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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #59; February 1, 1999.)


       Christmas Testimonies
       Toddler Time/Kiddo Devotions


darling newborns …
, 3rd child, born to Carmen and Juan on September 17.--Peru
       Nicolas Arturo
, 7th child, born to Angel and Daniel on October 12.--Venezuela
       Gyongyi Melody
, born to Angela Ukrainian and Ben Hungarian on October 25.--Ukraine
       Shawn Mark
, born to Renee and Peter on October 28.--India
       Robert Ken, 3rd child, born to Maria and Peter on November 13.--Japan
       Shane Van Raine, 2nd child, born to Crystal Lily and Francesco on November 18.--Japan
       Natalia, 1st child, born to Ruth and Juan on November 29.--Chile
       Denise Firstfruit, born to Vigna and Nehemiah on December 4.--Italy
       Connor Lee, born to Angelique and Jeffrey on December 5.--Japan
       Will, 6th child, born to Joy and Jimmy on December 6.--Taiwan
       Paul Daniel, born to Melanie Ecuadorian on December 6.--Poland
       Luisa Celeste, born to Lily and Peter on December 7.--Italy
       Chaye nne, born to Christina and Mike on December 11.--Russia
       Twins (no names yet), 7th and 8th child, born to Joanna and Adino on December 15.--Brazil
       Selena Prayer, 7th child, born to Zipporah and Samuel on December 22.--Japan
       Satoshi Phoenix, 10th child, born to Liberty and Elisha on December 22.--Japan
       Emmanuel Brendan,1st child, born to Liz on December 24.--Romania
       Darren Casey, 2nd child, born to Heidi Joy on December 26.--Australia


new laborers
(18, Italian) joined in December.--Croatia
(19, Russian) joined in November.--Russia


       Waiting on God brings us to our journey's end quicker than our feet.


       Check out the Members Only site to see the color version of the "The Greatest Of These" cover picture, by Tiago.--Heaven's Library #54

       Stress! Hurrying into the 20th century. The power of intimacy and laughter. In "Lifestyles," a special edition of the END.--Coming soon!

Earthquake in Colombia

       From SACRO: As you have mo st likely heard, there was a very big earthquake--six on the Richter scale--in Colombia, which has caused many deaths and extensive damage. We have one Home located near the epicenter, but the brethren were not hurt in any way, nor did their house suffer any major damage, TTL! Even the brethren in Bogotá felt the tremors quite strongly, taking the children outside the house for safety, but there was no damage there either. So far according to the news, there have been 1,000 people dead and many more injured. We recently heard that 90% of the inhabitants of the area are now without homes.
       A nine-member team from the Home in Medellin is arriving there today (January 27) to help care for the wounded and help in any way they can. Please keep the safety and protection of the team there in your prayers, for the dear Colombian people who are suffering much loss and injury at this time.

note from WS

       We'd like to thank all of you who have applied for WS jobs, in response to the want ad in Grapevine #56. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we'd like to ask if those who answered the ad, could resend their letters to make sure we've received your response. E-mail us at mpg@ibm.net or through your CRO office.


Japan Web report - December 1998


       We received 17,295 hits in December! (November: 6,689; October: 909). Our site was visited almost 24,000 times since we opened the Christmas page in November! It shows how Japanese people love and are interested i n Christmas, and we are very happy that we were able to show them the true meaning of Christmas on our Web site.
       3.15GB (3,230MB) were downloaded from our site which is also a tremendous amount! (November: 1,047MB; October: 162MB).

2. Updated/added materials:

       Christmas video: Christmas FriendsTA--five video clips.
       Christmas wallpapers: eight more pictures. (We now have 14 altogether.) Two sizes of each picture are available.
       Christmas CD: two more audio clips; Christmas Treasure lyri cs page; Christmas Beat lyrics page.
       Christmas Message: New Christmas poster ("The Wonders of Christmas").

3. Work in progress and plans for the future updates:

       Japanese "Countdown" page.
       New "Signs of the End" poster.

4. E-mail responses:

       I read "Christmas Gift to You" [Christmas tract] and my heart was warmed. I didn't think that anybody loved me, but I was really moved, knowing that God always loves and watches over not just me but all the people around the world. Having read "Christmas Gift to You," now I want to try loving others without partiality.

       Very Christmassy and many cute graphics files. Just looking at them made me feel warm. You've got many Christmas stories that are not so famous. I will read them to my daughter.

Spanish Web report - December 1998


1. December Web Stats Report

       357 Mb downloaded, about 12 Mb per day. (The highest figure in 1998.)
       2337 people visited the site, about 75 people per day. (A record high.)

2 . Work in Progress

       Adding MO Letter condos to "Our Founder" section.
       Redoing sound clips for CD section.
       Adding Feedback form.
       Revamping GP Daily Might section.
       Adding new sections of Word Basics.
       Opening "members only" section.

BRALIM translating stats for 1998

Total pages translatedinto Portuguese:
(This figure includes the revised Love Charter)

Total pages compiled:
(This includes DB12, FJWL #1 and part of FJWL#2)

Total pages of Portuguese Letters typed up for the Portuguese HomeARC:
(This includes the help of some of our precious faithful folks on the field who are helping with this project.)

The layout of four books were completed and are ready for printing:

       Glimpses of Heaven
       Future Foretold
       Trudge and Zippy

Projects presently in the works:

       New Revised Love Charter
       DB10; DB11; DB12
       New Portuguese HomeARC, which will include many of the older MO Letters; DB11 and DB12; FJWL#1; revised Love Charter; r evised posters and all of the Portuguese pubs that were mailed out in 1998.

       Also in the works, which we pray will be an inspiration to you all is the Portuguese Web site which will soon be in operation, DV! Please pray with us for the completion of all these exciting projects that are in the works.


       In Grapevine #58, page 12, there was a brief ad about sponsoring puppet sets for Homes in Russia. The Home noted that they hope to be sending these puppet sets out by the end of Ja nuary. If you think you've missed your chance to sponsor a puppet set for a needy Russian Home, don't despair! Puppet sets are now being sent out until the end of February! Sponsor one today! Communicate with the Puppet Set Home, via the Russian ABM.


Words from the Wise

Secrets to victory …

       (From Angie, 20, Europe:)
I'm a first-time mom, single, with a seven-month-old baby, and my biggest trial at times is not being able to put her to sleep. (She sometimes has these screamin g fits where nothing quiets her down.) On one occasion she was really tired, but just wouldn't go to sleep. I tried everything I could think of, but she just kept screaming. It had already lasted an hour and a half, and I was getting so frustrated.
Finally I got a check to sing praise songs and--would you believe it? In 15 minutes she was sound asleep! At first I thought it was just coincidence and that it was because she was so tired. But a few days later she was at it again, and I again got t he idea to have praise time and … once again, it worked. Cool! Now whenever I feel another tough time ahead I right away start praising and singing praise songs, and I save myself hours of frustration. The baby is much more relaxed, and even if she doesn't go to sleep at least she's quiet. So, keep praising!

       (From Eman and Marie, Italy:)
Our daughter Thea (2 years and 9 months) started reading this month. She has had quite a rough "terrible two" stage, but this has helped a lot in that she n ow has more victories and is happier. In short: reading victories = more praise and confidence = a happier child all around and less behavior problems!

       (From Julie, Pakistan:)
The Word is really the unifying factor in raising our cute, growing babies. We were facing some problems in disciplining our little ones over screaming, throwing food on the floor, whining, etc. So we are now involving the daddies, mommies, and older brothers and sisters so that everyone has a united standard. Techi's Life Story and the GNs on disciplining babies and toddlers have been a real help!

Math dots …

       (From Gabe, Flower, Lucas and Sophie, Hungary:)
We got the vision back to do math dots more faithfully with the children. Our son's kindergarten teacher got inspired to test him a bit, to see if he could estimate the amount of some small objects. He said there were 75. When they counted them … there were 73! I was faithful in his early years to show the math dots, and it worked! Sometimes it's hard to see any results with the little ones, but they are getting it and this special ability to "look and know amounts without counting them" will stay with them for life! [Jaz: Does anyone have any other tips, thoughts or comments on math dots? Please write in for the benefit of all!]

More veggie victories …

       (From Faithy SGA, Kazakhstan:)
Thanks for "Veggie Victories"--it had just the answers I was looking for. With three children, ages three and under, mealtime can turn into quite a chore! Here are a couple more tips I found in helping my kids to eat veggies, lentils, etc.
       We watched the Bible cartoon about Daniel during one lunchtime when the children weren't eating, and talked about all the healthy food Daniel ate to help him be strong and smart. (Now when my son is having a trial about something, he asks if Daniel ate it!)
       Don't ask them questions like, "Do you want to be weak? Dumb?" etc., as this invites them to give the "wrong" answer. Of course they want to be strong an d healthy, so just assume that and be positive and upbeat.
       Just ask them to take a "taste" of everything on their plate, and they can decide how much a "taste" is.
       Go overboard on serving small, eatable portions. About two tablespoons, or four bites, seems to work good. You may wonder how they can survive on so little, but I have found if I don't force them, they often ask for seconds or make up for it at the next meal or snack.
       They like to add their own condiments, such as salt or soy sa uce, so having condiment containers with small openings are a help!
       For awhile my son would say he wasn't hungry, but this was just because he wanted more time to play before bed (which followed dinner). (As soon as bedtime came he was "so, so hungry!") So we made a new rule that if he finishes his food--or at least eats a reasonable amount--and presses in, I reward him with 10 or 15 more minutes of playtime before bed.

Tips and tricks for play and learning

Highways and Byw ays
Topic: fun and games

       Make roads for toy cars by rolling out wide masking tape on linoleum or tile floors. You can make straight roads, right- and left-hand turns, and intersections. Create a two-lane highway by drawing a line down the center of the road. Draw traffic signals, stop signs and crosswalks on the tape. Then you can make towns by appropriating small boxes or toys such as houses, farms, gas stations and miniature people. A heaped-up blanket could be a rugged mountain, with a c ardboard highway connecting to it. Use colored paper for lakes and deserts. This could be fun for older kids too!

       Stories to act out in this setting:
"The Rose" (KTK 1, pg.364); "Lost in the Desert" (LOG 1 pg.75); "The Miracle Motor" (KTK 3 pg.1)
       Additional learning:
Talk about the traffic rules, how to walk safely when near busy streets, etc.

pray for our Indian Family
       Cephas, ASCRO:
Please pray for the safety and protection of our Family here in India, and against violent attacks fr om some Hindu organizations; that somehow the government will respond to the pleas of the minorities and Christians; and that there will indeed be a change of government, one that would allow more religious freedom. Please pray that this violence does not spread into some of the bigger cities where there are Family Homes. Also, for our brethren's protection, and that they use a lot of wisdom and prayer when they go on road trips.
       A couple of weeks ago a two-man road team, consisting of a natio nal brother and sister, were badly beaten up. The brother had his right arm fractured, requiring an operation. This happened in a rather small, remote area, three or four hours away from Bangalore. Those responsible for this were from a Hindu movement known as the RSS, which is very violent and anti-Christian.

A special kiddo devotion activity …

By Rachel (senior teen), Brazil

       Today for devotions I read with the kids (ages 4-6) a new mag about how prophecy will be our most powerful weapo n during the Endtime. The kids didn't even know what prophecy was, so I explained it to them. They were so flipped out, it was amazing! It was as if they were just discovering a priceless treasure. It was incredible to see the expression on their faces--so cute. Right away they asked if they could try it for praise time, which is after devotions. So we did! Each kid had a turn picking whom he or she wanted to hear from.
       First they chose Merlin. He said that when Jesus told him we wanted him to talk to us he almost started crying because out of everybody in Heaven he thought he'd be the last one to get picked. What was so amazing was that he was speaking through the kids. They'd each say a phrase, of Merlin's message. They were all concentrating so hard and would quietly be praising the Lord during any short pauses between the channels speaking.

       (Jesus speaking:) Not all fictitious characters are fictitious. In several cases, such as that of Merlin, a man or woman on Earth has bee n inspired by a heavenly spirit helper, such as in this case, Merlin. However, they thought they were creating a character, and in part, they did. But in many cases, there is a real person in Heaven by that time, though perhaps they didn't get all the facts right about what they do. I allow this to get more of My heavenly message through to Earth, and to provide good characters and scenarios from which people can create stories and tales. (End of message from Jesus.)

       Then one of them asked m e with an inquiring face, "Rachel, you told us to say whatever comes to us. Well, I was getting so many other things, but I didn't know if I should say them because I wasn't sure if it was really Merlin or just my thoughts." Poor thing! I then proceeded to explain to him how we all feel that way sometimes, but that it's just the Enemy trying to fight us because he doesn't want us to get the message. They were so encouraged.
       Next they chose to hear from Jesus. Of course He was very sweet and to ld the kids He was overjoyed to see them taking the time to hear from Him. He said the kids could also do that with their parents or even on their own, at nap time, during the night, etc. The kids were so thrilled; they thought it was the greatest idea. Nat (6) said, "Now I know what I'm going to do for nap from now on! I can hardly wait! This is so exciting!"
       They then chose to hear from Jonah. He was a funny character--really cool. One of the kids would ask him a question and the other would be the channel for dear Jonah, responding with his desired phrases. The kids asked questions like:
       "What do you do Up There?" He said that one of the many things he does is carry messages to people down here. He also said that, believe it or not, he loves writing stories and poems.

[Note from "Heaven's Library": Jonah has given a story about his life, which DV, is slotted for an upcoming "Heaven's Library book".]

       "What kind of fruits do you guys have Up there?" He said they have all th e kinds we have down here, but a lot of different ones too. There is one in particular, which he mentioned that is one of his favorites. It's round like an orange and its color varies from light orange to pink. It's smooth and its surface is hard, but once you bite into it, it's soft and creamy and juicy, sort of like ice cream.
       "What does your house look like?" He said it was very big, but cozy and beautiful.
       "What are a few things you like doing?" He said that he loves watching movies on t he big 3-D screens, accompanied by all the exotic fruits and snacks which you can eat as much as you want and never get sick of. Flying was one of his ultimate pleasures, as well as riding flying horses.
       The kids even asked if he had any girlfriends, and he surprised us all by saying that he has five! It was such a neat experience and you could feel the kids floating up to the clouds. They were having such a ball! One of them said, "This is so much fun that I never want to stop! I could do it all day long, even during break times!" (Ha! It shows how much they treasure their school breaks!) All in all it was marvelous and we all hope to do it again soon!

world news

Christmas in Bethlehem
By Joan and Anne, ASCRO

       We were invited again to perform in Manger Square in Bethlehem for Christmas. We had some of the Thai show troupe come and join up with the team from the ME and they were able to practice for about a week.
       There was beautiful weather on the evening of our performance , very cold, but still nice weather, even at 11:15 p.m. when our team performed. There were eight other foreign groups there--a couple of American groups, a Korean group, etc.,--and they performed first. The manager of Manger Square was so concerned that we got our full time that he actually cut every group by one song so that we would be able to do our full show, which lasted 30 minutes. I think everyone else got about 15 or 20 minutes on stage. We always like to be last because that seems to b e the best time to sing, and leaves everyone on a beautiful Christmas note right before 12:00 midnight.
       There were probably around 20,000 people in attendance, a large amount of whom were seated. They have lots of security that keep people seated as they are trying to portray a better image of organization to the world. There were also a lot more foreigners this year; at least half of Manger Square was filled with foreigners, whereas before there were more Palestinians. As things are building up towards Bethlehem 2000, more and more foreigners are coming this direction.
       The crowd was sweet and would clap for some of the different groups, but since most of them were choirs, generally their music didn't move people much. But as soon as we came on stage, everyone stood up! In fact, it got kind of confusing at first, as many people stood up and then other people couldn't see, so people were standing on their chairs as they were just so excited about our music. We did no Arabic songs th is year, as they requested only Christmas songs.
       After our first song, the security guards were finally able to get the crowd to sit down and we proceeded with the rest of the program. The sweet organizer of the evening came running back after we were done and said, "Your program is fantastic this year, please do an encore." So we did an encore, and again, we received a standing ovation at the end. Everyone was standing on their chairs and clapping and dancing, even all the foreigners. Everyon e was just flipped out. The Lord's Spirit really fell on the entire crowd.
       When the lady who closed the program got up on the stage, she said, "What a fantastic way to end a beautiful and perfect evening together!" The organizers and everyone thanked us over and over again for our participation and said that without us, Christmas wouldn't be the same. PTL!

3,300 needy people
By Sherri (SGA, of Sam), Mexico

       We chose the park mostly because of its location--only about half a mile from one of the poorest neighborhoods in Guadalajara, Mexico, where our weekly CTP is concentrated. Most of the "houses" are mere lean-tos, pieces of old blanket, cardboard and roofing tied together with rope or string. We knew for a fact that none of those people would be able to afford anything even remotely resembling a Christmas dinner, so, after a month and a half of provisioning, hard work and desperate prayer, we were joyfully watching our dream become reality as we set up the serving tent, stage, speakers, and so on.
       But let me backtrack. Three years ago the Lord gave us the vision and prophecy to host a free Christmas dinner for the poor, giving us the verse: "When thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: …And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just" (Luke 14:13,14). It took quite a bit of faith-stretching, as none of us had ever been involved in anything like this before. When H e showed us that we should aim to feed 2,000 people, well, our little Home of 12 got down on our prayer bones like never before!
       That Christmas our Home provisioner, FGA Zara, worked full-time on channeling the Lord's blessings, and the miracles He did were astounding! Come Christmas Day `96, we were able to serve more than 2,000 people a hearty meal of barbecued chicken, tortillas, rice, salad and juice! Not only that, but as all the Homes in the area came together to help on the big day, peo ple enjoyed a fun Christmas puppet and song show too, and of course we invited them all to receive Jesus, which most of them did!
       You can imagine the feeling of relief, satisfaction and just plain happiness we felt at the end of the day, having watched so many humble folks passing in the food line with obvious excitement on their faces. A little meal may not seem like much to us, but to someone whose daily fare is bean soup or a cabbage taco, a real dinner made for a wonderful Christmas presen t and a real token of the Lord's love and care. TYJ! (We had so much fun, and people showed such appreciation, that we did it again in `97!)
       Which brings us to Christmas Day, 1998! The Lord had miraculously supplied again--thanks to His mercy and the untiring efforts of provisioners Cush and Zara--beef, 350 chickens, vegetables, rice, tortillas and beans, as well as restaurants and hotels to cook it all. It smelled and tasted heavenly! Our area of the park was soon filled to capacity, and when we announced that the food was ready to be served, the sea of people formed into a seemingly never-ending line!
       Most of those we interviewed during the event said they felt that the Lord was right there with us in that dusty park, and that we were all celebrating His birthday as one big family. The following reactions typify the general response of those who attended:
       One elderly woman said her six kids have all married and moved away, her husband is a drunk, and she was alone on Christmas Eve, eating a dinner of beans. "But today," she exclaimed with a smile, "I'm here with you all, and I'm not alone, but happy!" Someone else commented during a TV interview: "It's not only the food, the drinks, or the toys they're giving to the children, but the love and brotherhood here that's made this day special!"--What a pay-off!
       We ended up a bunch of very tired souls, having served about 3,300 people, performed for nearly four hours non-stop, and prayed with most present to receive Jesus , not to mention speaking with the two newspaper reporters who came to cover the event. But as we watched the park empty, we couldn't help but pray that we will be here to do this again next year.
       Our press release about the event was published in its entirety in "El Informador," one of the major newspapers in our city, prior to the event. Praise the Lord!


Our first visit to Bosnia
By Peter and Praise, Denmark

       Our team was Peter and Praise with five kids: Matthew (15), Maria (13), Mark (11), Melissa (9), and Maggie (7). Along with our Mercedes van, a sweet family let us borrow their caravan for our trip of 6,000 km. We were then able to bring a lot of stuff to the Homes and needy people in Bosnia and Croatia during our 10-day trip.
       The first Family Home we stopped at was in Austria, where we stayed for two nights. YA Elaina who has been living in Austria for two years was going to Bosnia, so she joined our team. From there we went to Zagreb in Croatia, zooming th rough Slovenia with no problems. The next day we went into Bosnia. PTL, we didn't have any problems at the border. When the customs guards saw all the happy smiles on the kids in the back of the van, they waved us right through. We had about 500 kilos of clothes, boots, diapers, food, etc., and had they looked through it, we would have had a hard time explaining why we needed 100 pairs of girls' boots for the four females in our family, ha! Once again we managed to arrive at the Home just after midnight.
       The next day Peter went along with a team going to a refugee camp in Sarajevo, for Kosovo refugees. The conditions they live under are pretty depressing. We have previously worked with refugees in Scandinavia, which are like five-star hotels comparatively speaking. In Asia, where we also sometimes helped refugees, they had the same poverty as in Sarajevo, but they didn't have to fight the cold. When we were there it was just around zero, and most people have absolutely no form of hea ting. Around 1,000 people sleep in a big warehouse. The only thing separating the families are carpet "walls." The only "heating" comes from five electric lightbulbs, each of 25 watts!
       A few days later, Praise and our two oldest kids went back to the same refugee camp. We were able to smuggle in some boots and clothes for a few of the people we had gotten close to on our previous visit. The reason we had to hide the presents was that if word gets out that somebody got something from the outsid e, everybody wants it, and though we had tried to bring as much as possible, we had nowhere near enough for each of the 1,400 people there.
       Another day, Peter and the three oldest kids went to a center for mentally handicapped adults. We brought clothes and shoes for them, and they were very appreciative. They mentioned some specific needs (some medicine and a ceramic oven) which we will try to get for them back in Denmark. On the way back from the center, which is located in the mountains abo ut two hours drive from Sarajevo, we passed some terrific views, and we talked about stopping and taking pictures, but the local disciple (Sasa) said that we really couldn't get out of the van, as there very likely would be landmines along the roadside, as this was part of the frontline during the war.
       Before this trip I had the impression that a landmine was something like a plate with a dot on it, and when you stepped on it, it would explode. Here we learned that a landmine could also be a t eddy bear found in a bombed-out house, or a pen laying at the roadside. When it is picked up, it explodes, and you have no hands.--Man's inhumanity to man!
       Another day we went to a home where about 10 refugee families from Kosovo are living. First we went and got their shoe sizes, and then we brought them each a pair of winter footwear, as well as lots of clothes, toothbrushes, soap and teddy bears. Most of the men are not there.
       On another day we took a tour of Sarajevo, and it was quite in credible how a capital can be so destroyed. The old folks' homes have been totally bombed out, as well as many other houses. While in Bosnia, we didn't see one house that didn't have some sort of scar from the war. Many villages are just ghost towns, with ruins everywhere!
       After we entered Croatia, we had a little mishap on the way to Zagreb, as the tire-threading on one of the caravan tires snapped off. We were able to camp out at a nearby gas station for the night, and the next day we met so me sweet Croatian Christians, from whom we provisioned a new tire. We then went on to the Home in Zagreb, where we stayed for two nights before heading back to Austria.
       We couldn't have made this trip on our own. Several people had provisioned items for the trip, and as mentioned we borrowed a caravan from another family here, which has made it possible to bring items to the EE a few times now. Last year we took it to Poland, and now Bosnia. God bless this family for their willingness to share .
       The trip has given us all a bigger burden to help this field more! We have lived in Thailand for 10 years, but I don't think I've ever seen people in situations quite like this before. Generally we found the people in Bosnia to be very receptive, hungry and appreciative of our help, and we are praying about how we can do more for them.

Pioneering in the Seychelles
By Peter and Joy, Africa

[Fact box:]

       Population: 75,000
       Capital: Victoria (the world's smallest capital)
       Languages s poken: English, French, Creole
       Number of islands: 115
       Famous for: exclusive holiday resorts, tropical beaches and climate, giant tortoises, hosting the last two Miss World contests

       We've just returned from a very special 7-week trip to the Seychelles--a group of beautiful islands in the Indian Ocean. As far as we know, only one other Family team has ever visited the island country and that was back in the early 80s. Here was a tropical paradise waiting for us with sweet people that have never seen our posters, tapes, videos, Treasures or Living Waters!
       From the start it was all by faith. Being a small country that's heavily dependent on tourism, things are tightly controlled. It's actually a rule that any visitor has to have a pre-booked hotel or other accommodation arranged before coming. We'd therefore written to a few places ahead of time, but as our travel date grew closer, we still didn't have any place to stay. On top of that we would be arriving on a Saturday night--no t the best time to try to provision a hotel. It was time for a miracle.
       On the plane we started witnessing to the man sitting next to us--a South African living and working in the Seychelles. It turned out his wife and children were temporarily out of the country which meant he was staying in an empty four-bedroom house. He invited us to come and stay with him, arranging transportation of our luggage and really looking after us, GBH!
       Another desperate moment came after we landed at the main Seychelles airport and stood in the queue to proceed through customs. We noticed the officials were thoroughly checking most incoming visitors, and sure enough, we were asked to open up one of our suitcases. Fortunately the official chose the suitcase with the least number of tapes and videos, but even so this totaled 23 items (we had several hundred all together)--more than most tourists carry with them on holiday! The official looked very serious and went off to counsel with his superior, whil e we prayed desperately. The Lord must have touched their hearts as he came back after a few minutes with a friendly smile and waved us through, phew!
       Once past customs and with a place to stay, it proved fairly easy to arrange slide shows (our main ministry) in the various institutions--schools, daycare centers, hospitals, churches, orphanages, old age homes and centers for the handicapped. One particularly interesting program involved traveling by boat to an outlying island to visit prisoner s. Although this prison island is normally off limits to outsiders, we were able to get special permission to share personal testimonies with the inmates.
       Another challenge came when our slide projector bulb broke just before giving our third slide show at an orphanage. Neither one of the two photo shops in the capital had anything relating to slides or slide projectors and it looked like such an item was totally unavailable, which would have been a serious blow to our work. Fortunately a rath er unlikely electrical shop had one single slide projector bulb which happened to be the right one! The owner of the shop donated it and the show went on!
       Overall the response we received in the Seychelles was extremely enthusiastic. The tools went out like we've never seen before (we got out 18 tapes and 12 videos in the first few hours of outreach) and we have many open doors to go back. We also distributed tracts all over the three main islands. Now that we're back in South Africa, we're se nding out Living Waters courses in response to the many letters we've received.
       Please pray that we can make a follow-up trip and especially that we can provision a discount on the airfares, which are normally extremely expensive. If you'd like to help support us in reaching the Seychelles and other unreached Indian Ocean islands, please contact:

Peter and Joy
PO Box 990045
Kibler Park 2053
Johannesburg, South Africa

Feature: Christmas testimonies


[Taiwan rocks for Christmas!]
       Whitewaves, Fruitree and Anna Homes, Taiwan:
Our team of six adults and 12 kids (ages 3-15) spent the month of December performing and spreading the Christmas message in a number of places. We sang in the main government hospital, a Catholic Dance school, a school for the Blind, orphanages, old folks' and handicapped children's centers. Our performances were featured for two days on the 10 o'clock news and we were in two newspaper articles that week.
       We stayed at the aboriginal Bunung village while we went to our scheduled shows. One big surprise was to walk into the local MacDonalds outlet and hear Christmas Treasures being played continuously over their PA system! They also fed our team of 18 for the two nights we were there.
       After all our CTP shows, our Home took our Christmas witness to the streets as we had a weekend stage spot outside the biggest department store in the city. We did two to three shows every Saturday and Sunday leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and displayed our CDs, audios and videos for the crowds of Christmas shoppers. We also had two top spots in the leading downtown hotel, where we performed on Christmas Eve and for their Christmas Day Dinner show. In the midst of this we received a request from the hotel to do an extra show for a group of handicapped orphans whom they were treating to a special Christmas meal at the hotel. It turned out this orph anage was run by nuns who we also know. We hadn't been able to include them in our schedule this year, but the Lord saw to it that they also were treated to our show in His Own way! We were featured in five newspapers after these shows. And guess what music the hotel was playing continuously during the Christmas season?--Christmas Beat!
       We also performed in three prisons. Our spirited performances were well received by the prisoners and staff, as was our prepared Christmas cards (one for each prisoner), Christmas posters, and raffle prizes of our Christmas tapes.
       During the Christmas season, we distributed 4,800 Chinese posters, 400 Chinese music CDs, 500 Chinese music audios, 500 Chinese Christmas storybooks, and won close to 2,000 Chinese souls for His Kingdom!

       Islamabad Home, Pakistan:
This busy month of December was filled with about 12 shows for orphanages, schools, home functions, hotel and restaurant busking, etc. Our 12-person singing team members (ages 5-16) did a fantastic job of caroling throughout this season.
       We did a performance in the lobby of a five-star hotel (the best in Islamabad) where a British Airway crew gathered. We got out about 25 tapes (just going person to person, table to table!) We were advertised the next day in the newspaper. The second night we had a pretty big crowd, and got out another 25 tapes! Both nights they served us dinner (a 16-man team!) They gave a donation of about $200 for the programs (not including the many donations kind-hearted folks extended, as well as the 50 tapes out!)
       We also sang in the biggest Saturday night hang-out place, a restaurant where all the young yuppies have a Karaoke night. Though the restaurant was rather small, the crowds of youth were totally flipped out and the restaurant went wild!

[Christmas in prison]
       Juan and Bernadette, Cameroon:
The children had prepared some songs and Gabriel and Ana had prepared a short puppet show about Christmas which we performed at t he orphanage, the prison and in a Sunday school. Everyone was delighted and many souls were saved.
       One of our supporters had assigned some money for our prison ministry, so we have started music classes. We got a guitar and donated it to the minors' prison. The folks there were overwhelmed! The same day, the family that had given us the funds brought 80kg. of rice to the minors' prison. They were able to eat very well for a couple of days, for which they were super thankful!

[Creating Chris tmas in Karachi]
       Home in Pakistan:
In our 98% Muslim field, Christmas is not given much attention. But we set a goal to create Christmas in the hearts and minds of the many to whom we would witness via our performing group. All the children in the Home became a part of the team, from the littlest of 1 year, up through the senior teen clowns, so that there were no "sideliners" this Christmas. In prophecy the Lord gave us a name, HeartBeat! and we were ready to take the city by storm!
       In the p ast, we had pretty much done our shows for free in most places, covering the cost of hiring a sound system as well for each event. But this year, without our even seeking it, one of our friends from a multinational company presented us with the idea of allowing them to sponsor all our shows, if we would only hang out their banner. That was easy for us, and thus, for each of our many programs in large schools this company paid for the sound system, set up a stage and provided chairs, etc., helped us with transportation, as well as giving us a gift of $100 per show! All we had to do was book the program and get out there and witness! HeartBeat sang, while our clowns did a Dr. NewHeart skit (an upgrade of Dr. Chainbuster).
       Overall we did more than 15 programs, many in schools for thousands of kids, and we were a hit wherever we went! Our season culminated with a special two-evening Christmas Eve and Christmas Day show in one of the city's nicest hotels. We gathered large crowds as we pe rformed in the lobby and restaurant, and met many new friends and potential open doors. As a reward for our labors the hotel invited our whole team (that's 18+) for a special dinner courtesy of the hotel, and they are asking us if we would consider performing there once a week in the coming new year!

Christmas in Cambodia
French Tommy, Thailand

       We had just come back from a three-week road trip to Singapore and were praying about the possibility of going back there for Christmas to get out lots of Christmas tools and posters. But when we prayed about it, the Lord told us in prophecy that the people of Cambodia had a more desperate need during Christmas and that this would be an ideal time to reach those who didn't know Him, as well as minister to our long-term friends.
       We counseled with the Home members here and everyone was very willing to sacrifice and do extra work so that a team of two could go and bring the Words of David to the Khmer people!
       The Lord supplied everything we needed for the trip: plane tickets at a nearly 50% discount, 100 kg. overweight for our luggage, free hotel, food and travelling expenses within the country. Two days before we left, we went to a local market and asked the shopkeepers if they could help towards our orphanage CTPs by donating nice children's clothes, toys, etc. Many readily gave and we ended up with much more than we had expected!--Nearly 400 kg. of stuff! We took about 200 kg. with us on the plane without any problem, and the rest was used for local CTPs and Christmas presents!
       In Phnom Penh things were still chaotic--wild traffic, bad roads, shootings at night, etc.--but the people were so hungry and receptive to the Christmas message! A Family member from Canada had sent us the Khmer translation of the Christmas poster "The Man of Love" that a Canadian-Cambodian church had worked on because they liked it so much!
       During our ten-day trip from December 15-25 we were able to do three CTPs at local orphanages and be their "Santa Clauses," bringing them lots of presents and Jesus' love! We went to two universities and about 30 language schools. We met the directors, teachers and lots of students, and were able to distribute about 5,000 pages of Christmas literature and posters in Khmer, English, French and Thai. Many teachers asked for more Christmas material for their classes, so we also gave them Reflections, Christmas Heaven's Library stories, KidzMags and about 20 audio tapes.
       We also went to a few international schools and they readily bought our videos. One Montessori school took a copy of everything we had--six KVs, 12 TAs and 2 CDs!
       We would like to especially thank our dear brother from Canada for sending us the final-typed translation of "The Man of Love" poster! It was such a blessing! We really appreciate all the help we can get. If you're interested in helping, please write via ASCRO to the Cambodia pioneer team: PO Box 520, Samsen Nai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

moving missio naries

       It all began when we started using the gift of hearing from Heaven. We were all ready to pack up and head to the field of Eastern Europe when, lo and behold, we started hearing these departed saints from China calling us to come and help the people of that great land. Every time we would pray and hear from the Lord about going to Europe, another Chinese saint would come and tell us things like not to worry about finances, but that they would help us to raise the funds necessary and to j ust come.
       They were quite passionate in their pleas for help, and even when we asked if one of the saints from Europe would come and tell us to go there, it was always a spirit from China. What could we do? We couldn't let them down, nor our Lord that had sent them, so we started to put the boat in motion to come here.
       They helped us travel across the United States from Texas to Oklahoma, following the same route that Dad described in Life of Grandpa. Then we went on to Missouri, Kansas, Iow a, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and West Virginia, where we visited the old stomping grounds of Ma and Pa Tucket, our hillbilly spirit helpers. Finally to Pennsylvania and New Jersey where Pa told us to go to a flea market, of all places, where we sold our motor home.
       In Washington DC, we got on a jet and here we are, now over a year later, in the same country where Eric Liddell and other missionaries to China have labored. Eric himself came and told us that he was going to help us, and he was joi ned by a whole boatload of departed teachers disembarking here to join in the action. They have been a great help to us with our teaching English.
       Yes, there really is a cast of characters here to help us. Bruce Lee and Genghis Khan even showed up to help us with the spiritual warfare, of which there is plenty. We have been learning a lot and are really watching our P's and Q's with all of these helpers around. Dad has also been here a few times and has given us some good practical advice. He' s so sweet and it's nice to have him come visit us.
       Even though we are far away from Family fellowship, we are not lonely and the Home is really filling up. Actually, they and all they do don't take up much space. Of course, we could be walking through them, for all we know. They never complain. They are very thankful that we listened to them and came here. Oh yes, we have also taken a few out of this world trips courtesy of the Spirit World Travel Agency.
       So the moral of this story is: Foll ow those spirit helpers that Jesus sends, and you'll get where you're going and have lots of fun on the way--not to mention protection, of which they give a lot. I think one of the writers or teachers that joined us here is really happy to finally get us to write this. They really are a blast to work with and are very patient. It must be all of those years in Heaven!
       We just want to say how much we appreciate them. They've done so much for us. Of course they always give all the glory to their and our great and Loving King and Husband, Jesus!
--Clay, Victory and team in China


[Red Crescent Society]
       Paradise Home, Middle East:
A major event was a performance we did for the 50th anniversary of the Red Crescent Society (the sister organization in Islamic countries of Red Cross). This was a big event with delegates from all around the world, the director of the International Red Cross, and many local dignitaries in attendance. There were speeches by some government and Red Cross officials, and we performed three songs and the show went very well, and was wonderfully received.

[Abundant supply]
       Kristia, Garden Home, Thailand:
During the last two months, the Lord's given us two new ice-cream contacts for our monthly birthday parties; a new air-conditioner, five wall clocks, a hotel contact (offering us a suite or two for W'nR/Family days!), contacts for bowling and ice-skating, lots of new plants, a new truck and four new freezers. Those were extra special blessings above the Lord's faithful monthly supply of 120 kg. of chicken, 30-40 kg. of milk powder, 75 kg. of brown sugar, fruits and vegetables every week … wow! Our wonderful Lord and Lover takes such good care of us!

[Correspondence Bible Study Course]
       Philip and Meekness, Namibia:
At the beginning of 1998 we began a Correspondence Bible Study Course here in South Africa. Wherever we go we give out lots of tracts (titled Invitation) inviting people to study the Bible. So far we've been able to distribute them in five countries. What we've prepared for all those interested is a ten-subject basic Bible Study Course together with simple fill-out questionnaires!
       The bomb exploded and now every week Bible Study students are writing in! Many of them are nearly finished with the course. With the fifth volume (on the topic of witnessing) we send packages of posters and tracts for the sheep to distribute. Right now we are receiving another batch of requests for the course, as fruit o f our students' litnessing! Isn't that amazing!
       Packages of lit go to the places we've never been before, and we're sending Bible Studies to four southern African countries in three languages! Among our sheep are students, managers, bank officials, gas station workers, teachers, prisoners, businessmen, nurses, soldiers, office clerks, media officers and secretaries. Please pray that through this ministry the Lord will raise up missionaries and national disciples!

[Youth camp]
       Maria, Danie l and Rut, Colombia:
This month we held a "Youth Camp" for our teens (13 and up). The Lord provided a hotel through a close friend of the Family. We had Word Classes, fellowship and lots of fun. Many of the young people were very excited since they not only received the gift of prophecy, but also their first prophecies, PTL!

[Fortune 500 director]
       Hannah, Anna, Matthew, Mary, Renee and Jenny, India:
We were able to have dinner with and witness to a man of the top of the list of America's Fo rtune 500 companies. He was visiting Bombay with his wife and is a close friend of someone we know. He was very receptive, and our children were able to perform for him. We gave him a CD and audio tape for Christmas and hope to keep in touch through the mail.

[Tamil Lit-Pic]
       Matthew, Marie, Phillip, and Lizy, India:
The Lord supplied a free color printing contact this month, so we were able to print most of the color posters we had planned. He also supplied a free B/W printing, which enable d us to print not only Tamil B/W lit, but also B/W lit for the city's distribution needs. Through one of the Deaf Home's contacts, He is also raising up someone who wants to help with the Tamil dubbing for CDTA video.

[Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce]
       Peter, Mary, and Sam, Indonesia:
We were able to sing for the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce who were holding their yearly meeting for members from all over Asia. Our singing team belted out some good hot song-and-dance numbers that had most peop le rocking. Afterwards the Cabinet Minister for overseas Taiwanese came to our table and toasted the girls and said they were wonderful.

[50 hearing aids]
       Abner and Elisa, Ukraine:
Last summer we contacted a company with a request for hearing aids, but heard nothing back. So it was a surprise for us to hear that this year, since it is their 50-year Anniversary, they had decided to give 50 hearing aids to the poor children of this region, and invited us to receive them in the capital city.
       We attended a ceremony where the Minister of Youth and Family Affairs, the Ambassador, and other high-ranking personalities were present. It was broadcast on the news and in the papers. At the end, we gave a speech about the importance of making this world a better place by changing our part of the world. We were able to show our PR album to the Minister and the Ambassador who both thanked us for the good work we are doing here in this country.

[Catacombers' candlelight service]
       Robin, Gua temala:
This week seven of our catacombers showed up for class. Paul (SGA) and the teens have been faithfully giving them classes every Wednesday afternoon. Since our last class fell on December 30, we thought it would be nice to have a candlelight service with them. We started off with a rock'm sock'm inspiration, then slowed it down with some songs of love and praise to Jesus. All the catacombers sang along as they followed in their songbooks which Paul had put together for them. We then read some envisioning DMs and poems from the Treasures about the new year.
       Since this was their first candlelight ceremony, we explained to them the importance of committing the new year to the Lord, and taking time to reflect upon all that the Lord had done in their lives, and what they were most thankful for. We proceeded to give each one a candle, and explained how the big candle represented Jesus and that we would light our candles from His fire. It was so touching to listen as each one sincere ly shared their prayer for the new year, as well as what they were most thankful for. Each one chose a promise that they read aloud after they lit their candle.
       One girl (19) who has just joined our catacomb group said that she was most thankful for her recent heartbreak, as it was at that time that she met the Family. Though she lost a boyfriend, she gained a whole new circle of friends--her newfound Family! TYJ!
       The Lord has inspired us with some ideas of how we can more faithfully "feed H is sheep." We're going to begin to give them individual Word assignments, as well as a verse to memorize which we can all review together the following week.
       I have just recently joined the team here in Guatemala but it has blown my mind to see the incredible potential here for winning new disciples! Besides those that came to our catacomb meeting we have had five other young visitors that have come over for classes--all in just one week!

[Children's Day]
       Silas, Thailand:
The children fro m the DF Home were invited to perform live on Channel 11 on Children's Day (January 9). Children's Day is a big thing here and everybody gets involved. They performed a Thai Medley, and represented different songs from different parts of Thailand, with the kids dressed up in various Thai costumes. Right afterwards we performed at the largest prison in the country, for all of the prisoners and people who were allowed to attend and visit that day.

[We're the best!]
       Home in Indonesia:
One of o ur sheep goes to different gatherings and denominations and she sees us once a month to give us her tithe. During our meeting we usually talk, and she shares her heart and lessons she's been learning, asks questions and asks for prayer. At the end of our last meeting she commented that though she's been to all these other denominations, the Family is the best. TYJ! She's been one of the most difficult people to convince of the truth, but consistently pouring into her helped her through.
       A youn g Indian girl we met a month ago while going OTO invited us for lunch in her house. It really touched our hearts to see how little she has, yet she treated us so well, and on top of it, gave a good donation. She told us that many denominations have come to her, but she feels she can talk to us comfortably and likes us the best.

letters to the editor

Re: "Just Go" Trip

       After sending our daughter to China with Ado's Just Go program, we saw so much good fruit in her life. Perhaps we could f ind a way to make it possible for our young people to have more of these opportunities, as it seems to open their eyes to the need in far-off countries. Perhaps other programs could be organized along the same line as Ado's, which would give kids all over the world the chance to feel out and experience firsthand what it's like to travel and relate to others, etc.
--Agustin and Paloma, Colombia

Re: Grapes of thanks

       We have been very touched by the "Grapes of Thankfulness" pub. It is a beaut iful testimony to how we are still a Family, and that there are still lots of people who do things for others, simply out of love. It's good to hear these things and to reinforce the positive this way in our hearts, as the Devil is often faithful to come along to discourage us about the Family and to try to bring disunity.
--Jenny, Charity, Daniel and Chicho, Brazil


Clearance receipts

Could CRO offices be required to send an acknowledgement receipt of clearances as the Charter requires? We understand we might not hear back about clearance, but we thought we had to know they received our clearance in order to start counting our 30 days national or 90 days international. However, if we don't hear that they received the request, we can't start counting our time, can we? Could they be asked to send the receipt within 30 days of their receiving our request?
--Home in the USA

(WS:) A reminder on this point has been sent around to all CRO offices. They are required to send a receipt of your clearance request to you within 14 days of receiving it.

ideas and tips

Reaching managers

       To reach top managers or owners on the phone, it's sometimes good to call during off hours, either before eight in the morning, or after six or seven at night, or on a Saturday or Sunday. Many bosses work late, and will answer the phone directly themselves during off hours.
       One time, I called the manager of a large company on a Saturday, and he told me afterwards that he and the janitor were the only ones in the building, so he had answered the main phone himself. The happy end of that story was he donated eight bikes, worth a total of $1,000!
--Rose, Turkey

Dear Mama,

       Thanks for the wonderful things you're sending us! Everything speaks so directly to me! I'm just thrilled with so much stuff that answers my questions and has solutions for my "problems."
       However, now that I'm on the field, it seems the Lord has pretty much solved all my "problems" and I 'm just so happy. The sweet couple I live with are so precious. I just love them, and they have made me feel so loved and wanted and needed--a partner in weakness! We're all a mess, and we're so happy! We often get together to hear from the Lord (something that was quite missing from my previous Home). I'm able to have regular (weekly!) dates--after almost two years of no dates--loving the Lord together freely. It's just so wonderful!
       Of course the field itself is fantastic and lots of fun. I feel right at home, and am picking up the language pretty fast. (It was a definite asset that I started studying the language on my own as soon as I heard the call to this place. It gave me a good foundation. I also started teaching my boys the basics before we got here, so they were also ahead before we arrived.)
       I have come to the conclusion that He sent those "problems" with my previous Home--including lack of unity, no sharing, loneliness--to get me into such an uncomfortable place that I would be open to receiving His call to this far-off and far-out field. Beautiful touches of His tender love, and actually a real compliment!
--a single mom just returned to a foreign field


       Priya is looking for Chris Jamal-S. and Phoebe, last met them in Mt. Lavinia in 1988. Please get in touch via the Swiss ABM, attn. Micha and Chris.
       Dear Peter and Peace (English and Danish), would you please get in contact with Rejoice Delight (Norwegian). E-mail: jungle04@datanetbbs.com.br . Add: Cx. Postal 513, Belém - PA , Brazil CEP 66017-970.
(lately living in Swiss Lake Home), Meekness from Namibia is looking for you in connection with CLE books, pls. write today! E-mail:
       Claire Joy (SGA in Brazil) needs to get in touch with Luna G. (formerly Crystal Light). The last I heard from her she was in Provo, Utah. Please contact me through SACRO or e-mail: robf@atinet.com.br.
       Chad Des R.
(Canadian, formerly Abner, last heard he was in Nigeria) pleas e contact Virginia D. ASAP at: gin69@geocities.com.
       Hanna (of Michael and Praise/Abi and Becky) would like to contact Philipp (of Martin and Esther); Blanche (of Gideon and Bruni); Nathaniel (of Apollos and Candle); David Newman, last heard of in Frankfurt; Sharon, last heard of in Dehli. New add: Hanna Helmke c/o M.R., apdo.50.909, 28080 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: lafamilia@arrakis.es.
       Larri C.
, Mary needs to contact you. If you don't have Internet write via mail at: Caixa Postal 29 cep: 20001- 970 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brazil. E-mail:
       James D.
(last heard of in Ghana), please contact Nieves S. at: Casilla 130, Stgo-17 Santiago, Chile.
       Polish Magda H
. I don't have your address, please send it to me! Love, Polish Abi.

Mama jewels on … accepting shepherds

       Whenever you have a changeover in shepherding, no matter who your shepherd has been or who it's now going to be, there are going to be differences between them. Human nature is such that we naturall y become a little critical when people don't do things the same as the people we have been used to.
       It's very difficult for new shepherds. You have to give them all the help and prayer that you can. We all know that with any job, if you haven't had it for a long time, then you're not very experienced, and you have to grow. But you have to manifest some confidence and trust in your new shepherds, that the Lord will anoint them to do the job that they need to do in shepherding you.
       When the Lo rd gives someone a new job, He gives them a special anointing for it, so we can expect that He's going to give it to them. So help them and pray for them, and try not to be critical if they don't do everything like your former shepherds. They're not supposed to. They've got their own personality and their own style and the Lord is going to use that. Just pray for them. Pray for each other. That's what will make your home a better home and happier.


       Wholeheartedly, a big THANK YOU to Samaria (JA 419), David/Miracle/Daniel (SD 1305) and Paul and Faithy (EN 438) who responded to our plea for help in the time we needed it! GBY and TYSVVM! Let the whole world know!!! We pray the Lord will repay more than you can store!
--Philip and Meekness from Namibia, Africa

       We'd like to thank all of you who have supported us with your prayers for our preparations to go to Africa. It's been a real fight in the spirit, and we couldn't have made it this far without so much prayer power! W e also want to thank all those who have sent us donations via the mail, reporting office, etc. Your donations have been a real help, especially since we have had and continue to have, a lot of legal work to do and other expenses. We wish we could thank each of you personally, but don't have all your mailing addresses. So we hope this general thank-you will suffice. We love you! Keep going for God! The future is as bright as His promises!
--Simon and Claire Joy (SGAs), Brazil

       A big "thank yo u" to Tim and team in Korea who has been helping all the teams here in northern China to receive their mailings for the last two years, as well as helping teams coming through Korea on their way here. Even though they only have a small place, they move out of their bedrooms to put teams up for the night and help in any way they can. We appreciate you and admire your sample of true Christian love and dedication.
--From the teams in Northern China

       This story is old, but it has to be told.
       O ur small family traveling so fast,
       With three small kids, it was not always bliss,
       And help had to arrive very fast.
       Choose any single in the Subcontinent,
       Male, or female alike.
       Who was the fan?
       No, not as you thought!
       On childcare we choose a man!
       Dear Benny came,
       Who then changed his name,
       Was only 21 years old,
       But he gave his life for our little fold.
       We love you, Aaron CC!
--Paul and Maria and family, Nigeria


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts, Ed Harris
       Drama/character study about the relationship that develops between a woman and her ex-husband's fiancée.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Bill Pullman, Ben Stiller, Ryan O'Neal
       Off-beat movie about a detective, a genius in his work but eccentric in his personal life, who is called upon to solve a blackmail case. Contains some bad language.

Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Fr akes, Brent Spiner
       When the crew of the starship Enterprise learn that one of their officers has rebelled against the Federation's outpost on a unique planet, they launch a personal investigation of their own. Could be suitable for JETTs, but be mindful of one explicitly gory scene.



       (Jesus speaking:)
This movie is a very realistic portrayal of the trials and experiences that a lot of people go through when they remarry or move on. The wonderful thing for those of My Fam ily is that even when you pass through a shadowy time, similar to that portrayed in this movie, you still have love, and you still have Me.
       In the world, to some people their family unit means everything to them, and when that falls apart or new factors enter the equation, they have no one to comfort and encourage them, and it's so easy for them to get hardened. But in our precious Family, where you try to live the One Wife vision, lend a helping hand, and lift up those who are down and discou raged and going through tough times, you don't have to let it have the same influence on you and your actions.
       Most of all, this movie should help each one count their blessings--that even though trials beset you and burdens distress you, you'll always have each other, and you will always have Me to turn to for counsel, for wisdom and comfort. (End of message from Jesus.)

Zero Effect

       (Dad speaking:) What a beautiful portrayal of the power of love to change someone who seemed so set in his ways! I don't know that everyone is going to totally love this movie, but I think you've got a fair amount of good in there--some good lessons, an interesting format, and a bit of suspense and mystery thrown in too. It's too bad about all that foul language. You'll really have to be on guard about that, and rebuke the Enemy if he tries to use it to get an inroad into your mind. Other than that, it's a movie that's got a sweet message and an interesting, suspenseful content. (End of message from Dad.)

Star Trek: Insurrection

       (Dad speaking:) I think the Family by and large will like this movie, because they'll click right away into relating it to the Millennial world of the future. That's the way we're going to be, folks!--No more age, no more death, no more weapons and technology of mass destruction. Except it's going to be so much better, because we're not going to be at the mercy of evil men who will want to come in and spoil our paradise. We'll be infinitely much more powerful than any of our enemies, and we will triumph over them all.
       It's a shame they had to throw in that one yucky scene, because it would have been a fun movie for our JETTs and even OCs to watch. And they still could, as long as their parents or teachers are on guard and know what to avoid, because for the most part it's a great, fun, relaxing and entertaining movie. Enjoy yourselves! (End of message from Dad.)

help wanted

       I'm David (young person) and I'm trying to get to the mission field of Africa. I've got a Home to go to and I'm currently writing in for clearance. My only problem is that I'm kind of short on funds. Being in China, it isn't very easy to raise funds. If you can help with a donation, no matter how small, it would be a real blessing and I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Please forward gifts to the China desk, Home #CN611.

       My name is Gloria (21, Russian national). I want to ask you for help. I'm planning to go to China and I need funds for my ticket, landin g funds, and home support, because in Russia it's quite difficult to raise funds. I really need your help. Whatever the Lord puts on your heart to help, even only $5 or $10, it will be a great blessing. Thank you very much. Send your donations to "Gloria in RU-007."


[The American way]
       J., India:
I am Italian and I must say that I do not relish being in a Home with only Italians, nor with only Germans, Australians or Americans for that matter. It seems that whenever a certain nation ality dominates, it brings along many of the NWOs of that particular country, while in reverse, when there is a mixture of nationalities within a Home, that seems to help the Family culture and spirit to prevail.
       I personally had to make many adjustments in order to merge with my brothers and sisters of all continents and with the Family at large. I had to forsake some hang-ups about dress code, food, possessive attitudes in marriage, foolish familiarity and many other nationally related attri butes. When on a mission field, it was always a major concern to help our national new disciples to also become new creatures and abandon much of their original national traits in order to adopt the nature of Christ, and the ways of the Family.
       I am, however, somewhat puzzled by what I have seen as a growing Americanization of some of our people. It seems as if American clothes, American music, American lingo and American attitudes are on the rise. Undoubtedly "America the Whore" has, with her merchandise, polluted many nations on this Earth and that's probably part of the reason why, according to Rev. 18, it will have to finally be destroyed.
       I was wondering, however, if we, as God's children, need to wait until then to see the light and to come out of her in spirit, dress, word and way of thinking? Perhaps if we were to realize how perverted that nation is and how much of a source of contamination and destruction it is toward the rest of the world, we would be more willing to she d any semblance to being members of that "great nation (whore)."
       One thing that might make this difficult is perhaps the preponderance of members in our Family who bear that nationality by birth. Well, perhaps the same training we gave to our Indian nationals, or Japanese, Russians and Latinos, which helped them not to be so Asian, Latino, or whatever they were and to become Kingdomites instead, we should now consider for some of our Americans, or Americanized ones?
       Another thing that might help is if we limit our intake of American culture (or lack of it) through American movies that portray American lifestyle and the ever-present American hero against the evil Iraqis, Russians, Libyans, Chinese, Germans, Indian, Pakistanis, etc. Most such action thriller movies are just lies that portray a completely false picture of a country who has burned its own Christian people, murdered countless innocents for pride's sake and has no regard for the lives of the poor of this world, but looks condescendingly on all non-Americans as some kind of inferior breed, especially if they be poor and from so called "backward" countries. Perhaps a more diversified cultural intake in our moments of relaxation would balance things out better.

[Attitude toward VSs]
       FGA woman, USA:
I can understand why it is hard to get VSs. One thing that I saw when the VSs came through is that they had to work hard to support themselves. From what I have heard, some people in the Family actually charged the VSs to stay with them! I find that OUTRAGEOUS! I am so thankful for the VSs, and we've usually felt that we should try to support them for coming to help us, not take them in as some sort of paying guests!

[Dental care]
       ASCRO FED:
One observation from visitation is that it seems health-wise, there is a need for better dental and gum care. Quite a few people seem to have inflammation of the gums which is called gingivitis. If anyone has any information or research material that they have pu t together we'd appreciate any information or input on this. [Editor's note: Send any information on this topic to the ASCRO FED.]

[A visitation help]
       Phoenix, PACRO:
While visiting a Home, even when we don't have anything specific to point out, we try to hear from the Lord to see what He has to say about the Home. Sometimes He has encouragement, commendation, or even direction and instruction to give to them, which is just what they need.
       For example, our team was visiting a very good Ho me, with good kids, good shepherding of the kids, including education, good sample, becoming one with the local people, etc. They had a high standard overall, but we felt there was something lacking. When we prayed and heard from the Lord, He commended the Home for keeping a good standard because He knows it's not easy and takes a lot of hard work, but at the same time He encouraged the Home to enjoy themselves more. He said "the joy of the Lord is your strength." We shared that with everyone in the Home, and even though it was simple instruction, it was just what they needed.
       Another time my SGA partner and I heard from the Lord to see if He had anything to say to the Home we were about to visit. He told us to encourage them to have more fellowship with other Homes. Theirs was a very sweet Home, doing a lot for the Lord, but it seemed to be a little on the dry side in spirit, which confirmed what the Lord said. We shared the prophecy which we got for them, which was such a little si mple prophecy, but the folks there really appreciated it. The gift of prophecy is so wonderful to lean on!

[Where are the children going?]
       Faith (Tabitha), Brazil:
We used to be proud of the fact the most of our teens stuck with us, while the churches lost most of their young people. Now I hear of teens leaving the Family and I can't get used to the idea that it's happening to us! Like the disciples told Jesus "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou alone hast the words of eternal life!"
       Their f riends are in the Family, their brothers and sisters are in the Family, everything they have came from the Family. Everything they learned is from the Family. Their lives are molded in the Family and even when they leave, they can't really get away from the Family.
       There is a heavy war going on and the Enemy is trying to get our kids out of the Family. If we don't start obeying and following what the Lord is showing us to do, like loving them unconditionally, showing faith in them, helping the m without judging and criticizing, doing what we can to help keep them happy, we'll lose more!
       I see a lot of adults who don't have teenage children of their own, have little or no patience with young people in their Home, and in the zeal that many of us have to "keep the standard," we're literally blowing away our young people. I understand that we can't compromise our convictions to "keep them happy," but how can we find a happy medium? I know the Lord has an answer and solution to this prob lem. They are His children and He loves them and cares for them. They've been chosen and brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and we believe they are what the Lord always told us they were. But right now many are going through a rough time and feel lost and confused, and we need to help them and pray for them and pray for the Lord to deliver us from self-righteousness, for wisdom and love to help them through this difficult time as He prepares us for the End, when things are rea lly going to be rough and we're going to need our young people with us more than ever!

[Leave it to the parents]
We were recently hurt to find out that our daughter, who had left the Family, was hurt because a CM sister (SGA) told her that her little brother was not biologically from her father. The woman went by hearsay and there was really no reason for her to even talk about this except for gossip's sake, and this hurt our daughter. It certainly isn't anyone's place to "inform " people of their siblings biological heritage except the parents, don't you agree? This has caused much hurt and division in our little family and did a lot of damage.--Another example of what GOSSIP can do. Please, everyone, for the sake of our little ones, leave this to the parents! Thanks!


       Our apologies that the suggested reading age on the back of Grapevine #58 did not reflect the new age rating for the Grapevine, which is 14 and up. The age designation for Grapevine #58 is 14 and up.


--for your spirit stories
       Joy (of Dan, Mexico), Michael Valiant (Belgium), Zeke (USA), Josiah PI (Romania).

New Year's prayer for 1999

       As I look forward to the year ahead,
       Please clear old thought patterns from my head.
       Cleanse my heart and give me Thy vision to see.
       Make me a humble, yielded and loving vessel for Thee.

       Help me to receive the New Wine and drink it in,
       To wash and renew me and free me from sin.
       Imbibing Your Words to find my stre ngth,
       May they lift me and fill me with Heavenly faith.

       Teach me to be a better fighter when the battle gets hot,
       Using the New Weapons of the Spirit, to give it my best shot.
       Teach me not to be burdened under a load of care,
       But to give it all to You, for You're always there.

       Help me to look up and praise You with all of my heart,
       With a song on my lips as each new day starts.
       Let me kiss You and love You as Your yielded bride.
       Show me the wonders of Your love; keep me clo se by Thy side.

       Help me to hear Your whispers and the sound of Your voice.
       Guide my every step, and help me make the right choice.
       Let me be weak in myself but always strong in You.
       Let me know I am nothing, with You to carry me through.

       Make me a sample of Your love, though I'm but a weak man;
       I pray that You'll shine through me and all will understand,
       That I'm a mess and I fail, I'm just earthly clod;
       But I've got the help of a loving, powerful, almighty God!
--by Sam Aqu arian, Hungary

Members only Family web site


       March UserID: march
       March password: ptl4everything

shine on

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       17,500       35,000
Cefas/Anita, Mexico
       7,368       14,735
Mark/Faithy, India
       6,749       13,498
Delhi Deaf Home, India       2,887       17,320
Ben/Meekness, Botswana       2,500       5,000
Steven/Claire/Daniel/Crystal, India       2,479       9,915
Madras Deaf Home, India       2,287       6,860
Francisco/Margarita/Esdras/Luz, Mexico        2,000       12,000
Andy/Maria/Ariana, Colombia       1,930       13,513
Marco Vinicio, Colombia       1,572       3,145

Peter S./Crystal S./Mary M., USA
       4,600       18,400
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       3,866       7,732
Jeremias/Tiago/Brook, Brazil
       3,855       34,702
Steven/Mercy, Japan       3,555       7,110
Delhi Deaf Home, India       3,208       19,250
Marie Giver/Ester V./Rueben V., USA       2,700       16,202
Steven/Claire/Daniel/Crystal, India       2,547       10,189
David W./Faith David/James David, USA       2,317       11,585
Michael/Maria, Japan       1,7 37       3,475
Adino/Abrahim/Joana, Brazil       1,700       5,100

John/Priscilla/Ester, Brazil
       763       5,343
Josue/Abigail/Heidi Maria, Costa Rica       602       1,805
Sherri Joy/Cush Joy/Zara Joy, Mexico
       339       2,375
David/Promise, Costa Rica       247       494
Michael/Paciencia/Cielo/Elizabeth, Chile       221       1,329
Lalo/Ruth/Sweety, Mexico       189       1,134
Pablo E., Chile       179       538
Andrew/Celeste, Belgium       166       500
Marco Vinicio, Colombia       147       295
Marcos/Abby, Brazil       143       430

Ab ner/Esther/Andrew/Lena, South Africa
       111       555
Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       101       203
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       71       141
Martin/Marie, Holland       65       131
Esther, Japan       56       56
Sherri Joy/Cush Joy/Zara Joy, Mexico       56       403
Juan/Susanna, Ecuador       43       130
Andres/Blanca/Sara, Bolivia       36       182
Andres/Pilar, Ecuador       35       107
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       35       70


Nat/Eva/Joanna, Russia       3,170       19,020
Daniel/Davida/Francesco, Moldava       2,075       8,300
Peter/Praise/Davide, Ukraine       750       3,000
Phil/Shilo h/Bruni/Praise/Anna, Russia       703       6,334
Abner/Elisa/Mary, Ukraine       634       5,078
Francis/Alina/Dulcinea, Russia       572       2,860
Valour/Dan/Christina, Ukraine       562       4,500
Jonathan/Sara/David/Esther, Ukraine       444       4,000
John/Faith/Jahmai, Poland       271       1,897
Michael/Catrina/Patience, Latvia       250       1,000

Also included with this file

cute kids (peanuts `n' raisins)
courtesy of Florence (3), PACRO
       Caption 1 …save himself no matter what he did!…
       Caption 2 …Then one day, he opened his heart to the head of the monastery -
       Caption 3 Why do these punks have such funny hairstyles?

Peculiar People (by Zeb)

       Caption 1 If last year was the year of the bottom line, I wonder what this year is going to be?
       Caption 2 Probably the year of toeing the line!
       Caption 3 1999 - the year of toeing the line!
       Caption 4 Hmmm… I wonder what SACRO is gonna do with that one?
       Caption 5 Somehow it's just not as exciting as last year's pic!

Newdayz (by David Komic)

       Caption 1 How strange we stall and put it o ff
       Caption 1a Maybe she'll think I'm carnal
       Caption 1b I wonder if he's going to hug me.
       Caption 2 How strange we hesitate
       Caption 2a She'll probably think I'm coming on too strong
       Caption 2b He's ignoring me. He probably can't stand me
       Caption 3 `Cause when we give AFFECTION
       Caption 3a Should I?
       Caption 3b Shouldn't I?
       Caption 4 It makes us feel just GREAT!
       Caption 4a Mmm!
       Caption 4b Zowie!

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family