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GV supplement #8/GV 69


From the NA FED and Family CLE team

       With dear Promise and Heidi, our faithful Family CLE office team, moving on to new ministries, another team has taken on the Family CLE order processing. Michelle (of Phil and Marie) with the part-time help of others in her Home, is now processing your orders. GBT! Along with this changeover we thought to write up a few pointers and tips that we believe could make the CLE ordering operation easier both for dear Michelle, and for you, our Family CLE users.

Placing your CLE orders through the Family


       You save 10% on all supplementary items and 20% on all Light Units and Answer Keys. This 20% discount is a savings of 46¢ per LU/AK. The normal price is $2.29 and the discount price $1.83.

       If your package gets lost in the mail, CLE will only take responsibility for half the cost of the order. You will be responsible to pay for the other half, plus the re-shipping of your order. (Up until recently, CLE took no responsibility for lost orders. However, they recently agreed to pay half the cost of orders lost in the mail.)
       If your package is returned to CLE you have to pay for the return shipping to the CLE company, plus the shipping to send it to you again for a total of 3 shipping costs.
       These orders aren't always given priority processing by CLE, as they put their full paying customers first. However, our Family team usually gets them to CLE within 24 hours of recei ving them from you.

Placing your international order directly through CLE as a full paying customer


       Your order gets priority processing by CLE
       CLE takes full responsibility for your package getting to you. If it gets lost en route, CLE will cover the cost of your order getting re-sent to you. If it gets returned, they will re-send it at no cost to you, that is if it wasn't your fault because of a wrong address, or your failing to pick up the package before the post office returned it).

       You don't receive the Family discount, which means paying 46¢ more for each LU/AK, and 10% more for your supplementary items, all of which may add up to a very sizeable discount, depending on your specific order.

We have heard of several international packages getting lost in the mail over the years with little or no reimbursement or recompense, which is very sad! Recently a Family mom who has been using CLE in the US commented that when she goes to the field she would rather pay full price for her materials so she has the CLE guarantee that her order will get to her with no loss of funds or materials. She felt it wasn't worth the discount to take a chance on the expensive CLE package getting lost--a very important consideration! We'd like to encourage you to pray about this option when considering your next order, especially for missionaries in countries where the mail or parcel service is less than reliable.

Airmail Orders


       Your order should get to you quicker if you're overseas. (Global Mail, which CLE uses for airmail orders, says orders will arrive in 6 to 8 weeks.)

       It costs an additional 45% of the cost of your order to get it sent airmail.

The delay in getting your orders to you is not just in the shipping, but like many other companies CLE processes orders from their full paying customers first, then they work on the discounted Family orders. If you would like to expedite your order, or have it shipped airmail, we suggest you order directly from CLE and forfeit the minimal Family discount by paying the full price.

Ordering by Credit (or Debit) Card and e-mail


       Both of these options save time.
       Orders made using a Credit (or Debit) Card (CLE accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover and Novus) are the best as it means there are no discrepancies with the cost of the order and the amount you'd send by check or money order. This ensures immediate processing of your order, as there are no further dec isions or communications if there's a discrepancy between the amount of funds sent and the order placed.

       None that we can see!

If you'd like to learn how to order by e-mail using a credit card, please contact us at famcle@aol.com and we'll send you the instructions by e-mail.

Ordering through the mail by check or money order


       If you do not have the option of using a credit card, you'll have this to fall back on.

       Snail mail takes quite a bit longer and is more expensive than e-mail.
       If the funds sent with your order aren't sufficient to cover your order, it becomes quite time consuming to rectify your order before we can send it on to CLE for processing and shipping.

CLE is a system company. When you send in a mail order to a system company and are short of funds they simply return your order and leave it to you to correct your mistake before filling the order. We at Family CLE do try to be accommodating and at least try to cover fo r the lesser of these ordering mistakes, but it can get very complicated and difficult when people change their orders after sending them to us, or ask us to drop items if it turns out the order was short of funds, etc.
       To avoid these delays and difficulties we want to emphasize the need to prayerfully plan ahead and budget in advance for your order, so that when you send it in, the order states exactly what items you want to receive and includes a check or money order for the correct amount o f funds (if not ordering via credit or debit card). If an order is short of funds, we are sorry to have to say that even if it's an urgent order it will be put on hold until the extra funds arrive. Sorry. Please prayerfully plan ahead and check your orders and amounts before sending them in.
       Please note
that due to the time and difficulties involved, the Family CLE team will no longer be able to process sudden changes in your original order due to a lack of funds sent with the original order. To keep the process as simple and streamlined as possible, they will inform you what was incorrect with your order and ask you to re-submit it. The money order or check sent with the order will be held in credit towards the final order. As you well understand, this could mean considerable delay in getting your order to you. We're sorry to have to do this, but the order processing gets very complicated when trying to figure in last minute changes, bumping or substituting various items or trying t o compensate for not enough funds in the original order.
       Again, please be sure to pray over and double check all orders and funds before you send them in so we can process them quickly and without complications. We want to get all orders out to you as quickly as we can and will do our best to do so.

Summary of CLE order processing:

       1. Snail mail orders take anywhere from 1-3 weeks to reach the Family CLE department. They will be processed immediately upon receipt, but please plan ahead an d allow for this extra time.
       2. E-mail orders are processed right away and sent off within 24 hours to the CLE office for shipping. This saves you time and postage.
       When the Family CLE receives your order, they will send you a receipt notice along with your order number (please always use this number for reference when inquiring about your order).
       3. CLE takes approximately 7 to 10 days to fill and send orders, once they receive it from us. This is provided they are not behind on their ful l paying customer orders.
       4. If for some reason your order is short of funds, it will be placed on hold until the correct amount of funds are received.
Paying by credit or debit card speeds up the process considerably and avoids any delays for lack of funds.
       5 Please allow a minimum of 2-4 weeks shipping time, longer for surface shipping overseas.

The mailbox in DC is closing, so please use our new CLE address, which is:

       PO Box 141871
       Irving, TX 75014, USA

       We pray these pointers will help smooth out any rough edges in the CLE processing. We love you and hope to be a continued service to you!

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family