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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #36; February 1, 1998)


Copyright © 1998 by The Family

       The Grapevine
PO Box 4938
       Orange, CA 92863 USA
       e-mail: grape@ibm.net

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy.

       Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


darling little dumplings …

       * Brian Robert , 9th child, born to Merryheart and Simon.--Ireland
       * Sean David Branham, 1st child, born to Joy and David on October 14th.--USA
       * Cheyanna Brooke, 7th child, born to Charity and Gareb on October 22nd.--USA
       * Daniel Allen, 2nd child, born to Daisy and Isaac on November 2nd.--USA
       * Florence, 9th child, born to Rejoice and John on November 5th.--USA
       * Sofia Firstborn, born to Praise and Manasseh on November 11th.--USA
       * Baby (no name given), 9th child, born to Faith and James on Novemb er 15th.--USA
       * Jasmine Lianna, 1st child, born to Victory on November 20th.--USA
       * Cherish Desiree, 1st child, born to Merrily and Chris on November 24th.--USA
       * Jodi Michelle Taylor, 2nd child, born to Sara and Frank on November 25th.--USA
       * Kevin Leander, 9th child, born to Sarah and John on November 26th.--Canada
       * Christina, 4th child, born to Renee and Eli on November 27th.--USA
       * Georgiy J., 1st child, born to Russian Virginia on November 28th.--Russia
       * Irene Leona Greeneye , 1st child, born to Maureen on December 1st.--USA
       * Anita Rose, 1st child, born to Polish Vicky on December 3rd.--Italy
       * Jonathan Belen, born to Praise and Jordan on December 3rd.--Guatemala
       * Esther Lara, 3rd child, born to Hungarian Dorcas and Janos on December 4th.--Hungary
       * Melanie, 6th child, born to Olivia and Paul on December 5th.--Kenya
       * Olia, 2nd child, born to Russian Dana and Polish Tim on December 7th.--Russia
       * Juan David, 7th child, born to Esther and Miguel on Dece mber 9th.--Spain
       * Quency, 6th child, born to Trusty on December 11th.--Japan
       * Georgia, 1st child, born to Kitty and David on December 11th.--USA
       * Elise, 11th child, born to Margarita and Francisco on December 12th.--Mexico
       * Baby boy (no name given), born to Eden and Timothy on December 14th.--Japan
       * David Ryan, 2nd child, born to Polish Gloria and English Matthew on December 16th.--Poland
       * Baby boy (no name given), 1st child, born to Ukrainian Masha on December 18th.--Russia
       * Brendon Sean, 2nd child, born to Kishi and David G. on December 18th.--Japan
       * Baby (no name given), 5th child, born to Sunshine and Sammy on December 18th.--Mexico
       * Richard, 5th child, born to Catrina and Michael on December 21st.--Latvia
       * Angelo Richard, 3rd child, born to Maggie and Augustine on December 23rd.--Mexico
       * Jade Angeline, 1st child, born to Charity on December 23rd.--USA
       * Cedric Steven, born to Marianne and Jose on December 26th.--Mexico


tying the kno t …

       > Daniel and Paloma were betrothed in Hungary. They have a baby girl, Jeanette Michelle.

new laborers - November/December 1997

       > Nigerian Samson and Janet God's Power, with their little girl Mariangela (2), joined a Home in Nigeria.
       > Luba Mountain-Maid (19, from Kazakhstan) joined a Home in Russia.
       > Precious (19, from Moldova) joined in the Ukraine.
       > Bill (28, American), joined in Mexico.

think deep
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so l ong at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.--Helen Keller

highlights from around the world

       * Croatia - Following our Christmas show, which appeared on Croatia's TV news, the music director of the largest radio station in our city held an interview with us about our work in Bosnia and broadcast a few of the songs from "our new release" as he called it--Uncharted! He was so impressed by our lively, well-produced music, especially when compared to the monot onous techno which they normally play. Through it, the message reached around 30,000 people!--Oasis Home
* South Africa - We gave the salvation message on the air over our local Christian radio station, reaching 150,000!--Andrew, Eva and Malika
* Russia - Joshua (who has been in Japan for the last month) was able to send us 16 boxes of humanitarian aid (clothing, toys, stationary, etc.)! Thankfully we were able to get it through customs without any problems! The orphanage we brought the aid to has 200 children, most of who are considered retarded. The teachers and children were all very thankful for the items.--Karen (YA)

Heart to Heart concerts
       (From the Heart to Heart team:) The Heart to Heart concerts are scheduled to be held in Bombay on January 24th and 30th, and February 1st. Our next concert will be in Delhi, on February 5th. There may be a free CTP concert following this.
       We've been the subject of considerable media interest, we believe due to the Jeremy Spenc er/Fleetwood Mac/Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame aspect of things. (Editor's note: Fleetwood Mac [including Jeremy Spencer] was recently inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.) The Family's press conference has resulted in at least five or six very positive articles that we know of. There were also two very positive articles the previous day, and a half-hour radio program on the most important FM station in the city. Star Plus, one of the five channels from Star TV (aired Asia-wide) will be in terviewing Jeremy today and have asked to film the entire first program to broadcast between the first and the third show.
       MTV India is currently airing our 30-second promo ad approximately 10 times a day. Jeremy and members of Heart to Heart will appear on an important program on MTV on the 20th, called "Chill-Out." We've been able to produce a couple of one-take MTV style videos, which have been passed on to MTV at their request, which they'll also be airing as soon as they're able to be pro grammed.
       (LNF: Our first concert [January 24th]was tremendous! We felt it couldn't have gone any better in every way, TTL! The sound was flawless, and there was an incredible reaction and receptivity. St. Andrews auditorium was sold out ticket wise [900 seats] and it was a full house! People were clamoring for tickets and we just didn't have enough to sell! The people were incredibly responsive during the program and at the end gave a standing ovation, which is very unusual here in India. The program was filmed and recorded, so we should have a very good representation of the program via video once it's edited. Star TV filmed the program and we believe will be airing it in approximately one week.
       (The Lord anointed the whole Heart to Heart team! Jeremy's set was amazingly powerful and also a ringing witness, as among the more "bluesy" numbers he also sang, "Bend in the Road," Psychic Waste" and another song he had written as his testimony, "If it Wasn't for You." The Heart to Heart set was good too--the best they've ever done. After Jeremy's set, the program ended with Vas singing a very popular and nationalistic Hindi number.)


       >> England - (From Gideon and Rachel:) Since the New Year has begun, we have already had several visitors to our Home. Andri Soteri, a lecturer from the London School of Economics, stayed with us for two days while continuing her research into the Family and our attitudes towards teens who leave. Her work has already been the subject of a speech delivered at last year's CESNUR conference and will be published when it is completed.
       We also had four students from Wolverhampton University come to visit us as part of their studies on NRMs. They are third-year undergraduates who are working for a degree in religious studies and will qualify as teachers next year. All of them plan to become supervisors of the religious studies programs in primary schools. They all took copious notes and were extremely thankful that we spent time with them.

legal and media

       >> Russia - Volzshki Pravda, a local newspaper in Volzshki with a circulation of about 80,000, published an article about the Family in the first week of November. Also in Volzshki, the Family was mentioned on the Volzshki TV News twice in the month of October, reaching a total of 200,000 people.
       >> USA - On October 18th, during Andrew's visit with relatives in the States, the Cincinnati Enquirer published an article on Andrew's life and work in Croatia.
       >> H ungary - ZTV, a cable TV station, is continuing to show clips of KV and TA twice a week, reaching 600,000 people in parts of Budapest and other areas of Hungary.
       >> Spain - YA, a local newspaper reaching 50,000 people in Madrid, published a two-part article written by the Family on November 16th and 23rd.
       >> Ghana - The Catholic Standard, a weekly English newspaper, printed an article about the Family on November 14th. This paper reaches 30,000 in Accra, Ghana.

DC Media Team - 1997
       (From Marc, Claire, Charity, Julie and Steve:) A big thanks to all those who labored in prayer for us this year! In a nutshell, here are some of the activities we've been involved in this past year.
       >> Conferences: We attended four academic conferences, two Muslim conferences, a State Department seminar on religious freedom abroad, and a meeting of the Helsinki Commission. At these events we were able to followup on our friends as well as meet many new contacts.
       >> Surveys: We participated in and helped coordinate three different surveys on the Family being carried out by academics and their graduate students, whose goal is to assemble data on the Family.
       >> Presentations/Visitors: We also gave presentations at five different university classes. We had live-in visits from one academic preparing her graduate work on the Family, and will be hosting others who wish to do so as well.
       >> Academics: Several academics are presently writing books or papers on the Family, and we have b een coordinating interviews with Family members and visits to Homes around the U.S. and Canada, as well as providing them with the Word they need to document our beliefs and lifestyle.
       >> Mail Ministry: During 1997 we mailed out over 12,500 letters to the many sheep and friends on our mailing lists! This comes to 51,798 pieces of literature or 613,209 pages total! Over the years we have collected about 4,000 addresses from Family members, which we divided into the following categories: parents and relatives, close sheep and friends, Christian churches, Islamic organizations, sociologists, psychologists, law enforcement officials, media/journalists, etc. Each one of these groups receives a regular mailing about the Family either monthly or quarterly throughout the year.
       If you're interested: If you'd like your close friends or relatives added to this regular mailing list, just send us a note via your ABM and we'd be happy to add them on!


       (From Nat, Rein a, Claire and Bowy:) Jan and his team hardly anticipated robbers attacking their apartment, negotiating with obstinate babushkas (grandmothers) to gain entrance to dorms, or the delicate month-long art of coercing a key for their post office box. All of this in a foreboding land called Belorussia. But it was definitely compensated for by the way 25,000 people grabbed the posters; the immediate fruit of new sheep, and the thankfulness of those like the philosophy and religion professor who lauded them by stating, "You're the most active group in this city so far!"
       Belorussia is located just west of Russia--between Russia and Poland, and north of the Ukraine. It was part of the former Soviet Union, but is now an independent nation.
       Jan had been studying nuclear chemistry in St. Petersburg, Russia, when he met and joined the Family. Witnessing then became his passion. In between participating in shows (he's a musician) and road trips, he completed his studies and graduated from the in stitute with very good grades. He is now 24.
       His road trips to several Russian Arctic cities and a dozen other cities around St. Petersburg never failed to be thrilling and fruitful. But despite prohibitions and hazards, his heart's desire has been to reach his native land. Although Belorussia has a population of 10 million people, there is no Family Home there. Jan had made several short road trips to various cities in Belorussia, but it wasn't until recently that he had the opportunity to se t up what we call a full-fledged "witnessing outpost."
       Jan teamed up with Jonas and Lisa (and five kids) and Vicky to go to Belorussia. Immediately the Lord provided a three-room furnished apartment with a telephone for $120 a month. They certainly felt the Lord's protection on their little team when a group of robbers tried to invade the building. Their ninth floor apartment was on the top of the building. The thieves cut the telephone lines to the building, but they missed the Family's. Then they tried to enter the apartments through the roof, but the Lord foiled their plans and kept our team safe.
       Though the average weekly wage in Belorussia is $18, they didn't find things to be very cheap. The only exceptions were bread at 25¢ a loaf and milk at 20¢ a liter. There were only two modern shops in the city; everything else was government-owned. One businessman said there wasn't even any Mafia, as there are no profitable businesses to take money from!
       The communist spirit is alive and well in Belorussia. Initiative is not welcomed.
       It was a big fight to get a post office box. There seemed to be no available boxes, but after much searching, and, by a miracle, Jan found a post office that had one. The only catch was the key was lost. They wanted Jan to find a key for it, but there were no keys of that type in the entire city. There was one key at the post office for that box but they couldn't let Jan have it. They also didn't agree to Jan's suggestion to open the box for him when he needed to check it. The workers said, "It will disturb our important work." Jan thought they had relented when they told him of a different requirement. "You have to subscribe to the newspaper!" "Okay, that's no problem. I will!" Jan told them. "But you still have to get a key!" they practically taunted him. After a month and several visits to the post office, a key was found at last. It was an old key and for a different lock, but such things are not real obstacles. With a little f iling and some modifications, it was made to work. That's what it takes to get things done in this part of the world.
       Their team wanted to reach some young people, but getting access to student dormitories turned out to be more difficult than gaining access to a prison. In some dorms you have to give them your identification and tell whom you came to visit. Then the person has to come down to the front desk and leave their papers. Finally you are allowed to enter. If you should get the babushk a (grandmother) upset, forget it--you'll never get in even if your papers are in perfect order.
       However, they found the majority of Belorussians very receptive. One sheep is a young student named Nastia. She attends the best school in the city. She is so hungry for the Word! Right away she began witnessing and distributing posters to everybody she knows: students in the school, parents, friends, etc.
       O., another new friend, is a teacher at the university. He really liked the team and was ask ing for more literature when they discovered he was a Mail Ministry member. He knows a lot about the local churches and said, "You are the most active group in this city so far!" Then he sadly added, "Actually, the churches here are quite dead!"
       Despite difficulties, frustrations and obstacles, Jan and his team got out 25,000 posters, 4,000 tracts, won over 100 souls, and did two shows in the short time they were there.
       Would you like to help Jan and a team go back to Belorussia to follow up on the sheep and reach and train others before it's too late? If you would like to join the team or if you would like to send some support to reach the sheep there, we need your help today. You can contact Jan at e-mail: family@thefamily.spb.su. If you want to give a gift send it with your TRF to Jan at the St. Petersburg Home or to: Jan, The Family, Box 165, 191123 St. Petersburg, Russia.

(From Jose and Marianne:) Our SWIFT trip took us to the middle of what are considered the most dangerous mountains of Mexico--Guerrero Sierra. We traveled more than 10,000 km from our base city, and visited seven different towns. We soon found out that a couple from a Presbyterian church started a ministry there nearly 50 years ago; consequently, most of the people there are Christian.
       We went door to door, and spent lots of time talking with the people. They were very friendly and accepted our message. Many residents had gotten into trafficking marijuana, mainly to earn money the easy way. Lots of people had been killed, and many others are still in jail.
       In each town we visited, the church would invite us to preach. Jose was able to give about eight sermons, and since our friends had told us about the differences and disunity the towns were having, we shared with the people a message of unity, forgiveness, faith, and the importance of staying in the Word.
       We were constantly witnessing, starting early in the morning and going very late into the night. We were able to pro vision rice, beans, corn flour, juice, clothes, etc., to distribute to the people. The day before we left, Jose led a farewell meeting which about 150 people from three of the surrounding towns attended. They all heard the message, and some of them straightened out their differences. The meeting went till almost 11:30 p.m., and it was hard to send everyone back to their houses. On our last day, we enjoyed a delicious barbecue and fellowshipped with many of them.
       It was a wonderful time of lear ning many things together as a team--provisioning, witnessing and hearing from the Lord. The Lord supplied all the gasoline for our two vehicles, as well as the fare for toll roads, hotels, meals and much more. PTL!

on the net

Web stats report (December 1997)

--from the WS Web team

       (The following stats only cover a 25-day period due to an accident with our host where the Family site was deleted for five days.)

Family Web stats:
a) 906 MB downloaded, about 36mg per day. (A record high, beating last month's stats by over 200 megabytes!)
       b) 3,054 people visited the Family site, about 122 people per day. (Second month we've been above the 2,000 mark!)
       c) 297 visits on the "Members Only" site--the first two weeks it was up!

Work completed and uploaded in December:
a) "Find a Friend"-an additional feature to the new "Members Only" section!
       b) Four hundred songs were added to the Family Songbook on the "Members Only" section, bringing the total amount of songs to ov er 800!
       c) Front page of "Our Founder" (section on the main GP site about Dad) redone, with the rest of the pages soon to follow!
       d) Bulletin Board and Discussion group section on the "Members Only" section! Check it out!

Work in progress:

       a) Redesigning remaining pages of "Our Founder" section, adding 50 new photos!
       b) Also on the "Our Founder" section: a new look for "Tribute" with new photos!
       c) More Songbook additions!
       d) FARs completely redone by countries!

--from the Span ish Family Web site (www.lafamilia.org)
December 1997 Web stats report:
a) 619 MB downloaded, about 20MB per day (a record high).
       b) 1,885 people visited the site, about 61 people per day (also a record high, up from 1,282 the month before, which was the first month we broke the 1,000 mark).

New sections added in December:
a) Revamped poster section
       b) CD section, advertising nine Spanish CDs, with sound clips

Work in progress:
a) Creating a "meaty" section with more pictures of Dad
       b) Adding the Statements to "meaty" section
       c) Adding MO Letter condos to "meaty" section
       d) Adding more sound clips to CD section


--pages translated and published in Spanish

       952       GNs
       860       Other CM/FM pubs (includes FSMs, Prayer Lists, LNFs, etc.)
       166       Songbooks
       101       DFO pubs
       172       GP pubs (includes Mountain Streams, FARs, etc.)
       96       HTKs
       535       Children's pubs (includes Kidz Mags, MLKs, Kidz Biz, Kids' Activity Pages, FC Pubs, etc.)
       236       local SACRO and FED pages

       Total: 3118 pages

Other projects completed this past year:
* 1st edition of Spanish HomeARC
       * Opened Spanish Web Site in July (www.lafamilia.org)

Dear Family …
--excerpts from e-mail responses to The Family Web site

       Jamaica - This site is awesome. We just came across it by chance--what a miracle! I (Vincent) am an ex-US Air Force fighter pilot, and my friend is a Greenpeace activist. We think that your views on sex are right on--completely Biblical. Being devou t Muslims, we follow the Koran, and we think the Family sample of Christianity is very appealing. We hope to be able to visit this site again.
       --John and Vincent

       USA - I've heard about your group for years. I am a former Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor, like your founder, David Berg. I was asked to leave the denomination because of divorce. I was treated horribly. I agree with David Berg's and your assessment about the Alliance, so I guess I have a lot of connection with your fell owship. Would there be a future ministry for me in your organization?

       India - Someone gave me one of your videos where I found your e-mail address. I am Bro. Deevan, belonging to the Brothers of Holy Cross. We are looking after an orphanage having 100 boys--most of them orphans and street children. To teach them we need materials. Please help us to get some videos.

       Poland - I've just read one of your tracts. It is the first time I've received such an "invitation" for a relationship with Jesus. I am very curious about you. I need the love that Jesus has for me and I want His gifts. I want to love you as I love Jesus. It is important for me to know you more. I would be glad to meet you in my city.

       USA - I have heard nothing but bad press about "The Family" for the past 18 years. I stumbled across your Web page and have read nothing like it. I find the info enormously revealing of who you are and the lies that have been said about you. I am in trigued by your message and would like more info.

       Location unknown - I just watched a TV show talking about your organization. The first impression that came to my mind was "another brainwashing cult and immoral group who call themselves Christian." Out of curiosity, I spent almost an hour trying to find any materials about your organization, and finally I found your homepage on the Internet. I now believe that the TV show did your organization a big injustice. From what I read, the missionaries working in your organization are real Christians. I would like to know more about your organization.

       South Africa - Can you please advise as to where I can find Kiddie Viddies in South Africa? I bought one a few months ago from someone and my son really enjoys it.

       USA - Thank you for getting me in touch with the Family here. I have been going over to their house as often as I can and the fellowship has been very enlightening. I have been overloaded wit h what you've sent me, so every spare minute I have I spend reading.

       Brazil - Last week I met a woman from the Family, and she sold me a CD with Christmas music on it. I would like to have more information about the Family because I think it helps many people in the world. I would like to work for you.

       USA - This week I was fortunate enough to hear and see the wonderful work your ministry is performing! I wanted to send along a word of encouragement to say that a lot of pamphlets looked like they were going out--and it's such a blessing to New York City! Keep up the good work.
       --Heather (an appreciative commuter)

E-mail stats for November
Total e-mail received:       205
       Via e-mail       180
       Via Web feedback       25
       Total e-mail sent:       98

E-mail stats for December
Total e-mail received:       193
       Via e-mail       177
       Via Web feedback       16
       Total e-mail sent:       92

Wine Press
       (From Trust, for the Web/1-800 team:) Our November issue of the Wine Press was on the subject of "The New Garment of Prophecy," including prophecies on Princess Diana, and the December issue was a Christmas Special which had Mama's Christmas message and Christmas in Heaven. We receive many precious responses to the Wine Press from former members, and wanted to share some with you.

       Can't put the Wine Press down! Each issue is more exciting! Hearing from Maria was a rare boost and brings me up to date with her thoughts from the Lord!--Eric

       To the best Family I ever had: Please send me more Word--I love it! The words you send to me feed my soul, and I share it with my family and friends. I love Mama Maria very much.--Deliverance

       Thanks so much for the juicy December mailing, and all of your help and counsel!--Don

       The pubs you've been sending are wonderful and have been a great source of strength!--Edward

       I love your Wine Press issues--please keep 'em coming! Thanks so much for the Russian posters. I practically have a miniature lit shop going he re!--Joseph

       Thank you so, so much for sending me the former members' mailings! It has been a dry and thirsty year without it and I can't express what a joy it has been to receive something from the Lord!--Jeff


       The song "I Will Declare" (on The Wild Wind tape, credits published in Grapevine #33) reads that it was sung by Chris, which is true--but it was also sung by Jeff (a brother duo). Our apologies, Jeff!

       In Grapevine #33 (under "Kidbits"), it says: Jordan, 8th chil d, born to Liberty and David on October 21st.--England. It should read: Elliot Jordan, 9th child, born to Liberty and David. GBY!


       (From the Editors:) We enjoy publishing testimonies from the Comments and Suggestions portion of your TRFs, and we hope you enjoy reading them! You've probably noticed that some are credited to three, four, or five people, as the only information we receive are the names on the TRF, which is usually the teamwork whose Home the comment i s taken from. However, some say "I" did this or that, but we don't know who "I" is.
       So when sending in publishable comments or testimonies with your TRF, could you include the name of the author, please? Then we'll know "whodunit" and can give proper credit when pubbing the article! Thanks!

Is Central America part of NACRO or SACRO?
South America
       (From SACRO Office:) For those of you who have wanted to contact someone in Central America and have not been sure whether to send your communi cations through NACRO or SACRO, we would like to define the border between our two areas.
       NACRO: ALL of the countries in Central America, from Mexico to Panama, including those two countries, are all part of NACRO. The island of Puerto Rico is also part of NACRO.
       SACRO: ALL of the islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba, are all part of SACRO, as well as all countries south of Panama.

Who is this message for?
South America
       (From SACRO Office:) It's great to be able to write someone th rough e-mail or through your Continental Office and know that your message will get to them at a faster rate than snail mail, especially for those who live in Third World countries where snail mail is so unreliable. However, there are times when perhaps your e-mail might take forever or never find its way to the recipient. Ever wonder why?
       Well, maybe one of the reasons could be that your message to your mom, or your son or daughter or friend was not titled very clearly and no one really knew to whom or where it should be sent. Quite frequently we receive files from other CRO areas to pass on to someone in our area. When we receive a file that says, "Message to David from Mom" and is just signed at the bottom, "Mom," it can be quite time consuming for us to try to discover which David to send this message to!
       When sending messages to other areas, or even within the same CRO area, please always include the person's full name and the country and city where they live in brackets at th e TOP of your message (if you know the Home number, it helps too!). Then dear moms, dads, friends and all, please add your full names as well as the country and city you are in, in case we need to contact you for some reason. Be assured that with all this info attached, your message will get to its destination much quicker! Thanks so much!

FAR/YEAR announcement
       (From the FAR/YEAR editors:) The FAR/YEAR team would like to send a BIG thank-you to the offices and everyone that sent materia l for the Family's 1997 Annual Activity Report (YEAR). We're sorry that there have been some unexpected delays, but we hope to get it out soon. Thanks for your prayers!

* Veronica (Argentine) from Brazil wants to contact French Abi (of Joseph). E-mail: vacm@wnet.com.br.
       * Lisa (Joy from Switzerland, former member) is looking for Salomon (Michael) and his twin brother, Matthew. She met them in India 13 years ago. Add: E. Fischbacher, Schwertgasse 4, 9533 Kirchberg, Switzerlan d.
       * Miguel and Esther would like to contact Michael (Italian) and Ana (Ethiopian). Add: M.R. - Apartado 50909 - 28080 Madrid (Spain). E-mail: lafamilia@arrakis.es
       * Lazarus T. Bear (former member) wants to contact Rachel (Puerto Rican) and Elijah (American) who were in Puerto Rico in 74/75. Add: Vermeulen Ivo Sint-Jan Baptistsraat 15-1, 2040 Antwerpen 4, Belgium.
       * Johannes and Milcah would like to contact Israel and Zion and any other brethren they used to know when they left DK in 76. E -mail: johmilfr@aol.com. Add: Vilsbol, BP 1, 57220 Boulay, France.
       * Shearie (of Daniel and Becky) and Maria (of Sarah and Nathaniel), Misty (of Lucas and Comfort) please contact Anita (Paula, of Bernabe and Luz). E-mail: cchristi@pcnet.pcnet.ro.
       * Johanna Korschen, please contact Christian. E-mail: cchristi@pcnet.pcnet.ro.
       * Mexican David (18) wants to contact Mexican Gabriel and Naomi. Por favor comuniquesen conmigo al apdo: P.F. 227, Szeged 6701, Hungary. E-mail: steward@mail.datanet.hu .

teachers, take note!

Re: EDX #3 Addresses

       (From Joanna Bear:) In Grapevine #26 (see "I'm wondering"), Kristy from FC says "You can safely assume that the addresses in EDX #3 are outdated and no longer valid." I beg to differ! Unfortunately, some of them are, and poor Paula seems to have picked the wrong ones. But our OCs have been writing off to many addresses over the last year and we've received some great resources! (Editor's note: Some Family members have commented that you get better results when your letters are mailed from within the Continental US.)
Not only has it been excellent practice in formal letter writing and addressing envelopes, etc, but we have received among other things: posters of horses, products made with oil, ballet exercises, National Geographic maps, etc. We've gotten wildlife information books, a book on American Indians, a workbook about endangered species--the list goes on!
       All the state and government addresses will reply and send fu ll-color brochures advertising their state or interest. Remember, they are funded to advertise! Other organizations might have offers that have already expired. You just have to give it a shot and see. Here are some more fun free resources available (not included in EDX #3):

       * "Art to Zoo" is a free publication of the Smithsonian museum; each eight-page newsletter covers one topic (for example, September 1994's was spiders) and includes lesson plans, a pull out activity page in English and S panish, and resources. To be placed on their mailing list, write to: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 20560.
       * For a free bi-monthly color nature newsletter with teaching activities, write to Earthsavers, Dept. ESC; 8925 Leesburg Pike; Vienna, VA 22184, USA. Ask about forming an Earthsavers club.

what's up?

Josiah's prison ministry
       (From Trust, for Web/800 team:) In December, we began receiving letters of request from several p risoners from the same prison. We then received a letter from a Fellow member, Josiah, explaining that these letters are from the catacomb disciples he has been winning there, while in prison. We've started sending audio tapes to these precious sheep and we also sent Josiah the Wine Press, as we weren't sure how much New Wine he's been receiving.
       Following are some excerpts from Josiah's letter, and also a short note from one of the catacombers:

       (From Josiah:) I am the brother that you may have read about in PL #29:84 that is in prison. There are a few Christian brothers here that love the Family tapes. They are always borrowing mine and want to get their own.
       About two weeks ago a Christian friend was listening to the tape Plugged In when a gang banger (gang member) was walking past his cell. He heard "Tap into the Power" and stopped dead in his tracks and asked my friend what he was listening to. He was shocked to see a white guy listening to rap. My friend told him it was a song about Jesus and if he liked he could stay and listen to it, which he gladly did. He liked it so much that he stayed and listened to the whole tape! By this time, another Christian brother came along and listened also. When the tape was finished, this gang member was so moved that my friend asked him if he would like to receive Jesus into his heart, to which he answered yes and received Jesus! It was the music that touched this man's heart and helped a hardened gangster to get saved!
       Since then, he has been having Bible studies and daily fellowship with the brethren. His boys (other gang members) cannot believe the change that has taken place in their leader's life. As a result, he has been able to witness to them. This is only one of the many testimonies that I can share with you to show you just how important the Family tapes are, not only to me, but to many, many more.

       (From Robert, one of the inmates:) Dear Family Band, Praise the Lord for blessing you with such talent. Y our music is wonderful. It is very uplifting and encouraging. I am incarcerated in a Correctional Center and will be here for 16 more months. Your music is a real comfort. I have three special requests that I would like to have: Power Tower, Hearts Aflame and Flying High. The tapes have been very helpful in my walk with Jesus. I wake up daily to your music. It is the best to praise the Lord with.

The best marriage counsel
       (From the Istanbul Home:) The Lord has opened a ministry to o ur neighbors. For the last year we have been helping to take care of our neighbor's two-year-old boy. We have grown quite close to them, and they look to us for help and counsel with their son, as well as in their personal lives at various times. We were able to pray with the wife (Turkish) last year, and have given them a lot of reading material on childcare and marriage.
       We received a sweet prophecy for them, which we called "The Secrets of Marriage," and gently brought up a conversation abo ut spirit helpers, spiritual guidance, and such matters, giving them the prophecy the Lord had given. After a few days, we asked them for their reaction and they both said that they liked it very much, and were very thankful for it.
       Several weeks later when we were visiting them at their home, we saw the prophecy lying out on the table. At first we thought that they had put it there because we had come over. But later on in the evening they confided in us that whenever things are not going so well between them, one of them will just pick up the prophecy and read it out loud. They then calm down and apologize to each other. This was quite an encouragement for us, and we were rewarded by their beautiful reaction to it.
       This particular couple has been very helpful, and recently, through their contacts, they arranged for a six-minute documentary of the Family here in Turkey to be aired on a very respectable TV show which is aired over all of Turkey, and in other European countries. The director of this program has now become a close friend of ours.

Official aids in granting visas
Eastern Europe
       (From Byron and Mercy:) We were previously told that we needed to register as a church in order to obtain new visas, so we were desperately seeking the Lord's intervention. Two months before our visas expired, a friend of ours introduced us to a government official, and after witnessing to him, he offered his help should we encounter any problems.
       We took him up on his offer an d went to see him about our visa situation. He made a few phone calls, sent a fax, and by the time we went to immigrations, there was no hassle about our registration and we received one-year visas. The officials were very friendly, and when they saw that we had received our previous visas for free, they checked the law books and did their best to find a legal way to give us our visas for free this time.--A super miracle, as otherwise we would have had to pay over $1,000!

The cloudburst!
Mol dova
       (From Pavel [23, Romanian]:) We had this ancient van (27 years old!) that we had wanted to sell for a long time, but nobody wanted to buy it, ha! Come springtime, we decided to take it to the car market. But it had no license plates, since the registration was out of date. We called a police friend of ours, asking for his advice on how to get there and not get in trouble with the road police. He told us to go early in the morning when the policemen were still sleeping in their warm beds w ith their cozy Moldovian wives!--So that's what we did! There was no other way but to pray!
       Thank God, we arrived safely at the market and had a fun day offering our van to the friendly buyers! (The National Archeology Museum of Moldova was fascinated by it! Ha!) Then the time came when we had to boogie home in the middle of the day through downtown, which is packed with road police no less than Miami Beach is with sunbathers. We prayed and were off, asking God for a miracle! Suddenly, clouds gathered in the sky, winds blew, and from the windows of Heaven the rain poured down fiercely, turning into a raging storm!--And guess what? Every single one of those road policemen were GONE! They were panicked by the storm and all went running for shelter! We made it home safely, wet and happy!
       But the story doesn't end there. The moment we stepped out of our car, the wind ceased, the rain stopped and the sun came out, shining through the clouds! Shortly thereafter, one of the people who we met on that day at the car market showed up at our door and bought the van--just as the Lord had told us in a prophecy! Whatta Heavenly Father!

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou
       Heart-wrenching, true story of African slaves who mutiny and take over a Spanish slave ship on its way to Cuba in 1839. Beware of violence, especially one graphic scene in the beginning of the movie. Good character study and interesting look at A merica in the early 19th century.

Kevin Costner, Will Patton, Olivia Williams
       Three-hour adventure movie set in a post-apocalyptic U.S. with no central government, about a drifter who finds himself the embodiment of hope for surviving towns and villages oppressed by a cruel local warlord. Interesting portrayal of a Tribulation-type situation, with lots of good lessons as well! (Point of interest: Three of Kevin Costner's children act in this film.)

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Moira Kelly, Martin Sheen
       Inspiring drama about the life of Dorothy Day, a journalist, communist and women's rights activist who had a drastic change in her life. Good lessons on laying down your life for others and perseverance against all odds. (Young or sensitive viewers, beware of one rather unpleasant scene in a bathroom.)


Kirstie Alley, Tim Allen
       A wealthy New York couple with marriage pr oblems flee to an Amish colony to avoid the Internal Revenue Service. Good messages on marriage, honesty, and the simple life versus the rat race.


Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro
       Political satire about a Hollywood producer who is hired to "produce" a war that doesn't exist, in order to distract the public from a scandal involving a U.S. president who is trying to get reelected. May not hold the interest of some younger viewers, or may need some explanations. (See "Lampton on the Altar of Watergate," ML #239.)

grapes of thankfulness

       God bless Philip, Susie and Home! Whenever we need help with anything they are always there ready to respond, even though they have other things to do. They are not only like that with us, but with everyone who needs help. People like them make me proud to belong to the Family!
       --Peter, Sela and Emmanuel, Sweden

       There's a Home filled with wonderful people in Warsaw, Poland. They've always been there to receive us when we p ass through and have bent over backward doing all they can to accommodate us. I'm sure it must have been a sacrifice at times, but they've always opened their doors wide. Let's give a big hand to John and Faith, Jahmai and Gentleness in Poland!--Some of God's true saints!
       --Genty (SGA), USA

--coming soon to a tape recorder near you!

Listed in order of Singer/Music/Lyrics/Producer.

       side a

       1. You Are the One (4:46)
       Chris, Jeff/Thaddeus/Thaddeus/Jeff
       Acoustic and bass gui tar: Jeff

       2. Longer Than Forever (4:33)
       Katrina L., Andrew V./Katrina L., Andrew V./Katrina L./Andrew V.
       Electric guitar: Jeff

       3. I Will Always Praise Your Name (5:33)
       Acoustic guitar: Philip

       4. Love Me Like You Do (4:26)
       Jason/Barry, Windy/Barry/Nat S.

       5. Beauty of Surrender (4:33)
       Pedro/Mike & Judah/Mike & Judah/Jeremy & Pedro

       6. Now and Always (4:54)

       side b

       7. The One I Love (4:24)
       Byron/Byron/Byron/ Byron

       8. Beyond Compare (4:26)
       Jerry/Mike P./Mike P./Jerry

       9. The First Time (4:26)
       Micah/Ewan MacColl/Ewan MacColl/MAPAS (Micah and Pethuel Audio Studio)

       10. We Are Forever One (4:31)
       Mark T./Juan, Carmen, Mark T./Mark T./Mark T.
       Lead guitar: Pedro

       11. I'm Callin' to You (3:47)

       12. King (4:03)

       13. Receive My Love (4:00)
       Phil, Katrina & J. Ellis/J. Ellis, Danny P. & Eman/Gideon, Francis/Em an


--by Jaz

Pregnancy and Computer Radiation

       (Jaz: The following is a little compilation I put together when I was pregnant, from various reference materials on the subject of "how safe is it to spend long hours working at a computer during pregnancy." It was a concern for me, and I've heard it expressed by others as well, so I hope it'll be a blessing to you.)

Different Types of Radiation
The main source of a computer's radiation is the monitor, or VDT (video display t erminal). Various forms of radiation are emitted, such as x-ray, microwave and ultraviolet rays. However, these are either fully absorbed within the unit, or are of such small quantities that they pose no health risk whatsoever.
       The debatable health concern comes from non-ionizing electromagnetic frequencies known as VLF (very low frequency) and ELF (extremely low frequency) radiation fields. Earlier studies had shown the possibility of these radiation fields causing miscarriage, birth defects or cancer in those who are exposed to VDTs for many hours a week. In short, this question and subject is one about which nobody knows for sure.
       In 1991, a study by the US government's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health--considered one of the largest and most detailed studies on this issue to date--reported that women who work at VDTs all day have no more risk of miscarriage than women with similar jobs who do not use VDTs.
       So in summary, with all the evidence that's avail able up to this point, it seems that it's fine and safe for pregnant mothers to continue to work at computers during pregnancy.

Supposed "Protective" Equipment

       Here are some comments on other equipment, which is often thought to protect against this type of radiation, and some pros and cons concerning them.
       >> Low-emission monitors: In general, the European market is stricter with control of the VLF/ELF fields. If you are looking into buying a low-emission monitor, you can check whether i t meets the Swedish guidelines for VLF and ELF electric and magnetic fields. Ask specifically for information about ELF magnetic fields, since they are harder to control.
       >> Lead aprons: This is advertised as a shield to x-ray and electromagnetic fields while using your monitor. However, these are not recommended for use, as contrary to the advertising claims, not only do they provide no shielding from such rays, but they can also cause potential hazards to the unborn child.
       >> Screen shield s: Although filter-screens which cover the monitor can help in cutting down the on-screen glare and electric fields (and also cut down possible allergies from dust gathered on the screen by static electricity), they do nothing to cut down the magnetic fields.

Some Helpful Tips
Even though it seems that it is okay to work at VDTs while pregnant, if you would still like to implement some precautionary measures, the following are some tips that could be helpful to you.
       * Try to sit about 24- 28 inches away from the front of your monitor, and 40-48 inches away from the sides or back of any other monitors, including those behind walls or partitions. The electromagnetic fields generated by many VDTs are strongest at the back and sides of the unit. This means that it is safer and better for a pregnant woman to be isolated in her work area, and not where the back or sides of others' computer monitors are directed towards her.
       * Even if you use a computer several times each day, you may be able to turn it off or move away from it when you're not actually using it.
       * Some computers, laptop models in particular, do not use cathode ray tubes (they use liquid crystal display, or LCD, instead). These models emit little, if any, VLF and ELF radiation.
       A fundamental principle is that magnetic field strength diminishes rapidly with distance. It might help for you to select larger size type to permit working farther from the screen. Remember that magnetic fields penetrate walls and dividers!
       (Note: Of course, all of this should be contingent on your faith and on your situation, because there have been many cases of Family women who have not known these things and have probably done all the "possibly wrong" things, and yet have had perfectly healthy babies. This information is not to make anyone worried or feel like they have to do all of the above, but simply because a number of people have wondered what the facts are on this subject.)

Source Material
       "Computers a nd Radiation: What Are the Risks?" By Janet Cottrell, University Computing Services, University of Vermont, October 28, 1991; "Ask NOAH About: Pregnancy, VDT (Video Display Terminal) Facts," November 10, 1992; "Computers and Health--Individual and Institutional Protective Measures," by Daniel A. Updegrove and Kimberly H. Updegrove.

Family Disaster Response Information Service

       (From Nat:) You see it on the news: "Shortly after takeoff, a giant aircraft, the largest in the world, cras hed into an orphanage in the Russian city of Irkutsk. An earthquake strikes China. A flood deluges France. El Niño wreaks havoc on the coasts of Peru." Sometimes cities are devastated; tens of thousands of people are affected. Is the Family there helping? What are they doing? How are they doing it? Is it possible to find out right now so that you can know, and so that you can let your friends and contacts know?
       We have begun a disaster response news service featuring near "real-time" reports o n the activities of Family members in response to disasters around the world. This news service has two main goals:
       1) To provide an outlet for Family disaster response teams to rapidly get out the news of their relief efforts.
       2) To quickly supply news of the Family's disaster response to other Family Homes, and to enable Homes to pass this information on to their friends and contacts.
       Imagine this scenario: A faithful contact arrives at his office in the morning, the day's newspaper in h and. He is shaking his head sadly as he reads of the dreadful earthquake that happened on the other side of the world the day before. He is burdened: "What a terrible problem." He goes to his desk and starts checking his incoming faxes. There he finds one from your Home with photos of the Family assisting in the disaster he just read about. The Family is there. The Family is bringing a solution. The Family is where the need is. And he's not your only contact that gets this fax; one hundred of yo ur other contacts are reading the same inspiring news. That is the idea. So how can it work?
       1) We have set up an e-mail account to handle incoming and outgoing news.
       2) Homes that would like to receive this news can send us their e-mail address.
       3) Homes that are responding to a disaster and want the news to get out to the world can send us their testimonies and reports. They will have the Family praying for them. Some Homes reading the news may want to send them a donation. (The disaster response team will need to include information on how to send them a donation.)
       4) The incoming news, reports and photos will be quickly sent out to all the Homes, via e-mail, who have asked for news.
       5) Homes receiving news will be able to pray for these situations. If they have a fax or fax modem, minutes after they receive the files they can do a simple layout of photos and some text and "broadcast fax" the news to their key contacts. (If you don't know how to broadcast fax, let us know and we can explain.)
       With the advent of e-mail and the Internet, this kind of information can be passed around very quickly, possibly even within hours or a day of the disaster striking. We'll see how it goes, as something like this hasn't been tried in the Family before. This e-mail news service will be free. If you would like information and guidelines on how to send news should your Home respond to a disaster, or if you would like to receive the news from around the world, please write to t he e-mail address below. Don't wait until an actual disaster strikes!

       E-mail: disaster@thefamily.spb.su
       Tel/fax: (7) (812) 184-3375
       Add: Box 165, St.Petersburg 191123 - Russia

ideas and tips

CLE answer keys
       Our CLE Answer Key booklets, over a period of time, have begun to get a little ragged. So we purchased several inexpensive two-ring binders. One contains the Light Unit Answer Keys, which the teachers keep in their desks. The other larger binder contains the rest of the main boo klet, which is available to the kids. This keeps our booklets in better shape, and there is less chance of them getting lost.
       --Steven V., Thailand

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama and Peter,
       I was just spending time hearing from the Lord after rereading the GN "Hearing from the Lord Step by Step" (GN 754). I have been asking myself lately whether I should try to find a mate, as it's been 11 years since I separated from my previous mate. At times I wonder if that reciprocal being in love an d feeling loved by someone will ever be for me in this life. I have literally never experienced it, as my marriage was not a happy one. But when I was cuddling up so close to my precious Husband and Lover just now, asking Him my questions and hearing His special answers, it was so precious to feel Him truly like a Husband who I can stop and talk to about each thing, as I would counsel with an earthly husband, and feel secure in His being there to help me make decisions.
       I'm so thankful for you and the Lord's ever-present guidance to prepare us for the exciting and challenging days that lie before us. Your staff are some of the ones who give me courage not to worry about being mated, as I know a number of them are single and dedicated. Thank you for your love and prayers.
       --H. (adult woman), Europe

letters to the editor

Re: "An Experience"
I enjoyed reading the article from the SGA male somewhere in Russia (See Grapevine #33; "An Experience"). First, there was this "How dare he…?" surprised look on every Russia fan's face in the room (and the room was full of them!), but it was all only too true and when we reached the end of his article, he could have skipped the anonymity.
       There are many things in Russia that are terrible, to say the least, but that you get used to, even to the point of not being so bothered by them. But there is one more thing on the bright side of Russia that I'm surprised has never been highlighted by our sweet male fellow laborers: Russian girls are beautiful!--And they don't hide it either! Even when going to the market they get dressed up as if Boris Yeltsin himself had invited them over for a cocktail party. (And I'm talking about the "mini blouse and the see-through at my house!") Okay, usually their make-up is a bit on the thick side, but if you want to witness to gorgeous girls who love to talk to foreigners and are sheepy on top of it--COME TO RUSSIA!
       --Clara (25), Russia

Re: Jerry's testimony
I was so touched by Jer ry's testimony (see Grapevine #32) about hearing from the Lord for new songs, ideas, and inspiration. It has encouraged me to do the same in my ministry of CC. Recently I've become bored with the routine of teaching; my son was not learning very well, and I was just not getting any ideas anymore. Now I want to try it too! After all, the Lord's the Expert in all things, right? Thank you, Jerry!
       --Chris (SGA), Poland

Re: Nameless articles
To all those who write to "Your views on issues," "L etters to the editor" and "I'm wondering," I really enjoy these columns, as I find it quite interesting--not to mention amusing at times--to hear people's views, opinions, and ideas. I understand that it would be a little hard for some to put their name on their article because their letters are of a very personal nature. "There is a time and purpose for everything under Heaven."--A time to put your name and a time to refrain from putting it.
       Now for the other side: I figure, if you write some thing in and you have the conviction that it is right, why not put your name on it? (Unless you're ashamed or embarrassed that it is not right or maybe is not expressed in the right way. If the latter holds true, well, it could be reworded so that your name could be added.) Even if people don't agree with you, at least they will respect you more, knowing you believe in something enough to put your name on it.
       So, to all the nameless people out there, maybe you are afraid of what people will th ink of you. Well, they think it just the same. So don't worry if they know who you are, just make sure you do.
--James Cervantes (born Feb. 25, 1972, in Texas, married with kids and no dog), Ireland

more Christmas news!

From China, Brazil, Russia, Bosnia, Taiwan, South Africa, Spain, Italy, India and Japan!

In China?--Amazing!
       (From Kevin, Marie, Patrick and Joan:) On the Sunday before Christmas, we invited our friends to join us for snacks and celebrations. As we live quite cl ose to a church and have many friends who sing in the choir, we had an influx of about 17 people from the church after the service. We sang Christmas songs for them and they for us. We had a total of about 30 people visit that day, with an inspiring witness given to all.
       We put up scroll-like papers on the walls explaining the different aspects of Christmas, such as the significance of the tree and the star, the story behind the Nativity scene, the traditional Christmas dinner, where did the S anta Claus tradition originate, etc., which many people appreciated. It was like a cultural exchange, also containing a good witness. One of our non-Christian visitors started copying down the text word for word, until I promised her I would give her the scrolls after Christmas. She wants to laminate them! Later in the week, two of our children's school classes came by with their teachers and many more friends, about 50 people.
       Our local school asked for our suggestions for their Christmas par ty with the parents. We presented the idea of doing a play of the Christmas story, or telling the story via flannelgraph. One director who was brought up in a Catholic school confirmed that this was very typical Western culture in every school, and the local teachers also said they found the story very interesting and enjoyable. So the Buddhist director and communist principal got right behind it, helping us with costumes, props, decorations, etc. We turned the big playhouse into a stable--straw on the roof and all. Black cloth dotted with stars covered the entire large wall behind the stable, creating a nice atmosphere. We had less than two weeks to practice, but the kids did a great job. One class acted, while another class was a choir singing songs throughout the play, finishing with "What Can I Give Him?"
       The younger classes sang their Christmas songs, and Abi (23) told them the story of Christmas via flannelgraph. She made her own beautiful flannelgraph with Chinese figures, typ ical Chinese minority shepherds, and Ming Dynasty wise men, so all could relate to it better. All this was done with the parents watching, flashing cameras, and several of them filming the performance. No one seemed to object to the religious aspect of it, and accepted it as part of our Western traditions. A sweet American lady happened to visit the school that day and was so flipped out by all that she saw that she wants to quit her job in another city and work with us at the school!--An answer to prayer for a sweet Christian co-worker!

Pele gets witness
       (From Jere and Mariane:) Before starting our Christmas push, we heard from the Lord specifically about how to do as much as possible during this important time. One prophecy said for us to diversify and attack on all fronts, and to not neglect the orphans and the poor. In previous years we had made the mistake of either doing too many CTP shows, resulting in low tool distribution, or neglecting tool distribution in order to reach the top through our Christmas shows. This year we had a well-balanced witnessing schedule, including many CTP shows, singing for many top authorities, and caroling in the evenings, which resulted in 450 CDs, 85 videos and 900 posters distributed! We also led a total of 1,500 souls to the Lord!
       The Lord said that the children and the teens would perform together this year. This seemed kind of crazy, as we have a large group of 13 teens/YAs, but sure enough, on one occasion Angel and he r CC group had to meet up with the teens and YAs at one of their performances, as they had forgotten something. Angel brought the kids in with her and everybody loved them, so the kids stood with the teens for a couple of songs and they appeared on the news!
       While they were there, guess who showed up?--Pele, the now-retired world famous Brazilian soccer player! Our kids tried to get him to stop to watch the show, but a man that was with him told us that he did not have time. Pele answered, "Lo ok, they are children, I have to stop. I can't let them down!" They sang a song to him, and Nina (8) gave him a package with our Christmas tools. He even took time for us to take pictures with him!
       Another highlight was a live radio show which we participated in on December 26th (audience: 500,000). We read a portion of the Letter "Sex Works," which was republished in a Reflections, and shared the salvation message with all!

Young cancer victims
       (From Ivan, Joan and Matteo:) Toget her with another Home in the city, we did a Christmas show for the patients of a childrens' cancer hospital. These kids have gone through a lot of suffering, as have their parents. We provisioned snacks and drinks for them and made balloons after the show. They were very appreciative, and the hospital workers said that they had rarely seen them happier.

Little souls
       (From the Oasis Home:) What better Christmas present could we receive than to see over 1,000 Bosnian children giving t heir hearts to the Lord? By a miracle we stumbled upon a Croatian (Catholic) area in the middle of Bosnia. As we were trying to find a center for the handicapped in the hills to deliver aid to, we were shocked to see a town with Christmas lights, decorations, and a huge church on a hill!
       We had just finished a tour of 10 shows in Muslim schools and centers for the handicapped where we could not talk openly or sing about Jesus. It was such a joy to visit schools in that area where they were eag er to have us do our Christmas program, complete with Christmas posters and singing "Into My Heart" with all the students and teachers!
       We got out thousands of pieces of lit and won over 2,000 souls! After each show, the children would run up with their posters asking for autographs. They would then return with their "treasure" to their homes, so that most of the people in each village were reached with His Christmas message! The local radio station also did an interview with us.
       Working tog ether with another humanitarian organization, we invited the poor and orphans from this war-torn area to a Christmas feast on December 26th! We had clowns, singing and games, prepared gifts for all the children, but the most important present they received was Jesus' gift of eternal life! A friend of ours invited the press, national TV and even a representative from parliament to enjoy the program. That evening, clips from our show appeared on a national TV report, and we were on national prime- time news! An inspiring article was also written about the program in a newspaper that reaches both Croatia and Bosnia!

High school and radio
       (From Criza [20], Jenny [14], Joy [16] and Maria [16]:) One evening while singing in an open-terrace restaurant, our little group happened upon a going-away party. One of the party crowd asked if we could dedicate a song to his friend who was leaving to the States for the holidays. When we went to the tables afterwards, this man, Kuan, struck up a conversation with us.
       Kuan turned out to be a high school English teacher who also has an hour-long radio program in English. He invited us to perform at his high school and also on his English radio show. We arrived at the high school to find it packed with over 2,000 girls, ages 16 to 21. It was their yearly "activity day," and all kinds of entertainment was going on. Kuan introduced us to the crowd and got them interested in our performance. Afterwards, Criza and Jenny led the crowd of over 2,000 in the salvation prayer!
       That night we joined our friend on his radio program. We played about half of the songs from the Christmas Treasures CD, and spoke about the real meaning of Christmas and the salvation prayer, followed by the song "Into My Heart." If anyone wants to hear more about the exciting field of Taiwan, they can find us on www.pawd.com/Chatzone.

Radio witnessing
South Africa
       (From Ben:) While witnessing at a shopping center, Leyland met a DJ from a Christian r adio station who invited us for an interview in which we could advertise the Christmas Treasures CD. The Lord confirmed that it was His time to get out the message to many people. Ben and Tirzah went on radio and gave a short interview explaining our work, giving a Christmas message, and advertising the CD. The Christmas Treasures CD was aired all over the Cape Town area many times this season as a plug to buy the tape. On Christmas Eve, Leyland gave his testimony on this station and shared a me ssage about the real meaning of Christmas.

Highlights from Spain
       (From Miguel, Esther and Dulce:) Here are some highlights from our Christmas witnessing:
       >> 2,550 Christmas booklets distributed! We got permission to dress as clowns at shopping centers, and to offer a balloon together with a storybook. We also gave out 400 tapes through this approach.
       >> In the Family's weekly page in the local newspaper we published the Birthday Party poster, as well as the "Grandfather Ray" and the "Tailor's Secret" stories--250,000 people were reached this way!
       >> Two CTP shows in children's centers from the regional Welfare department. One CTP show was for a crowd of 1,000 people in a gathering organized to celebrate the Disabled's World Day.

"Never a star so bright …"
       (From Lizzy [17] and Vicky:) We did a CTP performance for the victims of the recent earthquake that destroyed many towns in central Italy. Although the government promised houses for these folks, four mon ths later many people found themselves spending the winter in tents and shipping containers. Our Christmas Eve show tremendously encouraged these broken people. Some clips of our show were broadcast by the national TV station on the evening news.
       On Christmas day we performed in the halls for the homeless run by the "Sisters of Charity" (Mother Teresa's order). The people sang along and immediately jumped up to dance. They thanked us over and over, saying that if we hadn't come, there wouldn't have been any Christmas for them.
       A very famous Italian actress of the '50s, Gina Lollobrigida, was visiting the hall that day. We dedicated a song to her and told her about our work. After our show one of the poor women grabbed our hands and said: "Today I saw a star, beautiful, famous and rich, but I have never seen stars as beautiful as you who shine so brightly with life, light and the love of Jesus!" A response like this was more than enough reward for the little sacrifices we gave of ou r time in order to bring a bit of Christmas joy to the forgotten and underprivileged during this busy season of festivities.

Christmas to Remember

       (From Abner and Promise:) We received our order of 1000 Christmas to Remember books on November 1st. We felt so privileged to be carrying this beautiful book and knew we were about to pioneer a great new ministry. We showed it to the first people that came by (two high school girls), and they really liked it and bought it right away! One h igh school girl said that she cried all the way through the book and especially at the last story. She urged her friend to also buy a copy, and she asked us for every one of our posters.
       The effects of this Christmas book have been profound. Firstly, the kids are super inspired to get it out. Secondly, it goes over with the public so well as they know they are getting something really good. We sold 400 copies on the streets during these last few weeks and it's so encouraging!

Performing awa y
       (From the Rose Garden Home:) Between our teen, JETT and children's singing groups, we have performed for the governor and his family at his palace, on state TV (for an audience of 25 million), for schools and institutions, five-star hotels, and three times a day at a shopping mall which gets 10,000 shoppers daily. They've done over 60 performances!

Hotcake booklets
South Africa
       (From Andrew:) One lady who took a Christmas to Remember storybook came right back and said, "I just r ead this! The stories are so inspiring! I've got a school with 600 kids and I need as many as you can give me!" She bought all 25 that we had with us!

I'm wondering ...

       Q: Recently we got a GP e-mail address, and decided to send you our TRF testimonies through it.--No more snail mail! Our question is: Do we have to send our TRF testimonies to you and to our CRO Office?--Witnessers in Albania
A: (From the Grapevine editors:) If you have a particular testimony or article that you would li ke to designate for potential Grapevine or other Family pubs (i.e., FAR), then please send it directly to us via our Grapevine e-mail or postal address. If you can't send it to us via e-mail, you can send it via your TRF (marked for Grapevine or FAR use), although it will probably take it a little longer to reach us. Any testimonies or articles you have e-mailed or snail-mailed to the Grapevine do not have to be sent in with your TRF as well. However, please continue to send your witnessing test imonies not intended for publication and other comments and suggestions along with your TRF, as you have always done.

your views on issues

Channeling energies
       (From an adult couple:) Our JETT son had fallen into getting angry quite easily, as well as murmuring. When praying about it, the Lord showed us he needed to find something he was interested and fulfilled in, in order to use up his energies and feel useful. He was feeling left out and frustrated, as his brothers and sisters had in many cases found how to use some of their specific talents.
       Recently, he's been learning the guitar and is almost ready to play in a group with the others. It's making quite a difference. We've also found he's good at making clothes for our puppet ministry, so that's helped a lot, too. The lesson seems to be to help each person to find what he or she can shine in and feel useful. When people are busy doing the right thing and seeing it bear fruit, they get inspired and the reason for w hat we're doing comes into focus.

System music collections
South America
       (From Claire Joy [SGA]:) I am sometimes disappointed by some of my peers' attitudes towards the FTTs. Some seem to try to find all the faults in our wonderful music and don't grasp the spiritual strength contained in each song. I feel that partaking of the power that these songs have will strengthen us through the difficult times now and those up ahead.
       I don't understand why we need to have collections of System mu sic sitting in our rooms when we have such a treasure of Heavenly music available for our use. We used to use the excuse that the Family didn't have the styles of music that we liked. But now that so many good styles are coming out, it seems there is no excuse for the amount of System music that some of us own.
       I recently read part of the dedication letter for missionaries going to China. It convicted me because it said that those who choose to go to China must leave all their System music and attitudes behind in order to be the top-quality missionaries that the Chinese field needs. But shouldn't we all strive to be top-quality missionaries in whatever field the Lord has called us to? Let's face it, whether we are in Africa, China, South America, the USA, or any other field, we are going to have to fight heavy spiritual battles in order to win victories for the Lord. We'll have to decide between being the Lord's top soldiers, who don't compromise, or the weaklings who let the Enemy w alk all over them because they have no conviction. Which one we choose to be will determine the outcome of our battles.
       Some may think that I'm being self-righteous or not open-minded enough, but the Lord has checked my heart about my worldly habits and things that hinder my service for Him too. I feel that if those of us who want to stay 110% dedicated to the Lord's work get rid of as many ungodly influences in our lives as we can, we will be a stronger and mightier army for the Lord and bett er equipped to fight the many battles that are ahead.

New style of shepherding
       (From Lily C.:) We've been learning a lot in shepherding our young people the new way--Charter-style. Our young people are getting older and growing spiritually, as well as taking on more responsibilities. We need to let them be freer to make their own Word-based decisions on things like their relationship with the Lord, the Word and their ministries, how to use their free time, etc., within the boundarie s of the Charter and what's good for our overall ministry as a Home.
       Also, when they want to try out something new for fun or they want to dress a certain way, we have been learning as shepherds not to just say "no" on the spot, but to hear from the Lord what He has to say about the situation.--Not just the shepherds hearing from the Lord, but the young people too! It's been a challenge to shepherd this way, as there is always the tendency to rely on past experience and our own understanding. Lord help us to let Him shepherd people more!

Discipline of children
       (From a female adult:) A sensitive topic is Home discipline and behavior guidelines for our children. Often when this subject is brought up, shepherds or parents say that the reason their children are being rowdy is because "the teens are setting this sample." I don't feel that it is fair to say the teens as the ones always responsible for the younger ones' rowdy behavior. I haven't always found this to be the case. I find that a lot of the rowdiness comes from videos and watching television.
       People feel their hands are tied, and because of the lack of unity on what to do, they can't discipline the children. There is often a lot of running, jumping on furniture, doing somersaults, ball playing in the house, climbing on door frames, running up and down the stairs, etc. Not only is this bothersome, it is also dangerous. I understand that kids will be kids and that they have boundless energy to burn off, but seeing it is a requirement to make sure they are getting vigorous exercise daily, could we not opt to have it more peaceful and quiet inside our Homes?
       Dad has written numerous Letters on the subject of Home behavior, and rules are there for a reason. They are for our protection, for one thing! They also teach children respect for the Home's property, as well as good manners and acceptable comportment. It is a way of showing love.

Mama jewels on … getting questions beforehand

--to a staff member
       (Before getting together for a meeting with one of the women in our Home, Mama asked her for a list of the questions she wanted to discuss:) I certainly want to think about these questions, as I don't want to be giving you the wrong answers just off the top of my head. I need to spend some time thinking and praying about it.
       Actually, this is the way all wise counselors should operate. Most men and women in positions of importance who make appointments to talk to people make sure they have an agenda for the meeting--whether it be a one-on-one meeting, or a meeting with several individuals. They know the value of preparing for a meeting, and going over the questions beforehand.
       If someone wants to talk to us and ask us questions, if it is possible, we should have them put their questions down and get them beforehand. It's just a wise way to operate. If someone hits you up with something right on the spot, it's hard to give them the kind of answer you would like to--a good, well-rounded, prayed-over answer--if you haven't thought about it beforehand.
       If we have that time beforehand, we can seek the Lord about things, so we know that our answers are from Him and are not just quick, impulsive, on-the-spot answers. Who wouldn't want someone to pray about things and get their answers from the Lord, instead of just spouting off what might or might not be from the Lord?

minor improvements

--tips and trix from you!

Give 'em a break!
       We need to ensure that our d edicated CC workers get enough time off to rest and get in the Word and get refilled, which is so important for them, as they are constantly pouring out to the little ones. Without refilling, they'll lose the inspiration and vision. We're now scheduling at least three mornings when someone else gives the CC groups their morning Word class, so that our sweet CC workers can get some personal Word and rest.
       --Michael Dane, Abi, Justin and Celine, Switzerland

Gift exchange
       One thing we did wi th the kids this Christmas was a gift exchange. Some of the kids had already put things aside that they wanted to forsake to the other kids in the Home, and then they wanted to give it to them for Christmas. The idea soon caught on, and before we knew it, all the kids had put something aside for another. It was a sweet thing as they all gave something that had been special to them at some time, and it taught them about giving.
       Also, each child in the Home picked an adult's name out of a hat an d made something special for that adult. Each adult picked a child's name and got something special for that child from the Lord. It was very inspiring for all!
       --Home in Nigeria

Let the Lord tell them
       We had lots of bickering, arguing and unloving talk amongst our children, and we adults got so tired of nagging them on this. We tried using a demerit chart, but that didn't seem to help either. Needless to say, we got desperate about the situation and we asked the children to take some tim e with the Lord and hear what He had to say on the matter.--And they all turned in beautiful prophecies! We got together that evening and read the prophecies to everyone, and had a little pow-wow. Some things the Lord told them were repeated in every prophecy. It encouraged the children's faith and got them excited to use this gift more.
       The Lord gave some pretty good guidance in their prophecies, so we asked the children to take some more time with the Lord to get more specifics. They all did , and again, the Lord's Words were powerful! The most amazing thing was that we adults could have told them these things a hundred times without much result! But now that they had gotten it straight from the Lord, we are actually seeing them take action. They are obeying what the Lord had to say! What a difference!
       --Crystal (of Peter), USA

Recording rage
       The OCs and JETTs in our Home got really into recording their voices on tape. Most of the time it was nothing special, and rather fooli sh at other times. One day I helped them write a play about King David. We went verse by verse, translating it into modern English, and we discovered all sorts of interesting details about King David that we never knew before. It turned out to be a Word study as well, although I didn't tell them that! Some of them were more into writing the script while others only hung around for the recording's sake, but the fact is that everyone read the script at least 10 times. It was a new and inspiring wa y to present the Word and it could also be done with MO Letters.
       --Angie (17), Hungary

They're copycatting you
       We parents need to get excited about the Word. When we watch Family Fun or other Word-type videos, we parents need to sit with the kids and explain it to them. There's always something to teach, and if it's a touching or exciting scene, we can jump for joy and get excited about it. We adults need to remind ourselves to do so, because the kids watch us and they treasure what we pa rents treasure.
       --Theresa (of Jimmy), Japan


       * Mari and her two children are moving to Kenya from Brazil. They have clearance and are raising funds for the trip. If you feel led to help, please send donations via SACRO.
       * We need $1,400 to pay six months' rent. We're a pioneer team in Russia (national couple and single mother) without any home support. We need YOU! E-mail: family@sprint-v.com.ru.
       * Tim and Cheerful Servus and their four kids are moving to Vietnam. If you would like to help support them, please send your donations to TH18 via ASCRO.
       * Home in Russia, three girls, two children. Reaching city of 1.6 million. Need help--material or financial (feel free to join us as well.) E-mail: toucan@transit.samara.ru or via Russian ABM.

cute kids
* Shelly (2) was coloring with her big sister. She picked up a crayon and asked what the color was. "Orange," came the reply. Shelly then picked up another crayon, smiled and said, "Apple!"--Celeste (13), Indonesia
* After watching the Bible cartoon about the pearl of great price, Deryk (3) and I were talking about how we'll get rewards in Heaven for our faithful service to Jesus. He then looked at me very seriously and said, "And you know what, Mommy? When Jesus puts jewels in our crown, He doesn't even have to use glue or tape!"--Katrina (23), Brazil
* Rose-Anna (4) had just come to the USA. When driving on the freeway for the first time, she said "Mom, there's something really funny about America. All the cars on this side of the road have red lights, and all the cars on that side have white lights!"--Joy Rose, Mexico
* One day while excitedly re-telling a story to me, Claire burst out, "And … this one uncle, he was super old. I mean, he was even older than 20!" Ha! (No offense to the SGAs!)--Celeste (13), Indonesia

now that's funny!

       A Catholic priest and a Jewish rabbi happened to end up sitting beside each other on a train journey. As they were traveling along, the Cath olic priest leaned over and said to the Jewish rabbi, "Excuse me, but is it true that members of your faith do not eat pork?"
       The rabbi responded, "Yes, it is true, members of my faith do not eat pork."
       As they continued traveling along, the priest leaned over again and said, "Have you ever tried bacon?"
       The rabbi looked down a bit sheepishly and said, "Yes, I have."
       The priest then asked, "Did you like it?" to which the rabbi, still looking down, replied, "Yes, I did."
       A little while later as they were traveling along, the rabbi leaned over and asked the priest, "Tell me, is it true that leaders of your faith do not have sex?"
       The priest replied, "Yes that is true."
       As they continued traveling along, the rabbi leaned over again and asked the priest, "Have you ever tried it?"
       The priest, looking somewhat shocked replied, "Of course not!" to which the rabbi replied, "You should. It's better than bacon!"
       --courtesy of Elk, Ireland

ws news

Web News
       (From the WS W eb team:) We've been super encouraged to receive lots of inspiring comments and reactions to the "Members Only" Website section, including the PDFs that are available for downloading. Some people have suggested that we get copies of GP material in other languages online, and we thought you'd be happy to hear that that's the goal! We'd like to be able to provide everyone with a multi-lingual library of GP material, and DV, the different offices or centers around the world will be helping supply u s with the local language material. Please keep it in your prayers!

Love Lines #1 Available
(From the Grapevine editors:) You'll be happy to know that our first edition of Love Lines has been compiled.--Thanks to those of you who sent in ads! We have already sent each participating member a copy of Love Lines #1 (via e-mail or snail mail, as per the address you sent in), as well as to those who specifically requested a copy. If you requested a copy and don't receive it within the next two-t hree weeks (allowing time for snail mail deliveries; those who sent e-mail addresses should have already received their copy), please be sure to resend your request.
       All those who send in an ad are automatically put on the Love Lines mailing list, so if you submitted an ad for publishing in the Love Lines bulletin and do not receive a copy of the Love Lines listing for those of the opposite sex, please be sure to resend your ad contribution. We may have missed receiving your message somehow!
       Any others eligible (21 and over) to receive Love Lines are free to write in, requesting a copy, if you so desire. Please keep in mind the need for confidentiality, and only request a copy of Love Lines if you are a sincere seeker. Thanks! We love you!

thanking …

--for your spirit story contributions
       Joanne M. (Russia), Esther and Vicky (Russia), Ariana (17, Colombia), Jason Free (USA), Christina Meek (of Patrick, USA), Peter Shepherd (Mideast), Tom (of Esther, Slovakia), Matthew (13, of Michael and Ruth, New Zealand), Joseph Willing (of Rosa, Chile), Lani (12, of Pablo and Love, Ecuador), Dove and Peter Picture (Japan), Ruth (of Ho, China), Michael Piano (ASCRO), Peace (ASCRO), Jonathan C. (Japan), Precious (France), Claire (of Mathew, China) and Philip (Thailand).

still to come:
--cute kids (peanuts 'n' raisins)
       --newdayz comic strip

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

Samuel/Rosita, Mexico       10,000       20,000
John Malachi Austin/Charity Austin, Mex ico       8,248       16,497
Cefas/Anita, Mexico       7,716       15,433

Lalo Fiel/Ruth Fiel/Joseph, Mexico       5,370       32,225
Pedro/Hetzabe/Magdalena, Mexico       2,484       22,356
Francisco Abner/Margarita/Esdras, Mexico       1,964       9,820
Delhi Deaf Home, India       1,852       12,964
Peter/Praise, Denmark       1,775       3,551
Zacarias/Cielo/Joy/Lucero, Colombia       1,714       12,000
Andy/Maria/Ariana, Colombia       1,692       13,540

John Malachi Austin/Charity Austin, Mexico       9,126       18,253
Peter/Praise, Denmark       2,500       5,000
Steven/M ercy, Japan       2,460       7,380

Michael/Maria, Japan       2,211       4,423
Belen Sierva/Estie St, Mexico       2,030       4,060
David/Dove, United Kingdom       1,666       5,000
Peter Servant/Crystal Servant, U.S.A.       1,608       6,432
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico       1,550       3,100
Josue/Ruth/Michael/Praise, Romania       1,503       10,525
Siervo/Gloria/David Cordero, Guatemala       1,383       4,150

Isaias/Joan/Mike, Chile       640       1,920
Josue M./Abigail M./Santiago E., Costa Rica       343       2,405
Jim/Dominique/Renee/Luvia/Jonathan, Mexico       333       4 ,341

Samuel E.Ser/Sara E.Ser/Lily Nueva, Mexico       189       569
Josue Siervo/Luz Siervo, Mexico       153       306
Siervo/Gloria/David Cordero, Guatemala       147       441
Kristine/Gideon/Meekness, Mexico       146       879
Sam/Sherri/Cush/Zara, Mexico       138       1,248
Rufus/Dulce/Nina/Lara, U.S.A.       137       685
Eva/Sharon/Ben Q./Ben W./Chris/Steve, U.S.A.       133       2,134

Joseph/Rosa, Chile       104       209
Josue Siervo/Luz Siervo, Mexico       96       193
Abner/Esther/Andrew/Katie, So. Africa       66       265

Jimmy/Joy, Taiwan       65       130
Ph ilip/Meekness/Marcos/Sara, Namibia       58       116
Gideon/Ruthie, Italy       44       88
Jesse/Joy/Angie, Brazil       43       174
Jose/Ester, Colombia       40       80
Matthew/Micah, Taiwan       39       195
Jonas/Lisa, Sweden       35       71

Omega Home -- Luke/Mercy/Patience, Russia       1632       8160
Candle Home -- David/Rose/Pearl, Russia       1500       15000
Branch/Vida/Sara/Pawel, Poland       1000       4000

John/Mercy/Andres/Patience, Estonia       964.3       6750
Joshua/Consuelo/Lily/Karen/Aichan, Russia       937.4       4687
Lodge Home -- Eva/Joanna /Lisa, Russia       870.0       4350
Gateway Home -- Paul/Peace/Tim, Russia       857.1       6000
Black Sea Hoppers Home -- Tim/Joy/Summer/Rosalind, Ukraine       728.6       5100
NUT Home -- Jered/Christina/Michael, Russia       576.9       7500
Paul/Ruthie, Russia       522.5       2090

       (End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family