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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #65; May 15, 1999.)


new arrivals …

       Aimee Rose, 8th child, born to Praise Vine and Philip on November 21.--India
       Steven Philip, born to Rose and John on February 8.--Denmark
       Angelina Daniella, 1st child, born to Cielo and Daniel on February 21.--Chile
       Ivan, born to Giada Vittoria on February 24.--Italy
       Supatra, 12th child, born to Joanna and John on February 28.--Thailand
       Angelina, 2nd child, born to Russian Virginia and Ivan on March 1.--Russia
       Philip John, 1st child, born to Polish Gosia on March 2.--Poland
       Kylie Elena, 1st child, born to Rosita and Simeon on March 3.--Brazil
       Christian Valiant, 2nd child, born to Maresha and Hungarian Aaron on March 4.--Hungary
       Paula Josephine Victoria, born to Conny and Mattias on March 4.--Germany
       Kayden Jace, born to Sarah and Shadi on March 6.--Middle East
       Joeli Paul, 3rd child, born to Trusty and Clay on March 8.--Thailand
       Mariangela, 4th child, born to Rute and Lucas on March 10.--B razil
       Jeevan Deep Jonathan, 2nd child, born to Kalyani and John on March 13.--India
       Shellena, 4th child, born to Julia and Emmanuel on March 30.--Brazil
       Kalina Faye, 1st child, born to Anne on April 6.--Thailand
       Anthony Emil, 2nd child, born to Esther and Jonathan on April 7.--Norway
       Anastasia, 1st child, born to Marina and Francis on April 20.--Russia


       Daniel Endtime
and Shayna Rose (of Peter Picture and Esther) tied the knot in February 1999, and they're expectin g their first child!--India

new laborers - March 1999

(30, Hungarian) joined in Hungary.
       Paolo Jordan
(25, Italian) and Lisa Praise (24, Italian) joined in Italy.
(20, Russian) joined in Russia.


       Give what you have; to someone it may be better than you think.--Longfellow



       Mail sent to the previous CVC address in San Antonio will still be forwarded until JULY1999, but the previous phone number is no longer in us e. The new address and phone number below should be used from now on.
The address and phone number below is the same as is now being used for the Family CLE office, since NACRO FED is now taking care of Family CLE orders, as well as attending to any international CVC correspondence. God bless them.

       CVC (or Christian Vocational College)
       PO Box 141871
       Irving, Texas 75014-1871

1 (500) 446-2570 (Only seems to work in the USA.)

The 500 number can be called for a flat rate of 20 cents a minute from within the US.

New book summary on MO site!

Compulsory Education and the Amish
The Right Not to Be Modern

       Edited by Albert N. Keim
       (Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1975)

Bengali Reflections and poster available
       Abel and Marie Claire, India:
We just printed eight Reflections and DF classes and our first Bengali poster. If you would like to order some, please contact Abel and Marie Claire at the address below:

       Jonathan , c/o Souryas Buis. Centre,
       233/3 A.J.C. Bose Rd.
       Calcutta 700029 India

visa info … for India

       David, Angel, and Steven, India: With quite a few young people coming to India in the last year and still more expected, we've been noticing the need for a little more detailed info to help our SGAs and YAs.
       Many of the newly arrived YAs that I've met have come on tourist visas, which are mostly given for six months. Then they have to leave India after six months. Some leave and don't return, while others who feel called to stay have to also leave, returning on a long-term visa like a student visa. It seems that in most cases these young people didn't have enough info and were not aware that a tourist visa could not be renewed even if they leave India to a nearby country like Nepal. It seems that some may have thought that coming on a tourist visa would be fine, as they thought they could go out of the country after six months and come back again. This may be possible in many other countries, but it is not possible or at the least very difficult to do here unless they have a long-term multiple re-entry visa. Here is an outline of the various types of visas available.
       TOURIST VISA: Not extendable in India and usually not renewable in nearby countries.
       MULTIPLE ENTRY TOURIST VISA: Good for 1-5 years, but you have to leave the country every six months (nearby countries will do) and can return immediately.
BUSINESS VISA: You need to show proof of going to India on busine ss, like a letter from a company at home sending you or an invitation from Indian company. These visas can be easy to get originally and may be valid for 1 year only, but in many cases difficult to extend while in India, as you may have to prove that you are actually doing business.
STUDENT VISA: Usually given for one year and can be extended for many years after. You need a letter from a government registered and recognized school in India inviting you to enroll in their school, say to learn Hindi or Indian culture, or even a normal Christian or secular school etc. School can mean one day a week.

Hello Mama!

       We were just wondering if you could mention something about what a great and needy mission field the Philippines is, and how we could use MANY more laborers here. It's a great place and we wonder why there aren't more people here. When we first decided to come to the Philippines, it was a total step of faith, as we knew nothing about this place or even if there were Homes h ere at all. Many other people we know also have no knowledge of the field of the Philippines, especially young people. When we get our Home set up, we are looking forward to inviting young people to our place, and it would be great if they already knew something about it. As it is, when we tell our friends that they should think of joining us here, we get responses like “There's Family in the Philippines?” So, you get the general idea of the lack of knowledge about the Philippines among some you ng people we know.
--two female young people, PI

“UNBEATABLE!” Kidz Audio Tape #1 (KAT #1)

--song title/singer/music/lyrics

1. No Matter How Small You Are

       (Zeb/Zeb, Paul T./Father David--MLs 171:18; 33:25, 26; 551:144)
2. Be Jesus for Others

       (Sharon/Simon/Simon, inspired by Father David--ML 2102:27)
3. Tell the Truth

       (Zeb/Zeb, inspired by Father David--ML #629)
4. Irishmen's Flea

       (Andrew Greeneye/Andrew Greeneye, inspired by Father David--MLs 150:9; 1087:46; 2508:7; 2900:42-46 )
5. Squeezy and Jerky

       (JAS/Barry/Barry, inspired by Father David--ML 11)
6. Sol Opi

       (Gary/Ricky/Ricky, inspired by Father David--MLs 1169:11,12; 1174:5; 1719:63)
7. Real Faith Never Quits

       (BLAST and RAD kids/Zeb, Paul T./Father David--MLs M:9, 52, 56; 258:90; 313:11, 33; T:19; 603:43; 73:14; 551:157; 114:3)
8. Hallelujah Chorus

       (BVM Frogs/Andrew Fighter/Andrew Fighter, inspired by Father David--ML 1586)
9. Help the Handyman

       (Angelique, Consuelo, Micah/Paul/Micah)
10. Heavenly Mo ther

       (Angelique/Micah/Micah, inspired by Father David--MLs 723, 1300, 1301, 1304)
11. What Everybody Needs

       (RAD and BLAST kids/Zeb, Paul T./Father David--MLs 25:14; 151:52,53; 309:46; 714:38)
12. We Have the Answer

       (RAD kids/Zeb, Paul T./Father David--MLs 151:55,56; DM1:177,192)
13. Two Ducks and a Frog

       (Jeremy/Eli/Eli, inspired by “Good Thots”--Humility/Pride:19)
14. Play It Safe

       (Sharon, Benji/Jeremy/Jeremy, inspired by Father David--ML 2082)
15. Life's Railroad to Heaven

       (Pau l/Charles D. Tillman/M.E. Abbey, [see ML 2414])
16. Mighty Motor

       (Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Jaz, Emmanuel, inspired by Father David)
17. Mr. Gladstone

       (Micah, Angelique, Jeremy/Micah, inspired by Father David--ML 1027:76)
18. Temple of God

       (James/Zeb/Zeb, inspired by Father David--ML 191)
19. Bye, Bye Birdie

       (Jeff B./Jeff/Jeff, inspired by Father David--ML 231)


Pioneering Mozambique
       Martin and Mercy:
In case you're wondering, “Where's that exotic-sounding place?”, it's a f ormer Portuguese colony in Africa (just north of South Africa) on the Indian Ocean. Through a series of events, after arriving in South Africa a few months ago, Martin and I (Mercy) and our three girls realized that the Lord was calling us to pioneer this country. With the generous help and encouragement of Gideon and Rachel and our dear VSs, Ben and Tirzah, our family and Jonathan (Abraham Snowman) have launched out into the unknown and now have a Family Home in the capital city of Maputo!
       Af ter 20 years of civil war following their independence from Portugal, the country is generally in a sad state physically, but spiritually she is ripe and ready! You literally get mobbed when out distributing tracts and posters as there is such a hunger for the Word of God. Young people volunteer to help us pass the lit out!
       When we arrived in the capital in early April, a high class hotel which had also helped other road teams put us up for three nights while we began looking for housing. Duri ng the war many people who formerly lived in the countryside had fled to the city and little construction was done these last 20 years making housing hard to find and very expensive. Renting a house is way out of the question; we could barely afford an apartment. On the day our time was up in the hotel, evening was approaching and we hadn't yet found a place to stay. While at a public telephone the Lord told us to speak with a certain man standing nearby. We didn't at first, but when we stepped out by faith and obeyed the Lord, he invited us home with him to squeeze into his small apartment with his family! Such sweet, outgoing people! I don't know if there is anything lovelier than a beaming Mozambican smile. This man and his 22-year-old daughter received Jesus with us. As we left, he said, “Please consider us your family here in Mozambique! You are welcome anytime in our house.”
       The next two nights we stayed in rooms arranged for us by a lady we met hitchhiking. Then we were again on the street, not knowing where to go! So we asked the Lord and He told us to go meet a man that a previous road team had met, saying that He had “prepared a place for us.” This man, W., offered us lunch and called a friend of his to help us find housing. This man's friend invited us to stay with her while we looked for housing and W., who is one of the most famous singers and guitarists in Mozambique, invited us to sit in the small studio audience at his TV show that night. All the others in t he audience, including the city mayor's children, were busy reading our tracts while all waited for the program to start. Our new friends were shocked to see us all on their TV screens that night, there in the audience of this popular local TV show.
       A few days later, we had found a small furnished apartment right downtown and have since moved in. W. came for dinner and had many sincere questions. He wants to organize a special meal for about 200 street children with our help.
       We are just beg inning and the possibilities are endless in this poor, Gospel-hungry jewel of Africa. We are trying to follow the Lord step by step in order to accomplish His will and obtain the supply of our many needs in this tropical setting! Please keep us and the work in your prayers!

Sud 5 - Chile

By Lydia and Gabriel
Gabriel and I are project managers of Sud 5, and with a current team of four volunteers, are also known as “El Show del Tio Ivan y Lili.” Using our combined total of over 45 year s of experience in the field of education, counseling, and the brass tacks of foreign mission fields, we've developed a special project using an unconventional form of teaching, which has affected the lives of thousands of school-aged children here in South America.
       We are thrilled by how much has been accomplished since the school year of 1997 began. We have been able to do more than 250 programs in rural and urban areas of South and Central Chile. More than 52,000 children participated, from different public and private schools, orphanages, hospitals and other charitable institutions. We've also been able to take our show into prisons, cheering and inspiring the inmates and their families. We have distributed over 291,276 pages of gospel literature sharing the message of God's love; have begun a mail ministry with the teachers, students and their families; opened a new mission; established a Bible study center; have been interviewed twice for TV; had several newspaper reports and r eceived two diplomas of honor from city mayors; as well as receiving gratitude from the recipients of the many communities that benefited from our project.
       Using clowns, puppets, lively animal characters, songs and fun activities, we transmit Christian values of being loving and kind, how to communicate in a loving way, how to be thankful and how to overcome difficulties in scholastics and life. By including a salvation prayer to help them have more love for themselves and others, we enrich th e lives of many underprivileged kids and their families both spiritually and physically.
       A typical visit to a school or orphanage goes something like this: As we arrive a couple hours before show time and prepare to unload, the children crowd around and insist on trying to help with carrying the equipment to the stage area (usually just a space on the ground outside the school). They can't wait as their excitement overflows with childish enthusiasm for the upcoming show.
       We spend time before the actual show talking to and instructing the students who have volunteered to be in our program as part of the crew. We get to know each one by name, asking and answering many questions as we practice various routines together. This also gives us an opportunity to get to know the specific needs of the center and to pray about a way to supply the need. Both students and teachers highly appreciate and praise this close participation in our program, as it is unique to have the students contribut e in a professional way.
       As the kids gather together for the show, we say a quick word of prayer and on stage we go. Things get quite exciting during our hour-and-a-half performance as the audience gets to participate in the games and action songs and dances. The schools are filled with laughter and good feelings as the children clamor for more, not wanting us to stop. But stop we must and then come the good-byes and autographs and promises of letters to write. There is no end to the good-byes and questions about when we will return. These special times end with hugs and words of love and encouragement, which will be forever in the hearts of these precious children.--And in ours as well.
       We travel extensively and try to visit as many communities as possible, but there are many that we cannot reach. We do the best we can in a situation without a vehicle, depending entirely on public transportation. This makes it particularly difficult, if not impossible to reach those who live in is olated sections where suitable public transportation is non-existent. It's heartbreaking as these are the ones who need us the most.
       If Jesus has touched your heart to help us with a gift to finance the purchase of such a vehicle, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our outreach accessible for the more isolated. Please send all gifts to CH015 via the Chile ABM.


[Mall showing]
       David, Faith and James, USA:
This month we booked the community room in a local mall. On Friday and Saturday night we will be showing “Countdown” and “The Final Stand” to the teens there. Our kids are brushing up on witnessing classes for soul winning and to teach others about the Endtime.

[Robbed in the night]
       Jeho, Consuelo and Clair, Brazil:
We let our guard down on our security and got robbed during the night. A few hundred dollars were stolen from a visiting teen, as well as our CD player and VCR. TTL our computer room was locked and the robber did not take our TV or sound equipment. Small things are big things, and because we left the ladder in the yard it gave the opportunity for someone to climb up to the second floor of our house and enter in. We had left the door to our balcony open for ventilation, so we can only be very thankful that nothing more serious happened and nothing more expensive was stolen.

[CVC in Morelia]
       Jason (CRO), Mexico:
We have officially started our CVC school year on April 12th, and it's going to go through to Decem ber 12th! We've been having weekly “board meetings” with the “Vocational Training Overseers” (the adults involved) from our three Homes here to fine-tune our schedule, putting together folders for everyone, etc. We just brought it before the entire body of young people yesterday and they all seemed to really like it.
       Dan is going to be working on some advanced algebra classes which he hopes to video and even try to sell to the Home Schoolers market in the US. David (of Shanti) has prepared a c omplete and extensive computer course which it seemed a lot of the young people are into. Joy and Shanti would like to do seminars on “early childhood learning,” and DV, we are going to have a Spanish teacher come over once a week to give Spanish classes, which will be worked into a CVC “Foreign Language” certificate.
       Seven other young people and myself are going to be taking the Basic EMT course with the Morelia Red Cross. They go at a very slow pace so the program is going to last till the b eginning of next year. Part of the “hands on” experience is going to be actually volunteering in the local Red Cross clinic, going on field excursions to poor areas of town with the Red Cross, etc. This would fulfill the “practical experience requirements” of the CVC certificate called “Home Safety and First Aid.”
       We kicked off our united meeting with the young people yesterday by reading the last GN for this year's 1999 Birthday Feast entitled “A Token of Love--More on Jesus' Personal Testimo ny!” It made for a wonderful keynote, coming from the greatest Missionary of all time! During the meeting all the “Vocational Training Overseers” gave presentations on what they would like to teach this year, and everybody left the meeting with their own CVC folder with their name on it, including copies of the different forms provided in the CVC manual. My mom (Seek) made an “application form” which the young people are going to fill out this next week before the “CVC school year” begins, and t hey are going to choose which CVC certificates they want to work towards.
       At the end of the year, Lord willing, we hope to have a graduation, and possibly a special award for the student who receives the most certificates. At this time we hope to present the “CVC graduates” with CVC rings which, DV, Ben (of Ruth) is going to have his silversmith friend make for us. The Lord gave us some neat things about the rings, and how they would be a memorable token of their service for the Lord.
       Honest ly, I've never seen such enthusiasm in young people for working through a project which includes very extensive Word studies on each subject that they choose. It has been quite a thrill! Maybe the only other time that I've seen such enthusiasm to complete a reading list is when they are about to finish Partial Excom and need to finish their reading list before they can get off, ha!

[Policeman encounter]
       Jenny, Charity, Daniel and Chicho, Brazil:
One of our girls was approached by a policema n at the stoplight, asking her what she was doing there. She witnessed to him and prayed with him to get saved.
       When they finished he exclaimed, “Oh, that is the same prayer a little curly-headed blond boy prayed with me at the park a few days ago. It was such a miracle, because the day I met him I was really down and didn't know what to do until I met this little boy and he gave me just what I needed with that prayer--new hope.”
       When we asked a little more about where he had met the boy, we realized that it had been our seven-year-old Stephen witnessing at the park a couple weeks earlier. We were inspired by how deeply touched this man was by the small, simple witness Stephen had given him in his broken Portuguese!

[A set up day]
       Peter Livingston, Indonesia:
We've started asking the Lord for His leading through prophecy for our day and how we should operate. One day in particular the Lord told me to just relax, and take each situation as it came up. Well, many things came up that day and as I went through each obstacle, there were many little miracles. I unexpectedly met five people that I have been wanting to see--one on the street, one in the restroom of a hotel, one in a bank; I was just amazed how the day unfolded. I got a lot accomplished and met many people that I had wanted to see. (In fact, one woman I had been wanting to see for four years!) And my day was really relaxed!

[Sports day for computer company]
       Hannah, Anna, Matthew, Mary, Renee and Jenny, I ndia:
A good friend of ours, Mr. M., asked us to help him by organizing a sports day for his company. So we agreed to conduct this sports day for 700 employees and their families. Even though we had never done this before and it seemed quite a lot to organize, we felt that the Lord could inspire us, and that with the teens' participation and their enthusiasm we could put it together.
       We had many planning meetings in the Home and each person took a different age group of children, going over th e games and how many should play, etc. We also had to arrange local fairground equipment, small and big Ferris wheels, cotton candy and popcorn stalls, pony rides--we even tried to get an elephant and camel!
       It was inspiring to have two other Homes in the city helping us. Steven and Peace came and did their puppet show. David and Rejoice came and did ballooning and face painting. The company also gave both Homes a good donation for their services. Our teen singing group ended the sports day wi th their performance, and everyone loved it.
       The company allotted a certain amount of money for us to get prizes for the games, so we were able to use a lot of our own tapes, CDs and videos. We gave out 64 audio tapes, 19 videos and 15 Christmas storybooks.
       The fact that this company is a good two to three hours drive from our Home made it even more interesting, as we had to go out and plan quite a number of times. The exciting day finally hit us and the night before, the teens and YAs heade d out to the company grounds outside our city. We finally arrived, but much to our dismay the power suddenly went off as we arrived. The property was quite big and no one knew which room the generator was located in. But thank the Lord around 2:00 AM the power came back on. We all awoke bright and early as everyone was arriving at 9:00 sharp and we still had a lot to do.
       We started with games for young and old. We had set up a balloon stall where you could get whatever shape, color or animal b alloon that you wanted, or you could get your face painted. It was hilarious to see the top directors and the various employees of the company with faces painted like a lion, tiger, butterfly, etc. In the afternoon we had a talent show for the children of the company, as well as a puppet show and a drawing competition. Everyone who attended is still raving about how great it was and how much fun they all had. TTL, as it was nothing that we did. All glory to Him!

[Meat and milk]
       Mercy, USA:
Recently I've felt convicted to get out the Endtime posters, so I've been getting them out at the lights--400 or so when we have a full day out, in addition to 500-600 tracts. The Lord showed me to say, “This is a great Bible study about what's happening right now in the world,” and it really sparks their interest.
       I love the prophecy tracts “To you with Love” and “True Love-Forever Love,” so I always give people a tract along with it for a balanced meal, ha!--Meat and milk!
       We've printed up Reflections and have gotten thousands of these out as well. We recently got a response from a woman who received one on bitterness, saying she realizes this is a big problem in her life and she wanted more literature on this subject.
       In addition, several people have told me recently that they prayed the prayer at the end of the tract! It's so encouraging to know that we are changing the world through His beautiful life-giving Words! I love getting them out--today's Words from our ever loving, compassionate, tender Husband and King!

[Monthly Christian publication]
       Andrew, Ruth, James and Ruth, India:
We have been publishing a monthly Christian publication called Christian Executive Counseling. All the articles for this have been simply cut and pasted from the HomeARC. One of our teens spends a day scanning different pictures from MLs and putting it together. We have found the artwork to be very catchy. Some simple Kidz MOP strips are cut and pasted straight on also. This tailor- made pub has been a blessing in sharing the Word with our contacts. We have been sending this out for the last year or so, and the Lord has blessed the distribution by many gifts and sweet reactions from the people that receive it. One man that has been receiving it recently asked if he could get 200 copies every month, as he wants to send copies to his friends and business associates.

[Radical open house]
       Patrick and Christina, USA:
We have a regular “open house” type get-together for stre et youth on Monday nights. The girls first go downtown witnessing with some of our live-outs and friends. They gather together a small group of kids and we bring them home. We make a big pot of soup and serve bread and butter with it, and usually some fruit or yogurt as well. We have a big stereo from one of the new disciples and we always have it blasting out the FTTs! We even have one of those lights that goes to the music and we have that on too!
       Then we sing some real radical songs: “Sex i n Heaven,” “Did Charlie Make a Monkey out of You,” “The Message of Jeremiah,” “Filthy City Babylon,” “Watch Out for 666,” “The Revolutionary Children of God,” “God's Wonderful System”--along with gypsy dancing if we have room--and we comment on the message of the songs with what the Bible says, etc.! Then we give a salvation prayer at the end and personal witnessing time before we load up the van and take them home--and sad to say for most of them, that is the street. We usually load them up wit h some provisioned food too.
       It's really amazing to see these guys change, because when they first come, we get all types--some dirty, smelly ones, some with dreadlocks, some with purple or pink hair, or black hair with black lipstick or even spider webs drawn on their faces! (We sometimes have to keep our little ones in another part of the house because some of our visitors are pretty scary-looking!) But all who come know that it is a “Christian” thing and they have all been witnessed to befo re coming and know a little bit about the message, and so far have always been very respectful! The ones who are more hungry come on Friday nights to our Bible study which is more structured--and it's growing every week.

help wanted

       Two couples, with two small kids each, and a single sis with a newborn. Pioneering northwest coast of Poland. EVERY FINANCIAL HELP NEEDED. Please send gifts to PL133 or to FCF 99-E20 Ray of Hope.--Steven, Rose, Mat, Glo, Gosia

       PLEASE HELP US REACH ETHIOPIA !! We're a team of six on-fire young people and are preparing to open a Home in what some claim is the poorest country in the world. We plan to leave in four weeks' time and we still need exactly $4,000. Send your donations to Jas and Mel for `EMBER' via EURCRO today. Thank you!

       I am Sarah, a mom with three children. We are moving from Poland to Brazil. We need $3,000 to get there. We really need you! Please send gifts via EURCRO. Thank you for helping us!

       My name is Joan, and I'm a sing le mom with four children, presently staying in Sweden. Because of some heart problems, I had to return to Sweden from India eight months ago to undergo medical tests and checkups. Now in answer to prayer, the Lord has healed me!
       I am eagerly waiting to be able to go back to India where I have a Home and a potential husband waiting for me. I have the green light to go on most fronts, except the urgent need for finances. I have been able to put some funds aside, but as I'm single with four litt le children and presently living alone, I'm unable to go out very much and raise funds. Can you help? Any gifts large or small is very much appreciated! I need you!
       Donations can be sent through EURCRO, for Swedish Joan. (Please direct your funds to Home # SD1309, and they will forward it to me.)


[The have's and the have-not's]
       FGA female, South America:
The other day while reading a GN I was reminded of the prophecy where the Lord says the Family will become a financial power. I personally like that idea as we'd be able to do so much more: reach more people, places, publish and print more material, etc. However, I also thought about what the Letter “For God's Sake Follow God” says regarding that. Dad said that the fall of many religious movements was the reaching of power and popularity, as well as solid finances, as people get confident in themselves and thus not so desperate for their every need, which in a way, as Dad says, does draw us closer to Jesus.
       While pond ering on this thought--how having or not having better finances will affect our kids and young people--I looked at the different young people in my Home, and I studied their different attitudes and ways of reacting to the things that each of them face.
       One YA girl came to our Home to fulfill her probationary period (to become CM). She comes from a family of ten brothers and sisters. Her family has been FM for about six or seven years now and has been very faithful to the Word and Family guidel ines; they've been living by faith all these years, and from what she's told us they've gone through many financial struggles. Nevertheless, the Lord's been faithful to care for them and supply their needs. That desperation for finances kept them united in prayer, witnessing, etc. You can see by working with this sweet girl that she has a good connection with the Lord. She also has a heart for the sheep, cares for the Home's needs and in general responds well to counsel and shepherding.
       Then w e have a teen boy that also came recently to fulfill his probationary period (also becoming CM) in our Home. He is a sweet boy and has a lot of potential. He also comes from a large family that has been FM for some time as well. This couple also has raised their kids as any other CM Home, with the difference that they had very good finances. They had some job that assured them a good income. From what this boy told us, besides some busking here and there he hasn't done much witnessing. He doesn' t know how to relate to people as he's spent much of his time on the computer, playing games, and as he himself put it: he was damn bored. As soon as he came we were getting ready for our Christmas push so he right away was included in the action and euphoria of these special days. Even though he tried his best, you noticed that keeping up with a regular schedule, doing JJTs, attending or participating in sheep gatherings wasn't his cup of tea. However, you'd see him playing chess or computer ga mes with other YA boys at every spare moment. I understand that he's in a learning process, and that's not the point that I want to address here.
       I'm wondering about the repercussions that having good and solid finances could bring about in the lives of the ones that are learning and getting trained to be the Endtime soldiers and disciples in this Family. There is also a YA CM boy that is “floating around” from Home to Home, not feeling economic responsibility for things, but rather enjoying t he fun of meeting new people, going to new places, etc. He comes and goes. GBH! He's a sweet guy, but besides wanting to be a great musician and do recording and so on, he's not interested much in doing other type of witnessing: CTP, tool distribution, FU, etc. Whenever he wants to move from a Home, he calls his dad and asks him to provision an airplane ticket for him.
       After being with these different kinds of Family members, it makes me wonder who are the ones that will be more prepared and r eady to face the different situations everyone encounters as we grow up--getting into parenthood, pioneering, establishing a work, etc. From what I've seen, the ones that have endured hardships, learned to live with much but also with less, are more mature and responsible. They're easier to work with as you can entrust them with a lot of the load that a Home needs to function well and smoothly; while the ones that have been living under less-pressured conditions are less trustworthy, more lazy a nd lack much missionary vision.

[E-mail response time]
       From Heidi, PACRO China desk:
Here's a note from one of our Family Homes: “I still don't understand why it is so difficult for Family members to answer e-mail. I often send some messages to CM but get no answer for weeks or months, however friends in society at large answer me within the week. According to some Internet rules of courtesy, it is considered polite to answer an e-mail after a maximum of four days. If not, acknowledge the r equest and include a tentative time of response.”
       I definitely notice that there is a difference as relatives and outside friends generally respond within days, and it takes some Family members weeks to reply, though the messages are clearly getting through. I understand that our Family Homes are often very busy, but it doesn't take much time to send a little note saying, “Hi! I got your message and am happy to hear from you! You'll be getting a letter from me shortly, just wanted to let you k now that I got it and am thinking of you!”
       Since China is very isolated and Family members can't have direct e-mail communication with the rest of our dear Family, when their messages don't get replied to it can be frustrating for me and them, since it is assumed that I have failed to pass the message on. I hope this is understandable and gives a better picture of how the China Homes appreciate responses, as I am sure the rest of our Family does as well.

[Call for prayer partners]
       Jonatha n and Amor, China:
We wanted to put in a request for prayer warriors and prayer partners to join us in getting up a bit early every morning and battling for our younger generation in prayer. We have had one after another of our children leave the Family and Lord's service, and we'd like to ask the Lord to turn the tide of this major battle. After trying everything we can think of to keep them and inspire them on our mission field, we've come to the conclusion that it's all going to have to be th e Lord! And we know that He wants to do it.
       We remember hearing a testimony from the 1970s, from a shepherd who had joined a Home that wasn't very inspiring or obedient to the Letters at the time. He said his suggestions for changing and improving were rebuffed, so he began getting up a couple of hours early each morning and going down in the basement, by himself, and praying desperately for the Home. In two months' time, the Home had adopted a new schedule, was sending out daily witnessing te ams, had better finances, better childcare, was clean and had a weekly “home improvement day.” And everyone was happy! All different from how the Home was two months previously.
       Our present request is for as many of us as can, and have the burden and vision, to get up a bit early and especially intercede for our younger generation!--And maybe for those still struggling to get to the mission field as well. Let's give them the extra prayer power they need! The quotes which gave us this vision ar e from “How to Keep our Teens” (ML#3154, LL24, par.51-57).

[Phone politeness]
       John, Thailand:
A couple of times recently I have needed to call different Homes for prayer or counsel. I try to be considerate and not burden Homes with our problems, but sometimes I feel it is necessary to call to ask for help. Frequently, though, when calling, even long distance, I get answers like “Yeah?--Whaddaya want?” I wonder if we could make it a policy to answer the phone politely … it is like cold water s to the thirsty soul that calls.

[Provisioning or begging?]
       Abner, Esther, Andrew and Lena, South Africa:
Recently we visited our good friend, Denis, who jointly owns a car dealership and petrol station in a nearby town. We visit this town on a regular basis and follow up on a number of people there. On our last visit Denis expressed his annoyance about being approached for petrol by a Family member who wouldn't take a sweet, “I already help your members from another town regularly.” The F amily member continued his appeal by saying he knows us very well and that he had no money etc., etc. Denis, being the softy that he is, donated the petrol but was annoyed at being badgered. The reason we're writing this is that Denis is one of those guys who ask us to pull up for a tank of petrol, without us asking him! Since it's not in our city we don't have any jurisdiction over this town, nevertheless, it would be wise and polite not to beg or badger for a donation especially when the perso n states that he is already regularly helping the work.

[The label scare]

       A.: Some months ago when the Lord showed us to work with a certain couple, the Enemy really attacked me about it because I had worked with them some years earlier in a Combo situation and it hadn't been a very happy time in my life. The Enemy was blowing things out of proportion and trying to get me to think that it would be really catastrophic to work with them. It was a big battle for me, but finally I yielded to th e Lord's will in my life, and guess what? I found out that it wasn't as bad as the Enemy was trying to paint it--actually it's quite nice! These two very sweet brethren have changed and grown a lot, due to the breakings they've been through over the years.
       So I'm glad I obeyed the Lord, and it was a good lesson on not letting the Devil blow things up and scare you out of doing God's will. It also was a good lesson about not labeling people for how they were in the past, but to leave space for the Lord to change people and to work in their lives. I know how it feels to be labeled as it's happened to me before, and it was very difficult to break out of it.

[The vulture syndrome]
Our team has given tons of goodies to the field, such as computers, scanners, faxes, TVs, microwaves, furniture, money, clothes, and all kinds of wonderful things. With us now moving on we've been quite saddened by the attitude of some of the folks here, having a real “give me” type spirit over the thi ngs we are leaving behind. We understand when folks ask in a sincere fashion, but we've been barraged with people asking for this and that in a not-so-nice spirit.
       We realize that this is a poor field, but the way folks go about asking is a bit hurtful, making us feel like we haven't done enough. Not many folks mentioned to us, from the phone calls we got from all over the country, “Oh so sorry to hear you're leaving,” it was more like, “Oh, we heard you're leaving…by the way, if you have anyt hing we could use….” You can almost read people's motives when they call or write.
       We love to give, but I guess we long for the sweetness that comes in the exchange of heart to heart giving, which is sometimes missing. And the questioning over who should get what; we do pray before we give things away, and we long to make everyone happy in our giving. We don't want to hurt anyone by making them feel left out, but honestly we long to see each item given to where the greatest need is. We love to give to the poorer Homes who can't help themselves, but we also like to give to the deserving who are doing a real work, and we like to see the Lord's supply used to the hilt!

[Impressions about Brazil]
       Jonathan Nubes, SPALIM:
I recently returned from a visit to Brazil and wanted to briefly tell you some of my impressions. I was able to visit the company that is working on our Treasure Attic interactive CD. The people doing it are so precious and sweet. They seemed very excited about it an d to be doing it with real joy. They gave us a little presentation of what they have done so far and I was taken back. It's so good! Captivating! I love the product! I am not a salesman, but I am pretty sure it's going to be a hot item for the Family to sell. It will be a great boost to our distribution of video collections. The whole presentation looks very professional, clear, fun and colorful! I can just picture kids falling in love with it. I feel this investment will pay off a hundred times over once it's in the hands of the Family!
       I also stopped in Rio for a couple of weeks and I can't tell you how renewed I was in spirit to see the wonderful fruit the Family is bearing there with the live-out disciples. They have a Church of Love every Sunday, and about 100 people gather to sing and read the Word. They bring their children, who get a beautiful class with flannelgraphs or, if older, attend some other activity suited for their age. These live-outs are so on fire and hungry for the Word that I felt like I was in Heaven. The whole time I thought: “Wow, this is the real spirit of the Family, this is the sample that we should all try to follow and the vision for the Endtime: to really win our friends and contacts like this.” Most of them are already eating large quantities of the meat of the Word. They are so advanced spiritually!
       Apart from that, the same Home handles the provisioning for all of the 15-20 Homes in the whole area. They live to give! And the Lord has ble ssed them so abundantly that they had to get a bigger vehicle to pick up and transport the tons of food and supplies that the Lord pours out on them. They have so much they even feed several favelas (shanty towns). It goes without saying that all this generates unity between the Homes of the area.

[Finally understanding]
       Davida (25, of Daniel), Moldova:
I could never understand what a pregnant mom feels like till I got pregnant. I could never understand how it really is to have a baby, even though I took care of my three brothers, till I had my own baby.
       I've been wondering how a single mommy feels if I, with all the help I get from my loving husband and friends, still feel so tired and unable to do many things that I want to do. I remember once when a mommy was calling for help with her children, in my selfish mind I thought, ``Can't she take care of her own kids?'' How sad!
       The Lord has helped me to understand how it feels, and that these mommies need help when they ask for it. Even if it's hard for them, they are so positive and thankful for any help they get. Can we all be more alert not just to their material needs, but even when they need to take some Word time or some rest?


Writing Mama
How can I write Mama a personal letter without it going through the CROs or the ABM?
You can seal your letter with the Mama key, and send it to: MPG@ibm.net.

GP Heaven's Library books
Will there beany Heaven's Library books available for GP distrib ution in the future?--Joseph, Japan
(WS GP department:) Yes, DV “The Perfect Ones,” “Amaris,” “Return of the Seven Keys,” “Journey to Tricon,” and others will be available for GP distribution in the near future, some with new covers, back cover blurbs, etc.

Tool brochure
You brethren are doing a great job, but could you print a brochure with all of our available cassettes, CDs and videos?--Peter, USA
(WS GP department:) We've considered doing this, and would still like to. The problem is that judging from the past response to the PR Brochure, for example, it doesn't seem there would be enough demand from the Homes to make it possible for the Service Centers to print a brochure of all our tools. Another factor is that different tools are available in different areas, so we'd have to create a different brochure for each country, and then create a new one when items are added. From the indications we've received, most Homes are not willing to spend their seed corn on pro ducts like a brochure that doesn't bring in immediate funds. But keep praying for one to eventually work out because where there's a will there's a way!

Pix of Jesus
It would be a blessing to have some little pictures of Jesus to give out to beggars on the streets when they ask for money. It wouldn't be instead of money but along WITH the money, to let them know it is from Jesus. Text is not so important because beggar children 1) can't read, and 2) might speak any one of a dozen differe nt languages, and you just don't have time to sort that out at a stoplight or in the middle of doing your business. (They almost always seem to hit you at a very inconvenient or pressured time!) I know that small A6 tracts are supposed to be for that purpose but it has been my experience that it seems like a waste, LFM, because the tracts are mostly TEXT and these street kids just aren't that interested in, or capable of, reading anything.
       The latest from Jesus in the GNs about simple pictures and few or no words for this field is really RIGHT ON! These little pictures could be used for scores of different purposes--stick'm in with letters, tape them to boxes of donated goods, use them like calling cards to leave messages on, even stick them under windshield wipers, etc.--Anthony, South Africa
Good idea! Why not photocopy some nice pictures of Jesus locally? But since some of these kids might be able to read, you could give them the Prince and the Magical Power tract, along with a picture of Jesus. Perhaps someone else will read it to them and they'll get more of a clear witness that way.

Y2K updates from you

       Send in your thoughts, plans, progress and preparations on Y2K! Share helpful tips with us all!

       Andrew, Crystal, Angela, Maureen, and Julie, USA:
Because of the Y2K mailing and the Lord's admonition to stock up and prepare, the Lord's been helping us to stock our shelves with survival food, such as bottled water, dry cereal, canned goods, mayonnaise, be ans, salad dressing, dry milk, salsa, etc. It's just the beginning, but we're thankful for how the Lord has been supplying through the brethren and other friends; as we do the “wenting,” He meets us!

       Micaiah and Genty, USA:
Is anyone compiling a list of products available for Y2K prep? I found a “C. Crane Company” advertising on the Art Bell Website (which by the way, has been getting out a sort of warning message for months now). A couple of items in particular (1) A flashlight which lasts 50 hours on only AAA size batteries (white LED light which gives off a bright light, but uses hardly any electricity!) It's expensive (30$) or so, but they may be able to give a cheaper price if someone ordered a lot. I got one and it is really bright even though being small!
       They also have an AM/FM shortwave radio for $150 (from South Africa or California) which has its own generator and can be cranked by hand for a couple of minutes, giving power for the radio and attached LED light to work 30 minutes or so. Their products are being sold so fast they can hardly keep up supplies, and how much more so as Y2K gets closer?

: C. Crane Company, 558 10th Street, Fortuna, CA 95540
: (707)725-9000 or 1-800-522-8863.
       Web: http://www.ccrane.com/


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne
       Sci-fi action movie. A computer hacker is introduced to some mysterious strangers who possess surprising truths about the world around them. Contains a fair bit of violence. Many interesting parallels can be drawn to our way of life versus the System, the spirit world, sacrifice, etc.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Christine Lahti, Ruben Blades
       Light-hearted romance. A school principal in a small Texas border town, bored and frustrated with the conservative mores of society, finds love in an unexpected place.

Movies Rated for JETTs

(a.k.a. “ALL FOR LOVE”)
Jean Marc Barr, Miranda Richardson
       Romantic comedy about a young French soldier in Napoleon's army, and his adventures in love and life.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Laura Dern, Jake Gyllenhaal
       Touching drama set in the late 1950s, following the true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner's son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry.


The Matrix
(Dad speaking:) This is quite a movie! There's a powerful message in there t oo, although it's a shame it's overshadowed by so much Hollywood violence. It's sad how the Devil will take a really good message and bury it in a load of his own garbage, trying to almost snuff out the good that's in there through his diabolical infiltration. I guess there is a pro side to that too, though, because in a way it candy-coats it for the people of the world who are so used to this type of action and thrills that they can hardly even relate to movies that don't have it. So at least a ll this extra baggage--which was overdone in my opinion--opens the door for it to spark the interest of more people than it would otherwise have. And that's good, because it's a movie that's worth watching. People should go into it knowing what they're in for, that there's gonna be a lot of violence and shoot `em up, but there's a pretty strong message too, and it's most of all something that could be a powerful witnessing tool for our Family members who see it.
       When you see it, you'll see the message straight off. It's something that the average Joe Systemite can really relate to--he feels that same yearning in his heart for something real, and there is a way that he can break out of it all and be reborn into a whole new world--the real world, the world as it truly is. There is an evil, sinister power who is trying to keep everyone in the world lulled to sleep, and who will go all-out to fight anyone who's trying to wake others up and expose the lies. So there are lots of things tha t can be drawn out, and if you go into it prepared and tanked up spiritually, you'll be able to choose the good and eschew the evil, and use it as a powerful opener to introduce people to the One Who's really behind it all. There's more reality to this movie than the producers know! Praise the Lord! (End of message from Dad.)

Crazy from the Heart

       (Jesus speaking:) It's a sweet story of love, caring and sharing, of breaking out of the System's routines and narrow-minded traditions and concep ts. It's sad how many people in the world are lonely and in need of love, but are afraid to step out and share it with someone that's not of their class, race or social standing. It's a beautiful thing, a real act of true love, when someone is able to break free from that and follow the feelings of love that I give them, and the desire to give and share and help someone else, someone who needs and appreciates them. And who cares what the System says anyway? (End of message from Jesus.)

St. Iv es/All for Love

       (Dad speaking:) This is a fun movie. It's light-hearted and provides light entertainment. It shows the attraction and the pull of love, and how love can change and maneuver people. It also shows the danger of selfish living and the end result of greed. Of course, it's Hollywood and not at all realistic in many ways, but nonetheless a fun movie if you're in a light mood. (End of message from Dad.)

October Sky

       (Dad speaking:) That's exactly what the System tries to do: they try to fit you in a mold that you can't break out of. They resent the fact that you'd try to do anything else, anything out of the norm, anything different.
       The world is a society full of flatlanders that live their lives in ruts run by rules and regulations and limitations. The world is full of eagles chained to their stakes, walking round and round in circles, never getting anywhere.
       Thank God we have worthwhile goals to reach for--not just something like becoming a rocket scientist. We're going to be rulers of tomorrow! We have Heavenly goals that we're reaching for, and no one's going to stop us. PTL! (End of message from Dad.)


       We're looking for Australian Josiah and Julia and Irish Tim and English Ana who used to know Beth (formerly Liberty) and her son, Nicolas, who were in Hong Kong @ 1983-84. Please contact: Phil and Marie at: Mansion01@aol.com. Thanks!
       Olivia (of Martin and Charity) would like to contact: Marianne (of Byron and Mercy), Ruth (of Jose) and Paco (of David and Heidi). Also Phil and Shiloh, please contact Charity. Add: L. Medina, Post Restante, 54012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
       Ben and Meekness are looking for Juan and Leticia (Italy). Contact us @ Private Bag BR336 Brroadhurst, Gaborone, Rep. Of Botswana. Tel (+267) 580-115 (Botswana) - Home +0826707708 (South Africa) - Mobile.
       David and Jewel
(Antoine and Sylvia) in Germany now have an e-mail address. They can be contacted at: E-mail: D.Mendoza@t-online.de.
       Spanish Ana (in Granad a, formerly Augustin and Ana) would like to contact Samuel (Alan French, formerly Michael), last heard of in Quebec, Canada. We worked together in Madrid in 88-89. Please write APDO 7, 18500 Guadix, Granada, Spain.
       Timoteo and Mercy (Venezuela) would like to get in touch with Roberto and Perla. The last time we heard from them they were in Texas and supposedly went to Mexico afterwards, but we lost touch with them.
, lived together in New Jersey, `94-'95, Rachel (of Tim and Comfort) liv ed together in Japan, David Lamb, last seen in Japan, and any other friends who see this ad. Please contact me via South American CRO office.--Someone in Jenny, Charity, Daniel and Vicky's Home, Brazil
       Esteban and Sara (formerly Ramá and Priscila) would like to contact Cassia and her daughter Daniela from Costa Rica.
V.G. (SGA) Japan, please contact Melissa (YA) Lebanon. Email: melaniejenks@yahoo.com.
       Andrew and Miracle are looking for news re: their daughter, Joy Akesson (23, a.k.a . Joyful or possibly Alexis). We have not heard from her in almost three years. She left the Family in 1994 and is known to have been in England, Sweden, and New Orleans, USA. Please, if you know of her whereabouts or have any information about her, contact us c/o the SEEC ABM.
, write me, please? I need to get in touch with you! Write me (Mel) whenever you can at: melodydamour@usa.net. Tx girl!
       David Fighter wants to get in touch with Lisa (of Willing and Mary). We lived together for a month in Samara (Russia). Contact me via ASCRO. My Home number is IA 26. I will be there around 5 of May.

letters to the editor

Re: Y2K bug

       It's exciting to watch these Endtime events unfold and to realize that the day of His coming is at hand. This Y2K bug was obviously designed for a reason--it was no mistake and if the Devil went to all this work to get everyone into such a mess, he'll probably try to get as much mileage out of it as possible.
       The events in recent years have all be en such ominous signs and the AC's grip on this world has been tightened through the sequence of events that have unfolded recently. Countries are succumbing to his will one by one in hasty succession, as he begins to draw the rug out from under them. And with this last fell swoop of genius masterminded by his minions in the realms of “higher learning,” he'll almost certainly be able to topple those who have not yet “come over” into his snare, as well as severely shake those who feel they can re sist him!
       But thank the Lord that “we are not ignorant of his devices” and “that day will not come upon us as a thief in the night”! My prayer is that all those who have fallen asleep spiritually and have begun to say “peace and safety” for, “since our brothers fell asleep all things continue as they were,” will wake up to the reality that these are the days we've been talking about all along.
       I've talked to many young people who seem to feel that now is the time to get off the wall spiritua lly and forget about all this Endtime stuff that's been so long in coming to pass.--That instead maybe we should just start enjoying life since we're gonna be sticking around here for quite some years to come. My God, help us to be able to discern the Signs of the Times! Thank the Lord that He keeps giving us His Words and warnings, and does not cease to tell us things before they come to pass, that when it comes to pass we might believe! Come on, young folks, we are the ones upon whom these day s are come! When we lose that Endtime vision, we almost inevitably lose our fire or at least our sense of urgency to reach the lost before it's too late.
       Thank you, Mama and Peter, for leading the way. May God help us, the next generation, to follow and not fail! May we live each day as our last to warn this wicked world with a message, which the Lord called the Family to give 30 years ago, the message of warning! May we stay true!
--Jon B. (20)

Re: Fundraising via tools
(Grapevine #54, pg . 7)
       We fully agree with Byron (of Mercy) with regards to fundraising through tools. We've found in our own lives that witnessing is the best job in the world with a fantastic Boss--Jesus.
       We are a family with two kids under two years old. We go out 20-25 days a month, nothing heavy-duty like pavement beating, but rather, we go out expectantly knowing miracles will happen and they do daily. Our eldest son, Angelo, is our prayer warrior and tool distributor, and our youngest is a real charmer and fundraiser, smiling every waking minute of the day.
       Our Family has the best product in the world (Jesus). We count it a privilege and honor to be part of such a wonderful Family, and to be able to distribute such precious tools, which are like gold compared to the crap the System has.
       We recently felt bad when a simple checkout cashier bought a large quantity of tools from us; we were trying to persuade her not to take so many, as she was a single mom and not doing well financially. She immediately straightened us out by saying, “What these tapes do for me money cannot buy! They keep me close to Jesus, bring happiness, joy, peace and calmness to my life. I can't really do without them. I can't afford not to take them!” So come on folks, getting out the tools is not taboo! After all, we do have the best in the world.
       Good for you, Byron! Way to go!
--Ben and Meekness, Namibia

ideas and tips

Dinner schooling

       Playing short games over dinner is a nice way to get in a bi t of extra schooling. For example, we quizzed on countries and capitals tonight and if each person got at least three points, they received a small shiner prize. Everyone enjoyed it and it was a nice way to have some fun, laughter and education, ha! You can do it with just about any subject and anything you want to teach. Just make a game out of it and include shiner prizes. (By shiner prizes, I mean just tiny things.)
--Pierre, Renee, and Jewel, Canada

Rubber band them

       A useful tip for ou treachers is to rubberband your CDs and tapes in your briefcase. We've found that by doing this we've cut down almost 90% on cracked CD or tape boxes. They no longer bang around and this saves a lot of embarrassment when displaying the tools, and saves money replacing broken boxes.
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana

Glimpses of Heaven

       Glimpses of Heaven
books go like hotcakes to cancer patients. I joined a support group and have been ministering as my main CTP to patients and caretakers ever sin ce. It's a big ministry!
--Hab and Crystal, Australia

Local news

       It's good to keep up with the local news, as there are always events that can be witnessing opportunities. Through the newspaper we found out that a young Christian gospel singer, who we knew, was killed in a robbery. We felt compelled to go to the funeral. We were able to pass on Glimpses of Heaven to his wife. Since it was an open funeral, there were a lot of people attending and we were able to be a good testimony.
--John , Marianne, Daniel and Cheryl, South Africa

word of thanks …

       Heartfelt thanks from Lydia, Claire and Nicholas
to Mama and Peter and our dear Family around the world. We really appreciate your gift to the single parents. Thank you for the effort and sacrifices involved in bringing these funds to us. God bless you all!


       Lessons from dreamers of impossible dreams. Insight on the war in the Balkans. A modern-day martyr. All this and lots more in END 19, coming soon.

       Ever get caugh t in a traffic jam behind an elephant? Read what it was like for a single mom and team to go overland from Cape Town to Nairobi in “More African Adventures,” FSM 338.

behind the scenes

By Peter

       As reported in Grapevine #64, in mid-March I embarked on a visiting tour of South America, accompanied by James and Rebecca. Halfway through the trip, James returned to our home while Misty replaced him until the end of our journey. Our trip lasted for six weeks and took us thr ough nine cities in six countries.
       Thank you so much for your prayers for this trip. The Enemy certainly did his best to hinder us at every turn, causing mix-ups in our flights, political unrest and sickness. But the Lord, as He had promised, kept us safe and able to complete the mission He'd given us. Praise the Lord! All glory to Him!
       Visiting South America was a wonderful blessing and I count it a privilege to have met so many precious Family members, many of whom have labored for years a nd years on fruitful Latin fields, often in far-flung locations without the benefit or inspiration of a lot of Family fellowship. They've done a tremendous job and as an area, they have consistently over the years been one of the strongest regions in tool distribution and souls won. God bless them!

Question of timing

       The fact that my visit to South America came after visitation trips to the other four CRO areas was by no means intentional. As I explained to our precious Latin family, I had been hoping to visit the South America Family for years now. Each time the Lord leads Mama and me to consider my making a personal visitation trip to our Family, we desperately and repeatedly seek the Lord as to which area I should go to. In each case, the Lord has clearly highlighted a certain area at the time--one that needs visitation and our encouragement, direction and specific counsel, often about major moves or projects that are underway.
       Although the idea of visiting our wonderful Sout h American Family has come up many times over the past several years, the Lord knew that it wasn't the right time then, and several times He instructed us to wait, while pointing our attention to another more pressing need. But when His time was right, and all the pieces had fallen into place, He spoke to us and clearly indicated that now was the time for South America. He also explained to us that because there is a new outreach ministry which He is asking the South American Family to spearhead , this visit was to help prepare them for that in spirit.
       So please remember that the order of visitation does not indicate what fields we consider to be most important or least important. Each area is equally important in the Lord's eyes, and in ours. In each visitation, the Lord always gives us His plan for the trip. No two trips have been conducted the same; nor have the Lord's personalized messages for an area been the same.

Short, frequent stops

       In previous visitations, the Lord led for me to stay in one location for a longer period of time, which meant that I had a longer visit with the local Family, but I wasn't able to personally meet as many Family members, because I traveled around the area less. During my trip to South America, however, the Lord led differently. He indicated that He wanted me to travel more, meet more Family members personally, while staying for shorter time periods in each location. So that's what we did.--And in doing so, I was able to personally me et approximately 80% of the CM voting members in South America. PTL!

Basic schedule

       I'll outline our basic schedule, which stayed pretty much the same in each location we went to. Each location we visited held a three-day meeting which was attended by as many CM voting members as possible, some even from neighboring countries. The CRO teamwork, along with their VSs, organized each of these meetings locally. God bless all of those who made these meetings possible. A tremendous amount of work , love and prayer went into provisioning the accommodations and food for so many, as some of the meetings were quite large--up to 200 people! In every situation, a running translation into Spanish or Portuguese was also needed, and the Lord provided state of the art translation equipment in nearly every location, as well as wonderfully anointed the translators for the job. God bless them!
       Here is a listing of the various locations where the meetings were held for the surrounding Homes:

       Rio , Brazil
       Fortaleza, Brazil
       Caracas, Venezuela
       Bogota, Colombia
       Quito, Ecuador
       Lima, Peru
       Santiago, Chile
       Sao Paulo, Brazil
       Curitiba, Brazil

Three-day plan

Day #1

       Our team was present only for the first day of each three-day meeting. I held a meeting on the first morning at each location, conveying Mama's and my love to everyone, and reading a special message of love and encouragement from Mama for the South American family.

       In preparation for this trip, the Lord had giv en a great amount of encouragement for the South American Family, some of which I read at this meeting. One message likened the South American Family to the story of the beloved Bamboo, who laid down his life in order to be a vessel of the life-giving waters to the garden. The Lord said that now is Latin America's hour, and since they have been faithful to till and water and tend the ground, that a mighty harvest is ready to be reaped right on schedule, because of their faithfulness.
       I then ou tlined the plan for the next three days, explaining the videos that would be shown (which I had filmed at our first stop in Brazil). I then read a message from the Lord given for the particular country we were in at the time.
       Due to Mama's sweet love and concern for those who would not be able to attend the meetings, she and her pubs team worked hard to prepare two GNs containing the prophecies that I would be sharing with the Family in person and via video during this trip. Although, Lord wil ling, the plan is for the videos to be eventually shown to those who could not attend the meetings in person, these two GNs were sent home with the delegates, so that those who “stayed by the stuff” could immediately partake of these precious Words from the Lord, without missing anything. Lord willing, portions of these messages for South America will be published for the entire Family at a later date.
       In the afternoon, I was able to spend a few minutes with each person. In the larger meetings there was only time to greet and hug and kiss and have a moment with each person, while in the smaller meetings I was able to have a few minutes to chat with each one. That was my favorite part of the meetings--being able to personally meet so many of our dear Family face to face, and express Mama's and my deep love and admiration for them. We have a very special Family. Each one shines with the Lord's love. Each one has had personal experiences which have given them depth and maturity and a be autiful spirit. It was one of the most precious experiences of my life, one which I'll never forget.
       I gave those of the second generation a choice as to whether they would rather have a moment or two of personal time with me, as the adults did, or whether they'd rather combine their time and have a group question and answer session. In every case they chose the open forum, and we had some lively discussions together, which I also really enjoyed!

Day #2

       The morning meeting was a video sho wing. Portions of the second South America GN were read, which contains the Lord's strong call to leave behind past bitternesses and aughts.
       Many of our dear folks in Latin America have faithfully remained in the same fields for years and years, and to their credit they've cultivated an excellent work. Their contacts and sheep know them well and in many cases they exhibit great influence in their local communities. The downside of living and working together for so long is that, as is human na ture, many have become very familiar with each other. Some bitternesses and disagreements date back years and years, which keep individuals and Homes from working together as they should.
       Over the years the South American Family have tried repeatedly to get the victory over disunity, but then something small will happen and it brings with it the reminder of the last time they were wronged by a certain person or Home. Holding on to the past in this way makes it very difficult to let things pass and continue working together in unity--instead they quickly become very big hurts, and seriously hinder the work.
       The Lord's message to them was that they needed to get over the past once and for all if they want to be able to go on to what the Lord has in store. Now is the time to forgive and forget, and become united. These messages from the Lord and Dad were strong and sobering, but along with them came much encouragement to not be discouraged that the Lord is asking them to yet again ove rcome this serious hindrance, but rather that the Lord knows they can--He has promised to help them and now is the time! One main reason for the urgency to change is due to the new follow-up project in store, which the South American field will play a large part in spearheading.
       The afternoon video showing outlined the Activated! program. (A full explanation of this exciting program will be coming in a GN soon!) A clear and inspirational challenge was given to the South American Family. This i s the mission the Lord has for them in which they can truly excel because they've been faithful with the groundwork for all these years, and their whole continent is moving towards Christianity, making the people receptive for such input and spiritual feeding.

Day #3

       On the last day of the meetings the CROs held a morning meeting which generally started with prayer, praise and singing. The Lord had given prophecies for each individual area, which the CROs read then. Before going into commun ion, there was a break period so that whoever was ready could make amends with those attending, washing their heart clean of any past grudges and bitterness. Everyone was encouraged not to go into communion without making their hearts right, as the Lord had emphasized the importance of this ceremony as a turning point. After communion, another short video was shown, my reading of another message of encouragement and love from our precious Husband to His beautiful South American bride.
       In the a fternoon, the attendees either had City Council meetings, sub-committee meetings to discuss local area business, or a few hours of fellowship before everyone began their journeys to return home.

       Amidst countless flights, meetings held and time spent with our precious Family members, I spent some time with the dear South American CROs and many of the VSs, who have faithfully given their lives for this field. We also briefly visited a few of the structure Homes, such as the SACRO office, BRALI M, SPALIM, the RAD and BVM (where the original video showings were filmed, God bless them), and were taken on a tour of their operations and projects. God bless each of these Homes who work so very hard to service the South American field by processing your requests, translating the pubs as they come out, producing new music and Family videos, etc., etc.
       Thank you again, dear Family, for your prayers for this trip. We really appreciate your support in the spirit and couldn't possibly have done it without your prayers. Thank you also to the South American CROs, VSs, ABMs, provisioners, drivers, and all of you who made the meetings possible. Mama and I also thank those of you in the South American Homes who stayed by the stuff caring for the children and manning the fort so that other Home members could attend the meetings. We know the Lord will bless you greatly!

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family