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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #30; November 1, 1997.)


Copyright © 1997 by The Family

The Grapevine

PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
e-mail: grape@ibm.net

       The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.

       Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


newest nuggets …

       * Nikhita Sharon, born to Tamara and Jonathan.--India
       * Emanuel, born to Polish Rebeka on June 21st.--Russia
       * Juliette Ximena, 7th child, born to Paciencia and Michael on June 29th.--Chile
       * Baby (no name given), 7th child, born to Noemi and Jonathan on July 1st.--Colombia
       * Ricardo Daniel, 2nd child, born to Talita and James (SGAs) on July 1st.--Brazil
       * Timothy Christian, 9th child, born to Amy and Jonathan on July 1st.--Brazil
       * Katya, 2nd child, born to Russian Vera and Polish Daniel on July 24th.--Russi a
       * Julia Lynn, 7th child, born to Mary and Peter Livingstone on July 29th.--Indonesia
       * Baby girl, born to Anne and Marty Steadfast on August 23rd.--Taiwan.
       * Angelina, born to Diamond and Dust on August 27th.--Moldova
       * Amaris, born to Crystal and Michael on August 27th.--Taiwan
       * Gabriel Joel, 10th child, born to Rejoice and Caleb on August 28th.--Sweden
       * Emily Daria, 1st child, born to Polish Sylvia on August 31st.--Hungary
       * Jennifer, 2nd child, born to Polish Rose and Steven on September 5th.--Sweden
       * Margherita Angelica, 9th child, born to Paul and Rebecca on September 9th.--Italy
       * Michelle Shantelle, 2nd child, born to Polish Mercy and Luke on September 14th.--Russia
       * Andrew Lovelight, 4th child, born to Johanna Hungarian and David on September 20th.--Croatia
       * Bo Greg, 2nd child, born to Carina and Mark (SGAs) on September 23rd.--India
       * Brandon Keith, 1st child, born to Charlene (18) and Ben (19) on September 23rd.--Russia


tying the k not …

Francesco (25) and Pricilla (25), both Romanian.--Moldova
       * Juan and Lily tied the knot recently, and Miguel (ABM) led the ceremony. In addition, they're a ready-made family with two kids. Congratulations!--Colombia
       * On August 6th, Katrina (YA) and David (SGA) tied the knot at an indoor pavilion at a small park near our Home.--USA

new laborers … September 1997

       * Dadiva Filadelfia (14, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       * Suzana (15, Brazilian), joined in Brazil.
       * Jorge (25, B razilian), joined in Brazil.
       * Daniel Jose Jacobs (17; of former members) joined a Home in Spain.
       * Daniel Joven (17; of former members) joined a Home in Spain.
       * Shad Douglass (21) rejoined the Family in Romania.
       * Xsenia (20, Russian) joined in Russia.
       * Elia (19, Russian) joined in Russia.
       * Samuel (19, Moldovian) joined in the Ukraine.
       * Daniel (19, Albanian) joined in Albania.
       * Miriam and six children rejoined the Family in Spain.

status change …

       * Solomon (15, America n), changed from FM to CM.--USA
       * Marcus (18, American), changed from FM to CM.--USA
       * Adrianne Milestone (18, American), changed from FM to CM.--Japan
       * Aaron Q. (17, Australian), changed from FM to CM.--Australia

think deep

       The superior man rises by lifting others.

on the net

August/September '97 WEB report
--By Blake, WS

What's New!
       -- Zine3
! Really good!
       -- The Future Foretold.
The whole book!
       -- New "text downloads" page where people can download whole pubs that are online (i.e. Word Basics, Living Waters, etc.).
       -- Miscellaneous changes and improvements.

What's in the works!

       -- Making the Family WEB site a "channel," as well as an active desktop, so people can have sections automatically downloaded onto their computers.
       -- Daily Might
channel to provide monthly subscriptions for people to download the DMs to their computers automatically each month. Nifty new design and animated look. Don't miss it!
       -- New music section with Songbook and Rea l Audio samples.
       -- Zine4
coming soon!

[Note: Stats below in a text box]


       -- 439 MB downloaded
       -- 1,789 people visited the site (about 60 people per day)


       -- 430 MB downloaded
       -- 1,845 people visited the site (about 61.5 people per day)

world news

Arab Festivals
       (From ASCRO:)
We recently performed at the Jerash Festival for the 3rd year in a row. Our team performed four times and had a mass witness to over 65,000. Our first program was filmed i n its entirety, and the following day 20 minutes of the show were beamed across four continents to over 400 million people.
       After the Jerash Festival, we were invited to another set of prestigious festivals in a neighboring country. As the singing team from Thailand was already in the Middle East, after prayer and hearing from the Lord, we decided to make the most of it and to participate in these festivals. The festival people covered all the transportation and accommodations for the two-week duration of the festival in their country, and they were so thankful for our participation.
       These festivals are usually a cultural exchange from one country to another--so most of the other groups were representing their respective countries. We were the only "international" group, who didn't represent any one particular country--well, not an earthly one, at least! It was clear from the start what our mission was in visiting: not only to perform, but to do all we could to share the Lord's lov e and compassion with these beautiful and broken people.
       We went all-out with Consider the Poor projects in any moments we weren't practicing or working out practical details for the show. We visited children's hospitals, orphanages, schools, and gave out provisioned items we had brought with us. We often stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, and then got up after only a few hours of sleep to go to our morning CTP, after which we'd come back to the hotel to practice in the afternoon. Ti ring? Yes.--But no one had any regrets or hesitations, as we knew it was the Lord's mission for us! One of our hosts, referring to our Consider the Poor efforts, told us, "What you're doing is very, very good!--Even better than the festivals!"
       In the hotel where we stayed (the best one in the city) we quickly made friends with everyone, and they treated us royally. With the wonderful training received in the Family, everyone was so loving, smiling, cheerful and outgoing, always thanking the wa iters, and though we felt it was just "normal," it was so outstanding to them, and many wept when the team left! During practices the team always had an audience, ranging from hotel staff to more important and influential people. People often wept as the team practiced some of their more meaningful and moving songs--and in some cases, we later found that they didn't speak a word of English; it was just the spirit that had moved them!
       The night we performed at the festival, in the biggest theat er--holding 10,000 people--it was packed full! (We weren't sure if it was because we were so popular, or if it was because of the famous singer performing after us, ha!) The Lord anointed the team more than ever before! The show flowed so smoothly, and everyone was amazed and thrilled with the Lord's power. They sang and performed a number of Arabic songs, which always gets the crowd excited, dancing and clapping. The highlight, however, was when Sunny (from Japan) sang a very beautiful and movi ng song which was dedicated as a prayer to their people. This received so many cheers and an absolutely electrifying response.
       Thus came the close of a memorable and unforgettable two weeks! Saying goodbye to all our newfound friends wasn't easy--there were many tears, hugs and calls of "Don't forget to write!" as we bade them farewell. We all agreed that we had never before seen the Lord's anointing, power and amazing witness poured out in such full measure in all our time in the Family. Each one was moved to tears for the sheep at some point almost every day--be it while we were witnessing, practicing, script writing or singing to someone. To illustrate that point, we thought we could close on one more short, but touching testimony.
       Marianne was practicing the script for the program in the hotel function room, and at one touching point in the script she just started weeping. A few days later two very influential men came up to her, asking her deep questions about what motivates u s to do what we do, to which Marianne gave a beautiful witness. After having had all their questions answered, one of the men said, "I saw you crying when you were practicing the other day, and then I knew you were sincere! One of your tears means more to me and to our people than anything you could give or do for us!" What a miracle of the Lord's power and spirit coming through in every way!

Crash of '97
       (From ASCRO:)
As you have probably noted from the International news reports , the Crash is already happening in Southeast Asia, and has been ongoing for the last several weeks. This includes Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and to some extent, Singapore. More recently Taiwan and Hong Kong were affected. It has taken the form of major currency devaluations of up to 40%, for most of the SEA currencies. The corresponding stock markets have taken a nosedive of 30 or 40%, or in some cases even more, which is more than double the percentage of the US stock mark et dive in `87. This week the Hong Kong stock market has fallen 20% in two days, and more than 50% in the last few months.
       According to the news reports, China is next on the New World Order "hit list" of economic warfare which has caused a great deal of instability, at least in Thailand. The unemployment rate has increased by one million people in the last few months, which is a huge increase for such a small country. We don't know if this will affect things globally or not, but it has defini tely brought the Endtime more into focus here with many former millionaires now being out of work or driving taxis, or in one particular case, selling sandwiches in front of a hospital.
       We have been able to produce a local tract which we have distributed selectively here in Thailand, based on much of what Dad has said concerning the economic situation, and it has been received very well.

highlights from around the world

       -- We went to Assisi (shortly after the series of earthquakes which the city suffered in September and October), and presented ourselves to the Relief organizers. We were immediately accepted into the main camp that acted as the relay station for the other camps in the area, and were asked to oversee the camp in Assisi. The camp hosted 200-250 people. The day we left, the Disaster Manager informed us that they submitted our team, "Progetta Aurora" (Project Aurora), to the Ministry of Interior as one of the associations that helped spearhead the relief in Assisi . If any such disaster happens in Italy again, we will be officially called upon to help. This could open a whole new horizon in the Family's witness here in Italy.--Andrew, Italy
       -- The city of Almaty hosted the Central Asian Olympics, and people came from all the surrounding Central Asian republics to participate. We were able to freely distribute over 25,000 posters on the opening day alone, and 89,000 this month--an all-time record for our Home! We've certainly been feeling the help of the newly released spirit helpers!--Jeremy (19), Kazakhstan
       -- The publishers of "Yo!" (a magazine for youth) will be printing the poster "Your Best Friend" in their next edition (circulation: 100,000). The editor is excited about also publishing some of our Endtime materials.--Steven and Christina, South Africa
       -- We participated in a relief operation for two flooded villages in Western Ukraine together with the Red Cross and the Civil Defense Department. We traveled there with a police-escort ed convoy and were then brought to the villages by amphibious army carriers. We distributed clothes, food and the Gospel. The event was covered by local TV and news reporters.--Michael, Christie, Marek and Magda, Ukraine
       -- Hurricane Pauline hit Mexico on October 9th, on the last day of our Family Camp. We teamed up with some other young people and headed down to Acapulco. The Lord has been abundantly supplying in the way of donated goods for us to give to the needy people in the affected area s. We went to the market this morning to pick up donated drinking water, as the news has been warning about the scarcity of drinking water in many of the heavily hit areas. While waiting for the manager to show up, we talked to a number of the other warehouses and about 10 of them helped with goods. Up until then we hadn't had much to give materially, although we were bringing a lot of Somebody Loves You tracts and were planning on doing a lot of witnessing. "Where God guides, He provides!"--Jas on (of Cedar), Mexico
       -- Our children (ages 4-9) performed on a volunteer singing show for a 24-hour TV show that covers all of Japan once a year. This is the 4th year in a row that we have been able to do this show for our local area. It was a very successful show, and we were able to explain about our work.--Paul, Naomi and Megumi, Japan
       -- Fantastic Friends #2
has just been dubbed and subtitled in Mandarin, and should be available to order next month.--Tim, Praise and Priscilla, Taiwan
       -- We had a fantastic day getting out tons of posters on the National Day of Uzbekistan at a huge park. Three of us dressed up as clowns and were invited to sing on stage.--Gideon, Lily and Elia, Uzbekistan
       -- J. (a former member) recently became the new director of a well-known newspaper that had been going through hard times. In a matter of weeks, this journal is improving and expanding. He encouraged us to begin writing on any topic we want to and he will publish it. Our first article was p ublished a few days ago, exposing the new restrictive law which was passed in Russia by the government there.--Miguel, Esther and Dulcinea, Spain

important notice

       (From WS:)
Recently there was a problem with the following e-mail addresses as a result it seems of some Internet hackers wreaking havoc in various e-mail systems:


       If anyone sent messages to the above addresses during the first part of October a nd did not receive an acknowledgement, we'd like to ask that you please resend your messages. This should be the regular policy for any e-mail that you send to these addresses. If you do not get a response, send the message again, as if we have safely gotten your e-mail, we will send you a brief acknowledgement. Thanks very much! We're very sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep our e-mail communications in your prayers as the Enemy would love to get in and cause problems!

legal and media

       >> Ukraine - (From Benjamin, Lily and Mariangela:) Jonathan, Daniel (11) and Leilani (8) sang "Peace Like A River" on a television broadcast, reaching over 150,000 people. They had been helping at an English Camp when they were interviewed and asked to sing the song, which became the theme song of the camp.
       >> Russia - On August 23rd, Norilsk Radio did an interview with Gabe, Maria and Philip, reaching over 50,000 listeners.
       >> Croatia - A national weekly magazine, GLOBUS (circ. 1 million), did a short spread on Rebecca, Stephen and Dust's CTP work in August.
       MLADI X, a popular radio program reaching 120,000 listeners in Mostar, Bosnia, did an interview with Rebecca and Stephen in which they explained about their CTP work.
       >> Spain - (From Victor and Pilar:) We had provisioned a meal at the one-week Summer Fair, and upon arriving at the restaurant we found a local TV station (PTV Malaga, audience: 50,000) and newspaper (SUR) waiting for us. The interview clip with us was broad cast on August 20th and talked about our CTP ministry and missionary life.
       >>EURCRO Media Desk - (From Abi:) The Ukrainian parliament has discussed the new amendments and suggestions from the State Committee on Religious Affairs concerning religious legislation which would have restricted foreign missionary activities. They voted on the measures, but none of the amendments or suggestions passed! A real victory!
       >> USA - (From Marc and Claire:) Academic Gordon Melton recently wrote a book on the Family, "From the Children of God to the Family" with a co-author. It has been published in Italian by a Catholic publisher, and we hope it will be translated and published in many other languages.


       (From Sharon, VS:)
We held a four-day youth meeting in Fortaleza, led by Victoria (CRO) and VSs Jonathan, Jere and myself. Fifty people attended, including lots of junior teens and JETTs. We showed the delegates meeting videos, and had other Word classes as well.

Jap an
       (From Stephen, VS:)
On October 10-12 we held a get-together for nearly 30 live-outs, who came from all over Japan. It was called "Chi no Shio" (salt of the earth), as the Lord has placed them where they are to influence the world.
       Stephen and Rejoice (VSs) and Paul gave them Word classes on: the Mark of the Beast, "Jesus, Our Good Shepherd" (reading from the GN by that title), and hearing from the Lord (reading from "Mama's Surprise"). During one session we split into groups and heard fro m the Lord. It was the first time for some of them to give prophecies, and they got so turned on! The get-together was a great success, and we're all looking forward to the next one.

       (From Abner, CRO:)
During 1997, a total of six Family Camps were held in the Western US, each camp attended by 150 to 200 people. The Family Camps are a combination teen/JETT/OC/MC/YC camp, along with simultaneous meetings for YAs, SGAs and FGAs. At these camps, the Family has had the opportunity to learn a nd grow from the beautiful Summit and delegates meeting videos. Everyone has appreciated the fellowship, and many have found new teams to work with at the camps.
       The most recent Family Camp was held in Santa Cruz, California, with 140 Family members attending. Another Camp is planned for the Southern California/Southwestern US/Northwestern Mexico area at the beginning of November, which will host 200 or more people.
       Two Family Camps will also be held in the Southeast USA, one from October 27 th-31st, and the second one from November 3rd-7th.

       (From Jonathan and Amor:)
A five-day JETT camp was held at the start of this month for all the JETTs in China. TJ and Andy from Taiwan helped out on the planning, skits, shepherding, personal times, etc. It was a tremendous blessing.

       (From Pedro, CRO:)
A witnessing seminar was held in Sao Paulo from October 10-12. Attendees came from all over the country. The goal of this seminar was to share and discuss new ideas on how t o follow up and win disciples. Tommy and Juan helped to compile the classes. It was very motivating and envisioning.

       (From Jason and Cedar, CROs:)
About 150 brethren (80 children/70 adults) attended our first three-day Family Camp in Northern Mexico. We showed the videos of Peter's meetings with the Family in Russia, which couldn't have addressed issues more pertinent to the work here! The general reaction to the videos in one sentence would be: They are setting people free to start anew and to leave the past behind!

cute kidz

       -- Mommy Laura sent Olivia (2) to the toilet but the light was off. Olivia came running back in the room: "It's night in the toilet!"--courtesy of Adam and Laura
       -- Our boys were talking about DO and TS Homes. One of them asked, "What does DO stand for?" The other replied, "Deodorant!"--courtesy of Praise, Hungary

blessings in disguise

       If any of you who have experienced the "disguised blessing" of being partially excommunicated, for whatev er reason, would like to write up something about how you made it through and are now going stronger than ever, we'd love to hear from you! We're sure others could benefit from your lessons and experiences along these lines. (See "Partial Excom," Grapevine #20.)

studio news

       (From Andrew V., for JAS team:)
As soon as I complete this article, my attention will be turned to mastering Shangri-La (FTT #11) (which, in my opinion, will be one of the best yet!), continuing the chain of event s that every tape is familiar with.
       To "cheer the ear," I'm privileged to inform you that there are numerous songs presently in the pipelines that will soon be reaching you and your Home. JAS has finished 14 Treasure Attic songs, 6 Loving Jesus songs, 12 FTT songs, 7 Praise songs and 13 GP songs. Hurrah!
       With our Treasure Attic deadlines out of the way (at least for now), our songs for the new upbeat "praise tape" in the bucket, and the new Loving Jesus tape tunes (for tapes three and four) also completed, our studio gang will be retiring for the remainder of the year, right? Wrong!! As always, your ever-busy studio team will continue to stay busy, for as long as God wills it, producing His musical pieces for you and His sheep.
       Latest news on some of our vocalists: Katrina L. (of "Upper Road") has moved on to the field of Brazil (where she'll join the BAS), and Marianna (of "Heaven Is") has also flown our coop and will soon join the DC studio team. Lots of love to you both from t he JAS team!
       On the producing side: The Music Home in Tokyo (JAS' "extended members"--Makoto, Josh, Hopie, Sylvia and Mike D.) have now started producing FTT songs. Great music from a great band--bringing you the real "live" sound we all want! Check out "Love Our Way Out Of Here" on an upcoming FTT! Another Home in Tokyo has also been producing: Jeff (a YA musician at the HCS) went to his parents' Home (Thad and Cherish) and came back a few weeks later with some gorgeous "father and son" produ ctions, such as, "You are the One," sung by Chris Drummer. (Yes, ladies, he's the guy from "Go Slow!") You'll be enjoying this song on Loving Jesus tape three.
       We wanted to inject a small request for your help. We don't want to be idle for lack of material, so we'll need to expand our "songs to produce" list, and YOU can come to our aid by writing and sending them in to us. We need you! Write it (Editor's note: Or better yet, ask the Lord to give it to you by His Spirit and pray it down!), mak e sure that someone other than just yourself likes the song, then send it to us. Give it a try. We'd love to hear from you!

moving missionaries

       -- This month Faithy and her kids headed off to Turkey, and Sam went to Mexico. We've sent nine missionaries off so far!--Sharon and Sam, USA
       -- Windy (our YA daughter) is now on the far-flung field of Brazil! It has been her desire to go for quite some time and the Lord supplied abundantly for her to get there!--John and Sara, Canada
       -- Natal ie (11) got off on her missionary trip to her new field of Nigeria, where she will join her big sister, Jo, and Jo's husband Shariff. People were very impressed to see her faith and conviction to want to be a missionary at such a young age.--Chris, Charity and Becky, Australia


Pakistan--A Trip to Peshawar
       (From teen John and Stefan:)
We went on a one-week road trip to Peshawar, in northwestern Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan. One kilometer beyond this area begins a tribal area where you can often hear automatic weapons being fired. The hospitality and warmth of the Pathans (the name given the people of this province) is unique. Refusing a cup of "Kawa" (green tea) and a few minutes of "gupshop" (chit chat) is offending a potential friend!
       In one week we distributed 45 videos, 30 tapes and received a sponsorship pledge from a local businessman for 27 more videos to be given out to schools!
       Some main factors that made this trip fruitful were being faithful with our Praise Time; praying and hearing from the Lord in prophecy every step of the way; not judging the people or circumstances by their outside appearances, and treating all those whom we met with love and kindness.
       We arrived in this small town with only one phone number of a possible accommodation, and the card of a businessman we had never met. We went to his office, the outside of which looked like an old barn! Under a corrugated roof in a garage sat the man's personal secretary, who informed us that his boss was having a meeting with the president of the country, and was later meeting the ambassador of a Central Asian country, and would be returning tomorrow.
       We explained that we were new in town and needed some help, and he said he would arrange for a meeting with his boss. He then directed us to a friend--another "little person" who was in charge of the town's information office. He gave us a list of the seven most important men in the city. During the next two days we followed up on them and got out 22 videos.
       Our host gave us the use of a car with a driver. Again, judging this man by the outward appearance would have been very deceptive, as he was rather shabby-looking. However, wherever we went, he did all the preliminary talking to get us into places and introduced us to the referrals. We are now thanking these "little people" for helping us to open great doors.
       When we went for our appointment with the boss, his office was surrounded by heavily armed guards; a bazooka was standing in the corner behind his chair. We found him to be warm, caring and understanding. In his hand was a file with "Kiddie Viddie" written on it. It turned out that he had corresponded with our office back in 1992, and had obtained our videos via mail. He took five more videos and sponsored 27 more for other institutions in the area.

Russia--Beyond the Arctic Circle
       (From Crystal [21]:)
From the day we prayed and decided to take our second trip to the city of Norilsk, the Lord began leading us each step of the way through prophecy. We had planned on taking a team of six, but the Lord told us that we might only be able to send two or three people. Sure enough, the next day we were informed by our airline contact that they would only be able to donate two round-trip tickets! The next day, Russian Philip (20) and I took the plane to Norilsk. We were allowed 20 kg of luggage each, but the lit alone weighed 33 kg! Gabe witnessed to the woman at the check-in counter, a nd by a miracle, she didn't even weigh our luggage!
       Upon arrival, we went to the hotel contact that had helped us last year, but the director was on vacation and they could only donate accomodations for one person. The Lord showed us to call Luda, one of the ladies from a church our team had met last year. She was very happy to hear from us and said that she already had a "plan B" in case the hotel didn't work out! She invited us over for dinner, and we met her and Katya, the leader of their c hurch. They arranged for us to stay with a babushka from their church, and to eat lunch and dinner every day at Luda's house. This was a lifesaver, as food prices in Norilsk are three times higher than anywhere else in Russia.
       The next day we were invited to the evening church service, so beforehand we hit the streets and the local market with tracts. At seven p.m. we arrived at the home church of about 15 people called "The Word of Faith." I gave them my personal testimony. It was touching an d convicting to see these Christians receiving persecution from many of the local churches, yet still going strong for the Lord. We gave them a lot of lit and they bought 30 tapes. They kept kissing the lit, saying that it was an answer to their prayers, as they have no means of getting any lit in this town.
       Katya (50) came out personal witnessing with us one night, and at one point Phil asked her if she was tired (it was midnight). She answered, "I'm learning so much from you. I have to see h ow you reach the youth, so I can do it too."
       A few of the church members invited us to their houses for fellowship. While visiting one woman, she shared with us the amazing story of the first Christians in the city of Norilsk. It happened in the 1930s. "There was a group of 10 Christians who were arrested and taken to an ice floe …" Sound familiar? "They were ordered to take off their clothes and lay them on the chairs that the soldiers had placed next to them. The commander said that if they would deny their faith, they could get their clothes back and leave …." I think you know the rest of the story. Since listening to the drama tape, I always wondered exactly where in Russia that had happened. Now I was in the very place!--Norilsk!
       We met several young people at a hippie/punk hang out. A couple of them told us that a friend of theirs worked at a radio station for young people called "MODEM". They said they wanted to do an interview with us. We met with the DJ and made an appoint ment for nine p.m. that evening to go on the air LIVE! The Lord said in prophecy to keep it simple, preach Christ, and speak to the youth from our hearts. The DJ welcomed anyone to call in if they had any questions for us. The questions led us to give a heavy Endtime message about the AC and Bible prophecy, and the DJ aired the song "No More War."
       We hit the three surrounding cities with tracts and posters, meeting sheep from all walks of life. During our 10-day stay, we won 43 souls, personal ly witnessed to 160 people, got out 7,000 tracts and posters, 35 tapes, as well as 60 other books and pieces of lit, did a radio show for 100,000 people and met many new friends and sheep! One of the towns we visited, Talnakh, literally means "ends of the earth." We were fulfilling the Lord's commandment in "preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth!"

       [Fact box: The city of Norilsk is situated on Latitude 69 North in the Taimir territory, past the Arctic circle. It was built by former en gineers, scientists, military leaders, and politicians who were exiled there. The population of Norilsk is around 300,000. The Arctic winter lasts nine months, and temperatures get to as low as -50 degrees celsius. There are polar nights here where the sun doesn't appear for 65 days; during summer the white nights (no sunset) last for 83 days.
       Norilsk was built due to the discovery of huge copper, nickel and coal deposits. The Norilsk mines are the deepest mines in Russia. Norilsk is so far no rth they are not able to grow any vegetables or fruit, due to the severe cold. All the apartment blocks and buildings are built on large cement stilts, and all of the pipes are above ground because the ground is frozen year round. Everything has to be brought in by plane as there are no train lines, and sometimes by boat in the summer; this makes everything three times more expensive than the rest of the country. But the people of Norilsk receive higher wages than other regular workers in Russia . Due to these extreme conditions, people here are very spiritually hungry and open to any help and encouragement.]


       -- Greek Rosy (Greece) would like to contact Luke (in Greece during 1978-1979). He was going to get mated at the time with a Turkish girl named Seba.
       -- Solly (20, of J. and V) would like to contact SGA Lisa (of Eman) last heard of in the Tokyo area. Contact me via PACRO office or via email: tronics@geocities.com.
       -- Rosa (of John and Lily) is looking for P aul (of Jerry and Julie). Last seen in Goa, India, 1987. E-mail: simben@ibm.net. Or via England ABM.
       -- Jo (17, of Phin and Joy) would like to contact J.D. (of Emanuel and Rubi) and Joan (of Isaias). E-mail: vineyard4J@aol.com. Add. J.T.S. Apdo Postal 5-993 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico C.P 45042
       -- Steven (US) and Faith (PI) would like to contact Joseph Amer. (Bobby Albright). E-mail: Balihi@denpasar.wasantara.net.id. Add: P.O. Box 3544 Jl. raya puputan, Renon Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 80035 .
       -- Jeremy of La Porte is looking for Kristina of Seabrook. E-mail: RNDKIDZZ@aol.com.
       -- Timothy Adams wants to contact Elisabeth from Scotland (possibly in France), formerly mated to Ivan. She has a daughter, Joy, who is in Russia. Tel (in Ukraine): 252-1875. E-mail: tim@eridan1.kiev.ua.
       -- Jason (Joseph) Vincent, please contact your parents (Henri and Linda) in Madagascar. E:mail: mafmad@bow.dts.mg. Or via EURCRO.

friends and former members and GP seeking contact

       -- Cephas (Timot hy) is trying to find his two children, Ben and Heidi (of Tamar). He last saw them in Japan in September 1988. They can contact him via E-mail: dygubite@lightspeed.net.
       -- Mike Brommels would like to contact his old friend, David Lykins (David and Flor, last heard of in Russia). E-mail: spicatec@ecentral.com. Add: J. Mikael Brommels, Spica Technology Corporation, POB 233 Westminster, Colorado 80030. Tel: (303) 428-3086.
       -- Anna (formerly Clara/Maria) would like to contact English Mark (of Fr ench Praise; used to be NASs in Poland/1986-1990). Add: 10 Regency Court, Park Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT58 QB, London, UK.
       -- Ernie Morreira in Salem, Oregon, would like to contact an "Elias" (whom he met postering in Salinas, California in 1986). Elias went to India, where they lost contact. Add: 30210 N.Santiam Hwy., Mill City, Oregon 97360.

what's up?

What a Boss!
       (From Abner, Elizabeth and Endureth:)
Our large, extremely busy VS Home has only one person on full-time fund-ra ising! Like every other Home, we depend on the Lord's miracles to see us through each month and to supply our rent, bills and other needs. This month our personnel was depleted even further with visa trips and manning a JETT camp. How were we going to pay the rent?
       Heidi looked through her name cards and came up with a few people to ask. She found a name card that a brother had left when he moved on. Heidi had only talked to Mr. C. on the phone and written him a couple of times, but she decide d to try to visit him while out on follow-up. Mr. C. proved to be very receptive to the witness. Our team prayed with him, and then he asked what he could do to help us. Heidi explained that we needed help with our rent, and he asked how much. Heidi said, "Well, 20,000 NT (US $770) if you could." He smiled at her and she said, "Of course, if it's not possible, anything would be a help." He said, "I'll give you 50,000 NT (US $2,000)!"
       Heidi later went to thank Mr. C. for his help with paying ou r rent. He had also asked her to teach him English. After an enjoyable visit, Mr. C. asked, "What can I do to help you now?" Heidi explained that we wanted to get a van, and that someone had helped by paying the deposit. He said, "Well, I'd like to help you with the monthly payments." He then asked how much she wanted for teaching him English. She told him that the payments on the van were enough to cover the costs, but he insisted on paying her. Right there he wrote six checks for the van payme nts and for the English classes totaling 180,000 NT (US $7,000). Isn't it exciting working for Jesus? What other Boss does things like that?

Moving to India
       (From Stephen:)
After the introduction of the Charter the Lord gave us the burden to work with teens. We opened our own small Home and six teens joined us. Over the next two years we tried many ideas to help our teens be inspired and challenged, with varying degrees of success. Having been on many exciting fields over the years, we knew that one of the best cures for boredom is witnessing. So often we thought of India, even just to go for a road trip, as we had lived there for five years and knew how much witnessing could be done there. We also knew how much variety and fun India has to offer a young person.
       When we began hearing stories of some Family teens drinking, smoking, and stealing, and being bored and unchallenged, we brought the India idea to the Lord, and He confirmed that it was His will. Our vision was to take a group of teens to India and introduce them to the field and the Homes and shepherds. From talking to the teens, we knew that many would like to go to India, but were a little apprehensive about going by themselves. Many of them do not seem to be able to work it all out for themselves and need some help to apply for clearance, get their visas and buy their tickets, etc.
       We sent out a message to all the Homes in Japan and immediately heard from three teens who asked if they could come wi th us. Of the responses we received, one teen girl wanted to go to India in order to find a field where she could witness better. Two teens who wrote us were contemplating leaving the Family. At the last minute, another teen boy who was having problems, but who wanted to change, begged to be taken on the team. Our team consisted of my wife, myself, our JETT son, an SGA, and the four teens.
       The Calcutta Home was very inspiring, and their sacrificial missionary spirit was a sample to us all. We were able to participate in some CTP work, one of which was organizing a Sports Day for 70 street children who are part of a social work program run by Sumita, one of the Family's friends. The kids had a blast and our teens entered into the Sports programme wholeheartedly.
       Unfortunately, during the first two weeks of our stay in Calcutta, the young teen boy who had joined our team at the last minute decided that India was definitely not the field for him. From that point on he entered into som ewhat of a vacation spirit and was not being a good sample. After prayer and counsel we decided that it was best that he return to Japan.
       A few days later we left for Orissa, where Abel and Marie (Calcutta Family) had provisioned three rooms in a beautiful hotel with meals included. Here we performed for some schools and won 1,200 souls in two days. This was the first time that our teens had seen so many people getting saved!
       We ventured south, visiting the Madras Home briefly as they helped us on our way to Bangalore. Again, the Family there were so sweet and welcoming. In Bangalore we stayed in the newly-opened VS Home. In this Home, there were four sweet and dedicated teens who have a band. We were able to watch one of their concerts in a Catholic club, and our teens were impressed by their openness, warmth, enthusiasm and witnessing. God bless them! There was a lot that we could learn from them, and in comparison our teens seemed a bit shallow, selfish, uncommunicative and unth ankful for what we had.
       We journeyed on to New Delhi on a 42-hour train ride. In India people just come up to you and start talking, something that rarely happens in Japan. It is almost impossible not to witness in India! The New Delhi Home is one of the nicest I've seen in my time in the Family. Their house is a virtual mansion with rolling lawns.
       It was then our last week of the trip, and we had to find Homes for all the teens to stay in. At the last minute, the doors opened to three diffe rent Homes. By this time our finances were almost exhausted, but by a miracle, an Indian businessman who had met the Family in Japan offered to pay the teens' airfares down to Bangalore. He was so touched by their commitment to help India that he also offered to support them financially while they stayed in his country.

The yellow jacket
       (From Carrie, 18:)
Our Home was very low on finances, and though we were going out fundraising every day, it just wasn't working. I was feeling ver y discouraged, and like I just couldn't make it. So I told the Lord how I felt and then listened for a while. He gave me a beautiful prophecy, telling me how He loved me and how He was going to take care of me and work everything out. Then He told me that that day I would meet someone dressed in yellow who would help me with a donation for our work. I thought, "Oh, yeah. Well, thank the Lord."
       We went out witnessing at an exhibit where there were many different companies from all over the worl d. It was going really terrible and everybody was saying no. Then I remembered the prophecy that the Lord had given me, but I didn't see anyone wearing anything yellow. I thought, "It must have been a false prophecy." But then I saw this girl wearing a yellow jacket.
       I thought, "If I tell my partner this, she's going to think I'm totally nuts!" So we just kept going, but nothing was working. Finally I was pretty desperate, so I said, "Okay, we might as well just try it." So I told my partner, and we went to the stand where the girl who was wearing the yellow suit jacket was. We asked to talk to the director, who turned out to be super sweet. He got saved and took six of our videos, and helped with a big donation. I was totally flipped out! It gave me a lot more faith in prophecy and in learning to hear from the Lord. I thought it was neat how the Lord can tell you specific things about specific times and details.

Gain by giving
       (From Gideon and Heidi:)
We had been pray ing to meet new supporters, and one of our Home members, Daniel, was also working on raising his fare to move to Indonesia. He was booked to travel on Thursday, but it was Tuesday and he still hadn't raised all the funds he needed. He and Lily went on outreach in an area of the city that we had been to many times, but they noticed a new office.
       They met the young director there, and he cheerfully told them that he would be happy to help in a small way. They thought that perhaps he would take a video or two, but he pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check for $250! This was just the amount that Daniel was lacking for his ticket! The Lord also blessed the Home for giving all of this gift to Daniel, as the man told Lily to come again in one month and he would help again. He is now helping on a regular basis! PTL!

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama,
       I'm writing to you because I know you will understand. A friend of mine is a national and comes from a dark-skinned family. She's a very ded icated, loyal and on-fire disciple and I love her very much.
       The other day she told me how when she was a FM, she was so sick of the System and so thankful she would be rejoining again. The main thing she looked forward to in the CM Family was to have contact with the Family teens. When she finally joined a Home, things were going very well for her (the teens there were very sweet and humble). But a few months after rejoining, she moved to a Home in another city. The teens in this particular H ome were very unloving and derogatory in their comments towards her. They called her an aborigine and treated her like one.
       She said that their CTP ministries became like teen fellowships. Many Homes participate in this ministry and the teen girls would get all dressed up and go to flirt with the boys. When she went dressed simply, they would ask her, "Is something wrong with you? Are you sick?" She was crying as she told me she was considering going back to being a FM, where she was accepted, and there wasn't this racial prejudice.
       I know that this girl is on the right track and is willing to give her all. Members of her Home say she's always standing in the gap and they don't know what they'd do without her. I know Grandpa has written against racism in the past, but I think with time it has been forgotten. It's a sickening attitude and very unloving on the part of these teens! I have so many problems and sins myself, but I do feel right in letting you know about this! I love you so much!
       --female (17)

Lord help us! God forbid that any of our brothers or sisters would ever feel cast off or discriminated against because of their color, or for any other reason! "Beloved, these things ought not so to be!" We're all precious to the Lord and equally loved by Him! And don't forget: Every harsh, prejudiced and unloving comment you speak will have to be accounted for before the Lord. So please, be loving and inclusive!--The Lord and Dad expect us to be a Family of love, so let's not disappoint them!

Dear Mama,
       Your Letters on "Believing Prophecy" and "Mama's Surprise!" are so full of beautiful and inspired Words. I wanted to share with you some wonderful things that have happened in my little family since we've been hearing more from the Lord, Dad and others in prophecy. We've gotten prophecy fever! When there is a plan, a new idea, a little or a big question, a tense situation, words such as "Shall we ask Jesus?" or "Can we hear from the Lord?" pop from most of the kids' and teens' mouths. Sure enough, when we stop to listen, words from Heaven cascade down in great abundance.
       My ten-year-old daughter got super inspired about getting a spirit story and got a beautiful prophecy from Jesus about Heaven that really cheered her up. Whenever my thirteen-year-old daughter has a free moment you'll hear her saying, "I'm going to go and receive a prophecy." She has a prophecy notebook with tremendous Words of counsel, encouragement and guidance fr om Grandpa, Jesus and others. The older teen girls often come to us super inspired about a special date or dance they have had with Jesus just moments earlier.
       It's so beautiful, Mama, how your ardent love and desire for Jesus and His Words has set a burning and lively flame in each of our hearts! Please don't stop pouring out the crystal and pure waters of the Word through the prophecies that you put out in the GNs. We want them and we need them!
       --M., South America


Latin CD O ffer
       The long awaited Latin CD Ritmos sin Fronteras is yours for the ordering! Send your orders to:

       P.O. Box 670503
       Dallas, TX 75367
       Attn: Latin CD

       Along with $8 per CD, plus $3 shipping and handling (total of $11). Please send a money order (such as American Express) in US dollars made out to S. Provencio. Cash is okay, but only in US dollars, and at your own risk. (Homes in North and South America: You can also obtain this CD for distribution via your SC at regular seedcor n prices.)

Mass marketing contacts
       (From GPU team:)
GBY! As you have read recently in FSM 320 regarding the Family Care Foundation, things are now set up to handle the various possibilities that arise for the mass distribution or the broadcasting of our tools. Therefore we'd like to ask anyone who knows about potential nationwide distributors of our videos (and audios) to please let Family Care Foundation know about these leads. FCF has recently engaged an international agent to repres ent our three children's video series worldwide, and to help bring to reality any prospective agreements that arise in different countries where our video tools could be either broadcast on TV or placed in video stores.
       In fact, this particular distributor recently attended a video fair in southern France, along with a Family Care Foundation representative, and they were able to make contact with lots of TV stations, TV network companies and national and international distributors. So we are e xpecting many of these contacts to make a decision soon in regards to whether they want to have any of our three children's video series, plus Countdown To Armageddon, for either TV or video distribution in their respective areas of the world.
       Some of you may have been in contact with potential distributors or TV personnel during the past months, and may also have different opportunities for mass distribution or broadcast in your area, for either our audio or video tools. If so, we would like to open a direct line of communication with you and/or with these contacts, in order to help further bring these potential deals along. We are not necessarily asking you to go out of your way to make things happen on a mass scale in the country where you are located, but if you have or do come across people who are definitely interested in either distributing or broadcasting any of our tools, please contact us here at FCF, as we would definitely want to help in whatever way we can with the legal ities and the business involved in bringing these prospective deals to pass.
       You could write directly to the GPU internet address (gpu@ibm.net). If you are not on the internet, please send us a message through your ABM, explaining the details of your communication with these potential distribution or broadcast contacts. Or if you'd rather that these people contact FCF directly, please take note of our postal address, as well as our telephone and fax numbers. Feel free to pass these on to peopl e who might be interested in entering into negotiations or contractual agreements with us.

       Family Care Foundation
       PO Box 6070
       Orange, CA 92863-6070

       Tel: (909) 676-3232
       Fax: (909) 693-2344

       Please know that we greatly appreciate each one of you who has a hand in distributing our wonderful and message-full audio and video tools. GBY for your faithful witness! If there's anything that we can do in order to further the distribution and the propagating of the message in your ar ea, we'd be most happy to be of assistance.

: Requests & News!
       (From Chloe, for the Reflections staff:)
God bless you! Thank you for the comments you've sent via your TRF about Reflections; we appreciate hearing how you use them, and would like to know more! What new subjects would you like to see covered in Reflections? What would help you most in your follow-up, feeding, and outreach? What titles do you use the most, and what topics that are already covered would you like to se e more Reflections on?
       New ground is being broken in the Reflections arena, and you should soon be receiving our first issue containing a prophecy from a departed spirit--Lady Diana! She gave a beautiful message which is being sent to you in Reflections format, to use as you feel led with those who would be inspired or interested in a "message from beyond"!
       Thanks again for your prayers! We also really appreciate your input on what topics you'd like to see in upcoming Reflections. We are, of course, limited somewhat by the material we have to draw from, but knowing your needs will help us greatly.

Mama jewels on … asking the Lord why things happen

--to a staff member

       When something happens, if we don't ask the Lord what the reason is, then sometimes the whole purpose of it happening is almost negated. The Lord tries to get through to people in the world all the time, and they don't even have the faintest idea that He's trying to get through to them! It's very rare that they get the message.
       I grew up all my life in a Christian home, and I didn't at all have the habit of asking the Lord why things happened when they did. That wasn't part of my thinking. When I look back, I wonder how I could have escaped that. How could Christians, who consider themselves so close to the Lord, not ask Him why difficult things happen in their lives that they don't understand?
       I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about it, because even now, as close as we and the Family try to stay to Jesus, there are times when we don't bother to ask Him why things have happened either. The Lord has very good reasons for everything that He brings into our lives, but if we don't understand why, and we don't ask Him, the Lord can't accomplish His purpose. He wants us to learn from each of these experiences, but how can we learn unless we ask Him to teach us, and unless we're willing to stop and quietly listen to His voice?

your views on issues

City unity
       (From Anne, SGA/CRO: )
When visiting the six Homes in Bangalore, I was very impressed with their unity. For the most part, they cooperate well together and have regular City Councils. There is a large concentration of teens in Bangalore, probably because there's something going for them. The youth witnessing is very fruitful and the Homes work together on the schooling of the teens. They have regular fellowships and joint road trips.
       Something that I feel helped their city's unity was that you often hear Homes inv iting others over for video night, for dinner or things like that, especially those who are in the smaller Homes. This draws everyone in and keeps them united as a team; they really are friends.
       They all want to do things for their teens--to keep them happy and challenged--so they work together on it, since they realize that on their own it's difficult to give them what they need. One Home hosts "teen school day" each week, and right now they're working through the CVC towards their high schoo l diplomas. In this particular Home there are two brothers, English Andrew (of Indian Esther) and German Andreas (of Faith), who are particularly gifted teachers, and they teach the classes. I thought it was so precious that they would pack 10-15 teens into their small house and take a full day off each week just to help the other Homes in the city!
       These same brothers are terrific handymen. When one of the Homes needed cupboards built and were having a difficult time getting these made at an affordable price, Andrew helped them build their cupboards, along with a teen helper from the Home who needed the cupboards, and the Home in need gave a gift to help cover the time involved.
       These aren't major things, but I found it so encouraging to see everyone pulling together and in this way, giving and taking to help each other out. It's not like they don't struggle financially each month--they do! But they still take the time to be a blessing to the city, and to do what they can to help keep the unity.

The sad pull
North America
       (From a CRO:)
It seems that due to the lack of sexual sharing in our Homes, many of our singles have to go long stretches without sex. This was expressed by some single brothers during a recent fellowship we held. One had to be placed on babes status for having sexual contact with a FM sister whom he had known before rejoining as a CM. He accepted the Charter sentence very gracefully, but expressed that since rejoining he had not seen much sharing and was growing very lonely.
       Another brother had put a "want ad" out for a mate and had just received a response from a single mom. He was very happy that he had finally gotten an answer, and went on to share that it is rough being a single when it comes to having your sexual needs met. He had recently gone for a whole year without having a date, as the couple that he had been working with were "not into that for now."
       I've seen that this has been a pull on some of our single Family adults, as well as some YAs and SGAs. It's made them feel that if they are not going to find their mate, or at least someone to spend time with occasionally, in the Family, then maybe they should begin looking elsewhere. LHU!

Rereading the New Wine
       (From Mike and Lisa:)
Taking the time to reread and study the New Wine in depth is very necessary in order to grasp the full meaning, and to profit from all the counsel contained in it. When rereading the New Wine on doubts, I was impressed by how much I had missed during the previous reading. It's easy to think, "Oh, I already read that!" and miss out on a lot of what the Lord has put in there for us. There are always some little personal nuggets that He has put in for each one of us, and they can only be dug out by that personalized time when we are open, and usually alone with Him, reading the New Wine prayerfully.

Trusting JETTs and juniors
       (From a female [18]:)
I personally have found that many OCs and JETTs of t oday that I have been around are lazy and don't "know" how to do anything. At times I've criticized them, thinking, "Why can't they be like we were when we were OCs." LFM! Instead, I should've taken the initiative to include them in on my responsibilities, and challenge them to do something. Well, we live and learn!
       I began thinking back to when I was a JETT or even younger. Living in Poland as an OC, I remember feeling trusted and responsible to be a good sample to the new disciples. My older sister and I were the only children in the Home, and everyone else was either a new disciple or an "older disciple" (meaning they had been in the Family for a year or so). I would sit down with them and would "translate" the Life with Grandpa books from English to Polish, and I remember them appreciating me taking my time to be with them. But it was only because I was given responsibility that it made me grow up; in turn, it helped the adults trust me more.
       When I was a JETT, my ministries we re kitchen, survival room and storage, tool and poster storage (keeping an inventory of all our tools), and I also took care of someone's baby from birth until he was nearly two. So I've had responsibility my whole life, and I think it helped to grow me up, although I'm sure I've still got a ways to go. If we begin with passing on ministries and responsibilities to the younger generation, it'll be a blessing and strength to them too. I guess the hard part is just beginning, 'cause when looking a t them we can tend to think that they aren't capable of doing anything. But I know that once they start doing something with their lives, it'll grow them up too.

friendly factoid

       (From Mama's secretary:)
Hi! I love you all! I've noticed that often different ones of you include, in your letters to Mama, the words to songs you have written or received from the Lord; and sometimes Mama gets tapes with rough recordings of your songs. I don't know if you are under the impression that if yo u send a song, or lyrics for a song, to Mama, it will automatically go through the approval process, and be considered for possible use on an FTT or another Family tape. Just in case, I wanted to explain that that's not exactly how it works.
       If you have written a song that you think might be a blessing for the whole Family, please send it directly to one of the studios, which you can do via your CRO. The studios will audition the song, as well as go over the lyrics and send them in for final a pproval. If you want to send a song to Mama on tape for her listening pleasure, or if you want to let her hear the words to a song you received, that's great. However, please keep in mind that when Mama receives song lyrics, or song tapes, in her personal mail, she assumes that if the author would like to contribute the song for the Family's use, it's already also been sent to one of the studios. Thanks!

what life is like on three fruitful fields …

       (From the Islamabad Home:)
Thi s week has truly been eventful! Early Sunday morning a road team comprised of three OC/JETT boys, one junior teen boy and two adults headed to a mountain resort city. This was part of a plan to get the kids out for summer witnessing, resulting in many souls won and tools out!
       Meanwhile, we had a slight change of plans at home--Julie was about to give birth! Off the hospital team went with our fervent prayers. A call at 12:30 confirmed that she did indeed give birth to twins--two boys! Wow, a s udden population surge!
       The next morning at 7:00, two of our senior teen boys headed off on a mountain trekking expedition located in the Himalayas with other Pakistani teens, hosted by one of our close friends. That cut down the male population at our Home, and it's incredible how quiet things became! Ha! (No offense, guys!)
       Things were only to become more busy as we were invited to sing for the International Folk Dance Festival in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Pakistan's Independence. F olk groups attended from Egypt, Jordan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India. Off went our singing team of seven with two adults, while another two adults attended a wedding elsewhere.
       The following day was Independence Day, and one of our regular supporters invited us to come to his village (close to the Afghan border in tribal-land) to take part in an inauguration of a school he had built for his village. So off went a team of two adults--at 5:0 0 a.m.!
       Menanwhile, the Home team was asked to sing again, this time for a ladies' function. We're an all-girls singing team, so that was no problem, but we needed someone to take pictures, and a bodyguard would be useful. Asaph joined us, and we then got a phone call that our conveyance might be a bit late as they were expecting the Prime Minister to attend the event, and they had to organize his arrival. Yikes! We were desperate. As it turned out, he didn't come, but four other high governme nt officials did, who all really liked our songs.
       Oh, yes! Who is at home with the 12 remaining kids? One lone ranger--Suzie--bless her soul, whose last words were: "Don't worry about dishes. I've got that covered with the one MC left. Lunch? I'll get the pre-schoolers on that right away. Well, the laundry is no problem with two willing toddlers … but pray for me!" The end result?--A cold cheese lunch, a saint of a teacher, and singing team and kids who all crashed out for a mid-day nap. Meanw hile, Julie is recovering, the twins are getting stronger and are keeping her and her caretaker busy. That about concludes a very busy, hectic, but inspiring week!

       (From Gideon, Meekness, Merryheart, Madi and Kristine:)
After reading and praying about the Letter "Mexico--A Needy Mission Field" (ML #3083), we were convinced that Mexico was the field for us! The Lord provided $10,000 through a friend, which was one of the many miracles that made our move possible. Our sweet former Home , the Maryland School, also gave us their 15-passenger van, God bless them!
       The day after our arrival in this city two months ago, we started looking for a house to rent. That afternoon we met a man who offered to rent us his home, even though he didn't have it on the market for rent. As it turned out, the Lord had another house in mind for us, which through his sister, we were able to find in only two weeks!
       Even before fully moving in to our new home, our children's singing group, "Los Cha vitos Pioneros" (The Little Pioneers), did a performance for a four-star hotel, during which a local TV station asked if they could film the children and do an interview with us. Our kids' show, as well as an interview about our missionary outreach, was aired yesterday!
       As many of you have experienced, when opening a Home in a new country there are many needs, and it can seem overwhelming. However, the Lord showed us to "prepare our work in the field and afterwards build our house," so within days of our arrival we started looking for CTP and witnessing projects. The Lord led us to get involved with an organization that manages four orphanages in our city. We have already performed for two of them and have been received with great appreciation.
       Last week a hardware store donated 180 liters of paint to us. We gave them to one of the orphanages where we had performed, and to our amazement, we found out that they were in the middle of painting, and had run out of paint just before we arrived! We had suspected that they'd find the paint useful, but we had no idea that it was such an immediate need!
       We performed for a governmental agency for disabled children, and two weeks later for an event organized by the governor's wife, which was aired locally. The governor's wife publicly praised our children's performance. We were given permission to sing at the main shopping plaza of our city, and through our singing there we have met some very potential people. We were approached b y a TV station and asked to participate as guest stars on one of their entertainment programs.
       We've started weekly Bible classes for the many sheep we now have, including three young potential disciples, and our soul stats are rising by the day! The receptivity here is overwhelming! It's unlike some experiences we've had in the Gospel-hardened North where you have to persuade and cajole and practically twist a person's arm to get them to pray with you. Here they're so hungry that as soon as y ou start telling them about receiving the Lord, they start asking, "How can I receive Him?"
       Our landlady is an angel and does everything she can to accommodate us. We don't have a washing machine yet, so she lets us use the machine in her house once a week. She's in love with our children and has been very understanding about the number of people living with us. We've spent many hours with her son-in-law (who lives next door), giving him a deep witness about the Endtime. He hired Gideon to tea ch him an hour of English every evening, which has been a financial help also. Our latest victory has been the arrival of Diego, a YA who heeded the call to leave the US and has been a tremendous blessing to us already! GBH!

       (From Michelle [18, recently arrived from Australia]:)
A dream come true! We could hardly believe it … but the candid, consistent and very interested stares of the locals confirmed that this was reality!--India! All that the Lord had promised had come true and we were now on the mission field! But the culture shock was just beginning! It was pretty obvious that tank tops, miniskirts and high heels were not exactly the accepted dress code, especially when filled out by young foreign girls!
       Finally we were safely in the care of our loving Family once again, and travelling to our new city while dodging cows, goats, small local children and the ever-present throng of people doing their business by the side of the road! At the end of our trip, Maria and I w ere safely escorted to our Homes on opposite sides of this beautiful city--Bangalore! The twelve adults and SGAs, four teens/YAs, one JETT and nine kids here wasted no time making me feel right at home.
       My first breakfast consisted of chapatis and pomegranates. Over the next four weeks my cup of adventure was filled to overflowing! Every day meant at least a dozen NDEs, otherwise known as "near death experiences!" For example: crossing the road, riding in a rickshaw, stopping to look at a pedd ler's wares, smiling at a "friendly" male passerby, etc.
       Then there's the other side of the coin: the 220 souls the teens won in an afternoon; hundreds of screaming and cheering college students after a program by Harvest Moon [our singing team]; the smiling faces of dozens of little orphan girls as they sing "O praise the Lord" in rounds, and the thrill of seeing young catacombers grow in the Lord. There is never a dull moment! Witnessing here is around the clock, with kings, supporters, cata combers, FMers, sponsors and friends constantly waiting to see or hear from us.
       Even life at Home is raving, as we attempt to defend our Heavenly Home--or more precisely our pantry--from hordes of raiding monkeys, while training and schooling the kids, who are just as with it as the older folks. They have their own show troupes and are tremendous witnesses.
       All that to say: If you are looking for a place to really go the distance with just you, the big JC and a whole ton of hungry souls--com e to India! I can pretty much guarantee it'll blow your mind!

letters to the editor

Sir Scott's style

       The latest Heaven's Library stories were fabulous! Anyone who has doubts about whether the departed can speak to us in prophecy should just read The Perfect Ones. I studied English literature in college and that was Walter Scott for sure. It was exactly his style! There is no way anyone in the 20th century could make up stuff like that without having studied Scott's style and literary ex pression for years and years, which I am pretty sure the medium for that story most certainly has not had the time to do.
       --Simon Simple, India

Re: David's interview

       I was impressed with the interview from David in Grapevine #22, especially the way he talked about things. Some people try to be so cool in the way they talk (or write) that it's almost corny. His attitude and way of looking at things is very mature. I wish more of our Family guys could be like that. God bless you too, Nicole !
       --teen, Middle East

Open letter to Cherish (of Miguel)

       I would like to thank you for that amazing testimony which you shared in "Rest in His Arms." Your sample comforted me. For the past few years I've been going through discouragement while worrying about my future. Recently I found out that some of my sweet and dedicated YA friends (married with two children) left the Family; once they were my shepherds. I was thinking, "Will my future husband do the same?" How can you be sure and cre ate a family with such fears in your heart?
       At the same time, my questions about the physical afflictions of PGs weren't giving me peace either. All this was putting me more and more in doubt as I was becoming older and started thinking more about my future. I really love kids and am impatiently waiting for that little one--to be able to give him all I know and to pass on my training to him. The Lord used your testimony to encourage me, and to give me the special peace and trust in Him that I was praying for.
       --P. (20, female), Estonia

Open letter to young people

       I had a deep desire to write you and let you know how much I love you! I'm proud of you! You're unique! You deserve a gold medal! In observing you, I can't help but marvel at the deep love you guys have inside you. I have lots of faith in you. I can see in the near future how powerfully the Lord is going to use you. Thank you for being you.
       --a big kiss from Maria (FGA), Russia

don't miss …

"Living Through the Chaos!"--An upcoming article in Zine #12! Thrilling reading for young and old alike!

I'm wondering ...

The CVC course refers to various WND articles which are no longer available in most Homes, as well as a set of six cookbooks which PACRO put out from their MOM Ministry years ago. These books were never printed in our area, and while the CVC refers to these books, our kids don't have them available. Would it be possible for these to be printed for the whole Family?--SACRO
(From WS:)
As these cookbooks and WND articles are not essential Word-based publications, rather than printing these items at considerable expense, we'll try to make them available to CVC students on the CVC CD (which will contain all or most of the pubs/items referred to in the CVC course). In the meantime, over 220 WNDs (WNDs 286-508) are on the new HomeARC 98 Text Library CD, due to arrive in the Homes around Christmas (see "HomeARC 98 Is Coming!" LNFs 264).

I was wondering if you could tell us how much money is spent on the Grapevine and Free Zine, as it seems that there has been a lot more pages and ink, etc., in the Zine than in the Grapevine.--Someone in South America
Actually, it's almost the same. The Grapevine puts out 24 A4 pages a month, and the Zine puts out 20-28 A4 pages a month; the same number of copies go to each Home.

grapes of thankfulness

       Years ago, my wife left the Family and I stayed with our three children, Gabriel (4), Alissa (2) and Juliana (1). I received the needed love and help from a wonderful woman of God, and we served the Lord together for some years. The kids knew what true love was when you, dear Claire, hugged them, changed their diapers, corrected them and loved them, and took us into your beautiful family. Steven, Claire's first son, rapidly became Gabriel's best friend. Dear Claire and teen Steven, your love still rings loud in my heart.
       Due to legal problems I had to move to another field alone. Again, the Lord gave me a great woman who took care of my children as her own--even though she had quite a bunch herself. Dear Faith (in Brazil), your love and concern for us became a stepping stone in the many lessons of love I have learned throughout the years. Nowadays, when I have to lay down my life for others in some way, I remember you.
       Later, my children were snatched by their flesh mother after some persecution and legal battles, but I now claim the beautiful promise the Lord has given me: "They took them away from you, but they can't take them away from Me." Every little bit of love, every hug, every one of those motherly touches that you gave to those who were not of your flesh are not lost; they will remain and bear fruit!
       --Matthew CR, Romania

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder
       Intense drama based on a famous play about the Salem witch hunts of the 1600s. Traumatic subject matter; not for light viewing. Contains man y points for discussion, such as similarities between the witch hunt and the child abuse hysteria.

Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze
       Drama about a spoiled teenage girl on vacation at a resort hotel, who learns lessons about love and life. A bit dated, but has fun dancing sequences.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Matthew Broderick, Patricia Arquette
       Love story/character study about Richard Feynman, a scientist involved in developing the atomic bomb. The movie centers on his earlier life, when he was courting his wife.

Movies Rated for YCs and Up

Spanky McFarland; Carl Switzer, Billie Thomas
       Long running black-and-white TV series (available on video) centering around a group of neighborhood kids and their antics. Please preview each episode before watching, as although the majority are wholesome with good lessons, several are unedifying and not worth watching. (Please note als o that the 1994 remake movie "The Little Rascals" is not recommended for children.)

Non-Recommended Movies

HEAD ABOVE WATER (Cameron Diaz; 1997)
RICH MAN'S WIFE, THE (Halle Berry; 1996)
TRUE ROMANCE (Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette; 1993)


       Under the Free Zone credits in Grapevine #28, the correct lead vocalists for the song "Fade Away" should read Shawn and Paulo Sol. Our apologies, Paulo!

ws want ads

       We're a behind-the-scenes WS Home of "live ones" with adora ble kids and growling tummies! We need someone who loves kids and feels it is their ministry and calling to invest in their future--a holy hole who doesn't mind teamworking with others. The help is specifically needed in the baby/toddler department, but experience in caring for 3- to 8-year-olds is an advantage as well.
       We are also looking for another someone to help in the kitchen/staff department. If you have other home care or home maintenance skills this would be an asset. Applicants can b e male or female over the age of 18, preferably single. Could this be you? Please reply via your CRO Office. Please include information on any other skills or ministries that you have experience in.

Needed: your input for 1997 Year-end Activity Report

       (From WS Pubs team:) If you would like one or more of your Home's CTP projects or other outreach activities included in the Family's 1997 Year-end Activity Report, please send details now by e-mail to the WS Pubs address (wspubs@ibm.net), or w ith your November TRF. In either case, please be sure to designate your contribution "For '97 YEAR."
       Due to the vast number of projects covered in the YEAR, please try to keep each of your entries to 100 words or less. Thanks!
       Photos of your CTP projects and other outreach activities are also needed, including color photos for the Family's WEB site. You can send grayscale files (see LNF 252) by e-mail (or via your CRO), and/or color prints or color scans on disk direct to the Grapevine posta l address.
       Thank you for helping make 1997 the Family's best year yet, and for helping us tell the world about it! We love you!


       -- We are sisterless and up for adoption--the only Home in the country of Kazahkstan. For more details and testimonies write today at E-mail: tianshan@silkroad.almaty.kz.--Kazahkstan team.
       -- Please join us in prayer and support for our work and catacombers. Many souls (135) were saved on our SWIFT, but we need your help!--Mike and Vicki, China.
       -- Be part of our work in the Philippines and the growing prison ministry CTP. The need is limitless! Add: Tim/Aura Deseo, P.O. Box 1491, CPO Quezon City, PI. E-mail: odin@starnet.net.ph.
       -- Our eight kids and we have an exciting, fruitful and soul-winning ministry with the deaf and at hospitals. We need your help to do more.--Mark and Faithy, Hyderabad, India.

attack day supply!

       When we first heard about the attack days, we were excited, but we felt a little like: "How can we ever raise enough to make a difference for this major need?" We imagined sending in ten or twenty dollars … and needless to say, we got desperate! Our Home is really short staffed right now, so we could only manage to send out one full-day team, and one afternoon team. However, we did have a secret weapon--the "by the stuffers" who were desperately praying! By the end of the day, our two teams "returned with rejoicing" and we happily discovered we had nearly a hundred dollars to send in! Hey, w e realize that's not much, but for us in one of the poorest countries in the world, it was a very good day! Most inspiring of all are the sweet folks we'll be able to follow up on and, Lord willing, lead to Heaven as a result of our book attack day! Plus the juicy new books we'll all soon be enjoying as a result!--Lily Fighter (22), Nepal

       The Lord really blessed our two attack days for the books; it was obvious the Lord was behind it. At first, it seemed like a sacrifice having them on our u sually best witnessing days in the week, but it amazed us how "easy" it went in comparison to many other days. It was a "stand back and see Me fight" situation!--Johannes, Joanna and Michael, Belgium

       Natalie (5) faithfully collects coins in her little "Missionary Gift" box to send to the missionaries. As soon as she heard about the new books WS was going to print for us, she exclaimed: "Oh, Mommy, can I send my missionary money to King Peter to help him print the books?" That was before she knew anything about the attack day! She counted her coins up, and came up with 75 tenghe (Kazak money), which makes up a dollar which we are adding to our attack day funds.--Matthew, Marie, Yana and Peter, Kazakhstan

Goal reached!

       (From WS:)
We'd like to share with you the very happy news that the Lord supplied enough funds, through the two attack days that were held, to cover the entire cost of the printing of over 20 books which is now underway! Thank the Lord! Although initially it loo ked like we would fall short of the goal, as a result of a number of "late entries," as well as a reduction in the total cost of the project, the amount raised by the Homes will cover what is needed!
       The chart below does not include special gifts given to the book printing, but only the amount raised by the Homes in the attack days, and as you can see--on the overall, the goals were reached! (We have not yet received the results from SACRO's second attack day, thus the lower figures in their a rea.) With the additional special gifts received, we not only have enough for the book printing, but to also to help cover the shipping costs to get them to your Home. Thank you all for your hard work and sacrifice to raise funds on these attack days--it sure paid off! God bless you!


now that's funny!

New Math

       1960s Arithmetic Test: "A logger cuts and sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is four-fifths of that amount. What is his profit?
       1970s ne w-math test: "A logger exchanges a set (L) of lumber for a set (M) of money. The cardinality of Set M is 100. The Set C of production costs contains 20 fewer points. What is the cardinality of Set P of profits?"
       1980s "dumbed down" version: "A logger cuts and sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost is $80; his profit is $20. Find and circle the number 20."
       1990s version. "An unenlightened logger cuts down a beautiful stand of 100 trees in order to make a $20 profit. Write an essay exp laining how you feel about this as a way to make money. Topic for discussion: How did the forest birds and squirrels feel?


       [comic strip illustration of a man jumping rope, skating and lifting weights, basketball, pushups ("506, 507…"). His children are looking on saying, "Daddy missed get-out for the last four days, so he's trying to make it up today!]

shine on

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel/Rosita, Mexico       5,500       11,000
Pablo E., Chile       734       2 ,203
Mark/Faithy, India       600       1,199

Magdalena Atar./Pedro Aman., Mexico       581       3,489
Nehemiah T./Sara Lynn/Jonatan, Mexico       525       1,575
Timothy F./Dove F./Rejoice E., U.S.A.       392       2,748
David/Alma, Mexico       316       950
David/Promise, Costa Rica       283       850
Peter Newhope/Joy Newhope/Isaias, Mexico       263       527
Tiago/Priscila/Josue, Brazil       225       900

Stephen/Joan/Bernie, Hungary       12,623       126,233
Michael/Maria, Japan       2,148       4,296
Steven/Mercy, Japan       1,945       3,890

Samuel/Rosita, Mexic o       1,400       2,800
James/Claire, Japan       1,256       6,281
Abner/Promise, Japan       1,103       2,207
Jonathan/Clare, Japan       1,100       3,300
Adino/Joana, Brazil       972       2,917
Timothy F./Dove F./Rejoice E., U.S.A.       941       6,590
Francis M./Heaven F./Joseph F., U.S.A.       876       6,132


Tim/Vicky/Rebecca, Chile       213       1,068
Pablo E., Chile       141       423
David/Madalena/Francisco/Joana, Brazil       116       581

David/Heidi/Rose/Jan/Jenny/Stv, CzechRep.       109       764
Tim/Rachel, Sweden       83       250
Christopher N./Gentleness N., U. S.A.       69       138
Abner/Promise, Japan       66       132
Jonathan/Clara, Colombia       57       115
Rufus Reuben/Dulce/Nina Hill, U.S.A.       56       170
Andrew/Crystal/Angela/Maureen/Gab, U.S.A.       53.7       376
Peter T./ Faith T./Seth F./Lily F., U.S.A.       53.2       213

Emanuel/Rubi, Ecuador       63       127
Jesse/Joy/Angie, Brazil       53       159
Santiago/Clara, Brazil       40       120

Barz/Sara/Nina, Portugal       38       115
David/Esperanza/Santiago, Peru       37       149
Jimmy/Joy, Taiwan       35       70
Mark/Emma/Rebeka, Russia       30       120
Joao/Clara/Aichan , Brazil       28       168
Davide/Joan, Italy       23       47
Steven/Christina, Sweden       21.3       64

Free poster shiners--September '97

Matt/Marie/Peter/Esther/Jeremy, Kazakhstan       9,571       66,997
Peter/Lily/Steven/Joseph, Russia       6,629       46,408
Cliff -- Gabe/Maria, Russia       5,230       20,920
Michael/Christie/Lydia, Ukraine       5,200       26,000
Jonas/Ania/Ivan/Dove, Russia       4,333       26,000
Francis/Kristy/Alina, Russia       4,000       40,000
Phil/Marie/Amy, Russia       2,925       11,700
Abner/Elisa/Mary/Mercy/Snezhana, Ukraine       2,920       17,520
Omega--Luke/M ercy/Patience, Russia       2,916       17,500
Candle--David/Rose/Pearl, Russia       2,577       25,772
Ruthie/Dan/Philipp, Ukraine              32,000

SACRO Sunsigns
Sign       Boys       Girls       Total

Aries       94       91       185
Taurus       92       98       190
Gemini       79       78       157
Cancer       101       95       196
Leo       91       83       174
Virgo       79       76       155
Libra       63       74       137
Scorpio       72       76       148
Sagittarius       90       77       167
Capricorn       71       90       161
Aquarius       78       76       154
Pisces       84       73       157


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family