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grapes of thankfulness #7

       Dear Mercy (of Jonatán Nubes), I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the time, love and patience you poured into my kids. It changed their lives, and it changed mine.
--Eternally thankful, Prissy (SPALIM)

       We'd like to say a big “thank you” to the Italian PPC who works faithfully every day to help us to reach Italy. Thanks for all the hard work and the time you give to us. We love you and appreciate all that you are doing for us all.
--Samuele and Sabr ina, Italy

       A million thanks to John and Joy Fireball in Graz, Austria. Often our Home passes through Europe fundraising or needing shelter from the cold (or heat). We've always been warmly welcomed with love and hospitality by you, John and Joy, you're ANGELS! You don't know how much we appreciate you…you're the bestest!!!!
--Lea (SGA) and the NUTS, Russia

       I can never say thank you enough to Melody Garden, David Peruvian, Eman (American), Peter and Peace (Germany), Pat and Richard (Germ any), Faith and children (Germany), Philip and Joanne (Belgium), Lisa and family (Holland), and our precious children for their prayers. Thanks to you all, I was miraculously healed from Hepatitis B.
--Nathan Songbird, Germany

       God bless Nic and Tender. They opened their Home to take in our big crew for two weeks. We were very concerned that we would not find a house in such a short period. But sure enough, after only two weeks (to the day) of looking for housing we moved into a very nice, f ully furnished house, with a pool. The landlady is very favorable to us and came down to half price on the rent, a real miracle!
--Amos, Faith, Rejoice, and Paula, Philippines

, John, Sean (ME), Jonatas, Hepsi, Zeb and Kristy (BR048), thank you very, very, very much for all you shared with us. Your gifts came in at such an unexpected moment and were a real blessing for us.
--Much love, hugs, kisses and lots of African sun, Philip and Meekness, Namibia

       A big, big “thank you” to all the wonderful sisters who have been helping with support and also with taking care of our banking needs in Europe and other business, which makes it possible for us to receive most of our Home support here in needy India! God bless you, precious Swiss Joy and Swiss Charity in Zurich, Switzerland and dear Almond in London. Why are you guys so sweet? It must be the Lord! Thanks!
       Also a major thank you to some of the brethren who have been helping us recently. We also appreciate you very much. Th at's the Niteroi Home in Brazil, Matthew in Zurich, Paul, Joy and Isaac (London) and faithful Andrew and Joanna in London! You are the grease for our wheels! Thanks so much! We love and appreciate you.
--Love Gabriel and Home, India

       Dear Tim and Lou! Thank you so much for your donation. It came when it was needed most.
--Much love, Mat and Marie, Hungary

       Dear Cephas (ASCRO), TYSM for the love and encouragement which you gave to our Home and to me personally when you visited us, some ti me ago. I still remember that you told me that I was a real “fighter.” It stuck in my mind and heart because you were the first one to ever say that to me, and I've been trying ever since to live up to that. I'm sure you must have noticed not only the good, but it was only the good that you brought up; your love and faith are still encouraging me to this day. It's only Jesus but He's got no other hands and eyes and mouth than ours, and in this case than yours so TY, once again, from the bottom o f my heart. TY for your sample of humility, for praising our simple Home, our children, for listening and for caring (and for putting up with the cold weather!!!)
--With love and appreciation, P. (Ukraine)

       Thank you so much dear Happy and Sunshine in Japan for your gift to us. It really touches our hearts to receive something unexpected and not even requested, from brethren we've probably never met! We love and appreciate you!
--Steven, Christina and Michaela, South Africa

       We would lik e to thank the Home in Foz do Iguacu (Brazil) for all their help in getting us to the meetings. They drove us approx. 1,000 km. so we could attend. Thank you so much! We really love you. We would also like to thank the Homes in Ciudad del Este (Paraguay) and Londrina (Brasil) for taking us in while we were traveling. Some even waited for us at the bus station until 1:00 in the morning--you made us feel very at home. We really miss you guys, GBY!
--Much love, Naty and Susana, Paraguay

       A big thanks to Peter and Claire who took us in for three weeks while we were waiting to return to India. They prayed for us, received prophecies, drove us around and helped us in so many ways! We appreciate everything they did for us. We couldn't have made it back to India if it wasn't for them. TYSM!
--Andrew, India

       There is a special person who really deserves her name in lights, as one who is willing to lay down her life for us kids. YA Loana answered my mommy's want ad for help when she was pregnant with me, and came halfway around the world to help take care of me and my three brothers and sisters, even though some people thought she should do something else and have fun for herself, rather than take on such a sacrificial job of helping a single mom with four kids. But without her, I might not even be in the Family today! She's been taking care of us full time for the last four-and a-half months, and even though sometimes we're naughty, we are just so thankful for her!
       I'd also like to thank a few other people who helped my mommy find a Home where I could be born, when she arrived in the States from the field without a place to stay. Thank you so much, Frank and Sara, Grandpa Gary, Joanna and Mercy, Peter and Sarah and Sam and Sherri for all your help! You are the best!!!
--Love, Shane (three months old) of SGA Faithy, Turkey

(P.S. My mom and granny helped me write this!)

       There's a brother who sits beside you,
       There's a brother who really cares.
       There's a brother who is your angel,
       And he's with you when there's a need.
       A big thank you to: Jotham Proofreader

       Jeremy is the name of the guy I want to tell the whole world of. If somebody would have told me before I wouldn't have believed, but he really exists. Why? Because before I used to think that such guys live only in Heaven, but lo and behold, he is on Earth. I lived in one Home with him in Kazakhstan, till that day when I went to Russia. Without him it wouldn't be possible, bec ause he SHARED his money with me (which he was collecting to go to China!!! To reach the lost!!! And he STILL needs money. Take note, anyone who doesn't know whom to help.)
       Jerry, it was nice to live with you. Thank God for the willing, humble, sweet, giving spirit He created in you!!! THANK YOU JERRY, and GOD BLESS YOU!!!
--Love and prayers, Ivan, Russia

       To Jenny and Dave, who when I asked to go with me a mile went 40 extra miles with me out of their way to get me to my destination.
       To Joel, Tabi, Naomi and Daniel, who gave unselfishly a big surprise when they heard of our family's needs.
       To Jana (CZ national) who washed the Home's laundry faithfully for three years, kept the Home tidy and cared for our two newborns as her own.
       To Merry Heart (a.k.a. Kaylee, CZ national), who bellwethered our teens and stuck with us through thick and thin and put her own desires on the backburner.
       To Ernst, whose never ending hospitality makes it possible for team after team to have a h ome while they are on the road.
       To Claudia (JETT) for bravely putting her own desires on the altar and standing in the gap to assist mommy in childcare and household.
       To Micha and Christina who shared what they could and delivered us so from trouble.
       To Michael by Grace whose sample in fighting and enduring despite his afflictions is such an encouragement to us all.
       To John Willing and team who supplied us with outreach partners and abundant food when in time of great need.
--John, Sara , Eva, and 11 children

       (Inspired by the Loving Kindness GN) I would like to thank you SYLVIA LISTEN (SGA, in Japan?) for always being very kind and considerate. You are the very person who taught me and was a sample to me in saying “pardon” and “you're welcome.” It always impressed me in you--to the point that I am also doing it naturally today. Keep well, all the best for you.
--Much love too, FGA friend

       To Luke, Crystal and Joy: Very special thanks to you wonderful people for your gif t of a brand new computer, color monitor and a big cash gift which we are to using to upgrade the computer and getting other needs with. We can't thank you all enough.
--Daniel, Sara and Steven, India

       To someone out there, whose name I don't know. I'm Angelina (of Andrew and Miracle) who received your donation and the beautiful prophecy which was sent to me anonymously. It was so encouraging, and you're an angel. It really touched my heart to know someone cared and took the time to do somet hing so sweet. I pray the Lord will give you the same feeling of complete love and knowing Someone's there for you through thick and thin. It came at a time that couldn't have been better. I'll be leaving to Africa soon.
--Sealed with a kiss, Angelina

       Dear Family
, this is just to say a big heart felt “thank you” to each and every one of you who made it possible for us to receive a single parent gift. It was a real blessing, but more than that was the wonderful feeling of being loved and car ed about. I love you!
--Love, Christy (SGA, single mom of 4), USA

       We'd like to thank our dear VSs for their time to listen to our questions and for all their help and prayers. Thank you so much, Love and Abe! We really appreciate your help.
--Simon and Julia, Poland

       Dear Ashley, you are such a happy helper and a big blessing! We want to thank you for your help!
--Simon and Julia, Poland

       Dear Russian Volcano Home
, GBY! Thank you SO much for sending us the puppet show set. It has be en a real blessing and we really appreciate your labors. We and all our Cat's were very excited about this and we immediately had 8 volunteers, (which is all of us) but since only 3 people fit in the stage, we had to dismiss some.
       After only a couple intensive and hilarious practices we ventured out in the unknown world of puppets, just to find that the kids really enjoyed the show, even with all our mistakes, like when the old babushka jumped on stage to find herself bald! And on our first sh ow we could really see that our stage was thrilled cause it would “dance” around with all of us cooped inside. We even gave the show a little more personal touch when one of our heads would pop up and say hi! Or through the material the shape of our head or elbows would show up!
       It's a real blessing and you should've seen the kids reactions--not one blinked through the whole program. They loved it! Many other orphanages are waiting for us impatiently--asking us to come with our new puppet prog ram!
       All that to say that we are very thankful for all your work in making and sending us the set. If it wasn't for you and your faithfulness, all these kids wouldn't be so happy! TYJ for such sweet brethren! It is really professionally made and the puppets look almost “alive”--in other words, really cute. And the stage is easy to put together. Truly, a little bit of love and patience will go long, long way! Tx!
--With lots of love and appreciation, Hazel Home

       Thanks a million, Mom and Da d (Andrew and Joy) and all those at the Bangalore VS Home for all their help in getting me to the EE. I really appreciate all your help in making my trip possible. Thank you as well, Andy in South Africa for your gift.
--Lily NZ

       We'd like to say a big thank you to Jonathan, Rejoice, Peter, Esther and Richard for taking such good care of us for those three weeks during our visit. Also Josh, Jenny, Paul, Gracia, Comfort, Jeremiah and Esther, Chris M., Martin O., John and Trusty, David G., Ten der, Tommy and Lily, Art and Christina thanks for making our wedding special by coming. Thank you all for your sweet gifts for our work here in India. We really appreciate it and we're so touched.
--Lots of love and thanks, Daniel ET and Shayna Rose, India

       Thank you, Tim, Lily and Home and Philip, Hannah, Matthew and Home. I was so touched how you took such good care of me even though I was sick in bed most of the time (early PG complications). Here you didn't even know me and you were so u nderstanding and caring. Thank you Elaina, Louis, Peace and Linda for taking care of my dietary needs. Even when I thought I couldn't eat anything you always came up with something yummy.
--Love Shayna Rose and Baby Fetus, India

(End of file.)

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