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the grapevine
(Issue #41; May 1, 1998.)


precious additions …

       Marissa Claire, 10th child, born to Mary and Stephen on October 4th.--USA
       Sonja Loraine, born to Esther Norwegian (Starlight) and Jonathan Albanian on October 27th.--Hungary
       Sara and Angie, 7th and 8th children, born to Maggie and Michael on November 25th.--Belgium
       Nikita, 1st child, born to Masha Ukranian on December 19th.--Russia
       Abigale Mika, 7th child, born to Honey and Tim on December 27th.--Taiwan
       Joseph E., 4th child, born to Angel and Christian on January 17th.--Japan
       Daniel, 4th child, born to Heaven and Esteban on February 17th.--Spain
       Ana Maria, 3rd child, born to Romania Ema and Daniel on February 25th.--Romania
       Evalien, 9th child, born to Becky on February 26th.--Holland
       Nikolas, born to Micha and Chris on March 12th.--Germany
       Liam Thomas, born to Jadina on March 27th.--Germany


new couples …
Jonathan Albanian and Esther Norwegian (Starlight) got married on the 2 7th of October 1997.--Hungary
       Tracy (18, of James and Jenny) and Joanie Fighter (19, of Sam and Florence) made their commitments to each other and all present at a beautiful betrothal held in the Home on January 8th. The ceremony was sweet, simple and fun!--Canada

think deep

       Those who deserve love the least, need it the most.


       (From the Islamabad Home:) The day finally came when the whole Home of Lahorians (from the city of Lahore) came for a three-day visit to the Home of the Islamabadians! It was great having them o'er! There were a few sacrifices to be made here and there, but it was all so small compared to the "non-routine" schedules, new faces, tons of fellowship … and the highlight of it all was a trip up to the mountains to see the snow! The evenings were filled with testimonies shared (you know those "good ol' days" testimonies!) and a dance night. We ended our fellowship with many hopes and promises for another unifying, necessary, fun ho liday!

disciples of all nations

       On the day of Family birthday celebration, we celebrated the joining of a new disciple to our Home--David! He is our first disciple with a Muslim background, and I think he is our first Family disciple from the Uygur ethnic group. It's a great joy to all of us to have someone among us who is one of the Kazakhs. The Lord is raising up the national church in Kazakstan. PTL!
       --Peter Big Heart, Esther and Jeremy, Kazakhstan

       Grace (Polish Flame's sister) h as forsaken all to follow Jesus. Five days ago she arrived in our city and called us from the station to pick her up. There she was with all her baggage, laughing with joy as I (Lily) stared in amazement at her standing there. She left her au pair job and her boyfriend, and came to join our Home! She's hanging on strong, as she knows where she belongs. PTL!
       --Peter and Lily, France


Life in Bosnia
(From the Oasis team:) Would you like to take a peek into what our life is like when we take trips into Bosnia? This last trip was most eventful!
       Packing our van is normally quite a feat. It's a bit like trying to get all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to fit snugly into their places. This time we managed to cram in the most humanitarian aid (clothing, games and toys, and biscuit tins) we had ever tried to carry, along with all our show items, suitcases and bedding, into our faithful van. The squish on the bottom of the tires testified that we were indeed packed to capaci ty! After desperate prayer for the trip and border crossings, we were on our way!
       One particularly needy school had asked us on a previous trip if we could help to supply some musical instruments for their humble little music room. We'd asked around, and the aid organization with whom we'd done a Christmas show said they would see what they could do. Just as we began driving, we heard the following announcement on the radio: "If anyone has any musical instruments, they are desperately needed i n schools in Bosnia and can be brought to the aid organization to be distributed by The Family!" Wow! What an encouragement!
       One large school where we'd previously performed had been begging us to come again, and they were so happy to see we'd returned. Nella, the young English teacher who translated for us, volunteered to book more shows in village schools for the coming week. GBH, as booking shows is always a big hurdle which the Enemy really fights! Telephone lines are poor at best and some times nonexistent! We gave her some of our music tapes, and photocopied the words so she could use them in her English classes. The headmaster treated us royally, and asked us to return again. He wants us to perform in his native town, which is an hour away. We had ministered to refugees from that area three years ago when we first arrived, and really would like to meet them again.
       The next day, only four kilometers from our next school show, a bearing went out on the van. We were stuck, and h ad to cancel the show for that day. Franjo, a Bosnian, stopped to help us. He was quite a character, but was extremely helpful in finding us a mechanic. He even booked another show for us in a mostly Muslim school. We were surprised to hear that his mother was a teacher in the school we were on our way to before the van broke down!
On Sunday we went to downtown Sarajevo. While standing in a shop, an English lady popped out of the back room after she'd heard us speaking English. She began expla ining the historic values of the patterns of the wool which the traditional socks we were looking at were made of. It turned out that she was an art historian and director of an organization concerned about the restoration of old buildings. She loves Bosnia, and remained there during the war. She has her hands in so many pies in Sarajevo; when we explained our work, she invited us to join the planning committee for the opening of the Sarajevo Zoo. We met her again at her art exhibition, where sh e was displaying works she had painted during the war. This lady is very respected in Bosnia; she speaks the language and during the war did all she could to try to bring about peace.


Pleasant Reminiscences

--by Gentleness Fighter (FGA and grandmother!), Poland

       To me, babies and children are some of the most precious things in the whole world. Each baby has their own personality. As you closely observe them as individuals, you can watch their character unfold. By the way you enrich their days, you can enhance their personality and expand their potential to learn.
       And the child doesn't have to be your own to do this. I have learned something from every child I have ever taught. They all have helped me to become the teacher that I am today. When you see that child grow and pass through the many different stages that it takes to become an adult, there comes in your heart a great satisfaction that the quiet but rigorous investment in their daily life as a parent, a t eacher, or a childcare helper was not just needed, but of vital importance.
       When you are going through the daily routine with them, it is often difficult to see just what and how that baby or child will be used in the future. But they really will be--in great and mighty ways!
       I only had two "cute, fat little babies"--a long, long time ago in Canada. Now, one of them is a missionary in Nepal, and one is being used of the Lord in an office situation. (And I have taught a few other children and babies in the meantime!)
       You have no idea what God is going to do with that cute baby of yours. But He will anoint you with the motherly Holy Spirit's instinctive help to guide and make that child what He wants them to be. He helped me when I knew so little about being a parent in the beginning (24 years ago). I just wanted to take good care of the little lives He'd entrusted to me. I know He helps those who feel incapable, because after all, they are His children, aren't they?

Members' On ly Family web site


       June UserID: june
       Password: radio*bedroom

While you were feasting …

       This year's Feast was the greatest ever! The teens really got into the spirit of the New Wine and were so sweet, loving, and on the attack about overcoming personal weaknesses! One of our junior teen boys told me that since we started reading the new mailings he hasn't said any bad words and made a commitment not to say them anymore!
       --Elias, Eva, Agustin, Paloma and Jon atas, Colombia

       Often, before the Feast days are upon us, there's a prevalent concern that we may not meet our budget as we have to spend so many days off the field and away from fund-raising efforts. However, this month, we were pleasantly surprised when the Lord blessed us with about 90% of our budget before the Feast! TYJ! This didn't come through any spectacular means, but just the usual day-to-day plodding on outreach, getting out tools, and following up on our friends.
       --Christina, Ma ry and Simon, Thailand

       "Goals for 1998" (GN 765) made clear what the standard of the Family is! During a recent visit to the West, I found myself bombarded with the pull of the System and TV to the point that I was wondering if it's even possible to stay separate from it. In our Home we've battled against TV, the "cartoon network" and other "psychic waste!" The Feast was a real "cleanser," and we've now cut off all TV in our Home, except for news and rated videos. The Word made clear what we need to live up to--and the standard is HIGH!
       --Catrina, Latvia

       In the past, I had a very big problem with negativity and comparing. But since the Feast, I have been able to be more positive and have a more cheerful and joyful outlook on life. I'm trying to be more praiseful. Comparing hasn't been such a big trial for me anymore; I've been learning to just accept myself and be thankful.
       --Maria (17, of Markus and Ammi), Thailand

       Each morning of the Feast, we had a beautiful time in the Word on the cliffs overlooking the magnificent Adriatic sea--letting the Lord wash us clean by His Heavenly touch! On the last day, we made a small boat and loaded it with our NWO papers and set it on fire and watched it slowly sink. Then we sang a few fighting hymns, while looking ahead to the victories that each of us would win during the coming year!
       --Oasis Home, Croatia

       About a week before the Feast I found Susie (8) and Joanna (10) dancing and jumping around the garden. I asked t hem why they were so happy, and they explained that they had seen a WS mailing envelope and they knew it was going to be coloring pages and Feast mailings. I asked them how they knew if they hadn't seen inside the envelopes, but they said they just knew it because they felt it in the spirit.
       During the Feast, when they saw some of the mailings, they said that they knew that Mama Maria wouldn't let them down and that she would have something fun for them. During the second day of the feast I as ked Susie, "How much fun is the Feast if you are a child?--Is it like Christmas?" She explained that all the younger children put Feast days on the same level as Christmas.
       When we wrote down our NWOs and burned them, Stevie (6) took things very seriously and really believed that he'd gotten the victory. Now when I say, "Don't get angry, you burned that NOW," he says, "Yes! Look! I'm not angry any more!" Thanks so much for making it such an inspiring time!
       --Hannah, Hungary


Brazilian-Japanese Praise, where are you? Please contact Spanish Meek. E-mail: family@sprint-v.com.ru.
       Philip, Gentleness and Faith would like to contact English Barney (of Claire). E-mail: flame@etruria.net, or via the IT ABM.
       David Newheart would like to contact James Murray whom he knows from South America. E-mail: Manna14136@aol.com.
       Joanna (of Asaph and Charity, Pakistan) would like to contact my good ol' teach'--Praise (of Jonadab) in Thailand. Contact me via ASCRO.
       Jonathan (o f Asaph and Charity, Pakistan) would like to contact Ahavila (of Gabe, Japan). Contact me via ASCRO.
       Tigo J. please write Kiwi. Add: C.P. 63-18 Bucharest, Romania. E-mail: cchristi@pcnet.pcnet.ro.
       Daniel, Angel, James and Rebeca (Venezuela) would like to contact Crispo (formerly in Venezuela, possibly now in Houston). Add: Alegría, Apdo. 69458 Altamira 1062, Caracas, Venezuela.
       Matthew CR, Faith (Tabitha) has lost contact with you. Add: Leticia Moraes Cx. Postal 29, Rio de Janeiro, Cep 200 01-970 Brazil. E-mail: friendz@ibm.net.
       Daniel Victory (Peruvian) would like to contact Joseph Willing (last seen in Peru). E-mail: condo@ impromex.ro. Add: C.P. 4-410, 8700 Constanta, Romania.
       Jer Bear (Brazil), Rose (SGA, Japan) Sam Dolher (SGA, Washington, DC) please contact Victory (SGA, Thailand). Add: Victoria Francis. Box 4-211, Samsen Nai PO, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
       Erika (formerly Gabriela, 17, of Christina) would like to contact Rebecca (of Andrew and Priscilla, USA?), David F., Joy Diamond and Cedar Jade. E-mail: midea@medanet.ro.

Mama jewels on … Pressure and NWOs

--from a talk to a young staff member

Pressure is of the Devil! No matter how much you have to do, by feeling pressured you can't get any more done than you could if you didn't feel pressured. So the feeling of pressure is just from the Devil, and we're not supposed to feel that way. We have to constantly go to the Lord to cast our cares on Him. We need to ask Him to rebuke the Enemy and remove that feeling of pressure, and to help us just take one step at a time and do whatever we have to do for that moment, and not worry about what we can't do.--Because if you can't do it, you can't do it! People need to realize that that pressure is not the fault of what you have to do--it's the Devil's fault, and it's our fault for not fighting actively to rebuke the Enemy to get rid of that pressure, because the Lord doesn't want us to be under pressure.
       You see some people with great workloads. You should see what I have listed to do for the next two years, ha! Sometimes I do get under pressure and I have to really pray against it, or ask the staff to pray for me. But most of the time I don't get under pressure; I just trust the Lord that when the Lord knows it has to be done, that He's going to give us time to do it. But some people just have one or two things on their "to do list" and they can feel very pressured about it. In a way, we can attribute that to personality differences. But people who have a more difficult time with it, well, they can get the victory just as completely as the ones that don't have such a difficult time with it; they just have to fight a little harder.
       It's like that with a lot of our NWOs. Some people may have an NWO of pride that is quite serious, while others have less pride. The ones that have a more serious case of pride or self-righteousness or jealousy or whatever, they just have to fight harder! But it doesn't mean they can't get the victor y just as thoroughly and definitely as the others.

I'm wondering ...

       Q: In Grapevine #34, in the section "I'm Wondering…," there was a question regarding the CD offers from the DC band. In the answer, WS said, "since we're already giving the Homes two cassette copies of each tape …" I would like to get that clarified, if possible, as our Home receives only one copy of each tape.--Is it because of our Home's size? We're six adults. Or perhaps there's a misunderstanding somewhere. Thank you for sending the tapes to us! They are great!--Miguel, Esther and Dulcinea, Spain
A: (From WS:) You're right! Sorry, that was a mistake on our part. While the tapes were originally sent out at 2 or 3 per Home, some months ago that was changed, and they now go out at the rate of OP6D. WLY!

       Q: Are the FM Homes entitled to order a copy of the new HomeARC?--Nick and Sue, Australia
A: (From WS:) Yes, there is an FM version of HomeARC '98 that you can order via your NPC.

fruitful fields

       (From Byron, Marie and John [SGA], for the PI Family:) If you are looking for an exciting field that needs laborers, where the majority of the population speak English, where visas are extremely cheap and easy to acquire, where the cost of living is affordable and your home support goes a long way, a country with beautiful beaches and balmy weather year-round, then the Philippines could be the field of choice for you!
       The need for laborers is great, and many open doors await you! If you are in the US, Europe, Japan, Australia or New Zealand and are looking for a place in the East to start from, the PI is an excellent place to start. We have a small national work with veterans who have been here for years and who are desperate to do more for the Lord, but are limited by the need for more help. Some of our many friends and live-outs are direct fruit from the DF'ing Revolution and the teams who worked here for many years--fruit that has remained.
       Flights to Manila are ve ry cheap on many airlines from Los Angeles and other US West Coast cities; it's a wonderful chance to serve the Lord on a Third World field with lots of sheep. The tools go out really well, and most people, being Catholic or evangelical, readily accept the Lord and are hungry for more insight into the Bible, Jesus and the Endtime! Visas are some of the easiest in this part of the world.
       We have found "Becoming One" to be one of the most convincing "witnesses," as people are most persuaded by t he sample they see. Even though the Philippines has been greatly influenced by the US, the culture of the people is still Eastern and conservative in nature.
       CTPs are plentiful in the Philippines. There is so much to do! If you have a burden, there are countless avenues to explore. We do try to keep the "Inside, Out of Sight" vision through DTD, OTO and personal witnessing and an emphasis on follow-up, especially in light of the persecution the Family has received in the past. As long as we ar e faithful to follow these guidelines we are able to quietly continue on with a fruitful work, PTL!
       Visa points: Guess what? You don't have to teach or take on any other employment to stay up to a year in the Philippines, so you can devote 24 hours a day and seven days a week to outreach! Upon entry into the country, you get a two-month visa for only $13.50, which is renewable every two months for up to a year. This adds up to $95 a year for each person, which multiplied by the amount of peopl e in your family, equals your total legal bill for a whole year. At the end of the year you need to take a visa trip to Hong Kong or Bangkok, which costs less than $200 per person round-trip, and you can re-enter the country for another year! Easy, no? Of course if you are married to a national, things are even easier and cheaper, with more possibilities for long-term visas. This is one of the cheapest fields to live on--even if you have a large family. So whadda ya' say?!
       If the Lord is speak ing to you, don't wait! Put "feet to your faith" and launch out now by sending in your clearance forms to ASCRO as soon as possible. (Note from ASCRO Clearance Desk: Tip for faster service: If you want to speed up your clearance procedure, send an evaluation from your present teamwork along with your clearance request. Then your application will be processed right away, without needing to wait for your evaluation.) We love and need you, and we are praying for you!


       I'v e been in China for one year and have the vision to reach the lost. I want to study Chinese in university, but I have a lack of funds. I need US $900 per term. Every little bit helps. Thanks! Send gifts via PACRO.--Timothy (YA), China.

what's up?

Tornado touchdown
       (From Paul and Rebecca, Orlando, Florida:) A tornado passed right over our house and touched down about a mile away. Eight people died there, and about 38 in the surrounding area. We are so thankful for the Lord's protecti on of us and the other Homes in the area!

Laptop won!
       (From Tim and Rachel:) We won a brand-new laptop computer! Our boys, J.J. (16), Philip (14) and Michael (12), entered a competition where you wrote 30 words about what you would use the laptop for. They wrote about our music ministry and CTP with the orphanages in Eastern Europe, and said we'd use it for layout, mail ministry and for playing games. Of all the contestants they picked us! TTL!

Our cool live-outs
       (From Russian Nadia, 25:) We have three live-outs who regularly come to our Saturday Bible classes. One is 35, and the other two are in their late 50s. They are very receptive and on-fire. I was hesitant about giving them too much stuff about the spirit world, thinking that it might be too much for them. But recently we talked about spirit helpers, and I told them how I got from the Lord who my spirit helper is. Their eyes were sparkling with curiosity! They immediately wanted to find out if they had any spirit helpers. I told them, "Why don't you ask the Lord about it?"
       Next time they came, they were bubbling over about what the Lord had showed them. I was amazed at their faith to receive such detailed and specific prophecies! They got the names of their spirit helpers, and details of their lives and why they are helping them. It was super inspiring! Then I told them how the Lord gave us the idea to get spirit stories from Heaven, and we read a few together. They were super flipped about the idea and want to try to get some also. I'm waiting for our next meeting with anticipation to see what the Lord will do! I just love their fire and enthusiasm--they are far-out!

Our homeless center
       (From the NUTS:) In February we opened a center for homeless children in the center of Perm! We renovated part of the building ourselves, and provisioned companies to renovate the rest. A restaurant prepared a nice meal for the children that came on the opening day, and all of the majo r TV, radio stations and newspapers in Perm came to report on the event.
       Any project is difficult to begin, and this one is no exception, especially since the building is not fully set up yet! For the first two days the toilet was not working, and for the first week we had no hot water! The kitchen sinks are still not installed, and there are many basic supplies that we don't have yet. Now that the center is open, people in the city are responding to appeals and bringing needed supplies.
       For the first couple of weeks we barely had any food to feed the children, and our food supply is still far from complete. Despite all of these difficulties we are elated to finally have a place to bring these children, who would otherwise be spending their days sniffing glue and stealing. We take turns working in this center, spending our days with the children, feeding them and doing various educational activities with them.
       These are children we've been caring for over the past three months, w ho live in sewers. They are either orphans or come from drunk or violent families. We are especially happy that three of the children have already quit sniffing glue and started going to school. Of course, we don't allow any glue inside the center, but many of the children still sniff glue after they leave. We have started checking into each child's situation individually, visiting their parents or relatives if they have any, or visiting their former orphanage to work out their papers, and get t hem a place to stay.
       The ones that come regularly have prayed to receive Jesus, and we pray with them before we start the day and before meals. Volunteers from universities come and help us care for the children. The Lord told us that this will be our sample to the city, and will enable us to stay after things tighten up on religious groups. PTL!

Slum project progress
       (From Catherine and Consuelo:) When we first began our CTP project here in one of the slums of Brazil, one of our main concerns was to see the government install a sewer system and pave the road that runs through the neighborhood. Well, the Lord has been working miracles and three weeks ago the local government started on the project! They have filled in the main part of the open sewer, and are waiting for the rains to slow down to finish the job.
       After they have finished this, they are planning on working together with the mayor's office of the neighboring county to pave the road that runs through the ne ighborhood (it's the boundary between the counties). This is a real miracle and fruit of our getting involved in the slum itself, creating an association of the people who live there in order to establish themselves in the local government. God bless our friends in the slum who worked really hard to get things together and call attention to the need there.
       We also started a health program for children from infant to 15 years old. Each month we weigh and measure them, and record their progress on their individual charts in a nice notebook that Consuelo made. We borrow a fancy scale from the local health department, and next month we plan to get one especially for the babies. The very first time we tried, we registered 85 children. For an incentive, we gave out lollipops as a shiner prize for whoever would come! We used the graphs in the CCHB for the infants to five-year-olds to chart their progress. If we see that any of the children aren't gaining weight, we counsel with their mommie s and see what is happening--perhaps they have worms, or the family doesn't have enough to eat, etc.
       We are hoping to work more with the local health department in the future, for counsel and support. Although it seems like a very simple thing, it will make a big difference in the long run. We have now been working in the same slum with basically the same 300 people for over a year and a half. The mommies told us that the overall health of the children has greatly improved with our regular don ations of milk, fruits and vegetables, and basic food boxes. "Little is much if God is in it!" We don't feel we are doing nearly enough, but PTL for all the progress He has helped us to make!

Heavenly realtors
       (From Gabe, Maria and Lisa:) To find a nice, clean apartment in Russia can be quite difficult, and indeed it was for us until we put the Lord on the spot, or we should say, He put us on the spot. He had been hinting at this to us for some time through our landlady, who had as ked us to move. However, she gave us a few months, so we were quite relaxed about it and the Lord had to do a couple things to get us going.
       First, we were attacked by nasty bugs, whose bites were painful and itchy. Secondly, our landlady told us that the KGB was interested in the foreigners living in her apartment and kept bothering her about it. TTL she's favorable and didn't give them any info, but when we asked the Lord about this, He sent Dad to tell us that He wanted to shake us up.
       Af ter that we got desperate with the Lord and asked Him to show us exactly what we should do to find a new place. We had already phoned different agencies, and had even published an ad in the local newspaper. When the Lord spoke to us, He said to ask our friends and different people we meet, also to post some ads outside. Our city's population is over one million, so if we were to post ads everywhere it would take us until the Millennium! So guess what the Lord did? He told us to just point at the map. He also gave us names of two streets, and when we checked, they were in that area.
       So by faith we posted our ads where God's finger pointed, trusting that His hands would make a way. In the same prophecy, the Lord challenged us, saying: "What if I told you that by the end of the month you would move?" (The end of the month was in one week!) He also promised that He already had a place prepared for us. When there were only two days left and we "of little faith" started doubting, the sound of the phone ringing brought us happy news. The apartment that was offered to us met all our conditions!--And we moved in shortly thereafter!


Dance tape
In Grapevine #38, in the Studio News section from the JAS, it was stated that the dance tape was an "ALL-fast dance tape." A slight clarification: Most of the songs are fast, but there are some songs that are for slower dancing.

Soul Song, FTT #12
The credits listed for "Soul Song" on the FTT In the House were not comp lete. They should have read: Soul Song - Katrina L./Sunny, Andrew V., Martin M./Sunny

Kidbit correction
In Grapevine #37, we announced the birth of Gerson and Keiko's first child. His name should have read: Everest Martin, rather than Everest Mart. Sorry, Gerson and Keiko!

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

       Andy Garcia, Ian Holm, Richard Dreyfuss
       Drama about an idealistic young district attorney who uncovers corruption in the New York police department, and the choices he faces as a result. Interesting look into the criminal justice system and the big gray area between total guilt and total innocence. Not to everyone's liking.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

       Catherine McCormack, Rufus Sewell, Oliver Platt, Moira Kelly
       Lavish, sexy historical drama/love story based on the real-life diaries of 16th century Venetian courtesan Veronica Franco. Interesting story with captivating dialogue and many good lessons.

       Janeane Garofalo, David O'Hara
       Romantic comedy about a tough young American woman who goes to a remote Irish town on a mission for her politician boss and arrives in the middle of a matchmaking festival. Some foul language throughout is unfortunate, but a sweet story otherwise.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

       Lawrence Fishburne, Cuba Gooding Jr.
       Drama based on the true story of the first group of black men allowed to be trained as pilots in the U.S. Air Force, during WW2. Absorbing character study of a group of young men and all they went through to become pilots and serve in the war. In spite of some glorification of military toughness there are many lessons on bearing up under pressure, withstanding opposition, overcoming fears and weaknesses, and total commitment to a cause.

Non-Recommended Movies

       THOUSAND ACRES, A (Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jason Robards; 1997)
       HOUSE OF YES, THE (Parker Posey, Josh Hamilton, Tori Spelling; 1997)

clarifying … "Adventures in Odyssey"

       (From FED representatives, at Summit '98:) In Grapevine #22 the animated "Adventures in Odyssey" half-hour cartoon series was rated for MCs and up.
       During our FED workshop, our team previewed some children's videos, including a few more of these shows. As the Grapevine blurb in issue #22 states, the message this series contains is milky and watered down. Though watchable, these videos are by no means outstanding, and you probably would not want your children to view them more than once. We wanted to also reiterate that this series is not for children under MC age, and make it clear that these cartoons are not Bible stories, nor do they contain strong Christian values.

backstage story and lessons … India concerts, February 1998

--Jeremy Spencer

By nature I'm very shy, especially with outsiders and when around a lot of people, so when I was asked to help with the first set of Indian Co ncerts in 1995, I really didn't want to go. In my present unit, though there are different, more unseen battles, you're not pushed out in front, so it's easier and cozier in that sense.
       The first time I was asked to help with the concerts I agreed, and everyone was saying, "Wow, that's exciting! You must be just thrilled!"--But I didn't really feel that way about it. At that time, in 1995, I did a couple of short sets per concert, about 10 to 15 minutes each, and that was okay. I didn't know w hat to say when I talked to crowds being just myself, so I would rely on my "Elvis" skit--or playing "Rockin' Reggie," and the crowds would laugh and really liked it. But in a way, that was an easy crutch to rely on--I didn't have to be myself. Once that was over, I was relieved to go back home.
       Then I got wind that they were planning another set of concerts in 1998--and I was thinking to myself, "Oh, no! But I don't know if I can be spared because of the timely work on the HTKs." So it looked like I wasn't going. (Even then, I got a check inside that the Lord wasn't going to let me off that easy, ha!) Sure enough, it turned out to be right! They said they had to have me come, or they didn't want to do the concerts. So at Mama's Home they had prayer and prophecy, and we had prayer and prophecy, and both times the Lord said, "Yes, go."
       Then I got a message from Silas (ASCRO CRO) saying, "Look, some of the young people here and those involved think that maybe you shouldn't rely so mu ch on the 'Elvis' skit. Maybe you could try something new." In the back of my mind I was thinking, "No," but deep inside I realized that this was what I really wanted; I didn't want to rely on this "Elvis" deal again. I wanted to get rid of it and just be myself. Strangely enough, when I was still with "Fleetwood Mac" years ago before joining the Family, the girl, the piano player told me, "Look, this 'Elvis' thing is really good and all. But why can't you just be yourself? Can't you just come o ut of yourself?" But I always thought, "No, I just don't know how I'm ever going to be able to break out of that." I knew she was right, but I just didn't think it was possible.
       So in receiving this message, although I wanted to break out, I gave in to my initial reaction and wrote back saying that I thought the people would be disappointed if I didn't do the Elvis thing, plus I didn't know what else to do. So Silas wrote back saying, "Fine, do as you feel led. We agree." But then I got a coup le more messages over the next few months saying the same thing, that it would be nice to drop the Elvis thing. So I got together with the young people in our studio about it and they had some suggestions, and also agreed about not doing the Elvis thing.
       As it all finally started and I got to India for practice, I knew I really needed to depend on the Lord. A lot of the direction that I got in prophecy was that we just needed to follow the Lord step by step in choosing the songs, and in everyt hing--to let Him do it. At the first practice, we were going through different song possibilities (mostly R&B) and playing them to see their potential. Our hired sound man, Dwayne, came up to me during a rehearsal break and said, "You know, it's going to be so much better this time. Last time was too much of this 'Elvis' thing. This is so much better!" It was so encouraging for me, because I had asked the Lord to give me signs along the way to confirm I was on the right track, even with doing th e Blues, and whether it would go over.
       All I got were positive comments from everyone--all these middle and upper-class Indian young people between 18 and 21 years old were commenting that they hadn't heard much of the Blues before, but they really liked it. By the way, these Indian kids aren't dumbos; they're pretty sharp and definitely know their stuff when it comes to music. I also had the added burden of fearing what it would be like to face the Family young people, thinking they'd be sayi ng that I was just "Old uncle Jeremy with his old slide guitar from those old boring tapes." But it wasn't that way at all. They were all so encouraging and supportive and really liked it!
       The whole thing had grown so much from the time we started. It started with, "Oh, maybe you can do half an hour of songs, just a little more than last time." Then it grew to an hour, and then finally, "Maybe you should do an hour and a half set." Not only was there the concert, but I had to do interviews and live radio, live TV interviews, which of course, I hadn't been prepared for before coming. I would just hear, "We've got you lined up to do live radio this morning and a newspaper interview this afternoon"--I just couldn't believe it, ha! It was everything that I had feared. On top of it all, to think of doing an hour and a half set without relying on a skit, just being myself, and playing the songs, just seemed too much!
       I was really battling and was just about ready to give up. I was thinki ng, "How am I going to tell Kanti? How am I going to tell everybody that I just can't go through with it?" I was trying to find some way out of it. But then the next day I got a prophecy of encouragement sent to me from my Home, and it really helped give me the victory!
       All the way until just before the first concert I still hadn't gotten anything down to say in between songs. I was praying, "Oh Lord, if there's anything I ask, it's just to be able to go out there and talk to that crowd, and a ctually have fun with them; love them." When we had the dress rehearsal, my mind went blank. I couldn't say a word. I told everyone, "I'll think of something at the time!" (But everyone was a little worried, ha!)
       On the night of the show, before my part, I sat off on the side of the stage, and I had a few ideas of what I could say which I wrote down. I didn't want to talk to anybody, or fellowship, as I was really desperate, and I felt I just needed to pray and prepare for my part of the show. Then the biggest miracle was that I got up there at the first concert and things were just coming to me to say right on the spot. Someone would shout for Fleetwood Mac, and I'd say, "'Fleetwood Mac,' let me see. Well, we don't really have 'Fleetwood Mac' right here, and it would be quite an expense to fly them in. So what you've got is me--Jeremy Spencer. What you see is what you get." And everyone roared! Then there was a guy off in the corner who followed us to every show. Every time a song f inished and I stopped to talk a little he'd shout, "Go on, man! Keep going, man!" So I said to him, "You should be up here on stage!" There was one newspaper that wrote, "There's hardly anyone who can handle a crowd like this." But I know it's not my professionalism or anything, as it totally contradicts my normal self.
       The night of the first show, I really felt the adrenaline working. It was a nice feeling, and I really felt like doing it! But on the second show, I didn't feel it any more, bu t I had to go through it all again without feeling it, or feeling excited about it. But people came up to me and said that it was great and even better than the first show! So I read "Feeling 'Inspired' to Do God's Will" (ML #2747), and my prayer for the last concert was that the Lord would help me to feel that one as well, because I didn't want to have to worry about whether it was going well or not. Sure enough, the last concert was terrific, and it felt really good too! It felt like a challen ge, and by the end I felt like I was talking and playing to just one person.
       I think I've gotten to the stage of yieldedness where now, if someone asked me to do concerts again, I'd still be petrified in some ways, but I'd actually want to do it. The Delhi crowd was really tough and the papers said, "No one's been able to handle a crowd like that except Pete Seeger." I used to marvel at Pete Seeger [An American folk singer, instrumentalist, and songwriter, often called the father of the 1960s folk-music revival. His best-known songs include "If I Had a Hammer" and "Turn, Turn, Turn."], and how he could handle a crowd, wondering how he could possibly do it. It was just unbelievable to me how he could go up there with just one guitar and hold that audience captive for a couple of hours. So it was quite a compliment for me to be likened to Pete. I knew it was absolutely just the Lord--a total miracle!
       Like the verse that says, "I delight to do Your will." I was all worried about mysel f and how bad I am, and I didn't think the Lord could use me, so to get over that constant worry about myself was quite a miracle, TYJ!

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama Maria,
       In our Home we do not eat white sugar. I believe that is a very good rule. The adults tell us not to eat hard candy, but in truth, they eat a lot in secret. When I went to the room of one girl (who is 20), there were a lot of candy wrappers in the wastebasket.
       One time, I went out in the car with my daddy and with my 18- year-old sister. I asked her what she was eating, and she said nothing. Later by looking in the car mirror, I saw her chewing gum. They are hurting their teeth, and I believe this isn't good.
       --nine-year-old girl, Brazil

Dear Mama,
       During this Feast when we each prayed our prayers, I was finally able to yield to the Lord about being pregnant. It's been a big battle for me, especially since I was just about to move to help out in a ministry I've always wanted. Then I got pregnant--just lik e that! It was a shock for me, as I hadn't thought the Lord would let it happen. Well, I've learned a lot through it.
       But ever since it happened, I've been blaming myself for my mistakes and I haven't even been able to thank the Lord for letting me get pregnant. I just couldn't forgive myself. Everyone else was saying how wonderful it is to have a baby, but I couldn't bring myself to agree with them.
       I finally decided to yield. I got convicted by a part in your Letter "Golden Victories" (GN 768) where you say, "I'm not only talking about jealousy, but maybe you have some place in your life where you haven't completely yielded …" and you gave a list of things. That hit me hard, because I knew I hadn't yielded in being pregnant.
       On the last day of the Feast, I sat down and wrote out my open heart prayer. In it I asked the Lord to help me to see this as a blessing and a privilege, and for the first time I thanked Him for giving me this baby. The amazing thing is that now I'm actuall y thankful for it! I'm so happy that I'm going to have a baby! As soon as I decided to yield, like you said, the Lord was able to change my attitudes!
       --senior teen


Met anyone famous?
Free Zine
       (From Jaz:) For any of you who may have missed a Zine announcement saying the same, we are conducting a great request for anyone who has met/witnessed to any famous people to please write us a brief note about it. We'd like to make this list as complete as possible. Do you have anything to contribute? Send it in today to the Free Zine. Thanks so much!

All China Missionaries!
       (From the Taiwan Reception Home:) Hello! In order to follow through with the vision of reaching souls still in darkness, particularly those in China, we are in the process of setting up a Reception Home in Taiwan. This is dedicated to aiding you, our fellow pioneers, by providing you with an office to solicit information from regarding travel info and visas, as well as a place to land in Taiwan before heading off to China. Please contact us via the following:

       E-mail: RH@chinafamily.org
       Phone Number: (International Code) 886-2-2893-2632
       Mail Address: Ms. Fong, P.O. Box 78, Yang Ming Shan P.O. Taipei 111, Taiwan

grapes of thankfulness

       I would like to shine the lights on a sweet and wonderfully dedicated single mom--Primavera. She's got seven kids and has been in the Family for 18 years. She's stuck through thick and thin, and has been a beautiful example to me of faithfulness and a fighting spirit. I could go on and on--as anyone that knows her could--but I just wanted to say that I really love you, Mom. Even though sometimes I didn't show it, I appreciate everything you've done for me. By the way, Happy Birthday!
       --Joana, Brazil

       A big thank you to sweet FGA Peter, who had offered to do a minor repair for a single mum, Rose (a CMer who cannot live in a CM Home due to a situation with her teenage son), while she was on a holiday with her Home. The house was in desperate need of a number of repairs, and although Rose, a faithful provisioner and witnesser, is always busy taking care of the needs of others, she hadn't had time to take care of these household needs.
       When she returned from her trip she found several jobs done, and since then, Peter has been visiting regularly to complete further repairs including some major ones! GBH!--So encouraging to see someone see the need and respond wholeheartedly on his own initiative!
       --sent in by somebodies who noticed, Australia

       During the BI court case, we had completely run out of money and had a very large bill to pay for lawyers' fees. We had been praying and expecting--but not what the Lord did! Andrew and Joanna had come to our Home to visit, and I, Pearl, had never met them before. During that visit they said that they had recently received an inheritance and had heard that we really needed funds for the court case and asked how much we needed. I was very embarrassed to say, as it was a huge amount, but I said how much we needed and they gave us 2/3rds of this very large sum. Not only did they give so generously to me and the case, but as I understand it they didn't keep any of the inheritance for themselves but gave it all "back to the Lord!"
       They are a very precious and sweet couple and certainly have their names in lights in Heaven, but I thought a little recognition here might encourage them. Please pray for them, because Andrew suffers from bad asthma and Jo anna carries a big load with the children. God bless you both, I really love and appreciate you!
       --Pearl (of Simon), England

cute kids

       The other day I was with the children watching a lightning storm out of the window. It was taking awhile between flashes and my impatient four-year-old son Joshua said, "Daddy, can you just fast forward to some big ones?!"--courtesy of David and Johanna, Croatia
       My sister Tina was taking care of Dave (1) and Tommy (3). Tom was already used to Tina, but Dave wasn't; he just stared at her (half scared). Tom looked at Dave, then at Tina, then walked over to Dave, and said: "Don't worry, Dave, Tina nice girl!" Dave, just as shy as ever, turned and walked away. Tom looked at Tina with pity, grabbed her hand and sighed: "Kids!"--courtesy of Julia (13)
       In my plight to teach the children about not being wasteful, I must have overdone it a bit, for John (5) said later, "Can I close the curtains so I won't waste the daylight on me, because I don't ne ed it!"--courtesy of Islamabad Home, Pakistan
       Funny little five-year-old Laura, who is always up to some kind of business of her own, was running around with a pitcher full of water and a bowl. YA Becky said: "Laura, what's running through your head?" Laura stops, looks up and says: "I don't know. I can't see anything!"--courtesy of Florence (17), Brazil

your views on issues

Go and have fun!
El Salvador
       (From Juan and Marie:) We would like to express our gratitude to the young people in our Home who happily teamed up with us to pioneer a country in Central America. They did so knowing that they would have to forego fellowship with other young people, and also not be able to attend any Family gatherings, due to the distances.
       As things turned out, we all had a very good time together--distributing many tools, taking care of CTP programs, making our own Web site, having our own resort at the beach, attending a language school, enjoying swimming, playing basketball, etc., goi ng to discos for fun and witnessing--and much more!
       We believe that a measure of dedication and love for the Lord, together with that fun youthful spirit of our young people, can turn any place into an unforgettable experience!
       Our E-mail: lafamilia.sv@citt.cdb.edu.sv
       Familia Web page: http://www.lafamilia.org/af/salvador/salvador.htm

Idolizing and worshipping
Location unknown
       (From G., 20:) I think many of us have a tendency to "worship" or "idolize" certain singing groups or Family bands. I don't think there's anything wrong with looking up to them or copying some of their "stuff," but when people start to compare and say stuff like, "Gosh, they're the best," or "Why aren't you guys as good as them?" then it may cause negative thinking or some people to go through trials thinking they're not as "good" as Heart to Heart or the DC Band.
       There are many Family singing teams or show groups that are just as good as some of our "famous" singing groups, but maybe they are in a conservative country where they can't wear sexy, "cool" costumes, or can't do that wild dancing. I think we need to look at it in the spirit and thank the Lord that they can be a witness to the sheep, and that they're getting the message out!
       Also, all of us boys and girls have the tendency when we watch videos of Family dance groups to make comments like, "That girl is so cool," or "Look at those legs," or "That guy is the handsomest." I think this makes some of us who are not endowed with be ing handsome or beautiful feel that no one likes us because we're not as good-looking as the others. We all need to realize that it's the spirit that's truly beautiful; physical beauty is only skin-deep!
       I'd like to say a word of encouragement to all the "unknown" singing teams out there. Don't be discouraged if you think you're not as great as the more "famous" groups. Don't feel bad if you don't do major concerts all over the world, don't perform on MTV, or can't wear so-called "cool" and se xy costumes. Just keep plugging away. The Lord sees your faithfulness and will bless you greatly in Heaven. And remember … the less praise you get here on Earth, the more you'll get in Heaven.

Is it destroying you?
       (From Polish Magda [CRO]:) Dad was always an incredible sample of how to abound and abase, and not to become corrupted by the times of abounding. It amazes me to see how sometimes some of our Family members can be such simple, sweet missionaries, giving their all to the f ield and the sheep while living on a simple field; then as soon as they go off to the West, they let go of their spiritual convictions and yield to the demands of the System so easily. Others come to a simple field and they can't live there without the comforts of the System they experienced in more developed countries.
       If it weren't for the missionary work here in Russia, I definitely wouldn't choose to live in this country, but just having faith that this is a mission from your King, you lea rn to live in new conditions and it's not so bad. Then you go to another place and the Lord provides abundantly; you enjoy luxury, but it's just for a moment and not so we can become greedy or selfish. Lack of money or too much money has already destroyed the unity of many Homes, as well as many brethren's faith and their usefulness. LHU!

Remaining unconditional
       (From Beth:) My sister (age 18) left the Family a month ago. Due to a change in her situation, she needed to stay with som eone for a few weeks so she wouldn't be alone in the big city. When my mom asked her Home (the Home my sister left from) if my sister could stay there, they wouldn't have her, saying "she got herself into it."
       I have a hard time with that because whether we agree or are happy with ours or others' kids decisions to leave, we should still remember that they are "our" children; we can't just dump them because we are offended that they made the wrong decision. Of course, if it were a case of a rea l rotter who is bad-mouthing the Family or on drugs or something, that is a different story, but that wasn't the case with my sister. I've heard of a few similar situations occurring, and I think we could lose completely some who may have wanted to remain as friends or even return. The Lord said a lot of beautiful things about having unconditional love for our kids in the Letter "Unconditional Love for Our Teens" as well as "The Silver Lining" (GN 625, 762).
       If I know anything at all, it's tha t no matter how many times I've fallen or made mistakes or turned my back on the Lord, He's always there with open arms ready to receive, love and forgive me. LHU to do the same to others, especially our children or our brothers and sisters.

Who deserves credit?
       (From Sam, SGA:) After living in the USA for quite some time, it was almost a culture shock to visit and see the conditions of some of the EE Homes. The folks here are so precious, winning disciples and souls, going out and doi ng CTP ministries--most of the time giving up what many Family members would consider basic necessities!
       The sacrifice of the field almost seems bizarre at first, but the fruit and receptivity of the field could almost merit twice the present sacrifice. The blessing of being on the front lines and accomplishing such precious ministries really makes it worth the difficulty. The faces of the sweet Family members I've met glow with satisfaction. These are the folks that we should pray for and rec ognize in the Family. They are doing their best for the Lord and enduring hardship to bring the souls in.

tip of the day

--from SPALIM
       If you're interested in enhancing your follow-up or mail ministry, we'd recommend Microsoft Publisher. We've found it to be incredibly helpful for our outreach projects. It puts desktop publishing at such a simple level that if you just follow the "helps," you can come up with beautiful professional-looking productions. We've made newsletters, cards with Da ily Might excerpts, and local tracts for witnessing--not to mention signs, labels, tape jackets, etc., for Home use.

letters to the editor

Re: Thoughts on college
The "Thoughts on College" column in Grapevine #34 was very interesting for me, as recently I've been wondering if I should start studying for college so I can get a "good" job. But it is so true how college is such a waste of time. Right now, thanks to Family training, I have a very good job without hours of studying.
       --an FM teen, Japan

Re: Appreciation for school time
How do you instill in teens the importance of scholastics when studying at home? I read the article in Grapevine #31 titled "Educational Concerns" and feel the teens in our Home are quite blessed to have regular school, and all the CLE books on hand; yet their attitude towards studying is very negative. "What good is it going to do anyway?" they ask. They have heard all the regular answers, but still when they have time to spare in the evenings, to get them to do something like school or CVC projects is met with such a negative response.
       What is the balance between scholastic requirements and going overboard thinking education is so important, in order to give our teens more of an urgency to accomplish something? Please help!
       --Anonymous in Pakistan

Dear Anonymous in Pakistan,
       We've received many comments similar to yours. It's interesting, though, that while a number of Family JETTs and junior teens don't want to spend time i n conventional home-schooling study, it seems that once they become senior teens, YAs or SGAs, they all of a sudden acquire an urgent realization of their need or desire for education, which in many cases, they say they didn't receive sufficiently in their younger years. But perhaps they just didn't avail themselves of it when it was available.
       I know of a number of young people who feel that their education has been less than adequate. I've attended public school and have been home-schooled; between the two, I can truthfully say that being home-schooled, if you apply yourself and put your heart (and the hours) into it, certainly has the advantage.
I think that a key is for us YAs and SGAs to encourage our JETT and teen brothers and sisters to apply themselves more to their scholastics, so that as they grow up, they can feel confident and secure in their Godly Family education, and thereby be able to devote the rest of their lives to being missionaries and making a difference in th e world--rather than feeling that they have to traipse off to college or go back to school in order to complete their education to their satisfaction.
--Jenna (23), Grapevinette

Re: Open letter to young people
We wanted to extend another great big "THANKS" to Maria (FGA) in Russia for your uplifting article (see Grapevine #30)! You know how to make us feel good! We love you lots and hope to see more of your great articles in upcoming Grapevines, ha!
       --Jono, Joe and Janet, Pakistan

Re : Ugly mission field?
I agree with the dear brother in Brazil who had the guts to write that article (see Grapevine#38). Being a "native," I have been hurt many times by similar attitudes [of the American way being better, or Americans feeling superior to natives of the country they're in]. I think that this is one more step in learning to love each other. If you really love somebody, you will do the things that please the other one.
       --Bruny, Moldova

Re: Way Out There
Thanks to all the teens and YAs in Thailand who sent in their spirit trip testimonies (FSM 325, "Way Out There"). They were so beautiful! I felt as though I was there as I pictured in my mind what was being read. Hearing about the Lord's love for us is overwhelming. I think it brought all of us a little closer to Heaven and the spirit world.
       --Noel (17), USA

Highlights from PACRO

--Summit 1998 feature article

       (Jenna:) During the Summit, held in March, each of the CRO teamworks gave a 30-minute presenta tion. They touched on some of the highlights, victories and major changes that have occurred in their areas since the last Summit meeting, which was held in 1996. We thought you'd all enjoy hearing about what the rest of the Family around the world have been up to, and how the other areas are doing--to enhance your "global Family vision!" Here are some snippets from those presentations. Since there are five CRO areas, we'll be featuring one per Grapevine issue. Keep an eye out for your area! Ple ase bear in mind that these aren't comprehensive outlines of all that's been going on in each area. There just isn't enough space to tell of all that's been accomplished, but here are a few inspiring testimonies, facts and figures. Enjoy!

The PACRO area includes …
Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti and the Pacific Islands.

The PACRO teamwork is …
Jeff and Sweetie, Margie, Phoenix, Marie Claire

How many CM/FM Homes in PACRO?

       Japan: 65 CM/29 FM
       Taiwan: 26 CM/2 FM
       South Korea: 1 CM
       Macau: 1 FM
       Hong Kong: 2 CM
       Australia: 16 CM/14 FM
       New Zealand: 1 CM/2 FM
       China: (not available for security reasons)
       Tahiti: 1 CM/1 FM

(Jeff:) Here's an overview on the countries in our area, and the makeup of the Family in each of them. We haven't pioneered North Korea yet, but we're starting to get openings to be able to go in from Japan and South Korea. We have one small family team in South Korea at present, and they are doing a lot of CTP and helping to get humanitarian aid to North Korea. They are also a big help to teams passing through.
       At the last Summit there were no homes in China, and now we have several! Several Homes in Taiwan are also sending road trips into China. Plus, we have a whole list of people on a clearance list that are applying to go!
       One fruit of the last Summit is that the prophecies for America were also very fitting for Australia, along with specific ones we received for the work th ere, and many folks are getting turned on to go back to the mission field. Many have already gone (more details below)!
       New Zealand had 2 CM Homes after the Charter, but one couple has already left for China and another one for the PI. The team that went to China met a principal from a Chinese university on the street and their school flew them all to China!
       In Tahiti we have one CM Home there and one FM home. They have a very fruitful local work, and have been faithfully feeding their sheep for years.
       There are also a couple of Homes in far-Eastern Russia (Khabarovsk and Vladivostok), which we help to VS. EURCRO does the administrational side and provides the tools for them, but we help to visit that area, as it's closer to Japan than Europe. Most of the personnel in these Homes, besides the Russians, have come from Japan. God bless the teams who have been there faithfully pioneering and reaping the harvest for several years now, with very little contact and fellowship from othe r Homes.

       Since the last Summit, Marie Claire (SGA) joined our teamwork, and Gabe (SGA), who worked in our office for years, went to join the EURCRO teamwork!

Work in Taiwan

The Homes in Taiwan have more than doubled in the last few years. Many teams that have been in Taiwan for a number of years have their sights on China, and some have already gone on fruitful road trips there! Taiwan continues to be the tape and video shiner in our area, and since the Charter several teams have begu n very fruitful CTP ministries. A Reception Home has been set up in Taipei to help incoming teams en route to China, and the VSs for China and Taiwan also base out of Taipei.

Work in Australia

       Australia has always had a major ministry in sending missionaries off to the field. Last year over 50--mostly teens and YAs--left Australia for Russia, Eastern Europe, South Africa and various Asian fields, with more teens leaving soon! Some FGAs took short trips to the field with young people and m ore are planned for the next few months. There are teams in Perth, Sydney and Cairns planning to go mobile in Australia too.
       The teens and JETTs in Sydney have organized a witnessing show group to reach other youth through shows in drug rehab centers and youth prisons, which is proving fruitful.
       The civil suit which we have instituted against the government in Sydney is moving toward final full hearing, and our lawyers are working hard to see this happen by the end of the year.

Work in Ja pan

(Phoenix [Japanese]:) Since the last Summit the Lord helped us to make a lot of progress in the national work. A precious Japanese couple, Stephen and Rejoice, have been helping us as VSs, and have tuned into every detail of the national work. Stephen and Japanese Jeremy have set up a Japanese WEB site. Stephen and Rejoice, along with Johane and Lydia, our long-term faithful live-in disciples and supporters, and Paul have also organized two annual get-togethers for the live-outs. The res ults have been tremendous! (See Grapevine #37 for more details.)
       A forty-year-old live-out disciple got spirit stories in Japanese for Christmas, and various live-outs have been learning to use the gift of prophecy for making decisions, which is wonderful to see.
       We and our VSs have held several meetings in the main cities, showing the Summit and Bellwether videos in these last two years, as well as showing them in many Homes around Japan in our visits. The VSs just showed Peter's Moscow vid eos in Tokyo, and will continue to show them around the country.
       Ginny, the PACRO FED overseer, has had several CLE and CVC seminars in the main cities with both young people and adults. The notes and videos from these meetings have circulated and have been a big blessing to the Homes.
       During the recent CM meeting for our Japanese brethren, we had a show and tell of our tools. The Homes in Japan mostly use WS tools, but because the Japanese people have specific needs, different Homes locally have created new tracts or tools, so we were able to share these with the whole field. One example is a booklet that Lydia put together, similar to Glimpses of Heaven. It is for older folks our age and above. The Japanese title means "Drops of Love" and it's a compilation about trials and tests, put together from Good Thots anecdotes and poems. Lydia put this together with Paul, another Japanese pillar, and it was printed in Thailand. She and Paul went to Thailand to talk with the ASCRO printin g team and God bless them, they printed 10,000 copies, which she wanted to share with all the Homes. This is one example of the initiative that people are taking to put out more local tools.
       The Japanese LIM has been working on putting our Family books into Japanese, but printing books in Japan is very expensive. In Thailand it's much cheaper, so the Thailand book printing team has been helping us, and so far we've printed three books: DB 10, To Jesus - With Love#1 and From Jesus - With Love #1. DV, in the future, we will have more Japanese books printed in Thailand.
       Another big step of progress is that the LIM has been putting out many more Japanese publications for young children, like MLKs and the Early Readers, and has created a new series of Japanese readers based on the old WS readers. Since the Charter, many Homes became smaller, which generally speaking helped our children to pick up the language more.
Peter's visit last year was also a real blessing. He visited our offi ces and Service Homes and even went all the way to the LIM, which was a very long trip. More than anything, the visit was a boost and encouragement for everyone, and they couldn't believe that King Peter was walking into their "humble" home and they felt so much love!

Work in China

(Jeff:) China is very exciting and is really changing! I had thought that China was all closed and that you've gotta be a super missionary to go to China, but a lot of people who go there from Asia say, "This i s just like India!" So for people who have been to those poorer Third World fields, it's great preparation for going to China.
       Before I visited China, we had our clearance system set up pretty tight about anybody going directly in (we'd usually ask them to spend some time in Taiwan first). But after seeing the field firsthand, the Lord has been laying on our hearts that more people can go directly in, especially those who have been missionaries in sensitive countries where you have to go slow and be extremely prayerful. We want to let you know that China is opening up, which is what the Lord said, in prophecy given a couple of years ago, would happen! He said first there would be a crack, but that it would open wider. You feel the Lord now opening the door and people are getting in, and there are many new opportunities to reach His sheep. You still have to move very slow and prayerfully, and this is the major adjustment teams have to make when they go there. You also have to be willi ng to work in quite isolated situations, as most teams are quite spread out and separated by great distances. The Homes that are pioneering there are not getting out thousands of posters or tapes--some have just won their first soul--but the excitement in the spirit is there!
       A family can live in China for approximately $1,000 to $1,500 a month. That's for your whole family to live there, rent and everything, including buying all your food--the whole works. Not everyone has to take a job; some people have a mail ministry from the West that's supporting them. Some are getting support from the Family; some are working; some are studying the language; some are just living by faith and trusting the Lord. Those who have studied the language are already communicating well in Chinese after only one year!
       The whole climate has changed because the government is trying to push foreign investment, and they're trying not to offend foreigners because they've done that a lot in the past. The new premier that's coming in is trying to do some good PR, in order to encourage more businessmen to come. This makes witnessing opportunities terrific! The Chinese will come up to you even if they only know five words in English, and will try to practice them on you. They are bold.
       One YA boy who's been living there for a year teaches some Chinese businessmen. He's now gotten them saved and is teaching them Bible classes as his English class. Some of his students are presidents of companies. He writes out lists of questions from the Bible that the men have to go back and research, and they'll come back with pages of answers written out. There is a real vacuum.
       We need prayer, laborers and funds for China. As I said, it only takes $1,000 - $1500 a month to support a Home there. So if any Homes in richer countries would like to support a China team, your gifts will go a long way, and set the teams free to witness on the road! Any gifts towards the China work will also help to pay for m uch needed meetings, as the teams are quite isolated from each other, as well as help pay for the pioneering of new untouched cities! There are still several major cities of millions of people that don't have a Family Home, and have never had one!
       Some of the Family in China are working with the underground church. Have you ever heard of Watchman Nee? He's very famous in Christian circles, and is quite a spiritual person. He apparently gave a prophecy quite a few years ago when talking to the underground church in China: It said something like, "In the Endtime a group called the Family of Love will come to China, and when they come, listen to them, for they will teach you." One group of the underground church that a team is working with said, "Look, you don't even have to try to reach the Chinese. Don't even bother! We'll do that. You just teach us what you know!" They come for Bible classes a couple of times a week just to get fed and drink in the Words of David!

Important! China e-mail security procedures …

       As was published in Grapevine #32, China is classified as a "sensitive country." In light of this, we want to remind everyone to please not send any e-mail directly to the China Homes, but rather through the PACRO China Desk which we've set up specifically for handling communications to and from them. We really appreciate your cooperation with this, in order to help protect the teams' security.
       The PACRO China Desk E-mail address is: tyofam@crisscross.com .

Young people's Progress

(Marie Claire:) If you look at the size of Japan compared to a lot of other countries, we have a large number of young people in Japan in relation to its small size--about 400 just in Japan, and another 100 in Taiwan, China and Korea put together. Australia had a good number of young people before, but many of the older ones have now moved on to mission fields, and many others are preparing to go!
       We have had a number of meetings since the last Summit, two year s ago; the first set of meetings with the young people were along the lines of "get in the Family or get out." These meetings were held in January and February of '97. A lot of the young people at that time were riding the fence, and had gotten either System jobs or were really into System music.
       Japan is a very, very materialistic field. A lot of people relate it to the US, but personally I think it's even more materialistic than the States. They have the latest of everything. Every day somet hing new comes out on the market and when it does, you often see even the youngest of the (non-Family) children into their new gadget. That has been a big pull on many of our young people, and has caused them to get laid back in the spirit, to put these things first--before their life and service for the Lord. This also happens in Australia and Taiwan. The fact that there isn't a lot happening in the way of major youth witnessing projects hasn't made it easy for them to see clearly what they're in the Family for.
       Between the last meetings in '97 and our most recent one in February '98, we had about 35-40 young people decide to leave the Family from Japan. It was quite a difficult time, as in the beginning when a lot of the young people were going through their decision-making time, it was a big pull on them to have so many of their friends and relatives leaving the Family. Although it was heartbreaking for us to see them go, on the other hand, it was a relief for all the other young people who felt that these ones were holding them back and preventing them from really making the commitments that the Lord wanted them to in their lives.
       As you know, Japan's been a major training place in the past. Many of the young people that are on the field in Japan have gone through the HCS at one time or another, either working in some ministry capacity or just overall getting training. They've received a lot of good input, but they haven't really had an opportunity to give a lot becau se of the way the field is; it's not a super hungry or desperately needy field physically. In past meetings, our goals were to try to get the young people inspired and turned on to witnessing in Japan and to the Japanese, but because a lot of them have been brought up in Japan and have mainly lived there all their lives, it was hard for many to get the vision. Some have though, and are reaching the field and have a tremendous love for the Japanese.
       Recently, however, the Lord has been changing direction through prophecies that He's given us, and also through Mama and Peter, about the need for the young people in Japan to get out of Japan and become missionaries in a field other than the one they have grown up in and become familiar with.
       A large majority of the young people in Japan are either half or full Japanese, and they have a lot of potential. Many Japanese are natural leaders, but there isn't such an outlet here due to the above-mentioned reasons. Japan has often been called a "missionary's graveyard." That's very true because you don't see the results very quickly when witnessing. Many of the adults here have tapped into it by going slow and ministering for years to people, some of whom they met 11 or 12 years ago. There is a lot of potential here for those who really feel called to be here, and know what the Lord has shown them to do in ministering to the Japanese people--for example, David Gypsy in Kobe has a wonderful ministry with the Great Hanshin Earthquake victims, and some of the young people have felt called to help him with this ministry--but progress is slow and requires a lot of patience and endurance. But as you know, most young people want things to happen now, and they have a hard time waiting; patience isn't generally a virtue attributed to young people, ha!
       So we felt the need to have a new set of meetings with the young people to challenge them to get to a mission field where they can burn free and see results, so they will catch the fire and get the vision for being missionaries again. The Lord told us to start with a YA/SGA meeting this year, which we held in February (21st to 28th, just after the Feast). He gave us some heavy prophecies, saying He didn't want us to hold back the message He would give, and that we shouldn't be afraid of their faces, or what they would think, because He had something important to tell the young people. He also told us that He would give us the class material in prophecy, so all we had to do was listen to Him!
       It was neat, as up until this time we had never really prepared for a meeting this way--by getting all the classes directly from the Lord--so it was all by faith. It was wonderful to hear the Lord speak so powerfully, in a way that was very clear and easy to understand. He used a lot of word pictures and touched on each subject from many different angles, which helped to make each class more well rounded and relatable.
       When we first sent out the message to our field invit ing the YA/SGAs to the meeting, many phoned to let us know that they wouldn't be able to attend due to their System jobs. Many of the young people in Japan have some kind of System job, either to support their Home or to raise funds for themselves. The Lord showed us to share the original message He gave us about the meeting with the YA/SGAs, and it was pretty heavy. The Lord said that He was disappointed in them, and that they weren't doing much for Him but were living for themselves, and that He had a lot to tell them along these lines at the upcoming meeting. We thought that perhaps this message would blow even more of them away, and cause less to attend--but we were so proud of the young people when we got to the meeting and saw that almost every one of the YA/SGAs on the field (as well as many from the HCS) attended the entire meeting--100 in total!
       One subject which the Lord spoke a lot on was forsaking all. At our first set of meetings, when we met some of our young people we wouldn't have been able to tell whether or not they were in the Family. They had so many gadgets, so many things in their hair, so much jewelry, and so much blocking the Spirit that it wasn't shining through at all. The message was that materialism was a disease that had crept in and was eating away at their life and their happiness for the Lord. Another message was on becoming missionaries--the need to get out of Japan and onto the mission field, and that they weren't happy because they weren't obeying. The Lord said, "Go and you will be happy! The world--take the world!" It was very convicting!
       There was a definite change in spirit from the meetings held last year, and it was obvious that each one who attended did so because they wanted to grow and learn and go on to do more for the Lord. After each class we would pow-wow it a little and people would get up and say, "This applied to me in this way …." People were crying and saying, "I want to forsake this, I want to forsake that." By the end of the meetings many of the young people were making commitments.
       One girl got up, crying, and she said, "I knew the Lord wanted me to go to China before I came to Japan, but I refused because I wanted to be with my friends and I didn't want to forsake these material things that I wanted." She said, "After this I'm going right away. I want everyone to know that." Another boy said he was thinking of leaving the Family, and that this was his last chance. One of the prophecies said, "W hen you stand before the Lord, what are you going to say?" He said, "I want to say that I did my best for Him." It was a very moving and beautiful time.
       The Lord touched on many of the "Goals for 1998," hitting mainly on the areas that we as young people in our area needed to grow in. We had a class on the Law of Love, and a heavy one on gossiping. I think that was the most powerful class because our field has a major NWO of gossiping, especially the young people. In that class the Lord had us stop and ask forgiveness from everyone who we had gossiped about. It was very humiliating, but it was beautiful. People were crying and apologizing to each other. Then we had communion and pledged that we would not gossip about each other, but would try to speak positively of one another and lift each other up.
       By the end of these classes we were melted together in the Spirit, and you could really feel the Spirit of the Lord moving. The wonderful thing is that it hasn't stopped there! Since t he meeting 9 or 10 young people have let us know they have asked for clearance to various countries--mostly to Asia, India, Africa and China! Others are still praying about where the Lord wants them to go and what He wants them to do. Please pray for the young people in our area, as the pull of the Enemy is very strong, and although many of them want to leave and go on to the mission field, there is much holding them back. I believe that the ones that do make it out will be stronger, more determ ined soldiers, and will make the best missionaries, because they will have known what it is like to have it all and then forsake it all for what is worth more, and what will bring them greater happiness and fulfillment.
       To sum it up, I will quote what one of the SGAs said about how much we had gone through together during this time--how we had united, and how we all felt on the last day of the meeting which included a beautiful dance: "It's like we are all a little bit in love with each other! "

ws news

Summit/Workshops 1998
(From Peter:) Greetings from Baja California in sunny Mexico! The Lord supplied a very pleasant location, just south of the Mexico/US border, as the hosting site for Summit '98. The Summit lasted three weeks with 50 people in attendance (staff and WS personnel included), and was followed by a series of two Structure workshops which lasted a further three weeks. The entire package (Summit/workshops) took place from March 14 through April 28.
       The Summit po rtion of the meetings was quite different compared to the last Summit in '96. It was termed a "business Summit." There were many points to be discussed concerning the overall Family, many Charter-related points, and much prayer and prophecy invested in helping to find the Lord's solutions for the problems and challenges the Family presently faces. The Lord poured out wonderful counsel in answer to your leadership's desperate prayers and, Lord willing, these answers and messages from the Lord, al ong with some new Charter amendments, will be coming to you in the upcoming months via the GNs!
       Due to the vast number of topics to discuss in such a short amount of time--in only half as much time as our previous Summits--the Lord led us to divide into subcommittees, with each subcommittee discussing a different subject, and then later bringing it before the whole body. This was different from previous Summits where we had discussed each question from A to Z unitedly, as an entire body. This time, on certain days, the 35 CROs would split into four committees, each consisting of 8 to 10 people, and would discuss their particular subject for the day. Afterward, they would assign the questions that were raised during the committee to various committee members who would then bring those questions before the Lord for His counsel or confirmation on the proposals made.
       Then, on the days that immediately followed the committee meetings, each committee would, in succession, give a presenta tion to the whole body, and at that time there would be some further discussion, and votes taken on various matters. This saved a great deal of time and enabled us to cover all the topics we had planned, which we would never have been able to do had we discussed each topic all together. PTL!
       Here is a random listing of the main topics that were on our agenda: VS Program, Children's Behavior, Witnessing, Nationals training, CRO Workload, Undersized Homes, Senior Teen Sex and Pregnancy, Single M oms, Security, Music, Practical Steps to Unity, a new GP Follow-Up Course, Family Services, Upholding the Family Standard, Young People leaving the Family, and a number of Charter Amendments and related points. As you can imagine, under each one of these topics there were countless subtopics and related points, so needless to say, this was a very busy Summit! We also held a number of meetings for the personal inspiration and spiritual feeding of the CROs.
       In order to help manage the great deal of business that needed to be discussed and kept track of, Matthew and Francis accompanied me to help with the administrational work and the hosting and planning of the various meetings, along with Misty (Mama's executive secretary), and two of our SGA women, Jenna and Louise, who helped with secretarial work.
       During the Summit portion of the meetings, 33 united meetings were held, including talks from me and the presentation of subcommittee topics, which totaled 3,630 man hours. There were 5 0 subcommittee meetings held, totaling 2,200 man hours. Last but not least, over 210 prophecies were received in relation to the myriad of topics discussed during the Summit!--At least 70 a week!
       To explain the reason for the second set of meetings, in mid-February of 1997, the Lord told Mama and me to work on strengthening the structure (see GN 746). During the many months prior to the Summit, in our times of hearing from Him, planning and preparation for these meetings, the Lord showed us th at in order to further this strengthening, we needed to arrange for representatives of our Family structure ministries from around the world to meet together, in order to further streamline our operations, find ways to become more efficient and effective, and to provide you, our Family, with better service. Thus, these workshops came about. One or two representatives of each ministry from each CRO area attended their respective workshop, enabling us to have a well-rounded representation of each area and their particular needs.
       During our first workshop session, with 65 structure attendees (WS included), the following four groups met daily for five days: FEDs, bookkeepers (from the CRO Offices), ABMs, and NPC teams. They held 48 meetings, totaling 1914 man hours.
       The second workshop session with 71 attendees (WS included) consisted of the following groups: Service Centers/Marketing, LIMs/Production, Media, Computer/Stats (from the CRO Offices, primarily for the purpose of designing a new user-friendly Windows-based TeleTRF) and CRO Office. They held 115 meetings, totaling 3,206 man hours. It was a wonderful blessing for these folks to meet, pray and hear from the Lord together, swap ideas, share tips, and coordinate their efforts, as well as find solutions to the problems they face in their respective departments in order to better service their Homes.
       A number of WS representatives also attended these workshops, such as Gary, Apollos, Larry, Jim, Paul and Jan (from the GPU, to discuss new tools and marketing); Sharon (Sara D.), Dora, Tina (for FED/CC); and Luke, Meg, Blake, Nat, James, Neil and Elliot (media/NPC/finances/stats/computer programs).
       God bless the LAMB Home in Los Angeles, who played a vital role in providing the staff members for the duration of the meetings, doing pickups, and making a ton of border trips to ferry down the supplies. It wouldn't have been possible without them! Or without dear Marianne, who did the bulk of the provisioning of a ll the needed food and supplies.
       A special thanks also to the wonderful staff (mainly from the LAMB Home) who helped to make it all possible. Thanks Phil (of Harmony), Stephanie, Sharon A., John B., Chris W., Benny Q., Tommy Q., Eva, Steve Tall, Chris, Claire, Arrow, Isamu, Ben and Lily, Heidi, Maya and Free! Each of the above folks were involved in some vital way, and while usually there were only 2-3 staff members on site at the meetings, caring for 50-75 people, each one played a big part! Thanks also to the sweet secretaries from the NACRO area, Trust, Promise and Dawn, who worked very hard transcribing tons of prophecies and meeting notes.
       Thanks also to dear Mama, and her faithful staff team at home, who provided a strong support team in daily prayer for us, which enabled things to go smoothly and worked many miracles--as well as some of our other units, who also prayed daily for us!
       We believe that the upcoming GNs and pubs that will be reaching you as a result of the many topics discussed during the Summit meeting and the workshops that followed will be a blessing to you. It may be some months before these GNs begin to reach you, as there are a lot of other pubs in the pipeline already, but we will be doing our best to get you this material as soon as we are able. We love you dearly and pray for you!

In-house News from Mama's
(Editor's note: Hi, guys and gals! When Peter and team of five staff members were away at the above-mentioned meetings [Summit/worksh ops], each week the Home team would send them a newsy little update, filling them in on the happenings of the week. Mama thought it would be fun to publish one of these updates, as a peek into a staff week in her Home. There's no mention of the work everyone does daily--which believe me, they were very busy doing--but we know you'll understand that since these reports were for Peter and his team's inspiration, we majored on the fun and non-work related highlights of our week. Hope you enjoy it!)
On Monday last week we had a small surprise celebration after dinner to mark David and Nicole's one-year anniversary of being here. Amy pointed out that it was special in that David and Nicole were originally just visiting our Home for a month, but we're so thankful that they stayed on! Amy pulled out a yummy surprise treat, while different ones expressed their appreciation for David and Nicole and their contributions to our Home. David and Nicole also shared their appreciation for everyone p utting up with them and their various lessons during their extended stay.
       Amy's foot is feeling better (you'll remember that she twisted her ankle just before Gabe's birthday party in February), and she's starting to get around without her crutch, TTL!
       Tuesday evening we held a prayer chain for your lesson sharing meeting with the CROs. Each person signed up for 10 minutes of prayer, using the intercom to beep the next person on the list to continue the chain when they were finished. We were right with you, and pray that meeting went well!
       David, Rebecca and Rusty were assigned to lead devotions last week, and they did a very good job. On Wednesday, for praise time, they handed out pens and sheets of paper with ruled columns on them. Someone would think of a letter of the alphabet, and each one had to write down what they were thankful for, beginning with that letter and fitting words into eight different categories including Mama and Peter, Home, Family, Food, Gifts of the Spiri t, Feelings, etc. Whoever finished first read theirs aloud.
       We're reading a Bible chapter each day with Gabe, going through I Corinthians and marking our Bibles, which has been very feeding and again provided a confirmation to so much in the Letters.
       On Friday, for a touch of fun mystery in our lives, Gabe announced that all the women should remain in their rooms from 6:30 p.m. on, until notified. They didn't have to wait long, because each of the guys beeped one of the girls (whose name the y'd picked from a hat) and invited them to a particular place in the house where they had set up a dinner table for two (in some cases three or four, since the males and females weren't evenly matched in number) with candles and wine. David and Nicole cooked a delicious Chinese dinner--rice and chicken stir-fry. Turns out it was in appreciation for the girls!
On Saturday we did some extra housecleaning, sprucing up various corners of the house.
       It was also Nicole's birthday, so we held a spe cial dinner in her honor. The meal was set out buffet style, with everyone sitting at small tables.--All very enjoyable! After dinner Gabe broke our bottles by getting everyone up to dance to one of Dad's MOOF's (My Old Old Favorites), which was real hillbilly style, for lack of a better description. Ha! (Jimmy Reeves singing "Bimbo.") Then we watched a movie and had a simple birthday snack. Fun!

now that's funny!

       The Pope dies and, naturally, goes to Heaven. He is met by the reception co mmittee, and after a whirlwind tour he is told that he can enjoy any of the myriad of recreations available. He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original texts of the Holy Scriptures, so he spends the next eon or so learning the languages. After becoming a linguistic master, he sits down in the library and begins to pore over every version of the Bible, working forward from the original script.
       All of a sudden there is a scream in the library! The angels come running in, to fin d the Pope huddled in his chair, crying to himself and muttering, "An 'R'! The scribes left out the 'R'!" A particularly concerned angel takes him aside, offering comfort, and asks him what the problem is and what does he mean. After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "It's the letter 'R'. They left out the 'R'! The word was supposed to be CELEBRATE!!"

brief ads

Certified Personal Trainer
       (From Steven Watchman:) I've read different testimonies from brethren concerning health and fitness, so I wanted to share what I've learned since becoming a Certified Personal Trainer. I've had the opportunity to train people, ranging from the elderly with aging difficulties to professional athletes wanting to hone their skills. I wanted to make myself available to those with personal fitness goals that they may want to attain. You can reach me at SWM707@aol.com.

Shine On
The Shine On listings for the month of March will be printed in Grapevine issue #43, along with the list o f shiners for April. Due to some areas' office personnel attending the recent workshop meetings, not all the stats were compiled on time. Sorry for the delay!

still coming:
peanuts 'n' raisins
       Caption: "Look, Mommy, I drew "spiritual beans*"!!!" *spiritual beings
       Courtesy of: Francis (3), of Philip and Meekness), Namibia.


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family