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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #97; October 1, 2000.)


          Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.

--Leo Buscaglia


         Amber Valentino, 1st child, born to Daniela Angel on July 7.-Costa Rica

            Cedric Daniel, born to Virginia and Daniel on July 21.-Bolivia

            Alvaro, born to Joy and Miguel on July 24.-Colombia

            Baby, born to Joy and Phineas onJuly 29.-Mexico

         Cayla Marie, born to Glory and Jonathan on August 2.-USA

         Javier Benjamin, born to Rosita and Samuel on August 3.-Mexico

         Kristy Fighter, 4th child, born to Marie and Andrew on August 12.-USA

            Alison, born to Clara and Joao on August 13.-Brazil

         Francis Julian, 2nd child, born to Esther and Mark on August 17.-Romania

            Brian Keith, born to Aichan and Felipe on August 18.-Brazil

         Brianna Lily, 4th child, born to Joanna and Daniel on August 22.-USA


a belated getting together announcement …

            Stefano and Daniela Chilean tied the knot September 7, 1999. Congratulations!

new laborers…

            David del Sur (37, Argentine) joined in Chile.-August

            Maria Paula (21, Colombian) joined in Colombia.-August

            Luz Mirian (35, Colombian) and her four children, joined in Colombia.-August

            Edgardo (42, Argentine) and Silvia (37, Argentine) and their five children joined in Argentina.-August

on the net

Family sites

          http://ton-a-month.tripod.com - Home in Seoul, Korea

         Marley, Web team: For a while now we have had our CD Famine for Love on mp3.com, which is a place for un-signed bands to get exposure via folks buying their mp3’s. Recently when checking into our account there, we found that two internet radio stations have been using songs from our CD in their playlist. It isn’t much, but at least the word is getting out, and it’s just the beginning.



WANTED: Sponsors for Activated subscriptions!

By India Activated team

         According to Compton’s Encyclopedia, nearly one sixth of all the human beings on Earth live in India. India is a ripe field with millions of potential subscribers, but many cannot afford the subscription fee. Right now the India Desk has a long list of parents and relatives of the Deaf catacombers who would like to subscribe, but cannot afford it. The Homes ministering to the Deaf would send us more names, but we asked them to wait until we can find sponsors. We also receive requests from people who write in and the Homes daily meet students who would also like to subscribe but cannot afford it.

         Would you or your Home be willing to sponsor subscriptions for this needy field? We would really appreciate it! You can send your donations to Activated India Desk via your CRO office stating they are for sponsored subscriptions. Don’t forget to include your Home number so you can receive credit for this. If you would like to contact us directly for any reason our email is: activatedindia@activated.org.

         Thank you for your help! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Spanish HomeARC 2000 is out!

By Spalim

          Hello, everyone! We wanted to let you know that a new edition of the Spanish HomeARC has just been completed, with many more pubs than the first one. Here are some of the highlights:

          - Over 2400 MLs, up to #3300

          - DBs 1-13

          - Updated Charter

          - The Bible

          - Good Thots

          - Marvelous Marriage

          - Most of Raise ‘em Right

          - Mega songbook with over 1000 Spanish songs

          - Over 250 PDF files with Spanish GP/DFO pubs ready to print (Reflections, Statements, Tracts, Power and Protection, Mountain Streams, DFO MLs, etc.)

         If you live in a Spanish-speaking country or minister to Spanish-speaking sheep, YOU NEED THIS!

          How to obtain a copy:

          - If you live in the Americas, order it from your Service Center or PPC.

          - If you live in the EURCRO area, order it from the Spain PPC.

         - If you live somewhere else, order it from Spalim at: spanlim@attglobal.net


The story of the GP Africa Project (See MO site for more pictures.)

By Amber SGA, Uganda

         Once upon a time Lisa CRO went to Africa!-This took place in 1998. Through visiting the Homes and participating in their school CTP projects, she was impressed with the need to put together a program for children that could be used for such projects.

         Our Eurcro FED team (consisting of Amber and Agnes) were at that time living in the Eurcro office and were greeted by a very excited and inspired Lisa upon her return from Africa. She was bubbling over with the idea of putting together this curriculum, as there had also been requests for such character building teaching material as well as open doors to try it out both in Liberia and Rwanda! In fact, teams were going there shortly, and since Lisa was going to meet with these teams we thought “maybe we can put together something as a test run to see how it goes over and learn from these teams’ experience in using the material.”

          The way things turned out, we had a two-week deadline to complete 10 booklets. So, Agnes and I set out to put together 10 20-24 page A4 books in two weeks. We covered the subjects of Love and Prayer. These were our humble beginnings. Lisa returned to Africa with this first take of the project, and the response she got to it made her sure there was more to be done in this area. However, the rest of the year turned out to be booked with the Feed My Lambs series in color, which Agnes and I worked on full-time along with the CVC and Eurcro FED work.

         We finished the Feed My Lambs series in December, had Christmas, and then … it was time to pray about goals for the new year! The Africa project was a nice idea, but it’d been a while now since we did our two week project for Africa, and our current thought was that our next project would be to re-do the Mo Lion Readers, plus the Tiny Tot and the old TK Reader series), to make available to the Family. However, we found out that the Lord had other plans. Here are a few excerpts of what the Lord told us as we prayed about our year:

         Jesus: My children have received much (speaking of the new reprinted Kids TK Books that had just come out), but now there are two things I am concerned about; one, is that they learn to pour it out to others, and secondly, that they have the tools to give to others these Words of life; to all the starving hungry ones who now feed on the crumbs from your table, your rich and bountiful table, overflowing with riches and good delicacies. Make channels to pour this out to others in a greater flow to the hungering and waiting world.

         The time is now. Some doors are opening that have never been opened before, and they might close sooner than you think. So make sure My children have the tools to feed the young ones in their countries, in their languages. For the time is short and in feeding their little ones, the young ones, you will deeply affect the work of tomorrow and the decisions they will be making concerning their lives. So keep the vision for how important it is to give these, My little ones, even in the world, these Words of life. (End of message from Jesus.)

          And so, we were about to begin in earnest when … on January 23rd Agnes went to England to meet her husband-to-be. We tried to work on this big project while in two separate locations, but it wasn’t going so well, and we needed to team up again! So, on April 6th, Amber made a temporary three-month (ha-so she thought!) exit from the office to England where she and Agnes worked on the GP Africa project! THANK YOU so much dear ones at the BI Service center for taking Agnes and I and all our equipment in during those three months. We love you!

          Around this time, Lisa made a trip to the Folks’ house where she met with Mama and Peter, and presented to them the burden for this project. Mama was inspired to have the Lord give spirit stories for the project, so many of those on her team received spirit stories for the children of Africa, which were the first of the many stories to go into the project! THANKS to all of you who received these, we love you!-And thanks, Mama, for your encouragement in having your team help us with this boost in kicking off the project. It was also around this time that Lisa packed up and moved to Uganda to open a base there!

          Okay, back to England. The work was going okay, but something was missing … we didn’t know what an average African school looked like, we didn’t know how African children were taught, we didn’t know what kind of stories they would understand, and we didn’t even have a very good idea of what they looked like, the clothes they wore, etc. And here we were trying to draw art to appeal to Africans and put together stories for them to learn from and relate to!

          So, our next temporary 3-month (ha-so we thought!) move was about to take place. Us two tiny girls (literally, we’re 5.1 footers) were transported by cargo plane, along with ALL our office equipment, 17” monitors included, to UGANDA!-And the adventure begins!

          God bless the sweet Home here who willingly took us in, helped us set up the office and quickly made our project their project too! We would never have had the vision and courage to see this project through without their help and support! Twenty-six cheers for: Lisa, Oli, Marie, Aaron, Elizabeth, Peter, Esther, Dan, Carole, Gabe, Josh, Lee, Natacha, Christy and their 12 WONDERFUL kids!

         Our first experience in learning to know children and teachers in Africa was to help host a three-day camp for orphan teenagers, using parts of the project we had already completed. We learned a whole lot through this experience and little by little our vision for how the Lord wanted and needed this project to be was becoming clear. Before we could hardly blink an eye however, our three-month stay was over, and we weren’t nearly done with the project!

          Ooops, I forgot to mention that during our three months in England, Agnes and Andrew had decided to get married. However, Agnes was called to Uganda, and Andrew to Brazil! So, for the space of about five months, they were apart for the work’s sake, and then … Andrew joined us in Uganda where he helped the Radio Home get set up and put together their first few shows. Thank you, Andrew!

          So, we’re getting it done, but it’s taking longer than expected. We’re teaching at a school weekly, going out witnessing and gaining experience. Agnes is drawing away and Amber is putting together the text and doing the layout … but it’s taking SO long! We needed help! And so the Lord sent us dear Aaron W. who joined us for two months and helped give us a much needed boost as our four hands were getting weary with all there was to do! We can’t forget to say a great BIG THANK YOU to Aaron’s Home for sparing him to come and help us for those two months! We love you ALL!

          After two months, Aaron had to return Home, and Agnes and Amber continued to carry the torch … until … the Lord’s time bells rang for Agnes and Andrew to move on to Brazil. Wow, that was tough! It was hard to say goodbye as Agnes and I had been working together for years and years, but we trusted the Lord that He knew best and would supply someone to replace Agnes (actually, “replace” isn’t the right word, as dear Agnes could never be replaced). Let’s just say, “we needed a new person!” THANK YOU, Agnes, for ALL your help. Your art is beautiful and so are you, and we could NEVER have done the project without you!

          By and by the Lord fulfilled His word and from Brazil came Sabine with her beautiful artistic talent!-And that brings us right back to the present! …

          … Here we are, Amber and Sabine coming to the CLOSE (Thank God!!!) of the GP Africa project! Now that we’ve taken you on a walk through the history, would you like to know what this project is exactly?

STEPS - Learning and Growing

          40 A4 books with color covers (approximately 760 pages): Each of these student books have 2 or 3 activity pages which will be loose leaves that come along with the book. Besides these, each book contains three to four stories with full A4 page illustrations and discussion questions; an illustrated From Jesus - With Love page; a prayer and illustrated memory verse on the subject; two “Pencil Pages” (where the children have to write), one for younger children and one for older children; one “Make and Do” page (arts and crafts). These student books make up the main base of the curriculum and there is one for approximately every week of the school year, which makes it a one-year-curriculum. Here is a list of the categories and subjects:






          Everyone Is Special to God


          Freedom From Fear



          Little Things


          Praise and Thankfulness






         God’s Word

          Romans 8:28



          Anger and Arguments

         Be the Best that You Can!



          Diligence and Faithfulness






          Making Decisions


          Overcoming Difficulties


          Perseverance--Don’t give up!

          Positive Outlook

          Power of the Tongue


          Taking responsibility

          Working Together

3 A5 books with color covers (approximately 150 pages):

         Just for Fun: Fun interactive activities to do with your class. Children participate in active, meaningful games. These can be used to get the students relaxed and comfortable with each other before beginning a class, or as a fun middle-of-class break!

         Song Book: Simple easy-to-learn songs to be used along with the classes, complete with guitar chords. (Two audio tapes will accompany this book so the children can learn the tunes.)

         Teacher’s Curriculum: Easy-to-follow outline of each of the classes, including Bible story references and further audio-visual resources and teaching tips.

1 A4 book with color cover (approximately 60 pages):

         Active Learning: Skits, projects, facts and activity ideas to bring the lessons taught in the student books to life.

         2 Audio tapes (to go along with the Song Book): Simple recording of inspirational songs to teach the children as well as a theme song for each of the 40 subjects that the students can learn along with the class taught.

         So, as it stands now … WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS. We’re close to completing the project and have sent most of it off to WS for approval. As with any large project, the Enemy really fights especially those final stages when he’s about to be conquered! We’re praying in sponsors for the printing of this project as many of the schools in Africa can’t afford such a curriculum. We are also hoping to be able to very generously distribute it to the Homes for as low a cost as possible. We’re praying that we can translate the project into French and possibly Spanish and Portuguese, as those are some of the other languages that are spoken here in Africa. The project could also be suitable for use in other countries, especially South America, so please pray that we can get it finished and into your hands as soon as possible! We’d like to thank dear Esther in South Africa who is looking into the printing of the project! THANK YOU, Esther! We’re praying for you!

          In closing, we’d like to add a few special notes of thanks here to: Peter Picture, who helped with the story writing, Christy, Marie and Natacha who helped with the proofreading, ideas, and a couple of books, Aaron W. who helped with the layout of the Foundations of Faith section, Oli for his input, ideas and suggestions, Sabine for willingly coming to replace Agnes, Lisa, for all her ideas, prayer, proofreading, counsel and guidance in the project, the dear ones at Mama’s Home for receiving our first spirit stories, and Agnes for the full year she gave to the project (amongst other FED stuff etc.). There’s no way we could detail all she did here as it’s TREMENDOUS! And last but not least a big thanks to WS FED for proofreading and final approving the project!

          We love you all and pray that we can get these materials into your hands for use in your ministries with the world’s children!

in My arms

       SACRO: Newborn baby Nicolas (of Charity and Josue) went to be with the Lord on June 27th, after experiencing an overall body malfunction. Please keep Charity and Josue in your prayers.

         Jesus: This precious babe that you longed to hold in your arms is now with Me, in My arms-but this present time is only for a moment. Soon you will be reunited together as a family again. You will hold this one that you love. You will kiss this one that you love. You will hug this one that you love. You will live forever in My Kingdom with this one that you love. Your little child is forever yours, My darling ones, and neither time nor death nor angels can separate you. Your baby is My gift to you-and though I have received this one into My arms again sooner than you had expected, your little angel from Heaven will always be your child. I have not taken My gift back from you. As hard as it may be to understand, it is but the fulfillment of My will to keep your baby safe in My care until you can be together again in the flesh.

         Now you have a link to Heaven, a child in Heaven, and even this is My gift of love to you. Soon you will be reunited as one, but until then you can keep your eyes on Heaven, knowing that a part of you is on this side. You have a little child Here who loves you and needs you and will be looking out for you. You have a little child Here who will be helping to prepare the way for you, and eagerly anticipating your arrival. You have a little child Here who will be cheering you on from this side. You have a little child Here who will be praying for you and loving you from the spirit world. It’s not good-bye, it’s just “until you meet again.”


         Take note, everyone! ALL WS-related e-mails are changing. We’re very sorry for this inconvenience, but there isn’t much we can do about it. AT&T bought IBM.NET, and soon they would change all our e-mail addresses anyway. So now seemed to be a good time to switch all our e-mails.

         We’re creating a number of new e-mail boxes, so that you can e-mail each WS department more directly. If you can’t remember a specific e-mail address, don’t worry. There is a general “pubs” e-mail address that you can send any odds and ends to, and we’ll channel your contribution to the correct department.

         The great thing about this e-mail switch is that every WS e-mail will now have the same last domain name, which is WSFAMILY.COM. So if you can just remember that, then all you have to do is tack on the department’s name first.

         For example, if you have something to send to the Zine, you would send it to: zine@wsfamily.com. If you have an article for the Grapevine, you would send it to: gv@wsfamily.com. And on the listing goes. There’s a complete listing of new e-mails to the right.

Department         E-mail address

Mama          mama@wsfamily.com

Peter  peter@wsfamily.com

To write BOTH Mama and Peter, write “To Mama and Peter” in your file.

Activated     activated@wsfamily.com

Art contributions    art@wsfamily.com


END   end@wsfamily.com

Eve    eve@wsfamily.com

FAR   far@wsfamily.com

FED/CVC    fed@wsfamily.com

FSM  fsm@wsfamily.com

GP     gp@wsfamily.com

Grapevine    gv@wsfamily.com

Heaven’s Library    hl@wsfamily.com

Kidland        kidland@wsfamily.com

Prayer List   pl@wsfamily.com

TeleTRF questionsteletrf@wsfamily.com

Web team    web@wsfamily.com

WS business        ws@wsfamily.com

Zine   zine@wsfamily.com

Any other pubs      pubs@wsfamily.com

Any questions?     question@wsfamily.com

Personal mail to anyone in WSwsmail@wsfamily.com

          Please begin using these new e-mails IMMEDIATELY. Our old IBM e-mails will quit working at the end of the year.

How to seal your files? NEW KEYS!

         We’d like to ask everyone to please try to use PGP when sending your files to WS. There are 2 new keys posted on the MO site: Seal anything sent to Mama or Peter’s box in the key called (MamaPeter). Anything sent to the other pubs boxes can be sealed with the key called (WSpubs).

         If you’re not set up with PGP yet, you can continue to use CPY. Please seal things to Mama and Peter in the Mama cpy key, and anything to the other pubs boxes in the WSpubs cpy key. But please do try to switch over to PGP as soon as you’re able.


         From Jesus with Love #1,readby Simon Peter,is now available for downloading in MP3 format on the MO site!

          New re-mixed versions of some FTT songs available for downloading exclusively on the MO site!-Thanks, Andrew V.!

         If you haven’t read the testimonials about living and working with Dad, Mama and Peter that are available on the MO site, you’re really missing something!

         Thanks to all of you for the FRANK, RAW, EXTREMELY HUMOROUS and LOVING REPORTS you shared. It helped me know and love our shepherds and Family even more.

-Mark (of Kelita), Japan

         (Editor’s note: If you’re unable to access the MO site, check out the OUR SIDE FSM series (6 parts), which contain the same testimonials in print.)


Movies Rated For YAs and Up


Giovanni Ribisi, Ben Affleck, Nia Long

         A college dropout, seeking the approval of his father, quits the illegal casino he runs out of his apartment to get a “legitimate” job at a brokerage firm which promises him he’ll be a millionaire within a year’s time.


Joe Breen, Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle

          Drama based on the memoirs of Frank McCourt, a New York City teacher who grew up in poverty in Ireland during the depression, facing one hardship after another. Gives insight and compassion for the plight of the poor, and although some found it depressing, it is an example of overcoming in spite of many obstacles and bad circumstances.

Movies Rated For Junior Teens and Up


Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner

          A retired Air Force pilot is recruited to retrieve a malfunctioning satellite, but will only agree to the mission if he can take his three friends with him.

MUMFORD (1999)

Loren Dean, Hope Davis, Alfre Woodard

          Humorous and touching story about a young small-town psychologist with a secret, and his interactions with his patients, and general effect on the town.


Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Trevor Howard

         Light comedy about a missionary who returns after 10 years in Africa and is assigned a new post: to minister to London’s prostitutes.

Movies Rated For OCs and Up


Michael Keaton, Kelly Preston

          Christmas film about a boy who discovers that his father who died in a car accident is still alive in the form of a snowman. Some System attitudes, including somewhat reckless behavior and a bit of bad language, will need explanation.


Richard Todd, Glynis Johns

          Historical romance about Mary Tudor, the headstrong sister of Henry VIII, and her love for a dashing commoner against her brother’s wishes. (A short history class on the subject should be included to give the movie meaning and to explain that not all the behavior is necessarily right, but that was how it happened.)


Boiler Room

          (Dad:) This movie is an exposé on the greed of the Wall Street underground and how they exploit the stock investment system and people’s desire to make big money fast. One of the characters mocks the Word about “the love of money is the root of all evil,” but then the story goes on to show how true this principle is and how evil, selfish, and uncaring those that love money can be.

          This movie may not be for everyone because it is a traumatic story, but it has a good message for those who might be tempted by the possibilities of easy wealth that some less-than-realistic movies portray. Not all that glitters is gold, and this movie does a good job of tearing away some of the glittering veneer of the system and exposing the ugliness that lies beneath. There’s a lot of foul language, which is unpleasant, but shows the kind of unhealthy environment and habits some people have let themselves get swallowed into in their quest for wealth and power.

          Count your blessings-that you are able to be in the Lord’s happy Family and not trapped in the evils of man’s society that is fueled by greed and the selfish lust for materialism. You can only serve one master, and you have chosen the right one if you are serving the Lord.

Angela’s Ashes

          (Jesus:) This movie is an accurate portrayal of man without Me, and what churchianity has done to ruin the faith of many of My lost sheep. Although it was during the time of the Depression, and the conditions were depressing, things haven’t changed much. These conditions still exist in the world today in many third-world countries, and the churches and big business react the same way now as they did then.

         That is why I have you, My children, as a light in a very dark world, that you may give hope and the truth to those in need. I am not the perpetrator of such horrible conditions-man is. And until the Son of Man returns, you can expect that conditions for the poor of the earth won’t improve much.

          Rejoice that I have given you a life with meaning, that I supply your needs, that I abundantly shower you with blessings. You have put Me first and truly seek first the Kingdom, therefore I add all these things unto you. I send you forth as lights in the midst of gross darkness to give hope to the lost.

         This is not a light film. It is a historical look into life during that time, a testimony of one person’s life, which will break your heart.

Space Cowboys

          (Jesus:) When people are willing to give of themselves, to go the extra mile and make whatever sacrifices are necessary, it’s amazing what they can accomplish. That is the point I would like you to take away from this movie. Look at what these men accomplished even though they were old and tired physically. They gave it their all, and they made it. There’s a lot of fun in this movie. as well and a lot of joking around. This shouldn’t become your handbook for the proper way to interact between the generations, but it is a funny look at the lighter side of growing older, besides showing good lessons on teamwork, determination and sacrifice.


          (Dad:) What a sweet movie! Funny too! It’s an exposé of psychiatry and how little these “doctors” really know compared to what people expect of them. This movie shows how a little love goes a long way, and how often people who seem very troubled just need love and understanding.-Of course they need the Lord too, and this movie doesn’t touch on that. If it did it’d be perfect. It’s a fun and uplifting story, though. It has a bit of a different style that takes some getting used to, but once you get in the groove, I think you’ll enjoy it.

The Missionary

         (Dad:) This is a good, cute and funny movie. It’s inspiring, it’s uplifting, and it makes you look to the Lord, too. It’s a good sample of an iconoclast who really broke the molds of the church system of his time. There are a lot of lessons and parallels that could be drawn by our dear, sold-out Family members, and I think the subject matter and the presentation will be very enjoyable and entertaining for most. It’s got a lot to it-lessons and message, and a lot of laughs and a good time too.

Jack Frost

          (Dad:) This is a touching movie with many good lessons, namely lessons on what the true values in life are. There are parts of this movie that I would have just as well done without, such as the foul language and the ugly American spirit displayed by the bullies, but by and large it has much more good in it than bad. Be there with your children as they view it and help them to take in the good and eschew the evil.

The Sword and the Rose

          (Dad:) Praise the Lord for good adventure movies with a purpose. This movie is historical in nature, and also has some good adventure, action, and romance. Don’t just leave your kids alone with it though, as there is a fair bit in here that could use explaining and could even be used to teach, so take advantage of it.

Update from Chinese Lit Pic

By Christina, for CLP

          We want to send a heartfelt “thank you” to all of you who have sent us a donation. It’s a great blessing to have your prayer and support. Because of your help, we are able to keep all of our workers going.

          I’d like to explain who we service and how we operate: There are two main Chinese languages-Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Simplified Chinese is the official language of China and Singapore, and there are many overseas students from China who also use this language. Traditional Chinese is used in Taiwan and many overseas Chinese communities.

          TTL for His love for the Chinese, He’s raised up translators and workers for both languages. Collectively we have been able to produce a Word Curriculum designed for sheep in China who have no knowledge of God, Jesus and Christian faith, to bring them to the point where they can understand the Bible and Family GP pubs. We are publishing GP tracts, Treasures, Reflection books, and Word Basics in both languages. We are translating the Activated material and the Babes Basic Course in Chinese.

          So far, we’ve received lit orders from all over the world, including a national couple in Siberia whose goal is to reach the Chinese coming through the Russian/China border, and to establish an underground church! And there’s a brother (Michael Fisherman) in Japan, who has given out 3,500 simplified Chinese tracts in one month, to reach the Chinese there! GBH!

          Right now in both Taiwan and China, the Lord has brought in many live-outs, potentials and even some national disciples! A lot of them know very little English and desperately need the lit in their own language to get fed. The Lord has told the area in prophecies that this is the beginning of a disciple winning revolution!

          The Lord has supplied the laborers to produce the Word in their language, and we are very thankful to have your financial help, which makes it possible for us to continue. If anyone feels led to adopt us as your monthly support project, we’ll really appreciate and really need your support.

          Any donations can be sent to CLP, Taiwan. Our e-mail address is cclpc@usa.net. Our Web site address is http://thefamily-chinese.org/clp

WLY! TY for your support and prayer!

mama’s mailbox

Dearest Mama,

          It’s been wonderful to read about the progress your health has made, and especially encouraging to me, having a long-term sickness myself, to see how the Lord can do miracles any time He wants to!

          He is doing one now, as for the first time in three years the cancerous tumor in my breast has started shrinking!

         I wanted to tell you about another miracle that happened recently, as a result of the conviction I felt after reading the article about your doctor’s visit in GV #88. Your sample of faithfully witnessing to the doctor really hit home with me.

          I had been praying for my doctor’s salvation for two years. He had performed the operation on my abdomen and taken care of me for several months; then I stopped seeing him for a long time and only recently went for a check-up again. During all my encounters with him he was always extremely busy doing his job and didn’t give me a chance to say much; I barely got to pray with him a few times before consultations. Once I brought up salvation, but he cut me off pretty quickly. He is a proud man, very professional and not wanting to be involved with his patients on a personal level at all. So I decided to mainly feed him through the lit, whenever I saw him, plus tried to be a sample as much as I could.

         But the last appointment was different, because I had just read your article, and I knew I had to do something about it! That morning I was still feeling sick after just having had a tummy flu, and I also was a bit apprehensive regarding this hospital visit, as I was going to get the results of some tests they had done on me the week before, and I didn’t know what they were going to do next. I felt miserably weak, trying to fight those battles of trusting the Lord anyway, and I couldn’t imagine having any strength left for witnessing. I desperately cried out to the Lord and told Him that He was going to have to help me be positive and on the attack witnessing, if that was what He wanted me to do!

         And He sure did! First of all the doctor gave me good news: “Your general health is very good except for the cancer,” he said, whereupon I burst out: “What if God heals my cancer, what are you gonna say? You know doctor, I’ve known you for so long now, and I’ve gotten attached to you! I want to be sure to see you in Heaven, too! All it takes is one little prayer; it won’t take much of your time….” And so I continued to tell him how to pray, all the time hardly believing that he was actually listening and receiving, until he-wonder of wonders-agreed to repeat the prayer after me, while humbly closing his eyes and folding his hands! It sure was only Jesus Who could do this miracle and finally win him by giving me the courage to speak up!

          And I thank you, dear Mama, for your sample and encouragement!

-FGA woman


[A scary realization]

         Rufus, Dulce, Ivanna and Lara, USA: While on the road we stopped very late at night at a rest stop. After continuing on 15 minutes down the road we stopped for gas and then to our horror, realized that we had somehow left Steven (10) in the restroom at the rest stop. Oh no! God help us! We began freaking out, and backtracking to the rest stop praying like a house on fire and begging the Lord to forgive us and protect him. Thank God when we got there, 30 minutes after we left him, we found a relatively calm little 10-year-old who was very glad to see us.

          He explained that when he had come out of the restroom he started to panic but as it was late and there were mostly only truckers there bedded down for the night, he quickly realized that it could be potentially dangerous for a boy his age to just be standing around waiting for us to come back looking lost or scared. He knew that our general instructions in a situation like this would be to stick where we left him, not talk to strangers, or go with anyone other than the police, knowing that we would be back shortly for him. So after some moments of grappling with fear, he sat down and asked the Lord to speak and show him what to do. He received a prophecy to call 911 which was really the Lord. The dispatcher encouraged him that he had done the very best thing in that kind of situation and to just stay on the phone as that would be his best protection, and she talked with him the whole time, assuring him that everything would be alright. When we got there, she asked to speak with us and told us how impressed she was with him and how well we had trained him, which was some encouragement after feeling so rotten about having been such bad parents to have left him. Thank the Lord for his protection and the training of the Family that we can hear from Him in crisis situations and He will faithfully see us through.

[Loving Jesus fruit]

         David, Japan: Studying the Word that was presented to us during the Feast 2000 encouraged my wife Pandita and myself to include the Lord more in our dates. We started slowly, saying simple loving words to Him and to each other. Soon our dates became more hot and sexy, and we started looking forward to spending time together more than ever before. Around the middle of March we discovered that Pandita was pregnant. We believe the Lord engineered this pregnancy as a love gift to us for including Him in our dates. TYJ!

[Night witnessing]

         Robin, Japan: Last night we went personal witnessing at a local plaza where young people hang out on the weekends. The Lord showed us the week before to prepare by practicing the Box skit, and to combine efforts with the young people from the other Home here. Juan (23), a super sheepy guy who has been coming over regularly for Bible classes, asked if he could come along too.

         When we arrived at our witnessing spot and saw the amount of young people hanging out there, all into their own trips, the thought of doing the Box skit in front of them seemed quite scary. We prayed together for the Lord’s Spirit to fall upon both us and this place, and that He would give us the boldness that we needed to reach these lost sheep. When we finished our performance, we had a group of young people whose hearts had been captured by the skit. We sang them a few songs and prayed with them to receive Jesus! We divided into teams of two and three and proceeded to personally witness to everyone. In total we won over 23 souls!

          The following night, Juan came over for a Holy Spirit class. Throughout the class he commented about the effect that it had had on him to see us in action, personally witnessing the night before. He said he was touched by our sample and commented that it must have been the fire of the Holy Spirit that gave us the boldness to do it! He asked for prayer to have more fire and Holy Spirit power to be able to witness freely, without worrying about the opinions of man. After we prayed for him, he also sincerely prayed: “Lord, please bless my brothers and sisters who give their lives for You. Help me to become a part of this. I want to become part of this. Give me the fire that I need to tell others about You!”

[Saving a business-like soul]

         Rejoice (SGA), Thailand: In 1999, we tried to provision cinema tickets for our two Homes. After faxing a letter to the EGV company and getting an appointment, we met with Tanatporn, the young assistant of the manager. She was quite businesslike, a bit cold and trying her best to put us on the defensive. She asked us to please write another letter as she didn’t think the first one was worded clearly enough. We did that and much to our surprise, the next time we called she said that her boss had approved all the tickets we requested.

         Before we went to meet her to pick them up, we heard from the Lord for our day and the Lord told us that it was very important to Him that we get this young woman saved. To be honest, I thought, “I don’t know Lord, this one might not be so easy.”

         After getting the tickets from her, she opened up and told us that she was having to leave this job and the good position she had to help her parents. Their business was really suffering and they needed her help. She sweetly prayed with us and gave us her address. I wrote her one or two times and didn’t think that much of it, until someone from the EGV office called me and told me that the manager had suddenly died of a heart attack. It came as a shock to all of them as he was only a young man. We never actually met him in person. TTL I had sent him material in the mail.

         Recently I received a letter from Tanatporn:

Dear Joyce,

         It’s so amazing, I was just thinking about you and then I got your letter. I don’t know how to say this but I am so lucky to have you as my friend, and I feel ashamed that I wasn’t the one to contact you first. In my job now I have to travel around a lot, but I always think of how to find the time to see you. I have many things to talk about and discuss with you because I believe we are going to walk in the same way, the way of trying to encourage and give love to others. Inside your mind is so pure and full of the power of love. It’s easy to see that you and your family have found happiness. I am so proud of you for your activities that you and your group are doing and I really hope that we can do something together one day.

         My former boss just passed away with a heart attack, it’s such a shock to me at first. God, please bless his soul. It means a lot to me everything that you did for me. No matter what, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I always keep you in my thoughts and hope to meet you and your organization soon.

         Congratulations on your new baby, he is so lucky to be born among the environment of love.

          With love, Tanatporn


[Spiritual children]

         Lily D., Far Eastern Russia: Once I got really desperate about having kids! I love them so very much and wanted to have my own to care for, to love, and change diapers! Some of you would say, “What a crazy woman!” But I’m sure that some of you would understand what it means to have the call of a mother. I had been hugging a teary pillow, crying. Then I heard the call of the Lord:

         “I love you, My dearest bride, and I see your desires and your tears! I will answer you! I have already answered! I gave you so many children! Can’t you see them? They’re all around you!-Weeping and longing for your motherly care and food from your breast! You have so many Words to give them and feed their souls.”

          In one glimpse I saw all my dearest sheep, their searching eyes and thirsty lips and empty hearts. I felt so sorry for neglecting these poor and special ones given into my care. I remembered every letter that I promised to write, every follow-up that I have missed. I remembered their every plea that I come and visit them. If they were my physical kids, they would have died from starvation and lack of care from their mommy!

         I remembered the words of a dear brother who left Russia half a year ago: “The sheep are the only priority that will last! Even many CTP ministries will not last long! Only the sheep will stay and continue the work that you are doing!” It spoke to my heart and renewed my vision for feeding the sheep.

         Step #1 was to hear from the Lord about every sheep, and ask the Lord for personalized plan for every one of them. It seemed impossible at first because every one of us has quite a list of sheep. To our surprise, the Lord had a perfect and specialized plan for each of them and it all smoothly blended in the schedule. Since then we’ve started a big push on follow-up.

         Step #2 was to hear from Him again! We realized that after the Word and our personal love, sheep need fellowship! It encourages them to grow and feed more on the Word (like good peer pressure). It gives them new inspiration. We checked with the Lord on how and where we could gather them and what groups to organize. At first He told us to gather all of them for a big Christmas party, and after that to pick those that the Lord will show us need classes. Partygoers were about 15. When we prayed specifically who we should invite, the chosen ones were only six!

         Step # 3 was to ask the Lord again! After the first class we realized that all of them are so different.-Their ages, the social classes, past experience! This is why we need to talk with them individually after classes and ask the Lord about each of them, and ask the Lord before every class what to give them.

          Let me tell you the result of following these steps: Out of these six, two joined the Family as CM disciples, three are Outside Witnessers that witness in different cities, and one stayed as a good friend.

          I believe that the Lord will answer my prayer about having a baby, but I know that I need to put Him and His sheep-my spiritual children-FIRST!

[Give a mom a break!]

         Davida, Ukraine: It’s true that to have happy and well-behaved children we have to spend a lot of time teaching them the way they should go. Sometimes I am very tired and feel I can’t do it anymore. It takes a lot of mental work, and I feel like smoke is coming out of my brain. Probably many mothers feel the same.

          I think it’s important in those times that someone else take the kids for awhile and leave the mother free to do something other than be with the kids. Now that we live in smaller Homes it isn’t always easy to find somebody that can be there to help with the children, and mothers find themselves with other jobs on top of the care of the kids-like cooking, making sure the house is clean, receiving visitors or taking care of sheep. So it’s kind of hard to make it on all fronts.

          For the last few months I have decided that after lunch every day when the kids are napping I’ll take some time to rest, read or pray. Many times I am so desperate with Jesus and He is right there to help me. He has never failed to give me the strength to keep on going.

          When I was a single I didn’t really understand what it meant to give my all for kids. I avoided being with them because I thought it was no fun. I didn’t think of how a young mother of three felt when she had to spend every minute with them during the day and many times awake in the night comforting the little ones. I wondered if she had any other desires than just being with the kids. Maybe she would’ve been very happy to, say, have a special dinner alone with her husband one evening or play some games on Saturday night with all the other Home members. We can just say, “That’s your job, and you have to bear with it till they are going to be old enough to care of themselves,” or instead we can say, “Let me take your kids for awhile, just for a change.”

          I think the second one sounds best, doesn’t it? And we’ll have much more happier mommies and they’ll be able to do a better job. It’s not that the mother doesn’t have fun with the kids. Kids are a lot of fun, but because it requires all your attention every minute that you’re with them, and all your love and care too, you get tired. The inspiration wears off and after awhile you’re exhausted, and the only thing you desire is to just do something different for a little while.

          For a few months after I had my second baby I got so tired that it greatly affected my relationship with my husband. I started being negative about everything, and you know where that leads. I would never put in words that I was tired of my own baby, but found other excuses for my tiredness till one day another mother in our Home guessed the problem, took the baby and our toddler from me for one night and sent me out for dinner with my husband. That solved all my problems! They were just no more! The next day-even though that night I slept only a few hours-I woke up happy, inspired and ready to start again. It does make a difference!

[Your local photographer]

         David and Ruthie, Taiwan: I’d like to suggest that a city area have someone who is talented in the art of taking photographs available for others to use. It seems quite difficult to get photos of the work I’m doing at times. If there was someone or a few people who would be willing to go to a CTP or concert and take pictures of brethren that don’t normally get their work pubbed, then there would be more pictures available for newsletters and Grapevines. It might be a good Home project to teach as many people as possible how to use a camera and get good photos of our work. I don’t think there’s anything more powerful than having your picture in a newsletter doing the Lord’s work. Not only is it great for the people supporting you, but it also gives the person in the picture more faith to provision and ask for finances.

legal and media - June/July 2000

         ENGLAND - Stephan and Fay: In June the popular newspaper, Vecernje, did a positive one page interview with us about our children’s show. They also showed some of the other projects we’ve been working on together with the Sarajevo Home, with several good PR pictures from shows and other CTP (reaching 20,000).

         CROATIA - Tim, Deb and Josias: We went on a road trip to Porech and did a CTP clown show for over 100 kids at a day camp there. The next day while out provisioning a meal, the manager of the restaurant said “Oh, I know you guys! You’re the clowns I read about in the paper today. Sure I’ll help you.” The very favorable article came out in a local newspaper and had a picture of a few of our clowns dancing around (reaching 50,000).

         DENMARK - Michael, Joan and Anna: “SlotsArkaderne,” an advertisement paper for a big mall in Hilleroed showed a picture of Joan (of Michael) as a clown and gave a very favorable description as a clown and missionary (reaching 60,000).

         EQUATORIAL GUINEA - David, Lauren, Sally, Angelina and Sharon: La Gaceta, a monthly local magazine, did an article on us (reaching 60,000).

         FRANCE - Steven and Lily: Our CTP project was mentioned on the afternoon and evening news on the National TV channel of Benin (ORTB). It was favorable and broadcast nationwide, reaching 3 million people. We were mentioned for two days in a row at every hourly news spot on a few channels on nationwide radio, reaching the whole country of 6 million inhabitants.

         ROMANIA - Ema, Esther, Mark and Daniel: The show Prichindel on RTT TV broadcasts parts of our videos, TA and Kiddie Viddies each Saturday. They put on 10-20 minute clips throughout their program and every time they introduce the videos they make a cute comment in our favor. It seems like they love our tools, though we still don’t know how they got them (reaches 250,000).

         SWEDEN - Steven, Christina and Eleonora: Aftonbladet, the second largest evening paper in Sweden, did an article featuring Jonas in Thailand singing Lookthong Thai songs. It was very favorable, mainly explaining about his singing and popularity, and mentioned The Family volunteer help organization. Svenska Dagbladet, the second largest morning paper, also did a very favorable article with approximately the same contents but more detailed. Swedish Text TV did a short news cast of Jonas’ singing and popularity. In total these reached almost 4 million people.

         UKRAINE - Job, Ruth, Vera and Daniel: Radio Ukraine International did a repeat of a half hour radio show we did last month. The program was very positive with a short interview touching on our Family’s history, our CTP work and our music. A few live songs were sung by Job, Gideon and Linda. The program was aired four more times this month (reaching 120,000). The program was also broadcast in N. America, Western Europe and the Middle East.

         YUGOSLAVIA - Andrew, Miracle, Larissa and Jonathan: We were on a weekly guest program “Radio Blue Sky”- on the air for 1 1/2 hours being interviewed, singing live songs, and having songs from our Family CDs played. It was very favorable and the young host announced our e-mail address three times, and appealed for the listeners to contact us to see how they could help us (reaching 50,000).

         SPAIN - Victor and Pilar: TV channel 340 put a clip of our last trip to Bosnia and explained about our upcoming trip to Kosovo, giving a phone number to get in touch with us (reaching 20,000). A newspaper English Town Crier published two pictures of our trip to Sahara and explained about our CTP in Spain and other countries. They published about 10,000 copies.

International Association of Historians of Religion - Durban, South Africa

By Gideon and Rachel Scott

          Our goals for the conference were first and foremost to meet new African academic contacts from as many different African countries as possible. Secondly, to make a concerted effort to improve our proactive work, to follow up on old friends and share with them a little about the work in Africa especially the CTPs. Lastly, to learn more about Africa, religion and culture, what makes some religious groups successful and others less so.

         During one of the meals during the conference, an Australian academic named Gary who sat next to Gideon turned out to know The Family very well, and his wife is the Family’s doctor in Sydney. His first contact with The Family was in 1973 when he rescued two brethren who were lying by the side of the road in New Guinea, sick with malaria. He took them to the hospital and probably saved their lives. It is wonderful how God places people just where you need them.

         On Sunday we attended all the opening ceremonies and afterwards the cocktail reception, where we met some sweet African academics as well as some of our old time friends from our work in Europe. One academic encouraged us by saying that she had always been impressed by the way we handled the media in England “with such dignity.” That encouraged us as it was certainly a rough and rugged road we had to follow in the UK.

         On the first morning Rachel attended a workshop on publishing and book distribution in Africa and learned a little of the problems of both and some of the possible solutions. I also met some people from publishing houses, both in South Africa and also international ones who deal with Africa. I started talking to the Senior Commissioning Editor of an important publishing company and took the opportunity to ask if they could help with books for the library we were setting up in a squatter camp. He said, “I don’t know if you have heard of Eileen Barker, but she told me that she has just been up in Johannesburg and she actually went down to the squatter’s camp with a group who are teaching adult literacy.” Rachel said that was us and he said he would love to help!

          Meanwhile Gideon went to a seminar on Evangelism in Africa. At these conferences the most important times are right at the end of the sessions, giving out our cards and during tea breaks and meal times. On the first day we managed to start meeting academics from Kenya and Nigeria. We met one particular South African academic who has known The Family for some time. We have been trying to contact her for a while and we found out she had been trying to telephone us. Of course she could not get through as all the telephone wires for our area had been stolen for their copper content! This is Africa, after all. She was extremely enthusiastic about coming to visit our Home in Johannesburg.

         We also followed up on other South African academics whom we had met during the World Parliament of Religions. Professor Oosthuisen is looked up to as a father figure in the religious studies field in South Africa and we had met and had a deep discussion with him about The Family in Capetown. He is a very caring old man who has a genuine love for the black people here in South Africa. He talked to us at length about the “ubuntu” (sharing and caring) which is very much a part of African culture. One academic from Botswana shared how they have no word for religion because religion is just so much a part of their lives that they do not separate it. On talking to another African academic about this, we told him this is how religion is for us, that we do not put it in a box for one hour a week, but it is our lives. He then said, “Well, then you have truly become African!”

         Sometimes one can feel a little discouraged about the task in hand and think to ourselves, What are we doing here, is it worth it? We were having a morning like that when, Michael York, Head of Department at Bath University, U.K., came up to us and said, “Wonderful to see you again. You are such a good example to other religious groups because you spend so much time going out and meeting academics. I always hold The Family up as an example of a mature religious movement! Keep up the good work!” That was just what we needed to hear.

         A Scandinavian professor said he always used Rachel as an example of motherhood in his presentations. It is only Jesus but it certainly helps to work with such a supportive group especially when meeting new contacts who may, of course, be quite suspicious of you and your motives.

         One evening, we were invited to a mayoral reception and we presented the mayor of Durban with a copy of Keys to Happiness on behalf of The Family for which he seemed quite thankful. We were then treated to a whole program of music and dance, South African style, which was a highlight for everyone and gave us opportunity to talk with more of the attendees.

          At one of the receptions we spent time talking to two American academics about our sexual doctrines and Endtime beliefs. One of them said that he had happy memories of being out on the streets witnessing in the early 70s when he was a member of the Jesus People. The other, a Mormon who is also a respected academic, loved asking questions on the Law of Love and really understood the sacrificial side of it. One comment he made which really made us stand up and take notice was that in years gone by, any Family member could stand toe to toe and argue Bible doctrine with any Bible scholar, but that did not seem to be the case today. Food for thought and perhaps a reflection on a need for more scripture memorization and basic Bible classes!

          During a panel on African religion, the subject was brought up about African churches still communicating with ancestors even though they are Christian. One Jamaican professor brought up the subject of Jesus communicating with his ancestors before he died. Rachel talked to him afterwards and gave him a copy of Communicating with Heavenly Spirits, which of course has a picture on the front of Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah, which was exactly what he was referring to. We then discussed how few Christians can accept communicating with spirits even though there are so many examples in the Bible and he was in full agreement.

          One of the most moving presentations we attended was one on “African Women and their Struggles against Violence.” This gave us an inside look of what it is like to be a woman in many African societies, to be powerless to protect themselves from physical violence, female genital mutilation (sometimes called female circumcision) and even the spread of AIDS because of their culture. The sweet women who gave the talks are keen to receive more information on The Family and we asked for some of their presentations to be e-mailed to us. It broke our hearts for the African people and how much they need our message and our help.

         On the final day of the conference, we attended Mark McWilliam’s talk on Virtual Pilgrimage. We learned how virtual churches are very big on the internet and how people are joining churches on the internet without ever meeting anyone. It made us think that there is probably more The Family could be doing along those lines-really promoting some kind of membership on the internet and also possibly doing interactive Bible courses and giving people diplomas when they complete the course. We are certainly interested in doing that on our Home’s humble web site.

         Mark also told us that there is a sincere group of Jews who, due to the problems in Jerusalem over the physical location of the temple, are building the third temple on the internet and have begun the daily sacrifices (virtual sacrifices though they may be). They believe that it is sufficient to fulfill Bible prophecy. Lots of food for thought!

          If you want to find out more about our work here in Africa check out our web site: www.familysouthafrica.cjb.net

world news

Time magazine interview

By Steven (Silas), Thailand

         Jonas’ interview with Time Magazine came out yesterday. There is both a print article and a Web only interview. The focus is primarily on the musical side of things, i.e. lukthoong, which the Lord indicated in the prophecies we received prior to the interview, would be the best way to approach this from an international point of view. (See MO site for full articles.)

Twilight program

         This program is rated number-one in the country and is broadcast every Sunday afternoon, from 3 till 5. We appeared on this program last Sunday. It included one of the more popular songs that Jonas, along with the dancers, performs, and has recorded; an interview with Jonas, which was accompanied by about 30 beautiful photographs and still-shots of the Family and our work in this country (taken from our last two brochures and calendars). It finished with a three minute segment of “A day at the Home.”

         The filming of this segment took place two weeks ago when a television crew visited the DF Home, where we had Jonas, Christy and Angelina, along with the Home itself, prepare a “behind the scenes” day for them. This included the children practicing their Thai dancing with their Thai dance teacher, the MC and OC/JETT group, as well as the YC group having Thai class with their Thai teacher. (Both of these teachers come two or three times a week to the Home to teach Thai dance and Thai language to the children.)

         They also filmed Jonas, Christy and Angelina in a makeshift studio that we set up, showing some behind the scenes work. There was a CTP planning meeting with both SGAs and FGAs and then, finally, the enacting of the CTP at an orphanage by the singing team and the children, which the Twilight crew filmed on-the-scene.

         The program was a composite of the Family, without narration; rather, the Thai lukthoong song that Jonas had sung at the beginning of the show played in the background as they flashed through activities in the Home and so forth. It was well done and very positive.

Channel 5

         Channel 5 visited the Home the other day as part of a prep interview to the main interview that they will be doing with Jonas sometime this coming week, DV. Channel 5 is one of the bigger stations in the country and they will be doing a one-hour program similar to the one Twilight did, i.e. a “day in the life of Jonas” type of thing.

Nationwide Radio Broadcast

          Jonas did a radio interview the day before yesterday that was broadcast throughout all of Thailand. (Most of the radio programs we’ve done in the past have only been broadcast in certain regions or provinces of Thailand.) We weren’t exactly sure what type of questions they were going to ask, so the team prayed and heard from the Lord in advance about what sort of answers they needed to prepare-which, thank the Lord, went right along with the questions the interviewer asked. This included several in-depth questions about our anti-drug programs in Thailand, which opened up the door for further explanation of our work and ministries in this country. The interviewer got very excited about the drug song “Turn Around” and played it on the radio several times (in Thai), along with a few other Family and lukthoong songs.

CNBC and Far Eastern Economic Review

         CNBC (a large cable network and affiliate of NBC America, General Electric and under the Dow Jones umbrella), recently contacted us, requesting two live interviews with Jonas on the 6th of October.

         The request for this interview was based on a very positive article on Jonas and the Family that came out in the Far Eastern Economic Review (also under the Dow Jones umbrella) last week (see article below). The Far Eastern Economic Review is an Asian business weekly, with a wide circulation reaching all the way from Japan to the Middle East.

A Star Is Born-Far Eastern Economic Review, September 14, 2000

By Bertil Lintner

         He’s Thailand’s latest singing sensation, but Swede Jonas Andersson remains modest about his achievements

          In a crowded hall somewhere in Thailand, a crooner is singing some musical favorites. Songs like Kon Khee Lang Kwai (Riding the Water Buffalo) and Isan Ban Hao (My Home, the Northeast). His enthusiastic audience greets his performance with wild applause, bedecking him with garlands, some stapled with banknotes.

          It’s a scene you could see almost any night of the week in rural Thailand. The only thing different is that this singer is tall, blond and blue-eyed.

          Oh, and he’s Swedish.

          Jonas Andersson, 27, is Thailand’s latest singing sensation and his first album, released in June, has been selling like hot cakes all over the country.

          He’s not the first foreigner to sing in Thai-Todd Thongdee, an American, has been doing just that for years. But what makes Jonas different is that his songs are in the uniquely Thai style of look thung. Translated literally as “children of the farmland,” look thung is Thailand’s brand of country music, although more cosmopolitan Thais sometimes dismiss it as hillbilly music.

          Jonas, though, could help reverse such attitudes, says Decha Suvinijjit, managing director of Look Thung Wethee Thai, which promotes the Swedish singer. “We can’t prohibit young Thais from listening to Western music,” says Suvinijjit,” but this may make them think again: While they are rushing to Western music and leaving their own country’s music behind, Jonas has taken seriously to our music.”

          Jonas, however, is modest about his achievements; “I don’t think I’m a great singer. I’m just doing my best,” he says. In a country where modesty is a virtue, his restrained, almost shy, personality has only helped his popularity.

          His long road to fame began when he was only nine. His parents came to Thailand to work as teachers for the Family Volunteer Organization, a charity, and the family settled in Korat in Thailand’s impoverished northeast. That was when he learned Thai, including the northeastern dialect.

          “I began to sing when I was a child as part of our work in the countryside,” Jonas says. “We wanted to warn young people of the dangers of narcotics and other social ills, and we found that music and songs were the best way to reach out to the villagers.” His parents’ commitment to helping others has remained an inspiration for his singing. “It was that work that made me record my album,” he says. “We wanted to promote healthy values in our society, and not only think of earning money.”

          His family has since returned to Sweden, but Jonas has stayed on, and now considers Thailand his home. His interest in look thung began several years ago, at a time when-coincidentally-the music was enjoying a revival of interest in the wake of the Asian Crisis. People began to question excessive foreign influences, and the soul-searching resulted in a rediscovery of many things Thai that were almost lost in the freewheeling boom years of the 1980s. The fact that one of its star performers was a blond foreigner only helped strengthen the national pride of many Thais.

          “This is remarkable,” says Malee Funana, a young Thai woman who belongs to Jonas’s growing crowd of admirers. “There are many Thais who can’t sing like that. Look thung is not an easy thing to sing.” And Jonas agrees: “The tones and the scales are very different from what I’m used to. Still, it’s always fun.”

          And fun for his fans. “Jonas Fever” is gripping Thailand, and the young Swede has become a household name in even the remotest villages. And who knows-Thailand’s first international look thung star could just be the one to bring this most Thai of music to a wider audience. (end of article)

Scandinavian Airways

         SAS has also requested an interview with Jonas a few weeks down the road for their in-flight magazine “Scanorama.”

your reactions to: “Stay On the Wall” and “None of These Things Move Me”

Female SGA, USA

          I want to thank you for the recent GN, “None of These Things Move Me.” I would understand completely if you went through any trials having to spend your precious time preparing and presenting answers and rebuttals to the accusations James made against you, the Family, the way the Lord is leading us and how, as well as our fundamental beliefs. But I want to thank you for doing this because it meant a world of difference to me and my service to the Lord! And I know others personally who needed to hear this from you as well.

         Receiving these FSMs from other members of WS (on the Members Only Web site) has been very faith building, too and wonderful to read through (even the satirical ones were very well written, enjoyable and anointed and exposed the folly and foolishness of the world with the wisdom of God). I’m extremely thankful that each one took their time to write something about their experiences with you and Peter and life in WS as their very personal examples and true life stories. I believe it will help the Family everywhere to get to know you all so much better as it has me, and it will shorten the cord between the Family and WS. I know for a fact that they have had this effect in my Home, which I see as a real Rom.8:28 from James Penn’s letter.

         It’s difficult to read through these folks’ articles and still have hard feelings or doubts about you or WS-the way they do things, who they are, how they live, what kind of people they are, what their motives are, how they’re spending money, etc.-All of which I know are controversial subjects of lively debates and opinions among many Family members and young people throughout the Family. In fact, it’s something that it seems, from what I’ve read, that Peter has tried to answer many times over in his visits to the field.

         I am very thankful for the opportunity to get to know you, dear Mama and Peter, in a more personal way like all of these folks who have written about you do. I have been desirably convicted by your dedication and sample through these articles and by those who are in WS living to serve behind the scenes and ultra humbled by your simplicity, sincerity, dedication and selflessness.

          Hearing especially about how much goes into the Words you give us and the Family deepens my respect for you and the Words you work on and pass on to us. It’s not often that I get around to writing reactions to any of the pubs that come out, in fact I don’t think I ever do so, but I’m very thankful for your rebuttal to James Penn’s letter as well as for the reactions by each one in the FSMs. Thank you for publishing them for the Family. I want you to know of their great effect and good fruit.

Home in Australia

         Thank you especially for the Letter, “Stay On the Wall.” We had received a copy via e-mail of the James Penn letter, but after hearing from others who had read it, we didn’t want to wade through that kind of garbage ourselves. We’re thankful that we resisted the temptation as it has caused quite a few folks here to question and doubt quite a bit. We felt that we have enough battles to fight and that we’re weak enough in many areas without bombarding ourselves with more attacks.

         Thank you for that Letter as it certainly was a boost in the Spirit and encouraged us to keep fighting to stay on board.-Not that we were thinking to get off, but it made us want to keep taking things by faith and to strive to make the progress that the Lord wants us to make in our spiritual lives.

Female FGA, China

         I’m an FGA and I’ve been in the Family for all of my adult life, and it hurt me to hear of people bad-mouthing Peter and Mama, WS and the Words the Lord’s given us for so many years. I know that I would have never had the faith, initiative or courage to be a missionary in China right now if it weren’t for receiving the vision through Dad, Mama and Peter’s words from Jesus.

         I was touched to hear of the personal health problems and other obstacles that Mama and Peter’s Home is enduring while trying to obey the Era of Action vision. I include myself when I say that the truth is that many of us have lived selfishly and very independently in the years since the Charter and now the Lord wants us to put witnessing, follow-up and feeding His sheep first in our lives. The Devil is mad and out to defeat us. I believe that many of us will find our greatest joy as we get back to our first love through personal witnessing, winning souls, follow-up and winning disciples.

         I am so happy to be in China now where we can teach a little English and give time and attention and prayer to each sheep that comes our way. Since we came here we have realized how out of touch we have been with teaching people the Word and personal witnessing-pretty rusty. All that to say, we would not be here right now if it wasn’t for the wonderful Words that feed our souls. Thank you for your labors of love and many sacrifices for us, your Family.

FGA couple, USA

       We want to tell Mama and Peter that we love them and are totally behind them. We love them, we trust them and we know by the fruits in our personal lives that they are following Jesus and so we are glad to follow them. We are thankful for the Words we receive from them; we cherish them and we look at them as God’s Words. These former members can be glad we are not in the old days of chivalry when we would have taken arms and gone after them for insulting our beloved Queen and King. But then, of course, there are more mighty foes gone after them.

Female SGA, Uganda

         Thank you, dear Mama and Peter, for addressing the negative letters from former members that have been circulating. I received James Penn’s letter from someone very close to me who left the Family a couple years ago, and who, in recent months, has been very vocal with what she doesn’t agree with, and has tried to convince me that I should do something else. It’s not been easy for me to see a brother, sister and some very close friends choose another path. I think what hurt most was losing the camaraderie of spirit and support that I used to share with these ones. It can sometimes be a lonely life serving the Lord full time, and when these ones who have been fighting by our side all of a sudden turn and go a different direction it’s disheartening, especially when they start to criticize what I’m living and giving my life for.

         Perhaps I shouldn’t have read James Penn’s letter, but when it was sent to me it was with the introduction of, in so many words, “if you reject reading this you are just a closed-minded zombie who refuses to consider anything objectively from another viewpoint.” So I wanted to prove that I was willing to consider what he had to say, and also that I should be strong enough to take it. Although the letter did leave me with somewhat of a heavy heart and a few questions, it really has not altered my stand for the Family and what I believe.

         I was going to keep this whole thing to myself and try not to think about the questions. I felt I was strong enough to not let it affect me adversely, and I certainly didn’t want to have to pass the letter on to anyone else, nor burden you with it. However, I’m thankful that you addressed it as it prompted me to pray more about the questions and get the Lord’s answers and lessons for me personally. And I also want to thank dear Abner CRO for the letter to Joy which was included on the Member’s Only site, as it was a big help and uplift to read his letter. He put my feelings into words and answered some of the questions that were still lingering. It just left me with a positive feeling, and came right after I’d received “Stay on the Wall” and heard from the Lord, and thus helped to close the case on this issue. PTL!

         One point that impressed me in the letter “Stay on the Wall” is that you didn’t get into addressing all the issues James brought out, nor did you go into detail to try to discredit James or what he said. It would have been easy to do, considering his very negative and pointed accusations. However, since some of these former members are going to such lengths to discredit and debunk what we do and what we believe in, perhaps the sample of taking the opposite stance will go much farther in the long run. We just don’t see things the same way anymore, and a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. I’ve seen this in communications with some former members-it just isn’t worth it to get into all the points we don’t agree on anymore, and only causes us to get into arguments and strains the communications.

         I just wanted to thank you for all you do, and for being willing to lay your life on the altar for us. I am so inspired with the vision of what the Lord has ahead for the Family in this Era of Action. I’m praying for you and all the changes presently taking place in WS. I love you dearly!

FGA woman, USA

         Our new mailings just arrived with the FSMs of reactions to James Penn’s letter. I could hardly stop reading and nearly finished all three FSMs today! Beautiful! Thanks to those who took their time to write the beautiful testimonials! It was like a little bit of a visit with you and Peter, and made me feel so much closer, and renewed in my connection!

         Though I’m very saddened by the effect that James’ diatribes have had on our young people especially, I’m glad it finally came to a crisis and such exposure to where it had to be attacked head-on, as these things have been slowly spewing out for so long, affecting so many. God bless you and Peter for being such faithful warriors of the truth. It makes me so proud to be counted one of our wonderful Family!


         I thoroughly enjoyed reading the accounts of those in WS or on the field who had met Mama and Peter or lived with them over the years, in reply to James Penn’s recent wrangling. They were all very well-written, ringing, righteous, rip-snorting retorts!-And I came away from them feeling greatly re-invigorated and strengthened in my convictions.

         I’ve been in the Family for a long time, and have always known it’s the place for me, even though of course there have been some rough spots here and there. I’ve also had the opportunity to work sort of close to different leaders, some of whom lived with the folks, and I’ve felt the same-that Dad, Mama and Peter, and those who work with them closely, are the genuine article. I know that our source is pure and trustworthy, even though my experience with Mama and Peter hasn’t been nearly as close as these who have just written. So to read these firsthand accounts was very, very feeding and a real tonic to the spirit, a wonderful confirmation in personal testimony of my own gut feelings.

         I think that all of us who do not have the privilege of living and working so closely to Mama and Peter are simply curious about what they’re like, so these accounts were very satisfying in that regard. But more importantly, now at a time when our movement is coming under attack more directly and more viciously, accounts like these are very effective countermeasures that nullify whatever harmful effect even hearing about activities like James’ might have, whether we actually read what he wrote or not. So all that to say, thanks a lot for pubbing those articles!

FGA woman, China

         I can honestly say that by the grace of God “None of these things move me!” I love you, dear Mama and Peter, and feel so saddened that the Enemy is attacking you so viciously and cruelly. Please know that I am with you 110% and that by God’s grace I always will be. I recently passed my 30-year anniversary in the Family and I’m proud to be counted as one of your followers-as you follow the Lord! Although I’m way over here, just plodding along as a Home shepherd of a small Home of 10 people (mostly young people), if there is anything that I can do for you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would count it an honor to lay down my life for you at any time, my precious queen and king.

FGA couple, China

         When I read your recent GN, “None of These Things Move Me,” I was impressed to write you and thank you for all you’ve done. Personally, I’m very thankful for the Charter and the freedom and ease it’s given us to do God’s work and travel. We were able to send our boys to Russia years ago and go back to the Philippines and into China, which would have been next to impossible before the Charter. Three of our kids are in Kosovo, and one joined the US Army, he’s an Airborne Ranger now.

          I marvel that God and you have so much patience with such a sinner like me. I have very little patience with people complaining like in this GN. I find it amazing-the patience you have to answer such ridiculous claims. The absurdity of their complaints is a testimony against them. We all make mistakes and have problems, but we should work together, not against each other. They’re just excusing themselves for giving up.

         Also, the Words that come out are so often just exactly what we need-that’s not a coincidence, but another proof of your divine leading. The Loving Jesus revelation has been our salvation against the attacks and discouragements of the Enemy. I think that it’s very clear to any student of the GNs that you’ve always been meticulously careful and prayerful in the production of the Word.

Home in Japan

          Thank you for putting “None of These Things Move Me” on the Members Only site. I feel bad that Mama and Peter had to go through all that garbage to write this. I was thinking that in church history, when there are people who don’t like the established church, many times they break off and start a new sect. This has happened with so many denominations. I can see that none of these ex-members, especially disgruntled ones, have made ANY attempts to put their grudges into a POSITIVE force and start something new! If they don’t like the way things are run, and they supposedly don’t have any personal agendas, then why not start a new group that is run by THEM in a better way? Well, we know why… they know it’s a super, super big job that only God can get done with yielded and willing Christians! The Family is the BEST!

Female (17), PACRO

         After reading “None of These Things Move Me,” you feel like asking those who are trying to recruit backsliders, “Why would we want to leave the Family when things are just getting exciting?” The Endtime is what we’ve all been waiting for and we know that “this generation shall not pass till all these things be revealed.” So what would be the purpose of giving up our crown just before we have the time of our lives because the going gets tough? Of course, things will not always be easy-Jesus promised that-but to have gone through the tests leading up to this point and then give up all that training and Word seems like an awful waste, doesn’t it?

Couple, Taiwan

          Not having been on the receiving end of some of the material mentioned in the Letter “Stay on the Wall,” it was enlightening to read Abner’s letter to Joy posted on the MO site. It was inspiring how the Lord anointed him to answer each of the points addressed. We were able to get the gist of some of the current garbage, without having to go through it ourselves. GB Abner for taking the initiative. He handled it very well indeed, and it was a good sample on how to answer others and address the so-called “issues.” It’s also a good demonstration of how free we really are-free to make up our own minds about what we are entitled to believe, contrary to many of the “myths” outsiders have been led to believe by detractors.

Female SGA, Europe

          Thank you for not being afraid to publish the truth, for being faithful to give us the New Wine, for not backing down on what the Lord gives because of what others may say or do, and so on.

         Sometimes I wonder what happened to us-where’s the Revolution that once existed? It seems that we’re integrating more and more into the regular way of doing things, and although I know it’s a new day and the Lord moves in new ways, I’ve found myself wondering if somehow we’re starting to “cool off and solidify.” I don’t want to conform, and if I did, I wouldn’t be here. I guess I should have more faith that by God’s grace we’ll never slow down, although changes will come-we won’t solidify and become like all the rest.

          That’s why it encouraged me to read None of These Things Move Me. For one, the title struck a responsive cord in my somewhat rebellious streak when it comes to accepting the things of the world, and trying as much as possible to live unlike them.

         A lot has changed these past years. We’ve reconciled our differences-in a way we’re less “extreme” as far as certain things like our acceptance of non-Family members, or loving those who leave, realizing that there is another path for some, in the way we’re in the world but not part of it, etc. It would seem that we’re less “radical,” and looking at it superficially, it’s easy to think we’ve cooled down and lost our fire. I’ve tried-in vain of course-to “remember” what it was like when my parents dropped out, to figure out how to transport that same verve and dedication into this decade, without realizing that what constituted “revolutionary” back then would not be a wise way to live today, this being a new day and all. So what’s my revolution? What did I drop out from?-Aside from the fact that, though my lifestyle isn’t mainstream, neither have I rebelled against much in “conforming” to the way I’ve been raised and continuing on in it.

         But when you said: “We’re a revolution! ... What makes us revolutionary is the Word we receive from the Lord-the New Wine!” I wept with joy. I realized that even though I haven’t been revolutionary in the same way my parents and our nationals were (are) in their time, respectively... by receiving the new Word, I’m revolutionary in my time. It’s no use comparing the two, or pining for the days when, for all I know, I may not have survived rough conditions in the physical, because that’s not how He wanted me to prove my revolutionary discipleship abilities.

          I was born at the right time, and I’m part of what’s being done where I should be. Although I sit at a computer all day, and I don’t dazzle people with spacey eyes, an ever-present smile, strings of verses memorized, nonchalance in regards to sleeping arrangements and meals; although I can understand the legalities of setting up a business or foundation in order to establish the CTPs in the area or receipt of funds for the Homes, and agree that it’s a good direction to be moving in; although we now have companies, and there’s a computer in just about every Home; although my children won’t be running a nursery at age 12; although the Lord has blessed my parents’ situation enough financially that they’re able to send me a gift on my birthday for something I may need; although people aren’t dropping out in hordes to join us in our efforts; although it would seem that “living by faith” has changed over the years-I’m still revolutionary because of what’s inside, and because of what I allow to get in.

         Thank you for assuring me that I’m part of a movement in which I can die changing and continue learning how to be close to our sweet Love. Thank you for reminding me that we’re not like the others, and that by God’s grace you will do all you can to ensure that we never stagnate. Thank you for understanding our need for change, and for desiring to know what needs to be changed, and then having the faith to implement it. Thank you for not backing down in the face of insults hurled at you, and showing that I’m not completely crazy in obstinately re-affirming this is the place for ME, despite most of my best friends and half my family feeling that this isn’t where God would have them be. Thank you for making things clear and unambiguous when it comes to leading the Family in the straight and narrow way. I’m here because, when it comes to my life, our Family is my definition of being “aimed in the right direction,” otherwise I have hundreds of variant paths to choose from. But our “straight and narrow” is what I want, and yours and Peter’s leading in that direction is what I need.

Male FGA, Japan

         We fully agree with “Stay on the Wall” and are proud to be in the Family serving the Lord, loving souls and feeding the sheep, and have no time or inclination to get into a tit-for-tat with ex-members.

FGA woman, Vietnam

         I’ll be celebrating my 31st anniversary of joining the Family in just a few days (September 3rd) and I guess I’ve been through just about every revolution we’ve had in the Family. It sure has been exciting! My first response while reading this letter was I was just plain mad! I couldn’t believe people are still bringing up and harping on these same old things. I also felt quite hurt that they would malign you in such a way.

         This thing about you manipulating us in prophecy really got my goat. What are you manipulating us to do-yield ourselves 100% to Jesus and give Him our whole heart and go and reach the lost of this world at any cost with Jesus’ love and salvation? Make progress in overcoming our NWOs so we can be better fit for the spiritual warfare? And if this is manipulation, what do you get out of it, anyway? The only honor you’ve ever asked of any of us is honor as God’s prophets-that is that we honor the Words that He gives through you as His love Words to us. It saddens me to hear your good so evil spoken of and it grieves me that you had to take the time to write such a long letter defending yourself when your works speak for you. Of course, I know you took this time for the sake of your flock in the Family, as that has always been your main concern.

         I’ve had my share of good and bad times in the Family and not everything that happened was necessarily right or just, but I always knew it had nothing to do with Dad or you and how you would have done things. The Family is made up of a lot of individual people and people are never perfect and make mistakes. I’ve always known that you and Dad were far from perfect and made your share of mistakes, but the bottom line is you always had the sheep and the good of the work at heart and you were always willing to confess your mistakes and make amends when the need arose. In fact, there are many things you could have kept from us and we would never have known, if you had chosen to do so, but you didn’t; you confessed your faults so we could all learn from them.

          I want to say that I’m with you all the way and so sorry that you have to go through all this right when you’re so involved with getting Activated going and revamping the Family so that we can do even more to reach the lost. Of course, the Enemy knows what you’re trying to do, too, and wants to thwart it-and what better way than with an attack like this.

         I love you both so very much, and hope I can always be a disciple you can be proud of. I’m just a little person-always was and always will be-but I know with all my heart that the Family’s the best place to be to win souls and grow in the love and admonition of the Lord.

Couple, Taiwan

We personally haven’t been subject to any of the attacks that are referred to in this Letter. However, it’s nothing new to learn that the ol’ boy and his dupes will always be up to their old tricks. He can’t really come up with anything “new,” can he? Ha!

We were talking about how we were in the Family for so long before we even became aware that there were “problems” sometimes! It’s like our little sheep, Anna, said recently when referring to Dad’s words: “It’s a matter of faith!” You either have it (or get it, from the Word), or you don’t! It’s whatever you want to believe. But if you want the truth and the Spirit, it’s there. Otherwise, it hits so hard you have to excuse, say you reject, and in the end, fight against it! So sad! But “His sheep hear his voice….” Hal!

My future? I’ve made my own choice!

By Dan, 18, MM Home, Hungary

          I have had James Penn’s letter sent to me quite a few times by various ones that I know, asking me what I thought and telling me that it’s worth my time. At first I didn’t want to be bothered with someone else’s personal vendetta and past, it just did not appeal to me.

          After receiving it a few times and folks asking me what my opinion was, I decided that I’d read through it. I personally don’t want to go through everything James Penn said in his letter and try and rebut it. There are already numerous personal accounts released by individuals who personally know Mama and Peter and have worked in WS as well. You can read what they have to say!

          However there was one line that really struck a sensitive chord with me. It’s where James Penn states: “I feel sorry for the young people in the Family who have their entire lives before them. What kind of a future will they have if they stay in the Family? My hope and prayer is that they will learn from our generation’s mistakes, and muster up the courage to leave.”

         I am 18 years old, so I think I definitely fall under the category of folks that James Penn feels sorry for.-I have been working with the East European Mail Ministry for the last year and a half and can say that I do not regret what I’m doing!

         To back track a little, I have worked since the age of 13 in various ministries and locations. I had pretty much completed my school at the age of 13 due to the excellent tutoring and training given to me by my mother who pretty much structured her own curriculum via the Childcare Handbooks and other Family materials.

         During my “infant” years in the Family my parents set an example to me of living the Word. Back then we didn’t have the wealth of materials for kids that there is today, but my parents made sure that I had the best building block that I could ask for. They taught me the Word, they instilled in me a desire for the Word, and they gave me somewhere I could go if I had a question, a trial or heartache-the Word!

          I was also given the example of a missionary. We used to go out singing as kids with our little show troupe, and there is one thing that still stands out to me to this day.-The light that a little group of us wee kids could put on the face of everyone we met. Their faces would light up-and it wasn’t because we were these cute little kids. No. It was the smile of one who was touched by the light of love and the message.

          As I grew up we were faced with difficulties. I was not directly affected by them due to the fact that I was so young, but I could often tell when we were strapped for cash, weren’t sure what to do next, or had to find a new place to move to. My parents, though, never once doubted that the Lord would take care of us. They had faith in the Lord and His Word. Their simple faith and trust has always stood out to me and still does to this day.

          In 1995 we moved to Japan, to the HCS. My dad had already been helping in Japan with video work for about two years but since my mom had a tough time getting a visa we stayed apart during that time, with my dad returning to visit us every three months.

          To make a long story short, the HCS was a place that strongly shaped my character. I worked in various departments there, under individuals who were there because of their love for the sheep. They were giving of their talents, time and effort to reach the needy through video and audio. There were my times of ups and downs. Many times I felt like leaving and just giving up on it all-that it wasn’t the place for me. However, through my entire time there I became certain of one thing: I wanted to use my talents to reach as many people with the message of God’s love that I could.

          In 1998 I moved to Italy with my parents, during which time we helped get my aunt and her family to the mission field. During this time I kept having a yearning to get back to using the computer related talents, which the Lord had endowed me with, to reach the needy.

         The Lord eventually opened the door for me to move to the MM Home and help with the ministry here. I have now been here for a year and a half. I can say that it hasn’t been an easy time but there is one thing that I know I’m doing which keeps me here-I’m a part of reaching those in Eastern Europe with the message. I truly believe that this is my calling in life. I have had my share of battles with the job but this is what I have chosen to do.

          There’s a song which my dad always used to sing to me as a kid and it states exactly what I love so much about our lifestyle:

          Missionary, a man of love who lives and dies for others,

          Missionary, a woman with a heart as tender as a child,

          Smiling, rolling up their sleeves, they live the simple words they speak,

          Now I know how blessed are the meek.

         This is what the Family is made of: missionaries! This is what Dad, Mama and Peter through the Letters have set an example of what each of us can be.

         What about my future? I know where my future is. It’s here in the Family, with the simple, meek ones who are striving towards the same goal as me. This is where I want to be.

         Have I learned from the past generation? Yes!

         Have I learned from their mistakes? Yes!

          Do I want to continue in the path that they have trod? With my whole heart I can say: Yes, I do!



       Hello, this is Victoria (of Gideon and Rachel) from South Africa and I would like to get in touch with Shanti in India. My e-mail is: gidrach@mweb.co.za.

       Dear newlywed Nicole in China, your mom, Renee Marie, is hoping to hear from you soon. You can write to her at add: 10780 Coloma Rd. Apt 63 Rancho Cordova Ca 95670, or e-mail: hoagie54@yahoo.com.

       Steven B. (Jonathan Quixote) has lost his e-mail addresses. If you want to reach me it’s at: hoagie54@yahoo.com. Especially Marcos and Sara. I love you. Brasil tambem te amo.

       I’m Juan (a.k.a. Francisco Peruvian or Paco) I’m looking for Mary Dutch (Dance). I’d like to get in touch with you, Dance. My e-mail is: emcalmet@databrum.com.br or add: C.P. 810 - Caxias do Sul - RS - 95001-970 Brazil.

         Jordan (A.K.A. Izzack Attack, of Victor and Joy) David (Day) would like to get in contact with you again (last seen in China, 2 years back). E-mail: To kiddividi@hotmail.com <mailto:kiddividi@hotmail.com>. Hope to hear from you, old pal!

            Joseph (Bobby A.), where are you? Steve and Faith would like to get in touch with you. Please write to e-mail: balihi@denpasar.wasantara.net.id.

            Paul and Rachel (PI), Steven and Faith would like to get in touch with you. E-mail: balihi@denpasar.wasantara.net.id.

            Nora M. (of John and Abi), I would like to get back in touch with you. If you can please write me at e-mail: guaribe@uol.com.br. Thanks.-Paloma.

friends of the Family - seeking contact

         From Joseph M. and Masha (Russia): We have one friend whose name is Oleg. We met him two years ago. He knows the Family and received the Lord with a Family member in 1992, when Family members came to Khabarovsk on the road. They witnessed to him and he got saved. They also visited his home and followed up on him. The name of the brother who witnessed to him was David (we think it was David Foto).

         After the Family left Khabarovsk, Oleg found a church to attend. He graduated from seminary and was working in the Nanai village not far from Khabarovsk (Nanai, native nationality in the Russian Far East. They resemble Mongols).

         He really loves the Family and reads our lit. One year ago we did a show and witnessed in that Nanai village. So he saw us at work. He really likes Mountain Streams and says, “Wow! Father David is our man, charismatic!”

         His desire is to get in touch with the man who led him to the Lord. So, if David Foto is reading this now, please, contact us somehow. You can get in touch with Oleg through CM Home (RU009) via Russian ABM. Or you can e-mail him straight to: olegnkolesnikov@hotmail.com.

searching for Monica …

Monica, whose testimony “Bible in the Blaze” is included in Activated issue #3 (reprinted from an “ancient” Testimony Tract), we’re sorry that we failed to credit you for that article in the first printing. This issue will soon go to press again, and we’d like to correct that error. We would also like to include both your first and last names if possible (either your legal name or a pen name, as you prefer).

         Please advise us via activated@wsfamily.com, or via your office, with attn: Activated editor.-And thank you for that wonderful testimony that continues to inspire faith in readers around the world! (Or if you’re not this Monica but know who and where she is, please let her know about this CQ in case she has missed it, or let us know how we might get in touch with her. Tx!)

Shine On - August 2000

TEAMWORK         Per Adult    Total


Josue/Maria, Mexico    1,1665,829

Madras Deaf Ministry Home, India  605    3,632

Pablo E., Chile    569    1,138

Daniel/Sarah/Immanuel, India    565    1,695

Marian/Angie, Venezuela400    800

Michael/Maria, Japan      331    1,324

Marcos, Brazil       330    1,321

Andres/Maria, Argentina  243    975

Tim/Maria/Lirio, Mexico   214    1,495

Mark/Faithy/Serena/Premika, India     199    799


Jeremiah/Mary, Japan  1,7647,057

Gideon/Paloma, Mexico        1,5003,000

Tommy/Serena, Cambodia    1,4865,946

Michael/Maria, Japan      1,4715,884

Sharif/Joanne/Rima, Nigeria      1,3998,398

Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA   1,23612,360

Esteban/Amor, Mexico    1,1254,500

Susana/Jenny/Charity/Daniel, Brazil    1,0147,104

Ben/Tirzah/Sharon, Malawi        875    5,250

Promise, Japan     801    801


Jessica/David, Russia   172    345

Pablo E., Chile    134    268

Franchesco/Claire, Taiwan    133    401

Miguel/Brisa, Brazil         110    220

Micah/Trust, Taiwan        98      296

Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland      81      325

Juan/Rosa, Spain  81      243

Samuel/Clara, Spain       77      154

James/Christina/Dan/Dawn, USA        72      286

Josue/Salome, Brazil      63      255


Jessica/David, Russia   120    240

David/Esperanza, Peru38      153

Joao/Clara, Brazil         36      108

Pablo/Cielo, Columbia     33      100

John/Esther/Lydia/Lily, Indonesia        32      97

Miguel/Paloma/Filipe/Victor, Brazil      29      119

Jesse/Maria, Brazil         29      88

Tim/Marie/Simeon/Dove, Indonesia      22      181

Gabriel/Jemima/John, Brazil      21      85

David/Pandita, Japan       21.     84

Also included with this file:

Peculiar People (By Zeb)

         Caption 1 Yum! This Chinese food is delicious! I can hardly wait until I get to my new field of China!

         Caption 2 Hmmm. I should ask if I can get some extra sets of chopsticks so that I can practice eating with them at home before I go.

         Caption 3 Miss, do you think I could get some more chopsticks? I’m going to be going to China soon as a missionary!

         Caption 4 Um, yes, of course, but-what do you need chopsticks for? I believe they have plenty in China.

   The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy.

         Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents’ or shepherd’s discretion.

         The Grapevine, PO Box 4938, Orange, CA 92863 USA e-mail: grape@ibm.net

Copyright (c) 2000 by The Family

(End of file.)