DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
Joaquin Phoenix, Billy Crudup, Liv Tyler
Love story/character study following three years in the lives of two families of teenagers in a small Midwestern U.S. town during the late 1950s. Lessons on love, fo
rgiveness and sibling rivalry.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
McHALE'S NAVY (1997)
Tom Arnold
Light comedy loosely based on an old TV series. A former navy commander is recruited to help on a top secret mission. Entertainment only; foolish in parts.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Peter O'Toole, Harvey Keitel
Controversy erupts in England during World War I, when two girls produce photos of fairies. Interesting historical drama with a look at some of
the famous personalities of that time, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (author of Sherlock Holmes) and Houdini.
China e-mail security
(From PACRO Office:) Some Family members recently sent one of our China Homes a very identifying unencrypted e-mail message, which not only included things about the Family, but also the e-mail addresses of other Homes. Needless to say, we were quite concerned, as China is classified as a "sensitive country." Not only is China sensitive tow
ards our work, but the authorities there can and do intercept e-mail any time they want without anyone knowing! This could link up the Homes there; so if something is sent "open" there could be serious repercussions.
In light of this, we wanted to ask everyone to please not send anything directly to the China Homes, but rather through the PACRO China Desk which we've set up specifically for handling communications to and from them. E-mail: tyofam@crisscross.com. If you have something private t
o send someone, you can close it in their key and send it to the PACRO Office, and we'll pass it on. We're sorry if this complicates things for anyone, but it's very important that we are able to keep a secure line of communication with the Homes in China, and the only way to do that is to not have a lot of direct communication back and forth between the Homes there and other Homes. We really appreciate your help with this! (Peter: Mama and I agree. This is important; please follow these instruc
tions closely. Thank you.)
CLE tips
> To ensure the safety of your CLE order, it's wise to use double envelopes or tape your envelope closed, especially if there's money enclosed. Some orders have arrived in a thin, single airmail envelope with the edges worn or torn open--and the check gone!
> Make sure your return address is written on the envelope. If you fail to do so and make any mistake in addressing the envelope or use insufficient postage, your order--and any funds enclosed
--could be permanently lost.
[Fact box: Since January 1, 1997, over seven tons of CLE materials have been shipped to Family customers in 41 countries!]
-- Russian couple and single mom family counting on YOU to help us reach southern Russia before the doors close. We need a sister Home and/or donations. We're doing lots of shows and CTP.--RU049.
-- Family with seven kids, now two years in China, working with over 100 children daily, regular adult Bible studies, an
d much more! Support needed!--Kevin and Marie Doorkeeper, via PACRO.
-- Want to adopt a Home that is committed to winning, training and establishing a local church in every city in central/northern China? Please support Mike, Vicki and Home. (CH607)
what's up?
Life for the Lord
(From Margie [of Jerry Paladino]:) This year, on my birthday, I celebrated my 25th year in the Family. I shared with my kids all the Lord led me to do through the years: kitchen work in Ireland for eight
months, translation and pubs for four years in France, being a traveling shepherd and witnessing in Southern France, FFing and cooking in Tenerife, VSing and traveling all over Europe for three years after the RNR, having a FFing/witnessing Home in Geneva, moving to MWM and starting my life as a mother at 31, camping for one-and-a-half years in Greece, living in Sri Lanka for two years, living selah in the Philippines for two years, separating from Josiah and then doing the DF ministry for anoth
er two years, moving to Japan and living with Johanne and Lydia for nine years, first in Tokyo and now at the HCS for three-and-a-half years.
At each stage of my life I thought that that was what I would be doing until Jesus came back--that I'd always do pubs work, continue to FF, be a childless wife, or have to take care of my handicapped child. But each stage was perfectly timed and designed. I was promoted and demoted. I lived in popular situations and under persecution, in times of plenty
and at times when we hardly had anything. I was married, divorced, single, remarried, barren, now a mom of 11! I can only say that I am so thankful to have given my life to the Lord in this Family. Each phase taught me a lot; each situation and condition was tailor-made for me, and I can certainly testify that Jesus gives us life more abundantly!
At this point I can't say that I've got any personal ambitions, except to be a yielded vessel in Jesus' hand, ready for whatever He has for me.
man of faith
(From Marty and Anna:) Maggie is a single mom with two kids. She recently decided to go to China. However, as we are a small Home with a number of children, she is very busy helping with their care and keeping the Home running. The Lord gave her the idea to launch a fundraising attack over the phone! She went through the business cards she's collected during outreach, and in spare moments, began calling people to present her need. Within a couple of months the Lord has sup
plied abundantly! Where there's a will, there's a way--and nothing can stop the woman of faith!
Personal prophecy
(From an adult woman:) When my son attended the JETT/teen camp, he was handed a prophecy that someone had received for him. When he returned home, he asked me if I had received it for him (I had also attended the camp). When I told him no and that I hadn't even read it, he was very surprised as it contained some personal counsel that he was sure I had said, as I often
tell him the same things at home! It was quite a confirmation to him that it was the Lord speaking!
At the camp, after praying for the gift of prophecy, we separated into groups to hear from the Lord. In my group of about 10 or so young people, all but one person received a prophecy from the Lord! It seemed so matter of fact, like "everyone's doing it," and the prophecies received were beautiful!--A good example of positive peer pressure!
The whole Home
(From Gabe, Maria and Phili
p:) The Lord told us in prophecy that He wanted our whole Home to make a faith trip to a nearby city. So all six of us and one catacomber packed in our Russian vehicle and headed off. We passed out 10,000 posters in six days, visited two orphanages where we performed, and won 300 souls!--All because we included the Lord in on all our decision-making!
Deciding themselves
(From Ben, Clarissa, Shad and Amada:) On Prayer Day our focus was Christmas prep. We let our 10-14-year-olds read the
prayer flyer together and hear from the Lord about ideas, goals, etc. They have responded so well in recent weeks to the challenges in recent pubs to be missionaries and witness more, so they saw this as a chance to get out and do something!
When they realized that the goals they were setting would require a great deal of time and a good measure of personal sacrifice, they stopped to pray more about how to implement it. They decided that they would forsake all computer games for the four or f
ive weeks of Christmas push.
As they further discussed computer games, they unitedly decided to delete any and all games that were violent, destructive or warlike, and any that had other weird creatures, symbols, aggression, etc. God bless 'em! They said they wanted to trust the Lord to supply good, constructive, edifying games, and promptly deleted them all after devotions!
Prison ministry
(From Tim, Aura and YA Christina:) It's been over a year now since the Lord opened the
door for us to have a prison ministry at the New Bilibid Prison--the biggest prison in the Philippines where the most hardened criminals, the most notorious drug dealers, leaders of the communist party in the Philippines, and bank robbers are confined. Sounds a little scary, doesn't it? But "where sin abounded, God's grace did much more abound!" (Rom.5.20).
Right now we are concentrating on the maximum security compound, which has 5,000 inmates, but we have plans to expand and visit other pri
sons in the country. With government accreditation, we've been given freedom to visit the three major prisons in the country with almost ten thousand inmates. The ministry is limitless.
"Hated of all men …"
(From Ruby Happy:) With the new law passed in Russia, orthodox people are becoming more hostile towards other religions. The other day while out postering, a couple of people ripped up our posters, and many people screamed at us, "You are sectarians! What's your religion? Are you
orthodox?" I had a check to stop, but I thought it was just the Devil wanting me to stop witnessing. I didn't stop to pray and hear from the Lord, but continued postering.
Then a man and woman came up to me and grabbed all the posters out of my hand and left. I thought they had gone, so I got more posters from my partner and continued. Just then, I heard someone behind me say, "Excuse me!" I turned around and it was the same two people. The man ripped up my posters and at the same time the la
dy sprayed something in my eyes. I managed to turn my face, but still, she sprayed half of my face with a liquid that burned and made me cry. We found a hotel to wash it off, but the pain lasted for a few hours. TTL it wasn't more serious.
The Lord told us in prophecy that it's more important than ever to be sensitive to His checks and follow Him closely, in preparation for the days ahead. It's a part of our Endtime training. (Editor's note: Please pray for the Family's outreach in Russia, as
things seem to be tightening up considerably there since the new laws were passed.)
mama's mailbox
Dear Mama,
I have seen that some brethren, in my opinion, don't really care about their supporters and sheep. If the contact doesn't help abundantly and faithfully, they won't be so inspired about praying for them or following up on them. But if the person is helping abundantly, they will really "amen" the prayer, and talk respectfully about that person. I know that if a person is a faithfu
l supporter, we need to invest our time, prayers and attention in him, but maybe the other ones that are not helping so much need even more prayer, and we shouldn't just drop them. The tendency is to go on the outward appearance and wanting immediate results. I've found that the times when I meet people who need more feeding and care, and I take the time to give it, the Lord always pays back wonderfully!
The Lord is saying how this is a day of love, being humble and meek, and how our relations
hip with Him is the most important thing. But it seems like many think that that means being successful in your job, whether it be outreach, childcare, cooking or whatnot. For example, if somebody is great on outreach and brings in lots of funds, but is grumpy at Home or independent, the shepherds will talk to them, but everyone still holds them in higher esteem than the person who is really sweet, close to Jesus, trying to be a help, but when he goes on outreach, doesn't always bring in abundan
t finances. I thought it was the Lord Who gives the increase. Some days, not much happens in the way of financial blessings, and on other days, He gives it all on a silver platter.
I think we need to remember our priorities: Love is the most important thing, and all the rest will follow.
--female (17), Europe
Dearest Mama Maria,
Ever since I watched the Summit videos and got the gift of prophecy, it has been a vital tool to me. Now I get up 15 minutes earlier each morning to take time wi
th Jesus, and usually try to get a prophecy for the day. It's not much time, but it makes a noticeable difference in my day.
I had been getting a lot of headaches for over six months and I didn't know why. So I finally asked the Lord about it and He said that everytime I feel like I'm getting a headache it's because I need to stop and spend time with Him. It's so neat! I would have never thought of anything like that myself. He gives me answers to everything, as well as encouragement and instr
uction. Since the Spirit Stories GN, I have started getting a story prophecy.
I'm so thankful for everything you've poured into us. Maybe the fruit hasn't blossomed yet, but the roots are there and it's taken effect in my life at least. Don't ever think you're giving us too much, because every single Letter has been such a help to me!
--female (16)
fruitful fields
Estonia - (From Lily and Sia:) This summer the Lord supplied for Sia (a.k.a. Juanita) and me to go to Estonia on a shove-off
from California! I was surprised to see how modern Estonia is, considering that it only received its independence in 1991. Most people live in apartments, which are carry-overs from the communist regime. The majority of the people in Estonia speak English, as that is the business language. There are many Russians there.
On a four-day road trip, we distributed 10,000 posters! It was thrilling to see the posters being read immediately, instead of being cast to the ground.
Estonia is indeed a
fruitful field and the place to be! We plan on returning soon! If you or your teens are losing the fire, pent up in fields that are hard and saturated with the Gospel, get yourself and them to a ripe mission field! It will get those fires burnin' again! It's hoppin'!
open forum
--thinking of leaving?
-- Have you ever thought of leaving the Family? If so, what made you decide to stay in the Family?
-- Or, if you've had a close friend who left the Family, why did you decide to stay in th
e Family even though they left?
During my JETT and early teen years, when my shepherds would tell me, "Hey, the System's not where it's at," I'd think, "Yeah, sure! You guys always say that, just cause you don't wanna lose us!" Then of course, there was the lure of life as portrayed in the movies--reel, but not real. I guess many teens have that feeling of, "Oh, if only I could have the rich life those guys in the movies have, it'd be so cool." I felt this way too. But seeing how some of my
relatives who have made it big time in the world as movie stars, commercial models and TV celebrities live lives that are so totally screwed up made me not envy them.
A few of my friends or other teens I used to work with have left to try to live it up in the System. One YA girl left in hopes of pursuing a higher education abroad, but ended up working at a local fast-food restaurant and is now stuck with drinking problems, wrecked health, etc.
We are so blessed to be chosen out of billions t
o be born into the Family and not have to search our whole lives for it. Is it really worth it to give up my place in this wonderful Family with all of its spiritual benefits and blessings for an empty life in the System with no goals, no happiness, and no love? I don't think so.
--Nikki (16), Philippines
A little over three years ago I was working in a ministry that I didn't like very much, with people I didn't get along with. I wanted more responsibility and I wanted a change, but didn't
know how I could get out of my situation. Then, out of the blue, I found out that my older brother--my good friend and role model--decided to leave the Family. I was crushed to hear that my own brother had left.
Not only that, but he knew I wasn't happy in my ministry and said that with the talents I had, I could do so much better for myself in the System; I'd get paid and I could take credit for the things I did.
Now I had to make a decision as to what I would do. Here was a big opportunity
! My brother, who was "always right," thought it was in my best interests to leave, and furthermore, he'd be there for me and help me until I got on my feet.--If I was waiting for a break, here it was!
I didn't want to tell anybody that I was considering leaving, so I did a lot of praying, telling the Lord I'd still serve Him, but that I just couldn't hold on any longer in my present situation and knew I could do better for myself. Up until that time I had basically stayed in the Family becaus
e there was nothing else to do and I knew I couldn't make it in the System, but I finally had to make a solid decision one way or the other. Thank God I decided to stay, because now I'm ever so glad I did. That situation passed and the ministry I'm in now has been one of my secret dreams for as long as I can remember.
What made me decide to stay? Firstly, I figured, "I can't base my decision on something that my brother, or anybody else for that matter, does." It's a scary thought, but I had t
o ask myself if I would continue to stay and serve the Lord even if my parents, brothers and sisters all left and were against me. It'd certainly be rough, but hey, if our FGAs had based their decisions on others, there wouldn't be a Family today. Secondly, after considering it from all angles, I'm positive this is the best place in the world to be--if I didn't think so I'd be outta here in a second. Maybe it's a good way to look at it, maybe not, but it's kept me here so far, because I sure hav
en't found anything better!
--female (21)
It comes down to whether we are going to be "wise men" who learn from our own mistakes, or "wiser men" who learn from the mistakes of others. Regardless of how much we have been told about the dangers of the world, and how empty and meaningless it is, some still want to try it out--if for nothing else, simply because it is the other side of the fence. Knowing that in spite of things not going perfect or working out the way you wished they had in peo
ple's lives, still, God is so great that He can turn even these seeming failures into big victories in His time!
If we are the elite of God's greater army of Christians, it is no wonder that we are going to have some drop out--if not permanently, at least temporarily. I know this is a hard realization for parents, and even for us young people when we see our peers or friends leave, because you want all of them to make it. Seeing Mama's sweet sample in the things she wrote and the Words the Lor
d gave for David in GN #692 ("The Road To Commitment") when he was going through rough times and even made some wrong choices encouraged me along these lines.
--male (26), USA
We can all agree that when the Charter first came out, there were many mistakes made, and some people really went through the mill. My mate and I were some of those who had to cross the Jordan. We found ourselves and our children with no money, no assets, and no Home in our city willing to host us, as they were all "s
tarting with a new vision," etc. We hadn't met up with our team yet, so we were on our own, so to speak.
It was a very difficult time, both physically and emotionally, because we'd been in the Family so many years and now we were suddenly alone. But the Lord never failed us, and the one thing that kept us going was knowing that only in the Family would we be able to receive the Words of David. Actually, the alternatives were not very attractive, and I can honestly say that it was a case of: "T
o whom shall I go? Thou alone hast the words of eternal life"(Jn.6:68).
--an adult woman, India
When recently visiting my cousins and other relatives and comparing their life to ours in the Family--there is such a difference! They were amazed, though I consider myself a normal Family member. I cooked several meals while there, and when I told them that I cook for over 30 people every night, they were shocked! They were amazed that I was able to speak Thai. My youngest brother (1½) could cou
nt to ten, make animal noises, etc. People were asking if he was advanced for his age, and we told them that in the Family most kids his age are like that; he is just normal, which impressed them.
Those are just a few of the many things that I saw in the difference between our training and theirs, not to mention all of the spiritual input, and insight to the Lord's secrets in the Word. I am one of many Family teens that can testify that the Family is the BEST place to be! I have no questions o
r doubts--I'm totally convinced!
--Bianca (15), Thailand
When my brother left the Family, I was super disappointed. I guess I never thought that such a thing could happen to my own flesh-and-blood family! At first I was heartbroken, but after a while I became bitter about it, thinking that it was the adults in the Home and the way the Family was run that made him leave! Then suddenly, I was constantly thinking about taking off as well to join him. I couldn't stand the conditions I was in, a
nd I wanted to get out fast! Dunno why, but I never had the guts to tell anyone. (That's where the verse comes in: "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin!" Ha!) I even thought of sneaking off!--Horrible, huh?
It was during one of the teen camps that I decided I would stay in the Family, come what may! Since then, I've been enjoying life and serving the Lord in the way-cool Family! We're in good contact with my brother, and I have faith that one day he'll return!
--a female teen, Asia
There ha
ve been several times in my life when I thought of backsliding, for different reasons. There were times when I didn't feel like I was doing that much for the Lord, and the thought of getting a System job and making lots of money in order to support the Family seemed alluring. It was all for so-called "good motives," but deep in my heart I knew that if I left, I would end up just living for myself.
I wasn't afraid of going to the System because I felt like I could "make my mark," and I think th
e Enemy uses self-confidence because when you're a young man, you feel you can take on the world and nothing is impossible. But I knew that I would end up very selfish and would soon forget about my noble ideals of helping the Family and others with the money that I made. I knew if that happened, the Lord would be very displeased with me. I'd think about what would happen when I got to Heaven and what I would tell the Lord, and I knew my "good excuses" would quickly crumble into dust; I would be
left with shame and contempt for having lived selfishly for myself instead of for others.
I've always believed that when you know something is the truth, then you should go for it all the way. Something is either right or wrong. If it's wrong, then I don't want to have any part in it; and if it's right, then how can I live with myself if I don't stay true to it? I would be living a lie, and I can't face that. So when I was tempted with leaving the Family--either because I was tired of making
sacrifices and just wanted to "do my own thing" for a while; or because I was going through battles about some Family doctrine or policy; or because of the pull of materialism that the world has to offer--I would review what I call my "theory" on staying in the Family vs. backsliding. I tend to be analytical and like to be convinced of things, so looking at the situation from a logical viewpoint helps me. Here it is:
So then here's the chain of logic: Either the Family is the truth or it is no
t. If it is, then I'd be living a lie to turn my back on it. If I say it is not the truth, then I have to deny that Mama and Peter are being led of the Lord in their leadership of the Family. To deny that I would then have to deny that Dad was a prophet of God, because for many years throughout many Letters he said how Mama would inherit his mantle and the Lord would lead her. If I were to deny that Dad was really a prophet of God, I would have to deny that Christianity is the true faith, becaus
e everything he preached was based on the Bible and basic Christian beliefs. Besides, I don't know of any other Christian groups that are following the Bible and living for Jesus like we are. So if Dad was wrong, then I have to throw out Christianity. If I throw out Christianity, then I have to through out Jesus. If I deny Jesus, then I have to either say that some other non-Christian religion is true--and I don't believe any are--or that there is no God.
I know that there is a God, there's no
question in my mind about that. So working my way back, if God exists, then Jesus exists. If Jesus exists, then the Bible is true, and Christianity is true. If Christianity is true, then Dad was right and a prophet of God. If Dad was God's prophet, then Mama and Peter are His anointed successors and are being led of the Lord. And if that's the case, then the Family is on the right track. Therefore, to leave the Family would be to deny the truth and accept a lie. This I cannot do.
Of course th
ere are many other reasons why, when tempted with thoughts of leaving the Family, I did not. One is that I know that people in the Family really care about me, whereas out in the System the same love and care is not easily found. Another is that I want to do something meaningful with my life, and if Heaven is real, then what could be more meaningful than helping people get there for eternity? I don't have enough space to tell of all the other various reasons why I decided to stay, but whenever I
wavered in those reasons, reviewing the logic I spelled out above always helped to bring me back to the basics: If I don't live for the truth, then of what value is my life?
--male (28)
Over the last few years, the majority of my personal family has left the Family. I never thought it would happen to my parents, to my brothers and sisters, but it has! At first I tried to excuse them--convincing myself that it wasn't their fault; that they had been mishandled or unjustly treated. I'm sure t
here were mistakes made, and no doubt they were treated in an unloving manner by some people; but that happens to all of us, and people the world over. I had to face the facts that they had made a personal choice in the matter.
Then I tried to reason out in my mind whether it was the Lord's will for them to be out of the Family at this point. Maybe they're still in God's highest will, and He just has a different plan for them, I thought. Well, I can't second guess the Lord's plan for someone e
lse, but after much confusion and condemnation over the whole issue, my faith has settled back to the basics: I know that the Lord has called me to the Family, and no matter how it appears to me that others are getting along outside of the Family, I know that my place is here.
I know in my heart that I'm called to give my life to the Lord in full-time service, and if you're wondering, just get quiet for a moment and ask Him to confirm what you're supposed to do with your life. Jesus can light
that flame in your heart again, like He did mine, even if it's nearly gone. He also gave me peace about my loved ones and close friends who have left the Family. They're in His hands, and He's watching over them!
--female (23)
Many times the thought of living for myself has seriously crossed my mind; I wanted to tell you why I couldn't, why I wasn't able to--and to ask the Family some questions.
From the time I was a young child, I was taught the Word. We memorized verses, quoted them bef
ore our movies, had them hanging around our neck, reviewed during dishes, during JJTs, during work, while standing in the corner, had Word playing on tape recorders when we went to bed and when we woke up. During quiet time and free time we were taught to redeem the time and get in the Word. We often played Word-based games in the evenings, etc. We were drenched in the Word! As I am sure that others my age can testify, we were fed the Word like that quote about praise: "When you feel like it and
when you don't feel like it!"
However, those conditions have given me a foundation and ballast that has kept me in communication with Jesus, and has given me an unshakable desire to do His will. I think that people from this generation, generally, have that same foundation and connection to Jesus, thanks to the sample and Word of our JETT and teen years.
I'm writing this to ask the Family--especially the YAs and SGAs--about our young people, our JETTs and teens of today. What are you doing
to help them?! I can't help but look at them growing up and wonder what they're gonna be like in the future. Our young people need to get that solid training and foundation in the Word now! I know the Lord is gonna hold everyone responsible who could have had something to do with helping them.
Let's give them a chance to have that Word ballast put in the "church" of their lives, so that with all the changes and new "windows and doors" being put in, they will stand strong. Let's not let them fa
il the Lord because of our own selfish compromises; not doing our part in training, caring for, and even correcting them, just because we don't want to live up to the standard ourselves. We have come so far and poured so much into our children--let's not give up before we receive and reap the rewards!
--a concerned YA
Right now about 10 names come to mind--all friends of mine that have left the Family. Not only that, but my very best friend (a guy) left the Family as well as my three oldest
brothers, my sister, my mom and dad and all of my younger brothers and sisters. This all didn't happen overnight, but needless to say, it happened! But amazingly enough, every time I would face the disappointment of someone leaving, the Lord would give me the grace for it.
I've always been a person that believed in going all the way. If you have a job or a ministry, then you might as well do the best you possibly can. I knew that if I left, I wouldn't be able to do it half-heartedly, I knew i
t would have to be "all" or "nothing at all." If it was the "nothing at all," I would have had to go back on everything I've believed in my whole life--everything that I know to be true--and I knew I could never live with myself if I did. So I chose the "all."
I've seen where life in the System has led my brothers and friends, and although some are seemingly happy, most are living a dead-end life with no meaning. Some of them can't even read a Bible because it just convicts them too much. Many
are on drugs, drink their weekends away, smoke, and spend the week working to support their habits. They can't even find real friends. It's pitiful.
If I could say one thing to anyone reading, it's this: You can't just quit because life is hard. Life is hard! Life is a constant struggle, but difficulties are what make us strong. You can't just "cop out" because things get rough. Don't be like that guy in "Fighters" who ran off the ice right before that glorious crown was about to descend upon
his head. Maybe others will forsake their spiritual crown for something they can see, but don't you! You'll always be glad that you didn't give up, because the rewards are well worth it, believe me.
I still see my family, write my friends and love them all very much; I don't look down on them for the decision that they've made. But I know that the Family is where the Lord wants me to be, and I could never have it any other way.
I'm no great person. I know I'm not strong, and I give all glor
y and credit to the Lord for helping me to make it thus far and mending my broken heart time and time again. He's never failed me yet, so why should I doubt that He won't pull me through once more? The Lord's often given me this verse, "What is that to thee? Follow thou Me." It doesn't really matter whether 20 more of my friends leave--I'm still staying!
--A. (19, Leo female)
a peek into Mama's Home
--safety standards
(From Gabe:) When we received the sobering prayer request for Tim Dru
mmer the other day (see below), I was reminded of the many safety standards which Dad set up for our Home.
I know we can't legislate righteousness, but we need to try harder to make it impossible for such accidents to happen. Because we are the Lord's Endtime children, the Enemy fights extra hard to stop us from doing the Lord's work, and an incident like this shows how the Enemy is walking about seeking whom he may devour. What may be perfectly fine for non-Family members and kids to do, may
not be fine for us, as the Enemy is out to destroy our usefulness.
We, as a staff, could hardly go for a bike ride without Dad cautioning us about the dangers of bike riding, etc. In Japan we often went on long bike rides on our day off. When Dad found out how far we went, he didn't want us to go so far. Mama explained to Dad how much it meant to us, and after discussing it he agreed that we could go, as long as we didn't go on busy streets where there was a lot of traffic. Dad had reservation
s, because he knew the Enemy would be out to hinder and get us much more than he would someone who wasn't doing anything for the Lord. The admonition sure caused us to be much more careful and prayerful.
While Dad's concerns over things such as bike riding could seem extreme, he was acutely aware of how dangerous even simple things had the potential to be. He instilled in us the necessity to pray, and his precautions prevented a lot of accidents from happening and kept us from doing anything s
tupid or foolish. It's always best to err on the side of caution, prevention and safety, rather than risking your life and valuable service for the Lord!
[Text box: In late November, Tim Drummer (of Debbie SGA) was making a homemade rocket with his younger brothers, when instead of taking off, it backfired and exploded, seriously mangling the last three fingers on his left hand. He had emergency reconstructive surgery, and with the Lord's healing touch he should be able to use his fingers ag
ain if they heal properly. We need prayer against any complications or other attacks of the Enemy so he will be able to drum again and play guitar. He is scheduled to go to India at the beginning of January for the Heart to Heart concert tour. In six weeks the temporary pins will be taken out of his joints and they will start therapy. Please pray that Tim's healing will progress faster than the doctors expect so he can go for the concert tour.]
letters to the editor
Re: Childish Selfishnes
s/One Wife vision
I read these articles (Grapevine #27) and wanted to share that the spirit of One Wife is still in our Home! We are a large Home (22 children and nine adults) and it seems the demands on people grow daily. I just had twin boys, and my husband has gone on a road trip for three months; it has taken me awhile to get back on my feet. Everyone has been an encouragement and help, and I couldn't have made it without them.
The OCs, JETTs and teens have been so willing to help me, an
d it actually brings out the best in them. My junior teen boy has shown a lot of dedication and responsibility in standing in the gap. This shows that boys are needed in childcare and have a lot to offer if given the chance and opportunity, and if they don't yield to negative peer pressure that "maybe only girls are good at CC!"
--Julie (of James), Pakistan
Re: Memorization, anyone?
God bless Joan, from Moldova, for sharing her experience with memorization (Grapevine #29). In our Home we'v
e been doing united memory work. We choose a chapter from Mama's list of basic ones (see the Word Curriculum) and learn one verse a day. Every morning during breakfast we take five minutes to quote our verses, and every two or three weeks we do a test. Whoever passes--which is most everyone--gets a shiner prize (a bookmark, a ticket to a Home movie, a yummy snack, etc.). The Word is now quoted more around the Home, and memorization has gone from the realm of a would-be-nice dream to that of a ch
unky feel-good-about reality.
Don't get the idea that we are all Mr. and Mrs. Spiritual. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of the time it's a case of me-and-my-brother-know-it-all, but at least more Word is going through our minds. And don't forget, it also gives you CVC credits!
--Jonathan Nubes, SPALIM
I'm wondering ...
Q: Page two of the Grapevine states that the Grapevine is not intended to reflect WS policy, but in sections such as I'm Wondering, WS does clarify policy
, etc. Perhaps it should be announced that particular sections of the Grapevine are exempt from that disclaimer.--G. (Romania)
A: Good point! We have now revised the Grapevine disclaimer to reflect the fact that, on occasion, WS does put forth policy in the Grapevine. When something is coming from WS or WS leadership, it will be marked as such.
Q: It was mentioned in a Grapevine that Mama's e-mail address was on the HomeARC. I looked for it myself but couldn't find it. It would be helpful
to be able to share more personal things with her without it going through other hands.--Ruth, Mexico
A: Mama's e-mail address is mpg@ibm.net. As a reminder, please use the "Mama" CPY key (which was sent out with the HomeARC) to close messages that you send to Mama, so that they'll reach her securely!
We've received requests from many of you for a listing of our "alphabet soup" abbreviations. Here are a few:
SGA: Second Generation Adult
FGA: First Generation Adult
CTP: "Consider Th
e Poor"
GPU: GP Pubs Unit
YA: Young Adult (18-20)
CM: Charter Member
FM: Fellow Member
LO: Live-out
CVC: Christian Vocational College
DR: Designated Representative
FAF: Family Aid Fund
FTT: Family Teen Tape
TA: Treasure Attic
CLE: Christian Light Education
HER: Home Emergency Reserve
gaining givers
For the last three years, besides our monthly tithe, we have set aside a specified amount to give to other needy fields. The Lord has honored this by miraculously supply
ing our budget every month, even when it often looked like we may fall short. Just knowing that we do give seems to empower all the Home members with extra faith to believe the Lord will come through, thus giving everyone a greater vacuum for receiving.
Last month we had some extra finances, and the Lord showed us to share them with the other two Homes in our field who we knew were struggling. Some of us had reservations about this, as we could have used the funds to get new equipment, but we
unanimously agreed that we wanted to learn to give more. So we sent each Home a financial gift, and sent some extra funds to Russia and China.
As soon as the new month started, we began receiving gifts and donations above and beyond anything expected! Within a few weeks we received more than $3,500!--And many new open doors for witnessing presented themselves.
--Gideon, Heidi and Lily, Pakistan
your views on issues
Love for music
(From Jerry Paladino:) I've been producing music
for several years now, with great satisfaction and fulfillment; but recently I was finding my studio work growing to be boring, uninteresting and a bit mundane.
The Music Seminar we had with Peter in March brought a breath of fresh air for me, because through it I learned how the Lord wants to make us channels of His love and inspiration to the Family and to the world. Peter's main emphasis was on how we needed to receive instructions from the Lord on a daily basis, and even receive songs sim
ilar to how the "spirit stories" are received.
This new push on asking the Lord what to do has brought new life to my ministry!--New beautiful songs and lots of new musical ideas. It's made a difference in my personal inspiration and productions, as He's given many "apples of gold" and special "pictures of silver." It certainly is a lot more fun than just doing what I want. That gets pretty boring after a while, when you've "seen better days" and don't have that much left to give. I highly rec
ommend it for everyone, especially those who have been involved in the same ministry for some time and are finding themselves in need of some new ideas and refreshment from Heaven. "Jesus has given me back my love for the music!"
Family with manners
(From an adult woman:) I know that we are one big Family, and we live together, help each other and so on. However, I feel strongly that even though we are one big Family, we still need to keep some manners when visiting other Homes. For
example, when people visit our Home, some people just open the refrigerator and take anything and eat it without even asking; or they use rooms and leave them very messy. They probably feel very comfortable and at home; we are one family, therefore our Home is their Home also. But that is not a good Christian sample.
Family vacations
(From John and Ruby:) One thing many of us haven't done much before is have a vacation--not a weekend off, but a full-fledged 2-3 weeks to witness and
relax and have a change of scenery! Some months ago, our Home had started a new plan enabling everyone to keep 10% of the income that they raise. If it is a two-man team, they split the 10%. Since the start of this plan, we've been donating to other missionaries each month, and the Lord has blessed us financially!
The Lord led us to spend a few weeks in Turkey, as we had been there in the early pioneering days and still had a great love for its people, knew the folks there at present, still r
emembered the language a bit, and knew it would be a beautiful place for a summer "holiday." The Family received us so hospitably and made our stay so special. Our saved-up 10% and a gift from our Home helped us to be able to give to the Homes where we stayed and financed our trip and expenses there.
We even had time to see sights, palaces and museums in Istanbul, spend time at the beautiful Aegean Sea and visit Izmir (Smyrna) and Ephesus! Not to mention the fun witnessing everywhere we went!
We looked up the doctor who delivered our second child, Neshe, who was born in Turkey 21 years ago. By a miracle, we located him at the same time as dear Faithy arrived from the States and was soon to have a baby. Our sweet doctor friend was the Lord's setup, and agreed to help her with the birth! Our stay was so fun and an unforgettable pleasure!
Pay and visit?
(From Fortify and Ruth:) We have been burdened by the fact that our younger JETTs and teens haven't had much experience
in a Home environment. They were born in the Family and lived in Homes up to three years ago when we went FM. Would any CM Homes be interested in having some families with JETTs and teens visit them on a paying basis?--That is, to join the Home for two weeks to a month with the understanding that they would pay a certain amount per week/day for food, etc.
Also, with the understanding that it would not be a vacation but a real experience of life on the field--warts and all! All Home rules and d
iscipline would have to be upheld, etc. Perhaps a parent could go with the kids and share the load of witnessing, housework, childcare, etc. Any takers?
All part of the rainbow
(From John [of Milcah]:) I have never left the Family. Though in spirit I have been off the track at times, and reclassified many times, I have in my spirit and convictions never left. Many brethren I have talked with (FMs, LOs and re-transferred CMs) have said the same thing, "I never left." We are all sensi
tive to some extent, so when we are newly transferred to CM and we hear the comment, "Welcome back in" or "Nice to see you join again," one feels like saying, "What do you mean? I never left."
I helped start the Music Magique Studio and camp in '81. I saw musicians come into the camp from System jobs and other situations. I saw the families borrowing from each other, and in my self-righteousness condemned it as "un-Family." I wrote a long report on how it should be, and was subsequently asked
to leave for being too good for the camp of prodigals. Six months later I was invited back--this time a lot more humble--and felt like a prodigal son coming back together with the other prodigals.
CMers, please have a heart. Please don't fall into the same trap as I did, placed there by the Enemy only to create division between us. We may not be doing everything the way you do; we have not been together for some years and have developed differently, but not necessarily wrongly. We have much to
learn, but so do you. Some LOs and FMs may not shine as bright as your bright yellow color in the rainbow, but they are still in the same rainbow of the Lord.
Not virtual
(From Steven Ascribe:) Some have expressed sadness at the time wasted by some of our Family youth that spend hours in front of computer games and videos. Maybe they have a vision for excitement and challenge, but they have yet to discover it outside of virtual reality.
Like the Apostle Paul described the old Mosa
ic law as being a poor shadow of things to come (Heb.8:5; 10:1), I feel the thrills of combat in front of a monitor are nothing to be compared with the thrills of using the new and exciting weapons that He has entrusted into our hands. Not that you can't learn something from computer games and videos--just like much can be learned from the Old Testament--but it's not helping us make our mark on history or giving us the lead roles that God wants us to play in His Endtime drama.
If you get busy
with the real weapons, you will soon wonder how you ever had the time for anything else. Happy witnessing!
ideas and tips
Christmas tool distribution
(From Abner and Promise:) One year we wrote a letter explaining our tools and CTP ministry, and gave this letter to a friend who runs a nursery. She gave our letter to 100 families, along with a blank order for our videos and tapes. These parents ordered 94 videos and 78 tapes--and we never even met them! This year we are going to tr
y this approach with all our friends so that they can order our tools as gifts, while helping our CTP ministries. We will offer a special Christmas set: video, CD, tape, and Christmas story booklet.
Provisioning peer pressure
When going shop-to-shop provisioning in a wholesale market, we took our needs list printed out on our letterhead, with a space for a signature. After one person gave and signed his name, others were encouraged to give also!
--Hosanna, Maryann and David, India
ess cards
If you print on white, your business cards don't stand out if they are put in someone's wallet. Always use a color (even off white) as it stands out in a stack.
--Charity, Lydia, Rosita and Ivan, USA
Mama jewels on … holding on!
--to a staff member
If you can't do anything else, one thing you can do is hang on. As Grandpa's famous quote says--that we all know well: "The Devil can't win if you don't give in!" That's one thing that we can do--hang on. The Lord made that power
available to us when He died for us. There's nobody who can't hang on. There's nobody that it's too difficult for.
Everyone who truly wants to hang on and cries out desperately to the Lord to help them not give in and not quit and not give up is going to have the power to keep going. And then, no matter what happens and no matter how much you are buffeted about or how rough things get, if you just hang on, the Devil is going to give up when he sees that you're not!
From Mama and Peter
ar Family,
We love you very much and are praying for you during this Christmas season. We are so proud of you for pouring out and ministering to others at this time. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless you in every way and that you will feel His great love for you.
Earlier this year we asked the music studios to record a tape of upbeat praise songs to the Lord, titled "The Wild Wind," which should be reaching you around, or shortly after, Christmas, DV.--A Christmas gift from us to you, w
hich you can use in your praises to Jesus throughout the entire year. May He bless and keep you close to Him.
Mama and Peter
Prayer request for Mama
Thank you for your continued prayers for Mama, which are vital to her health and physical well-being. Thank the Lord her eyes have been doing fairly well lately, but she is in desperate need of your prayers for her general strength. She has been quite weakened recently by another prolonged period which has drained her of much of her
strength. This also makes it difficult for her to get any exercise, which then tends to weaken her further. She has much work to do on the Words, and needs your fervent prayers to have the physical stamina to do it. Thank you so much! Mama and I are very thankful for your continued support through prayer. We couldn't do without it.
Unerasable Love
As the nanoseconds turn into milliseconds,
Megabytes of graphics flood my RAM
Displaying high definition images of your co
As I long to interface with you
Through parallel ports
In a network of exquisite impulse.
I long to share your files, access your hard drive,
Activate your peripherals and scan your database;
To blissfully plug into your motherboard:
Multi-tasking in an orgasm of compatibility.
My hard disk fails as I calculate the distance between our terminals;
My keyboard driver cannot create the characters to express
The aching void within my bios,
The fading of my pixe
And the emptiness of my on-board cache
As I detect and battle the subtle virus of despondency.
You are my default configuration,
My pointing device driver and my autoexec.bat file.
Without you I am unable to operate in enhanced mode,
And languish in endless need of technical support.
Come, my love, speak into my modem,
Gently brush against my keys,
Activate me with your power supply.
Whisper the pure logic
That thrills my CPU,
And connects me to the Mainframe in t
he sky.
--written by Simon, to his wife, Pearl, Australia
think deep
The world is blessed most by men who do things, and not by those who merely talk about them.
tip of the day
Minimizing windows in Windows: Click with your right mouse button on the blank gray space at the bottom of the screen and choose "Minimize All." Or if you have a keyboard that has a little "Microsoft Window" button, you can hold that down and hit the "M" key at the same time.
[text box: "If you want to
make me happy, just give me the stats!" -- Dad (ML #1361:173)]
shine on
TEAMWORK Per Adult Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico 4,042 8,085
Tiago/Sara/Marc, Brazil 846 2,540
Pablo E., Chile 574 1,723
Art N./Becky N./Franchesca, U.S.A. 502 5,522
Nehemiah T./Sara L./Jonatan Teac, Mexico 416 1,250
Ezequiel/Rejoice/Jonathan, Brazil 375 1,500
Tiago/Priscila/Josue, Brazil 350 1,402
Ivan/Becky/Alfredo/Raquel, Brazil 344 2,755
Joao/Pandita/Obede/Clara, Brazil 338 1,3
Christian/Marco/Gabriel, Albania 337 1,348
Jonas/Lisa, Sweden 4,250 8,500
Michael/Maria, Japan 2,115 4,230
Abner/Promise, Japan 1,362 2,724
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico 1,175 2,350
James/Claire, Japan 1,173 5,869
Steven/Mercy, Japan 1,145 2,290
James/Joan/Katrina, Denmark 1,023 3,071
Matthew Amos/Ava Newlove, U.S.A. 956 2,869
David/Dove, United Kingdom 880 1,760
Jonathan/Claire, Japan 853 2,560
Pablo E., Chile 110 330
id/Madalena/Francisco/Joana, Brazil 109 545
Pedro Fisher/Maria Fisher, U.S.A. 68 137
Davide/Joan, Italy 67 134
Rute/Primavera/Peter, Brazil 59 238
Abner/Promise, Japan 57 114
John Ricky/Sara, Brazil 51 103
David/Pandita, Japan 50 200
Peter T/Faith T/Seth F/Lily F, U.S.A. 47.6 286
John/Beth, Belgium 47.5 190
Juan/Amor, Chile 65 130
Jose/Ester, Colombia 54 108
Gabriel/Jemima, Brazil 52 105
Davide/Joan, Italy 46 93
Jesse/Joy/Angie, Brazil 42 169
ther/Lena, South Africa 27.8 222
John Ricky/Sara, Brazil 27.5 55
Jimmy/Joy, Taiwan 25 50
Joao/Maria/Andrew/Tamara/Paula, Brazil 24 72
Abner/Esther/Andrew/Katie, South Africa 23.4 117
Michael/Christie/Lydia, Ukraine 5,208 26,040
Oasis--Peter/Esther/Jeremy, Kazakhstan 3,975 31,800
Gideon/Lily/Elia/Carrie, Uzbekistan 1,971 13,800
Peter/Lily/Steven/Joseph, Russia 1,857 13,000
Pats--Nat/Reina/Claire/Bowy, Russia 1769 23,000
John/Joy, Ukraine 1,750 3,50
Omega--Luke/Mercy/Patience, Russia 1,750 7,000
John/Sunny/Christia/Svieta, Russia 1,725 10,350
Candle--David/Rose/Pearl, Russia 1,720 20,645
Philip/Gentleness/Faith, Ukraine 1,625 6,500
1960s 255 2.6%
1970s 3,063 31.0%
1980s 4,128 41.7%
1990s 2,442 24.7%
Total 9,888 100.0%
739 CM Homes
541 FM Homes
1,280 Total Homes
13.4 CM Avg. Home Size
5.9 FM Avg. Home Size
Country Shiners! Top 15 for September 1997
43,688 Mexico 446.3 Albania
33,709 Brazil 336.9 Kazakhstan
21,242 USA 241.8 Venezuela
21,085 Russia 149.2 Philippines
15,917 Chile 143.0 Colombia
14,745 India 117.6 Ghana
12,666 Venezuela 112.4 Bolivia
10,935 Colombia 105.2 Ukraine
7,662 Ukraine 96.8 Mexico
6,358 Japan 90.5 Croatia
4,795 Thailand 86.6 Guatemala
4,334 Italy 84.9 Ecuador
4,056 So. Africa 84.8 Nigeria
3,971 Ghana 80.5 Russia
3,747 Peru 75.8 Chile
14,327 Thailand 7
3.9 El Salvador
12,830 Brazil 70.2 Costa Rica
7,485 USA 59.8 Thailand
4,942 Mexico 55.2 Guatemala
4,786 Chile 55.1 Czech Rep
2,766 Italy 44.7 Philippines
2,669 Japan 43.7 Indonesia
2,392 Taiwan 40.5 Colombia
2,372 Colombia 37.5 Reunion Is.
2,356 India 29.8 Sweden
2,039 Indonesia 26.0 Portugal
2,001 Czech Rep 25.0 Chile
1,934 Canada 25.0 Zimbabwe
1,448 Philippines 23.8 Tahiti
1,410 Russia 23.5 Turkey
917,101 Russia 26,620 Kazakhstan
370,582 Ukraine 15,000 Botswana
291,668 USA 11,417 Estonia
181,562 Japan 5,817 Ukraine
168,590 Kazakhstan 4,179 Latvia
146,161 Hungary 3,840 Lithuania
87,261 Brazil 3,489 Russia
68,698 Mexico 2,052 Moldava
54,317 Romania 1,273 Portugal
53,280 Estonia 1,116 Hungary
44,800 Lithuania 890 Nigeria
38,870 Italy 783 Uzbekistan
37,690 Thailand 675 Zimbabwe
33,272 Poland 668 Romania
27,390 United Kingdom 625 Poland
7,668 Brazil 176.3 Botswana
6,280 Thailand 41.8 Ecuador
2,312 Taiwan 36.3 Zimbabwe
1,696 Chile 30.9 Namibia
1,627 Ecuador 29.6 Portugal
1,530 So. Africa 28.5 So. Africa
1,335 Russia 26.9 Kenya
1,276 India 26.2 Thailand
1,068 Colombia 22.7 Lebanon
1,031 Peru 20.2 El Salvador
1,020 USA 19.5 Bolivia
959 Japan 19.0 Taiwan
805 Mexico 18.0 Colombia
791 Italy 16.9 Peru
734 Venezuela 15.2 Costa Rica
Souls won -- in thousands
63,032 CMs
25,964 FMs
Lit pages distributed -- per adult
3,143 WORLD
3,799 CMs
936 FMs
peanuts 'n' raisins
Cute Kidz comic
illustration: Steve (2 ½) sitting at the table during our Cancer Birthday Party and was being a very good boy whereas his brother Deryk was being quite rambunctious. I told him, "Thank you for being a good boy, Stevie. I love you!" He got down from his chair, walked over to me and said, "Mommy, I'm going to give you a kiss for saying that to me." --Courtesy of Katrina (23) from Brazil Audio Studio
Merry Christmas around the world
Merry Christmas--English
Feliz Navidad--Spanish
Joyeux No
Kellem Sung Tan Chuk Ha--Korean
Mele Kalikimaka--Hawaiian
Shub Naya Baras--Hindi
Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo--Inuit (Eskimo)
Maligayamg Pasko--Tagalog
Kurisumasu Omedeto--Japanese
S Rozhdestvom Kristovym--Russian
Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova--Hebrew
Gledileg Jul--Icelandic
Häid Jõulupühi--Estonian
Sheng Dan Kuai Le--Chinese
Glaedelig Jul--Danish
Hauskaa Jöulua--Finnish
Kellemes Karacsonyi Unnepeket--Hungarian
Fröhliche Weihnachten--German
Kala Christougenna--Greek
Buon Natale--Italian
Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah--Iraqi
Selamat Hari Natal--Indonesian
Zalig Kerstfeest--Dutch
Gledelig Jul--Norwegian
Chuc mung nam moi--Vietnamese
Geseënde Kersfees--Afrikaans
Wesolych Swiat--Polish
Boas Festas--Portuguese
God Jul--Swedish
Tchestita Koleda--Bulgarian
Vesele Vianoce--Slovakian
Sawadee Pee Mai--Thai
Linksmu Kaledu--Lithuanian
Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun--Turkish
Copyright (c) 1998 by
The Family