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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #27; September 15, 1997)       (CM/FM)

Copyright © 1997 by The Family

       The Grapevine
       PO Box 4938
       Orange, CA 92863 USA
       e-mail: grape@ibm.net

       The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.

       Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


more munchkins …

       -- Michael Tristan, 1st ch ild, born to Christina.--Hungary
       -- Virginia Love, 1st child, born to Romanian Clara and Costa Rican Matthew.--Romania
       -- Lisa, 1st child, born to Russian Katya.--Russia
       -- Bruno, 2nd child, born to Marta and Ademir on March 31st.--Brazil
       -- Kerenina Gitana, 2nd child, born to Topacio and Timothy on April 24th.--Colombia
       -- Samuel, 11th child, born to Maria and Jordan on May 4th.--Ecuador
       -- Baby boy (no name given), born to Amy and Martin on May 11th.--Brazil
       -- Larissa Kelly, bor n to Charity Song (of Sam and Clair Smiles) on May 11th.--Brazil
       -- Marcos Josias, 5th child, born to Ester and Juan Francisco on May 24th.--Brazil
       -- Michelle Angelique, 8th child, born to Clara and Santiago on May 25th.--Brazil
       -- Marcos Neves, 2nd child, born to Sulamita and Daniel on May 27th.--Brazil
       -- Antal Patrick, 2nd child, born to Eden and Juan on May 29th.--Brazil.
       -- Nicolas Daniel, 9th child, born to Esther and Samuele on June 6th.--Brazil
       -- Jesse, 3rd child, born to T abita Fe on June 19th.--Brazil
       -- Adriana Careese, 1st child, born to Maresha (22) and Aaron (Hungarian, 26) on August 1st.--Hungary
       -- Cassandra Crystal (Cassie), 2nd child, born to Paloma and Gideon on August 1st.--Turkey


tying the knot …
-- Belated announcement: Aaron and Maresha tied the knot on May 31st, 1997.--Hungary

more new disciples from '97 …
-- Daisy (18, Lithuanian).--Lithuania
       -- Andrew (26, Hungarian).--Hungary
       -- Christian, joined January 1997.--North America
       -- Luke Yield, joined January 1, 1997.--India
       -- Paul True, joined January 2, 1997.--Pakistan
       -- Yimy Soldado, joined February 1997.--North America
       -- Pedro (of Josue/Abi), joined March 1997.--North America
       -- Shane, joined March 1997.--North America
       -- Michael New Jerusalem (Juan/Ana), joined March 1997.--North America
       -- Maria Christina (Steven/Ana), joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Jason Jared (Hepsiba), joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Isaias, joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Anim, joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Michelle, joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Angie, joined April 1997.--North America
       -- Luis and Faithy Colaco, joined April 22, 1997.--India
       -- Jorge, joined May 1997.--North America
-- Vijay, joined July 23, 1997.--India


       (From the Delhi Deaf Home:) We held a four-day summer leadership camp in the mountain resort town of Shimla (formerly the summer capital of British India) for the deaf, with 120 deaf catacombers from all over North India attending. We gave Bible classes on: relationship with the Lord, love of God and love for God. The camp was a huge success. Many commented that now they really know how much the Lord loves them.

(From Ahlai:) From August 25th-29th, nearly 500 Family members (CM/FM) from the East Coast and Canada (over half young people) met together, resting in His wonderful Word and this beautiful place with lodges and cabins, a gorgeous lake with pad dleboats, pool, fields, and restaurant-style meals and service included. The Family camp was hosted by the Northeastern VS team, the DC Home and the Toronto Rivers Home YA team. A new friend donated 90% of the cost. It was truly a retreat of spirit, and we have termed this Family camp "millennial!"
       We held two days of Word and inspirational meetings and group activities for the kiddos. Our theme was "Be a Missionary!" Over 100 people are "heeding the call" and moving on to the fertile fields o f Russia, Africa, China, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico and South America. Others who are staying have committed to being missionaries to the lost in North America. We dedicated a meeting to our foreign missionaries; we laid hands on each group by country of destination and heard from the Lord for them. There were more families up front receiving send-off prayers than there were brethren left in their seats to pray for them! We also watched via video some of Peter's recent meetings, given in Russia.
       W e had some of the most rousing inspirations I have ever attended. The DC Band didn't hold back, and amazingly, the pastor (the camp's landlord) and camp staff thought it was just great! We divided after inspiration, and the four-year-olds through JETTs went for activities with their respective groups. The young people prepared meaningful classes, projects, arts, crafts, souvenirs and goodies for each age group, and we have kept all the schedules and planners for camps to come, or anyone interest ed. We had a Talent Night which over 100 people joined in on. One of the funniest presentations was a contest where six boys (aged 17-25, none of whom are fathers) competed in diaper-changing, stroller-unfolding, baby-bouncing and baby-related question-answering contest! Such a wonderful time of fellowship!

Reactions to the Northeastern Family Camp


       * The awesome thing about the camp was that loads of people were saying, "Hey! Are you answering the call to go to the mission field?" Th e coolest thing you could do was be on your way to the mission field. I'm on the way to Africa with my family and I'm super excited!--Joe (SGA, of Comfy)
* The Lord has re-inspired us to serve Him on the mission field in the near future, and also to change our status from FM to CM.--Angelo (of Comfort)
* I was so impressed that the SGAs/YAs/teens were running the camp; that burden is being lifted off us adults.--Michael (of Peace)
* The "Be a Missionary" focus was a tremendous boost in the spirit, as we are leaving for the field in a few months. The kids had so much fun at the camp, and left with the feeling that the Family is where it is at and has so much to offer. This is one reason I feel that fellowships are so important--to bond with their peers in the Family in an inspiring environment.--Stephen (of Rejoice)

think deep

       God never asks for our ability or our inability--just our availability.

world news

Upcoming Review of P's Case
       (From WS:) P's custod y case, which was settled in October '95, is coming up for review this month. (It was originally scheduled for the beginning of this year, but was delayed until now.) A child psychiatrist (the same one who during the case made a number of reports on S and advised the court that S be removed from P.'s custody) is to interview P, S and P's mother, and evaluate S's physical, psychological and emotional health and whether it continues to be satisfactorily met under P's care.
       The review is not a re opening of the case itself, but rather a re-evaluation by the judge of whether S continues to live in a "safe" environment. However, P's mother told the Official Solicitor that she wants to take the case back to court to try to regain custody of S, and some antagonistic former members have entered new pubs and affidavits as "evidence."
       Please pray that the review will confirm that the Family is a safe atmosphere for S, where his physical, educational and emotional needs are and will be met. Pl ease also pray for P, and for her encouragement and strength in the face of this continued battle; as well as for our lawyers, Gideon and Rachel and other Family members involved, that the Lord will give them wisdom and guidance in each step.

Family WEB site responses

from Trust and Arrow (Lamb Home), USA

       I am a supervisor at Dairy Queen. Tonight at work I had the pleasure of meeting some of the members of your group. Two of the young men were going to India and Russia to teach the Gos pel. For the rest of the night I kept thinking about them. You see, I am a relatively new Christian, so I was quite excited to meet some people from The Family. I think that the work you guys are doing is great. Sometimes it must get frustrating when you feel like you aren't making a difference in people's lives. But you made a difference in mine--so thank you!--Sarah, Canada

       Thanks for the love you have shown me by reaching out to a former member of the Family. Your personal letter and publ ications are like a welcome rain to a dry and thirsty earth! Although a lot of negative things happened to me over the years in the Family, I try to remember all the good and happy times, which far outweigh the bad. No matter what happened, I believe that the Lord allowed it to take place because all things work together for good for those who continue to love the Lord.--Edward

       I am 19, and studying at UW-Madison. I happen to have fallen in love with someone at school who is Lutheran and tak es his faith quite seriously. I've always considered myself to be an atheist, and have been very adamant about it. I thought it was so great that religion was never forced on me, but since I've met this man, I can't help but wonder if I'm the one who got shorted. My boyfriend has helped me to remove the block in my mind of God's existence, but I am still desperate for guidance. Please help! The reason I chose to write you is because I was absolutely touched and inspired by the handout To You!--W ith Love!--Marissa, USA

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed a group of singers from your organization. They were singing in Grand Central Station [New York City] about a week ago. There were three teenagers, a young girl and boy, and an older gentleman. What an amazing collection of talent and voices. I listened for about 20 minutes. Thanks for making me smile.--Anonymous

       I was born in the Family, and I am 22. You don't know how excited I am about finding you--this is great! Plea se write me as soon as possible and let me know where I can come and visit. My home is open to any brethren to stay at. I still can't believe that I finally found my Family!--Dawn, Canada



       (From Peter [23, Latvian], Esther [26, Russian] and Ivan [21, Kazakh]:) No Family team had been to Kirghizia except the original scouting teams in 1993. Our main goal was to scout out the land and try to find some of the people who had written to our mailing address, five of whom li ved in Bishkek, the capital. Not knowing what the border crossing would be like, we only took 4,000 posters and 1,000 tracts with us.
       After a four-hour bus ride, we arrived in the capital of Kirghizia, which looks more like a big village--very quiet, with hardly any cars. Many Russians still live there. We quickly distributed all the lit we had brought with us, as people were receptive and happy to receive it. After much searching, we met with a scientist who had written in and begged us to st ay with him in his village for our last three days. A friend of one of his relatives had gotten one of our posters in Moscow years ago and that's how he first got in touch with us! We were able to read the Word with him and minister to his brother and other family members. We're planning to return here on a regular basis.

       [Fact Box: Kyrgyzstan (officially Kyrgyz Republic), independent republic in Central Asia, formerly part of the USSR with a population of 4,421,000 (1991). The area is almos t completely mountainous and subject to major earthquakes. Bishkek is the capital and largest city.]

       (From Yana [23, Russian], Jerry [19], Stephanie [16] and Ivan [21]:) We recently took a two-week follow-up trip to the city of Semipalatinsk (a former site of Soviet nuclear tests). In two weeks, we were able to distribute about 30,000 posters. We also prayed with over 340 people to receive Jesus.
       On our first trip last year, we met Karashash and her friend Zhanna, who have beco me candles lit by the flame of God's Word. We met them almost daily, gave them basic classes, and answered their questions with the Word. Karashash took notes at each class, and we could feel her spiritual hunger and how much she appreciated the Word. She has the vision to tell others about Jesus and hold weekly meetings for interested people. We left her lots of literature, and we phone each other every other week. It is thrilling to see how the Lord is raising people up by His Word, and helpin g us to establish some solid workers in other cities.
       Dear Karashash is very ill with a radiation-related spinal problem. She gets attacks where she often experiences such acute pain in her back and head that she loses consciousness. Please pray for her complete healing.
       The sweet family we stayed with on our first trip was so happy to see us again. The two teen boys, Vitalik and Valera, had both read the entire Treasures and even memorized some of the verses. They went witnessing with us an d loved every minute of it. They even won souls on their own! Many people want to help us give out the message. Sometimes people would come up to us and ask if they could help us distribute posters.

pray for mama

       (From Peter:) This is a special prayer request for Mama. She is having another lengthy, very heavy period and has been quite weakened by it to where she's unable to stand up or walk around without becoming dizzy and nauseous. Please join with us in praying for her period to stop immediately, and for her strength to be regained quickly. Mama wants to thank you in advance for your prayers for her. She sends her love to each one of you and wants to encourage you all to keep going for Jesus.

studio news


       (From Timothy:) The GP video teamwork (Solomon, Chris and Phil) is right on schedule with the filming of the new Treasure Attic series (both in English and Spanish). The Lord has been continuing to supply all their needs, with locations, equipment, cast, props, c ostumes, etc. They have completed the final editing for the EMV and now are able to begin final editing the last of the TA shows for the first series. They seem very inspired with the progress that the Lord is helping them to make. The new shows are not only better than ever, but they're accomplishing their goals in record time.

South America

       (From Pedro:) We are finalizing the graphic work on nine Spanish audio tapes, which will be produced on CD in Brazil. The plan is to export these to a ll the Spanish-speaking countries of our area. One of the nine Spanish titles is a revamped version of Mejores Villancicos, the best Christmas carols in Spanish on CD. This month we also hope to finish the production of the Portuguese version of Christmas Treasures, so that we can have another Christmas CD for outreach this year.
       The Treasure Attic special, "The Incredible Journey," has already been sent to all Homes. August is our deadline for Christmas productions, and then we move onto the production of the "Loving Jesus" song tape in both Spanish and Portuguese. Our PAS studio is working on some songs for the upcoming Loving Jesus tapes in English.
       We recently had quite a push at PAS, working on revamping, re-recording, re-translating and re-mixing of songs for Chiqui Video, the revamped Kiddie Viddie series in Spanish. Nearly every song has been redone with improved translations and new vocals.

(From the Lit-Pic/PPC team:) Our PPC crew has been working on printe d materials for the CDs we are producing: "Fear Not," "Time to Be Happy," "Sing a Song of Joy" and "Christmas Treasures." The studio crew has been busy recording vocal leads for a number of songs, and are working on the final touch-up for the dubbing of Treasure Attic #7 in Indonesian.
       This month we finished translating the CD "How to Bring Out the Best in People," which is presently being proofread. We also worked on Living Waters translations.
       We also proofread the GP Christmas stories, so that upon receiving the B/W sample we can immediately format the booklet.

       (News request from the editors: Calling all studios! We miss hearing from you! Let us in on what's been happening in your studio!)

(GP--designed for the under-25 age group)
--coming soon to a tape recorder near you!


       1. HANDS UP! (4:20)
       Lead vocal: Sylvia
       Back-up vocals: Sylvia, Jana, Hopie
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, rhythm programming: Martin
       Electric guitar: Makoto
       Lyrics and music by: Martin

       2. CHARLIE (5:22)
Lead vocals: Francesco, Jono,Haley
       Back-up vocals: Francesco, Jono,Haley
       Electric guitar: Makoto
       Arranged and engineered by, rhythm programming, keyboard and synthesizer: Francesco
       Lyrics by: Jeremy, Francesco
       Music by: Jeremy

       3. THE DANCER (4:16)
       Lead vocals: Emmanuel, Lara
       Back-up vocals: Eman, Julia, Emmanuel
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, acoustic guitar, rhythm programming: Emmanuel
       L yrics by: Julia, Emmanuel
       Music by: Paul Michael, Emmanuel

       4. THE STATE I'M IN (5:04)
Lead vocal and back-up vocals: Byron
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, blues harp, rhythm programming: Byron
       Electric and acoustic guitar: Vas
       Lyrics and music by:John Phoenix

       5. I HEAR THEM CALLING (4:44)
       Lead vocals: John Listen
       Back-up vocals: John Listen, Francesco
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, rhythm programming: John Listen
       Electric an d acoustic guitar: Jeff
       Lyrics by:Barry Mountain
       Music by:Barry Mountain,John Listen

       6. SET ME FREE
       Lead vocal: Daniel Lights, Sylvia
       Back-up vocals: Daniel Lights, Sylvia, Francesco, Philly
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, rhythm programming: Philly
       Lyrics and music by: Micah Jubal


       7. SOMETHING IS HOT (3:56)
       Lead vocal: Sunny
       Back-up vocals: Sunny, Hopie
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, rhythm programming: Mar tin
       Electric guitar: Makoto
       Lyrics by: Martin, Sunny
       Music by: Martin

       Lead vocal: Hopie
       Back-up vocals: Francesco, Mikial, Jeff, Andrew V.
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, rhythm programming: Andrew V.
       Electric guitar: Makoto
       Bass guitar: Josh
       Lyrics and music by: Stephen Reid

       9. HARD HEARTED WORLD (4:31)
Lead vocal: Katrina
       Back-up vocals: Jeremy, Katrina, Emmanuel, Eman, Julia
       Engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, acoustic guitar, rhythm programming: Eman
       Electric guitar: Jeremy
       Arranged by: Eman, Nat S.
       Lyrics and Music by: Micah

       10. TURN AROUND (4:08)
       Lead vocals: Christy, Daniel Lights
       Back-up vocals: Angelique, Jana, Olivia, Haley, Andrew V.
Rap: Philly
       Arranged by, keyboard and synthesizer: Andrew V., Michael Piano
       Engineered by, rhythm programming: Andrew V.
       Acoustic guitar:Michael Piano
Electric guitar: Makoto, Michael P.
       Lyrics by: Michael P., Philip
M usic by:Michael P.

       11. BACK TO THE JUNGLE (6:07)
       Lead vocal: Jerry
       Back-up vocals: Kevin, Francesco, Joe, Mikial, Brian,Haley, Noah
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synthesizer, bass guitar, rhythm programming: Francesco
       Acoustic guitar: Philip
       Electric guitar: Makoto
       Lyrics and music by: Jerry

       12. WHEN WILL THE WAR BE ENDED? (6:14)
       Lead vocals: Angelina, Paul, Joy
       Back-up vocals: Angelina, Paul, Joy, Michael Piano
       Arranged and engineered by, keyboard and synt hesizer, acoustic, electric and bass guitar, rhythm programming: Michael Piano
       Lyrics by: Michael Piano, Barry M., Windy
       Music by:Michael Piano

what's up?

Prophecy ministry
       (From Ammi [of Markus]:) We recently explained to our friends how we hear from the Lord in prophecy. This month we received three requests from them, asking if we could pray and hear from the Lord about different things. One friend, who is a computer manager, is involved in a custody battle. He asked us to please hear from the Lord about his situation, as he didn't want to move without the Lord's guidance. Another was a housewife who had just gone through a separation and wanted us to ask God for any direction for her life, particularly about her serving the Lord in a greater capacity.

French Nu Beat
       (From David and Joy:) In Grapevine #24 there's an article concerning the Nu Beat, and the Lord's encouraging and inspiring message about this Nu music! For all our Family's info, the word "Nu" is French for naked! So let the Nu Beat reach the ends of the world with the naked truth of God's love and power! Hallelujah!

Following God
       (From Mark YA:) This month we sent a four-man road trip to a nearby country. It was a step of faith as things didn't seem to be working out. The airline that usually gave us half-price tickets wasn't able to help, which made the trip quite expensive, and our friend that usually let us borrow his apartment wasn't in town. But as we p rayed together and heard from the Lord, we all felt that He was leading us to go anyway. We went ahead by faith and had our best trip ever by far in that country! In 10 days we distributed over 100 videos, and followed up on numerous people, raising a total of over $8,500. Thank the Lord for His miraculous supply!

Reaching Russians
       (From John, Piper and Brandt:) Over a dozen Russian ships visit here weekly. The ships come teeming with passengers, anxious to purchase merchandise from Turkey's expanding market. Though we barely speak a word of Russian, the Lord put it on our hearts to visit the port here and try to reach them. Each time we visit, we are overwhelmed by the spiritual void and hunger for the Word amongst the captains and crews. Most of the captains have taken our tools, and give us permission to pass out our tools to all the passengers on their ships.
       This has been an encouraging fulfillment to us of what the Lord gave in the "Pour Forth, Go Forth, for the Ti me is Short!" GN, about the dire need in the former Soviet Republics. So even if you aren't able to go to Russia, maybe there are some Russians near you and you can "go forth" and reach them.

Souls and follow-up
       (From an adult man:) We have been in the States for nearly two years after having spent two years as EE pioneers, and nine years in Southeast Asia. The Lord has given us a beautiful Home with dedicated and committed personnel and a fruitful work. One big difference between our former fields and the States is that in other countries we had to learn to love and become one with the field in order to be fruitful, but here we have to "hate it" and "be separate" from it, in order to be of any use to the Lord here.
       As a small Home, we had to realize that we couldn't be "tops" at everything, so we prayed to find out what the Lord was calling us to do. Our Home majors on outreach, follow-up and CTP programs. We do a lot of follow-up and get involved in our sheep's lives--som etimes at the cost of not being able to get the tools out. Our sheep are now becoming supporters, and it's wonderful to see a new work beginning. Our teens go personal witnessing and soul winning. We spend a considerable amount of time feeding our sheep both inside and outside the Home.
       You might wonder how we get our income. Two of us in the Home hold part-time teaching jobs (six hours a week), but we only accept assignments that do not conflict with our witnessing schedule. When raising fund s, I present soul winning as my appeal project; people find it so amazing that they are willing to support it.

Tract responses
       (From Tender:)True Love!--Forever Love! is running super close to To You - With Love! when it comes to people's beautiful responses. One doctor called and said that just before he read To You - With Love, he was thinking of committing suicide. The tract (which his wife received at the hospital where he works when Praise was there for her delivery) gave him such peace that now he doesn't entertain suicidal thoughts. PTL!

E-mail ministry
       (From Christina, Patrick and Peace Jubilee:) We have been working on a WEB page containing many beautiful Words from the Lord and our faithful shepherds on current issues. This page is done in a radical format made for people to react and communicate with us.
       When cloning was big news, we wrote one article (excerpts taken from GP Letters) about cloning and the Endtime, and our site was visited by 10 00 people in three days! One response we got said, "Narrow-minded idiot!" Patrick responded with, "Better a narrow-minded idiot than an intellectual too smart to see the handwriting on the wall." The man wrote back, asking what the "handwriting on the wall" meant, so Patrick explained to him the story from the book of Daniel. This same man wrote back and apologized, starting his letter with, "Dear Professor, I had no idea of your profession! I thought you were just a teenager with too much time on his hands. I would be very interested in discussing this more with you!"
       We try to see what outstanding events are happening in the news, and we then make a compilation of GP quotes from the Letters designed to help people see the signs of the times and understand the works of the Enemy. We have gotten many responses and have a regular e-mail ministry. People are now asking us questions about the Endtime on-line.

High security prison follow-up
       (From Christina [17] and Valour D ane:) We went to visit some MM members that we met during a show at a high-security prison in Dnepropetrovsk. After we filled in the necessary papers and had our passports checked, we were escorted through several sets of iron doors and checkpoints into the main part of the prison where the prisoners are free to walk around.
       About 25 people showed up for the meeting we held in the prison library. They were all part of a group of Christians who meet regularly. They took turns telling us when an d how they got saved--most remember the exact day.
       We spent five hours with them covering a wide variety of topics such as: not getting into denominational squabbles; hearing from the Lord fresh daily; trying out new ways to pray and praise the Lord; points about the Endtime; humility and love, etc. We brought an assortment of our lit so they could start their own library of Mountain Streams, Reflections, Treasures, DMs, etc.
       These guys were pretty informal and not hung up on churchy traditi ons. We even tried one-word prayers with them and they all had fun. They told us that every time they get together to pray, they pray for us. All of them are witnessing and each one tries to win another. Please pray we can come here monthly to do follow-up, as well as to the other prisons where we have done shows.

Miracle healing
       (From Tim and Marie:) A precious Muslim lady, who is a respected veterinarian in this city, got saved and has been miraculously healed from breast cance r. Over nine months ago she learned about her condition, and though she sought help from many doctors, her condition continued to deteriorate. Right before she was to return for her third therapy session, she prayed to receive the Lord, and we prayed for her healing.
       Before she left for therapy, all of her friends came to pay their respects as they all--along with her husband--felt that she was going to die. Her condition was more advanced than three other patients who were being treated at th e time, yet she was the only one who recovered--to the amazement of all of her family and friends. She gives Jesus the credit for her new life, and now many friends, both Muslim and Christian, call her to ask advice, and about her new faith.

Reaping the dividends
       (From Faith:) Two years ago I met a man who promised to pledge every month. He wasn't faithful in keeping his promise. After moving to pioneer another city, I somehow lost touch with him. This month we went on the attack to get out a newsletter, and I ran across his name card. I sent him a newsletter and wrote him a little note with our account number. A few days later he wrote back and said, "It's nice to hear from you again! Sometimes I have thought about the donation I promised to send to you. But I wondered where to send it to. Luckily, you sent me your account number; now I can keep my promise. I'm sending my donation for the whole year with this letter." PTL!
       Another one of our contacts phoned to say th at he had some bad news and good news. The bad news was that he was moving to another country. I said, "Oh no, we are really going to miss you!" Then he said, "Since I'm leaving, I'd like to leave you with a little gift in appreciation. Here's the good news: I've arranged to give you a gift of $2,500 to help you with your work. My colleagues and I have saved this up." I had met this sweet man over the phone while provisioning.
       It's so true that you can never lose by giving. Every time we are f aithful to keep witnessing and giving, the Lord gives us back more!


       -- Simon and Joan who went to Africa from India, please contact John and Jacintha (IA03) via India ABM for a surprise.
       -- Michael Willing, please send picture and letter to Tabita Fe at: Cx. Postal 21489, Sao Paulo - SP, CEP 04602-970.
       -- Paul (15, of Simon and Naarah Black) would like to contact Olivia (of Martin and Charity) Add: P.O. Box 11821 Memphis, Tennessee 38111-0821.
       -- Tommy Cervantes, conta ct Crisza (formerly Anna, Javan's sister). Add: C.P.O. Box 1151, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. E-Mail: thegrove@ms.kscg.gov.tw.
       -- Janet (formerly Joanna, of Asaph and Charity), would like to contact Melissa (of Gabe and Rejoice), last heard of in Japan. Contact me via ASCRO.
-- Michael and Christie would like to contact Jonathan, Priscilla and Tamara. Address: a/c 1896, UA-290008 Lviv, Ukraine. E-mail: family@family.lviv.ua.
       -- Angela YA (of Zeb G.) would like to contact: David (Brazilian), Andrew, Nat and Chalsey (of Paul Theophilus), Ester Maria, Merryheart and Raquel. E-mail: Jonden@mail.xpnet.com.br. Add: CX. Postal 4625 Cep: 01061-970 SP-SP Brazil.

letters to the editor

Responsible JETTs

       In Grapevine #19, a JETT girl wrote an article about how JETT guys don't pitch in much with the childcare side of things, etc. All I can say is, "I agree!" I feel that the JETT girls do get more responsibility than us. We're more on the "staff." For myself--and I think for a lot of guys--we wo uldn't mind getting a ministry like childcare; it's more whether people will give us responsibility.
       --J. (14) ASCRO

Movie review benefits

       We've always appreciated the movie lists and the dear folks that have to wade through the movies to let us know where it is and where it ain't, but a recent experience has crystallized it even more. We had been wanting to see "Leaving Las Vegas" for a while, since we quite like the actor Nicolas Cage and it sounded like a sweet love story. Just to be s afe, we held back from watching it until it was rated.--And we were so glad we did, so that we could have the Lord's point of view, and also to be aware of the violence, etc.
       After getting the movie review in Grapevine #22 and then watching the video, it showed us the importance of waiting, even if the video is okay to see, as the Lord's message really gave meaning to it all. It also shows that you can't judge a book by its cover, or a movie by its title or its ad rundown!
       --Angie (YA), Kath mandu

Dear adults …

       Thank you for the part each one of you had in raising us. Please don't get discouraged or think you've failed just because at times we seem to have forgotten everything we've been taught.
       Most of us have grown up our whole lives struggling for funds. We've never known what it's like to own expensive clothes or to be in style, to hang out with our friends, own a car, or have a room all to ourselves. A lot of us have never been out on a date. We've had to grow up real fa st, especially those of us who grew up on foreign fields. These things probably seem meaningless to you, because you've had it all!--You grew up with it, therefore you don't desire it. But it's not so abnormal for some of us to want to try out some of the things that our counterparts in the System do for fun, that we've never done.
       Please remember that we would not be in the Family if that wasn't our ultimate goal and purpose in life. We love Jesus more than anything, and winning the lost is t he most important thing in the world to us. But we are teens and life is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. If we were here "just for the beer," believe me, we would not be in the Family. I've been offered plenty of good money-making jobs, but I'm in the Family because I love the Lord and I want to serve Him. It's just hard for us sometimes when we feel we can't voice our opinions about things.
       Please have a little more faith in us! "Tell her she's beautiful and she'll be beautiful." Tell us we 're the best and that's what we'll try to be! Love you lots!
       --Sarina (17, of Ben and Rebecca Rumba), USA

Commendation for European teens

       We hope that folks in the Family are not getting the impression from the articles written in the Grapevine by well-meaning ones that most of the Family in Europe is "dead weight." The latest reaction from a man in Asia trying to bring the balance mentions that the young folks in mission fields around the world deserve medals. We'd like to add that so do most of the young people in Europe, who have braved the lands of the unfertile fields, plus helped pioneer the EE and Russia. Of course, there are cases where young folks need to be brought to a decision; some may have been problems or may even be "dead weight."
       What if a lot of brethren move to the East, Russia or the EE from Western Europe since the new Letter and call to India [and other mission fields]? It's important that we all be open to receive these brethren and respect what they hav e gone through. We were reminded of the letter "Serve One Another in Love," where it talks about brethren coming to one field from another. Everyone has learned a lot where they are, and of course, they need to adapt to the field they arrive in. That's important--but so is learning from one another.
       --Stephen and Peace (parents of 10, recently returned to India from Western Europe)


Considering a Turkish SWIFT?
       (From the Turkey Family:) While there has been much written recently about the very fertile and fruitful field of Turkey, we wanted to briefly mention "the other side," lest you end up like the dear witnesser on the cover of "Know Their Meat or Get Butchered" (ML# 942) who is about to meet the end of a Turkish scimitar, and have a SWIFT to his Creator, ha!
       Turkey is a very hungry field, but in general, Turks are suspicious of missionaries. Due to other factors in this potentially sensitive mideastern Muslim field, a high degree of prayerfulness and counsel is required. One reason the Family has had success in winning Turks and distributing our tools is that the Turkey pioneers have followed Dad's counsel in the "Muslim Ministry" (ML #2856), as well as other counsel on witnessing to non-Christians. This, coupled with solid CTP programs, the "Muslimizing" of our tools and OR methods, and speaking some Turkish has helped build a fruitful and solid foundation for the Turkish work.
       So if you are considering a SWIFT to Turkey, we would like to encourage you to contact us via ASCRO so we can work together in reaching the Turks with the wise witnessing methods needed for this field. TYSM!

I'm wondering ...

Do Fellow Member parents also need to fill out a Parental Permission Form, and do they have some say in which Homes their Charter Member children are in?--Home in Tampa, USA
A: (From WS:) If one parent is a Charter Member, then obtaining a Parental Permission Form from them should be sufficient, providing the Charter Member parent h as at least dual custody of their child. If neither parent is a Charter Member, then it would be wise to obtain the Parental Permission Form from the Fellow Member parent(s), if the child is staying in a Charter Home (or any Home, for that matter). Of course, it is always nice for both parents to be in agreement as to where their children reside, but that is not always possible.

       Q: Along the same lines, one teen boy has one FM parent and one CM parent. He jokingly said that if his CM parent wouldn't give him permission to go somewhere, he could always get permission from his FM parent. In a case like this, does it matter from which parent the permission comes? Would the CM parent have more say-so than the FM parent, or would they be equal?--Home in Tampa, USA
A: (From WS:) In this case, since the teen is living with his CM parent, the CM's parent's word would stand (likewise, if he were living with his/her FM parent, the FM parent would have the last say). In the case where the t een lives with neither parent and one parent gives permission while the other denies it, the parents should work it out between themselves as to what would be best for their teen.

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama,
       Right before the "Problems and Solutions" GNs came out, some of my loved ones had moved to new fields. At first it was a small trial, but after awhile it began to get bigger and bigger. After sharing my heart with one of my shepherds, I thought I had let it all go, but Lord help me, I had left a little Huddersfield in my heart. When the "Problems and Solutions" GNs came out, I doubted that what it was saying would help me or anyone. I never told my shepherds about my doubts, which, in a way, was worse than voicing them, because they just got bigger until I didn't believe in prayer or prophecy.
       The teens left for a road trip, leaving us JETTs to take over, and I was going through some trials about the jobs I was given. One night I was crying and asking God if there would be a light at the end of my tunnel. I started wondering if life was really worth living; if I was meant to be in the Family, or what there was to live for. I looked around at the other girls who were happy and laughing, and I wondered why they could be so happy and I couldn't. That night was a terrible night.
       This morning for Word time we read "Call to the Rescue!" (ML #3114). I nearly broke down in tears. It was so beautiful! I felt all the burdens being thrown off my shoulders! The prophecie s were perfect. I felt like you were right there holding me in your arms and whispering it all in my ear--to me and me alone. I realized then that you, Jesus, my mom, my dad, my shepherds, God, my friends, everyone, was there to help me, to comfort me, to love me. I felt total peace and serenity in my heart. Everything felt new. I felt like I had just been showered with love, with gifts, with everything that could be offered by God or by man. It was wonderful!
       Thank You Jesus for the prophecie s! Thank you, everyone who loves me and cares about me! Thank you, Mama! Thank you for saving my life and reviving my spirit! I want to live my life for you. Now anything I do that is good--I want everyone in the whole world to know that I did it for you!
       --Celeste (13, of Byron and Marie), Indonesia

Dear Mama,
       The messages that you sent from Jesus and Ana Lua [who recently graduated] are helping me to have a better connection with the spirit world. It was comforting for me to know that J esus received my little princess as a "gift of love to Him," but at the same time, my heart was so broken, since she was the most precious thing that I had in this life.
       I can see now that I don't have to worry about not having her with me, because the Lord has permitted her to continue to be my helper and companion. I'm very conscious of the fact that we still need to work together to be able to finish the work that the Lord has given us. My heart is very thankful for this relationship, more than ever before.
       Knowing Dad and the love and consideration that he had for you, and also seeing the way that you and Peter love each other, I feel that I could have spent more time with Ana Lua and showed more love and consideration in our day-to-day life. With this I'm not trying to make a "god" out of marriage, but many times, due to the different ministries that we do in the Family, many couples don't take that time to appreciate each other, as happened to me. Lord help me!
       The kids are happy and inspired by the fact that mommy is in Heaven. They are always talking about Heaven, and thinking, "What is mommy doing right now?" They are also planning what we will do when we all meet again.
       My dear queen and king, I want to thank you for all your help, as well as all the help that Ana, the kids and I received from the Family during this time of Ana's sickness and graduation.
       --Paulo Jose (of Ana Lua), Brazil

tip of the day

       We gave some tips for deleting files under Wind ows 95 in Grapevine #24. Most of these tips were good, but we have since discovered that the Norton programs do not reliably "wipe" files under Windows 95! Norton "security" programs actually have a history of not really being all that secure!
       The best way to ensure that your files and hard disk are secure is to use the HomeARC program. Check out the "HomeARC Options: Shutdown Tab" section in the HomeARC Help file for complete instructions on how to set up the "Shutdown Button." These instruct ions may seem a little complicated, but once you have the "Shutdown Tab" set up, it just takes one click of the "Shutdown" button on your HomeARC tool bar each night to ensure that your computer is secure.

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts
       Action-drama about a paranoid, conspiracy-obsessed cab driver who becomes the target of shady government types. Certain scenes may be disturbing for some.

Hugh Gr ant, Tara Fitzgerald, Sam Neill
       Unusual film, set in Australia at the turn of the century, about a young Anglican minister and his wife who attempt to persuade an iconoclastic artist to withdraw some of his sacrilegious paintings from a public exhibition. Likely to spark a lively discussion afterwards, as it has many controversial aspects! Not to everyone's liking. (See enclosed prophecy.)

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Aden Young, Saffron Burrows
       Wacky Aust ralian comedy about two brothers who are in love with the same girl, and unexpectedly meet at the Hotel de Love, a holiday resort where the romantic lives of various couples are beginning or ending.

Chris Cooper, Elizabeth Peña, Kris Kristofferson, Matthew McConaughey
       Slow-moving multi-character/culture study concerning repercussions that occur when a human skeleton is discovered in a small desert town in Texas near the Mexican border.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Randy Quaid
       Light-hearted comedy about the Griswold family's memorable vacation in Las Vegas. Foolish in parts, but enjoyable with some lessons.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Jodie Foster, David Niven, Helen Hayes
       Disney comedy about a street girl who is persuaded by a con man to pose as the long-lost granddaughter of a wealthy widow, in an attempt to locate a mysterious hidden treasure. The girl's tough attitude in some places could be a topic of discussion.

Non-Recommended Movies
EVENT HORIZON (Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill; 1997)

movie reviews

(Jesus speaking:) Unto the pure, all things are pure. If people are to watch this movie, they must adopt the purity and innocence of My Spirit. Some may think, "This is a slam against religion, against Jesus." But I am not offended by it. Is it so much worse that this man [the artist], out of ignorance and misunderstanding of My love and My Law of Love, does take My name in vain and even call Me accursed, than how in other movies people deliberately and repeatedly take My name in vain, using My name as a byword for when everything goes wrong?
       In weighing up the two main male characters in the movie, the two main protagonists of doctrine, which comes out stronger? In a way, both went away with their views unchanged; but in a greater way, each influenced the other and they were able to take the good that they saw in each other's lifest yles, and be changed by it.
       The religious man was a good example of My love, of not being hypocritical; yet he was bound in the area of sexual freedom. In the end, his spiritual convictions and love for Me were unchanged, but he was learning to loosen up sexually. He was a good example of how to be a loving and winsome witness. The other man was not persuaded to change his paintings, or his indulgence in nudity and glorification of sexuality. But by seeing this Christian man's simple faith and dedication, perhaps he would have been made to also realize that not all religionists were as he thought they were.
       This movie glorifies My creation of sexual freedom and supplying each other's needs, and shows one way of living the Law of Love--caring for others, considering others' needs and desires above your own. This movie could be a great liberation to those who are yet bound in their sexuality, who are ashamed of their bodies and afraid to loosen up.


-- "Bom bay Survivors" Joel and Crystal Moonlight (and four kids), Sammy and Lydia need financial help! Crystal and kids are German; the others are nationals. Send gifts via TRF/ASCRO.
       -- New E-mail address for El Salvador Home! (See Grapevine #23 support-a-missionary ad.) E-mail: familia@mail.virtualnet.com.sv.
       -- Single mom with three kids in China needs home support/financial help for Michael's dental (orthodontist) work. Please send gifts to Joan Irish (China c/o PACRO).
       -- We have been servin g the Lord in India for 17 years and need your monthly help. Write James and Joanie Newlove: PO Box 5027, GPO, Bangalore-1, India or via RO.

your views on issues

CM vs. FM news
       (From J.) I've noticed that when there is a CM camp, meeting or something, a big deal is made of it, but when there's a FM camp or meeting, there's nothing about it. I've looked for an article about almost every camp and meeting, and have found plenty on the CM ones, but nothing on the FM ones. This is a wron g that, in my belief, will not be righted by a simple change in name of status!
       (Editor's note: The news we print has to be sent in by you! In the "brotherhood" section of the Grapevine, for example, we generally print every report of a camp or get-together that we hear about. It makes no difference whether it is CM or FM. But if we don't hear about it--we can't print it. So send it in! And for your interest, nearly all of the fellowships and camps that we've heard about, if not all, have been for both CMers and FMers; there are few, if any, that are exclusively either for CMers or FMers. So in general, you can safely assume it was a CM/FM meeting unless it specifically says otherwise.)

One Wife vision
       (From a female YA:) Before the Charter, I saw many people sacrificially putting the One Wife vision into practice, especially from the angle of the children of shepherds and teachers being cared for. There was a real "Family" spirit, and I knew those adults had the Lord's l ove for the children. It was a beautiful, united sample of our way of life. I also realized that it was often difficult for the parents to "forsake" their children, and entrust their care to others completely.
       Since the Charter I have heard the term "institutionalized" being used quite freely to describe past school situations. In some situations perhaps things were "institutionalized," sad to say. On the other hand, I feel that we've now swung the pendulum so much to the other side that the g eneral One Wife spirit--in regards to our children's care and lack of partiality--is quickly becoming nonexistent.
       In our situation there is a definite emphasis on "families," which is nice in a way, because the parents have more time and can give more attention to their children's needs. But what I often see happening is that the parents are the "one and only" shepherds to their kids and everyone else is almost stepping on holy ground when they become involved with the shepherding side of chi ldcare. I think that has caused many of us teachers and childcare workers to kind of back off and have the attitude, "Well, they're your kids, after all."
       But I don't feel this is right, and it's not living what the Word says, for sure. It's not right to be so into "families" that it causes you to be inconsiderate of others and overly partial to your own family. I know from growing up in the Family that I couldn't have made it through my JETT and teen years if people had expected Mommy to be m y "all in all."--Forget it! I wouldn't be here. I know that those shepherds who sacrificed being with their personal families to talk with me and help me through have helped me stick and become what I am today.

Young accepting young
       (From a YA:) As mentioned in Grapevine #11, there has been some name-calling leveled at young people who have taken leadership roles in the Family. It's easy for me to see why there could be this slight hostility towards our former peers. One reason could be that when we knew these young people (before they got a leadership title), we generally saw their weaknesses on a regular basis. So when they received these leadership positions, perhaps the majority of young people who knew them before never had a chance to hear about the lessons, victories and training that these young people received on the road to leadership.
       Although we all should have that faith and trust in the fact that they were appointed to these positions through prayer and heari ng from the Lord, there may always be the doubt in some people's minds that, "Well, they may just be good at covering their tracks!" The cure for these resentful attitudes, I feel, lies in [the young leadership] trusting the Lord and being a good sample, as well as sharing about the lessons, victories and breakings they have gone through.

Childish selfishness
       (From an adult couple:) Something that has been disheartening and discouraging for us is the selfishness of some young people when it comes to helping with other people's kids. My wife is eight months pregnant with our second child. If you have ever been pregnant, you know how it is; even though you love your children dearly, you want to have a break from taking care of them from time to time.
       It is sad when you ask a teen to take a little kid for a short walk (so the parents can do some other things, or just relax), and the young person tries to find excuses not to, and instead goes to watch TV or read a book. I kn ow that not all of our young people are like that, yet there are those who do act like this. The common excuse is, "I am burned out on childcare." That's understandable. But when you need someone to step in from time to time and you hear the same "burned out" excuse, what can you say?
       The Charter says that we should "endeavor to fulfill the scriptural injunction to 'bear one another's burdens' (if you can call our dear little children a burden), to put the needs of the Home and its members bef ore your own." When these young people have their own kids and find themselves in similar situations, when they are tired and are hoping that someone will take their kid for a little bit, maybe then they'll understand. But until then, please try to see that we need each other's help! What makes the Family so special is each one's willingness to sacrifice for another--to be a blessing, to bear each other's burdens, to help one another.

In 1969 …
       (From Happy [Simon Peter]:) Here's a ne at prophecy given in 1969 in Laurentide that I came across in the BOR #1. "If thou canst not bear this little, what shall thou do when I shall speak unto thee continually as the Prophets of old? But in that hour thou shalt be concerned with nought but My voice and My leading, moment by moment, and thou shalt do nought but listen and obey!"--That sure sounds like Mama and Peter today!

Sharing talent conferences
       (From Samuel Apocalypse:) The Charter has helped everyone to exercise the ir faith and talents, as well as to try new ideas and methods. But some Homes are very successful with their CTP ministries, while others don't know how to get started. Some Homes have made real headway in their home schooling, while others can hardly organize their schedule. Some areas are working together as a team, while others have hardly any fellowship.
       Much of this is not just because we lack operational personnel, but it is also linked to the fact that none of us can think about everyth ing, nor do we have all the talents. We need to find a way to benefit from each other's victories, lessons and errors, and see what we can apply in our daily lives and Homes. This could be the answer to a lot of our problems, resulting in a better structured work, more inspired Homes, a happier fold, more challenged teens and better interaction between the generations.
       We should have regular conference meetings where certain Homes/people could present to those interested what the Lord has done for them and how He has led them to the victory. For example: In one room Tommy is speaking on a "Discipleship Program," while in another room, Joseph and Gentleness are presenting their "paper" on "Teaching Children English as a Witnessing Tool." These topics could include almost anything!--Get-out activities for those who live in apartments, computer programs for Home finances, how to have better Word time with your toddler, tips on provisioning, relationships with authorities, etc. None shou ld be considered "Family policy," but rather ideas, and the VSs and CROs could help select the ones others could benefit from. There could even be prizes for the best presentations, and a video tape with the various talks could be available to all the attendees. (Editor's note: If you have the burden, you could try organizing something like this at your City Council!)

cute kids

       -- When Lilly told Tara [age 3] that she was in Mommy's tummy for nine months before she was born, she responded by saying, "Oh! Was there a light in there for me to see?--And a pillow for my head?--Anonymous
-- As Nathanael (6) was helping Daddy put away some videos, his sister Anisa (5) came to help, but Nat didn't want her help. Daddy said, "With Anisa helping, that's teamwork!" Nat replied, "Well, I can do teamwork by myself!"--Timothy and Phoebe, Brazil

rumor mill

Isn't Mary Mom a CRO? If so, why did she say in the FSM "Sweet Rest in His Arms" that when she went to Europe she was rejected from some Homes because she had so many kids? Doesn't she live in an office?--Home in the Mideast
A: (From Mary, CRO:) Many CROs don't actually live at their CRO office. I don't live at our office. I do attend meetings there. Sometimes I go there to work, but most of my work is on the field. I also have six children living with me, along with their precious foster parents, and I like for them to have experiences living on the field, like everyone else. It also isn't so convenient to have six children, plus helpers, living at our particular CRO office.
       When I came to Europe, the situations here were much different for my family than in our previous Home at the HCS in Japan. It wasn't always easy for the Homes on this field to take in such a large family, as many of the Homes we stayed in were pioneering, moving, etc.--hence the experiences I related in "Sweet Rest in His Arms." I have been very thankful for all the changes and for all the people who have helped us, cared for us and made the sacrifices necessary to help us get adjusted here.
       We are all now on the road living in tents!--Now that is fun! By the way, we are on the road because the Lord told us to "go out not knowing whither we go," not because we didn't have a place to live. He has something new for us, and we are all quite excited to see just what it might be! Pray for us! Love you tons!

Mama jewels on … feeling yielded

--to a staff member

       You said you're feeling that you're not yielding or accepti ng. Well, did the Lord tell you that? I know sometimes we aren't yielded completely, but by your actions, it sure looks like you've yielded. That's a tricky thing, because if you don't feel yielded, you may think you're actually not yielded, when in reality you are if you're being yielded in your actions, if you are going ahead and taking those steps. It's not how we feel that counts, but what we do.
       It's a little like many people who practice the Loving Jesus Revelation. People have written i n and said, "I'm saying the words to Jesus, and I'm really loving Him and trying to do the best I can! But I just don't feel it in my heart, so I think it's hypocritical, because I don't feel 'in love' with Jesus." The Lord has told these people time after time, "You get even greater rewards, because you don't feel it, but you obey and you do it anyway--you yield."
       Lots of times we have to go ahead by faith, doing something that we don't feel like doing. But because we're yielding by our actio ns, and we're obeying by doing what we know we should--even if our emotions don't go along with it, or even if they seem to conflict--the Lord counts that as obedience and yieldedness.

coming to the rescue

       --thoughts from young shepherds at recent JETT/teen camps held in Europe

       Linda, 17 (room shepherdess, teacher and skit person):
I've noticed from the recent JETT camps we've held that the JETTs really like Endtime classes. We put together a compiled class of prophecies on the Endtime (the "Endtime Olympics" prophecy, etc.) Then we had current events prophecies about world leaders: Yasser Arafat, Rabin, King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Yeltsin, Lebed, Castro, "Dr. Death" (Jack Kevorkian), Clinton, etc. Many of the JETTs were quite rusty even on the 16 major points of the Endtime, and we did a quiz on the 16 Endtime points from Quizorama, which they really enjoyed.
       The recent GN "Call to the Rescue" helped me to understand the JETTs and junior teens better. I had been having a hard time with a few guys, thinking, "Man! How do these guys get away with all this stuff?" or looking at some of them critically. The GN helped me to understand better what they're going through, and the heartcries of the boy and the girl broke my heart.
       I've been trying to put the GN into practice by talking to the JETTs, getting to know them, and becoming their friend. It surprised me how they kind of gravitate towards us; they do look up to us and respect what we say. And it's been fun!

       May, 17 (Camp Manager): Oftentimes when we see problems or warning signals surfacing with the JETTs (worldliness, desire for system music, worldly dress, make-up), we react in a very hasty and unprayerful manner. We feel we need to correct the problem. I think the mistake we make is in suddenly getting impatient and unloving; trying to correct the situation all at once. "That's it! No more music! We are changing your wardrobe! We are going to do this all in one week! Okay, this week we are not going to have any more make-up!"--And so on. We can get all freaked and try to pitch into it to correct the situation, but from experience, it doesn't help at all. It probably makes the situation worse because the young people don't feel loved. They feel we don't understand them, and they get rebellious and are put on the defensive.
       I think a key for the young guys is a lot of love--I mean an overdose of it. When you see problems cropping up in their lives, often it's not the time to get hars h with punishments. I think it's a definite time for a lot of love, not overreacting. Instead, we should slowly pray and get to the real root of the problem, which like Mama said, is probably their feeling unchallenged, feeling a lack of love in the Home, not getting out witnessing, not having the Word come alive for them, etc.
       When you see that a young person in your Home is going through hard times, you could offer to hear from the Lord for them, which would be a blessing to them.

you're driving precious cargo …

       Recently our YA son got his driving license. I called our insurance company to find out if he was covered if I "lent" him the car. They told me that anyone under 25 driving any car has to be specifically covered by that particular vehicle's insurance policy. If any fender-bender or serious accident should occur, neither the person or the car would be covered.
       Since many new drivers are coming up in the Family, it might be good to check with your insurance company i n your country before others drive your car. We went ahead and put our son on our policy as it was only an additional $50 per year, per car. Also, it's good to check with your insurance company if you are going to pull a trailer, as these might not be covered by your policy. The rates are very cheap, and knowing you're covered will make your trip more enjoyable!
       --Eddy, USA

       When I first heard about the 20 hours that a new Family driver needs to drive with an experienced driver, I was a bit disappointed. I could understand that it was necessary for our young new drivers, as we've had some serious accidents in the Family, but hey, I'm 42! It took me a year to get my license, and besides that, I'm going to be careful.
       Well, my 20 hours are almost up and I can see the wisdom of having an experienced driver by my side. There have been many traffic situations that were not "according to the book" and I've gotten some excellent counsel about what to do and what not to do. Also, I didn 't know anything about motors, mechanics, or even how to fill up the gas tank. Ha! So these 20 hours have been an all-round learning experience for which I'm very thankful and couldn't have done without.
       --Mary, Belgium

       Our team does not have a vehicle, so our main form of transportation is hitchhiking. Russian drivers are known for breaking rules and speeding. Most locals put their seat belt across them without actually attaching it, so it "looks right" for the police and they don't get a ticket, but of course it doesn't protect them when an accident occurs.
       When hitchhiking, I've been in many cars that were going too fast or running red lights, and although most of the time I did say something to the driver, it was too often just as a matter of stating my opinion. What I want to do from now on is to ask the drivers not to go over the speed limit, and if they do not want to slow down for some reason, to ask them to stop and let us out so we can catch another ride. Of course, s ticking to your conviction like this can sometimes be a little offensive, but considering the possible consequences of an accident, it is probably worth it in the long run.
       --Ela (30), Russia

       I feel the amendment on driving will be very beneficial. I heartily agree that just getting a driver's license does not mean you are a good driver--or for that matter a driver at all. Here in India, people pay bribes to get a license and don't even have to take a test.
       I am thankful for our Family p olicies, as often in these third world countries "anything goes." I really like the part that says: "Some countries have very poor driving habits.--This does not mean that you should follow them just because they are common there, but you should be aware of them so you can be more vigilant when driving."
       In India you not only have to look out for the other driver, you have to look out for the pedestrian who runs across the street frantically trying to catch an overcrowded bus, the cow that dec ided she needed a siesta in the middle of the road, the missing manhole cover that someone stole the night before, the closed lane with no warning until you get to it--and the list goes on.
       --Penny (of Jesse), India

       When I joined the Family at age 19, I prayed for a spirit helper who could drive, as I started driving other people and families with kids. A few days later, a brother told me that he had a dream in which I was getting into a van and as soon as I sat down, a shiny driving cap a ppeared on my head. When I heard that, I thanked the Lord, as I realized the Lord had honored my faith in asking Him for a spirit helper and a special anointing for driving. (And haven't had an accident in my 18 years of driving! PTL!) Every time I've bought or driven a new vehicle, I've prayed wholeheartedly, laid hands on it, and rebuked any bad spirits. I've also tried to keep the vehicle in good working order, to the best of my ability.
       --David Apostol, Russia

       Three of us were in quite a serious car accident when the car we had hitchhiked a ride to a nearby city in was going quite fast and we slid off the road and flipped twice. Miraculously, we weren't injured. The Lord has been using this incident to shake me up in some areas that I tend to be quite light about.
       One area is the need to be more sober and vigilant. I often tend to slack off in my convictions when I'm out. The Lord had given me a check to tell the driver he was going much too fast, but in my carnal mind I th ought I'd better not offend him since he was taking us for free. The result--five minutes later we crashed! If I would have heeded the clear check from the Lord to speak up to the driver, we could have avoided the whole ordeal.
       --Joshua Michael, Russia

The Outward Appearance …

       The new GN series, "Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance," is very good and full of Godly counsel. What is even more inspiring is how the Lord so wisely throws the ball back to each one of us, asking us to pray a nd counsel with Him concerning decisions that affect us personally. I think that if both our older and younger people have to bear the responsibility and consequences of our actions, we're going to be a lot more careful and prayerful.
       --Timothy, Rejoice and Dove, USA

       On the cover of the "Outward Appearance" GN part two, there are two radical Family girls witnessing, who are dressed pretty normally. The radical thing about them is the "Watch Out for 666" posters they are passing out, and th e way they are preaching to the people. In our situation, we have found that it doesn't matter how you're dressed, how many earrings you have, etc.; you become one with the sheep because of the message. "My sheep hear My voice." The most available posters here are the milkier ones. Where are the real radicals, passing out the radical message that this country needs?
       Sometimes we wonder about all these young people in the US wanting to get tattoos, earrings, baggy clothes, etc., which in itself doesn't make you radical. We live in an area where the styles can be pretty wild, but we've found that adapting to the largest possible percentage of the population works best. If our young people dressed like the 2-3% of the population that wear the "grunge" look, punk or whatever, they wouldn't reach nearly as many. So they have agreed to wear their "average" clothes while out and save any other more personal tastes in clothing for Home, GBT!
       After all, which is more radical: wearing averag e clothes which can adapt to a large percentage of the people while passing out the Endtime message and really witnessing personally to people about it, or wearing baggy clothes and three earrings, standing on a street corner with a can passing out Swan Quotes? It's what you do that counts!
       --an adult, USA

       The prophecy about anorexics was really timely. I know a lot of girls who have thoughts about not eating; I tried it before and it had bad results. It was a whole part of my life that go t totally screwed up and it took me a long time to finally overcome it. It not only makes you feel weak and sick and hinders your work for the Lord, but it also has long-lasting effects; it ruins your insides and can cause permanent damage.
       All that to say, if you are thinking about skipping meals or not eating, don't! Take it from me; don't learn the hard way. Eat right, get good vigorous exercise and trust God that He made you the way you are.
       --A. (female, 19), USA

       My way of looking a t young people's appearance has changed quite a bit over the past couple of years, from being dogmatic and an overly strict father to being what I now consider more liberal. I agree 100% that the real issue is not really appearance but dedication and commitment, as is very well summed up in the section entitled "Dedication Is a Primary Requirement," par. 75-85.
       --P. (adult man), Belgium

       I noticed that some Family men are letting their hair grow, but without styling it. In some cases it loo ks quite bad. I personally like men with long hair, but perhaps they could provision a hairdresser or something to help them keep it nice and neat looking.
       --Vida, Brazil

now that's funny!

       "I'm so depressed and I can't get any dates," the 300-pound man told his minister. "I've tried everything to lose weight!"
       "I think I can help," said the minister. "Be dressed and ready to go tomorrow at 8 a.m."
       The next morning, a beautiful woman in a skintight exercise suit knocked on the man's door. "If you can catch me, you can have me," she said as she took off. He huffed and puffed after her.
       This routine went on every day for the next five months. The man lost 115 pounds and felt confident that he would catch the woman the next day. That morning he whipped open the front door and found a 300-pound woman in a jogging suit waiting for him.
       "The minister said to tell you." she began, "that if I can catch you, I can have you."
       --courtesy of a female, Northern Hemisphere

brief ads

Mass Marketing Project
       (From Nat:) We are editing an English manual for using Treasure Attics in English teaching. This manual will be combined with a set of videos and TA posters in an attractive case to create a teaching set. We are about to put the finishing touches on this project, but we would like to teamwork with others who have also had experience in this sort of work, such as:
       1) teaching with videos
       2) promoting Treasure Attics in English teaching schools
       2) dis tributing a high volume of TAs,whether or not as language teaching tools
       Please get in touch with us right away. E-mail address: family@thefamily.spb.su.

ws news

Two GP Booklets on their way to you!
       Greetings from all of us at the GPU! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, we truly appreciate it and you. There are lots of testimonies we hope to soon share on the Foundation and marketing fronts, but right now we have some inspiring GP publications news for you!
       As you ma y recall, the GPU polled the Family concerning topics you would like to see us address in new books for the GP. Well, PTL, the first two of these booklets that you asked for--one on the Endtime and the other on Heaven--are now printed (in English) and on their way to you! Here's a little overview of each booklet and some ideas regarding their possible uses:

       The Future Foretold is the clearest and most up-to-date prophecy publication we've ever produced for the GP. This power-packed 64-page b ooklet combines the most pertinent signs and predictions from Matthew 24 and other key Bible passages with current stats and news articles showing their fulfillment. Even the skeptical reader will find it hard to dismiss the supernatural nature of Bible prophecy, and the booklet's unshakable conclusion that we are indeed living in the long-foretold Last Days!
       While the overall content of the GN-sized publication by this same title (which was in a recent WS mailing) is quite similar, this bookl et version has been further updated, adapted and condensed to appeal and relate to a much wider audience.
       Its striking full-color card-stock cover, paperback page size, and overall professional appearance will be sure to not only arouse the interest of those to whom it is offered, but should generate substantial gifts in return. Initial results from members of the public who have sampled this pub are very encouraging, and we believe you will find it a wonderfully useful tool to "deliver your s oul" in getting out the meat of the Word of God's Endtime message! Go for it!

       Glimpses of Heaven is designed to encourage the reader--whether they are already Christian or not--that Heaven is a wonderful place to look forward to. It can therefore especially be used to encourage people who are facing the possibility of dying soon. The Lord has given us so many unique insights into the next life, and this booklet is a means of sharing a lot of it with members of the public.
       In our research w e discovered a number of books, both secular and religious, that have been written to help people cope with grief, getting over the loss of a loved one, etc. However, very little is available to comfort and console someone who is soon going to die.
       Glimpses of Heaven will therefore be a great blessing to the elderly, those suffering from terminal illnesses, or who have been critically wounded. Such individuals are often desperate and scared, and have a deep need for spiritual truth. Therefore, our selection of material for this booklet was based largely on what speaks to the heart, rather than a whole lot of "facts and figures" about Heaven.
       Of course, anyone can benefit from reading the book, as we are all going to die some day, and none of us know when that is going to be. So knowing that they have an eternal home can greatly assure and help everyone.
       We have tried to present Heaven in the most appealing and relatable light possible, so that those who had not considered it a de sirable eternal destination might reconsider when they hear how great it is!

       Free samples: An initial batch of booklets being sent to your area has been donated by Family Care Foundation, at no cost to you! Family Care Foundation printed enough of these booklets so every CM Home would receive a sample stock to try their hand at distributing, with the proceeds from these counting as a financial gift to your Home.
       Depending on the response, these booklets will hopefully be reprinted locally, which will facilitate supply and distribution of these powerful tools. So you would be wise to set aside some seed corn funds in order to cover re-ordering.
       Please be sure to write us with any distribution testimonies that can be shared with the rest of the Family. These booklets are definitely a new tool and no doubt there will be many exciting new methods of getting them out, so please share your success stories! Thanks! We love you and can't wait to hear how these go!

       (From Mama:) Pete r and I just received copies of these two books and we're thrilled with them!--You will be too! We pray that you will want to distribute them by the thousands, as they are tremendous tools! God bless the GPU for working so hard to get these new tools into your hands; now it's up to you to get them out to the world.

the word gets out

       20.4 million souls won to date, since October 1971.
       9.7 million baptisms to date, since October 1971.


TOP 10 COUNTRY SHINERS for Apri l, May and June '97


       50,953       Mexico
       38,087       Brazil
       25,109       Chile
       20,595       USA
       12,716       Russia
       12,002       India
       10,047       Japan
       9,519       Colombia
       8,374       Venezuela
       5,844       Italy


       451.3       Kazakhstan
       347.3       Bolivia
       234.4       Albania
       138.2       Mexico
       136.1       Venezuela
       133.9       Chile
       123.0       Madagascar
       108.7       Colombia
       83.7       Philippines
       76.7       Ukraine


       11,539       Brazil
       8,403       USA
       5,498       Chile
       5,277       Mexico
       3,349       Thailand
       2,664       Japan
       2,566       India
       2,479       Italy
       2,313       Taiwan
       2,278       Colombia


       93.2       Costa Rica
       81.2       Guatemala
       41.2       Philippines
       38.4       Belgium
       34.6       Czech Republic
       31.3       Colombia
       29.2       Paraguay
       27.2       Chile
       26.2       Portugal
       25.1       Ecuador


       510,803       Russia
       315,821       USA
       216,776       Japan
       212,462       Ukraine
       142,703       Kazakhstan
       88,539       Brazil
       80,952       Mexico
       47,552       So. Africa
       37,430       Estonia
       35,942       Hungary


       26,757       Kazakhstan
       8,021       Estonia
       3,361       Ukraine
       2,049       Russia
       1,805       Albania
       1 ,350       Lithuania
       1,208       Portugal
       1,023       Moldava
       715       So. Africa
       695       Kenya


       9,105       Brazil
       2,045       Ecuador
       1,991       Taiwan
       1,924       Chile
       1,886       So. Africa
       1,576       Thailand
       1,552       India
       1,439       Russia
       1,324       USA
       1,289       Peru


       57.6       Ecuador
       52.0       Namibia
       43.9       Zimbabwe
       35.7       So. Africa
              29.4       Costa Rica
       24.2       Kenya
       23.5       Paraguay
       23.0       Mauritius
       20.2       Peru
       20.1       Bolivia

AREA TOTALS - For the month of June, 1997
CATEGORY       WORLD       NACRO       SACRO       EURCRO       ASCRO       PACRO

Charter Homes       691       175       139       188       67       122
Fellow Homes       552       223       99       176       16       38
Total Homes       1,243       398       238       364       83       160
TOTAL Charter Members       9,732       2,416       1,993       2,378       1,270       1,675
TOTAL Fellow Members       3,261       1,329       608       1,040       93       191
Total CMs + FMs       12,993       3,745       2,601       3,418       1,363       1,866
Single Charter Men       1,043       284       179       289       143       148
Single Charter Women       1,322       324       231       403       188       176
Posters Dist.       693,368       131,172       46,491       444,737       15,740       55,228
Tapes Dist.       24,889       5,983       8,385       5,536       2,917       2,068
Videos Dist.       11,154        719       5,766       2,509       1,307       853
Total Personal Wit       583,607       238,878       103,409       143,410       52,941       44,969
Total Saved       87,789       24,563       35,703       18,674       4,586       4,263
Total Holy Spirit       40,255       12,663       19,207       4,580       2,645       1,160

3,856       39.6%
682       7.0%
1,230       12.6%
712       7.3%
3,252       33.4%
Total       9,732       100.0%

1,300       39.9%
309       9.5%
457       14.0%
146       4.5%
1,049       32.2%
Total       3,261       100.0%

August Attack Day Results [chart no t shown]

       God bless you, dear Family, for your sacrifice and giving!

       * Due to a clerical error, the Homes in South America (besides Brazil) did not receive the notice about the attack day in August. So they will be holding their attack days in September and October. The Homes in Brazil did have their attack day in August, and we'll be including their results when we publish the results for the entire SACRO area.
       * A special thanks to Phillip Q. and Home in the US, who sent a special gif t of $5,000 for this book printing project! Much appreciated!

(end of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family