DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
grapes of thankfulness--special issue of gratitude and recognition
This is a little outdated, but last October I learned that my sister, Anna, passed away from a drug overdose. I would like to send a special heartfelt thanks to Char
ity, Anaik, Akim, Kalitha and everyone else who had a hand and heart in helping to love, witness to, feed the Word to, and care for sweet Anna. In her letters she was always so touched and thankful for how you tried to help her, and she loved the Family so much. You helped her to know the Lord and to have faith in His love for her. Thank you so much for showing her the Lord's love for me, as due to the Lord's work on the mission field I could not go back to visit her. My mum also truly appreciat
ed your care and concern.
After Anna passed away I was quite sad and emotional, and I had a very encouraging experience where I felt she was in the room and she came to me and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry about me, I'm okay now. I'm free at last. Now I'm with Grandpa and the Family, and I can do what I always wanted to do--serve the Lord with you all!" TYL!
--Australian Faith (formerly Leah), Middle East
We are little Russian family (with two young kids) working in the middle of Sib
eria. Since our Home is placed in the middle of Siberia, far from Japan and far from the West, not many foreigners are able to come here. We don't have home support and actually we wouldn't have any money at all if it hadn't been for a WS gift (that helps to cover our rent) and videos that we sell (a few each week), some provisioning and sometimes donations.
But our kids need to be fed, dressed, taught, etc. This means we need books and other CC items. We adults could survive in any situation,
but we all want the best for our kiddos, don't we? Honestly, I get a little tempted to worry sometimes when I see that my older daughter is growing out of her clothes, or when I see that I don't have any good boots for my youngest girl, but the Lord always reminds me that He will take care of His own. HE ALWAYS TOOK CARE OF US, and MOSTLY THROUGH YOU, DEAR FAMILY!
We'd like to thank everybody who helped us here in Russia: Joy and Abner, Eva (of Nat), Tim and Dove, Virginia, and their Homes, a
nd also special thanks to WS, Santiago, Libertad and family, David and Peace and family, Mark and Mercy, David and Freya, Abel and Angel, Simon, Ruth, Happy, Sunshine, Andrew, Miracle and Angel, JA011 and JA003, David and Heidi and others. Some of the brethren that helped us recently didn't send their address. We would like to contact you personally and send you our newsletter with pictures. Pls. write to: 660001 Krasnoyarsk 1, PO 16215 A.B.
--Maria (of Gabe), Siberia
I want the whole worl
d to know, in big bold letters, how THANKFUL I am for PETER (DAVID) and LOVE. (Yes, they are the same ones in Grapes of Thankfulness, Grapevine #44).
While Tim was away for about nine months, they not only helped with running the Home, shepherding, witnessing, provisioning, business, etc., but they were a Daddy and a Mommy to our five kids, caring for them as their very own. In freeing Tim to raise funds for us to get a vehicle, they are also jointly responsible for us going to our new mission
Dear Peter and Love, your sample makes me know that we have the best Family in the whole world. Thank you both so very much. We love you forever. I pray the Lord grants you the desires of your heart. You deserve them and more. ILY!
--Maria, Tim and gang
I also want to say a special thank-you to Jason Free who also helped me so much in Tim's absence. Truly we have the best brothers and sisters in the whole world. Thanks also to teens Michael and Kiana, for helping with the little
ones. I love you all and pray for you.
--Maria (of Tim)
To two saints: John and Sara for their unending faith to "live by faith" on a mission field with 10 of their kids. Cheers to you guys! I greatly admire you!!! You're real fighters!
Another two great saints to me are: Tim (20, their son) and his wife Tabi (Czech), for tirelessly laboring and pouring in and loving and helping John and Sara and the kids for these many months. GBY all, guys!
--Merry Heart, Czech Republic
We wante
d to express our love, thankfulness and appreciation to the Family at the HCS and James, Marie and Esther's Home in the US for sending us a gift when our little boy Gabey contracted meningitis [Gabey is well, happy and active again]. Your love and concern really touched our hearts. It meant so much to us to know that we have such a wonderful Family to pray for and support us in more ways than one when we hit rough spots. We love you so much and pray the Lord mightily blesses you in return. We al
so wanted to say a big thank-you to everyone who took the time to hear from the Lord for us and send the prophecies our way--they were such a lifesaver.
--John and Rejoice (SGAs), Thailand
Big hugs and kisses to all those in Brazil who have been faithfully supporting me here in Russia. Special thanks to the Oasis Home and Rio MH who have been so faithful during the past two years, John and Sara, and the Brasilia Home. All your gifts, big and small, help us keep going. They are always such
a blessing and it would've been a lot tougher to keep the work here going without them! You're all real saints! I love you and everyone here sends you their heartfelt thanks.
--Brisa and the VIPs, Russia
To our dear friend, Barney, who on his W&Rs went above and beyond the call of duty and came to our Home to help us with our five little kids. We appreciate you beyond what words could express.
--David and Ruthie, Taiwan
To my husband, Michael Sri-Lankan. He washed me, bathed me, made
special food for me, stayed up for me and is still doing it in our ongoing battle with cancer. GB him! I love you, Sweetheart!!
--Marie, India
To Daniel and Mary in the UK for faithfully giving 40% of their income to the Lord's work, being a blessing and helping others in so many ways, and supporting our Home for nearly three years now with their monthly donations! We love you, Daniel and Mary, and thank you for all the help you are to us!!
--Shajjad and Katie, Romania
We would like
to tell you the story of a little Home which opened right after the Charter. Imagine being in the middle of a very important local language recording project. You're trying to be the local Bunny Bigword, learn and sing all the songs from the Treasure Attics, translate the lyrics, and run the Home. (Mind you, everybody who is there just came for the project and they are all members of different Homes.) Then all of a sudden here comes the Charter. Everybody runs home and comes back after the Feas
t. Then from somewhere up high came a little suggestion: "Why don't we have a studio Home?" So we become the studio Home.
From the very beginning, two of us wanted to go on to other fields, and the other two members of our Home--wonderful Hungarian Tim and his beautiful wife, Claire, with their newborn daughter--agreed to this and made it super easy for us. They gave us all the help they could so that we, Hungarian Smile and Christian, could go to the field as soon as possible. I spent half a
year with them, and all this time there were only four of us. This was the beginning of the EAST Studio Home.
Before I left they committed themselves to help our poor little Russian missionary Home with a gift each month. During the past three years they have faithfully sent us a gift each month, as we were very poor. This meant that we could buy extra milk for our kids, or that we were able to go on the road. Since then their Home has grown, but still they never forget about us. We would like
to say a very big THANK YOU to all of you in Eastern European Studio Land. You are wonderful and we love you very much!
--Surfers Home, Russia
A heartfelt thank-you to the precious Family in Miami. When my baby was sick in the hospital, different ones came to pray for her. Thank you Phoebe, Ruthie, Joy, Rachel, Rebecca, Chris, and my mom and dad (Nathan and Sarai). It meant so much to me being away from my Home in California. What a wonderful Family we have. "When I was sick, you visited
--Rachel (and Jenna), USA
GB all those at the Thai Lit Pic who started translating and sending out the rough cuts of the latest GNs with the English versions! I can't say enough how thankful I am! My Thai mate now receives her GN when I get my English copy. The Words have helped her grow by leaps and bounds, and those of us around her and those she witnesses to and comes in contact with are all benefiting from your labors of love! The New Wine in her native language has caused her to
blossom--thanks to you!! GB you! Much, much love from us!!!
--John (of Pearl), Thailand
Words can never express my thankfulness for you. You were with me from the beginning of my life in the Family. You received me into your house and treated me as a member of your Family. When I passed through the biggest battles after my joining, you were so patient and loving with me, though I know that sometimes it was hard for you. You were always there when I needed you. You were the true love of Jes
us for me. Peter and Lily, I love you so much! Special thanks for you, Tatiana. You helped me a lot. I love you always.
--Grace, Poland
A big thank-you to David Newheart in Stuttgart, Germany for helping our work. Your donation is received and appreciated. We love you, David!
--Priscilla and Joanie, Philippines
Recently a few families arrived from the West to help us here in Madras. They have been a tremendous blessing in adding the needed boost to open up much-needed new Homes in th
e city and to pioneer new opportunities. One of our visions when we started our Home was to have extra rooms to be able to receive newcomers to the field, but in order to do this we had to find a place on the outskirts of town. We soon found out being on the outskirts of town that one of our biggest needs was a vehicle.
The Lord had made a way for us to save up a few thousand dollars towards a car through an unexpected windfall, but over the months due to a shortage of personnel, taking in the
newcomers and some unexpected big expenses, the funds had virtually disappeared. Our hopes of a vehicle had pretty much disappeared, but the need was still very much there. On our last prayer day we got very desperate about our need, and although it looked more impossible and bleaker than ever for us financially we asked the Lord to please "do it."
About a week later Philip and Praise, one of the families that had just arrived, called us and said they had been praying about it and decided tha
t they wanted to take the money they had brought for a vehicle and buy one with it and give it to us to use for as long as we like. WOW! A super miracle! To make a long story short we now have a beautiful, air-conditioned, heavy duty first class jeep and we feel so blessed!
The newcomers to our city have been very sweet and helpful and real samples of giving and sharing. As we were mostly veterans here who have been on the field a long time and whose finances were limited, their talents and fi
nancial help have been a real boost to help our work get more deeply grounded and on a firmer foundation financially. Also their vision for CTP projects has been a great encouragement. God bless you, Philip and Praise, Andrew and Joy, and Abner and Mary! We love and appreciate you!
--Philip, Hannah, and Matthew, India
A big thank-you to dear Pawel (Polish) for taking care of our three kids (especially in the night) when I was having the baby at the hospital. Also, thank you, dear Sara, Vid
a and Branch for taking us in and helping with the kids before and after the delivery. WRLY!
--Julia and Simon, Poland
A heartfelt "thank you" to our lawyers, Priscila and Virginia (both Family members), for helping us to fight the recent legal case here in Rio. They have given their all, and stuck it out through thick and thin. The Lord really used them and their talent and training as lawyers to bring about many victories! We also want to thank their Homes for sparing them, although it w
as often a sacrifice to let them go. Being shorthanded and going through difficulties themselves, they did it in love for the Family. We know the Lord will bless them and reward them for it! We greatly appreciate you, Josh and team, David and team!
--Rio Media Home, Brazil
Imagine our surprise and thankfulness when a Home in the area called us to ask if we wanted 25 kilos of meat!!--Just when we needed it most! GBY, dear brothers at the BSC.
--Tabita Fe, Brazil
To the Media Home in B
razil: We love you and are super thankful for your letting us park our trailer in your property, feeding us, clothing us, etc. What a wonderful Family we have! TYJ!
--No name given, sorry!
To Nic, Tender and Anna's Home in the PI: We want to let the world know that you all made us feel so welcome in your Home and everyone was extremely accommodating! What a wonderful example of BROTHERLY LOVE! We know it was a sacrifice for you to house, feed and transport our big team, but you did it chee
rfully and with all your hearts! We will never forget it! We love you! We miss you!
--Jon B. and Angelina (for all of us)
We wanted to send a heartfelt thank-you to Mike and Abby in the LA area. They took in our large family of eight at a moment's notice for three weeks while the motor of our RV was getting repaired. They made us feel right at home. They took us in during our hour of need without expecting a thing in return. This truly touched our hearts. THANK YOU!
--Jonathan and Celest
e and six kids, USA
Meekness recently delivered in South Africa at the Pietermoritzburg Home, and we'd like to thank you so much for all your sweet labors of love. We couldn't have made it without you. Your hospitality was Heavenly. Shine on, Max and team!
Also a big thank-you to Andrew and Esther in Bangalore, India, for their wonderful comprehensive educational pub on childcare. It's a hit here in Africa and it's getting out all over Africa. Keep it up. You're in our thoughts and prayers
--Ben and Meekness, Botswana
I want to give a heartfelt thank you to John (of Faithy), my dad, Abner and Elisa, Maria (of Michael) and Mercy, for helping me in becoming a better person and helping me to learn the lessons I needed to learn. Thank you so much for helping me.
--Joshua (of Dove and Jahmai), Europe
Here's a thank-you to a great guy in our Home, James. He's always there when you need help or encouragement! And always willing to do whatever needs to be done--giving a list
ening ear when someone needs comfort, planning and making countless trips out for others, and many, many other things--as cheerful as a man could be. God bless you, James, you're a good sample of a Home teamworker and role model for us all. I love you!
--Matthew, WS
Witnessing and SWIFTing in Turkey
(From the Turkey Homes:) Anyone considering coming to Turkey on a SWIFT? If so, please read on! We've been happy to welcome a number o
f "SWIFTers" from Europe in the last year or so, and it being so close to Europe makes for quite convenient summer witnessing, besides being an extremely sheepy and "inviting" field, TYJ! And as we, the resident Family here, have been learning a lot about our mode of operation in the last few months, we thought we could share some of these with you, for any more prospective "SWIFTers!" We love you!
Now a bit about Turkey: Istanbul is a city on two continents, both Asia and Europe. The Bosphoru
s is a beautiful and magnificent waterway that separates the two parts of Istanbul. It has many different currents and water-flows that can be hazardous if these "dangerous undercurrents" are not paid attention to. In similar fashion, the witnessing here is like this…beautiful to behold, attractive to the eye, yet at the same time, possibly dangerous to the untrained navigator and/or boat captain.
The Family here has endeavored to become one, learn the language and adapt ourselves to this very
sheepy, potential and yet somewhat "sensitive" field of Turkey. Many Christian publications call Turkey the largest Gospel-neglected country in the world. Why? There are many "diverse currents" that flow here.--It can be a beautiful ride and yet can result in shipwreck.
In the past eight months we have had two of our veteran witnessers "escorted" to other countries as a result of tapenessing without permission. (This was with Muslimized tools, with no salvation message on them, and no Christi
an lit.--TTL, as it would have been a lot more serious had there been any type of Christian literature involved.) After several nights in the "not so comfortable" Turkish jails, both have been able to come back into the country, yet these incidents have awakened us to the need for caution in our mode of operation, if we want to build a long-lasting work. Though Turkey is very "casual and free" on the outside, with Istanbul appearing to be a "Paris with mosques," there is more to it than meets th
e eye.
The Family here has adapted many of our tools to fit the Muslim Ministry vision, and we have had to adapt our mode of operation and the way we witness here to suit the field and its needs. In so doing we've found that the traditional methods of getting out tapes and videos for support, while possible, is somewhat limited. So for those SWIFTing from other fields who would bring their own tools, we wanted to suggest for your own safety, as well as that of the local work, if those coming f
rom Europe or other places would be able to use the local tools that have been "Muslimized," as using others could be problematic if distributed here. As well, provisioning campsites, hotels, or restaurants could be a little difficult if you are not actually representing the local Turkish work, but we'd be more than happy to have a representative of the local Family be a help or assistance to you in any way.
For those desiring to SWIFT in Turkey, it seems most fruitful for those who are consid
ering working in this field on a more permanent basis (though of course, not required by any means), and are able to arrange in advance to work together with the Homes here.We would like to encourage those with an interest in our field to please write to us or to ASCRO with your burdens, and we can send you more information about the field, as well as see how we can possibly accommodate your desires to come and help us reach Turkey. Being a Muslim field, it requires a lot of patience and faith,
as the going can be slow, and it does require lots of prayer. Of course, according to the Charter you can come to any non-sensitive country for up to one month, but we thought that by sharing some different info on the field, it might help give a better idea of what it's like, and again, we'd be more than happy to work together or be a help to any incoming teams.
We do hope the above info has been a help to you. We have had a growing work for almost three years, the longest ongoing work in th
is field, as in times past we have all been officially asked to leave. And we'd really like to be able to continue here as long as possible, as we love it and the wonderful people. So if you have plans to come this direction, if possible, please send us information about your plans and visions, and also a little about yourselves in plenty of time for us to get back to you, so we can work together to reach this wonderful field. We love you! (Please also refer to previous Grapevine article in Grap
evine #27, front page under Notices, "Considering a Turkish Swift?")
movie ratings
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Alan Rickman, Greta Scacchi, Ian McKellen
Dramatization of the life of Rasputin and his involvement with the royal family of Russia. Portrayed as through the eyes of their son Alexis, heir to the Russian throne.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
12 ANGRY MEN (1998)
Jack Lemmon, George C. Scott
Modern-day re-make of the 1957 classic, portraying a
12-man jury discussing a murder case. Thought-provoking and insightful character study.
Aidan Quinn, Nigel Hawthorne
Dramatization of Stanley's search for Livingstone, based on the actual diaries and logs that Stanley kept.
Non Recommended Movies
SECRET AGENT, THE (Bob Hoskins, Patricia Arquette; 1996)
BREAKING UP (Russel Crowe, Salma Hayek; 1997)
FALLEN (Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland; 1997)
(Dad speaking:) This movie is good for the Family not only because it is accurate historically, but also because it shows how God can use a person if they are yielded and obedient to His voice, no matter how weak and despised they feel.
Wasn't he a character? Rasputin was far from "cool" or together, yet he influenced kings and queens and the decisions and lives of an entire monarchy, and his name lives on and on. He did what the Lord asked him to do. Even though it was
difficult and nearly impossible, as it was for Jonah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and others, he did it!
This movie brings out how God tried to help the Czar and Czarina and the Russian people in answer to their prayers. However, none were yielded enough to His voice through His prophets, so the message stopped coming to Rasputin, and therefore Christendom suffered setbacks at the hands of the Bolsheviks.
Although Rasputin made many mistakes and was weak in the flesh, nevertheless the Lord used him beca
use he loved the Lord and his heart was in the right place and he had the conviction to deliver God's message to the rulers and people of Russia. (End of prophecy.)
Movie: "Breakdown"
The movie "Breakdown," with Kurt Russell, was rated in Grapevine #21 for junior teens and up. One of the WS preview teams missed it on this one, and we would now like to move it to the non-recommended list. Our sincere apologies and regrets to those of you who watched it and found it violent an
d unedifying.
"Star Wars" Trilogy
(From WS:) We've received a few questions about why the "Star Wars" trilogy was rated as "watchable" in the Grapevine, when Dad in the Letters made negative comments about it.
In recent months, as the Lord, through Mama and Peter, has been teaching us more about hearing from Him step by step, our WS movie previewing teams have begun asking the Lord or Dad for a confirmation on every movie we rate in the Grapevine. As you've noticed, we often publish excer
pts of these prophecies along with the movie ratings.
At the time that "Star Wars" was re-rated, however, we had not yet established this procedure of praying about every movie; thus, we didn't send out an explanation of why it was being re-rated, and this caused some confusion. We're sorry about that. We should have asked the Lord about it and gotten His insight for all of your benefit. It's never too late, though, to get our questions answered, and in asking Dad recently if he wanted to comm
ent further on the "Star Wars" series, we received the following message which we're sure you'll find interesting.
(Dad speaking:) The fact is that there are many ways of looking at these movies. On one hand they are entertaining, especially because, like I said in one of my older Letters, they're really quite unbelievable, with all these unusual creatures and monsters and contraptions and machinery, and all the way-out-there sci-fi stuff. It's fun and exciting to watch, but really, the worl
d and other planets never were and never will be like that.
There is also some truth to it, in that it's a parallel to the spiritual world. Here's where it gets controversial, because there are several ways of looking at this aspect. You have John Todd's doctrine that this movie was a propaganda tool of the occult to get people to believe in "the force," which is another term they use for the power of the Devil. While John Todd was right on in many respects, and there was much truth in what he
had to say, on the other hand he didn't have the complete truth nor absolute well-rounded understanding and insight of every single thing. I'm not saying that you shouldn't believe what he says, or mock it or blow it off, but you have to realize that he may not have been seeing the entire elephant.
These movies did in fact give a representation of the fight between good and evil. In some cases some of the "good" creatures were a little odd or weird looking, but in a way, that's even represent
ative of what God can use--the foolish, the despised, the ones no one else wants. Most of the really horribly ugly or disgusting creatures, however, were working for or part of the forces of evil. The "force" is more like a term for spiritual power, and the power of the spirit can be used for good or evil, depending on whose signals you are receiving, and that's what this movie shows, though the message isn't all that clear, obviously. Both sides used the power, but some used it for good and som
e for evil. Still, the true "force," the original "force," the real power behind all creation, behind all love, behind all everything, is God and His power.
I wouldn't say these movies are entirely wholesome, and the message contained therein is definitely not "pure waters" or "gospel truth," but there is some good that can be gotten out of them, and some symbols of spiritual realities.--Although it would have been best if at the time these movies were showing, there would have been more expla
nation so that the Family could understand more about what's behind it.
As far as the comments I've made in the past, well, I did say that the "Return of the Jedi" was Satanic and yes, it was--at least that evil emperor creature was, as were a lot of other weird creatures and monsters. I didn't feel, and still don't feel, that it's suitable for children to have to be subjected to all those horrible sights and sounds of weirdness and evil. It's just corrupting and polluting their pure, still ve
ry spiritually sensitive minds and hearts.
For adults and teens, though, while these movies are not at all the greatest spiritually feeding input--and I certainly hope people aren't watching them over and over again, on the other hand, watching this series once for interest and entertainment, and to see what truths or lessons can be gotten out of it, isn't gonna hurt you if you're prayerful and mature enough. It can be an entertaining, educational, and even profitable experience. At least in t
he end, good does triumph and wrongs are righted--it's just that you have to go through a lot of weirdness and see a lot of evil before it gets to that point, which is unfortunate.
Another point of interest is that while it [the "Star Wars" series] did open the door for the bad spirits to "show their stuff" and preach their message in a way, it was still thought-provoking. It made some people think about God and realize that He's the true and greatest force behind it all, and that He'll always
win, no matter how unlikely it seems. Even when the Antichrist and the Devil seem to have the world firmly in their grasp, like the Evil Empire seemed to have the universe in theirs, it won't last. Soon enough, the real King will come and show them up and take over and rule things as they ought to have been ruled.
The guy who made the movie didn't believe in God, so the giving of respect and honor to one Great Being was intentionally left out. Instead they're trying to promote the idea of the
"greater consciousness," the "united cosmos" or "the force" being all there is to it. Sorry to say, that whole trip has led millions and billions of people astray for centuries, and it still does today. Thank God we know the truth--that truth and salvation are only found in Jesus! Thank God we know the way, and we can show others the way too! (End of message from Dad.)
mama jewels on … explaining
(To a young staff member who asked for united prayer from the Home, and then the following day
clarified and further explained something she had said:)
It's very sweet and considerate of you to explain it to them--even if they don't need the explanation. Maybe some people misunderstood it, maybe they didn't, but almost everyone appreciates it when you come back and say, "When I said such-and-such, I really meant this." If you get a check about it, it's better to do something about it and err on the side of explaining too much, than to let something go that might cause someone a trial or
question. Dad always used to say, "It's better to explain and not need it, than to need it and not explain."
It's also a good sample. Almost everyone says something unclear when they give a talk, or even just in casual conversation. I do it frequently. Sometimes I go back to my room after a meeting, and while praying about how the meeting went, I start thinking about the things that I could have said better. Well, there's a balance, of course, because no matter how clear and how prayerful you
are, sometimes people misunderstand things. You just have to go back and explain or clarify, and if what you said hurt someone's feelings or confused them--or even if you don't know, but you think it might have--you should apologize. That's just part of life, because you can't expect that you're going to be perfect every time. It's another thing the Lord uses to keep us humble. Even when Peter and I talk with folks here who we've lived with for years and who know us very well, if we get a check
later that maybe we weren't clear on a certain point or they could have misunderstood what we meant, we go back and explain it further or clarify it.
I've had to apologize lots of times over the years for not being clear, and people always appreciate it. If nothing else, they appreciate the consideration; that you were concerned about them and mindful that something you said could have hurt them or caused them questions. It's a good sample of humility and love, and the Lord blesses it!
pful factoid
Is your e-mail getting through?
Occasionally e-mail carriers will protect their users from unwanted junk e-mail from a certain carrier (until they can take security precautions) by blocking mail from the attacking carrier. So the only way you can know for certain that your e-mail is getting through is if you get a response. You should never just assume an e-mail message got to its intended receiver unless you get a response. And, conversely, that's one reason why for messages I
know the sender wants me to get, I always try to frame at least a "Thank you for the mail" response. It's the polite thing to do.
accident alert!
Dear Family,
We love you and are praying for you! In recent months, the Enemy has continued to attack our Family and the wonderful progress that all of you are making in any way possible. We've heard of a number of serious car accidents that have taken place in the last few months which we want to bring to your attention.
-- Gideon (of Meekn
ess) in Mexico seriously hurt his leg in a car accident while driving to Texas. An 18-wheeler suddenly started coming into their lane from the opposite side of the highway, seemingly attempting to either cross the highway or make a U-turn. He apparently didn't even see them, and hit their van head-on. By a miracle, the two others in the car came out with only scratches and bruises; Gideon didn't have any torn tendons or bone fractures, but a lot of torn skin and muscles.
-- Cefas (of Anita, Me
xico) was returning from a clowning trip with some other Christians, when they were involved in a serious accident. Cefas is fine, but the couple he was traveling with died in the crash. This couple's two children were also in the car at the time of the accident.
-- Jason and Cedar, and Cedar's parents (Jay and Nina), after visiting together in Guadalajara, were caravaning to the border together. They were driving through a windy, mountainous stretch of road in the rain when a brand new tracto
r-trailer came around the curve going quite fast and slid into their lane. The oncoming tractor-trailer missed Jason and Cedar's van, but caught their little utility trailer, and then plowed into Jay and Nina's van and pop-up trailer, totally smashing both of their vehicles. By a miracle of the Lord's protection no one was hurt with the exception of a few tiny glass cuts on Jay's face from the windshield.
-- Philip and Jewel (Washington State) were on their way home from a fruitful witnessing
day and were in a car accident. Though no one was hurt (just bumped around), their car was totaled.
Please not only pray for these dear ones, but also take these serious accidents to heart. The Enemy would like to get in, in any way he can. Please drivers, be very careful and prayerful! When you drive others, you are responsible for their lives and service for the Lord! Family members are precious cargo! Pray desperately before driving--for the Lord's protection, against accidents, and continu
e to pray fervently as you drive! We need each and every one of you!
Mama and Peter
(Dad speaking:) This accident is more proof that the ante is upped, the stakes are higher, and the Devil's put a big price on every one of your heads. He's fighting tooth and toenail for just a little break in the mighty force field of angels that surround you, to get in and do a little damage, because active Christians are the greatest threat to his big plans, and we in the Family are still some of
the most active Christians that I have seen, and I've seen 'em all now! (End of message from Dad.)
a peek into Mama's Home …
--Mama and Peter's first date
(Editor's note: Here is an interesting story that Mama and Peter told during our fellowship time after celebrating Dad's birthday earlier this year.)
Peter: I was in my Home in Switzerland when I got a call from Mama. She asked me if I'd be willing to come to their Home for a couple of weeks. Timothy had disagreed with Dad and woul
d not sign "The Nebuchadnezzar Revelation" Letter that was going to be sent to Rachel, so Dad sent him back to Switzerland. (See ML #778:18 for more details.) But now they needed somebody to help them with the business and administration, and I guess I was the closest one around, so I came!
Mama: I think there were also other reasons and factors.
Peter: Yes, the other factors were that Kenaz couldn't come yet. (everybody laughing)
Mama: I didn't remember that.
Peter: Yes, the plan wa
s that I was going to come and stay for a month, then I'd go home and Kenaz would come for a month. Then he'd leave and Justus Ashtree would come for a month. The three of us were going to rotate every month so that we only had to be away from our families once every three months. It was actually a pretty good idea for anyone who didn't want to be there full-time--but I did!
So, Mama called and asked me if I'd come and I said, "Okay, sure." Of course in my heart I was shouting Hallelujah!" Aft
er being there for a week I had to leave because Dad commissioned me to go and deal with a problem situation that had arisen. So I had to make a trip to one of the WS Homes. After about a week I returned to Dad and Mama's Home.
A few days after I returned I had to go and see Emanuele (of Rachel). We didn't know each other real well, but during the time that we'd had together in the past, we'd connected and I liked him a lot. But it was real pitiful to see him this time. He had one foot out of
the Family and the other foot on a banana peel, and he was really on his way out. After spending the day with him I returned home quite saddened about Emanuele.
I was so bummed out that after getting home I just sat at the top of the staircase, not wanting to hang out in my room. The whole thing with Emanuele had really discouraged me.
Meanwhile, Dad and Mama had been out for an evening walk and they came up the stairs and saw me sitting there. I told them how it went and that it was really
discouraging for me, and they were very sweet to me and tried to comfort me. Then I went into my room to get ready for bed, and then all of a sudden … Mama came!
Mama: I was very pregnant with Techi.
Peter: You must have been eight months pregnant because Techi was born on March 19, and this was on the night of the 17th of February, the night before Dad's birthday. Honey, you were very sweet. And the thing that really impressed me--not that you didn't impress me, Honey--was that Dad, on th
e eve of his birthday--by this time it was past midnight so it was his birthday, sent you to have a date with me. You know how most people are on their birthday, they want to have a date with their wife or their lover, be sentimental and all that sort of stuff.--Of course, nobody here's that way! (everybody laughing)
It really impressed me that Dad, knowing that I was on a bummer, would send Mama to be with me on the eve of his birthday! That really touched me and showed me a lot of love. I kn
ew that it was a sacrifice. We had a nice date and Mama was real sweet.
Family: Were you already in love with Mama?
Peter: No, I hardly knew Mama. I didn't fall in love with Mama until South Africa, which was towards the end of '81. This was the beginning of '79, so it was two years earlier.
Mama: Poor Peter! At that time in South Africa when he had fallen in love with me, he really went through it. I went out FFing and totally ignored him!
Peter: Well, you didn't know that I was in
love with you. I didn't even know I was in love with you. But all of a sudden you went out one night in '81, during the time when Dad was putting out the last of the FF Letters. I didn't know exactly why, but I was so bugged that you went out! It was bad.--But this was before. I never have thoughts like that now!(everybody laughing)
Mama: It's 17 years later, so we should have improved a little bit!
Peter: I remember thinking, "Man, I slave for her all day long. I write letters for her, I
do this and that, I do everything, and now she goes out with this guy and she's never with me." I was really out of it. I didn't say that to Mama, I was just thinking that. I was so out of it and hurt. I don't think I said anything or made a big deal about it, but a couple of days later…
Mama: You weren't honest with me! (everybody laughing)
Peter: I was honest! I just wasn't open. (everybody laughing) See, that's why Mama always says you have to be open and honest. Being honest is answer
ing truthfully when she asks you a question; being open is telling her about it on your own.
Anyway, a few nights later--I guess Mama got what was going on in the spirit--either that or I was dragging myself around and it was obvious. Then all of a sudden Mama came into my room dressed in this white, long, silky negligée. We went out on the balcony and then all of a sudden, the next thing I knew, we were making out. I took my glasses off and put them in my pocket because I didn't want them to
fall, but then all of sudden she had to go back upstairs for some reason. My glasses were all bent up!--And that was it, I was in love.
Anyway, the real reason that I wanted to tell that story was because of Dad. He gave Mama up on his birthday and I thought that was really, really sweet.
Mama: Dad was always like that. He just gave everything. You guys who worry about being jealous sometimes, and who are jealous sometimes, imagine this: Practically every night or day for 15 or 16 years, Pe
ter and I would be together two or three hours a day.
Peter: Because we'd have meetings.
Gabe: That was right up until the end of the time that Dad was here with us.
Peter: Yes, if you put it in relation to us and our age, Dad was a whole generation older than Mama and me. So it was like Dad being an FGA married to an SGA--Mama. And his SGA wife was working with another SGA who was deeply in love with her, and with whom she would have dates on a regular basis. And everyday the two SGAs
would be in a separate room from Dad spending two or three hours…
Mama: Doing what, Dad did not know.
Peter: I mean, we were working--well, most of the time. (everybody laughing) But Dad didn't really know. He knew we were working, of course, but it's not like he required a report on everything we did--he just trusted. And that was for 15 years! You've got to really hand it to Dad, because he was very giving.--And it wasn't easy for him either.
Mama: Most of the time he didn't say anyth
ing about it.
Peter: Dad was always very sweet to me about it. I don't know if he was jealous or not; I would assume that there were some battles once in awhile, but it never showed through. I couldn't name any instances where I felt it showed that he was jealous. He was sweet the whole time, for 15 years!
Mama: He did have battles about it sometimes. He knew that we had to do the work that we were doing for the sake of the Family, but still, that didn't make it any easier.
Peter: The o
ther thing about Dad was that whenever he knew that I was really going through it real badly about something, like a major battle when I seriously needed comfort and encouragement, Dad always sent Mama to come have a date with me and be with me.
Mama: Did that make you want to be bad more?
Peter: No! (everybody laughing) I mean, that date was fine, but knowing that Dad knew that I was out of it, no, that didn't make me want to be bad more often. I didn't want Dad to think that I was out of
Anyway, I just wanted to tell that testimony of Dad's wonderful sample of giving and loving. Lord help us all to be more that way. Amen?
thanking …
--for your spirit story contributions
Peter Picture and Esther (Japan), Jason Free (USA), Michelle, Guillermo (Spain), Peter Shepherd (Mideast), Barnabus (Taiwan), Joanie Newlove (India), Praise (SACRO FED Home), Joseph (Japan), Pandita (of Markus and Patience, PACRO), Carlos (Brazil).
some stats
Charter Member popula
tion continues to increase, passing the 10,100 mark to 10,127 in June. This is made up of 2,399 Mates, 2,494 Singles, or a total of 4,893 Adults 16 and over, and 5,234 Children under 16.
Fellow Member population continues to go down, now standing at 3,112. This is made up of 714 Mates, 727 Singles, for a total of 1,441 FM Adults, with 1,671 children.
The combined CM/FM Family Membership is still at its highest total ever at 13,239. This is made up 76.5% Charter Members and 23.5% Fellow Membe
The number of CM Homes went down slightly from 791 in May to 787 in June. There are 568 Fellow Member Homes, giving us a grand total of 1,355 Family Homes worldwide in 89 countries. Charter Member Home Size is 12.9, and Fellow Member Home Size is 5.5.
Our combined CM/FM population is made up of 5,029 kids 11 and under, 974 JETTs (12 & 13), 1,751 Teens (14 - 17), 1,003 YAs (18 -20), and 4,482 Adults (21 & over). That comes out to 34% adults and 66% under 21ers. In the a
dult category, we have 989 in their 20s, 1,142 in their 30s, 2,129 in their 40s, and 222 fifty and over!
In our Charter Member Family we have 2,326 men 16 & over and 2,567 women; 2,625 boys 15 & under and 2,609 girls. That gives us a Male/Female ratio of 4,951 males to 5,176 females, or about 49% male and 51% female! Of the single men and women, we have 1,127 single CM males and 1,367 single CM females (16 & over).
Children 1,130 36.3%
88 9.3%
Teens 485 15.6%
YAs 169 5.4%
Adults 1,040 33.4%
Total 3,112 100.0%
Children 3,899 38.5%
JETTs 686 6.8%
Teens 1,266 12.5%
YAs 834 8.2%
Adults 3,442 34.0%
Total 10,127 100.0%
(End of file.)
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family