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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #68; July 1, 1999.)

life-and-death prayer request

       Adam (19, son of Rose and John, in Spain) suffered a very serious motorcycle accident in which his liver was torn. His condition is very delicate and unstable. Here is the Lord's admonition to us to uphold him and his family in desperate, fervent prayer:

       (Jesus speaking:)
This young one is in dire need of your prayers. Uphold him before My throne. Pray for his healing, for his recovery, for his strength and faith. Pray for a fighting spirit. Pray for the wisdom and anointing of the doctors. Pray for his family and loved ones, for their encouragement during this time. Hold their hands up, lest through discouragement and despair the Enemy weakens their faith. Most of all, pray for My will in the situation. Adam rests securely in My hands, and whether he recovers fully or I take him home to My Heavenly Kingdom, he will be safe and cared for by Me personally. But pray, for the battle still rages and the incen se of your petitions will provide strength for the dear ones in the midst of this battle. (End of message from Jesus.)

Y2K: Is your Home …

       - setting aside finances for the months of January and February?
       - building up a survival stock of food, water and other can't-do-withouts?
       - hearing from the Lord about it and moving forward as a Home on your plans?


new arrivals …

       Angelina Sofia, born to Pandita on March 30.--Japan
       Kevin Leif Christin, born to Dove and Victor on March 24.--India
       Teresa Joy, born to Rejoice and Andrew on April 25.--United Kingdom
       Baby girl, 14th child (19 children in their blended family!), born to Heidi and Gideon on June 1.--Pakistan
       Stefanie Suzanne, born to Talitha and Anthony on May 2.--South Africa
       Catherine Knight, 1st child, born to Francesca and Elia on May 7.--Uzbekistan
       Rebecca Jasmine Zoe, born to Mary J. and Stephen on May 9.--South Africa
       Kayley Johnson, 1st child, born to Ahavila on May 13.--Italy
       Joseph P hillip, born to Dulce and Rufus on May 13.--USA
       Marie Loren, 6th child, born to Sara and Salomon on May 14.--Mexico
       Elizabeth Faithful, born to Marie and John on May 20.--Canada
       Jean Philip, 8th child, born to Jessica and Stephan on May 21.--Philippines on May 21.--Philippines
       Darren Pioneer, 6th child, born to Cedar and Jason on March 23.--Mexico
       Travis Chrysolyte, 1st child, born to Janai and James on May 25.--USA


new laborers - May, 1999
(23, Russian) joined i n the Ukraine (in January).
       Alec Francesco and Joanna
, with two kids, Misha and Nadia, joined in the Ukraine (in February).
       Sasha First
(22, Ukrainian) joined in the Ukraine (in February).
(19, Romanian) joined in Romania (in May).
       Chris Heart
(17, Romanian) joined in Romania (in May).


       Troubles, like a washing machine, twist us and knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter and better than before.


       God bless you, Bright, Sunny, Jimmy and M ary, children of John and Pearl in Thailand. The 1,770 souls you won during January `99 actually ranked #2 in the world! We're sorry this missed making the January “shine on” list. Please collect your belated prize! Congratulations and keep up the faithful witnessing!

       In Grapevine #67, under the Y2K prep section from Phil and Marie, the correct web address for the Y2K EXPOS is: www.preparedness.net. Sorry for the error!


National Retreat in Brazil
By Pedro

       This was the 4th year of what we call the “National Meeting of Christian Leadership Training”! This meeting was held in Rio (June 3-6) and was attended by close to 200 adult live-outs and about 70 of their children, aged 14 and down, along with 30-50 CMs and FMs. The main topic was the “Great Harvest” that is ahead.
       At the first meeting we had communion, in which we prayed for the power of the Holy Ghost to come upon us. The answer came loud and clear, and quickly. One of the live-outs broke into very stro ng tongues. GB those leading the meeting, who quickly got the interpretation and made it very edifying. It was electrical!

       After the break, T. mentioned that he had seen the spirit who had given the message. He described him as a bald, dark-skinned fellow dressed in a robe, sort of Middle Eastern looking. And certainly the tongues sounded from that part of the world.
       The following meetings were all terrific and spirit-filled, covering the use of the new weapons in preparation for the reaping of the harvest, discipleship commitment and standard, testimonies of changed lives (which was a real highlight), and the final message of unity digested for them from the “Latin Loves” GNs (which were sent to the South American Family during Peter's visit). The portion of Peter's video (prophecy for Brazil) that we received permission to show was a super blessing too, and our dear live-outs were quite excited about this special treat--to get to see their king and to receive such a special messa ge directly from him.
       The nightly activities were also fun and spirit-filled. On the arrival night, we had an orientation meeting, in which Faithy, Davi and Jose appeared dressed with shirts that spelled “U-NI-TY” and put on a skit. It was meaningful and funny.
       The second night we had songs and inspiration. Paulo and Nina sang, as did others that were there, including myself and Clara (Quiti).
       Saturday night we had a party. Paulo was the DJ, and a new disciple led the crowd in games. There were three or four live-out girls with red hearts clipped in their dresses that said “Love Mail,” Correio de Amor. They handed pieces of paper with sweet quotes and a space for anyone to fill in “FROM:” and “TO:” and a space to write a message. This was very sweet, as different people sent sweet notes to each other, and the girls delivered them. It was a blast.
       On the last day, rotational workshops were held so that everyone could attend each one. One was about Y2K, led by Tommy. He sat outsi de in the garden, “Dad style.” Another was the Spiritual Health Revolution, led by John and Esther dressed like cooks, with aprons, white hats and all. Another one was prophecy, in which a lot of people gave prophecies for the first time. One was on prayer and praise, in which they had songs and praise time. Another was on Loving Jesus, which was set in a room dimly lit with candles, with Loving Jesus songs playing. Yet another one was on the Activated! course, featuring a display of some of the covers of the Activated! mags and books, along with an envisioning explanation of the ministry. That one was given by two national disciples that attended the retreat and are a part of the Activated! Brazil team. I heard that people were flipped with the Activated! vision and commented that they would like to be the first ones to subscribe.
       At the retreat a number of the young live-outs decided that they want to become CM. All of the attendees have made a serious commitment to help us reap th e harvest that the Lord has promised, and they seem pretty well equipped to do so. They are turned on to the use of the new weapons, have a sincere love for the Lord, a sweet connection with Him, believe in loving Him in word and praise, and most of them have and use the gift of prophecy. May He help us to do our part in feeding these guys and shepherding them by leading them to their Great Shepherd.
       God bless the dear ones that organized and put all this together. It was massive, but the Lord did it. Johnny B. was there to film and will have the edited videos in the next couple of weeks. These videos were offered at the retreat, and lots of people have already bought and paid for them.


       Distinct Visits:
       Daily Average:
       Total Downloaded:
1.7 gigs

       Distinct Visits:
       Daily Average:
       Total Downloaded:
3.4 gigs

Top 10 Downloaded Files

       293 Grapevines
       208 MP3 song files (this is a new section with recent tap es (ie. Eagle Bleeds/Wild Wind) as well as demos of upcoming tapes in MP3 for downloading.
       134 Heaven's Library: (including color covers)
       134 Book summaries
       120 Zines
       98 FSMs
       84 ENDs
       54 Poster screen savers (A total of 363 downloaded thus far. This is a        7mg file)
       44 Prayer Lists
       43 HTKs

NEW May uploads:

       Free MP3: MP3 section on GP site with 64 songs (all styles) for downloading.
       MP3 downloads: MP3 section on MO site with the latest tapes as well as demos of upcoming tapes.
       Kids MP3's section on Kids Corner with 20 kids songs for downloading.
       Jesus Scrawlathon: This is a page with good quality scans of the pictures of Jesus that Family artists have sent to the Zine, available on the site for downloading.

In the works:

       The Freezine (a new Zine section for GP site)
       Poster Gallery


       1. Heaven Send the Rain (4:03) -
Lara, Nat/Thomas, Nat/Thomas, Nat/Producer: Nat
       2. Wanna Dance With You (4:40) -
Julia/Producer: Emmanuel
       3. Nu Day (3:26) -
Sharon L., Emmanuel, Julia/Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Producer: Emmanuel
       4. Birthday Celebration (4:10) -
Julia, RAD/Emmanuel, Julia/Julia/Producer: Emmanuel
       5. Holy Commission (4:04) -
Hopie, Caleb, Dialogue by Barry/Philly/Philly/Producer: Philly
       6. Make it Happen (5:11) -
Katrina L./Teri/Teri, Jeremy, Julia, Emmanuel
       7. Wild Cats (3:12) -
Eman, Emmanuel/Steve M./ML Victory `97/Lead guitar: Eman/Producer: Eman
       8. Million Voices (6:07) -
Hopie/Ho pie, Francesco/Hopie, Francesco/Producer: Francesco
       9. Piece of Heaven (5:45) -
Philly/Philly/Philly/Producer: Philly
       10. Take Time (4:29) -
Peter M., Caleb/Philly/Philly/Producer: Philly
       11. Keep from Dancin' (4:07) -
Chris, Jeff, Francesco/Micah, Joash/Micah, Joash/Producer: Andrew V.
       12. Heart Beat (5:35) -
Chris/Makoto/Makoto/Producer: Francesco


Be Careful Little Ears …
By Jaz

       Today was a beautiful warm day, and Roxy (Kimbi's teacher) and Kimby were playing outsi de when I went out to bring little Lauren to join their happy circle. As I stood there with them for a few minutes, somehow Roxy and I started talking about the Dr. Seuss book “Green Eggs and Ham.” We were saying what a silly book it was, and repeated several of the lines as examples, “I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.” I told her about this friend I knew whose parents had made him green eggs when he was a kid, thinking it would be a special treat for him, and they were surprised when he had responded with that line from the book.
       As we paused in our conversation, Kimby looked up with a curious expression on her face.
       “Did that happen?” she asked.
       For a moment I was disoriented. “Did what happen?” I replied.
       “Did you make me green eggs, and then I said, `no, I don't like them'?”
       Roxy and I burst out laughing, and I quickly explained to Kimby that we weren't talking about her, but that this was the name of a book, and that it was another little bo y who had that experience, and so on and so forth.
       We laughed, but it also made me think. Those little ears never do let up! No matter what we are doing, no matter what she is doing, we are always on display, and she is always listening. Ever since her earliest days of toddlerhood we've laughed at how she'd be playing halfway across the room, and when we would start telling a story about something cute that she's done, all of a sudden she'd go as quiet as a mouse--nonchalant as could be, but o bviously drinking in every word, with her little trademark half-smile on her face.
       It's a lesson I could afford to be reminded of more often.--Sometimes you laugh; sometimes you cry. Many more times than once I've been dismayed to realize some things that have slipped out of my mouth (or others') when she was around. The thing about kids is that it all goes straight in (not to mention back out again at the most inappropriate times!), and while one little negative thing is not going to mar her character for life, it's all part of the mixture. Whenever we casually toss something out--a word, a phrase, an attitude--we can know that a diligent little scavenger is following right behind us, picking them up and storing them away for further study and certain use at a later date.
       And it's not even just the things that we say. Last week Kimby comes up to me with her little toy dishes, saying, “I'm going to make dinner for Daddy. I'll make him salad--it's his favorite!” Alec had never told her that he particularly liked salads--but she must have noticed his painstaking care as he makes his salad at dinner, cutting everything up just so and perfecting the experience to a fine art. Some things don't need to be said; they are absorbed. And as a parent, it has become my lifelong prayer to try to see to it that those things I do and say are worthy of being carried on in the life of my own little look-a-like.


[Golden Week at HCS]

       From HCS, Japan: We had 20 live-outs here for a feast during Japan's Golden Week (May). We were squeezed into a small room, but the cozy atmosphere brought great warmth and closeness in spirit. While we enjoyed the guests' fabulous food offerings, we held the traditional “jiko-shokai” (self-introduction). The guests had precious things to say about the Family.
       Mrs N. (not Lydia) (a.k.a., “the broccoli lady”) came with her 20-year-old daughter. Her daughter said the thing that made her want to know about the Family was when she sa w the big change in her mother. “She was suddenly happier and more positive about life!” Mrs N. first met the Family at the opening of the Pyramid a decade ago. When her friends started to leave, her legs became “paralyzed” and she couldn't move! That's when Lydia witnessed to her and she got saved.
       Michiko, a student from Tokyo, said that she had been thinking about moving in full-time, and coming to this meeting gave her more conviction than ever to join. To which Mr. N. (“Otosan”) cracked, “Well, you won't eat like this when you join!”--Which brought down the house--ha!
       An older couple, the Suzukis, who are around 70, intently watched the “Final Stand” music video. Mr. Suzuki seemed to particularly enjoy the girls in the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb”! He said that he sometimes goes to church, but his wife prefers to come here. “I never learned much in church,” she said, “but I love to read the Word here!”
       Stephen and Rejoice from Tokyo brought several catacombers. Two of them, Yukiko and Emiko, are attractive bus tour guides and are very serious about Jesus. Everyone was moved by the songs we sang. Yukiko used up a whole towel as she cried throughout the songs, especially “Anata no Tame Ni” (“I Live for You”). They all joined in on the song, “Iesu o Aishitemasuka?”, where they each answer the question, “Do you love Jesus?” On her turn, Michiko the student proclaimed, “Yes, and I can't live without Jesus!”
       When we called for a piano-tuner from the local music store five years ago, the workers were all afraid to come to the School due to negative “rumors”. They thought they might get hypnotized or something! Finally, they pointed to Mr. Y., and said, “You go!” And that's how the Lord brought him into a long-term friendship with us. (By the way, we didn't hypnotize him. We just gave him tea and cookies and a listening ear.)
       Some of these live-outs originally met Family members, but others were brought in by the catacombers themselves. God bless our friends , some of whom have helped us financially, physically and spiritually for over 10 years, though this causes them to be distanced by some folks in the community. Thank God for these solid, on-fire brethren!

[Deaf training center]
       Home in Pakistan:
Our center has now been open for two months, three days each week, and the progress that has been made is quite amazing. We have upwards of 20-25 deaf young people attending each session. This has provided an exciting “hands on” opportunity for the whole Home, as adults, teens, and JETTs take turns getting involved--all learning sign language on the job!
       We designed a “self-study” course for the attendees, which includes English writing and reading skills, sign language, history, science, social skills, and various electives. Each student has a personal folder where he checks off his hours in each category, and after attaining a certain amount of hours, he gains a certificate and degree. It's like a “free university for the Deaf.” We th en also try to find them a job via our job placement program. Additionally, we are providing computer training for the attendees, and we recently were donated two new Pentium-2 computers and two color printers in addition to the two we already have. We also were donated a good setup for audio/visual classes. We often study movies together--especially historical dramas or lesson movies such as “The Ten Commandments,” “The Bible,” “Jesus of Nazareth,” “El Cid,” etc.
       Last week the marketing manag er and the public relations manager from the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain came to visit the center and were very impressed. They would like to begin a program whereby they will hire a certain number of deaf employees in each of their 12 restaurants here in Pakistan, and would like us to provide the labor pool! This is a tremendous open door and opportunity for these young deaf men to work, and in addition, KFC will look into assisting in the funding of our center.
       In addition to this, KFC will also be employing our children's singing group, HeartBeat to do a series of shows in their restaurants for special children's nights. HeartBeat already hosts the weekly Sunday brunch at one of the top five-star hotels in the city, and thus they are getting quite well-known, which is opening the door for further performing opportunities.

[Back in Africa]
       Gideon and Rachel and Home (teens Emily, Jasper and Vera), South Africa:
After six years being involved in so many media and legal battles in Europe, we thank the Lord daily that He has called us back to the inspiring mission field of Africa!--A land we love and have felt to be our spiritual home for many years.
       [Mama and Peter: You did a great job as our media representatives and so faithfully stood in the gap for the entire Family, facing not only the curious but our detractors as well and have been instrumental in helping the media and therefore the world to be better informed about our work and lifestyle. We all appreciate y our sacrifices and love and are praying for your work there in Africa. God bless you!]
       Since we arrived, the Lord has blessed us with some very inspiring CTP ministries. He showed us the need for a literacy program in the local squatter camp, as many people are held back by their inability to speak or read English. We now teach a two-hour long class two evenings a week; one for absolute beginners, and one for intermediate learners. Some of our students came to us not being able to speak or rea d a single word, and it has been truly inspiring to see their progress over the last few months.
       We are taking them through extremely practical courses which are completely Africanized (you can write to us for details if you are interested in starting a literacy program in Africa) and relate to their everyday lives. We produce worksheets and have plenty of practice in pairs and as a group, learning how to fill in forms, and ask and answer simple questions.
       In the class we have two children, many young people and also middle aged folks. The sad stories of the hardship in their lives which has led to their inability to read and write as adults do not show in their happy smiles as they join in all the class work enthusiastically. Most of them could not even write their name; now they are so proud when we ask them to come up to the board and sign their name!
       We have also started a project for the unemployed. We advertised it in the local language and in English, and expected to have mostly poorly educated people register. However when the students arrived to register, they were all young and fairly well educated, some even have University diplomas. We immediately changed the curriculum, and have been covering reading and writing adverts for jobs, interview techniques, letter-writing, brushing up on grammar, and lots of conversation practice. Quite a few are unwed mothers, so it has been a blessing to also be able to help them with food and clothing for their children.
       We have over 30 people in each class, and all of them have prayed to receive the Lord. We use posters for reading practice together in all the classes, and they particularly enjoy those about the Endtime. Many of them give out posters to their friends, and some have started praying with others. It's a wonderful way to start training outside witnessers. We are thrilled with the results! Now we are combining with another Home close by as the work is expanding, with students wanting to start other pro jects with our help. Some of them are real labor leaders, and it is exciting to see how they come up with their own ideas.
       We are also helping with the aged at the squatter camp, taking down loads of food and clothing weekly.
       We also have a Christian clown show (also combined with the nearby Home) and are in the process of going around the local schools, performing a show based on the Fantastic Friends video. We include a slightly modified Dr. Chainbuster skit and lots of music and crazy clo wn antics. At the end we pray with the children and then have some come up and join in the last song with a few clown props. The children think it is absolutely hilarious to see their friends dancing around with us. We are having lots of fun and are winning hundreds of souls. TYJ!

[Faithful provision]
       Peter Heart, Pakistan:
We went to see Mr. N., the new man in charge of donations at a company that had been helping us off and on over the past few years. He has a very interesting background. His father was a missionary and raised his family on the mission field. His father's mission field was Israel of all places, and to top it off he was German and went to Israel just shortly after WW2! Can you imagine how difficult that must have been? Nevertheless he stuck it out, and apparently won a great deal of respect from the Israelis over the years he was there. His father had just passed away a few weeks earlier, so we brought along some comforting quotes for this man.
       After finding ou t a bit more about Mr. N., we explained about our work and the different projects we were looking for sponsorship for. He was more than happy to do whatever he could to help us. He ended up arranging the sponsorship of a 3-day teacher-training seminar we were requested to do for a school for poor children (amounting to $550)! TTL for His faithfulness!

[12th child makes news]
       Alf and Claire, Japan:
The birth of our 12th child made news in our area. A sweet reporter from the Chugoku newspaper company (circ: 720,000) came to interview us, and he put out a very favorable article the next morning. The reporter included a good message about our Bible beliefs, and the photo was big and clear. We received many warm congratulations from those who read the article, including our neighbors, friends and contacts. So far it is helping our overall work here. All glory to Jesus and the Family!

[Police backing]
       Victor and Love, USA:
While postering at an intersection, the light turned green and even though one of our YAs was trying to tell the driver of a car to “just drive on,” “next time,” “please don't hold up traffic or we'll get busted,” the driver held up traffic for the entire light trying to find a dollar to donate. Just a few cars back was a police car. (Uh oh!!) The policeman pulled our YA aside and asked him, “Was that guy trying to give you trouble?” The YA replied, “No, sir. He was just trying to find a dollar for a donation.” The cop answered, “Well, but if anybody gi ves you any hassle you can just call us, OK?! Because we know the NY Family Mission and your work with the shelters, so if you have any problems you just call us.”

[The red fridge]
       Dan, Abi, and Erica, India:
We were desperately in need of one or two refrigerators because the hot weather was approaching. We had been praying every day and the Lord told us to just hang on a little longer. Jason, our three-year-old, prayed for a red fridge. He didn't want any old fridge--he wanted a red fridge . When the day came to pick up the refrigerators, we had a choice of three colors and one was red! The Lord hears our every prayer! PTL!

[Something for your trip]
       Bernabe, Mexico:
Charity (of John) and her six children (ages 6-15) and we (Bernabe and Luz with seven children, ages 3-19) just came to pioneer a Home here in Leon, Guanajuato. It was a faith trip of almost 1,700 km. Every kilometer traveled was full of miracles, protection, and supply of our every need--gasoline, hotel, tolls, f ood, etc.
       When we left our former city, we hardly had any money, so we stopped at a gas station outside the city to raise some funds. Karen (15, of John and Charity) met an American couple that she had witnessed to before at a stoplight in the city. She had given them a Somebody Loves You tract, but when the light changed, they hadn't had the time to give a donation.
       But now in this gas station, she met them again. The girls started witnessing to them a little more and we explained that we w ere going to Leon to open a Home. They took out a $20 bill and gave it to her for the trip.
       A short while later, they came back and said: “We were thinking that $20 probably would not help you very much for the trip, so here's this. Bye!” And they were gone. How much was it? $400! TYJ!

[Asia's highest security prison]
       Simon Simple, India:
For the last five-and-a-half years, we have been working with the inmates of Asia's largest high security prison, and as a result, the Family has become quite well known and popular amongst the staff and inmates, TTL! Every year the jail has a month of “cultural festivities,” when the prison authorities organize activities like music, dance, drama and painting competitions for the inmates.
This occasion is usually the highlight of the prison year and a number of celebrities, important people and top government officials are invited. This year the prison authorities asked the Family to organize and conduct the dance, painting and competitions.
       The jail superintendent who asked us to organize these events is a precious man who really loves whatever Word we give him and faithfully passes on pertinent excerpts to all he comes in contact with. He says. “It is my duty to share the truth of these Words with all I meet. How can I keep them to myself?” God bless him! This official said that he could have easily gotten a top TV personality or movie star to host these events, but he chose us because he felt that we have a link with the prison ers and are genuinely concerned about them.
       We were quite nervous about hosting these events, especially when we found out that a lot of top people in the government, movie stars and media were coming to attend this function. In prophecy the Lord told us not to worry and that the “stage would be filled with spirit helpers who would put the words in our mouths and show us what to say.” Sure enough, that's exactly what happened. The programs went supernaturally well and had an incredible anointi ng, so much so that just about everyone who attended the program said they had never seen anything like it before.
Later we found out that the event was covered by five newspapers and three national international TV stations, one of which aired seven minutes of the event.

[Seminar feedback]
       Faith (of Andrew), Middle East:
Recently we held a mini-seminar and workshop for 15 administration staff and volunteers of a local cancer center. Previously we had been holding small therapy programs fo r some of the child cancer patients. These programs have been very appreciated, and the doctors find that the children respond much better to the chemotherapy after having spent some fun and relaxing time with us.
       This mini-seminar went for two hours and was on “Success with People.” We took the material from different book condensations that the Family has done, and we added some ice-breakers and a chance to get to know each other. We did the “Happy” skit and we told a few different stories t hroughout the seminar. The ladies were very thankful for this input and we got lots of good feedback. They immediately wanted to apply these different principles in their lives, and especially with the patients at the hospital. They especially liked “The Power of a Smile” and the points on understanding low self-esteem and how to boost people's self-esteem.
       Overall we got tremendous reactions, which was very encouraging for my partner and myself as this was the first time we had done such a se minar and we were very nervous. At the end of the seminar one lady said that it actually had changed her life, and that she had learned so much about dealing with people. She started to open up that she had some big problems in her life. She had been carrying this burden for many years and wanted us to help her. It's such a wonderful way to feed and encourage the sheep. PTL!

Members Only password


       August UserID: august
       August Password: time2bhappy

E24 or E26?
Sam (of Leila), South America

       I had a neat experience recently while traveling on a plane. I met a young woman who happened to be seated next to me. I started to witness to her and immediately there was a sweet connection between us. She turned out to be a born-again Christian who really loves the Lord. Our main topic of conversation for the first 20 minutes or so was about prayer; we each shared our experiences of seeing the Lord work in people's lives when we pray for them.
       We then chan ged subjects and she listened in awe as I talked to her about hearing from the Lord in prophecy. I told her how the Lord gives us specific leading and instruction each day that makes our lives of service to Him much easier and more fruitful. I told her of the miracles that the Lord has done for us as a result of taking time with Him in prayer and hearing from Him for His solutions and guidance.--Not to mention the way He strengthens us and encourages us as a result. I shared how prophecy has per sonally helped me to do the job He's commissioned me to do--to reach out to others with His love and message of salvation.
       Then we talked about the power of prayer to effect healing, and she told me about a miracle that had happened to her son after she had prayed for him. The doctors had only given her son a few months to live because he had a rare blood disease, but she fervently prayed for him day and night, and the Lord completely healed him! It was a tremendous testimony to everyone who k new her.
       I was touched by her testimony and began thanking the Lord right there with her. We held hands while I prayed a prayer of thankfulness. The Lord led me to pray a personal prayer for her, and I got a strong feeling that He wanted to encourage her. So the prayer came out sort of like a prophecy and when I opened my eyes she was radiating and her eyes were filled with tears.
       We ended up talking for about four hours without a breather. We talked about the Endtime, the AC, persecution, o ur relationship with the Lord, etc. Then I explained the “new weapons” to her in a way that she could understand, and I shared with her the wonderful things that the Lord does for me when I take time every day to praise Him, read His Word, pour out my heart in prayer, and take the time to love Him and rest in His arms and in His marvelous peace that passes understanding.
       She could relate to what I was saying, because at times she too has had wonderful experiences in prayer that thrilled her sp irit. She said that she has felt the Lord's love and peace in ways that she had never imagined possible. She sometimes has felt the Lord's presence so real and tangible and His arms around her loving her and encouraging her, and she has felt a total peace and love beyond comprehension, and even felt sexy about it. She never dared to tell anyone about these things, and this was the first opportunity to talk with someone who could understand and relate to her. Her own husband, who is a Christian, told her he didn't want to hear about it, and asked her to please not talk about those things anymore.
       When it came time to get off the plane, she looked at me and said, “Sam, I know that this is a total miracle. I don't know how the Lord worked it out for me to meet you, but I know that it wasn't chance. This meeting changed my life.” Then she said, “It's amazing that we got the exact seat numbers next to each other. Wouldn't it be funny if one of us was on the wrong seat or had a different s eat number and we had by a mistake ended up sitting on these chairs?” She said, “I think it's so neat that you have seat E24 and I have seat F24.”
       I said, “No, I have seat E26.” I looked at my card and then at the numbering on the wall of the plane, and realized that I was in the wrong seat. My seat was two rows back and the plane was packed full! We looked at each other and literally almost fainted--we both started to cry. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the first time in all my travels that I made the mistake of sitting in the wrong seat. In fact, whenever I get on a plane, I always make sure that I sit in the right chair as I imagine how embarrassing it would be to have someone else come by and tell you that you're sitting in their seat.
       I will never cease to be amazed how the Lord “fooled my mind.” I know that I specifically checked to make sure I was in the right seat. Maybe the Lord changed my card for that instant when I glanced at it. Could the card have actually said E24 when I looked at it and then changed back to E26? Whether or not this was the case, we both knew that a miracle happened that day, and we rejoiced together and praised Him for His love.
       Another amazing thing is that usually when you sit in the wrong seat, you hear about it, especially when the plane is full. Amazingly enough, no one approached me or asked me about it. And would you believe that I didn't go and see who the person was that was sitting in “my chair”? Maybe an angel and I swit ched seats.


       Jonathan and Lili-Rose (Middle East) trying to contact Nick and Sue (Australian). Sorry, we lost your e-mail and snail-mail address. Contact us via the ABM Office to Jon/Lili c/o Paradise Home ME.
       Anne (of Juan and Maggie) wants to get back in contact with Peter B.P. (of Mark and Mercy). Please contact at the following e-mail address: anne.patrick@swissonline.ch or add: Anne Carol, Cote de Pallens 12, 1820 Montreux, CH.
, please contact Peter and Peace in G ermany.
       Abe and Libby
where are you? Last I heard you were in Lahore, Pakistan. Emmanuel would like to find you. Please write at PO Box 2516, Accra, Central Ghana.
       Sheryl is looking for Angie and Calvin. I met you at the senior teen/YA camp in Hungary. Write me at e-mail: Sher20yl@aol.com.
       Dear Alicia and Sarrena! Please contact Dust at the Beacon, Romania via ABM urgently regarding your suitcases!!!
, Cassandra, Pamela (a.k.a. La la, somewhere in Africa)write GENE yesterday, if not sooner!!! E-mail: pajo@sydney.dialix.com.au. Add: P.O. Box 1671, Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113, Australia.
       My name is Meekness (YA) and I am presently living in France; I would really like to get in touch with Mariangela. I believe you're in Germany doing some fundraising. Please contact me by sending your e-mail address, present location (city or town) and phone number if you can! I hope to hear from you soon! E-mail: Asherjoan@aol.com.


Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

James Garner, Gina Gershon, Mary-Louise Parker
       Drama about a young, naïve lawyer who comes to the big city and is offered the chance to defend a famous actress who is accused of murdering her brother-in-law. Humorous in parts, and a good System exposé.

Movies Rated for All

Kevin Zegers, Cynthia Stevenson
Sequel to the movie about the basketball-playing dog--this time Buddy learns to play football! Good lessons as the boy learns to acc ept his mom's remarriage.

Barney and friends
       Half-hour show featuring the big, friendly stuffed purple dinosaur, and a small group of MC/OC-aged kids. Consists mostly of various songs on the theme of general manners and common courtesy. Sweet and fun for young audiences. (Other Barney videos have not been viewed, so please proceed with prayer concerning any other titles.)



       (Dad speaking:)
This movie is a good System exposé, and it's entertain ing too. It keeps you guessing. It's funny, it's sexy, and has a good message about love and taking a stand and bucking the System no matter what it costs. It's a true picture of the System today, boy!--Do anything for money, for fame, for power, no matter what it costs or who it hurts. Lord help us! This should open your eyes to the reality of life out in the world, and if you think this is a little far-fetched--think again! These types of things and much worse happen every day, behind the scen es, in the offices of the big money boys. So be wise, and don't be caught in their trap. I love you all! (End of message from Dad.)

Air Bud: Golden Receiver

       (Jesus speaking:) This movie is light entertainment. Kids will like it, and if some of the not-so-edifying things are explained, the kids will latch on to the good lessons this movie contains, such as not jumping to conclusions, etc.
       As always, tailor your viewing to the age of the children involved. As you watch it with them, try to be sensitive to their perspective and how they might be seeing things. The younger ones may have different questions than the older ones, but even ones who are a little older could benefit from a little informal discussion afterwards, of what could have been done differently and what the main characters could have done to prevent some of the bad things happening. (End of message from Jesus.)

Barney's Manners

       (Dad speaking:) Praise the Lord! This is a pretty sweet little show. It's nice how even the System can punch through with some good, sweet and wholesome things. Of course the Family should know that there's nothing in the way of the spiritual, no message about the Lord or the world of the spirit, which is often the case with any System show you're going to watch. So it should never be used as a staple or mainstay of the kids' viewing diet! But as far as System shows go, this one is pretty up there.
       It's got a sweet spirit, good message, good lessons about manners and eating healthy food, and kindness and consideration for others. There is a lot of good that can be picked up. You might want to be mindful about that little song about the bubble gum, though. It's pretty short and not real “in your face,” but you'll want to make sure the kids know our stand on white sugar, and don't let this wear away at their resolve about the truth of “food or poison.” For the real little guys who wouldn't understand the explanation, you could just fast-forward that part altogether. But aside from that, this is a pretty good show, and there's a lot of sweet things that kids can learn from it. (End of message from Dad.)

young people and King Peter …
--casual question and answer sessions, compiled from Peter's visit to South America

“How old are you?”

       I was born in `51, so I'm 47. My birthday is April 22. I'm a Taurus.

“How old is Mama?”

       Mama is 16! Ha! Let's see, Mama is 52. She doesn't seem like that to me, though.

“Where are you from? Are you European? ”

       I joined in Europe, but I'm American. I was born in New York, but grew up in California. I'm of Irish descent.

“How did you get the name Peter Amsterdam?”

       I had been in the Family for four or five days and I still hadn't taken on a Bible name. At that time, the Amsterdam Home had a lot of people and it was in a state of chaos. We had some newspaper reporters coming to do interviews about the Family and to find out what was going on. Since I had only been in the Family for a few days , they decided to interview me. One guy asked, “What's your name?” I was just about to say my name when somebody from across the room yelled, “Peter!” So I said, “Oh, it's Peter,” and Peter's been my name ever since. Amsterdam was tacked on there because I joined in Amsterdam.

“Do you speak any other languages?”

       I speak a bit of German.

“What did you do when you were a teen?”

       I don't know if I want to tell you what I did, ha! When I was a kid, I went to Catholic school, and I dabbl ed in drugs from the time I was 16 until I joined the Family. I dealt drugs. I used to shoplift. So the Lord totally changed my life!

“How did you join the Family and what were you doing before you joined?”

       I wasn't doing much. I joined the Family when I was 20, in 1971. Before that I went to school, finished high school, went through nearly a year of college and then dropped out. I headed to Europe and traveled for awhile.
       I started getting into drugs when I was about 16, as I was very bored with life. I was just a sheep, really. When I was about 13, I even wanted to be a Catholic priest. I went to the seminary, but I only lasted three months. If they would have had a DT [delinquent teen] program in those days at the seminary, I would have definitely been in it!
       A friend of mine had joined the Family in Amsterdam, and when I visited him he witnessed to me. It was powerful seeing him because I knew his testimony was true. That guy had been a total mess, and when I saw him he was completely different. He witnessed to me and I joined right away. I was living with a girl at the time--Abi--and she joined a few days later. Three months later we got married. God bless her, she put up with me for years.

“Where are your children now?”

       My oldest daughter is Bethy, and she's in WS, so I can't tell you where she is. My second daughter, Sharon, is in the LAMB Home in Los Angeles. She and her boyfriend are thinking about going to China. My son Jon is also in WS. He was i n the DC studio, but he wanted to do computer stuff so he applied for WS and now he's part of the WS computer team.

       Point of interest: I have three brothers and four sisters. My father was left-handed and my mother was right-handed. All the boys in my family are left-handed and all the girls are right-handed. When it came to me, I was right in the middle, so I'm a bit ambidextrous. I write with my left hand, but I throw and play guitar, etc., with my right hand. I got a little mixed up in th ere somewhere.

“Do all the young people in your Home talk to Mama? How often?”

       All the people in our Home talk to Mama, but not every day. It depends on what Mama is working on. Sometimes a person might not see or talk to her for a week, but she talks with everyone from time to time.
       There are some people who see us every day, but most of Mama's communication with others in our Home is done through our intercom. I would say that within a week's time she talks to everyone in the Home on the intercom, some more than others, depending on the work you're doing at that time.
       She doesn't usually just call you up to chat. If she calls you, it's usually because she has something to ask you, or because she wants you to ask the Lord about something.

“Have you ever met someone in the Family while you were out and around?”

       Yes, I have at different times, but not very often.
       One time before I came to live with the folks, I lived in a selah WS office in Switzerland. We used to do what the CRO offices do now--before there were CROs. We would collect the Family's tithes, etc.
       In Switzerland you really have to look the part, so when I would go to town or for banking business, I would have to wear a suit. Another brother and I were walking down the street with our suits on and two Family members with lit were coming toward us.
       We thought, “Oh no, they're going to come talk to us. What are they going to say?” But they walked up to us, checked us out and then they walked right around us. They must have thought we weren't sheep! Ha!
       Another time we lived in a trailer in France, with the folks--this particular incident didn't happen to me, but it happened to Alf. He met somebody in the Family and then he went home later and told Dad that he had met some Family members. Dad said, “Well, did you give them all your money?” He answered, “No, because I had a lot of money with me.”
       Dad said, “Well, I want you to go back and find those people.” We knew they were stay ing at a campground, but we didn't know which one. Dad said, “Son, go and find them and give them all the money that you had.” So he did. He got on a bus and went around to all the different campgrounds and found them and gave them the money. But we don't bump into people too often.

“If you met a Family member, would you give them a donation?”

       Yes, I probably would, but I don't carry very much money on me! There have been times when I've bumped into Family members--before I'd been on vide os--and they didn't know who I was, and I gave them money. So if you've ever gotten a good donation, maybe it was from me! Ha!

“Why is it that now Mama's photos can be shown?”

       We want people to be able to see Mama and to feel closer to her. But you'll notice we're not leaving them around or letting anybody keep any. We don't publish her pictures because we know that there are people out of the Family who would do her harm if they could.
       We're sorry that not everybody has been able to se e her pictures yet, but whenever I travel, I try to make them available for everyone to see.

“Why is it less of a risk for you to be more publicly known now than Mama?”

       It might not be. In fact, it's a bit risky to do what I do. But it's worth it because it's important to see you--both for us and for you. But if anything ever happens, I can run fast and Mama can't! Ha!
       Mama would probably not agree with this, but if anything happens to me, praise God, things will go on. But if something happens to Mama, that would be very bad. We agree to disagree on this point. It's just that we really try to protect Mama. But who knows, maybe someday it'll be the Lord's will for her to come out more too.

“How do people in your Home get their personal needs?”

       We teach people how to do without, ha! No, our Home works basically the same as other Homes.--Except that we have a budget that's paid for by your tithes, which allows us to spend all our time working on the Words or other WS mini stries. In our Home, if you have a need you ask for it, and depending on what the need is, sometimes we can get it for you, sometimes we can't.
       Some people in our Homes receive donations, and we basically common pot those funds and use it for needs. We save most of it up and towards the end of the year we try to give everyone a Christmas gift of a small amount of finances. People save that and they look around for deals, or the cheapest way to get things, because we can't provision. Basically that's how it works.

“Does the Family have a portfolio on each Family member, with a picture of them, etc.?”

       There has been a big move within the offices to get every Family member a code number--the mark of the blest! Ha! It certainly would be easier on us since it's hard to keep track of people. When you're trying to find a guy named John, or maybe John David, it can be pretty tough. But no, we don't have anything like that.

“Are there people who go to Mama's house just to pass throu gh for three months and then leave? If there are people who leave Mama's Home, how does that affect your security?”

       We don't usually invite people to our Home for a short time, unless it's a CRO who needs to come for business or who needs help and shepherding. When people come, they generally are coming for a job and we hope that they will stay for a long time. And they usually do. Sometimes, though, either the job ends and they don't need to stay anymore, or they've been there for a long ti me and they want a change, just like someone in your Home might. And when they do, that's fine. We just have to trust the Lord that they won't go telling everybody where we live, and so far they haven't.--At least as far as I know, maybe you know otherwise!

“When Dad went to be with the Lord, how did you step in and take over the job that you now have?”

       Dad was faithful all those years to train people. When he said, “I use the clinical method. I take someone and show them how to do it, th en I let them do it and I watch from afar,” that's exactly what he did.
       I lived with Dad for about 17 years, and when I first came I was about 27.--And I wasn't the most brilliant 27-year-old in the world. Not like you guys! But Dad trained me, and he did the same with Mama as well.
       At first Mama didn't edit anything. Dad would do all the FSMs and though we didn't have so many different pubs back then, Dad would get in there and was involved in everything. In time he turned some of those thi ngs over to Mama. That's how it was with me also.
       When I first came, Dad was very involved in the business oversight, but once he taught me, then he let me carry more of the load. So by the time Dad went to be with the Lord, Mama, Gary and I already carried a great deal of the load. The work had been shifting to us for some years before his passing on.
       When I first came to be with the folks, Dad was way up there spiritually, and Mama wasn't at that same level. As the years went by, it's not that Dad came down--Mama went up. Dad kept pouring into her and letting her take on more responsibility. When Dad died, Mama was carrying a lot of the spiritual and Word job and Gary and I were already shouldering a lot of the administrative weight, so the transition in that area wasn't so drastic.
       But I didn't start having health problems until then! With the responsibility, I received the mantle of afflictions. It's true. Being partly responsible for the Family spiritually is a pretty big re sponsibility, and if anyone else wants the job, let me know! It's a tough job, but also very rewarding. One of the most rewarding things is to come see you--to see how the Word that we work hard on to get out is changing your lives and helping you to grow.
       Several academics have told us that when the principal leader of a group dies, the new leadership always tries to get everyone to look inward at the new leadership. They try to draw everyone to themselves, and the academics have said that we , the Family, are a phenomenon. One man said, “You're the only group that I've ever studied that when the principal leader dies, the new leadership tries to get people to turn to the Lord instead of to the new leadership.”
       Mama and I know that the Lord anoints us for our work, but we don't really feel any different than you. You have your job for the Lord and we have ours. And if tomorrow the Lord saw fit for one of you to take over my job, well then, you would have this same anointing. It's t otally the Lord; it's not us. The beauty of it is that each of you can have that same connection; you can look to the Lord and that's what we're trying to encourage you to do. Because as long as we know that you're looking to the Lord and are hearing from the Lord, we know that everything is going to be okay.

“In Mama's Home, what kind of battles do people have? How often do you have battles and why? Do you have battles with each other, amongst each other?”

       The people in our Home never ha ve battles. They're perfect, ha!
       The answer to that question is that the people in our Home have many of the same exact battles as you do. There are jealousy battles, loneliness battles, what-in-the-world-am-I-doing battles, personality clashes--the list goes on! Does this sound familiar--like your Home maybe?
       Most every battle that you have, we have; we even have some others that you don't have! Our people have battles about being behind the scenes, not being able to go out witnessing, and that sort of thing.
       One big difference between our WS Homes and other Homes is that when people in WS have conflicts or there are two people that don't get along, it's not like one person says, “I can't stand him. Here's my 30-day notice. I'm outta here!” They realize, “Whoa! I'm here for the long haul and so is that person. I'd better do something to repair the damage and fix things up.” Knowing that you might live with that person you don't get along with for years to come has caused both yo ung and old to overcome and to face such problems and differences and to become friends. In some cases, people who were very far apart have become very good friends because they've had the faith to work at it.
       I think that's one thing that doesn't happen enough in the Family. Often people get bugged or extremely irritated because this person did something to you. But you don't have to fix it, you can just go your separate ways. But then it remains, and your memories of that person are bad and their memories of you are bad. It would be so much better if people could work those things out. It's a sign of maturity in the spirit when you go to that person and sort things out.

“How much do you know about us--the average Family member? We've seen you on videos, we've read the Letters, and in a way you've been close to us. When we meet you, we don't feel like you're a total stranger. It's almost like we know each other. In the Letters, you've said, `Even though we haven't been around so often, we know about you guys and your situations….” But how much do you really know about us?”

       Let's see … for breakfast you ate eggs and … well, I can't say that we know a tremendous amount about every single person in the Family. There are 13,000 Family members and Mama and I are only two people. However, we read a tremendous amount of material from you. Your TRF comments and suggestions are compiled by the offices and much of it is read by us. We receive reports straight from you, as wel l as from your CROs and VSs, who tell us about ministries that are going on in their area and who's involved with them, what Homes they visited, who they talked to, etc. We also read about you in the FSMs, Grapevines, Zines, etc.
       You also write us a lot. We get lots of e-mail from the Family, all of which is read, and we try to answer it or at least acknowledge that we got it. And if it requires an answer or prayer and prophecy, we try to get back to you.
       So when you put all that together--a nd I've been doing this for about 20 years--you do get to know people. When I see people, I think, “We've met, right?”--Because I've seen their pictures, I've seen them on video, we prayed for their baby, Mama wrote them a letter and sent them a prophecy, etc. There's a lot of that which goes on, and in that sense we know a lot about you.
       Neither Mama or I have tremendous memories. When I come into a meeting like this, I usually ask the CROs, “Remind me of who's gonna be at the meeting and wha t their ministries are,” and they'll say “so-and-so who does such-and-such” and it'll come back to me. We can't name everybody and all their children and list who their parents and cousins are. But we are basically in touch about what's going on and who's who. If you want us to know more about you, then write more Grapevine articles!

“Do you know those who gets partial-excommed and that kind of stuff?”

       We probably don't know about every person who's gotten excommed. But sometimes the CROs ask us for counsel, or they inform us. Maybe somebody in this meeting has been excommed before, but I don't know or don't remember. Anyway, it doesn't really matter to me. Everybody sins, everybody makes wrong choices and mistakes sometimes. If you happen to make a wrong choice about something that gets you partially excommed, well, my prayer is that you learn from it and that you won't do it again.

“What about people that are fully excommed?”

       Yes, we hear about that.

“The `Now It Can Be Told' series just sort of stopped. The last one that came out, I think Dad and Mama were still in Europe. Why haven't more of those come out?”

       I believe there was more of that that was dictated and may eventually come out. But when it gets to a certain point, we just don't talk about where we've been since then.

“Regarding security, especially with Dad--were people really after Dad? Are they also after you and Mama?”

       Yes. There was a time when we heard that someone took out a cont ract on Dad's life. That's where you pay somebody to kill a person. I heard of a former Family member who said, “If I ever saw Dad, I'd blow his head off with a shotgun.” Judge Marquevich in Argentina issued a warrant through Interpol for Dad's arrest. When Dad was in Spain they closed the borders against him so that he couldn't leave the country, but he did anyway.
       So it was definitely the case that if people would have found where Dad lived, they would have tried to cause bodily harm. Nowada ys for Mama and me, we tend to think that those security concerns are slightly diminished, and that's one of the reasons why I've gone all around the world.

“So if you're less concerned about your security now, then why don't you live somewhere where people can visit you?”

       I'm not worried in the sense that someone is going to come and shoot us, but just as Dad had enemies, the Family has enemies, and thus Mama and I have enemies. There are plenty of people who don't like us and what we do , and thus would like to hassle us, stop our work or cause us trouble.
       Once we start getting hassled, we have to move, and every time we move, it costs money and time. It means we have to shut down our operation, we have to stop sending out GNs and stop producing pubs because everyone's moving. It's very difficult. So we prefer to not have to move a lot if we don't have to.
       As Dad always said, it's important to protect the head, because if something does happen to us, it makes a big differen ce. So it's wiser to keep our most vital units behind the scenes. It's like how the Lord put your heart inside your body and surrounded it with your ribcage, because if something happens to your heart, you're done for. Same with us. We stay selah to protect Mama and to protect the Word of the Lord going out.
       But we don't stay behind the scenes only because of security. It's like the Letter, “I Gotta Split.” If we're in one place and everybody knows where we are and people come over to visit, c hat with us, then we can't take care of the whole Family. So by avoiding the limelight that we'd be in if our location was known and our Home was more “open” to the general Family, we can focus on everybody at the same time, rather than getting stuck in one Home or one country or situation, and having to get involved.
       A few times that's happened. When we moved to Japan, the CROs came over to our house often and we really got involved in the local work. We moved to the HCS for awhile and weren' t able to focus on the rest of the Family because our entire attention was consumed by the matters at hand. So it's better for us to be apart so we can minister to everybody equally.
       Mama and I are not even the shepherds of our own Home! Others do the shepherding and they are the ones who take care of the daily problems. We counsel with them and have meetings from time to time, but generally, we focus on you, the whole Family.

“What about other WS units? Couldn't they be more open?”

       It' s the same with the other WS units. It's better for their locations not to be known, where everybody comes to visit, etc., because it takes a great deal of time away from their work and the services that they provide for the Family. If we had people over, we'd get much less done.
       This point is a sacrifice for the people who are in WS, because they're like you; they have the same burdens and desires. They would love and appreciate the fellowship. It's especially a sacrifice for the young people in WS, because they're used to going around and seeing their friends and having change. But now that they're in WS they have to sacrifice being able to move around, and instead they choose to serve you by doing their pubs work or respective ministries.

help wanted

       My name is Sarah and I am a single mom with 3 kids. We're looking forward to going to Brazil; presently we're in Poland. I am unable to go out very often to raise funds. Can you help? Any gifts large or small are much appreciat ed. We need you!--Sarah and 3 kids

       Summer is coming, maybe our last one in Russia! We have a national church of 16 strong catacombers. Due to security, we can't do a lot of open witnessing in our city, so we're hoping to use part of the summer to send all our Cats on the road! Do you want to have a part in a reaping of souls and the training of the soul savers? Send a donation via your report, designated to the National Church in Vladivostok. Home Number RU020 Violet. Tomorrow may be too lat e!!

       Hi! My name is Angel (24). I've been in Russia since I came to this Earth and probably would stay here longer happily serving the Lord, but He has a different plan for me. Now China is the country of my dreams. Being a national and also being in a sensitive situation does not make it easy to raise the needed funds. Do you want to help this idea come through by supporting me with your prayers and with some donations? I would greatly appreciate any help (be it $1, $100 or more!). Thank you so much. Send your donations to: Angel Heaven (RU031) through Russian ABM. My e-mail: friends@nsu.ru, if you want to team up.

       We are setting up the work in Africa and have started the production of tools for the PPC. We have to raise our funds with our family, so if anyone has a burden to help us help supply West Africa with tapes and videos, please could you send a donation via your TRF? We know God will bless and reward you as the Word is leading many to Africa. It would encourage us to k now others want to help--even if they cannot presently come to Africa. Love, Steven, Maria, Nick and Hepsi and Ghana Home.

       We have been working here in the EE for awhile--witnessing, visiting, clowning, organizing camps--you name it. Now the Lord is leading us to get a camper to be able to travel more together as a couple witnessing as well as visiting the Homes (especially for the summer). However, finances are quite short. So we wanted to ask all of you if YOU would be able to help us with a donation. Thank you in advance for your help and prayers! Please send your contribution to VS Home (HU127), Hungary, Eastern Europe, through your ABM, or otherwise you can contact us at e-mail: vsh@mail.datanet.hu. Much love, Genai, Bernie, Alan and Claire.

Small Home in India with 2 single moms and 3 people out with hepatitis needs your help urgently! Send your gifts through the TRF to IA50 (Jewel and Victory) TYSM! WLY!


[What's in it for me?]

       Female (17), Eastern Europe: I' ve noticed that some Family members I've met (not all) have the wrong idea when it comes to giving. Some people share with other Homes with the mindset “What's in it for me? Will I benefit from it or not?”--Instead of just giving and not expecting anything in return. It's more like “you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours” or it's no deal. And it's very sad.
       I have experienced a good sample of giving, however. I used to live with a sweet couple and I was amazed at the attitude they showed in r egards to giving and sharing. They gave out of pure love and expected nothing in return. They were super poor at first and were living in a rundown, dinky apartment, but they were still giving of the little they had. They support at least six people on different fields, and are doing quite good financially now. The Lord has blessed them much because they freely gave without expecting a return. This should be the attitude of all Family members.
       My advice to people is this: If you're going to gi ve, please give from your heart and don't look at giving like “What's in it for me?” If you do, you just might miss out on the good end of the deal. If you give without expecting anything in return, the Lord will most likely give you ten times more!

[“Mom and Dad” attitude]
       J., Europe:
This month the Lord showed us that we needed to stand back and let the YAs take more control in the running of the Home, decision making, etc. We were having a problem where the YAs were being somewhat lazy a nd laid back, and just not showing much initiative and enthusiasm. We were having to have talks about it together in the Home but after taking it to the Lord He showed us that it was because we FGAs were “doing too much.” We had the attitude of being too much of a “mom and dad” towards them. Since we have stepped back some, they have been doing much better and they are taking things more seriously and responsibly.

[Labeling looks]
       C. (YA), Brazil:
Recently I've seen something that has left me heartbroken, especially in senior teens and YAs. When I rejoined the Family after being FM for six years, what most impressed me was the love, dedication and meekness the teens had. Now I wonder if we are rapidly losing that vision.
       I see people labeling others by their outward looks--something I often saw in the System. I hear people say: “Oh she's got nice breasts, but she doesn't, that's why she hasn't got a boyfriend. Or “she's got a model body and is so skinny, that's why everyone like s her.” Or people who aren't that fit or pretty being put down at parties, like no one wants to dance with them or the boys just go after the pretty girls. Or looking down on others if they aren't a computer whiz or their English is not that fluent or if they aren't good at sports. Making fun of people when they sing, saying, “I prefer `real' singers,” or “my dream is to marry a guy or girl who really knows how to sing,” etc. Also criticizing two people who are together, commenting negatively on age or looks, saying he's too ugly for her or vice versa.
       We're not in the Family to see who's the cutest or best-looking person! Who really looks like Brad Pitt or Demi Moore anyway? It's fine if you want to be nice looking, but don't put others down. On the other hand, I'm very thankful for the good samples I've seen in our beloved Family. TYJ!

Mama jewels on … overcoming weaknesses

--to an SGA staff member

       Honey, you sure have made great progress in overcoming your sensitivity. But like Dad said, in order to keep doing well, you have to keep being corrected. It's a little like living the Law of Love--when you stop living it, you sort of go back to square one. Well, not entirely, but it's very difficult to start living it again. That's the way it is with receiving correction.
       If someone doesn't have anything to correct you about for a long time, maybe you should pray that they will, or ask the Lord, or ask people if they have anything to tell you, any suggestions, or any thing to correct you about. I've found that with myself, the more I had people--Dad and Peter mainly--correcting me, the more I was open to receive correction about things, and the easier it became. But if I didn't receive any correction for a while, it was harder to take once it came. So when you're working on overcoming a weakness in your life, it is very wise to do something to keep up the momentum of change, and to keep up the good habit you're forming.

letters to the editor

RE: E-mail response time (Grapevine #65)

       God bless Heidi, at the PACRO China desk. I totally agree with her on the subject of responding to e-mail messages speedily.
       God bless the Grapevine secretaries. They always write you back if you've send them something. [Editor's note: That's sweet Bonnie in California, who forwards our Grapevine e-mail to us. Thanks, Bonnie!] Also Heidi, Hungarian ABM. I feel like an important person when I get a personal reply to my message. But sometimes I feel very little a nd insignificant when I don't hear back about a question that is important to me.
       Once I took a week or 10 days to reply to a sheep. When he wrote me back, he said: “I thought that you were upset at me!” Just because we don't write, we could be losing friends.
       All of this can be summed up in one word: communication. So, let's communicate!
--Male, Eastern Europe

       I totally agree with you, Heidi, about this being a problem in the Family. It can get very frustrating when Family members take a very long time to answer e-mail, or worse yet, when they don't answer at all. Thank you for speaking out about it. Let's all try to do better, huh?
--Coral (20)

gaining givers

       When visiting a cancer hospital we met a very poor patient who didn't have money to buy breakfast for her son who was with her. (The hospital gives meals which is just enough for the patient.) We didn't have much, but gave her a 50 rupee note (1.25 dollars). The next day the outreach team met a man who gave a do nation of 5,000 rupees. The Lord gave us a back a hundred fold!
--Faith, India

       Recently a Home in Thailand sent us a specific request for $350. We took the money from our buffer and sent it through the bank the following day. With the bank fees, the amount we used came to 50,000 yen.
       Our daughter regularly sends away for different contests that appear in the newspaper. Within the week of when we sent this gift to Thailand, we received in the mail 100,000 yen worth of travel coupons, as ou r daughter had won first prize in a national contest!
--Jonathan and Sarah, Japan

       When we received a designated gift from Phillip's sister to purchase a vehicle, we voted to share whatever was left over with WS. It was a temptation to keep some of these funds as we still had so many needs to set up the Home, but we knew the Lord would bless it if we gave. Sure enough, within days after making the decision, we received a totally unexpected very large gift, twice the amount we had sent to WS, from some brethren in Europe! You really can't outgive our precious and caring Husband!
--Matthew, Marie, Phillip and Lizy, India

       Last month we sent our son a large gift to help him get off to his new field of China. It was quite a sacrifice for us and it left us very tight financially. After sending it the Lord did the following miracles of supply for us.
       a) Our WS gift was increased.
       b) Instead of having to make an expensive visa trip which we should have had to make, we were able to renew our visas through a friend for another six months without leaving and we didn't have to pay the usual expensive health insurance.
       c) The Lord supplied two good computers for us. We had been working only on a 386 and now we have Pentiums.
       d) I got some extra private English classes to help bring in some extra finances.
--Jonathan, Ukraine

Aussie battlers tell their story …

By G. and K.

       CULL OUT: If you are a large family struggling with your kids, living hand-to-mouth and not the greatest fundraisers, poor at saving money, hopeless at learning another language and have neglected your mail ministry, but have a real burden for a new mission field, then cheer up! Read on, there's hope for you.

       We wanted to share how the Lord got us to the mission field of China. Not by works but according to His mercy He saved us. We were in rich western country, not really accomplishing too much. We were doing very little outreach, some follow-up, and Greg had a small, part-time wi ndow cleaning business as a fundraiser. We were struggling with our kids, as living in the west for the last nine years had taken its toll on us all.
       We were living with another couple and their three kids. Although we had personality clashes and disunity in the Home, we stuck it out together because we knew it was the Lord's highest, and we especially wanted our kids to have the fellowship. We had a burden for China, and our PACRO shepherd, Jeff, encouraged us that even though we were having difficulties working together with another team, we were at least sticking it out and obeying by co-oping. God bless the other family for putting up with us at this time!
       As I write this testimony I realize clearly how the Lord blessed our co-oping, as the folks we lived with were faithful outreachers, and while out DTD they met a Chinese couple who wanted them to start a Bible study for their Chinese friends. This ministry proved to be a blessing in pulling our Home together and confirming Hi s will for us to go to China. The folks we worked with moved on to their new mission field and we decided to rent out the bottom floor of our large house to two Chinese couples from our Bible study, as it also had kitchen facilities, bathroom, etc., and could be a separate unit. This helped us to cover the rent, but more importantly, living closely with these sweet people and seeing their hunger for the Word gave us a greater burden for China.
       We were trying to save funds but were getting nowh ere fast. One morning we were praying and the Lord said very simply that we would meet an important man who would open a door for us into China. Wow! Only two weeks later this was fulfilled! A Chinese friend rang and said that an important man was in N.Z. doing some business, but he was also looking for teachers for his friend's private university in China.
       We had a brief meeting with him before he flew out, and things were rolling. They would pay for the airline tickets for one adult and two children, and they wanted us in China in three months. Our landlord rang out of the blue wanting us to move out soon, as his son was getting married and wanted to shift in. Kim managed to squeeze in a one-month course in teaching English as a second language before we closed up the Home--instant qualifications, ha! We had a few garage sales to trim down and raise some funds. We sold half of our window cleaning business to a Chinese Christian and we now had the rest of our fares.
       Still, we had two months to go before we were due to leave. We claimed a house with free rent to stay in till our departure so that we could save some landing funds. We had never had free rent before, but it's amazing how your faith increases when you know you're obeying Mk.16:15. The day came to move out and we didn't have a place to go yet. We had packed everything. The truck was loaded but with nowhere to go. There was one other family Home in the country and it was packed to the gills so we didn't want to impose on them. At nine the next morning, the landlord's son drove up and started unpacking his things into the house. The pressure was on! We were at the end of our rope. We weren't sure if we had great faith or if we were just totally crazy!
       That afternoon we rang a friend who had some rental properties, and he said we could use a small apartment that he was renovating until we left for China--and we could have it for free! Whew, we weren't crazy after all! Staying in this little rundown tw o-bedroom apartment for two months was good preparation for our new field--learning to live with less in so many ways and being thankful for this humble little abode of God's choosing.
       During this time we managed to sell all our furniture, the rest of the window cleaning business to another Chinese Christian, and our van was sold on the day we flew out. To keep things really tense, we were madly stuffing our household effects which we wanted to take to China into three crates minutes before we left for the airport. We had to hastily stop at the shipping office on the way to the airport to get the crates on their way. Our sweet daughter, Crystal, who came back for a visit from Russia to help us with our monstrous move, tied up loose ends for us after we left. God bless her!
       I imagine that when the children of Israel left Egypt it was not exactly a sedate affair. In the end it felt more like a hurried escape. We were running down the corridor to the plane juggling masses of carry-on luggage, what a sight! A Cecil B. DeMille remake of Moses! Here in China we describe ourselves as refugees from the west, and we sure must have looked like it when we left from Auckland airport. WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS IN YOUR OWN SITUATION, HA!
       The city the Lord opened the door to was not the one we would have chosen. We looked through all the travel books and had our eyes on a few prime tourist spots, but the Lord had other plans. When we looked up the city He had for us it was d escribed in pretty negative terms. However, we knew the Lord had supernaturally opened this door, and He told us in prophecy that it wouldn't be as bad as we thought; in fact, He said, we would be surprised. As it turned out, our university accommodation is one of the most modern and spacious in China, in a well kept, pretty campus in the countryside, TYJ!
       We've been here for a year now, and we are very thankful to be on the field again. Kim and I are struggling with the language. I sometimes feel like a blind man with my children being the seeing-eye guide dogs for me, as we often need their help to communicate with the Chinese--a good humbler! The wonderful thing is that you can be kept busy ministering to lots of labor leader types who do speak fairly good English while you're learning.
       The battles have intensified in some areas but we are so relieved that God had mercy on us and helped us to be able to give our kids a taste and sample of missionary life on an eastern field, whi ch their older brother and three sisters had the blessing of. Though we are weak and feel incapable, the Lord has always remained faithful!

helpful tips for flying travelers

       Drink plenty of liquids to counteract the drying effects on your skin of the “canned” air.
       If you wear contacts, switch to glasses instead.
       Bring a toothbrush and toothpaste for long flights.
       Always wear something comfortable, like an oversized sweater, that you can cuddle up in. (And bring a wrap--air condition ed planes can be chilly!)
       Your shoes may not fit at the end of a flight. Your feet will swell considerably in the air, so be sure that your shoes are a bit roomy when starting out. Drink lots of water while in the air, and put your feet up as much as possible.

       Did you know that the air quality in coach class is better than it is in first class? That's because more bodies means more humidity.


Parents, teachers, childcare persons of the world--unite!

       By the tim e you read this notice you may or may not have already received the first issue of a brand new magazine: Kidland! Drawing from the reservoirs of excellent material all you folks have been sending in over the past while, we have gathered together testimonies, tips, lessons, facts, activities, prophecies--and much, much more! All bound together for you into one handy little mag that will be sent out every one or two months, Lord willing.
       At this time we would like to ask all of you wonderful one s to keep sending us your tried-and-trues. We need it all!--Specific tips, scholastic ideas, the counsel the Lord gave to help you out of that awkward childhood problem, and any and all comments, testimonies, and views you have on any and all topics pertaining to childcare. “Classic” photos of your little darlings are also actively solicited. We need Kidland cover contributions, and will also use other good quality material and pictures to spruce up the inside.
       So here's to our wonderful paren ts and teachers and childcare folks everywhere! May this new pub be a blessing to us all!

want ad

: FGA couple with driving and childcare/teaching experience; no children with them anymore, who would be willing to be foster parents for Juan and Carmen's three children under the age of four, and who would love them as their own. They wouldn't have to do all the physical work of caring for kids, but are mainly needed to be loving, caring parents for them, creating a family environment . This would allow Juan and Carmen to do their CRO work and some visitation.


       “Every second, someone is infected.” “Devil in the details.” “A glimpse of totalitarianism.” “God rules history.”--All this and more in END 21, coming soon!

       There's a wonderful blue book called the TAG (Teaching and Activity Guide), and did you know that within its pages there's a complete listing of …

       all the Family Fun spots according to tape
       all the picture facts and educational songs from the GA P videos
       all the Feed My Lambs verses and Grandpa quotes
       comprehensive study courses for those caring for babies, toddlers and preschoolers (see reference section)
       a curriculum of ideas for Word, play, life skills and more, divided by month beginning at birth through pre-school

       …and much more! You'll wonder how you ever got along without it! Check out the TAG!

Family web sites

       Joseph, Japan:
Here is our new web page for Side By Side: www.side-by-side-intl.org

easy reading

       His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.
       The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed no bleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
       “I want to repay you,” said the nobleman. “You saved my son's life.”
       “No, I can't accept payment for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.
       “Is that your son?” the nobleman asked.
       “Yes,” the farmer replied proudly.
       “I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the lad i s anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of.”
       And that he did. In time, Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
       Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia. What saved him? Penicillin.
       The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill.

April 99
       April 99
CM Homes       832       Posters Dist.       370,798
FM Homes       532       Tapes Dist.       26,244
CM Home Size       12.2       Videos Dist.       9,461
FM Home Size       5.2       Living Waters Dist.       9,122
CM pop       10,138       Souls Won       93,609
FM pop       2,776       Total Pages Dist.       9,843,923
Births       25       Total Pieces Dist.       1,377,843
Betrothals       1       Personal Witness       544,420
New Disciples*       15       Total Witness       62,272,830
* Does not include births.

Shine On-May `99

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       3,750       7,500
Josue/Maria, Mexico
       972       4,858
Charity/Ruth/Paulina/Juan, Mexico
       963       2,890
James/Liberty/Joseph, Italy       500       3,000
Christian/Smile/Eman/Emmy, Albania       462       2,310
Madras Deaf Home, India       417       1,668
Samson/Christina, France       375       1,500
Esteban/Gabriel/Lydia, Chile       339       2,037
Nehemiah/Sara Lynn/Leina /Talitha, Mexico       295       2,950
Francisco/Flor, Mexico       295       590

Emmanuel/Rose/Francesco/Iris, Italy
       7,007       35,035
Rufus/Dulce/Ivanna , USA
       6,250       25,000
Michael/Maria, Japan
       2,570       7,710
Peter S./Crystal S./Mary M., USA       2,261       9,042
Steven/Mercy, Japan       1,541       3,082
Francis Mountain/Joanna Rose, USA       1,346       12,111
Christmas, Japan       1,225       1,225
Dalia, Japan       1,212       1,212
Martin/Mercy/Jonathan, Mozambique       1,158       3,476
David Searcher/Pandita First Love, Japan       1,005       4,020

Samuel/Clara, Spain
       128       257
Tim Newlove/Elisabeth, Spain
       101       303
Pablo E., Chile       96       193
Juan/Rosa, Spain       95       191
David/Madalena/And rew/Paula, Brazil       87       351
Micah/Merry, Japan       79       794
Francisco/Joanna/Luana, Brazil       75       227
Michael/Paciencia, Chile       73       220
Sam/Maria, Brazil       69       139
Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland       67       268


Estevao/Santiago/Meekness/Ruth, Brazil       87       879
Julie/Ben/Clara, Brazil       75       531
David/Esperanza/Santiago, Peru
       66       198
Ben/Meekness/Juan/Letizia, Botswana       62       250
Victoria Faith/Mike Davidson, China       40       80
Jesse/Maria Clara, Brazil       39       78
Cush/Zara/Sunshine, Mexico       33       132
Juan Fco/Ester/Susana, Brazil       33       132
Timoteo/Mercy, Venezuela       31       95
Gideon/Dulci, Portugal       30       150

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family