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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

The grapevine
(Issue #57; January 1, 1999)

Copyright © 1997 by The Family

       The Grapevine
PO Box 4938
       Orange, CA 92863 USA
       e-mail: grape@ibm.net

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy.

       Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


[Ticket provided]

       Parmenas, Paz and Em an, USA: While Paz and all the kids went ahead to pioneer a Home in Chile, I (Parm) remained to finish up things and was invited by a sheep to attend a Bible study with friends. After the meeting, one of the newer members overheard about me needing to join my family in Chile. He then mentioned that he had built the house of the president of LAN CHILE airlines (he's a private contractor), and offered to get me a ticket. PTL! What a miracle!

[Better than e-mail]

       Dan, Joy, Julie, Lirio and Est er, Mexico: One night Meeky and her sister, Madi, sat together sharing their photo albums. They were spending a few months together in Washington DC, before they each went off to their respective fields.
       As they looked through their family photos, every time they saw a picture of their youngest brother, Benji, they felt a heaviness of heart and stopped to pray for him. Meanwhile, six-year-old Benji, far away in Morelia, Mexico, was truly in need of their prayers. He had had a very bad fall off of a bicycle and was at that very moment in an emergency room getting 12 stitches in his chin. Their Mom and Dad were holding onto him and praying for him in this very difficult and painful moment in his life, wishing that they could contact his sisters to pray for him. It did seem that Benji had supernatural grace, as he went through the ordeal without even crying. Even though his parents hadn't been able to let his sisters know that they needed to pray for him, the Lord punched through with H is message and used their prayers even though they didn't understand why.
       It's better than snail mail, better than e-mail, better than a phone call--the Lord's miraculous heavenly communication system!

[16 brothers and sisters]

       Kerenina (SGA), Kenya: The special Kenya/Tanzania tract "Shattered Hopes" is a super blessing and so inspiring to give to people. One day on outreach we met someone whose father had died only a month ago, leaving him (the eldest) to provide for 16 brothers and sist ers. When he read that tract, he couldn't hold back his tears. The tract itself is another wonderful confirmation of the surety of prophecy. I don't know how much the folks who received the tract in prophecy know about Kenya, but it's just perfect for these people and their mentality.
       [Editors note: This tract was received in prophecy by someone in Mama's Home after hearing the news of the embassy bombing. The SGA who received the prophecy didn't know anything about Kenya except what she had h eard on the news about the bombing.]

["Peepers, please?"]

       John, Priscilla and Ester, Brazil: We answer the 800 number for Brazil which is printed on all the tools. One day a little girl called and asked to speak to Peepers! Another little girl called and said, "I finished my coloring book! Now what do I do?"

[Bringing your basket]

       Linda, United Kingdom: I'm sure everyone's heard the quote "When faith goes to the market, it takes a basket." Well, the night before I went to the market, I made a list of the fruits and veggies we needed. So at 5 a.m. the next day we woke up to go to the market, and I brought my list! Miraculously enough, a short while later, we had gotten nearly everything on the list. Then we went to give a man our PR tract, and right away he said, "What do you need?" as he heaped on a sack of potatoes! I pulled out my list and told him. He immediately gave us exactly what we had asked for (things which are very expensive at the moment)! So praise the Lord, it p ays to put faith into action. He always gives us above and beyond what we ask and think!

[Little guy saves a life]

       Daniel, Beloved and Trusty, USA: A teen boy who at first refused to take a poster, but finally received a tract from Greg (2), returned to thank him, with a: "Thanks little buddy--you saved my life!"

[Seminar engineers marriage]

       Joshua and Lily, India: One month after giving a seminar on "Communications" at one of the leading hotels in the state, we returned on a follow-up visit, only to find that the Lord had used us to leave a very powerful impact on the lives of the management trainees who attended. A young manager reacting to Mama's story of Wayne Bellis (DB3, ML #1796) decided to take the plunge and honestly share his heart with a young lady, another attendee, whom he had special feelings for.
       "Why didn't you tell me one whole year ago?" she said, "I was praying you would ask!" The couple apparently got engaged a few days after our seminar, and we are now invited to the wedding in a couple of months.--Thanks to Mama's personal life story in "The Importance of Good Communications."

[Tooth pulls on heartstrings]

       Sharon, Jacob and Jewel, USA: Our five-year-old needed a tooth pulled and since he was afraid, he asked the dentist if they could pray first. She said yes, and after a sweet, sincere prayer, she was moved to tears. She now wants to help us with support when we get to the field, and posts our newsletters in her office.


[Diet ary Pills]

       Esther (20) and Ruthie (13), Mexico: Attention to all girls trying to lose weight or have perfect bodies: While staying at a friend's house, we were looking through the newspaper when our eyes fell on the heading that read: "Crazy Scientist Invents Diet Pills with Tapeworm Eggs." The article told about a woman who weighed 180kg. She had tried everything to lose weight, and one day she heard of this wonderful pill that would do miracles on your body. All it took was one pill and you could lose as much weight as you wanted without having to diet.
       She took it and the miracle began. In the first month, she lost 50kg and felt wonderful. It seemed the more she ate, the more weight she'd lose. Her dream of being thin had finally come true. But the story doesn't end there. She watched herself gradually turn into a living skeleton. She kept on losing weight and could do nothing to stop it! Around the same time, other people who had taken that same pill started getting really sick . They decided to investigate what was causing it. The woman went to the doctor and found out she had tapeworms, and that the pills she took contained it. The doctor would put the eggs in some kind of gelatin and give them in pills to his patients.
       So this article was a good warning to us. We hadn't taken any diet pills yet, but we were thinking about it. After that, we decided it's much better to have a few extra rolls, than to take something that in the end will ruin your body and leave you worse off than before. It's much better to use other methods to lose weight, such as good eating habits, no seconds, at least an hour of good vigorous exercise and eight cups of water minimum a day.
       So watch out for dietary pills. You never know what kind of parasites [or other harmful side effects] they carry!

[Seeing if it affects us]

       Jered, Pauline and Genty, Russia: We decided as a Home to have a "System music fast." Many of us felt that System music didn't affect us in any way, but w ere convicted after again reading the "Three Wells Prophecy" (ML #3022:24). We decided to try it and see if it was affecting us, but the only way to know was not to listen to it for awhile. So we declared an official two-week fast during which we were only allowed to listen to Family music, not even brackish water. It's amazing the difference that many of us felt! It seems like things have been running more smoothly, less frictions and more unity, etc. PTL!

[Our neighborhood boys]

       Andrew (o f Rejoice), India: When at first our JETTs and teens went to have get-out with our neighborhood boys, they had lots of fun and good exercise. They really looked forward to it. As time went on, however, we noticed that some of the bad habits and wrong words the neighborhood kids use were rubbing off on some of our JETTs and teens.
       My first reaction was to cut all connections and to "stay separate." That seemed the quick solution, but after praying about it, we felt the Lord could use this conta ct with our neighbors to be a positive influence on them and for us to not copy them but for us to "let our light shine."
       We talked with our young people and presented them with what the Lord showed us and they took up the challenge. The Lord not only let our young people be a positive influence, but raised up opportunities for them to witness to them about the Endtime, the Lord, evolution, etc., to where three of these boys came to our youth meetings! They love the meetings and now they come home for classes, deeper witness, etc.
       The Lord changed what seemed like a terrible thing in our eyes into a transformation for our neighborhood's young people.

[Treated like a pariah]

       Concerned, Earth: I'm a YA and was born in the Family. Several years ago my parents decided to be FM. I've rejoined the Family after being in the System for five years; I believe in the Family and I know that it's the best place to be. I'm the only member of my personal family that is CM and I live in a fie ld Home. Something that makes me really sad is that every time I see or talk to my parents, they tell me how most of the CM brethren treat them like they are better than them. CM Family members also talk badly of my brothers.
       My question is: Isn't the Family supposed to be winning the lost of the System to the Lord? When grandpa started the revolution, he didn't get the best of the System, he reached out to the lost and brokenhearted. My brothers being treated like pariahs won't help them retu rn to the fold--love understanding and prayer will!

[Transferring the heat]

       Abigail, India: I am so encouraged to see our dear teens, JETTs and OCs spend time hearing from the Lord. In the past and especially after the Charter, I found it hard to tackle a situation with my daughter who didn't want to do something, just because she didn't want to. But the emphasis on hearing from the Lord has taken the "heat off the situation" and has helped solve matters more easily and with good results.
       For example, my daughter didn't want to go to certain CTPs which required more "giving." She wanted to only go to orphanages or hostels where the children were clean, had almost everything, etc. But we are ministering in an orphanage where the children are quite small, and the orphanage in general has a very low standard and is very poor. The children here are very precious and thankful for all the love they receive from us and look forward to our visits.
       But every time my daughter was asked to go to this particular orphanage, she would flatly refuse. As a parent, I felt that going to this orphanage would really help her and make her more "real" and also make her more thankful for what she has in the Family. Still none of my reasoning paid off.
       So we asked her to pray about it and get something from the Lord. We promised to respect whatever the Lord showed her. She does have a fear of the Lord and every time she heard from the Lord, the Lord said she should go. So she started goin g and always came back inspired. I am so thankful for the push on hearing from the Lord.

[Are you bored?]

       Timothy (17), China: Before a lot of the pubs came out about hearing from the Lord in prophecy, spirit stories, etc., I felt quite unchallenged, bored, nothing to do, and so on. There wasn't much I did in my free time, since I was the only teen in the Home I was in. I became unsatisfied with the things I did. When the pubs about prophecy came out, I started giving it a try. Then the Spi rit Story GNs came out and I gave it a try. It worked! It was something I looked forward to doing when I had free time. It filled that empty spot, and I can't get enough of it. Try it!

Dear Mama,

       The Lord told us that He was going to open new doors for us, raise up new supporters and pledges and that He would lead us to the churches. This thought did not thrill us too much, but rather kept us shaking on our knees. Through a series of miracles He led to several African churches which receive d us very warmly and gave us an opportunity to share with their congregation what we have been doing in Africa. Each church took an offering for us and many people made a commitment to support us.
       What impressed me about these African churches is how some of them are emphasizing the importance of witnessing, praising the Lord and the use of prophecy. We could see the impact "The Family" has had by the thousands of pieces of lit we've distributed. Although they will never give us credit or conf ess they got it from the Family, it was very fulfilling for me personally to hear sermons that sounded like they came straight from a MO Letter. Although not everything is right on, at least they have some of the facts right.
       One would think that being out in Africa we would be living hand-to-mouth, but it has blown our minds how the Lord has blessed us financially. This year, with all the problems of heavy recession hitting Europe, we've had our best year! We know it is directly connected wit h obeying the new moves of the Spirit. It is the best I have seen the Lord's supply in all my years in the Family.
       Much love and prayers, M., Kenya


       Gary tells his hilarious escapades "Through Dumpster and Dungeon" in Copenhagen in 1972.--FZ #27!

       Two YA translators--Ricky and Cedro--share their day-to-day adventures.--FZ #27!

       Some news on the computer scene in Heaven for cyber-enthusiasts.--linkUP 03

       Has immortality come one step closer? Christianity under atta ck! Plagues, cloning and Big Brother in END #13!


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes
       Somber historical drama focusing on the rise to power of young Queen Elizabeth I. Historically accurate but more informational than uplifting. Not to everyone's liking.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight
       Action-thriller about a young lawyer who become s a target of the ultra-secret National Security Agency [NSA] when he is unknowingly made privy to top secret information. Interesting portrayal of secret high-tech surveillance equipment.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Kelsey Grammer, Cary Elwes
       Humorous account of a principled Air Force lieutenant colonel who is assigned to evaluate the usefulness of an over-budget troop carrier/scout vehicle, which has been under development for years. His mission uncovers co rruption and meets strong resistance from his fellow officers and superiors, as well as the men under his command. Based on a true story.


       (Jesus speaking:) This movie's portrayal of Queen Elizabeth the Great shows the true commitment of a woman obsessed with the will to accomplish My will in her life. She became a hard woman and had to harden her heart because her mission required it. She was married not only to England, but to Me, her God. She did not compromise her convictions. She forsook her greatest love for My love and My cause, so that I could use her kingdom to spread My message, My Gospel, My salvation to the world. She was truly great, and it was I who made her great! The things that she gave up she now enjoys as her reward Here in Heaven. Great has been her reward! (End of message from Jesus.) [See also "First Love" in DB1, par.9-11.]

Enemy of the State

       (Dad speaking:) Not only was this an exciting, fast-paced movie with lots of action, but it gives you a good look up the Enemy's barrel of tricks.
       This movie shouldn't make you worry or fear the Enemy, because no matter how many big guns the Devil's got, ours and the Lord's are twice as big--no, ten times! A hundred times! The Lord's children would never be caught in a situation like this poor man was, because we have the much more powerful new weapons of the spirit--prayer, prophecy, loving the Lord, and all the things that you're learning about and honing now during this time of peace.
       But seeing what you'll be up against should give you the vision for really developing those weapons, because you're sure as shootin' gonna need `em! Then, "greater things than these shall ye do"! You'll go from strength to strength, and confound the Enemy's plots one by one. They won't be able to sic any satellite on you, any wire tape or surveillance device, because the Lord will reveal them to us just as soon as they get out of the Devil's bag. They'll be the suckers then! (End of message from Dad .)

The Pentagon Wars

       (Dad speaking:) This is an excellent little movie.--A bit offbeat, perhaps, and a bit odd-ball in character, but quite a good exposé on the System and its wily ways. God bless this guy for trying to make a difference. It came with a price and a cost, but thank God he was willing to put aside his own desires for a place in the rat race in order to expose the status quo.
       Of course, we in the Family have got a much better and more powerful way of making a difference. He did his good, but how much more good can each of you do as you stand out against the Whore and tell it like it is. Stand out, team! Be radical! With God on your side, and you can do anything that He wants you to! (End of message from Dad.)


       Kiona Rose Stone, 2nd child, born to Maya and Tim Stone.--USA
       Giovanni Thibault Vincenzo, born to Lily and Thibault.--Reunion Island
       Rhiannon Chiara, 1st child, born to Nina and Andy.--India
       Camilla, born to Victoria and Adam on April 20.--P oland
       Rafael, born to Magda and Michael, on July 16.--Poland
       Jeremy Nathaniel, born to Mary and Benny on August 19.--Thailand
       Rosanne Joy, born to Rejoice and John on August 24.--Thailand
       Kiran Free, 9th child, born to Faithy and Mark Free on October 7.--India
       Lorena, born to Rachel and Alfredo on October 13.--Brazil
       Vanessa Faye, born to Beth and Shawn on November 10.--Mexico
       Sean Ray, born to Renee and Peter on November 25.--India

The greatest of all is love


       If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in its place,
       But have not love, I am a housekeeper, not a homemaker.
       If I live for waxing, polishing, and decorative achievements,
       But have not love, my children learn of cleanliness, not godliness.

       Love leaves the dust in search of a child's laugh.
       Love smiles at the tiny fingerprints on a newly cleaned window.
       Love wipes away the tears before it wipes up the spilled milk.
       Love picks up the child before it picks up the toys.

       Love is present through the trials.
       Love reprimands, reproves, and is responsive.
       Love crawls with the baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child
       Then stands aside to let the child walk into adulthood.

       Love is the key that opens salvation's message to a child's heart.
       Before I became a mother I took glory in my house of perfection.
       Now I glory in God's perfection of my children.
       As a mother there is much I must teach my children
       But the greatest of all is love.

Cr usading

by Ben (20), Russia
       "Come on, Ben! Get out of that bed. It's 6:30 already and we're going to be late for our ride."
       It was May 19, and that was Ivan's rather hurried bugle call that morning. It had been a little more than two weeks since our trip to Romanovo, and we were going back to the same area on a road trip, but this time to a village called Mamontovo.
       A week after we had come back from Romanovo a business friend of ours told us that he was going to be going down there to do some business and invited us to come along. This meant a smooth ride all the way there and a whole day of witnessing and a smooth ride back. This was an offer we just couldn't refuse. You see, standing on a street side hitchhiking for four or five hours to a place does have a certain "missionary glamour," so that you can say with all the great pioneers, "I really roughed it to get there, and then I got out all that lit half frozen!" But if you get an offer like this one you've just gotta grab i t! We prayed about it and the Lord confirmed that we shouldn't miss this opportunity.
       So after only two hours, as opposed to five or ten, we arrived in Mamontovo. By the way, by this time, yep, you guessed it, it was snowing! In fact at the end of the day everything was white. Little California boy (me), was just starting to wonder if there is such a thing as summer here. Suffice it to say, we realized that we weren't expecting snow, and we now began expecting the frozen part of the "Missionar y Glamour."
       The first thing we decided to do was something indoors. We had heard of an institution for retarded children and decided to do a show there. This time our audience was about 150. So with Ben as the clown, and Ivan on the guitar, we did our favorite motion songs and a "Heart" skit. For the reader's sake, I just wanted to mention that it's only the Lord that our show went over so well, which it did. Everything ran smoothly and there weren't any kids that didn't participate. You see, I don't sing--period. My Russian is far from perfect. So I was a kinda mute clown much of the time, with Ivan leading the songs and telling the kids how to dance as I showed them how, much to the laughter of everyone. After the show all present prayed to receive Jesus.
       Then it was time to hit the streets. When our day had finished we had two thousand pieces of lit out and 191 people had gotten saved. TYJ!


       Marie (of Andrew), please write Liz A.S.A.P. Add: Christian CP 63 - 18 Buc harest, Romania. E-mail: e-mail chris@ely.leader.ro.
       Pat B.in Latvia would like to get hear from Suzie (of Francis and Joanna, USA), Mark and Esther (Turkey) and Mexican Tim (Romania). E-mail:fam-riga@latnet.lv.
       Marjorie M., (Costa Rica) your sister "Patricia" (Elizabeth) would like to contact you. E-mail: kiwipi@philonline.com.ph. Add: MCPO Box 3233 Makati City 1273 M.M. Philippines.
       Faith (of Grandpa), please contact Ben (Dutch) at: Postbus 38079 1040 HB Amsterdam, Holland. E-mail: jon .ef@usa.net.
       Miguel would like to contact Mich. Met you in a JETT camp in Hungary. E-mail condo@impromex.ro. Add: C.P. 4-410 8700 Constanta, Romania.
       Dawn (formerly of Tommy in Japan) is looking for Chris (of Lena). Please write! Also looking for Peter (of Crystal), Richard and Julia, Michael and Crystal, David and Marie. E-mail: bobnsue777@hotmail.com. Add: PO Box 453; Cottonwood, AZ 86326.
       John (of Jonathan and Sara) would like to contact Ivan (of Peter and Esther, last heard of in Roman ia). E-mail: jsfam@smn.tenet.odessa.ua.
       Stephy YA,please write Angie & Kalie soon at e-mail: Lanik02@aol.com.
       Slava (of Sam, last heard of in Romania), please contact Eva F. at Topaz home via the SEEC ABM.
       Marie Mountain (formerly Shalom) would like to contact Alameth L. who I lived with in Santa Clara 16 years ago. Send reply c/o e-mail: Zekewheel@aol.com.

[editor's notice]

       Please note that the find-a-friend (now called personals) section of the Grapevine is geared toward seeking sp ecific folks you've lost contact with, not an all points bulletin to search out any old lost friends from bygone years. We only print ads requesting contact with specific people. We have received a number of "if anyone knows me or wants to write, here's my address" requests, which we haven't printed. If you've written in one of these and haven't seen it come out yet, this is why. Please feel free to resend a short but more detailed ad. Thanks!


--trashing trinkets/heading to the hills

       We arrived in China three weeks ago after over a year of preparations in the States. What a lot of miracles! First, although we are definitely not "rolling in the dough" and are very desperately seeking the Lord for our finances, it is a wonderful blessing not to have to plan each day's activities around fund-raising, with "how many teams can we get out today, where can we go to raise funds?" type of concerns, so we can major on following up on and feeding the sheep, as well as making new fri ends and looking for more of His sheep to minister to.
       We are also able to pour into the kids more and spend more time and effort investing in them. On our Home field it seems the kids were considered a distraction and a pull away from our "ministry." Here the kids make so many friends for us and open many doors, so keeping them happy, inspired and challenged is definitely an asset to the work. My boys seem to be enjoying their life here and have meshed wonderfully with the family's kids whom we've joined, and have been happily surprised at the different and exciting activities the Lord has been blessing them with here, such as weekly horseback riding--such a miracle!
       Due to the needs of the sheep we are obliged to live in a small apartment in the middle of a large, gray, smoggy city, and barraged by the clamor of traffic and construction. Even the trees lining the streets are gray-green due to accumulations of years of smog! There's not much of God's creation to enjoy, no green fi elds, forests or mountain views to appreciate, and as a seeker of beauty this has probably been the major forsake-all for me--the lack of color! Even the people dress in drab browns, grays, navy-blue and blacks--they probably can't keep anything of a lighter color clean due to the dirt and smog! When I was praying about this and asking the Lord where the beauty was in this scenario, He told me plainly that it was in the faces of His sheep here. Sure enough, as I've begun to meet people and get t o know these precious Chinese, I've been delighted to see the truth of this revelation. They are so sweet and open, and appreciative of our love for them, and eager to learn more about the Lord. Even the people on the street with whom we haven't become involved seem so innocent and child-like, not hardened or skeptical like so many are in the West. Of course they love to come look at our kids--they are so hungry and eager to find God's love and joy, and they recognize it somehow in the faces of the kids. (There are so few children here due to the birth control policies--it's so sad).
       I definitely have no regrets about coming to the field--I guess all the "trinkets" I had back in the West were just trash anyway--so it's been no loss in any way! Ha! And He's beginning to pour down His true riches of peace of mind and the joy of the Lord which comes from being in the center of His will! Contact us via the China Desk, send your e-mail to: tyofam@crisscross.com.
       --Peace Jubilee, China

Andy and I have been in Russia for three years now with seven of our eight children. Our eldest son (not in the Family) recently graduated from BUDS, the training school to become a Navy Seal. We'd agreed that one of us would attend his graduation ceremony in the States to let him know that he's important to us.
       Around this time, Russia was declared a sensitive country and everyone was asked to count the cost if they wished to remain. We weren't sure what to do. So part of my job in the Sta tes was to scout out the land for us going there, even if temporarily.
       When I'd been in the States for two weeks the Russian Ruble collapsed, banks froze and the Russian economy was in chaos with shops empty. Andy's and my reaction was that we should leave right away, as it could be dangerous for the children with potential civil unrest if the situation didn't improve. So I began to prepare a landing place more earnestly. I applied for a job as a Social Worker and was accepted. I was also look ing for housing.
       Quite honestly I wasn't looking forward to going back to the substandard housing situation we'd lived in while in Russia and the hardships of the field. We had been in a dormitory-style building in a campground without showers or even a kitchen. We just had a hot plate on a table and were doing dishes in a child-sized sink and taking showers once a week. It hasn't been easy and sometimes I get hit with thoughts like, "How could I bring my kids up in a place like this?" However , the Lord was faithful to speak to me and remind me to count my blessings in being on a fruitful field.
       One day a cousin of mine in the States, who is a pastor of a church, showed me through her very charming home. I must say I felt envious and questioned the Lord as to why it seemed I was destined to bring my kids up in "dens and caves." However, that evening when we went by her 24-year-old son's house, I was grieved by his hard spirit, tattoos, earrings and obviously drugged-out lifestyle. I sincerely told the Lord that His blessing and my kids' spiritual health meant more to me than any house. I prayed that God wouldn't allow me to compromise and jeopardize the children just so I could have a nice house.
       In the end, Andy asked me to return to Russia as the situation seemed to be stabilizing. A precious couple in the States, Rufus and Dulce, got a prophecy for me, encouraging me to not forsake the field, so I turned down the job and headed home to the field. After being back for a few weeks, Andy and I decided to try to remain in Russia. To pour water on the sacrifice of our housing situation, we decided to look for an apartment in the city, or at least someplace where we'd be more of a witness. Even though our campground facility is primitive, it does have some advantages, especially the peace of mind that comes from having trees and land out the window instead of someone's broken-down clothes line, junked cars and other decrepit buildings staring at you. We prayed th at the Lord would put us in the place He knew would be best.
       On our second day of calling ads and looking at dingy little apartments, we saw an ad for a house just outside the city with a swimming pool and sauna. The next thing we knew, we were looking at the most beautiful home I've ever seen in Russia!
       We were walking on eggshells trying to not offend the landlady who lives on the first floor of this three-story building. We were nervous as she asked about what we did and the fact that we are 13 people. But instead of being offended, everything we said seemed to click with her. She started to say how much she hoped we would rent it, because we could fill all the rooms and maybe we could start a Sunday school. The next day we returned with the whole Home and all seven kids. The more she saw, the more she liked us and wanted us. When we offered $500 a month rent for what must be worth four or five times that, she said, "Fine." We've signed a contract and start moving in tomorrow.
       I remain humbled and in awe of the Lord's love and care for me. I feel like His most spoiled child. He knew this house was going to be available, but before He could give it to us--and me in particular--I had to re-affirm in my own heart that I wanted to be on the mission field with my kids, even if it meant staying on in poor housing. I'm so thankful He gave me the grace to hold on, and the desire to serve Him where it pays off the most.
       --Becky (of Andy), Russia

Kiddo education corner

[Internet materials]

       Being able to order books and other materials from the USA by using catalogs on the Internet (paying by International PMO) has been the answer to our prayers for how to quickly and affordably get Homes the materials they need, especially for our Nationals and young people. This is becoming a frequently requested service. For those who have Internet access and understand English, we are able to teach them how to do it for themselves.
       --PACRO FED
[Kids turned on]

       One o f our main victories has been getting the kids turned on to prophecy. Everyday the OCs have prophecy time on their own during quiet time; they even come and ask what they should pray for. It's caught on with the younger kids and they all enjoy hearing from the Lord.
       --Home in India
[Science fun]

       Our friend, Marti, is writing a few physics textbooks for kids, and we have been helping her try out the ideas with our kids and critique them together.
       She assigned each of the kids (aged 7 - 14 years) a different scientist to research. They had to dress up as the scientist, give a speech as from him, do a paper (length varied with age) and make a snack from the country of their birth. We had Einstein with German Sultana Cake, Thomas Edison and pumpkin pie, Archimedes with Greek salad and Greek shortbread, Nikkola Tesla, (he didn't make anything as the Serbs don't have much food at the moment), Galileo brought pizzas and Sir Isaac Newton brought tea and scones.
       The kids had a lot of f un preparing this and we all had a great lunch. They also redid an experiment, as was feasible, and included this in their speech.
       --Home in Australia


--By Rose Midwife, USA

       Tip: Attention all pregnant mothers! When in a car, slip the part of the seatbelt that normally goes across your tummy behind you so you only have one strap going across your chest. (The one going across your tummy can cause a miscarriage if you're in an accident!)--Natacha (23), Brazil

       Rose: This is a good tip since in the case of an accident, seatbelts tighten to keep you in place. If you have no shoulder belt, but only the lap belt, use the belt above the tummy, and as the tummy grows, use it on top of the tummy rather than on the bottom of the tummy.


       He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that happy-to-be-al ive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful.
       Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving: "Thank you for correcting me, Sister!" I didn't know what to make of it at first, but I soon became accustomed to hearing it many times a day.       One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake. I looked at Mark and said, "If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!" It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, "Mark is talking again." I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it.
       I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked to my desk, very deliberately opened my drawer and took out a roll of masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room.
       As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me. That did it!! I started laughing. The class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were, "Thank you for correcting me, Sister." At the end of the year, I was asked to teach junior-high math.
       The years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the "new math," he did not talk as much in ninth grade as he had in third.
       One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, frustrated with themselves - and edgy with one another. I had to stop this crankiness before it got out of hand . So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on a sheet of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down under their name. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. Charlie smiled. Mark said, "Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a good weekend."
       That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what nice things each individual had said about them. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" I heard whispered. "I never knew that meant anything to anyone!" "I didn't know others liked me so much." No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomp lished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another again. That group of students moved on.
       Several years later, after I returned from vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were driving home, Mother asked me the usual questions about the trip - the weather, my experiences in general. There was a lull in the conversation. Mother gave Dad a side-ways glance and simply said, "Dad?" My father cleared his throat as he usually did before something important. "The Eklunds called last night," he began. "Really?" I said. "I haven't heard from them in years.
       I wonder how Mark is." Dad responded quietly. "Mark was killed in Vietnam," he said. "The funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like you to attend."
       To this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494 where Dad told me about Mark. I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature.
       All I could think at that moment was, Mark I would give all the m asking tape in the world if only you would talk to me. The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Why did it have to rain on the day of the funeral? It was difficult enough at the graveside. The pastor said the usual prayers, and the bugler played taps. One by one those who loved Mark took a last walk by the coffin and sprinkled it with holy water. I was the last one to bless the coffin. As I stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pal lbearer came up to me. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked.
       I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin. "Mark talked about you a lot," he said. After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to Chuck's farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting for me. "We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket.
       They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."
       Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things Mark's classmates had said about him.
       "Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it." Mark's classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home ." Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album." "I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary."
       Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said without batting an eyelash. "I think we all saved our lists."
       That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

Written by: Sister Helen P. Mrosla

       [Why not try doing something similar in your Home? Discover how much you and your fellow Home members are truly loved and appreciated!]

3-day childcare seminar held in Hungary

       We just held a CC seminar in Budapest, working with Joy (of Benji), Mimi, Mary (of Jonathan) and Rosemarie. Thirty moms were in attendance and we covered their main concerns, voiced in the answers to the questionnaires we had sent out previously. This is the second CC meetin g we've held for the purpose of training our national young mothers via video.
       This seminar was specifically aimed at training young mothers with children ages 0-10. Our first seminar, held in Russia, was an introduction to the CC pubs, and we built on that meeting. The greatest need seems to be helping the mothers apply the Word they read. Most of them have never seen a sample of schooling, discipline and general training of their little ones, and they feel they are handicapped because of it. Through these videos and seminars we hope to show them how it can be done.
       We not only read from the Word, but also had some experienced teachers show materials and tell how they present these materials to the children. We have the GAP videos and refer to those in our classes and show clips from them. Many mothers have a list of videos, but don't know what to order, so we are helping them to define what materials they will need to have on hand and use with their children. We are updating our presentation to the needs of today--mothers teaching all their children together, or having one helper.
       The classes consisted of reading the Word and giving practical presentations on the following topics:
       1. Praise and encouragement to parents (we received prophecies for them).
       2. Disciplinary standard (what to do when a Home is disunited about the disciplinary standard, and what other forms of discipline are used as alternatives to corporal punishment).
       3. Using the Word more in school ing our kids (what are the problems that arise when using System curriculums, and how to balance this with giving our kids more Word; practical ways to center our kids schooling around the Word and make the Word and memory work a bigger part of their lives).
       4. Training our children to be missionaries (how to involve our kids more in witnessing, challenging our JETTs and juniors with hands on training in this area).
       5. Practical teaching tips for younger kids.
       6. System school pros and con s.
       7. What is the father's role in parenting?

       Pros and Cons of System School: There are several young mothers who are sending their children to kindergarten. We wanted to address this issue as we've seen some not-so-good fruit in the kids who go to school. Not only do they go to System school, but they don't get much attention when they come home. We feel there is so much more the parents can do to instill Family values and training in their kids at such a young age.
       This was a sensitive issue, so we met with the moms who send their kids to school, or the ones who had, but have stopped. We asked them to share the pros and cons from their viewpoint. The reason most of them sent their kids to kindergarten was because (in this country) first grade is very demanding and kids need to have already learned how to read and write in kindergarten. The parents felt that their kids didn't know enough of the local language to be able to cope with first grade, so they sent them to kindergart en to learn the language and learn to read and write in order to be prepared for first grade.
       Some of the mothers who have kept their kids at home have good fruit in speaking the local language to their kids. Their kids are often fluent in three languages before they are kindergarten age, simply by having each of their parents speak to them in a different local language (when the parents are bilingual), and the rest of the Home in English. But other parents have not learned the benefits of alw ays speaking their mother tongue to the kids. During our class time, we read good quotes on how kids can learn a language fluently when young, just by having it spoken to them on a daily basis. We hoped this would encourage parents to keep their kids home a little longer and teach them themselves.

Taiwan Aborigine rice project

By the Whitewaves Home, East Taiwan
       During November 1998, we (and other Family members) collected and distributed 1,510 kilos of rice to needy institutions and peopl e amongst the mountain tribes along the east side of Taiwan. Accompanied by our JETTs and teens we were able to carry with us the rice, shoes of all sizes, and mosquito netting for beds (from Isaiah and Beth).
       Distributing these goods in the Taroko Aborigine villages was a touching experience for all of us. On the first day, the Aboriginal pastor we met took us to a small enclave of houses. Two Taroko women had married brothers and were living side by side. Both husbands (the brothers) had bee n killed, and the two women were living there with 10 young children between them. We gave them rice, shoes, mosquito nets and some vegetables.
       These mountain people struggle with not being able to fit into regular Chinese society, some because of alcohol abuse and prostitution, or neglect of their traditional values and customs. The little help that we gave them that week seemed to give them hope that somebody does care, and we didn't have a hard time winning friends. We followed this with a three hour drive to another city to give rice to help the community of Italian doctors/priests who run St. Mary's hospital, an old folks home, and handicapped kids center.
       Having helped the families and young children of the Aborigine villages with rice, shoes and other items, we continued on to another village to give our monthly Bible class to the teenagers. We took some of our teens too, who helped to organize the class. We are giving the young villagers the Endtime vision through "Signs of the Times" classes, which doubles as an English class. From the tremendous need and response to this, we are hoping to add more villages to our monthly visitation and teaching schedule.
       As we continue with these projects of ours, we see the big need for our work here in the Republic of China, which is good training and experience for the Mainland when the doors for CTP ministries open up.

Christmas concert

By Silas, Thailand
       The location was a very beautiful five star hotel, across from the Bangkok World Trade Center. The children from the DF Home performed five songs, including a new Thai dance that a friend of theirs, who is a professional choreographer, worked out with the children.
       There ended up being about 700 to 750 people in attendance, though we had to limit most Homes to having only their closest friends attend. This included some top guests of honor that Angela and Pat from the DF Home had invited. Then of course there were hundreds of Family friends and supporter s, provisioning contacts and their children, etc. The place was literally packed!
       The program was about one and a half hours in length. It was the best performance I've ever seen the Heart to Heart team do in this country. This was a real miracle and answer to prayer. It was certainly very encouraging to see how many friends and supporters and sheep the Homes have, particularly considering that this was not, by any means, everybody.

World news

       Gideon, Pakistan: Our Deaf Training Center office will officially open this month, DV. Our benefactor, Mr. R., is installing all the lights and fans. One friend will supply six new computer tables, and we already have a designated gift for two new computers.

       Micah, Charity, and Tender, Thailand: This month we helped organize and provision for a "Special Olympics" held here in Korat for 450 mentally retarded children who came from all over the North-East of Thailand. Although we only had a couple of days' notice from the organizers of the games, the Lord did absolute miracles in providing for these dear kids. God bless our sweet friends from the local army base who gave generously towards the sponsorship of the food, etc. that was needed. Another dear supporter came out personally to pitch in--sponsoring ice cream for all of the kids and being there to scoop it out for them. The whole affair was a great success!

       James, Pauline, Emmanuel and Phil, Canada: We received an invitation from a professor of a nearby university f or us to talk about The Family for two hours to his class of 500 students! All the Homes in our area teamworked the affair and we sent off a sizable team of FGAs, SGAs, teens, etc. We started out with some rousing songs, then moved on to a Q&A period. The questions ranged from our fundamental beliefs to more controversial ones; we were just amazed at how eager and objective the students were. A group of students came with a beautiful plant wrapped as a gift and the professor was quite surprised at the gesture, as it was the first time he'd seen students give a present to any of the NRM groups who have visited.

       John, Amendoa, Anisa and Cristal, Brazil: We participated in two fairs this month. In one we were given a stand free of charge to sell our tools (an area project where the three Homes participated). The other stand was in a fair for children. We painted kids' faces, gave out balloons and demonstrated our videos. It was a step of faith for us to participate in this children's fair as there was no way to raise funds during the fair itself. (However the Lord did raise up some friends to sponsor our booth which came to a total of $2,380--wow!) It was a 16 day fair but turned out to be very fun. We got good contacts and the Lord even supplied a big television for our Home. PTL!

       [Phil, Shiloh, Bruni, Russia]

       Several Homes combined forces to send a team to two music festivals. We were overwhelmed to see the size of the crowd camped in tents in the forest at the first festival.--Over 200,000 people at both festivals! How could we ever reach them? The Lord told us that He would use our songs. Six of our girls sang "Love Can Build a Bridge" in Russian, and we ended up being some of the winners of the competition. Our diploma said that we won "because of love"! We went from campsite to campsite with our guitars, singing and personal witnessing, and were able to lead many to the Lord.

       Paulo and Nina, Brazil: We have just finished the "final" mixing of the Br azilian Project CD, though there is still some work to be done on it. During the whole process people have gotten witnessed to, saved, and Fernando Adour (old Family friend and songwriter, producer of the first two Brazilian albums) has gotten closer to the Family and the Spirit than he had in a long time!
       Here's one of God's little "coincidences:" The recording engineer who worked with us recording the vocals and mixing is the son of the engineer who recorded the Family's two albums back in t he `70s! He got saved and was very sweet and helpful during the whole project. The Lord has been answering prayer concerning this project and we're still totally dependent on Him for more miracles to be able to finalize it!

       Faith (of Steven), Indonesia: During the months of September-November, we did several CTPs. With the current economic crisis here and many poor people starving, some of our friends donated two tons of rice.
       We went first to a poor village in the northern part of the isl and, which a close friend had told me about. We gave them one ton of rice and 40 boxes of canned food. When we arrived, the villagers gathered in the small village church, as they knew we were coming. They were so happy that God sent us to bring relief to their starvation. They told us that since the economic crisis they hadn't had any rice, their major staple, for a long time.
       We also gave a ton of rice, clothes and shoes to another small village that had flooded. The flooding was so sudden t hat it had reached three meters high within minutes. When we went to deliver the goods we found the villagers were staying at a Catholic school on top of a hill, as they were too scared to return to their homes! We were able to encourage them and help them not be so fearful. They were so happy that we had come to help with food and clothing, and so thankful for the encouragement.

       Christina (19), Philippines: We recently had two typhoons hit, Typhoon Ilagan, and Typhoon Babs. They caused land slides, floods, and river overflows. We (Tender, FGA; Francesco, our driver, 19; Michael, 19; Christian 17; Zanny, 17; Anna, 14; and myself) went to look for evacuation centers to give them needed food and toiletries, and to offer comfort. After looking around a place near where one of the rivers overflowed, we found a school that had been turned into an evacuation center. We had a long line of people waiting to get the goods we brought.
       All the goods went out in about half an hour--300 cans o f sardines, 360 packs of instant noodles, and the two sacks of rice we brought were used, down to the very last bit. Not only were we able to minister to their physical needs, but also to their souls. We passed out "Why Worry" posters, and tracts. It was a long and tiring day, but very fulfilling and inspiring for us all!

       [Important note: As of January 1, 1999, the suggested Grapevine age rating is now 14 years and up. Appropriate portions can still be read by JETTs or those younger accordin g to their parents' or shepherds' discretion. We love you and Happy New Year! ]


"Christmas in the Heart"
       Our apologies to some of you for the "Christmas in the Heart" stories (CLTP 38) arriving late! It was intended to be to you in time for Christmas, but due to a mix-up it was delayed. We hope it's still an inspiration to you.

Meetings with China young people
By Ginny, Japan

       It was encouraging to see how sweet the kids from the China Homes were. Of course they were n't perfect and had their worldliness and problems, and they weren't so hungry for the Word, but on the whole the kids from this difficult field were well behaved, respectful, open and friendly. I found it refreshing to have 14-year-old boys and girls wanting to spend time talking with me, sit with us at meals, etc.--More proof that the mission field is a good place to raise your kids!
       However, not all the kids are so happy to be living there. There's a real need for fellowship and excitement for these kids, as most of them live in a small Home with just their parents and brothers and sisters, in a city literally thousands of miles from the next Home. The Lord showed us to give them a really fun time, as well as good input spiritually, as He wanted to reward them for being such good soldiers. Most of them just do their schooling and help with the other kids, housework, etc., without a lot of attention. They were so appreciative of the camp.
       For follow-up, we talked with James (of J enny), who came from his Home in China to help with the skits, about the idea of starting a program similar to Ado's for the JETTs and teens in China. The difference would be that they would travel throughout China, witnessing (carefully!) and learning things about the country, culture, language, etc., while using the CVC. James and his Home had already had the same idea and discussed him doing something like this, so it looks like it might be the Lord!
       It's very difficult to get materials in to China, so the Homes are often lacking and very hungry for anything they can get their hands on. Hannah, the Taiwan FED representative, was able to fill different Homes' orders for copies of CLE Light Units and Answer Keys. Also, about a month before the camp, we sent a message out with a long list of different CLE, CVC and other forms, CVC books, videos, materials, etc. that we could bring to the camp should people need them. We got some orders and were able to pass the materials on to the ki ds at the camp, to take back to their Homes.


new laborers

       Monika (22, Hungarian) joined fulltime this month and is being a tremendous blessing.--Hungary


       Italian Andy and Finnish Nina are tying the knot!--India
       Bulgarian Joan and Ukrainian Tim in Kiev are tying the knot!--Ukraine

Help wanted

       David F. (Russian national from Siberia, presently in Ukraine) is moving to India! I really need and will appreciate your support in raising the $2,000 I need. Fund raising is not so easy in the Ukraine. Please send your gifts via TRF to UI001 for David Fighter.

       Hi, this is Angelina (17) of Andrew and Miracle, currently in Bosnia. I'm planning on moving to Africa in January, but need help to raise my fare. Fundraising here is not possible, and I'm involved in CTP shows during Christmas, so won't be able to go elsewhere to raise the needed funds. Could you help me to get to Africa? Any donation, big or small, would be appreciated. Send via your TRF to: Angelina , Home # CT005. TX!

new wine - on time!

by Joy and Peter, Mexico
       The Lord's promises are so true. When the first new Law of Love letters came, one of the prophecies said that Jesus would make it possible for us to read the series during the months of September and October and that He would bless us with donations and miraculous supply. All we had to do was trust and obey.
       Around this time we had to make a strenuous trip, due to the fact that it was quite far away and we had to return qui ckly to continue reading the Law of Love series. While on our way back, we stopped to rest for the night. The Lord showed us to ask permission to park our motor home in the parking lot of a very fancy hotel. So we went to the front desk and the people kindly told us we could park there. Little did we know what our great King had prepared for us.
       We parked our motor home next to a bus. At 5 a.m. about 20 English-speaking people began to make a bit of noise. They woke me (Joy) up and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I asked the Lord what to do. He told me to get up and go witness to them. Since it was so early, I thought I was going crazy, but I finally decided to yield and I went to witness to them. It turns out that they were Americans in this small Mexican town; they had come to donate some things to some people who had just been through a serious flood.
       I started to explain to them that we too were on our way to our new mission field, where there is a community of people that live in the mountains and are extremely needy. I showed them pictures of our recent trip, and they got very excited about our project!
       Little did I know that the person I was talking to was the president of an organization that converts buses into dental and ophthalmologic clinics. I dared to ask the question that had been going around in my head: "What do I have to do to get a bus like this?" He said, "Just ask! I'm the president of this organization." He took us to the bus and showed us everythi ng they have.
       When they saw that we travel with our five small children, they were very surprised and started to bring them toys, food, etc. They gave us the keys to their hotel room and told us to eat whatever we could find in the fridge and that they had ordered fresh towels so we could all take a shower. TYJ!
       Later, this man told us he would give us a clinic-bus, he gave us his address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc., then gave us a little wad and said, "This is a small gift. It's not much, but it should help you in some way." It was 300 dollars! And all of this happened in a little Mexican town where the economic crisis is all around us. But Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We continued our journey, and in the next town, a very nice hotel which was changing their furniture gave us some tables, dressers, decorations, etc. It will all come in handy in our pioneer situation. All this to explain how Jesus fulfilled His part of the promise and also gave us the blessing of reading His wonderful Words.

Mama jewels on … getting along

--to a staff member
       I know you feel you're in a rough situation, and it's true, some people just aren't easy to get along with. But maybe the Lord isn't going to let you out of it, or bring a better situation along until you learn to appreciate that person and make the best of it. Instead of just wishing your circumstances would improve, or that the other person would change, I think the Lord expects you to make some steps yourself. Change your mindset instead of expecting the other person to change theirs.
       Make a conscious effort to love and appreciate that person, and put your appreciation into words. Pray. Get prophecies for or about them. Hear from the Lord about what you can do to get along with them better. When you're tempted to complain about them, thank the Lord for them instead. Think of it as valuable shepherding training--learning to handle personalities that aren't your cup of tea.

letters to the editor

Re: Movie Reviews

       The prophecies which have been coming out with the movie ratings have been a real blessing. With the recent comment in the Grapevine on those rating the movies asking the Lord about them, I thought this was also a good point for all of us to follow when reviewing movies not yet on the list, and in particular before recommending them to other Homes, to make sure we hit the mark. We should check in with Him and see what He has to say. In the past few weeks or s o, we've had a few videos recommended from other Homes which are a bit "questionable," you might say. We all have different likes and styles, but perhaps in the case of some which are "questionable," we should be careful in recommending them to others, by asking the Lord for His input first.
       --Elise, USA

       [Editor's note:] If you watch a movie long after it has been rated, though you may have initially read its accompanying prophecy, please be sure to re-read the prophecy about the movie bef ore viewing it. Recently a Home watched the movie "Contact" and after viewing it, pretty much maligned it and wondered why it had been rated watchable. However, if they would have gone back to the prophecy that accompanied the movie review in Grapevine #34, they would have benefited from the clear warning it gave against the very negative anti-religious slant of the movie. Dad talked about it being AC propaganda, nevertheless, the Lord said it gave insight into how the world views this conflict of faith versus science, and that it was a springboard for witnessing. Knowing what angle a movie is coming from can help you filter it through your mind while viewing it.]


What's a National/FGA?

       Q: What is the exact classification of a "national"? I've heard different definitions, but nothing I can remember from WS. I'm puzzled when filling in this section on the TRF. My husband is 27, a British national, and we live in Romania. We are not nationals of the country we live in, but i f according to what we hear as a general definition of first generation member being someone over 40, he's not that either. Is he a national or an FGA?--Katie (of Shajjad), Romania
       A: For the sake of simplicity, it has been decided that a first generation member is any person 16 and over who has joined the Family without their parent(s), as opposed to being born into the Family or joining with their parent(s). So if a 16-year-old Czech joins, although he'll certainly want to hang with second g eneration guys, for stats purposes he will be counted as a first generation member.
       On the TRF, a "national" is someone who holds a passport of the country they are living in. So a Russian living in Russia would be considered a "national" on the TRF, and a Brit living in England would also be a "national" on the TRF. A Russian national living in England would not be considered a "national" on the TRF, etc. The Russian is a Russian national no matter where he lives, and the Brit a British natio nal, but on the TRF, "nationals" are only those who hold a passport of the country they are living in.

Members only Family web site

       February UserID: february
       February password: psalms37


by Dawn's (CRO) poet spirit helper
       It's a pretty strange concept, I must admit,
       One Wife, One Bride, all together we're knit.
       I mean, c'mon, look at this crazy crew,
       You mean I have to be mated to you and you and you?

       Being mated to me is bad e nough,
       I've got problems galore; I'm no hot stuff.
       But being mated to you, that's another thing,
       It's a big commitment, so just let me think.

       A minute or two about what it all means,
       Before I commit myself to all these strings!
       So here I am, I do love Jesus, you know.
       He's the greatest, the best, and I love Him so.

       I tried other things and flings over the years,
       But none satisfied, and it brought me some tears.
       So I always came back, and He waited for me,
       His love never failed, so I'm His now, you see.

       In His arms forever, that's my dream and desire,
       Fantasies with Him set my heart on fire.
       We kiss, we caress, oh, such erotic foreplay,
       Then next He…oh, sorry, I got carried away.

       But wait a minute, this bed we're both on,
       Just my Jesus and me--something must be wrong!
       It seems to be growing, it's getting longer and wide,
       It's stretching out everywhere, far out on each side.

       "Look again, My love," He's saying to me,
       "There's room for mo re, don't you see?
       They're just like you, I've won them too,
       And I'm so awesome and virile, just one won't do!

       I'll love you alone, whenever you need,
       For I need you, just you, and you need My seed.
       But it's time you knew, you aren't the only one.
       Now don't be sad, you'll see, it's really fun!

       They're a little strange, I agree, some more and some less,
       But you have one thing in common--you love Me the best.
       They're flipped too, they're in love, their lives are Mine,
       So I thought, just maybe, they could intertwine."

       "How do You mean?" I asked. "What'll it mean for me?
       I'm not so sure about this--sounds kinda scary.
       The bed sure is big, can't fall off this thing,
       But what are all these folks gonna bring?"

       He said if I'd listen, He'd tell me `bout you,
       Of your love for Him, and how your love is true,
       That He'd help me to see why He loves you so,
       And He'd even help you to love this old CRO!

       He said if we love Him with all our heart,
       Why sho uld we stay such worlds apart?
       Why keep to ourselves, to our thin little bed,
       With His big comfy one waiting instead?

       So He asked if I'd come up, leave my safe little cot,
       And join Him with you, tie a new knot.
       "Don't look back," He said, "to that old single's life,
       For I want to make you all My One Wife!

       The love is stupendous, you'll feel it grow,
       As you leave your old ways, and My full love know.
       Some things may hurt, but hey, don't be tricked!
       For real joy will flow, once selfishness is licked!

       Won't you join with Me now?" I heard Him call,
       "Won't you make new vows, not with one, but with all?
       Will you be wed, truly one, till death do you part?
       Will you give each one with you a part of your heart?

       It won't hurt, you won't lose, if you do it My way,
       For My Love and My Word won't lead you astray.
       It's the way of My realm, My Kingdom at hand,
       And I want My Love to reign now, in your land."

       So, what can I say?--Yes, you I now wed.
       Will you have me, will you take me into your bed?
       I promise to love you, to share my heart too,
       To uphold and support you, in all that you do.

       I admit that I need you, I'm a pretty weak one,
       But with His and your love, I know I'll overcome,
       These problems and sins which I battle sometimes,
       Jealousy and fears--not much with that rhymes!

       So let's go for it, my loves, let's put down our pride,
       Let's love Him together, let's be His Bride.
       It may not be easy--living with just me is t ough!
       But He said He'd smooth out those ways that are rough.

       So crazy and kooky and odd as it seems,
       I've made up my mind--you're the mates of my dreams!


       Peter Shepherd (Mideast), Claire (Italy), Peter Picture & Esther (Japan), Simon (of Merryheart, Hungary), Anonymous Russian, Angel (FC), Timothy (China), Pailin (Thailand), Philip (Thailand), Ruthie (of Ho, China).

game night fun

       HOT POTATO/TRUTH OR DARE: A fun party game after everyone has gotten "limbered up" with some dancing first. Toss a newspaper package around the room to the beat of the music. When the music stops, the person holding the package takes off one newspaper wrapping, on the inside of which is taped a little piece of paper containing instructions for either a truth or a dare.
       The newspaper package will take some preparation. Our package consisted of 12 layers of newspaper around a ball. A few of our truth or dare slips are listed below, but we're sure you can think of more! Be creative !

       Dare: Take off one under-garment without completely removing any other article of clothing. (This is a funny one for the guys to get. Girls are more adept at this, after years of practice!)
       Dare: Stand up and quote Psalm 23 for everyone.-But there's a catch! Pat your head and rub your tummy as you quote the first verse, then pat your tummy and rub your head for the second verse. Continue to switch back and forth as you quote the whole chapter.
       Truth: Tell everyone one of your most emba rrassing moments. But instead of talking, act it out for everyone.

       EAT-THE-CARROT RELAY: Peel two similarly sized fresh carrots (if you soak them in salt water ahead of time they taste better). Divide all your players equally into two teams, putting the people with good appetites at the end. At the word "go" the first person holds the carrot between his teeth (no slobber, please!) and passes it to the next person (who holds the carrot between their teeth), as he takes a bite out of his end. The second person takes a bite, passes it to the next person, and so on down the line. The last person must finish the carrot, and the first team done wins!


       Writing: The game participants are divided into three teams. Each team chooses a topic to which they make up a rhyme. You can pick topics from a bowl or each team can agree on a topic. Each team has 10-15 minutes to complete their rhyme. Agree together as to how long the rhyme should be, but eight lines is a fair am ount for that slot of time.
       Recital: Then the teams regroup and each team reads their poem aloud.
       Composing: The teams swap poems between themselves and again leave the room to make up a tune to the poem (which another team has written), or to adapt it to a known tune.
       Performing: All teams get together again to perform their songs (dances can be included).
       Acting: The teams swap poems yet again, and leave the room to get a skit together. Then each team performs their skit to go along wi th whatever poem they have been given.

       FORMATION FUN (for larger groups): You'll need a leader and a judge or two, and of course, some music. Once set, you divide the participants into teams of four. The girls form a circle in the middle and the boys form the outer circle(or vice versa). Start the music and everyone dances around in this formation, each circle moving in opposite directions, until the music stops. Then the leader (someone not playing the game) yells out the name of a formatio n (see formation list below). Everyone then runs to find the other members of their team and the first team to assemble all of their members correctly into the formation that was called out wins. Try making up your own formations.

Sample formations (for teams of four):

       1. Lifesaver: Three people stand shoulder to shoulder, while holding one person (lying down, body straight) in their arms.
       2. Car: Two people on their knees in the front of the "car" (one has to act as the driver), two peop le in the back of the "car" (all on their knees, bouncing up and down).-Don't forget the sound effects.
       3. Railroad: Two people lie parallel on the floor, a couple of feet apart, and the other two people lie parallel in the opposite direction on top of them, forming mock railroad tracks.
       4. Airplane: One member is the tail, one is the nose, the other two are the wings.
       5. Jellyfish: All four of you lie on the floor with your backs on the ground, and your bottoms together. Legs and hands go straight up in the air, while you wiggle like a jellyfish!


       We'd like to give our deepest and most sincere thanks to the Manantial Home in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, especially to Pedro and Magdalena for their dedication, and most of all for their love and patience with us while we were with them completing our transition period as FM returnees to CM status. It was a beautiful time and we learned a lot of lessons.
       --Hermosillo Home, Bernabe and Luz Luchadores

       Special thanks t o the Rijeka Home in Croatia; Samuel and Lili in Italy; Tim and Ester, Lode and Joseph, and all the Homes around for helping me to get to Brazil. I couldn't have made it without you!
       --French Marc, Brazil

       We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU!! to Marty and Heaven and family in Akita, Japan. Thank you so much for opening up your home and hearts to us to help us to get back to Japan from Canada. We might not have made it if it weren't for you! Thank you so much! We really appreciate you and love you and are praying for you!
       --David and Liz and family, Japan

       We were very touched to hear that James and Ruth committed themselves to give us as a Home a very large donation towards the deposit for a new house. They are also going to help with an equally large gift towards James and Charity's tickets to South Africa. GBT! They also gave us a large donation. We are very thankful for our precious Family!
       --Jewel, Giovanni, Timothy, Charity and Vijaya, India


       We can never see the sun rise by looking to the west.--Japanese Proverb

Peek into Mama's home

       Staff member: One time, I was asked to take on a new assignment that wasn't particularly appealing to me at the time. Sorry to say, my reaction was considerably less than enthusiastic. But Mama was sweet about it, and just said, "Well, that's about what I expected for your first reaction." She didn't get on my case about being more cheerful or wholehearted, but was just patient and understanding.
       A few days l ater, I'd gotten the victory and was more excited and enthusiastic about the change. Mama then told me, "Well, just remember that, and don't worry too much about people's first reaction to news or changes; sometimes it just takes them time to get warmed up to the idea."--A good shepherding lesson about being tolerant and understanding of others.

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Cefas/Anita, Mexico
       1,635       3,370
Madras Deaf Home, India
       1,404       4,213
James/Elisabeth, Unite d Kingdom
       1,000       5,000
Pedro/Magdalena/Tim/Maria, Mexico       931       5,583
Pablo E., Chile       346       1,387
Jonatan/Pablo/Hannah/Clara, Colombia       312       1,250
Philip/Hannah/Matthew, India       252       2,265
Ezequiel/Rejoice/Jonathan, Brazil       250       1,000
Seth/Carolina/Angelina, Ecuador       200       800
Michael/Maria, Japan       184       368

Peter S./Crystal S./Mary M., USA
       2,299       9,196
Michael/Maria, Japan
       2,275       4,551
Adino/Joana, Brazil
       1,966       5,900
Steven/Mercy, Japan       1,830       3,660
Paul/Maria/Simon/Joa n/Jan, Nigeria       1,571       11,000
Francis/Joanna Rose/May Free, USA       1,507       12,059
Jonas/Olivia, USA       1,350       2,700
David/Libertie, Japan       1,165       3,496
Abner/Promise, Japan       1,074       3,224
Jonathan/Lydia Livingstone, Japan       1,000       4,000

Pedro Fisher/Maria, USA
       143       286
Gideon/Esther, Venezuela
       113       226
Francisco/Joanna/Luana, Brazil
       101       406
Ruth Newspirit/Ben Siervo, Mexico       97       292
Dave/Jan/Rosemarie, Czech Republic       97       776
Steven/Maria/Robin, Ghana       96       770
Samuel/Clara, Spa in       90       180
Pablo E., Chile       90       360
Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland       83       332
Flor/Lily, Brazil       81       243

Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       100       201
Abner/Esther/Andrew/Lena/Angel, S. Africa
       60       301
Martin/Marie, Holland
       56       112
David/Esperanza/Santiago, Peru       41       165
Klaeng Home, Thailand       40       280
Marcos/Abby, Brazil       32       65
Timoteo/Cristal/Frank, Brazil       30       60
David/Joanna, Brazil       26       52
Simon Setfree/Happy, Japan       25       258
Miguel/Samuele/Paloma/Ester, Brazil       24       97


Jan/Eva/Timothy/Dana, Russia       4,750       19,000
Valour/Dan/Christina, Ukraine       2,662       21,300
John/Joy, Ukraine       1,500       3,000
John/Faith/Jahmai, Poland       1,078       8,631
Daniel/Davida/Francesco, Moldava       800       3,200
Adam/Laura/Christia/Lydia, Russia       460       5,070
Peter/Praise/Davide, Ukraine       450       1,800
Byron/Mercy/Abner/Ang/Cora/Rut, Lithuania       448       4,480
Abner/Elisa/Mary, Ukraine       430       3,445
Gabe/Maria/Dove, Russia       375       3,000

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family