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the grapevine       (Issue #33; December 15, 1997.)       (CM/FM)

       Copyright © 1997 by The Family

       The Grapevine
PO Box 4938
       Orange, CA 92863 USA
       e-mail: grape@ibm.net

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy.

       Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


mini munchkins …

       * Jessica Lynn, 4th child , born to Vessel (25) and Gideon (27), September 26th.--USA
       * Kurt Richard, 1st child, born to Davina (20) and Cromwell (21) on October 12th.--Hawaii
       * Orion, 1st child, born to Cedar Joy (24) on October 13th.--USA
       * Misty Farr, 3rd child, born to Rejoice and Stephen on October 15th.--Mexico
       * Mary, born to Lily and Paul on October 15th.--Norway
       * Brian Aurel, 1st child, born to Romanian Esther and YA Mark on October 17th.--Romania
       * Jordan, 8th child, born to Liberty and David on Oc tober 21st.--England
       * Shawn David, 1st child, born to Faithy (22) and Jesse (18) on October 16th.--Puerto Rico
       * Laura Lee Michelle, born to Phoebe and Stefan on October 22nd.--USA
       * Daniel, 1st child, born to Bulgarian Charity and Romanian Peter on October 25th.--Romania
       * Christopher Daniel, 7th child, born to Jessica and Stephane on October 29th.--Thailand
       * Twins Angie Angelika and Sarah Melodie, born to Maggie and Michael on November 25th.--Belgium


tying the knot …
-- Dawn and Steven (SGAs).--Japan
       -- Tim and Elisabeth (FGAs).--Spain.
       -- Vas (24) and Joni (19) tied the knot on October 20th! They shared their love story with everyone, and Vas sang a love song he had written to Joni (coming soon on FTT, Lord willing!). Beautiful prayers and prophecies were shared for the occasion.--And they're expecting a bambino next spring!--USA

moving missionaries

       -- We were able to help get Allison (of Willing and Cherish) off to the field of Taiwan this month . It sure is a blessing to help our precious brethren get off to the field!--David, Liz and Lise, Canada
-- We've arrived in Panama from Colombia--what a victory!--Tim and Topacio, Panama

highlights from around the world

       -- Since receiving a gift from the Family Care Foundation to enable us to begin our project of making videos for the deaf, we have two videos finished and going out this weekend, with enough footage for 15 more classes.-- Happy and the Delhi Deaf Home, India
       -- We were invited to attend a hearing of the senatorial commission for the reform of education in Romania. They went out of their way to treat us well and we were able to make contact with several VIPs, as well as spend some time talking with the senator in charge of this project. Please pray for Romania, and that the Lord will lead us to people who will appreciate and understand how much the children of David can help this nation.-- Philip and Eden, Romania
       -- The French studio is slowly but surely com ing together. We are starting to build the actual studio, translations of TAs are progressing, and we recently received through some brethren about a third of the funds needed for equipment. Please continue to pray for us!--David and Jean B., France


       (From the Southern EE VS Teamwork:) We held a six-day JETT/Junior Teen camp from November 15th- 20th. The Lord supplied a place large enough to invite the JETTs and junior teens from the Ukraine, the Baltics and Poland. Abou t 90 JETT/junior teens, and 30 adults attended. Phillip, Dawn and Cephas came for a time to give meetings for the adults, as well as to liven up our talent night with their rendition of a Macarena-style number, "Hearing from Heaven!"
       We held classes on subjects such as freedom of the Spirit, why the Family, Endtime events, and many more! Besides the get-outs, classes, talent night, dance, fellowship and other activities, the French band came over for a rock 'em sock 'em inspiration, which was a blast!

       (From Abner:) We held our sixth (and last) Family Camp of the year in Mexico, with over 270 people attending, at a lovely resort facility on the beach (with each attendee helping to cover the cost). People were so thankful for the input that they received via the videos and the fellowship, as well as for all the input their kids got. With a larger group of people, there is more work and organization required on all sides, and overall, it's easier to run camps with no more th an 150 attendees.


Communal Studies Association, 1997

--By Ahlai, USA.

       (CSA is a gathering of academics and sociologists who study groups who live communally. Representatives from various communal groups throughout the USA also attend and give presentations about their communes.)

       We Are Their Utopia: When attending the recent CSA conference, I've found that our name comes up a lot as more sociologists get to know us. I have been so proud to hear scholars' accounts of vi sits to Family Homes around the world--Brazil, Japan, Romania, Thailand, England, Italy, USA--and all the wonderful things they say about our Family. Here are some of their comments: "The warmest people;" "real praying Christians;" "stay true to their convictions, dropped out of the System faith-livers and soul winners!" They talk about us as if we are the Utopia they're seeking.

       Love Israel Commune: One very interesting group we had some contact with (who also began in the '60s and amazingl y are still around today) are the communes in the interior of Washington State called "Love Israel." Their founder and current leader is a man in his forties who calls himself "Love Israel." They were forced out of their printing business in downtown Seattle in the early '70s, and fled into the mountains. A notable occurrence in their history is that a "forsake-all from a new disciple" supplied them with several million dollars, most of which the group had to forfeit when he sued them after back sliding a year later. Their membership totals about 1,000 in three locations; they are hippie-like Christians, most of whom have a lot of children--like we do. They read the Word and support themselves by making things to sell. They take new names. Serious and Activity attended the conference, and they had very sweet spirits. Those who had visited the Love Israel farm said it seemed there was a strong bond of love between their members.

       Fleetwood Mac: On the last evening of the conference, t he resurrected Fleetwood Mac were playing at the huge Tacoma Dome. The hotel at which all the CSA participants stayed was also the hotel for Fleetwood Mac. I was able to witness to a few folks who knew all about Jeremy and were astonished that he is still in the Family in South America, making music for God--an incredible testimony!

       The Hutterites: Six centuries of Hutterite reclusal tradition were broken this year when a delegation of this grouping of puritan farming communities addressed t he CSA Conference. Their presentation included a video about their Amish-like lifestyle, and you could see that they deal with much of the same infiltration of the world with their teens as we do. This is even in a haven where they speak a unique Germanic dialect (they live in the US Midwest) for the express purpose of being separate, so their kids aren't enticed by English-language TV, radio, etc. They all work for the community, and everything is provided for them from the sale of their crops and goods. They are wealthy from diligent farming which has become big business, and all the young boys (aged 16-18) go into farming or steward-training (like a Business Teamworker) or prepare for spiritual ministry (like going to the mission field). Their dedication and simplicity was very inspiring, and we had a wonderful time talking together and comparing notes.

       Communal Living in Other Groups: The East Wind Community requires each person to contribute a number of hours to the overall co mmunity: working in the kitchen, the hammock plant, making candles or other earthy paraphernalia, etc. Each person also spends time with the children of the community, which brings unity between the singles and the parents, and bonds everyone to the children.
       Parents have a pretty good set-up and help from the community to ensure they get quality time with their kids--it is a communal requirement! Each parent has to spend a minimum of 15 hours of personal time per child per week, and they get credit for it. That 15 hours goes towards their required 38-hour week work quota to be able to stay in the community! You can see that kids are a priority. The kids go to work with the parents and help them on some projects, which also counts towards their required hours. Watching TV and videos together is not considered quality time, and does not count as "family time."

think deep

       If you're arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing.

grapes of thankfulness

       A hearty THANK YOU to the following folks for their special gifts to us: US 1016, US 2062, AU 459. We don't know how to get in touch with you, so please write us as per Grapevine #25.--Kathmandu team

       Special thanks to the brethren in Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville, as well as Eli, Dave, and Bart and Candle and family for having made our recent trip to the States so inspiring and fruitful! Your hospitality was fantastic!--Andrew, Aaron and Angelina, Bosnia


       (From Fra nz, Lily and Martin [14]:) Uganda is a beautiful country at the source of the Nile, once called the Pearl of Africa. After a long civil war in the '70s and '80s, the development of this country has been thrown back many years. The people are very broken, having experienced a lot of suffering.
       The three of us stayed with a dear Chinese friend who has a small hotel in town, and restaurants provided all our meals. We got a 60% discount with Uganda Airlines, and the Lord even supplied a Health and Fitness Club to relax in after our work was done.
       We got out 43 videos and distributed over 4000 free black-and-white posters in Kampala (the capital). One mother told us that her little girl had watched the same Treasure Attic every day for the whole year! The Lord protected us from harm and we're already receiving mail responses from all over Uganda.
       Last year, when visiting Uganda, the Lord led us to an orphanage in Mengo, a slum area in the suburbs of Kampala. This year they received us with drums and dancing, and told us of all the good supporters they had gained as a result of our first visit.
       The staff and kids told us of their needs, and we wrote them down, prayed for the Lord's supply and started asking businesses and individuals to contribute. We only had two weeks and the list was long, so we went right to work collecting bread, rice, milk, sugar, paint, exercise books, etc. A German lady who owns a quarry in Uganda is donating 28 tons of cement for the three-story vo cational center they're building with their own homemade bricks. At the last minute the Lord supplied a donation for desperately-needed teacher's textbooks.
       Our trip to Uganda increased our faith, as we saw the Lord in action hour by hour, doing miracles to supply in one of the poorest nations on Earth (where the average yearly income is $190), and leading us every step of the way as we heard from Him daily, putting our new gifts to the test.

       (From Gerson:) Arriving from France, Pe ter, Hanna and their family of five wanted this year's SWIFT to be a fruitful and fun experience. Together with their daughter Claire, (who has been in Russia for over a year), Gerson and Russian Angela, they headed east on the wheels of a Mercedes camper. As veteran missionaries, they made sure their every move was in check with something wonderful called God's will, a great example for us young bucks. Before long we were going west by the shores of the biggest lake in Europe.
       Lake Ladogaya l ies northeast of St. Petersburg, making the isthmus between it and the Gulf of Finland as narrow as the Panama Canal. Our initial plan was to go from town to town along the lake and give posters to everyone in sight, but the Lord had different plans for us. Most Russian kids take a month-long vacation at summer camps close to their city, and we were in the center of the Petersburg area camps. We came upon the first one by what some would call chance; for us it was God's will. We offered to do a show for the children if they'd let us camp within their territory, and the staff was glad to have a free show (and salvation) for their 150 kids.
       In total we visited nine camps and led 1,600 people to the Lord! Over campfires, dinner tables and in dorms we ministered to searching souls. When the day to return came, we were full of testimonies and thanked the Lord for the great trip we had enjoyed. It's fascinating what can happen when you follow that wonderful thing called "God's will."

st udio news

       (From the DC Studio team:) After a summer of witnessing and teen/JETT and Family Camps, we're getting back into full-time production! Treasure Attic songs had first priority on our list, and we're now moving into a couple of Loving Jesus and praise songs for upcoming tapes.
       After these projects are completed, we hope to begin work on a new DC album. Our vision for this In the Streets CD is to make witnessing its main theme. We'd like to re-produce some oldy-goldie-but-not-mol dy hit witnessing songs, along with some totally new witnessing songs that we hope you'll also like and be able to use in your witnessing. Please keep that in your prayers.
       Godfrey (and Spring, his lovely wife-to-be) just arrived from Japan to join our current studio team of Byron and Vas. You can definitely expect an increase of love songs from Vas (check out the tidbits section for the news), and maybe a few kiddy songs as well--wouldn't that be something?!

The Wild Wind

--Songs of prais e to the Lord! A Christmas gift to you!

       [Note: No lyricist credits are shown, as all the songs are scriptures.]


side a:
1. Come, Let Us Sing (2:20)
       Marianna / Michael P. / Prod: Andrew V.
       2. I Will Declare (3:07)
       Chris / Michael P., Jeff / Prod: Jeff
       3. How Excellent (4:23)
       Joni / Gideon, Vas / Prod: Godfrey, Vas
       4. It's a Good Thing (3:36)
       Jason / Paul H., Nat / Prod: Nat
       5. Whole Heart (3:50)
       Phil, Katrina, Danny P. / Danny P.
       6. Mourning Into Dancing (4:02)
       Christie / Michael P. / Prod: Michael P. / Guitar: Jono
       7. Unto the King (5:09)
       John L., JAS / Michael P. John L. / Prod: John L. / Guitar: Makoto
       8. Be Filled Up (2:23)
       Philly / Paul H. / Prod: Francesco / Guitar: Makoto

side b:
9. Exalted (3:49)
       Tigo J., Heidi, Mikol / Paul H., PAS / Prod: Mark Tender
       10. Greatly Rejoice (3:36)
       Godfrey, Vas / Paul H. / Prod: Vas, Godfrey
       11. Oh, Praise the Lord (2:54)
       Ben G., Nat/Paul H. / Prod: Nat
       12. Joyful Noise (3:43)
       Angelique, Niki / Aaron David / Prod. Andrew V. / Sax: John Listen
       13. Unto Him (3:24)
       Katrina, BAS / Jeremy / Prod: Jeremy
       14. Sing O Heavens (3:18)
       Michael Daniel / Michael P., Paul H. / Prod: Godfrey
       15. Blessed Is the People (3:26)
       Mark, Tigo / Paul H. / Prod: Mark T.
       16. New Song (3:20)
       Daniel Lights / Michael P. / Prod: Francesco / Bass: Josh; Guitar: Makoto


--By Jaz

Checking in Upstairs: The Best Baby Counsel!
I think one of the best things that Kimberly has brought me is a constant and ever-present realization of my own inadequacy. There is always so much more that I wish I could be doing, and so often I find myself in daily dilemmas--small or large--where I cannot figure out, for the life of me, what I should do.
       The good news in all this is that I have learned to take my questions to the Lord, and I have been amazed at the specific answers and day-to-day assistance I can get!--It's like having a 24-hour-a-day, 7-d ay-a-week counseling hotline with the top baby expert in the universe!
       When I have a problem or am stumped about something, I have been taking a few moments to step aside (sometimes I can't do it right then, but at the next available time), and ask the Lord what I should do. He always answers with specific counsel far above anything I could ever have thought of myself.
       Let me share an example with you:
       "Thumb-sucking: To allow or not to allow?" was a question that always hovered in the bac k of my mind. My mom and her brothers had a long history of thumb-sucking into late childhood, and so I did not want Kimberly to get into the same habit if it was going to risk developing into something long-term.
       When Kimberly was 2-1/2 months old, she began making the effort to suck her thumb. It was laborious work for her, as she tried to figure out how she could get that thumb where she wanted it without having her poky fingers jammed in her eye at the same time. I noticed that she was rea lly working at it over a period of a few days. At first I tried to offer her the pacifier (which she had liked up till that point) as a diversion, but she quickly learned how to hook her thumb through the pacifier handle and yank it out. (She couldn't usually dispose of it after that, though, and would proceed with her thumb-sucking attempts with the pacifier still hanging on her thumb!)
       After a few days or more of seeing that she was definitely getting more adept at her thumb-sucking, I becam e concerned about any possible long-term repercussions. On the other hand, I wasn't sure that I should just stop her from doing it either. What should I do? So I sat down and brought my question to the Lord. Here are some excerpts of what He said:
       (Jesus speaking:)As you prayerfully seek Me, you can try to instill in her good habits, and deter her from habits which are not desirable. But you must seek Me carefully about each one.
       Take this thumb-sucking. How wrong is it? Is it really someth ing that is not good? You must be careful and prayerful; examine the fruits. Right now she is very young; she is learning. For her, there is so much to learn, but she is yet confined and there is not much that she can do. She cannot walk, she cannot crawl, she can hardly make noises, she cannot play with toys.
       But she can explore her body. She can learn about those parts of her that she can reach. So if every time she tries to explore and learn about her body, she is forbidden and taught that it is something naughty, how will she venture into learning other things? If every time she puts something in her mouth she is stopped, she will perhaps think that learning is wrong.
       As I said, examine the fruits. As long as it is for the purpose of learning, an exploration, that is all it is, and it will be satisfying for her. But if she begins to use it as an escape, excluding other things and preferring the comfort of her thumb to other forms of play, then you will know that it does not bea r good fruit.
       Therefore see that you provide her with the right balance. The child who retreats into exclusive thumb-sucking is the child who finds that is his only pleasure in life. If no forms of play, stimulation or teaching are provided, what else shall he resort to? So if you see that she is being neglected for long periods and finds nothing to do other than suck her thumb, then gently remove the thumb and begin to teach and to play with her. It may cause a little sacrificing of your time , but it is worth it. The thumb-sucking can be as a reminder, as a message to say, "I am bored, Mommy! I don't have anything to do but this."
       Yet she is very young, and at this age it is not so. At this age it is a form of learning in itself. So do not deny that to her at this point. But see that she does not always do it, that it does not become an excess, and that she is stimulated to play and learn in other ways too. (End of prophecy excerpts.)
The happy end of this story is that Kimberly was very happy to learn to suck her thumb for the next month or so, and after she got the hang of it and amused herself with it for a while, she lost interest and quit doing it altogether. I'm sure glad that I asked before I went ahead in my blind desire to be helpful, as I could have brought about sad results.
       So, the moral of this story is: Don't be shy, give it a try! If you're stuck with a problem, just ask the Man Upstairs, and you'll find He's more than willing to fill you in on all the details--right down to every specific detail you could ever want! And remember that the talk about the thumb-sucking was specific to Kimberly, so don't apply this counsel to your child without asking the Lord first. He might have something different to say to you.

Pushing off to Africa!

       (From Steven and Marie:) It has taken us two years to prepare and work out the details, but the Lord was faithful to help us keep the vision. (See FSM #321.) Large families, be encouraged!--If you ge t a vision, keep fighting for it and sooner or later the Lord will supply!
       One day a couple from Ghana came to look at our house in England (which was for sale) and they took a kids' video, which they showed at their church. As a result, the pastor's wife bought 100 videos! After hearing our teens sing, and Benjamin (9) quote a chapter from the Bible, they pledged funds to cover our food bill in Africa for one year!
       Among the incredible miracles of supply we experienced to get here, the Lord provided:
       > Two complimentary air tickets and hotel rooms for our scouting team
       > Full airfare for our whole family (sponsored by a friend)
       > Free shipping to Ghana
       > A Rover (10-seater) for half price
       > Fans, kitchen needs, fridge and freezer
       > Material for curtains and bedcovers
       > Whiteboards and school desks
       > Computer and printer
       > Karaoke machine and power ace
       > Handyman supplies
       > Donated clothing, 200 pairs of sandals, 4,000 chocolate drinks (for CTP ministries)

       Now we are in Ghana, and the people are beautiful! The witnessing is like magic, and we are amazed at how easy it is to get around. We get out many tapes by putting one on in the driver's car when we're hitchhiking. In one four-star hotel they have our videos on display in their shop. They want us to organize a monthly children's day, where we play our videos and put posters on the hotel walls! A pastor in a church we sang at is arranging for us to tour all the youth clubs in Accra.
       We apprec iate your prayers and financial assitance. Please pray for our visas, as they're expensive and difficult to get for our large family.


       -- Small family pioneering Calcutta, India (a city of 17 million!) seeks your support. Help needed ASAP! Lots of souls for the Kingdom.--Aaron, Joyful and three kids.
       -- We have an ongoing catacomb ministry and disciples joining regularly. We're seeking adoption and/or donations to get a car. Send via Italian ABM.--Tirana Home, Albania

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman
       Sci-fi drama about a society in which genetics determine people's social standing, and where children are genetically engineered. A naturally-born man conspires to beat the System in order to attain his life's goal. Beware of some unpleasant scenes. (See prophecy included.)


Richard Gere, Bai Ling
Tense drama about an American businessman in China who finds himself charge d with murder.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Jonathan Silverman, Helen Slater
       Fantasy/comedy/action drama, involving a man caught in a mysterious time warp.


Bill Murray, Peter Gallagher
       Comedy about a man who signs up for a play involving gangsters with an "interactive theater," only to unwittingly fall in with real criminals. Light entertainment.


Jeff Daniels, Michael Richards
       Comedy about two friends-- a rich and successful lawyer and a down-and-out actor, whose lives become seriously complicated during a trip to a middle-of-nowhere town, with unexpected results. Some foolishness, but good underlying lessons.

Movies Rated for All Age Groups


Shirley Temple, Randolph Scott
Sweet, fun musical about a radio company's search for a child performer for their new series. A couple of incidents of deception should be discussed with young viewers.

Non-Recomme nded Movies

       BOUND (Jennifer Tilly, Gina Gershon; 1996)
       DEAD MAN (Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer; 1996)
       FOUR ROOMS (Tim Roth, Marisa Tomei; 1995)

movie reviews


       (Jesus speaking:) This was an interesting movie in that it gave a glimpse into a possible future--but a future that will not happen, for there is not time for it to happen. The movie could have been very good if I had been brought into it a little more, but I wasn't. Therefore, it was quite lame, and the thing that the ma n was striving for was to fulfill his own ambitions, not to break free of the System, but to break into the System, so he could be one with the elite Systemites. It is a message in reverse, really, as to what I call My children to--to come out of her and be separate.

close quarters …

--pulling the load in a small Home

       It creates an atmosphere where everyone has more faith for things and has to act more on their own faith. There aren't two or three "key" people in the Home who work everyt hing out. Everyone has a broader scope on the direction the Home is taking, has more responsibility, and is therefore more inspired to carry things out.
       One of the best things that has happened since the downsizing of our Homes is that the "little people" get a chance to come out and jump in front along with the others. It creates a team spirit and gives everyone a chance to try new things. It's good for all of us to learn how to fill new roles and make more decisions in our everyday lives.
       --Mary Dear and Daniel, Pakistan

       Living with little children in a four-room Russian apartment is really something. That means that the children (ages 2-½ and 9 months) are truly everybody's children, simply because it's impossible to keep them in one room! Although life in such conditions is not very easy, there are many advantages for the kids. Children spend much more time with the other members of the Home than if we lived in a big house. Our kids have special links with everybody in the Home.
       Whenever Olivia (2-½) goes into the girls' room, there is always somebody there to play, dance, sing or do some little project with her. If she needs some funny, crazy playtime she goes to her grandma's room. And she never misses her visit to the boys' room before bedtime where she can play, joke and laugh with boys and jump on their beds. Kids love to spend time with different people, and they love and feel very close to everybody.
       Our small apartment is not so bad after all when we c ount the blessings it has brought to the lives of our children and everybody in the Home. It truly makes us ONE Family!
       --Adam, Laura and Clara, Russia

what's up?

Religious leaders learn about prophecy
       (From Margie:) Last week Reverend M., the Buddhist priest who got saved a couple of months ago, returned to the HCS to learn how to hear from the Lord. A party of five religious leaders came, and after a nice meal where we shared conversation and some spirit-filled songs with them , we gathered in their hotel room for evening tea. After some singing hymns in Japanese, we closed the evening in prayer and a couple of us heard from the Lord. The prophecy session was not so long, but it was quite a sweet illustration of how we pray and hear from the Lord in our meetings.
       The next day they came to the School and we showed them some of our latest Treasure Attic songs as well as Countdown to Armageddon. They ordered seven copies of this video.
       Sitting with these men, top rep resentatives from various religious groups, I realized how rich and blessed we are in the Family. Though they each come from different religious backgrounds, all of them recognize that we have something special to offer. We're the smallest and the poorest group amongst them, however we're definitely the richest spiritually, and have the most personal and vibrant relationship with our Creator! It gave me a real Endtime feeling to be able to sit and worship and pray together with these AACs.

Ab dullah Khalakhali
       (From Loana and Celeste:) The other day, while strolling down a central street, we spotted none other than Abdullah Khalakhali! It was a bit hard to get past the crowd of passersby, but we finally managed to smile our way through till we got to him. We placed a To You - With Love tract in his hand and he gave us a sweet smile as he said, "Thank you! I'll be sure to read it!" It was a fruitful encounter, as we knew he would take the time to read the tract, and hopefull y get saved.
       In case you're wondering, Abdullah Khalakhali is no big name, movie star, or personality like say Keanu Reeves.--He's just an ordinary person. However, Abdullah Khalakhali and Keanu Reeves are both human beings, though Keanu Reeves is probably more handsome than Abdullah, at least in the public's eyes. But we need to give everyone a chance, for God doesn't judge the heart by the name.

25 years of witnessing pays off!
       (From Jim and Lily:) We recently had a two-week vis it from Jim's (Jewish) parents to our Home. Ever since we joined in 1972 we've tried to witness to them about salvation. In our initial witnessing we had probably been over-zealous in trying to lead them to a decision, so over the last 10 or 15 years our vision has been to be more of a loving sample. After living in India and Pakistan for 10 years, we saw them during a short furlough to the States before coming to our new field of Turkey. Now, two years later, they visited us for the first time on the field and had a wonderful 15 days with the children.
       On the morning before they left, Lily and I were able to tell them how much we and the children loved them, and that we were thankful for such a wonderful two weeks together. As they were concerned enough about their age to discuss their will with us, we explained that we wanted to discuss with them how comforted we would be to know that we would always be together in Heaven, and that we wanted to offer them an opportunity to pray wit h us on our last morning together. We encouraged them that all their grandchildren were hoping they would pray with us.
       To my surprise, my mom said yes right away, but my dad went on to relate how he was brought up in the Orthodox Jewish faith and how much it means to him, etc. Then to my utter surprise, he said, "But for you and the grandchildren, I will say this little prayer with you." It was so thrilling! We have been witnessing to them for over 25 years, and the Lord was faithful to have them pray with us on this visit, PTL!

Known over the phone
       (From Johnny and Gabriella:) We often call '13' for directory assistance from our Home. One day when Johnny called, the telephone operator asked if this was such-and-such a house (our street address). When Johnny asked why, she replied that all of the phone calls that come from that house are very sweet, polite and understanding. She said most of the time people are generally impatient and impolite, but because we are alwa ys sweet to them, they all talk about us in their office and appreciate receiving our calls!

To every orphanage …
       (From Claire, Angela and Gerson:) Since the Family started their work in our city almost ten years ago, its members have taken part in an active ministry of reaching the many orphans in this city. The dedicated staffs of the numerous dietski doms (children's homes) have always welcomed our upbeat performances, which provide entertainment, fun, and some of the warmth and understanding these children desperately need.
       We can now announce that all of the orphanages in our city have been visited by the Family. A small team set for themselves the objective of reaching the remainder of the dietski doms which hadn't already been visited. Angela, the national on our team, acted as our translator and show booker, and by the end of the month we had been to 21 orphanages and had brought the love of Jesus through salvation to over 1,000 children!
       From every institution we received a letter of recommendation which was usually written by hand. The typewriter was either ribbonless or the printer tonerless. It is truly worth it all when the audience of little faces glows after repeating the salvation prayer and a loud chorus says in unison: spaciba (thank you) as they walk away with their posters in hand.

To help others
       (From Peter, Simon and Phoebe:) Since opening our Home with the vision of being a Border Base and helping the work in Mexico, the Lord has filled our new house with furniture and supplies!
       Almost since the day our Home opened, we've had Family members from Mexico spending the night. It's been a test for us to keep up, as we are two large families, but "as we pour out, He pours in!" For the 37 visitors we've had stay with us, we've served over 550 meals just this month! Working together to help others only helps us to fight the battles and adds lots of inspiration despite the 16-hour work days!

Milk campaign
       (Fro m David, Bethel and Timothy Eagle:) Little did we imagine how popular an issue our little milk campaign would be when we decided to try to publicize our efforts to collect milk powder for a CTP program. Articles appeared in two national newspapers, we were on the radio twice and TV once, along with a 20-second TV advertisement which has been accepted on three TV channels! The advertisement features our own kids extolling the healthful benefits of milk and encouraging the participation of the pub lic in this campaign, with the goal that all the children at local state-run orphanages can drink milk daily.
       We are sold on publicizing our activities to the mass media, because it helps people understand more about our goals and activities, and thus have more confidence to participate when we ask them to, since they've read about us in the newspaper, heard us on the radio or seen us on TV! (Editor's note: God bless you for your initiative. This may work in other areas as well, but please be sure to pray and receive a confirmation from the Lord before deciding to publicize your CTP in this way to make sure it's His will.)

Soul-winning meeting
       (From Ammi [VS, of Markus]:) While discussing different topics at a Home Council meeting, the phone rang and Pat (SGA) left to speak with a sheep who had called. She came back a few minutes later with the inspiring news that the person had just gotten saved over the phone! We all praised the Lord and continued our meeting. A shor t while later the phone rang again, this time for YA Newheart. He left for a while and returned to announce that the second caller also prayed to receive Jesus! TYJ!

Prayer hotlines
       (From Fe:) Valiant volunteered to answer the prayer hotline phones at a Christian radio station. He is able to pray with people who call in about problems they're having in their lives, etc. Valiant reads verses to them on appropriate topics from Word Basics, and gives them simple counsel. It's quite inspir ing.

Follow-up with a BBQ
       (From Tim, Praise and Priscilla:) The Chinese Moon Festival is a big thing here! Friends get together and have barbecues, exchange gifts, look at the full moon and enjoy Moon cakes--yummy! Since we had a huge roof on our apartment complex that has a perfect view of the moon, and lots of friends that like to barbecue, plus extra meat that the Lord supplied, we invited several of our close friends over for the celebrations. It was great! We ate, sang Family s ongs, witnessed and played games. Our friends said that it was an evening to remember. We've now begun receiving several invitations to join our friends in their activities. Follow-up really works! Try a BBQ today and follow-up your blues away!

A 50/50 chance
South Africa
       (From Andrew [20]:) On our way to outreach one day, we stopped in a tiny town to get some postage stamps. As we were returning to the car I saw a guy walking out of the post office with about a dozen parcels he'd just pic ked up. He wasn't managing too well, and his parcels were falling all over the place. I thought about helping him carry them to his car, but brushed the thought off. I figured they were his parcels and after all, he wasn't an old man. Next time he'd hopefully learn to make two trips instead of taking a "lazy man's load." It's amazing how many reasons the human mind can come up with to not do something it doesn't want to! Yet I couldn't brush off this feeling that I had to help him. So I did. The n we continued on our way to the next city.
       Until lunch, we'd hardly gotten any tools out and people hadn't been too friendly. We claimed a victory, and carried on to the next shop--a large clothing store. Lo and behold, there in the boss' chair was the man I'd met coming out of the post office earlier that morning. He recognized me and there was an instant connection. He was visibly touched by our work and took some videos.
       Wow!--Was I convicted! I would've given myself a 50/50 chance of ma king that decision earlier to help him out. The Lord used this incident to impress upon me the importance of our sample 24 hours a day, and also following the Lord's checks, 'cause we can either be making or breaking our whole witness.


       * Sam L. (17; Surabaya, Indonesia) would like to contact Noel Costello (USA) and Vesna. Lost contact thru address change. Add: PO Box 1705 Surabaya, Indonesia 60017. E-mail: timon77@hotmail.com.
       * Esther Maria (YA) would like to contact Sam an d Judith (Swedish), Angelique, Nash and Nana (Brazil?), Chris and Claire (Brazil), and Virginia and Maria (Hungary?). Add: 400120 Volgograd, a/R (invert the R) 1570, RUSSIA. E-mail: family@sprint-v.com.ru.
       * Abi (Sunlight) wants to contact French Rose and Matthew, and Ezra (Paul) and Abigail. Write Abi at: E-mail: g.bran@originet.com.br. Add: D.Donohue, Cx.P. 21489, Sao Paulo, S.P., Brasil cep: 04602-970.
       * Elaine (of Praise) and Madi (of Dan and Joy), please contact Kate (of Santiago and Ly dia). Add: K. Bauer 6112 North Mesa #132 El Paso, TX 79912. Tel: (915) 759-9057.
       * Andrew and Joy (in India), please contact your daughter, Rosa. E-mail: nini@smn.tenet.odessa.ua.
       * Russian Clare (of Stephen) would like to contact David Foto and Liz, and Susi Luvbug (of Josh and Hope). Add: 400120 Russia Volgograd PO Box 1570. E-mail: family@sprint-v.com.ru.
       * Los LATINO (Pablo y David) boys need to contact GERSON! Hebrews 13:16. E-mail: FamFun@ibm.net.

I'm wondering ...

I was wo ndering why the prophecies in the recent GNs are pretty much in modern everyday English, whereas most of the earlier prophecies in the ML Volumes are in King James-style English. Does it have to do with the channel receiving the prophecy, or are the older English-style prophecies changed to modern English for more understandable reading for the GNs today?--Esther, USA
       A: (From Peter:) Quite some time ago, the Lord showed us that He wanted to make the prophecies easier for you to read and relat e to, so He confirmed that we should take them out of King James English when editing the pubs, and since we've begun doing this the Lord has been speaking to us more in modern English to make it even easier for us. This doesn't change the meaning of the prophecy, as it is still the same words, only in the modern form. Prophecies from Dad always come in modern language anyway, and those from other departed spirits often do as well, although some are in King James English. If you get a prophecy i n old English, that's fine, of course. Just give it as you receive it. (See ML# 3017:62-64, GN 654.)

"By their fruits ye shall know them …"

--a visitation account
       (From Mark, CRO:) One outreach Home in particular was a pleasure to visit, and a model Home in many respects. The last time we visited, they had gotten turned on to prophecy after seeing the Bellwether videos. They were already a fruitful Home, but upon our return four months later, it was thrilling to see how far they had gone with prophecy and the incredible fruit borne as a result. During this time they held a retreat with their friends and live-outs, being led by prophecy each step of the way. On the last day the Lord showed them to change plans and have a prayer meeting. After their prayers for each of their friends, the Lord showed them to receive a prophecy for each person. Now their friends are sold on prophecy, and some have even received the gift of prophecy as a result!
       Then the Lord indicated tha t He wanted them to hold a seminar for the GP on the Endtime. A committee met daily to pray and hear from the Lord, and He gave them the content of the seminar down to the smallest details. By faith, they rented a conference hall and geared the entire Home around the seminar, trusting the Lord to supply the needed funds. To encourage their faith, the Lord supplied the printing of color posters, pamphlets and tickets for free--worth about $1,500. All the live-outs rallied to help them, selling ti ckets, etc. In the final week, radio stations requested interviews about the seminar, free publicity came out in newspapers, and the phone was ringing all day with folks interested in participating.
       On the day of the conference (9:30-6:00) approximately 100 people came, apart from friends and live-outs. The brethren gave the public an intensive course on Endtime prophecy and fulfillment, the rise of the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and a final session devoted to Heaven. They collected th e phone numbers of the attendees, and called them up in the following weeks. Many were professionals, some journalists and writers, and all received the heavy meat of Bible prophecy well. Some want to come to the Home's weekly Bible classes, and others are inquiring when the next seminar will take place. A New Age-affiliated institute wants to sponsor a repeat of the seminar, and the Home is planning to take it to other major cities within Colombia.
       This same Home has Bible classes three times a week, with as many as 25 or 30 people showing up on Saturdays. On Sundays, the friends and live-outs go out to personal witness and distribute tracts. The Home is winning top-notch disciples--professionals in their thirties, such as a dentist and a teacher, who are contemplating dropping out. The Home is completely supported through follow-up and the tithes and offerings of friends and kings, as is another Home in the interior.

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama,
       The doctor says that my hand is healing quite well--better than expected. What a miracle! This is all proving that what the Lord promised He is able also to perform. Thank you so much for your prayers.
       The fact that my experience is coming out in the Grapevine (see Grapevine #32) is also a fulfillment of a prophecy that my dad got for me, which said that my accident was going to be used as a lesson to others, even though it would also be a humbling. I'm thankful that the Lord is using me to share this lesson with the world, and that it didn't happen to one of my younger brothers.
       One of the main things the Lord was trying to bring across to my wife and me is that we've been somewhat hanging in the balances. Since the last Feast, I hadn't cared so much for prophecy and just skimmed over the GNs when they came out. After the Loving Jesus series, we received checks from the Lord about spending more time hearing from the Lord and loving Jesus together, but we kept putting it off because we "didn't have time" or were busy. So we never got around to it.
       We prayed together after the accident, and asked the Lord to speak to us about why He let it happen. We got that He was trying to prepare us for the Endtime, to hear from Him fresh so we could be ready for what's ahead. Two days later we received the mailing with the GN "Endtime Prophecy Power!" As we were reading it, I started to get hit with doubts again. I realized that prophecy must be very real and important, since as I was trying to read it the Devil was speaking to me, giving me his message. In other words, I sometimes had doubts about hearing the Lord's voice in prophecy, but here I was letting the Enemy speak to me with his voice!
       On top of the accident, a couple of days later our baby got sick with a high fever. We knew the Lord was really trying to drive the point home about the importance of asking Him about everything. We prayed and heard from the Lord about why she was sick, and she got healed the next day. Thank the Lord! Our gift of prophecy is in no way fine-tuned, but by God's grace we're learning to use it more. The Lord had to get my pride out of the way first so that I'd be willing to step out and give something, and this is turning out to be a Romans 8:28. Thank You Jesus!
       I know it's a miracle that the Lord is healing me up so quickly--because of your prayers and the prayers of my loved ones here. I love you!
       --Tim (22, of Debbie), USA

Dear Mama and Peter,
       We were just discussing what a blessing all the kids' versions of the New Wine have been, and they really get fed by the prophecies. I am seeing a complete change of attitude in the kids in our Home. The other day the kids and I were praying about what we should do for my wife's birthday. They said, "Well, we definitely have to get some prophecies for her!" It seems so normal for them. It's wonderful to see how much they are growing through prophecy.--A heartfelt thank-you for being such faithful shepherds to feed our little folks.
       --J. (ad ult man), Asia

Dear Mama,
       I wanted to comment on how some parents seem to be placing more of an emphasis on System materials than Family ones for their kids.
       My biggest concern is that I'll be able to teach my baby to love Jesus and the Word most of all. This was a strong point of my mother's--to fill my sister and me with the Word--and I can see the fruits in our lives, in that through all our ups and downs and my times of being out of it, rebellious and all the rest, I would always come back to my hunger and desire for the Word because it had been instilled in me ever since I was small. When I became a teen, I had a desire to keep it up of my own accord, but it wouldn't have happened without that seed being planted.
       If the YA parents of today are teaching their kids songs and flashcard words from "The Lion King," how can they expect their kids to be on-fire revolutionaries or witnessers when they get older? Maybe some people have lost the vision of the importance of teaching their children the Word.
       It's a sobering responsibility to have a little life in your hands and to know that nothing more is going to become of that child than what you make of it and pour into it! I can't wait until I can teach my baby how to pray, and I'm going to record a tape with memory chapters that I can play after it's born, to give my child a head start on memory work. I think all those things really add up, but it has to be a personal decision and commitment from the parents to see the value of teaching their kids to love Jesus.
       One YA parent commented that they didn't want their child to grow up as "sheltered" as they were. I'm personally thankful that I grew up a little bit sheltered! I'm not saying that kids shouldn't watch movies, but if you're trying to expose your kids to the world just so they won't be sheltered, it's like sticking a newborn lamb out in the storm so it gets toughened up and won't be so cold in the sheep-pen.--Sure, if it survives the experience an d doesn't get bronchial pneumonia that recurs every time it gets in a draft!
       --a young mother


HomeARC news
       (From the HomeARC team:) In LNF 264 we mentioned that we were aiming to get your HomeARC CDs to you by Christmas. We are sorry that due to some production difficulties, there will be about a four-week delay. Please continue to pray for the HomeARC, that the final steps will be completed, and that your orders will be on their way to you soon.

China Mail Ministry
Jap an
       (From Chinese Becky, for China Mail Ministry:) On Jeremy's behalf, we want to thank you for your sacrificial support. Fifty percent of Jeremy's fine for having a second child is now paid off! Jeremy and his whole family wanted to let you know that they have felt so loved by the Lord through all of you! In their letters, they mentioned that they have turned their appreciation into praises and prayers, and expressed that they always burst out with tears every time they receive your donations. Please do continue to pray for Jeremy, that the Lord will answer our prayers and provide all his needs.

Upon further reflection …
       (From Chloe, for the Reflections staff:) We were informed by the B.I. Media team that when sharing the messages from and about Diana with the public (see "The Passing of a Princess" Reflections), it would be correct protocol to use her title of "Princess" instead of simply "Lady." Your Home will be receiving one copy of the corrected version of the "Diana Re flections," from which you can make copies to pass on to others. Thank you for your prayers and contributions; they help make our pubs what the Lord wants them to be!

Mama jewels on … honesty, blurting it out, and tracts!

--jewels from staff meetings

       Honesty: If your feelings get hurt by something we have said or haven't said, or did or haven't done, please tell us. We're not sensitive. We want to have an open line of communication with all of you. If you're being honest, then you're doi ng great--no matter what you say. Just remember that! This is another one of my plugs for honesty and openness.

       Blurting it out: I told Gabe one time, "Don't keep things in. If you have something to tell me, please tell me. I would rather you just blurt it out than not tell me at all. Number one, tell me. Number two, tell me right away! Just get it off your heart." I don't like secrets. I don't like surprises either, but I'd rather have surprises than secrets.

       Folding tracts: It's very i mportant that tracts are folded neatly with the pages aligned; otherwise, it looks like you don't really care and the message isn't all that important. People judge by the outward appearance; if the "packaging" is sloppy, then they figure the message isn't worth much either.

language learning tips

       (From Jondy and Ruthie:) We have found that the best results come from attending a school with experienced teachers. It also takes a good book to follow consistently. We hired a teacher t o come to our Home to teach our children three days a week, two hours each time, as we have no national brethren in our small pioneer Home. Whether you go to school, hire a teacher to come to the Home, or have a national disciple teach you, it takes daily time and consistency.
       We came up with the following points that we felt were most instrumental in our learning Chinese over the last six months:

       -- It must be given top priority in your Home, and be a major personal goal in order to becom e a more effective missionary.
       -- It has to be recognized by everyone in the Home as a ministry.
       -- It must be viewed as an investment, as it takes a lot of time to study, and money if an experienced teacher or school is being used, and the sacrifice of others to free individuals to attend classes and study.
       -- People must have the vision that speaking the local language better will progressively help the Home more and result in good fruit in your witnessing.
       -- Use the language as much as possible outside the Home. Travel-time on buses, going DTD, and doing shopping or business are ideal times to use everything you learn in class. Once you put something you've learned into practice in a "real" situation, you "digest" it and it's yours to use from then on!
       -- Use the language as much as possible with others in the Home. Put up posters and visual helps. Learn songs; memorize witnessing phrases and prayers in the local language.
       -- Remember the quote, "A man is worth as many languages as he speaks!"--Benjamin Franklin

letters to the editor

Re: Agreeing with Sarina
       I totally agree with the WS shepherd's point (see Grapevine #31) that if we see the teens praising the Lord, reading the Word, helping in the Home, etc., it is easier to give them the freedoms they ask for. This is a battle we have in our Home too. But the attitude of the adults should also be considered. Some adults are just so hard to please! They see the wrong the teens do so easily, but the goo d they take for granted; it goes unnoticed because, after all, that's the way it's supposed to be. Of course, teens are hard to please too.
       One teen in our Home said that a visiting shepherdess commented: "God bless you for even praising the Lord!" The teen felt that she must think the teens never praised the Lord, and was wondering what the Home had told the shepherdess! So what was supposed to be an encouragement was received as a putdown. So much lies in the eyes of the beholder. When I am tired or looking at the waves, little things bother me a lot more and I get aggravated, but when I am full of Jesus and am happy and cheerful, these bothersome things lose their predominant importance.
       --FGA woman, EE

your views on issues

Unappreciated people
       (From a female SGA:) I think many people overlook something which I think is very important--appreciation of NICE people! Many times we take for granted the consideration and compliance which is so often granted to us by the se easygoing souls.
       While working for some short months teaching English, Marcus (alias) behaved for his employers as he would have usually conducted himself on a normal day in his Family Home. The forbearance and humility which was left so unappreciated by his fellow-householders was gratefully welcomed in this secular institute of education.
       I found myself wondering why some of us in the Home could not see and acknowledge these fine qualities in this young man. While all we could do was be rate this person for not asserting himself, he was all the while greatly appreciated by others who found him a refreshing change. When I turned to look again, I saw a young man who should be acclaimed and praised for his sweet spirit and self-sacrificial actions. Finding a person like him is rare.

Provisioning for whom?
       (From J.:) I had a question about provisioning to help friends. I can understand if these friends are part of a CTP ministry, or if they're Outside Members, witne ssers, etc., who are actually a part of the Lord's work in the Family. But I've noticed a few times that brethren have provisioned clothing for friends that they knew while they were in the System, who are not in any way connected to the Family. I admit this is a sweet help to their friends, but it doesn't seem fair or honest.

Cult of Peter?
       (From an adult man:) A few months ago, I was able to attend half a day of the meetings Peter held with the Family. Later, some folks who attend ed the whole duration of the meetings told me that "I had really missed something by not being able to attend the entire meeting." I overheard them mentioning to someone else on the phone that "They would have really missed something if they hadn't been able to attend these great meetings with Peter." From what I heard, it made that other person feel bad and left out.
       I don't believe in the cult of the personality, and I don't believe Peter does either. In reality, almost all of what Peter was doing was reading prophecy, which sounded much like the GNs that people can hold daily in their hands. Perhaps people should re-evaluate how they could better help others not feel bad about not having been able to attend these meetings.
       (Peter: I agree wholeheartedly! While we wish that each and every Family member could have attended these meetings in person, we're very thankful that the meetings were able to be filmed, so that all can benefit from the Lord's wonderful Words and direction! W e love you!)

Phoning consideration
       (From P. [adult woman]:) In certain areas we've had a policy not to call other Homes during afternoon quiet times or very late in the evening, unless it's very timely. It may not be inconvenient for someone to answer the phone during those times, but the person who the call is for may have their quiet time interrupted.

An experience
       (From an SGA male:) If you've been in Russia for over six months and have made at least one visa trip, yo u'll know what I'm talking about. When you cross over to one of Russia's neighbors--take Finland, for example--it seems as if a big, heavy, winter dublionka (coat) has been taken off your shoulders. As you drive over the border everything begins to look brighter; even the trees have a happier, more relaxed look. Breathing becomes easier. After turning in your visa at the embassy, you have about a week to let the Western feeling sink in.
       Not everyone is dressed in a long black coat; the streets are clean; you can use public transport (just don't forget the two dollar fare) without worrying about some spherical babushka (grandmother) shoving you off your seat after letting every other passenger know what a disrespectful maladoy chelavek (young man) you are. Walking through crowded areas is no longer a health hazard; people smile and say excuse me, and don't elbow, push, butt, or frown.
       While shopping, you can expect a friendly "We are here to serve and help" attitude--a far cry from the "I have what you need so you'd better be happy or I'll let you have it" feeling displayed to the best of her ability by your local producti clerk. Desperate prayers for the GAI (Get Another Innocent) [Russian traffic police] to not stop your car and demand a "solution" for your dirty left blinker are hardly necessary. Every day in Russia you face at least one--and that's a good day--of the above mentioned scenarios. You may call this an exaggeration, but just because you get used to somethin g doesn't mean it's not there.
       As I write this I thank God for anonymity. I can just picture some of our nationals thinking, "Why doesn't this guy go back to the West (or South) since he likes it so much?" Fortunately, there's more to being a missionary in Russia than the sights, sounds, smells and hustle of everyday life. I don't think there's a single person whose life has not been seriously affected by their stay here.--Positively affected. Even those who have left disliking Russia have to admit that this field is unparalleled.
       The West might offer comfort and leisure, but Russia offers purpose and passion! Among these hard conditions you can feel the ultimate rush every missionary wants to feel--the vacuum, the cry for help, the thirst for spiritual truth is something that gives a new dimension to the Great Commission.Those rough faces and cold stares that suddenly turn to beams of thankfulness and joy. Next time you go out, look into the eyes of a beautiful devuska (girl) and clearly you'll see that the choice you made to come here was the best one you ever made!

Clowners beware
       (From Amy Free:) You may not know that there are copyright laws on various Disney and Warner Brothers characters. So if you are a balloonist (commonly known as a twister), it's best not to use names of characters in balloon twisting, such as calling a bear Winnie the Pooh, or calling your creatures Mickey Mouse, or Barney, if you make a purple dinosaur. If you don't have permission to use a character that is copyrighted, you may find yourself in a lawsuit. The same applies to costumes (e.g., if you dress up as a character).

Limiting "adult talk"
       (From an adult woman:) I apply to conversation topics such as sex and relationships the same principle as being mindful of what age a movie is rated for, or a mailing like the Loving Jesus revelation. I'm not talking about conversations with mature teens, YAs or adults, but casual talk without being aware of younger on es who may be listening. JETTs and junior teens may need to talk with their parents or a mature YA [as opposed to their peers], in order to avoid getting the wrong impressions about sex or relationships.

Health Is Wealth

       Welcome to a new Grapevine column! Many of you have requested health information, and we'll try to fill just a bit of that need with this column, Lord willing. The medical advice in Health is Wealth has been garnered from a number of sources: Dad's counsel, medical books, FED departments, veteran parents, Family nutritionists and practicing doctors, and from your tips and personal experience.
       Please note that we will not be able to exhaustively cover each subject, but we will try to cover the basics. This column is not meant to be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice if you are ill--and most of all, seeking the Lord each step of the way! In keeping with Dad's counsel and our Charter guidelines, each Family member is responsible to pray and act upon their own faith regarding their health, and when necessary, seek a doctor's professional counsel.
       Our goal is to provide a little more insight and awareness for all regarding health, and to provide some proven tips and techniques to aid you in staying fit and healthy for Jesus! A practicing Family doctor in the USA, Chris, has kindly agreed to go over these columns for medical accuracy. We pray they are a blessing to you.


       Canada - (From Sonnet:) Caleb was diagno sed with high blood pressure six months ago. While researching the topic, we discovered several foods that lower blood pressure, such as bananas, celery, cayenne pepper, garlic and oatmeal. We began using olive oil for salads and cooking, and he stopped eating salt and switched to a diet high in vegetables, whole grains and fruits, less protein and red meat, and started taking 400 IU of Vitamin E and 500 to 1000 mg. of Vitamin C daily. His blood pressure has been back to normal for three months, and he also lost about 30 pounds of excess weight!

       Q: What potential dangers are there in having high blood pressure?

       A: High blood pressure is called the silent killer. Often there are no symptoms or noticeable problems until something serious happens, such as a heart attack or a stroke. High blood pressure has many causes, some of which are treatable and reversible by changing your lifestyle, diet, etc. In some cases, a person is genetically programmed to have high blood pressure and mu st take daily medicine.

       Q: What are the warning signs of high blood pressure, and how can I find out if I have it?
You may have all, some or none of the following: Chest pain, headaches, visual changes or blurry vision. Most often there are no symptoms and the only way to detect high BP is to get it checked.
       If you have a family history of high BP, it is important to get your BP checked at least yearly over the age of 35 or 40. Also, if you have a family history of high cholesterol, d iabetes or heart attacks, or you yourself have any of these conditions or are overweight, it is important to get your BP checked.

       Q: What's normal blood pressure?

       A: Normal BP is a range which varies from person to person. Usually, BP ranges from 90/60 to 140/90. Most of our FGAs are between 40 and 50 years old and should not have a BP above 140/90.

       Q: What should I do if I have high blood pressure?

       A: If you do have an elevated BP on two or more occasions, it is important to take ac tion now before the high BP causes any damage to your blood vessels, brain, heart or kidneys. If you are overweight, you should lose weight.
       Most Family diets are heavy on eggs, butter or margarine, fried and breaded foods, whole milk, red meat and cheese--all of which are very high in fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is the fatty substance that can clog your arteries and contribute to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. As older adults, we need to drastically modify what we eat as we get older. Chicken, fish, beans and turkey make good substitutes.
       Another step to better health and lower blood pressure is regular exercise. A brisk walk three times a week or an aerobic workout with light weights three times a week is the minimum we should we aim for.

       Q: If I have high blood pressure, what should I avoid?

       A: A habit we should all get into is to remove the salt shaker from the table. Certainly if you know that you have high BP, you should eliminate extra salt from y our diet. Salt essentially expands the blood volume by retaining fluids--mostly water--and hence, elevates your BP.
       All of the vitamins and foods mentioned in Sonnet's article above are either high in potassium--which seems to help lower BP--or are high fiber foods which lower cholesterol, such as oatmeal.


       It is important to drink plenty of water for good health. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water, especially when exercising. Your muscles perform better if kept supplied with the liquid they need. For those looking to sweat off the pounds with sauna suits, sweats, etc., watch out! You could be doing harm to your bodily system. You'll lose weight, but water weight only.--And when you drink water to quench your thirst, the weight comes back. Give your body all the water it needs, and you'll find you work and feel better during exercise.
       --Steven Watchman and Mary P.I., USA

       Doctor's Recommendation: Six to eight 8 ounce glasses (8 oz = 1 cup) of water daily is the right amount needed for all-round good health.

ideas and tips

Video parties
       This month I began having video parties. The hostess invites a few of her friends, and then I present the tapes and videos, using the trailers at the end of the videos. The guests make their orders and give a deposit to cover the seedcorn, and I tell them to allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Once we receive the order, I make up the ladies' packages and deliver them to the hostess, who collects the outst anding balance and delivers the tapes. The parties have a snowball effect as the aim is for each party to generate enough interest that a guest will book a party for themselves. As an incentive, once they get $100 worth of orders they get a free video.
       --Joy, USA

Follow-up for you
       It used to take quite an effort to write follow-up letters. Then the Lord showed me to pray and get prophecies for each one. It really worked! It helped me to know what to write, and understand them and their si tuations better. It pays to hear from the Lord!
       --Sunny, Taiwan

City Hall can help
       We asked City Hall for plaques of appreciation to give our contacts whose donations help the poor and needy of our city. The mayor's PR woman let us write out what we wanted for each contact, and then they made beautiful awards signed by the mayor which we framed and gave to our major contacts. The response has been wonderful!
       --Charity, USA

friendly factoid

       (From the Grapevine Editors:) From time to time we receive e-mail articles from the four corners of the Earth (all of which we're tremendously pleased to receive!) which contain, well, rather "hot" contents. It's one thing if you are sending in a witnessing testimony, kidbit contribution, joke or a personal view, but let's say you type a few paragraphs from a recent GN or Family pub on a sensitive issue, add your comments or thoughts on the matter, and send it on its merry way through the worldwide wires. You may go to sleep for the n ight thinking that the contents of your e-mail message are safe and secure, but if you didn't encrypt it, you might as well post it for the whole world to read!
       Moral:Please be sure to encrypt e-mail messages with sensitive contents. You can use the WSPubs CPY key, found on the HomeARC CD. Thanks!

new idea from you!

       It would be helpful to have a column where different ones could share positive tips about how to show more love and understanding within our Homes, such as: It's nice for o utreach teams to come home and be greeted with a warm "hello," a hug, and to be asked how their day went, as opposed to feeling as if no one even noticed that you were gone.
       Another example would be to not judge brethren prematurely. For instance, when someone new comes to your Home, they may not always be so jovial or seem happy, or they may tend to sleep in a lot, etc. Instead of criticizing, realize that perhaps that person is going through a hard time, a breaking or a heartbreak, or is fig hting physical afflictions or big spiritual battles. We need to learn to be each other's friend and be an encouragement spiritually, and show that we have faith in each other.
       --Amy Marie Free, USA

ws news

Thanksgiving celebration

       After Peter and Matthew's return from visiting the GPU and the NACRO office, we enjoyed the special treat of Thanksgiving dinner together with Mama and Peter.
       Mama said, "Every day should be Thanksgiving for us, and we should celebrate it daily by being pra iseful and thankful to the Lord and each other. But, just like at Christmas we have a special day that we celebrate Jesus' birthday--even though we still celebrate it every day, or we should be celebrating it--at least that one day represents what we celebrate all the time. Thanksgiving can be the same; we celebrate it officially on a special day, but it should only represent the celebrating we do every day in thanksgiving to the Lord for His many blessings."
       After the meal, we all went around the room and said one or two things that we were thankful for from the past year. It was like an extended praise time! For your interest, here is what Mama and Peter praised the Lord for:
       (Peter:) I'm thankful for another year with Mama! I'm very thankful for the trips that I made this year to Europe, Russia, Thailand and Japan. I'm thankful for the Family everywhere that's out there doing the job.
       (Mama:) I'm thankful for all the prophecy, for our tremendous Family, for our wonderful Home, for Dad continuing to run the Family under the Lord.--And of course I'm thankful for Peter. That goes without saying! And a new, one hot off the griddle, is the Lord's anointing on all of you to help me with various projects so that I can have a little more time to pray and think and to meditate and to concentrate on the GNs. This is my most recent, real big blessing, that you all can help me with so much, and that the Lord's given you the anointing for it.

now that's funny!

Ten Rules of Dieting

       1. If you eat something but no one else sees you eat it, it has no calories.
       2. When drinking a diet soda while eating a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are canceled by the diet soda.
       3. When you eat with someone else, calories don't count as long as you don't eat more than they do.
       4. Foods used for medicinal purposes never count (e.g. hot chocolate, toast, cheesecake).
       5. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
       6. Movie-related foods (butt ered popcorn, etc.) do not have calories because they are part of the entertainment package and not part of one's personal fuel.
       7. Cookie pieces contain no calories. The process of breaking the cookie causes calorie leakage.
       8. Late-night snacks have no calories. The refrigerator light is not strong enough for the calories to see their way into the calorie counter.
       9. If you are in the process of preparing something, food licked off utensils have no calories (e.g., peanut butter on a knif e, ice cream on a spoon).
       10. Foods of the same color have the same number of calories. Examples are spinach and pistachio ice cream, mushrooms and white chocolate. Chocolate is a universal color and may be substituted for any other.

thanking …

--for your spirit story contributions

       Rejoice Evermore (England), Faithy Canadian (Brazil), Jonathan (of Mary, Hungary), Esther and Vicky (Russia), Harvest Gold (USA), Peter German (Thailand), Ruth (Thailand), Sheryl D. (19, Romania), Joanne M. (VIP Home, Russia), Crystal (of Luke, India), Love (of Pat, USA), Agnes (Europe), Marie-Claire (11, of Eman and Claire, France), Michele (10, of Johannes and Milcah, France), Ruth (17, Bangkok), Priyanka (10, of Mark and Faithy, India), Samaria (16, Mideast), Suzie Branch (Pakistan), Jonathan (of Mary, Hungary) and Ruby-Happy (Moldova).

       (From the Heaven's Library editors:) If you have sent in only part of your story, please send in the rest as soon as you are able, as we're beginning to plan the Heaven's Library issues for the New Year! Thanks!

minor improvements

--childcare tips and trix from you

Pub geography
       Bring along a world map, atlas or globe when reading the Grapevine or Family in Action; they make wonderful tools to teach the children geography.
       --Stefan Newheart (of Joy), ASCRO

Prophecy pictures
       During MC/OC devotions, I found it helped keep their attention--especially when reading prophecy--when they were allowed to illustrate what they were hearing. Som e beautiful word pictures were the result, and it was easier for them to sit still and tune in.
       --Mary, Ukraine

LWG sample
       After eating a bag of delicious potato fries, we wrote the manager of the manufacturing company, thanking them for making them so yummy. Two days later, a truck drove up with a box of 50 bags of potato fries for the "children of the Family!" We got the idea from Grandpa and the shredded wheat in Life With Grandpa!
       --Tim and Aura, Philippines

Computer school
       Enc yclopedia programs as well as other educational computer programs make for interesting school time! The kids really enjoy them, and even to be able to press a key here or there makes their day!
       --Janet (teen), ASCRO

Using the Picture BOF
       I feel that our current generation of YCs and MCs don't know much about the Endtime. We have found the poster books and the Picture Book of the Future to be terrific tools. We gave each of the kids their own copy of the Picture BOF, which they proudly wro te their names in and brought to devotions every morning. At the end of our weeklong study, it was inspiring to see the kids reel off the events of the End in chronological order.
       --Simon Simple, India

Knights and ladies
       For kids' activity night, the children dressed up as knights and ladies and read parts of the Charity and Charm and Becoming God's Man books. We prepared a very nice dinner for them, then played some interesting games. We even had a king and queen, and everyone was expect ed to have good manners. The children were thrilled and so excited.
       --Prem, Ruth, Paul and Praise, India

Praise time kit
       WS is putting out so many beautiful tools, but we found that often they weren't readily available for praise times. So we put a box together with praise kisses, verses, Praisin' U mags, and all such praise time material, as well as a weekly chart with different ideas for each daily praise time slot. Our praise time is a lot more fun and inspiring!
       --Jim, Lily and John P., Turkey

Dancing opens doors
       The Lord opened the door for our MCs on up to be trained by a professional Thai classical dance teacher. We had some deadlines for shows, so the kids and teens worked hard to learn the three dances in less than two weeks. We performed at a local old folks home, and the governor and mayor of the province were there. The man hosting the show was so impressed that he begged us to do a show in another city where he works. We did end up going there, and the mayor of the city was there too. At this show they interviewed teen Lisa and her younger brother, Stevie, in Thai. Everyone was very impressed that they could speak Thai so well. Not only was it a good witness, but we were able to give the teens credits in the CVC vocational program for Thai dancing.
       --Tim, Cheerful and Phoenix, Thailand

Trying the different
       I have a group of five children (ages 6-8). I really enjoy implementing ideas from the Raise 'em Right, or the latest CC pubs, or even som e of my own wild ideas! Case in point: going to the computer and letting them figure out what their prayer warrior schedule or JJT schedule should be instead of me telling them that So-and-so will be on this. They love eating up on the roof (terrace) and away from the dining room. They like helping me plan next kids SPAC (special activity). All that to say: Let's break out of some of the eagle's chains and see what freedom brings!
       --Janet (14), ASCRO

Buddy friend
       This month in our childca re meeting, everyone picked a child's name from a hat. We then made a prayer list for each child: We listed some of their NWOs, wants, needs, etc. We had to study about that child in the Word, and at the next childcare meeting we shared what we found. It was very inspiring to hear what everyone found. It increased everyone's desire to understand and have a love for that particular child. In the coming weeks we're going to be a buddy-friend to that kid, and will make an effort to take Word time o r do something special with that child before our next childcare meeting.
       --Betty (16), Czech Republic

tip of the day

Is Word for Windows working extra slow for you?

       When installing Word 95 or Word 97, there is a utility program automatically installed in your Startup folder called Find Fast. This program allows Word to find files a bit faster, but the downside is that Find Fast can sometimes slow your whole Windows system down considerably. The only solution is to remove Find Fast c ompletely. (Most people never need the program anyway.) To remove it from your system, perform the following general tasks:

       1. Delete the Find Fast shortcut from the Startup folder.
       2. Double-click on the Find Fast icon in the Control Panel and delete any indexes listed there.

Members Only Family Web Site!

       January password: pencil!chair

peanuts 'n' raisins illustration

Christopher (2) saw Mommy wrapping tinsel around the Christmas tree, he ran towards her & shouted, "Mommy, STO P! You're choking the tree!" --Thailand

newdayz comic strip

Christmas Praise Time

peculiar people comic strip

Christmas Angel, inspired by ML #3150


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family