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grapes of thankfulness flier #3

       We want to express our love, thankfulness and appreciation to Francis and Joanna and their children in the U.S.--for their faithful monthly gift that makes our work here in Romania easier. We were very touched when you sent us your own computer and CD-ROM, and that you keep helping us even though you are now raising funds to go to the mission field. We know that the Lord will bless you 100% more in every way.
       --Daniel and Angela Victory, Romania

       Your love and support for us is true and appreciated. You have helped us keep going. We love you so much: Steven and Chris (LAMB Home, USA), Nathan Te Amo (Germany), Peter and Peace (Germany), Mercy (UK), Abner and Rebecca (Australia), Michael and Faith (Italy), Bani and Mercy (Turkey), Ivan and Libby (Bombay), DF Home (Bombay). And to a sweet sister who pitched in and gave her all to start this Home, and for a year and a half kept the inspiration high and took care of kids and helped in every ministry p ossible. Thanks a ton dear Angel (Bangalore).
       --Daniel and Crystal, Steven and Claire and kids, India

       I want to put Luke's (17, of Johnny and Fe in Venezuela) name in bright lights and send him a mega "thank you" for the donation he gave me to come to Colombia. Luke, I wouldn't have made it here so soon if it weren't for you. I love you lots.
       I also want to take my hat off to dear Miriam, a single mom with six kids, who when I didn't have a partner for fundraising, came and helped me in my fundraising and paperwork to come to the field. I love you Miriam, thank you so much. It's people like you that make the Family a family
       --Dulce (18), Colombia

       Special thanks to all these precious brethren: Simon and Phoebe; Peter and Mary; Rebeca and Miguel; Boz; Charity; Jason CRO; Renee; Tito and Paciencia; Linda; Topacio and Timothy; John Mark; Lily, David and Hepziba; Apollos; teens Merlin and David; Davida, Servant and Jason; Preciosa Amor, teens and children. And especially to Ru th and Daniel Blessing, Eric and Promesa. Sam and Sara for their love, faith and wonderful help during my testifying this summer in Texas. God bless them! All of these are in my prayers.
       --Sweety, Mexico

       A big thanks to all the following people who aided us greatly in our trip to Africa: Tommy and Promise, Mark and Mary, Steven and Anna, Maria (Spanish), Fran and Claire, Marcus and Christina (Beloved Parents), Matthew and Mercy, Marty and Anne, and Ben and Dove. All of these dear folks are pioneers in their own right, yet still went above and beyond to help us. God bless them 100-fold and more! We're eternally grateful!
       --Sam and David, Kenya

       A very big thanks to all the Family members in the States who were such a blessing to us while we were there. We want to name at least some of them if we can to let them know that their help towards us getting back to the field has been really appreciated. We love and thank God for you, Steve and Sue, Paloma and James, Phil, Luke and I zzy Q. The Sash Home was a great help also. You guys are super and will always be special in our hearts!!!!
       --David, Tirzah and family, Guatemala

       I would like to say a big "thank-you" to Jenny for helping me throughout my pregnancy with all those helpful tips and counsel. I especially want to thank you for your help during the labor, being with me, massaging my back, encouraging me and everything else. THANK YOU! I really appreciated it a whole lot! I wouldn't have made it without you for sure! ILY!
       --Charity (of Vicki Fighter), Brazil

       We thought it was very sweet and thoughtful when we got a phone call from Marty (of Heaven) in Akita. We (Michael and Rejoice) worked with them for over a year there. He didn't have any particular business to talk about, but while we were in Towada, he called just to ask how things were going, and how we were doing.
       Abel and Angel also visited us, and it was a real blessing to have Family members like them come by. It was not only inspiring , but they were very positive and sacrificial. They helped with the work in the Home, plus bought food for the Home, and also left a generous donation which we did not expect or ask for. We thought this was a very good sample of love and consideration when visiting another Home.
       --Jeremiah, Crystal, Michael, Rejoice, Japan

       We've been in our deepest financial crisis ever, so we've been asking other Family members to keep that aspect of our Home's operation in their prayers. We want to make an honorable mention of the sweet Zagreb Home, who upon hearing about our desperate need decided to give us 1100DM by faith, as they had budgeted it for other things. The Lord really blessed them as the next day they got a note from one of their supporters who unexpectedly decided to give them $2,000.
       The neat thing is that something similar happened one year ago: We were visiting them for almost a week (they hosted the watching of the Bellwether videos), and since we were in the early pioneer stages of our Home, we were quite low on finances. They refused to take our financial contribution towards the expenses of our stay and the next day they got a note from one of their supporters who had decided to give them $2,000 extra for their witnessing trips. It's amazing how we can never outgive God!
       --Jonathan, Ashley and Celeste, Croatia

       We've been wanting to write for some time about two angels who have been watching over my children for seven years now! They have never tired of w atching over them every waking and sleeping moment, taking care of all their needs both physically and spiritually! I definitely could not have bore eight beautiful children without their loving care of both me and my kids. They have been Mommy and Daddy, especially to my four youngest children, and without them taking my babies at night while I carried the next child I just don't think I would have had such healthy and happy pregnancies. My kids are so happy and secure having surrogate parents who were always there when it was not possible for us to be due to having other responsibilities to carry.
       If you're wondering who this wonderful couple are, it's Sri Lankan Michael and French Marie. Even though Marie has recently been battling with cancer, this has not hindered her continuing to mother my little children--she hasn't missed a beat! A true sample of love, dedication and unselfish love for others--they are both true samples of JOY--Jesus, Others and then You (themselves)!
       --Ma tthew and Anna, India

       A big "thank you" to Dan and Ann here in Montreal for letting me rejoin in their Home. Thanks! I love you all soooo much and appreciate everything you've done for me.
       --Fay Fisher, Canada

       I just want to thank my NUT Family--Chris, Eva, Joan, Jered, Joy, Lea, Michael, Mike, Pauline, and Sonny for all your help. You all make me and my baby feel so loved and we're so happy to be accepted into your hearts and lives. Being a single mom is not easy, but you guys have ma de it so easy--I couldn't ask for more! I love you all so much and thank God for you every day!
       --Genty, Russia

       A very big "thank you" to Juan and Maggie in Cameroon, the former KL Home and an unnamed donation sent over the past few months for the pioneering of Cambodia. The trips we have been making over the last three years have all been by faith and total miracles of the Lord's provision and guidance.
       Working in a Service Home with busy full-time ministries, we haven't had time to rai se extra funds for these trips. We have a friend in an airline who helps with discounted tickets and some overweight allowance, and a very close friend and supporter who moved to Phnom Penh five years ago and runs a hotel/restaurant and we are able to stay with him. These friends help make these trips possible, as otherwise it would be quite expensive and more difficult. The donations sent will enable us to make another trip and accomplish more! Thanks so much! We love and appreciate you!
       --yo ur Cambodia team

       A HUGE thank you to Sherry and family for setting aside funds for us every day when you were out singing this summer. It was a BIG blessing and just what we needed at the time! Also THANK YOU to Anaik for giving us a donation, and for your warm welcome. We love you! Thank you, Mom, for putting me up while I was there, and for all that you did to help me come back here!!! I love you!
       --Christina (19), Ukraine

       A heartfelt and sincere "thank you" to dear Dust, Maria and f amily. For years they have faithfully supported us each month. When still in Europe they gave us a car, drove us to and from the hospital while our little Down's Syndrome baby Timothy was there. They helped us with support, love, encouragement, prophecies and always "being there." They helped us get off to the field and drove us all to the UK to get on our plane. They kept supporting us while preparing to go to the field themselves. They sent the eldest of their seven children ahead to the field to help us. They have a big family to care for and by the time you read this will be on the field themselves!! God bless this precious "family of love" with all they need, always. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
       --Anthony, Talitha and family, South Africa

       I wanted to make public my appreciation to these very special brethren: Enoch, Angela and the Slovenian Home; David, Sam, Sara and their families; Simon, Victory, Maria and their Home; Mark and Mercy and family and Mary and family, who made my visi t to Europe so special. They went out of their way to be helpful (even waiting at a train station at 3.30 a.m. for my late train--GBY, Enoch and Angela), accommodating, exciting, encouraging and very loving. I truly felt so unworthy of all their care. And last but definitely not least, Kelita (of Mark), James, Jasmine and all the teens in my Home who made the trip possible by supporting me and taking care of my boys while I was away. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!! Thanks everyone, I love you!
       --no name g iven, Australia

       A big thank-you from a war-torn country! We want to express our thankfulness to those who have been making our relief work possible in Bosnia. We know it is a big sacrifice for you, especially those who have large families and your own Homes to support! David and Sara, Gabriel and Crystal, Marc and Pandita, Gerald and Sephora, Johannes and Milcah, Steven and Joy in France; Daniel and Marie in England; Paul and Faith, John and Rose, Peter and Praise, in Denmark; Randy and Phil in the US; David and Libertie, TNT and Alps in Japan, and many others who have helped in different ways! We really couldn't do it without you and you have a big part in the victories and progress in this fertile field! Now that we are moving inside Bosnia, we appreciate your help even more! GBY!
       --Enoch and the Sarajevo pioneer team

       In GN802, paragraph 32, you read that 160,000 WS books were given away FREE to Homes around the world. As a result WS was "able to shut down nearly all of our book storage facilities worldwide, and consolidate our remaining stocks…." In order to consolidate the remaining stock of WS books, Service Centers from 10 different countries over a period of 10 months sent a grand total of 12 book shipments to us. But if it weren't for a faithful brother who dedicated his time to clear all 12 shipments through customs and get them on their way to their final destination, well, we don't know where we'd be right now. So here's to the brother who helped run back and forth between customs, warehouses and shipping line offices and helped us bring in a total of 38,945 books weighing over 18,000 pounds! From all of us at the US Service Center (USC) we want to thank Peter (of Sara) and the Houston "Townhouse" for the huge help they were with this project. We love and appreciate you!!!
       --Service Center, USA

       We would like to express our thankfulness to a couple who sacrificially lay down their lives to open their Home to others who are preparing to leav e for different fields and need to fundraise.--As well as for those of us who sometimes have to return to our home field to fundraise, etc. Thank you, Victor and Love, for all the help you have been in so many ways and making our stays with you easy and fruitful. Please know that we appreciate you and all your unseen labors of love for others.
       --Dan and Abi, India

       I want to give my heartfelt thanks to Peter and Crystal (USA), Miguel and Claire (Mexico), Samaria (Japan), Andrew K. (Switzerl and), and the DC Home in S. Africa. Even though you don't know me you have made it possible for me to study at a Chinese College. I've written thanking you, but I'm not sure if you got my letters. Sending lots of thanks and love your way!
       --Timothy YA, China

       A BIG THANK YOU to my sweet Home that helped to see me through a difficult time of sickness, and also took care of my children. I couldn't have made it without you. I want to express my love, thanks and gratitude to Joshua and Lilly, N atasha, Angel, Ben and Andrew. Your love and care have touched my heart so much. Also tons of love and thanks to everybody that sent me encouraging prophecies; they mean so much to me. I love you!
       --Swedish Joan, India

       A big warm, grateful and heartfelt thank-you (though somewhat belated, loved ones, nevertheless always remembered in my mind) to those who have helped to care for my special autistic boy, Michael, now 10 years old. You, my loving and sacrificial brothers and sisters have liv ed the Law of Love and have shown your love in action in helping to care for Michael.
       My special love and thanks to Australian Clay of Trust, Steven A. and Thai Charity, PI Danny and Joy, Sharon, Abel, YA Andrew, YA Abner, Josiah PI, Thai James and Esther, Simon (of Maria), YA Gabe and YA Jono and many other wild willing Family members, including the sweet JETT boys in my present Home. I know in Heaven that Michael will be so happy to tell you how thankful he is and how much he appreciated you r loving care while on Earth. What a joy it will be to know that your labors of love are not in vain.
       --Thai Bright, Thailand

       We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Paloma in Belgium. She sacrificially laid down her life and her own plans to come and help us during the birth of our 10th baby. She has been a real blessing. She was a mommy to the kids, cleaned the house, and was so cheerful about it all!--A real jewel! Thank you so very much, Paloma!
       --Abel, Mary and kids, France

(End of file.)

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