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the grapevine
(Issue #25; August 15, 1997)

Copyright © 1997 by The Family

The Grapevine

PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
e-mail: grape@ibm.net

The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.

Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.


newest nuggets

       -- Jesse Brian, born to Tabita Fe. - - Brazil
       -- Tirzah Jenin, 4th child, born to Magdalene and Francesco (formerly Tommy PI) on May 5th. -- Mideast
       -- Shikar (Hindi, meaning mountain top), 2nd child, born to Crystal and Daniel on June 18th. -- India
       -- Kenneth Alvin, 10th child, born to Praise and Peter Lance on June 18th. -- Philippines
       -- Terril Chris, born to Jon B. and Angelina (of Heart to Heart) on July 12th. -- Thailand

more on the way …

       -- Ruth of Daniel Blessing, pregnant with #4. -- NACRO
       -- Natacha (23, d aughter of French Joseph and Abigail) is pregnant with #1, due in October! -- Brazil
       -- Esther (of John) is pregnant with number #7. -- Indonesia
       -- Crystal (of Paul) is pregnant with number #6. -- Indonesia

tying the knot …

       -- Samaria (single mom) and I (Peter, formerly mated to Heidi, who passed on last year) were betrothed on April 12th, with all of our 10 children in attendance. Everyone prayed for us, and a few people got prophecies for us. One of the YAs received a beautiful proph ecy about how the Lord likes marriages. The Lord miraculously supplied nice clothes, flowers, snacks and even ideas on how to make it special. It was beautiful! The next day we went on a three-day honeymoon to a little mud-brick house (owned by a friend of the Family) in the middle of a native forest. -- Australia

world news

       (From Stephen, Joan and Anne:)
This year the Family again performed at the Jerash Festival (July 26-29), and the media coverage we've received has been pheno menal! The day before our first show we were part of the most widely-viewed Arabic program of the year, where our team performed two numbers, and gave a short interview. Our team was told by numerous people what an honor it was to be on this particular channel, and during highly-coveted prime time at that! This program reaches all of Jordan and Palestine.
       The first night of the festival at the Artemis Theater, three TV crews were there, one of which aired the whole program the following evenin g. It's an Arabic station that reaches the entire world and is supposed to have potential viewership in the hundreds of millions. We were also filmed by Jordan Television, Lebanese Television and Middle Eastern Television (which broadcasts out of London). The program received extremely positive coverage in three major newspapers for three of the four days we performed, as well as being on the front page of the Jerash newspaper several days in a row.
       Over the last few days there have been very positive articles in the Jordanian newspapers about the meaningful songs performed in our program, even quoting portions from "The Famine," "When Will the War Be Ended" and "There's a New World." This year's media coverage was not only the largest we ever received in this part of the world, but it was larger than any other participating group or artist received. What a victory!

around the world …

       -- The Russian Children's Fund invited us to a concert they hosted for 1,000 children from diff erent orphanages. We delivered 400 pairs of shoes and boxes of children's clothes to local orphan children. -- Marcus, Emma and Angela, Russia
       -- We performed in the Paris city hall for 400 volunteers at a famous homeless shelter. The Minister of Justice was there, and said how impressed he was with our teens. -- Samuel, Heidi, Etienne and Michael, France
       -- We have a CTP ministry of doing puppet/clown shows for abused children who are living in government institutions. So far we've performe d at 7 of the 17 government centers. -- Miguel, Esther and Dulcinea, Spain
       -- On the opening night of our youth club (called the "Spice Club") about 25 young people came and many were saved! -- Kenny, Claire and Makoto, Japan
       -- Agnes Chan (a famous academic who lectures on the themes of peace and personal communications) lectured near our Home. We received a simple prophecy for her, and delivered it to her, along with the FAR and a personal letter. -- David and Elle, Japan


-- from former members and GP visitors to the WEB site

       -- I absolutely LOVE the new WEB site! Totally cool! I like the new Zine. -- Can't figure out what it stands for, but it's good. -- Spring (25; former member)
       -- I saw your WEB site and it sure looks interesting! You guys sure are busy! I'm a young Christian myself, and am sort of disillusioned with the inactivity of most churches in my area. Most people I know just aren't doing anything for the Lord. I hope someone can answer my letter; I'd sure love to hear from you! I saw your new Zine site -- that is awesome! I wish I could meet some people as cool as the ones who put that together. I'd really like to do something for God -- I'm 23 and not getting any younger -- but I really haven't a clue! Help me please! -- Julie


       (From Anne:)
Daniella (21) and I recently held a JETT/teen camp in Pakistan, lasting from July 1-8th. We showed portions of the Summit and delegates' meeting videos.

       (Fr om Dawn:) During the most recent JETT/teen camp in Thailand, we were able to give a demonstration of how the CVC program works, which was presented by Daniel YA. Officially, we have nearly 100 CVC students who have sent in their CVC cards, and we've been issuing CVC certificates for the applicants who have requested and qualify for them.

       (From Ezekiel, Jason and Robin VS:) We held an adult fellowship in Monterrey for all the Homes in the area, showing the delegates' meeting videos. W e had some relaxed times talking, exchanging lessons, and sweet fellowship together.

think deep

       No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.

legal and media

       (From Tommy:)
Ana, Jere, Mariane and myself recently attended the Fourth World Congress on Religious Liberty. We were invited to give a 10-minute presentation to the Hearing Committee on religious freedom violations, where we were able to highlight the persecution the Fami ly suffered in Argentina. We were also able to make some important contacts with fighters for religious freedom from around the world.

       (Compiled by Abi:) Joseph, Abi and their two full-time secretaries, Stella (SGA) and Lisa (YA), and part-time helper Catherine [senior teen] make up the EURCRO Media Desk.
       We take care of questions for the EURCRO area regarding participation in media broadcasts and articles, proactive media work, follow-up of academics, participation in conferences, individual legal questions, legal matters in the Family name, registrations, contracts, court cases, ex-member and 10:36 problems, mail ministry and GP publications.
       We have a GP mailing list of about 1,300 addresses of media contacts, academics, parents of Family members and former members. Last Christmas we sent out mailings in five languages to friends and parents. (We do not deal directly with the public except sometimes by mail. Gideon and Rachel are the main representatives to the media in Europe, God bless them.)
       Below are the media victories the Lord has won this past year:
       -- Sixty-seven positive newspaper articles, TV and radio appearances (that we know of), reaching a total audience of at least 11.7 million people. Gideon and Rachel took part in about 12 newspaper, TV and radio interviews.
       -- The Lord has helped us to turn negative media around in a few cases or at least defuse the problems.
       -- At least five TV stations in Ukraine, Hungary, Kazakhstan and Moldova are broadcasting KVs and TAs on a regular basis, reaching an average audience of 225,000 each time. Fourteen other TV stations broadcast our videos on an occasional basis (average viewing audience of 460,000). Rough estimate of total viewing audience from videos broadcast: over 33 million.
       -- Ten conferences attended.
       -- We contributed to or worked with the authors of about eight publications that contain factual and objective sections on the Family.
       -- Mailing list to 120 former members c ontinues to bear good fruit, with around 30 writing regularly, witnessing, and sending donations.
       -- The Ukraine passed laws legalizing home schooling, apparently based on material we had given to the Ministry of Education. The Ukrainian Parliament voted against restricting freedom of religion for missionary movements. Religious groups are not under obligation to register. The Department of Prisons gave permission to Job's team to perform in any prison in Ukraine, and we've been asked to give seminars for prison staff.
       -- Two TV companies in Romania and two in the Ukraine want to translate, dub and broadcast our videos. Two TV stations, one in Hungary and one in Ukraine, have asked for help with producing a regular children's show.


       (From Peter, Joy and Daniel:)
We spent a very fruitful two months traveling to Malawi and back, a journey of 6,300 kms (3,914 miles). From the start this trip was all by faith, as we needed to cross several African countries to get there, including war-torn Mozambique. We also had no way of finding out in advance how bad the roads were, how long visas take to be processed and other factors.
       We heard many stories of travelers being stopped at police roadblocks and fined for some trumped-up "offense." One man told us how he had been fined $50 for driving with sunglasses when his driver's license photo showed him without sunglasses! Over the next few weeks in Mozambique, Malawi and especially Zambia, we were stopped a t otal of 23 times by police and three times by soldiers, but in each case we were waved on after we witnessed to them!
       In Malawi we showed slide shows in hospitals, orphanages, colleges, prisons and other institutions. At one institution for the handicapped, we found that there was nobody available to translate our program into the local language. After praying, we looked outside and saw one man waiting for a minibus. It turned out he was fluent in several languages, so we told him the Lord had a job for him! He did an excellent job of translating, and everyone was happy that we were able to go ahead with our show.
       By the end of the trip we had done a total of 20 slide shows and won over 950 souls! STS and OTO also went well. We found the Malawians very sweet and receptive, and we look forward to visiting their country again.

Fact box and map: Malawi, republic in southeastern Africa. Population: 11,304,000. The capital is Lilongwe. In the Great Rift Valley that runs from north t o south lies Lake Nyasa, the third largest lake in Africa. Chichewa, a Bantu language, is the national language.]

       (From ASCRO:) The Home here has done a wonderful job setting up their work and getting established under fairly difficult conditions. When a bomb (in a package that arrived at her residence) recently killed the daughter of a top official, the government closed all public schools and universities indefinitely. Parents have no other alternative but to try to enroll their chi ldren in the few private and international schools that are around.
       The Lord led the Family Home to open a private international kindergarten. It is quite well known in the community and they have about 40 students enrolled for morning classes and activities, five days a week. Most of the children are kids of upper class Burmese, foreign businessmen or embassy staff.
       The Home was recently invited to hold a seminar for a school for the blind. They gave Bible classes to 150 older teens and you ng adults from the blind community. It was very successful.
Heavenly Streams (a local production of quote pages, originally put together in Thailand) is being translated into Burmese. One of their friends asked if they wanted to run a little column in one of the popular magazines, publishing a page at a time from the Streams. He thought the material was terrific; just what his people need!

movie ratings

Movies For Senior Teens and Up

Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, L eonardo DiCaprio

       Character study about a fiercely independent woman who, after seventeen years, returns with her two sons to relatives she had left behind -- her invalid father and her sister who sacrificially cares for him. Realistic portrayal of System parent-teenager relationships, and people learning responsibility when faced with decisions about whether or not to help someone else in desperate need.

Wesley Snipes, Diane Lane

       Action-suspense movie about a cop as signed to investigate a murder at the White House. Violence throughout. Beware of a gory opening scene.

Movies for Junior Teens and Up

Jack Lemmon, James Garner, Dan Aykroyd

       Comedy about two bickering ex-US presidents who embark on a perilous quest for evidence to absolve them of involvement in a political scandal. Light entertainment with some lessons, in spite of the unkind dialogue between the two. Not to everyone's liking.

Armand As sante, Greta Scacchi, Vanessa Williams
Four-hour miniseries following Homer's classic tale of the warrior who, on his journey back from the Trojan War, encounters many of the gods and monsters of Greek mythology. Of course this is purely a fantasy story and should be taken as such, but there are also good lessons. Beware of some bloody scenes.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Bill Murray, Matthew McConnaughey

       Comedy about a man who inherits a trained elephant, and is then faced with the task of transporting her across the United States and deciding what to do with her. Light entertainment only.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier

       Classic musical set at the turn of the century, about a young girl who is being groomed to be a courtesan.

Non-Recommended Movies

MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO (River Phoenix; 1991)
QUEST, THE (Jean-Claude Van Damme; 1996)

mama's mai lbox

Dear Mama,
       The recent Letters concerning our children, and especially our JETTs, couldn't be more timely. As a single mom with teen boys, perhaps I feel the desperation of this more than some, and pray earnestly that our SGAs and YAs will heed the Lord's call to help. It's hard to express the desperation I have felt over the care and shepherding of my children. The exasperating requests to Homes to please take me and my children in, when I know that they themselves are already overload ed with the care of their own families, trying to raise support, witnessing, CTPs and follow-up, all too often with few or no senior teens, YAs or SGAs.
       We FGAs know all too well what a terrific sacrifice it is to give yourself to childcare, teaching or shepherding JETTs or teens, but we also know what tremendous and exhilarating rewards there are when one puts their heart into this calling. The rewards stand before us -- our SGAs, YAs and senior teens!
-- an adult woman, USA

Dear Mama and Peter,
       I'd like to say a hearty thanks for allowing us to have the JETT and teen camp. It was a super blessing for me to be able to see the Summit and delegates' meeting videos. It has helped to wake me up to see the responsibility that I have. I see how much the Lord has blessed me so very much in every possible way. He helped me to overcome my teenage battles victoriously, to partake of these videos, and recently He gave me the gift of prophecy! Although I am still very new at it, He's been giving me more faith to receive prophecies.
-- male (15), Thailand

Dearest Mama,
       I love you tons! Thank you for all your prayers for my mom. (Editor's note: Her mother is fighting a life-threatening illness.) I know many times when she reads the prophecy you sent for her, it's just what she needs, and it helps her through everything. She's such a great person. I don't know if I could've made it if I was her. If there's anyone I have as a role model, it's her.
       I wanted to tell you -- jus t so you know how much she loves us children -- that as soon as she found out her operation was scheduled around my birthday, which meant that she wouldn't be able to be with me, she asked for a postponement (which was a real step of faith, cause that could mean quite a bit of time). You don't know how much that meant to me. She's always there when I need her; it's one of the best things God could've given me.
       You should give a special thumbs-up party for Uncle Gabe and Auntie June, and the gr eat job they did here. (Editor's note: Gabe and June, two of Mama's staff members, had to do some business at a certain location where there was a Family Home, so they visited the Home for a couple of days.)
       It was an honor to have them visit us, and we had a great time together. One of the best things that happened is that it changed my view on shepherds. In the past whenever a shepherd came, it was like, "Okay, everyone, put on your best behavior." But it was so easy to be natural around the m, and personally, it's a relief to know they're normal people like us. Of course, I could tell how much they loved the Lord and you, and boy, they did a good job of portraying it. Please keep me in your prayers that I can be a help to my mom.
-- female (14)


       -- Pearl (Katrina Puppet, Australia) is looking for John (Australian) and Hope Freedom (Beth, American), rejoining from TS. E-mail: Miller@qldnet.com.au.
       -- Marianne (15, of John and Mercy) wants to contact Angelina ( 15, of Andrew and Miracle) in Slovenia. Add: 7 Teal cres., Beachaven, Auckland, New Zealand.
       -- Alicia (15, of Gabriel and Mary Spanish) would like to contact childhood friends. Add: Alicia Ortega, Lista de Correos, Cordoba 14001, Spain.
       -- Beth Rose (Sharon Conlon) left the Family in Italy (1978). Anyone who knows her whereabouts, please contact Eli Printer. Add: Robert Muse, PO Box 531036, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45253-1036.
       -- French Jonathan and French Canadian Celeste, Vanessa, Stevie and C indy, please contact Sarah from Canada (formerly of Barny). Add: Sarah C. Bishop, P.O. Box 40 Minburi P.O. Bangkok, Thailand 10510.
       -- Cedar Joy Walker, please write Lisa at P.B. 155, B-2000 Antwerpen 1, Belgium.
       -- Natalie (of Paul and Ruth) would like Rosie (of Andrew and Lily) to contact her. Add: PO Box 3661, Harvey LA, USA 70059-3661.

       (From WS:) In times past, we have not published Family addresses due to security concerns. We'd like to remind everyone that the Grapevines (and other pubs as well) generally eventually fall into the hands of those outside the Family, including those who are antagonistic towards us. Therefore if you do want to send in your address (postal or e-mail) or phone number to be published, it needs to be sent in by a Home teamwork member after having received the approval of the majority of your Home's voting members. (See LNF #260 for further details.)


Attack days
       Thanks again to all who participated in the attack day for August to raise funds for the upcoming book printing! -- And thanks in advance for your efforts to do so again in September! We're praying that the Lord will supply bountifully so we can get these books to you as soon as possible! -- You're contributing to a worthy cause, and everyone in the Family will benefit from your efforts! As soon as the results of the first attack day come in, we'll publish them in the Grapevine so all can see what progress has been made, and what goals we have yet to reach in September. God bless you all!

Chinese Lit
       (From Chinese Lit-Pic:)
If you need Chinese lit for your Chinese sheep, please contact the e-mail address below. We are offering Simplified and Traditional Chinese versions. Traditional Chinese is the written language mainly of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Simplified Chinese is primarily the written language of Mainland China and Singapore. Find out which your sheep read! Please let us know clearly where to mail the lit. E-mail: explore2@hotmail.co m.

Naming files
       (From Matthew [former ABM]:) With so many files passing back and forth now throughout the world, it is a big blessing when files are named properly, thus making it easy for the ABMs to recognize by just the filename who it is for and from whom it comes. Let's say you are in a Home called "Oasis" in the States and you want to write to David YA in Moscow, Russia. In order to help ensure your message reaches the correct destination as quickly as possible, it would be he lpful if:

       1. Your message heading clearly indicates who your message is for, what country they live in, and who the message is from, and what country they live in. [Example: Message For David YA (Moscow, Russia) from Angel (Oasis Home, Miami, USA)]
       2. Save your file in as small a format as possible (Word Perfect 4.2 or RTF in Word for Windows).
       3. The filename would be rus05oas.08.The first three characters are for the place of destination (rus), followed by two digits (the day of the m onth) (05), and three more characters showing where the message is from (oas) and finally the extension of two digits to show the month (08).

Dropped Out
CD -- 200 Free Yokes!

       (From DC Home:)
In addition to this CD offer (see Grapevine #24), the DC Home handymen have handcrafted 200 necklace yokes, which will go with the first 200 orders for the "Dropped Out -- DC Band Live" CD. (Check out a picture of the yoke on the DC WEB site: www.theDCFamily.com/CDs.)

grapes of thankfulness

       Thanks to all our dear friends who remembered us, for both your gifts and kind words. We know they come from the heart: Vicky (Germany), Lighthouse Home (Poland), Joe and Dove (Canada). -- Jonas and Ania, Russia

       We'd like to say a big thanks to: Daniel and Victory (Greece), Braveheart Home (Europe), Daniel, Spring and Chris (NA), KL Home (Malaysia). Your gifts sure go a long way here. We'd love to thank you all individually; please send us your addresses. Add: GPO Box 5741, PCN 80, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal or e-mail: fvs@unlimit.com. -- Kathmandu Home

what's up?

Steven Segal gets tract
       (From Ivan [21]:)
"Look over there, Ivan!" said Jay. "It's Steven Segal!" He stood head and shoulders above the crowds of Japanese who were out that Sunday in Harajuku, a popular hang-out place for young people in Tokyo. We had been witnessing when we spotted him walking with his tall blonde girlfriend. We approached him and talked to him for a while. We didn't have any English tracts , but he took a Japanese Somebody Loves You, as he said he can read and speak Japanese. We asked him for his autograph, and just as he finished his signature, the people around us recognized him, and the crowd started pushing their pens and papers towards him. He had to split, but promised to read the tract.

Sticking pays
       (From Gideon and Heidi Shondo:)
We are a small Home of five adults, two YAs and children. Last week we found out that Heidi is three months pregnant, which makes #18 between us! Allah Akbar!
       The Lord has been very good to us over the years, and not only do we have a viable work going, but it is amazing to us to see how the Lord wonderfully supplies good field support, and continues to open new doors of service. Having been here for over 10 years, we find that we have achieved a good degree of credibility, and are well respected by many as being experts in our field (as educators, etc.) New doors are opening, and we feel that there is still so much to do here, and that this is just the beginning of more wonderful things to come.

Ministry of prophecy
       (From Marc and Claire:)
Jim Nichols called the other day and shared a testimony of how he has been sharing the message from his wife, Merlyn, which was received in prophecy by someone at Mama's Home after she passed away, with some of his Christian friends. He said that the reactions are mixed, but all of them say that they had never heard of such a thing, and were amazed at the prophecy ! Jim has been testifying of how true the message is and how it could only have been Merlyn who gave it. He went on to say that the message has been a real comfort to him, and how the Lord has used it to help ease the loneliness of Merlyn's passing. PTL! -- A beautiful testimony of the ministry of prophecy!

Housing miracle
South America
       (From Stephen and Lynn:)
Our landlord decided to sell the house we were renting and we only had five weeks to find a new house and move in. We prayed despe rately, and the Lord told us where to look. We found our new house on our first day of searching and "sealed the deal" in only five days. When we explained to a person involved in the negotiation for the house that we didn't have a guarantor, we found out that he'd already signed as our guarantor, not even knowing us! The house is bigger and less expensive than the house we left! TTL for His supply!

En route to Mexico
       (From Sonnet [of Caleb]:) We had been struggling with a large lia bility for nearly a year. We had purchased a motor home on credit and were working at a System job, making payments, and seemed to be getting further behind. We finally decided to let the motor home go and sold it to a sweet family (Chris and Celeste) who were headed for Mexico. Over the months we watched their progress and saw the Lord bless them. It was bittersweet, as we were so happy for them, but we were a little sad as they seemed to be fulfilling the vision of what we had wanted to do for a long time.
       In the spring we made the final payment on our liability and prayed desperately for the Lord to show us what to do. -- He told us to go to Mexico! We also got that we should forsake A-L-L! It was a big step but we obeyed and started selling everything -- computer, TV -- the works! We headed south in our mini-van in late June.
       The team we were going to join was mobile, living in motor homes. We had tried to find a little pop-up or even a good tent before leaving Canada but could n't find the right set-up, so we went totally by faith. The further south we went the hotter it got. We wondered how this was going to work. You can imagine our surprise when Chris called early one morning with wonderful news. A friend in Georgia had donated a larger motor home to them, so they were giving us back our old motor home! Wow! We were overwhelmed. What we had tried so hard to obtain through our own works, God freely gave us once we obeyed Him! Everything else just fell into place. Wh ere God guides He certainly provides! PTL!

Faithful witness
       (From Michael:)
One time I witnessed to a man on the street, who was dressed casually. He got saved and I gave him a To You -- With Love tract. Recently we went to a fair and I saw this man again. I said hello and asked him for his card so that I could follow up on him. He surprised me by saying that he couldn't give me his phone number as he was a cabinet minister, but that he would like to introduce us to some top people here who could help our work. I was so surprised, but happy that I had been faithful to witness to him, without knowing that he was such an important person.

God of supply
       (From Peace [21, of John P.]:)
Hang on to your hats for a remarkable account of the Lord's extraordinary supply! Her name is Catherine, and over the years she has made it her personal quest to see that each and every need we have is filled. When we were setting up our Home, she decided that we needed a playgrou nd set in one of our yards (we didn't argue!), and so bought and sent a new set over.
       Her giving has catapulted, and over the past several months she has bought us four wall-size wooden cupboards, four wooden desks, a laser disc player, a fax machine, a coffee table, a pressure cooker, vases with dried flowers, perfumes, colognes, creams, powders, and even took each person in the Home out (a lot of people!) and bought each of us dress shoes, and sneakers and shirts for the men and boys.
       Her husband is the owner of the largest company making bathroom essentials, such as sinks, bathtubs, toilets, etc. She runs her own company of interior designing, and aside from that, has her finger in many pies.
       The "pie" I'm about to tell you of now is a local mart (market). Through a friend she has there, she was able to engineer for the manager to give us all the outdated foodstuffs the day that they expire (when it is still quite good and usable). This month, the Lord supplied $5,000 worth of provisioned foodstuffs from this mart! "My God shall supply …" plenty for the Homes in the area as well as our CTPs! PTL!

Vision and inspiration
       (From Gabe T. and Dawn [SGA], HCS:) At a time when our group of 14 JETTs was going through some real ups and downs with a lot of disrespect, independence and lack of vision and direction, we heard about the planned JETT camp at the base of majestic Mt. Fuji (see Grapevine #24). Excitement and anticipation raced through their veins as we mad e a commitment to raise the ¥200,000 ($1,680) needed to travel to and attend this event. The next month and a half centered around two witnessing trips per week to meet our fundraising goal.
       Soon the group was much more unified and happy by the inspiration level from personal witnessing, postering and videoing that injected us with new vision and purpose. We made a large thermometer for the wall to monitor our progress. Sure enough, the Lord supplied the needed funds, and the JETTs were overjo yed with the classes, skits, activities, and of course, the fellowship. Now we're focusing on the follow-up and summer vision to carry on our outreach fire! The JETTs were all assigned at the camp to personally hear from the Lord as to their "special assignment" from Jesus for the summer. One JETT boy is off to India, others are visiting other Homes to do more witnessing, and we have two camping trips and some excursions planned to keep the inspiration level high!

Hale-Bopp Heralded Abraham
       (From Andrés Heavenman:)
Hale-Bopp was last seen on Earth 4,210 years ago according to the news reprint at the end of the Hale-Bopp GN. That means it passed in the year 2213 BC (4210-1997 = 2213). I looked up that year in the 7000 Years of World History section of the Childcare Handbook to find out in which period of history that comet last came. To my surprise, the Hale-Bopp Comet passed the Earth exactly one year before the birth of Abraham, who was born in 2212 BC.

letters to the editor

Family music vs. System
       With stuff like the music (FTTs) we are getting, who needs that System junk?! I feel sorry for the people who are trying to "have a balance with Family and System music." A dance night with all Family music can be so inspiring and exciting! We definitely have the best in every way.
-- Marianne (17, of John and Rejoice), N. America

Conservative for a reason

       I wanted to thank King Peter for his comments on the ASCRO area being conservative. It sort of lif ted the cloud! It is discouraging that there aren't that many teens and YAs on some of these Asian fields, as maybe it doesn't look that attractive and there are sacrifices to make. But if you want to do something really fulfilling in your life, win precious souls, be part of inspiring CTPs -- then this is the place to be!
       Sure, some of us young people in ASCRO are conservative, but certainly not because we personally enjoy it! We live and work in some pretty conservative fields, and we've had to adapt and it's a sacrifice! But hey, what's wrong with sacrifice? -- Isn't that what our Family is about? I admire the teen boys in my Home who have to forego wearing an earring when going out or who have to keep short hair, dress neat and tidy even though they don't like it, to be acceptable and "become one."
       Sure, I'd like to go witnessing wearing less than the national costume, featuring ankle to wrist and sometimes head coverings, but is it worth being offensive to wear what I want to wear? The early missionaries to Asian fields had to become one. Hudson Taylor even dyed his hair and wore it in Chinese style to win the Chinese. I'm not saying we necessarily have to go that far, but if that is what it takes to stay on the field and continue witnessing, we should be willing to do it!
-- an ASCRO-ian YA (female)

Were we a cult?
       I enjoyed immensely the column entitled "Were we a cult?" I've had the same thoughts, but man, am I glad that the "crazy and unpredictable, the rad ical and weird are God's field of expertise" as you so rightly put it, or I probably wouldn't be here today! On the subject of mind control, you hit the nail on the head, going right along with what Dad said in the recent prophecy, "Too Much Control Through Prophecy?" (See GN 740.) We all choose to follow, choose to yield, choose to believe, choose to serve the Lord. He knows me better than I know myself, so I think I do much better just being His love slave, His little robot, under His control.
-- Chris (SGA), Poland

I'm wondering ...

Charter amendment #29 states that any movie not on a WS-recommended movie list be previewed before being watched by the Home. Does this mean that if a member or a group of members of a Home decide that they want to watch a movie by themselves that is not on any WS-recommended list, they can do so without having it previewed by the Home previewing committee since the movie is not being watched by entire Home? -- David P., Romania
(From WS: ) As stated in the Charter, it is preferable to watch movies from the recommended movie listings (see Home Life Rules, K). If the entire Home or a group of Home members are going to watch a movie that has not been recommended on a WS-published movie listing, then this movie should be previewed by a committee of the Home's choosing (see Amendment #29, LNF 257).
       Movie viewing that does not fall into either category above -- for instance, if two or three members want to watch a movie -- should be prayerfully decided upon by the Home's voting members as to whether it should be previewed first, or if that team could act as the preview committee if they are over 18 years of age.

ws news

Mama's birthday Celebration
       A few days before July 31st rolled around, Gabe made the following announcement at dinner: "We have a prophecy to read about Mama's birthday! It's the Lord's idea of what birthday presents we could give Mama, that she would most appreciate. Any guesses?"
       Hmm … It didn't take long for us all to figure out what presents the Lord knew Mama would like most for her birthday! Knowing smiles broke out across the room as Gabe read the second message, which was from Dad. It was a list of far-out topics, questions and ideas from Dad to ask the Lord or other spirit helpers to answer or speak about; certainly Mama's present of choice -- more Words from the Lord!
       We each picked a question or topic, and over the next few days we took time to pray and hear from the Lord -- to receive our "gift" to give Mama for her birthday. That was lots of fun! And, of course, Mama was overjoyed and elated to receive all her exciting Heavenly presents!
       Then on the evening of our wonderful queen's birth, we all enjoyed yummy homemade pizza for dinner -- one of Mama's favorite foods! We sang "Happy Birthday" to Mama to kick off our fun birthday meeting together. (Details of this birthday meeting will be coming your way via GN! -- Check out the new "birthday prophecy" to see wha t the Lord thinks about birthdays!) Oh, and not to forget the cheesecake and ice cream -- one of Mama's favorite birthday snacks!
       Mama would like to thank all those who send her prophecies, birthday cards, photos, tapes, poems, letters of love and appreciation, as well as letters expressing your burdens and heart cries. She loves each of you dearly and is so thankful for you!

Family Care
       (From Kristy SGA:)
A MAJOR victory this month was the finishing up of the Kiddy Cat Book -- all one hu ndred and ninety-six pages of it! This tool was started at the ASCRO FED (or then "MOM" department) with dear Leah and her team of then-YAs. They put together for their area a pub called "Children's Categorical Index," in which they had indexed the KTKs, LWGs, LOG, Family Flannelgraphs, etc. Our first thought was, "Wow! This is terrific! Let's put it out for the whole Family!" But then somehow the ideas started coming in… "Oh, well, let's just add this…and that…and this…and…" Well, years later, after being shelved several times due to higher-priority projects, here it comes!
       When you see it, maybe you'll realize what a monumental job it was for all those involved -- reading through all the kids pubs, indexing them, typing up the lists, checking the typing for accuracy, proofreading each reference a number of times, etc., etc! But now we see the Lord's perfect timing, as it's being finished right in time to get included in the big book printing, which is terrific! Otherwise, it would have needed to be processed individually by each NPC, which would have been a BIG job for them. At the last minute we also were able to update it with the latest MLKs, HTK, and Kidz Mags. PTL! Well, we're sure it's still not perfect, but we hope that it will be a blessing to all you parents and teachers, and make your lives and Word studies a little bit easier!
       And, for another soon-to-come victory we are happy to introduce an exciting new pub called Kidz Biz! While Kidz Mags will still come o ut from time to time, the Kidz Biz is a special news sheet for the kids (and hopefully mostly by the kids), so that they can have their very own pub directed to them just as the adults and young people have the Grapevine and the Free Zine. In fact, our main Kidz Biz production team is two JETTs and a junior teen, with some help from us older folks. Please send us any ideas you have, as well as encourage your kids to begin sending in their testimonies, letters, photos, poems, artwork, games, and whatever they want! -- It'll be what they want to make it! Please send the kids' potential articles to "FC: Kidz Biz" with your monthly TRFs! (DV, we should soon be providing a postal and e-mail address where you can send your articles directly!)
       Want to hear some juicy tidbits about more pubs that are currently in the cookers and who's working on them? Okay, here we go! I'll list each member of our office team, in alphabetical order, along with what they've got in the works!

works c losely with the artists, and is in charge of our flow charts, keeping track of where each pub project is at, and helping to push them through the pipelines -- several at a time!
is working on three MLKs ("Be Doers of the Word," "Heaven's Library," and "Eclipse"), a HTK ("How's Your Bottle?"), and a new surprise game! Jacques also works on the Kidz Biz team along with Kristy and our JETTs and teens.
is finishing up the TAG (Teaching and Activity Guide) with Kristy, working on a Kidz Mag reprint book with Annie, and the newly revised Davidito book with Sharon. That is on top of all the regulars [i.e. editing MLK and HTK texts, helping to approve artwork and other pubs], not to mention overseeing the Home!
is finishing up the "Endtime Olympics" HTK and doing artwork for the new Davidito Book reprint, apart from his regular studio work.
(of Eman, SGA) works in the office half-time, and keeps up with a lot of transcribing and secretarial work. She also c ompiles corrections on the MLKs and HTKs as they go around for approval.
       Kristy (SGA)
is helping with the editing of the new Kidz Biz pub, and is working on getting the TAG off to be printed! "TAG" stands for "Teaching and Activity Guide," which is a month-by-month guidebook/planner for parents and teachers of kids ages 0-4, based on our Word Curriculum, Childcare Handbooks, and a host of other pubs!
is our layout man who amazingly keeps up with laying out the regulars [HTKs and MLKs], a s well as whatever else comes his way, such as games, activity pages, and you-name-it! He also does a lot of the last-minute corrections that come along after a pub is already laid out. These aren't always layout or text corrections, but often art corrections too, which he makes in PhotoShop.
works on the EDXs (excerpts of articles on education), corresponds with the dear FEDs, and is our Home business manager and executive secretary.
is our computer technician. Taking care of our computers and equipment is quite a big and trying job, God bless him! But he does manage to keep us all up and running most of the time! Praise the Lord!
is one of the main editors for the HTK and MLK texts, and for the DO videos such as Family Fun, and works with Patti and the FEDs. Sharon is also working with Julie on finalizing the new revised edition of the Story of Davidito book -- full of fun stories and helpful childcare tips! Please keep this major project in your prayers.
recently finished the final art and layout for the HTK version of "Seekman and the Treasures!" and another HTK, "I Need Fighters," which is taken from Dad's message in "Problems and Solutions, Part 4." At present he's working on one more HTK, "My Precious Jewel, Maria," and a MLK called "Angels -- God's Police Protection!"
       And last but not least, we have our dear JETTs and teens, Serena, Angel and Timmo, our budding secretaries and artists, who have regular office hours, and are helping e specially with the new Kidz Biz pub, and anything else they can get their eager hands on!
       And we must also share the victory of every pub put out with our dear Home support team, who faithfully take care of the kids, kitchen, and Home maintenance and business! We couldn't do without them! We'll sign off here with lots of love!

ws news

Account of Eastern European visitation
       Peter, Ana, Rebecca and Dawn's (CRO) first stop was Hungary. Here Peter held a three-day meeting with delegates fr om the Homes in Eastern Europe. Their team then traveled on to Russia, where Magda joined their team. Peter held similar three-day meetings in each of the following locations: Moscow (for Homes in Moscow, Petersburg and south of Moscow), Novosibirsk (for the Siberian Homes), Chelyabinsk (for the Homes in the Urals region). Peter also visited the MM Home (as reported in Grapevine #24) and the Russian SC.
       All told, Peter and team met and had meetings with about 450 Family members. A morning and afternoon meeting was held each day during the three-day period, and on the evening of the last day there was an "affectionate fellowship" dance. Because many of those attending these meetings were from small Homes whose closest Family neighbors were hundreds (or even thousands) of kilometers away and who hadn't had fellowship with others outside their Homes for many months, Peter suggested that it might be nice to just dance slow numbers so that everyone could talk and cuddle. These dances were a wonderful time of loving fellowship. At the Moscow and Chelyabinsk meetings Peter also performed a betrothal for four couples, Abner and Joy (Polish/Russian), Andrew and Nadia (both Russian), Sonny and Pauline, (Canadian/ Russian), Michael and Joan (SGAs).
       The themes for the six meetings which Peter held were the following:
       1) Commendation for the missionaries and for the wonderful job they are doing. The Lord called them His heroes.
       2) A challenge to get over past hurts, resentfulness and bitterness, as if they are not overcome, they damage or destroy our connection, love and unity with each other and the Lord.
       3) The need to find out exactly where the Lord wants you to be, His highest will for you, and once found, to put your all into it, including committing yourself to the field by becoming one with the people.
       4) Unity and disunity; people working things out together; older generation working more closely with the younger generation; nationals and Family-born SGAs bei ng more united.
       5) The national church, raising up national leadership.
       6) The importance of using prayer and prophecy now in preparation for the Endtime

(Ana and Rebecca:)
Many of the attendees are new disciples, having joined in the past couple of years, all so full of dedication and overflowing with excitement. It was so fun to see their faces as they saw Peter walk in, as people didn't know he was coming to these meetings! Peter kept surprising people as they would turn around and see him. More than one person came up to one of us to ask if that was really King Peter!
       We asked everyone to wear nametags, which was very helpful, as at several of the meeting sites, there were other people on the property, so it was nice to be able to tell at a glance who was "ours" and who wasn't. We had a couple of funny situations prior to this, where one of us would hug and kiss someone who wasn't in the Family, and it was only when we asked which Home they were from that they said, "Oh, I 'm not with this group!" Ha! It was certainly a Holy Ghost sample to the other folks around, as they saw us having meetings, praying, singing, praising the Lord, and Peter sitting on this chair on a podium preaching to the "masses"!
       Upon arrival in Moscow, Polish Magda helped us check in to our hotel, while the rest of the pick-up team, Peter and Masha, showed us some samples of their latest poster printing, telling us the testimony of how 10 tons of paper were provisioned and shipped into the country! This man has helped the Family several times with large amounts of paper, the first time being 26 tons. When they asked him to help recently, he said he couldn't, but when they gave him some of the responses received in the mail to the posters, he said he was more than happy to give as much as we needed! PTL!

The Russian Service Center Home houses the Lit-Pic, a mail ministry team, the ABM, the Russian poster shipping and printing team, the studio, the video ministry, and t he legal ministry.
       God bless the Lit-Pic! Their team of three is able to do about 60 pages of mostly GP/DFO work per month, which is 7-9 titles, which is quite good for just two translators. They're working on trying to get an electronic library of all the literature to put on CD.
       The ABM team handles about 40 messages a day. They help with plane tickets, picking up people at the train stations, etc. This Home is very busy. They also operate an apartment close by to them that is a reception center. They've had 125 people pass through in six months; it's somewhat like a travel agency and they help with people's ticketing, which under Russian conditions can be very difficult.
       The RPC (Russian Printing Center) just finished printing 1.5 million poster tracts, as well as three million tracts.
       All the meeting attendees are precious. It's touching to see how sold out and excited they are about their field, their work, and what's going on here. They're "live ones"!
       We passed out a c onfidential questionnaire at the meetings we've held, and it was very encouraging to see how many people have the gift of prophecy, how many people use it, and people's good reactions to the Loving Jesus revelation. Nearly everyone said that they wholeheartedly embrace and practice the Loving Jesus revelation. Many commented on how it has greatly improved their relationship with the Lord. On the gift of prophecy, many people say they use it in their Home at least once a week and in their persona l lives as well.
       It's incredible to see the size of this country! The fields of corn and wheat are huge! Everything's so big, and distances between places are enormous. Here is this huge, huge country, and there are so few of us in it! It's such a challenge.
       It's precious to see how wonderful and sacrificial the Family members here are. To me it's overwhelming! Our folks go on road trips to these small towns of 13-20,000 people, where they don't have flush toilets and showers, and where peop le are very poor. The Family goes to these places and the Lord does miracles! They win hundreds of souls, pass out lots of posters, do shows, get on TV, sing songs, etc. Then someone invites them to the next town, so off they go on the train or bus to the next place and do the same thing over again. -- It amazes me!
       It's very commendable, and I feel very humbled to be with these ones here in Russia -- to realize how dedicated they are, how willing they are to sacrifice to win the lost. I can s ee why the Lord calls them His heroes, and why the Lord and Dad say that they're the greats, they're the number one's. This is what the Family's all about -- these are the real missionaries. I'm so proud of them and thankful to be able to be around them.
       It has been a very moving experience for me to meet those who work in these difficult fields. Although I knew in theory how much these have sacrificed and given up to be here, seeing them has given me a much greater appreciation for all they g o through to reach the wonderful Russian and East European people. I greatly admire those who have left fields that, in the physical, are much easier, to come to these countries where there is very little materially, but which are so ripe spiritually. But when I look around at those sitting in the meetings, when I hear their testimonies and see the joy they have in being used by the Lord so mightily in their witness, when I see that glow on their face and the sparkle in their eyes, it's very evi dent the Lord has given them in spirit much more than they've given up in the physical.
       One of the most inspiring parts of the trip has been meeting the many national disciples. Each one is so precious and dedicated to reaching their countrymen. They have a fire and zeal about everything they do. It's incredible to see how they have all learned English so well, even those who have only been in the Family a short time. When I asked them about this they explained that they want to be fed, and si nce the GNs are in English they are determined to learn it so they can read all that the Lord is saying. So many of the non-nationals have learned to speak the local languages as well, which is no easy task. God bless them for becoming one.
       I've had the opportunity to meet with some of the pioneers of Eastern Europe and Russia, those who went to these countries when they were still behind the Iron Curtain. They all are precious meek men and women who will undoubtedly receive great rewards in H eaven for their pioneering faith. I was sitting at the dinner table with Ivan and Daniel Mountain (some of the pioneers of Russia), and I asked Ivan when he made his first trip here and he said, "twenty-two years ago in 1975." I looked at these two and thought of the others who were involved in the beginning stages of the work and I knew I was in the presence of some of God's greats.
       Knowing that nearly 42 million posters have been distributed (the Family at large has distributed a grand total of 95 million posters to date; meaning that 44% or nearly half of them have gone out in the EE!), seeing the wonderful national disciples, visiting the mail ministry team, and realizing that this all started because of the faith and determination of these pioneers, made me feel very humble in their presence.
       I've had the honor of meeting a number of these pioneers: Ivan, Daniel, Willing, John EE (formerly Job of Charran), John and Ruby, Phil and Shiloh, John Simple, Job (of Ruth, formerly Eli sha Flute), Servant, Gio. Others such as Ready (formerly Joseph Eastman), Marie (formerly Charran), Gideon (Gibeah), Ben and Faith, Hannah, Francis Peruvian, Joshua and others, were not able to attend because of other duties or having moved fields.
       Some of the other unsung heroes of the work here are the wives of those who spent three or four years pioneering in Russia and the EE while they stayed behind in combos with the children in Poland or the west. It was very difficult for them to stay by the stuff while their husbands were out in the fields, and they too will receive great rewards. The Polish nationals also played a major role in the pioneer stages of the work in Russia, including some who also left their mates and children behind in Poland to pioneer Russia, such as Adam, Tommy, Phillip, Anya, Jan, etc. Our early polish pioneers of Russia also include Ella, Jan Inspiration, Marek, Aaron and Sharon, Tim (of Daniella), Joy, and many others who came later.
       Ivan told me that i n the early days there were prophecies that said the Polish nationals would help to reach Russia, and that's just what happened. Since they learned Russian in school, they were some of our only Russian speakers and as such, did much of the witnessing, teaching and training of our first Russian disciples. Our Polish Family members have become true missionaries, becoming one with the Russian field, which is especially wonderful in that many of them grew up hating Russia. Now they love it and consi der it home.
       It's also wonderful to see how many Family missionaries have answered the call to Russia. Lots of second generation Family members have come and are dedicated missionaries, giving it their all in this tough field. There are also a number of SWIFT teams here helping to reap the harvest for the summer months.
       When hearing from the Lord that time is short for Russia, it's so heart-touching to see our brave Family members doing double duty trying to get the job done now, while the d oors are still open. God bless them all!

[Fact box:]

EE Stats To Date (Russia included)

-- as of June '97

       Saved - 725,773
       HGs - 178,116
       Videos - 60,154
       Tapes - 94,371
       Posters - 41,986,434
       DFs - 436,884
       Other Lit (pieces) - 7,656,691
       Total Pieces - 50,234,534
       Total Pages - 438,362,320
       Personal Wit - 6,024,887
       Mass Wit - 1,815,203,370
       Total Witness - 1,871,462,791

[End of fact box.]


       * "Beyond gold"
team (see Grapevine #18), two adults with 12 kids from Bangalore, India, need your support to burn free. Send your gifts to Paul and Lily, IA51.
       * Calcutta Family needs monthly support. Also for costly trips to states bordering Burma. Write J. Birdi, Box 16255, Sarat Bose Rd. PO Calcutta 700029, India. -- Abel and Marie Claire.
       * We are pioneering rescue and rehabilitation work with child sex slaves in India. Join with us to help free these kids by your prayers and gifts for David and Miracle (US5025) via TRFs.
       * Funds neede d to purchase van and support outreach Home in Russia. Send gifts via TRF, Russian ABM, or 344007 Rostov-Name-Danu, PO Box 960, Russia. -- Martin and Marie (Branch and Charran).

rumor mill

       Rumor has it that some of the Grapevine's readership feels that certain rumors that have been published are meaningless or unnecessary. This is true -- and we agree with you!
       We receive numerous rumors, ranging from the serious to the absurd. To give a few examples: Did So-and-so commit suicide? Is Va s' voice raspy because he has a tumor in his throat? Does the Family really have VSs now? Is it true that So-and-so has been married three times? Two of the most popular rumors concern whether two people are "together" or not, and whether a certain individual has left the Family.
       It's obvious that most of the rumors listed above are not relevant to the entire Family; in fact, there are few that are. However, even among the more serious rumors, it can be hard to judge which rumors are widesprea d, and those that are limited to one Home, or even one individual!
       WS is not able to answer rumors relating to who is with who, or whether So-and-so is pregnant or not, etc. The Grapevine's main objective is to pipe worldwide news to the Family. There are some people whose lives, ministries and activities the Grapevine does cover -- such as Mama and Peter, Gary, WS units, CROs, VSs, production units, etc. Space is valuable in the Grapevine, and in light of this, our rumor mill corner will be l imited to those of a serious, legitimate or informative nature. To put it bluntly, it's not a gossip column!
       Please bear the above in mind when sending in a "rumor mill" question. We're happy to try to research and answer legitimate rumors, particularly ones of importance or relevance to a larger portion of the Family than just your group of friends or Home. Let's combat gossip and rumors -- and not be creating more!

Mama on … "personal" prophecies for you!

-- jewels from intercom conversa tions

       I hope people don't feel bad or slighted if they write Peter and me a personal letter, and don't receive a response accompanied with a personal message for them from either the Lord or Dad. We've tried to explain before that as much as we would love to answer each and every letter we receive, and send along a personal message from the Lord for the individual, we're simply unable to. The Lord has instructed us to focus our main attention on getting out His messages for the entire Family via the GNs, and this is what we devote most of our time and efforts to.
       I hope they understand that the GNs are personal messages from the Lord straight to each Family member, and they should take them as such. -- In many cases, the Lord uses someone's personal heartcry to prompt Peter and me to ask Him for His answers and solutions, so that the answer we write to one person can become a personal answer for many, when published in a GN.       We certainly don't want people to think that they have to receive a "signed, sealed and delivered" letter from me, or a prophecy via our Home, in order to feel that it is indeed a "personal message" from the Lord for them. The messages in the GNs are the Lord's Words for us today -- each one of us -- and they contain clear direction and guidance. If we follow them closely, we can't go wrong!

your views on issues

Limiting families
       (From a SGA single mom of three:)
I've heard quite a few Family mothers tell me that it is the outsiders, th ose in the world, who have a positive attitude toward the growing families of our Family parents and commend them for theirs. The negative comments have come from those around them in the Family: "I don't know whether to congratulate you or not," or "Are you really happy about it?" All in all, many are looked down upon or made to feel "irresponsible" and "not smart." In other words, they are not "planning," or should I say "limiting" their family.
       Maybe many of our parents did have their hands full and were not able to give each of us the attention they would have liked, but if it wasn't for them and their simple, childlike faith, our teen/YA/SGA population would be much smaller than it is today. Maybe some of our best friends, our wife or our husband wouldn't even be here!
       I feel that since the Lord is letting each of us operate according to our faith, we need to show more respect for the decisions made by those around us. What is a family? A family is meant to love each other, he lp and support one another, regardless of differences of opinion or ideas. If one of your friends or someone in your area has an ever-growing family, let's try to encourage them and look for the good. Let's lift each other up, and be a stepping stone, not a stumbling block. GBT for their faith! God forbid that we would be the ones to discourage them! I look at our big families with admiration, and pray I can be as faithful with mine as they are with theirs.

What it is
       (From Paula [17 ]:) It was mentioned in the delegates' meeting videos that "being a missionary is a state of mind!" That's really right on, especially with this push to get more young people onto needy mission fields.
       Just being transported to a different location on the globe is not going to make you a missionary! You can sit around all day in your hot shack banging away on your guitar, but that's not being a missionary, right? We can eat canned peas for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but hey! -- If we're not "preaching the Gospel to every creature," we might as well forget about this whole missionary thing!
       So to my fellow missionaries (wherever you may be): Let's remember what we're here for and what being a missionary is all about -- a man or woman of God who gives his or her life for others!

Gossip hurts
Southern Asia
       (From a male:)
We recently arrived in our new mission field and are happy to be here. Due to visa restrictions, this field hasn't received many laborers in recent years. The existing brethren know each other quite well, as they have been working together for years. They have labored faithfully on the front lines for years, and we admire them greatly. But because most everyone knows each other so well, a fair amount of familiarity has crept in, which results in a lot of gossiping.
       As those who have been the subject of gossip know, it can really hurt when you are talked about or judged by others behind your back. It can particularly hurt newly arrived young people who don't know anyone and want to make new friends, but end up feeling on the "outside" because of gossip. Because of this, some teens have had second thoughts about wanting to stay on this field. This is very sad, because we are all one Family working together for the same goals. Please, let's put an end to gossiping which only results in hurt feelings!

Games and videos
       (From R. [female FGA]:)
I have been very concerned about two areas that have already been addressed somewhat in t he Word. One is the amount of time our young people and children spend playing computer games. It really bothers me to see hours wasted on many games that are of little or no value. It is difficult to regulate the children's computer time when the teens and up spend much of their free time on it.
       The other concern I have is video watching. The amount of videos watched in Homes is ever on the rise, and I have seen our video standards become much more liberal to where we don't think anything of watching blood-and-guts murder movies or other violence which Dad in his Letters talked against so much. Of course, this has filtered down to younger and younger levels. What can we expect of our children but a reflection of what they are seeing, hearing, and feeling on videos?

Behind the times?
       (From Dawn [of David]:)
Living in a small Home, far away from any other Homes, at times we can be tempted with the feeling that we are "on the fringes of the Family, and somewhat out of to uch with the source and we don't really know what is going on," etc.
       But over the last year, when I have had the chance to visit Homes that are able to fellowship a lot with other Homes, I have realized that due to all the pubs we receive and local communications from our shepherds, we are just as much "in the know" and "up to date" with the things that matter, even if we are in a far-flung field!
       Of course I enjoy the fellowship of others, and it would be inspiring to have more Family visit ors. But it seems to me that this field condition is part of our cross to bear, a little sacrifice the Lord requires of us to get the job done, not necessarily something "bad." No matter where we are, it will never be perfect (until Heaven), so the most important consideration is if we are in God's will!

       (From an adult man:)
I did a Word study about being on time, and was surprised at how much Dad had said about it, and what little effect it's had on the Family. I thin k we could say that a lack of punctuality is a Family-wide phenomenon. In every Home I've ever been in, before and since the Charter -- with one or two possible exceptions -- I'd say at least half the people in the Family are habitually, unashamedly late.
       There was a rule at the college I attended that if the professor was ten minutes late for any class, for whatever reason, the students could get up and leave. They didn't have to stick around until he got there to explain why he was late. In seven years I never missed a class because the professor was late! If I was to apply that standard to the Homes I've been in for the past 23 years, I don't think I would've attended many meetings!

[In a little box within the testimony: (From Chloe, WS:) When I worked as an English teacher, you could only be late twice to a class. The third time, you were out of a job, because the language school couldn't have its paying students sitting there waiting for the teacher. The one time I was late ( due to my train being late), I had to make up the time with the class on another occasion -- they wanted their money's worth! We should be just as diligent with those who are waiting for us at Family gatherings.]

       I don't think drivers should have to wait for people either. If somebody needs a ride badly enough, then I think they owe it to the driver to be in the car and ready to go at the appointed time. It's bad enough when we keep ourselves waiting, but to keep people out in the System wai ting, I think that's even worse. But we do it all the time.
       I think it's good that we overlook some things when it doesn't affect our testimony, and it's an example of our love for one another as disciples. But when we wait around instead of having the guts to drive off and leave somebody when they've got no good excuse for being late, then I think we're just encouraging one another in the wrong way and making it easy for people to be bad; we're perpetuating the problem instead of helping one another. I don't think many people would continue to be late if they knew they weren't going to get away with it every time!

tip of the day

To get an Explorer window to come up, double click on the My Computer or Network Neighborhood icon while holding down the Shift key.

friendly factoid

       For those who have commented on the Grapevine layout being hard to follow because of articles continuing on a later page, please note that we are now trying to standardize any continuing articles t o begin on page one and to finish on page twelve. Hope that makes it simpler for you! Happy reading!

open forum

-- Law of Love wrap up

       Sharing with guys who -- while I enjoy their company and they're terrific people -- I'm not at all naturally attracted to, hasn't been easy, and I still certainly wouldn't profess to always being in the victory about doing it. I will say, though, that the "Loving Jesus" series has made it much easier than it would be otherwise.
       Our parents had a lot of experience in living the Law of Love, FFing and sharing. At the time there was a lot of counsel from Dad on these subjects coming out regularly. I've read some of these Letters and believed in the principles, but the concept of being an incarnation of the Lord's love for someone else wasn't something I could grasp, although I'd heard about it all my life.
       Reading the "Be Jesus" prophecy was a revelation to me, and now whenever I'm having a hard time with sharing and start feeling like "Why am I doing this anyway?" it helps tremendously to remind myself that I'm doing it because that's what Jesus wants. -- He wants to use me to show someone else that He loves them, and also to use that someone to give me His love. Having that concept in mind makes it so much easier, and gives me the grace to keep doing it. It works!
-- B. (21, female)

       For me, the key to sharing sacrificially is in the words of the FTT song, "Spend Time, Take Time," where it says, "You know how much they mean to J esus, and that's why you care." I've seen the Lord bless it and repay in so many ways: precious moments of love, receiving fulfillment in seeing the Lord's love make a difference in the lives of those I was sharing with, improving my working relationships and communication with others.
       Reading sexy praises or love words to Jesus together with my partner (from the "Loving Jesus Jewels" GN) helps to get me "in the mood." It can also be nice to go for a walk, or read something fun while lying in each other's arms.
       During times of sharing that were difficult for me, it's helped to pretend that I was FFing. Even though the person is in the Family, it's basically the same principle. When I put my all into it, and went into it with the attitude of witnessing -- because that's really what you're doing when you're being the Lord's love for each other -- then my mind was completely off myself and it was much easier for me. And if I'm ever feeling sorry for myself or tempted to be on a bummer , I remind myself of how much the Lord has given me through others -- so much more than I could ever repay! Giving His love to others is the least I can do!
-- 23-year-old female

       I've noticed that our older women appreciate when you talk with them, give'm a hug, dance with them or just fellowship with them. I'm hoping that some of the other young people will pay more attention and reach out of their own little groups more to include everybody. I know the older generation would really love t hat, and not just the women either. I've spoken with several older brothers who have just as young a spirit as anybody, and are eager to communicate and be a friend.
       I know young couples want to be with other young couples and fellowship with them, but personally, I've learned more living with older couples and getting close to them. I hope in the Family we can progress in this area, or the pioneers of the Revolution will feel unwanted or not "in" with the new generation. It's beautiful to wor k with members of all ages and feel like brothers and sisters. Amen?
-- C. (SGA male), Mexico

       The Law of Love doesn't only cover the sharing aspect of our lives, but it is an overall spirit in the Family of showing impartiality and making sure that all feel needed and loved, and most of all included. It's hard when you are a single around a large family wherein the children and teens show a lot of preference for members of their flesh family, and let you know that "you" are not part of thei r family. If we were really One Wife, this attitude and mentality would be practically non-existent. Sometimes you feel looked upon as an intruder, instead of someone who, despite feeling or being lonely, is in the Family because you love Jesus and want to do your best for Him!
-- female, USA

       I find it hard to reach out, especially in the sex department, if I'm not attracted to the guy, or at least good friends with him. Taking the first step is usually the hardest part for me, but once I d o, the Lord always makes it easy and I usually enjoy it.
       I think that going out of your way and sharing, even when you don't feel like it, brings you a lot closer to the people you live with. Even on a day-to-day basis, you feel more at ease and like you don't have to always put on a front or be something you're not -- not to mention the love and respect you receive in return from others, as well as making Jesus happy and proud of you.
       The thing that really breaks my heart is when I hear fro m guys that they haven't had sex or affection in so long because the girls around are just too stuck-up, proud and selfish. Or maybe there's so much peer pressure around and it's just not the "in thing" to do. It doesn't surprise me, as I've heard degrading comments like, "Oh, she has sex with everyone!" or "She's really Family!"
       (When Mama read this, she commented: Oh dear! If they don't like to be "Family," why are they even in the Family?)

       All that to say, I think a lot of our problems wo uld be solved and we'd all grow closer together if we'd just live the Law of Love! I know everyone would be a whole lot happier.
       One convicting thought is, "If you don't, who will?!"
-- Amie (19), Pacific

       I think I'm the epitome of a single single. I have never been attached to someone I had to share with someone else. If anything, I've been on the receiving end a couple times, much to my own surprise and ... well, humbling (you know, to confess I needed anyone at all).
       I have the highe st admiration for a close SGA girlfriend of mine who changed my narrow viewpoint and broadened my understanding of the Law of Love by sharing her husband with me, of all things -- and not only that, but as if it were no big deal. -- And we remained the closest of friends. I can't say the time spent with her husband was even the highlight of the occasion, so much as my friend's attitude. And the surprising thing is, I respected their relationship so much more after seeing their freedom in sharing each other. It's amazing! I always thought a union would be looked on as weaker in that kind of situation, as if they didn't care about each other so much, but it's just the opposite. I hope my friend's example sticks with me so that someday I can be at least a little like her when I am in her position.
-- L. (22, female)

       I have been in the Family for 24 years and have had many dates with different brothers, but I think that if I would ever find out that someone said it was a sacrifice to share with me, I would certainly want to spare them the trouble next time. I don't think it's just humbling to find that out -- it's rather humiliating -- especially to find out that the person talked about it to others.
       Gossiping about how a date was sacrificial certainly takes away from the beauty of the sacrifice. When we have a "sacrificial" date, it should be in the spirit of what Jesus says about doing alms in Mat.6:3-4: "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth; … and thy Fa ther which seeth in secret Himself shall reward you openly."
       I'm not saying that dates are never sacrificial; sometimes they are. But we should never talk about it with others, except maybe our mates or our shepherds so they can pray with us. I've found that if my heart is right with the Lord, He always gives me the grace, and that in the end it really wasn't a sacrifice after all. Part of genuine love is to never let a person know or find out whether it was a sacrifice to share with them or n ot. Sacrificial love says: "It is always a pleasure to be with you!"
-- adult woman, Europe

       A married woman recently told me that she and her husband agreed to stop sharing with others because they had shared so much in the past. This saddened me. I understand her views, as it really does hurt to share my precious husband, and it's a big sacrifice. But I wonder if we, as a Family, can continue to be new bottles if we don't continue to use these muscles of giving and sharing our lives, even if it doesn't end up in bed. Of course this Law of Love stuff is on a volunteer basis, but the blessings that come from giving … even if it hurts (especially if it hurts), far outweigh the hurt.
       My husband knows it's a soft spot for me, so we go slow, which I think is important. He's learning ways to encourage my heart, and build on the love and trust in our relationship so that this trial can become easier for me, and I'm learning to trust the Lord more and that he does love me with a forever love, and wants me. Also, the more we love Jesus together the closer we're getting every day, and my battles lessen!
-- an adult woman

       I'm in a threesome which requires me to sacrifice my mate on a daily basis; this is real practice in the Law of Love. Some days are longer than others, and sometimes I hurt more than other days, but Jesus is well pleased with this attitude of sharing and giving, being desperate and weak. It sure keeps me close to Him. The fruit in our lives is proof that we 're being blessed. We're happy, our kids are happy, we're on the field, we're fulfilled, and Jesus is blessing us in so many areas! We're loving Jesus more and more every day, and I can honestly say I'm much happier than I've been in years.
-- an adult woman

       One of the main obstacles I have found that stops people from letting go is the fear of losing their place in their loved one's eyes and life. Honest and open communication is needed when sharing within a Home, as you are working togeth er and need to be close. Many of us have had hurtful experiences in the past, and honest sharing of our hearts doesn't come so easy. But the Lord has commissioned us to learn to trust one another, and I believe we can achieve that if we have real love for one another and deal delicately with each other's hearts!
-- adult, USA

schooling snippets

       At the end of the last school year, we started working together with another Home that didn't have a teacher available to oversee their teens' sc hooling. Since we live close to each other, the other Home's teens would come over to our house for the day to study. Meanwhile, their Home needed to start a performing group for Christmas, so our teen girls went there, like an exchange. Not only do the teens get school time, but they also have fellowship, get-out together, etc. Since the group isn't so big, the teacher can also cook for the home while overseeing them. I check all their work and give them tests to make sure they aren't fooling a round and it seems to be working out fine. They enjoy it and are thankful for the time allotted for school.
-- Catherine, Brazil

       I think as parents we need to oversee our CLE Home Schooling more. Having been a substitute teacher in many Homes, I am surprised to see how many mistakes are not noticed or corrected. The kids either went too fast or were never made aware of them. CLE is a system of workbooks with teacher participation, oversight and correction. This is what makes the teaching of CLE a consistent study-at-home program with a lot less work for us parents. But it does need some of our time and attention.
       Having taught JETTs, junior/senior teens throughout the years, seeing how they struggle so much more when they are older because we didn't teach them right when they were younger, convicts me to see that we give our growing children this confidence -- to be able to write a letter correctly or do simple math problems easily, etc. Can we be sure, dear Family, that in teac hing our kids, we build a solid foundation in the basics by properly overseeing and helping them with whatever schooling course we have decided is the best route for them? Let's not leave them, as some do, sitting on their own day after day with a workbook -- correcting on their own.
-- Renee, USA

[Fact Box:]

Did you know?
       -- When you first receive CLE books, you should remove the test from the middle of the book and keep it with you until the student takes the test. The student should not do the test when he comes to it just like any other CLE page.
       -- When you receive the answer key, you should remove the test answer key so that the student doesn't study the test answers. (The teacher or overseer grades the test when the book is done.)
       -- When the student comes to a circle or triangle in his book, he is supposed to stop and check with the teacher to ensure that that point was done properly.
       -- Students aren't supposed to just skip what they don't feel like doing. (Ha!)

[End of facts box.]

       CVC is tops! It's wonderful that the CVC is available to nationals. It's a good testimony to our parents; they're proud to know that their kid is finally studying again, after dropping out of university and making them lose face in front of all their friends and relatives. Since we got our CVC cards, we all go free on the public transport in our city, plus pay only half-price tickets all around Moldova and even abroad!
-- Russian Tim Martin (22), Moldova

fruitful fields

India - (From ASCRO:) A population of one billion needy souls! There are 27 Homes in India -- and lots of room for more!
       With the prospect of many new Homes opening and new teams arriving, we felt it would be helpful for anyone who is thinking about coming to India to be aware of the culture and the social climate of the country so that we can do our best to put the needs of the people we are trying to reach above all else.
       Being that India is an Eastern field, and as such, is more conservative than the West, we've had to change our way of dressing, interacting and working, to become one. We have found it most effective in our witness and interaction to take a very humble seat, and be respectful and self-effacing and appreciative of the Indian country and people.
       Depending on where you live, mostly any style of dress is fine, provided your clothing is tidy-looking, well-fitting (not baggy), and not too revealing or provocative (i.e., shorts and mini-skirts aren't usuall y worn outside the house). Men's hair is usually kept to a normal length (not too long or hippie-like) and earrings on men aren't so well looked upon. Most people also keep themselves clean-shaven (mustaches are okay, though full beards are not common among the upper-middle class, and are mostly worn by Muslims).
       Because India is such a vast country, what is or isn't acceptable in the way of appearance and even customs varies in different parts of the country. So please check with the India AB M (and/or the Home you will be joining) for counsel on the accepted standards of appearance in the particular area you will be going to.
       India's ripe and ready, pleading desperately for more laborers to come and be a part of this exciting harvest! We love and need you!

thanking …

-- for your "spirit story" contributions!

Merry Heart (Czech national), Chris (SGA, Russia), Lily (Lebanon), Crystal (of Luke, India), Ray Jolly (Japan), Dove (HCS, Japan), Marie (ASCRO), Ruth (16, Thailand), P hilip (Brother Sun, Japan), Tina (Mideast), Madalena (of David Valenta, Brazil), John M. (24, Thailand), John Paul (Tracy, BVM).

now that's funny!

The Photographer

       The British Government's policy of socialized medicine has recently been broadened to include a service called "proxy fathers." Under the government plan, any married woman who is unable to become pregnant through the first five years of her marriage may request the service of a proxy father -- a government employee who attemp ts to solve the couple's problem by impregnating the wife.
       The Smiths, a young couple, have no children and a proxy father is due to arrive. Leaving for work, Mr. Smith says, "I'm off. The government man should be here soon." Moments later, a door-to-door baby photographer rings the bell ...

       Ms. Smith: Good morning.
       Salesman: Good morning, madam. You don't know me but I've come to ...
       Ms. Smith: No need to explain. I've been expecting you.
       Salesman: Really? Well, good. I've made a sp ecialty of babies, especially twins.
       Ms. Smith: That's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat.
       Salesman: (Sitting) Then you don't need to be sold on the idea?
       Ms. Smith: Don't concern yourself. My husband and I both agree this is the right thing to do.
       Salesman: Well, perhaps we should get down to it.
       Ms. Smith: (Blushing). Just where do we start?
       Salesman: Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps a couple on the bed. Sometimes the living room floor allows the subject to really spread out.
       Ms. Smith: Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it hasn't worked for Harry and me.
       Salesman: Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time, but if we try several locations and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results. In fact, my business card says, "I aim to please."
       Ms. Smith: Pardon me, but isn't this a little informal?
       Salesman: Madam, in my line of work, a man must be at ease and take his time. I'd love to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that.
       Ms. Smith: Don't I know! Have you had much success at this?
       Salesman: (Opening his briefcase and finding baby pictures): Just look at this picture. Believe it or not, it was done on top of a bus in downtown London.
       Ms. Smith: Oh my!
       Salesman: And here are pictures of the prettiest twins in town. They turned out exceptionally well when you consider their mother was so d ifficult to work with.
       Ms. Smith: She was?
       Salesman: Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her down to Hyde Park to get the job done right. I've never worked under such impossible conditions. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get a good look.
       Ms. Smith: Four and five deep?
       Salesman: Yes, and for more than three hours, too. The mother got so excited she started bouncing around, squealing and yelling at the crowd. I could not concentrate. I am afraid I had to a sk a couple of men to restrain her. By that time darkness was approaching and I began to rush my shots. When the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment I just packed it all in.
       Ms. Smith: You mean they actually chewed on your, eh ..., equipment?
       Salesman: That's right, but it's all in a day's work. I consider my work a pleasure. I've spent years perfecting my patented technique. Now take this baby, I shot this one in the front window of a big department store.
       Ms. Smith: I just can't bel ieve it.
       Salesman: Well, madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so that we can get to work.
       Ms. Smith: TRIPOD ? ! ?
       Salesman: Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my equipment on. It's much too heavy and unwieldy for me to hold while I am shooting. Ms. Smith? Ms. Smith? ... My Lord, she fainted!

Peanuts 'n' Raisins

       Auntie Mercy had been sick in bed with the flu for a couple of weeks. Leti (three years old) sweetly worked with her overseer on making her some get-well cards. Sh e peeked in the room with a stack of them and said: "Here, auntie Mercy, you need a lot of cards to get well!"
-- Cute Kidz sent in by SACRO


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