrath to praise Him. I spent a few days of Heaven getting to live so close to Mama, Peter and Dad too!--All those beautiful testimonies! In a way I am happy it all happened because we got such a close peek into Mama's and Peter's lives. I feel so much closer to them. Not that I wasn't close to them till now, but more in a mother/son relationship, but this insight really brought it home. I feel them now as close friends too. Of course, we know them from the Letters, but this is the cherry on top of the cake!


Our Side

            It's my first time to write you, but these accusations against you have raised my ire. All I can say is “To whom shall we go? You have the Words of life.” Over the years I have heard many different accusations and slanders but this is just too much. “Our Side” had some good testimonies and it was great to hear some of these accounts.

            I met Peter very briefly when he visited the Ivy Home, Bangkok, some years ago, but this brief encounter has convinced me of his sincerity and love for the Lord and the Family, which I have never doubted anyway. Most of all I know you both from the Letters. They witness the love and dedication for the Lord and the Family you both have. It is more than enough for me. I was won by the sample of the Family and I stuck it out through the words that Dad wrote.

            I pledge my love and my loyalty to you, my dear queen and king. My prayers are with you and may our gracious Lord Jesus grant you the desires of your heart and give you peace and happiness. Keep going for our precious Husband and Commander in chief.

--Male, Thailand

Up to us

By Petra (20), Belgium

             For the last five years an annual get together has taken place--hosting one to two hundred CM/FM members for a full five days of fellowship--at a campground, monastery or whatever place would fit us all and our lively spirits. You can imagine the organization that would go into the event, which a committee of Johannes (of Milcah), Joy Happy, and Hannah (of Peter) would successfully organize every time. God bless them!

            These fellowships started out as just that, fellowships. I'm sure folks would agree that these mostly turned out to be wonderful and inspiring times, but with all the latest moves of the Spirit we felt that simple fellowship wouldn't cut it anymore, and rather we should stir ourselves into taking this time together as an opportunity to grow and progress, as well as unify our efforts and our vision.

          Over the months, many Family members expressed their desire to challenge their kids and have the Spirit brought in more, and this fellowship was a chance to put some skin on those skeletal ideas, and see what could be done to make a difference. Mary VS explained that it was us young people who would be the ones to make the biggest difference in the kids' lives, and that we would be the ones to help bring about the unity! “Yeah, right!” we thought. “Unity has to do with everyone. And really … us? I don't know … it seems like a lot of work.”

          However, we realized we needed to work on this a little ourselves. We couldn't just “decide” to band together, we actually had to. A group of nearly 20 of us young people and Mary VS got together and took extra time in the Word, and then prayed and devised a plan of attack … well, of unity and excitement to pass on to our peers when the time came. We organized ourselves into groups of five, each of which would be responsible for a group of kids--to give them classes, do skits, activities, dances, etc. Needless to say, the Word gave us the vision to be there for our brothers and sisters, as on our own we felt incapable, out of practice, or simply had never taught before--we were desperate to have the Lord's Spirit do the work for us! At the same time our original committee of organizers went to work on the practical side, to find a location, the set-up, food, etc. We couldn't have done without them!

          With our basic plan charted, it was time to go. The committees exchanged e-mail addresses and promised to keep in touch and finalize classes and ideas as well as communicate on all that was still to be done. The fellowship/seminar date caught up with us, and was about to commence. Were we prepared? The kids were ready, as we'd written them about the exciting plans and how we wanted to change things, so they were expecting something. At the same time a handful of the original committees couldn't make it, some having left to the field or their home country, leaving certain groups understaffed, and, “Oh no!” (For lack of more explanatory words on the situation.)

          The morning everyone arrived we got together bright and early to pray, do last-minute planning and, need I say, have desperate prayer! To complete the picture … the kids came!

            Morning classes began, inspirations, activities, and games. When talking to the different team captains to find out if all was well, or if emergencies or errors had befallen the group, I met an exhausted set of amazed “It's going pretty well” answers. All those wonderful kids seemed fulfilled, get-outs were great, the adults were getting needed meetings in and the half-exhausted teens seemed wonderfully fulfilled as well. We were in this together and intent on making it work.

          All was proved to the parents and regular teachers as well as to us when, on the last night, each group performed a stunning presentation. We laughed, we cried, “It moved me!” (As I wipe my mascara-stained cheeks.) Everyone put all this effort into helping each other and thereby having the Lord bless each and every aspect of this get-together. There were dances, skits, props … there was everyone … so close!

            To top off all these gorgeous shows of acting and performing skills, we found to our amazement that Paul (of Lilas) and Abel (of Mary) had planned a little something as well. They performed an altered rendition of an old Beatles song “Can't Buy Me Love” switching the words to “Can't Do Without You,” addressed to the young people and all those who made the fellowship/seminar possible. Johanna (of Johannes) used her artistic skills to make us each a personal “diploma of gratitude” from the adults to us, in thankfulness for all we'd done. Which needless to say, really touched that little spot somewhere between our ribs and our gut that inadvertently wants to make you cry and run at the same time. Thanks, guys!

          I also want to thank all you gorgeous and rambunctious kids who made us feel needed. I've tried to shy away from kids over the past years … but you guys were both beautiful and challenging, and I don't know why I shouldn't adore you all! I hope you all turn up wonderful experiences in your lifetime! You've got it in you to be great!

          I suppose I should end this tale here. I think we all agree that with the Lord anything's possible. We're all thankful for the unity, beauty and inspiration that was brought to us all! My final thanks is to the young folks who worked so hard, and to the parents for having those darling rascals!

ws news

GP/Activated meeting

            From September 17-21, Abner, Gallio, Cephas, Sweetie and Francis, representing their respective CRO areas and WS, met for a few days to discuss issues relating to the Activated program and GP tools. (Juan was due to attend from SACRO but unfortunately was unable to, due to last-minute sickness.) This was the second such series of meetings held this year, the previous one being held in June to discuss similar issues.

            The goal of these meetings has been to help plan and coordinate the creation and production of new pubs between the different areas, and counsel and pray together about the direction and progress of the Activated program and GP productions. Each of the CROs in turn counsel with people on their fields, such as the Activated  desks, various SCs or outreachers, about such matters. It's been a blessing to get a wide range of counsel in making decisions on these issues, in the hopes that we can better service the Homes worldwide and provide you with the tools that you need both for outreach and for the follow-up of your sheep, as well as come up with programs and incentives to help you do the job.

Among the many topics discussed were:

          How to expand Activated to countries where we presently don't have a desk.

          Ways to continue promoting Activated to the Homes and the public.

          Getting samples of new tools produced into the hands of the Homes.

          Setting up a means via the Web whereby the Activated desks, Aurora, the SCs, and some outreachers, can contribute together to the development of new tools as they progress, as well as share information regarding production plans.

          Potential new products, such as a revamped Feed My Lamb series, more Mottos for Success-related products, a new series of children's readers and stories based on the Trudge and Zippy characters, etc.!

          How to implement the decision by the Activated  desks to give the Homes funds from the tools that they sell to subscribers that the Homes sign up, or from anyone who orders who was originally referred to by a Home.

Please keep us in your prayers as we put landing gear on these topics.--And continue to pray for the Activated program to take off in each area! Are you getting subscriptions and following-up on your sheep?


 Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd, James Frain

            A pregnant 17-year-old rebuilds her life after being abandoned by her boyfriend at a Wal-Mart in the middle of Oklahoma.

MOLLY (1999)

Elisabeth Shue, Aaron Eckhart

          A man must come to terms with dealing with his autistic sister who is suddenly thrust on him when she can no longer stay in her government-sponsored institution. Hope is created when she undergoes an experimental operation to make her smart.

RKO 281 (1999)

Liev Schreiber, Melanie Griffith, James Cromwell, John Malkovich

          TV movie based around the making of the award-winning movie “Citizen Kane” and Orson Welles' battle with RKO movie studio and William Randolph Hearst, who claimed the lead character in “Citizen Kane” was based on himself.

 Movies Rated for OCs and Up


Jared Rushton, Ned Beatty

            13-year-old Brian is the sole survivor of an unreported plane crash. Alone in the wilderness, Brian must learn to survive by his wits, find food and shelter, and brave wild, hungry animals while trying to reach safety. (Note that there are a couple of disturbing scenes that may bother more sensitive children.)


Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Johnston, Jane

Krakowski, Joan Collins

          This prequel to the 1994 movie, “The Flintstones,” goes back to when Fred and Barney first met their future wives Wilma and Betty. Contains some cartoon-type violence and adult humor that may go over the heads of younger age groups. Not recommended for repeated viewing

Movies Rated for MCs and Up


Animated, voices of Ralph Fiennes and William Hurt

            A unique portrayal of the Gospel achieved through stop-motion clay figures, drawn animation, and computer graphics. The story focuses on Jesus' healing of Jairus' daughter, who becomes the central character through which the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is told. (Beware of a few kind of scary scenes when Mary is hallucinating, before she had the devils cast out of her.)


SHAFT (Samuel L. Jackson, 2000)

            (Dad:) This movie is a waste of time and focuses too much on fear and violence.


Where the Heart Is

            (Jesus:) This is a beautiful movie with a beautiful message. The only thing missing in this movie is reference to Me as to where she got her strength from. This movie deals with lots of issues in today's society that are pretty messy issues, which is why it's not recommended for a younger audience. Although it is a sweet and heartfelt movie, some of the subject matter is adult material and can even be disturbing if not looked at with a good attitude.

          The message in this movie of finding the good in things and eschewing the evil is very well brought out. Even the title is perfect because a lot depends on where your heart is at as to how things go in your life. This movie brings out the good fruit of having a happy, praiseful heart, and the bad fruit of a selfish, self-centered heart. There are lots of lessons to be learned from this movie and it is worth the time spent watching it, especially if you ask Me to speak to you about it afterward.


            (Jesus:) This is a movie that has some sweet lessons. How like the main character, Molly, are many in the world--beautiful souls who are trapped and who wait to be set free and to be loved for who they are and not what they are. You, My children, have the key to set them free forever. I am the key, and I long to set them free. I understand their heart cries and I alone have the answers. Thank you for giving your lives to reach My lost sheep.

RKO 281

            (Jesus:) This is an interesting historical portrayal. It's well made and an engrossing character study. Even though the main character was not a role model in every aspect of his life, and even though his goal in life was not the greatest, still it is a good example of giving your all for something that you believe in, being willing to buck the tide and the way things are going, and having the guts to see things through.

A Cry in the Wild

            (Jesus:) This is a movie about how a young boy learns to survive out in the wild by himself. It's got a lot of funny parts which are a bit unrealistic and he has a few bad attitudes about a few things, but the boy does learn some good lessons and it all turns out to be for his good. There are a few parts which may not be good for sensitive viewers, but this movie is okay to watch. Just be sure, as always, to pray per view and ask Me if this is something your kids can watch.

The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas

            (Jesus:) There is a fair amount of silliness in this movie, however it is generally uplifting and enjoyable to watch. Be sure that the children understand that the idea of cavemen living on Earth millions of years ago is not according to My Word; once they realize that this is simply fiction, it will do them no harm, and they will catch the main lesson of the movie--that money does not make people happy nor help them win the hearts of those they love.

The Miracle Maker

            (Jesus:) It's a great movie! Super inspiring! Well done! Lively! Accurate! I would recommend it!


Chile area fellowship

By the Chile VS Team, Chile

          Imagine yourself in a cozy camping area located beside a flowing river in the foothills leading to the snow-capped Andes Mountains in the distance.--With beautiful greenery all around, picnic and park areas and even a small “in-house” children's zoo area. It's a fresh spring day in one of our Creator's beautiful gardens and you're surrounded by over 270 of our wonderful co-workers--adults and children--who have come from all over the country. This was a precious token of His love for all of us here in Chile as we met for a beautiful day of fellowship. GB those who worked hard over a couple of weeks to make this all possible through prayer, planning, scouting and organizing!

            After a picturesque drive and arrival by all, the day started off with a time of prayer, praise and inspiration, followed by a yummy barbeque lunch. A team of five of our “local” clowns and puppeteers put on a fun presentation for the kiddos with games, songs, stories and prizes. The Lord supplied the use of two “moon-walks” (you know, those large, inflatable jumping/play room/areas) for the kids' fun and play. And for all of us “big kids” there were lots of grassy areas for play and exercise, with four soccer games going simultaneously!

          As the day came to a close, we all said good bye and went home filled with love as He draws us closer as a Family, TYJ!

Two-day OC Camp

By the Sao Paulo VS team, Brazil

          We just finished a two-day camp with all the OCs in the city. It was great! We had a group of 29 OCs attend. These two days were packed with Word, art, exciting get-outs, games and activities. We had two of our dear mommies, Esther and Joy, working with us, and also Felipe and Angie. It was so sweet to spend this time with our OCs and be able to get to know them better. It's so true what Dad said many times about how that age is a special decision-making age. It was neat to see how almost all of them had the gift of prophecy and use it for personal encouragement. They are so full of faith! TTL for our kids!

The Camp, Italy

By Angela (of Stephen), Rijeka Home

            This must be the seventh camp we have organized and every time we learn new lessons. This time we tried to pack in as much Word as possible, and because of the variety of people attending, we had separate classes for children, potential disciples, first timers and CM young people, plus many united moments of inspiration and praise time.

            One night everyone got up and shared their testimony of how Jesus changed their lives--some 20 years ago, and some just a month earlier. We had special prayer time and classes with the parents, and one class where we challenged all the young people to start doing more for Jesus, either full time, or part time, explain about keeping stats, tithing, etc.

            Just to show you how hungry for the Word some of these people were, one day we had a class in the morning, one in the afternoon, inspiration and testimony sharing till 11:00 in the night, and then, since Mark and Francesco had prepared a class on overcoming attacks of the Enemy, we just announced that if anyone was interested, he or she could just join them in a certain room. Well, the room wasn't sufficient to contain everybody! At one o'clock in the morning, people were still studying and praying. The next day, many came to me telling me how shocked they were to receive such an anointed class given by a 14-year-old and an 18-year-old who had just joined. These comments came from both adults and young people.

            About 60 people participated in this camp, held in Italy, September 2000) and we're following up on a lot of them. Here are some reactions from the camp's staff:

By Paulo Alleluia (25, 3 years in the Family), Rijeka Home

          The camp was very exciting and SBALLANTE!!! We had two-and-a-half days full of classes, testimonies, skits and Holy Ghost power.

          It was a fight to organize the camp but it was worth at all. All the people that came were very thankful and happy for the opportunity that we had to get together and tap into the power!

           It's very nice to have this kind of camp because it makes it possible for a large variety of people (CM, FM, LO, etc.) to meet, read the Word, pray together and also have fun, and witnessing activities which is the Activated vision!

            Ah, one more thing: Jesus is the best trip!

By Moselle (15½, starting her 6 months to become CM), Rjieka Home

            The camp was inspiring and a lot of fun! We had a lot of inspirations, Gypsy dances and wild praising time, as well as Bible classes, Word times and deep talk-time. We were able to reach a lot of friends and potential new disciples and inspire young CM/FM members and adults too! It was thanks to a camp like this some months ago that I decided to join the Family.

By Andrea (20, 1 year in the Family), Rijeka Home

            This is the second camp I've taken part in and helped to organize. Something that amazes me is that from each one of these camps new disciples end up joining! I feel we should put more emphasis on these camps as they bear so much fruit. My brother, my sister and myself are a small part of that fruit. It's good not just for the sheep, but also for us. Thank You, Jesus, for everything You do for us!

By Mike (18), Rome Jubilee Home

          I live in Italy and am waiting for my army induction call, which was supposed to happen during the camp/fellowship. TYJ He did a miracle and delayed it about three weeks, and that gave me time to go visit the Home in Rijeka for a week (which happened to be right at the beginning of the camp). The fellowship-camp was super inspiring: We had prepared some real on fire, stir-it-up classes for everyone, about winning disciples, catacombers, overcoming the attacks of the Devil, etc.--some heavy stuff, but when we got there the Lord changed our plans a bit (I guess it was to make us dependent on Him), but it was still very beautiful.

          We had some super inspiring praise times where everyone was dancing, praising the Lord, getting real high in the spirit.

          It was so beautiful to see these new disciples, catacombers or just normal people praising the Lord, some raising their powerful voices, kind of shaking the walls! Way cool!! It's only Jesus!

          The classes were a hit also for me! Being in the Family for over 7 years you feel that these things should be just for the newly arrived, but TYJ, His Words never get old. Reading them again you'll always find something new in them!

          I wasn't in the classes for new disciples, but after devotions they would come to share with me the wonderful things the Lord taught them through these classes. Even some young guys who on the outside appeared to be tough came to me sharing inspiring lessons! Then on free times, Francesco, Mark and other teens would have other classes with some sheep they were following up on. I didn't have any sheep to feed, but it was very encouraging to see these guys who are even younger than me witnessing and taking care of a friend or sheep. We also had some skits with messages to entertain our guests with. It was real fun, and the work was worth it to unify us, as well as being a good witnessing and study time for the sheep. Hallelujah. It's a REVOLUTION FOR JESUS, amen?!!!!

By Francesco, (18, 2 years in the Family), Rijeka Home

          I'm so thankful for this series of camps, for the fruit they bring, and especially because so many have been won to the Lord through them--I was one of them! They also serve to inspire many FM, Family friends and potential disciples. There are many battles, but even more victories. I really love Mama, Peter and the whole Family. God bless you and keep the Revolution for Jesus going!

From Mark (14, of Stephen and Angela), Rijeka Home

          The camp in my opinion was one big battle and one big victory from beginning to end. It's always a battle whenever we do something like this both personally, and as a Home. But even then, the real heat of the battle is usually confined to the day or the day before we start the camp. But this time we had attacks of the Enemy a week in advance, and I was kind of like thinking “Aren't you guyz just a little bit off schedule?” but the victory is always rewarding nonetheless. And even just to see one person snatched from the Devil's claws makes it worth it all.


          The distance a person goes is not as important as the direction.

 Getting Activated!


By the Europe/Africa Activated Desk

            We've had quite a few orders from the Homes for books, with several Homes ordering larger amounts. It's inspiring to see Homes in Norway, Kenya, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa getting out so many books.

            We are thrilled at how the Homes all over the world have responded to our request for funds to sponsor Activated subscriptions for poor African sheep. So many brethren responded with funds that we had to send out a message to all the Homes in Africa requesting more addresses of sheep who couldn't afford a subscription.

 By the India Activated Desk

            This month we received a total of 377 full subscriptions, and 35 requests for the free magazine.This is an increase of 70 subscriptions over last month! Praise the Lord!

 By the South/Central America Activated Desk

           To date we have 430 paid subscribers, which is a jump of 91 new subscribers since our August mailing, the biggest increase yet. The majority of these are from Mexico. This is a result of the recent Conéctate meetings held here, and of our dear brethren faithfully following the Activated vision. God bless them!

 The results of the Activated program!

Bombay DF Home, India

           It was interesting to look back and see what has been happening with the several sheep who got started with the Activated magazines from about five months ago.

          One young man who really liked them now wants to join fulltime. He said he felt the burden to serve the Lord all the way and grow much stronger, especially after reading the Dare to be Different booklet! Please pray for him.

          Another young man, a businessman from an orthodox Muslim family, has grown in his hunger for the Word to where we try to give him a Bible class every week, plus daily Word assignments from the Treasures. He now wants to go witnessing, and is getting much closer to the Lord, the Word, and us!

          A director of a large company has been asking for regular Bible classes and has been able to progress in his new found faith wholeheartedly! He has been encouraging his wife to participate as well.

          A lady manager of another company, who also happens to be a single mom (and whom we initially met after getting a prophecy to “go and minister to the lonely”), said she really appreciates the mags and finds them very strengthening--especially since she is often very busy with a demanding job, a child and a home to take care of--they provide quick, nourishing reading! She's had similar reactions from two of her friends whom she gave subscriptions as a gift.

            These reactions are just the tip of the iceberg, and it gives me a real boost to want to get them out and offer them to practically every receptive sheep we meet just to see the dramatic results from just a handful of subscriptions a mere five months ago!

          Thank you so, so much, Mama and Peter, and all the ones who've been laboring to make this possible, including the Indian Activated Desk. It is definitely a great engine to help take the sheep to where the Lord wants them to be!

 More Activated testimonies!

Crystal (of Ashok), India

            Last month Activated has been top priority for all of us, the kids included. We went all out with a new enthusiasm and conviction and got a lot of people Activated! Most of that time, all it took was that phone call I had been putting off for later. But sometimes it also took a lot of convincing. The main thing I realized is that I had to be convinced that people really need it, and to pray for it, and the Lord worked it out.

            The kids also jumped into it, really praying for it. As soon as we got back home, that was the first question, “Any Activated!?” There was a real celebration in the spirit for each Activated subscription that got out.

            One person I was trying to get Activated was so sold out that even though he didn't subscribe for want of funds, he got somebody else to subscribe, with whom he had prayed. Another girl is also interested in getting some of her friends Activated!

Jonathan (of Abi), India

          Activated and the emphasis on it has made us go deeper with our friends almost as soon as we get to know them. Sometimes it's so easy to feel comfortable under the convenient blanket of “let's go slow with our friends and thereby introduce Bible ever so slowly.”

 Esther Praise, India

                It took me a while to catch on to the vision and to start getting out Activated like I used to get out the posters once upon a time as a catacomber. That was all we did back then: win souls and get out the posters one-on-one. But it was amazing how we got out such great numbers.

                The Lord inspired me to do the same with Activated . It was initially a battle to do so as I was really into fundraising and getting the tools out, and kind of lost that touch with just winning souls and getting out the Word. But after I had desperately prayed and asked the Lord, He did hear my prayers and answered in a beautiful way. This happened just a few days back when I was in one of the most famous streets of Bangalore, where there are a lot of shops and there was this one little alley where they were selling foreign goods. I went in there to buy myself something and came across some very sweet men. They were Christians; I just got to talking to them, and something was telling me to give them the Activated  magazines and to get them Activated. So, I just obeyed the check,  gave it to them, shared my personal testimony with them and they got turned on and subscribed.

             It was just so far out as I never thought that would ever work to give out the Word the way we used to before. But I guess with the checks in the Spirit and asking the Lord everything, the Lord can and will really help us to meet the right kind of people.

A word from the Lord on … “Understanding Prophecy, Part 3!”

          (Jesus:)  These Letters on understanding prophecy are like textbooks for a course in school. They teach you step by step, with examples, exercises, summaries, in simple language, and allow you to put your new knowledge into effect and progress in your education.

          They are not only textbooks, but they are reference books as well, for they go into depth about the subject of prophecy and describe many intricacies and explain many deep questions. They cover the subject from the simple to the complex, and are a ready guide to refer back to when you have a question about the subject, or when things do not turn out as you expected.

          Send out the next textbook in this series, “Understanding Prophecy, Part 3,” so the Family may benefit from it. Not all enjoy reading or studying textbooks, but since My children are deeply involved in the course already, they will welcome this material. They know it will help them to make progress in hearing from Me and in understanding My Words, and the good students are eager to do so.

          There are students who lag behind as well, but they too will benefit in the end. They will benefit from the simpler points in these GNs, and they will know where this reference material is when they need to make fuller use of it, and will do so. I bring all My students along at their own rate, and My Words have an effect on them no matter what their aptitude or grade level. (End of message from Jesus.)


[A tract nudge]

            Mary (of Stephen), Australia: Another tract was leaving my hand. “Hi! This is about…” but the person just walked on. “Lord please help someone to read this and be affected by it,” I silently prayed.

          Up walks a couple. “Hello! This is for you…” My voice trailed off as it became apparent that this person wouldn't take the tract. But to my surprise his partner nudged him, exclaiming, “Take it! I got one of those way back and it's good stuff. I keep it on my car's dashboard and still read it from time to time. Go on, take it. It's good for your heart!” So he took and read it.

 [Countdown to Armageddon a hit]

            Ilia, Luba and Seth, Coral Home, Russia: We discovered that home-made copies of Countdown to Armageddon in Russian have been circulated in the northern territory (including small remote towns and villages) for a few years. They have been recorded and passed from hand-to-hand by faithful believers, members of NRMs, as well as their pastors. Nobody knows who the original producers of it were, or where it came from. Some of those folks had heard negative things about the Family, and were surprised to see the cover of the original tape with reference to the Family. They became good friends in the long run.

            We had a chance to sell our tools in a Christian conference and Countdown to Armageddon was a hit! One man kept telling everyone that this is the greatest tape and worth getting. They even apologized for making copies.

[Unexpected military base concert]

            Angel, Rufina, Tomas, James, Ruthie and the kids, Ukraine: A team of five (three people from our Home and two from our neighboring Home) went on a two-day trip to a little town with a population of about 40,000 people. Our team was able to distribute 8,000 posters. The city is so small that after a day walking back and forth with the posters people started to recognize us, ha.

            We also did a show on a military base there. It happened so unexpectedly. A soldier got a poster from Rufina and Yan, and a passing sergeant saw it and became interested. He brought some of us to the polkovnik , who could grant us permission to meet the rest of the soldiers on his military base. He said that in order to be on this base we have to have permission from the Ukrainian KGB office. We don't know how they got permission so fast, but they let us in. They liked the songs and also the box skit and all got saved.

            During the show one of the sergeants was recording the songs on the tape and later on the major gave an order to broadcast it through the radio for the whole base. So about 1,000 people will hear the message. The soldiers themselves said that they would never get tired of listening to these songs.

          After the concert we found out that when the neighboring bases heard that the major let in some “preachers” at his own risk, they asked to get posters from us for their soldiers (4,000 of our posters went to these bases).

[Teamworking seminars]

            Philip, Hannah, and Phillip, India: Recently the company that a friend of ours owns has gone through quite a few changes and reshuffling of personnel and policies. He asked us if we could do a series of three-hour seminars for his managers and management trainees. The themes for the first two seminars were teamworking, change and human relations.

          For the basis of the seminars we compiled a 96-page reference book of articles and book reviews that we put together from the HomeARC and compilations downloaded from the MO Web site. When we showed the book to our friend and his president and HRD (Human Relation Department) people, they flipped out over it and asked if I could make 25 copies for those attending the seminars, plus so that they could have them on hand in his company for future reference.

          For each class we also put together a 10 page class booklet with small articles, quotes and stories taken from the How to Love, Good Thots and other Family material. As with most seminars, we mixed in skits, songs, movie/video clips and even some games on teamworking.

          Before we started our second session, one of the men who had been in the company for a few years came early. He is a quiet gentleman. When I greeted him he told me that he took his class booklet home and read it. He said, “If only I had known these things 10 years ago, my life would be completely different. I've made so many mistakes.”

            The same day I stopped in to check with the head of the HRD section and he was sitting at his desk with our book open, reading it. It was evident that he had been emotionally shaken. He looked up at me and smiled and said, “This is the best book I have ever read.” Then he said that when he had read the story from How to Get Along with Almost Anyone, he got so emotional he couldn't stop crying. Such a sweet soul. He said everybody had to read that story. So I took his advice and ended the second session with that story, and a few people in the group had tears in their eyes.

[Day of the City]

            Angel, Rufina, Tomas, James, Ruthie and the kids, Ukraine: One of the biggest events in Kiev is the Day of the City. Everyone goes out that day and really celebrates. Good opportunity to witness? Yes! After some prayer and prophecy time the Lord gave us the idea to make the celebration special for the people around--to be exact, to become clowns! Costumes were made and literature for distribution was prepared in no time. Of course, balloons too. All prepared, we went to one of the many parks early in the morning. As soon as we stepped out of our apartment people started to congratulate us, saying: “Happy Birthday to the city!”

          That day children's posters went out like hot cakes. People read them on the spot. Balloons were the major attraction for the kiddos. It really brightens your day to see little ones holding their balloon animals like a real treasure.

          All the money that we got for the balloons that day we used to hold a party for the kids on Children's Day. We invited the neighborhood kids and hosted a fun party (plus it was the birthday of our youngest one on the team--Arthur). It was a lot of fun and a new way to witness!


Re: “Deep Freeze” video

            ASCRO: We wanted to send a short note concerning the “Deep Freeze” video, which was produced by the Family video team in Thailand.

            Although the original rating for this video was for MCs and up, some felt that perhaps sections of the content, mainly the news footage concerning the various famines, wars, earthquakes, etc., though not graphic, is perhaps a bit over the head of most MCs, who are still quite impressionable, and maybe even for some OCs. In light of this, we want to suggest that parents may want to preview this video before showing it to their younger children.


                Dear RussianLuba Maria. This is Joseph from Khabarovsk. I'd like to communicate with you. My e-mail address is: Jacobjoseph2000@hotmail.com. If you read this, please send me a short note so we can exchange keys before writing some more. TY!

            Daisy Sparkle (in Romania) would like to get in touch with Ruth Elan (in Brazil?). We lived together in Lithuania. Please, write me! My e-mail: straight_talk20@hotmail.com or you can find me through Central European ABM.

            Marie Fe wanted to have the e-mail of Tobjorn (Swedish) and Maria (Italian) who used to be in Thailand a few years ago. She wants to get in touch with them. We asked one month ago but didn't receive a reply. Since then we've changed our e-mail address: FrancoisTR1@hotmail.com.

                Timothy (China) has been trying to contact Samaria from Japan and Miguel and Claire from Mexico. E-mail: t_hessy@hotmail.com

                Karen is looking for Jun. I chatted with you, but didn't get your e-mail. You can contact me at: familyk@mail.kar.net.

                Cephas (of Mike and Sharon), please write me soon!! You have my add, but I don' t have yours. Dying to hear from you!!--Cher

                Juan and Maggie, last we heard you were in Switzerland. Our mail to you is always returned. Please, write Francis and Joanna at: Frontierman@cs.com.

            We have some urgent information for Michael and Joan (sorry, don't know any other details) regarding contacting Rakesh and Manju in India. Sorry, but we misplaced your contact address. Please write to: bngsh@vsnl.com.

                I really need to get in touch with Juan and Maggi (last heard in Cameroon). If anyone knows how I can reach them, please write me (Michele) at: smile_pls@mantraonline.com or babylizmich@hotmail.com. It's URGENT!

                Looking for Rejoice (of Sunny Japanese), last seen at Japanese LIM. Please contact: davidson_cryssy@hotmail.com.

                Jemina (daughter of Miguel and Rute, Brazil), I would be very happy if I could get in touch with you! You can reach me at: babylizmich@hotmail.com or smile_pls@mantraonline.com I love you girl. Love Michele (India).

            Richard and Joan SGA are looking for Isaac and Crystal (SGAs). Last saw you in Birmingham, AL. Heard you were on your way to Nepal. Please write us via Japan ABM. Love to hear from you!

                Hey Andy Iowa, this is Nina (of Andy and Becky). We were in Vladivostok together. I'd really like to hear from you. Write me if you can at: lilnaughtyhottie@yahoo.com.

            This is Lydia (of Eman and Meek). I'm looking for Katrina (of Titus and Julia). I last lived with you in Belgium. Please contact me at: tripper83@hotmail.com. Thank you!

                We are looking for Polish Pawel (Poul) in Peru or Ecuador. Pawel, please write to Simon & Julia (Poland), Hope to hear from you soon. GBY. E-mail: simjul@free.polbox.pl.

                Millie (Viviani), escribi a tu e-mail y no contestaste. Please write Angie at: thome@impsat.net.ec.

            Michael and Pamela, please get in touch with Timôteo e Cristal. E-mail: jolufeme@agevir.com.br.

help wanted

            We are pioneer team in a small town of Russia, situated face to face with a Chinese town. (We hear them snore at night!!!) We're dedicated to working and reaching Chinese hearts, with a goal to reach Northern Chinese towns on faith trips with time. We desperately need funding for our work to cover expenses of road trips, our own printing of literature and means of surviving here, especially face to face with upcoming winter. Because of distances here, we're very isolated from fellowship with others. You can reach us via Russian ABM. Your gifts will go directly to touch the broken hearts of many here.

            Much, much love, Daniel Jeremiah, Davida Smile and two small kids at RiverGate Home, RU009.

Help a family to stay in Madagascar!

            We are Pedro (Spanish) and Lily (Belgian) and our present four children, already 1½ years working in Madagascar (Africa). We are doing a lot of CTPs, clowning, skits and musical shows in villages, schools, orphanages, churches, etc. We're winning lots of souls. We are distributing thousands of tracts and posters in the local language, and we have a steady follow-up ministry with very close friends and one live-out potential disciple. We are hardly scratching the surface with all the work there is to do here.

          Our main regular support from relatives will end at the end of 2000, and for that reason, we are now working on field support, which it will take awhile before it can bring results. On the other hand, we are so thankful to receive regular monthly support from Aaron, Dulci, Miriam and Samuel in Spain, for the free printing and shipment of thousands of color posters and tracts from Mateo and Joy in Spain, for a small monthly support from a couple of friends also in Spain, and for all the different gifts that we received on several occasions during last year from other few Homes, that is making easier for us to be here. GBY all! We really appreciate all your love, concern and sacrificial giving!

            But the need is greater as this field is quite poor and we're praying desperately for the Lord to do a miracle. We would like to ask you, precious brethren, if you could consider and pray about the possibility of sending us a monthly gift. Could we become your Sister Home, and work together to win the precious and needy sheep of Madagascar, with a population of 13 million?… You can send your donations via the TRF to Pedro and Lily (MP-1519). GBY and thank you so much in advance! (If you need more information about our work and present situation, please write us via the ABM. Txs!)

            My name is Victoria Livingstone (Hungarian). I'm a single mom with one child. The Lord has called me to go to China. Presently I'm in Romania, which is a very poor country but a very fruitful one. My heart's desire is that instead of going to Western Europe to raise funds, we can stay here among these precious needy people until my departure to China. If you could help me with any donations, it would be a super big blessing for me! Thank you so much! Send your gifts to Victoria Livingstone (RO022).

            Hi, my name is Samuel PW. I'm a Moldavian national and I'm on my way to China, but to accomplish my goal all that I lack is finances. I live in Romania and it's not so easy to fundraise here, so I prayed and the Lord showed me to present this need to you, dear Family, and ask you for help. If you could help me to reach this goal in any way, whether through a small or big donation, I'll be eternally thankful! And I believe He would richly bless you for your sacrifice! Thus you will have a big part in reaching China and the Chinese people with the Words of David!

          You can send your gifts via SEEC ABM to RO010 Constanta, Romania, for Samuel PW. Thank you very much for all your help! GBY! You are wonderful and I feel privileged to be serving the Lord alongside with you!

            Dear Family! GBY! We are a happy national Home in Russia, which opened just eight months ago. We've launched several projects, one of which is a CTP ministry, which has been a real blessing to the children in an orphanage. There is a lot more we could do here, and so many small villages around us that we could bring the message to, but we often lack finances. With your help we can do so much more. Please write us today and we will be happy to tell you more. Russian ABM will pass it to us. LHY! Our prayers are with you--RU008.

Shine On - September 2000

TEAMWORK                       Per Adult      Total


Leland/Spring/Charity, South Africa       6,66640,000

Martin/Mercy/Selah, Mozambique          4,41230,884

Sharif/Joanne/Rima, Nigeria        2,595   15,570

 Juan/Maggie, Mexico          1,000   2,000

Josue/Maria, Mexico            736      2,944

Ben/Tirzah/Sharon, Malawi   666      4,000

Salomon/Belen, Mexico       547      3,280

Abner/Esther/Claire/Sharmini, South Africa500    4,000

Daniel/Crystal/Steven/Claire, India    497     1,988

Paul/Charity/Jeanne/Pierre, Madagascar     380    1,520


Salomon/Belen, Mexico    2,438   14,626

Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA     883     8,831

Promise, Japan                 836      836

 Serena/Tommy, Cambodia  801      3,205

Michael Christian/Maria/Sapphire, Japan     689    3,449

Angelica/Crystal/Jenny/Peter, USA  596     2,383

Rebecca/Ryan/Christina, Puerto Rico         400    1,200

Mary Wholeheart/Samuel W., USA  375     1,500

Sam/Maria, Brazil                375      750

Esteban/Amor, Mexico         333      1,000


Jeho/Consuelo/Lizzy, Brazil       206       2,276

Peniel/Belen, Mexico        167    500

James/Flor, Philippines     147    295

Pablo E., Chile                    135    270

Jessica/David, Russia          110    220

Francisco/Joanna, Brazil      109    547

Jonas/Angela/Samuel, Brazil          104       416

Davi/Madalena/Andrew, Brazil        102       918

Miguel/Brisa, Brazil              93      280

Juan/Lily, Colombia              92      370


Jessica/David, Russia        215    430

Aby, Colombia                   60      120

Joao/Clara/Luiza, Brazil    49      149

Ben/Meekness/Sam/Ruth, Botswana          36     220

Ezequiel/Esther/Taines, Brazil       25         77

Miguel/Paloma/Filipe/Victor, Brazil22         89

Almond/Charity/David, India  20      60

Marie/Simeon/Timothy, Indonesia   18         149

Davide/Joan/Kristen, Italy      18      54

John/Esther/Lydia, Indonesia         18         54

Elite Bruce (DK comic)

          Private Cedric had enough, the walk of faith just seemed too rough,

          Though army life to be a drain, so left his post to grow a brain.

          Gave it lots of dirt and water, added stuff he shouldna oughtta.

          Felt God's truth to be a trifle, feared it would his brain growth stifle.

          And then to make his brain much wiser, he dumped in lots of fertilizer.

          Opened up his mind real wide, you won't believe what went inside.

          But Cedric's rapid growing brain without God's blessings brought no gain.

          Just leave him to his pamphlet flinging, we've got battles to be winning!

also included:

          full stats page; September 2000

          [Picture Fact announcement, from SACRO. Laid out in JPG format.]

          repeat of email listings

(End of file.)