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the Grapevine
(Issue #22; July 1, 1997; DO/TS )
Copyright © 1997 by The Family

The Grapevine

PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
e-mail: grape@ibm.net

The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.


from all over ...

       * Daniel Peter, born to Rebecca and Abner. -- PACRO
       * Kiana Chanelle, 11th child, born to Leilani and Arthur. -- Australia
       * Steven Aiki, born to Faithy and Mark. -- Japan
       * Pedro, born to Clara Pal oma on February 26th. -- Brazil
       * Chris, born to Ana Luz and Stefan (formerly Seth) on March 11th. -- Brazil
       * Aaron Richard, born to Maria Clara on April 1st. -- Brazil
       * Sara Luiza, born to Lilly and Mateus on April 2nd. -- Brazil
       * Shane, 4th boy, born to Katrina and Eman on April 20th. -- Brazil
       * Anthony Ray, born to Cecy on April 20th. -- USA
       * Christian Oliver, born to Beth and Shawn on May 21st. -- Mexico
       * Robert, born to Mary Farmer (Russian) and Matthew (Hungarian) on Ju ne 11th. -- Russia


expecting ...

       * Charity (of Asaph Bush) is pregnant with # 11. -- ASCRO

tying the knot ...
* Romanian Esther and Mark C. tied the knot at the end of May. -- Plus they're expecting #1!

world news

Stats Analysis

-- From the TRFs covering the month of April, 1997
By Daryl, WS

       Homes: Our number of DO Homes continues to increase month by month. Once in a while it looks like it's slowing down, but then it picks up again. In April it increased by seve n Homes, and there are now 692. In the last twelve months we've increased by 107 DO Homes (18%), an average of nine per month or one new Home nearly every three days!

       Average Home Size: DO Home size continues to go down slowly, and is now at exactly 14 members per Home. TS Homes average 6.1.

       Population: Our DO population has continued to edge up slowly over the months, and is now at 9,707, which is the most we've had since the beginning of 1991. On the other hand, TS membership has conti nued to decline gradually and is now at 3,293. Combined DO/TS population now stands at exactly 13,000. This is actually the highest Family membership that we've ever had! Even before the TS program began, the highest Family membership was about 12,600!
       Our Homes are spread throughout the world as follows:
       -- 26% in North America (including Mexico and Central America)
       -- 22% in Europe
       -- 17% in the Pacific Area
       -- 20% in South America
       -- 7% in Southeast Asia
       -- 5% in the India n Subcontinent
       -- 3% in the Mideast and Africa
       That's 2/3rds in the West (Americas and Europe), and 1/3rd in the East.

       Births and Betrothals: We had just over one birth per day this month for a total of 31 births, 29 DO and two TS. That gives us 352 births in the last 12 months! We had four betrothals in April, all DO, for a total of 65 in the last 12 months, or over five a month! To date we've had an amazing 12,327 births and 2,264 betrothals.

       Distribution: In April, the Family dis tributed 13.3 million pages of literature, or 1.4 million pieces. This included 590,000 posters, 22,500 tapes, and 13,000 videos. The DO Family averaged 120 posters, four tapes, and three videos per adult. The TS Family averaged 31 posters and three tapes per adult. There were also 24,000 Living Waters distributed.

       Witness and Souls: The Family personally witnessed 606,000 times this month, which was very good! That's an average of 112 personal witnesses per DO adult, and 67 per TS adult. Th e total witness for the Family this month was a bit low at 16.8 million. Another 77,000 people were led to the Lord this month! That's up 31% from the previous month, and is about 3% better than last year at this time. There were also 26,000 baptisms of the Holy Spirit.
       By the way, in January of this year the Family passed the 20 million souls won mark. -- Since the Family began 29 years ago, we have on average led 690,000 people to the Lord each year, or 57,000 per month, or 1,900 per day, or 1.3 per minute! Praise His Name!


       (From Dawn:) There were 90 people in attendance at our nine-day JETT/teen camp held in Thailand. Twenty FGAs, SGAs and YAs helped to shepherd and run the camp. The main subject matter and "meat" of these meetings were selected portions of the Summit and delegates' videos. Praise times were also a highlight, and each room took a turn organizing them. David Komic (an excellent actor) helped with a number of skits, which brought out poi nts that needed attention (e.g., overemphasis on make-up, hairstyles, etc.) in a humorous and fun way.
       As we sought the Lord about the shepherding of the teens and JETTs, the Lord said that we should listen, give God's answers, and take time to hear from the Lord with the young people about any questions they had. The shepherds began doing this with the JETTs and teens during talk-times, and it was a tremendous encouragement to the young people! We ended the camp with a dance night and a commi ssion ceremony, which was conducted by six SGAs and one YA. We FGAs were all praying and rooting for them in the back row! Each of the JETTs and teens were given a personal prophecy at this time which had been received for them.

       (From Tommy:) From May 29th to June 1st, 90 live-out members and 22 live-in members from all over Brazil met in a hotel in São Paulo for their second annual meeting entitled, "The Commission of the Lord for You!"
       Classes given were: "Intimacy with Jesus," " Effective Witnessing," "Overcoming Spiritual Difficulties," "Discovering Your Gifts" and "The Family and You! -- A Historical Perspective of Family Growth" -- all directed at helping our live-out members fall in love with Jesus and discover their place of service. There was an outpouring of the Spirit, including beautiful prophecies, healings, and deliverances!
       Workshops were given on a variety of subjects: "How to Manage the Growth of Bible Study Groups," "How to Establish a Support Group and Course for Deliverance," "How to Help Your Child Become a Disciple," "Clinical Method of Witnessing," "Managing an Effective 'Consider the Poor' Project" and "To Be or Not to Be: How to Become a Live-in Family Member."
       One night after testimonies, a group of live-outs went out to a local bar and took it over! Our inspirationalist, Ronny, led the music and the live-out group won 20 souls! The people on the street packed into the bar to see what the commotion was all about! It reminded some of us old-timers of the Light Club days! -- It was an explosion!

       (From Mary MOM:) Towards the end of April, Crystal (VS, of David H.), six senior teens and myself held a one-week JETT/junior teen camp in France for the 27 TS kids who could not attend the earlier camp in Belgium, due to school obligations.
       We were impressed with how happy, outgoing and loving these kids were. During Word time they were studious, quiet and respectful. Generally, they didn't hang out and idly talk; when they had free time they practiced their instruments, worked on personal witnessing brochures, practiced singing, or asked us deep questions concerning the Family, the Word, DO kids, etc. During inspirations, they entered in wholeheartedly.
       Many said their parents were very strict and didn't allow them to listen to any System music, wear make-up, or hang out with System kids, etc., but this didn't seem to bother them much. Most seemed quite "clean cut" and fairly humble. Almost half of them had planned witnessing SWIFTs with their families for the summer, and their parents involved them in regular witnessing, CTP ministries, etc.
       Like all kids at this age, some needed more personal time, more oversight and guidance. These ones who had behavioral problems and weren't as outgoing and happy as the others, had lots of pent-up feelings and frustrations. The extra time we spent with them, however, drew us close to them and caused us to pray more for them and give them extra love.
       I coul d clearly see the good fruits of the parents who strove to raise good Christian kids, and it sure is paying off. Several of them are looking forward to joining a DO Home for the summer, and some of the older teens were quite sincere about becoming DO again.


       (From Job and Esther:) We attended and actively participated in the conference on "Missionary Work Under Conditions of Freedom of Conscience," held May 19-20th, organized by the International Association of Religio us Freedom, among other associations. This conference was called urgently at the request of the President of Ukraine, in response to a request from the Orthodox Church to ban all foreign missionary movements in this country.

legal and media


       (From Mat:) The Lord has answered prayer and given us a tremendous victory! The Niteroi Appeals Court voted unanimously to grant us our appeal! This effectively closes the six-year-old Niteroi case, with a victory on all counts! Thank the Lord! [Editor's note: This case came about in '92 as a result of a raid on the Studio Home which was in the city of Niteroi at that time. Since then, there has been an off-again, on-again investigation, including officials' visits to a couple of our Family Homes in Niteroi and Rio, and some educational testing of our children.]

on the net

       (From Valour and Trust:) The Russian Family Web site was launched this month! This includes a lot of Russian lit, including the "Hale-Bopp" comet tract.

think deep

       I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. -- Good Thots


       (By Peter and Joy:) For the past 11 years, we have had a very inspiring mobile ministry travelling all around Southern Africa. Besides showing a large number of slide shows in schools, orphanages, hospitals and prisons, we've been giving out thousands of "What Everybody Needs Is Love" posters wherev er we go. Since many people can't afford videos, tapes or color posters, we distribute a black-and-white version. Inside each poster is a form for people to fill out, offering them a free Gospel of John in any language. We follow this up with a free course of Living Waters. The response has been terrific, and we have about 150 people working their way through the Living Waters!
       So far, besides the southern African countries where there is already an established Family work, we've received mail responses from Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi and Uganda!

       (From John:) This month we visited many areas of Vietnam for the very first time! During the Tet holiday, we went with three of our friends to visit Thanh, who lives about three hours west of Saigon, close to the Cambodian border.
       When arriving at our destination, the Lord led teen Renee and I to the largest hotel in town, where the manager let us have a nice room and complimentary breakfast for $ 15 for the three of us! Just to show the Lord is in control even here in the uttermost parts of Vietnam, who should drive up to meet us but our dear friend, who was supposed to meet us at another hotel but had "mistakenly" thought we were at this one.
       We were able to experience the local transport system: 20-year-old, 50cc Honda motorcycle "taxis." Well, we had no worries about speeding, but the lack of suspension almost rattled a few fillings out of our teeth, ha! Still, we made it safely to Thanh's house.
       She has a sweet family (and nine brothers!), and their lifestyle can only be described as millennial! They usually don't use money, as they grow their own rice and vegetables, and they raise pigs, buffalo and chickens. When her mother wants to give Thanh any money to help with her studies, she sells some of their rice and gives her the money from this. They only got electricity a few months ago!
       Meekness had a sweet conversation with Thanh's mother, and they ended up crying to gether as Thanh's mother explained how her hands were now rough and worn from working hard to take care of her family. Meek shared how God loved her and had obviously blessed them with a sweet family spirit.
       They told us that in 1978, the Khmer Rouge were attacking border areas of Vietnam and pretty much wiping out everyone they could find. Many Vietnamese villagers who lived near the border of Cambodia lost their lives at this time. This is the reason the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia. Years be fore, the French had wanted to build a bridge across the river situated between Thanh's house and the border, but they couldn't find a solid foundation for it. The Americans later tried to do the same, but failed also, much to the disappointment of the locals. Then, during this time of Khmer border raids, Thanh's family and the other locals were so thankful that the bridge hadn't been built or they would almost certainly have been attacked and killed. Thanh could clearly see the Lord's hand of p rotection in this!
       Before we left this area, our Honda-cart driver wanted us to meet his family. Thanh translated while Meek explained how he could have a closer relationship with our dearest Friend. He prayed to receive Jesus and took a number of tracts to give out in his village.
       We then visited a large temple of a local religion called Cao Dai. This is a blend of many other religions. They worship Jesus and Moses, who are both venerated in this religion, along with many others, including Sun Yat-sen of China and Victor Hugo! It shows how much they need the Words of David to set them free from all these confusing faiths and isms!

       [Fact box: Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), Chinese revolutionary leader, revered as the father of republican China, who was instrumental in overthrowing (1911) the Manchu (Ch'ing) dynasty and founding (1912) the Republic of China.]

       [Fact box: Hugo, Victor Marie (1802-85), French poet, novelist, and playwright, whose voluminous works provided the single greatest impetus to the romantic movement. Two of his most famous works include The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Misérables.]

       (From Martin [14, of Andrew and Lily]:) Last month our Home sent out a road team to Tanzania. We went on a seven-hour bus ride from the capital to the coastal town of Mombasa. From there we provisioned a nice hotel and a boat to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) via Zanzibar, which took one day. But the boat was late and the rental car that was supposed to pick us up had already gone. We found ourselves at the dark port with no local money to take a taxi, when we met an Indian man. We explained our situation to him, and he gave us a large donation to take a taxi! The next day we worked on getting all our meals provisioned so that we wouldn't have to worry about it later. One Italian restaurant donated all our lunches, and other restaurants donated our dinners. During the four days we were there, we won 55 souls, got out 12,000 pieces of lit and 40 videos!
       While there, we had to find different ways of getting out the lit, as the country is predominantly Muslim. We would give stacks of lit to the English-speaking people whom we led to the Lord, and immediately they would begin passing it out. It was so inspiring!

By Jaz, Free Zine country

How Warm Is Too Warm?
[Episode 1 in the "Foolish Blunders of Our Past" Collection.]

       Some things you've just gotta learn from personal experience. It's part of the "worried mother" syndr ome, I think, to rush around and check over and over again to make sure everything is just right. -- Sometimes it can be so right that it's actually wrong!
       Baby books say that for newborns it's good to keep the room nice and warm, and to keep baby wrapped in a receiving blanket. When I think back to the first couple of weeks after Kimberly's birth, I can't help but laugh! There were Alec and I, running around the room in our undergarments, yet still sweating our brows off, while the poor innoc ent little darling lay carefully swaddled in undershirt, sleeper suit and a blanket or two!
       Every so often, Alec would look at the room thermometer in despair and gasp hoarsely, "Honey, it's 28 (82 F) degrees in here! Does she really need to be bundled up like that?!!" But then she would happen to sneeze (babies do sneeze from being too hot, as well as too cold, I later discovered), and in my sincere and loving concern, back on went the blanket!
       It took me a while to realize that babies do n ot need to be kept sterile (at boiling temperature) in order for them to be usable. In fact, that nagging little heat rash that she had seemed so attached to cleared up nicely when I started "loosening up" those wraps a little!
       Moral: Most sources agree that a comfortable room temperature of 21-24 (69 - 72 F) is fine for babies. (It's good to keep a room thermometer placed on the wall near baby's bed, so you can keep an eye on these things.) A good "testing spot" on babies is the back of their neck. -- If it's sweaty, they're too hot.
       Snug wrapping in a receiving blanket is comforting for newborns, but just make sure that there's not overkill on all the other heating factors (e.g., outdoor temperature, heater, excess clothing, etc.). Ventilation is also important for fresh air, but be sure there is not a draft directly on the baby.
       For more on this subject, please see CCHB pg.278, par.24-29; CCHB pg.288:57; as well as "Babycare," ML #1136.


       * Andrew Blessing ( Andy Da'Clown) apologizes to anyone he offended in the past; would like to contact old friends. Add: PO Box 5-8, Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C.
       * Michael and Praise (last heading to Germany), contact Paul and Tamara. Important! Add: Alemany Garcia A, kapas u so, 3300 Eger, Hungary.
       * Heidi would like to get in touch with Eduardo Aries (Adam or Juan) from Galizia, Spain. Add: Heidi Young, Granbergstubben 160, 1275 Oslo, Norway.
       * I have lost the precious address of Aaron and Abi in the Gold Coast , Australia. Write Karenyna (17, Brazil) soon.
       * Sharon (last heading to Russia), please contact your sister, Belen. Add: A. Postal 1525 B, CD Juarez Chih, CP 34320, Mexico.
       * Paul (Indian, formerly of Priya) would like to contact old/new friends. Lily (Anka, German) wants to contact Ready (D.C. Van Molnarffi) and Crystal (TS). Write via Indian ABM or: The Family, PBS TNR Chambers (1st floor), ¼ Church Street, Bangalore - 560 001, India.
       * James Delight (TS) would like to be in contact wit h Family members. Add: Giovanni Serrati, via Stelle Alpine 5, Rozzano MI, Italy. Fax: (39) 02-57511157.

I'm wondering ...

       Q: We have some outside witnessers who are dedicated and love the Lord and the Family -- and our Family music! Sometimes they ask us if they can borrow the FTTs, which they hear playing in the Home. Since the FTTs are DO/TS, we cannot technically lend them out to anyone. Are there any loopholes for a situation like this? -- Shawn, Beth and Francesca, Russia
       A: It's f ine to lend or give copies of the FTTs to live-outs, catacombers and outside witnessers whom your Home is in regular contact with.

       Q: In the Charter it states that "caffeinated coffee and tea are only for those 16 and over." Therefore, is it permissible for 14- or 15-year-olds to drink decaffeinated coffee? Some adults are not so sure about it. -- from a teen, Asia
Yes. The Charter doesn't forbid decaffeinated drinks for those under 16 (however, neither does it guarantee them the right to drink them).

       Q: We were wondering if the prophecies given for various world leaders and rulers published in the "World Currents" are sent to the individual leaders? There are often beautiful words of encouragement that I thought they might appreciate. How would they benefit otherwise? -- from Homes in France, Kazakhstan and Russia
Yes, we do try to get prophecies received for world leaders to them via Family members on the field whenever it's possible, so that they can benefit from t he Lord's love and counsel. However, it is not always easy to pass on these messages to world leaders, so please pray that the Lord will open doors to reach these ones in His time. Since approaching world leaders is a sensitive matter, Mama and Peter leave it up to the CROs to decide how these prophecies should be delivered to them and who should do it.

ideas and tips

Advertise yourself
While doing some sponsored "good works" this Christmas, we decided to do a little horn tooting in the local newspaper about it. The first article we wrote was not printed. A little daunted, we went to another newspaper, and they were happy to publish our article, giving us half a page of space, and publishing two photos of the event! It's possible!
-- David, Betel and Lynn, Bolivia

Father's Day
On Father's Day I called all our friends and contacts to congratulate them. They all expressed how touched they were, as nobody else had remembered them.
-- Andres, Cristina, Pablo and Joanny, Boli via

Mealtime praise
Having praise time at 10, 12 and 5 didn't work so well for us, so we started doing it at breakfast, lunch and dinner, which is working very well!
-- Abe and Joana, Peru

Temple time
       In our Home, the adults get together from 3:00 to 4:00 daily to love and praise the Lord, and hear from Him. As a result, everyone is more inspired and the Lord is blessing us more abundantly than ever!
-- David and Susana, Paraguay


-- 30 word limit

       * Poli sh family of three, called to China, in need of finances to move. Grateful eternally for your help. Please send gifts with TRF to Aaron and Flame (Poland, PO132).
       * Middle East Family needs support to continue fruitful CTP work, performing, and translating the Word into Arabic. Send gifts through your TRF, designated to: Middle East Pioneer Team.
       * We are in western China and need your help. #1) Vehicle for road trips: US$5,000. #2) Monthly support: US$1,000. Contact us via PACRO. -- Andy, J oy and children (China).
       * Family of five needs to leave Kazakstan. Destination: India. Send gifts via TRF to Matthew and Marie Fighter, Kazakstan. Add: PO Box 104 Almaty 480 000 Kazakstan. E-mail: tianshan@silkroad.almaty.kz.

movie ratings

Movies Rated for YAs and Adults

Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue
       Emotionally intense traumatic testimony about the relationship between a depressed alcoholic trying to drink himself to death, and a soft-hearted hooker. Sensi tive viewers should be mindful of a graphic rape scene, as well as other scenes of sexual abuse. Not to everyone's liking, as it is heavy, somber, and some found it depressing. But it also has good lessons, and breaks your heart for those who don't have the Lord. Realistic portrayal of prostitution and alcoholism. [Editor's Note: Please see accompanying movie review.]

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

BLINK (1994)
Madeleine Stowe, Aidan Quinn
       Tense thriller about a young blind woman who undergoes an operation to regain her sight, and while recovering when her eyesight is very blurry, becomes a witness to a murder. Some scenes of violence.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum
       Sci-fi action thriller based on the novel by Michael Crichton, about a dinosaur park off the coast of Central America whose cloned living dinosaurs get loose and go on a rampage. The movie is entertainment only and we of course don't agr ee with the less than subtle pro-evolution slant. Beware of occasional scenes of graphic violence.

Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore
       Sequel to "Jurassic Park," where a small group of scientists go on an expedition to "Site B," a second dinosaur-populated island. Beware of scenes of graphic violence.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

FIRST KID (1996)
Sinbad, Brock Pierce
       Comedy about a Secret Service agent who is assigned to protect the son of the U.S. President. Some bad attitudes could be discussed; young or sensitive viewers should also be prepared for a tense scene towards the end of the movie.

JACK (1996)
Robin Williams, Diane Lane
       Comedy/drama about a ten-year-old boy who has a rare disease which causes him to age four times faster than normal. (This disease does not exist in real life.) Sweet lessons on compassion, sympathy and acceptance.

SELENA (1997)
Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos
       Inspiring, upbeat life story of the Tejano singer Selena. Lots of music and performances, and good lessons. Sensitive viewers should be prepared for the tragic ending.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Rick Moranis
       Third installment in the series about the inventor of an incredible shrinking machine. -- This time it's the parents' turn to be rendered microscopic. Some bad behavior by the main characters is resolved in the end, but would still be good to address with young viewers.

Movies Ra ted for MCs and Up

       Christian series of half-hour cartoon shows with the main character experiencing various adventures and learning lessons. Touted by the Christian community as being excellent, top-quality material, but it is definitely on the milky side as far as message. Some episodes may be suitable for younger children, but others contain a fair amount of negative attitudes which children could pick up on, or scenes which could be frightening to small children. Not all the shows have been watched, so please preview each one before showing.

Non-Recommended Movies

       AIRPLANE (Leslie Nielsen, Lloyd Bridges; 1980)
       BLUES BROTHERS, THE (John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd; 1980)
       DEAD AGAIN (Kenneth Branaugh, Emma Thompson; 1991)
       WAGONS EAST! (John Candy; 1994)
       MARY REILLY (Julia Roberts, John Malcovich; 1996)

movie reviews ...

Leaving Las Vegas
(Jesus speaking:) This is a heartbreaking story. It is heavy meat. Yet it is a touch of the m isery felt by those in the world whose lives have been caught up in the vices of the Enemy. It is a testimony of how the heart of every man cries out for real love -- love that can only be found in Me. If watching this movie puts within you feelings of brokenness, of desire to comfort and help those who have no hope, then this fruit is good. But [this movie] is not for all.
       There are many who do not realize what peace and security they have, what a loving environment I have provided for them. There are even those who foolishly think that a life of vice -- of gambling, drinking or of prostitution -- would be easy and fun. These are deceived, and it is good for them to be made aware that these lifestyles lead only to sorrow, as does any lifestyle that does not include Me. (End of prophecy.)

what's up?

Obeying the whispers
       (From a Home in the Mideast:) The other night we took time to hear from the Lord concerning an upcoming visit from one of our contacts. The Lord tol d us that music would be the key to this man's heart, and He even told us what songs to sing. Even though we felt this man wasn't interested in music, we went ahead and obeyed the Lord. After our songs the man was in tears, and made a beautiful declaration of his love for the Family and his desire to help. He has actually been helping the Family quite a bit, but now wants to do more! What an amazing proof of the power of prayer and hearing from the Lord!

En route to India
       (From Shar on [17]:) After being in Europe for seven years, I decided to return to India, where I had lived with my Family in the '80s, but only a three-month student visa worked out for me. This was great, a visa ... but no ticket! After a few weeks, a close friend came to visit us. When he found out that I hadn't left yet, he pulled out his wallet and handed my dad enough money for my ticket! The next week I was in Bombay, and before I knew it my three-month visa was up. After prayer and getting some enc ouraging prophecies, the miracle came! Within three days I got my one-year visa! (I've been going to an Indian school twice a week to learn Hindi.)
       When I stop and think of how the Lord got me here, I just know this is where He wants me. From the beginning I never had a strong burden for India, but I know for sure that this is the place where He wants me. If the Lord has called us to be missionaries on a field, I do believe He'll care for His own!

Road tripping
       (From the PI young people:) Here in the Philippines they get very "religious" during Easter. Many people flagellate themselves, and 16 folks even crucified themselves for seven minutes! Annually there is a large gathering at a place called "Calvary," with reporters from Reuters and the local press; a perfect opportunity for tract distribution. A team of six teens and one adult went, and we gave out over 6,000 tracts that morning.
       The next day we left early in the morning to Kale Beach, Olongapo City. It wa s packed with people enjoying the holiday weekend. We distributed tracts and personal witnessed, winning 98 souls! That afternoon we went to Subic Free Port where people shop in the many duty-free malls. We distributed more tracts and won 27 more souls!
       One challenging aspect of this trip was provisioning food, since most of the shops were closed. But the Lord did it and the teen boys didn't go hungry, ha! Altogether we gave out 8,500 tracts, won 132 souls, and had tons of fun! Praise the Lord !

A local China
       (From Tim Martin [22, of Davida Smile]:) Recently somebody from our Home met three Chinese students while out witnessing. They invited us to their dormitory and were super happy to have our friendship, being complete strangers in this country. By meeting them we're reaching half of the Chinese student population of our country, since there are only three others, ha! -- Our next project! We're able to communicate in Russian, which is the subject of their studies at t he University here. They are very receptive and are fascinated by our simple songs, which they record on their tape recorder in order to learn.
       It's so inspiring and special to be able to reach the people of that far-away nation right on our field! So if you can't go to China, China can come to you!

While you can
       (From Catherine:) I learned a serious lesson on soul-winning recently. In my ministry in the slums, I met a young man who had recently gotten out of jail after serving a 12-year sentence for manslaughter. Upon our next meeting, I talked a little more with him about coming to our Bible studies. At the time I didn't pray with him, as I planned to look him up the next time I was there to personally give him a class on Salvation.
       Two weeks passed and each time I went back, he wasn't around. Then one time when we went to give our Saturday Bible study, everyone was freaked out because this very guy had been brutally murdered on the street that morning by a gang of y oung people.
       Needless to say, I felt very sad that I had waited to pray with him, even though I had all the good intentions in the world. I pray that he is now in a place where he can make better decisions, but I will certainly try to be more faithful to tell people about the Lord and eternal Salvation the first time I meet them.

Tooling tips
       (From James and Ahlai [VSs]:) We were impressed that the Philadelphia Home had their Summer Outreach planned and booked so well in advance, wit h road trips and SWIFT time for everyone. They are strong on getting out the tools and posters, which they mainly distribute inside department stores, setting up booths inside the stores with the liberty to approach customers as a concession inside the store. They have a community service display of photos and recommendation letters, which the local people can relate to and appreciate.
       They began with their booths outside the stores. But because they ministered to the store managers and would book their concession, not a few days ahead, but rather two to three months ahead, they have come to be very accepted by the management, and in most stores they have moved inside. They are able to meet their Home's budget pretty easily, and raise additional funds for a Home in Costa Rica that they are supporting.
       They made some simple photo identification name-tags with "The Family" title and expiration dates. These are plastic-coated and pin on their shirts. This is effective and easy to do. We certainly are full-time volunteers of the best organization in the world, so we might as well have a badge that says so!
       Since they have "shtuck" for a few years in this city, their friendly faces with tapes and videos at the grocery and department stores are now known as a help to their community, and people look forward to them coming back.

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama,
       This is my commentary on how I perceived you before as compared to my perception of you now, having visited your Hom e for these past weeks. I would say that you are every bit as concerned, loving, prayerful, and knowledgeable of the Family as the Letters depict you. I think the average Family member could take pleasure in realizing that they have the opportunity to know you very well without personally meeting you or visiting your Home.
       We've heard about your schedule, your room, your eyes, your work, some of your likes and dislikes, your relationship with Peter, your relationship with Matthew, your love fo r the Word, and on and on goes the list. Your life has become fairly public over recent years, and we even get updates on your travels in the Grapevine!
       I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were in better health than I expected. I know that your eyes are still very sore and that you have headaches and colds to fight, but I didn't expect to see you so active! I was so surprised to hear that you were able to go for a walk every day. Then the first time I saw you face to face was when you c ame into my room to say hello. You looked so young and radiant and full of life! I could hardly believe you were the "frail, weak Mama" I was expecting!
       I had heard, too, about conversations on the intercom, so I was expecting that. What I experienced was more warmth and candidness than I had imagined. I guess I thought the intercom talks would be all business. Well, almost everything is business -- the Lord's business -- but there was so much personal interaction which was very refreshing. Yo u have been so open and honest about your shortcomings and weaknesses that it has set me at ease and has made me love you all the more!
       At various Summit meetings, Peter and Gary have commented on how informed you are of individual Family members, and that you have your finger on the pulse of the Family in general. However, after coming here and listening to your comments about different situations, even remembering people and events from several years ago, I'm amazed!
       It's come out in the L etters from time to time that you think you don't have a very good memory, but from what I've seen, it must be a relative thing. If you're comparing your memory with the NASA launch control computer, then you might come out unfavorably, ha! If you're comparing with the average person, that's another story.
       I could write for some time on how wonderful it's been to have interaction with you. In essence, though, I think I could say I've been able to partake of your spirit, which is, of course, th e Lord's, and that has been the most thrilling thing!
-- a CRO who recently visited Mama's Home

Dear Mama,
       The prophecy "Our Young People Are Time Bombs" encouraged me greatly. There are many times when I don't feel like an explosive at all. I sometimes feel a bit useless. I'm no talented musician or performer, I don't know about typing and computers, and sometimes I feel that if I died and went to Heaven, it wouldn't make much difference. This prophecy encouraged me that I, too, will get my chance to explode; it just isn't time yet.
       It's amazing how the Lord tells us not to envy those with advanced worldly training and education. I sometimes feel inferior, thinking that I never got much of an education and that I'm a real dummy. So I easily fall into the pit of trying to cram my mind with head-stuffing knowledge, whereas I ought to be filling that hunger with the Word. I pray I can find the Lord's will for my life, and be content filling that role.
-- Jerry, Philippines

De ar Mama and Peter,
       The problem I wanted to address is communication between TS kids who join DO Homes and their parents. My two eldest have been in the DO Family for three years. We still miss them, but we know they're where they belong in God's service. However, we could bear the load of forsaking them much easier if they learned to communicate better.
       When we dropped out, we forsook all and stopped communicating altogether with our folks, as we were taught that was "revolutionary." Then Da d counseled us to write our parents to let them know we were okay and to ask them for our needs. This bore more fruit than not communicating. I thought it would be different with my kids, as we are still part of the Family in our hearts. I've overheard some teens and YAs almost bragging about their lack of communication, like it was cool. Or that it is un-cool or weak to love your parents enough to write or call them.
       I think they need to be reminded that love is the most important thing -- es pecially for those who brought them into the world, sacrificed to raise them and then sent them into God's service! "Honor thy father and thy mother and thy days shall be blessed!"
-- adult male, USA

       [Editor's note: Amen! Let's remember that our parents love us and really do appreciate hearing from us. "But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased" (Heb.13:16).]

Getting down to brass tacks
charter chat

Charter victories
       At the begin ning of this month we held a Charter victories praise meeting. Following is just a part of our list:
       -- Moving to new Homes and areas is according to your faith and is simpler.
       -- It's up to your Home how "open" you decide to be.
       -- We're learning more responsibility, and are able to follow our own faith.
       -- We're learning about working within a small Home.
       -- We feel more dedicated, desperate and hungry for the Word.
       -- None can shy away from responsibilities.
       -- We are get ting more done.
       -- We're doing more CTPs and more for our local community; more witnessing getting done.
       -- Generally, it's easier to try out new ideas.
       -- It's harder to blame others or leadership for personal problems.
       -- Family rules are clarified, and there are less local rules.
       -- There's more variety of good Family music.
       -- It's easier to go from TS to DO.
       -- We can choose our own team and location to work with.
       -- We can visit our System relatives more easily.
       - - There's more sexual freedom for members age 16 and up.
       -- There's less fear and feelings of condemnation.
       -- There's freedom and personal responsibility in medical matters.
       -- Jonathan, Esther, Rima and Naomi, Romania

Give more notice
       Areas that have many road teams passing through -- and quite abundantly during the summer -- appreciate more than a couple of hours' notice that a team is in the area. We want to accommodate these teams as much as possible, but such short notice ma kes it very inconvenient to do so. We in the Family should not only abide by the Charter's rules, but should show love and graciousness toward the hosting Home.
-- Lance Fealty, Davida and Amor, USA

Charter requirements
       It's helped us to make an outline for each month, with all the required meetings, personal-time, get-out, etc., where each Home member fills in their requirements. Our faithfulness with get-out and personal time has greatly improved!
-- Ben, Faith, Janek and Heidi, Polan d

Clear agreements
       We learned that when people visit our Home temporarily to raise funds, it is best to write down the agreement of how things will work during their stay. We then review the agreement after some time has passed. It's helpful to have at least two teamwork members present, as it is so easy for the Enemy to get in with misunderstandings.
-- Zech, Hannah and Anna Albrite, USA

Personal time
       The Enemy tries to give us all kinds of negative feelings to keep us from taking t he first step. "Now we'll have to talk for one hour! I have no idea what to talk about!" Fulfilling the required personal time is not always easy for people, and I, as a shepherd, have to run after them sometimes. But once we start, it's not that difficult. I am thankful it is required, as it has given me a deeper love for the ones I have talked with, and a desire to fight alongside them.
-- Home shepherd, Europe

Home council vs. war zone
       Lately I have participated in some Home council me etings that got pretty tense. I felt like I was in a war zone instead of a council meeting. People should feel free to voice their opinions and views without others making them feel like their view is unimportant or wrong.
       Home councils are for the purpose of making prayerful, Spirit-led decisions, but sometimes a teamwork member or two can sway the council to make certain decisions, overriding what others are trying to share.
       Making faces in the back of the room while someone is talking can also stifle the shyer ones from speaking up, and can cause them to go through battles, to where they decide to not bring anything up anymore!
-- adult woman, USA

Money or standard?
       As a pioneer Home in need of financial help, we invited someone to join us who had home support, though we knew he had problems that made it difficult to work with him. This brother helped us a lot financially, but in other ways he caused more damage in our Home life and in the lives of our teens.
       Our Home l et him get away with behavior that contravened the Charter because we were so afraid to lose him and his home support. The Lord was very displeased for our lack of faith in Him, and allowed us to learn this lesson from hard experience. This brother later left, and our Home got desperate and united. Had we taken action earlier, it would have saved us so much time and energy, and we would have received the Lord's blessings for standing up for our convictions and trusting Him for the consequences.
-- adult woman, Europe

Just administration?
       Some young people have tried shepherding, but have become discouraged about it for one reason or another. One young man told me that when he was on the teamwork he did a lot, but it was all administrational work. When it came down to the actual decision-making and shepherding of the Home, he felt he didn't really have a say, and in many cases was informed of the decisions after they were made. It was sad, as he has a lot of shepherding potential , and this time could have been a good learning experience for him.
-- Elise, USA

Evaluation need
       I have noticed that Home teamworkers often forget to send evaluations with brethren who move to new Homes. I realize it can be a drag, especially when it comes to filling out the "weak areas" part, but it is a blessing for the receiving Home.
-- Samuel, Mexico

Personal money
       We worked out a budget system in which we divided the Home's monthly expenses among JETTs on up. Anything above each person's allotment was to be used for personal needs. We raised funds by families, and one out of three families made way beyond their quotas. The other two families didn't make their quotas, so our budget wasn't reached. Since several hundreds of dollars went towards personal needs and the Home lacked in needy areas, we figured we'd better pray about another plan.
       We then came up with a plan in which each fundraiser would receive 5% of his gross income from witnessing. This plan proved t o be a disappointment to the family that raised way over their quota, and the following weekend they earned way below their quota. The other two families barely made theirs. Back to the drawing board and the Love Charter!
       Through prayer and counseling with all parties, our next plan was similar to the first, but with the added shepherding and counseling over the use of the extra funds raised, it worked. Everyone made their quotas. Although not much was made over that, we have the Lord's peace in knowing that we're working it out in love!
-- Home in the USA

New teamwork concept
       The Lord inspired us to have our whole team (of seven) be the teamwork instead of just three. It's amazing how the mountains melted away. It took about two weeks for our whole teamwork to learn a new way of operating, but it paid off!
       We divided the Home into departments and each teamworker became the head of that department and the rest of us the work force for that department. That way we all learned to both give and receive correction, learn to submit, love and respect each other. In other words, we got married to each other, ha! Like any marriage, we have to work on our relationship continually and not let up. It keeps us desperate and close to the Lord and each other.
-- Eman, Silvia and Servant, Hungary

letters to the editor

I found the "real mothers and fathers" (Grapevine #13) testimonies very touching; to hear the things our young parents go through, while still cheerfully s erving the Lord.
       When I was a young teen, my father was given a job behind the scenes. But I never felt excluded or left out of things, as other families with two parents would take me in and include me in their family projects, excursions, etc. I'm thankful for all those who stood in the gap during that time.
       When you take time with kids -- particularly those of single parents -- to give them whatever they need, it has a lasting effect on them. As for the single moms, Alfred Angel summed it up in "Fathers, where are you?" (Grapevine #6) and I think this applies to the second generation also. Us "young bronkin' bucks" tend to have a more selfish outlook on marriage and families, but there are those our age who need our help. The benefits of reaching out to these kids and dear mothers will far outweigh the "freedom" that it costs.
       Who knows, maybe there's a ready-made family just waiting for us (YAs/SGAs) to reach out and commit ourselves.
-- Jerry (20), Thailand

I think we need to be more considerate in expressing ourselves in the Grapevine, taking others' feelings into consideration. I think it is great that people give their heartfelt opinions in this pub. I realize we each express ourselves in different fashions; some being more blunt and direct, and others being more eloquent or diplomatic. But I think we should pray and confirm that what we want to say is of the Lord, and then proceed to do so in a loving way. Long live the Grapevine, the Charter and people's freedom to express themselves! Let's just do it in love.
-- James (of Flower), Mexico

It was encouraging to be mentioned in dear Ruth's "Single Mum" testimony in the Grapevine. It helps you see what a diversity of gifts we have in our Family. Imagine what a Hebrews 11 there will be for all of our Family mums, dads, uncles and aunts who pour into "our" children. Thanks, Ruth and boys, you were a blessing to us too!
-- David K., ASCRO

I wholeheartedly agree with the female SGA who wro te "Constructive Criticism" (Grapevine #15). Our kids pick up whatever we say. I have heard little kids mimicking and mocking some of the things on the Family Funs, which hurts me, as I know how much work goes into them. If you have suggestions for the videos, why not turn them in and put your ideas to some good use?
-- almost a YA, ASCRO

I found this following bit of information reassuring, since our Home recently watched "Free Willy 2," and were a little uncomfortable during the part whe re the American Indian was chanting his prayer.
       According to Ted Baehr's Movie Guide, vol.XII #3, this prayer is directed to "The Son of the Great Spirit" -- none other than Jesus. It turns out that this is actually a Christian prayer in the Haida language, and that the American Indians who advised the scriptwriters were Christians.
-- Anonymous in North America

your views on issues

Young insight
       (From Stefan Simple:) The "Summit Letters, Part 5" had a lot of meat in it about y oung people developing certain qualities needed for leadership, such as learning to work with us older adults, which many of us never had to develop. It made me realize how appreciative we should be of the young people who decide to accept leadership responsibility in the Family. I have gleaned a lot from the insight of the young people, and can see the need for everyone to be on the same team, as it is mutually very beneficial.

New things to do
       (From K. [15, male]:) I live with my family and a couple of other teens. Sometimes for weeks on end I'm at home just doing school, cleanup, and occasionally witnessing on the weekends. When I tell the adults that I'm bored, their answer is, "Read some Word," or "Do some extra school work." It's not that I think the Word is boring, but you can't read or scrub floors all day long!
       When you think of something new to do, it becomes such a big deal, and then takes weeks of planning. Not every adult or Home is like this, but I think i t's a point we all need to work on. The more fun and challenging things are, the more us teens will feel like we have a purpose and meaning in our everyday lives. I've already seen plenty of changes for the better, and many people that have been doing things one way for a long time are adjusting to the new ways of the Charter, and I really admire them for it!

Give and get
       (From Philip and Meekness:) "Give and it shall be given unto you" (Lk.6:38). Many times we write this verse in the thank-you letters we send, explaining the principles of giving, but how much do we practice what we preach? This question moved us to do something!
       We got an idea to pioneer a new fund-raising method: giving! We figured that if we are going to take God's Word seriously and believe it works, then we should put this new method to the test! We realized there are others who are in more difficult situations than our own, or who have urgent needs (like the brother in China who had to pay a high governmental fine for having a second child!). We were curious to see what the Lord would do.
       So we started sending out donations of whatever we could. And then it began. -- Boom! Boom! Boom! -- Coming from all over the place! The Lord was repaying more than we had spent! We began getting unexpected donations. Incredible and unbelievable! And we're sure that's just the beginning! The Lord promised this year would be a year of plenty and blessings -- maybe this new fund-raising method is one o f the ways?! Try it!

Immediate answers
       (From Sam [CRO]:) On my visit to the Homes in Chile, I was able to have personal time with all of the couples. They would open up about their situations and I would listen to them; then I would ask them if they wanted to hear from the Lord together about it. This worked fantastically, as the Lord gave wonderful Words of comfort and counsel, better than I could have ever dreamt of giving.
       During one teamwork meeting, something neat happened. W e began by praising the Lord for His wonderful blessings. Then the Lord led me to pray an explanation prayer, saying that we wanted to have a teamwork meeting with Him -- us asking Him questions and then hearing His answers. He said this would be fine, so we began asking Him things about the Home. The Lord gave us direct and immediate answers, as opposed to long hours (or sometimes days!) of teamwork meetings trying to figure things out ourselves. By the end of the prophecy meeting, the Lord had basically answered all our questions and everyone was thrilled!

Social courtesies
       (From a female SGA:)
I wanted to mention something concerning courtesy and manners. I've heard about and witnessed a problem area where our young people are a bit stand-offish and act distant from visitors who come into their Home -- either DO, TS, or outsiders. They may not even realize this, as it's a bad habit, or a lack of learning social courtesies.
       I heard from a young TS JETT girl that whenever she visited a DO Home with her parents, everyone either ignored her or glared at her suspiciously, and maybe one adult would say hello. This has also happened to me, and I am an SGA. The effect it had on this girl is that she thought it was weird, and that people acted detached and almost what could be considered rude. Is this what we want people to feel when visiting our Homes? Of course not! Maybe we need to work on introducing ourselves and being friendly and helpful to the "stranger within o ur gates."

Childcare emphasis
       Many parents feel that childcare nowadays is not given as much importance or emphasis in the Homes as it should have. It was heartbreaking to hear of the battles our parents face, having to stay on top of schooling their children, cleaning the house, and not being able to stop until late in the evening. I've found many lonely parents wanting to do more things together, kind of like little "support" groups. Many expressed the desire to have more meetings for the adults, and said this was very beneficial.
-- (from a report written at a teachers' camp), USA

cute kids

       * While eating a spaghetti dinner one night, our very scientifically-minded OC son asked, "Have we got any chromosome cheese? -- Matthew and Mercy, Taiwan
       * I was trying to start a conversation with half-Japanese Nathaniel (4). I asked him what his name was and he replied, "Nata-kun," which is his Japanese nickname. "Can I just call you Nat for short?" I asked. Not quite understan ding the question, he replied, "I guess so, 'cause actually, I am short!" -- Sam Pacific, Taiwan

ws news

The FAF: Two Years Old!
By Peter A. and Daryl

       In May 1995, the DO Family agreed to give an extra 1% gift each month to the Family Aid Fund (FAF). WS also agreed to give 10% of all income it receives towards the FAF. The FAF was then to provide each Home with a Home Emergency Reserve, give new Homes a pioneer gift, give out tool funds and baby bonuses, help in emergency situati ons, and make interest-free loans available to the Homes through the CROs.
       During the two years that the FAF has been up and running, the following has been accomplished:

       -- 529 HER gifts given to new Homes
       -- 120 HER reimbursements when HER funds were used for legitimate emergencies
       -- 590 pioneer gifts given to new Homes
       -- 1,330 tool gifts given out
       -- 497 baby bonuses and gifts given to families of members who passed on
       -- 469 Home loans given out
       -- 19 major emergen cies given financial aid

       What this means is that through your and WS' sacrifice, 692 Homes have a HER on hand; 17% of Homes have needed to use some of their HER for emergencies, and have been reimbursed by WS; we have been able to help with outright gifts in time of emergency; 68% of the Homes were able to get Home loans to help finance local projects or needs; 85% of the Homes have received pioneer gifts; mothers and fathers in 71% of the Homes received baby bonuses, and almost every DO Hom e has, on average, received two tool gifts for members of their Home.
       In short, every Home worldwide has benefited from this joint effort of giving. "You never lose by giving." God bless you for so cheerfully giving and tithing!

Christmas tool news
From the GPU
       Recently we sent out a questionnaire to some of the Homes worldwide, asking if there might be a market for calendars, tool stands, coloring or activity books and Christmas cards for the upcoming Christmas season. The general c onsensus of opinion from the Homes that we polled was that in some areas of the world, Christmas cards would be very appreciated and, in fact, could hopefully be a boost to tool distribution during the Christmas season, whereas in other areas this might not be the case. In some parts of the world, it would offer a new incentive, particularly for our older children, to distribute those door to door.
       The same might be true for the idea of printing calendars. People felt that in some areas of the world, calendars would sell like hot cakes, whereas in other areas, because many companies exchange free calendars yearly for publicity purposes, some people might take offense to us selling ours.
       Regarding the idea of having a display stand to set up in shops displaying our tapes and videos, again, in some areas people would very much appreciate those for displaying Christmas cards, tapes, videos, etc., and felt they could also enhance distribution and fund-raising all year round.
       Seeing t hat the Christmas cards idea received the most positive response and seemed to have the most appeal worldwide, we decided to try to come up with six new GP cards for this upcoming Christmas season, which some of our Family artists are presently busy drawing. DV, we hope to have those to the PPCs by early September so that they can be translated into the local languages and ready to distribute by no later than early November.
       It does not seem that we at the GPU will be doing calendars, coloring books or Christmas Activity Books this year. Of course, if you would like to do calendars in your local area, you should feel free to do so in coordination with your area leadership. Some areas of the world already do this and have found them to be a blessing to their work.
       Similarly, tool display stands could also be pioneered. You could ask store managers that have stands if they would want to carry our tools in their stores. They will know where you can find the actual stands (and may even have some available in stock). It may also be simple to get the stands cheaply. Most of them are mass produced, and therefore are quite standard in size and presentation, and all that differs from one to the other is the header -- that is, the advertisement of the items that are being displayed on the stands. So companies that make display stands may be willing to sell you some for video display and some for audio tape display, etc. Or you might even find display stands easy to provision!
       So, if any of you would like to give it a go and ask store owners at the beginning of the Christmas season if they would be willing to carry some of our videos, CDs, audio tapes or any of the tools you may have available in your area (whether during the Christmas season or all year round), please feel free to go ahead and give it a try! -- Then please let us know how it goes.
       Perhaps one of these ideas strikes your chord, or sounds exciting to you! If you feel like trying something new, pray and ask the Lord and tap into His gold mine of distribution ideas and inspirations! Go for it! The sky's the limit!


       (From Russian ABM team:) To those interested in SWIFTing in Russia for the summer: our correct e-mail address is: chip03@glasnet.ru.


Is He calling you?
Michael By-Grace is a single father with five children (ages six to 15). He is presently moving from Eastern Europe to Western Europe due to health and security reasons (his ex-wife in the System is thr eatening to take away some of his children). He has had multiple sclerosis for eight years, which has left him wheelchair-bound. Because of his condition, it's difficult for him to keep up with giving his children the physical care and spiritual shepherding they need. He's very much in need of someone who can assist him full-time in caring for both himself and his children, as his health is progressively worsening.
       Here are some beautiful promises that the Lord gave in prophecy, for whoever He is calling to come and fill this role as a helper for Michael and his children.
       (Jesus speaking:) "For many are called, but few are chosen. I will choose one among My children who will know that this is My will in his/her life. For this one who answers the call and takes up the challenge to help Michael, his children and his Home, the rewards for this sacrifice and willingness will be without number. I personally will see to it that grace and help are given in time of need, and riches and ble ssings abundant because of his/her loving and sacrificial service." (End of prophecy.)
       If you feel the Lord calling you to help Michael and his children, and you have the burden to commit yourself to this sacrificial, yet rewarding ministry, you can write to Michael at the addresses given below for further information and details to help you in making your decision and plans. And if you can't be the one who goes to help him, then you can support Michael in your prayers. As a Family, we are all responsible to do our part, no matter what it is. Prayer is not the least you can do, but the most.
       Until August: E-mail to this address will be passed on to Michael right away: misost@plz.pvtnet.cz. Or you can contact him via your ABM after then.

String of pearls ...

Mexico City
       (From Simon and Angie, Corazones Home:) We found our little pearls, sold everything we had and bought them. These beautiful pearls are our precious nationals. Over 40 of them have joined/rejoined the Family in the last two years. Please help us win them. It is the best investment. E-mail: CorazonMC@aol.com.

A family of eight pioneers China ...
and testifies of the Lord's miraculous supply

       (From Jonathan and Amor:) Before leaving the States, we visited our family, friends and contacts, sharing with them our burden for China and asking all who would to "pledge" to help us regularly. We built up a "support base" of about $500 per month, as well as $400 per month from Jonathan's parents. We re ceived a number of promises to "help all we can," and three churches said we were going to "be their missionaries." We were very thankful, and felt we'd have the funds needed to make ends meet in a field where we couldn't openly witness and ask for support.
       We took our first "step" and flew to Taiwan, where we stayed in Mark and Mary's Home. We wrote our first two newsletters and a number of personal letters to folks from Taiwan, but the response was a little disappointing. Of all the promised monthly support, only a few dollars came in. We decided the Lord wanted us to "go by faith," so we moved into China and registered to study at the university.
       We used nearly all of our landing funds to secure an apartment and to get set up very simply. We didn't have money to study or live, and we continued to pray desperately for it. The time came to pay our tuition, so we prayed and the Lord said, "It's on its way." So we told the university the money was on its way. Two weeks later it stil l hadn't arrived, and the university asked us when we were going to pay.
       We got together with all the kids and prayed, and the Lord gave a picture of letters flying over the ocean, coming in our direction. Someone else had a vision of our post office (in Hong Kong) and someone got, "Joy cometh in the morning." We planned a trip to Hong Kong to check our mail, and there was an unsolicited gift from Jonathan's parents of $6,000, sent a month before to our last address in Taiwan!
       After figuring it out, we realized it was just going to cover our tithes and gifts, tuition ($3,800), the next month's rent which was due, and two weeks' worth of expenses, after we paid back what we had borrowed. We were thrilled, but knew we would need another big miracle soon. We prayed and sent out our first newsletter from China, as well as little "appeals" to our friends -- those who had promised to help, and those who we felt were "close" and knew us well.
       Soon we were back down to nothing again, and were beginning to borrow funds to feed the kids and try to keep afloat. We were virtually living on pennies, trying to keep everyone happy, while keeping our expenses as low as possible. We phoned our bank and learned that a woman we'd met for 20 minutes while changing a flat tire had sent us $3,000! Wow!
       A month or two later, we received a letter from one of our most faithful supporters, a doctor and his wife, who gave us $1,000 before we left, and pledged $100 a month. They were coming to C hina to visit and wanted to see us. They said they were burdened about our situation and wanted to help us more, so we arranged to meet in Hong Kong. In our short meeting of about two hours, they explained how they have been so touched by our newsletters and our sincerity and love for the Lord and the sheep in China, that they want to supply whatever we need to do the job.
       They asked how much we needed to live each month, and we told them $1,000. That is our stripped down, absolutely no frills , probably-go-into-the-red budget. They looked at each other and asked us how we felt about $1,500, and then raised it to $2,000! They want to buy us a good computer and printer. We brought up the kids' schooling, and they offered to get whatever books and materials we need. We also mentioned the possibility of having to return for a short visit to the States this summer and they said, "Stay with us!"
       Then they opened their suitcases and asked if we needed anything. By the time we left, they'd given us a camera, their walkman, an expensive leather jacket, clothes, tennis shoes, etc. -- everything we so much as looked at or commented on. The Lord blew our minds! As we walked out of their hotel room, pulling a little luggage trolley with all their gifts to us, we couldn't do the subject justice in our praises! The Lord reminded us that He had said in prophecy that we were going to have to learn to "abound," and that this was the beginning.
       Since then, we've felt free to get some of t he basics we've done without for the past few months. We bought a refrigerator and washing machine, and a small TV and VCR. We bought the kids some T-shirts and got a few extras to make our meals more pleasant and nutritious. We're beginning to consider moving to northern China next year. All these possibilities seem more "in reach" now, and we are praying for the Lord's leading so we'll be sure to do all He wants us to do. The Lord has been so good to us!

rumor mill

       Q: Last year there wa s a rumor going around that at the time of Grandpa's graduation he was living in Brazil. Is this true? -- Rebecca (13), Brazil
       A: (From Gabe, Mama's Home:) For security reasons, we are unable to answer this rumor. However, we did want to offer an explanation as to why seemingly harmless questions, such as the one above, can endanger the security of our Home.
       The Lord had shown Dad several ways to keep him and Mama safe and secure throughout the years. The various precautions and security mea sures that we adopted were not only for the sake of Dad's main ministry in feeding the overall Family, as explained in "I Gotta Split," but also to preserve his life from the ungodly anti-Christ forces at work, and from individuals who have made it known that their goal and intent is to stop our work, and more personally, Dad and Mama, our Endtime prophet and prophetess.
       Of course, you, our Family, would never intentionally do anything to harm or hurt Dad or Mama. However, there are many peopl e in the world who are full of bitterness and rage, and who blame the leadership of the Family for "brainwashing and deceiving" their children or other relatives.
       We in WS are attempting to be more open and forthright with you, our precious Family. We are thankful for this new day of openness which the Lord has given us, and we're sure that you have benefited and appreciated the increased insight into Mama and Peter's personal life and Home, the workings of WS, and having a more overall pictur e of what's going on in the Family.
       Unfortunately, since we know that literally all of our pubs eventually fall into our enemies' hands, we have to be very mindful of what we put in print, specifically concerning Mama and Peter's security, and that of our Home and whereabouts. We have learned from Dad over the years that divulging one piece of the puzzle, no matter how small, often leads to further clues and a potential breach of security down the line.
       We understand that many Family members , particularly young people, are curious and try to figure out where we live, or discuss their theories or assumptions together. Dad would have loved to have an open Home and the opportunity to visit each and every Family member. Mama would like to do the same, not to mention the many WS workers who would love to have closer fellowship with you, our precious Family. However, due to security factors and the Lord's instruction, we are doing our best to "preserve the light of Israel" and keep our p recious queen and king safe and secure for you, our worldwide Family. Thank you for your continuing prayers for our security and protection. We depend on them.

Interview with David (22)

       [Caricature included: Drawn by a sidewalk artist in St. Petersburg, 1995, while visiting the Russian Homes with Anna and Francis]

Since the "Road to Commitment" GN, we haven't heard much from or about you. Where have you been since you left Mama's Home?
       A: After leaving Mama's Home a year and a ha lf ago I've visited or lived in Russia, the Ukraine, Romania, and finally Hungary, where I arrived last June. In each of those countries, I have been deeply touched by the amazing dedication, love, and yieldedness of our wonderful Family who are giving their lives daily in the Lord's service. I've spent time with "on fire" people, "not so on fire" people, happy people, sad people, under-achievers and over-achievers, but one thing is constant in the overwhelming majority of them, and that is thei r love for the Lord and desire to serve Him. I'm so happy to be in the biggest and best Family in the whole world. I'm proud to be counted with all of you.

What ministries did you do during your teen years at Mama's Home? -- And what do you do now?
       A: My ministries now are basically the same as when I was a teen, living with Grandpa. I help out on a variety of things around the house, do general maintenance, some handyman work, cleanup, shopping, driving, a little kitchen work, etc. It' s rewarding for me to make people's lives a little easier and happier by doing those things. The Lord said in prophecy that He's called me to be a "servant of all," so that's what I'm trying to be.

What did you think about the Charter when it came out?
       A: Though I was thankful for the freedoms the Charter gave, when it first came out I thought it was restrictive in many ways, and I thought it majored too much on the "letter of the law" instead of the spirit. Since then, I have seen that its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages. I now look at it not like, "How does this affect me and my freedoms?" but as a powerful tool enabling the Family to better accomplish our job of reaching the world for Jesus.

What do you think of the FTTs?
       A: When "New Music for a New Day" first came out, I was skeptical as to whether we would see much of a change in the way our music sounded and was produced. Lord help me, I should have had more faith. I think the songs keep getting better and better, and I'm very thankful for the variety in our musical styles that we are now able to have. With every new FTT that comes out I think it's the best one yet.

       Q: Do you have a girlfriend?
       A: While in Hungary, I met a wonderful girl named Nicole (18), and we've been together now for ten months. I love her very much, and the Lord has confirmed our desire to be together through prophecy. Of course, we have our rough spots and hard times, but generally, we're very happy together and th e Lord has used our relationship to help us and to teach us many good lessons. She's a wonderful part of my life, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

       Q: Do you want to have kids?
       A: Yes. I don't feel quite prepared for kids right now, but eventually I would like to have kids.

       Q: How would you describe your personality?
       A: I'll have to leave that to others, as it's a little hard to describe myself. (Editor's note: So after some inquiries, here are the responses!)
       (From Nicole: ) He's quiet. He means what he says and he doesn't flatter. That's one thing I like about him, I know that when he gives a compliment, he really means it. He's a very romantic guy (and sexy!), and is always thinking about something nice to do for me. He shows a lot of concern for people, and even puts his concern for others above his personal desires. If he knows you want something, he does his best to help you get it. He's a hard worker. He has a beautiful gift of prophecy, and has been helping and encouraging me to exercise my gift.
       He's a deep thinker and can tend to be analytical, which sometimes makes it hard for him to accept things by faith. But when he has questions about something, he searches until he finds the answer. I think he's wonderful! -- Can't you tell I'm crazy about him?!!
       Tidbits: He tried growing out his hair and grew a goatee to see what it looked like, but has gone to the "clean cut" look again. Word time in bed or being horizontal puts him to sleep, so most activities must be done standing up, ha! But thankfully (even though occasionally he may fall asleep at the wrong time), I think he looks really good when he's asleep! Let's see ... wine also makes him crash out. He's a peanut butter fan. He loves nature and outdoors. He likes instrumental music, as well as other styles of music, of course. He likes getting into get-out (volleyball is a favorite). Friendship is very important to him. He really enjoys reading and studying the Bible.

       (From Fr ancis:) David is a very cheerful and willing guy who is fun and easy to be around and get along with. He measures his words, but when he does talk, he really means what he says. During the trip to Russia, I enjoyed travelling and working with him.
       (From Matthew:) He's thoughtful, a gentleman, easygoing, and is responsible and dependable.
(From a staff member:) He can tend to look serious on the outside, but once you get to talking, he has a good sense of humor and is a lot of fun. He's a pra yerful and careful driver.

       Q: What is your relationship with Techi like? What do you think about her being a single mom?
       A: I miss my sister a lot. I grew very close to her during my JETT and teen years, and she was my best friend. I'm very happy for her, though, as she's where the Lord wants her to be and doing a great job on the Zine and other pubs work.
       I was quite surprised when I heard she was pregnant. I didn't like the idea very much because I felt that she was too young. When I h eard she was going to be a single mother, I felt her getting pregnant was a mistake, and that she should have planned things better. It wasn't that I looked down on her in any way, I just wanted the best for her, as any concerned brother would for his sister. I wanted her to have the ideal fairy-tale love affair and marriage with the man of her dreams and live happily ever after.
       Well, life doesn't always work that way; the Lord often has other plans for us. It took me awhile, but after readin g the prophecies that different ones received for her, about how the Lord and Grandpa had been leading and guiding her and planning everything, I decided that the Lord knew best, and that I should accept it and be happy for her, which I now am!

       Q: What do you think about Mama and Peter being married?
       A: I think Peter marrying my mom was one of the best things he ever did! I'm very happy for both of them. Peter has a great sense of humor and the ability to enjoy life. I think they make a gr eat couple and help keep each other feeling young and happy.

       Q: Do you have the gift of prophecy? Do you use it much?
       A: I've had the gift of prophecy for many years, but I haven't used it much until recently. When all the "new day" stuff came out, I gave some prophecies at different united meetings and on my visitation trip to Russia, but after I left Mama's Home, I didn't use prophecy for about a year and a half. I didn't feel comfortable, because I knew I wasn't yielding my all to the L ord in many ways, so I didn't feel I could hear from Him very clearly.
       Recently I've been using my gift quite a bit. It's wonderful to hear the Lord speak directly. It's comforting to realize that anytime I have a question about something, I can just ask the Lord and He will give me the answer! I don't consider myself an "exercised channel" yet, but the more I do it, the easier it gets.

       Q: What was it like living with Dad?
       A: This one is difficult for me to answer, because although I saw Grandpa as God's prophet, while growing up, I also saw him as my dad. I consider it a great blessing and honor to have grown up with Grandpa and there was never a dull moment. However, myself (and others who were on the staff for a long time) had to guard against becoming familiar with Grandpa.
       Familiarity is not a bad thing in itself, as if you're not at least a little familiar with someone, how can you really love them or be good friends? It's the negative side effects of familiarity that I had to fight against, because at times I didn't respect him like I should have, because I saw him as "my dad" instead of God's prophet.
       Sometimes it was hard for me not to have a "normal" dad who I could spend more time with, do things with on family days, etc. But like Grandpa learned with his mom, I learned to be thankful for all the time that I could spend with him. I'm so glad that he was willing to give up some of the time that he would have spent with us, in order to do his most importa nt job of getting out the Word to the Family, and consequently, the whole world.
       The Lord gave me another wonderful set of parents, Alf and Sara, who died daily to teach, train and care for us. They gave me all the love and care they gave their own kids, for which I am eternally in their debt. Of course, Techi and I were very important to Grandpa and he gave us a lot of time, imput, love and care. He was a wonderful father to us and I love and still miss him a lot.

Is it difficult for y ou when people look at you as "Davidito," or expect you to be a good sample?
       A: Yes, it is difficult for me to know that people often watch my every move so closely. Since going to the field, on various occasions I've temporarily given up on being a "sample" and have quit being worried about what effect my actions would have on others. During those times, life was a lot easier for me as I wasn't carrying that burden, but many times that didn't have a very good effect on people when I wasn't th e right sample. I think I still need to find a good balance.
       I told Apollos one time that I felt phony when I had to be a good sample, because it seemed hypocritical. He told me that I shouldn't think of "being a sample" as something that I had to do -- a burden to bear or an act to put on -- but that it's having enough love for people to not want to lead them astray or stumble them through my wrong actions. It's not hypocritical, rather, it's obeying the Lord who told us, "Let your light so s hine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."

       Q: What made you want to move to Russia in the first place? How did you adjust?
       A: Visiting the Homes in Russia with Ana and Francis was a life-changing experience for me. I had never visited a field Home before, or seen the type of life our Family lives on a difficult mission field. It kindled a desire in my heart to want to win souls and witness, and become a part of the great work that the Lor d was doing there.
       As everybody knows from the "Road to Commitment" (GN #692), I didn't do very well when I returned to Russia to live on the field. The problem was not that the desire to reach the lost wasn't in my heart, but rather that the pull from my rebelliousness, System attitudes and unyieldedness to what the Lord wanted me to do was too strong.
       So even though my time in Russia was probably the lowest point of my life, I learned a great deal of lessons there that I probably wouldn't have learned any other way, and my experiences there changed my character remarkably.

       Q: Any closing words?
       A: Keep fighting for Jesus! Remember that no matter where you are or what you're doing, Jesus is right there with you. If you need help in your life, just pray and ask Him. His strength is perfect when ours is gone, and He's got more than enough grace to carry us through any difficulty. Keep the Heavenly vision and know that your labors will be rewarded many times over if you keep go ing and don't give up! GBY!

windows tip of the day
from an alpha geek

       If you want to start Windows without loading all the programs in your Start-Up group, hold down the left shift key as the Windows interface begins to load (that is, when you first see your Windows wallpaper appear.) Keep the left shift key pressed down until Windows is fully loaded and your hard disk stops. Pressing the left shift key earlier, when the words "Starting Windows ..." appear on your screen, will load W indows in Safe Mode.


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