DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
the grapevine
(Issue #98; October 15, 2000.)
The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.--Molie're
Banti Loving Jesus, born to Meekness and Philip on June 28.--Namibia
Elian, born to Liberty and James on July 24.--Albania
Baby boy, born to Sniezhana and Jonas on July 25.--Russia
Francis Julian, born to Esther and Mark on August 17.--Romania
Carlin Kyne, born to Dawn in August.--India
Natsumi Mishima,born to Lily and John on August 5.--Japan
Anthony Liam, born to Anita and Miguel on August 8.--Hungary
Diya, born to Claire and Steven on August 11.--India
Devin Leif, born to MarieAnne and Michael on September 7.--USA
Amanda Jade, born to Sarah and Jeremy on September 24.--Romania
new disciples
Michael (25, Indian) joined Silver-Creek Home in Delhi, India
Feast 2001 timetable!
God bless you, dear Family! We're praying for your Christmas preparations worldwide, and that the Lord opens tremendous doors for every Home's witnessing push this year. (Don't miss getting out the hot new item of this Christmas--CD cards! They're already going like hotcakes!! )
As you know, last year the Feast was held during the final days of December, culminating on the 31st with a New Years Eve ceremony. This year, the Lord has shown us to again have the Feast earlier than our traditional February Birthday Feast days, but rather than having it during the last few days of December, He has indicated that He would like it to be on January 2nd through January 4th.
With this timeframe, you'll have the last days of December to finish off witnessing or visits with friends and relatives, as the Lord leads you. This will also allow you to usher in the New Year with your close friends and sheep, having a happy time of prayer and praise together, on New Years Eve and/or New Years Day, as you are led.
During these Feast days, on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of January, as usual there will be a reading schedule to follow. The Lord also said some Homes may need and want to take a free day on the 5th, for rest, outings, picnics, extra get-out, fellowship, etc., but this is not mandatory. In some situations you may want to take this time off before the Feast, on the 1st of January, and in others after, but this will be up to each Home to decide what best suits your individual situation.
In addition to the Feast days in January, come February 18th, our official Family Birthday, the Lord has told us to take two days off! Both February 18th and 19th will be official days off for Family Birthday celebration in 2001.--Time to rest, relax, commune with the Lord, listen to His voice in prophecy, and also have fun and fellowship together!
Praise the Lord! We pray this gives you sufficient time to arrange your schedules, witnessing and relative visits or trips around our 2001 Family Feast schedule. We love you!
Pray for our brethren in Mexico!
By Mama
Dear Family, please continue to be faithful to pray daily and fervently for dear Simon and Joseph who are still in prison in Mexico. They are depending on our prayers! Also pray for the Family members who are involved in the case, the lawyers, judges, and for dear Phoebe and her children.
The next two to three weeks are very important as the Appeals Court will be ruling on the case, as to whether it should go to trial, or to simply dismiss the case and release Simon and Joseph. Pray for a speedy end to this case, and specifically, that Joseph and Simon will be released soon.
Your prayers work miracles, and the Lord is bound by His Word. He's promised that if we call, He will answer. So send up those desperate prayers, and we will see results, by God's grace.
WS has dwindled …
By Mama and Peter
You may have read in a recent GN … or you soon will … that over a dozen people have recently moved on from WS to other fields. While we're happy that these individuals will be able to join other Homes in need of personnel and help, their departure has left WS a little shorthanded in some departments--and we need reinforcements!
Some months back, we put out a few want ads, and quite a few of you responded. Thank you so much! We were able to bring in a few new WS members through your responses to the ads. However, due to legal and other reasons, we weren't able to take in the majority of those who responded. We do have your responses on hand, and will be going over them again.
We hope you don't mind if we put out another call for WS workers, as if we don't do some recruiting, we'll have to cut back on some of our pubs and services to you, as at present we're unable to keep up, much less venture ahead into all the new and exciting things we know the Lord has in store!
We're primarily in need of:
Layout people
Web design/computer technicians
Do you fit the bill?--And are you on board with the New Wine and our Activated future? If the Lord gives your heart a tug and you feel you'd fit into one of the above-mentioned ministries, send us an e-mail at: ws@wsfamily.com or snail mail to: The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751
Irving, Texas - 75016-8751.
Describe your talents, experience, preferences and a bit about yourself. We're waiting to hear from you!
(For more information on want ad requirements, see Grapevines #56 and 84.)
Activated is taking off!
By the Europe/Africa Activated Desk
More and more brethren are getting activated to the Activated ministry, especially with distributing the books as outreach and fundraising tools. We have been receiving some big orders from Homes in Europe and Africa. The brethren are saying that the books are HOT SELLERS. One home ordered a second 70 kilos of books (170 individual books) a few weeks after a first order of the same amount!
Again, many thanks to those who have sent in addresses and also those who have sent in funds to pay for sponsored subscriptions. Great is your reward in Heaven. Here's an inspiring testimony from Matthew, in Sierra Leone, who receives a sponsored subscription.
Hello Peter and Rose,
God bless you and much love from your friend in Sierra Leone. May the power of God continue to lighten your days. For your information, I received all the publications you sent me safe and sound. [We sent him an Activated book with each Activated mailing.] I am always happy and appreciate your effort very much when I set eyes on these wonderful books. These are precious books that cannot be found anywhere in my country. These anointed books have made teaching more easy for me. At any time I go out to evangelize, people pay great attention to my teachings. They feel that I do this teaching by my own power, but I always tell them that may the glory be to God and Activated Europe for feeding me with the Living Word of God.
Peter and Rose, I am experiencing all this transformation in my life because I am thirsty to feed on the Word of God and do what the Word of God says. I am always praying that the Almighty God will continue to bless you in all your understanding. May the Spirit of God direct you and the anointing of God will overshadow your life.
Through the publications of Activated Europe I have known important men of God. A typical example is the Bishop of Christ Pentecostal Church Mission--their pastors call on me every day to research from the books you send me in the preparing of sermons and teaching of people.
Presently your publications have helped to bless the lives of people. Don't be surprised to receive letters from people of Sierra Leone responding to your publication which they have read from me and the way they get their salvation. There are so many testimonies people have to say about your publication and the transformation in their lives. The Bible says in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good work and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. I have been made a youth president and head of Evangelism in my church due to my obedience in the things of God.
Due to the war we have in Sierra Leon life is retrogressing every day. In the area of educational affairs it is zero. Bible institutions have been burned down by rebels, also churches, schools, hospitals and some governmental buildings. I want to make a further advanced course in Missionary Training, but due to destruction caused by the rebels, adequate institutions are not there for this advanced course.
I want to serve my God till the end of my life. The Bible says we must study the Word of God and show our self approved. I am please calling on the Activated Europe to help me go through this course. God will bless you mightily. Presently now you are my Christian brothers, I would not be ashamed to ask you for favor. Finally these are my prayer requests: for prosperity, more faithfulness in the things of God. I have enclosed my first year certificate for you. I will greatly appreciate again if you send me more materials. Hoping to hear from you soon!
Yours faithfully.
Matthew S.
Pop Quiz: Guess who said this and what they were talking about!
“I love this … this is so interesting. This'll really turn the kids on … I love this one … Now this is really interesting! … The word pictures are very good. … This is wonderful … Wow, this one's a heavy one … Really heavy and good prophecy. … Tremendous! … TYJ. … This is what our folks need to see. … These are so good, these short, to the point, really sock-it-to-'em kind of things.”
(See answer on back page.)
Mama, while listening to Blade 13--coming soon!
gaining givers
The Lord started supplying a monthly donation for some of my children's and my personal needs, and the Lord put it on my heart to share some of it, even if it wasn't much, with someone who was also in need. All of a sudden I received a letter from a brother on the other side of the world who said that the Lord had put it on his heart to share part of a big unexpected donation he had received with me! This was about 200 times more than I had given!
--Tabita Fé, Brazil
We can testify that as we continue to send monthly donations to different Family missionaries around the world, the Lord has been faithful to bring in all the funds we need to keep the Home running. Plus, He is supplying our wants and desires as well! This month we sent 130,000 yen worth of gifts around the world, and the Lord supplied our Home with a good quality sofa and two fancy dining tables with chairs--worth much more than what we sent out this month. All glory to the Boss!
--David, Pandita, Tim and Phoenix, Japan
In Grapevine #93, page 5, the photo accompanying the article “Distributing Lit” was taken on a trip to Cuba, not in Brazil, as the article implied. Our goof--sorry! Also, the Home's new e-mail address is: reliefmission@terra.com.br.
ws news
Prophecy vitamins for you
During one of our recent devotions, we had a special time of prayer for you, our worldwide Family. We popcorned prayers for every aspect of your outreach, home life, healing and the many needs you have. During these prayers, each person had a pen and paper, and wrote down short prophecy promises, as the Lord gave them. We thought you might be interested to read a few of them-as the Lord gave them for you. We love you!
My house is built with hearts, and to put it together I use the mortar of love and no adversity will be able to shake it.
The cry of My children comes unto Me, and I will hear and not forebear. Miracles will be done for My children.
I will hold My loves in my arms, and will comfort and heal them.
You are My loves, My brides. I will take care of you, provide, protect, heal and supply. I love and care for you.
As you reach out to your brethren in prayer, I will do mighty miracles everywhere.
My children in the Family give their all-their love, their time, their strength, to reach My lost sheep.
Let Me wipe away your fears and tears. Relax and allow Me to carry you into My loving arms-where you will be happier than you have ever been.
Healing is in My wings. Wisdom is in My Words. Supply is in My vaults. Love is in My heart.-All of this for you, My brides.
I will help. I will heal. I will deliver. My praises are yea and amen, and I change not. There is healing in My wings.
As a ministering angel, so shall I watch over and keep My children!
As you uphold them in prayer, the light of their witness and sample will shine bright and far.
Having a bouncing baby!
By Kevin
I've got some great news to share with you all! No, I haven't decided to stop writing goofy columns. I had a baby! Can you believe it? Well, probably not, because you most likely realize I'm a guy, and as you know, the only men that can have babies are muscle-bound actors with an Austrian accent (“I'll be back. It'll be twins next time.”). So as you know, I didn't personally have the baby, my wife did. I think you know what I mean.
I've never participated in childbirth or labor from beginning to end, before this, but I have seen bits and pieces (excuse the expression). The reason I've never seen one all the way through is because mothers don't usually like having hordes of youngsters hanging over them saying, “Hey, auntie Sue, what's that?” or “Auntie Sue, I didn't know you had a birthmark there!”
That is, unless it happened to be the early seventies, which happens to be when I was born. If my memory serves me right, as soon as I popped my head out I was greeted by 402 hippies who were singing songs, praising the Lord and speaking in tongues. After a hallelujah shower and a quick doughnut, I was brought to the main colony hall and began leading inspiration with a small plastic guitar. My mother might be able to correct some of the finer details, but that's more or less how it happened.
Back to the original subject matter. Frankly, this whole labor ordeal thing turned out to be a lot easier than I had expected. I'd heard so many horrifying “if this doesn't get you, that will” stories I was beginning to wonder if I should go though with it at all. Would I freak out? Would I fail to be a comfort to my wife? Would I faint and fall straight into the hospital equipment, causing a massive fire, necessitating the evacuation of the entire hospital? Would my wife pick up the nurse and club me on the head with her and then start throwing surgical equipment at me? Would the baby come out with two heads, four fingers and only half a brain (just like his father)? Would the labor somehow cause a devastating drought in Africa or a massive nuclear leak near a densely populated city?
Thankfully, none of the above happened. Instead it turned out to be a much simpler experience. A bit of huffing and puffing, mostly on the part of my wife, and a couple of hours later (give or take 50 or 70), out popped a beautiful, bouncing baby boy. Or at least that's what doctors are supposed to say in the movies. However, I must set the record straight: the baby did not bounce at all on his own, and no, I did not feel it was necessary to experiment.
But bounce or not, one thing the little bundle of love could certainly do is scream--and I don't just mean scream, I mean SCREAM! Then again, I would likely scream if someone were to pull me naked from a warm bed, stick me under a bright light and begin poking me with sharp objects and stuffing large tubes down my throat and each and every orifice in my body. I mean, poor kid! At one point I could swear I heard him say, “I want my lawyer!”
Although the labor did not bring the world horrendous calamities, it was still no walk in the park. This is particularly true for my dear wife, who had to not only endure the intense and prolonged pangs of childbirth, but also had to deal with the excruciating pangs of dim-witted jokes that seemed to involuntarily stream from my mouth. I had assured her beforehand that I would skip out on the humor while she was trying to concentrate on giving life, and for the most part I honored my promise. But being as tired and weary as I was, I occasionally lost control of my dorky joke gland. However, my wife bravely endured the many pains and tests during the ordeal, and I admire her all the more for it.
So, as I was saying, out came this screaming baby boy. The first thing we did was count the appendages, and thankfully he had 10 fingers and toes, two arms, two legs, a nose, adequate reproductive organs and so far it looks like his brain is at least normal size. Evidence to support this theory lies in the fact that he is able to control our sleeping habits with exceptional intelligence. For example, he has deduced that 4:30 a.m. is a perfect time of day for playing and crying because when it comes to getting our attention via loud noises there is absolutely no competition at that early morning hour. This is one smart kid.
So after counting the appendages, we moved on to the next stage in preparing this little life for the big bad world: That's right, we counted the appendages again. We then did so one more time just to be sure and wrapped him in a warm blanket, and for the first time in his life out in the big bad world, he slept like...well...a baby. Unfortunately, that was also the last time this happened. Weeks later, Daddy and Mommy are very tired, which is why this column is so silly.
So as you can see, we survived the entire labor ordeal without a scratch. I won't say it was easy, and no, it wasn't always that funny (except for that involuntary reaction I told you about), but I sure am glad I went through with it. For those of you who haven't yet seen your child born into the world, it's an experience well worth the wait and the sacrifice. Watching your wife give birth to a child is like a butterfly... or caterpillar...and a cocoon thingy... umm... popping out of a... umm...well, let's just say it's a life changing experience that you don't want to miss.
Okay, it's almost bedtime, so it's time for mom to feed the baby and for dad to count the toes and fingers. Just to be sure.
Activated Youth Camp in Central America
By the Family in Central America
In mid-September, a camp was held in Guatemala for 31 Family young people (12-25) who came from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Not only did the Lord supply the use of a beautiful hotel/restaurant for FREE to have our Activated Youth Camp at, but He also supplied the use of a swimming pool from another hotel as well as the use of a basketball court and soccer field.
Besides all the fun and fellowship, the rock'm-sock'm inspirations, the lively meetings and anointed skits that were enjoyed by all, something VERY special happened at this camp!! Lives were changed! Hearts were set ON FIRE, and spirits were brought back to life as we all felt His tug on our hearts compelling us to fulfill our destiny--that of becoming teachers and shepherds of His flocks, and thus fulfilling our greatest calling of all--the calling of a missionary!--And being the BEST!!!!!
God bless Jordan and Praise for hosting these camps, as well as their wonderful team from the Casa de Corazones Home in Guatemala.
By Jordan, Praise and Robin, Central America
It was a real team effort. Each Home made it possible for their young people to come, most at great sacrifice. We are all battling for finances and personnel to keep our Homes rolling but the Lord made a way! We want to send out a special word of our appreciation for the hard work put in by the Guatemala Corazones Home that hosted the camp. Especially for the preparations done by Paul, Gaby, David and Tirzah, and all the young people there who helped with provisioning, preparing, cleaning and praying! Peter, Lluvia and team who have just recently opened a Home in Guatemala made it possible for Robin to come which was another super blessing to us all! The Lord used everyone in some way, so THANK YOU all!
This was our first attempt at a camp and it really helped to get our instructions from the Lord. One example was when we were deciding about the dance night, and if we should play System music or not. It was a hard decision for some so we took it to Jesus. He sweetly gave a clear explanation of why it would be better to use only Family music, and even explained to the ones involved about this decision. Thank the Lord as He made things clear and easy to understand and obey.
We covered several key topics during the days we had together. Our first day of classes was focused on the Era of Action and the Conéctate vision. It was encouraging to see the eagerness of the young people. There are many among them who have felt the challenge and are ready to do more with it! We also covered topics that point out what the Enemy often uses to hold us back--System influences, and putting limits on what you'll let the Lord do with you. Another class explained how the S2K will continue as the Era of Action takes off, and that they should expect things to get better as they do their part to get things right with the Lord and make the commitment to change. The Lord helped us come up with at least one skit for each class, which helped keep things lively and fun.
The Lord has put on our hearts, now that the camp is all finished, to follow up on the victories won. The first action that is happening is to keep them going with the fire for witnessing.
Here are some reactions from the young people at the Activated Youth Camp:
Comments about the Era of Action!
A senior teen … It's time to train our sheep, and get rid of our deadness of spirit--to give 110% to the Lord. The era of action is a time to get rid of our problems and go on to training new disciples for Jesus!
A senior teen … I feel like I have a job to do!!! I mean, well, obviously. But I feel like I have something to devote all my time to and energy to!
An SGA … I liked this class because it gives the vision for how important witnessing is! It would be so inspiring to have the fire and spirit that our parents had for witnessing and winning disciples (when they were our age). What inspires me the most is that we just have to ask Jesus for that inspiration, that fire, and take the first step by faith. It's also time to stop complaining about our personal problems and start to worry more about the lost sheep who need our help, and above all, need Jesus.
An SGA … I think the paragraph that stood out to me the strongest was the one that stated that “Bad attitudes and System influences would be purged from the Family” through the sheep's visits.--That they would motivate us, and that the complacency and deadness of spirit would be “eliminated naturally” when we see all the sheep on our doorsteps. The class instilled a feeling that a LOT was about to happen--that we a have a LOT to look forward to!
What can you personally do to get the Activated program rolling?
A JETT … I could say to myself “Well, I'm only 13 and I don't have to do it.” But that is wrong. I can invest my time in the Conéctate program.
A senior teen … I can start doing what I can do in my area and start telling my friends and the people I know about Conéctate!
An SGA … The program means much more than just selling magazines. I guess the first step for me would be to start the baby steps toward winning disciples. That in itself entails quite a lot, but I believe it's the primary and ultimate goal.
What is your personal vision for the Era of Action, and what do you have to do or change to reach that goal?
A senior teen … The vision I have for the era of action is to be able to share the love of Jesus with all the people I know and to win disciples. I want to put emphasis on witnessing and have a class ready for friends, and let the Lord use me more.
A junior teen … To become a teacher of the Word!
A JETT … We need to get out and start by witnessing to people. When I was a little boy I used to go out witnessing with my Dad and I would win a lot of souls, but I haven't won a soul in years. Now I want to start again!
An SGA … I want to be able to reach Central America for the Lord! I want to help bring friends closer to the Family and win disciples! If I can win even one person that becomes a good witness, my time here will be worth it!
* * *
On the last day of the camp, we found out that we would need to find another place to have the dance that night. Jordan and Paul met with the owner of another hotel close by and explained our need for the use of their salon. Miraculously, the Lord touched the owner's heart and later that evening when we were all spruced up and ready for the dance, the Lord had a very special SURPRISE awaiting us!
When we arrived at this hotel, we met the daughter of the owner (in her early 40s) as well as some of the staff that worked there. We sang “Ain't it good to know (all 30 of us) and before we even finished, the tears started rolling down the woman's face. She looked up at us and with a smile said, “You just don't know what this means to me! The Lord sent you here tonight to bring me this love and comfort. You couldn't have arrived at a better time!”
Following are some reactions from that night:
Reactions to the witnessing before the dance …
A JETT … It impressed me to see their faces when the song ended. It made me happy to know that we could have that effect on people!
An SGA … The thing that impressed me the most was just how blessed we are! We have so much to give, but sometimes we don't realize it. Jesus has so much love to give to people, but He needs to use us as His instruments. All we have to be is willing to let Him use us.
An SGA … It was neat how they were so touched by just a few songs and a little love. Sometimes I forget just how powerful our songs are.
A JETT … We arrived just as this lady was needing some help and we were able to help her. Also, you know what it said in the GN about our “schedules being thrown out the window.” Well, that was sort of what happened! Because we took time to witness to her, we ended up starting the dance very late, (though we still had TONS of fun!). That was kind of encouraging to think that the era of action is really happening!
What did the camp mean to you?
A senior teen … A new beginning. Something I know I've needed, but just didn't want to yield to. It's the hardest thing in the world for me to yield! But I am determined not to let this camp, all these meetings and the entire experience, have been in vain in my life. I'm tired of being in indecision. I'm ready to devote myself to the Lord!
A junior teen … I'm convinced that the camp will be an important point in my personal life, because all that I learned will stay in my heart and I will put it into practice.
A junior teen … This has been a time to renew our spirits, renew our commitment to the Lord, a time to read and understand the Word more deeply and to make decisions.
A JETT … It meant a lot of things. I personally want to be better and change my ways. It also meant that this is the beginning of change.
Following is some immediate ACTION that has taken place right after the camps …
On Saturday night, just after arriving back in Guatemala city, the day after the camp, a team of 10 teens went to Antigua to personal witness. They won over 60 souls. They decided to go back there as it was a frequent witnessing spot some months ago. One of the main burdens they have is to find their “babies” out there and feed them so they will grow.
Herbert, 22 (a new disciple), Gaby (20), Mike (17) and Claire (15) from the Corazones Home in Guatemala are teaming up with Techi (20), Melody (18) and Crystal (15), from the Home in Honduras to go on the road and both follow-up on sheep that they have met in the past on road trips as well as get together with the sheep they have near their Home in Honduras to introduce them to more feeding times together with a special “party.”
We're totally sure that this isn't the end of our testimony--it's only the beginning!
reactions to Our Side and recent GNs …
It's amazing to see how the Spirit of God moves around the Family as a whole. Every Letter that comes out arrives as if you would have known what I or our Home was going through just then. It's always been like that! You write me (through the Letters) often and touch on subjects I would have liked to share with you personally!
I want you to know that we--I'm speaking for my Home--are right there with you both all the way! We pray that you won't get discouraged and that you'll keep up the good fight! We have been reading the latest mailings, and while reading “None of These Things Move Me,” we all feel the same as you.
--FGA woman, Colombia
I've been reading through the “Our Side” FSMs this last week, containing the beautiful and intriguing testimonies of those who know you more closely than most of us. Except for feeling sorry for you both having to go through this ordeal, I can only thank the Lord for His wondrous wisdom in allowing this situation, which resulted in so many standing up in very specific ways--so we get to know our dear shepherds (you!) more intimately! Truly fulfilling Ro. 8:28, and causing the wrath of men to praise Him!
After reading these testimonies, I feel a genuine change in my heart, direction, vision, and commitment--a new desire to serve our dear Husband, and my Family with the same (or as close as I possibly can get to it) love, care, unselfishness, prayerfulness, and dedication that is a daily part of your lives already.
I've compiled a collection of traits and comments from these FSMs so I can review them easily, and I pray they become a part of my life also. Thank you for your love and prayers for me, and your dedication, love, and faith for our Family--beautiful examples of our greatest Shepherd.
--FGA woman, Taiwan
I just finished reading parts 1 and 2 of “Our Side.” I am so touched by all that everyone has written. You see, I always wanted to know a lot of the details about you both that have been written in these articles. What better way to get to know you, other than visiting you (which will probably never happen for me here on Earth), than to hear it straight from the horses' mouths--those who live and work with you every day. I laughed. I wept. I took account of my life.
I wept when I read of the time you were upset, when you had the garage-sale and no one had given tracts to the people who had come by. That really showed me a lot about you Mama. That showed me even more strongly how you have the heart of David. The next day I went out and found myself praying with all our friends. If there is anything I want to be known by the sheep for, it is that they could say of me, “She brought me Jesus' love.” I read how patient you are, how kind and considerate, how unassuming, and how un-heavy you are when someone is out of it. That's how I want to be.
I've never met you, I've never received a prophecy from you, I've never had a personal note from you. But I say with all my heart, as much as I would like all those things, if I never get any of these here on Earth, it doesn't matter because I know that you know me and love me and are watching over me. (I am sure you know me more than I realize.) I know it by the love I feel from our CRO, Endureth. To me she is a touch of you both. She really is the Lord's love and yours and Peter's love for this field.
There is so much more on my heart that I wish I could tell you--just what it is that I admire and love about you both so much--but anything that I felt has all been brought out so clearly in these testimonies from the Family folks who really do know you. Thank you to all those who wrote.
--Female, Middle East
How'd you get together?
The Lord has done amazing things to bring people together in a relationship or marriage to serve Him; we've received stories of prophecy, miracles, signs, and circumstances the Lord used to confirm His will. Thanks so much for sending them in!
We'd like to publish more, so if you have such a testimony (or know of someone who does) would you write it up to inspire us all? Particularly if you've gotten together since the New Day or if your marriage was renewed as a fulfillment of the Lord's promises for loving Him intimately, it would encourage many to hear about it.--Marriage with Jesus as the focus!
Please send your love stories!--And please include photos as well, romantic shots we can print with your testimony! WLY!
in My arms
Elisha and Liberty/PACRO shepherds, Japan: Mariko was in an accident that burned 80% of her skin when she was just five years old. The doctors said there was no hope for her at the time but the Lord brought her through miraculously. Later on, the doctors made a critical mistake during a skin graft operation, and her heart, lungs and all organs stopped functioning for a full ten minutes. Although she never recovered fully since, she had been rehabilitating over the years since this second accident and, although very handicapped, had been doing much better, learning to communicate through hand motions as well as participating in a variety of activities including attending concerts, visiting schools and other institutions. She could not see, talk or walk, but she was very aware of her surroundings and smiled, laughed, cried and responded in other ways. Through her several doctors, nurses, patients and families of patients, literally hundreds have gotten saved.
Little Mariko (10) went on to her Heavenly reward early this morning (September 24). On September 22, completely unexpectedly, she began bleeding from her throat (where she has a tube inserted in order to breathe). The doctors successfully stopped the bleeding, but about 12 hours later, it began again. She underwent a blood transfusion and the doctors performed examinations. The fourth time this happened, her heart stopped. Three doctors took turns performing CPR on her. Miraculously enough, her heart started beating again, taking the doctors by complete surprise. Mariko hung in there until the last minute, enabling our entire family to be present to bid a temporary farewell. Then it was the Lord's time for her to go Home to be with Him.
Please pray for Elisha and Liberty's comfort, faith and encouragement; Liberty's physical strength and health (pregnant with #11); needed funds for hospital fees, burial costs and other payments.
Thank you for your prayers and spiritual support during this time. If you receive any messages from the Lord or the spirit world, please send them to us. Also, if you can, we would really appreciate any physical or financial help you can give us at this time. Thank you so much.
Tel/Fax: 0263-58-1670
Address: 1-14-6 Hiratahigashi, Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken, 399-0014
Name: Hiroshi Tateishi
Email: EZL06136@nifty.ne.jp
Please send all gifts to this account (please let us know so that we can thank you!):
Hachijyuni Ginko, Toyoshina Branch (482), Futsu 464539
Name: Hiroshi Tateishi
Mariko: Dear Mommy and Daddy, I love you so much. You fought so hard for me both physically and spiritually. You fought for my healing and my life, and so did I, but this time Jesus wanted to bring me Home. I know you understand that, and it helps you to be at peace.
Jesus has told me that one of my missions is going to be to minister to and comfort people who are suffering, especially physically, as a result of sickness or disease. I'm mainly going to be helping Family members who are battling like this. Jesus said that since I went through so much on Earth, I'll be able to be a big comfort and encouragement to others. Of course, I'll be able to be a help to you too, whenever you need me.
Please don't cry too much for me, because I'm very happy Here with Jesus. I'm able to walk and talk and sing and dance and see all of the beautiful things around me. I have no more pain at all. I'm completely whole once again, and people even tell me I'm beautiful. Jesus told me how beautiful I was too. He has so much love. So please don't worry about me. I'm going to be helping you from Here and looking forward to when we'll be together again. (End of excerpts of a message from Mariko.)
An Activated VS
By Beth, India
I wanted to share with you some of the things that I was able to learn and experience while on some visitation to New Delhi recently for 7 weeks.
There are eight Homes there and it was my first “official” visit anywhere outside of Bangalore so I was of course feeling very apprehensive and nervous. I knew the Lord had a lot up His sleeve to teach me, and all I could do was pray that I would be able to see these things and receive it in whatever format it came.
Recently I've been so excited about witnessing and winning catacombers and souls and being involved with Activated. I knew that I couldn't preach at people and tell them to get out Activated if I had hardly stepped out the door and done it myself. So I have been so excited about it and making sure that every week I was able to go out and do follow up and give classes to people etc., and get people Activated . I have always loved doing outreach, but recently the Lord renewed my deep desire and burning passion for souls. When I was praying before our visitation, the Lord told me and all three of us who went that just speaking from our hearts about what the new Era of Action has done for us personally would speak louder than almost anything we could say or do. The Lord told us that as we go to Homes, to just go out witnessing with them, take the young people out, be excited and inspired about mass marketing and about winning souls and about all that there is ahead.
It was the key! In every Home that we went to, we talked about witnessing, we went out with their teams and got people Activated with them and helped them to realize that it can be done. As we did it, I realized that being out there witnessing and seeing the need is truly--just as the GN prophecies said--the answer to all these internal problems that the Homes are facing! I had felt so worried and extremely incapable of going to a Home and analyzing what's wrong and what's right, and talking about this problem and that problem.--Not that this doesn't need to be done. It did, especially with the S2K visitation. But as I went out witnessing with these young people and they would talk about this battle and that trial and “why are things this way?” etc., in case after case as soon as they got inspired about witnessing and Activated and the sheep to take care of, these things hardly mattered any more. The priority switched from them trying to figure how to be happier, to finding a responsibility in feeding someone and caring for them and watching them grow in the Lord.
People are getting turned on to see before their very eyes that the new era is here, and that it's all a matter of faith and obedience to get out there, step out and try something new that the Lord is asking you to do, and then the anointing falls. I know that it's taking a lot of faith for me, and for everyone to do these new things that the Lord is asking, but just that simplicity of faith is moving mountains and making life so thrilling every day!
Japan Live-outs meeting
By Stephen (CRO), Japan
We had a very inspiring fellowship meeting for the Live-outs and close friends of the Family. Because of their busy schedule we had to make it short and power-packed. Some people even drove all night to attend the meeting. Altogether 56 people came, including seven children. Thirty-three of them are Live-outs and the rest CM. (Dear Gideon and Sunny, and YAs Isamu and Marie watched children during the Word classes, GBT!)
We started out the first day with a fun inspiration time, led by Kenny and Teresa. For the first Word class, we read the very inspiring prophecy sent from Mama's Home for this meeting regarding His love and special plan for them, etc. Stephen (CRO) then explained how much Dad loved Japan and what Mama and Peter are like, etc.
The afternoon class (by Paul VS) was about the new weapon of prophecy, based on the Hearing from Heaven booklet which is not published in Japanese yet. In the course of the class we prayed for those who haven't received the HG yet. At the end of the class we took some time to hear from the Lord together--practice time!
The next morning we had a class on the callings of the Family and how we are different from the church. Stephen went over the major events of the Judeo-Christian history based on the Letter “Basic Bible” (#1884). He explained how the Lord has set us free from the Law of Moses and how we must act now according to the spirit of the law that is love instead of the letter of the law. Then he went over the callings of some famous Christians, i.e. Martin Luther, Joan of Arc, Saint Francis and Mother Teresa, and explained how they were faithful to their Heavenly callings although those were contrary to the common sense and traditions, and even the church system of their day, just like our callings are. We also touched on the Era of Action, and explained briefly the “Family's Future and Expansion Program” (GN#908).
The last class was the prophecy Q&A, and we ended the meeting with another hearing-from-the-Lord session.
Besides the Word classes, we had a fun activity night with inspiration, games and showing of the two TV program clips featuring our large families, Paul and Dorcas and Alf and Claire. (They each have 12 children!)
All in all the fellowship meeting was a lot of fun and many Live-outs commented how it helped them.
world news
Dental Equipment Sen t to Cambodia
Manna Home, Japan: Two dental clinics offered us complete sets of dental equipment. We counseled with a university hospital in Cambodia and they decided that they would open a new dentistry department in the university, using this equipment.
Everything we needed to send it to Cambodia was supplied by donations, including taking it apart and out of the clinics, a warehouse for temporary storage, wood for boxing, and a 40 foot container.
Besides the dental equipment, other humanitarian aid, including some of following was sent to Cambodia in early July: 3,000 pairs of shoes, 2,000 T-shirts, 13 boxes of books, 50 computers and 5 monitors!
[Prophecy fulfilled]
Broad Island: Almost a year ago Mr. S., one of our faithful friends and a faithful supporter, was thinking of quitting his job after he had faithfully worked for Sogo Department Store for 25 years as one of the general managers in the facility-supervising section. He wasn't sure if it was the Lord's will for him to quit then, so he asked us if we could pray and hear from the Lord about it. We prayed about it and the Lord said that Sogo Department Store wouldn't be an exception when it came to the upcoming devastating financial recession in Japan. The Lord also indicated that he should quit while he could get his full retirement money.
When we shared the prophecy with him, he said, “Thank you so much. Now I have peace about quitting my job.” Then the other day, as we were watching the news, we saw the newscaster announcing Sogo's bankruptcy! We were all amazed to see the fulfillment of the prophecy. The Lord knew what was really going on behind the scenes with this so-called “model department store chain.” Mr. S was able to receive his full retirement money in time, and is very thankful for the Lord's foresight. He's since given us quite a large donation toward our work.
[Picture worth 1 ,000 words]
Michael, Rainbow Home: I have been working on a new project to help in my witnessing. It's my own personal witnessing brochure. I was using one just for night witnessing and would show it to customers, as the song list also was in there, and they would pass it around and look at all the pictures of me singing in different places in Japan. I also included pictures of my teen years, pictures of me in the Air Force, my early days in Japan as a young missionary, etc. It was an excellent tool and inroad to start witnessing to the customers, because they are amazed at the pictures and always ask questions.
As I was praying about how I could put more of a witness into my night singing, the Lord inspired me with an idea to take my witnessing album one step further. I made it bigger and now am including pictures, with captions which I typed out in Japanese, of every ministry and job I have done in Japan including institution visitation, children' s singing groups, busking, English teaching, and also included some baby pictures of myself, and pictures of my early childhood. This gives me a chance to share my testimony. I also included some Family pictures with all the kids, and also the children involved in different witnessing activities.--Whatever I could put in there to make it more of a witness.
I tried it out and it is a smash hit with not only the customers, but the bar girls, and mama-sans (female owners /managers of nightclubs or bars) too. It is very interesting for them to see and they ask me questions which of course lead to witnessing and souls getting saved, tools out, and contacts made.
Sometimes we don't know how amazing our lives are until we share them with these people whose lives are so empty and don't have much to live for. Most of the pictures I used were either in some forgotten about album, or thrown in some drawer, and to us sometimes seem like normal pictures, but to people out there they can really be power-packed messages of love. One picture is worth a thousand words. So just think how many words you can get in there to witness with a whole album full of pictures with captions under them. They are a witness in themselves.
[News from East Taiwan]
Michael, Taiwan: After loading another vehicle with items to drive up to the villages, our team set off for Hsing Yi Hsiang in Nantou County. After traveling several hours from Taipei, we had to negotiate newly opened mountain roads where landslides had previously blocked any vehicles coming in. We were welcomed by the son of the Bunung village elder and began unloading our vehicle of supplies into the village church. We were helped by some of the village kids who carried boxes of cereals and cereal drink, clothing, toys, tissue, Vitamin C and supplement vitamins--all donated by friends and doctors from around Taipei.
Our meeting with the elders and the pastor and village chief was very good. We explained our desire to help their single parents, of which there is a high ratio in the villages. We want to organize not only our rice deliveries, but also obtain sponsored sets of children's videos for the village teachers to use. As always, they fed us and invited us to stay the night in their idyllic, peaceful mountain village of these indigenous people of Taiwan.
[I.T. training for the underprivileged]
Karachi Home, Pakistan: When we received a donation of computers from a company some time ago, we found that they weren't quite sufficient for the needs of our Deaf Center (for which they were originally obtained), as at the center we require a certain amount of processing power plus multi-media ability. So we had the idea of donating them to the local orphanage (pre-teen to senior teen levels) where we regularly help out.
Sam and a local friend, who operates a small computer business, gave of their time and effort. By putting in a couple of Sundays, they were able to set up a small lab of 7 PCs. When the orphanage wasn't able to find a computer teacher, Sam stepped in by faith to start teaching, even though he's not fluent in the local language and didn't feel real capable. Nevertheless, the kids caught on fast and now love and look forward to this time.
At the school the orphan kids attend, they have a few PCs which are quite old and only run DOS programs, and the kids are receiving limited training. They are thrilled with our setup, as now they can utilize Windows 95 abilities. They love working on graphics and several are very serious to learn touch-typing and word-processing. These kids are eager to take advantage of this learning opportunity, as they know that it's mostly an uphill climb for them socially and skills-wise in the future.
moving missionaries
We arrived in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in June. We opened the third Home in the city. It's so beautiful here, and the people are receptive. We scouted in February this year for one month and found housing and worked on our visas. We are all so thankful to be here!
--Stephen and Mary, Mark, Crystal and Rueben, and families
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Omar Epps, Sanaa Lathan
Drama following the basketball careers and relationships of next-door neighbors Quincy and Monica from their pre-teens through the pros.
Richard Gere, Winona Ryder
A commitment-phobic womanizer falls in love with a woman half his age. Shows the conversion of a soul to that which is meaningful in life.
Diana Ross, Brandy
Drama about two singers, a mother and daughter, who are reunited after many years. Includes their emotional ups and downs as they try to re-establish a relationship and resolve the past. A lot of singing by the two stars throughout the movie.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson
Identical twins Hallie and Annie were separated at birth when their parents divorced. After the two meet at summer camp, they begin plotting to reunite their estranged parents.
George “Buck” Flower, Mark Edward Hall, Robert Logan, Heather Rattray
From the makers of the Wilderness Family films. Set in 1876, this wilderness adventure centers on a pair of orphans who will stop at nothing to successfully navigate the rugged Rockies and trek to Salem, Oregon where they are to inherit a 400-acre ranch.
Love and Basketball
(Jesus:) It's sad that so many movies, even when they're sweet love stories, include jealousy and lack of forgiveness as a natural part of life. That is natural for man without Me, but with Me, you can have love that includes and in fact is based on forgiveness. Lovers have to forgive each other for imperfections and failings every day, and if you don't have true forgiveness, you can't have real love. Still, the story does show how love wins out over resentment.
It promotes its share of the wrong messages--the unrealistic depiction of pro sports and what it takes to get and stay there, the System's hypocrisy about sex outside of marriage, and the wrong attitudes about forgiveness. These things are woven into what is otherwise a pretty sweet story of young love between some pretty sweet kids.
Autumn in New York
(Jesus:) Although this movie doesn't treat all the topics it touches on--like inter-generational sex, death, etc.--in a totally Godly fashion, nonetheless there is a moral of the story. Love never fails, and through their love for one another they were both changed. He especially was made a new creature, and if there hadn't been such an extreme situation he might not have been able to make the change. He was a proud, scared, tough nut, and it took a major crisis to get through to him. Beauty for ashes! It should break your heart for those lonely lost people out there who are so blinded by their pride that they need the 2 x 4 treatment. This won't be a movie to everyone's liking, especially as the topic is a bit sensitive for some; nevertheless it is an interesting character study.
Double Platinum
(Jesus:) This is a movie about reconciliation. The difficult part of this movie is that in order to reconcile, a lot of time and detail must be spent on looking at how the mother and father made their mistakes and caused many problems for their daughter. The Enemy can amplify and even misappropriate this situation for some of your young people, in regards to things which have happened in their own lives or the lives of their peers, and for this reason, it is prudent to preview this movie before showing it to those who may be thus affected--directly or indirectly. Give no place to the Enemy.
Accentuate the positive--the lessons learned by all and how the road to reconciliation can be much smoother thanks to the smooth surface of prayer, confession, forgiveness, and humility--and of course, love. Another good point is that even if mistakes were made by the parents of young people viewing this film, this new generation can avoid making the same mistakes--especially by staying close to Me and My Word.
The Parent Trap
(Dad:) This is a sweet movie and is fun and entertaining to watch. There are a few things that you parents and care-givers will need to keep in mind when you're watching this with the kids. Make sure that you point out how wrong it was for the girls to play those pranks on each other, and others, and to deceive their parents. Playing pranks on people isn't loving, and we don't allow dangerous pranks in our Homes! Other than that, this is a very sweet and fun movie about learning to get along, love and friendship.
Across the Great Divide
(Dad:) I enjoy a movie like this. There's a good mixture of excitement and funny parts without all that slapstick foolishness. There are a couple scary parts that might bother more sensitive younger children, but for the older ones it should be fun and interesting.
mama's mailbox
Dearest Mama,
I wanted to write you about some counsel you gave me about two years ago. I wrote you expressing my concern for my financial future and security, since I am getting older. I will be 53 this year, and the time may come when I may not be able to be as active as I am now.
I had asked for permission from you for the CROs to lend me $2,000, which I had intended to deposit in a fixed account in a local savings and loan bank, that pays 48% a year, renewable every six months. In four years this $2,000 would yield, compounded, a gross total of about $12,000. You told me that the decision for me to receive a home loan was up to the CROs, and you wisely counseled me against putting money in that type of bank, explaining what Dad has often said that we do not believe in investing in the Devil's business, and also that these kind of high interest banks usually are high risk also, and that the economy in [this country] is not that stable, and so on.
Mama, I gladly and blindly took your counsel as from the Lord, even though at the time the economy here was strong and there appeared to be no risk involved as far as I could see. To make a long story short, in the past three months, both of the banks I was considering had their doors shut by the government. They were apparently in the money laundering business also, and there is still quite a bit of a confusion about how the depositors are to get their money back.
And that is not all! Without taking a loan, and I believe as a direct reward for taking His Word through you by faith, the Lord helped me through the wholesaling of the videos, (by that I mean selling them by collections of 18 and 20 only) and also by selling Bibles to churches by boxes, to save over $12,000--the same amount that I had the vision for, but in half the time, with no risks, except the normal and inescapable one between the purchase and the sale. All glory to Jesus and His faithfulness!
--FGA male
update on Jasper
By Love (of Jasper), USA (written September 18, 2000)
Jasper is being very well cared for in a Catholic nursing home just ten minutes from here. I opted for institutional care over bringing him home for many reasons. First and foremost was the Lord's direction in prophecy, and the feeling that he would make more progress if he had the proper therapies and rehabilitation, rather than what I would know how to do for him myself at home.
At present, Jasper is very brain damaged and can do almost nothing for himself. He goes in and out of moods as well as levels of consciousness. He has not communicated more than a nod of the head and sometimes mouths words, but because of the trach tube is not yet speaking. He continues to make very small improvements. One doctor stated that with severe brain injury, progress can happen up to five years.
There are so many questions that come up in a situation like this; real life-and-death kind of questions like life support, treatment and medication, etc. The only life support Jasper is on per se is a feeding tube; other than that he breathes on his own. We have placed an advanced directive should his condition worsen, and that is not to resuscitate him should his heart fail and not to put him back on the ventilator. I believe with all my heart that Jasper's times are in God's hands and I want Him to take him home when both He and Jasper are good and ready. I know the Lord will show me and give me peace if there ever comes a time when he doesn't want me to give Jasper any kind of medical intervention. For example, besides his decreased mental ability, he also is in very delicate physical condition and has had several bouts of different life-threatening conditions.
I have never been an efficient organized person and now I am responsible for Jasper's care, supporting myself, my kids, all home care, business, driving everybody around, witnessing, caring for my granddaughter four days a week and most of the time I feel overwhelmed. Please keep me in your prayers.
One idea the Lord gave me was to begin a “Tommy ministry” since Jasper is in a situation with a constant flow of staff members and visitors. We are setting up a shelf with Activated materials, Reflections and tracts for people to help themselves to with a sign that says the following:
God bless you! As those of you who knew Jasper are aware, his greatest desire was to give to others the joy and love that he found in Jesus! We would like to ask you to please take a moment to read the story of Tommy, which is on this shelf. Although he can no longer get out and around, we believe that Jasper would want to have a Tommy ministry so that he could continue giving to others. So we would like to ask that in honor of his desire to give Jesus' love and Word to others, that you would please feel free to take some things from this shelf that interest you!
Thanks so much for your love and care for our dear Jasper and for us, his family! We pray that the words in these little booklets will bring you happiness!
Thank you very much for all your love and prayers! I dearly love you and am praying for you.
(Mama and Peter: Dear Family, please continue to keep dear Jasper in your daily fervent prayers. Our God is the God of miracles. Pray for the Lord's perfect will in Jasper's life, and for grace and the supply of every need for Love and her family.)
letters to the editor
Re: Action Series #3
Action Series #3 (GN 908) was awesome. The changes the Lord is bringing about are mind-boggling! When I started reading this GN I initially was going to have half an hour of Word time. Well, I couldn't put it down and ended up reading it right through. It's amazing how such monumental changes can be brought about only through our yieldedness. Like the “if clause.”
--a fella in Thailand
Does anyone know how to get in touch with French Andrew (Olivier)? I have never gotten any responses from my emails sent to Kenya where I thought he was (last) located. TYSSM. You can contact me at: abifr@yahoo.com
Naty (of David and Susana) wherever you may be, PLEASE contact Sese at: dropaline@intercall.com.br. Believe me, it 's urgent. Tks.
Kat is looking for Aichan, lived in India together. Where are you? I miss hearing from you. Rite me!!! E-mail: zamfam@zamnet.zm. S.M.: Family Missions, Freedom way, P.O. Box 10, Lusaka - Zambia.
Tia Flor (of Abner), where are you? Pls write to me asap. Gedeon (last heard in Ukraine), let me know where are you now. write to me at Hobbit78@email.com.
I'm trying to get in touch with John (American) of Joy (British). If you are still around please write me at: cls_92595@yahoo.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Celeste (of Pedro and Daniela), and Angelica (of Esteban and Rut), please contact Sharon at e-mail: cafe2k@ig.com.br.
Sabine R., Joy M., Mercy Helper and Angie (lived with you in Ukraine), Joe H. is sorry to have lost contact. Would like to hear from you. Contact me via the African ABM. Home number: mk2015
Looking for Richard Martin H. … her best friend … please write to carrasco@cantv.net.
help wanted
Pioneer Home in Calcutta with growing Deaf, music and outreach ministry, wants to ask for your support. We opened in July of this year and are in need of your financial help, as well as any one who would like to come. Much love, Aaron and Joyful. IA56
Hi! We are a small team of Franz, Lily, YA Brian, Jolena and our three kids. Some of us started to pioneer the coast area of Kenya one year ago. Mombasa (at 2.5 million inhabitants being the largest city on the coast) has never really had a Family Home, but was reached via road teams from time to time. Mombasa is the biggest deep sea port in East Africa, but due to many difficulties like corruption, a slump in the economy and tourism, daily power rationing, droughts, rising crime, etc., the city is going through a time of major hardship. Businesses are folding up daily and workers have been laid off by the droves. The coastal area already being poor, has been hard hit by this wave of difficulties. Many middle class people can now only afford one meal a day and often no longer have the funds to send their children to school. Medical care has become unaffordable for most and our CTP with free First Aid and Medical Camps is growing fast.
The population here is mixed Muslim and Christian and there is a great vacuum and hunger for the Word. People are very desperate and cling to the words in the Posters and books we distribute. When someone buys a book, it gets passed around all their relatives and friends. Praying about our future here, the Lord has showed us to shtick, but that time is short and urged us to get out the Word and Activated in an effort to bring comfort and hope to these needy folks. We would like to set up bookstands along the coast and roll the gold before it's too late. Since local fund raising has become increasingly difficult, we wanted to appeal to anyone interested to help with a donation towards this book project of reaching the coastal people of Kenya during their hour of hardship. Receiving your donations would also help us lower the price of the books, so more people can afford to buy them. We hope to hear from you soon, pls. write us to: Action@swiftmombasa.com and send your donations via the TRF. Thanks!
[Witnessing shepherds]
By Aaron Actor, VS, Africa: Before receiving the Activated GN, talking about the era of action, the Lord was working in my life and “stirring my pot,” so to speak, causing me to evaluate my effectiveness with regards to shepherding in Africa and in our Home base, as well as in being a father and teaching and shepherding my children. Of course, I found myself lacking and falling short in so many areas where I felt I could be more of a strength to those around me. I got some needed prayer which set me on a better path. Then the Lord gave me some practical solutions in the category of witnessing.
The Lord showed me that in order to catapult others towards witnessing and its benefits in our daily life, I had to be a sample of it myself. Even though I have tons of other work, I committed to go witnessing every day (from lunch till 3:00 or 3:30, the university is only 10 minutes from our Home), taking a child or someone who needed witnessing encouragement. We scheduled meetings and other administrational work around it, making sure that that time was not touchable. And it worked! Like Mama said, if you can do anything more than five times it becomes a habit, and in this case a very good one.
One of the unexpected blessings of starting this good habit was the Lord revealing witnessing how-to's to me. I began to understand more of the problems that get in the way of normal Home witnessing, seeing where the Enemy gets the best of our people by stopping them from getting out, even by seemingly good excuses or even good intentions.
Often people put witnessing in the class of, “Well, if the Lord wanted me to do that, He'd give me more time,” instead of changing their priorities as needed. Though I'm involved in a lot of witnessing projects throughout Africa, to bring it back home to a normal Home situation where so much fights against our daily witnessing has been an eye-opener for me of where we need to help in Homes across our continent.
[A solution for single moms?]
From the bottom of my heart: I believe that the answer was written some time ago already and that it just depends on all of us how we want to put it to practice. Why don't we couples take the single moms and their children in as our own wives, sisters and children, as they really are? What is stopping us from giving our lives in sacrifice to those of our own house? Aren't they our mates, wives, sisters?--And their children our own children?
If in the new era to come and in Heaven we are going to live One Wife to the full, what is the problem with living it today? Besides, since the Lord has encouraged us to live One Wife more in this particular time, why not start with one of the greatest of our needs in our Family--our single moms?
[In love with Africa]
21-year-old, Africa: I have fallen in love with the African people. They are so simple that at first it can be frustrating for us fast-paced Westerners, but once you get to really know them and understand why they are the way they are, you begin to appreciate their simplicity and their child-like faith in God. They are so sincere in their beliefs. Many are so meek and humble and are used to being mistreated by the rich, so when you show them a little bit of kindness and concern they can hardly believe it's true.
Our gardener came up to me the other day and started talking to me while I was doing some laundry outside. He's a sweet man although he hardly ever speaks. I started asking him how his wife and son were doing, and he shyly said, “I know you are a true Christian and not some pretender.” I was surprised that he would say that all of a sudden, so I asked him how he knew. He answered, “Every time I pass by your house you always smile and say 'Hello Mugo, good morning' or 'good evening.' Every time I open the gate for your car you always wave at me and say goodbye. Most people just ignore me even though they go to church and say they are Christians.”
Needless to say I was quite convicted by that simple statement. Every time we go out we're on stage; our sample speaks louder than anything we might say. It's been a challenge for me, as this is the first situation I've been where it's like that, and not just once in a while but all the time.
ALL WS-related e-mails are changing. Please begin to use the below e-mails immediately. Note that there are two NEW e-mails listed below: Family Care's and KidzBiz!
Department E-mail address
Mama mama@wsfamily.com
Peter peter@wsfamily.com
To write BOTH Mama and Peter, write “To Mama and Peter” in your file.
Activated activated@wsfamily.com
Art contributions art@wsfamily.com
Blade blade@wsfamily.com
END end@wsfamily.com
Eve eve@wsfamily.com
FAR far@wsfamily.com
(NEW!) Family Care familycare@wsfamily.com
FED/CVC fed@wsfamily.com
FSM fsm@wsfamily.com
GP gp@wsfamily.com
Grapevine gv@wsfamily.com
Heaven's Library hl@wsfamily.com
Kidland kidland@wsfamily.com
(NEW!) KidzBiz kidzbiz@wsfamily.com
Prayer List pl@wsfamily.com
TeleTRF questions teletrf@wsfamily.com
Web team web@wsfamily.com
WS business ws@wsfamily.com
Zine zine@wsfamily.com
Any other pubs pubs@wsfamily.com
Any questions? question@wsfamily.com
Personal mail to anyone in WS wsmail@wsfamily.com
Please try to use PGP when sending your files to WS. There are 2 new keys posted on the MO site: Seal anything sent to Mama or Peter's box in the key called (MamaPeter). Anything sent to the other pubs boxes can be sealed with the key called (WSpubs).
(End of file.)