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the grapevine
(Issue #47; August 1, 1998.)


little darlings …

       Jason Thomas, 1st child, born to Hannah and Tom on May 9th.-Czech Republic
       Lily Anne, 13th child, born to Ruthie and Paul Volunteer on May 16th.-Russia
       Christopher Anthony, 8th child, born to Joanna and Andrew on May 27th.-United Kingdom
       Abril Natacha, 1st child, born to Sunshine and Neftali on May 29th.-Mexico
       Twin brothers Ryan Mark Quinn and Robin Lee John, born to Ina and David Prayer on June 2nd.-USA
       Kevi n Ryan, 2nd child, born to Jessica and Steven on June 4th.-USA
       Brandon Fighter, 2nd child, born to Joanie and Tracy on June 6th.-Canada
       Tracie Gagne, born to Pat and Samuel on June 23rd.-Canada
       Kalie Lanik, 1st child, born to Angie on June 29th.-USA


new CM laborers - June 1998

       Ezequiel and Sonia (25 and 24, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       Paulo Montanha (30, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       Brandon Arthur (25, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       Ester (23, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       Daniele (25, Italian) joined in Italy.
       Tod (17, Irish/American) joined in January (from FM status) in South Africa.

new FM laborers - June 1998

       Iraci (33, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       Gilvan and Francisca (29 and 26, Brazilian), joined in Brazil with three kids.
       Elias (52, Colombian), joined in Colombia.
       Patricia (46, Colombian), joined in Colombia.

think deep

       Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you. - Anonymous


       (From Mark, Jere, Mariane and Sharon:) We held a three-day youth meeting in Brasilia from June 29-July 2, for those in the central part of Brazil. We had 40 attendees (CM and FM), evenly balanced between boys and girls! For a reasonable price, the Lord led us to a beautiful rustic place with chalets, out in the countryside, for our site.
       The themes of our Word classes were: "Days of Preparation," "Freedom and Choices" and "Commitment." To top off our meet ings, we had a sweet Loving Jesus inspiration together. We followed it with communion, and closed the meeting by hearing from the Lord. On a bonus fourth day, we took a hike to a nearby river, with beautiful cascading waterfalls.

       (From Celia:) The setting is a hotel in Neptune, a town 40km from Constanta, Romania, and a three-minute stroll from the Black Sea-full of life and activity! Folks are beginning to arrive, most after travelling anywhere from four hours to four days. (One te am hitchhiked through three countries, setting a record of sorts of approximately 28 rides!) As it's now 3:00 in the morning, our dear camp manager is wondering if he's ever going to get to bed, as people are still arriving!
       The Lord worked it out for us to hold a five-day delegates meeting for about 70 people from May 30-June 3. CROs Phillip, Dawn, Melody and Magda, as well as Rosa, one of our SEEC VSs, were able to attend. The attendees were from a cross-section of nationalities and ages, in vited from all the different countries in the SEEC (South Eastern European countries) area-which are, in case you don't know: Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova. About half of those attending were nationals of these countries, many of whom have been in the Family for under a year.
       Some of the main topics covered in the meetings were: training and raising up our national churches; implementing the goals for 1998 (this included "quiz" ques tions such as, "Who hears from the Lord at least once every day?"); love, unity and (against) gossip; use of the new weapons in our personal lives; Charter workshop; new books and tools in the local languages; Loving Jesus inspiration and hearing from Heaven.
       There was also swimming in the beautiful Black Sea, soccer games, inspirations, fun fellowship, and a dance night at the end! Most of all, it was wonderful to be able to spend this time together with such wonderful fellow missionaries, an d with our marvelous and dazzling Husband and Lover Who freely gives us all things!

       (From Angela:) On May 9-10, we held a fellowship in Verona, Italy. Around 100 people (CM and FM) attended. It was a beautiful time of reunion, and it drew everyone closer to each other. Besides the usual time of fellowship, we had united praise, Word and prayer.

       (From Celia:) "Four hundred and fifty people?" exclaims an astonished Family staff member upon hearing the number of confirmed at tendees to the upcoming EE Family Camp. "How are we ever going to manage that?" The answer: "We're not!-It's got to be the Lord!"
       This EE Family Camp was held from June 10-14, and 450 people was no exaggeration! There were about 150 children under the age of 12, who were divided into four childcare groups of ages 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11. God bless all our activity planners and teachers who provided sit-down activities and get-outs for each age group, allowing the JETTs and up to attend one meet ing daily for feeding Word input (the same meeting was held twice each day).
       The EAST (European Audio Studio) Home, with help from a couple of other Budapest Homes, fully organized and managed this camp, GB 'em! Each team provided their own food and transportation. Phillip, Dawn, Magda and Melody attended the four days of our camp, and were available (almost non-stop!) for personal talk-time with people.
       One of the main reasons this EE Family Camp was held was to give an opportunity for anyo ne who could to attend a gathering of this kind. With such a large number of people, we were desperate for the Lord's help and guidance and anointing so that it would run smoothly and be a blessing for all. The Lord led us to set a good standard for our time together, giving guidelines (which were sent to the Homes ahead of time) such as no System music or alcohol allowed, except for a lightly-spiked punch on dance night. These guidelines helped make it easy for everyone to be good, helped to se t the tone for the camp, and enabled everyone to have sweet fellowship together in the Lord's Spirit and enjoy each other's company. It also provided a loving atmosphere for the children and families attending.
       Evening highlights included a wild inspiration with gypsy dancing, at which the caretaker of the property commented in amazement, "Everyone's so happy and free, and they don't even need vodka!" We also had a special evening of Loving Jesus together as we sang songs of love to Him, telli ng Him how much He means to us, and listening as someone read selections of His love Words to us.


       (From Ezekiel and Sunny:) At the end of June we hosted a four-day Family Camp in Cualtla for the Homes in Southern Mexico and Central America. In the second week of July we held another three-day Family Camp in Morelia for the Homes in Central/West Mexico. Both sets of camps had approximately 140 attendees.
       The Lord gave us the idea to have one united meeting where each Home and/or cit y could have 10 minutes to share with everyone all the miracles and victories from their local area. We called this our "share the good news" meeting. It was a tremendous encouragement to hear all the wonderful miracles and victories that are happening everywhere. We also watched the Western Europe video classes from Peter on the subjects of unity, being open for shepherding, prophecy, loving Jesus and new weapons. We also discussed the "goals for '98" GN, and had a childcare meeting where we re ad from the new Letters on the education and shepherding of our children.


Words from the Wise

Nutritious Nibbles…

       (From Rejoice, Japan:) Seeing our new mommies feed their babies unhealthful food gave me a burden to share my convictions when it comes to what kind of food we give our babies and toddlers.
       Some young parents think it is cute to see their children chew on chocolates, have a sip of beer, or munch on a piece of white bread. Just looking at our SGAs and YAs, and h ow good their teeth look and how healthy they are, makes me thankful that we made the right choice of giving them healthful food and snacks. You are what you eat! If we start giving our children unhealthful food at a young age, they will develop a hunger for such things. But if they are given good nutritious food from the beginning, they will desire such food.
       I think it would be a good idea for all of our new mommies to study up on nutrition from what Dad said in the early Letters. They are v ery good suggestions, and are tried and proven! It worked with our precious SGAs and YAs, as well as our teens! And I'm sure those Letters will be a guide to our dear young parents.-Please take this as from a concerned grandma!


       (From Rose, Poland:) With my first daughter I had a lot of milk. But when my second was born, suddenly I almost completely lost my milk! I was shocked, as I used to take lactation for granted, and it didn't even cross my mind that something like this could h appen to me!-I had nursed my first child for 19 months. But now with this baby my milk was gone; the baby was hungry, and I freaked out.
       Thank God there was a sweet mommy in the Home who had gone through the same thing before. We got some formula and just kept giving the baby first the breast and then formula. Most of all I started to pray like a house on fire, claiming God's promises (Gen.49:25), reading From Jesus - With Love and other Word, and fighting to stay calm. By the Lord's mercy, th e milk came back after nine days.
       This has also been a safeguard for me. When I am getting out of line by not taking the proper rest or Word time, or I am too up-in-the-air about something, my milk supply starts to drop. Then I know that I've strayed from the right track and I have to come back. So I thank the Lord for every happy day of nursing. Hallelujah! (Note: See also CCHB1 for some more info on this.)

Bath time for two…

       (From Bethy, Free Zine country:) As a single mom, finding time to take a shower was something that for a long time seemed rather difficult to get to, as I didn't want to always use baby's precious naptime for such a luxury (ha!) when there were always so many other things to do … you know-having Word time, going to the bathroom, folding laundry, cleaning the room, and maybe even getting some work done. But after my daughter learned to sit up very well on her own, I came upon a great solution that I've used ever since. I fill up a dish-type basin [that they can't fall over in] with water and as many toys as can fit, and put it in the furthest corner of the shower, away from the shower nozzle. Then baby can play happily in her little tub at the end of the shower, while mom indulges in a luxurious shower. This way the shower experience can be accomplished with baby. Perhaps everyone does this, but it was a revelation to me, ha!

Reaching out…

       (From Esther, Romania:) A word of encouragement to all the mommies, CC workers, and those "staying by th e stuff." Our Home had many sheep, contacts and friends over the years, just as a sideline to all our many ministries, and over the years I have been witnessing to some of their children, since I was looking after my kids anyway. Now some of those children are young teens, and have turned out to be our Home's most fruitful catacombers and outside witnessers!
       If you happen to be a mommy in a situation like ours (we've been by ourselves for some time now), and you feel that after taking care of the children the whole day, having done all your cooking, cleaning, laundry and other chores for the day, there's so little you can give the sheep … well, that little bit every day or every other day can mean the world to those that receive it, and the rewards are so great when you finally see all those seeds conceive and bring forth fruit in the Lord's time!

Sleepy time…

       (From Katya, 21, Russia:) Baby Lisa was having difficulties with her sleep. She would often be very tired but would stil l resist being put to sleep. She would only sleep a total of one hour during the day. And going to sleep at night was the most difficult because she would normally go to sleep only after midnight. It was a real trial for me because I couldn't get enough rest during the night. Finally we prayed about it and the Lord showed us that He wanted us to get desperate about Lisa and her sleep and to keep desperately praying for it. That's what we did, and the Lord miraculously answered our prayers. Now L isa sleeps sometimes as much as two-and-a-half hours in one nap, and her bedtime is 10 p.m. TYJ! It sure pays to ask Him what to do instead of trying to do things in our own strength.

Word input…

       (From Jaz, Free Zine country:) I've always remembered that my mom used to quote memory chapters to my sister and me when we were young, and those very chapters are the ones I can quote best to this day. I'd been quoting Psalm 23 off and on to Kimberly from the time she was very small, and one day w hen she was a year and five months old, I quoted it to her again, this time pausing throughout and leaving out one or more key words from each verse. To my surprise, she filled in every blank!
       Since then, I've started a before-nap routine where I quote her a selection from a list of key memory chapters (now omitting Psalm 23, since she knows it). I started doing this about three weeks ago, and today I tried her out on Jn.1:1-14, which was the first on my list.-And she knows the whole thing! I am absolutely sold on this method! Now I've dropped that chapter (and added it to her review plan instead), and am going for other ones. (It's also an excellent personal review method, ha!)
       I've also seen how effective the Memo Book song tapes are!-Today I started to teach Kimby her new memory verse, Jn.14:6. Instead of quoting it, I sang the tune from the tape: "I am the way, the truth and the …"; as I paused, she eagerly filled in "life!"-And the same for the rest of the string of verses in that song. What a way to learn the Word!


Sri Lanka
       (From James and Joanie, India:) It was to be our second trip to Sri Lanka in a year, but we kept putting it off due to sporadic bomb blasts and shootings in the capital, Colombo. However, after praying, the Lord confirmed that it was His will for us to go "to comfort them in their hour of need." (Editor's note: There is presently no Home in Sri Lanka.)
Every time we prepare for a trip to this "emerald of the East," the Enemy fights tooth and toenail. This time Angela, who was to go on the trip, came down with a strange stubborn rash all over her body. It persisted for a few days despite our prayers. We finally laid a fleece that if she didn't get healed by the next morning that we'd cancel the trip. Lo and behold, the next morning there was absolutely no sign of the rash!
       Going through security and customs was another test, as we were packed with videos and tapes. Though the tapes showed up on the airport x-ray m achine and our bags were checked several times, we were waved through. It's a miracle since there is a great fear of suicide bombers, which is the latest tactic used by rebels, so security is quite tight.
       Our friend picked us up at the airport, and after one phone call we had a free place to stay for our whole trip! A former member that we've kept in contact with was instrumental in helping us meet many people and drove us everywhere. Even though we got out a lot of tools and lit, our main min istry was that of prayer and listening. We heard many stories of the suffering and hardships that people have had and are still going through.
       One Christian lady we met is a school teacher whose husband is an officer in the Sri Lankan Army. He is stationed in the north where most of the fighting is taking place. She prays desperately for him and has a personal ministry of visiting disabled soldiers in the military hospital in the capital.
       We visited the Trade Center, which at present is almo st back to normal. It had, along with many other buildings, been devastated by a truckload of explosives that was driven into the parking lot, only months earlier.
       Overall it was a wonderful trip! The people are extremely sweet, and there is a big need for a little touch of Heaven. There is a famine for the words of David, and a little love goes such a long way in this war-torn land. We'd like to make more trips into Sri Lanka, and are praying about possibly opening a Home there. If you'd like to help either with funds or by coming to join us, please write to us at: James and Joanie, PO Box 5027, GPO, Bangalore 560 001. India.


special prayer day

-for our children, parents and teachers
       (From Mama and Peter:) We'd like to ask that each Home dedicate a large portion of your prayer day during this coming month to praying for our children, parents and teachers worldwide. Since reading the recent GNs on the subject, we're sure everyone has become more aware of the urgent n eed to tune in to and train our young ones, and even more importantly, that it requires all of our effort!
       This could be a time for all those who are directly involved with the care of our children to receive united prayer for a new anointing, as well as any other specific related prayer requests they have. Since every Home member has a responsibility to our children, everyone will probably have something that the Lord has been speaking to them about regarding the care and training of our chil dren and what they can do personally. You could also hear from the Lord for the childcare situation in your Home. This prayer day is in honor of the call to arms which the Lord has issued, and a definite push to implement the New Wine. Thank you so much for joining together in prayer for our precious children! We love you!

CLE ordering tips and tricks

-from Promise, CLE Family Distributor Home

CLE bank transfers

       A Home in Brazil recently sent funds for their CLE order via bank transfer. I asked CLE if I could present this option to the Family.
       They responded: "If customers wish to transfer money this way, they will need these two numbers:
       Bank #0514 03847
       Account #254 0075 4.
       They will need to add $15 to the order total to cover the bank transfer fee. It's fine to go ahead and tell people about it if they can benefit from this."
       (The name of the CLE bank is: F&M BANK MASSAUTTEN NA.)

New airmail chart

       The new airmail chart that was published in April (called "CLE price changes, updates and tips:") only mentions "Lightunits" at the top, but it should say "Lightunits and Answer Keys." Since it only says Lightunits, someone asked if they only needed to count the Lightunits when figuring out the postage, or if they needed to count the Answer Keys also. The answer is they need to count both the LUs and the AKs, just as in the shipping chart on "The Family's CLE Order Summary."

what's up?

Off a cliff
       (From Elizabeth, Cielo and Maggy:) After att ending a meeting in our Home, one of our friends who lives in another city had a terrible accident as he returned home. He drove off of a cliff, at the bottom of which were huge rocks. He was driving very fast (approx. 120 kph). He knew that he was going to die, so he prayed that the Lord would have His way. Before he touched the rocks, he felt something invisible grabbing the car and setting it down on the ground without a crash. The police arrived with rescue equipment and pulled up the car-an d there was not a single scratch on it! He should have been dead! It was a tremendous testimony to many, and several people got saved!

White to brown
       (From Abe and Mercy:) After reading the recent GN "Eat Right," we were convicted and wondered if we should switch from white rice to brown rice. Then in Grapevine #44, we read Nicole's testimony about eating brown rice at Mama's house, so we got turned on and decided to give it a go. First we had a couple of "test meals" with brown ric e to see how our children would take to it-and to our surprise they liked it, ha! So we had a Home meeting and decided to switch over.
       We have a sweet rice contact that has been giving us 30 kilos of white rice every month for free. Brown rice is a bit more expensive than white rice, so we thought to ask our contact if he could give a smaller amount of brown rice instead of the usual amount of white rice. The Enemy tried to make us worry that we might end up losing our contact if we asked for this change. But in prayer the Lord told us to just obey and that He would take care of the results. So we loaded the kids into the car and off we went.
       Our contact's daughter greeted us cheerfully. The wife overheard us talking to the daughter about changing to brown rice, so she went to tell her husband.
       "Oh, you want to change to brown rice? Sure! No problem. Go ahead and help yourself to a big bag!" He didn't mind one bit and gave us the same amount of rice as usual, but nice fresh brown rice.
       On the way out we talked some more with his daughter, and Elisabeth (10) led her to the Lord. She was so happy that she ran to tell her mother about it. TYJ, just like the Lord said, "if we obey, He will make a way!"

Government advisor
       (From Willing:) On June 27, we celebrated Helen Keller's birthday, and instituted the Anne Sullivan Excellence Awards in Teaching for teachers of the deaf. The idea to give awards to teachers of the deaf came to me when I was reading in the au tobiography of Helen Keller where she lamented the fact that her teacher, Anne Sullivan, was never honored or recognized.
       I prayed and got the green light from the Lord, so we invited prominent politicians and selected two teachers. The media did full-feature coverage. This is the first time such an award has been given in India, which has a population of over 90 million people who are deaf or hearing-impaired. We gave each teacher a scroll and honored them in the traditional Indian way. Two m ajor newspapers have done a feature on our deaf work, reaching a readership of three million. I have also been appointed as an advisor to the government on deaf issues.

In the mail bag
       (From Gideon and Rachel:) After being away for two weeks, there were quite a few letters waiting for us upon our return.
       A journalist wrote to tell us that the article she had written after staying with us for a week had been published in a Dutch newspaper. She also wrote: "Something funny happened last week. I and some other members of the Socialist party were out campaigning (elections are coming up next month). One of our team was a sociologist I barely knew. He told me he had investigated the Family back in the '70s and lived at the Family Home in Amsterdam! He remembered the same songs I learned (from the Family). You should have seen the looks on the other campaigners' faces as we sang them."
       It struck us as really funny that two socialists-one a journalist and the other a sociolo gist-should be singing Family songs together on a left-wing political campaign, ha! The Family sample and spirit really sticks with people.
       A national TV company wrote, asking for a copy of Countdown to Armageddon for background information for a program they want to make on the Endtime.
       We received several beautiful reactions from former members to the Wine Press. It's particularly inspiring to see how they are becoming turned on to prophecy.
       Two students wrote to find out more informatio n on the Family for their university degrees. This is a regular service we supply for students from 16-year-olds to postgraduates.
       We also heard from someone who had received a Love Is News on the street 18 years ago, and had recently found it again in his drawer. He finally decided to write in, not knowing if the address would still be valid but desperately searching for the truth.-You never know what an effect that piece of literature is going to have, or how long people will keep it.

A s piritual desert

       (By Elia:) Together with the Ministry of Education, we went to the biggest area of Uzbekistan, called Karakolpak. This area is close to the Aral Sea and the Sirdaria River. Due to ill-advised government policies of building extensive irrigation channels from the rivers flowing in to the Aral Sea, the sea has dried out for 100 km from its previous boundaries where people are living. A lot of people are struggling without good water and normal food. Even the tea there is salty. All around you see very poor children and adults in dirty clothes; their eyes are full of pain and sorrow. They are very receptive to the message and appreciative of God's Word.
       The Ministry of Education had arranged the details of our accommodation there, including providing our transportation. During our one-week stay we visited five towns. In each town we did two or three shows (reaching 400 underprivileged kids per day), plus we stayed in the houses of the most honorable people of the town, who received us according to their Asian traditions and treated us like kings!
       All of us, including our teens and JETTs, had to do a lot of hard work, but we also had tons of fun. We learned how we could appreciate the things we have more by looking at those lost people who are not only living in a geographical desert, but also in a spiritual desert. They were so thankful to swallow each precious drop of water from Heaven!

A small gift
       (From Faith [of Steven]:) Aft er provisioning a Christmas turkey dinner at a five-star hotel, I asked the cheerful giver if our kids could come sing to him. The man was so happy to see them perform that he had them join his choir in his Christmas show.
       After Christmas I tried to contact him but he was so busy that I couldn't catch him. Six months later he called me to say goodbye, as he was leaving the country for good. He said that while he was cleaning out his drawers he saw our newsletter showing our local CTPs here in Bali, and it had touched him. He said he had a small gift for us.
       I asked if I could come and see him before he left, but he was on his way out to the airport right then, so he left the envelope with his secretary. When we picked it up that afternoon, there was a note that said: "It was nice to know you and your family, especially at a time of year that is a time of reflection. Please accept the gift of money as a small token to help you through the difficult times now facing Indonesia. Feel f ree to use it for whatever needs arise. All the best to your lovely family."
       His small gift was $1,000. TTL for newsletters and for our sweet children, whom he was so touched by!

movie ratings

       [The previewing of movies is done by a small cross-section of WS members. Mama and Peter are not directly involved in the rating of "watchable" movies.]

Movies Rated Watchable for Junior Teens and Up

Kenneth Branagh, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie
       Four-hour rendition of Shakes peare's famous tragedy. This movie is a word-for-word cinematic production of the full play in the original language. It's helpful to know at least the first part of the story line before watching the movie. Many discussion points on the subject of revenge, and the bad choices of some of the main characters. Not to everyone's liking. JETTs could watch if parents feel it is appropriate. If shown to young teens or JETTs, it could be viewed as part of a scholastic course, with proper explanation; t hey may otherwise find it boring and difficult to understand.

Harland Williams, William Sadler, Jessica Lundy
       Light comedy about an inept but kindhearted astronaut who goes on a mission to Mars. Sweet and humorous overall, though some found it very foolish. Parents may allow their JETTs to watch it if they wish.

Movies Rated Watchable for MCs and Up

Barbara Hershey, William L. Petersen
       New version of an old movie. True story of a group of nu ns who are having a church built, but the workmen forget to build the staircase to the choir loft. The nuns pray for the Lord to bring someone to help them. (For younger children, it would probably be good to discuss the main nun's example of being quite hard and prejudiced for much of the movie. The depth of the reason for the nun's anger at the Indians will not need to be explained to children; it will be enough for them to understand that the Indians hurt some of the nuns.)

movie reviews

Rocket Man

       (Dad speaking:) This is a movie about a sweet boy with a good heart. It's unfortunate that there are a few distasteful scenes in there, but there's nothing really mean-spirited or downright bad that's going to be harmful for our kids to see. If you remember that this is a movie made by ungodly men, and you're ready for a little bit of yuk in there, then you can just overlook it and take from it the sweet side that there is, and the portrayal of innocent kindheartedness which final ly won over even those who were so aggravated by his childish behavior. (End of message from Dad)

       (Jesus speaking:)
I am not against fun, and though there is a time to weep, there is also a time to laugh. Of course, there are always those who will be tempted to pick up more of the negative aspects than the positive aspects of a movie, and if some are already prone to foolishness, it would be good to have prayer afterwards against them imitating the foolishness to an excessive degree [or perh aps they shouldn't watch it at all]. (End of message from Jesus.)


       (Jesus speaking:) This is a tale of sadness, revenge, murder, hatred-the story of man vainly trying to remedy things by taking judgment into his own hands. Hamlet's greatest tragedy of all is that he did not leave justice in My hands. He was motivated by having heard from his father's spirit from beyond the grave, but I say unto you that these spirits of revenge, of lust, of the desire to exert power and to set things right oneself only end in more bloodshed, unhappiness, and tragedy. How much better to trust Me! How much better to know that I, the Lord, do all things well! I died to free man from the tragedy caused by his own sin, and these who make these movies have no sense of what I have done, and how I can set men free through accepting what I did to set things right, to take away sin, to give new life and a new start.
       If you wish to see an example of what is called great in literature by the world, yo u may see this movie. But do not expect to be entertained. View it as an example of man's attempt at great literature and great film-making, without the anointing of My qualities of love, mercy, and faith. The meaning of the play is not good; it is contrary to My principles of forgiveness.
       Some of Shakespeare's plays depict stands of faith or acts of love, but this one, as the tragedy that it is, depicts man's inability to trust Me with judgment, and the sad effect of taking revenge into one's own hand. Be aware that it is hard work, it is not fun viewing, and it is more an example of historical literature, well-known in the world, but not much help to you in your life for Me. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Staircase

       (Jesus speaking:) This movie is a true story and testimony of My power, although not everything in the movie is true, nor are all the characters portrayed in real true-to-life form. But the miracle did happen; it was a token of love and encouragement for those who were there, and it continues to be a testimony. You can see it on the 3-D TV when you arrive here as it really happened, but until then it's fine for My children to watch [this movie] as it glorifies Me and My miracles and My creative power, and not violence and destruction and death. (End of message from Jesus.)


       Jordan Sunrise, the DC Studio has recorded your song "There Is a Place" and is trying to get in touch with you. Please contact us ASAP! E-mail: DCShow@aol.com. Add: The Family 5223 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Suite 170, Washington, D.C., 20015.
       Chris White (SGA, last in the States), please contact Joy. E-mail: sharp@pla.net.py.
       Johannes and Joanna (in Indonesia) would like to contact Jonathan and Celeste (last contact in Canada), and Silas (formerly Abby, in Japan). E-mail: fcharmony@yahoo.com. Add: Koltes R., PO Box 98 CPA, Ciputat 15401, Indonesia.
       Katrina and Stephan (of Johannes and Joanna) would like to contact Stephanie (of Mathew and Marie) and Johnny (of Steven and Rose). We last met in Belgium. Add: PO Box 98 CPA Chiputat 15401 Jakarta, Indonesia. E-mail: PALMCPJ7@dnet.net.id.
       French Zac would like to contact an Australian female who was a single mom (can't remember your name) with two children at the time, in Bangkok (Thailand) in the mid-'80s, after the persecution in Indonesia. I stayed with your two children while you went out in the evening. Contact me via EURCRO, #FR653.
       Carina is searching for Abi (worked together in Thailand as secretaries), Rex (of Elkanah and Tamar), Eman (a.k.a. Equardo), Love (SGA Japanese), Jessica (17, Japanese), and Michael and Ruth (lived together in Pakistan). E-mail: access@giasbga.vsnl.net.in or Add: Carina c/o Family Services, 706, Barton Center, 84, M.G. Road. Bangalore 560-001, India.
       Paul H. (a.k.a. Joshua), who spent a year in Russia (1993-94), would like to contact the Chelyabinsk disciples and catacombers, and Polish Abner and Marie (from Moscow). Add: Paul R., Samsen Nai P.O Box 4 -211, Bangkok, Thailand.
       Faith, please contact Maria, OTH, Japan. Last heard from in Australia but lost contact. E-mail: all4one@silver.ocn.ne.jp. Add: 596-0814, Osaka-fu, Kishiwada-shi, Okayama-cho, 163-6 Japan.
       Marie Lluvia, please contact Marianne (in Japan). We were in Lithuania together. E-mail: all4one@silver.ocn.ne.jp. Add: 596-0814, Osaka-fu, Kishiwada-shi, Okayama-cho, 163-6 Japan
       Joy (of Simon and Merryheart) is looking for Angie (of Claire and Barney). E-mail: Simmht@ibm.net.

letters to the editor

Re: To tell the truth
(see Grapevine #46)
       Similar things have come up in our Home in the past, such as buying an expensive cologne that comes with a gift set, then returning the cologne and keeping the gift set. There was even an incident where someone was buying hardware for a cheap price at a discount store, then returning it to a regular hardware store, claiming they lost the receipt, and pocketing the difference between the discount price and the regular price. (T hey have since stopped, since we had some people pray about it and the Lord indicated He was not pleased.) Or people going to a theater, buying a ticket for one movie, seeing that movie and then staying in the building and going to another movie after that-in other words, getting two for the price of one. I have also heard of incidents in other Homes where people would buy clothing, use it for a while and then return it and get their money back.
       People seem to have varying opinions as to wheth er these things are okay or not. The Charter states that Family members should, "endeavor to … refrain from activities or behavior that would be a reproach to the cause of Christ and/or reflect negatively on the Family" and "as much as possible, our actions should lift up Jesus, and none of them should defame or blemish either the Lord or the Family."
       Some people claim it's "according to your faith." My question is: If Jesus were "in the flesh" accompanying you on these shopping trips or movie outings, would you still do these things with Him present? If you could not, with all faith and conviction do them if He were with you (which He is anyway, in the spirit), then I guess my response would be, "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."
       -an FGA shepherdess

Re: Using specific prophecy in studio work
(see Grapevine #42)
       John Listen, your article was very encouraging. Thanks for sending it in! I love song-writing and have wanted to try getting a song in prophecy. Well, I tried and go t the words in one session and some musical ideas (not a full production outline, ha!) in another.
       The Lord told me that since I'm new at it I might need to work (with Him) on editing the words where needed, and putting the music together from His original input.-The Lord's so understanding! I'm happy that I am not the only one who is still in the learning stages, and I appreciate your putting some skin on this new method.
       -Paul H., Thailand

Re: Mama's Jewels

       Thank you so much for publi shing "Mama's Jewels!" A member of the Home takes a copy of the Grapevine, photocopies it and cuts out the "Mama's Jewels" and pastes them in a book called "Mama's Jewels."
       -Stefan, Pakistan

Love Lines

       1: Issue #4 of the Love Lines is now compiled, and has been sent to all regular subscribers. Write in if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.
       2: Attention-young people! There are a fair number of SGAs who are on the mailing list to receive the Love Lines, but who haven't su bmitted an ad. Often, a young person will subscribe and then see that there aren't many available young people listed, and will then think, "Oh, this isn't for me," and will ask to be taken off. When in fact, if all the young people who are receiving it would put ads in, Love Lines could become a great blessing for the young people as well.
       In other words, there are many young people on the sidelines, looking on. But if no one puts an ad in, they might not find the sweetheart they're looking f or. Although it may be humbling to put an ad in, it may be well worth it. There are young single guys and girls out there "looking on," just waiting for your ad to appear!
       3:Affairs of the heart! We received the following from Sad Single in Europe: "I was under the impression that the Love Lines was supposed to be confidential, but sad to say, it's been the subject of gossip here. When people discuss who's on the list and their shortcomings, etc., it could color people's opinions of them befo re they have had a chance to write them and get to know them. It's made me hesitant to write to anyone on the list that is in this country, as I'd like my letters to them to remain private. Maybe I'm overreacting, but affairs of the heart should be treated gently."
       Love Lines is supposed to be a confidential service. If you know of people who are discussing who's on the list or are passing their copy on to others who are discussing it,or other such confidential matters, please send their name and location in to the Grapevine, and we will stop sending them copies.

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama and Peter,
       I wanted to tell you how grateful we all are for your faithfulness in getting out so much Word to us! It is my life source, and I can't get enough!! I think the secret to finding out just how important the Word is in our lives is to make it not just something you "read"; it helped me when I began to make the effort to re-read and study and memorize key portions of prophecies. I write down key paragraphs and tips for applying it in practical ways, and it has totally changed my way of reading the Word. Now it has become a part of me. Some Letters that have come out recently I have read no less than eight times, and still I want to go over them more!
       The latest GNs on "The Spiritual Health Revolution" and "Quiet Time-Your Lifesaver" have caused a revolution in our Home. We have set aside three times each day which are designated "quiet times," and people can take that time to pray, read and hear from the Lord. We have memorized quite a few parts of these GNs, and I must say that this is the answer!-To every problem, every weight, every possible thing that could come up: Making your daily time with Jesus the absolute most important thing. Those moments throughout the day have proved to make every angle of my day run smoother.
       I'm eternally thankful that we have been given the privilege of receiving these beautiful words that are our very life!
       -B. (female) , India

Dear Mama and Peter,
       I couldn't thank you enough for the tremendous Word that has been coming out lately. It is very fruitful and edifying. I wanted to comment on one GN in particular, "The Year of the Bottom Line."
       We have had somewhat of a difficulty over the years along the lines of sharing among the young adults. I don't know exactly why this is, but we have a situation now where a lot of people have worked together for many years-eight or nine years at least. In many ways the young people are very familiar with each other.
       So the whole Law of Love issue [concerning sexual sharing], although everyone believes in it, they have had a difficult time doing much with it. But this GN and the effects that it had when we read it were dynamic. Almost immediately afterwards people were coming up and saying that they would like to spend some time with so-and-so, and that they just wanted to get the victory over this. In all these cases with people wanting to share, it was wit h ones that they felt really needed help-young couples wanting to share with singles, YAs wanting to spend time with each other, etc. In most cases, it wasn't that anyone was pushing for relationships, but it was sweet sharing and outgoing concern, which was so beautiful!
       Some folks who had had some pretty long-standing difficulty with implementing it stepped out immediately and took the stand to make changes in their lives. It was encouraging and very heartening to see the young people respon d to the Word. They were saying, "I don't want to get left behind. I don't want to drag this out. I want to jump in and go for it!" It was a matter of people really wanting to just believe, obey and follow through on the New Wine. It was outstanding to me to see this dedication and response to hearing the Word.
       -J. (adult man), Asia

New FTT Compilation CDs

-from DC Home, USA

Swift and Smooth
- (set of two FTT Compilation CDs)

       Price: $10 (for 2 CDs) + shipping costs
       $1.75 for first class mail (within North America)
       $3.50 for priority mail
       $4 international mail

       The shipping rates are per CD set. If you're ordering more than one set within the US, you may simply enclose enough funds for priority mail. If you are ordering more than one set from outside the US, please be sure to include shipping funds for each CD set, but not more than $15 total.

       Send your orders to:
       CD Project
       5223 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Suite 170
       Washington, DC 20015, USA

       Make your check or PMO out to: The DC Family
       (Cash in US dollars is okay; send at your own risk, in a double envelope.)

your views on issues

"Everyone … is backslidden!"

       (From a VS:) A deep concern on my heart is the attitude of the Family overseas towards those in the States or coming from the States. I have heard of statements being made such as, "Everyone in the States is backslidden," or "All teens in the States are rotten apples."
       Many people here are sincere missionaries, loyal to the Fam ily, and they love the Lord deeply and witness. For one reason or another they can't leave or feel they are supposed to be here. Many of them, upon reading "Trash Your Trinkets," have decided to go back to the field.
       My request is that it be mentioned somewhere that people going to a field from the U.S. should be given a chance to prove themselves before they and their children are automatically labeled negatively. I know some field Homes got "burned" by teams coming from the States, but I am sure there are at least an equal number of cases where teams coming from the States have been a blessing.
       Several young people who left our Home for difficult fields expressed that the hardest thing about going to the field was the self-righteous attitude that just because they came from the States they were automatically "out of it." They just "swallowed it" and did their job for the Lord, and He blessed that. However, in some younger teens' cases, they gave up and began doing even worse than they had here in the States because they got discouraged since they felt they already had one strike against them.
       Obviously there may be a "cleaning up" period for some coming from the States, but I believe it will require a lot less time if they feel accepted and loved as the Family they are, and if those receiving them accept that they need a time to readjust to mission-field life. I pray we can quickly get on with the job of reaching the lost and being One Wife!

Bloopers are back
Spai n

       (From Michael:) Recently some of our kids started developing an awful habit: using foul language. Sweet persuasion didn't work. I got tired of correcting, nagging and threatening. TTL, I found a fun way to get rid of it! I hung up a chart. Every time somebody was found guilty, he got a blooper. (That means we wrote "blooper" under his name, with the oo's real big and cross-eyed eyes inside and a sad mouth underneath.) At the end of each week we would reward the one that behaved best and had the least bloopers.
       Guess who won the first week? To everybody's surprise, it was the guy that normally behaved worst! He really tried, while the others at first thought they weren't so bad. It worked! After a few weeks we didn't need the chart anymore because the problem had more or less vanished! It was fun, because every time somebody would say one of the no-no words everybody else would shout "Blooper!" especially if it was an adult, of course! Nobody felt bad because this wasn't a demerit chart, but a reward chart for the ones that try to behave well-a positive approach. Nobody gets reproached, nagged or punished, and the ones who try get rewarded. Maybe this would also work for other bad habits.

Frozen money

       (From Asaph:) I wanted to share a confirmation of what Dad has taught us throughout the years-to not have or keep money in banks. Just recently as I made some transfers to another country, it seemed some signature was forgotten on the form, so the bank didn't transfer the money. By the time they informed me, it was 10 or so days later. I then tried to take care of this; however, for different reasons I didn't have the time to go to the bank. Finally I found out that all banks were closed in the country in light of the recent nuclear tests. The local government was trying to prepare for any international sanctions, and they announced that they had frozen all foreign bank accounts until further notice.
       This was quite a blow, as I had a large amount in my foreign bank account. It was a very good lesson about not keeping anything in the banks for too long, as you never know how fast things might change.
       The next morning, after praying about it, we got that we should get the money out of the bank either in dollars or in the local currency, as things were quite unstable. (We heard that the banks would release only local currency at a very bad rate, to keep foreign currency in the country). So I went to the bank and through a miracle they iss ued me the whole amount in dollars. They thought I was a diplomat, and it seems there are different regulations for those "special people," ha! And as it turned out, there was a run on the banks, as hundreds of people tried to get their money out, even if it was in the local currency.


       The Belize Pioneer Team (four adults, six teens and five children-so far) needs a big bus, humanitarian aid, supporters and laborers to establish a relief work in that Central American c ountry! Contact Ivan or Nancy at 304-984-0635 or E-mail: BelPioTeam@aol.com.
       Mark and Carina (SGAs) have been serving the Lord in Asia for the last 15 years, and now in Bangalore for a year. In order to continue we need support. Being SGAs we're appealing to our wonderful Family. Even if you can't commit monthly, anything would be appreciated. At present we have a specific need-$450 in order to extend our visas. E-mail: access@giasbga.vsnl.net.in, or Mark and Carina c/o Family Services, 706, B arton Center, 84, M.G. Road. Bangalore 560-001, India.
       Jan and Eva (EE nationals) have been working for the last five years in Russia. Our Home needs $400 to get a phone line to be able to better minister to the many sheep here. Can you help? (RU037)

Our week in Cambodia

-from French Phoebe and Japanese Timothy

       Cambodia is a small country of Southeast Asia, sharing borders with Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It was part of French Indochina for almost a hundred years, and still retains Frenc h influence (we even ate frog legs!). Here are a few facts from Cambodia's tormented recent history, to help you understand what awaited us there:
       During the Vietnam War, in three years, the U.S. dropped 540,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia, killing many thousands of villagers all over the country. Then the American and South Vietnamese troops invaded, killing more thousands of civilians. A few years later, in 1975, the Khmer Rouge, a fanatical communist group supported by Communist China, seized power. For the next three-and-a-half years, they held a reign of terror over the country, slaughtering between one-and-a-half to two million people out of a population of 10 million.
       People are still haunted by the atrocities from that era, and the scars, physical and psychological, are vivid. You do not meet a single person in Cambodia who didn't lose a mother or father or a close relative to the Pol Pot regime. We heard many horror stories which people are very disposed to tell, as if to re lieve the trauma they have to live with. Our last day there, we visited what used to be the "interrogation center" under the Khmer Rouge, which was left just as it used to be. The interrogators (torturers) were aged 12 to 20 years old. Twenty thousand people went through the center-seven came out alive. We had to stop our guide from telling us the stories, as we were both ready to throw up. Eventually communist Vietnam invaded Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge fled to the hills and the Vietnamese set up a puppet government. Later, after a three-way war, a national unity government was formed with the Vietnamese backed government, a pro-Western party and elements of the Khmer Rouge who had split from Pol Pot.
       Less than a year ago, a bloody coup took place in the Capital, Phnom Penh, stirring up memories of Pol Pot's horrors and bringing back a spirit of fear to the country. Foreign businesses, uncertain of what would happen next, stopped investing in Cambodia, and visitors and business went d rastically down. Elections are being held in July, and everybody is holding their breath, not knowing what the outcome will be.
       Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the poorest in Asia. The country is spiritually very dark. Although the Khmer (the inhabitants of Cambodia) are officially Buddhists-supposedly a peaceful religion-their deep-rooted beliefs which rule their day-to-day actions are a mixture of Hinduism, animism and fear, which makes them a rather violent people , with little respect for human life.
       We were warned upon arrival to avoid being in the vicinity of people having an argument, as weapons are readily available, tempers hot, and disputes often settled with a gun or a grenade. We were also strongly cautioned to not go out in the streets after dark, as there are lots of muggings and kidnappings, especially of foreigners. Traveling outside the two or three main cities is not recommended either, as packs of bandits and runaway Khmer Rouge soldiers roam the countryside, killing and stealing to feed themselves. In brief, one doesn't feel overly safe or confident there, and a couple of times during our trip, going back home by taxi late in the evening, in very dark streets with drivers driving ever so slowly, we were very thankful for the power of prayer!
       The need-physical, psychological and spiritual-is overwhelming. Pol Pot left the country devastated, both in terms of human resources and economically. Because of the extreme poverty, co rruption is rampant. As a result, although they have been receiving a lot of foreign aid, their economy is still a mess. We were warned to give directly to the very people or children we wanted to help, and to not go through any intermediary, or our gifts would be stolen. We heard countless testimonies of material help being sold or appropriated by the heads of institutions, or by government officials, and of the most needy being robbed of what little was given to them.
       The country's infrastru cture is still in shambles. Most places (including the hospitals we visited) don't have electricity, and have to rely on generators. The telephone system doesn't work, so they use cellular phones (and you have to dial from 10 to 30 times to get through!) or walkie-talkies to communicate. Road traffic is crazy; half of the cars drive in the wrong lanes, and no one respects the lights. Although a police force is now in place, no one trusts them, as they are so corrupt.
       In spite of all that-or ma ybe because of all that-Cambodia is a very compelling country. We were so thankful that the Lord had opened the door for us to go there. The way it happened is that Japanese Timothy, one of our top provisioners in Japan, had been helping an elderly foreigner in Tokyo with his humanitarian aid projects for about a year. Together they had sent hundreds of tons of rice to North Korea, and tons of pencils and about 50 computers to Cambodia. The trip was offered to Timothy as a reward for his help, a s well as an opportunity to see the need firsthand. I (Phoebe) went along, mainly because Jesus loves me and knows that this kind of mission is the very desire of my heart, and because Timothy needed a partner!
       Going there as guests of this influential and well-known friend, we were treated as VIPs. Timothy was introduced to many top people of the foreign community as a big shot who had big contacts in Japan, and had already helped Cambodia in a big way! We had free room and board in a nice vi lla, surrounded with a razor-wire fence and watched day and night by civilian guards and armed police. A chauffeur-driven car was at our disposal a lot of the time, allowing us to visit many institutions on our own. (By the way "chauffeur-driven" car sounds very fancy, but ours was an old beat-up Japanese car, and the driver an aged Cambodian man who had a difficult time distinguishing his right from his left; still, it was a super blessing!) The Lord takes such good care of His missionaries! It was humbling at times, and we had to learn lessons on stepping into the role the Lord had for us to play at that time.
       As we knew the need in Cambodia to be so big, we wanted to bring with us as much aid as possible in the form of physical necessities. When we checked with the Lord about what to bring, He told both of us, separately in prophecy, that although Cambodia does need a lot of physical help, the biggest need, and what many groups helping there neglect to bring, is spiritual help. Th e Lord reminded us that Pol Pot himself had been educated in France for years, as well as the other two top Khmer Rouge leaders, and with their heads full of knowledge and hearts void of Godly values, they had come back to their country and totally destroyed it in just a few short years, in the name of Godless ideals. So we felt very much compelled to bring in as much message as we could. But that did not look easy, as our host had clearly told us that he was helping Cambodia without any agenda- religious, economic, or whatever-and that as long as we were with him or associated with him, we couldn't promote Christianity, although when on our own, we would be free to do whatever we wanted to.
       The Lord showed us to use primarily the videos, Treasure Attics, Fantastic Friends and some Kiddie Viddies, which proved to be fantastic tools. They were like our Trojan Horse, penetrating inside orphanages and centers for street kids with Jesus' message of love, joy and Godly values, but without an openly Christian tag attached to it.
       A team from Thailand, who had visited Cambodia a few times before, scheduled a trip at the same time as ours, and we met up with them the day after our arrival. It was a beautiful testimony of the Lord's Spirit, as we didn't know each other and had never worked together, but it only took a few hours of sharing our vision and experiences and praying and hearing from the Lord together to be knitted into a good united team. The Lord told us that the fact th at we had one person from England, one from Australia, one from Japan, and one from France would be a testimony in itself, and it was. People commented on our "international delegation!"
       In Phnom Penh, we researched the orphanages and the street kids' situation to see where we could help most while in Cambodia, and later from Japan or on subsequent trips. Cambodia is the land of the NGOs (non-government organizations) and sadly, many of them seem to spend a lot of time backbiting the other gro ups, instead of giving their full attention to the staggering need around them.
       At the main center for street kids in Phnom Penh, we were surprised to find very few girls. We were told that most street girls are sold into prostitution, and that usually, due to abuse and sickness, they do not come out of the brothels alive. Tens of thousands of street kids roam Phnom Penh, especially at night, and it is not easy to get them off the street, as they find a certain "freedom" there. Most of them co me from the countryside or the jungle, having run away to escape the debilitating poverty they were raised in. In the city they become financially independent by stealing, begging or prostituting themselves (80% of the street boys, from the age of six to 18, are male prostitutes). Many get into drugs. (Marijuana is not considered a drug there, as apparently they use it as an herb to flavor their soup. But recently, designer drugs like Ecstasy were introduced, and sniffing glue is very big.-It's also the quickest way to destroy their little brains.) Having found some form of freedom, the kids are very reluctant to be put into an institution. It takes the volunteers a lot of patience and wisdom to help them.
       Two French volunteers run the center with a staff of 35 locals, who are paid through donations they raise. Their aim is to get kids off the streets by giving them quick vocational training. They also have a program in a prison for children in Phnom Penh, where they discovered stree t kids were being sent when the police routinely raid their hang-outs. In the prison there is no lawyer, no judge, no food, and no medical aid. The kids dropped there are left at the mercy of the prison director. AIDS is rampant, as is beriberi, malaria, malnutrition, and every form of crime.
       Before visiting this center, we were warned that the two French volunteers running it were totally opposed to any Christian influence, because they want to respect the local culture, so we were very much on our guard to not blow them away. Thank God they enthusiastically received a whole collection of Treasure Attics, and we will keep in touch with them via e-mail.
       We spent a lot of time with an Australian lady, who started an orphanage in Cambodia a few years ago and whom our team from Thailand has been ministering to. We visited her orphanage a couple of times, bringing gifts to the children and spending time them. It was heartbreaking to see some of the kids so sad and so subdued. When I me ntioned it to her, she proceeded to explain to us in graphic details the horrors some of them had witnessed and were still haunted by. It was heart-wrenching. Only last year, during the coup, three warring factions were fighting on the grounds of the orphanage, and one of the teenagers found himself on his knees, with a gun to his head, as the soldiers thought he was a deserter. During the attack, the Khmer Rouge buried 52 land mines on their property. The kids, small and big, do not use mattres ses on their beds anymore, as they were all so traumatized that they all started to wet their beds, and continue to do so almost a year later (and they do not want to spoil their mattresses).
       In another orphanage, introduced to us by our host, we were very careful to not come across too Christian, in respect of his wishes. The lady director of the orphanage told us her life story-how she had survived labor camps under Pol Pot, fled through the jungle for three days and nights with her six-year -old son, and lived in a camp by the Thai border for 10 years. As we saw the light in her eyes when she related her testimonies, we finally asked her if she was a Christian. She excitedly answered that she had gotten saved in one of the refugee camps! We embraced and it was a very sweet moment. We pulled out the posters and the tracts, and left a stack with her to distribute to the kids. We also gave her a Fear Not tape, and music tapes for her 250 orphans. She was so touched and thankful.
       We visited a total of five orphanages, one center for street kids, one school for street kids, one government school, and two hospitals. Aside from the religious aspect, we encountered another major obstacle to the distribution of our free videos: Most schools and institutions didn't have a video machine, or if they had one, it was broken! Thankfully, we had come to Cambodia with some funds donated by Japanese sponsors, and were thereby able to buy two multi-system video machines and one boom-box t ape player, making it possible for hundreds of children to watch our videos and listen to the children's tapes!
       Whenever we presented our videotapes to the teachers or the directors of the institutions, the look on their faces was so rewarding: total surprise, joy and excitement. One orphanage is government-sponsored, which means they have very little money, and what they do receive is usually so delayed that they routinely run out of rice to feed their children. They have no running water, so they had never dreamed of having their own video machine, much less educational video tapes for the kids. It was so wonderful to enable their 250 kids to have access to our tools.
       Before distributing our gifts to the children, the directors of the center would usually ask us to address the children, and they translated for us. Although we were not able to outright witness, we stressed the importance of feeding their hearts and not just educating their heads, so that they would be able to lead happy lives and help their country. Then they would all line up and come and collect their gifts (we always brought gifts for everyone). It was always such a touching moment, to be able to have a little personal time and a word with each one of them.
       During this weeklong trip we distributed 34 videos, seven audio tapes, 100 tracts and Reflections in Khmer, 20 English posters, and five Glimpses of Heaven books. These tools will directly reach about 1,000 children and teenagers, not counting th e ripple effect. We also gave out hundreds of coloring books, crayons, pens and markers, and Legos and toys we had brought with us, as well as hundreds of notebooks and pens, and clothes that we bought for a cheap price at the local market.
       It was a wonderful trip, and totally broke our hearts for all those countries which have been ravaged by war and poverty, where the need is so pressing, and where a little bit of love, attention, and a few tools can go such a long, long way.

grapes of th ankfulness

       I'd like to say a big thank-you to a very special human. Yes, he is a mere mortal, and as such has feet of clay like the rest of us, but he has always been there for us when we needed him, always around to pick us up after we fell, often sacrificing his own dreams and desires to help us realize ours.-Yes, my dad! But it wasn't always like that. He sacrificed his "freedom" to marry a single mom and inherited us kids. I know I didn't always make things too easy, but he wouldn't give up! Thank you, Daddy, for taking such good care of us and our mom. Happy Birthday!-To John (of Rose) in Turkey.
       -Faithy (24), Mike (21), Brandt (16), and Danny (10)

       I'd like to thank Michael, Peace, James, Pauline, and the Toronto Rivers Home for their help, encouragement, and wholehearted giving. I was in the process of joining their team to get ready to go to Africa, when I found out, unexpectedly, that I would have to leave North America and go back to my resident country (Brazil). I d idn't have the funds to make the move. I still had a deep burden to get to Africa, but didn't know how I would make it, being a single mom.
       After praying and seeking the Lord about my situation, they decided to send one of their own Home members to travel with me, and to care for me until we could all meet up again in Africa. This Home member was a good friend of mine and has since become my husband! We're now getting ready to go to Africa. The Rivers Home, as well as the NACRO office, also ma de it possible for us to obtain our airline tickets and emergency landing funds.
       I'm not eloquent enough to rightly express my gratitude to this Home and my husband for making the sacrifice of forsaking their own plans to help me out. This is really what our Family is all about: laying down our lives for each other! Where else but in the Family do you find such love and giving?
       -Claire Joy (SGA), Brazil

       A big thank-you to the European Studio Home for receiving and taking very good care o f us during our stay in Hungary, to Janos Live-out for his hospitality, to the Orchard Home for provisioning our airplane tickets, to John Fireball (Austria) and Adam and Christine H. (Krasnodarsk) for their donations, and to Chris and Vicky (Hungarian) for their gifts to our children! We appreciate it all, and love you a lot. We couldn't have done it without you!
       -Chris. A., Smile H., Junior and Perla, Albania

for and about our darling kiddos …

Four-year-old challenger
       Our son Peter i s nearly four, and although he's a shy Cancer and not naturally up-front in witnessing and postering, he is a key person in reaching our System relatives. He witnesses to them with such spontaneous conviction and unmoving faith that it puts our don't-wanna-offend-them, careful-not-to-Bible-bash, over cautious attitude to shame. Some kids are just like that. They can't seem to muster up the courage to smile at someone unknown, let alone to say hello, but once they feel comfortable with a person, they shower them with such love and affection that it's impossible for anyone to stand against such an expression of the Lord's Spirit and love.
       I was always uncomfortable to pray in front of my parents, as they are not believers. The first person to challenge my parents again to pray after my initial "failure" several years ago was Peter. He takes praying very seriously, and makes sure we always pray even when we sit in my parents' car. I would have never had the courage to expect my Mum and Dad to wait and respect me praying first, but they couldn't overlook their grandson's very obvious concern if we didn't pray. Now they don't even start the engine unless one of us prays first, as they know Peter will be worried and speak up right away. The last time we departed, they humbly promised Peter that indeed, they will pray in a car before starting off on their journey.
       -Shajjad and Katie, Romania

Kid prophecy power
       The other day I had to go out when I really didn't feel like it. I was supposed to go with Sammy (11). It was gloomy weather and it looked like it was going to rain any minute.-What a good excuse to stay home! Sammy approached me with the great idea (that didn't seem so great to me at the moment!) of getting a prophecy about whether the Lord still wanted us to go out or not. I wasn't very yielded to the idea, so I told him he had to get the prophecy. So Sammy did, and I got one as well. Guess what the Lord said?-Yes, to go!! We ended up having a great time, even better than usual. Thank God for our kids and the gift of prophecy!
       -Merry Heart, Czech Republic

Just 15 minutes
       When I was still a mother of one, five years ago (now I have three children), Russian Christina (of Piper) shared a lesson with me, which has since been a great blessing. She said: "I discovered that when I take 15 minutes per day to read on CC and raising kids, it really helps me to have quality time with my kids."
       I can imagine lots of parents have a problem getting en ough time to read the newest mailings, not to mention upgrading their knowledge about raising their darlings. But what about adding to our daily dinners of the Word (or any other convenient meal, for that matter) just 15 minutes of reading on childcare? It is a great help to me, and I guarantee it will be for all parents and those involved in CC!
       -Crystal, Poland

Word scholastics
       Some of our OCs who were having a hard time with their reading are making good progress. We're using Junior DB #1 for their remedial reading practice during the first half of quiet time. They're not only getting extra reading practice, but more Word time!-And they really like it!
       -Andrew, Annie and John, USA

Young prophets
       I've been encouraging my children (ages four and six) to hear from the Lord whenever serious things happen to them. They're the easiest ones to teach about receiving prophecy because they believe what you tell them. I just tell them to say the first things that come into their minds after we pray together, and they rarely have any difficulty coming out with some applicable verses or even direct prophecy that applies to their situation.
       Sometimes as parents we tend to see only the problems or idiosyncrasies our kids have, when in actuality they are so pure and free of much of the pride and doubts that hinder us adults from being open channels. My daughter Monica and I prayed and heard from the Lord after she had trouble breathing, and she received encouraging prophec ies and even sweet correction for herself. It encourages her that I believe that what she receives is the Lord speaking.
       -David and Ruthie, Taiwan

Record them
       In the evening for the kids' beloved storytime, we have started to record the stories being read (i.e., the Bible stories from the Good Thots, different subject studies, etc.) Thus we've been able to build up a nice collection of storytime tapes that they can't seem to get enough of.
       -Abner, Elisa, Mary and Mercy, Ukraine

Disci pline problems?
       Our OCs were having discipline problems, being disobedient, disrespectful and not pressing in on their jobs. We challenged them that if they did better in all these areas, we would take them on the road. They rose to the challenge and we went for a five-day road trip to a city nine hours away. They came back challenged, inspired and full of very exciting testimonies. The best place for problems is the battlefront, and what better way to challenge our kids than to get them pouri ng out to others!
       -Crystal, David, Carina, Jonathan and Michelle, India

Truly teaching
       I'm 42 and pregnant with number 11. Sometimes during the day my body just stops and says, "I can't go on any longer." Because of this I just sit down and try to keep the Home going from my armchair. While spending time with Jesus early this morning, I came to the conclusion that when I feel like this I can call one of my children over and explain that I need some help from Jesus, and ask them to get me the To Jesus - With Love book. Then the children see me get strengthened from the Word and His love, which is exactly what happens, and they learn and grow thereby.
       -Lily (of Peter), England

hot testimonies of supply

       It was our last month to prepare for traveling with a ten-man team to Denmark, and it had been tough to set aside funds for missionaries, but the Lord reminded us that we could not afford not to. Boy, were we glad we did! We gave nearly 400,000 Lira of our income to mission aries, and the Lord turned around and gave us a gift of nearly 4,000,000! You can never outgive God!
       -Philip, Gentleness and Faith, Italy

       We happened to pass by a Hewlett-Packard company, so just popped inside. Guess what! The Lord supplied a brand new Pentium with a color monitor, 2.5 GB hard, etc., for less than one-fourth of the original price. We were so thrilled, as it was unexpected!-And this store may be coming through with a free 486 also.
       -Crystal, David, Carina, Jonathan and Mi chelle, India

       Month of miracles: Provisioned cheese, fruits and veggies, olives, various food items, items for CTP programs, Singer sewing machine, and grains. Our monthly Home support continues to be regular, and the Lord brought in extra finances which were designated towards a vehicle. The Lord also supplied a cement truck full of concrete for our new driveway! The Lord raised up free dentists and doctors for those who had need of their services, as well as two new children's guitars and several Turkish musical instruments, a vacuum cleaner with a carpet shampoo attachment, free airline tickets and overweight luggage for Faithy and children, and continued good home support.
       -John, Rose and Tabitha, Turkey

I'm wondering…

       Q: We have a question regarding the shiners category in tapes/CDs. Wouldn't it be more fair if the tool distribution shiners would be decided by the amount of the tools that the Home distributes, rather than dividing it per number of adults in the Home? In most cases whether the Home has two or 10 adults, usually there are only one or two teams, at the most, that do outreach.-Czech Home
       A: (From WS:) It's difficult to make it perfectly fair, but the reason we chose to grade it by tools out per adult is because if it's judged by tools distributed by the Home, then the small Homes would never have a chance to be shiners. It's much easier for a large Home of 25 to get out more tools, since they have more members distributing than it is for a sma ll Home with, for example, one or two couples with their kids. The members of the small Home may be spending a lot more time out distributing to get out 50 videos, averaging 10 videos per person, than a large Home who got out 75 videos, but due to their large number of personnel only got out 5 videos per person. Thus, in order to make the shiner prize reachable by more Homes, we opted for basing it on videos per adult rather than videos per Home.

       Q: Do you by any chance know when the "Poetry Plug" is going to come out? Do you think you could put some more information about this in the Grapevine, if there is any?-Timothy (18), China
       A:(From Yvonna:) Thanks to all those of you who've sent your best poems to us for publication. You'll be happy to know that a new booklet entitled "Rhymes from Our Times"-chock full of Family-written poems-is nearly finalized and about to go to press. You'll be receiving it in a few months, DV.

Mama jewels on taking Word time…

-to a young staff me mber
       I'm happy to hear that you're getting your Word time daily. Even though you have a lot to do, haven't you found that when you take Word time, you don't feel the pressure as much? It doesn't only have to do with what you read or the fact that you're absorbing the Word; it's that you're putting the Lord first. That's what He honors.
       I had all these things to do the other night and I felt the logical thing was to keep moving and keep working. Then I thought, Oh no, I'm really feeling the p ressure so I've got to stop. So I went outside and was talking to the Lord, but I really didn't know what to say. I sort of drew a blank.
       Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "I'm going to bless you just because you're here and are putting Me first by taking the time to walk with Me and be with Me. Stopping your work shows that you consider Me more important than My work. It doesn't really matter what you do or what you say to Me; just be here with Me! It's a sign of your respect and love for M e, that you're willing to stop."
       It's like with married couples, sometimes the husband wants to make love and the wife's into something else; but if she takes time from her busy schedule to have love-up, that shows her husband that she considers him more important than all the other things, right? She doesn't necessarily have to do anything but be there, ha!
       The Lord clearly told me that night that I had done the most important thing, by taking time with Him and showing Him that I loved Him. So keep that in mind too, during your times of Word and prayer time. You're not only having Word time in order to be filled up, but also in obedience to and love for the Lord. You might not feel that you got super fed from what you read, but the Lord will pour out upon you His blessing and anointing, and all that you need, because you put Him first.

thanking …

-for your spirit story contributions
       Marie (of Michael, India), Anna (EURCRO), "Someone" (Kenya), Joseph and Francis (of James and Charity, Bangalore) Barry (Japan), Nyna (Cervantus, USA), Ester and Vicky (Russia), Ruby (unknown), Claire (Italy), Matthew (of Claire, China), Matthew CR (unknown), Angel (FC), Deepa (12, Bangalore), Natasha (14, Bangkok), Jemima (13) and Virginia (12, Brazil), Marie (of Michael, Bombay Service Home), Nehemiah Teacher (Mexico), Tim (Spain), Michael (Belgium), Kris (ASCRO), Songkhla Home (Thailand), Daniel Taxi and Rejoice Evermore (Australia).

Heartfelt reactions from young people in the So utheastern USA

-After a "back-to-the-basics" get-together where some of the latest GNs were read, held in late May

       Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't appreciate the loving shepherding that I have been getting in the Family the last year or two. But I'm the kind of person who needs a good kick in the pants every once in a while. I really love and appreciate it when it's told straight-out-like Grandpa presented it in the Letter, "The Year of the Bottom Line!"
       I think a lot of us teen s and SGAs have become very lethargic in our attitudes as far as the Revolution goes; we've lost that do-or-die spirit and the fighting drive. I guess what I'm trying to say is that knowing that there is a bite behind the bark helps keep the fear of God in me.
       -L. (22, male)

       The letter on foul language was especially convicting for me, as I can testify that it really is quite a big problem amongst us young people and I find myself slipping into it quite easily. Not only does it reflect bad ly on myself when I cuss, but it's a very bad sample of the Family in general that I represent. I'm very glad to hear that there will be consequences for those who continually use vulgar language.
       I was also thrilled how the Lord illustrated our Word time with Him as our physical diet. Being a girl, I, of course, am not immune to the dieting cycle, so putting that as an example was neat, and helped me visualize what happens when we don't eat the right kinds of spiritual food, etc.
       -A. (18, f emale)

       In hearing the New Wine, it's been a shock to me to see how far I have let the Devil lead me by the hand. All I can do is look to Jesus and claim His Word to stop myself from getting discouraged and sinking in the waves. Please pray that I can come to grips with these things in my life that I need to change in; also that I can get to the field soon, as it is so difficult for me having so much of the pull of the System around me constantly. These camps are lifesavers!
       -T. (24, male)

       I'm so thankful for this opportunity to hear this Word fresh from Mama's house. I've been struggling a lot, but I know if I had yielded to the Lord a long time ago, many of these messes could have been avoided.
       I've been working very hard in the arm of the flesh for a long time. I wanted to stay in the Family and serve the Lord, but I wanted to do it my way. I justified this with, "Well, I just need to do things according to my own faith." I think I let myself believe that the Charter mean t I could take what I wanted from the Word, and the things that were hard to do, well, I could just leave them out-sort of picking what I would and wouldn't yield to.
       That is over with because I know I can't keep this up and stay in sync with the moves of the Spirit. I don't know exactly where to start, but I think the Lord is leading me to quit my [System] job and lean more on His supply. Then I would have the time I need to spend with Him and in His Word. I don't think there is going to be a ny more "floating your faith" to see what level of commitment you want to be at. It's all or nothing at all; that's the way it has to be.
       -R. (25, male)

       "The Bottom Line" was really convicting because I haven't been implementing some of the moves of the Spirit, such as the Loving Jesus Revolution and hearing from the Lord in prophecy. It's not that I don't believe in them, I guess I have just been lazy in the spirit; I had the attitude that "I'll do it someday, but I don't have to do it ri ght now." I guess I'm going to have to start catching up on some of the moves of the spirit before I get left behind. I really do want to make it and be yielded to Jesus.
       -T. (22, male)

       I've fallen into using foul language even though I know it's wrong. I hadn't thought of it enough to take a militant stand against it, as well as different habits that I know I need to change, like reading magazines, getting too into all the latest styles of clothes, or being too open to attitudes or habits I see portrayed in movies.
       These GNs have been very convicting for me, because I've given my life to the Lord; I want to serve Him in the Family and be a missionary. It's sobering to realize that in order to do that, I need to make a commitment every day to get in the Word, hear from Him, and continue to progress.
       -K. (19, female)

King Hussein of Jordan

       As you have most likely heard in the news, Jordan's King Hussein has become quite ill, and is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for ca ncer. Over the years Dad has had a number of favorable things to say about King Hussein, and in light of past messages where the Lord instructed us to pray for world rulers, we'd like to request your prayers for King Hussein's speedy recovery. He has been a stabilizing force in the Middle East for many years, as well as a godly and sincere ruler. Please pray that the Lord will keep his health, thereby also keeping many innocent people who live in that troubled region.

(serves 4)

       Preheat oven to 375°F
       Combine and put in a small baking pan

       4 cups sliced or chopped apples
       1 tbsp. flour
       ¼ cup sugar
       1 tsp. cinnamon
       1/8 tsp. salt
       1 tbsp. water

       Cut together with pastry blender or fork

       1 cup rolled oats (or flour)
       ¼ tsp. salt
       ¼ cup margarine
       1/3 cup brown sugar
       ½ tsp. vanilla

       Sprinkle on top of baking pan mixture. Bake for 35 minutes.

       Option: Add ¼ cup of peanut butter to rolled oats mixture. Reduce margarine to 2 tbsp.

New FTT Comp ilation CDs
-from DC Home, USA

Swift and Smooth
- (set of two FTT Compilation CDs)

       Price: $10 (for 2 CDs) + shipping costs
       $1.75 for first class mail (within North America)
       $3.50 for priority mail
       $4 international mail

       The shipping rates are per CD set. If you're ordering more than one set within the US, you may simply enclose enough funds for priority mail. If you are ordering more than one set from outside the US, please be sure to include shipping funds for each CD set, but not more than $15 total.

       Send your orders to:
       CD Project
       5223 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Suite 170
       Washington, DC 20015, USA

       Make your check or PMO out to: The DC Family
       (Cash in US dollars is okay; send at your own risk, in a double envelope.)

       Living & Loving
       Radical Teens
       Treat Her Like I Love Her
       March On Strong
       Can't Recant
       I Will Greatly Rejoice
       Your Love Touches
       Love Our Way Outta Here

       The Upper Road
       Far Country
       He's Made Us a Family
       I Feel It
       Something Better
       You Will Always Care
       His Love Is Worth It All
       All I Wanna Be
       Touch From Heaven
       New Song In My Heart

Shine On June '98
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       4,500       9,000
Ezekiel/Rejoice, Jonathan, Brazil
       833       2,500
Madras Deaf Home, India
       473       1,893
Timothy F./Rejoice E./Dove F., USA       374       2,991
Andrew/Miracle/Angelina/Crystal, Croatia       344       2,066
Philip/Gentleness/Faith, Italy       300       1,501
Daniele/Chri stine, Italy       300       600
Pablo E., Chile       259       1,038
Christian/Marco/Gabriel, Albania       216       1,515
Josue/Maria Fiel, Mexico       216       1,080

Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       6,000       12,000
Peter S./Crystal S./Mary M., USA       2,008       10,038
Michael, Maria, Japan
       2,004       4,009
Jonathan/Clare Livingstone, Japan       1,275       5,100
Sunshine, Mercy, Japan       1,066       3,200
Timothy F./Rejoice E./Dove F., USA       900       7,203
Abner/Rose, Portugal       850       1,700
Barz/Sara, Portugal       726       2,907
Abner, Promise, Japan       723       2,1 70
Victor B./Love, USA       688       3,438

Dave/Jan/Rosemarie, Czech Republic
       128       902
Pablo E., Chile       111       447
Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland
       88       354
Pablo/Cielo, Brazil       86       173
Tim/Rachel, Sweden       83       250
Peter/Faith, USA       82       164
Francisco/Joanna, Brazil       77       309
Michael, Charity, James, Philippines       73       580
Joao/Pandita, Obede/Clara, Brazil       59       237
Josue M./Abigail/David/Heidi M., Costa Rica       54       270

Joao/Clara, Softy, Meiga, Brazil
       103       310
Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       75       150
Ezekiel/Esther, Brazil
       40       120
Jeho/Consuelo, Claire, Brazil       37       337
David Searcher, Pandita First Love, Japan       35       140
David, Joanna, Suzy, Brazil       35       140
Matthew, Mercy, Taiwan       30       154
Emanuel/Rubi, Ecuador       30       91
Pablo/Cielo, Brazil       29       58
Primavera, Marcos, Mateo, Chile       25       178


Timothy/Daniella/Ben/Maggie, Russia       5,843       29,216
Tim/Joy/Summer, Ukraine       1,980       13,865
Gabe/Maria/Lisa, Russia       1,169       7,017
Josh/Joan/Elisabeth/Christ ina, Russia       1,000       4,000
Branch/Vida/Sara/Pawel, Poland       980       3,920
Virginia/Steven/Martin/Charity, Russia       690       5,525
Claire/Steven/Carmen, Russia       505       3,035
Davida/Daniel/Smile/Francesco, Moldava       500       3,500
Jered/Christina/Phil D., Russia       478       6,700

Included with this file:

-cute kids (peanuts 'n' raisins)
(Sent in by Michael, 12, Pakistan)
       Caption 1: Auntie, why are you vacuuming your hair?

       Caption1: How Gordy Gossip got cured!
       Caption2: While visiting a certain Home for t he first time…
       Caption3: Gordy enters as Bob Broadcast is on the phone.
       Caption4: …And he got totally drunk!…
       Caption5: Then he stole the Home's 'HER' fund…
       Caption6: …and spent it all on donuts!!
       Caption7: Man! That's out of it!
       Caption8: Who did that?
       Caption9: Oh, some guy called Gordy.
       Caption10: Ouchie plus!!! Argh!
       Caption11: But later…
       Caption12: PTL! I'm cured! I'll never gossip again!


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family