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grapes of thankfulness #4

       To our sweet and dedicated musicians
: Even with all the tubes and pain-killers I could not find a comfortable sleeping position [after the operation to remove my uterus], the doctors offered me more pain killers which I refused.
       I asked to put on “Dancing with Jesus” and “ Wings of Prayer.” The best pain killers were my Family's presence through the voices and anointed music of our sweet and yielded instruments of God's Spirit: our musicians and singers. A real hea ling balm! As I was holding my Jesus picture, your voices reassured me of His constant care, mercy, unconditional love and His Presence!!! Hugs and prayers. Thanks.
--Ruth Marie, Mexico

       Having Jonathan Waters here has been a big blessing for us as he's so cheerful, positive, happy and thankful to be here, and makes himself a blessing by being willing to do whatever is needed, whenever. He's always there to wash dishes after meals, volunteer to go shopping or do extra jobs, teach our JETT, o r whatever. It makes us so thankful! Love begets love and it's making us thankful for all our blessings again!
--Jonathan and Amor, C.

       Here here, Jonathan! I've been so proud of my parents for their faithfulness to the mission field the Lord has called them to, and at the same time have prayed so much for others to come and help to reap the harvest. Thank you for filling the need as beautifully as you have. You're the answer to my prayers, too! I love you!

       I wanted to put int o words how thankful I am for all you do for me! You never get tired of praying for me, or taking care of the kids, or going on the road. You're always willing and cheerful in your tasks for the Lord and you're the dearest person to me here on earth! Thanks! I love you, Honey! From your wife.
--Rejoice (of Jonathan Portuguese), Brazil

       Lily Dawn
(11) is a super precious girl that is like an angel. Every time that I've needed help she was always around to help me, and always will tell me that she loves me and give me a kiss. She's been like that to me ever since I have lived with her (a year and a half). She's always willing to be a blessing. GBH!
--Joy (SGA)

       I want to send a great big thanks to a precious sister who took time off from her busy Home schedule to have prayer vigil for me at the hospital during my operation. Celia, you're special! And thanks to all the members in your Home who also faithfully upheld me in their prayers! I love you!
--Rejoice (of Jonathan)

       We would like to say: Thank you, Uncle Arthur and Auntie Becky, for taking us in when others wouldn't. You had faith in us and loved us as your own. We love you as our father and mother and will stand by you always.
--King Arthur's knights

       Thanks, Mom and Dad, for loving me through everything and sticking by me through thick and thin and keeping me in line.
--Your son, Mike

       We want to say a big “thank you” to Gideon and Rachel who took us in for a month while we were on our way to pioneer Mozambique. They not only took us in, but lovingly helped us with our expenses and gave us the use of a car for a while and a donation towards our first month's rent. We love you Gideon, Rachel and family. Thanks also to the VSs, Ben and Tirzah, who let us stay at their place and allowed us to raise funds and provision in their city. All these dear Family members showed lots of support with their many deeds of love and kindness. We couldn't have done it without you! God bless you.
--Martin and Mercy and kids

       To Stuart and Julie and kids (South Island, New Zealand). How can we ever thank you for your hospitality on our road trip? Not only did you give us a place to stay on our way down and on our return, but you fed us for all those seven days, altered your schedule, went out of your way to help us and on top of that gave us a generous donation! Your Home was like an oasis to stop at and be refueled. Besides lacking fellowship and being the only Home on the Island, you're still fa ithfully following the Lord, His new moves of the Spirit and being a shining light for all to see. We really love and appreciate you.
--David, Tania and kids, NZ

       We would like to say a very big THANK YOU and express our appreciation to the Home in Kiev, Ukraine. Every time we were passing through or staying at parents' place you were a “lifeline” to us by opening your Home to us! Thank you for fellowship and praying for us when we were in need and letting us borrow the New Wine every time t hough it was a sacrifice for you as you don't have so many copies! Every time we felt a part of your Home and that we could really count on you even though you had a very busy schedule!
--Ben and Angela

       A BIG thank you to Jonathan and Mary in the Crimea, Ukraine. During these three years we were working together you set such a good sample of wholeheartedly working and laying down your lives for others and the Lord! Thank you for pouring into and shepherding us. We know you will be a blessin g wherever you go.
--Ben and Angela

       There are some special guys,
       Who really know how to tie (balloons).
       They all dressed up as clowns,
       And they didn't let us down.
       So what we'd like to say,
       Is we're glad you're on your way (to the field).
       We know you'll be a blessing and
       You we will be a missing!

       A big thank you to Mike (Italian Stallion), Ace, Chris, AbdulRaffittiTwiddledee (a.k.a. David). We really appreciated all the hard work you did for the Home. And we would like t o also thank the rest of the Home: Mike, Sara, Jessica, Jason, and Jimmy for making the Palisades Week possible! WLY!
--James and Faith, NY

       There is someone very special to me, that I would like to bring to everyone's attention!--A person who has given her every minute day in and day out to help change diapers, wash laundry, teach, stay up at night, doing those little and big things that so many times go unnoticed by others. She has forsaken all to make another's work possible. Maria C., th ere is no way that I could possibly express in a couple of paragraphs everything you've done, and how appreciated you are. You are a genuine sample of true love and dedication. You're a real angel and I am so grateful that I am able to have your friendship and that I was able to work with you! I know you have a GREAT reward waiting for you. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers!
--With love and admiration, Mercy (18), Brazil

       Mercy beat us to it! Yes, we agree wholeheartedly with the above! Sacrifices and love-gifts like yours can only be repaid with the riches and wonders of Heaven! Until then, may we show you our love and gratitude in every way possible! You are one of those jewels upon which the great wheels of God's work turn! Thank you! We love you, Maria!
--Love, Juan and Carmen (and the three little guys who helped get your name in these lights!)

       Wow! In just four months the Lord supplied all the funds needed to go to India and even more! Now I am on my way and I want to express special gratitude and thankfulness to those who made it possible for me to reach my goal! Peter and Hannah (FR630), DanielShepherd Boy (JSC), Mercy, Jeremiah, Aurora, Gideon and Angelo (Canada), Willing, Mary and Lisa (BL215), Juan and Letizia (IT 1139), David and Miracle (SD 1309), Abraham (SW 1484), Donetsk Home (Ukraine) and Traugott. Dear ones, I would never make it without you!!! I pray that God will bless you for your giving! If you want to contact me at my Home in India : IA 26 via ASCRO.
--Sincerely, David Fighter, Ukraine

       John, Rose and Home
(BS118): Thank you so much for your sacrificial help, it goes a long, long way for us here, and is a real encouragement to me. I love you and appreciate your help very much. Could you please send me your new address? I don't think you are receiving my letters.
--Much love, James Nepali

       A mega-big THANK YOU to a super sweet, thoughtful, diligent, on-fire, faithful, helpful brother who has been such a help to the African field and he doesn't even live there. This one's for you, Phillip, at the H.P.C. We love you and are thankful for you!
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana

       A special siyabona and inkosi busisa (thanks and GBY in Zulu) to a super special real BROTHER--Abner in P.M. B. Natal, South Africa. Thanks for being all that you are. We really love you and appreciate all your thoughtfulness.
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana

       I'd like to send a grapes of thankfulness to all our precious musicians. You a re really making our lives more inspiring, touching and exciting with all of the wonderful songs you are pouring out lately, with His help of course--and tapes, CDs and videos, PTL! I'm sold out on the FTTs--not bad for a 46-year-old FGA, ha! The new versions of “Pet Shop” and “Sea Wash Over Me” are terrific!--Plus “Eagle Bleeds.” Keep up the good work.
--Peter Italian, Milan

       A saint, an angel, a sweetheart, full of self-denial, love for others, a giving spirit, just a doll. Samuel, WE LOVE YOU! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
--Jered, Pauline, Genty, Russia

       A big thank you to all “big and small” who worked on the “Final Stand” video--I really like it and enjoy it. Songs of Heaven and meeting Jesus really touch my heart every time I watch it! Anointed job!
--Meekness, Namibia

       To David and Cherish: who lay down their lives and give so cheerfully in whatever way they can to all brethren who come across their path (and many do!). Thank you for all your help and for being such a b eautiful sample of what the CM Family should be! It encourages us to keep going forward! WLY!
--D and D

       To Jereb and Charity (Tucson Home): GBY sweet brethren, for being so open and willing to love and care for our entire Family. You were an oasis in the desert when we passed through recently.
--Love, Ivan, Dan, Dawn and all

       This thank you is for somebody named David Courier, a very dear friend and a great blessing for our work here!
       Dear David, we can't thank you enough for starting this new ministry of bringing clothing, toys and other very useful items for our CTP projects here in Tashkent. And we believe that the Family all around the world would express the same thanks. Since the time you came for the first visit to our city, you gave the vision to many of the Lufthansa stewards to bring needed items on their way here. Many schools, orphanages and an old folks home have received through this avenue, clothes, sports equipment, stationary, toys, etc. You were the first p ioneer to encourage them to bring this help!
       Thank you soooooooooo much! We really love you and miss you and wait for you to come and visit us!
--Your friends in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

       We'd like to express our gratitude to Don Walker from the USA, who sent us a gift and whom we don't even know, much less how to get in contact with. WLY Don and thanks a million for your gift. We want you to know that we really appreciated it and that we pray for you and thank the Lord for you. Much love! XXX XXXXXXX
--A. and J., J. and L., C.

       Dearest Peter, Mama and all of our many precious Family members around the world: Thank you so, so much for making it possible for the single moms to receive a gift. This is greatly appreciated by all of us single mommies here at BRALIM. You're a wonderful Family, and we love you all so very much!
--Love, BRALIM single moms, SACRO

       Maria, Philip and Crystal
(Rio provisioning Home), thank you for all that you do for our Home and all the provisioning you share with us. It's a big blessing to us and we are very thankful for it as well as each one of you. GBY! WLY!

       José and Gloria's Home
in Rio, thank you for opening your Home for my daughter's birthday celebration and for inviting my parents to visit your Home.
--Love, Ester Hope and kids

       Dear Dave, thank you for being so sweet with my kids, for loving them and spending time with them and caring for them and making them feel so special. Thank you also for the tent. They love i t! We love you tons and we'll miss you.
--Ester, Gideon and Polianna

       A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Simon and Trust: It's been almost five years now that we've been working together, covering 1,000s of miles, tests, trials, victories, sacrifices, miracles, pioneering, etc. We can truly say after all this time that “love never fails” and that we are very thankful for you. WE LOVE YOU!!!
--James, Jenny and kiddos, C.

       There is a couple who are so sweet and kind,
       Always ready to help when you a re in a bind.
       Even with nine kids and tons to do,
       They are always willing to show His love to you.
       And though now we live continents apart
       There is a special place for them in our hearts.
       Is it just the sweet encouraging e-mails they send,
       Or the many things they always are willing to lend.
       Or maybe it's the sending of our mail and helping with our banking,
       No it's just the spirit they have of giving instead of taking.
       Dear Matt and Rose, thanks again for all you do!
--J., J., S., T. and kiddos, C.

       A heartfelt thanks to the Las Pinas Home for taking us in for almost a month until we could move into our new Home. We put them on the spot when we had no place to stay and had to wait for three weeks until we could move in to our new Home. They made room for us, made us feel at Home and included us in all their Home's affairs. God bless them. It's always good to know there are people you can run to when needed.
--Philip and Marie's Home, Philippines

       There are som e great people that we wanted to take our hats off to, throw them high into the air and scream out “THANK YOU!” All these Homes have helped reach China through their gifts. A heartfelt thank you and appreciation to the CLP Team (TW), Abel and Angel and Home (JA), Dominique (JA), Hilltop Home (JA), Michelle, Nehemiah, Sunshine and Home (JA), Francis, Alina, Dulci and Home (EU), Praise Doorkeeper (TW), Steven and Praise and Home (AU), Andrew, Katrina and Home (Brazil), Eli, Tirzah and Home (JA), T im, Aura, Rejoice and Home (PH), Matt, Mercy and Home (TW), Joseph and Talitha (Thailand), Simon and Happy (JA), Indo Service Home--and thank you Bkk TC for your sweet hospitality during our stay there. We love you all!
--Love, Andy, Joy and Kids, C.

       I want to thank all of our sweet Family for contributing for the single parents to have a gift. For sure we have the best and most loving Family. I also want to thank the sweet brethren who have been helping me with the children, being parents for them. Thanks to Pedro and Lily and special thanks to Esteban and Amor in Tenerife for being by my side when I went through the operation and treatment of my breast cancer. Thanks for caring for me and the kids. I'll never forget it.
--Much love, Victoria, Spain

(End of file.)

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