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the grapevine
(Issue #53; November 1, 1998.) [Stats corrected as per GV 56.]

kidbits …

the newest arrivals …

       Camrin Jurnee, 1st child, born to Reina and Bowy.--Russia
       Mitzy Starr, 8th child, born to Flower and James.--Mexico
       Mia, born to Theresa.--Japan
       Jasmine, born to Promise and Eric on July 24.--Mexico
       Johannes, 1st child, born to Joan and David on July 17.--Brazil
       Ana Milagros, 2nd child, born to Paciencia and Josue on July 17.--Argentina
       Pedro, 3rd child, born to Ester and Estevao on September 3.--Brazil
       Ana Clara, 2nd child, born to Sarah and Jeremias on September 8.--Brazil
       Tiffany Shae, 1st child born to Amanda and Andrew on September 8.--Europe
       Jose Alexandro, 13th child, born to Sara and Josias on September 13.--Dominican Republic
       Emmanuel, born to Priscilla on October 8.--Moldava
       Michael Daniel, 10th child, born to Pearl and Silas on October 14.--Thailand


new laborers -September 1998

       Samuel and Ana (Venezuelan) joined in Venezue la (with two teens and four children).
       Cesar (17, Colombian) joined in Colombia.

Think deep

       All sunshine with no rain makes a desert.

on the net

ASCRO Web stats - September 1998

       www.countdown.org - 2670 Visits and 393 MB Downloaded
       www.thaifamily.org - 7150 Visits and 450 MB Downloaded
       www.heart-to-heart.org - 1733 Visits and 301 MB Downloaded

       New additions: This month we completed a totally new Armageddon section on the Countdown site. The Lord showed us to make it like a study course with links to related news articles (in the END section), Bible verses, videos and the "Future Foretold."

world news

Pray for Humanitarian Aid shipment
       (From Melody:) The people in Novosibirsk and Akadem are expectantly waiting for Faith's shipment of Humanitarian Aid from the USDA to come through (320 tons of food) to help them through the present crisis. The vice-mayor of the area said that if it wasn't for the aid shipment that people would be starving this winte r; even now the orphanages don't have food and the children are going hungry.
       God bless Faith and John, who have fought long and hard for this shipment to come through. It is right now at the port in Vladivostok waiting to be transported to Siberia. The USDA provides the food and the shipping anywhere in the world--however, they will not pay for the inland transport and distribution. Faith and John had Russian businessmen who pledged the sponsorship of the shipping from the Far East to Siberia , however with the ruble devaluating, they did not even have a quarter of what they needed to get it to Siberia. So it's been sitting in Vladivostok for several weeks already.
       LNF: The USDA just granted the inland transport cost, however, there are still stacks of paperwork and permissions that they need to get from the Russian authorities in order for them to transport the aid to Siberia and get it distributed.
       Please pray that the Russian paperwork and permissions will come through during the next couple of weeks, and that the Lord will do the miracles needed to speed up the lengthy red-tape to get the distribution of the food legalized.

India -
We continue to help the Siliguri Child Welfare Society. Every Sunday about 500 poor people get free medical care. We arrange free medicine samples for various illnesses. We personally help out by weighing babies, mothers and children to see if they are underweight, and giving children a dose of liquid vitamin A. Because of malnutrition , children have a chronic shortage of this vitamin and have poor eyesight, with some even losing their sight altogether. We're thankful for this opportunity to reach out to the poor and to get more familiar with the people and the local language.--Daniel and Sara.

Bosnia -
Victor and Pedro came all the way from Spain to bring two tons of aid, GBT! The things we distributed were very appreciated by the local community and we received certificates of appreciation from the Red Cross. We did show s in two large handicap centers which were covered by TV and radio. Handicap International had one of their representatives present and their translator helped with the interview. We were also on local radio live for one hour, talking about our work and singing some songs.--Enoch, Jasmine, Jessica and the Sarajevo team

Uzbekistan -
We were given special permission to visit 25 different children's summer camps. Each camp housed and fed us, and every day we went to a new summer camp with betwee n 400 to 1000 kids in each camp. We performed for the children and personally witnessed to them afterwards, praying with many of the children. At the end of our 25 days we estimated that we performed for about 17,000 children, including staff and teachers.--Gideon, Lily, Elia and Francesca

Russia -
We were invited to sing at a festival near Ekerinburg, Russia this month called "The Hobbit Games." This is a very strange event in which grown people (from ages 16 or so through their 30s) gather in the forest, build fortresses and have sword fights with each other. Everyone dresses in old fashioned medieval-type costumes! For some it's just a game; others are delving into the darker side of things. It's like an introduction into witchcraft, we feel, something like Ouija Boards or Tarot Cards. At first we thought we wouldn't go, but when we prayed about it, the Lord asked us, "Are you willing to march into Hell for one soul to be saved?" He also said, "If only one soul is saved, it's wor th it." So we got together a team of 10 from four Homes. It was amazing how the prophecies we received were fulfilled, as the people weren't that sheepy and it was very difficult to lead them to the Lord. But we did win three very special souls. We were able to perform for a small group of about 100 at the end of the festival and were very well received.--Phil, Shiloh and Bruni

Hungary -
Our Home participated in the yearly week long Pepsi Sziget pop festival here in Budapest, working closely with the Studio Home. Over 400 souls were saved from just our Homes' efforts, and lots of people witnessed to. The Zenith TV folks had a "beach party" and invited us to come and perform. Jonathan H. and Ruby sang on stage, and it will be broadcast on their TV show.--Ruby, Peter and Faithy

Our one-month trip to Russia!

       (From Honey Moonshine:) My daughter, Desi (14), and I went to Russia for a one-month trip to help with the English Camps that were taking place in Vladivostok. We join ed Andy and Becky's Home and participated in two camps, each one for 10 days. We also were interviewed by three newspapers and TV regarding our activities at the camp.
       The Russian kids are very precious. They are all eager to learn English and some kids are quite good speakers. I was able to give classes on calligraphy and personal hygiene to boys and girls ages 8-15 years. Desi helped the room captains to oversee two groups of kids. She made many friends and we have about 20 names of people t o write to. Many of the kids were so turned on with the camp that they came back for the next camp. They said that they were so bored at home and with their friends that they could only think of us.
       In the evenings I would read devotional material to the pre-teen boys before they went to bed. One evening I read "The Incredible Journey." One boy questioned if the story was true. I shared how this information has been proven from many people's personal experiences. Jane, a Russian girl who was t he room captain and who was translating for me, then told of her experience of when she had an appendix operation and the doctors thought she would die, and how she had gone through a tunnel, saw a bright light and there were two angels on either side of a book that revealed her life. Her grandmother was there and told the angels that they should let her go back to Earth. After that she came back to life and the doctors were amazed, as they thought she was definitely dead. A month later her gran dmother died. The Russian boy who had asked the question then said that this was the first time that he trusted in God.
       Another boy said that he had read a book about a lady who had gone to Heaven and told of her experiences there. It was Embraced by the Light, and he had read it when he was 12 years old. At the end of the story on the poster, Jane read the salvation prayer to the boys and they all prayed along. These boys' parents were mainly atheists.
       Some impressions of Russia: The buildi ngs are very run down, and some areas look like they had war recently. The streets in Vladivostok are the worst in all of Russia. There are potholes everywhere and there are no lines marked, so anything goes. I felt like I was driving at Indianapolis 500 (high-speed car race) wherever I was driven. There are many poor people and one lady who is a philosophy teacher at a University said she hadn't been paid for five months. She likes her job though, and said she will wait one more month to see if she gets paid before moving onto another University to teach.
       There are many people who have small stalls on the sides of the road and they sell berries, nuts and flowers. Many shops are just small containers. The people as a whole seem very depressed and unhappy, as they have been suppressed for such a long time. One of the scientists we met said that after he was told that he was no longer needed (they turned his building into a meat house), he felt completely disillusioned and lied to by t he government. He said that if the government returned to Communism he would kill himself.
       There are old trains where old ladies carry boxes containing ice cream (which they also eat in the winter), meat pies and newspapers. There are many Gypsies in the streets who beg; many are younger children, and they are very persistent, and if you don't give enough they pinch you or follow you around. Their parents are quite harsh with them and hit them if they don't bring in enough money.
       The electri city goes off every now and then, as well as the hot water. In some parts of the country they only have water a few days of the week. Most people don't have phones. The water has to be boiled before drinking it. They have double glass on their windows as it is so cold during the winter. The doors to the apartments which most people live in are made of metal and look like a vault. Many people have a few locked doors they have to go through to get to their apartment as there is so much stealing.
       There is a big car business going on with importing cars from Japan. There were about 60 cars on the ship I went on and they come regularly. Before it was just the rich people who were importing them and they made a 1,000% profit, but now many people are in the car business--mainly the Mafia though, which are backed by the KGB which is still very much in existence there, working with the government behind the scenes.
       I hope that gives you a bit of an idea of what we experienced in Russia. It was an unforgettable experience!

Russia update

       (From Melody:) Although the situation everywhere in Russia is looking very bleak, the Lord has continued to provide for each Home and no one has suffered serious losses. It's been like watching prophecy fulfilled, and it's very sobering. We've never been in a situation with such incredible inflation and economic instability.
       So many people I've spoken to during my travels have lost so much money--virtually their life savings. They had so litt le to begin with and now they have nothing--not even enough to feed themselves. The government has even frozen the benefits for pensioners, and everywhere you see elderly people begging on the streets. People are so desperate and the whole spirit in the country is not only incredibly heavy and depressed, but also extremely fearful of the future. Many people are talking about civil war, coups and riots.
       Scores of people all over Russia are still not receiving their salaries. In Chelyabinsk two owners of large companies were murdered because the workers aren't getting paid. There have been many lay-offs with workers being told to take an unpaid vacation for several months. This is just a polite way of firing hundreds of workers. The papers say that up to one million people may lose their jobs this winter.
       Some of the Homes' live-outs and the nationals' parents have had serious financial problems, and some of the Homes feed several of their live-outs every day because they'd starve ot herwise.
       There is a serious food shortage all over Russia. In some places in Siberia, the price of basic foods has already tripled. While I was there, it wasn't possible to buy flour, oil, sugar, milk powder, etc., in any sort of large quantity. The stores now look like they did in Communist times, with rows and rows of mostly empty shelves with just a few meager items. In Moscow incoming food supplies have dropped by 50%, and they only have enough food supplies for Moscow for another three we eks. In Siberia, they are no longer able to import any food because people cannot pay their taxes and the local authorities have no money. And with 80% of all food in Russia being imported, the future looks pretty bleak. Besides the shortage of food, there is a serious fuel shortage, which means that certain areas of the country will not have heating or hot water to last through the winter.
       Please pray for protection and supply, as well as for extra infusions of faith and trust for the Family here. Please also pray for the people of Russia to make it--especially the many that have become real Christians during these last years of openness and religious freedom, that the Lord will care for them.

       (Jesus speaking:) In the Last Days, perilous times shall come. My heart breaks for the Russian people who suffer at the hands of selfish leaders and politicians who care more about their own agenda than the plight of their own poor. You must give those who despair a message of hope, love a nd salvation. For many of these, their only hope will be the assurance that they will soon be in My arms, where I will provide and supply their every need.
       As for My Family in Russia, I will care for My Own. Though thousands should fall about them, yet will I spare them from the terror and the despair as they keep their eyes firmly fixed upon Me. I will not leave them comfortless, I will be with them in their every trouble, and will make them a great blessing to many, and a bright light shinin g in the darkness.
       To you who look upon the Russian land from afar, it is your job to pray for your brethren who are there. Your fervent prayers can and will effect many miracles on their behalf, which they are in desperate need of. So pray! Stir yourself up, and I will stir Myself up to work wonders! (End of prophecy.)


       (From Joy Aussie, 18, after her first trip into Bosnia:) Our team was Jasmine, Enoch, John and Gabriella. The country itself is beautiful.--Rolling hi lls, quaint little farms and houses, lots of animals near or even on the roads! It kinda makes you feel like you just stepped 100 years back in time. The distance from our Home to the Bosnian border is roughly 400 km, however, instead of taking what would have been 3-4 hours, it takes a surprising full day as the two-lane roads are narrowed to where they only fit like 1-½ lanes.--Not to mention the many destroyed bridges from the war, causing you to take educational--however long they may be--de tours over, around and sometimes through mountains and whatnot.
       The first thing that struck me were the Muslim prayers being called out. They sounded so sad, yet sincere, and made quite an impression. After moving our stuff into the house where we would be staying, I was dying of thirst, and going to the tap I was surprised to find … no water. I then learned that water in Bosnia has a mind of its own, and starts and stops at will. More often than not it stops, so when it is there you fill up e very jerry can or bottle you can get your hands on. That water is used for drinking, washing dishes, flushing toilets and, of course, showering (my favorite part of the day), which consists of scooping small bucketfuls of ice-cold water onto your shivering body. The only exception to there not being water is if it rains, but then the water isn't exactly drinkable.
       Another one of Bosnia's special surprises is power cuts. There is also a healthy fear of walking on grass, or on any unpaved and un used paths. There are signs in some places warning about mines, and in others there are projects taking place to have them removed. However, there are still two million unexploded, buried mines in the whole of Bosnia, which makes one feel slightly uncomfortable.
       My first visit to Sarajevo was interesting and educational, but more than anything it was heartbreaking. It wasn't seeing the destroyed buildings and houses, but rather listening to people's stories about their time during the war that broke my heart for the people.--Stories of separated families, concentration camps, rape, torture and death. Being able to have had a childhood and enjoy the fun and excitement of being a kid and growing up is a privilege many Bosnian children have been denied.
       Something about the people there which really surprised me was that many of them are positive about the future, and when being presented with our work their first reaction was, "How can I help?" So many young people are really searchin g and hang on to every word you say. For many of them, all that has changed since the war is that the guns have stopped firing, but the struggle is still very real.
       While there, we were able to sign a contract with a TV station for the broadcast of all the Treasure Attic videos, which they are translating and airing for an audience of 500,000. Another TV station, which covers the whole of Bosnia, heard about our videos and asked about broadcasting the Treasure Attic shows as well, PTL!
       We vi sited a kindergarten as clowns, making balloons and entertaining the children. We also left them with toys, musical instruments and clothing. We also visited a large handicap center and presented them with educational toys and games for the children. Other Family members have visited this center before and performed for them, but this time we sat and talked to the director and a few others, and learned more about their situation. There were previously about 500 patients, but nearly 100 died duri ng the war, as there was no heating, little food, etc. All the nurses and teachers left for the duration of the war except the director, who had no obligation to stay except that of love. He could not leave all the children to die.
       The Lord has opened great doors in Bosnia. Not only has He supplied us with a good house, but also with wonderful neighbors and owners. Our neighbor, Vilko, is actually a refugee himself. He is such a blessing to us by translating and doing anything else he thinks m ight help. He also loves the Word and on our last trip got all inspired about prayer! We spent a lot of time with our landlords and got to be good friends with them. They love the Word. We gave the wife a New Testament and we later saw her sitting on her balcony reading it intently.
       We visited a lot of our sheep and friends and encouraged and strengthened them. We took one of them out witnessing and she was really bold and got very inspired when we won a soul. We have a number of shows planned for our next visit and expect to have a great witnessing and reaping time!


--By Jaz

New teeth!

       Q: I'm a new mom, and my first baby is starting to teethe. Maybe some experienced moms have tips on teething?--Hanna
       A: Teething is something that affects individual children differently. In Kimberly's case, I hardly noticed she was teething until I saw a couple of pearly-whites peeking through her smile, as she didn't show the normal symptoms. Apparently, though, one in two young children do experience varying degrees of difficulty in their teething. Here are a few tips from an article on the subject, with some advice that you could try out.--And, dear expert mothers, please send in your own tried-and-proven tips to add to this list!
       And remember that the most important tip you can remember is to ask the Lord what will help your little one. He's not only the greatest doctor, but also the most experienced parent!

Some common problems that may occur in teething…

       * Drooling. During teething time expect the saliva faucet to be on. In addition, listen for the young announcer's voice to sputter. Many of the following aggravations stem from this excessive drool.
       * Drool rash. Sensitive skin and excessive saliva don't sit well together, especially when the skin is rubbing against a drool-soaked bed sheet. This can cause a red, raised, irritating rash around lips and chin. Place a drool-absorbing cotton diaper under baby's chin or a towel under the sheet while baby sleeps. Gently wipe excess drool off the skin with lukewarm water and pat (don't rub) dry. Lubricate with a mild emollient such as cold-pressed coconut, almond, or safflower oil.
       * Drool cough. Besides drooling out the mouth, the excess saliva escapes through the back door, dripping down baby's throat, sometimes causing gagging and an irritating cough.
       * Drool diarrhea. Not only does the face react to excess saliva, but so does the bottom. Expect loose stools and a mild diaper rash dur ing peak teething time. This temporary nuisance self-clears as each teething burst subsides.
       * Fever and irritability. The inflammation caused by hard teeth pushing through soft tissue may produce a low fever (101°F/38.3°C) and the disposition of someone who hurts. Baby will need extra tender loving care during this time.
       (Editor's note: A fever, however, should not be dismissed as purely teething, because fever [as well as loose stools, diaper rashes, etc.] can signal any one of many afflic tions that need attention and prayer in a baby.)

* Biting. The budding teether longs for something to gnaw on. Teeth marks on crib rails and clicking gums on silver spoons are telltale signs of sore gums needing relief. You may find these hard gums clench your knuckles, arm, finger, and sometimes the breast that feeds baby. Offer something cool and hard instead when this happens. Gum-soothing favorites are a cool spoon, popsicle (homemade with fruit juice; watch out for large chunks), frozen bagel, teething ring, etc.
       * Night waking. Growing teeth don't rest at night; neither do teething babies and their parents. A previously steady sleeper may frequently awaken during peak teething times and may have difficulty resettling into the pre-teething sleep schedule. Remember that this too will pass with time.
       * Refusing to feed. This is the most variable of all teething concerns. Some teethers never miss a meal, some avid breastfeeders accelerate their nursing for comfort, but a few may pass up even their most trusted human pacifier. Offer cool, mushy foods--for example, applesauce and frozen fruit-juice slush. Put these on a cool spoon to make a real hit.
       (Editor's note: When a baby's teething, it's common for them to come down with thrush, colds, etc., because they often are more run down at this time. Taking extra precautions or at least being real prayerful about where you take them and how you dress them during this time is advisable.)

       (From the article "Teething Troubles" by William Sears, M.D. and Martha Sears, R.N.; adapted from The Baby Book: CD-ROM Version)

hristmas Beat
       1. We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Rachel (of Chinese Joan)/Traditional English carol/John L.
       2. Ding, Dong, Ding - Ginny/Windy/Windy/Andrew V.

3. Wonderful - Sylvia/Martin M./Martin M.
       4. Little Drummer Boy - Vas/Traditional Czech carol/Katherine K. Davis/Godfrey
       5. Sing to the King - Stevie (of Micah and Mary)/Traditional Puerto Rican carol; Windy, Barry, John L./Andrew V.
6. What Can I Give Him? - Cherish (of Jay and Teresa)/Unknown/Christina Rosetti, Windy/Martin M.
       7. Amen - Byron/Traditional Spiritual/Byron, John L.
       8. What Child Is This? - Sylvia/Traditional English melody/William C. Dix/Jerry P.
       9. Love from Heaven - Hopie/Windy/Windy, Martin M., Andrew V./Andrew V.
       10. All Must Draw Near - Naomi (of Enoch and Joy)/ Czech folk song/Malcom Sargent/John L.
       11. Jesus, Our Savior - Hopie, Philly, Caleb, Crystal Lily, Peter M./traditional English carol/Philly
       12. Baby Jesus - Cherish/Traditional/Francesco
       13. Across the Snow - Hopie/Traditional German carol/Andrew V.
       14. Ring, Christmas Bells - Daniel L./traditional/Jerry P.
       15. He's Got the Whole World - Stevie, Cherish/Traditional Spiritual/Martin M.
       16. There Is Born a Child - Francesco/Jerry P./Jerry, Carl/Francesco, Philly


       Q: From everything I've read and heard, there is no way to prevent stretch marks caused by pregna ncy.--No matter how much cream or Vitamin E oil you drown your tummy in, it still won't do the trick. You either get them or you don't, at least that's what I've heard.
       However, I'm wondering if taking Vitamin E capsules (from the fourth month on) is what prevented me from getting stretch marks after two pregnancies. I told my sister to try it with her pregnancy. She did and her tummy is intact. Another girl took Vitamin E in her first pregnancy and she experienced the same thing, NO stretch m arks. She then failed to take it with her second and did get them. Could all this be coincidence or do you think that taking Vitamin E aids your skin's elasticity, allowing you to be stretched that far without being affected? So far it's worked for those of us who've tried it.
       I don't have anything against stretch marks, especially after what Dad had to say about them. But if you can prevent them, why not? I tend to think girls would enjoy their pregnancy more and not dread it as much if they didn't feel like it was going to ruin their possibilities of ever being attractive again. Even though that's not true, you sure feel like it at times. Also once you have kids things fall into proper perspective. But if there's any way to help us enjoy being pregnant and having children and to avoid unnecessary trials, I'm all for it. Having kids is one of life's richest, most valuable experiences. Even for the ones who do have or get stretch marks, it's sad that they worry about them. I know gir ls who don't make a big deal about it, still wear bikinis, etc., and no one seems to notice. I think the way you act determines the way others will too, at least to some extent.
       Also, does Vitamin E help prevent the need for stitches? I've read that it's good for prevention and healing of varicose veins as well. Do you have any counsel on this?--Carmen, SACRO

       A: Concerning taking Vitamin E orally to prevent stretch marks, I would have to say "according to your faith be it done unto you." F or it to have worked for three of you girls is good, however, I don't think we could safely say it will work for everyone. I just don't know. It would be sad for a girl to take Vitamin E and feel assured it will work and then get stretch marks; then she'd feel extra bad.
       I'll tell you what I do know about stretch marks. They are normally inherited (if your mom or your dad got them, there's a good chance you will too). They are caused by sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. They are caused by sudden growth in adolescence (one of my sons got stretch marks on both shoulders as a JETT and Junior teen due to growth, and he wasn't overweight). This could explain why you and your sister didn't get them (most likely your mother or father doesn't have them either). The other sister getting them in her second pregnancy and not in her first could be that she gained more weight in the second pregnancy, or gained more weight all at once.
       At the same time I don't want to say that the Vitami n E didn't help, as only the Lord really knows why one does get them and another doesn't, or why you get them in one pregnancy and not in another. The other thing I know about stretch marks is that they fade with time. And yes, I agree with you that how the girl acts does somewhat determine how others act towards her.
       Vitamin E doesn't help prevent tearing, as it doesn't aid in elasticity. It does aid in healing the skin of wounds and scars as it's an infection fighter. It does oxygenate the b lood stream, therefore it does help varicose veins, as with better oxygenated blood, it can flow through the veins more freely. Varicose veins are also inherited and are worsened by standing long hours on your feet.
       What does help prevent tearing is stretching the perineum in the last month or six weeks of pregnancy with olive oil as it does cause the skin to have more elasticity, but I've never heard of anyone trying olive oil to help prevent stretch marks. One other thing about both stretch marks and tearing: Some people's skin just doesn't "give" or have much, if any, elasticity, so there may not be much they can do. Through any tears or stitches or stretch marks you may get, keep your eyes on the goal of the little eternal life the Lord has given you, one of life's sweetest rewards!--It's worth it all!

what's up?

$5,000 Bank Grant
       (From a Pakistan Home:) A few months ago, while doing some follow-up in a USA-based bank here, the manager told us that the head offi ce in the USA offers special grants every year to worthwhile projects overseas. It's part of their "CTP"-type projects. So he encouraged us to apply. The deadline for submitting applications was only three days later, so our visit was rather timely, and we felt led to go for it. It took quite a bit of paperwork etc., as well as submitting "proof" of our work, which we did by enclosing a file of our past color newsletters and PR brochure, etc. We also needed to provide a tax number, which we were able to do with the help of FCF, as we are working under their umbrella.
       Yesterday we received a phone call from the local manager to say that the head office in the USA approved a $5,000 grant for our local charity work! Apparently they award five grants of that amount per year, and from among the applicants we were chosen as one. He said that the check was in the mail on its way to FCF for our project! PTL!
       It was a tremendous answer to prayer, and came in the midst of all the bombing fal lout (the US bombing of Afghanistan, which has caused us to have to stay inside for the past few weeks as tensions were high), strikes and killings and ethnic tensions in the city, visa problems, etc.--a real touch of the Lord's love and encouragement to us, as we have been praying for this grant daily since we applied.

Bicycle in prophecy
       (From Diamond, of Dust:) While we were on the road with our four-year-old Chris, we provisioned some cloth diapers to bring back with us to the field. On our way to pick them up, Chris said that he would like to have a little bicycle. I encouraged him to pray and ask the Lord to supply, and we claimed a verse. After he opened his eyes he said that the Lord had told him that the man with the diapers would give him a bicycle. I was eager to see what would happen, as it was the first time that he had gotten a prophecy.
       The man that gave us the cloth diapers was sweet and helpful, but he didn't offer us a bicycle. I tried not to highlight it to Chris for fear of disappointing him from listening to the Lord again. But a week later, on the way back home we stopped to see another friend we have. Because I'm pregnant, his wife gave us some disposable diapers for the new baby, and as we were walking together towards the car, he asked us if we wanted a small bicycle that he had from his son. Right then the prophecy that Chris had gotten came to me, that "the man with the diapers will give us a bicycle." It got fulfilled exactly the wa y my son got it, because he offered it to us while he was carrying diapers to our car. It was very encouraging for all of us and a lesson for me that even a four-year-old can hear from the Lord.

A puppet ministry

       (From Gabriel and Lydia:) Starting in March of 1997, the Lord asked us to go to the south of Chile to start a pioneer ministry with puppets and clowns in the schools. Our motivation was only to win souls and pass out posters. We camped for a couple of months in each city, st arting from zero, knowing that somehow the Lord would supply our needs.
       For example, we didn't have a camping stove; we used campfire for all our meals till we miraculously received a stove! We had no tent, but a family lent us theirs; we had two very thin camp pads for beds, then the Lord supplied a large foam mattress and finally a nice air mattress. We started with an ancient sound system, and we now have a brand new, high quality system that knocks your socks off at full volume! We started with a few puppets and now we have 22 puppets and 8 mascots!
       We've done 214 shows for schools in 10 cities and surrounding communities, and 31,868 souls have been won. We fought off sickness and the Lord brought healing in His wings, knowing that time is short and we have just a little time to do His work. We don't have a vehicle, but the Lord provided two bicycles to transport the equipment and us. We have had positive responses from the teachers and directors and also the mayors and City Ha lls of the various cities and towns. All glory to our precious Jesus, Who carefully guides us along the way.

Testing for law school
       (From Marcos and Joyful:) Our teen son, Christopher, took the entrance exam for law school. He just did it to test himself, as he hasn't finished high school yet. He picked law because it was the most difficult (three days of tests). Out of about 800 students competing for 40 places, Christopher, without any advance preparation, passed as #38--the only one from our town who passed. Neat, huh?
       It's interesting, as when I was pregnant with him in the U.S., three doctors refused to do my prenatal, and wanted me to have an abortion, because they said he could be born without a brain, in which case he wouldn't live. I refused to have an abortion, of course, and the funny thing is, it seems like the Lord gathered every bit of brain in our family that we weren't using anyway and gave it to Christopher, ha! What a testimony! (He also has a loving he art, a gentle spirit and a wonderful sense of humor, just to balance things out.)

English corner
       (From the young people in Vietnam:) The English corner that we started a year and a half ago has been an excellent way for us youth to meet and practice English with a fiery group of people, most in their late teens. A longtime friend of ours kindly gave us the use of a sectioned-off area of his café/bar as an English corner. Each week on Sunday from 3:00 to 5:00 we present the group wi th the topic we scrounged to put together the day before, such as "Music Today," "Spirits and Ghosts" or "Love and Relationships."
       It's sort of like debating, but with a lot of jokes thrown in. From our experience most Vietnamese have a good sense of humor and can be extremely funny. We're able to get in a solid witness now and then, though we have to go about it somewhat carefully. They really respect our way of life and especially the CTP work we do here, and quite a few have received the Lo rd. It's been great to have this as a regular event--one that we young people can really sink our teeth into. It benefits not only the people we're helping, but us as well.


E-mail chain letters

       (From WS:) We've heard recently about some e-mail chain letters that have been passed around to many Family members and Homes. Often these chain letters (such as one advertising that if the letter reaches 13,000 people, 1,300 people will receive $5,000 dollars and the others a free trip to Disney World) are hoaxes. They're often schemes to collect a bunch of e-mail addresses, possibly for advertising purposes, or just pranks (very common on the Internet).
       Worse than this, though, is that having hundreds of Family addresses all together in one file could no doubt be used by someone antagonistic to the Family. Getting ahold of one such chain letter, they would have the e-mail addresses of many Family Homes which they'd then be able to send out all sorts of garbage mail to all at once. So for the sake of yours and others' security, you'd be wise to not forward such chain letters to others in the Family. The best thing you can do if you get an e-mail chain letter is to just delete it.

New Audio Releases on CD!
       (From WS:) Not long ago we announced that, for financial reasons, we'd start sending out FTTs and other new releases at the rate of one per Home. In order to make the Homes' one copy last longer, we plan on sending the FTTs on CD instead of on tape. Instead of each Home getting one cassette, you'll get a CD of every new Family tape, beginning with Loving Jesus tape #5, now in the works and due to be sent to you by the next Feast (1999). With a CD copy, you'll be able to make all the high-quality copies, or compilations, that you want! From what we've heard, most Homes have a CD player, but if you don't, we'd like to suggest that you try to provision or raise funds for one over the Christmas season. Prices for CD players have dropped dramatically and c an now be obtained for what a regular tape recorder sold for a few years ago. However, if you don't have a CD player yet, don't despair! You'll be able to order a cassette copy of new releases from your SC (at cost). We pray that receiving new releases on CD will be a blessing to you and provide you with good quality masters to make cassette copies or compilations from as you wish. WLY!

A Home in India?
       (From ASCRO Office:) Are you looking for a Home to land in when you arrive in India? Hav e you experienced difficulty in getting your Want Ad answered? Read on, we may have the solution!
       With the recent influx of people applying for clearance to India, it is taking us some time to adjust. One of the main obstacles that may be facing you is that many of the established Homes in India are fairly small, and for the most part already sufficiently staffed. That's not to say that there's not room to take in new folks, but as many of the Homes were opened some time back (especially immed iately after the Charter, when the bigger Homes split up into much smaller Homes), they accommodated the needs of the field at the time.
       One idea you may want to consider is the possibility of pioneering your own Home, especially those of you who have been in India before, or who are used to pioneering. In fact, some teams are planning to do just this--they are moving their entire Home to the field! (Incidentally, there are at least 30 heavily populated cities in India without Family Homes whe re you could help fill the tremendous need there is.)
       Given the experience that the Family has had over the years in India, it is easier to build on an already reasonable financial base than to try to raise funds on the field. In order to open a good-sized, and good standard Home in India you would probably need a base of around $10,000 to work from. This would give you enough to put down a year's advance rent (which is generally required in India; however, some landlords do agree to a six-mon th advance after negotiations, though it is wiser to be prepared for more), acquire a telephone line, and be able to maintain a pretty good standard of living.
       Anything that could help your Home get set up and rolling quickly would be a tremendous plus to bring with you, such as electric and household equipment--a blender, tape and CD players, printers, etc. If you could bring a computer (so you could get on-line right away) it would be a blessing, and if you will need to make a visa trip with in the first six months or so it may likewise be helpful to have the funds to cover this.
       We hope this is a help in explaining why it sometimes takes longer for your Want Ad to get answered--just to recap, it's definitely not that you're not needed, or wanted--YOU ARE! It's just that many of the smaller Homes are a bit too small to take in extra families at this time due to lack of space and many being sufficiently staffed. So, are you up for a challenge? India desperately needs you!

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Meryl Streep, Renee Zellweger, William Hurt
       Drama about a successful New York journalist who leaves her high-powered job and returns home to care for her terminally ill mother. Good message about not despising the calling of being a mother and a wife, and being happy and content with what you have.

Robert Duvall, Farrah Fawcett
       Character study/drama about a sincere Holy-roller Pentecostal preach er. Not to everyone's liking, but an interesting and sometimes inspiring portrayal of a man who really preached the Word and lifted up the Lord.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Animated (voices of Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy)
       Retelling of a Chinese folktale about a young maiden who learns that her weak and lame father is to be drafted into the army to fight the invading Mongols. Knowing that he could not survive the rigors of war, she decides to disguise herself and go in his p lace. Examples of faith, attacking initiative, and dedication to the cause, but also promotes the world's message of women's lib, independence, and strength of self. May be suitable for some OCs, with explanation and caution about the Chinese spirits--not to be confused with Heavenly helpers. Some insight into the Chinese culture and beliefs. Not recommended for younger children.

Non-Recommended Movies
       KULL THE CONQUEROR (Kevin Sorbo, Tia Carrere; 1997)
       RONIN (Robert DeNiro, Jean Reno; 19 98)
       MULHOLLAND FALLS (Nick Nolte, Melanie Griffith; 1996)

The Apostle

       (Dad speaking:) Personally, I thought it was a pretty good movie. This man certainly preached Jesus, and really loved the Lord and was sincere. He was sincere--you could see it, you could feel it. He really loved those ones with the Lord's love and he manifested that love. He was a real sinner, like the rest of us, and he certainly made his mistakes and really messed up pretty bad. But it wasn't so good that they didn't show any repentance on his part for having blown it so badly; that made him look pretty weird and strange.
       I think as long as folks know that the Enemy's always trying to make people who love the Lord look weird and strange and crazy, and that this man's lack of deep repentance for his sins was not a good sample, I think they'll be able to take the rest of the movie and see this man's sincerity and his love for the Lord and appreciate it, for he surely witnessed everywhere he went. He put the Lord first, and he tried to keep going in spite of his sins and shortcomings. (End of message from Dad.)


       (Jesus speaking:) The great door is opening in China, the harvest is ready--the last harvest. Now is the time. Many are the voices crying for help. It's a land of great darkness, but a land of great need. Tell My children to go to China.
       This is a sample of young people standing up to take the sword and fight the enemy. The barbarian's invaders are like the Devil and his horde o f demons trying to take over the heart of My Chinese children. Bring this lesson out to My Family to encourage them to take up the standard to go and fight in prayer for the children of David, the Chinese children of David. This is just a cartoon, a simple illustration, but it is one of My messages. (End of message from Jesus.)

Kull the Conqueror

       (Jesus speaking:) I would rather that My children watch edifying things that uplift the good, that strengthen them or relax them--but not that cou ld possibly put fear into others' hearts, drain them, pollute them, or make them fascinated with things that are not of Me. Spare My children on the front lines, as much unnecessary viewing of unedifying things might not only waste their time, but even have bad influences.
       The name of the movie and the story appears harmless, so for this reason I say that it would be best to nix it, that none might waste their time--for time is a precious commodity and if there is nothing in this that could be nefit the soul, but rather it glorifies the Enemy throughout the movie by dwelling on him and his evil, then in this case it would be good to make it clear and plain. (End of message from Jesus.)

open forum

--for the pioneers
       Hey! If you've trashed your trinkets and headed to the hills lately, would you care to let us in on how you're faring? What trinkets exactly did you have to trash? How are the hills treating you? What major adjustments were there? What are you still getting used to? W hat are you loving about the changes that have come into your life? We'd like to print your thoughts and experiences!

pray in a new way!

--by Nicole and the gals
       Have your monthly prayer days become dry and boring? Do you find yourself going through the motions as you make your way down the Prayer List each month? Is it difficult to keep your mind off tomorrow's appointments, or the afternoon's get-out? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we have good news for you: It doesn' t have to be that way!
       Sound too simple? Some of us YAs and SGAs in Mama's Home met to brainstorm some of the prayer and praise ideas we've used over the previous few months. Each prayer day two people are assigned to plan how we'll pray. This keeps our prayer days stirred up and fresh, as there are no two prayer days alike!
       You might already be doing something like this, or have some other good method for keeping your prayer times and prayer days hopping--in which case, we'd love it if you' d write and tell us about them! Lord willing, this will be a regular Grapevine column for a while, with new prayer and praise ideas in each issue--so we'll start with a list of ideas that our folks here have "pulled down," and we'll include your additions as you send them in!
       Apart from using variety in your prayer and praise ideas, you can also stir things up with a simple change of scenery. Divide into teams of two or three and hike to a spot in nature to have your prayer time! Or go all tog ether! If you have a basement, pray there, make-believing that the "Endtime Whispering Vision" (ML #334) is upon you. Rather than praying in one big solid block, pray then praise, then pray and praise again!
       To take that concept even further, spend an hour in prayer together (remember, it's not how long you pray … but how much you believe,) then divide up in teams of one to three people and get personal prophecies for each other, or for your contacts or those you know in need who would appreci ate the encouragement from the Lord, or receive spirit stories, or bring any other question you want to come before the Throne with! If the questions were Home-related, get back together later and share what the Lord gave!
       Take a few minutes before you begin praying to record your testimonies of answered prayer, and send interesting ones in to be published.
       Put up a chart of local prayer requests and/or international healing requests. Chart the date you prayed, and then the date the prayer w as answered!
       Prayer doesn't have to be routine. The style and fervency with which you pray is up to your initiative. So when you pray, make it pay! We love you and are praying for your prayer day!--Heaps!


       (Most of these can also be used for praise time.)
Taking-the-Bacon: Divide your group into two teams, with an even number of players per team. If you have five members per team, each team secretly gives their members a number between one and five. Place a rag or some other item in the middle of the floor. The person leading the prayer then calls out a number (for example, three), and then that person from each team must come out and try to "take the bacon" and get back to his team without being touched by the other. The one who takes the bacon gets to pray, and the other can claim a verse or quote on prayer.
       Freeze Dance: Have a bowl containing the prayer requests on little slips of paper. Everyone dances to the music, and when the music is stopped, they have t o "freeze." When someone is caught "moving" after the music stops, they pick out a prayer request and pray.


       Alphabet Chain: One person starts the chain by praising the Lord for a certain thing, say "children." The next person must then use the last letter, "m," as the first letter of the word that he's praising the Lord for. In this case, he would say something like, "Mama." Then the next person begins their praise with the letter "a," and so on and so forth.
       Follow the Leade r: One person reads a short praise from "To Jesus--With Love" and pauses after each phrase while everybody unitedly repeats the line to Jesus.


       Sara (of Frank) is trying to contact her father, Manasas, last heard of in Spain. If you have any information, contact Sara via the NACRO Office.
       Comfy (of Jo) would like to contact Christy (Rose Midwife's daughter-in-law) and Nicole (age 15) and her dad, Mark. Jo would like to get in touch with Katherine (of Joseph and Comfort). E-ma il: mpafrica@commit.gm.
       Gabe (of Juan and Ana), Kate is looking for Travis. If you know where he is, please write. E-mail: Beckman@thefamily.spb.su.
       Rachel, please write James. E-mail: Klclus@global.co.za. Add: P.O. Box 4626 Cresta 2118, South Africa.
       Lamb (Rachel of Daniel) would like to contact Aaron and Ketura (Abner and Mary) and Gideon and Rejoice. E-mail: lamb@sydney.DIALix.oz.au.
       Gabe YA (of Augustine and Krys), please contact your sister Tina soon. E-mail: A_libra_lady@yahoo.com. Add: Chiba-ken, Ichikawa-shi, Ainokawa 272-01,3-8-5 Japan.
       Sylvia (Polish) is looking for Pat (American). We lived together in Russia, '92-'93. Contact me via Hungarian ABM.
       Arthur (14, of Dove and Jahmai in Poland) is looking for Simon (14/15, of Jonathan and Celeste in Canada). E-mail: james@medianet.pl.
       Samuel (French, of Florence) would like to hear from Spanish Augustin and Ana, and Josue from San Sebastian. E-Mail: beaverlog@sprint.ca. Add: 232 Ouimet, Vaudreuil J7V 7E2 Quebec, Cana da.
       Abner (Dutch) and Lily (French), Emanuel (15, of Steven and Christina) would like to contact you and your kids. Contact me via the South African ABM.
       Allison F. and Rose O., please contact Fay Fisher. E-mail: Monteddy@aol.com.
       Stephen and Joan in Hungary would like to contact Hungarian Joanna (of Richard). Add: P.O. Box 701/287, Budapest 62, 1399 Hungary. E-mail: sara@mail.datanet.hu.
       German Glory (Dawn) from Brazil would like to contact Gieslinde and Andreas, Michaela and Nat. e-mai l: bvh@plug-in.com.br.
       Pietro and Esther, are you in Italy? Gabriel Silence and Ana are now in Cameroon, and want to keep in touch. Add: BP 8370, Yaounde, Cameroon. E-mail: Juan.carol@camnet.cm.
       Mark Shondo: Your Russkie brother wants to ask you an important question.
       I'm looking for Sam (of Anthony and Talitha). Last I heard he was in South Africa. Please contact Elayna and Charlene (formerly Angelique, of Abner and Lily). Add: A/D 2712 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania.

I'm wondering ...

Gif ts for single fathers?

       Q: In the "Midyear News and Progress" GN it talks about a gift that Mama and Peter will be giving out to help our single mothers in the Family. Does this also apply to single fathers?
       A: Yes, it will be for single fathers too.

CPY between countries

       Q: We receive a number of e-mails from different countries directly, and they all come in open files. I know that it is generally encouraged to do direct communication, instead of sending e-mails via Offices or ABM's, f or the sake of cutting down their heavy workload. It works out fine within the country, as we have common CPY keys, but when communicating with those outside the country or area, what happens is we keep communicating without closing the file with CPY keys. Would it be possible to have common CPY keys worldwide? Or should we just personally exchange our own CPY keys?--Luke, Mary and Jesse, Japan
       A: A common CPY key wouldn't be good security because anyone outside of the Family with that key cou ld open all communications between Homes in the Family. Homes communicating with each other should exchange CPY public keys--that's the first thing they should do when communicating with each other, and then use those keys for subsequent communications.

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama,
       I had always thought that it was mean to put people on probation or FM or vote them out of your Home. I never wanted to be a part of it.
       It just so happened though, that in our Home a sister was having some pro blems that had been going on for some time. My parents used a lot of their time to pray with or for her and talk with her, but she didn't change any and it was pulling on the unity of the Home. Even putting her on probation for awhile didn't do it, so my parents brought up the idea that we should vote on suggesting to put her on FM status.
       It was a big trial for me. My biggest worries were that she and her family would hate us and spread unkind things about us and that our Home would be looked down upon. When we had our Home Council and had to turn in our papers, whether yes or no, I was having big battles. The Lord had told us that it was His will that we vote yes, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was on my mind all day. However, when it came time to vote, I decided too the right thing, so I voted yes and braced myself for a tornado of spite, shouting and all the rest that usually came when this sister was corrected. Well, I waited in vain 'cause after she found out, sh e was quite shocked that we would go that far. I think it woke her up to how serious her problems really were, and she asked for a second chance to prove herself as a real CM member.
       We made a contract for her to sign and she accepted it without question, which was already a big step forward. I can honestly say she has made a huge change and is much happier; sometimes I can hardly believe it's the same sister. All that to say, that if I had not done my part in the disciplining of this sister, I would be held accountable for her losing this chance to make a change in her life, thereby causing her to leave the Family.
       It definitely changed my way of thinking and made me see that all those forms of disciplining are really made for our own good and are actually helping us. I was on Partial Excom some time ago and, well, I didn't take it well. For a long time I thought it was unfair, but after this incident with this sister, it helped me to see that the shepherds were only doing their j ob and it wouldn't have helped me any if they had just let it pass.
       --young woman, Europe


       Would you like to help bring another laborer to China? Victory has a 14-year-old daughter, Clare, who would like to join us here in China. She is now serving the Lord in Mexico but would really like to join her mom and two sisters and brother in the East. A plane ticket costs about US$700.00. If you would like to help, please send your donations via your TRF to PACRO designated f or: "CH619 - Clare Marie." Any donations to our pioneer work here would also be appreciated!--Clay, Victory and team, China

letters to the editor

Re: Just Go teens

       We were pleasantly surprised by the teens from the Just Go team that visited our Home. When we first thought of inviting the team to our city we had some reservations about what they would be like. Like many others in this area we had the misconception that every young person that came from the U.S. was a boom-box wielding, mo vie-quoting, complaining, lazy, unresponsive dude. But the teens that visited us were some of the nicest guys we've ever met. Their whole trip had been anything but comfortable, and our small apartment could only provide a square meter per person. Still, not once did we hear any of them complain, "Man, where's the mall? I need to get away from all these people," or any other such comment. If anything, they enjoyed everything they experienced here. And let me tell you, there's a lot to "experienc e" here. I think a few people have spoiled it for everyone else to such an extent that anytime we hear of someone coming from the U.S., only the worst is imagined. These guys really made the difference, GBT!
       --Claire, Steven, Carmen, Gerson and Keiko, Russia

Re: Responding to Want Ads

       We have been writing in response to a number of want-ads and have not received many replies. We were wondering if it maybe could be encouraged for people to acknowledge their receipt of a reply to a want-ad. It could be something very simple just saying "Received your letter." Then you'd know if people even got your reply, as sometimes we wonder if our reply arrived safely.
       --Sarah, India

open forum

--on home support

       We are going to the field (India) with pledges of support and landing funds. We have a bit of home support from both CM and FM families, as well as outsiders. Some are relatives, but it's mostly people we met witnessing. We have known some of these people for many years but m ost are recent acquaintances since we have been mobile for about three years now.
       What we found difficult was to get people to support us while we were in NA. When we were in India for many years, we had very good home support as we were able to send monthly NLs, as well as really feed our contacts. But since returning to NA, although we still feed them and let them know what we are doing in NA, we lost most of our home support and the new ones we have started to cultivate want to help because we have kids on the field. Now that we are going back to India, they say they want to help again!
       --Tim and Joy Streams, NA West VS's, USA

       I'm the eldest in a family of 11 kids and my parents also live on the field, so when I decided to go to Russia I was aware from the start that I would be going totally by faith, as it was obvious my parents wouldn't be able to support me financially. Thankfully I ended up working towards going with a very sweet and helpful couple who from the start too k me under their wing as one more daughter. During the time I was in Russia I lived with this couple and their daughters, plus a few more of us adopted daughters, so I pretty much always had all of my needs met. Later on, though, when I went through some rough times with my first visa trip and a few other things, I realized how helpful it would have been to have some kind of home support.
       During this time when I was desperate for financial help my parents and my brother did send some money, bu t I know it was a big sacrifice for them. Another thing is that being totally cashless put a lot of pressure on me and I went through some heavy battles about it, which of course didn't help me or the people I had to work with. All that to say, that although it was a great experience to be on the field, I'm going to think twice next time before I go off without some home support of some kind.
       P.S.: A big thanks to all the Homes that helped while I was there, especially the Media Home in Moscow .
       --Kate (18, of Johnny and Fe), Venezuela

your views on issues

The straight approach
       (From Philip, Gentleness and Faith:) When first starting outreach we were told that the best approach here is to say that we're humanitarian aid workers rather than missionaries. We tried this for awhile, but after having gone half a morning with absolutely no results the Lord laid it on our hearts to just sock it to them with the truth about our missionary work. After this decision the first person we approached gave us a generous gift. Within the next hour we had distributed five CDs. TTL for the truth and the boldness to declare it!

Joining a large family

       (From Mike and Abi:) We want to go on record as saying that if anyone is faced with the possibility of working with a large family, whether it be a single or a married unit, you should certainly not rule it out until you have given it prayer and consideration and have spent time with the family in question, getting to know them and their children.
       Recently we were deciding to go on the road and even though we were only two members and knew there was a family with seven kids in the area who were looking for a team to work with, we didn't really consider them as we figured it wasn't going to work, etc. It so happened that they needed to move from the apartment they were in into a house, so they moved into our house to take it over in our absence. We were still up in the air as to what we were going to do, but we were open to whatever the Lord showed us. Had it not been for the fact that the Lord enabled us to live with this family for a period of time to see just how sweet they were, we wouldn't have had the faith to join such a team.
       The final factor in deciding to work together with this family was that their children were well disciplined and the parents were endeavoring to instill in their children Family values in every way.
       We want to point out that the Lord might have a special place for you or a ministry in joining together with a large family. It can sometimes loom rather large as if it's going to be more trouble than it's worth, but if it's the Lord's will, He will turn it into a blessing and He'll give you spiritual riches and treasures that you couldn't find any other way. So don't be afraid to be open to whatever the Lord is speaking to your heart about. You wouldn't want to miss the Lord's blessings! Don't block out large families as an unwanted factor in the equation. It could be just what you need and what the Lord wants.

Teaching teens
       (From Seek:) Some of the young teens who recently came to our Home arrived with little or no motivation in their lives. It seemed like the only thing they felt they could really concentrate on was their funky clothes. But since they have been in school and having Word classes with Christina on their level, their attitudes are remarkably different. They behave themselves, are respectful and helpful. They are taking their studies seriously, do their homework faithfully, and overall seem to have something to live for that helps them to have an all-around better attitude.
       There are some problem areas with our teens' schooling. We have been concerned and want to be sure that our young people are prepared to survive in the System if they decide to leave; well, I think it is just as critical they are prepared for the responsibilities they will take on if they decide to stay! I think the majority don't yet have the experience, education, and training necessary to be missionaries if they'd have to stand on their own without the adults carrying the load in the majority of areas.
       More specifically this means they don't yet know how to do the provisioning, they don't have good enough communication or tool distribution techniques, or speaking talents yet. They couldn't handle a mail ministry until their writing skills improve enough to communicate in this way. They need further training in follow-up and know very little of how to take care of a sheep--what to give them to read, or how to minister to them consistently. I think you will find that they are almost totally dependent on the adults in these areas. This might not be the case everywhere, but from what we've seen in the US and Mexico, I don't think this is far from generally being the case.
       I have gotten very inspired about having various classes with the older teens and YAs and have started Bible classes and recently classes to teach them to write compositions and business letters, increase their vocabulary, etc.
       I went through the How to Love and How to Get Things Done books, which have so much that would be such a tremendous help to them. There are classes on Letter Writing, Communicating, Selling, Provisioning, How to Develop Good Habits, How to be on Time, How to Influence People, Grammar and Mail Ministry. I felt overwhelmed seeing the wonderful material there, presented in such an interesting way, and wanting so much for the young people to have the opportunity to learn what is so neatly packaged there in this one book.
       If they could absorb this material and have opportunities to put it into practice, it could help them to have more self-esteem, and then they would be more eager to take steps that would help them to be happy and fulfilled in the Family. I don't know if they can be really happy or fulfilled unless they have enough training that would give them the possibility to do the things in our missio nary lives that make it worth it all.
       I think an area where we have fallen down with our young people is in "teaching." We [FGAs] had teachers in and out of the Family, and that's probably why we have a good spiritual and scholastic education. From our experience, workbooks on their own don't really do the trick unless the person is a very devoted student. Also, just reading assignments for Word time don't seem to get the point across nearly as much as an inspired teacher, which not only makes the material they are covering interesting, but motivates the student to study and learn by the fact that the teachers themselves are so enthusiastic about the class and subject matter.

The sarcasm problem
       (From Luke, Sharon and Abe:) We have set up a "S" can (S for sarcasm) since it was such a big NWO in our Home. Everyone who makes a sarcastic remark--big or small--must put 10 cents in the can if they catch themselves, or 20 cents if someone else has to point it out. We're all doing much better in this area now!
       When the GN came last week on gossiping, the campground managers (where I work as a volunteer) told their staff that gossiping was a big problem and that they would not tolerate it in anyone. They said if anyone was found guilty of it that they wouldn't be able to work there anymore. It seems that the Lord is zeroing in on more folks than just us on that NWO! It was a good example to the kids when I shared it with them, as they could see that even in the System, bad language, sarcasm and gossiping in many places are not tolerated.

About those who've left …
       (From Gabe [of Amy]:) I wanted to share a little testimony to encourage any parents whose teens have left the Family and are not active in missionary service at this time. While reading part four of the "Problems and Solutions"GNs (ML #702), this quote stood out to me: "My Word never returns void and it will acknowledge that which I sent it to do. These who seem weak and weary, even those wh o have gone out to seek a new thing, if they have been brought up in the nurture and admonition of My Word, it will not return unto Me void. For in their backsliding know that I work in their lives. …For they cannot disconnect from the strong cords of My Word that have been implanted deep within them. My Word is never lost."
       While visiting my relatives in the States recently I was able to talk with my niece who left the Family four or five years ago. She still loves the Family and has fond mem ories, but now lives on her own and has a System job. She told me that she has lived with many different people in the System and she didn't really click with anybody and hasn't gotten along well living with worldly people.
       Recently she met somebody her age who had also left the Family, and they started living together. They hit it off and seem happy living together. She told me that when you've grown up in the Family and lived in the Family, you're always part of the Family. You have the Fami ly teaching, the Family training, and that's what you basically want and desire. Since you've been taught by the Family, anything short of that just doesn't satisfy.
       She said, "Even though I'm not in the Family at present, nevertheless, the teaching I've had through the years is always with me." She seemed so happy to find in this other former member young person someone who thought the way she thought and had the same interests, likes and dislikes. So while reading this Letter this morning, t he part about giving our kids the Word stood out to me that even if some of our kids do leave the Family, nevertheless, the continued training of the Word and pouring the Word into them is not going to be lost and will not return void. The Lord will honor our precious parents for giving them this training.

Persecution pushing us out?
       (From James:) We had a two-week witnessing team in the States from Canada, fundraising at a certain Walmart. The weekend after the negative CBS Show (P ublic Eye) aired a lady came up and was really freaking out, saying, "The CA'ers were in the Walmart!" I went to the acting manager and reported the incident and explained we are not guilty of her false accusations. A few minutes later this lady came up to the same manager ranting and raving, but because she was rude, and since we had already spoken to the management, the manager asked her to leave.
       On Monday we returned to the Walmart to see the main manager and to give him some lit and a tha nk-you letter. This manager had already called our 1-800 number, looked up our Web site, and was quite satisfied that our group was "legit." He thanked us for coming back to speak to him. In both cases doing follow-up with the managers (i.e., giving thank you letters and follow-up materials) helped cement our relationship.
       Another contact who has offered to buy our tickets to India heard about the show and didn't know how to react. He had bought the ticket for John, our first member, to leave for Madras but is considering what to do for the rest of us. My personal feeling is that with the "Trash your Trinkets" vision, the Lord could start to dry up some of these more lucrative spots and methods of outreach, to wake people up that it's time to leave North America.

some stats

       HOMES AND POPULATION: There are now 805 Charter Homes in the Family! That's a 12% gain over the last 12 months--or a gain of 1% a month--and 3-½ times as many Homes as before the Charter. The CM Home size h as continued to go down, and now stands at 12.6 members per Home. The last time we had this few members per Home was March of 1985, or over 13 years ago, and this is just about the number of Jesus' group of personal disciples.
       On the FM front slightly the opposite is happening: Over the last four months the number of FM Homes have gone down a bit each month, and are now down to 544, with an average FM Home Size of 5.4.

       POPULATION: CM population continues to increase, inching up faithfully month by month, to where now we have 10,156 Charter Members. This is up 328 members from last year at this time, or a 3.3% growth. FM membership stands at 2,956, or 213 less than last year at this time. FMs make up 22.5% of our combined CM/FM population, which now stands at 13,112, nearly an all-time high for Family Membership!
       Of those, 6,853 or 52% are children under 16; 24% are single members 16 and above, and 24% are mated members!
       Our outside membership now totals 28,593, including Mail Ministry members, Outside Witnessers, Living Waters members, etc.

       BIRTHS/BETROTHALS: We've had 188 for the year so far, which is an average of 24 a month! We've had 35 betrothals for the year so far, or an average of 4 a month.--About one a week!

       DISTRIBUTION: The Family distributed 1.6 million tools this month, which translated into 12.4 million "pages." This included 600,000 posters, 27,000 tapes and CDs, 9,600 videos, and 7,400 Living Waters. This is the best distribution stats since January of this year, so things are picking up distribution-wise.

       PERSONAL WITNESS AND SOULS SAVED: The Family personal witnessed a healthy 595,000 times in August, and won nearly 76,000 souls. For the year the Family has averaged a personal witness of 594,000 times a month, and souls won of 86,000 a month.

       TO-DATE STATS: The Family has now had a total witness of 67.3 billion since its inception; a personal witness of 228.5 million; 5 billion "pages" distributed to-date (4.7 billion to the GP plus 247 million member pages printed); 21.9 million souls won; 10.3 million Holy Spirit baptisms; 12,751 Family births; 2,343 betrothals; and 271 passed on.
       If you consider September of 1968 the birth of the Family, when Dad delivered his revolution from the System message at the Light Club, the Family has just finished 30-years of activity! So these totals average out over a 30 year period to: 2.2 billion a year total witness; 7.6 million a year personal witness; 167 million a year "p ages" distributed; 730,000 souls won a year or 61,000 a month (or 2,000 a day or 85 an hour or 1.4 a minute!); 343,000 Holy Spirit baptisms; 425 Family births a year; 78 betrothals a year; and 9 pass-ons a year!

grapes of thankfulness

       A heartfelt "thank you" to David and Rose Midwife (my mother-in-law) who have faithfully been there for me and my kids since my husband left the Family two years ago. They've given me all the love and help I could have ever needed. They've been a true sample of "laying down your life for a friend" and they've patiently and lovingly helped me through all my "ups and downs." Words can't express how much their love and concern means to me. I love you, Mom and David! Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.
       --Christy (25, mother of four), USA

       We want to thank the folks that helped us a lot during the last few months. Most of all to Polish Gosia, for her love, help, encouragement and a sample that we really needed to pull us through. A big thank you to Marek and Agnes, Aaron and Estera, for taking us in to their Homes when we were in need. We couldn't make it without all of you folks. Also a big thank you to Szymon for help with the e-mail communication. Thank God for such Family!
       --Steven and Rose, Europe

Members Only Family Web site


       December UserID: december
       December Password: whitehawk98

ideas and tips

Address an envelope

       If you are a busy outreacher and responsible for lots of FU mail that yo u just don't manage to keep up with, have your sheep write their address straight onto an envelope. I have started to do this with the sailors as they are not local, but I want to be faithful to thank them for their help or send them more Word to read.
       --an outreacher in Thailand

Getting them to help

       Do you have friends who find it hard to give money? Try this! After ministering to a friend for some time, he had only done favors for us, given us lunch, let us use his photocopy machine and telephone, etc. We were having a group of orphan children from another city come for a day's excursion and needed help with the food and snacks. So I asked, "Would you know of anyone who could help with a snack for the children?" He said, "Oh! I could do that!" Wow! After 1-½ years of knowing him, this was his first donation! Never give up hope. Keep loving and feeding and sooner or later the right thing comes up!
       --Mary Heart, Pakistan

helpful tip

For Macintosh users

       For professional r easons, we have a Macintosh computer, and we wanted to get a PC also to run the HomeARC. While searching for one, we found software which allows a Macintosh computer to work as a PC also. It's called "REALPC," and it costs about 1/10th of a PC computer.--David and Katia, Tahiti

"Auras and Personal Development" Seminar

--from a Home in Bogota, Colombia
       The Lord has been encouraging us to hold seminars for the general public, such as "The Prophetic Vision of the Future" which we presented in November of last year, specifically approaching marketing people involved with the New Age movement. During that time we met a couple called Gustavo and Maribel who had been doing professional work in the area of Aurography (see footnote below) and who showed interest in working together with us.
       In this seminar on "Auras and Personal Development" we made a commitment beforehand with those attending to demonstrate to them the changes that each person would go through during the two days of th erapy. For this purpose two aurographic plates were taken of each participant--one at the beginning, and another one at the end of the seminar. These were accompanied by a report written by the aurograph, indicating the mental, emotional and spiritual strengths and weaknesses of the person. The difference between the first and the second examination demonstrated the degree of effectiveness the seminar had on the person. We committed ourselves by faith, since we had never had anything to do with anything like this, but we knew that if we prayed for the people taking part in this seminar the Lord would do a miracle!
       During the seminar we dealt with subjects like fear, anger, resentment and forgiveness--analyzing all of them in the light of the Word, but not in a religious way. Towards the end the Lord showed us in prophecy to have a prayer of deliverance, which we did very discreetly, given the situation of having 25 attendees with quite a variety of faiths. We got everyone to make out a list of the things they wanted to be delivered from, had prayer with the whole group and laid hands on them. The Spirit of the Lord touched everyone's hearts and they cried, made friends and thanked us profusely for the experience. They also promised to come back for another seminar.
       Rita, a timid woman of 35, had a very hard time attending the seminar, was only able to pay the entrance fee of US$250 by a miracle, and when her first "aurograph" was shown to everyone it was evident that she was a special person. Her aura was quite rare, in the form of a spiral like a snail shell, because her energy was all wound up within her. This type of aura is found only in very introverted people who keep great fears and resentments bound up inside, generally as a result of having been mistreated in their childhood and having led a tormented life. After talking about timidity, fear and resentment, she confessed she needed deliverance from bitterness in order to forgive two people who had hurt her severely. After prayer for deliverance her aura was completely normal. Not only that but her attitude underwent a radical change: She became extroverted, made friends with all the participants of the seminar, and even drew up a directory of the attendees in order to organize follow-up meetings with them.
       The Lord honored our faith, and the results of the seminar in the lives of everyone were quite impressive. The main one affected was Gustavo, the aurologist, who had carried out his work f or years in a very professional way, carefully avoiding any mixture of his techniques with religious matters, as he had been alienated from and resentful towards God. He had scientifically measured the results of therapies and dynamics carried out on people through psychological, psychiatric and psychoanalytical methods. The night the seminar ended he was noticeably shaken and told us: "This is awesome--you just close your eyes and lay hands on people, but I have never seen the magnitude of thes e changes in people in such a short period of time." He was later reconciled with God, received Jesus in his heart, and now he comes to devotions and prayer meetings in our Home with his wife.
       The Lord did miracles in the lives of the 25 people who attended the seminar, among them doctors, professionals, housewives, businessmen and young students. Lives were changed and the realities of the spirit world and the power of prayer were scientifically demonstrated in their lives.

       Aurography: Sc ience that diagnoses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of people, based on the analysis of energetic fields imprinted on a special photographic plate. This science is used today in the NASA space center to monitor the health of astronauts.

       (Dad speaking:) Auras are another one of those little mysteries that God put down on Earth to let scientists and spiritists discover and unravel, in order to show His power. I talked about auras a bit when I was still with you, and you ca n look up what I said on the HomeARC if you're interested.
       Auras are that spiritual force and glow that surrounds and emanates out of your body. The Lord showed me that while I was with you, and that's why I advocated praying over your food and actually touching your plate and cup, laying hands on people, etc., because your aura transmits a power and force.
       You have to be pretty spiritual to see someone's aura, but on occasion, the Lord let me get a glimpse of people's auras--that colored an d shaped glow or pattern that is representative of their spirit. I saw Francisco's aura once, and it didn't look too good! But little babies are pure enough to discern and sense your aura, and even see it. Pregnant women glow and their aura is more apparent during pregnancy.
       When you pray for the gift of discernment and are checking someone out, you do, in a way, sense their aura, because it glows from out of their body, so the feelings or vibes you pick up on when you're in tune with the Lord and asking for His witness or leading on a person or situation, well, you just might be getting a glimpse of their aura. But it's not essential to see or know what your aura or someone else's looks like.
       In this day and age of increased spirituality and trying to prove that there is a God and a spirit world, this type of ministry is quite effective, and can provide a great starting base for a witness. But pray and be sure this ministry is for you. I'll tell you, it's not for everyone! It's no t for most of you. But if God so leads, then praise God! Just follow God! (End of prophecy.)

       Russian psychic scientists have proven the existence of these "spiritual" phenomena of Extra Sensory Perception, telepathic mind waves, human aura and actual life phantoms and are producing amazing color films of these former fantasies and using them in their diagnosis of disease, demonstrations of the power of the mind over matter, prediction of the weather by psychic reaction and even the clearing of pollution by psychic energy! Their investigation into these formerly-thought-to-be-fanciful fields of the spiritual are now beginning to prove the actual existence of the realities of these realms! (ML# 271:19).

Mama jewels on … having an opinion

--to a young staff member
       You don't need to feel like you can't hear from the Lord in prophecy about something if you already have an opinion about it, or even if you feel swayed or affected by other people's opinions. You should feel affected enough by what others say to see that there's a need, that there's a question, a problem, and that we need the Lord's answers. And you can get reliable clear prophecies even if you have a definite opinion about whatever it is you're praying about, as long as you're open to whatever He has to say.
       Be desperate with the Lord. No matter what you think, the Lord is certainly able to give you the right thing in prophecy if you're yielded to hearing and accepting His will, no matter what it is. That is the key: desiring to hear the Lord's counsel and asking Him to take away any thoughts or opinions of your own that would get in the way. When you sincerely ask Him to make you an open channel, unhindered by your own thoughts, desires or opinions, then you can trust that He will do just that. Remember, He wants to give you the right answers, He wants to make it easy for you, He wants you to know His perfect will. He's working with you, not against you, and the moment He sees that you've laid down your own thoughts and ways, that you're open to His plan, He jumps at the opportunity to give you what you need. He's not in the business of hiding information that we need or tricking us or testing us just for kicks.
       So you can rest assured that no matter how strong your opinion, no matter how personally burdened or affected you are by someone's need or situation, no matter how much you think it should be a certain way, if you put all that aside--not through a work of the flesh, but by s imply calling out to the Lord to clear your mind and heart of anything that is not of Him--then you can open your mouth wide and trust that He will fill it with His good, helpful, reliable counsel.
       It's also good, when possible, when you have strong opinions on something, to ask someone else to get a confirmation on what you've gotten in prophecy. "In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established (Mat.18:16)." Just say, "I want Your will, but I do have my own opinions--thou gh they change sometimes from one day to the next, so I know my opinions and thoughts are not reliable. We want to know what You feel about it, Lord, and we don't want our opinions to enter in." That is not to say that you need a confirmation because what you may have gotten in prophecy was wrong, because if you prayed desperately for His will and not your own, He will give you His words of truth. You can count on that! But if you have someone else pray, the Lord will likely give additional info rmation or other details that will help to complete His message.
       Lots of times people have strong opinions on things, but they still need to pray about them. If we could never pray about a subject that we have strong opinions on, a lot of people wouldn't pray about a number of important things that they should be praying about! That wouldn't be very efficient, would it. There is so much we need to be hearing from the Lord about, that if we couldn't pray about things that we felt strongly about , that would be quite a hindrance. Jesus is our personal Shepherd, He wants to counsel us very specifically about our intimate questions, needs, problems, decisions, relationships, etc., and He wants us to learn to have faith to come to Him regardless of whether we have strong personal opinions, knowing that He can help us rise above all that and receive the answers we need.
       Sometimes the Lord lets us have someone else pray about something if we feel we're too personally involved with it, but in many cases we do need to pray about things that we feel strongly about. But like I said earlier, the Lord makes provision for that, and He says that if we want His will regardless of what we think, and we ask Him, it doesn't matter what our opinions are. It's not wrong to have an opinion, it's just wrong if you determine to stick with it no matter what the Lord says.

plug for prayers and finances

--by Peter A.
       As was explained in Grapevine #51, WS finances are quite low, and since we ha ve a number of costly projects coming up, we'd like to ask for continued prayer that the Lord opens the windows of Heaven and provides through windfalls, inheritances and other gifts so that we can continue to pour out to you the pubs, as well as a number of new tools that are in the works. Unless WS income increases we will have to cut back the pubs and other services we are able to supply to the Homes. If you receive a large gift, please consider sharing some of it with WS. Above all, please p ray for the Lord to supply the funds needed for all the projects in the works. Thanks! We love you!

single parent attack day!

       (From WS:) Just a reminder that November is the month when we'll hold an attack day to raise funds for the single moms and dads. WS will also add to the amount raised by the Homes worldwide, from which a gift will be given to each single parent family. You'll hear from your CROs, if you haven't already, with the specifics as to which day the fundraising will take pla ce in your area. God bless you and thanks for your contributions to this special cause!

Shine On -- September '98

       TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Madras Deaf Home, India       478       1,434
       Samuel, Rosita, Mexico       400       800
       Esteban, Gabriel, Lydia, Chile       326       1,960
       Timothy F., Rejoice E., Dove F., USA       266       2,935
       Joao, Pandita, Obede, Clara, Brazil       250       1,000
       Ezequiel, Rejoice & Jonathan, Brazil       250       1,000
       Simon, Ruth, Francisco, Angie, Mexico       214       3,000
       James, Ruth , Venezuela       213       427
       Seth, Carolina, Angelina, Ecuador       187       750
       Josue, Maria Fiel, Mexico       180       898

       Peter S., Crystal S., Mary M., USA       3,013       12,050
       Michael, Maria, Japan       2,191       4,382
       Paul, Charity, Czech Republic       2,000       6,000
       Adino, Joana, Brazil       1,506       4,520
       Steven, Mercy, Japan       1,500       3,000
       Paul, Ruth, John, USA       1,167       3,500
       Jonathan, Clare, Japan       1,088       3,266
       Abner, Promise, Japan       1,051       3,155
       Aaron, Elizabeth, Oliver, Marie, Josh, Nigeria       923       1 2,000
       Timothy F., Rejoice E., Dove, USA       918       10,101

       Steven, Maria, Robin, Ghana       172       1,205
       David, Madalena, Andrew, Brazil       100       503
       Josue, Abigail, Heidi Maria, Costa Rica       91       363
       Tim, Claire, Stefan, Joy, Switzerland       88       352
       Francisco, Joanna, Luana, Brazil       77       309
       Samuel, Clara, Tim, Elisabeth, Spain       74       449
       Bombay DF Home, India       67       1,085
       Cephas, Clara, Brazil       66       132
       Juan, Rosa, Spain       62       124
       Matthew, Dulce, Brazil       56       113

       Jose, Ester, Colombia       76       152
       Ben, Meekness, Botswana       75       150
       Joseph, Rosa, Chile       54       108
       Abner, Esther, Andrew, Lena, Angel, So. Africa       45       275
       Matthew, Mercy, Taiwan       36       72
       Philip, Meekness, Josh, Namibia       33       67
       Rebeca, Estrella Cromwell, Colombia       33       135
       Juan, Lily, Colombia       32       65
       David Searcher, Pandita First Love, Japan       30       120
       Miguel, Samuele, Paloma, Ester, Brazil       29       117

       Michael, Dove, Bowy, Russia       4,957       69,408
       Gabe, M aria, Dove, Russia       1,650       13,200
       Aaron, Flame, Grace, Poland       1,368       8,209
       Tim, Joy, David, Ukraine       1,030       5,152
       Richard, Sandra, Angel, Russia       1,000       6,000
       Jonathan, Mary, Benjamin, Angela, Ukraine       833       5,000
       Daniel, Davida, Francesco, Moldava       800       4,000
       Dan, Christina, Vera, Ruth, Daniel, Ukraine       786       8,650
       Peter, Praise, Davide, Ukraine       470       2,350
       Job, Ruth, James, Joan, Ukraine       454       5,000

Included with this file:

The Newdayz--By David Komic

       Caption 1: Uncle Haz on WNR. Please d on't disturb
       Caption 2: Up bright and early for pancakes in the garden.
       Caption 3: Good chance to fix that pesky loose bathroom doorknob.
       Caption 4: A spot of volleyball
       Caption 5: Off to the mall to catch that sale on electric shoe-horns.
       Caption 6 WNR over and back home in time for the kids' bedtime.
       Caption 7: Now rested, refreshed and ready for the week ahead.

Peanuts 'n Raisins--by Kristen

       Caption 1: Food or Poison
       Caption 2: What would you like for snack?
       Caption 3: Ug h! Oh, no, Mommy! This Home uses white salt!
       (Miguel 2 ½, [of Juan and Carmen], Brazil)

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family