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the grapevine
(Issue #56; December 15, 1998.)


Christmas Rocks in South America!
By Juan, Brazil

       The Christmas push is well on its way! From the 20,000 CDs that we printed for the Homes we now have almost none left in our SC stock! We've already sold 2,000 copies of the new TA videos that we translated in a rush (500 of each title). And on top of that, we also sold the 2,000 English CD copies we had made of Drummer Boy. This is just the end of November, so if all continues to g o this way, this will be our most fruitful season yet. His message is going out like never before!

Meeting Top UN and Government Representatives
By Andrew and Miracle, Croatia

       A Swedish aid organization called "Crossroads," which is helping to rebuild a village just 500 meters from our house, invited us to the dedication ceremony. It turned out to be quite a big deal; as the rebuilt houses belonged to Muslims who were returning to a Croatian area. Many important and influential people were there who we were able to meet, including the head of the UN in Sarajevo, a Finnish lady. Miracle was able to talk with her briefly. We had previously met her in 1994 in Finland when she was campaigning for the presidency.

Children's Day
By Willing and the Flying Fingers Home, India

       November 14th is Children's Day in India. It is the birthday of India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, who loved children very much. It is celebrated every year with various cultural programs all ov er the country.
       This year we were asked to perform at the state Children's Day program. A high-ranking official friend in the Education Department asked us two days before the program if our young deaf boys could perform a skit. We had only one day to practice with a brand new team!
       When we arrived, we found out it was a competition between some of the best schools from all over the state, and we were the only deaf team! We were all nervous, and prayed desperately for the Lord's anointing.
       Our boys performed a skit using mime and sign language on inter-religious harmony while I narrated from backstage. They received a standing ovation, and surprise, surprise--we were awarded first prize! The chief minister of the state and three other ministers were also present. The event was broadcast by state TV the next day. What a miracle!

Flood Relief Program
By Love (of Pat), New Dawn Home, USA

       We were able to help out in the relief program after the big flood hit San Antonio. Some o f us went to the Food Bank to help pack boxes of food for the needy, and a couple of us helped to clean out a widow's flooded home.
       One of the Food Bank supervisors asked if we wanted to do an interview for an article on volunteer workers. After a few pictures, I (Love) was able to give a short personal testimony and answer a couple questions about our work here, as well as react on the advantages of bringing our home-schooled kids and teens to help out in the disaster relief. The interviewer was very impressed at our use of the Bible in our daily lives, and wanted us to help them deliver the food to the actual flood victims, which we happily did! Then she asked Brynn (19) and Esther (16) their thoughts on helping out in disaster relief.
       It was very unifying, as people from each of the three Homes in the area participated. GB all who pulled together! We hope to continue packing boxes for the needy with the Food Bank on a weekly basis.

Hurricane Mitch Relief
Corazones Home, Guat emala

       Hurricane Mitch hit Central America from October 28th to November 3rd, 1998. There have been few natural disasters that have taken as much life as Mitch. Death counts for all of Central America are at 10,670, and as many as 13,000 people are still missing. Honduras suffered the loss of 80 percent of its crops, Nicaragua 40 percent and Guatemala 14 percent. It's estimated that the country of Honduras will need at least ten years to recuperate to its "before Mitch" status.
       The two Family Homes here in Guatemala were spared any serious repercussions from the storm. The Lord has never failed in one of His good promises, and though a thousand fell at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it did not come nigh us! Even though we are a fairly new Home and have few reserves set aside for emergencies, the Lord miraculously allowed us to be able to find food and water without difficulty. Our little mountain road had eight different mudslides hindering access to the road. Just at the bottom of the road a small dam had burst, taking with it several houses and flooding the area. So the first visible effects of the storm weren't far away for us.
       Most of the people that suffered severe loss during the storm had little warning. There are hundreds of families that live in the hilly mountainsides around the city. These little shacks are basically hung on thin air to begin with. After three days of steady, hard rain, the ground was saturated and began to give way. Entire chunk s of the hills fell down, crushing houses and filling others with mud. People woke to the screams of their neighbors and families. Flash floods created similar effects all around the river basins.
       Wanting to help the thousands of people evacuated from their housing here in Guatemala City, we began to visit the shelters. On November 5th we visited a large shelter where many families had taken refuge. The Lord encouraged us to use what we had on hand and to go and be a blessing. With songs, a sk it, clowns, animal balloons and tracts, we were able to encourage and cheer up the needy. We also had some donated clothing that we were able to share with them. The first team came home shining and excited with testimonies. Over 200 had been won to the Lord, and everyone was so thankful.
       Izabal is the coastal area that was the hardest hit of Guatemala. We went there by faith not knowing what to expect. Our team was Paul (21), Praise (of Jordan), Jaye (YA), Mary (JETT), Claire (JETT) and baby Jonathan. The roads were more or less fixed by then. The temperature there is very hot. Praise and Paul, who were dressed like clowns, were cooking in their long shirts, wigs, clown hats, long pants, and makeup melting down their faces. Ha! But we gave His message to the people! The kids in the shelter there were very sad and down, but all of them got saved!
       The Lord provided all our meals and places to stay as we continued our journey. The next day we went to another shelter, but our car brok e down so we decided to walk. Soon, a guy riding in a horse-drawn wagon came by and helped us with a ride to our destination. This shelter was in a church, and the kids were rowdy and more cheerful, but very receptive. We walked back to our hotel and the owner asked us if we could go to a village called Corozo for them. All the people there had lost their crops. We agreed to go and be an encouragement to them the next day.
       Corozo is a place you can get to by the train tracks on a little handma de push cart, or you can walk or go by bike. A man from the village came to pick us up on a push-cart. You had to use the same rails as the local train. On our way, a train that was out checking the rails and bridges was coming, so we had to get off and take the little push-cart out of the way before it hit us. The village is located five miles from town and it's about an hour trip to get to the village, if you go by push-cart. We went pushing the little cart all the way, taking turns pushing. I f you don't have get-out very often, this is intensive get-out. Ha!
       Upon arrival, we found out the village was spread all over in little groups of houses. We began to walk along the muddy, slippery trail. The houses are made out of wood and palm leaves; the floors are made of dirt, and when it rains it gets very muddy. They are one-room houses, using the same space for everything--eating, sleeping, etc. We went the unconventional route of going door-to-door (though they don't have doors) singi ng, giving balloons, clothes, tracts, and praying with all we could. It was like stepping into the millennium. People were so thankful, and gave us oranges and coconuts to show their appreciation. They are eager for us to return, and we hope to gather supplies to bring them on our next trip there.
       Since the hurricane hit, the Lord has helped us visit many shelters and two villages, and win hundreds of souls. And it's just the beginning! There will be a need for CTP-type ministries for many mon ths and even years to come. Now that the road is open to Honduras, our first team will be going there next week.


       The right way is not always easy; the easy way is not always right.

legal and media

- Zac met a person from the Mainichi TV Station while busking on a bridge in Osaka, who asked if he could make a ten-minute documentary of it. They think it's really unique that a 43-year-old father is living as a street musician. We prayed and felt that it was an open door. They filmed for about four hours and then edited it to about ten minutes. What was broadcast was pretty good, about a warm family that's unique overall.--Zac, Flame, Jeremiah and Mary


they keep comin'!

       Tedd, 4th child, born to Anita on April 24--Denmark
       Anya, 2nd child, born to Viera and Matthew on September 11--Russia
       Patrik, 1st child, born to Czech Tabitha and Tim on September 29--Czech Republic
       Michael Liam Benjamin, born to Tamar and Elkanah on October 7--Ireland
       Dianne Celine, 1st child, born to Buglarian Claire and Peter BP on October 10--Hungary
       Ariel, 2nd child, born to Suzanna on October 13--Australia
       Jonathan, born to Diamond and Dust on October 16--Romania
       Vlada, born to Joy and Tim Ukrainian on October 18--Russia
       Marianna, born to Lana and Daniel on October 24--Russia
       Daryl Caelan, 3rd child, born to Mary and Paul on October 28--Thailand
       Timothy Jordan, born to Greek Joy and Indian Paul Fighter on November 5--India


taken …

       Jo an Bulgarian and Ukrainian Tim in Kiev are tying the knot!--Ukraine

new laborers

       Osea (25, Italian) joined in Italy in October.
       Dima (29, Russian) joined in Russia in October.

Oasis of Love
[Loving Jesus #5]
       1. Make My Heart Your Home (3:50) - Jeff, Hopie/Micah/Micah/Andrew V.
       2. Immortal Love (4:23) - Christie, Joyful/Mike P./Mike P./Mike P.
       3. Loveliness of You (4:07) - Hopie/Barry/Barry/Francesco
       4. Garden of Heaven (4:50) - Michael Daniel/Mik e P./Mike P./Mike P.
       5. Closer (4:35) - Lara/Windy/Windy
       6. Forward to Forever (3:40) - Andrew/Mike P./Mike P./Mike P.
       7. I Love You (3:31) - Sylvia/Barry/Barry, Andrew V.
       8. Let's Get Together Again (5:19) - John L.
       9. My King and Lover (5:09) - Joyful, Paul H./Paul H./Paul H./Mike P.
       10. Oasis of Love (4:09) - Angelina/Cheerful/Mike P., Cheerful/Mike P.
       11. Early in the Morning (4:44) - Joan, Jerry P./Philip/Philip/Jerry P.
       12. You're Him to Me (4:05) - Angelique, Jeff/Jerry P. /Lyrics arranged from prophecy/ Jerry P.
       13. Just As I Am (4:59) - Chris, Jeff/Martin/Martin/Martin



       (From the Bosnia Oasis team:) After three years of waiting for the time to be right and the Lord to give the go-ahead, we have now completed our move into Bosnia! Our regular visits to Bosnia from Croatia to do our shows and bring humanitarian aid were always exciting and fruitful, but our dream and heart's desire was always to set up our Home inside Bosnia where we coul d live with the people--to better feel their needs and hear their heartcries! Now, we feel we are truly living the Letter "Change the World"!
       We felt led to one particular area in Central Bosnia where we had made many good friends and knew the Lord had more sheep for us to reach. While driving one day, we stopped to take some photos of a de-land mining operation and met a young man who offered to take a picture for us while we posed. When he heard we were looking for housing in his area, he of fered to help, and we are now living in the house he located for us! It's in a tiny village--not a typical location for a Family Home, but because here in Bosnia we do not do fund-raising, we did not need to base out of a larger city where there would be income-oriented outreach possibilities. It's so very satisfying to have all the neighborhood children waving and calling our names as they pass by, or their parents inviting us over for a coffee.
       We have been very busy doing shows in schools a nd institutions. And especially now with Christmas coming, we are preparing something really special for the children with new clowns, magic tricks, songs and dances. We are also distributing aid which we receive from Western Europe, and are having lots of Family visitors come who want to experience what it's like to be in Bosnia. But the real reward is being able to be here every day, knowing that every single person you meet, no matter what you're doing, is a hungry soul who just a very short time ago came through a horrible war and is desperately in need of the Lord's love and peace that passes all understanding!
       Many people who are hungry for the Word are coming over to visit us. The "Countdown to Armageddon" video has been a heavy witness here, as you can see its fulfillment in everyday life. It's amazing to hear first-time visitors ask, "How can I join you?"
       It has also been such a miracle how the Lord has supplied our needs since our move here! We cannot provision, but our p recious Family passing through has been sharing of their abundance with us. While visiting a church to deliver aid, the priest asked if we needed a rent-free house! Some of his parishioners who had moved from Bosnia had left the keys to their houses with him, and he has been looking for trustworthy people to take care of them! All we've had to do is step out of the door, and the Lord has done all these miracles, leading sheep, contacts, and friends to our doorstep.
       If you feel led to help us, please do. We are dependent on home support now more than ever in order to stay here inside Bosnia. You can designate your gifts to: Oasis Home, Bosnia. Thanks so much!


If You're Going to India…
By Dan and Abi, New Delhi, India

       We would like to let Family members planning to come to India know that our Home is open to receive people in need of a place to land. We'd like to be able to accommodate new teams temporarily, subject to room availability. Please e-mail and let us know how many you will be, what your plans are and your needs. We'll get back to you regarding our room availability and timing. Please communicate before booking your ticket, to be sure we have room available at that time.
       To make things easy, please also state your clearance status for India--i.e., general clearance, SWIFT, etc. You would still want to send a want ad and communicate with your prospective Home(s) here on the field so you have an idea of what Home you will be joining before your ar rival. We ask for a small contribution for your stay, but wanted to offer this service to make it easier for anyone who needs help getting to the field. We are located in New Delhi and our e-mail address is daj.mango@axcess.net.in.
       We look forward to seeing you on this exciting and fulfilling field.

       (Note from Bangalore/South Indian ABM: If you would like to send us your want ad for publishing, our e-mail is: access@giasbga.vsnl.net.in or via your ABM.)

Visiting Mynamar (Burma)!

By Amm i and Sharon (SGA), VSs, Thailand
       We spent several days at each of the three Homes in Burma, for a 10-day visit. We had an Area Council Meeting with representatives from all three Homes attending. We discussed the projects in the works, personnel needs, the Homes working together more, united activities for the youth, and heard from the Lord for the guidance on the future of the work there.

Broadcasting update:
In pursuing this, so far the response has been positive. There is such a tremend ous need and vacuum. The country is pitifully poor and going backwards fast in the absence of decent educational materials. If this project goes through, the TAs would reach millions, and not only children in the 0-6 age bracket. Judging from what is currently being broadcast, the TAs would likely be a hit all the way up to high school level.

Local language translations:
A talented musician, named Aung Li, has finished the translation of three songs from TA #1. Two female vocalists have agree d to help with recording in Burmese.

Duping and marketing:
If the TA broadcasting doesn't come through, our Family will go ahead with marketing locally. The production cost would be low and the videos could only be sold for a low price as well, but it would generate much-needed income for the work there, as well as get the tools out in large quantity.
       They have already duped a run of Uncharted locally, in English. Their national sheep and friends are eager distributors of these.

National sheep and friends:
Their catacomber, A., is still going strong. He regularly helps with CTPs and is a faithful witness. He stayed the night at the Home once or twice and then got called in to police headquarters for questioning. The senior officer who was supposed to conduct the questioning was not in so they let him go. He is visiting a bit less frequently at this time.
       R., a sweet Karen lady is helping regularly with translations. S., a young college-age girl, comes over to one of the Homes daily to type the local translations. She is very precious and hard working.
       V. is a young man who works as guide and interpreter for a travel agency. He is from a Buddhist background and comes from an upper-class family. He recently got saved and is very hungry for Bible and follow-up classes.

All of the Homes are active with some very good CTP projects. At one Home they know pretty much everybody in the Department of Social Welfare and are well received. They do regular projects a t a blind school, a boys' home, a handicapped boys' home and a poor orphanage. They have managed to raise funding from the parents of their students for regular donations of supplies and food, as well as to sponsor some talented blind athletes to go to the USA for special training. All of this has been very well received by the local community.
       At André's Home they do a regular work at a different blind school and recently received a grant from the Thai embassy towards this CTP. The funds are going towards renovations and improving the living conditions, as well as getting educational material in Braille for them. André teaches French to the Thai First Secretary and she, being aware of their CTP work, presented it to the embassy as they were looking for a charity project to sponsor. They chose three projects and ours was one of them. They also have worked regularly at an orphanage for girls and are about to start a project at a home for abandoned babies.
       The Mandalay Home is in the pioneer stage and is quite strapped for personnel. They also have it the toughest as far as field conditions go. Everyone in town knows about them though, and their school is a good sample and well received. It is also commonly known that they are Christians. They do a weekly project in a village orphanage about two hours outside of town.

       Field conditions:
Things are getting poorer and more backwards. The government is very mysterious and virtually no one knows what's going on or what is th e goal and agenda of the current regime.
       Huge billboards are still up at every main intersection warning that one of the "people's desires" is to "crush all internal and external destructive elements" and to "oppose all those acting as stooges for foreign powers." This is also printed in every edition of every newspaper. On TV there are increasingly more and more political speeches against Aung San Su Chi being given to large audiences who sit on the ground and shout their pledge of allegiance on cue. It's quite strange and mysterious to say the least.

       [Aung San Su Chi, Daw (1945- ): Female opposition leader who founded the NLD (National League of Democracy) and won 80 percent of the parliament seats in 1990. The military then annulled the elections and seized control. Aung was arrested and put in confinement for six years, and then under house arrest. She is the daughter of one of the founders of Burma, and a hero to many people, both inside and outside her country. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.]

       Physically, the country is losing electrical power constantly. The Mandalay Home only has electricity for one evening and one morning every three days, and they have heard that it will soon decrease to only once every four days. Most businesses have generators or only work around the hours when they can expect electricity. TTL, our Family Home has a generator, or living conditions would be very difficult since Mandalay has a climate similar to New Delhi, with very cold winters and unbearably hot summers.
       Outside of Yangon, the health and living conditions are very low. On our trip to Mandalay we made three stops at what would be considered decent coffee shops by local standards. The bathrooms of these are like medieval dungeons, and the cleanliness standard of the food and dishes is lower than any place we could compare it to in Thailand.

We had sweet fellowship with all of the young people there. There are 10 teens between the three Homes. They long for the company of more people their age, but they all pull very big loads in the Homes and are committed to helping their parents pioneer. In Yangon, the young people from both Homes get together every weekend for united movie-viewing or other activity, and also have one freeday outing together each week. The young people are very involved with the CTPs in all of the Homes.


By Rose Midwife, USA
This tip for nausea might be helpful: Eat foods high in folic acid-- spinach, beets, oatmeal, etc. They really help. Peaches were especially helpful for me. I also took extra Chromium, which helps regulate your blood sugars, so the "tireds" don't hit you so hard.
       --Joanna Bear, Brazil
I had never heard about these tips before, but if they worked for one they might work for another. It can't hurt to try! Remember also for nausea not to let your tummy get empty. Eat a little something every two hours, even if you're not hungry. Some of the foods Joanna sugge sts make great snacks!


       [Jaz: Here are a couple of articles on our last subject--Talk to Your Baby--which might be of interest to you readers!]

       When you cuddle up with your baby for a chat, the discussion is pretty much a one-sided affair. And, yet, delightful as it is to talk to--even at--the little fella, it doesn't compare to the thrill just months later when he blurts out his first word, and the conversation becomes, almost miraculously, true dialogue.
       Although children b uild vocabulary all on their own, they do it faster with a little help from Mom and Dad. The best way to help is also the easiest: Talk to your child. Those early discussions may not seem profound to you, but they can boost your toddler's language skills. So will reading aloud, playing word games, and singing together.
       As for grammar, most kids learn to correct themselves over time. Still, it doesn't hurt to expand on a child's early sentences in your responses; for example, when he says "Kitt y sit chair," you can say, "Yes, the kitty is sitting on the chair." But never make fun of his mispronunciations and gaffes. One of the ongoing debates among parents and language experts is whether or not adults should use baby talk. The consensus: Although high-pitched voices may help to attract an infant's interest, once a child can talk back, it's probably better to skip the falsetto voice and cutesy locutions. Still, Gleason adds, "you do have to talk slowly to children, use simple vocabular y, and stick to topics they're interested in, and you frequently have to repeat yourself. In that sense, baby talk is fine."
       [Excerpts from "The Gift of Gab," by Harriet Brown, Parenting magazine.]

"Talking" with infants and toddlers

       Some adults feel awkward talking to infants, thinking they do not understand. But even if infants don't understand, they do learn from adults who talk to them.
       You can act as a mirror with young infants, reflecting and repeating their sounds. Out of this wi ll come such simple words as "mama" and "dada."
       As toddlers begin to learn words, they develop some "cute" mispronunciations. These, however, should not be mimicked or reinforced.
       Include babies when you read stories to the other children. Research has shown that babies respond to and enjoy the sound of language, and listening can help babies learn. Perhaps one of the older preschoolers could hold the infant while you read.
       Older babies can be helped to learn names of simple objects. Use w ords to describe to infants what they are doing. And use the babies' names often, so they will learn their own names.

Helping toddlers develop language skills

       To help your toddler develop language skills, use a simple language-building technique called "scaffolding," suggests Harvey S. Wiener, the author of "Talk With Your Child."
       The scaffolding system has these five steps:
       * Ask questions.
       * Repeat the questions to help the child understand completely what you are asking.
       * Pay at tention to your child's body language and vocal sounds to help you understand what he's saying.
       * Interpret your child's meaning and then respond.
       * Be sure to encourage your child to speak freely; do not [at this stage] correct mispronunciations or grammatical errors.
       Here's an example of scaffolding: You might say to your child: "Now you can cook some string beans in your little red pot. Do you understand?" The child may respond, "Beans in pot," showing you that she understands perfectly .
       If you get no sign of understanding, repeat the question. The child may then pick up the red pot, stir and make sounds, indicating that she understands. You can then say something like, "You're cooking beans for dinner; they're going to taste so good." If the child replies, "Taste good dinner," don't correct her sentence structure. At this early stage of language development, a two-way conversation is what's most important--grammar isn't.


       Children love to hear realistic or made-up tales, especially when they're accompanied by plenty of hand gestures, facial expressions, and body and eye contact. Remember to get the kids into the act too, for part of the fun in storytelling is audience participation. You can also encourage the kids to anticipate endings or turns in the story: "Can you guess what she did next?"
       Storytelling can get kids involved in using and enjoying language. They may even start telling their own tales.

       Talking to babies every day "gives them higher IQ." (The London Times) Talking to babies for half an hour every day boosts their intelligence significantly, according to research. By the age of eight, children who were talked to as babies were on average a year and a quarter brighter than their peers.
       Children who were left to watch television and videos from nine to 13 months of age, or who experienced background noise such as music, were markedly behind. Sally Ward, who led the study, said the findings make clear that the way par ents communicated with babies was crucial to language and intelligence development.
       Dr. Ward advised parents to talk to their babies for at least half an hour a day, as far as possible about whatever the baby was taking an interest in. Background noise from sources such as television sets and music centers tended to draw the baby's attention away from the parents' speech, she said.
       [The 1st and 3rd articles were adapted from Family Daycare Exchange, North Central Regional Extension Publicati ons 128f, 128j, and 128k; the second article from Working Mother, October, 1989.]


Love Lines #6

       We're up to Love Lines issue #6. If you'd like to subscribe by either e-mail or postal mail, please send us a note.
       For those of you who have submitted ads, please take note of the following tips which Love Lines subscribers have offered:

       When requesting the Love Lines, please state your name, sex and age, so that we can be sure that you qualify to receive the ads.
       It's help ful to include your status (CM/FM) when writing an ad. But since many ads do not offer this information, you are responsible to find out the status of the person you are contacting.
       If you've gotten together with someone, please ask to have your ad removed from Love Lines.
       It's polite to respond to someone answering your ad, even if your reply is short.


       Kate, Mariana, Ben, Lucas, Paloma, Zach (lived with you in Venezuela many moons ago), please get in touch with Techy. E-mail: pcmission@iname.com.
       Brian (a.k.a. Jonny), where are you? Contact TnT at pcmission@iname.com.
       Jess and Heidi are looking for Joanna Dawn (20, married to Sharif) Please write us at: tyofam@crisscross.com.
       Joshua Fighter (Italian) who was in Germany, Thera needs to get in contact with you. Her address is: Sonja Hanusch-Metzler, Rebbergstr. 1 78343 Gaienhofen, Deutschland.
       Mexican Faithy from Monterrey! Please write to: chris@ely.leader.ro. By the way, it's Anita (Paula).
       Joan (11, of Pr iscilla) is looking for Praise R. (of Jonadab). Please contact me at: .
       Faithy is looking for Mercy (of Leah and Cancion). You had your baby at our place in Dallas. Send message to Texas ABM for Faithy (SGA of John and Rose).
       Michelle (from Houston) would like to contact Gabe (of Ruel and Pearla.) Address: C.P.148 OP1 Oradea 3700 Romania. E-mail: midea@chmail.medanet.ro.
       I'm (Marie Claire) trying to find a couple that were my foster parents when I was a child (3- 6). Their names then were Daniel and Maggie. If you have any idea where they may be, please e-mail me at tyofam@crisscross.com.
       Willing and Mary (formerly Miguel and Dance), please get in touch with Susanna as soon as possible! E-mail: cima@secrel.com.br. Address: Susanna (Dutch) Caixa Postal 649 60001-970 Fortaleza, Brazil.
       Priscilla PI is looking for Canadian Paul (lived together in the PI), Sarah Shine, and French Samuel and Heidi. Address: P.O. Box 4906 MCPO, 1289 Makati City, Philippine s. E-mail: auserve@philonline.com.ph.
       Dita (of Serena and Mark) please contact Mari (of Ben and Hannah). E-mail: torteam@caoh1.telmex.net.mx.
       Long-lost Kat, please write! Desperate Chris! E-mail: pvalour@dndk.dp.ua.


Italy and Spain
       (From Ahlai:) While visiting some of our Family Homes in Italy and Spain with an academic friend, we met many very sweet teens, particularly in small Homes where there was not a lot of "peer pressure." The teens love the Lord and help their parents. They seem close to their parents, love them, would put their arm around them and would give their help very willingly. I found that the teens didn't have apparent attitudes or things against their parents or the Family, but rather respected them.
       It was a good sample of good Family couples and children out there that are living for the Lord, are close to the teachings and close to Mama and Peter. Even though these are not Third World missionary fields, they showed good fruit and had "good moral values," as our academic friend said. Going to Western Europe, I would have expected more peripheral situations, maybe more worldliness or rebellion among the teens, but it was significantly absent. It shows once again that closeness to the Lord and obedience in following the Word determines your fruitfulness and your fruit--not necessarily the place you live.

[Teenagers at 50]
       Steven and Tabitha:
We are both over 50 but feel just like teenagers when it comes to God's lov e for us.
       The Lord gave us in prophecy a message of great hope as well as warning, entitled "The World Is in a Mess." We laid out this message on two sides of an A6 size flier to get it out en masse on the streets of Tokyo. The Lord helped us to get it translated into five languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean and Farsi) so that we can effectively reach as many people as possible in this city. The message warns about the Antichrist and his 666 computerization of the world, and ends wit h a salvation prayer.
       Recently a woman's magazine in Tokyo did a one-page article on us, calling us the "anti-stress missionaries." Using that theme we advertise weekly in the "Tokyo classified" magazine under the "help and support" column the following ad: "Alleviate stress. Learn the art of forgiveness in your life. Call Steven and Teiko." We also hand out fliers to those who talk to us on the streets, inviting people to attend our weekly classes on this topic. The response is very encouragi ng.
       About a month back I, Steven, suffered a heart attack, and it looked like it was going to stop us from getting out anymore, as I was laid up for six days. But the Lord told me in prophecy on the seventh day, that if I would get up and get it out, He would heal me. Tabitha too had become weakened, but the Lord told her three times on that same morning, "He giveth power to the faint." She received this before I shared with her the prophecy I had gotten. So thank the Lord, that's just what we have done. We've gotten up and gone out every day since then and we've had no problem. Thank God for His precious promises and healing power.

[Dental camp]
       Beth (20): Picture the setting - a team of 15 dentists, Hosanna, Rahul (26), a lady principal, a lady nurse, a lady teacher, Tim (24), Kylie (19) and me. It all started with a desire to do more CTPs in Bangalore (our hometown), so we began praying that the Lord would open the doors and show us what to do. Being in India, there ar e a million and one CTPs we could be doing, so it takes divine guidance to know where to start. We got in contact with someone who runs a school for slum kids and started going there regularly, helping to get school and health needs sponsored.
       Then one day Tim was out witnessing and he met some guys who were in their last year of dental college and they got all inspired about doing something for these slum kids. Not only that--these guys were real interested in doing more with their lives and had a sincere desire to hear what he had to tell them! Slowly but surely it all came together.
       At both schools all the kids got their teeth checked and cleaned. They received their own toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as a class about care for their teeth. We wrote the children's information on a card (name, address, etc.). The dentists would write on the back of the card whether the child needed special care for their teeth, and they would then be given free care at the hospital.
       Almost 500 kids had their teeth checked and got free supplies. It was a beautiful experience to do this project and we will be doing more, especially follow-up on the kids who need more extensive help.

Receptivity through music
       Andy and Joy: Picture forty Chinese teens (aged 16-19) learning to sing "Wonderful" from the tape Christmas Beat. They did pretty well, too! I've been teaching these teens English part-time, and have had the freedom to do pretty much whatever I like, which has opene d the door for me to feed them with a lot of Family materials and songs. They love the English singing classes and especially the feeding lyrics and beat of the songs. Even the overseer for this particular class, as well as for my teaching, recently said: "I wish you would inform me before teaching these songs in class. I love to hear them too and want to come and learn!"

[Letting them connect]
       Joanna d'Arc: When I started reading "Tapping in Together" (GN 795), I was thrilled as I could picture myself in the vision Jesus had about a mother. I was eager to give it a try. I got my eleven-year-old girl and started reading to her. In spite of all my excitement, all she would say was "ifs," "buts" and "so whats."
       But our story doesn't end here, as something inside me was telling me not to give up. Finally the three kids agreed that I should receive prophecies for each of them, which I did that night when I was putting them to sleep. The following morning they all were eager to "hear from the Lord," and I could see how each tried to apply what the Lord had said.
       My oldest girl had been putting on a "doubting" appearance, but the next time they were giving me a hard time and I cut out their computer fun time in the evening, she was the first one to ask if we could hear what the Lord had to say about it, as she thought it was unfair. Even though the Lord was clear about the need to chasten them, He gave a possibility to start anew as long as they were seriously will ing to make a commitment to follow closer. Paul overheard my son at get-out telling his sister how the Lord had forgiven them and given them a second chance!
       It wasn't me and them anymore but a special personal link with Jesus! We still have a long ways to go, but I'm sold out on hearing from the Lord with my children, and am super thankful for His simple and loving solutions.

[Interactive Charter dream]
       Mercy: I had a funny dream. Someone had made the Charter into a computer p rogram called "The Interactive Charter." It was like a game where you would see everyday scenes of life in the Family. The player had to spot when someone broke a Charter rule and "click" on them. Ha! It was a fun way to learn. There were scenes where someone was breaking a rule, but the player didn't notice because it wasn't one of the "jot-and-tittle" rules, like the coffee rule, for example, but it was a weightier one such as living in harmony, etc.
       Lord help us, we can get accustomed to un loving words and acts, and not realize we are breaking the Charter rules just as much as with the more "showy" sins. It was convicting and made me see how all the rules need to be kept--not only the easy outward ones but especially the inner ones of attitude and heart.


       Can parents still have time for sex? How do busy people manage their time? How safe is ultrasound exposure?--All this and more in END #12!
       What is it like to be a child bride?--An Indian princess will tell yo u. More details of the mysterious Piper of Hamelin revealed.--linkUP 03.
       "Hey, you! Stay where you are!" I turned to see a soldier running my way with his machine gun in his hand."--Read what happens to Jo in "Liberia--The Forgotten War," FSM 336.
       Can a little child make feelings of jealousy disappear? Read the fascinating stories from beyond in "The Fruits of Jealousy," FSM 335.


We're wondering about the Charter rule of minimum witnessing hours. We have sheep and visitors over frequently and we are wondering why time with them could not be counted towards our quota of witnessing time.--Jasper, Love, Kathy and JP, USA

The answer to this is found in the revised Charter, coming your way soon. In short, it can be counted toward your quota of witnessing time if your continental office grants you an exemption.
       (A) All Home members 16 years of age and above must witness outside of the Home a minimum of two hours per week or eight hours per month, health permitting.
       (1) The continental office may give exceptions to this rule in the case of behind-the-scenes Homes, or for individuals who are actively engaged in some form of witnessing within the Home, for at least the equivalent number of hours.

kid column

Sibling memorization
       There are so many ways to encourage our little ones to get in the Word and memorize. Still, my younger brother Daniel (8) wasn't so happy about it. He said it was boring. LHM, because I didn't have much patience with him. I w ould go down to his level instead of showing him a good sample.
       One day, he saw me memorizing and asked me what I was doing. I explained it to him and we made a deal. I told him that the Lord was going to bless him and that we'd get him a shiner prize if he would memorize Ephesians 6. He said that he wanted the Lord to bless me too, and that he was going to give me a surprise with half of the money for his. Ha! We did it together and that's what he liked about it. So when he memorizes somethin g that I don't know, I have to press in too. He beats me now! I guess the younger ones like the feeling of beating the older ones when they get a chance to. Now we're on a memorization push.
--Lily (16), Italy

Our tract shiner
       We're finding out that our five-year-old, David, is becoming our top witnesser. We take him out tracting, and he approaches people with a cheery and forceful "Jesus loves you!" while putting the lit in their hands. You've got to be pretty hard to resist him, and each time he goes out, he ups his record. Last time I took him out he got out 125 tracts in less than half an hour.--"A little child shall lead them."
--Pauly and Joy, England


       A great big thank you to Peter and Sara in the Houston area for their help and support of the work in Guatemala, as well as to Francis and the Charlotte home in North Carolina for your financial help. Since Hurricane Mitch things have been a bit "unstable" in the country, and the Homes' need for outside help has increased due to the great vacuum for CTP projects the hurricane has created. So your letters of encouragement and pledged support have meant so, so much to them! GBY!
       --Jason, USA

       While on a follow-up/OR trip to England, I was staying at Andrew and Joanna's Home. They were so sweet and even gave a donation for the field when I left. It made me cry to receive their help and to see a family living frugally so they can help missionaries on the field and still go witnessing as well.
       --Gent leness Fighter, Poland

       Chris and Tabitha, your names and the names of your seven kids deserve to be put under shining lights--for being the only Family Home in Norway! God bless you for being so faithful to stick to your job for the Lord. It's such a hard country to live in with only a few friends to help you, yet you're continuing on through it all!
       --Zach and Lydia Lightman, Thailand

       We would like to thank all the Homes in Hungary and Romania that received us so kindly and helped us during our SWIFT this summer. We couldn't have done it without you. We keep you in our prayers. Please keep in touch.
       --Eman and Claire

       To all our dear friends: Pedro, Joy, Iris, Nora, Cristal, John, Angel, Eman and all the young and old from the Media Home. Also Joao, Rute, French Sarah, Samuelito, Paulo, Cristina, Filipe and Betania: A million thanks would not be enough to express our gratitude for all the love these dear folks gave us and our children during four years of happy service for our King Jesus! We love you, dear Brasilia Family! After being with you we truly felt: "Oh, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity!" We love you with special love, you are it! Keep it up!
       --Jere and Mariane, Brazil

help wanted

       Pablo, Love and four children in Ecuador need landing funds to move to India, and any help in the way of home support too. Please send donations via TRF to EC-007.
       Joan Irish (single mom), 1 JETT and 1 junior teen have a bu rden for Africa. Need support. Thanks to all who helped me in the past while in the PACRO area. Contact via Taiwan ABM.
       Can you designate a gift today to help us reach and feed His Chinese children? Please, they need you! Send your help via PACRO to Andy and Joy (CN 602). Thank you!

Eagle Bleeds
now available!

--$8 per CD

side a:

       Show Me
       Came to an End
       Eagle Bleeds
       Pet Shop
       Sea Wash Over Me

side b:

       Silver Lining
       My Life
       If You Want It Bad
       Always Cares
       A Place
       City of the King

Shipping rates
       First Class       Priority       International
1-2 CDs       $1.75       $3.50       $ 4.00
3-6 CDs       $3.50       $3.50       $ 6.00
7-15 CDs       $3.50       $6.00       $10.00

Mail your order to:
       CD Project
       5223 Wisconsin Ave #170
       Washington, DC 20015 USA

       Please make checks payable to: The DC Family
       (Cash in U.S. Dollars is okay at your own risk in double envelope.)

       e-mail: CD@thedcfamily.com

comp tip

Should I leave my computer on or shut it off w hen I'm done?

Leaving a computer on has little effect on its life or reliability. The computer just uses more energy than when it's off. Given the millions of computers left running unattended, the energy they all consume is considerable. Shutting off the computer between uses--whenever it's practical to do so--makes the most sense if you're concerned about saving energy. (Powering up the computer frequently won't raise its overall energy usage or wear it out.) However, there are times whe n you need to leave the computer running--to scan for viruses, for example, or to receive faxes or e-mail. Remember, too, that an active monitor uses more energy than a computer. So if your monitor doesn't have a power-saving mode, as do those with an Energy Star label, consider shutting it off manually between uses.
Courtesy of Consumer Reports Computer Q&A's)

stories and remembrances of Dad

One time I visited the Folks' Home for some re-training and re-tooling. At that time d ear Dad would have his tea in the afternoon around five o' clock. Some of the staff would go and sit down with him, to relax with him and keep him company for an hour or so. We would meet with Dad in another building on the property, which was quite rustic and not actually fit for living. But Dad liked it as it was very simple and was a change of scenery from his workplace.
       He had a little routine of preparing everything, getting the water warmed up, etc., as we'd sit down to have our tea, usu ally herbal non-caffinated tea. The thing that amazed me was how frugal and austere Dad was, even while just having tea. He had a few bowls on the table with used tea bags in them. In one of the bowls were the tea bags that had been used only once, and in another bowl were those that had been used a couple of times. In yet another bowl were the ones that had been used four or five times already. If this was your first cup of tea that day, you could choose a tea bag that was a little stronger. Bu t if you were having your second or third cup, you would go for the much weaker tea bags. That way Dad would open up only one or at the most, two tea bags for the five or six of us who were having tea with him.
       I was really impressed with not only how simple and humble that little house was, but also by how Dad would abide by these golden rules of frugality, simplicity and austerity. I knew that it wasn't a show, it was just his way of life. You could tell it was part of Dad's lifelong princip le of not wasting even as much as a tea bag that might still have a tiny bit of flavor in it.

One day, Dad and I were working on beautifying our little back yard fishpond. We had made it a project to decorate and improve it during Dad's get-outs. It was a cozy, relaxing spot, surrounded by greenery and a set of lawn furniture. Finally, we added our crowning creation--a beautiful, imitation bronze statue of a man holding a baby, which we had purchased used for only a few dollars. It co uld have been a representation of any one of many saints, but after discussing it, we agreed that, to us, it would represent Joseph and baby Jesus.
       Dad was directing the work as we set it up on a pedestal in the middle of the pond. To prevent a fall, we had secured it with fishing line. The job went well and we were admiring our handiwork, when all of a sudden, while getting out of the pool, I tripped on one of the fishing lines. To my horror I saw poor Joseph and Jesus plunge headfirst into t he pond. How could I be so clumsy and careless? How disappointed Dad must be.
       As I was retrieving the submerged "victims," I was silently praying for the Lord to prepare me for some constructive criticism. To add to my dismay, I noticed that Joseph had been decapitated. It was a sad sight. I was under conviction, in a speechless stupor, when seemingly beyond my control, I said: "Maybe it was John the Baptist!" I could hardly believe I said that, seeing the moment was rather somber--I certainly didn't intend to make light of the situation. Dad thought that it was very funny and started to laugh--whew, was I relieved! Some spirit with a good sense of humor had given me those words, fitly spoken.
       I was able to mend Joseph--he was as good as new again--and we successfully set the statue in the middle of the pond.

       Sharon (Sara Davidito):
Dad had no qualms about calling a spade a spade, exposing any evil around, which sometimes would really break our bottles. For example, there was o ne major disco on the island of Tenerife that Dad was interested in trying out, though he normally witnessed in the more adult-type nightclubs. So Dad took a team of myself, Alf, Maria and Timothy to the "Blue Heaven" disco.
       As soon as we entered the disco it was nothing but blaring, loud music and wall-to-wall people. You could not only barely see what was going on, but you couldn't even hear the person talking next to you. It was impossible to witness in such a place! Dad walked through the disco and located a table in the back and sat and prayed about what to do. He then concluded after prayer, "This place is Hell! These poor kids are never going to find Jesus in here. We need to warn them to get out of here. Let's go tell them so!"
       And off Dad goes to tap the people dancing on the shoulder and to say in their ear in Spanish, "This is Hell! You've got to get out! Meet us outside." We were shocked that Dad was going to go person-to-person and warn everybody with this very true me ssage. But person to person he went, tapping them on the shoulder and he looked around to see if we were doing the same. So we all joined in and went all throughout the dance floor warning people to get out of there, and that we'd be outside afterwards if they wanted to talk.
       Sure enough, afterwards Alf and I had a little flock of a sweet young people to witness to who had been lured out of that hell-hole and were eager to hear what we had to say. "My sheep hear My voice and I know them and th ey follow Me."

       Gabe: Another time I was working with Dad on a project. He had a portable TV on top of his video machine and he wanted to raise the TV so that there was a space for ventilation between the TV and the video machine. To do this he needed a couple of boards of specific lengths to elevate the TV.
       I said, "I'll go cut you a piece." But he said, "Well, go look in the wood pile. Often times when we need something, the Lord has it there." So I went there, and sure enough, there were a couple of pieces of wood the exact size that he was requesting. He said, "Yes, I figured there would be, because often when there's a need, the Lord has the answer right nearby."

       Joseph Reader:
Dad believed in good vigorous get-out for everyone. If there was a timely building project that required a lot of manpower, he would sometimes come around and call out, "All right, boys, all hands on deck!" rallying us to paint, varnish, sand, dig, pour concrete, move furniture, etc. He'd say, "You paper pushers need more exercise!"
       Once when I was working hard to move some rocks in a hot, tropical location, and having a struggle with them, Dad was looking on, and said, "Imagine the poor laborers and workers who have to do this sort of thing all day, and just get a few pennies for doing it." (Whenever such poor outside workers did something for Dad, he always believed in paying them much more than the going rate, and he made sure they got a good witness as well.)
       Later he told me, "So n, I'll tell you what my father once told me: You're going to have to make your living by your brains, not your brawn!" Ha!

One time when traveling with Dad, Amy, Dad, Mama and myself were temporarily in a one-bedroom apartment. Because it was a one-bedroom apartment, of course, the folks had the bedroom and Amy and I slept in the living room. Dad was very concerned that we had some privacy, so he had the idea of pitching a little pup tent in the small living room. Being the iconoclast and non-conformist that Dad is, he was more concerned about how to help us have our privacy rather what the pup tent looked like in the middle of the living room!


       Jotham and Tender (Japan), Peace (ASCRO), Abi (EURCRO), Paul Volunteer (Russia), Marie (ASCRO), Jonathan (of Sarah, Japan), Tim (Portugal).

gaining givers

       At the end of the month we found we were coming close to $1,500 short on our budget. We got the Home together for desperate prayer and discussed different avenues we could try. The next day we sent out four witnessing teams, and to our dismay, nothing much happened at all--though during our prayer session the day before the Lord had promised He would come through and not fail us. The next day was Saturday, which is generally a slower day for us witnessing-wise, but we followed up on some friends who gave us a gift to help us in our time of need. Still it wasn't enough.
       That evening we were invited to attend a function held by a DF contact whom we teach English to. We knew he was going to present us with a gift for our work, and we were all hoping and praying he would give $200. The presentation of our gift was the last event of the evening and we were all eagerly waiting to see how much the man would give. We went on stage and he gave a little speech about all the good work the Family is doing and then he proceeded to hand us a check for $2,500! Suffice it to say we were shocked, overwhelmed, and elated beyond belief to see how incredibly the Lord had answered prayer! Not only had He done the miracle, but He had given us above and beyond what we could even ask or think. PTL!
       --Pearl, Joseph, Pearl, Aaron, Joanne, Christina and Pat, Thailand

       The team in India I was hoping to join mentioned in a letter that they needed 1,000 pounds for their tickets and landing funds (with which to re-pioneer Sri Lanka). The Lord laid it on my heart to forsake 1,000 pounds of our ticket and landing funds, which we don't need (right now anyway), as we didn't get clearance to go until we are CM again. The very next day, the company which I had been struggling for eight months to get a fully functioning computer from, finally agreed to give me a refund! As the price of such a machine has dropped so much since I first bought it, I can now go elsewhere, buy a similar machine, and still have 800 pounds left over! So the Lord gave me back most of the funds I forsook straightaway! You never lose by giving!
       --Michael Newman, England


[My 17-year-old daughter]
       Michael: For those who may be in doubt concerning the quality of Family schooling, my eldest daughter (17) left the Family to go to school. This was better than hanging around on the fringes of the Family being a bad sample or living an alternative lifestyle for Family teens to watch or want to imitate here on the field. She passed four subjects in national exams here on the field (British "O-levels"), and at her school in the UK she enrolled for three subj ects in the pre-university National Exams (British "A-levels"). She has now enrolled in a fourth subject (usually the requirement is three subjects).
       Her school counselor remarked to her grandparents (who are taking care of her) that she is very mature for her age and a good influence on the other students. Of course I want her back serving the Lord, but no one can deny how good a start the Family gave her in schooling--plus all the other traits of a good character, warm heart, listening ear, etc., that our kids have grown up with. Who can deny that the Family is the best place in the world for kids to grow up in? The Family is the best and it's been proven over and over again. So for any parents or teens who may be tempted to doubt this, hang in there, folks ... we ARE the best!

[Unloving attitudes]
The attitude of some adults is: "How dare you say anything against the guidance of your 'loving' shepherds?'--When actually the matter in question is subject to an yone's opinion. Many adults say that teens are irresponsible and wild, but this is often not the case. I (a senior teen) have never seen another senior teen get drunk, drive at hair-raising speeds, physically bully someone, or use foul language. [SGA editor's note: Sad to say, some do.] Yet I have witnessed adults do all these things, though I am definitely not saying that all adults are like this.
       I'm not one of those famous teens who smokes, uses bad language, gets drunk, etc. I'm just a nor mal person who would like to receive a little more respect. It seems that most shepherding and attention is spent on those "wicked teens" rather than being fairly distributed. I really do respect adults for all their years of service, and realize that they have much to offer us young people. I believe that they should be listened to and shown respect, but some adults' unloving attitudes definitely don't help. I sincerely hope this changes soon.

[Telephone behavior]
There i s still a sad difference between calling some Family Homes and calling a secular Christian office, for example, the BEKA book company. I recently called BEKA and the voice on the other end said:
       "BEKA books, Timothy Piper, may I help you?"
       "Yes, I would like to talk to the accountant."
       "Yes, ma'am, I will connect you right away. Good day to you, ma'am!"
       Our conversation went after the same manner as the above, and in a little while my problem was solved. I felt like a VIP the way they ha d given me the royal treatment. Yes, they held the old saying true, that the customer is king.
       Later that day I called a certain Family Home. (ring, ring!)
       They: "Yeah?"
       Me: "Who am I talking to, please?"
       They: "I'm R."
       Me: "Is this the Family Home?"
       They: "Yeah."
       Me: "I'd like to talk to S., is she there?"
       They: "I don't know."
       Me: "This is an urgent long distance call, could you check, please?"
       They: "OK, call back." (click.)
       (Ten minutes later:) (ring, ring!)
       They: ".. .yeah?"
       Me: "This is C. again, did you find out about S.?"
       They: "She's on W&R. Should I ask her to come to the phone anyway?"
       Me: "Yes, please." (Two minutes later, I'm finally connected with S., and an important message gets through.)
       Let us be loving samples on the phone! An angel unaware could be calling; in any case, the phone is such an important tool, let's not muff it but put our best behavior into answering calls.

[Notifying incomees]
Recently some of our SGAs and senior teens departed for other fields. This was an exciting time for all, as we do not have a big outreach field where it is easy to raise funds. We have a sweet ministry with our neighbors, and so far they have helped with three or four of our SGAs' travelling funds. GBT!
       It just so happens that on two of these occasions, the Homes and/or fields where they were heading were soon to close. In the first case, the tickets and costly visas were not (thankfully) purchased. However it seems th at it may have been possible to have passed on this info to the new Home member earlier. In the second case, days after arriving at their new field Home, the news that most of the folks would be leaving within two months, after the young adult had traveled over 17 hours to get there, was a bit of an "unpleasant surprise!"
       Of course it happens in our Family and way of life that there are always many changes to be expected, and that is one of the constants we face and enjoy in our Family. It doe s seem though (at least in these two situations) that the Homes in question had known of these details for a while. And with e-mail communications either direct or via ABMs, it seems possible that a message relating the "new conditions" could have been sent to those working on getting to a new field. Of course we know in all these matters, that we can claim Romans 8:28, but it is something I just thought to mention in case this has also happened elsewhere.
       I don't want anyone to feel bad, but this could be an area to be concerned about as we all "love our neighbor" and make it easy for them to be good.

new wine - on time!

Saving our marriage!
       24-year-old female, Europe:
I was so happy when we got those GNs about relationships. They came at the perfect time, as I was so discouraged about being married. I thought that I'd be in love forever (I mean really involved emotionally). But after one-and-a-half years, I didn't feel those incredible emotions anymore. I began to feel so b adly when we'd argue; I had so many trials about it and came to the point where I asked myself if the Lord really wanted us to be together. While having these thoughts it was very hard for me to show him unconditional love.
       We came to a point where we couldn't stand each other! It was especially hard on me, since I never expected this, as I believed in "perfect" love. Both of us tried to bear it, but soon we found out we couldn't.
       One day when both of us were very desperate and unsure about how our relationship would turn out, we came desperately to the Lord and asked Him for the solution. The Lord told us in prophecy that the only thing we needed to do was to wake up before our baby did and pray that we wouldn't argue, and get some prophecies for the day about how He wants us to treat each other. He advised us to go back to the Letters on relationships and to the Marvelous Marriage book. We started to do that right away and the Lord really blessed it.
       Both of us learned so many things about each other, especially not to get involved in an argument even if our tongue is burning to say something. We found out that praying right when an argument starts draws us close to the Lord; then it's very easy to love each other. The Lord told us that we should make sure that we pray together every day. On the days that we don't, because of laziness, sleepiness or the mistaken thought that we don't have any more problems, we've had arguments and were bad to each other. But as long a s we keep Him in His place, He blesses us with beautiful days! I've even started to feel those feelings again, like I had in the beginning when we got married. Praise the Lord! Isn't it beautiful how the Lord loves us so much? If we ask Him anything He will do it for us!

letters to the editor

Heated presentations

       Perhaps all of us who write in to the forum and views section of the Grapevine should keep in mind that if our presentation is sweet and in the spirit, it will be received more graciously, and have a greater effect. The more "heated" viewpoints that I read often inspire and challenge me less. I find it helps me to wait until I'm over the frustration of the moment, as then I can be more objective.--Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,
       Good point. We also reserve the right to not print articles that are unloving or critical, or to edit them accordingly, so as not to hurt others.--Grapevine Editors


Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

D enzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis
       Action drama set in New York City, where various government operatives vie to bring an end to a wave of violent terrorist attacks.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Maureen O'Hara, Richard Thomas
       Character study/drama about a couple and their daughter who move into a huge mansion as caretakers. As Christmas approaches, the workaholic father is disturbed by a strange, recurring dream.

Movies Rated for YCs and Up

Animated (30 minutes)
       Charlie Brown is fed up with the commercialization of the Christmas season. Some of the children's negative attitudes could be pointed out and discussed with young viewers.

Non-Recommended Movies
       SUICIDE KINGS (Christopher Walken, Dennis Leary; 1998)


Siege, The

       (Dad speaking:)
There's quite a bit of propaganda in this movie, a bit of an AC agenda, poking the finger at the bad guy of the day and in so doing, giving the impression that all Muslims are terrorists. It's a shame how they've always got some group they want to gang up on and give out their hateful message about. But there is also an anti-AC control type of message, which is good.
       It's gonna make a lot of people think. It's almost a type of portrayal of the AC government, and how it could arise.--Very simplistically of course, and only one side of what will in reality be a very complex situation. But this is not just a dream or some far-fetched Ho llywood thing, it's really going to happen with the AC, and it's going to be just that out of control--and worse! Except we're the ones that are going to be targeted, and anyone who goes against them and their evil system. So it's interesting in that way, to see just how easily it could happen--in the twinkling of an eye! So don't be caught unawares! Be prepared! It's later than you think! (End of message from Dad.)

Christmas Box

       (Jesus speaking:) The real meaning of Christmas! This is a wo nderful, helping, healing message of a movie, a real sweet little parable story that's captured the true spirit of Christmas--giving love to another, taking time to care and to share, and exchanging those things that are truly important for those that don't really matter at all. Merry Christmas to all of you, My wonderful children!--May this movie convict your hearts also to seek out those lonely ones who need you all the more at this special time of the year! (End of message from Jesus.)

A C harlie Brown Christmas
       (Dad speaking:)
This film has a sweet message, the kind that I would have liked when I was a kid. It's a pity that the kids' samples aren't the best, but in a way those kinds of things can make our kids even more thankful for the love and care and support they get from their friends and family. It's important when showing movies to kids that you don't just leave them to watch it on their own, but that you're sitting there with them; then you can be on guard to catch thin gs like this, and explain to them what are good things and good lessons to learn, and which things are bad samples and what they shouldn't copy. The younger they are, the more important it is that they have that training in choosing the good and eschewing the evil. (End of message from Dad.)


       In Grapevine #53, the Shine On stats were marked as being from August 1998, however, they were from September 1998. Our apologies!

behind the scenes

What's FC Up 2?

       (From Family Car e:)
We're all busy on Feast TKs, with a goal to try to get to you in the next months from now until soon after Feast '99, TKs on the rest of the major MLs and GNs of this last year (Quiet Time, Spiritual Health Revolution, Positive Speech Revolution series, etc.)
       People Happenings:
Dear Evye (19) has now moved on to Zine Country--(WLY, Eyve! Thanks for the fun it was working with you!)--and a new pubs worker filled the gap whom we're very thankful for-- Liam (22), and he's a great cook! SGA Jo y Lightman is helping from the field by illustrating new, simple MLKs for younger children.
       Casino Nite!
--We've had some fun evening activities for all ages centered around board games! Sometimes we dress up for a "Casino Night" in our best evening wear (and sometimes we don't), and serve snacks, along with background music. We choose from several tables to join different game teams and enjoy the fun, fellowship and laughs!
       Christmas greetings:
Have a wonderful Christmas, dear Family! WLYVM! We hope your kids enjoy the new Christmas Kidz Mag with additional coloring pages, and new nativity activity. Besides the MLKs and HTKs, other new Kidz Mags and Endtime Power Mags are also in the works! Not to forget the Kidz Biz! Thanks to the kids for your inspiring contributions.
       It is our privilege to serve you, dear faithful Family missionaries. We pray you have a very fruitful and the best New Year ever! We're looking forward to all the Lord has ahead for us!

Dear Mama,

       A wicked vi rus hit our whole Home and swept through it like a flood. Everyone has said it was the worst sickness they have ever had, and most difficult to endure. The Enemy made it obvious he was out to try to destroy or at least defeat us.
       But there was one very big difference this time: Even in our weakest state when all we could do was pray in tongues or hear a tape, we had some mighty and powerful weapons working for us! Using the new spiritual weapons in such a desperate time, bathed the whole test in faith and trust. They poured out grace and faith and strength when we had none at all! They did the work and won!
       It touched my heart to tears to hear that our 13-year-old JETT boy, at the height of pain, woke up crying out to Jesus, "Oh God Almighty! Save me! Heal me! I love You, Jesus!" He even got up the strength to punch his mattress in militant warfare, God bless him! One of our teen girls was also singing praise songs in a delirious state. Everyone was praising with any breath they co uld expend, then praying for the others too, who were just coming down with it.
       The quarter of our population who did not get the flu were nursing the others all day and some of the night, as well as holding prayer vigils. This was the Law of Love in action at a time of desperate need, and I saw how living the Law of Love is indeed another very effective new spiritual weapon!
Always yours in His service,
Sharon, FC

want ad

WS personnel
       Needed!--A few good men and women who have a bur den to work behind the scenes to help the Family and feed the sheep. Could this be you? Since we're tight on space at this time, we're looking for singles or a married couple without children, or perhaps a single parent or married couple with one child to join our team.
       The primary requisite for any who apply is a love for the New Wine, a desire to employ the new weapons of prayer, praise and prophecy, and a willingness to grow and change and work on weak areas in your spiritual life.
       If you meet the above requirements, we'd love to hear from you. Needed are those who are computer literate and know layout or at least have the aptitude and burden to learn how to layout pubs, books, etc. We're also looking for free style and graphic artists, secretarial and childcare help.
       Those with a burden please write in and let us know your qualifications and why you'd like to join WS. We look forward to hearing from you.

Love in our wonderful Husband,
Your WS team

graduation notice

       W indy, the 18-year-old daughter of Rufus and Dulce (in the USA) went to be with the Lord on the 20th of November, shortly after her arrival in The Ivory Coast, Africa. At a point of depression, anger and rash frustration, Windy took an overdose of malaria pills (which, unbeknownst to her were of extra strength), which brought on a severe allergic reaction that caused her death.
       Later, in a message Windy gave from Beyond, she explained that although she had been talking about suicide and toying with it in her mind, she wasn't truly intending to end her life, although she admitted that she was trying to get attention through her actions, and make a statement by getting sick and causing a scene. Sadly, the drugs were stronger than she had anticipated, and after taking them she was unable to breathe.
       Windy's parents and sisters and brothers have heard from her from Beyond, and she's told them about how the Lord has received and forgiven her, but please pray for their continued comfort a nd encouragement.

Three [-m-e-n-]persons and a baby.

       We thought that this New Year's Grapevine issue would be an appropriate time to make a special personal announcement: The Grapevinettes are tying the knot!
       It's a long story, and there's not room enough to recount all the events that led up to this, but we both figured that since we'd been working together for so long on the Grapevine, that hey, why not do something else together--like share the same man? No, that wasn't a typo, you d id read correctly. Francis and us girls (Yvonna and Jenna) started out as good friends, and as the last two-and-half years have gone by, we've gotten closer and closer, to where we're now very good friends. After being "sorta together" for a long time, seeking the Lord for His will in our lives each step of the way, we finally decided to take the big "C" plunge and solidify our relationship into something long-term, though we've been working and living as a threesome for quite some time already.
       It's been quite the experience, and there have been lots of ups and downs (more ups than downs, thankfully). We've each had to learn a variety of lessons on understanding, communication, giving, patience, jealousy, etc. But the Lord has pulled us through as we've gone to Him about each new step; in the end each experience has only strengthened our relationship and brought us closer to the Lord and each other. We wouldn't recommend this type of arrangement for everyone, but in our case the Lor d indicated to each of us clearly that it was His will, and it's brought a lot of joy and unity into our lives that we didn't know we could have.
       On top of it all, the Lord has blessed us with a wonderful "grapelet" from Heaven! On March 4th of this year, Yvonna gave birth to Colette, and she's changed our lives. She's a very cute bundle of love--and a very active one, we might add. She can't seem to sit still for a minute, and it takes all three of us to keep up with her sometimes, but that's okay, because her little smiles and tender ways make it worth it all.
       Well, that's our big news! Sorry it took a while to get it into print, but since this type of thing doesn't happen every day, it's taken us some time to get our act together. But in short, it's been both challenging and fun.

       P.S. And yes, that baby you saw in the last Grapevine, sitting before the "three kings" was our darling daughter!

Also included with this file:

Cute Kids (peanuts 'n' raisins)

       Caption 1: Her e, Uncle David, a shiner prize for you!
       Caption 2: Mmmm, yummy! Thanks
       Caption 3: What's wrong Julie?
       Caption 4: It was a guinea pig.

The NEW DAYZ (by David Komic)

       Caption 1: When Christopher Columbus Sailed across the wind swept seas
       Caption 2: He didn't know if he'd get back. Much less what he'd see
       Caption 3: And when the astronauts took off with mighty roar and zoom
       Caption 4: they left Earth very far behind so they could walk the Moon
       Caption 5: and Thomas Edison refused to give up on his fight
       Caption 6: He kept on working till he'd filled the world with 'lectric light
       Caption 7: and now we bear, Gods light of love and enter this New Year…
       Caption 8: Like those who changed the world before, we'll be His PIONEERS!
       Wishing you a Happy New Year, 1999, dear Grapevine readers!

Peculiar people (by Zeb) Inspired by ML #3182:56

       Caption 1: wasn't that funny when the guy said...
       Caption 2: and then she says...
       Caption 3: so he puts on his hat and says...
       Caption 4: and then she says...
       Caption 5: excuse me, but are you guys reviewing MOVIE QUOTES?
       Caption 6: I've got one for you...
       Caption 7: THE END!

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family