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the grapevine
(Issue #69; July 15, 1999.)

informational highlights

       New pub: introducing EVE
       Special offerings notice, from WS
       Announcing homegoings, from WS
       Homegoing notice--Mary Fighter (of Dutch Martin, England)
       News from Thailand and Taiwan, courtesy of CRO reports
       Get-togethers in Italy, Taiwan, Thailand and India
       Rumor mill: IVM's move to the USA
       FTT #16 line-up

       Accompanying flier: CLE Ordering Pros and Cons


bundles of love …

       Serena Joy, 11th child, born to Joan and Asher.--North America
       Sheryl Rose, 1st child, born to Joy Lightman and Sam on May 1.--Brazil
       Baby (no name given), 8th child, born to Victoria and Felipe Montana on May 6.--Colombia
       Miguel Thomas, 2nd child, born to Joanna and JD on May 15.--Japan
       Amanda, 7th child, born to Libertie and David on May 18.--Japan
       Katrina Sherry, 7th child, born to Sarah and Joseph on May 23.--Japan
       Kelly Loren, 2nd child, born to Praise and Andrew on May 23.--Thailand
       Gabriel, 1st ch ild, born to Rachel and Fabio on May 26.--Brazil
       Carolina Christina, 10th child, born to Lamb and Gideon on June 1.--Norway
       Caresse Joy, 9th child, born to Angel and Jeremy on June 12.--Thailand
       Kodie Jordan, born to Kristina and Sean on June 21.--Thailand


new laborers …
, (15, Brazilian) joined in Brazil (May).
(22, Mozambican) joined in Mozambique (June).
(23, Moldavian) joined in Moldova. (June).


       Know ye soldiers all, that God alway s comes to man's help in the nick of time.--Oliver Cromwell

new pub announcement

       Don't miss … EVE!--A brand new magazine geared especially to the tastes of women of all ages! And you men, don't count yourselves out too quick. You just might find a few treasures in there that will interest you as well!
       How about an article on how to find your Target Heart Rate? Make the most of your daily workout? Ever wondered how you're doing at living the new weapons?--Try our self-quiz and see for yo urself. In our first issue there's also an article whose name tells it all: “Speak Sexy in Bed,” as well as recipes, horoscopes, Heavenly name meanings and much, much more!--Look for Eve wherever mailings are distributed. We're looking forward to receiving contributions from YOU!

special offerings

Dear Family,

       We want to thank you for your inspiring response to WS' plea for Special offerings above your tithes. You sure are a Family to be proud of! In response to our plea, designated gi fts to WS jumped from an average of 25 such gifts a month for each of the first 5 months of 1999, to a whopping 88 received in the month of June (from your May TRFs). That's more than a three-fold increase and means that about 11% of the Homes responded. It was very, very encouraging to receive these extra funds because it has meant so far that we have not had to wind down any of our missionary gifts or unit budgets.--Plus, we were able to continue getting the Activated! ministry set up and roll ing. We would like you to know that we appreciate your offerings very, very much. Below is a list of those of you who sent in these gifts to WS with your May TRFs.
       In order to acknowledge receipt of these Special offerings, rather than sending each of you a separate thank you note which would cost more funds to do, we plan on publishing a list monthly of those of you who have made this offering of extra funds above your tithe. In some cases below, we only had your Home number and country or CR O area, and so that's all we could publish. In other instances, we had the name of the Teamwork so we published that. We realize however that these offerings are a united effort from your whole Home, so even if only your teamwork's names are published, please know the Lord has His own books where your name has been listed too, and that He will reward you accordingly! Praise the Lord!
       We love you. Thank you so very much for your giving to WS.

With much love,
Your WS Office

PS: Please con tinue to pray with us for a continued increase in Home income, as well as windfalls, inheritances and large donations to help the Family in its mission to reach the world with the Word.

Philippines Home # 01
       Indonesia Home # 07
       India Area Home # 12
       Turkey Home # 03
       Andreas/Kitty/Talitha, Europe
       Andrew/Hannah/Jemina, Europe
       Dave/Miracle, Sweden
       Mark/Marianne/John/M, Europe
       Micha/Christiana, Germany
       Johannes/Milcah, Europe
       Davide/Joan, Europe
       Matteo/Katya, E urope
       Stephen/Joy, Europe
       Nehemiah/Maria C., Europe
       Tim Newlove/Elisabeth, Europe
       Paul/Faith, Europe
       John/Mary, Europe
       Davida, Europe
       Abraham, Europe
       Tim Lovebridge, Europe
       Francis Davidson, Europe
       Santiago/Sherry, Europe
       Martin/Ella, Europe
       Paul/Ruthie/Ivan, Europe
       Michael/Liberty/Tabi, Europe
       John/Ruby/Faithy, Europe
       Carl/Becky/Samuel, Europe
       Steven/Christina/Mic, Europe
       Tim Lovebridg, Europe
       Candace, USA
       John Beloved, USA
       Joseph O'Wow, US A
       Ezra/Abigail, USA
       Joseph/Angela, USA
       Louis J. Rogers, USA
       Paul Bethel, Can.
       Jerry Cherish, NA
       Dom/Chris/Sam/Stephen, NA
       Sam/Sherri Servant, NA
       Gideon/Victory, USA
       Steve/Hope Greeter, NA
       Salomon/Sammy/Sunshine, NA
       Nehemiah/Sarah/Jonathan, NA
       Mercy/Michael/Miguel, NA
       Simon/Ruth/Angie, NA
       Ezekiel/Maria/Faithy, NA
       Mexico VS Home
       Mexico Home # 8010
       USA Home # 1074
       USA Home # 3037
       USA Home # 3054
       USA Home # 5003
       USA Home # 2024
       Titus/Julia/Lluvia, NA
       Mic hael and Clare, Australia
       Matthew and Claire, China
       Peter and Crystal, China
       John and Joanie, China
       Nathan and Rejoice, Japan
       Marcos and Tabitha, Japan
       Daniel and Elixer, Japan
       Kanazawa Home, Japan
       Marty and Heaven, Japan
       Jonathan and Sarah, Japan
       David and Pandita, Japan
       Korea Home # 200
       Riverside Home, Taiwan
       Abe/Mercy, Taiwan
       Taiwan PPC
       Richard, Japan
       Steven and Mercy, Japan
       Tim and Phoenix, Japan
       David and Maria, Japan
       Dorcas and June, Japan
       Marina and Tim, Japan
       Micah and Trust, Australia
       Steven and Praise, Australia
       Abel and Angel, Japan
       Paul and Lovelight, Japan
       Dominique, Japan
       Francisco and Kitty, SA
       Andres, Blanca and Sara, SA
       Dayse, Brazil
       Nahum, Brazil
       Steven and Tabitha, Japan
       David, Carolina and Susanna, SA

Announcing homegoings

       Grapevine editor: In light of a recent message from the Lord, we are going to once again begin announcing homegoings in the Grapevine. In May of 1997 we discontinued printing hom egoing notices in the Grapevine because they were included in the Prayer List. However, Mama felt burdened that the families and loved ones of those who have passed on need our fervent prayers and concern as quickly as possible, and the best way to get it would be to put a notice in the Grapevine, which the Lord confirmed.
       So Lord willing, we'll print a short notice in the Grapevine, and in the following Prayer List will publish a fuller account of the homegoing, including prophecies and testi monies that have been sent in. Please be sure to read the Prayer List in order to hear the Lord's beautiful words of comfort and encouragement. Uphold the dear ones who are missing their loved one and need your desperate prayers!

In My Arms

       On the 25th of June, Mary Fighter (Indian, of Dutch Martin) in England, went to be with the Lord unexpectedly, after a severe asthma attack.
       Please pray for Martin and for Martin and Mary's children; for their comfort and faith through this difficult situation. Shortly before passing on, Mary had made a trip to India, in preparation for their family's return to that mission field. Martin and family plan to return to India, so please pray for the provision of their fare, visas, and a place of service in the wonderful land that Mary was determined to give her life to reach.
       Here are some words the Lord spoke in prophecy to Martin and his family:
       (Jesus speaking:) When your loved one left this earth to come to her Heavenly Home, I was righ t there waiting for her with open arms, along with many others who have gone on before her and with whom she will be working with up Here. I needed Mary Here to help with many of the projects that we are designing for you down there, and I could see the longing in her heart to do more to reach the lost of this world. So I called her Home to fulfill that longing and that desire to reach the lost and to do her best and utmost for Me, and I met her with open arms and with a heart full of love and t hankfulness for all she had done for Me and for others during her time on earth. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)

Family websites

       Stephen, Lisa, Maria and Joy, Gambia:
We got our website up and running this month: http://www.familycare.gambianews.com. It has brought lots of positive comments from locals and overseas. The Lord also supplied our whole team of four adults with one-year resident permits for free, a donation of about $3,000 per visa.

News from Thailand

By Silas, AS CRO

       Activity video:
We were able to produce a new Activity Video for Thailand--which is sort of a localized version of what WS has produced in the past for the worldwide Family--in time for our Association Meeting. This video will soon be available to all the Homes as well. It helps the Thais better understand what we are doing in Thailand, explaining our work in a way that relates to them.

       Thai Website
: Last month, we had more than 8,000 visits to our Thai website, which indicates that it's growing. We've updated the photographs and some of the material on the site--though we have yet to bell the cat on how we can better take advantage of this insofar as direct marketing of our tools.

       Thai singing team splits:
A number of the Thai singing team have moved to the Middle East over the last while. This has made almost a full singing team in the Middle East at the moment, which is a real miracle. We still have a solid singing team here, and they are continuing to perform on ave rage about three times a week. Their mainstay is fundraising events, local CTPs that they're involved in, and just witnessing generally, while at the same time helping about once a week with a DF-related program.

       Upcoming “new things” for the singing team:
We recently took some time to ask the Lord if He had anything new for us, and it was inspiring to see how much potential there continues to be here--not just in the types of programs that we have been involved in, but for a “new thing” tha t the Lord seemed to say was in the offing. This portends to be youth-related. This will require changing about half of our song repertoire to be a bit more relatable to the upper class 14- to 30-year-old crowd, and perhaps require us to upgrade our stage presence with a bit more in the way of people, instrumentation, backup vocalists and the like, as compared to the more simple CTP programs we normally do, or even the fundraising for some of the upper class that we perform for.
       We're not exac tly sure what the Lord has in mind, but we're proceeding as though possessing in the hopes that we'll be able to come up with an alternative show that can be used as the Lord opens doors.

News from Taiwan

By Sweetie, PACRO

       I just finished visiting the Homes in Taichung and was very happy to see the work there. There are now six Homes in the city and they all have fruitful ministries. There's a youth club that most of the Homes in the city help with. They have a musical band that plays at the club weekly and sometimes they do outside concerts as well. There are quite a few club members that have been faithfully coming and receiving Bible classes, going through the Treasures and the Word Basics.These club members are also outside witnessers who win souls themselves and bring more people to the club. Some of the club members have been coming faithfully for a few years and are able to teach classes to the new sheep themselves.
       The band is mostly made up of young people from the Homes in Taichung--that's Noah SGA, Aaron (senior teen), Heidi (YA), Nat (senior teen), and FGA Tim (of Hannah VS). Johnny (of Sunny from the CLP Home) and other FGAs and young people in the city have active roles in the club as well.
       Besides the youth club ministry, there are also quite a few CTP projects in that city. Several folks from different Homes work together on the CTP programs and from what I saw it seems there is a lot of follow up, Bible classes and regular tooling going on in the area. It was very inspiring to see the cooperation and unity within the city and for the most part, the young people seem inspired with their witnessing. There's one Home with two FGA couples and six small children--that's Aaron and Jewel and Andy and Marie who have a fruitful clowning ministry too. They do shows at hospitals and help with various CTPs as well as do shows with music and clowns and balloons.


       Steven, Angela, Maggie, Chris and Angie, Croatia:
On May 1-2, we held a fellowship near Verona, Italy, attended by around 100 Family members (CM/FM/Live outs). The Lord said He wanted us to have a “revolutionary fellowship,” with lots of inspiration, gypsy dancing, a Bible class, and that we should even dress like the first hippy disciples! One reason the Lord told us that was because there were going to be a lot of live-outs, and potential disciples and sheep to minister to. Three days after the fellowship, various hungry kids who had attended the fellows hip got together from three different locations to go witnessing together. It started a disciple explosion, and now we have more who want to join!

       Abner, Endureth, Elizabeth and Mercy:
A major victory that not only affected our Home and young people but also the whole island was the 2-day YA/senior teen meeting. The main thrust of these meetings was more or less a “shove off” call to many who need to start flapping their wings. Many have grown up on this field and have become quite f amiliar with their surroundings, home life and field conditions, to the point that their missionary zeal and drive is lacking. We also challenged those who believe it's the Lord that they stay, to do all they can to make Taiwan the mission field that the Lord is expecting it to be.
       From this point the meeting split into two separate groups--those who are already making plans to move on, and those who believe it's the Lord's will for them to remain or who are undecided. We covered the spiritual and physical points that pertained to each group. Since the Lord has placed Taiwan on “sensitive country” status, we stressed the importance of taking our responsibilities here more seriously, shaking out of our comfortable ways and having a different mindset in how we view the field here.

India CC visitation
While in Bangalore I stayed at the CRO/VS Base Home with Cephas and the VS team, and held a city level CC meeting with a representative from each Home attending.
       We took time daily to hear from the Lord about things with the Home and had daily CC meetings with the teachers. This seemed to be the main emphasis of my visit--the Homes enlarging their circle of fellowship towards the children, becoming more One Wife, and learning to acknowledge the children in the little things.

* * *

Delegates meeting in Thailand

By Dawn

       Together with the Thai VS team, we held a one-day FED/CC delegates meeting for most of the Homes in Thailand. Each Home sent up to three rep resentatives.
       The VSs had expressed that some Homes in Thailand were experiencing behavioral problems with the OCs, JETTs and teens. The new GNs on this subject (“Drawing the Line,” “Dad's Challenge to Change” and “Hold on to the Reins”) were exactly what was needed to help answer many of the questions the parents and TW members who came had about the standard and the shepherding of their youth.
       In addition to reading the above-mentioned GNs, we showed the videoed class, “Living the Word” wi th King Peter reading the prophecies from Letter #3072. We gave each delegate a print-out of the prophecies for them to follow along and mark as Peter was reading on video. In these particular prophecies, the Lord emphasized the need for each of us to live the Word in our own life, and be excited by the Word in order to be the living example that we need to be for our young people. After viewing this video, we gave the delegates time to pray and hear from the Lord for an hour. Later, we had an o pen forum, reading excerpts of their prophecies--the keys and answers that they had received right there on the spot.

Delegates meetings in India

By Cephas

       Joan, Dawn and myself held a delegates' meeting for seven sunny days at the Shangri-la estate up in the hills of Kodi Kanal, Tamil Nadu. With the exception of a few Homes, there were one or two delegates from each of the 38 Homes in the subcontinent of Nepal, India and Sri Lanka in attendance, totaling over 100 attendees.

Initial f eelings

       Many people came with heavy burdens, feeling discouraged due to hurts, bitternesses and disunity. The Lord showed us that He wanted to give His answers and guidance to every subject discussed and every question asked. He wanted to show each delegate how He saw things in each of their personal lives, in each of their Homes, about each of their problems and difficulties.
       He wanted an opportunity to personally shepherd each individual by asking us to have the delegates go to Him every m orning before class for individual shepherding. He also wanted to speak about the questions that came up in the classes. He even had occasions where at the end of the meetings, He anointed a few folks to receive things from Him in front of the delegates as a testimony and proof of His omniscience and His omnipresence. In the situations where the Lord spoke at the end of the meetings, He used some of our young people, which was a tremendous testimony and encouragement to all.

Sharing our lesso ns

       The first practical and humble thing the Lord indicated was for us to share our lessons. That was the beginning of our class on the Weakness Revolution, by Joan, Dawn and myself. We shared the lessons we have been learning of late, through the Weakness Revolution--on the use of prophecy, learning to change our ways, to be less strong and sure of ourselves, learning to be yielded, learning to not operate in the energy of the flesh, learning to admit our mistakes and our false humility, learn ing that if we are not open and yielded to the Lord's Spirit and to teamwork and counsel, our good intentions could very well be mistakes and lead others astray. It was a precious time of baring our hearts to everyone.

Personal prophecy sharing

       We had a beautiful time where individuals stood up before the body and read excerpts of the personal, intimate counsel the Lord had given them. There were practical tips, as well as confessions of the heart where people had been tripped off with othe r things and filling their days with worldly entertainment and working in the arm of the flesh. Heartfelt lessons were shared during this time.


       Those who participated in organizing our activities took time to hear from the Lord about every aspect of each activity, be it the beautiful Loving Jesus evening that we had, dance nights, etc.

Law of Love and Loving Jesus

       The Lord confirmed that this was something to include at the camp, and we directed everyone to the latest counse l and amendments on sharing, as per the Law of Love GNs.--That is, the importance of asking the Lord to confirm dates between individuals, making sure that they had permission from their mates, and that they were operating in accordance with the Law of Love.
       In our prayers, as well as in our Loving Jesus activity, we used the intimate words to Jesus which were all taken from words printed in the pubs.

Use of new weapons

       A few folks mentioned that they received prophecies for the first tim e there at the meetings. For some this was a first, to fully embrace either the principle of hearing from the Lord, or accepting the Law of Love in the full sense of the word, and the importance of making it a part of their daily life.

Unity and embracing the new

       The Lord also wanted us to emphasize forgetting the past and embracing the new. There were some folks who had been struggling, not completely embracing the New Wine or not getting along with others, etc. Some older brethren had bee n very active in the work before, but since the Charter and with various events, had drifted to the outskirts of the Family and have not gotten along well with others. Then there were those who used to live in India in years past and have now returned but are finding adjusting with their now older teens and kids quite difficult. The list went on of folks that somehow needed a breakthrough or who were discontent with some individual, city or field.
       One common difficulty that we need to continue to work on is in the area of unity. There were folks who needed to get their hearts right and work together in counsel once again. There was also the need to open up our Homes to receive brethren coming in from other parts of the world. We were able to emphasize that unity continues to be a NWO here.
       An added factor has been the East-meets-West challenge. We believe that this was a point of apprehension prior to the meetings. By the end of the meetings, a lot of walls were broken down and peo ple understood each other more. People shared their lessons and their breakings through what the Lord spoke to them about in humility and brokenness.
              We read compilations on unity, which drove home the point that He was not going to be very pleased, nor bless us and our work here, if we continued to be disunited. Three people shared their points of view about being on the field and receiving new brethren and working with others, which helped defuse extreme feelings on either side.
       We also h ad a sweet time of communion, humbly sharing our prayer requests with each other and receiving prayer and prophecies.

Children and young people
On the first day of our CC seminar with the delegates we covered JETT-teen shepherding.
       On the second day we covered the need to train our children from a young age. We presented a “Train Up a Child” class combining the Word, both new and old, the use of the new weapons in shepherding, etc. During the course of the meeting, which Crystal D. and I led, we shared excerpts from prophecies received by a mother of ten who had come to the Lord with a number of very good questions about the care of her children. This triggered a lot of good responses from the delegates as to the successful results of shepherding with the new weapons.

Y2K and miscellaneous

       We also discussed Y2K prep, getting legal, wise witnessing and follow up, PPCs, tool distribution. Rose Midwife gave a short talk with tips about nutrition and caring for PG moms.


       To sum up this meeting in one paragraph, I would say that the Lord had complete control in directing, shepherding and winning great victories by His own power and anointing, and in His omnipotent ways. He touched, taught and changed many lives and caused major breakthroughs through personally intervening and speaking to each and every single delegate. He Himself shepherded them through the new weapons and bringing some of the latest counsel He has given the Family to life, in the wee k that 100 delegates and staff participated in yielding as channels to become new creatures in Christ.

a couple of reactions from the India delegates meetings

       The area meetings were very inspiring and gave us such good input. God bless the CROs and VSs, as they put a lot into it. We pray we will be able to put everything into effect for the sake of the country's unity.
--Dan, Abi and Erica, India

       The sample of our CROs and VSs was very moving and convicting, as they showed such humil ity and simplicity; showing themselves weak, embracing the New Wine and leading us into the new day of the new weapons, God bless them.
       It was also comforting and encouraging to see the delegates from all over the subcontinent humbling themselves before the Lord and before us all, striving to live the New Wine to the best of their ability; and to top it off, witnessing the fire and dedication of the young people present, seeing them loving Jesus openly and receiving beautiful, flowing propheci es in front of us all, was truly thrilling and made us so proud and thankful to be in this beautiful field, working side by side with such wonderful laborers.
       We came to the meetings feeling quite discouraged with ourselves and with what we saw as our lack of accomplishments, and pretty much at the end of our rope. But we left re-envisioned and comforted by the Lord's love, and the love of our shepherds and of our co-laborers.
--Matthew, Phillip and Marie, India

young people and King Peter

--casual question and answer sessions, compiled from Peter's visit to South America

Q: So do you hear from the Lord in prophecy about every single thing?

Everything, no. Most things, yes. It's really the best, safest and most efficient way to do things, as the Lord has said many times. For example, a month or so ago some people in our Home were going to a movie. I wanted to go as well, so I prayed and asked the Lord if I should go or not. He told me not to, and sure enough, there was a good reason--the movie was sold out and the team learned a good lesson about checking with the Lord before heading out.
       Yes, you want to pray and ask the Lord about everything, but in addition, you also have to use common sense. For example, if I was cooking, I wouldn't ask the Lord how to peel the potatoes, but instead I would ask Him to protect me while I peeled them. However, I would ask the Lord to help me with the meal plan, and I'd check in to see if He had anything to say about the m eal.
       Or if you're planning on going somewhere, or you have a sheep that you're going to talk to--yes, you should ask the Lord what He has to say about that. The more you hear from the Lord, the more you'll learn and the more fruitful will be your activities. People tend to think that hearing from the Lord is difficult, that it takes a long time, that you have to pray for an hour first--that's not the case.
       Mama and I pray at the beginning of each day to ask the Lord if He has anything specia l He wants us to do. Then throughout the day there are usually quite a few times when I ask the Lord things, either about our local situation or my work, personal life and decisions, or about questions the CROs are asking, or about the progress and problems of the Family. Mama also passes out questions throughout the day for people to pray about.
       Mama and I try to ask the Lord about each move we make, for example, we'll pray about our priorities, before going somewhere, before writing letters to our co-workers or the other units, about anything unusual or out of the ordinary that happens, about people we meet and witness to, about the people in our Home if there's something they're battling with and need our help in, and about any personal interaction we have with our Home members. (For example, when we invite different Home members to eat dinner with us, we pray about what the Lord wants us to talk with them about.)
       Mama is very faithful when it comes to having prayer about a lot of little things; I need to be more faithful in that area.
       One thing to remember is that you can never pray or hear from the Lord too much.

Q: But some people think that to hear from the Lord so much you have to be very spiritual.

Well, that's not the right way to think. The Lord is waiting at all times to answer your questions! He is your Friend. He's smart. He knows what's best and He wants you to have what's best. If you ask Him, He'll show you what's best, and if you do what He s ays, it really works best.
       I know from personal experience that when I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do, my life goes a lot more smoothly and I'm much happier. Sometimes He tells me to do things that I really don't want to do. But I've found that if He's asking me to do it, and I do it, things go well; if I don't do it, things go badly.

Q: How do you use the new weapons? There's prayer, praise, prophecy, loving the Lord intimately, being united and living the Law of Love, but sometimes I feel like, “I don't know if I can do them all.”
       You're supposed to pray about every thought that comes into your mind; you also have to be praising as much as possible. Those are goals that you really want to attain and you strive toward them. But at times I wonder if you and Mama have actually gotten to a state where you can turn every thought into a prayer. Is it possible to do it completely? When I forget, I find it difficult to begin again. Then I have try to find the right balance betwe en not getting condemned and trying to start again.

No, Mama and I have not attained to the grand state where we use the new weapons constantly, as much as we should, and our every thought is turned into a prayer. The Lord tells us these things because that's the goal He wants us to move towards. Will we ever achieve that goal completely and fully? Probably not. But it is where He wants us to move towards.
       I talked with Mama about that very thing not long ago. I said, “Honey, sometimes I feel like such a failure because I know I'm supposed to turn every thought into a prayer, and I don't. I know I'm supposed to constantly be praying and asking the Lord about every little thing, and I don't. I know that I should be praising constantly, and I'm not. Then I feel really bad that I don't. I'm always feeling like the Lord must be kind of bugged at me because I'm not doing these things or reaching the goal fully. But then when I think about it, I wonder, `How can I ever reach that go al? I don't feel that I can.'”
       So Mama and I prayed about it, and the Lord explained that He's given us these goals to shoot for, but you can only do what you can do. He certainly doesn't want us all to be walking around under condemnation, feeling like total failures and thinking, “I don't turn every thought into a prayer, so the Lord must be mad.” He's not! He continually says that He loves us and is pleased with the progress we are making and the attempts we make to do the right things.
       B ut the Lord gives us those clear goals in order to move us in the right direction. But He also understands that becoming perfect in those areas is not something we're going to reach in this life. So we shouldn't feel condemned about it. If you don't praise enough today, try again tomorrow. If you don't turn enough of your thoughts into prayers today, try to do better tomorrow. (See also “Thought Power!” ML #3155:33-39)

Q: There's one prophecy in the “Weakness Revolution” where Jesus was speak ing strongly to a SGA. He basically said, “If you don't start using these new weapons now, you're not going to make it in the Family.” It's kind of difficult for me to know if I'm using the new weapons properly, so that I can know if I'm going to make it. I really want to be a dedicated Family member, but sometimes I wonder if I can really make it.

Do you pray? Do you ever hear from the Lord in prophecy? Do you praise the Lord? Do you ever love the Lord intimately? Do you try to live the Law of Love and the One Wife vision? Those are the new weapons and if your answer is yes, then you're using them. The more you use them, the better off you'll be. If you're not using them all the time, every day, well, at least you're using them some. The Lord wants us to use the new weapons regularly, as much as we can. But He also understands that we're not perfect.
       There are some people who make definite decisions to not use the new weapons or not to apply themselves, they actually reject t he new weapons--that's a different story. If your heart is saying, “I want to serve the Lord. I want to do these things. Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief”; if you want to do it and you're trying, He'll be pleased with you and will honor your step of faith. As you continue to ask Him for His help, He'll help you. It has to do with taking steps to use the new weapons in your life. It has to do with saying yes to Jesus. Then just try to keep progressing. As long as your heart and spirit is with the Lord and in the Family, you'll make it!

Q: What is “saying yes” exactly? Sometimes I read a Letter and it really convicts me; I want to say “yes” to Jesus, but how do you put that into effect? Is just saying “yes” enough, or do you have to do more?

Saying “yes” is the starting point, but then you also have to try to put into practice in some way what the Lord is asking of you. Saying yes means that you yield, you actually say to the Lord, “Yes, I will do what You want me to do .” “Yes, Lord, I'll try my best to do what You're saying.” “Yes, Lord, I'm willing to give up my way of looking at things and accept Your point of view.” Of course, then you are expected to follow through on that “yes” by trying to do what the Lord has said.
       Then it's a question of continued yieldedness; when something comes along that you need to yield to, you have to make the effort to continue to yield. There will probably be times when you won't yield, when you'll blow it or do things your own way, and as a result, things probably won't go so good for a little while. But next time you'll probably do better, having learned a good lesson. Each time the Lord brings an opportunity to put your “yes” into practice, take it. It becomes easier with time and you'll reap the benefits of saying “yes” to Jesus.
       Your whole spiritual life is a growth process. You're always learning things. You never come to a point where you can say, “I've learned everything and I'll never learn anything new . Your spiritual life is a constant moving forward--and if you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards.

Q: A few months ago I really wanted to travel to another place. But I have a real problem because I don't have the gift of prophecy. I tried. I prayed, I asked the Lord, but I just didn't know what to do. So I wanted to ask the Lord after this meeting for the gift of prophecy.

Does it make you feel bad that you don't have the gift of prophecy? (Yes, a lot.) I'm sorry you feel bad. I'll pray for you to receive the gift. (Peter prays for all the young people attending who hadn't yet received the gift of prophecy.)
       I know a number of people who didn't have the gift of prophecy, but when they prayed, they got it. I even know a number of CROs who didn't have the gift of prophecy just two years ago. We prayed for them, and first they just got a little baby gift, but now they're very practiced.
       One of the fellows in our Home works on the END and other pubs. He didn't ha ve the gift of prophecy but he needed it. So Mama prayed for him and now he has the gift. So I believe the Lord will do it for you too.
But if you don't have the gift of prophecy and you need an answer, you can always ask others to hear from the Lord for you. I know it's hard to do that, but you can do it. You might think, “If I ask somebody else, what if they get something that I'm not so sure about?” Well, ask two or three people; then you'll have a confirmation of the Lord's will. And if th e matter in question is very important to you, and you don't have anyone else you can ask, you can write us and we'll pray for you and hear from the Lord for you.
       But just because you don't have the gift of prophecy doesn't mean that you don't hear from God. Remember, there are seven ways to know God's will. So in your situation, if you don't have the gift of prophecy yet, you can look at the Word. What is the general counsel in the printed Word? How does the printed Word speak to you personal ly (the voice of the Word)? What do your counselors say--your parents, shepherds, and teamworkers? What's your burden? What doors does the Lord open?
       You can use the other ways to know God's will besides prophecy, and you can also have someone who has the gift receive something in prophecy for you. But now that we've all prayed for you, maybe you should try again. Then you can see what all of it put together says--what the prophecy says, what verses you get, what your Godly counselors say, how you feel about it, etc. Then you can be pretty sure of the Lord's will. The Lord wants you to know what His will is, and if you want His will, I'm sure He'll show you, okay?

Q: Sometimes heavy things come out in the Grapevine, and when they do, it would be nice to have a prophecy come out with it. Something happened in India where some brothers got beaten up, and also the announcement about Windy committing suicide.

That's a good point. About Windy, there was a whole GN on the subject coming out, which is why we didn't put out more on it in the Grapevine notice. I understand that due to the postal system, you received that GN quite some time after the notice was published.
       Normally we wouldn't have put a notice in the Grapevine about that; we would have just waited and put out the full GN and all the messages from the Lord which cover the subject very well. But because people are on e-mail and news travels, when something like that happens, one person tells another, and pr etty soon it's completely distorted. So we put the notice in the Grapevine with just a short explanation about what happened, and a few points from her message which was printed in full in the GN, “When is it Your Time to Go?”
       But that's a good idea. In the future we'll try to include at least a brief message from the Lord to accompany any such heavy announcements in the Grapevine.

Q: Though we have the gift of prophecy, we don't hear many testimonies of the Lord saying, “Go here and this i s going to happen”--those sort of revelatory messages where the Lord tells you things in advance.

Well, it happens to me sometimes. Of course, not every prophecy is that way, but there have been times that the Lord has said, “Go here and do this, and this will happen.” And it has. I have seen other examples as well. And the more we all use the gift of prophecy, the more it's happening.
       But the Lord doesn't seem to make it all that easy for us most of the time. He's not telling us what d ay the Antichrist is going to arise on and who he's going to be. I don't think the Lord wants us to know some of those things yet, but I'm sure that when we do need to know, He will tell us.

Q: Does Mama receive prophecies every day?

Personal prophecies, yes. She prays about different things, but her gift is still very much a baby gift. It's a little bit discouraging for her. She says, “I only get these little prophecies. I don't get specifics.” The Lord uses Mama's limited gift of pro phecy to keep her humble and desperate.
       She also regularly has people ask the Lord about her gift of prophecy, to see if there is anything more she needs to be doing to improve it. The Lord repeatedly encourages her to just keep using her gift and to not compare or worry about the kinds of messages she receives. He assures her that she's receiving what she needs to receive for today, and when the time comes when she needs to receive full, longer and more detailed messages, she will. Also, the Lord has explained that one reason He has allowed her to not receive such specific or detailed prophecies is because then she would probably feel quite obligated to do much of the prophesying herself, which is not His will. He wants her to use the other practiced channels she has available, because there is so much to do that only she can do. So He makes sure she keeps her work priorities straight and dedicates her time and strength to what is most important for her personally to do, by allowing her to feel unconfident with her gift. It's all part of the Lord's wonderful plan and timing.
       As I said, Mama always asks other people to hear from the Lord. We have intercoms in our Home, and everyday she's on the intercom, “Could you pray about this ….” That's why people in our Home learn to use prophecy so much and are so proficient and exercised in it! Because everyday--and for most people it's many more than just one time a day--they're using their gift a lot. It's practice! They practic e using their channels, so they get more and more proficient at it.
       So don't be afraid or ashamed to ask others to hear from the Lord for you if you're unable to. But at the same time, keep practicing! Don't just depend solely on those around you while waiting for your gift of prophecy to suddenly blossom one day; it takes faith and faithful cultivating and practice.

Q: Are all the prophecies that are received in GNs gotten by people in your Home? Are there people receiving prophecies all t he time? Who receives the prophecies? Are there people who are there only to receive prophecies? And do they all live in your Home?

Generally speaking, the prophecies in the GNs are received either by me, or by people in our Home. But it's not like we have specialized people whose ministry is only to prophesy. We don't have three rooms with three hermits who sit in there and do nothing but prophesy all the time. Some of the prophecies are received when Mama and I pray. Some are received b y others in our Home.
       Our Home has prayer day twice a month, for a half a day every other Friday. Half of the time is devoted to intercessory prayer for the needs of our Family, the other half to hearing from the Lord in prophecy. Prior to our prayer mornings, Mama prays about various questions to ask the Lord, which she passes out to different ones to pray about. Or Mama and I may receive a lot of personal letters from people on the field that need answers from the Lord. Some of those request s are passed out to different ones in our Home to ask the Lord about. So on a prayer day someone might have three or more different prayer requests that they need to hear from the Lord about. Some of those prophecies may be used in GNs, others are sent to the specific people they were received for.
       There are times when Mama and I are working on a GN on a certain topic--for example, jealousy or loneliness or witnessing or Y2K prep--and when we begin we already have several prophecies on it, but we need more answers from the Lord. So Mama will ask different ones to pray about it. She'll either give them a specific question and say, “Can you ask the Lord about this, that and the other?” Or she'll say, “Could you ask the Lord what He has to say about this subject in general?”
       Then Mama listens to the prophecies very prayerfully, asking the Lord about any further questions she may have, and then she works them into the GNs. There are other times when we ask other WS Homes to pray about things. Sometimes we use prophecies that have come in from the field--depending on what the subject is and if it's something we want to publish for the whole Family.

Q: I have a friend that came from the States. She said that in her Home in Texas they had a brother who had bad back problems to where he couldn't work, so he was just a WS channel; and he would just receive prophecies for WS.

This is news to me. I didn't know we had any WS channels in Texas, because we don't.

Q: That's why I'm wondering, because you said most prophecies in the GNs come from WS Homes.

That's right. When I say we get prophecies from the field, what I mean is that maybe you got a prophecy and when you write us a personal letter, you send that prophecy to us.
       If in a personal letter to Mama you say, “I was having severe jealousy trials, and I prayed and the Lord gave me a prophecy. Here it is….” Well, when we're working on a jealousy GN we might pull that file out and look at it. If the message you received from the Lord is something that would benefit the whole Family, then Mama, our winetaster, considers whether to use it. But we don't have people in field Homes who can't do anything else so we have them prophesying for us. Not at all.
       The only prophecies that we actively solicit from people on the field are spirit stories, particularly the Heaven's Library books. It's possible that there's somebody in a Home who has spent some time getting a longer spirit story. Sometimes if they're a good channel for that--and that's a special kind of gift--we'll ask them to get more stories. But we don't have people who just hang out in Homes and prophesy for WS.

Q: In the “Weakness Revolution,” Mama mentioned that there's an outpouring of New Wine coming out. I'm wondering if perchance you have a new revelation in the cupboard that we'll hear about in the next month or so--and the name of it possibly?

That's a good question! No, there aren't any big new revelations s tashed in our cupboards--at least there weren't when I left on this trip--that are going to shake everything up. Of course, we never know what the Lord is going to give tomorrow or next month, so stay tuned in and be ready to receive whatever He pours out! Isn't it wonderful that the Lord is pouring out so much Word on such a variety of topics? There certainly is an abundance of New Wine that the Lord has given, and there are lots of new GNs in the works. There are a lot of Mama's Memos coming s oon--shorter Letters on various topics--that you can expect.

adjusting to the Indian subcontinent

--with lots of general field-moving tips

       SGA, Indian Subcontinent
: Over the past couple of years, our Home has had the blessing of receiving quite a few people (JETTs through FGAs) from the West who were interested in trying it out on the Indian Subcontinent. These unnamed individuals were brave enough to step out into unknown (possibly hostile) territory to experience a field that we have g iven years of our lives to, and have grown to love. Because of these new laborers, we have been able to reach out to new towns and places that our little team could not stretch far enough to reach before. And on a personal level, because they made that step--or rather, leap--across the miles, I have grown close to these dear friends whom I had always known, yet had never met.
       But we have had our ups and downs too, and sometimes it didn't seem like such a good idea, and things had the potential to get a little freaky. There were hurts and misunderstandings at times, as either way you slice it there are big differences in the mode of operation and what is deemed “acceptable behavior” when you're talking inter-continental Home changes. In hopes that all the “wiser men” out there can learn from someone else's experience, I'll share a few points that may help things go smoother for “Homes like ours”!

       a) Clear communication before arrival--to find out what the new team's vision is, i.e . SWIFT/vacation/join the Home/try it out for a month/just passing through, etc. Then you can take people where they're at, with what the Lord has shown them, and equally important, what the whole Home has the faith for.
       b) Prayerful conversation--check vocabulary, chuck out all those blanket statements that may be uninformed generalizations, like, “All Homes in ____ are really hitting the skids” or negative comments about somebody's parents or loved ones that are not in full-time service. To paraphrase a MO quote: “Our status is nothing without our love.” Often it has been the case that those not right with us on the front lines deserve the credit for a good part of the victories won, as they support us with their help and prayers.
       c) At times, the old ways or habits that some teens come in with don't need to be big issues, but will minimize with time and adjustment. Some young people have had priorities or mannerisms that were kinda out of sync with the Home situation, but it did n't have to be a big deal; just seeing a sample of how things work over here, and the Home having a bit of a grace period, was sufficient and the old stuff fades out of the picture. We all need time.
       d) There were some attitudes or doubts that came in with certain people that really DIDN'T need to be given any time to linger or grow. With those kind of fundamental things that have to do with our connection with the Lord and following the standard in the Word, or treating the locals with respec t, it was a good check for all of us young people in the Home (newcomers or veterans) to stand up for our convictions. We have to talk about these things; we have to have an open line of communication and be in unity on these important issues.
       e) Having “new blood” in our Home (and I don't mean young people, because we already had that, but NEW people) helped to stir us up a bit and get us out of (shall I say it?) ruts!! We (the original team) had been working together as a Home for quite a wh ile, and it was quite comfy, or familiar--a little of both, really--but with new people and new decisions, we as a teamwork and a Home were able to grow in new areas.
       f) Not everyone is called to stay on this field, so for those who decide to move on, the Home and the person shouldn't feel that the experience was a failure, or that the person moving on “lacks the true missionary spirit.” The Lord has a special plan for each of us, and there are many fields that are white unto harvest. Whether people stay on as a part of our Home or move on to other places of service, the time spent together draws us close and as a Family we are all still working side by side.

       Beth (21), India:
WOW! To try and put down on paper my past couple of years in India is like almost asking the impossible! But I've just got to get it out that hey, good stuff is happening here! I've been here in India for two-and-a-half years now and in my Home I do mostly OR, follow-up, CC, dishes, TW responsibilities and other wonderful stuff that being in the Family involves! But wait, I've gotta start from the beginning in order to give the full picture!
       See, I came to India on a baby step of faith toward what I knew the Lord wanted me to do--with prayer and prophecy involved too, of course--but never did it cross my mind that I would come here to stay. I mean, I'd heard all the infamous … well … no, wait! I hadn't heard anything about India and I guess that's why it was like a fear of the unknown!
       So I'm here and it has changed my life in so many ways. There was just so much to do and learn when I came, and the exoticness of it all was fascinating! I was so happy to be here, though kind of awaiting what the Lord had in mind for bringing me here. In moving to a place, you go through different stages. Maybe sharing some of the lessons I've learned coming here and after being here for awhile now will help someone else. Here are some of the things I feel are “secrets” to moving to a new field and fe eling fulfilled and challenged there. I'll also list some things that those already on the field can do to help the new person adjust and feel fulfilled in all that there is to do.
       When I came I had this feeling that, “Man, I'm just gonna become Indian overnight and I'll adapt to everything right away. It'll be easy!” But things didn't turn out that way. First of all, the fact that my first meal left my mouth burning (in the spicy sense) told me I wasn't going to adapt as fast as I'd thought. I realized after battling some discouragement that I needed to give myself time to change, adapt and learn. I couldn't expect to be able to lead a team on OR as I was used to, until I had learned the ways of the people here. I had to give myself time to learn to cook again, how to dress so as not to offend the neighbors, etc.
       There was a lot to learn and I really appreciated those who took the time to explain things to me, why they were this way and that way. Time to adjust is a big need for a nyone who is moving to a whole new field. I appreciated having time to learn and not being expected to adapt so suddenly. I realized that I had to pray for an openness to see things in a new way and not compare things to the old way I was used to doing things.
       It's funny, but when I came I had this feeling like, “These guys should be so grateful I've come all the way here to help their Home!” Now after being a part of the Home for some time and on the teamwork, etc., I've felt sometimes with n ew people, “These guys should be really grateful we took them in!” Ha! Well, Lord help me! Learn from my bad sample and don't think either way! If both sides can be truly loving and honestly thankful for each other--those who are on the field already and those who arrive--I really believe and know for a fact that this unity will sort out any differences you may have in working and living together.
       Something that has a very special place in my heart is every word of encouragement that the “old timers” said to me (don't get me wrong here, some of these are young people). If I thought about it, I think I could remember every sentence spoken where somebody encouraged or thanked me for coming to the field, even as simple as it might have seemed. Every “It's so nice that you came to India!” or “Wow! God bless you for coming so far on your own!” Every time somebody said something like that, it encouraged me to keep on!
       That brings me to another extremely important lesson, which is: There are ENTRANCE EXAMS to anything in life, and moving to India was no exception for me. At first it's all a bit easier as everything is so new, but as reality hits you and life is different, the Enemy hits you with his big guns! Of course he's going to, though I was dumb enough to think he wouldn't!
       I've talked with a lot of people who have come to India and it seems that it's the same for everyone to a certain extent. The Devil will fight you and try to get you to give up! I went through the mos t trying times of my life here, where I really didn't know how much longer I would last. Truly, with all my heart I wanted to give up. It seemed too much, that I wasn't worth anybody's effort and I wasn't going to make it here. But I had a faint glimmer of hope that if I didn't give up, one day the sun would shine, one day the birds would sing, one day I would hear the music of Heaven and would feel light again. I read and read and read all the promises the Lord had given for those going to the field and held on to those, wondering when my day would come.
       And it happened, it really happened! Not right away, but the Lord helped me to refuse to give up. I want to say to anybody who may be thinking those same thoughts: There are great, great rewards in holding on! And nothing can beat it!
       It was after this point that I suddenly found fulfillment in all that I needed to do! Before, I was feeling unchallenged, kind of like, “I came here to India and I'm not doing anything different than what I was doing in the States.” My life was a bit mundane, not too inspiring, but after getting on the road to victory, it was almost funny! All of a sudden there was so much opportunity to do things; there was so much to do! I was fulfilled, learning and having fun doing it! And it wasn't that things around me had changed that much! It was a miracle of the heart. But if I had given up when I thought things were too tough, I would have never reached that “victory road”!
       I'm so thankful that the Lord brought me here and helped me over each “hill” as it came! I've found fulfillment and excitement, and a challenge in life that means so much to me! So all this to say: The mission field may not be easy at times, but “shtick it out” and see what happens. You'll never regret it!

How ready are you for Y2K?

       Jason, Mexico:
We've now gotten our Home about 60% Y2K-ready in the survival department. When visiting the LAMB Home during our recent teamwork meetings we felt rather convicted s eeing how on top of it the Home there was. Ten days ago we prayed about it and sent a team to do a weekend of fundraising, and in two days our three-man team raised about $800, which gave us the funds we needed to make what was previously our laundry room with a bunch of empty shelves into our Y2K survival room! PTL!

legal and media

--EURCRO, May, 1999

       Marcos, Sara and Precious, South Africa:
March 2, Trinity Broadcasting Network (audience1 million) held a talk show with Precious, Dust a nd Estevao sharing their testimonies.

       Enoch, Aaron and Chris, Bosnia:
March 15th, Osijek Radio in Croatia played several songs from our CDs (reaching 200,000).

       John, Ruby, Faithy and Douglas, Hungary:
Zenith cable TV continues showing clips of TA and KV, reaching one million people twice a week.
Elixir magazine, a monthly color magazine on spiritual and health topics, did a two-page article on us in May. It was mostly factual though some bits were sarcastic. It had beautiful picture of Dad and one of our teams witnessing in Croatia some years back (reaches 50,000).

       Gabriel and Joan, Slovenia:
March 23rd, Medvode Tele (reaching 1,000) wanted to interview a family with many children for Mother's Day. Our kids sang.

       Job, Ruth, James and Joan, Ukraine:
On March 18th a local Kiev news broadcast included a few clips about our humanitarian aid work in the Kiev area (reaching 60,000).

       Enoch, Aaron and Chris, Bosnia:
On April 22nd Regensburger (Germany) published an articl e with a nice picture and an appeal for people to help our work in Bosnia as well our work with the Kosovar refugees (reaching 500,000).
       On April 23rd RegensbergTV gave a 30-second clip about our appeal for Bosnia (reaching 100,000).
       On May 19th a national newspaper, Oslobogenje, did a positive article on our show at SOS Kinderdorf in Sarajevo, and explained our show at a Kosovo refugee camp the next day with a nice picture of the show team in action (reaching 700,000).
       On May 22nd a nati onal weekly magazine, Slobodna Bosnam, did a short article by Merima Sijaric on our last show at Kosovar refugee camp near Sarajevo with picture of the show with the crowd (reaching 70,000).

       Gabe and Flower, Hungary:
May 1st, our journalist friend wrote an article for Polgár, the official local newspaper of the Székesfehérvár Mayor Office (reaching 40,000). It has a cover picture of Flower and baby Matija with a full-page article about our home schooling, a mention of our CTP projects, and t he Family's origins.

Big Change Comin'--FTT #16

--song title/singer/music/lyrics

       1. Big Change Comin'
       2. Jesus Is Calling You
       Caleb/Paul, Byron, Francesco/Francesco, Paul/Producer: Francesco
       3. Four Horses
       Jason/Phillip/Philip/Guitar: David H./Producer: Andrew V.
       4. Warning
       Francesco, Cryssy, Hopie/Francesco/Prophecy/Guitars: Makoto, Francesco/Producer: Francesco
       5. Offending Pain
       Vas/Vas/Vas/Produced by: DCS
       6. Modus Opera ndi
       Peter, Phil/Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Producer: Emmanuel
       7. Feel It
       Nat/Michael A., adapted by Nat S., D. Sabolch/Michael A./Drums: Nat./Guitar: D. Sabolch/Produced by: Nat, D. Sabolch
       8. Beggar
       Marianna/Nat/Nat/Guitars: Nat/Producer: Nat
       9. What Have I Done
       Hopie/Sunny/Sunny/Producer: Andrew V.
       10. Date with an Angel
       Angelique/Andrew V./Andrew V., Barry, Windy/Producer: Andrew V.
       11. Heart of my Life
       Talitha S./Talitha/Talitha/Producer : Nat
       12. Always Be Beside You Baby
       Sara/Jeremy, Emmanuel/Jeremy/Producer: Emmanuel
       13. I'm in Love
       Vas/Vas, Robin/Vas, Robin/Produced by: DCS

DC Home makes the move!

By Ahlai, for the DC Home

       We're about to move our entire DC Home and operation to Mexico! The recent Letters have convicted us to trash our trinkets and be missionaries once again on a foreign field, and we are determined to get there as soon as possible! Our DC Band tour in Mexico at Christmas also ch anged our lives, and we're so thankful to be joining our Mexican Family in such a potential, fertile field. Please pray that we can dig in and be fruitful missionaries there.
       Interestingly, a camping fellowship was organized and held in the Midwest by the dear brethren there just last month with around 150 people, nearly all of whom are leaving the States! God bless them! We're thankful for all the Lord has done and taught us here, but we are more thankful to be moving on, as we know every wor d of prophecy in every GN regarding the States applies to us.
       We only want to be in the center of His will for us. So we're forsaking all! Please pray for our move south of the border where we (about 35 of us!) plan to relocate in Cuernavaca, just to the south of Mexico City.

Seventh White House Easter performance `99

       We weren't even going to call the White House this year, but three weeks before Easter we received a frantic call from the organizers of this event, asking us earnestly if w e would please participate. There was no way we could put something together that fast and we tried to get out of it at first, explaining that we were leaving for a foreign field to preach more Gospel! We also tried to explain that the DC Band is not like the Family Singers of old, that it is more of an “alternative rock” band, totally different, and well, quite LOUD! But amazingly, the director said, “I don't care! We know you guys, and if you will come and help us again you can do your full ba nd and show, two performances, and you can play any kind of music, any style of show, about anything and as loud as you want!”
       When we prayed about it, in short, the Lord said, “Do it!” It took a lot of prep, practice and time to pull it off on short notice, but the Lord helped us and the shows were an overwhelming success. We passed out tons of fliers and Y2K tracts, and the message went out that day to over 40,000 at the White House Easter Roll!

Red Cross Waterfront Festival

       We also per formed at the annual Red Cross Waterfront Festival held in Alexandria, Virginia. This was our third year of running the “Family Pavilion” for the Red Cross, while at the same time performing several times throughout the weekend at this major fund raising event. We also ran our own booth, from which we handed out tracts, posters and balloons, and distributed our tools. This year the DC Band performed on the main stage of the event and as it's our last year, it was great to get to play the warning message from Eagle Bleeds and witness live to such a large crowd. We really went for it on the message--since they couldn't throw us out, as we're already leaving, ha!

[offset in a box]

DC studio prayer request

       Godfrey and Vas are presently barreling along on their assignments, namely the Simon Black album. Godfrey is working round the clock to make it one of our finest, while Vas keeps recording some of his very contemporary new songs for FTTs. We need to finish this Simon Black album before we can take down the studio and move, so please keep this in your prayers.


Heaven's Library
book copies

The ones that receive these books in each Home are family groups but they are not all English speakers. Often it happens that the family that receives the books has small kids and they don't speak English, so they end up not reading them, whereas other singles who speak and read English don't have a copy. Could something be done so that we could direct the books to tho se who will read them the most? Could we receive a copy for the Home library? Could Homes that have young people (above 16, but still YAs or SGAs) or singles receive more copies?
--Estevao, Santiago, Meekness and Ruth, Brazil

Due to finances, we're unable to send out more copies than we presently are. However, just because the ratio is set at one per family (OPF) doesn't mean that each family should keep their own private copy and leave the other Home members without any. One copy probab ly should be put in the Home library, just as you do for pubs that are sent out at OP4D. The reason we made it OPF instead of OP4D is that it gives Homes copies based more on the number of children (or at least families) rather than adults, since these are primarily books for children, JETTs and teens. Homes without children receive one copy.

Besides being a good tool for our children and young people, these books are excellent tools for feeding sheep. I've seen families lend a copy to a sheep, as they feel led, but other single Home members need to ask permission if they want to lend it to a sheep, as the book it is not their property and it would be taking away from the children's reading time, or it's too much responsibility lending out somebody else's stuff. Other people are too cautious and say that it is not at all a good idea to lend them to outsiders.
--Priscilla (of Francesco), Moldova

Heaven's Library books that are appropriate for a GP audience will be made av ailable shortly through the Activated! program. You'll be able to purchase copies of these from your Activated! desk. In the meantime, You are free to lend your books to outside friends if you feel led of the Lord to and your Home agrees.


[Miraculous healing]
       Pablo, Zacarias, Clarita and Joy, Colombia:
Zacarias and Joy met a 32-year-old man named Jaime Alberto whose legs were paralyzed. After he received Jesus, they laid hands on him and prayed for him. Now, a month later, his life has changed and he is walking with crutches, thanks to prayer!

[China news]
       Gateway Home, China:
The loud disco music resounded in our ears as we danced with friends in a circle. A Chinese friend had accompanied us to this place and had then introduced us to his many friends. There weren't too many English songs playing; you would hear an occasional English word here or there or the Chinese DJ would shout out “Move it!” or “Shake a leg!”
       This is just one of the many things that we h ave done with our friends. We've gone fencing with China's third best fencer, just for fun. We went to a traditional Chinese wedding, ballroom dancing, parties, etc. All this has been with our Chinese friends and has been a good time to get to know them and talk to them more.
       When the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was bombed, people organized large protests all over China. Students shouted “Kill Americans” and “Americans are the murderers!” Signs were up in the universities, which expressed thei r anger towards the American government in particular. The day after the bombing the Lord told us not to go out as it wouldn't be safe, but that it would be fine for us to get take-away food in the building complex that we live in.
       While waiting for our food, a Singaporean lady told us that it was a good thing that we hadn't gone outside, as there was a wild crowd of protesters outside our complex. We were thankful that we had obeyed the Lord's voice. Later we were told about some Americans th at went to a McDonalds in our city and an angry crowd started throwing rocks at them. Others also told of their near hits with glass bottles, etc. We are sure thankful that nothing happened to us.
       May has been our best month yet for witnessing, as this time has gotten the Chinese to think more about their lives. Friends came to us crying, saying that they didn't understand why something like this would happen. Many were shocked and wondering about a possible WWIII scenario. Many readily prayed with us to receive Jesus. “Can you teach me from the Bible?” asked one of our friends who we are now giving regular Bible classes to.
       “Can you come to my house to play Jesus songs?” asked a Chinese neighbor of ours who was having his birthday party. We had sung praise songs with him before and he really enjoyed them, so we brought our guitar as well as some song sheets so he could sing along. We sang “We've got a lot” in Chinese, getting all to participate. That's just some of the things we'v e been doing lately.
       [in a box] We're looking for more ways to witness in our city. We are also opening another Home. If you would like to support our Home, which will make it easier for us to reach the over four million that live in our city, contact us via PACRO China Desk, Gateway Home--CN619.

[8-year-old Kina]
       Crystal (Chandra, new disciple) USA:
I want to share a cool testimony about my little sister, Kina. She's eight years old and lives with my mother and her boyfriend. About a yea r ago, Kina was extremely hard to deal with; I was the only one she would listen to. When she was grounded to her room, she would jump out the window to run away and play with her friends and she wouldn't come home until 10 at night. She was very mouthy and outwardly rebellious, but the very first time she saw a Kiddie Viddie, her whole attitude changed. She became more loving and caring and cooperative. She loved those videos so much! We gave her a bunch of them and also some Treasure Attics. S he would watch them and watch them and watch them. Then, out of nowhere, she started witnessing. She hadn't even had a Bible class. I took her out tracting and she loved it. She began telling everyone that she wanted to be a missionary, which I think caused some friction between my mom and her boyfriend, who has become more violent and more into alcohol and drugs.
       On Halloween, my sister told everyone at every door, “Jesus loves you!” just for the fun of it. It seems the Lord was just speaking straight to her heart, because all she had was the videos. The more she grew spiritually, the worse her household got. My mother has become more suicidal and deeper into drugs, along with her boyfriend.
       In December, we had Kina stay at our Family Home for three days and I completely tuned into her. She memorized about three verses a day. She was completely obedient and loving. Since then she has been telling all her friends about Jesus and me and how she wants to live with me. She brought a f riend to Bible study at the Home who got saved here. A girl at school was calling her names and she told her, “I love you and Jesus loves you!” The girl had thrown glass at her. Kina's teacher told her to stop talking about Jesus in school.
       We took Kina out witnessing last Sunday and plan on taking her out whenever possible. She loves the Lord and when you give her a little love, she glows with so much love and enthusiasm that no one can help but notice and a bright smile will take over their face. We're all amazed at how much she has grown with just a little Word and the videos. It's only the Lord!
       All prayers are welcome, because my mom has just asked me to take custody of my sister and we're praying about it.

[Newsletter advertising]
       Karachi Home, Pakistan:
We were able to do a new 16-page color newsletter with paid advertisements featuring our activities, along with informative and feeding articles. One of our friends whom we met through provisioning paid for the whole thi ng to get done, from layout work, to paper, to printing etc. He more or less adopted this project as “his baby,” and was so pleased that he could have a hand in helping to further our work. It was a generous gift, as the overall cost was $1,000 for the whole printing! In addition, the amount of advertisements paid for was in excess of $2,000.

[AIDS in Romania]
       Chris, for the Bride Home, Romania:
AIDS in Romania has been in the foreign headlines for years now, so you might wonder what is tru e and untrue. After working closely for 18 months now in the AIDS Branch of the Colentina Hospital in Bucharest, we can testify that there is a serious and heartbreaking war going on for the lives and care of these children.
       Weekly, we have a heart-to-heart counseling program with the mothers of some of these 8- to 10-year-olds who are literally dying after having been infected with the HIV virus due to medical negligence after the revolution of 1989.
       We no sooner stop our vehicle to bring t hem weekly supplies of fruit and veggies, than we are surrounded by some of the sweetest children you can imagine. They look to us for love, encouragement, hugs and kisses, while the staff unloads the car. The children are very attached to us and know that we really care. Most people who come here, if they come at all, are generally afraid to have any physical contact with these children (some even wear gloves).
       As we went into the first room, we bumped into Mihalea who we had met the previous week. She came here recently with her 10-year-old son who is lying on the bed, dying from AIDS. She is so thankful to have this time with us. Her life (like many others) is very traumatic; her husband left her as he doesn't want to have anything to do with the child; the school has refused to take him as well, and she barely has anything to eat, much less the funds to buy AIDS medicine which is some of the most expensive in the world. Thank God, while at the hospital, her son is getting the hel p he needs.
       The chief medic who has been working there for 20 years said that our visits have tremendously encouraged the staff, and has brought to some of the mothers the will to go on, and the strength to fight for the lives of their children.
       Recently a friend of ours heard about our ministry and put us in contact with a man in France whose son had just died of AIDS. God bless this precious soul, as he donated to us all the AIDS medicine he had already bought for his son, worth $9,000. Wi th the help of some precious brethren we were able to pick it up and donate it to the hospital for the care of the children--enough medicine for all of them for 6 weeks. Every bit of help and care is appreciated. These children need you, please keep them in your prayers.


       Ken Lindsley
, please contact us via the China Desk at tyofam@crisscross.com. We've sent a lot of letters and prayers your way.--Love, Andrew and Mercy and kiddos (CN606) Also, Melissa (daughter, in India) we nee d to hear from you! Martin (T. LeBlanc), Mark Trusting and kids, Joseph and Pearl, David Austr., Stephen and Christina, Chicken Baby, Dolly, WLY! Snail mail is very difficult to receive but e-mail can make it.
       We would like to put out a search for Simon and Trust. We are Jesse and Penny. E-mail us at: access@giasbgs.vsnl.net.in.
       Daniella (of Phil and Marie) would like to get in contact with Mike (of Josue). I used to live with you in Mexico. Also looking for Natalie (of Ivan and Joan), who I lived with in Russia. E-mail: USCMail@aol.com.
       Tina (of Mercy and Michael) is looking everywhere for Amy, Misty and Ivanna (of Rufus and Dulce). E-mail: beachmx@infosel.net.com. Add: Apdo #1 Admin 73 Veracruz, VER 91700 Mexico. P.S. We lived together in Gulfport, Mississippi.
       Techy is looking for David V., Mariana W.W., Paola (Peruvian), Paloma (Venezuelan), John and Sara Conquer (last heard of in the States), Serena (of Francisco and Vida). E-mail: timntechy@email.com.
       Mark (formerly Laz arus Livingstone) would like to hear from: Nathan Phoenix, Nathan and Laurie M., Laz and Talitha P., Nathaniel and Sarah Trooper, Rufus and Dulce, and Jay and Rose (of Bigvai). E-mail: hilltop@prizmanet.com.tr.
       Nina (Norwegian) in Russia wants to contact the following people: Lisa (of Will and Mary, Belgium), Julia (of Peter and Selah, Christina (of Dan, Ukraine?), Nikki (of Gid and Lamb, Norway), Nikki (of Mary Jane,), Martha and Vicky (Sweden), Lizzy, Lena (a.k.a. Patricia), Linda and Petra. Write via the Russian ABM.
ierre and Renee in Canada, please send us, Alvin and Catherine (Mauritius), your e-mail address again asap. It got erased from our address book. TKS!
       Amber (SGA, of Gallio and Love) is looking for Olivia (teen, of Paul and Lily, in Brazil?). E-mail: amb@mailandnews.com, or via the EURCRO Office.
       Looking for Jono H. (YA, Aussie). Last heard of in Africa. Please contact Karishma (Kristina) at e-mail: jofa@bigpond.com.
       Lily Shondo is looking for Aaron who last w as living in Hungary. Last time you called I was in Romania. E-mail: hot_lil@hotmail.com.

former members and friends - seeking contact

       Mrs. Venera SanFilippo would like to get back in touch with Maria Cueva.--Spanish speaker with several kids who worked alongside a man in his 50s or 60s. She knew her in Santa Marinella, Italy, between `97 - `98. Mrs. Venera would love to hear from her so if you have any info on her whereabouts or where she might be please send a note to the Family Informa tion Department at info@thefamilyeurope.org or you can contact us at the EURCRO Media Desk.
       CJ (formerly known as Milton) would like to contact Israel and Zion. Last he met them was in 1983 or `84 in Slagelse, Denmark, where they had five or six children, all boys. (Their firstborn son's name was Simeon.) If this is you or you might know where we could locate them please respond to the Family Information Department at info@thefamilyeurope.org or send us a message to the EURCRO Media Desk.

p raise time ideas

--sent in by the teen girls who work part-time in the BRALIM office

       Every morning and afternoon when we girls go to work in the office, we get hit with: “What do we do for praise time?” Most of you probably know what we mean when we say that it gets pretty difficult sometimes to think up original ways to praise every day. Here are some ideas we tried out. We pray these will work for some of you too!

(With the TJWL book)
       Pass around the “To Jesus With Love” book. Everyo ne reads a sentence from a page number that is the birth date of someone special in your life. (i.e. My brother was born on November 9, so I read a sentence from page number 9.)
       Multiply your age number twice, and read that number from the TJWL book.
       Have everyone open up to any page and read the first two sentences of each paragraph; or read the first two sentences and the last two sentences on the page.
       Element praise: Each person choose one of the elements (air, earth, water, fire) and then look in their praise book for a paragraph with one of those words in it; take turns reading your praise paragraph. You can also do this with the HomeARC as it goes a little faster.
       Choose a color and look through your praise book for any page that mentions that color; read that paragraph. Again this can be done with the HomeARC.

(Without a praise book)

       One person starts off by saying a phrase (i.e., You are my Sun on a rainy day), then the next person says a rhyming phrase (All my te ars You kiss away). Then someone else begins a new one and the next person has to make theirs rhyme.

(Little papers needed for each person participating.)

       Write three words on your paper (can be anything--adjectives, nouns, adverbs, etc.). Pass it to the person on your right (or left), and have them write out a praise kiss (a paragraph or more in length) using those three words in their praise kiss. Pass it back to the person who wrote the original three words and have them read it aloud. ( We keep our little papers in a drawer, and sometimes read them at later praise times.)
       Everyone writes an adjective or adverb (or anything) that describes what Jesus means to them, vertically on their paper (like, awesome, for example). Pass it to the person next to you, and have them write an adjective beginning with every letter in that word. (i.e. AWESOME: A-Okay, Wowy-Zowy, Energetic, Sexy, Omnipresent, Muscular, Exhilarating.) Then read it to the Lord! You can also keep passing the papers around and have everyone write just one word at a time too.
       Each person writes a phrase like, “Precious Jesus, You are simply divine.” Pass your paper to the next person, who might write, “I'm proud to say that You are mine,” then the next, “Thank You for this time to rhyme,” and the last, “To tell You that You are just fine.” Then the person who it started reads the poem aloud.
       Each person writes a short paragraph of two or three sentences (be sure it's clear what the topic of your praise kiss is). Pass it on to the next person, who adds to it. Keep going until you have a good-length praise kiss. Then each person gets to read the one that they started with. These are super inspiring and it's like getting a little praise prophecy.

(Network praise time for office workers)

       Since we work mostly with computers and our computers are linked through a network, we have on occasion had pop-up praise times, where everyone sends a praise kiss to the workgroup. Depending on how many peop le are working and participating, you get to write one praise kiss and read many more.


Movies Rated for YAs and Up

Edward Norton, Edward Furlong
       Heavy, intense drama about a young man's experiences as a neo-Nazi skinhead. Not to everyone's liking. Sensitive and non-sensitive viewers alike, please be mindful of, and avoid if necessary, two particularly unpleasant scenes: a graphically violent flashback, and a shower scene in prison.

Movies Ra ted for Junior Teens and Up

Samuel L. Jackson, Sam Waterston, Seth Gilliam
       Courtroom drama about one of the first African-American cadets admitted to West Point and the persecution he suffered.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts
       Romantic comedy about a travel bookstore owner whose chance encounter with the most famous actress in the world completely changes his life.


American History X

       (Jesus spe aking:) The world today is in a mess! It is a place of death and destruction. It is a place of hate and cruelty, of vengeance and violence. America has now become a highway of ungodliness, because they have turned their backs on Me. They have desisted from teaching their children about Me, so in their desire to find something and someone to be a part of, so many turn to these gangs or cliques, which in some cases seem innocent enough at first, but lead to horrors.
       I am not on the side of the l eft or the right, the black or the white. Each side has difficulties and struggles, each side has many, many mistakes. Some of what each side promotes is true, and are real problems and lacks with the other side; yet because they do not have Me to help them and guide them through their problems and sort them out with wisdom, they become confused.
       They lump all problems of all people of a certain race or color--or any race or color that is not their own; or even those of their own race who they feel are not loyal enough or are siding with others--together, and they allow the hatred and bitterness to build up within them, until some are capable of the most horrific acts.
       This film serves as a traumatic testimony, showing how horrible life can be. Did it not break your heart? Did you not feel the hopelessness, the gloom, the despair? This is what so many out there feel--more than will admit, more than you are aware of.
       As the recent shootings in the USA schools showed, there are man y troubled youths out there, and as the messages I gave about that incident showed, this is all the work of the Enemy, part of his ploy to take over the world in these Last Days. I would that you, My children, be not ignorant of his devices.
       For some, this movie may be too rough, too traumatic, and would-be viewers should be warned and cautioned. Though it is a powerful exposé, those who do not feel they can handle it should be humble and honest enough to admit it. They will not miss out on im portant lessons or truths because of it, for I have made these things clear already in My Words, and you, My children, know the truth.
       But so many out there in the world do not know the truth, and they, like the youths in this movie, are so troubled and messed up. Reach out to them in love, My children, and bring them to Me. Go out into the highways and hedges, even into the dark alleys and the corners where evil lurks, and search them out.
       The youth of America are as a lost generation--Gene ration X, living American history X. It is a generation unlike any that has gone before. Nor shall anything as horrible follow. For this is the generation that shall witness My coming, and there shall be a great division among the people in these Last Days. Many shall repent and see the error of their ways; but many will not, and will go on in their blindness, in their hardness of heart, rejecting Me and the love and forgiveness I have to bring.
       Your part, My children, is to reach those in nee d. To most of you I would say to leave this horror-filled land of America, which has perpetrated worse crimes and more horrible atrocities than nearly any other. Go to those who are needy, to the lands that have not yet rejected Me. For none have rejected Me so blatantly as America the Whore.
       To those of you who are called to stay in America, I would say to reach the youth--those who are wandering or confused or fearful, or worse yet, who have given themselves over to evil. Feed this lost gene ration the truth, and some among them will turn to Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

Assault at West Point

       (Dad speaking:) If you want to see a true story, a historical drama that gives a good picture of the kind of things that helped to instigate the civil rights movement of the sixties, this is a very good movie to see.
       The great American story, almost from the very beginning, has been one of violence--with lies, hypocrisy and more violence to cover up their violence. It certainly makes you understand why there's still so much bitterness amongst many Blacks in the States today. That self-righteous, blood-thirsty, so-called Christian nation has sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind. They've planted violence almost everywhere they've ever gotten involved, and now they're reaping it in their own children.
       This is also a good story of faith and determination, of fighting for the truth and standing up for what you know is right, and not letting the System destroy your spi rit, no matter what happens. (End of message from Dad.)

Notting Hill

       (Jesus speaking:) This movie is good because it shows the truth behind all that Hollywood glamour and glitter. Behind each of those stars that look so polished and so fancy and so rich, is somebody who just holds up their hands, begging for love. The greatest love that they need is My love, the love of My Spirit, and they can only get that from you, the Children of David.
       Let this movie motivate you to see into their hea rts, to see behind the façade of these people who seem to have it all, but who are really lost and lonely and yearning for the only love that will ever truly satisfy them, which is My love, the love of My Spirit. Do not fail them by neglecting to give to them what they need and what they desire. (End of message from Jesus.)

help wanted

       We're Simon and Julia (Polish) with four kids and are preparing to go to Africa. Can you help? Send your prayer through Jesus and your gifts through EURCRO . We pray you'll remember us when you do your TRF. WLY. GBY!

       We are Paul and Praise (Indian nationals) and have been in the Family for over 23 years. We have eight beautiful children (ages 5-20) Most of them are with us. We wanted to ask you, our precious Family, if you can support us financially. Even $10, $50 or $100 goes a long way here in India. We need your help to be able to reach this fruitful land. Give a little and you'll partake of the blessings with us. Thanks so much. E-mail: fam serdl@satyam.net.in. Please write if you know us.

       My name is Angela. I am 24 years old and was born in Russia. For the last two years I've been working in Uzbekistan. The Lord has called me to Africa and I'm going to join a pioneer team in SWAZILAND. All that I need now is funds for my move! It's incredibly difficult to raise enough funds here to travel such a distance. The Lord is answering prayers and doing miracles, but even a seemingly big donation here is only a drop compared to the amo unt of money I need ($3,000!). If you can contribute in some way, I'll be more than just thankful! Contact me through the Russian ABM.

Mama jewels on … giving credit

--to an SGA staff member

       It's a sign of maturity when you are faithful to give credit where credit is due. I always appreciate knowing who was responsible for little deeds of kindness or labors of love. While you can't keep up with every little thing that people do, as often as you're able to appreciate or thank people for t he help they've been, it's worth it.
       When somebody is relating to me something that has happened, I like it when they fill me in on the details, as much as they remember or time permits. For example, if someone is telling me about an outing they went on, and is explaining the miracle the Lord did in keeping the car working through a check that He gave someone else on the team, the person should make mention of the person who spoke up, rather than just saying, “the Lord gave us a check,” becaus e that tends to give the person telling the story the credit.
       It's not only nice to give people the credit for what they contribute, but it's important. It's a habit that people have to cultivate. Most people don't mean to pocket the credit for themselves; they just don't realize that mentioning those little things is important or that it makes a difference. But it does make a difference and gives other people the chance to be an encouragement to others and to thank them for what they have don e, however small.


[Cultivating pledgers]
       M., Europe:
I've received quite a few prayer letters from brethren whom I met fleetingly at a meeting or who got my address from an ad, but who never asked me personally for a pledge of support. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to follow Dad's advice to get pledges before you go to the field rather than asking after you arrive and are possibly in financial trouble? I feel condemned sometimes when I have to write people I don't know exp laining why I can't help them regularly.

[Importing the West]
       FGA woman, China:
It has been my prayer since coming to China that my children would learn to love and truly understand the Chinese people. Twenty years ago, before I ever had children, I distinctly remember being in Nepal and seeing the children of one of our expatriate neighbors arriving home in their bright yellow US-style school bus. The kids were wearing American “in” clothing and carried the latest imported Saturday morning cartoon character lunch boxes. None of them spoke a word of Nepali. I remember thinking how out of touch those kids were with the everyday life of the people around them and how I would never want to raise my kids like that.
       Well, sixteen or so years later when we were coming to China, I remembered that scene again and had to confess my kids were very much like those of that expatriate ghetto. We had been living in Southeast Asia for many years, but for various reasons my kids had not really learned to understand the people of the field we had been living on, let alone speak the language well or become one with the culture. Though they learned about the country's culture and language in their school groups, I knew there was no question in their minds that the people of the country we were ministering to were outsiders--not so much because of our religious beliefs but because of differences in our cultural attitudes. There was little similarity between their lifestyle and ours, other than that we both usually ate rice for dinner. Even though the field we were on made a real point of respecting the local culture and learning the language, still there was a wide gap between the people of the field and our own everyday lives.
       Looking back now, even though I know I gave lip service to rejecting the notion of “importing the West to the field,” I see how much of the attitudes the children had came directly from us adults. The ways we dressed, ate, talked and the attitudes we ha d, showed up in our kids, and it was heavily tinged by Western values, styles and preferences. I saw many examples of national children refusing to learn the language so they wouldn't be identified as being “national,” which was something of a by-word among the youth in particular. Often this was subtle, but I believe it was a real problem. I think I would have been shocked had anyone told me I personally was propagating Western culture, but I must say in retrospect that I was a foreign missiona ry, with the emphasis on foreign.
       With the advent of the Charter I had to do a lot of soul searching, and one of the areas I felt I had fallen short in was with my children. I felt I had made a mistake in not making “becoming one” with the people a real priority in my own or their lives. When coming to China I had the distinct feeling the Lord was giving us a chance to start over again. It was my deepest prayer that my kids would learn to be missionaries and love the people they were reaching.
       In some ways we have probably gone overboard since being here, but I think the children have learned to love and understand the Chinese people. We have tried to “eat Chinese, wear Chinese, talk Chinese and think Chinese” as much as we can. Though there is no mistake we are still gaobi's (literally “big noses”, a common name here for foreigners), my children feel very comfortable with the people of this country, and I feel they love and understand them. They are normal kids with their share of problems and battles, but I feel it is one less hurdle we have to deal with. While we still have a lot of foreign ways and habits, we truly admire the beautiful, sweet aspects of the Chinese culture and are always talking about it with our friends. Some of our friends told us “You are more Chinese than some Chinese are,” ha! (We were thrilled!)
       I am not writing this to give myself a pat on the back, as we still have plenty of problems, and make lots of mistakes with our kids as well as the lo cal people. But I think seeing the efforts of the adults to love and become one with the people they are reaching, and not trying to live in a little “foreign enclave” in body or spirit, will go miles in teaching our kids to be missionaries.
       After I received the story about Louisa Bannard for the Heaven's Library books [Editor: “The Mountain Calls”--coming soon!], I had a vision of Thai Abe. He appeared to me and told me he was working with Louisa on a sort of Heavenly committee teamwork (alon g with an Eastern European woman named “Ludmila,” and some others to help bridge the gap between the nationals and the rest of us. I didn't really understand it all, but he was real jazzed about it and it seemed like it was going to be a real strength and help to us all in the days to come.

[Year 2000]
       Ezekiel 34, SPALIM:
Ever since Dad went to be with the Lord I've had a growing feeling of urgency, of the shortness of time. I'm sure a lot of people share my feelings, but I've also seen man y who seem to think that “all things continue as they were,” and that maybe we're going to have five or even ten more years [before the Endtime].
       To be honest, reading the newspapers and watching the evening news, I find it hard to believe that we'll have that much more time. If you read the END, you'll see how Dad is always talking about how short time is and how things are going to change pretty soon, even sooner than they claim in some of the articles.
       For a while I've had a strong feelin g that something heavy is going to happen sometime in 2000. I'm not going to swear that the AC is going to be revealed that year, but he could well be. After all, it's such a messianic date. Such a round number. They're making a tremendous deal about the arrival of the new millennium.
       (It doesn't matter that there was never a year 0 or that people count from 1 to 10 and not from 0 to 9, or that the January 1901 papers talked about the celebration or the new century. More recently, I remember a special issue of Time or Newsweek with all the events of the eighties and evaluating that decade, in December `90, not `89. Even my math books explained how decades and centuries are counted. So why are they touting 2000 as the beginning of the new millennium? Sounds a little fishy. And of course, they're spending millions of dollars worldwide to celebrate the arrival of 2000, so it's not worth arguing about. After all, Jesus was born 2003 years ago.)
       So they are really promoting 2000. Add to that the Y2K problem and all the current conflicts in the world. And what about the Asian crisis, the incredible ups and downs of the New York Stock Exchange with their repercussions all over the world, which no doubt is the prelude to a final crash, and much more. People are going to welcome any supposed messiah that brings a solution. And if, as Dad suggested sometimes, the Pact has already been made in secret, the revelation of the Antichrist wouldn't necessarily mean that we have seven year s from then on.
       One thing I know for sure: The Great Confusion is coming as a thief in the night. “So sudden shall be the Great Confusion that it will cause a mighty widening of the eyes of all those who didn't discern the signs of the times.” Also, it's interesting to note that the Lord has said to look out for the signs of 1999.

       [in a box:]
(Jesus speaking:) “This is your commission now: Prepare yourselves, for the night is falling. And remember, I am near. Open your eyes and look upon t he signs of `99, and know that the time is fast approaching; it is even now at the doors. World conditions are worsening at breakneck speed and there is no turning from the course which they have set themselves upon.” (A Feast-time Token of Love, par. 32; GN 827)

       Again, I'm not saying it's going to be in 2000, but let's keep our eyes open. I believe the reason the Lord is giving out so much Word and we're publishing so many mags and books now is that it's now or never, because pretty soon we won't be able to produce so much. So let us do the works of Him that sent us while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work.
       In conclusion: I'd rather not take it easy, just in case. And if I'm wrong and it doesn't happen so soon, at least I will have done more for the Lord, God willing.

Dear Mama,

       I wish that I had had more children. In the early days of the Family (I joined in `72 and was married in `73), it was really counted a blessing to have children. It was so differen t from the System's attitude where controlling your own life through birth control and abortions was just becoming popular. It was so exciting to think that God was really in control. We wanted to put ourselves in His loving hands and do anything He asked of us.
       Every month that I didn't get pregnant I would feel so disappointed, I would cry. Although I became pregnant just one month after I was mated, there was a gap of three years before I had my second child and you can imagine all the mont hs that passed.
       I've read that many women avoid fucking because they fear getting pregnant. But for some reason, maybe because before I got saved I was indoctrinated by the System that I should control having kids and it was so easy to get rid of them, perhaps that's why it was such a liberation for me that I don't think I ever made love without hoping I would get pregnant. No, I take that back. There was a period when I did have some hesitation after I had a very difficult delivery and almost died, but my mate and those close to me prayed for me and I was delivered from my fears. Still, the Lord waited four years after that birth to give me another child; then I had four children in a row, for which I was very thankful. With that long of a wait, I thought I wasn't able to have any more kids. So the last four are particularly special to me.
       I don't want to be someone who wants to hide behind having children. I'm thankful that I've been able to do a lot of different things in my lif e. I've had the opportunity to live in a lot of countries and witness to thousands of people and win lots of souls, as well as teach a lot of different age groups. I've gone through some tremendous trials and tests in my life, some of which were the births of my kids (ha!).
       It's not like I'm a super mother or anything, as anyone that knows me can tell you. I'm just an ordinary person with tons of faults and frailties. I was asked to leave the Family once. That was hard. I was separated from my mate. That was hard. I'm RH negative and I had to have the faith to either take or not take Rhogam after each birth (I didn't know I was RH negative for the first two so I didn't know I was having the faith then!). My uterus is shaped like a heart which has resulted in two breach births. That was a little hard. But in all these difficulties, the Lord was always so near.
       We are so blessed in the Family to have been brought up on how to trust the Lord. We hear that so much, how Jesus is right t here to help us, that we probably often get a little familiar with it. We visited some System Christians yesterday and we were anxious to see how they manage, as their situation seemed from far away, so much more together than ours. But we saw that they had fears that don't even cross our minds, and have judged “God's will” for themselves just on circumstances and conditions. We are so blessed to have the Word and God's living Word of prophecy to know exactly what His will is. We have the Word a nd spiritual weapons to attack the Enemy when He tries to scare us. We are so strong compared to them, although we ourselves are so weak.
       There have been lots of battles and heartaches with having kids. Life itself has been lots of heartaches and battles. But the most memorable times in my life have been the results of trials and battles. A life fearing battles and challenges and difficulties to overcome and impossible situations, what kind of a life would that be?
--mother, China

letters to the editor

Re: forum/views on issues

       Although I sometimes enjoy reading the “forum” section in the Grapevine, I do wonder if some of the comments are necessary and bear good fruit. It's nice that we can “express ourselves,” but shouldn't we be more concerned about expressing the Lord's opinion?
       I appreciate some people's heartfelt comments which do go right along with the Word and reinforce it; others are just very one-sided. For example, a few issues ago, two YA or senior teen girls w ere complaining about some adults suggesting that they go to bed instead of spending time looking for their “soul mates.” These type of articles don't shed much light on the situation they are reporting. One gets the impression from reading their short paragraph that the adults are mean in their Home. I don't think this encourages unity. They also neglect to mention whether these adults were possibly their teamworkers, suggesting they keep the home schedule and go to bed on time. Maybe they were , maybe they weren't!
       Often important “facts” are missing in some of these short “complaints.” How many young people may have read this short paragraph and had it reinforce a personal battle which they may have been having with an FGA? So why print them if they don't engender unity? Maybe all of us who contribute to the “forum” section should pray and ask the Lord if He wants us to send in our particular comments to be possibly shared with the entire Family.
--Gabriel, India

       (Editor's not e: A number of you have written in about the forum section of the
Grapevine, on this very topic. It is a dilemma, as we want to print your contributions, but at the same time, we haven't been able to print certain articles or viewpoints that were presented too negatively. As we're all learning, taking the time to pray and check your opinion with the Lord would certainly eliminate this problem and provide more inspiring reading and constructive problem-solving for all.)

rumor mill

We re cently heard that the IVM moved to California. We didn't think much of it until we read in the new Letters about the urgency of leaving North America. Then we thought it was strange that the video ministry would move to the States. Maybe they know something we don't and maybe things aren't so bad?--Home in Mexico

       A: (From WS Leadership:)
Due to a major wind-down of finances and personnel at the HCS, the IVM has moved its operation to California. The new TV and video productions they will be working on will be co-productions with System companies, who will be able to help provide the needed funding--as some of the funding that had sustained the HCS for the past 10 years is no longer available, so they are having to reduce their numbers.
       The IVM living in the States, besides being less expensive than Japan to operate and live, makes it much easier for them to cooperate with these other companies and agents, mass market the materials they produce, contact TV networks, etc.
       The IVM 's necessity to move to the U.S. is not a signal that leaving North America to go to the needy and hungry mission fields is no longer a priority; it was for business purposes only and was confirmed by the Lord. To the contrary, the far-flung mission fields are white unto harvest and as many as can go are desperately needed!

       [in a box:]
(Jesus speaking:) Pray for those who are called to remain in the States, to feed My sheep and to give out the warning message. Pray for their spiritual streng th and conviction, for the battle is strong and the Enemy rages a fierce war of materialism, lethargy, distractions and the feeling that all is well. Pray also for those who are on their way to mission fields, for My supply and their fruitfulness. (End of message from Jesus.)

ideas and tips

Time payments

       One way to get tools out in large quantities is to sell them on time payments. When we meet someone who is super turned on about our tools, but can't afford to take them all at once, we offer them a package of 20 videos, of which they put down a cash deposit of 10 to 15%, and the balance on a dated check or checks. We found that people love operating this way. It helps them get what they want and helps us get out the tools, while helping us with our future budget.
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana

       Some time back we provisioned getting some of our posters laminated and distributed them to restaurants as place mats for the tables. This way of getting the posters out has been very fruitful. In restaurants it normally takes 15-20 minutes for the meal to be prepared and while the customer is waiting for his food he gets to read a poster. The posters look sharp and we get an extra donation for them being laminated. Don't be limited to restaurants--try hotels, bars, night clubs, old folks homes, hospitals, bakeries, hair salons, offices, etc. Happy postering!
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana

status changes/new disciple stats (July `98--December `98)

       Adults       YAs       Teens        Children       Total
New CM disciples       4                     1       5
FM to CM       1                     1       1
Ex-members to CM                                   0
Ex-members to FM                                   0
New FM disciples                                    0
CM to FM       4       1              9       14
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       3              1              4

       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total
New CM disciples       13       3                     16
FM to CM       18       8       4       22       52
Ex-members to CM              2              1       3
Ex-members to FM       1       1       1              3
New FM disciples                                    
CM to FM       6       6       3              15
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       12       6       5       9       32

       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total
New CM disciples       1                     1       2
FM to CM       8       1       6       13       28
Ex-members to CM       1       2       1              4
Ex-members to FM       8       1       2       6       17
New FM disciples        1              1              2
CM to FM       8       5       8       23       44
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       9       10       1       8       28

       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total
New CM disciples       4                     3       7
FM to CM                                   
Ex-members to CM       1              1              2
Ex-members to FM                                   
New FM disciples        4              2       1       7
CM to FM       6              2       4       12
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       8       3       8       17       36
FM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       1              2       10       13

       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total
New CM disci ples       3       1                     4
FM to CM       11              7       17       35
Ex-members to CM                            1       1
Ex-members to FM       10              1       13       24
New FM disciples        4              4       4       12
CM to FM       14       1       2       16       33
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       10       4       1       8       23

       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total
New CM disciples       25       4       0       5       34
FM to CM       38       9       17       53       116
Ex-members to CM       2       4       2       2       10
Ex-members to FM       19       2       4       19       44
New FM disciples        9       0       7       5       21
CM to FM       38       13       15       52       118
CM to ex-member
(leaving Family)       42       23       16       42       123

Also included with this file:
NewD ayz (by David Komic)
       Caption 1:
Uh oh! I think I just had a burnout!*
       *For actual definition of burn-out see GN 844:71; for solution see para.128!

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family