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the grapevine
(Issue #66; June 1, 1999.)


darling newborns …
, born to Russian Sharonand Jonathan on April 7.--Russia
       Anthony Emil
, 2nd child, born to Esther and Jonathan Albanian on April 7.--Norway
       Laura Agnes
, born to Tamara and Paul on April 10.--Hungary
       Martin Alexander
, 1st child, born to Esperance on April 11.--England
, born to Russian Marina and Francis Peruvian on April 20.--Russia


new laborers - April, 1999
       Peter A. Dawn
(20, Alba nian) joined in Albania.
       Stephan Francisco
(23, Kazakh) joined in Kazakstan.
       Alice Evita
and Alexandra (32 and 8, Russian) joined in Russia.


       You can worship freedom of choice, or you can choose the truth.


       Lianna Akari, born to Andreas and Chrys on March 12, is their 11th child and not the 9th as was stated in Grapevine #64.


Pakistan ABM, Islamabad:
Three Homes in Pakistan just finished a five-day ACM (area council meeting) in Karachi. The Lord did miracles in supplying half-price plane tickets for all the delegates to attend. The Homes in Pakistan are very far apart, and we can only travel by plane, so there's not a lot of fellowship. It was a refreshing and needful time to get together, unify and make plans for the days ahead. The Karachi Home hosted the ACM and did a terrific job in organizing it.
       We also had a Childcare ACM where mothers and CC delegates discussed ideas and tips, shared lessons and testimonies to encourage each other.
       We shared lots of tips and ideas on a wide variety of topics, mainly how to get the job done here more effectively, reaching more with different ways--also how to get more people here to Pakistan, as we are only three Homes to reach 140 million people, which is quite an awesome job! If anyone is interested and has a burden to join our very fruitful field, please write us via ASCRO! We are happy to supply you with any info that you need.

legal and media

February and March, 1999

       On February 15, nationwide news magazine “Articulo 20” (reaching 350,000) published an article about us.
--Miguel, Esther and Dulcinea, Spain

       KISS TV Kiseljak RTV (audience 5,600,000) aired a favorable program on the work. Vinkovci local TV (audience 50,000) twice aired footage of our CTP.
       Two daily newspapers covering Croatia and Bosnia published reports of the CTP shows done by the Home there. February 10, the daily newspaper Vecernji List (circulation 50,000) published a report of our show.
--Andrew, Miracle, Crystal and Angelina, Bosnia

       February 3, Trinity Broadcasting Network (audience: one million) aired a talk show where Precious, Dust and Estevao shared their testimonies.
--Marcos, Sara, Precious, Jasper and Faith, Africa

       January 25, VISÃO magazine (circulation 150,000) published an article written by Timothy.
--Barz, Sara and Nina, Portugal

       From February 20-22, Radio AS (audience of 150,000) aired a show on us twice.
Victor, Julia and Francesca, Roman ia

       January 22, Zhizn (circulation 100, 000) published a very favorable article about our local CTP work.
       K21, the government TV station of Donetsk (audience 5,000,000) aired a favorable talk show about our work in Ukraine, showing clips of our show in schools for deaf children.
--Abner, Elisa and Mary, Ukraine

       On February 17 and 18, there were articles in two local newspapers (circulation: 100,000) on us.
--John, Sunny and Svieta, Russia

moving missionaries

       “Whatta fight! But we made it and are now on our new field in Africa!”
Jonas, Lisa and six kids, Zimbabwe


MP3 music

       Gwyn, for the Web team: Good news for all you music lovers! There's a new MP3 section on the MO site! From now on we'll be putting the new tapes up as they come out in MP3 format for downloading! We'll also be working our way back through the FTTs and other tapes that have previously come out. We plan on putting a different tape up every month. Presently on the site are the tapes “Unbeatable,” “Eagle Bleeds” and “Wild Wind.” Here's a little info on MP3 for your interest:

       MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a standard technology and format for compressing a sound sequence into a very small file (about one-twelfth the size of the original file) while preserving the original level of sound quality when it is played. You can download a MP3 player for Windows 95/98 and NT from Winamp at http://www.winamp.com/download/



       Fact box: Cameroon
, republic in western Africa. The country is shaped like an elongated triangle, and forms a bridge between western Africa and central Africa. Yaoundé is the capital, and Douala is the largest city. Cameroon contains about 200 ethnic groups who speak 24 major languages. About 25 percent of the population adheres to traditional religions; about 22 percent of the population is Muslim; the remaining majority is Christian. Muslims predominate in the north, and Christians in the south. French and English are both official languages.
(Courtesy of Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia)

       Ruth, United Kingdom:
I recently went on my second trip to the wonderfully fruitful country of Cameroon. I visited the Home there that is working with an orphanage and prison ministry in the capital. I was able to bring them some needed items for the children, CD-ROMs and other materials.
       While staying in the capital with my dear hosts, I was able to meet so many people from different walks of life. Amongst these were a police superintendent, someone in the prime minister's office and other officials, people who gladly received our children's materials, a secretary for an oil company who wants all our tapes and videos, as well as army officials, not to mention a variety of little people all receptive to the message and eager for the Lord's answers and our tools.
       From there I went on a four-day trip to the English-speaking province. A sweet receptionist took me around to meet many people, and her family turne d out to be very prominent and interested in our work. The mother was a real woman of God and the father a well-known lawyer and defender of the poor. This family proved to be very special and all really love the Lord. They introduced me to some sweet Catholic sisters who run a clinic there, and I was able to donate some medical supplies to them.
       Then I returned to the capital and met with a vicar and his wife, who I've been helping with supplies for children--videos, encyclopedias, clothes, e tc. They have built schools and are currently setting up Sunday schools to reach the children! They enjoy all of our materials and need any help we can give them. Besides distributing our tools, I was able to give out donated Bibles to everyone I met.
       With teary eyes I left Cameroon and all my loved ones and newfound friends. A love for this country has been firmly implanted in my heart and a desire to return as soon as possible! I'm planning and preparing for my next trip, hoping to return fo r longer periods and even to live and work there. God willing, I'll be returning within the next two months or as soon as I am ready. If you, my dear Family, would like to help with any donations or monthly pledges it would really be appreciated. You can contact me at my e-mail: JoyAsh1@aol.com. Please keep these projects in your prayers.

Report on the current crisis

By a Family team in China

       Much love from us here! Since the NATO attack on the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, it has been the sole topic on the English TV news stations. We appreciate your prayers for us, especially during the current crisis, which is on everyone's mind in our country. We're praying the Lord will stabilize the situation and allow us to continue on with the work here.
       The Chinese government and people are furious, as four people were killed and over 20 seriously wounded in the bombing. Many have labeled it as a deliberate act of aggression against their country by the US, and not simply a missile that went off target, because the building was struck by missiles coming from three different angles. The Chinese have taken a strong anti-NATO stance since the beginning of NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia some weeks ago, with daily reports on the news showing the destruction of the cities as well as the plight of the refugees. A number of people over the last few weeks have asked us if we thought this was going to escalate into a Third World War, and are very fearful of this prospect. The bombing of the embassy was the last straw for many of them, and people have reacted with outrage.
       There were two days of student demonstrations outside the US embassy in Beijing and consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, demanding a halt to the bombing, as well as punishment for those responsible. Other provincial cities, including our own, also had several days of demonstrations. Students carried banners like “Kill NATO,” “Foreigners Go Home” and “Clinton Worse than Hitler,” etc. The situatio n is quite volatile, and if the US decides to send in ground troops things could escalate quickly, and US citizens in particular could be targeted here.
       Different Chinese friends called us to express their concern for our safety, and to caution us not to go out in the streets. We live in a walled complex with guards, but they said out in the streets things might not be safe, as anti-foreign sentiment was running high. After praying the Lord showed us to do a large meat and vegetable shopping t rip close by, and afterwards just stay inside as much as possible. TTL we had already done a large bulk shopping for survival prep.
       We also received in prophecy to prepare the house, lock away and hide any identifying material, as well as any Chinese lit and Bibles (other than one or two), in case we did have a visit from the authorities. We decided to only read off the computer for the time being. We know that at times like this, people who are usually tolerant of our activities might suddenl y turn antagonistic and report anything they consider “suspicious.” We worked on making sure everything was packed in case we had to make a quick exit. We got all our flee bags ready and so on.
       The next morning we received a phone call from the local Public Security Bureau (police). They were very polite, only spoke in Chinese, and said they had some business they needed to discuss with us. We agreed to come to their office, which is close to our house. We weren't sure what was going to come o ut of all this, but we had everyone at home doing a prayer vigil, and TTL, it turned out they were mainly just concerned for our safety, and warned us that for now we should only leave the house to go to work and back.
       The officers we talked to were friendly and said that the Chinese people want peace, but that some of the local people might be angry and blame us for what happened. Overall the visit went well.
       Several teenage girls our daughter led to the Lord and who are close friends calle d to say that their school had warned them against having anything to do with foreign friends, and their parents had forbidden them to talk to us. Even though we know their parents and they'd previously been very friendly, right now people are afraid and concerned about what others will think. GB these girls, as they vowed their friendship anyway, but we felt it wise for their sakes as well as our own that they follow their parents' wishes and not call for now. They have tried to be our “eyes an d ears,” and have called to warn us if they heard anything. Once they called after being near our neighborhood and hearing some angry people saying something about “killing those foreigners.” She had no idea whether they meant foreigners in general, or us in particular, but she called to warn us to stay home. They also offered to do our shopping for us, GBT!
       This morning someone threw a paper airplane over the wall with our daughter's Chinese name on it and the English words “United States suc ks,” so there are definitely some upset people out there.
       The American consulate has been calling citizens registered with them, advising them to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary, and if possible to have Chinese friends do their marketing.
       We prayed about our Bible studies, and the Lord told us to cancel one of them and another we got the go-ahead for. We have not gone into the heart of the city but we've had to do some general business in our end of town. Things have been very quiet and people have been very polite and friendly, including our immediate neighbors.
       We feel it's a time to review our appearance to the local people, both in dress, mannerisms and speech. For instance our teens like to have fun, but people might now resent what they could mistakenly interpret as a light-hearted or cocky attitude from foreigners during this time of national mourning. As far as clothing goes, maybe now is the time to go conservative for a while, and try not to draw attention to o urselves in any way. For instance, combat fatigue pants, or military jackets, would be a definite no at this time. Also shirts with anything to do with America or US city names or even sports teams would be good to avoid for now.

       [Editor's note: Please pray for our Family members in China, for their safety and protection during this time of crisis.]

studio news

       Godfrey, DCS:
After a fun Christmas season in Mexico witnessing and doing concerts, work on the “Simon Black” album began aga in. We had the pleasure of having Silas (of Lily--remember him? MCV, etc.) come up and do some sax and flute work for us, which turned out just great! Thanks again, Silas!
       One exciting thing is that the DC Home and studio might be moving down to Mexico soon! It's quite a big move for us, but the Lord showed us to go so we're getting ready for the Lord to work. Besides working on Simon Black's album, we're also trying to contribute two or so songs a month to the FTTs. Please keep us in your pra yers as there's lots to do.
       P.S. Some of you that have the Eagle Bleeds album on CD might not know this, but the CD has something called CDXtra. It has extra photos, the complete lyrics to all the songs, credits, etc. To see these just put the CD into the CD-ROM player on your computer, click on it in Explorer, and you should see a file called “start.” Double click on it and there you are. Enjoy! (Note: Some older CD-ROMs might not read the CDXtra.)

studio contact points

       A number of you have asked for a way to directly contact the main Family studios. Perhaps you have a song or lyrics to send in, or would like to ask a question. Below are contact points for some of the studios.

The DC Studio


       5223 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. #170
       Washington DC 20015




       4359-94 Kanamari
       Chiba-ken 294-0023
       (Attn: JAS)




       CP 6090. RJ 20022-970
       Rio de Janeiro. Brazil




       Budapest H-1458
       PF.11 Hungary


update on Jasper/car accident
By Charity, VS, USA

       [Jasper (of Love) and Clara (of Paul), who were visiting Bolivia from the U.S., were involved in a serious car accident on April 18. The taxi that was transporting them was hit head-on by another car, resulting in the death of dear Clara, as well as the taxi driver. Jasper sustained serious multiple head and facial injuries, a nd is in a coma.]

Medical update on Jasper (May 1, 1999):

       He remains in a deep coma with multiple cranial contusions, with some hemorrhaging and swelling, although the swelling has been able to be kept under control since arriving in the States. He has pneumonia and the optical nerve in his right eye is severely damaged.
       One of the biggest problems occurred in Bolivia. When the medical team went to transport him back, he wasn't on a respirator and was only having two shallow breaths per m inute (average is 16 deep breaths), which means he was not getting enough oxygen to his brain for quite a long time. It's just another factor the Lord has to overcome, so please pray earnestly with us. He has now begun breathing on his own, which is a good sign. He doesn't look so bad as he only has one bad cut on his forehead that is healing well, and he is of course very bruised.
       We feel he knows we are in the room. Both Love and I felt he has squeezed our hands while talking to him at diffe rent times, and when there is a lot of action in the room, his breathing gets very rapid and he has some eye movement. His sister asked him to move his toes once, and he did.
       While Love had the flu for several days, I went in every morning and read to him out loud by faith, and felt clearly that at times I was getting some reactions from leg movements and eye movements. Those were precious times for me to talk to him and pray, and the Lord would always give me some little encouragement through the Word I read. Sometimes I got to witness to a doctor or nurse alone so it was very special. Thanks for all your prayers.

Paul and Clara's children:

       They have been wonderful little soldiers, always speaking faith. They will break and cry at times but end up smiling and happy. Mommy must be very proud of them. The baby is about two and was still breast-feeding. When Jasper and Love's daughter, Hope, came from Brazil, he just bonded with her. We were happy about that, as he had been having a difficult time. Please keep Paul and the children in your prayers. Thank you.

Plea for prayers and donations

Dear Family,
       God bless you! How exciting to serve our Lord and Lover with you. There's nothing like the love we share together in this Family.
       We wanted to ask for your prayers and a little financial help for our dear brother, Paul, whose wife Clara went to be with the Lord suddenly (see Grapevine #64). She and Jasper had just successfully witnessed to Ambassadors and diplomats , winning six of them to Jesus. Clara went right to her reward after such a tremendous victory. God bless her! She and Paul have eight very sweet children and have been in the States for a few years after very fruitful years and ministries in Peru and Bolivia.
       Paul and his children (ages 19 to 2) are fighting such a good fight. Their positiveness and faith are something we admire. During the time that Paul was in Peru for Clara's funeral, he received offers to a few Homes. Paul was so touched and warmed being back in Peru, that he wants to return immediately to this needy field with his children. He's such a trooper and so are the children. They have nearly depleted their reserves and have a need for funds to travel and land in Peru.
       Could you pray about helping Paul and his children with a donation to get them back on their feet and out to the mission field? Any amount would be a help and surely the Lord will bless your sacrifice and concern. Thanks. We knew we could count on you to come through for this dear family.

Together with you and our dear Husband forever,
Joanna (of Francis) for the Charlotte Airport Home

P.S. Please send your donations via TRF to Paul (of Clara), Charlotte Airport Home, US 3016 or by snail mail to:

       The Family
       5401-A South Blvd. #136
       Charlotte, N.C. 28217
       Attn.: Paul

Transport back and miracles of supply:

       The Lord did an incredible miracle in getting Jasper back here. A friend from his Bible study put up $40,000 to bring hi m back in a medical transport Lear jet. Getting him into the trauma hospital in Tampa was another miracle since they don't have insurance. All of these are due to his being so faithful in follow-up, as his friends are the ones who did all the work for us and just counseled with us as to the final decisions.
       He would be so happy to see how people have rallied in Tampa. Donations are rolling in. One man has pledged $1,000 monthly to the Home, plus lots of other financial donations, food for all three meals delivered to the Home daily, rooms and apartments offered for the family, gifts to Paul and Clara's children, etc. Most of these were from people whose lives Jasper had personally touched. It is beautiful! The hospital staff said they have never seen anyone with so many visitors.
       The Lord has given us some tremendous witnessing opportunities to his personal family. While Love was recovering from the flu, I stayed at the hospital for several hours daily. I took people back to his ro om one at a time to pray for him and see him the first time, which is a bit traumatic. People would just break and say how he had changed their lives and taught them to pray or to witness and love the Lord more. One man had recently lost his wife to cancer and lost faith in prayer, so it was a precious time for me to talk to him about learning to trust in God's love--no matter what has happened. Jasper had been so concerned about this dear man and had told me all about him before, so I can't hel p but wonder if he had this man's visit arranged from the spirit world.
       I was able to talk extensively to a couple who are the heads of a Bible study ministry (where Jasper met all the top people he knows). Although they weren't personally very close to Jasper, they stepped in and helped in innumerable ways by moving all their contacts. These people minister to doctors, lawyers, and city fathers in Tampa. Jasper has done a very good job in growing up a lot of these spiritual babes and teaching them about prophecy, etc. They are very touched by our simplicity and honesty.
       I also spent a long time with the man who is helping us get started in Senegal (which is a whole testimony in itself), and although he is Muslim, he put on a cross in honor of Jasper.
       Jasper's father told us, “If something tragic had to happen, thank God it happened in the Family. You are the most resilient people I have ever seen. You can go from crisis to crisis and just handle each one so wonderfully.” Quite a testimony!

       [Editor's note: Thank you for your continued prayers for Jasper's complete recovery, as well as for Love and family, the handling of all the medical and financial details, and for the Lord's abundant supply. Also your fervent prayers for dear Paul and his seven children, for their encouragement, comfort and for the provision of their every need.]


[What's going on!]
       Francis Peruvian, for Violet Home, Russia:
This last month, we hosted an English study group mini -camp for 30 kids. They all got saved and it was very good PR with the local administration. Our disco ministry took off this month, with about 300 kids coming weekly to our Poorboy-type club, in a fancy disco, which the Lord supplied the free use of. Our national dancing group performs there weekly and the anti-drug theme is drawing the TV crews to come and film, resulting in good coverage and PR for our local work.
       The training of our 17 catacombers continues to be the focal point of our eff orts, as our Home is now nearly all nationals. We're rocking out with classes and inspirations and witnessing. PTL! This past month we also participated and helped in the yearly orphanage convention of the Russian Far East. We performed and organized activities for about 800 orphans from 15 cities who came for this event.
       Our English Clubs in universities are also going well. With a third generation of potential catacombers being born, we are starting a new club in a very prestigious college i n our city, where we recently did an anti-narcotics program. The director was so flipped out that he asked us to run a club there.
       P.S. If anyone would like to be pen pals with our catacombers (ages 23-16), please feel free to write us via our e-mail address: Francis@mail.primorye.ru.

[In Chinese prisons]
       Whitewaves Home, Taiwan:
We again organized an Easter program in two prisons here in Taiwan, bringing in the SGA/YA dance team, an MC, as well as some singers and guitarists from other c ities. Our spirited Easter performance was well received by the prisoners and prison staff alike. One of the most touching moments was when we had the prisoners singing the song “Through It All” along with us. We asked the prisoners if those who were new or who hadn't prayed with us last time would like to pray this time and feel what it's like to truly trust in Jesus. Many respectfully bowed their heads and repeated the salvation prayer in Chinese with Crystal, our national MC. We printed up th e newly translated Easter Reflections, which we gave to each prisoner.
       The prison administration awarded us with a pennant for our contribution to helping the prisoners reflect on their lives and their future contribution to Chinese society when they are released.

[Day of the Child]
       Jason, Mexico:
The three Homes in our area planned a big CTP food/toy/clothes giveaway in a very poor neighborhood for “El Dia del Nino” (Day of the Child). Dear Manantial (a wonderful Guatemalan sister) worke d hard to provision food and drinks for about 1,000 kids. The Lord has also supplied toys, basic food, clothes, etc. It took 13 Family young people and six Red Cross volunteers over two hours to distribute everything. We closed the activity by praying the salvation prayer with all those present. Dan and Joy's Home did an inspiring puppet show, and the teens, YAs and SGAs performed some songs and dances.

[Chinese Children's Day]
       Whitewaves Home, Taiwan:
Falling on Easter Sunday this year was also Children's Day when we usually do several programs in the children's wards of local hospitals. We took our clowning/singing team to three hospitals, where we sang Chinese songs, clowned, ballooned and told the kids we were making this a special day because not only we and their mommies and daddies love them and think they are special, but Jesus does too, and He wants to become their best friend. We won a lot of Chinese children for Jesus, and brought some comfort to those in hospital durin g this time.

[Phone provisioning]
       Lily, Pakistan:
We have been trying to have a person on the phone at least 3-4 days per week to do provisioning and set up appointments, etc., and it has been very fruitful.
       We had gotten a phone from Dubai but when we took it in to get it working, we were told that it was not usable here. We were a bit disappointed but the Lord showed us to collect some cards of mobile phone dealers and phone them to ask for a new one. We went ahead with that idea and I started to make calls. It was a bit discouraging for me as the answers I got were on the negative side, and so I gave up and left it alone. The next day as I was looking through my cards I saw that I had one card left that I hadn't phoned yet, so I tried. The man said that we could come over anytime and pick whatever phone we wanted. He very generously gave a nice new model digital phone that has Caller Line Identification.

[Rice project]

Han Chinese constitute 98 percent of the pop ulation of Taiwan. The remainder are mostly Malayo-Polynesian aborigines.

       Whitewaves Home, Taiwan:
After the busy Chinese New Year we put together plans for our second rice delivery project to the single parents and needy amongst the aborigine mountain villages. We approached various sponsors whose contributions helped buy the rice, and approached the Aborigine church pastors for their help in preparing the lists of those needing help.
       For this second project we amassed another 1,000 kilos of rice. Even an orphanage we know shipped us their extra rice by train to help. We were able to help with five kilos of rice per child and returned with some clothes and extra things we had in the house. Whenever we spoke to them of Jesus' continuing love for them and their families, they all would respond with, “I know. I know Jesus loves me.” Not one of them seemed to be bitter about any of their experiences or conditions; they continued to acknowledge the love that they receive from Him. We gave out our Chinese Easter Reflections and lots of tracts for the kids, praying with them to receive another free gift: their best friend Jesus.
       The pastors are taking us further into the mountains with each project, so it seems we will soon be going up to the villages that can only be reached by foot. We are praying that the name “The Family” will become well known amongst all the aborigines we are meeting, and that we will be able to give these mountain Christians a good grounding in the B ible and Endtime events.

[Navajo reservations]
       David, Cherish and Jonathan, USA:
Last month we had a prayer request for the work here on the Reservations and it's been incredible what has happened all because of prayer! We were able to meet the president of the Navajo Reservation and gave him a packet of lit. He's the first Christian president of the largest Native American Tribe in the U.S. (Navajos), and the Lord has been opening up so many doors!


Movies Rated for Seni or Teens and Up

Warren Beatty, Halle Berry
       Satire about a depressed U.S. senator running for re-election who comes to a point of crisis in his life, and suddenly becomes brutally honest with his voters. Contains foul language, but also a strong exposé of American politics.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Matthew McConaughey, Jenna Elfman, Woody Harrelson
       Comedy/drama about a down-and-out video store clerk who agrees to have his every waking moment filmed by a camera crew for a live-TV cable network.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Kirstie Alley, Dale Midkiff
       Comedy about a female dentist who is cast into limbo after her death in an accident. To prove worthy of admittance into Heaven, she is given the assignment to act as the Tooth Fairy. Not scriptural, but fun with a sweet message.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Bill Paxton, Charlize Theron
       After being discovered in the African outback, a twenty-foot ape and a young woman who is his companion are brought to Los Angeles, where they become an instant sensation. (Parents might want to fast-forward for young or sensitive children a tense scene near the beginning of the movie where poachers are chasing the apes, and the little girl's mother goes to help.)

Non-Recommended Movies

RUGRATS MOVIE, THE (Animated; 1998)
VIRUS (William Baldwin, Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Sutherland, 1998)
8MM (Nicolas Cage; 1998)
URBAN LEGEND (a.k.a . Urban Legends, Jared Leto, Alicia Witt, Rebecca Gayheart, 1998)



       (Dad speaking:)
I think this movie has a pretty good message all round, though there are some parts that aren't the best or “right on” and there is quite a bit of foul language. This movie was designed to be an exposé of the hypocrisy, lies and selfishness of worldly governments, of politics and the politicians of today.
       Not many moviemakers these days dare to really come out and expose the System. This movie was designed to be an exposé, but of course they had to do it in sort of a comedic fashion so as not to upset the System too much. But at least someone, it seems, is trying to stick their head above the crowd, so you have to give it to them for that. I think the Family can glean the good out of this film and it can be entertaining and therefore I would deem it watchable.
       Watch out for the bad language! If you find you're having a problem with foul language either personally or as a Home, perhaps this is not the movie for you--or at least not at this time. Take in the good and eschew the evil. Amen? (End of message from Dad.)


       (Dad speaking:) There's a powerful message in this movie, and I'm sure if you've seen it you can name it right off the bat: Watch out for the Devil's traps, and don't sell your soul for a cheap thrill! It's sure a good reminder that you can never get something for nothing. Beware of the System's gifts, because no matter how pretty the packaging, i nside there's a gift that you'll have hell to pay for.
       That's why I keep plugging away, hitting away on you guys in message after message: Stay separate! Stay dropped out! Don't give the Devil an inch or he'll take a mile! Don't play footsie with the Enemy! You think these are just words that take up space in the GNs? If you're not convinced of the truth of these things in your own heart, you just might be one who's going to have to learn the hard way.
       It's a shame how they have to throw in those homosexual shots, isn't it? Ugh! Lord help us to be on guard against this subtle inroad of the Enemy and not let his poisonous gas seep into our mind to where we start to accept these things as the norm and lose our conviction against it. (End of message from Dad.)


       (Jesus speaking:)
This is a sweet, humorous and harmless movie, but it would not be good for very young and impressionable children to watch. Those who see it should be of sufficient age to discern between fact an d fiction, between the truth and the imagination of the world. The problem is that you have the reality of Heaven--albeit presented in a humorous and offbeat way--interposed along with total make-believe such as the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and other silliness. This is why it would not be good to show to younger audiences.
       But by the time a child is of OC age then they should be able to prayerfully discern this type of imagination, and thus be able to get the sweet message that the movie gives, and the fun enjoyment of watching it.
       It will be important for you parents who are watching this movie with your children--and I pray that you do watch their movies with them, and not leave them to fend alone with whatever might be coming onto the screen in these System-produced programs--to explain things clearly to them, maybe even have a little informal discussion and pow-wow afterwards. This is not for the purpose of preaching at them, but to make sure that all is clear in their mi nds as to what is true and what is not, so that they don't lump all the truths of what they believe in the same classification as this silliness that is portrayed.
       It's important that the children understand that their salvation is not judged by their works, as is portrayed in the movie. Their works will determine their rewards, but not their salvation. (End of message from Jesus.)

Mighty Joe Young

       (Jesus speaking:)
This movie is sweet, and mostly just entertainment. It may not be to ever yone's liking for different reasons. But one thing that it can help you understand is how much people need something to belong to, someone or something that they make a difference to.
       The girl needed someone to love, and someone to be loved by, and in her circumstances, she ended up being somewhat of a sister to Joe, the gorilla. Though it may seem odd and foolish, this is a portrayal of how desperate some people are and how they will give their heart and life to anything for love. People who feel forsaken, who don't fit in, who have been hurt, will give everything even for an animal, like she did. So it should break your heart for these people and help you want to give them true love, something real to live for, a purpose. They need to know that Someone does love them, and that they can make a difference.
       So let this movie, though it is mostly just entertainment and not extremely lesson-filled, give you a little insight into a different kind of life, and someone who might seem to be doing a silly thing, to see their heart and understand their need. (End of message from Jesus.)

Living on the field of India

--some young people comment

       “One inspiring testimony is that I've now received the gift of prophecy. I think the reason that I hadn't before was because of peer pressure; no one else was into it and you felt strange if you were, which is really off. Anyway, when I got here, whenever we'd pray about something at devotions or a meeting we'd hear from the Lord and someone would give out paper and pens to write your prophecy on. So it put a little pressure on but at the same time wasn't uncomfortable for me. At first I would mainly get some verses or a leading, but one day we got together with all the young people in the city with one of the CROs to hear from the Lord on specific topics. I got prophecies for all the different questions we brought before the Lord and it was real exciting. I still don't get big or super specific prophecies but I'm real thank ful to have the baby gift. Prophecy rules! It's been such a help and is really needed nowadays.”

       “One thing that I've really enjoyed since coming here are the CTPs. It's just so exciting! We go weekly to a center for homeless boys and teach them English, as well as a handicapped center where we play games with the children and do what we can to cheer them up. We also go to a drug rehab where we have what we call “happy hour,” since this is their only time to enjoy themselves. We sing songs, play games, have quizzes, or watch a movie. One of my best experiences since coming to India has been to be able to get involved in CTPs and do what little I can to bring happiness to others lives. It truly is wonderful!”

       “It's been real exciting here and a different experience as I've been so used to living in Christian countries. Here people are generally sweet, but you quite often run into some rough people. The situation is getting a bit tense in parts of the country with the Christians getting persecuted, so please pray that it doesn't affect us here.
       “I haven't settled on any main ministry yet, but my goal is to do mostly outreach. Also the Home is in need of drivers so I want to practice driving more. Driving is quite different here though, and very crazy as there are motorcycles, rickshaws and trucks all weaving around each other, plus cows on these narrow roads. If you think the roads in South America are bad, you should see them here! It's twice as bad.”

       Hi there, f olks! This is Amor Leal (SGA), formerly in Portugal and just arrived to India. Loving and warm greetings from the “City of Joy”!--Calcutta!
       Backtracking, just a few months ago, having had itchy feet for ages and eager to get to the field, I had a deep burden to ask the Lord about a confirmation for a choice of a field. That same night, I dreamt that my brother (Danny, presently in Bombay), dropped by for a visit, and so I surprised him with my luggage and booked ticket, saying, “You know what? …I'm heading to India, actually I'll join a Home in Calcutta.” Hearing that, my brother was just thrilled, sharing his experiences and testimonies. He concluded with, “I'm sure you'll love India!!”
       Right then I woke up, amazed at how the Lord took me at my word and confirmed my burden. Next I felt He expected me to step out by faith about my preparations, and so I started my countdown towards my blast off to that fascinating sub-continent. In no time, every piece fell into the puzzle. I was gr anted clearance, invited to a Home in Calcutta, supplied with landing funds and personal needs, got a visa and booked my flight--everything worked out beyond my expectation. TYJ!
       First impressions at my arrival? Just picture stepping out of the gloomy, gray and cold West, transferred to the East's warm, pleasant, contrasting sights, sounds, smells and tastes! Best of all is this warm, welcome feeling flowing from multitudes of varied, sweet, friendly, and simple people crossing your way.
       Hey , you guys of all ages, are you looking for an exciting, thrilling, challenging and super potential field? Just launch out to India and have a major blast!--India's waiting for you. It's a majestic land, diverse climate, landscape, people and culture, gifted with variety--the rare spice of life!
--Amor Leal (21), India

CVC is changing our Home!

By Seek, Mexico

Serious training

       Christina and I, who work together VSing, also live with about 15 CVC student young people in our Home. Jason and Cedar's Home is nearby and they have a number of students as well. Dan and Joy have agreed to help with some of the classes, along with their son David, and his wife Shanti.
       We have young people from the US, Brazil, Japan, Costa Rica and England who answered a pretty serious ad for personnel, explaining that a lot would be expected of them, and they would come with the understanding they would be participating in this Missionary Training Course. In fact, all the young people in the city ar e part of the CVC, which is making it much more exciting as all are working together.

Spanish language course

       Most of the CVC students are involved in the paramedic course that Jason has been heading up. The College Curriculum includes a “General Missions Course” that everyone has to take, which is a compilation of several Courses from the CVC Book. We also have a Spanish language, Mexican history, government, and geography course, which is an elective, but which we feel is imperative if th e young people are going to be real missionaries and become one with this field. David (of Shanti) has also planned a very interesting computer course, which is integrated into a Business Course from the CVC book.
       Jason was able to talk with the director of a language school, and he first coordinated a three-week Spanish course to prepare those who were to take the paramedic course, as a number of them are English speakers. Now, one of the teachers is continuing with a Spanish language course in Jason and Cedar's Home each week. Cedar and I are both taking the course, and DV, our children will be taking a course too. He gives us lots of homework, which is helping our young people learn to study on their own and to concentrate, which they haven't had a lot of experience in.

Paramedics instruction

       Jason: Thirteen of us young people, ranging from 18 to 27, are in our third week of Red Cross EMT (paramedic) school. The instructors at the Red Cross have been a little awestruck and im pressed about having so much “foreign” participation, as we are three Costa Ricans, one British, four Americans, and six Mexicans. It has been a good testimony of our missionary lives and we've gotten to witness to almost all of the other students, both in and out of our classes, which are two hours either in the morning or evening.

       They are being introduced to military discipline, no makeup, putting their hair up, standing at attention when the trainer comes in, and they need to buy a unifo rm. They will learn water rescue, how to scale mountains and rescue in tight situations. They will have to work in the hospital a certain number of hours, and at the end of the course will be taken to the emergency room in Mexico City to see some serious emergency situations.
       This has been a wonderful witnessing opportunity, as to begin the course they each had to get up and tell why they were taking the course. They also had a group discussion about war, and everyone knows that our group is m issionaries and have already dedicated their lives to help others, so in this way they are way ahead of some of the others in the course. I think the young people are seeing that we have had a lot of good training that these other young people don't have, and it is going to pay off especially in the different emergency situations they encounter.

That “lost” feeling

       When I started looking into the CVC, I was totally lost. I opened the book so many times, only to close it thinking that I didn 't understand it. But when I started to use it and teach others how to use the courses, then it became very clear. Now when I open the CVC book, it seems so simple.
       The spirit of our Home has changed! No one can say they don't have anything to do, as they always have things to do. We schedule study hall each day, and everyone has to learn to use their time wisely, and how to study. There are so many hurdles to overcome; each week, the Lord shows us more of the overall picture. But He told us i n prophecy in the beginning that this was going to be a pioneer effort and that we would learn as we go along.

Executive council

       We were praying about how to elect a new teamwork, as it was difficult for some to fulfill the specific portfolios of each teamworker. The Lord showed us to form an executive council teamwork, which now consists of mostly young people who were here originally and who had prayed with us about the vision and goals for our Home. This is helping these young people gro w into responsibility, especially since we are gone sometimes with VS duties.

School vision

       I wanted to add a note about reading “The School Vision” and “Have a School.” I was flipped over these Letters and the counsel Dad gave in them. He mentioned how it is almost impossible for a single Home to meet all the needs of the Home, as well as the educational needs of the children. This was 12 years ago and it seems like the situation is still quite desperate. We've seen the good results of Hom es working together with the education of our young people, and it seems like this might be the answer for our children as well. It seems if we don't cooperate in this way, many parents are having to look to the System to help educate their children.
       I personally always wanted to pioneer in a city where there wasn't another Family Home. I wanted to have free rein on the field, and not have to counsel with others so much about witnessing, provisioning, etc. But it seems that maybe the vision sh ould be just the opposite … to try to unite together in different cities, so that Homes can organize day schools for the education of their children, and still be able to continue their outreach, provisioning, etc.

CVC as a fundraising appeal

       You'll find good suggestions for appeal letters in the “General Reference Handbook,” and one concerns using your school as an appeal project. We took a group picture of our students, and put together a simple two-page appeal letter, using the CVC as a fundraising appeal. People really like to support this type of thing.


, Andrew and Michael,please write us (Stephen and Clare)! We've been trying to get in touch with you, but it seems like you aren't getting our mail. Please only write through Russian ABM to RU049.
       Jay P.
, where are you? Please contact Joana Love at I lost contact with you when you moved to Chile.
       Elaine Robin
, please contact Miriam (Spanish) at
(Australian FGA), I'd love to hear from you. I met you in Bangkok for a short time around the 80s. I was taking care of your two small children when you went out. You came from Indonesia and then went to Japan after. My name is French Zac. My e-mail is: fbourdiaux@aol.com.
       Joanna (formerly Tabitha) would like to hear from Mary (formerly Dance) of Willing, and John (formerly of Sharon Curacao). Last heard of in Brazil. Please write to Joanna PO box 77, Jomtien PO, Pattaya, Thailand . E-mail: shellfam@netscape.com.
       Hello, I was wondering if Mercy, Andrew and family are there? If so, tell them that Ken Lindsey said hello. Could you ask them to get in contact with me?
       Michael and Rebecca Daysman
, please contact Sharon (Abby) ASAP at hansen@hansen.com.
       Esther (of Spanish Victoria) would urgently like to contact Martin and Nina. We lived together in Italy. You can contact me through the Spanish ABM or quicker through my e-mail address: estyrealmadrid@hotmail.com.
       I'm lo oking for a person named Jasmine. She was on the Bosnia team last august `98. Please write that Peter W. is looking for her. She can reach me at: samhei@aol.com.
       Meekness (of Asher and Joan) is looking for French Gabriel (of Samson and Christine). I will be in France shortly so you may contact me at: ashjoan@aol.com.
       Shannon would like to get in touch with French Angie (of Susan). Met you at the Camp in Hungary. Last I heard you were in Africa. Contact me as soon as you get this!!! My e-mail is: Jsfam@smn.tenet.odessa.ua.
       Does anyone know where we can find Rejoice B.? She was last heard of in the Sao Paulo area. We (Martin and Mercy, Mozambique, her parents) are anxious to contact her. Our address: C.P. 15, Maputo, Mozambique. E-mail: mozamfam@tropical.co.mz.
       Raychel Mara
, can you please contact Cecy asap at Cecy78@aol.com.

stories and remembrances of Dad

       A former staff member:
My first meeting with Dad and Mama was one I will never forget. First of all, I was unaware th at I was in the Folks' house when I arrived. I had assumed that I was simply joining another WS unit. Apparently Dad, Mama, David and Techi weren't home at the time of my arrival, and Alf greeted me at the door--but I didn't know who Alf was because we had never met before. So, as far as I knew, he was just another brother.
       Alf was friendly and bouncy, and we went for a swim and he showed me around the house a little. The first room I was taken to for the “house tour” was the dining room, whic h fascinated me because it had a long dining room table with chairs set up all the way around it, and at one end there was a small platform which had a large chair set on it, and then a smaller chair next to it. In front of this large chair, on the table, was a recording and microphone set-up. I thought, Oh, this is probably where the shepherd sits, and they record all their announcements and meetings--what a good idea!
       Then we went into the kitchen, where Alf, Sara and I sat and had a little snack and a coffee, and we talked some more, probably for about a half an hour. During the course of this conversation, Sara (who at the time I didn't know was Sara) asked me if I had any idea where I was. Of course, I really didn't know exactly where I was, so I said, “Well, no, I don't know exactly where I am.” She had this very sweet smile on her face while she asked me this question. My mind was beginning to race, as I was trying to figure out exactly where I could be.
       Then Davidito walked into the kitchen. At this point it still didn't click to me that this was Davidito, although he looked (at least at the time) quite similar to what he looked like when he was a little boy, just a whole lot taller. However, right behind David was little Techi, who I think was about five or six years old at the time. Then my heart began to pound, because I immediately recognized who she was. Then it dawned on me who David was. Then David said, “Oh, can somebody tell me where the bandaids are? Gra ndpa just scratched his forehead, and he asked me to come and get a bandaid. So can somebody come and help me, please?”
       At this point I could feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest, and I wasn't sure if I should shout, run, cry, jump or hide. Of course I was excited. My emotions were mixed, because I was both scared and totally awestruck--I was completely flabbergasted, to say the least.
       I didn't meet Dad and Mama on the first day I was there in their Home. I think it was either the seco nd or the third day when I was approaching the main house from the room where I was staying, and I could see Dad and Mama approaching the same door that I was approaching--they from the inside and me from the outside. I thought, Praise the Lord! This is it! I'm going to meet the prophet and the queen! I put my hand on the doorknob and I felt the doorknob turning in my hand, and I realized that Dad was turning the doorknob from the inside. So I stood back, and the door slowly opened, and there wa s Dad with a great big beaming smile, standing next to Mama with a great big beaming smile.
       In a deep, sweet and friendly tone of voice, he said, “Hello, Son, praise the Lord! It's good to have you with us.” He looked at me for a moment and said, “Praise the Lord, Son. When we saw you on the video, we only saw you sitting down, so we thought you were a short person.” Then he added, “But now that I see how tall you are, it looks to me like we're really going to get our money's worth!”--And he c huckled a little.
       Mama came and held my hand, and said that she was so happy that I had arrived, and they were so thankful to have me in the house. Mama was so radiant and beautiful and so warm and comforting.

       Staff member:
At one of our locations we had a place outside the city and Dad, who read the local paper daily, saw that the crime rate was going up. In situations like that Dad believed in doing what we could as far as security and our safety went. He would often quote the verse, “A strong man armed keepeth his goods in peace.” So we came up with the idea of a homemade electric fence. It was pretty cheap to make and didn't use hardly any electricity.
       With Dad's ingenuity we had bells connected to different locations so if something shorted the two wires together, a bell would go off and we'd know immediately which location it was that somebody was trying to get over. Of course we had danger signs posted everywhere to really warn potential thieves. Boy did it look awesome.
       When we had finished it, as busy as Dad always was, he was concerned about our neighbor's security close by, so he had us boys put up one for them too for free (they paid for materials), and Dad spent every day with us engineering it. Dad was always so giving and concerned about people.

       Marina, Japan:
On one occasion I accompanied Alf on some business downtown, and we bumped into the Folks who were out on a walk. It was very hot, and my feet were sweating in my dress shoes that were rubbi ng against my heels. One of them was developing a big blister. When Dad found out about this, he was so moved with compassion and concern about me having this little discomfort that he almost cried. He told Alf: “Son, go and buy her some sandals right away!” Dad's attitude touched my heart deeply. Here I was trying to be a tough soldier, enduring hardship, but he showed me that a good shepherd takes care of every little detail of his sheep's well-being and is touched with the feeling of our infi rmities, ready to bring relief from suffering whenever possible.
       One thing that impressed me about Dad was that whenever we ran into each other in the course of the day, he was never too busy to greet me and give me a few moments of his undivided attention. He would hug me and hold me and praise and thank God for me. Sometimes he would tell me how very glad he was that I had chosen to serve the Lord with him and Mama and the Family. He'd thank me for just being there and for every little thing I did, even just sewing on his buttons. During every single moment that I spent in his presence, he made me feel immensely wanted, needed and appreciated.

       Sharon (Sara D.):
Mama was always concerned that we gave the kids healthy food and well-balanced diets and taught them good eating habits. She herself was a real good example of this. Nothing extravagant or overdone, but simply mindful that the nutrients were preserved in our cooking and that we were eating well-balanced, healthy foods an d not giving room for inferior quality or junk.
       We used to eat quite a bit of liver, especially if we were over-tired or working hard, or during pregnancy, etc. In France we had liver on the meal plan once a week!
       Finally after trying his best to get down liver on a number of occasions, and most likely due to the fact that it was very difficult for us to learn how to cook it in such a way that it was easy for him to chew and digest and enjoy, Dad proclaimed at the table as he put down his kn ife and fork, “I want to be de-livered!” And that was it, no more liver on the meal plan. You should have seen different non-liver-lovers rejoice! Ha! No more liver for dinner. But those of us who were able to enjoy it were still able to eat it at lunch as desired.

       Staff member:
During a brief stay in a hotel, we sometimes had difficulty connecting via phone between our rooms. You could call direct, or go through the hotel operator.
       One morning Mama called us pretty early, but somehow she got a different room instead of our room. The fellow who answered spoke perfect English and sounded a bit like one of our Family men. Mama thought that she had gotten our room, but she couldn't quite place who had answered the phone.
       She started asking him questions like, “What are you going to do today?”
       The man just played along with it and had a full conversation with her, answering, “Oh, I'm not really sure yet.” So she asked, “Well, do you have any ideas?” He replied, “Oh, I don't know, my brain's not really working yet.” Finally after a few minutes Mama said, “Okay, well, I guess I'll call back later.” A few minutes later when she redialed and actually did reach us, she laughed and laughed, thinking of how she had been quizzing some hotel guest about his plans for the day!

To go for the gold … or not!

By Joy (SGA, of Andrew) Mexico

       I seem to have a real easy time getting pregnant. Andrew and I only had dates for a few months before I became pregnant with Richard, and then after getting my first period when he was eight months old, I only had one period before I got pregnant again right away, and miscarried at two-and-a-half months. Then I didn't even have a period between that miscarriage and getting pregnant with Timmy, when Richard was almost 12 months old.
       After having Timmy I was really feeling the difference in the workload (of having two kids as opposed to previously having only one), and was really praying that I would have a break and not get pregn ant for quite a long time, like at least a year or two. Well, after Timmy's birth, I had my normal long “period” that lasted for about six weeks.
       After those six weeks, to my surprise I had only a week's break and then went right into another period. That was a bit disturbing, so I went for a checkup to the sweet doctor I'd seen throughout my pregnancy, to see if there was something wrong. Well, there wasn't. She said it was just a normal period. I'd started having them again, early!
       So ther e I was on the cycle again, thankful that there was nothing wrong with me, but extremely disappointed about having started my period so soon! I had been counting on not having my period while I nursed, at least for awhile, which in my mind would have given me some protection from getting pregnant so soon. But now, given my previous history, I was looking at the possibility of being pregnant again within a month or two, with a baby only one-and-a-half months old! Facing the possibility of having two kids under a year, I was, to put it mildly, FREAKING OUT! I had gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies and desperately wanted to get back in shape! I also wanted to learn to care for two kids for a while before starting on number three.
       At this point I was very seriously considering using birth control of some kind, and to be honest, I pretty much had my mind made up already. But I thought, to give it a fair chance, I really should re-read “Go for the Gold.” I had two reasons for tha t: 1) To see exactly what it had to say, and 2) Hopefully find a good loophole so that I could use birth control and yet still be in the Lord's highest will. (I think the #2 reason was actually the #1 reason at the time.)
       Well, I read it pretty thoroughly (it took several days of quiet time) and I'm sure you can figure the rest. Slowly but surely the Word changed my heart. I went from “I'm definitely using something, just as soon as I find my loophole” to “I can hardly imagine not using anythi ng” to “Maybe I'll use something, we'll see,” and finally to “We'd better pray about this, because we probably won't be using anything.” It was a good thing too, because as it turned out I didn't find the loophole I was looking for!
       It was very clear about what the Lord's highest will was, how by going for the silver we would be forfeiting some of the Lord's blessings and protection in our lives. I just couldn't see how I could possibly live with myself if I decided to do that, never knowing w hat blessings the Lord would have given “if we only had.…” Andrew and I prayed about it together, and though I didn't get anything at the time, Andrew got the verse “Command thou Me,” which we took to mean that the Lord wanted us to ask Him for what we wanted and then trust Him from there. So we asked for a year at the least, and two preferably, before I got pregnant again.
       Later (ensconced in the safety of my keyboard, where I always hear from the Lord) I went to Him again and asked for some specific instruction or confirmation. I wasn't sure I'd be able to hear clearly in my very agitated state, but I was desperate and He likes that, so He sweetly spoke and told me that He loved me and would never give me anything that wasn't the best for me, and that He was happy we'd made the decision to trust Him. He told me He would honor my heart's desire and give us a break of at least a year. Those were His very specific words. I was actually kind of reluctant to type it out, `cause I though t, “Gosh, Lord, aren't You kind of putting Yourself in a box here?” But that was what He said. Well, my first test of faith was soon to come.
       At the time of hearing this, I was still on my period. So a month goes by, and my next period DOESN'T roll around like it should, and I start having smallish symptoms, like being extra hungry, making frequent trips to the ladies' room, losing a few pounds, etc. Since the Lord has blessed me greatly in that I don't have morning sickness, those are the onl y symptoms I usually get at first. Well, they were very worrisome. Another month rolled by and I was almost sure I was pregnant by this time. Almost three months after my first period I just had to know for sure, and I asked Andrew to please buy a home test for me while he was out.
       While he was gone (buying my test), I sat down at the computer and waited for the Lord to speak. “Why, Lord? How can I be pregnant again when You said so specifically that I wasn't going to be?” What I was hoping fo r and expecting was an explanation of how I could be pregnant again so soon when He'd said so specifically that He would give me a break. I had some ideas of my own, i.e.: maybe I was being a false prophet at the time, or maybe the Lord changed His mind like in the Jonah phenomenon, or something like that. It was funny, because all I got was things like, “God is not a man that He should lie,” and “I do not break my promises” and stuff like that. I was like, “Hey Lord, if You haven't noticed, tha t box I was talking about is closing in on You!” I should have known that the Lord is generally pretty well able to keep Himself out of boxes.
       Andrew came home with the test, and told me that he thought it was just a test of my faith. But I was determined to take the test and know once and for all whether I was or was not pregnant! Well, when the moment of truth arrived, sure enough, I...was...NOT. And I felt terrible. I had doubted the Lord's repeated word to me, and practically accused Him o f not keeping His promises. I had to go back and make some real big apologies to Him, and He sweetly forgave me, and showed me that what I had thought was a stone was actually my bread. He had taken away my period to keep His promise and not let me get pregnant so soon, and here I'd thought it was because He was changing His mind or something. You can imagine how I had to make up with the Lord for awhile there.
       Just a couple months ago I again had a test of faith, basically the same thing. I'm sorry to say that I basically failed again, although I wasn't as devastated about things as before, and at least I did yield and tell the Lord that not my will but His be done. I had another period and then no more, and thought I was pregnant, but I wasn't, and was asking the Lord what was going on, again. Can you imagine, twice in a row? You'd think that I would learn by this time, huh? I had to once again tell the Lord how sorry I was for not believing Him and doubting His Word.
       After readi ng the latest Law of Love series, I kind of wondered about all this, `cause you know it talks about how the Lord isn't in the business of keeping you from getting pregnant. I don't have a grand theological explanation to reconcile that with this, all I can say is that's what the Lord specifically told me when I asked for a break, and that's what's happened, so...I guess He works in mysterious ways.
       That's my story of my failings but the Lord's never-failing promises and love and forgiveness. I sn't He sweet?

P.S. Timmy is now a year and three months and I still am not pregnant. Not that that's the point of the testimony, but it shows that the Lord is the One Who's totally in control of these things, as I've been having regular periods since he was about 10 months old.


[Math, survival skills and art]
       Mike, Sharon and April, USA:
I was worrying about how I was going to make it in meeting the kids' needs, especially when some of our Home members were leaving for India. I t basically left me to do everything from teaching, cooking, laundry, fundraising, etc. etc. But we have five new disciples ready to join, and we have just been putting them first and feeding the sheep.
       Little did I realize the miracle that was happening, as it turns out that I now have three very good teachers for my kids. Jason (19) is a whiz in math and was able to tutor Marie (14) so that she got 97% on her Jr. High test for her diploma. He is now tutoring our OC and JETTs in math which th ey desperately need. They have so much fun with him teaching them.
       Brian (30) teaches them classes on survival; this last week they learned how to tell which clouds mean what kind of weather. They are also reading the stars at night and can always tell where north is. He's teaching them survival skills such as building a lean to, knot ties, and such.
       Kathy is an artist and also very good with history and geography, and takes the OCs and JETTs for classes after reading Word with them. They ha ve a lot of fun reading spirit stories together, babes and all, and it has been wonderful how the Lord is meeting everyone's needs with Word and school together as we train our babes. TYJ! Jesus was so wise in telling us to feed His sheep. All our needs are met when we put Him and His sheep first.

       Matthew, Phillip and Marie, India:
Using the gift of prophecy is proving to be the best tip in our outreach, follow-up and provisioning. In light of the current anti-Christian climate in parts of India, we heard from the Lord as a city about our market provisioning, asking Him if He wanted us to make any changes in our approach. Besides emphasizing the need for us to faithfully feed these precious contacts, the Lord gave us some specific practical guidelines for us to follow, i.e. do the sorting in one of the Homes rather than at the market itself, stop our united breakfast at the market, have no girls there, and basically be much more discreet and less conspicuous during th e time we spend at the market.
       Sure enough, the very week we started implementing these changes, the police were all over the market, checking all venders for their licenses, and ousting those who didn't have one. We don't need a license as apparent buyers, however our sorting for four Homes would have drawn unnecessary attention and questions, and could have given the appearance that we were illegal sellers. We were very thankful for the Lord's specific guidance, counsel and advance warning s ystem through the new weapons. Following His voice and guidelines made it possible for us to continue with our market provisioning.

[Striking the balance]
       Home in China:
We have a few bouncy, beautiful, full-of-the-Lord's Spirit young female members in the Home. They all love the Word and are faithful to exercise and use their weapons of praise and prophecy daily. They are real live ones! However, in their zeal to witness and pour out to the people they come into contact with, whether in ou r neighborhood or outside the bounds of our Home environment, we have found that close shepherding and constantly checking with the Lord for His divine guidance for different witnessing situations that come up is very important. We have pow-wows, open forum discussions and a lot of instructions from the Lord and the Word in how to relate to the System. There are a few foreigners we have had contact with in our neighborhood. We didn't go out of our way to talk and witness to them, but the Lord ke eps bringing them across our paths, so it would have appeared strange and rude not to be friendly. Then different ones started to get invitation to go out for a jog, or play basketball together, or to someone's house for dinner, etc.
       Because we are in a sensitive country, and because the ones involved are relatively young and inexperienced in witnessing in a sensitive situation, we found ourselves meddling a lot in their witnessing activities. Not that we don't trust them, but in the multitude s of counselors there is safety. The girls are very open to our suggestions, corrections, instruction and counsel. They are real soldiers and desire to do the Lord's will most of all! Together we've learned the balance between being too friendly, accepting every invitation, and being the right sample and upholding the Family standard. We have to strike the right balance between “be not unequally yoked with unbelievers” and “becoming one” and being winsome. Only the Lord can show us the differenc e and tell us what to do in each case. All we need to do is to ask.


School records for 16+
According to the Charter, certain school records are necessary to keep, such as an attendance record and some others. The Charter says that these records are needed for all school-age children. The Charter also says that when teens turn 16, they are no longer children. Does this mean that when a teen turns 16, that it is no longer necessary to keep an attendance record and the other school records required for children?
--Dawn, Thailand
You're not required under the Charter to keep schooling records after a teen turns 16. But if a teen is still having schooling after 16, then it would be a good idea to keep records if you're able. However, some countries require people to be in school till they are 18, so although the Charter doesn't require keeping school records after the age of 16, local laws may. So if you don't want to run afoul of the authorities it may pay for you to keep some sort of log or other record of schooling done.

letters to the editor

Re: Credit where it's due

       I was pleasantly surprised to see our little testimony about our contribution to the Deaf Week in FAR 084, but I felt quite bad that Kalyani and I were getting all the credit for it, when dear Sunny and Simon, who are the Deaf Home in the city, were the ones who single-handedly organized the whole thing, which was a mammoth job. Our contribution was minimal during the last two days of the weeklong event, and I wanted to apologize for not being more specific when writing the testimony. Instead of just saying “the Family organized this and that, and we personally helped with this part,” I should have specifically named Sunny and Simon. I did not realize that, if printed, our testimony would be edited in this way, replacing “The Family” with “we,” and therefore sounding like we pocketed all the credit! It's probably too late now to publish their names and give credit where cred it is due, but I still wanted to apologize for the record. Sorry about that! Good lesson for me in writing testimonies for the future.
--Marie, India

       [Editor's note: Thanks, Marie! We're sorry if our little edit caused you any distress and made it look like you were taking the credit, and we hope this little apology from us clears things up too. But it's a good reminder to all to be sure when writing a testimony or story up, to give the full picture and give credit to all involved.]

Re: More on System jobs
(GV #35, pg.6)
       We just wanted to comment on another aspect of System jobs. Our Home had been struggling quite a bit this winter with extra expenses such as increased visa and fuel fees, less witnessing opportunities due to the cold weather, Lily being in India for seven weeks during the Heart to Heart tour, etc.
       There arose at this time a need for some more teaching hours at Jim's school, where he mostly does teaching for corporations, and there is always more need than t here are teachers available. So his school recently asked him if he would consider taking on an extra 6-8 hours a week. This is not a tremendous workload, and the compensation for this would have been approximately $450 a month more income to the Home, which we all felt would have been a real blessing. So when going back and forth and discussing the pros and the cons, it seemed like a good idea. When we asked one of the Home members to take it to the Lord, the Lord was very sweet and encouraging , although He didn't give a definite “yes” or “no.” He mainly encouraged us not to trust in the arm of the flesh, but to rest in Him and save our best for Him, and that indeed He was the best supplier.
       Having received that prophecy, we called to let the school know that it would not be possible to take on more hours, as the Lord had seemed to indicate to us through prophecy. That very day we received a message via e-mail that our area's Lit Pic monthly gift would be increased by 300%. This was an incredible answer to prayer, and although the money doesn't go to running our Home or Home expenses, it does mean a greater variety of tools will be able to be produced, which will definitely enhance our distribution, and in the long run help the Home's income, as well as all the Homes on our field. So this is quite an answer to prayer.
       Also, the very same day, our dear SGA outreachers (Dolly and Francesco) met a man that we had been trying to meet for some time. The man doesn't speak any English, but after looking at our pictures and PR album, and some of the work that we are doing, he decided to give a $500 donation, as well as a promise to help us with a vehicle in the summer time if he liked the work after visiting some of our CTPs. Again, this was the good fruit of following the Lord very closely. By us not taking the extra hours at Jim's school, the Lord did say that He would supply … and He did. Even the very same day!
--Jim and Home, Turkey

help wanted

       We are Dani el (Peruvian), Angela (Romanian) and our baby Nadia, pioneering a Home in the center of Romania. Our vision is to establish the national church and reach this precious people that are hungry and open for the WWW. We would also like to be more involved in translating our beautiful materials in Romanian. To do all this we need your help. Please send any gifts via EURCRO for Ro019.

       We are two families (8 kids) stepping out to open a Home in the untouched south of Turkey. We need a lot of help t o get off to a good start, so if the Lord lays it on your heart to help us reach the sheep in some of Apostle Paul's old stomping grounds, it would go a long way! Please send your gifts via ASCRO “To Antalya Beach Home.” TX!

needs your help. In 1995 this country was rated poorer than Cambodia or Haiti. So far the two Homes here have only been able to print and distribute small amounts of tracts out of our living expenses. We'd like to distribute color posters by the 100,000s. Also , is anyone in the US interested in sponsoring or raising funds, food, clothing or medicine?--We have a legal association here which is an FCF project, but we have no connections in the US. “In this part of Africa everybody needs shoes!” Can you help? Write to “Save the Youth” BP1762, Antananarivo, Madagascar (Africa). GP e-mail: gem.i.c@simicro.mg (c/o Stephane and Jessica).

       We are a small Home of one couple, three young people, and soon-to-be four small children, in Capetown, South Africa. We have a rewarding ministry of helping to feed 400 children every day at two soup-kitchens in local squatter camps; we supply fruit for a local hospital for the poor and have an open door to help weekly at a center for Down Syndrome children. Besides these CTPs we are busy witnessing, getting out the tools and following up on contacts. But WE NEED HELP to make ends meet. Can YOU help? Please send donations to AF1506, through the TRF. We'll send you our latest newsletter and any other info. Tha nk you so, so much! Much Love, Anthony, Talitha, Sam, Angela and Home. P.S. We are an official FCF project; Helping Hand Project # 98 F05 for anyone who can or wants to help this way.

       We would like to ask for help for one of our dear friends who has been a faithful Family live-out member for the last five years. Pasha needs to have an urgent operation on his leg to change a hip joint, otherwise he might become an invalid. He's out of work right now due to the serious economic crisis here and the operation costs $700, which he needs desperately! If the Lord lays it on your heart to help dear Pasha with a donation towards this operation, please send it to RU028, Russia, designated “for Pasha.” Thank you for your heartfelt giving.

tip of the day

       Just wanted to add on to the computer tip from an ABM published in GV #60. If you are using Word 7.0 or an earlier version, saving files in RTF does cut down the file size. In Word 97 though, it only makes a difference if there are no g raphics in the file. If there are graphics in your file and you save it in RTF format, the file size in comparison to Word 97 (*.doc) format, is more than double. I've received huge 1.2 MB RTF files, that when I saved in Word 97 format, were only 200 Kb.

ideas and tips

Angel day

       Being inspired by the story “The Last Straw” from the mag “Christmas in the Heart,” we decided to do something similar during our Feast time! Everyone knows this as a Guardian Angel game. We put the names of everyone in the Home into a hat and every evening we picked out a person for whom we had to specially care for the following day. We had lots of fun and our Feast days were full of loving, sweet surprises.
       It was especially touching to see the little kids being so inspired and enthusiastic about doing something nice for others. As soon as they picked somebody's name out of the hat, they ran off to find something nice to do. In the morning they made “their person's” bed. They were busy prepa ring yummy snacks, drawing pictures, making plates before meal times. Everyone joined in wholeheartedly and in the evenings we were guessing who our “angel” was that day. Usually people guessed as they had plenty of clues throughout the day, but some angels were very inventive and skilful and they managed to stay unrecognized, so we were in for some surprises as well. Seeing how it helped all of us to be more loving and thoughtful of others, we decided to have an “angel day” every week.
--David , Sara, Lydia, Rose and Heidi, Ukraine

Members only Family Web site


       July UserID: july
       July password: brush-ur-teeth


       Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, mutual beauty of our lives
       Though our minds' depiction of His beauties diversified.

       See Zine #32 for some recent artist conceptions of Jesus. (Check the MO site for downloadable pictures.)

now that's funny

       The American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow-fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
       The Mexican replied, “Only a little while.”
       The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish.
       The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.
       The American then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”
       The Mexican fisherman said, “I sl eep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria. Then I stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor.”
       The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your ca tch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise.”
       The Mexican fisherman asked, “But senor, how long will this all take?”
       To which the American replied, “15-20 years.”
       “But what then, senor?”
       The American laughed and said, “Tha t's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.”
       “Millions, senor? Then what?”
       The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, Maria, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
--courtesy of James

April 1999

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       3,250       6,500
Ben/Tirzah/Diamond/Linda, South Africa
       2,892       20,250
Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       1,250       5,000
Pablo E., Chile       1,147       2,295
Madras Deaf Home, India       657       1,972
Josue/Maria, Mexico       617       3,083
Cephas/Anita, Mexico       460       920
Timothy/Windy, Colombia       300       600
Timothy/Rejoice/Dove, USA       264       2,637
Francisco/Kitty, Bolivia       237       950

Peter S./Crystal S./Mary M., USA
       3,7 34       14,936
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       2,663       5,325
Francis Mountain/Joanna Rose, USA
       1,473       13,265
Michael/Maria, Japan       1,170       3,510
Martin/Mercy/Jonathan, Mozambique       1,097       3,293
Christmas, Japan       1,034       1,034
Sharon Freemen/Abe Freemen, USA       1,000       3,000
Steven/Mercy, Japan       975       3,900
Timothy/Rejoice Eve/Dove, USA       905       9,049
James Giver/Marie Giver/Ester Victory, USA       883       6,179

Pablo E., Chile
       287       574
Francisco/Joanna/Luana, Brazil       106       320
David/Madalena/Andrew/Paula, Brazil
       101       407
Rufus/Dulce/Ivanna, USA       94       283
Andres/Blanca/Sara, Bolivia       84       253
Lalo/Ruth/Sweety, Mexico       75       450
Sam/Maria, Brazil       71       142
Samuel/Clara, Spain       65       131
Josue/Abigail/Caleb/Heidi, Costa Rica       63       315
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico       61       121

Joseph/Rosa, Chile
       123       247
Juan Fco/Ester/Susana/Mike, Brazil
       52       208
Abner/Esther/Claire/Sharmini, South Africa
       48.0       192
Jesse/Maria Clara, Brazil       39       79
Pancho/Susy/Andrew/Kathy, Ecuador       33       100
Aaron/Joy/Angie, BrazIl        30       185
Ben/Meekness, Botswana       30       120
Philip/Meekness/Josh, Namibia       26       53
Daniella/Steven, USA       26       52
Ben/Meekness, Botswana       25       100

Also included with this file:
The New Dayz (By David Komic)
       Caption 1
Mike, I know how much you enjoy your late night rice cereal snack, but things are a bit tight financially right now…
       Caption 2
I'm afraid we'll need to ask you to forego your rice-cereal snacks to help cut down on our milk bill--just until we get back on our feet. Is that okay with you?
       Caption 3
Oh, sure (groan)
       Caption 4
But desperate times call for desperate measures…
       Caption 5
Late next night, in the kitchen
       Caption 6
Mike, what are you doing here with all the lights out?
       Caption 7 (
Gulp!) Well, I figure that if I eat my rice cereal with the lights out, we can put the money saved from the electricity bill into our monthly milk budget! (Munch! Munch!)

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family