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the grapevine
(Issue #48; August 15, 1998.)


the latest arrivals…

       --Georgi Quintyn, 5th child, born to Mary and James on May 11th.--Japan
       --Catherine, 6th child, born to Charity and James on May 11th.--ASCRO
       --Camila, 2nd child, born to Victoria and Adam in June.--Poland
       --Arthur, 3rd child, born to Ruthie and Polish James on June 1.--Ukraine
       --Baby boy, 4th child, born to Praise and John on June 2nd.--Australia
       --Joseph Derek, born to Pearl on June 6th.--Australia
       --F aithy Ai, 7th child, born to Sunshine and Nehemiah on June 8th.--Japan
       --Brian, 12th child, born to Sara and John Clear on June 9.--Czech Republic
       --Francis, 4th child, born to Julia and Simon on June 12.--Poland
       --Peter Timothy, 9th child, born to Hannah and Andrew on June 19.--Hungary
       --Nicole, 1st child, born to Sharon and Andrew on June 22.--Italy
       --Julia Mei, 4th child, born to Kristia and Peter on July 8.-- Thailand


       (From Jeff:)
We've held a YA meeting, a senior teen meeting and are in the middle of holding a junior teen meeting. We also had a city fellowship in two of the major cities, and we'll be having one more fellowship in the last major city. We've been able to meet most of the field, except for those JETT age and down, and have gotten a pretty good idea of the different needs of the work here.

       (From the Pakistan Family:)
Delegates representing the three Homes in our area met for two days to discuss area goals, projects, p roblems, etc. It was very unifying and the delegates returned home with various points to be voted on by their respective Homes. We are looking forward to do so again in four months' time.
       The OC/JETTs (ages 9-13) from the three Homes in Pakistan gathered in the Islamabad Home for a week's holiday! A total of about 25 people went up to a mountain resort (a four-hour drive from the city) for five enjoyable days. We partook of such activities as: camping, hiking, chair lifts, campfires, and lear ned (from our professional guide) different survival skills! Back at home, fun activities were planned for all. It was a real miracle how the Lord supplied the funds for us to pull this off! It was really worth it.

       (From Stephen, VS:)
We just held the 15-day Japanese Vocational Training Seminar which Margie mentioned [in Grapevine #46, under "What's Up?"]. The purpose of this seminar was to give our second generation Japanese some basic training in different specialized ministries whi ch require Japanese language ability, as well as to teach them a fuller knowledge of Japanese customs, geography, Christian history here, etc. Almost all the classes and devotions were done in Japanese and we even watched some Japanese movies!
       Just before the seminar, we heard from the WS FED that we got approval to be a special CVC course (called Practical Business and Communications in Japan). Thirty-one students studied hard till the last day, attending over 40 classes, and taking over 10 t ests!--And all passed the course and received a CVC certificate! We finished the seminar with a graduation ceremony, followed by a fun dance night.

think deep

       Forgiveness is the final form of love.--Reinhold Neibuhr


       (From Vincent, 15, of Chris and Ruthie:)
While on our SWIFT this summer, we were invited to attend a Christian conference in Beijing for five days. It was organized by the Foreign Fellowship of Beijing, and this year included people of 35 different nation alities coming from all over China. The main speakers were French-Canadian, and the speeches were given in English and French. We were able to share some of the things that Dad has taught us; it was interesting to see how some of the things the Family has known for years are only recently being revealed and understood by other Christians.
       Every topic covered during the conference confirmed what I've been reading in the Letters all my life. The Family is so far ahead! I was kind of curious to k now if there would be any "new" winds of doctrine. I wanted to listen to something different from what I already know, but the topics of the conference were "Our Position in Christ" and the "Spiritual Warfare." It was almost word for word what is already covered in the Letters. The wonderful advantage that I didn't appreciate before is that we have the Word in black and white. Most of these 300 people will have only a memory of it.
       It also made me thankful for the music we have, as their "prai se and worship" music gravitates around the same songs, with very little variety in the rhythm and lyrics.

legal and media

(From Gideon and Rachel:) The Today radio program invited us to speak about religious freedom, along with a European Member of Parliament, which we did. The Today program is the news program listened to first thing in the morning by millions of British people as they get up and go to work. It is the one that the Prime Minister and other MPs love to go on as it i s a key news program. Although brief, it was positive and well balanced; we thank the Lord for His open doors to stand up for the truth.


       (From Emmanuel and the Accra School Home:) Our team has been in Accra, the capital of Ghana, for two months now. We can certainly say that the field is all that we had hoped it to be. People are so sweet and receptive, and appreciate the Word. It is a challenge, but one that the Lord is equal to.
       As our plane to Accra soared into the he avens and over the Mediterranean Sea, we could see the red sands of the Sahara pass underneath us. You could actually feel the heat from the land below even in the plane, and the clouds themselves had a reddish tinge. After about two hours, the red sand gave way to the yellow-green of the African savanna.
       Airport technology in Africa is still in the past, as are so many other things. We went through immigrations with no problems, but had our first encounter with the official red tape here at c ustoms with the computer we were carrying. After we pleaded and explained about our work, they had mercy on us for a "small consideration" and allowed it through.
       Then we were out into the night. The first thing you become aware of is the heat. It's like walking into an oven! Then the confusion. Everywhere people are offering to help you with your luggage, taxis, etc. Thank the Lord for our sweet Family who was there to meet us. They fended off all these oversolicitous souls and loaded our mou ntain of luggage into their vehicles, then off we drove!
       God bless Steven and Maria and their Home. We had originally asked to stay for a night, but they took in stride the news that our promised house fell through, and immediately let us know that we could stay with them while we looked for somewhere else to stay. With time we saw the wisdom of the Lord in having us stay with this precious pioneer team, as we were able to benefit from their experience as we adjusted to the unfamiliar conditio ns.
       The day after we earnestly prayed for the Lord to lead us to a house that would be suitable for our vision of running a small kindergarten from it, we found a house that was perfect. The landlady is a Christian and when she heard that we wanted to use her house for the Lord's work, she reduced the rent to a price that we could afford and also accepted only three months' deposit, instead of the one or two years' that is normally the case here!
       Life here is very simple and the people have a tremendous vacuum. It's very Christian--there are signs everywhere that say things like "Jesus is the greatest," and "the Lord will provide" in both English and the local language. People are very respectful of missionaries and listen eagerly, though many of them are disillusioned by the hypocrisy of the churches, that often seem to be more interested in people's money than their souls.
       We have been visiting a center for street children in downtown Accra. The children there are surprisingly well behaved when you consider the conditions under which they are growing up. We discovered on our first visit that they have only nine desks for the 240 pupils who attend the center every day, so we are in the process of provisioning wood for desks. So far we have six desks and promises of wood for more. We were also able to give the children some provisioned clothes and books which we brought with us from England. (God bless Joy, Gideon and Rachel, and Cedar in the UK, who made this possible by provisioning the goods and shipping.) The children were appreciative and so happy to have these gifts.
       It's a super blessing to be here. Lots of FUN--both on the witnessing front and others. Nearby we have gorgeous tropical beaches, and also a famous botanical garden which the British planted when they were here. We've also got all kinds of local yummies such as coconuts, papayas, mangoes, fish and so on.
       At the moment the country is in the midst of an energy crisis. Most places have powe r only half the time, which has meant that many businesses have had to close or cut back on production.
       The country is not very large, and there are already two fairly large teams here, so it might not be the best place for more families at the moment, but we are praying for laborers--teens, YAs and SGAs--as there is plenty to do here. Please pray for us and the work here as we claim Psalm 2:8. We need a lot, both financially and above all, your prayers. Please help the work here in Ghana in w hatever way you can.

3rd national retreat held for live-outs

--by Tommy, Juan and Ana, Brazil
       In the middle of the World Cup playoffs, where the best teams strive for the victories and glory this world has to offer and billions tune in via TV, hidden away in the hills of southeastern Brazil, over 200 of the Lord's spiritual athletes met for a crash Endtime prep course, which has qualified them for the finals of the last "Endtime sprint" and Heavenly rewards!
       From June 11-14, Family membe rs (60 CMs, six FMs and 113 live-outs) gathered from all over Brazil to celebrate the 3rd National Retreat for Live-outs and Friends, named "Christian Leadership Training: The Endtime Olympics and the Days of Preparation!" As compared to 80 participants in 1996 and 112 in 1997, this year there were 179 who attended all the seminars and meetings during the four days, and this swelled to 235 during the two closing meetings.
       From as far north as Natal (3000 km.) and as far south as Porto Alegre ( 1200 km.), Family members from 14 cities in nine states traveled by plane, train, car and chartered buses for the gathering of the tribes for the third consecutive year. The Lord supplied a beautiful country hotel for our use with meeting rooms, overhead projectors, videos and large TVs, sound equipment, slide projectors, etc. There were 31 apartments (just enough for all the attending couples), a small country house for the organizing committee to base out of, and four large dormitories with bu nk beds for all the singles! Although this meant that each dormitory had about 20 people in it, everyone took it with a lot of grace and chalked it up as part of their "Endtime prep!"
       The main classes given at the retreat were: "The Ministry of Prayer," "The Gift of Prophecy: Hearing from the Lord Step by Step," "Bitterness: How to Recognize It and Get Rid of It," "Unity: Together We Stand," "Overcoming the Financial Crisis," "The Endtime Olympics," "Establishing a Church of Love in Your City, " and "The Spiritual Health Revolution."
       We also had "Testimony Night," where each of the Homes and cities present had 15 minutes to share the miracles the Lord has done recently in their area. There were tons of good ideas, tips and life-changing testimonies shared that set everyone on fire and gave them a vision to win their cities for Jesus when they return! Many of them also stay in touch through e-mail.
       The Lord gave all the participants a special token of the event in the closing cerem ony: a gold-colored medal with an Olympic runner on one side and the name, place and date of the event on the other! They all "went for the gold" by traveling such distances to participate in the event, so they deserved it! GB dear live-out Tânia of the discipleship group in São Paulo, who provisioned the 200 medals so each could get their own! Everyone flipped over their medals and posed for photos as conquering athletes in the ET Olympics!
       Although the preparations for this event, which is a ctually quite a "marathon," require a lot of work for us live-ins (four months of work from the initial reserving of the hotel and the first communications to all Homes up until the paying of the bills and the packing of the equipment at the end of the event), it is definitely worth it!


New Versions of GP Statements Coming

       (From WS:) At the Structure workshop meetings held after the Summit earlier this year, media spokespersons from around the world were able to prayerfully read ov er and review our GP Statements which present our beliefs and policies to the public. Most of these were written nearly seven years ago, and while they have served their purpose thus far, several are in need of updating in order to reflect our present mode of operation, the Charter, etc. This project is now in the works, and you should soon be receiving revised versions of several of our Statements.
       Until such a time, however, we'd like to ask that you discontinue distributing certain Statemen ts to the GP. These are: "Our Origins," "Our Response to Allegations of Child Abuse," and "Attitudes, Conduct, Current Beliefs and Teachings Regarding Sex." You may keep copies of these on hand in your Homes to refer to if needed, but in general we would advise that you take these out of circulation, as some points do not accurately or completely reflect our current views and lifestyle.
       We trust that the new, updated versions will be a blessing to you in your follow-up and in answering any que stions directed at you from the media, officials and other interested parties. Please pray for those who are working on updating the Statements.

At the Rainbow Gathering …

--by Abner, USA

       [Fact Box] Rainbow Gathering: For over 25 years, members of the Rainbow movement have celebrated freedom in national forests and on public land during the Fourth of July weekend. Aside from its political statement, the gathering looks pretty much like a weeks-long rock concert, with dope-smoking, incess ant drumming, incense haze and twirling dancers. The government calls the fest illegal.

       The site is fully self-contained. There are a dozen kitchens, a medical tent, a lost and found, outgoing mail and message center. The Forest Service admits the group has an exemplary record for leaving sites clean. There are few rules. Clothing is optional, sex is free, no weapons are allowed, the use of hard drugs is discouraged, but marijuana is everywhere.
       According to Rainbow Rap 151--from the set o f guidelines for the gathering--"The gathering is a prayer and peace sanctuary, not a tailgate party."

       I recently got back from the Rainbow Gathering in Show Low, Arizona, which was a tremendous time of witnessing together. Over 100 Family members showed up, most of who were teens and SGAs, though there were a number of adults also. The witnessing was fantastic! It was very much like stepping back in time smack into the '60s and '70s at the height of the hippie revolution. There was a lot of dope and weed (marijuana), but the same spirit of freedom and seeking for love. We caught quite a bit of it on video and we'll be compiling the highlights into our next North American news video.
       Campsites were spread out over about a four-mile area with tens of thousands of people gathered together in the woods. We were on the directory at the main circle, and being that we were over 100 people gathered together, we were one of the bigger united campsites.
       A lot of people came together at the main drum circles, as well as another area called the trading circle, where they barter and trade different items. The Hare Krishnas had a big tent area, of course, along with Jesus people. Interestingly, there was a Hasidic Jews' tent, and those of our team who visited them said they were real sweet! They said that they are losing a lot of their youth to the Moonies and Hare Krishna, and so are on the attack to win them back. Some people were walking around naked or frolicking in the mud; a ll in all it was a pretty wild scene.
       In a nutshell it was non-stop witnessing, Holy Ghost samples, gypsy dancing, visitors, etc. We won over 300 souls in personal witnessing over the course of three or four days. We also met former Family members and ones who had been with us in the past and still remain favorable to the Family.
       The elders of the Rainbow movement sent Rose (of Jay) a gift of a silver cross with five stones embedded in it. They said the four stones on the cross represent the four corners of the earth and the center one is Heaven. They wanted to give it to Rose as a representative of the Family, and said the Family most represents the ideals and the philosophy of the Rainbow Movement. They very much recognized our presence there; in fact, we became an official "tribe" of the Rainbow movement and they appreciated our attendance.
       It was a terrific witnessing experience for our young people, a number of whom had never quite experienced that type of witnessing. I thin k it helped them to see a little bit more clearly what our roots are and the generation that we came out of.

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Woody Allen, Mira Sorvino, Helena Bonham Carter
       Offbeat drama/comedy about a man who decides to try to locate the flesh mother of his young adopted son. Unusual presentation and style make it not to everyone's liking, but contains some good lessons on marriage, communication and real love.

Movies Rat ed for Junior Teens and Up


Anthony Hopkins, Antonio Banderas
       Action adventure about an aging Zorro, who takes a young trainee under his wing and teaches him the ropes. Beware of some unpleasant scenes.


Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler
       Action drama about an asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Some evolution doctrine. Touching in parts. Could be fine for JETTs if previewed first by an adult who feels it's okay for your JETT audience.

Non-Recommended Movies

       PORTRAIT OF A LADY (Jon Malkovich, Nicole Kidman; 1995)
       WASHINGTON SQUARE (Jennifer Jason Leigh; 1997)
       FIRESTORM (Howie Long; 1997)
       U-TURN (Sean Penn; 1997)

movie reviews

Mighty Aphrodite

       (Jesus speaking:)
Though this movie has some frivolity and foolishness, still there is a sweet message: Love conquers all and love knows no boundaries. Although this man wasn't My ambassador of love, as you are, still I used him and his concern to influence the life of a poor, lost and wayward woman.--And look what love did!
       Though this movie does portray the plight of some people caught up in the tangled web of the underworld in a slightly humorous way, don't forget that there really are people out there who are wading through the scum of the System day after day, many of whom are being drowned in it. So aside from enjoying the humor and the entertaining side of this movie, let it break your heart for those poor people, and make you want to do a ll you can to reach them in any way you can. (End of message from Jesus.)


       (Jesus speaking:)
This movie is exciting and is good entertainment, but you must bear in mind that this was man trying to glorify himself, but he cannot be his own savior. Soon I will return with My Armageddon that man won't be able to stop. As long as you see through the message of trying to lean on the arm of the flesh, and realize that I am your only hope and salvation and watch this movie with a mature attitude, it will be fine.
       This movie has an underlying propaganda for evolution, how it happened a long time ago and will happen again. Although this will not happen for I am coming soon, the younger ones should be warned about the evolutionary message. (End of message from Jesus.)


Daniella Trust (German; formerly Crystal, of Phillip) is looking for you: German Mark; Silas and Maria who were in Brasilia; Praise and Peter, who were in Spain and Germany; Mark and Mercy; Fre nch Josef, who plays violin; and Angela. E-mail: rainbow@service.raksnet.com.tr. Add: M.B.E. 101 Spring Giz Plaza Maslak 80670 Istanbul, Turkey.
       --Natasha (15, of Isaac and Meekness) is looking for Mary (18, of Micah and Magdalene). Add: N.Gandemer, 25 ch. Carlonette, Le Plate 97424 Piton St Leu La Reunion. E-mail: mail:VOLCANIA@wanadoo.fr.
       --Stella (Lily) is looking for Janek (David/Heidi), Katrina, Phebe and Petra, Ruth (of Sapphire) and Florence Angel. Please contact me at the address and e-mail given in the find-a-friend before mine (Natasha's).
       --Sam (of Silas and Lilly), would like to contact Christia (of James and Abigail). E-mail: kvp@bellsouth.net. Add: 3948 South 3rd street # 162 Jacksonville Beach, Florida, 32250.
       --Elias and Jessica in Germany would like to get in contact with a Portuguese sister, Sulamita. We met you in Brazil during 1975-1976. Please contact us via EURCRO.
       --John and Joanna (formerly Jacob and Hannah) want to contact Jonathan and Celeste and Asa ph and Olivet whom we knew in India. Also, Irish Maria, who was here in Greece. Add: V. Schizas, Post Restante, Paloukia, Salamina 2, Greece.
       --Andrea and Maria (formerly Peter and Tamar) in Italy would like to contact Angela French (Josianne). We were together in Brindisi, Italy. Write via ABM.
       --Norwegian Charity wants to get in touch with Alfred Almost An Angel, as she has some important paperwork that needs to be taken care of. Thanks!

former members/GP seeking contact

--sent in by 1-800 team, U.S.A.
--I'm looking for the family of Shirley L. (Solomon).
       --I'm trying to locate my three brothers and sister whom I haven't seen in years. They lived in England last I heard. Their names are: Glenn Roy (51,) John Richard (45), Anthony (37), and Katherine (41). The last address I had for my stepmother is: Muriel Wiley, 8 Wadsworth Dr, Humbletoft E Dirckam, NR. 19 2513. I would appreciate any help you could give me. Susie Phipps. E-mail: skphipps@usa.net
       --Claire, former Family member (daughter of Heidi) would like to get in touch with Ariel (of Joash) and Elia (of Andrew and Lily). You can contact her via our E-mail: sunshine@zigzag.pl.

Heart to Heart
at the Jaresh Festival - 1998

--from Steven, Joan and Anne, ASCRO
       L ast year, you may recall, in-between the Jaresh Festival and the Babylon Festival in Iraq, we received quite a bit of help on our dancing from a top Palestinian choreographer. This year he again volunteered his services, coming for about six to seven hours every single day for two weeks straight, at absolutely no charge, feeling "called" to help us and to improve the authenticity of our Arabic dance numbers.
       We likewise met a friend of his one evening at the beginning of our rehearsals here, w hen he took the singing team to a local concert of folk dance and song, who also ended up helping us with the Arabic vocals and pronunciation for the singers. Finally a Syrian musician lent his help in fine-tuning our basic tracks, which though according to everyone that we met were "good" were not "Arabic." It was encouraging to see the Lord helping us to genuinely "become one" in our programs, through the help of these locals and professionals in their field.
       In addition, one of the male dan cers (YA Jeremy, of Joyful) who had come from Thailand, came down with chicken pox after arriving, so we were short of male dancers. When he realized this, the choreographer brought a couple of students of his to dance with the team. They were integrated into our dance team on a couple of Arabic medleys which he choreographed.
       The Lord also led us to come up with a tabla player, the tabla being one of the main sounds in Arabic music. We felt that it would be a tremendous addition, not only vis ually, but also audio-wise. The young man that we ended up having join us is considered one of the best tabla players in the country. This greatly enhanced the visual side of our program, making it much fuller than last year, as we had three people playing instruments, two girls on backups, three or four vocalists, and about eight dancers on some numbers, really filling up the stage! This year the entire program was Arabic except for two songs. It was quite a bit of work but the Lord helped us p ut together a very exciting and new program.
       We began our first performance on Thursday night (we performed during the first four days of the festival), July 23, in the Forum, which is the large open portion of the Jaresh Festival, sort of a town square where the actual Jaresh flame is burning.
       The attendance was surprisingly low this year as apparently the country was depressed at the news of the King being taken ill. (Editor's note: He was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer, and is undergoing chemotherapy in the U.S.) We feel that the low attendance was in some ways the Lord's doing, as it made our program a major highlight in the festival. Our program gave a message of hope and culminated in a song in honor of His Majesty King Hussein--which seemed to lift everybody's spirits. Despite the limited number of people in the physical audience (probably 1000 or 2000), the Lord magnified our witness through the mass media.
       After the first night's performance, a beautiful artic le with a photograph came out in a widely read Arabic daily, mentioning that the Family was the silk thread holding the entire Festival together. It called us not only "one of the most beautiful lights shining" but in the opinion of many "the brightest star in the sky of Jaresh" this year. Word had it that "the Heart to Heart group had the best program this year at Jaresh."
       The highlight of the festival came the last night of our show as we were setting up the sound and getting prepared for th e evening's performance. We noticed that some platforms were being erected. It turned out that JTV (Television network) in conjunction with ART (Arabic Regional Television, a big satellite network in this part of the world) had decided to film the show in its entirety, bringing in the best television equipment that we've ever seen used for a Family performance. Now it seems that the entire show (55 minutes) will be broadcast to the entire Arab world! So the message will reach millions of Arabs t his year! We also heard through one of our relatives that some of our program was aired in the US as well! PTL!

rumor mill

WS owns properties?
I've heard someone comment that WS owns houses everywhere. Is that true?
(From Peter:) WS does not own any property or houses, and to my knowledge has only owned two properties since the Family has been in existence.
       When Dad and Mama lived in Tenerife, the German owner of the house they were renting wanted to sell it since he couldn't c ome back into Spain for some reason. The Lord showed Dad to offer him an extremely low price for it, making a fleece that if he accepted this low price, they would buy it. The owner accepted and the house was purchased though a special gift that was given to the Folks by a Family member. The house was put in Rachel's name, and when she left the Family, she sold the house and kept the funds.
       Emanuele, who lived in Tenerife with Dad and Mama, bought two apartments, one large one which the Family used while there and a studio, which he gave to Dad and Mama. We assume he must have sold the large one after he left the Family, though we don't know what became of it. After the Folks left Tenerife, Dad and Mama let Family members use and live in the small studio apartment for many years until it was eventually sold.
       These are the only properties WS has owned over the years. That isn't to say that there won't ever be a time when WS would own property if the Lord showed us it was necessary f or a particular reason (for example, if it was donated to the Family), but until now the Lord hasn't led that way.

what's up?

       (From Enoch:) In counsel with FCF, our Home has signed a pro bono contract for the broadcast of Treasure Attics with a Croatian-language TV station in Bosnia. The station is translating and dubbing the dialogue of the programs into Croatian, and is giving us the masters of the translated shows. They are planning to broadcast the shows during school hours also, and have discussed this with the school director of their town, as they would like to use the show as a teaching tool! So if this works out, they will be airing the shows three times a week.

"Is that all?"
       (From Greek Maggie:) A couple of years ago while on outreach, I met a very sweet Japanese man. At the time I asked him for help, but he told me his situation was very bad and that he couldn't help us. But because he was so sweet, I sent him a few Executive Co urse mailingsand kept calling him from time to time. During the past three years, I've talked to him about three times on the phone, and I sent him three more mailings. He was always very sweet, but would always explain how difficult his financial situation was. Then the other day, he gave us an appointment.
       I was going to follow up on him and had planned to ask him if he would be able to give a personal donation like 5,000 or 10,000 Baht (US $300), and I had prepared a letter for this purpos e.
       As soon as I arrived, he brought in the company manager and new vice president. He himself is the chairman for SEA, and travels frequently. He mentioned that he wanted us to meet the management that stays on base, and right away asked us to present our work to them, which we did. Both of the men were very sweet and they seemed to really understand and admire our work. As soon as I finished the presentation, the man we knew mentioned again how bad the situation was this year, so they would o nly be able to help with a very small amount. He said that they would be able to help with 100,000 Baht (US $2,500). As you can imagine I was a bit shocked. They said if we gave them a letter, they would process it right away.
       The next day when we went back in, he prepared the check on the spot! It was so exciting, as again the Lord surprised us. It all goes to show that it was only Him and Him alone! This was a real boost of inspiration to us during this time of economic crisis when everybody is talking about gloom and doom.
       I'm so happy that the Lord did it in such a way to show that there was nothing we could have done. We didn't have any great connection with this man; he's just someone we met on outreach, who didn't get much follow-up either. It also shows the Lord's blessings for following the Lord on taking more Word time daily, as we are trying to now take 1 ½ hours every morning and be more "religious" with this. Sometimes I try and take one day off every week to have Word . I feel like the Lord is saying, "I'm here, very close and taking care of you. So don't worry, just obey." Praise the Lord for His wonderful supply and miracles!

Summer of road trips
       (From Gabe and Maria:)
The Lord showed us that this summer was to be the summer of faith trips. During this month we were able to send out three road trips. The Lord also showed us that the ones who were going to stay home should act as if they were on a faith trip as well. We made a special push to w itness and poster as much as possible.
       The first two road trips were to little towns north of our city. The Lord faithfully supplied transportation, places to stay and food. The third road trip was two-and-a-half weeks long. Our team of two adults with their two kiddos and one live-out went south. We stopped in every little town on the way and witnessed and postered. The Lord miraculously supplied places for us to stay, as well as food and gasoline! We were able to visit some orphanages and li ve with the children for a few days.
       All together we distributed 43,000 posters, 2,000 tracts, personally witnessed to 1,760, and 534 souls got saved! Of course we wouldn't have been able to make it without His help and leading through prophecy.

214 children
       (From Francis, Dulci and Alina:)
Holding English camps is our greatest sample and PR to the local community. In June we held a three-week camp, attended by 214 children. Our staff of 20 teachers were all Family members and cat acombers. The man we work with gives us free rein over the administration of the camp. It was a very fruitful time, with all the kids getting saved and their lives influenced forever.

Incredible beyond description
       (From Rain and Rejoice, VS team:)
Our CTPs these past two months have been incredible beyond description. Our supporters and friends are now playing an active part in fund-raising for us to get rice, oil and other commodities that we're distributing to the poor. During this period we have raised nearly $15,000 designated for our "Feed the Poor" program and we have been able to supply food and basic necessities for over 55 orphanages, drug rehabs and other institutions.
       One of our close Malaysian/Indian friends who we've ministered to for years introduced us to a South African man who gave 30 tons of rice to this program. Our friend has set up a bank account for us to receive funds for this program and is on the attack inviting business friends of his to "pow er lunches," etc., to gain more supporters. There are so many people in the city who want to help. One Singaporean man our friend introduced us to was responsible for giving another $6,000 to be used to purchase and distribute rice and commodities for our "Feed the Poor" campaign. PTL!
       The Minister of Social Affairs was at a recent ceremony we attended, which was organized by a close Christian friend, the head of the orphanages in Jakarta. At this function, over 80 tons of rice, 15,000 liters of oil and other food for the poor was given away. The Minister is very interested in the work we're doing here. In the local area near our Home we have been able to feed over 300 needy families, and our local village chiefs are so thankful for our help to their needy people.
       Thank the Lord for how He is continuing to lead and guide us to be a blessing at this extremely needy time when 40% of the over 200 million Indonesians are now below the poverty level. If things continue as is, it's predi cted that it will be 50% below the poverty level by the end of the year. It's a great time of receptivity for the people of Indonesia, as they are very desperate for answers.
       When praying and hearing from the Lord about what to do when this present economic and political crisis began, the Lord encouraged us to put the needs of the people in the country first and that He would take care of us. Since we've been following His leading from both the Word on the crash and from direct prophecy, all o f the prophecies we've received have been coming to pass and being fulfilled. Please pray for us, that we can be a blessing to all those here that we are meeting, especially those who are in power who have the ability to help this country and all of its sweet, sheepy people.

Mama jewels on … our "battle" vocabulary

--to a staff member
       I think the Lord is trying to change our mindset in the way we view certain words, like "battles." He's trying to get us more used to having that word within our vocabulary, so it won't be like, "Oh, here comes this terrible battle!" Battles are just part of our lives; it's what we do for a living, ha! We're professional soldiers, and fighting battles is just what we do. So goodness, we can't be so fearful every time we hear the word "battles," 'cause what do we expect? Of course we're going to have battles. That's what we joined the army for. And if you look at it in a positive light, if you hang on to the Lord, fight through and win the victory, t hen those weaknesses we battle turn into strengths.

I'm wondering ...

Material for the END
If one has a pertinent newspaper article for the Endtime News Digest, is there an address one can send them to where they will reach those who work on these pubs?--Daniel Mountain, Lana and Jasmine, Russia
If you have access to a computer, you can send potential END material via the Grapevine e-mail box with a note indicating that it is for the END team. If you are sending by postal mail, y ou can send it to the Grapevine postal address. In either case, please clearly indicate that it is for the END team. Thanks!


       --David, Paloma and their 11 children have been living in the CIS area for over three years. For the last year they've been living on $500 a month! They've learned to "live without it" in many ways, but are happy to be able to stay in Russia on their new one-year visa. Their ministries are lectures at the Maternity Hospital, FU, feeding the sheep and puppet shows. With $250 more per month they'll be able to cover their budget.--With appreciation.
       --Language problem in reaching the sheep?--No! Financial Problem?--Yes! We have Chinese speakers in our Home, but lack funds for road trips (and other things) where we can spread the Word and reach the sheep before it's too late! Please help!--Abel and Joy, John and Lily, Pearlgate Home, China.

your views on issues

How old for trust?
       (From Anonymous:) I am a bit distressed at th e gap between teamworkers and normal members of the Home. I've been on kids for six years (in this Home, but have been working with kids for many more years), and still I'm not trusted to know what is good for them, like buying flip-flops or a T-shirt. I sleep with the kids, eat with them, wash their diapers, but am still not trusted enough. I am 40 years old.
       Also, the double standard if a teamworker is sick or sleeping in. "Oh, don't disturb Mummy or Daddy. They are sleeping," another teamwo rker will say. But if it's a normal Home member: "Hey! Wake up! Why aren't you with the kids?" Please, let's be kind to one another in all our ways. Thanks!

It's been two years …
       (From a CRO:) I'm saddened to see how little good quality personal time people are getting, especially the young people. I just had personal time with someone who said it had been two years since they'd last had personal time. Others say that personal time with their shepherds usually only happens when they do something wrong or need to be corrected.
       Even with the VSs here in the same city, I was surprised that the young people were carrying heavy burdens and were in need of pouring out their hearts, but it hadn't happened. I know some people don't feel close to their immediate shepherds and only want personal time with CROs or VSs, which isn't always going to be possible. I think it would solve a lot of problems if there was more communication and concerned loving shepherding taking place, but w ith our busy Homes this seems to be one area that gets neglected.
       (Editor's note: Regular personal time is a Charter requirement. If you or others in your Home are not getting personal time, then please speak up about it and bring it to the Home's attention.)

a word from Mama …

       My dear loved ones, I'd like to thank each of you who sent me birthday greetings, cards, pictures, poems, tapes, gifts, prayers and prophecies. I appreciate each and every one, and most of all, your love for Jesus, as evidenced by your obedience and yieldedness. I'm also so thankful for your sincere and sacrificial prayers for my health; I truly depend on them.
       After bleeding heavily for almost two-and-a-half months and becoming very weakened, as well as contracting a very bad persistent chest cough and lingering throat infection, as well as a secondary eye infection, I am just now beginning to experience a substantial improvement in all these areas, wonderful signs of the Lord's promised healing, due t o your continued desperate prayers for me. Thank you so much!
       The Lord and you are so good to me! I don't deserve it, but I know I probably wouldn't be here today if you hadn't been concerned enough to take your precious time to pray. May Jesus bless you richly for your sacrifices in praying and continuing to pray for my complete healing.

Yours always,

ws news

Our Queen's Birthday

       Four or five days before Mama's birthday rolled around, Gabe and Amy opened the floor at dinner t o discuss ideas for what we'd like to do to celebrate Mama's birthday.
       It's easy to know what Mama loves most.--The Lord's Words, straight from Heaven! And being that she has so many questions, we decided as a Home to give her treats straight from the spirit world. We brainstormed a list of nearly 50 questions, from which we'll list just a few:
       --How will the Y2K computer bug affect the world, and the Family?
       --What will life be like in the Endtime?
       --What will be the Family's biggest we akness in the Endtime, and our greatest strength?
       --Are there other solar systems with life?
       --A new happy birthday song.
       --When does the Lord choose to heal by supernatural means, as opposed to natural means?
       --Messages from Mama's spirit helpers--Rianna, Catherine the Great, etc.
       Then we all signed up for a couple of them, which we prayed about over the next few days. We thought that we had done a little pre-planning in preparation for Mama's birthday, but little did we know that she had been doing some planning herself for more than a month!
       On July 30th, Mama arranged for us all to meet together in the evening for some special reading. Neither she nor Peter were there, since for the last several weeks, Mama has been very weak. We dimmed the lights and read, for the first time, "Mama's Birthday Party in Heaven--and on Earth!" (GN 798). Although this GN had already gone out to the Family some weeks before, Mama had kept it a secret from almost all of us, so that we could read it on the eve of her birthday. We then had desperate prayer for Mama's health. To close the evening, we called Mama up on the intercom and sang her "happy birthday."
       It could hardly be termed coincidence, but Mama's birthday the following day fell on our twice-monthly prayer morning! So all day long, a steady stream of prophecies on a variety of subjects (which we prayed for on prayer morning) trickled into her room, making themselves available for her eager listening. As she put it: "I w as in seventh heaven!"
       On the same morning, we had another desperate round of prayer for her healing. That afternoon, she also began to receive her "gifts." We presented her with a box of micro tapes (on which were the surprise prophecies) wrapped in ribbons, with a rose on it. Along with the tapes, we gave her a scroll, burnt around the edges, which contained a letter, received in prophecy, signed by all of us.
       That night we celebrated with a homemade birthday dinner of Mama's choice--her f avorite--pizza! Followed by the usual birthday snack of Mama's choice--cheesecake! Yummy! After which we pulled out a guitar and tried out the new Happy Birthday song that someone had received in prophecy that day. After practicing it a couple of times, we recorded it on tape for Mama to listen to later.

Excerpts from Mama's birthday scroll

To our precious Queen, Lover, Mate and Mother in the Lord,

       Words would fail to express this love that we feel in our hearts, the bond of friendship a nd respect the Lord has given us for you, our dearest Queen and mate. What could we ask the Lord for on this special day? What could we ever give you that would show our appreciation for how you give your life daily, and how you pour out at great sacrifice to your own health and life? How could we every repay the many hours and years of faithful servitude and love for both the Lord and Dad, and for passing on to us the most precious thing in this life--the Lord's Words.
       Mama, we treasure your love. We deeply appreciate all the time you have taken for each one of us and for winning us by your faithfulness to the Lord. We know that it is only the Lord and His anointing that has made you what you are, and we thank Him for it daily. We can't help but praise when we think of you. Your sample of loving Him, of doing the humble things, of being the first to implement any changes He may ask of you--all these things and more have touched us deeply. We feel as if this humble gift of our gratit ude is insufficient, but nonetheless very befitting one so special.
       We knew that the most precious things to you are the Words of our Wonderful Lover, so we came before Him asking questions that we thought you might be interested in. There is such a variety of things that we won't even begin to spoil the surprise here. So with this humble gift and with lots of love and admiration we present these to you. This is really a gift from the Lord since they are all His Words, but we are thankful that He chose to use us as the channels to bring them to you.
       We wish you a very happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead in our Lover's embrace.

New "happy birthday" song

       It's that wonderful day of the year for you,
       We wish you blessings and dreams come true.
       Without you we don't know what we would do,
       Through this song we express our love.

       We'll hug you today, our true love we'll convey,
       You are very special in every way,
       We pray all the best of life's gifts on this day,
       Wi ll fall gently down upon you.

       We wish "Happy Birthday" to you!

thanking …

--for your spirit story contributions
       Daniel Arrow (Russia), Jotham Proofreader and Japanese Tender (Japan), Joy (of Dan, Mexico), Marie (14, Ghana), Mark (Hungary), Tommy French (Thailand).

questions and answers

--an interview with Mama and Peter's staff members
Some of our dear and faithful staff members--both FGA and SGA--volunteered to answer the following questions for your inspiration and intere st. Most of the questions were sent in by you, our dear Family; others are ones we thought you'd find interesting. We love you!

       How often do you use prophecy to make decisions?

       Louise, SGA:
I'd have to say that I don't really make decisions without hearing from the Lord anymore, that is, besides little things like what to wear today.--Maybe I should start asking Him about that too, since it can be quite perplexing, ha! You kind of get "cured" after a few times of Mama asking you what you 're going to do about such-and-such: "Oh, so did you pray about that, and what did the Lord tell you?" "Oops! Eeek! How could I have forgotten?!"
       The Lord's help in decision-making is a Godsend for me, as I have a very difficult time making up my mind. I reason something out to the nth degree, go back and forth and add up the pros and cons, and often find myself more confused than ever! So it's a real blessing to use prophecy for both personal and work decisions--to either get a confirmation o r further instruction from the Lord on a decision I'm already leaning towards making, or to just ask Him for counsel when I haven't a clue what would be best, and am not even sure what I want.

       Staff member, FGA:
The other day I had a dentist appointment and I realized that I hadn't prayed and asked the Lord to confirm if it was His will that I go to the dentist for this sensitive tooth. It wasn't a terrible toothache, but when I drank something warm, it was sore.
       I knew that I needed to pr ay, because I really didn't want to end up going to the dentist and having something bad happen. I only had a few minutes, but I got a confirming prophecy from the Lord that it was His will. He even told me that He was sending His angels to surround me and help me. (I'm a little nervous about dentists.) I was very happy that I stopped and prayed; it gave me the peace of mind that I was in the Lord's will.
       That's just one example of how Mama has taught us to ask for a message in prophecy before doing anything and making any decisions.

       Francis, SGA:
Well, I use it a lot more than I used to, that's for sure! I'm one of those who had a bit of a hard time with using prophecy so much for every question and problem. I guess it was part of my "handicap of natural ability," not to mention my weakness with pride, because I felt like, "Aren't there some things that we should be able to figure out on our own instead of having to always ask the Lord? Surely the Lord trusts us to just use comm on sense sometimes!" Of course He does, and Mama and Peter and those here do use a lot of common sense in decision-making. But I've now found through experience that sometimes the Lord operates contrary to common sense (just like Dad said in "Did God Make a Mistake" many years ago), plus just knowing that I have heard from the Lord on the decision, even if it just confirms what "common sense" would dictate, gives me a lot more peace that the outcome is going to be okay.
       Hearing from the Lord m ore is one area that Mama and Peter have helped me a lot in over the last couple of years. I still have a ways to go--especially in the area of receiving personal prophecies, those related to personal matters as opposed to questions relating to my pubs or administrative work. But seeing their sample, and with many helpful nudges (the Letter "Hearing from the Lord Step by Step" was a big blessing for me), I've come around to where I'm convinced of the need for it and have witnessed firsthand the blessings of doing it!
       How often? Well, that depends a lot on when the questions come in. Some days there can be a number of things that require prayer and prophecy, some days none. But I've found that it's important to do it regularly, otherwise it's easy to lose the habit and start thinking that maybe I can figure this one out on my own instead of asking the Lord! Lord help me!

       Do you listen to System music in your Home?

       Gabe, FGA:
We try very hard to maintain the standard of the Wor d. I would say the majority of the people in our Home are so busy with important responsibilities and deadlines and doing all they can to help Mama and Peter in shepherding and feeding the Family, that System music is not an issue. Due to most of our folks' desk jobs being those that necessitate complete concentration, many barely have time to listen to any kind of music, much less System music.
       Nevertheless, there are some people that like it and a few listen to it at times in their room, mai nly instrumental music. There are other people who have made a personal decision to completely cut out System music from their lives, so that their channels can be clear and uncorrupted from any other influences.

       Misty, FGA:
I personally never listen to System music, and I don't think others in our Home do much either. I don't hear System music playing as I walk around the house, except every once in a while you hear some instrumental type music. We don't play System music for dance nights, except on rare occasions when we might play one System song. Once or twice we learned a country-western line dance from a video someone sent us, and after learning it we played a Dolly Parton country-western song and practiced our newly discovered talent, which was fun.

       Amy, FGA:
I'd have to really commend our young people here in the Home for being so yielded to not listening to System music much at all. We've never had much of a problem with System music or folks getting too into it, simpl y because we've asked our young folks to not play it at dances or in public places. They knew that Mama and Peter preferred not having this around, so they made a choice when first coming here that they would do it out of love for them and in obedience to the Word. Of course having the FTTs and Loving Jesus tapes has made a major difference, as everyone has such inspiring Family music to listen to.
       Some folks occasionally listen to a little classical music, there's a bit of Christian Variety, instrumental music, some of the Christian Praise type songs and things like the Macarena, and on the odd occasion, a System song or two at dance nights. But because they're challenged to keep their spiritual lives as clean as possible, that's what gives them the yieldedness to refrain from listening to it, simply so they can do the best job they can in their service to the Lord and the Family.

       Darren, SGA:
Occasionally, though it is kept to a minimum. If there is ever System music playing in public areas (which is usually just in the kitchen while cooking or cleaning), it falls into the "brackish" category--in other words, it's Christian music. We have classical and other instrumental music tapes and CDs that we play as background music for dinners sometimes. Other than that, well, I guess you'd have to quiz each member personally.
       Interestingly enough, we have discovered amongst ourselves that quite a few of us young people here like classical music--you know, like the Mozart/Tc haikovsky/Strauss kind of stuff [the positive, uplifting pieces] believe it or not! However, it is usually the latest FTTs or Loving Jesus tapes that echo through the halls here--simply because they're so good, and addicting!

       Louise, SGA:
I don't have time to listen to much music except on our dance nights (at which we play Family music, and sometimes the Macarena) or when I cook dinner (enter my FTT faves compilation, or one of the Loving Jesus tapes). I work at a desk and, most of the time at least, need to concentrate on what I'm doing, and find music--or should I say singing--distracting. Sometimes I play some instrumental or classical music softly in the background--you know, Mozart and Beethoven and those guys' music are supposed to enhance your brain power, and I figure I could use that, ha!

       Yvonna, SGA:
Due to my ministry, I have a bit more opportunity to listen to music than some of my co-workers do. I used to listen to non-Family music quite a bit when I first came he re--"mild" things like soft rock and contemporary Christian. Although I wasn't forced to take a sledgehammer to my System tapes, as my desire grew to spend more time "in the temple," my desire for non-Family music dwindled.
       Now I can't remember the last time I put on a non-Family tape.--Nor do I miss it, because it never inspired me quite like our music does, and once you've had the best … nothing else quite cuts it anymore. Sometimes I'll think of a certain "great song" I used to listen to, b ut even those can't hold a candle to the music our studios are putting out nowadays.

       How do the finances work in your Home?

       Gabe, FGA:
We have a budget and we try to stick to it. Our budget is set low enough that we have to sacrifice. Many people who have joined us have been a little surprised at the low standard of some of our furniture, and the austerity we have in our Home. We realize that because we're completely supported by the tithes and offerings, it's our responsibility to try t o keep our budget as low as possible. We know that any money that we need is taken from the field or from publications or from missions, so we try to keep our budget to the minimum.

       James, FGA:
Dad was always faithful to remind us that the money we have is from the missionaries, and that we needed to be very prayerful and careful how we use it. He was such a sample of that himself, always looking for bargains or used items, or any way to save money. When I came to the staff and saw firsthand where Dad lived and how he lived, I saw he was much more frugal than I had even expected! You know how our enemies said that Dad lived in luxury?--I used to wish that they could come and see for themselves! And Mama and Peter follow in Dad's footsteps.

       Are you able to do any provisioning?

       James, FGA:
For security reasons we can't provision, so we try to shop around for the best prices, etc. It's very inspiring how the Lord gives us good deals and even manages to raise up contacts or fri ends for us, people that really like us and give us very good prices, even though they don't know all that much about us.

       Do you get monthly allowances or personal money? What about your personal needs?

       James, FGA:
We don't give out allowances, but Home members do go on occasional outings and the Home covers those expenses. If anyone has a personal need, they submit their request and we usually tell them how to get along without it!--Just kidding! We do try to get what they need (emphasi s on need). Everyone is quite missionary-minded and we try to spend very little on personal needs.
       When people receive money from relatives or other sources, we common pot it, and use it for a specific Home need and/or divide it up between us, usually at Christmas. This personal money is then used by Home members throughout the year. Of course, if it is a designated gift, for dentist expenses or whatever, then it is used for that purpose.

       Are you all faithful to keep your Praise Times?

       Staff member, FGA:
Oh, boy! Well, I know we all keep one for sure, and that's our united praise time at devotions. I think most of us really try and probably do it twice a day, and some people probably do it three times. But I don't think we've attained 100%. Right now my roommate has a sign on her desk to remind her to keep praising, and it's helped me too!

       Darren, SGA:
I try to be faithful, but I often forget. I have a reminder that pops up on my computer at the appropriate times. We deci ded as a Home to have one of our praise times unitedly, and that's become a regular part of our morning devotions. Since everyone rotates on hosting morning devotions, there is a lot of variety in what we do for our morning Praise Times.

       Staff member, SGA:
I often miss the noon and evening praise times, but many people do take those times to praise and thank the Lord for our multitude of blessings. Praising is more of a mindset here; while we may miss the "set" times, it's not unusual to see a couple of people having praise time together at another time of day. I personally could do much better in this area. It seems that the more I praise, the more I find to praise our wonderful Lover for.

       How often do you see Mama and Peter?

       Rose, FGA:
Since my ministry includes caring for Mama and Peter, I see them several times a day. I go in and out of their room, bringing them their food, different things they need, collecting their dishes, etc.--Just anything to help!

       Staff membe r, FGA:
There's no set rule on how often we see Mama and Peter--it can vary. Mama communicates more via the intercom, and due to her health and work (since she's usually unable to walk around the house) we visit with her "via intercom" often, and that really is like having her there in person!
       Besides times of meetings or dinners that Mama and Peter have with the Home, they'll sometimes show up by surprise at either one of our Loving Jesus inspirations in the evening, or they'll pop in unexpec tedly at some other activity.
       One time I ran into Mama late at night. She had heard a noise in the other end of the house and was concerned, and came all the way to find out what it was--so there was Mama walking around, checking up on things! One place Peter often shows up is the kitchen!--As he loves to come in and check up on "what's cookin'!"
       My room happens to be in very close proximity to Mama and Peter's. One thing that always amazes me is how they both are so concerned if they are ma king too much noise that might disturb me! Mama is so faithful and sweet to ask, "Oh, did this bother you?" Sometimes she'll say, "Well, I didn't want to do that, because I was so concerned I might disturb you." She's always so thoughtful about every little detail, and especially concerned about disturbing people's prayer or sleep time!

       Staff member, FGA:
I see Peter regularly, since our get-out times coincide. Because Mama has been so weak, I haven't actually seen her that much at all recen tly. I think the Family would be shocked to know that recently she's been so weak she can't even come for a meeting without being carried by one of the men. But even when Mama is very weak, she still communicates with people by intercom, and is very loving and concerned about each one in the Home.

       Louise, SGA:
I think that most of us "hear" them more than we "see" them--especially Mama. I probably see Peter briefly every few days, which is nice. Usually the only time I see Mama is when she c omes for a dinner or meeting, which is probably every month or two, on the average. But I feel like I see her because I hear her voice, at least briefly every few days, and she's so personable and natural when talking on the intercom.
       A typical intercom conversation with Mama starts off with a work question she needs to ask you about. From there she takes a few minutes to find out how you're doing, to comment on a note or tape or personal prophecy you've sent her recently. And usually by the t ime you're done you have another work project or prophecy assignment, ha!

       Jenna, SGA:
Though you may not see Mama around much, you are ever aware of her presence on the intercom lines. Often you'll be chatting away with a co-worker, and unbeknownst to you, "while you were laughing" Mama beeped you (but since you're already on the line with someone, you don't hear the beep).
       As your laughter is dying down, you hear that familiar voice say, "Oh! What's so funny? Tell me what happened!" Ooops ! But no need to worry!--As you relate to her what you were laughing about, she finds it funny as well. You enjoy a sweet moment of fellowship; she says a short prayer for you, then asks you to beep her later whenever you're done with your conversation.--That's life with Mama!

Mama and I are usually very busy with all the work it takes to help feed and run the Family. As such, we don't have a lot of time to fellowship with those in the Home. We would like to spend more time with them, as each one is so dear to us, but we have to forgo that fellowship in order to focus on you and your needs.

       How does your get-out work? Do you have united get-outs, or is it every man to himself?

       Staff member, FGA:
We have a wide range of get-out possibilities, depending on the weather!--From united sports, to power walking or jogging two by two, biking, some of us do aerobics (with various videos to choose from), or taking a nice stroll while having prayer vigil or fellowship two by tw o. Sometimes we solo, but for the most part we change around often--either activities or partners!
       In recent months we set up an exercise room, which has proven to be a big blessing for us when we are not able to have other forms of get-out. All the girls joined together on an "attack day" to clear out an unused room that was in desperate need of de-junking! In the days that followed, our handymen gave the walls a coat of paint, and out of different scrap wood one of the boys built and put up an exercise bar along one wall.
       We have a couple of simple "steppers" (small exercise machine), a stationary bike, a rowing machine and a few other exercise gizmos at one end of the room--all of which were either given to us or purchased at a discount price. We also were given a ping-pong table by our landlord, which gives other get-out possibilities. In the middle of this room we have clear floor space for dancing and exercises. And our dear King Peter donated his tape player to the room too, which provides us with good tunes to move to!
       It's not unusual to have several of us there working out during a common get-out time, doing aerobics, dancing, biking, stepping, stretching, sit-ups, pull-ups, etc. It's great fun and keeps us in shape!

       Do you have a sharing schedule, or how does your sharing work?

       Gabe, FGA:
Amy and I, as shepherds of the Home, want everyone to be happy in their sharing or non-sharing schedules. Some people have more dates; other people have less. We fee l that is a personal decision on how much they need and how much they want.
       Of course, there're some people who would like to have more dates, but there aren't always members of the opposite sex who are able or willing to give more, both male and female. Hence, we have found that arranging some type of schedule or agreement with different ones is helpful.--Either we help to ensure that their needs are met, or if they'd prefer to freelance, that's fine also.
       Because we are human and often it' s difficult to give and share, we as shepherds need to get involved in the sharing and point out to different ones the needs of others, and try to encourage them to do more. Through simply pointing it out, people usually see the need and do their part to make it a happy Home by sharing.
       There is sharing between SGAs and FGAs. I think that as a Home, we've done pretty well in this area. I think the area that both FGAs and SGAs need to work on is in sharing with those we aren't necessarily attra cted to--going more by the need rather than the want.

       Misty, FGA:
Yes, I have a sharing schedule, and so does Matthew, my mate. We're very busy, so we've found if we don't schedule our dates with others it's easy to procrastinate on them, or miss them altogether, which is a shame, as we miss out on all that fun time having sex and loving our precious Husband together with our other "mates!"
For years I have had a regular weekly date with one of the single FGA men, although who it is has ch anged from time to time. Then I freelance with the other men for another date each week, when I have the time. I often have to forgo the second date, either because things are really busy or I'm just too tired. I've shared a number of times with almost all the FGA men, and all the SGA men in our Home. To me there's no difference as far as the sexual excitement with FGA and SGA men--they're both really desirable and yummy! But I have to admit that being with young men took some getting used to fo r me. I felt a little self-conscious at first. But our SGAs are all very sweet, sexy and free in the spirit, and that self-consciousness didn't last long. Praise the Lord! It's really fun!
       Matthew shares with all the FGA women in the Home regularly, except for a couple who are married or who have other regular partners. He also has shared with all the SGA women, and some he shares with regularly. He's faithful to have two dates a week with others. God bless him!
       We've found that it helps to also schedule some special time together for the two of us to have dates each week. Of course, we often make love at other times, but at least with some kind of definite schedule for us, too, it helps us plan ahead and stop work early enough to have a nice time together--you know, something a little special with music, candles, wine, lingerie, etc. I think that's very necessary when you're sharing regularly outside your marriage, especially if either partner battles jealousy (like I do). If you and your mate are not having much time together and you're not taking the time to make love, but your mate is sharing with others, naturally you'll get hit more with comparing, insecurity, jealousy, etc.
       For those reasons we've found that scheduling dates works well for us. Other advantages are that you can "anticipate," which is half the fun; you can make sure you're well groomed for your dates (hair washed, beard shaved, etc.), and if you do happen to battle jealousy, with scheduled dates yo u know what to expect and can be more prepared or can plan a date on the same night that your mate has one.

       Staff member, SGA:
There's no chart or spinner to decide who you will share with. It's a personal decision and it's really just between you and the person(s) involved. There is quite a bit of sharing between the generations too, which definitely helps our unity as a whole. But since we do live with the same people year-round, eventually some sort of schedule emerges between some folks. But it's not like Gabe and Amy say "you and you--over there!" It's our choice, and it's left up to us to work out.

       Staff member, FGA:
I have a regular sharing schedule for some dates that I have every week, and then I freelance a little too. As a matter of fact, I'm going to have a date tonight with one of the young men, and I'm sure it'll be lots of fun!

       Staff member, SGA:
Sharing is something that is difficult for me, and the desire to share with any number of people doesn't come natu rally. I'm usually motivated by sexual attraction, close friendship or emotional love, and have some difficulty stepping outside of those bounds.--Not that that is the way it should be, but I have to make a special effort or schedule myself to spend time with others or I just don't get around to it.

       Darren, SGA:
I have my "regulars," whom, merely for the sake of convenience, I have scheduled dates with. It's not exactly a sharing schedule as in "I'm with Lucy on Monday, Suzy on Wednesday, Li nda on Friday" or anything like that, but more like an "arrangement" that every other week I'll have a date with Lucy on Friday, and the other week I'll have a date with Suzy on Wednesday. Then, if I feel like having another date somewhere in between, I work it out by asking any of the other girls (both first and second generation) if they will be "free" that night, or some night in the near future.

       What sacrifices do you make to live at Mama's Home?

       Rose, FGA:
Before I came to the Folks ' house I was living in another WS Home with my mate and child, so this was something that I had to forsake. (My daughter is grown now and is off in a far-flung mission field, and my former mate has gotten remated.) Of course I miss them, but TTL, He is taking very goodcare of them and has blessed my life richly in so many ways since coming here.

       Gabe, FGA:
The greatest sacrifice for me is not being able to witness and litness. My first love from the time I joined the Family was to get out the Words of David. From the time I joined I was on the road. When "Shiners or Shamers" came out I was distributing lit. During the final two years before joining WS, I left my shepherding position so that I could be a full-time witnesser.
       I've been in the Folks' house since 1981, so I missed the poster revolution, although I did participate in it with Dad. As we all know, he's the one that had the burden for the posters, and as each one was finished I hung it on his wall. It started with two or three and ended with 75 posters. He had a wall full of posters!
       The second greatest sacrifice for me is that I would love to be able to visit some of the Homes. Any Family member, whether young or old, has gone through severe battles, forsakings and breakings to continue on in the Family. I know they have done this because of their love for the Lord and their love for lost souls. I admire their faith for continuing on in spite of much persecution, hardships, financial sacrifices, etc. I wou ld love to go around to the Homes and tell them how proud we are of them, and encourage them that we are fighting with them and that we admire their faith. We know the sacrifices they have made to continue on. I'd love to go out and witness with them and help them in their ministries, as I know they've given up a lot to serve the Lord.

       Misty, FGA:
After I got used to being in WS, the sacrifices became much less. It takes a while to become accustomed to not going out much, not having contact with other Family members, and not witnessing freely or daily. Also, I had to get used to sitting at a desk for long hours, as I was used to being much more active with witnessing, etc. But now those sacrifices are much easier to live with; I no longer get stir-crazy or feel like the walls are closing in on me--ha!
       But I still miss not being able to see my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren more. I'd say that's the biggest sacrifice for me personally. That has always been my "Isaac." But t he Lord has been very generous and has worked out some visits in recent years, for which I'm very thankful!
       Besides, I comfort myself in knowing that there are plenty of parents in the Family who are NOT in WS who don't see their kids or grandchildren much either, as we're all busy in our respective fields. Lots of parents are distant from their kids because they're putting the Lord first. That's just part of being a disciple. But there are many blessings that greatly outweigh the sacrifices.

       Staff member, SGA:
There are a few sacrifices, though I'd say that the blessings and benefits and fulfillment far outweigh the sacrifices. Nevertheless, I think one of the greatest sacrifices is not being able to share any details of the country I'm in, the new experiences I'm having, new friends I've made, the kinds of food I eat, etc., with my friends and loved ones in distant lands.
       Another sacrifice--or should I say price--of being here that I've discovered, is that as a result of livi ng here the Lord often brings us through challenging experiences and battles and breakings--not that you all don't have those too. But see, as we go through these "special" experiences, we hear from the Lord in our desperation to get victories and find a ray of sunlight; then Mama publishes those lifesaving (tried and proven!) prophecies in a GN or in From Jesus - With Love, for you all, who are (as the Lord knew you would be) going through some of the very same things!
       So we're "guinea pigs," in the sense that the Lord allows each one here to go through the same tests that you, our loved ones in the Family at large, are going through.--Sometimes it seems like they're more concentrated too, ha! Well, we endure them because we love the Lord, and we know that He makes us better through every single test.

       Matthew, FGA:
Not many! I can't provision; I can't witness; I can't visit the rest of the Family unless I am able to travel with Peter to a meeting; I can't see my children very of ten.--But I've never made a sacrifice! The more I give, the more the Lord and Mama and Peter give back to me.

       Louise, SGA:
I guess the main one for me is that we don't get to see more of YOU, our fellow Family. We have a wonderful bunch here, but sometimes I do get hit with this kind of "itchy feet" feeling, or feel kind of "cramped" because I see the same people and places all the time, and feel like some variety would be nice.
       But the truth of the matter is that I love being behind the s cenes. It's my thing, it's what I've always wanted, and the gifts the Lord has given me and even my personality and physical make-up are suited for it. So whenever I do get that "get me out of here" feeling, it doesn't usually take long for me to remind myself that I accepted to come here and that I want to be here--and knowing I'm in the Lord's will is worth the sacrifices.
       I suppose another biggie is that I often wonder if and when I'll get married. I know everyone here and don't see any pos sibilities among us, and it's not like a new guy comes along every day, needless to say. But I'm very thankful that the Lord helps me not feel too lonely, because I have plenty of friends, fun, sweet companionship and sex, PTL.

       What are some special things that you, as a Home, do together?

       Staff member, FGA:
One of my favorite things is when we get together and have a united Loving Jesus night, where we sit around and pass the guitar, and sing songs to Jesus.

       Rusty, SGA:
To name just a few: We go on outings together, have united inspirations, dance nights, united get-outs, special meals either on birthdays or special occasions, testimony sharing, performance nights, games, treasure hunts, etc.!

       Staff member, SGA:
Everyone works mega-hard, but when we play, we really play. We have pretty regular dance nights, lots of fast and slow dancing to cater to everyone's tastes. Something fun we do during techno numbers is create a dance circle where people take turns in the middl e and everybody else imitates their impromptu dance steps. It gets pretty wild, ha!
       Each month the birthday people (if more than one) plan what meal they want for their birthday dinner, and an activity to do, and that brings a fun potpourri of laughs, games and gigs.
       One of my favorite Home activities is on Saturday. We often have a simple BBQ-type meal, and then all eat outside (weather and climate permitting, naturally). It's fun and relaxing and we get a chance to fellowship together befo re our Saturday movie and rest day on Sunday.

       What type of personality clashes do you most frequently have?

       Amy, FGA:
I would have to be honest and say we probably are very much like a normal home in that area, as it's not unusual to have personality clashes. Our Home is made up of a number of different personalities with different interests, and sometimes those interests or understandings do clash. People might argue over some things, like if someone gets competitive in sports, they may dispute a point; or someone that has a more domineering personality might clash with someone else of like personality, very similar to things that come up in any interaction between people.
       We have some of the typical generational clashes too, though they're not too serious. Even though we do our best to try to work together, there are certain personalities that just have a hard time with each other and need extra grace to see eye-to-eye on things. In themselves, these "clashes" are usually n ot much of a problem, simply because they cause people to have to communicate, apologize, pray together, learn how to love each other more and try to make things work out. I'd say folks do pretty well in this area, but we do have folks that don't get along as well with some as with others; it's just a natural thing that happens and we encourage them to work at it.

       Louise, SGA:
I was just commenting to someone not long ago that this is the first Home I've ever lived in where there wasn't that "special someone" who I was always either arguing with or offending, or getting offended by--you know the story?
       Overall things run pretty smoothly among us; even when we do disagree, things usually aren't made into such an issue. We've gone through a lot as a team, and have seen each other go through ups and downs, times of battles and difficulty when we needed to fight together in prayer for each other; or we've ourselves experienced needing everyone else's support and encouragement. That g ives you a deep love for one another, as well as a large measure of respect and understanding.

       Rebecca, SGA:
One thing that has helped me relate to my dear friends and co-workers here is to remember that we're in it for the long haul. It's not like we're just passing through, and if we can't get along, we'll just move. Everyone who's here has committed to staying for as long as the Lord wills--which could be a long time! Remembering that helps me to be desperate with the Lord for my interact ions with others, and gives me incentive to go back and apologize or do the humble thing, or communicate even when it's difficult, knowing that we're building a foundation which needs to last for a while! Plus, with not much changeover of personnel, I really value each of my dear friends and co-workers and don't want to hurt them or be distant from them--and that helps give me the right perspective as well.

       When you have dance nights, are there any complications?

       Staff member, SGA:
As an yone knows, dance nights can cause quite a few trials, be they loneliness, jealousy, comparing, etc. While our dance nights are upbeat and fun, yes, there are sometimes repercussions--but with a bit of love and prayer, the Lord helps us get back on our feet again. On the whole I would say our dances are a lot of fun. We usually have quite a few fast dances to accommodate us young folks' passion for rhythm, and then some slow ones which are times of sweet fellowship and communication.

       Yvonna, SGA:
If there is any time that lends itself to complications, it's dance nights.--Especially when there ends up being more women than men on the dance floor! But I would say that most of the members of our Home try to be impartial in their dance night affection, and get at least a dance or two in with everybody. And it's not unusual to see some women on the side of the room practicing their latest steps, and others chatting or dancing together. So everyone is participating.

       When you play un ited sports, do you experience problems with competitiveness?

       Rusty, SGA:
To be completely honest, yes, we do get competitive. Well, I should say that I do. I wouldn't want to confess someone else's sins for them!

       Staff member, FGA:
Oh boy, do I! It's pretty much a constant thing I have to guard against, as it was so ingrained in me from when I was younger and quite into sports. I always feel bad afterwards, because if I get into being too competitive when we play, it can be a real dampe r on the game. I've asked the Lord to help me with it, and we've all been working on trying to do better at it.

       Matthew, FGA:
Not anymore, I don't play them! I hurt my leg, so I can't for right now. I have always been competitive in sports, since I was raised that way. I would say, though, that since coming to this Home, we have all learned to be much less competitive, which to me shows the Lord's power of love and gifts of His Spirit, as many of us were athletes in our youth. And young and old play together in harmony. Both Gabe and James, two of our best athletes, have been very good samples to me and I'm sure to others along the lines of not letting competitiveness ruin our fun. Ha!

       Staff member, SGA:
It has been said that people's true character comes out in sports--and that seems true with us. While the atmosphere may get a bit tense as the game/shot is played, and we occasionally slip with our comments in our zest and desire to win, that spirit is never carried off court and there isn't animosity between the players afterwards. It's amazing how much fun you can have without that aggressive, overly competitive spirit in sports.

       Does everyone in your Home practice Loving Jesus?

       Staff member, FGA:
I can't speak for them all, but the men that I have dates with really like saying love words to Jesus; some are even freer about it at times than I am. It's beautiful!

       Yvonna, SGA:
I think He's always involved, albeit to different degrees for different occasio ns.

       Matthew, FGA:
I think so, but I can't be sure. Everyone I have dates with does.

       Rusty, SGA:
I know everyone tries to practice it in one way or another. How could you not when you see the good results that it has borne in the lives of those around you? But there isn't competition to see who does it more than someone else.

       Jenna, SGA:
I think everyone pretty much does. Having shared with both FGA and SGA men in our Home, I've noticed that the FGA men are a bit freer and more vocal in their Loving Jesus. I think the Enemy fights us young people feeling completely comfortable with loving Jesus intimately with our peers. We do it nonetheless, but at least for me, it's more of a struggle with those my own age than with FGAs.

       Do you ever go on vacations or take time off?

       Gabe, FGA:
We have a definite time set aside every year when we have a five-day vacation. People work very hard in the Home, and have made tremendous sacrifices to be here, so we really enjoy our vacat ions and taking time off.
       We also try to take Sunday off, although a number of people do put in a couple hours of work anyway. Of course, there are some people, mainly the old-timers, who carry certain responsibilities that need to be done, such as phone messages, transcribing and typing, taking care of Mama and Peter and their food, etc.

       Rusty, SGA:
We also have a couple days of rest after Christmas, or after a very big push. It's nice to have some time off so that you can get to some of those things that you're never able to do--you know, make your bed or brush your hair--things like that! Ha!

       Francis, SGA:
Usually things are quite busy, with lots of work to be done and many projects to take care of. But as urgent as the projects may be, Mama and Peter are very concerned that we get the rest and breaks that we need--and especially time with the Lord, of course (vital!).
       An example of that is this: Recently I was quite overtired as there was so much to do, and being somewh at of a workaholic, I don't always take time off like I should. So Mama suggested I take a couple of days off, and the shepherds worked it out for others to take over for me during that time. It was such a blessing to spend extra time with the Lord and in the Word, catch up on needed rest and sleep, and enjoy some nice relaxation as well! TTL for our concerned shepherds!

       Home meetings--do you have them?

       Gabe, FGA:
We don't have Home meetings exactly like most field Homes have, as our set -up is quite different from most Homes. Since our entire Home is able to meet at breakfast, lunch and dinner without interruption, we have daily announcements and prayer at all three meals, and even discussion of various topics as they come up, rather than waiting for a scheduled meeting every couple of weeks. Although we do have evening meetings from time to time, most of our discussion is done over dinner.

       Francis, SGA:
I'd venture to say that Home meetings are not most people's favorite a ctivity, but they can be quite fun. We try to keep them short and to the point, but that's sometimes difficult as some folks are more long-winded than others! In our Home, just like in any, we have all types--strong characters who like to voice their opinion, and quieter folks who need encouragement to speak up. Everyone loves to vote on Home matters like our schedule, etc. (hip hip hurrah for the Charter!), although for some reason there are some things that Gabe and Amy never put on the agenda for discussion or voting, like "Let's move to a beach in Tahiti!" or "Let's announce where we live in the Grapevine!" (I wonder why, ha!)

       Do you keep the Charter restrictions on alcohol, sex within designated age groups, etc.?

       Rebecca, SGA:
Yes, we do! Although this is the home of WSL (WS Leadership), that doesn't make us, as a Home, an exception to the rules. We do plan ahead for our monthly special activities, so that we can have alcohol at these occasions without "going over."

       Ar e Gabe and Amy the only Home teamworkers?

       Gabe, FGA:
Amy and I do most of the personnel shepherding, but James, who has traveled with Peter, started out as business teamworker, and is fast taking on other responsibilities and is helping us with shepherding. He is a wonderful holy hole with the gift of helps!
       David has also been recently elected as a helper in the Home, to help Amy and me with some of the physical things. He's been overseeing the handyman department, working on scheduling, and making sure the practical physical aspects of the Home are running smoothly.

       Rebecca, SGA:
Gabe and Amy are always trying to delegate as much responsibility to others as possible--they really show a lot of faith in some of us crazy folks! Many areas of Home responsibility are farmed out, so in a sense, we all help to shepherd each other. Darren organizes the devotions schedule and reminds folks when they're on; one of the young women helps to pass out the prophecy assignments that Mama a ssigns each prayer morning; another staff member takes care of home cleanliness and makes sure we do our JJTs; each day a different person is responsible to remind us throughout the day to pray for Mama, etc.


June Shine On stats

       Due to receiving repeated stats from the previous month from one CRO area, we're sorry to announce that the last Shine On stat listing, published in Grapevine #47 is incorrect. An updated listing will be published for the month of June in the next Grap evine.

The prince, the traveling princess, and his dream girl

--Jo, Middle East

       To you (few?) dear fellas out there, wondering how on earth you can live up to the holy calling to be God's love to us many poor females with no one to keep us warm and cozy: Here's a little story Jesus gave me about a similar fella who felt called to look after the one he was with, even though she wasn't the one he loved so much or wanted the most in his life.

* * *

       There was once a prince who lived in a house alone. He dreamt often of a beautiful girl who he loved dearly. She also loved him, but she lived in a distant land.
       Outside the door of his house was an eastern princess floating in the air with her arms outstretched, very much wanting the prince to love her. The prince knew deep inside that the eastern princess' love for him was sincere and pure and that she loved the prince with all her heart--and she needed him. But the prince would not open the door to the princess because he wanted his dream to be reality; he only wanted to be with his girl who was far, far way.
       Meanwhile, the princess outside started to cry, for she didn't understand why the prince would not open the door to her. As she cried, her tears fell to the ground and began to flood into the house. Now the prince could not go anywhere in his house without feeling that everything in it was wet. For a moment he stood, not knowing which way to turn. If he opened the door, would he be engulfed in the princess' tear s? If he tried to love this sad and lonely princess, would he forget his true dream girl?
       After many lonely days in his house, he opened a window to the sad princess and called out to her, inviting her first to his side, and then taking her to his bed. Her tears stopped, and the house dried up also. He held her close to his bosom and loved her. She was fair and he found that she brought him much happiness in his heart. She also lifted from him an immense burden which he had never been able to rid himself of. He held her close all through the night, but as he closed his eyes to sleep in her arms, he dreamed again about his faraway love, for she was the only one who truly held the key to his heart.
       He questioned which of these two girls was reality, and what he should do. How could he love two girls like this--the eastern princess and the distant girl of his heart and dreams? It seemed too much to love two girls in this way.
       He climbed out of bed and walked over to the window. As h e stared out at the starlit sky, he whispered, "Oh King of the Heavens, show me the way, for I see it not! I am blinded by the love which I now feel for this princess. But even more so, I need the girl of my dreams to open the door and unlock my heart. Yet I am pulled into the princess' arms, and feel she needs me to love her and hold her warm body next to mine."
       Then he heard a voice speaking to his heart in the night silence. It touched him deeply and moved him to his knees.
       "Your dream wi ll not always be a dream," said the King of the Heavens. "One day it will become reality. Open your door now to the princess, for your closed door did hurt this little one and caused her tears to flow. She did not understand why you did not love her and hold her in your arms as she needed you to. So take her gently by the hand, and she will be so thankful. Open wide your house to her for now.
       "I promise you your dreams shall not end. The girl in your heart, who holds the key, will wait; she kn ows her time is coming. She is sleeping in My arms right now, and I hold her safely in My care. Now, go to the princess of the east. She is a hungry traveler, passing through for a time and a season, then she will move out of your house. Trust Me now and feed her, for she is hungry and cold. Take her in and warm her with your body. Here, take this in your hand."
       Then a hand appeared from the sky with a box for the prince. "It is a magical box in which lies the power to sustain you. Open the bo x and eat what you find therein," said the King of the Heavens. "You shall understand and be thankful."
       The prince felt assured that if he answered the call to love the princess in need, soon the King of Heaven would give him his heart's desires and it would all work out. He knew that this traveling princess would move on, and soon he would be with the girl of his dreams.

New disciples/status change stats

ASCRO       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       3                            3
FM to CM       2              1       4       7
Ex-members to CM                                   0
Ex-members to FM                                   0
New FM disciples        8              1       4       13
CM to FM       6       1       4       5       16
CM to ex-member       1                            1
FM to ex-member                                   0

SACRO        Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       7                     6       13
FM to CM       23              13       36       72
Ex-members to CM       2              1       1       4
Ex-members to FM       2                     3       5
New FM disciples        4                            4
CM to FM       5       1       3       1       10
CM to ex-member       9       3       1       3       16
FM to ex-member       1                     1       2

EURCRO       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       21       5       3       8       37
FM to CM       24              17       43       84
Ex-members to C M       1              1              2
Ex-members to FM       25              7       37       69
New FM disciples        7              2       6       15
CM to FM       6       1              4       11
CM to ex-member       11       4       2       9       26
FM to ex-member       10       1       6       5       22

NACRO       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       1       3       1       2       7
FM to CM       15       4       9       19       47
Ex-members to CM              1       3              4
Ex-members to FM       8       1       5       12       26
New FM disciples                      1              1
CM to FM       18       6       10       20       54
CM to ex-member       20       17       15       12       64
FM to ex-member                                   0

PACRO       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       3                     1       4
FM to CM       3              1       9       13
Ex-members t o CM              1                     1
Ex-members to FM       4                     2       6
New FM disciples                                    0
CM to FM       2              1       6       9
CM to ex-member              1       3       1       5
FM to ex-member       2       2       1       5       10

ALL AREA TOTALS       Adults       YAs       Teens       Children       Total

New CM disciples       35       8       4       17       64
FM to CM       67       4       41       111       223
Ex-members to CM       3       2       5       1       11
Ex-members to FM       39       1       12       54       106
New FM disciples        19       0       4       10       33
CM to FM       37       9       18       36       100
CM to ex-member       41       25       21       25       112
FM to ex-member       13       3       7       11       34

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family