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the grapevine
(Issue #21; June 15, 1997; DO/TS)

Copyright © 1997 by The Family

The Grapevine

PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
e-mail: grape@ibm.net

The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.

think deep

       A coincidence is a small miracle where God prefers to remain anonymous.


global gifts ...

       * Shannon Mei Rebecca, born to Clair and John. -- Taiwan
       * Victoria Leigh, 1st girl, born to Dawn and Stephen on March 13th. -- Japan
       * Eric Martin, born to Lily Shondo (of Gideon and Heidi) on April 20th. -- Pakistan
       * Charlene, 18 (of Ben Tender) is pregnant with number one. -- Russia
       * Vincent Ryan, 11th child, born to Marianne and Jerry Paladino on February 24th. -- Japan

SACRO surprises ...

       * Lucas Benjamin, born to Jasmin and Marcos on January 23rd. -- Argentina
       * Brian New Love, born to Ester and Martin on February 27th. -- Brazil
       * Andre Costa, born to Cristina and Paulo on February 28th. -- Brazil
       * Nicolas, born to Priscilla and Joshua on March 1st. -- Brazil
       * Baby girl (no name given), born to Flor and Abel on March 1st. -- Peru
       * Andres Alejandro, born to Marcela and Diego on March 3rd. -- Chile
       * Estrella Mina, 3rd child, born to Maria (Japanese) and Phillip on March 6th. -- Brazil
       * Cristiana, born to Joyful and Pedro on March 13th. -- Brazil
       * Baby boy (no name given), born to Sara and John on March 25th. -- Brazil

NACRO nuggets ...

       * Katlyn Marie, 2nd child, born to Esther and Sam. -- USA
       * Andrea Lynn, 1st child, born to Debbie and Tim Drummer on May 17th.
       * Cheryl Anne, 1st child, born to Christina and Danny on April 18th.
       * Daniel Steven, born to Paloma and Zacc On Call on April 18th.
       * Jonathan Corazon, 5th child, born to Anita and Cefas on March 27th.
       * Shannon, 1st child, born to Willow and Sam on April 11th.
       * Anthony Ray, born to Cecilia Faithful on March 20th.
       * Brian Knight, 7th child, born to Jewel and Philip on M arch 23rd.

tying the knot ...

       * Ben (of Mark and Mercy) and Charlene (of Matthew and Marie) are tying the knot (the big M!) on July 5th, God willing. -- Russia

world news

       -- (From ASCRO:) In just one month, we've already received 2,000 hits on our Thai WEB site, with 600 MB of data downloaded! We're excited with the potential for the Arabic WEB site (which we'll be working on next), which we feel will reach a very select group of well-educated and important Arabs in the reg ion.

legal and media

       -- (From Gideon and Rachel:)
Dr. Ben Dandelion asked us to come and give a speech (Sex: A Religious Issue) as part of a course he is running for Quakers and Theology Degree students at Birmingham University. He runs something called the "God and Sex Project" (GASP for short!). The people involved in this project are from different denominations, some of whom have had an experience spontaneously with God whilst having sex, and others who have actually invited God to participate in the sex act. We gave him a copy of the "Loving Jesus" Statement and Scriptures, and agreed to keep in contact. Ben wants us to get out our radical message of positive sexuality to the theology students, half of whom are agnostic and the other half are training to be Church of England vicars. -- Should be interesting!
       -- BBC Radio: We took part in a two-hour radio discussion on NRMs, along with several people from other NRMs. The agnostic presenter jokingly said she would judge which group was most interesting and join them! At the end of the two hours she said she was leaning towards joining the Family, ha!
       -- Chat Show for ITV: We were asked to appear on the Vanessa Chat show, an English version of Oprah Winfrey. We were hesitant, as we knew they were going to go for the sensational angle, but the Lord confirmed that we should stand up for the truth. It turned out to be a fairly easy interview and was a good witness.
       -- A student journalist, Christine, aske d if she could come and stay with us for six days to study us from the inside. She had been warned by her friends and her lecturer that she should not come, as they said she might never return, ha! She stayed in our Home, washed dishes, looked after the children, and came to devotions -- and she loved it! She conducted her interviews as she worked with the adults and teens, and joined in on all our activities.
       -- We were asked to help host the village flower festival run by the local Historica l Society, which is held every four years. We participated in the last one just before the Argentine raids, and it was the first time we had opened our doors to the village, resulting in 600 visitors! We consider it an honor to be asked again, and a sign that we are still accepted in the village, despite all the publicity surrounding us. We were also asked this month to host a Boy Scout barbecue in our garden for about 100 people.

       (From Tim Heart:) This year we were again invite d to attend a university lecture on NRMs, which was held in Bern. The professor had received copies of the "Loving Jesus" GNs from someone, and had passed excerpts of part five to his students -- thus we had no choice but to talk about the subject. The students were fairly open regarding sexual matters, and readily received the "Loving Jesus" Statement. We later split up into smaller groups, sharing our personal testimonies and answering questions.


       (From Gallio:) Lisa (CRO) will be visiting the Homes in Nigeria and Kenya for one month, to show the Summit and delegates' meeting videos.

       (From ASCRO:) We will be holding a meeting in the Philippines with all the JETTs and junior teens beginning June 12th, and yet another junior teen and JETT meeting in Pakistan beginning June 28th. It has been thrilling to see how receptive and open our young people are to all we've been able to share with them from the delegates and Summit videos.

       (From Ma gda [VS]:)
During one month of traveling, Philip, Dawn and I held three meetings with 80 people attending, who represented nearly thirty Homes from across Russia. During the meetings, as we took time together to hear from the Lord, we learned about the need for more follow-up, the need to establish national churches, and how to break down the walls within our Homes and work in closer unity. We also heard exciting news from Heaven on how to change tactics once the doors close for present ministri es!
       We traveled a total of 8,000 km by plane, train, bus, hitchhiking, and of course, lots of walking. We changed time zones a few times, journeyed through snow, rain, heat, and back to the cold again, all within one month and one country!
       There are 200 Family brethren among 150,000,000 Russian people. Despite the difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible conditions, the Lord's love and joy is being brought to many in this field of gross darkness and spiritual famine.


Ind ia
       (From Aaron and Joyful:)
Imagine yourself in a faraway mountain city. Every corner and every streetlight has an armed soldier standing guard. It's four o'clock in the afternoon. It's cold, getting dark, the shops are closing and most people are in a hurry to get to the safety of their homes, and -- hopefully -- out of reach of "the underground."
       This is Nagaland in winter, where the sun -- and the people -- rise at 5 a.m.; where life starts and ends early. Kohima, the main city of Nagalan d, is beautifully situated in the hills. Everything could be fine if it wasn't for the various factions who are fighting for a free Nagaland -- and fighting each other as well. Many people here are desperate, broken, and poor.
       Our family of five recently took a road trip to Nagaland. It was one-and-a-half months of constant witnessing. Our two girls, Gabriella and Gaby (ages four and seven) sang for many people, warming and encouraging their fearful hearts. It was a welcome relief for many to hear and see foreign children singing in this very troubled place. Many people here live in a near state of paranoia due to the insurgencies surrounding them. We had to arm ourselves with the Word and prayer to fight against the evil forces of the Enemy. The little Nagaland Post has a daily listing of how many people are killed each day.
       We were able to pray with about 100 people, give out about 60 tapes, 200 posters and 15 videos. We met one girl who wanted to join us on the spot, but since s he was too young, we encouraged her to find another catacomber to work with. Shortly after, we found her another catacomber, and now they are printing their own Somebody Loves You tracts! When we left Nagaland, almost everyone we had met cried and wrote us, saying how much their life had been changed by our visit.

       (From North China pioneers:) Our team of Mike (FGA), Solomon (YA), Giddy and Dave (OCs) traveled to Qingdao to visit L., whom Mike had met on a scouting trip last September. During our visit we were able to fellowship and minister to our friend, pass out tracts and witness, and enjoy the natural beauty and Old World architecture which characterizes Qingdao.
       While traveling by bus to Yan Tai, I (Solomon) was able to witness in depth to a young woman, who prayed with me. Meanwhile, Giddy and Dave were witnessing to another man, showing him verses, etc., and got his address for further follow-up. Getting on the ferry was an unforgettable experience. It was holiday s eason and all tickets were sold on standby, so you had to push and shove and race to try to secure a bed. One of the officers helped us upgrade to a communal cabin, and we were grateful for a place to sleep.
       Being on the road here is a refreshing and invigorating experience, and makes it worth it all. Anyone out there with a burden and a vision to reach these cities with the Words of David?! If you do, get a prophecy of confirmation and your clearance and come and help us! "The harvest truly i s plenteous, but the laborers are few" (Mat. 9:37). There is so much to do!

       [Fact Box:] Qingdao (also Tsingtao or Ch'ing-tao) is a major naval base, an industrial center, and a port on the Yellow Sea at the entrance to the sheltered Jiaozhou Bay. Qingdao was transformed by the Germans from a small fishing village into a modern, European-style industrial port in the early 20th century. It was twice occupied by Japan, during 1914-22 and during 1938-45. The port was an important United States n aval base from 1945 to 1949. The Chinese regained control of the city in 1949, with petroleum-based industries becoming of major importance in the 1970s. Population: 1,459,195.

       (From Peter and Mary:)
We launched out by faith on a four-day journey to Kanchanaburi, up towards the Burmese border, with three of our OC boys and boxes of clothes, posters, tracts, videos and tapes. Our first stop was a school run by a Catholic priest whom we'd met before. He took seven videos to complete his set. -- An encouraging way to start our trip!
       We went on into town to see another Catholic priest we knew, who helped with a generous donation and hosted a lunch for us. We left him with tapes and a stock of tracts for all his students and friends. As it was getting late, we went to see our contact who usually provides us with accommodations, but it turned out that the main caretaker had left for the day with all the keys! Still, God gets His victories out of seeming defeats, and a sweet f riend offered to put us up in a four-star hotel.
       One of the main highlights was a visit to a school where 400 children come from various hill tribes, with the majority being Karen, Hmongs and Laotian. The Christian headmaster was most enthusiastic on meeting us, saying, "God must have sent you!" He called for an assembly of all the kids and told them how blessed they were in having us visit them that day. He encouraged us to pray and sing with the children. We distributed a lot of clothes, alo ng with posters and tracts. It was such a thrill to see these kids so happy and thankful to receive the goods.
       Going further along, we came to a detention center/hospital for Burmese refugees. There were about 40 people there, most of whom were illegal immigrants. However, because of sickness, the authorities allowed them to stay at this "center," which isn't more than a grass shack. The conditions are deplorable and very Spartan. The folks here seem so forlorn and neglected and our hearts rea lly broke for them. The Lord led us to a Burmese Christian woman who spoke English and served as our interpreter, so we were able to go around and witness to each one personally.

what's up?

Spanish scrutiny
       (From Lisa [CRO]:)
While on a trip to Spain several months ago, I had the chance to talk with Patty, one of our long-time Spanish translators. Her father is a language enthusiast, and is always interested in the proper usage of words. He works or watches TV with a dictionary b y his side, looking up words and their meanings. Patty's father likes the MO letters, too, and has been downloading pubs from the Family English WEB site. He has a translating program that he runs them through in order to read them in Spanish.
       He also has a collection of Spanish pubs, translated from English into Spanish by our Spanish LIM. Just as he scrutinizes the Spanish language on TV, in books, and personal conversations, he also checks out our pubs. He commented that the translations in our pubs are some of the best he has seen! Often he finds flaws and mistakes in other System publications, but said our translations and usage of Spanish is one of the best, PTL!

Best essay award
       (From David, Jeremiah and Freya:)
Freya submitted an essay to a contest sponsored by the Hyogo Prefectural Government in conjunction with a large volunteer organization. Her article had to do with the difference in attitudes between Americans and Japanese in regards to volunteerism, and in particular, caring for the elderly.
       After a panel of judges read the essays submitted from all over Japan, Freya's won the top award for Hyogo Prefecture. She was invited to a symposium where awards were distributed to the top contestants. She was given a plaque signed by the Governor, and received an expensive watch and a free dinner for three at an expensive restaurant. We were able to meet many influential people at the symposium whom we will be able to follow up on.
       Freya later received a call from a Japan Times reporter, who interviewed her and printed a good article about the Family's work in Kobe. We later received a call from a schoolteacher who had read the article to her high school English class. After discussing the article, the entire class decided to take up a collection so they could send a donation to the Kobe Family to encourage us in our efforts to help the quake victims.

"Play it again, Sam!"
       (From Julia:)
A few months ago during a time of loving Jes us, He gave me a message that was very encouraging. However, since I didn't write it down or record it, I soon forgot the details and remembered only the gist of this personal message. Soon I went through a time of real discouragement and began doubting if it was really the Lord that I had heard from.
       Sometime later we received a VS visit from Sam (SGA) and he prayed for me. When he did, he got a prophecy for me. The miracle is that the second half of the prophecy he received was the same mess age I had gotten from the Lord, but hadn't recorded. It was a big encouragement, as I saw the Lord was serious and really wanted me to have the message He'd given me. This is proof that the Lord really speaks through people, because how could Sam have known? I had never told anybody about that message, because it was just a personal and intimate thing between the Lord and me.

715 videos
       (From Estevao and Gentleness:)
After the Charter, the Lord put it in our hearts to move from Bra zil to Romania, so together with our JETT daughter, we began raising our fare. The first weeks were very difficult. One rainy day, when we were a little discouraged, we knocked on the door of the Department of Education in one city. The man we showed the videos to said he had never seen anything so beautiful! They decided to get sets for all their schools -- a total of 715 videos!

Interest in Hale-Bopp
       (From Tender [FGA], Francesco [18], Maria [17], Christina [17], Christian [1 5], Anna [13] and Santi [21, catacomber]:)
We have been visiting a drug rehabilitation center regularly for the past two years. There are over 200 patients in this center, housed in five dormitories. We usually break up into teams and give the patients Bible classes in their dorms; this way we still keep that personal touch with them.
       Last week, Tender and team gave a class on the Endtime based on the "Hale-Bopp" tract. As the boys in that dorm were super interested in the class, Tender offere d to show them the Countdown to Armageddon video. When she talked to M., the overall coordinator, M. suggested that it might be good to show to all the patients next time. So we planned this for our next visit.
       When we arrived at the center on the next visit, to our disappointment, we found out there was a power failure because of the heavy rains. So we read the "Hale-Bopp" tract and talked about major things that have happened when comets have appeared. All the boys were tuned in and "oohed" and "aahed" in amazement.
       After an hour or so, the power came on, so we let Countdown to Armageddon run. Boy, were they all "glued to the tube!" Some even took notes. Because we started late, we couldn't watch very much of it. But after their pleas for more, we ended up showing half of the tape and promised to show the rest of the tape the following week. Many commented that they could hardly wait for next week to come! We have also received a number of calls in response to the "Hale-Bopp" tra ct, which we have been distributing!

Feasting happily
       (From Merryheart:)
The Lord did a special miracle for us at the Feast time. There were five of us in our little outpost in the Urals, and another lonely little Home about ten hours away on the other side of the Urals! We invited them to come join us for the Feast, but they couldn't because of the travel cost. Just a day before the Feast, they found some money taped to one of their videotapes! They asked the Lord if they could use it to come to our Home for the Feast, and He said yes! The happy ending was that our little Home fell in love with their little Home. Both Homes fell in love with Jesus and we feasted happily ever after!

Hungry and appreciative
       (From Philip [of Hannah]:)
To give a small example of how hungry, appreciative and sheepy the people in India still are, I'd like to relate a small incident that happened to my teen son and myself recently. We were in an auto rickshaw at a traffic signal, and in the car next to us was a sweet-looking middle-aged man who smiled at us and said hello. I took out a Somebody Loves You and passed it to him, and he began to read it. In the next lane over, there was a man in another auto rickshaw, and he asked to read it. So this man passed the tract to this other gentleman who read it out loud so his driver could hear it. We then gave a second copy to the first man. When the traffic signal changed, they all looked over at us and smiled and waved as we pull ed out. For us this sort of thing is an everyday occurrence; something we almost take for granted.

your views on issues

WS frugality
       (From John T.:) I'd like to confirm what Mama said in "Mama's News and Views, Part Two" (ML #3049:61-64) about WS workers living frugally. I lived in three WS-supported Homes for four years, and was the shopper during half of that time. We didn't have the privilege of provisioning, so our WS budget was all we received and we had to make it last.
       D ue to provisioning, in field Homes we have a greater abundance of food, clothing and material supply than those in WS. Being in WS is a sacrifice materially (as the budgets are quite tight) and spiritually (as you are required to forego the wonderful joy and blessing of personal witnessing, follow-up, and fellowshipping with other Homes). God bless our WS brethren who lay down their lives for us and the lost sheep. Without them we couldn't do our job.

Pray vs. criticize
       (From C.S. [18] :)
It seems many people who are going overseas have a condescending attitude towards the Family staying in the States. I realize that the main emphasis is on going to the field, but Mama also said in "Will You Answer the Call?" that the Lord has called some to North America, to deliver the warning message of the Endtime. The main things that Mama and the Lord are stressing are to hear from Him and to find out what His will is for our lives. If some people feel called to remain in the States, I f eel we should respect their decision and support them.
       The Lord promises to protect and keep His children who He is calling to stay in the States from the attacks of the Enemy. Perhaps we should respect the brethren who are staying in the States, and instead of criticizing them, support them with our prayers! -- Hey, it's the most we can do for them.

Where the shepherds are
Puerto Rico
       (From Santiago Gardener:) With the "new day" prophecies in mind, I see how the Lord is broadening the F amily shepherding base to include more new (and especially young) people from the ranks. A good example of this is the fact that nearly all of our new VSs and upcoming CROs are coming primarily from field witnessing Homes. Consequently, they are seasoned frontline fighters and they will be leading the battle cry from the fields. It's thrilling and challenging to see our top leaders out there -- our very own "Bravehearts" leading the charge!
       It is my hope and prayer that many, many of our young people will be called into leadership to shepherd their Homes and areas! Although some may be motivated by pride and popularity in seeking leadership positions, nevertheless it is the sincere, God-given aspiration of many to be more greatly used by the Lord!

Teen dieting
       (From an adult woman:)
I have noticed a number of our teen girls being extreme in their dieting. Maybe this is because in the States there is so much emphasis put on being so slim. During one camp we hosted, a YA girl passed out because she had been eating so little during the camp. I have even seen a few OCs that are skipping meals and dieting. Our younger children can't help but be affected by our older teens and YAs in these things, when living so closely to them and wanting to be like them in every way.
       I am concerned, as a number of our girls are what you could almost call "vegetarians." They don't eat meat or starches in a well-balanced manner. This YA girl said that certain foods make her vomit. I h ave heard of some girls actually inducing vomiting, which in two cases that I know of has developed into Bulimia (and this illness can result in death!). Anyway, dieting is a big subject amongst our young women, and sadly, the "Health Revolution" is looked upon as yesterday's answers.


       I loved hearing Pedro singing rock on Breaking Down the Walls. I am a real rock fan, love to dance to rock music and to see the FGAs and SGAs doing songs like that together. Let's keep breaking down the walls on every side!

       -- female FGA fan, Brazil

       Hey, these songs haven't stopped cascading down! I'm whisked into "ecstasies with Him and each other" with the Loving Jesus stuff that's coming out on the FTTs nowadays. -- "My wild spirit is set free!" And Vas, wow! "We want every bit of your ... " I mean, His love, too!

       -- Angie YA, ASCRO

       Some people say the old versions to some of the newly re-recorded songs were better. Well, they still have the old versions to those songs! I tr uly think the new ones are great, especially the ones that have been coming out recently. Those "organized confusion" songs are real hits! Let the music play ... the more radical the better!

       -- Julie (teen), Brazil

letters to the editor

HomeARC history

       I immensely enjoyed the history of the Home ARC in Grapevine 18! It's always inspiring to hear about all that goes into a certain pub, project, tape or video, which our Family works on. It helps us appreciate and value the final product even more, and keep the ongoing ones in our prayers.
       Often when I see a final product of something, which looks all bright, grand and glorious, I can be tempted to think the job or ministry of those involved is more exciting than the one I'm doing at the time. However, when I read about all that goes into it, it's clear that everything we do for the Lord can be great "when greatly pursued for His glory," as the quote says. This simple lesson has helped me have a greater vision and inspiration for whatever I am a part of.

       -- Elise (SGA), USA

Credit and medals

       I agree that many Homes are struggling now, and it would be a blessing to have more YAs around to help out. But to say, "it's discouraging that they don't have more of a One Wife Family vision," is a strong way to put it (see Grapevine #16, "YAs Needed"). Think of all these years many of our young people have cheerfully given to childcare. I think they deserve a medal! God bless them!

       -- Faith, Denmark

Taken for grant ed

       The article from Cheer, Crystal, and Virginia (see Grapevine #13) helped me think twice before throwing things away unnecessarily. Our Home gets a lot of provisioned meat, rice, canned tuna and other goods. Sometimes the dish crew will throw away the leftovers because, "We have so much of it anyway!" We tend to take certain blessings for granted 'cause they're free, but the Lord might withhold His blessings if we aren't better stewards of what He's given us.

       -- M.C.T.L., Thailand

From where?

       Something that really has people going is this "from Earth" stuff. If you are a single YA in the USA, you don't have to say "from Earth." If we're going to write in, we can at least give a country. It makes it more interesting because people's views vary from field to field.

       -- Jessica (YA), USA

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes
       Interesting mix of MTV-style presentation, with ori ginal Shakespearean dialogue and story line. Beware of scenes of violence, and unpleasant behavior by some of the characters. Not to everyone's liking.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez
       Action comedy about a pair of detectives staking out a residence in an effort to apprehend an escaped killer. Beware of scenes of graphic violence, particularly at the beginning and end of the movie.

Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez, Rosie O'Donnell
       Action-comedy sequel to "Stakeout." The pair of detectives team up with a bungling assistant D.A. as they try to track down a witness in a Mafia trial, who has gone into hiding.

Kurt Russell, Kathleen Quinlan, J.T. Walsh
       Thriller about a couple whose car breaks down in the middle of the desert in the Southwestern U.S., after which the wife mysteriously disappears. Beware of a scene of graphic violence that takes place inside a pickup truck.

Mo vies Rated for JETTs and Up

Elijah Wood, Kevin Costner
       Touching drama about a young boy and girl in Mississippi in the early '70s, whose father -- a Vietnam War veteran -- tries to keep them from fighting with the local bullies. Sad in parts, but has good lessons on the spirit world, choosing "the love way" to resolve problems, and the dangerous game of daring.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Greg Kinnear, Laurie Metcalf
       Comedy about a convicted small-t ime con man who is assigned by the court to work in the "dead letter" section of the Post Office. Fun movie which older age groups will find enjoyable as well.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Brandon Douglas, Ned Vaughn
       A young enlisted soldier who is afraid of dogs finds himself enrolled in an experimental program attempting to integrate dogs into the military. Some war scenes, though not bloody, may need to be fast-forwarded for sensitive children.

Movies Rate d for All

       Half-hour Christian cartoon with songs, facts and highlights about the Bible, presented in a fun way with cute characters.

Non-Recommended Movies

       AT PLAY IN THE FIELDS OF THE LORD (Tom Berenger, John Lithgow; 1991)
       LEGENDS OF THE FALL (Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins; 1995)
       VIRTUOSITY (Denzel Washington, Kelly Lynch; 1995)

Hangin' on the Grapevine

       C'mon, now, everybody, let's stop singin' the blues!
       Take a copy of the Grapevine a nd read the latest news!
       This mag is full of goodies and that ain't no lie.
       It's got somethin' for everybody; why not give it a try?

       There's people pioneering everywhere that ya go,
       But if you don't read the Grapevine, how ya gonna know?!
       People sayin' what they're feelin', down deep in their heart.
       This mag's a revolution, man, right from the start!

       You wanna know the movies and the ones that you can rent?
       The Grapevine's got the ratings; that's why it was sent!
       It tells a bout the babies and who the parents are;
       These kids are "knew" disciples; they'll outshine us all by far!

       The studios all are workin' on new songs you're gonna love,
       Seems they've got a hotline to the Lord there up above.
       Letters to the editors give "credit where credit's due,"
       If you read 'em and believe 'em, you may wanna send one too.

       And then there are the rumors and the funny things to hear,
       If you'll read the Rumor Mill, it'll wipe away your fears!
       If you wanna find a f riend, but don't know where he's abidin',
       Send your name and where you're livin', and he'll find out where you're hidin'.

       There's so much inside this mag that words just seem to fail,
       But I guarantee ya, buddy, that it's gonna do ya well.
       So take some time to read your Vine and hear what it has to say,
       And if you feel inspired to write, drop us a line today!

       See ya down on the line, 'cuz I'm hung up on the Vine!

-- by Jonathan Handyman (formerly Tiras Seeds), Chile

new idea f rom you!

       The "new laborers" addition to the Grapevine was very inspiring! Another neat idea could be to announce when people go from one field to another. When the Lord gives direction and prophecies for an area (such as "Who Will Answer the Call"), it would be inspiring, for example, to hear of families who are heading out to mission fields. -- Showing that where God guides, He does supply and brings the laborers.

-- Elise, USA

(From the editors:)
Great idea! If you're heading out to a mission field, let us know! We love you!


       * Vicky Eleonora (German) looking for Becky Dickermann. Lived together in Yugoslavia, England and Germany 10 years ago. Contact me through: Clara Mustardseed, via Russian ABM.
       * Mike Anchor (of Jonathan/Sara), last heard of in USA going to China, please contact Talitha (of Andreas/Kitty). Add: 644024 Omck-24, P.O. Box 7629, X.M.C., Russia.
       * Patty (Russia) would like to get in touch with Mark Willing. Add: The Family, 644024, Omsk -24, PO Box 7629, XMC, Russia. Attn: Maria.
       * Polish Maria S. (of Gabe) looking for Polish Abi B. (last heard of in China). Add: Russia, 660001, Krasnoyarsk 1, PO Box 16215.
       * Scottish Libby (of Abe) in the EE with five children! Write to Clair YA (of John) via the Taiwan ABM.
       * Angie Jacob and Jamie Newton (last heard of in US), please write or send your address to: Larina, P.O Box 963, Hsinchu, Taiwan R.O.C.

windows tip of the day

-- from an alpha geek

       Let's say you want to resta rt Windows 95 (reboot) because you've been having problems with a program (or you got an error message), or you want to flush out your resources, etc. But you don't want to have to go through the memory check, autoexec.bat, re-enter your XPY password, etc. Here's how:
       -- Click on "Shut Down" (under the Start button), like you normally would to restart your computer
       -- Select the "Restart your computer" option
       -- Hold down the leftshift key at the same time that you click on the YES button
! Windows will restart without your computer having to fully reboot - no memory check, autoexec, etc., and your XPY password will still be loaded.

(Alpha geek: An office person known as a solver of computer problems.)

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama,
       I'm one of those YAs who always pictured WS personnel as somewhat "fuddy-duddy," real "brain" types that I could never attain to. But I've been able to experience little glimpses of what they are like from the messages we get from the m concerning our work here at the IVM. And I'd like to say that my impression is that those at WS are some of the funnest, sweetest, most encouraging, forgiving, young-hearted, wonderful shepherds, always ready to point out the good, and extremely fair in each judgment. Us young people who work in the office often talk about how fun and inspiring each message we receive from them is. We've sure learned a lot from them, and any corrections are passed on so sweetly and lovingly, always giving us t he benefit of the doubt.
       I was already being won over by their love and sweetness, but then something happened that totally converted me. There was a bit of controversy over a couple of the songs coming out on a new FTT tape (which happened to be some of my favorites), so we had to write in and ask them if we should include them on the tapes coming out. We were all very curious to see how they would handle it. When we heard back, I was just amazed to see their fair and well-balanced decision; and yes, I was converted! You were right, Mama, when you expressed what wonderful people they are. My respect and admiration for them keeps growing with each message we receive.

-- female YA, IVM

Dear Peter,
       Thank you for laying your life on the line for us. I wanted to react on the comments you made about the Thai Family in Grapevine #18. I'm glad you brought that out for the whole Family. Those kinds of folks are the ones who deserve the limelight and a little exaltation for sticking to a field and being willing to give their personal whims up for the job. I have struggled between trying to stay "young," and being willing to give up personal freedoms for the sake of the work.
       Shortly after reading your comment on Thailand, the Lord showed in prophecy that I should cut my fairly long ponytail for an appointment with a local fundraising prospect. Your comments about the Thai Family were a big help to me personally. By the way, the appointment went well, and the clean-up turned out to be a must. I was thankful we heard from the Lord on it.

-- from a male SGA, USA

Love 'n' Life

-- By Marv and Misty

My wife and I have recently begun sharing more with others in our Home. We both feel a bit shaky, but my wife particularly is battling with fear of the future, feeling insecure, and is worried that our having regular dates with others is going to hurt our relationship. What can I do to help her? -- Ken

       Stepping out to share the Lord's love with others is something that the Enemy will fight without fail. Sharing brings closeness and unity, so it's only natural that one or both of you will be hit with battles and the Enemy's attacks as a result.
       The most important thing to do is to go to the Lord -- together. Sharing is a joint venture between husband and wife, no matter which one is being the Lord's love for another. If the husband is the one having a date with another sister, then it's not only him who is giving and sharing, but it is also the wife. Sh e has a part in the giving. If in your communication together, you can make your sharing a partnership, then it will make your mate feel more included, and less likely to go through battles.
       Ask the Lord for some words of comfort, encouragement, reassurance and promise about your marriage at the onset of your sharing with others, or whenever you begin to feel the Enemy attacking in this area. Once you have heard from the Lord, then you will have something to hold on to. Then when the Enemy att acks you with his lies and fears, telling you that you are going to "lose the one you love through their sharing with others," you can slam the door in his face and claim the promises of love that the Lord gave you as a couple. Having a solid foundation of the Lord's Words to stand on is the key to victory.
       But there are a few practical tips as well, which you may also find helpful. (By the way, these same points apply the other way around. That is, if the husband is battling over the wife sha ring with others.) In this case, it would probably help if you:

       * Let your wife know how much you love her. -- You can never say it too often!
       * Assure her that she is not "losing you" because of your sharing with others.
       * Communicate openly and honestly together.
       * Kiss, hug and cuddle. -- Women love affection!
       * Read the prophecies and promises the Lord has given for you as a couple, reminding each other that the Lord has put you together as a team.
       * Encourage her and thank her for being willing to share you with others.
       * Be sensitive to your wife's feelings and emotions.
       * Let her know how much you appreciate her, and how thankful you are to be married to her.
       * Ask her if there's anything you could do to make things easier for her.
       * After having a date with someone else, be extra sweet and tender; pray and love together.
       * Let her know that you don't condemn her for her battles, fears or jealousy.
       * Do something special and/or romantic together from ti me to time.

       In short, love is the key! But don't give up! Don't stop loving and sharing! The battles will pass and lighten as you hang onto the Lord -- together! "Give and it shall be given unto you!"

I'm wondering ...

For a long time, I have been wanting a compilation of all the Meditation Moments. Now with the HomeARC it seems like a possibility. Would it be possible to compile them, the WNDs, and the Christian Digest? -- Pete Grin, Denmark
The MeditationMoments tapes have been transcribed, but they are rough drafts and have not been proofread. The GoodThots and some other pubs are also not proofread. These will hopefully be available in the future. Right now, processing the MLs have top priority. Due to copyright restrictions, we are not able to publish some non-Family material on the HomeARC.

       Q: There is a publication that is being sent out from a TRF Supporter Home in the US called the New Day News. Does Family leadership go over this before it goes out? - - TS Home, USA
: (From the NACRO shepherds:) Recently we have received a number of questions from both DO and TRF Supporter Homes asking about the New Day News which is published by Barnabas and the Laurel Home (near Washington, D.C.). Some have asked about Barnabas' recent interview with Joel Wordsworth (former member who left the Family in the '70s) and his assertion that Dad is still alive. Others have questioned the status of the Laurel Home and are wondering about the content of the New Day News.
       We'd like to clarify that this publication is a local production of the Laurel TS Home and does not necessarily represent Family beliefs and policy, nor is it reviewed or approved by NACRO or any DO representatives. While it does contain articles contributed by DO Family members, this does not mean that the New Day News is representative of the Family.

       Q: A friend of ours asked if the Family is using System help in the recording of our FTT tapes? -- James Newlove, India
       A: Nope ! Our FTTs are pure Family productions! They're great, aren't they?! God bless our musicians!

ideas and tips

Baby showers
       How to supply a mother-to-be's needs: We held a "baby shower," played games, and everyone brought a little something (provisioned or an "extra" from their Home) for mother or baby. Family friends also enjoy helping.
-- Stefan and Phebe, Ben Albrite and Steven, USA

Pay per call
       For Homes who have many visitors passing through: We put a donation box and notebook b y the phone for everybody to record and pay for their phone calls (we have a telephone impulse-counter). This way people pay more attention to how long they talk, and you don't get unexpected phone bills.
-- Peter and Esther, Italy

Area newsletter
       One Home in our area faithfully makes a monthly newsletter, which each Home contributes photos and testimonies to. A master laser color copy is then made for each Home, which in turn puts their address on it and makes their own copies.
-- Charit y, Claire, Phil and Julie, USA

Family witnessing
       We've been taking our children of all ages down to the beach during early evening family time to pass out tracts. This has been very inspiring for them, and is a way for our busy Home to do this special ministry.

-- Thai John, Shelly and Joanna, Thailand

cute kids

       * The "cute kids" is one of our favorite items in the Grapevine. Our kids love to hear the cute things other kids say. One day Michelle (8) was asking Daddy something and he misunderstood her and gave her the wrong answer. Michelle commented, "We could send that in to 'cute parents'!" -- courtesy of Victory, USA
       * Jessica (2) did something wrong at the table and Daddy began to correct her. She broke into tears and was making quite a noise, so Daddy asked her to please be quiet. Her reply was: "But Daddy, I'm crying!!!" -- courtesy of Marianne and Jose, Mexico


-- by Jaz, Free Zine country

       (From Mimi, Hungary:) It's wonderful for me to be working with little children again as a full-time ministry, after having a more field-oriented life the last couple of years! In preparing and following a weekly curriculum plan for the two-year-olds, I've come to realize how hungry and receptive their eager little hearts are for the Word! So in the mornings, instead of just trying to put in all kinds of school activities, the Lord's put the burden on my heart to capitalize on their love and desire for flannelgraphs, and the Kidz Mop. We look through th e Kidz Mop together, and I explain all the multitude of story illustrations in there -- and take it as far as they want to go!
       It's so thrilling to soak them in the Word, as one thing always leads to another, and there's so much for their precious little hearts to learn! There's such a satisfaction in knowing that they're learning to love our precious Jesus more and more too. All the beautiful children's pictures in the Kidz Mop depicting the Lord's love, for example, seem to be even more aliv e and real to me than ever. My love for Jesus bubbles over onto them when explaining these simple pictures and acting out the quotes about Jesus' love for them. -- Another wonderful fruit and blessing of being closer to Jesus is that our kids will feel and partake more of His wonderful love for us through the joy and reality expressed from our hearts when teaching them!

       (Jaz:) Okay, so this comment above (not sent specifically to this column, but appropriated from the TRF Comments and Sugges tions) is referring to two-year-olds, but the questions that come to my mind are: How young can you start teaching babies about Jesus and giving them the Word? And what are some ways to do this?
       This has been one of my heart's desires: that Kimberly would grow up with a deep love for the Lord and the Word, right from the start. And as Dad taught us, I personally think that it's never too young to start! In the times that Korie is with the bubs, she really puts an emphasis on giving them lots o f input along that line. Here are some ideas that we have used:

       * Alec and I read the Word aloud to each other often when I was pregnant, and ever since Kimberly was small, we've had out-loud Word time almost every day, while she plays right nearby. Of course I imagine it's 98% way over her head, but is it just wishful thinking? I tend to hope that it will instill Word-based principles and a desire to listen to it from that young age.
       * Putting up posters of Jesus, Heaven or angels, or col ored versions of some of the new posters/coloring sheets are great for instilling spiritual principles in a visual way. Kimby loves the brightly-colored picture of God kissing the flowers which is at the head of her bed, and looks at it lovingly every time she wakes up from nap (as well as other times, such as when she should be going down for her nap!).
       * Someone here has colored and laminated some of the old TKs like "My Love is a Legend" or "Who is Moses," and I have been doing the same wit h the new "Praisin' U" books. I'm halfway through coloring the second one, and when I was showing it to Kimby for the first time the other day, she started breathing really hard with her eyes glued to the pictures, waving her hands and scrambling her feet in excitement! Ha!
       * Singing songs about Jesus, Bible stories, etc., is another great way to instill spiritual principles. Also playing Memory Book and other Word-based song tapes.
       * I also quote memory chapters, like Psalm 23 and others, s ometimes while changing her or rocking her to sleep.
       * Pointing out pictures of Jesus or Grandpa when seeing them around is also fun, and you can blow them kisses, etc.
       * There are lots of fun Bible and ML-based action poems in The Rhyme Book, pgs. 168-185 and 401-412, and in Activity Book IV, pgs. T16-T19. What works best for me is to pick a few that I'm going to do for a certain period of time, and then change them every so often. Babies like hearing the same things over and over, so they can become familiar with them.

       "We have some Bible story posters to hang up in our room. ... They are bright and colorful and show different scenes out of Jesus' life. The size of posters is important for very little children. The bigger the posters are, the more they 'shtick.' ... When I put a poster up, I take Techi in my arms and point at the picture and show it to her and say, for example, 'Look, Techi! There is Jesus talking to Zaccheus!' and tell her the story it shows, often also sing ing a little song aloud with it, like: "Zaccheus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he ...'" (Techi's Life Story, pg.126, par.38, 39a, 40.)

       Got any more ideas on teaching babies about Jesus and the Word? Write in and tell us about it!

studio news

-- from the melodic arena

       (From Andrew V., for the JAS:) What's been up or down in the JAS playing field since January? The downside is that it's slipped my mind to keep ya'll informed, and the up side is that about 19 songs have been completed, FTT and GP. With "Here in Shangri-La" we ventured into the world of live recording once more: real drums (brought to you by Mike D.), real bass (Josh YA), of course real lead guitar (performed by Makoto), and the works, coming to you soon. Enjoy!
       As you know, during the week of music seminars with King Peter and reps from all the other studios, a stimulating vision was passed on to us: obtaining new songs via prophecy. "Too far out!" I thought, till I tried it. New songs have emerged this way already, and you can be sure more will follow.
       While the PAS trio was here we had the opportunity to assist some of the (GP) Latin songs with our menial knowledge of Latin music. 'Twas a blast. (Pedro, Clara and Mark -- we miss you!!) Some other tidbits: Francesco fell out of studio work for about two months when he and his wife (Crystal L.) went to the States for a couple of weeks -- and came back with a baby boy! Now daddy Fran is "back in the producing habit" with bags unde r his eyes. Gooooo Dads! A new vocalist, teen Marianna, has hit the mike with a new tone of a voice. Check out "Heaven Is" on FTT #10 -- comin' soon!

Heaven Is -- FTT #10
-- Coming soon to a tape recorder near you

Singer(s) / Music / Lyrics

Heaven Is

       Marianna, Philly/ Philly / Philly / Producer: Philly

Sail On

       Daniel S., Emmanuel, Eman / Martin M., Emmanuel / Martin M., Emmanuel / Producer: Emmanuel

Consider the Poor

       James S. / James S. / James S. / Lead guitar by D avid Hungarian / Producer: Ben G.


       Emmanuel / Emmanuel, Jeremy / Emmanuel, Jeremy / Producer: Emmanuel

Angel Wings

       Angelique / Amy Bear / Amy Bear / Electric lead by Eman, Acoustic guitar by Pedro / Producer: Nat

I Feel It

       Vas / Vas / Vas / Producer: Vas

Something Better

       Angelique / Francesco, Sunny / Sunny, Francesco / Electric guitar by Makoto / Bass by Francesco / Producer: Francesco

The Helmet

       Emmanuel, Julia / Jeremy / Emmanuel, Julia, Fiona / Electr ic lead: Emmanuel / Producer: Emmanuel

Vessel of Love

       Joyful / Michael P. / Michael P. / Producer: Michael P.

Praying Hands

       James Servant / James Servant / James Servant / Keyboard by Jonathan / Rhythm and lead guitar by David Hungarian / Producer: Tim Hungarian


       Julia, Katrina, Consuelo / Julia, Emmanuel / Julia, Emmanuel / Producer: Emmanuel

All I Want to Be

       Vas / Vas / Vas / Produced by DCS


-- 30 word limit

       -- Bulgarian Sunny received the call of India, but Bulgaria and Romania are going through an economic crash. Sunny depends on you; send donations via TRF to Sunny (RO 0010).
       -- Moldova - Russian Tim Martin (22) and Romanian Davida (22) need funds to move to China after the birth of our cute little baby! Do it through TRF! E-mail: tim@family.moldova.su!
       -- Regular prison shows! Thousands of souls saved! Helping with visas for new teams! Be a part by supporting us! E-mail: james@eridan1.kiev.ua. Add: Ukraine, 252025, Kiev 2 5, PO box 410

grapes of thankfulness

       I was touched when I read the prophecies for Paul (Pethuel) (ML #3081, Summit '96 Letters, part four). His letter to Mama was so humble and sweet. It made me cry! Part of it is the admiration I feel for musicians that have stuck it out in the Family, especially old-timers like Paul, Jonas and many others! If he ever gets to read this, I'd like to say a great big thank you and God bless you to Paul and his family who have given their all to the Lord all of these years. The talents he's let the Lord use have blessed the Family and the world!

-- Debbie Tree (of Michael), Canada

       Imagine yourself at a missionary outpost in Namibia, Africa (sound exotic?), your hands full of missionary work: passing out lit, witnessing, sending hundreds of letters, ministering to friends and kings, winning souls, doing all you can for the Lord, and praying like everything depends on prayer.
       The Lord said, "If you pour out, I will pour in!" -- And that's exac tly what happened these last two months! We began receiving donations from all over the world! The most amazing thing is the Lord did it! -- We never asked! We'd like to wholeheartedly thank: Home JA005 in Japan, Marcos and Sara in Portugal, Elisabeth from Norway, Cape Town 1 Home, and the Lighthouse Home in Warsaw. What a Family!

-- Philip and Meekness, Africa

living by faith at the HCS

-- what goes into "that banana there"

In Grapevine #3 under "Studio News," Timothy says that the IVM and JAS are living by faith. I thought that the Family's tithes are supporting these operations, at least in part. Would it be possible to clarify this, please? -- Mark, Maria, Marianne and John, Slovakia

(Compiled by Teri [20] for the HCS:) While the HCS receives support from WS, our productions operation runs largely by faith (we could never afford everything needed to produce the videos and audios!) and the Lord continues to teach us how to exercise and build up those "faith muscle s" and to rely on Him for our every need. To explain that in more detail, we wanted to testify with some examples of the miracles of supply the Lord does for both the production side of our work here (the IVM and JAS), as well as the Home side.

       On the Home side …
almost all of our Home's food supply (for 140 people!), home-care supplies (shampoo, detergent, garbage bags, etc.) and appliances (industrial blender, food processor, etc.) are provisioned! Contacts also help with discounts on vehi cles, computers and more. On the average, we get two truck loads (sometimes more) a week of provisioned goods.

       The JAS …
also provisions discounts on their equipment, which would otherwise be too expensive. Here are some details from Martin Music for the JAS team:

       "Living the life of faith is a definite part of our lives here at the JAS. The Lord has done so many miracles for us and greatly increased our faith through His wonderful supply. Suzie (my wife) and I raise funds for some of ou r equipment needs by doing shows and following up on friends. The Japanese studio equipment was totally paid for by supporters. I needed a keyboard that could double for live shows and studio work, but the one that I was praying for was way out of my price range. We got in touch with the company to provision a discount, and sure enough, thanks to our wonderful Provider, and dear Mary P. (one of the provisioners at the Service Center), the company offered to give me the keyboard at cost price! PT L! Two friends gave me a donation toward the keyboard, so I ended up paying only $450 (which we raised through shows) instead of the full $3,000.
       "All of the equipment in our JAS studios is provisioned at a large discount, bought in second-hand stores, or found in the gomi (Japanese for trash). On the rare occasions that we have bought items brand-new from stores, we got great discounts.
       "A recent example is that John Listen was in need of a sampler, as the one he had was very old and not fu nctioning properly. We waited for six months praying, looking and researching in order to find the best deal, and sure enough, the Lord supplied it at a very low price. Suzie and I waited for three hours in the rain (under umbrellas, thankfully!) outside a store which was having a "opening sale" to get this deal. We then rushed in and secured the equipment, which would have normally cost us $4,000, for only $1,200. So it pays to pray and wait!
       "The Lord supplied some very needed professional s tudio speakers for mastering at 70% off of the normal cost -- again through provisioning. Almost all of our EQs, amps, cassette and CD players came from the gomi. Andrew V. fixed them up. We also have a contact that helps us with computer software at cost price, which has saved us thousands of dollars and enabled us to get things that we would have otherwise had to go without. Just this morning Suzie provisioned the repair of one of our Pro-mixers, including parts and shipping! He indeed is a wo nderful God!"

       The video ministry …
also operates on miracles. In truth, without the Lord's supply through provisioning it would be impossible for us to produce what we do on our shoestring budget if we had to finance the many location trips, or buy all the props and items needed to build the different sets, etc., etc., etc. Whenever we meet with professionals in the film business, they're always amazed at the quality of our videos, considering how little we have to work with, both equipment- wise and financially. It is a testimony of how much the Lord loves us and supplies for us.
       Recently for the filming of some extra shots for a few EMV songs, the Lord supplied the use of some gorgeous backdrops. If we were to rent these backdrops they would have cost us 80,000 yen apiece (around $800), but instead we were able to use 12 of these backdrops for two days at no cost!
       We also provision the use of equipment that we need for filming. You probably never imagined that some of the nece ssary lighting equipment can cost up to 240,000 yen (over $2,000) to rent for just one day?! -- But again, the Lord supplies the use of these lights for free!
       Then there are all the building materials that are needed for the sets, the bulk of which are provisioned. Just to give you an idea, the whole village you see in the "Forever Friend" and "Fantastic Journey" Treasure Attics had to be built from scratch, and the materials (wood, paint, nails, wall panels, etc.) were all provisioned!
       We a lso provision the use of actual locations, which would otherwise have to be paid for. For example, this week a large cast of 26 people will be going on location to "Cinema World" (an amusement park) to film the "Nutrition Song" (the cast members [mainly YAs and SGAs] will be dressed up like goofy fruits and veggies! Stay tuned -- you'll see them on one of the next Treasure Attics!). Here is a list of what was provisioned in order to make this two-day location trip possible:

       -- The use of "Ci nema World" for two days
       -- A Ryokan (Japanese hotel) for all 26 cast/crew members to stay at
       -- Ferry transportation, which helps cut down greatly on travel time
       -- All meals provisioned for the two-day trip
       -- All the material to make the outfits for the veggies and fruits

       So those are just a few of the many, many testimonies and examples of how the Lord manifests His love for us and enables the video and audio ministries to continue. The Lord is so good to us and continues to amaz e us at how He supplies our every need and want. Hats off to all the folks at the SC here in Japan who dedicate their time, lives, and prayers to the provisioning ministry! They do an amazing job and are, in reality, the lifeline of our ministry.
       We pray this little explanation was a blessing to you and has given you a little glimpse of what living by faith is like for us here at the HCS! Thank you for your continued prayers and support -- without which we couldn't make it. We love you and are claiming His supply for you -- as you continue to serve Him with us -- by faith!

"shine on" prizes

       (From Matthew, for WS:)
In order to make it easier for the SCs who provide you with your "shine on" tool gifts, we are rounding up the first poster prize to 1,000. Beginning with the June 1st TRF results, the Homes who win the poster shiner prize will receive 1,000 free posters for first prize, 700 for second prize, and 400 for third prize. Also, if available, The SC will be sending A3-size posters to the Homes winning the shiner prizes. The prizes for tapes, videos and souls will remain the same. God bless you for continuing to be such faithful witnesses!

open forum

-- the generation connection wrap-up

       I think our Home has been quite successful with the "merging of generations." The main thing I like about the adults is when they are not so serious all the time, when they crack a foolish joke sometimes, or say something that only teens usually say. It makes you feel real comfortable around 'em. Also when adults are open to teens' suggestions and counsel; when us teens have a say-so in the Home's decisions and the adults really encourage you to take on more of the running of the Home. I like it when a YA/SGA or senior teen is on the teamwork. That helps us feel that we have a representative there, or someone that shares our same views and opinions on topics.

-- Cathy (teen), Bangalore Service Home

       It's good to hear the teens' side of the story! I think famil iarity causes adults to nag at teens because they have a mindset that teens are going to act a certain way. In the same way, the teens are determined when confronted with such an attitude that they are not going to conform! It would seem helpful to wipe the slate clean and in faith start trusting the teens more. Ask once, don't nag -- and pray desperately!

-- Julie (of James), Pakistan

       As a 15-year-old guy, I, of course, go in the category of a young person. I think most people will agree w ith me when I say that we (the older and the younger generations) are just so, so different. I will admit that teens in the Family tend to get tripped off and worldly at times. I'm not trying to defend us all, but I think it is a fact that that is just how teens were made. Adults are so much older and wiser, and I'm sure that's why they are more serious and stuff. Most adults I've talked to say that they were pretty bad when they were young, not to mention the way the teens in the world are thes e days.
       Adults, please try to understand and remember how difficult you were for your parents when you were our age. Try to help us when a situation arises, but don't go to the extreme and expect us to become totally like you overnight.
       Fellow young people, let's let the adults help us when we have problems, even if the tactic they are using is tough. Let's remember all the experience they have had with this period of life, and the desire they have to see us become better disciples for Jesus and the Family. I'm sure if we'd try to understand each other more and make an effort to help each other sincerely, then the problems we have with each other will start to fade away.

-- a 15-year-old guy, Asia

       I lived for a while in a Home where the generations were pretty well "merged." I think one key was that we all considered each other as equals in our jobs for the Lord. The adults wanted to hear our opinions at Home councils, and they also put our ideas into practice.
       I feel better around adults who treat me like one of them, rather than a child still or even a burden to be around. One thing I would like adults to understand about me (and all young people) is that although I've grown up in the Family, I have grown up. Some adults seem to consider me as a child still (maybe because they knew me when I was younger), and prefer telling me what to do rather than asking, like they would another adult.

-- From a female YA, Czech Rep

       If the idea is to break down the walls o f the generation gap, how come we're still having teen/YA/SGA parties separate from the FGA adults? I don't get it.

-- Paulo and Nina, South America

       It's heartbreaking for me to see some of the adults going through trials, feeling hurt by attitudes they've felt from some of us that the "new day" is primarily for the young. Our parents feel just as young at heart as we. They still witness; some of them wrote the songs we all know and love; they play bass and electric guitar -- they started t his revolution. They watched us grow up; they have a great love for the Lord, for us and for souls.
       What we may consider harmless jokes about age or memory loss can cut like a knife, especially when they already have trials about these things. I know I've been guilty too. I was thinking about what Jesus said at the Summit about our older generation, the generals. He honors them and they get the real medals, as they've proven their love for Him. For any of us young people to look at them in a c ondescending manner seems out of place, to say the least.
       If nothing else, according to the Charter we are all equal members and should respect and desire each other's counsel and fellowship. We should hold a certain level of respect for those who have given -- and continue to give -- so much, and who have so much experience.

-- M. (female, 17), Romania

       One thing that the FGAs here do that makes working together, living together and just being together easy is that we young people are tre ated as equals. There's no "seniority" and we don't get the impression that because they're an FGA, what they say is more important than what we say. I forget that there is any difference in our generations!

-- Rusty (21), Mama's Home

       I don't consider myself a pro by any means, but for the most part I've had a relatively easy time getting along with adults. -- No credit to me! The truth is, I just love them! I've had some ups and downs in my relations with different ones from time to time, but I've had ups and downs with my peers too -- sometimes worse, if you wanna get into comparing. It's not what people are like or who they are, it's how you look at them that makes or breaks your relations with 'em.
       A couple practical tips (not tricks, ha!) that I've found help bring you closer to others and help bridge gaps are:
       -- Looking at each other's family/personal photos together, and telling stories that go along with them. No one's "just an adult." -- They have a life, a personali ty, fun times, loved ones and everything just like young people!
       -- Finding out what they like, just how they like it (e.g., coffee, ha!) and surprising them with it at an auspicious moment.
       -- Playing with their kiddies (if they have any) for a little snatch of time here or there. If you happen to witness something terrifically cute their child does, tell them (the parent) about it!
       -- Thinking that maybe some adults thought of me like I thought of them helped me want to get my act togeth er -- and real quick! In my case I've found that in many ways it is just like the Christian Scientists preach -- "all in your mind."

-- Mariko (20), ASCRO

ws news

-- more on the book bonanza

       (From Peter:)
As explained in GN 721 and Grapevine #20, WS is printing a number of books for the Family. In order to save funds, these books are being printed in two batches. The first batch is presently at the printers. The second should be ready for the printer in October. God willing, we will be able to send the first shipment of books to the CRO areas in September, which means they should be in your hands by October or November. Following is a rundown of the books presently in the works and where they stand in the production line as well as the print cost, which you will see is quite substantial. This price does not include shipping the books to the SCs worldwide, and then on to you.
       In order to pay for the printing and shipping of the first batch of books, WS was going to ask the Ho mes worldwide to host two attack days, one in May and one in June, as WS didn't have the funds for the project. In April, a Home in Japan received a "forsake all" from a new member, and after prayer, decided to share the majority of it with WS. God bless them! The amount given covered the printing and shipping cost of the first batch of books. PTL! The Lord never fails! Where God guides, He provides!
       We may still need to ask the Family worldwide to hold two attack days to cover the printing of the next consignment of books, which are scheduled to go to press in October. We'll soon see what method the Lord chooses to supply the funds for that printing, whether through the whole Family working together to raise the funds, or through some other method. Please pray with us for His supply of these funds!
       The following was written by the team working on the printing of the books.

       Daily Bread 11:
Condos of Letters between 2718 and 2903. 832 pages, cost to print: $12,419. This was the first book the printer attempted to print. Unfortunately, the print quality was unacceptable so he agreed to reprint this book for us. He had some problems with the copy camera when shooting the originals, and because of this the filmwork was not uniform, which resulted in the printed copies being uneven, with some pages noticeably lighter or darker throughout the book. His printing press operators are also not so experienced with printing on Bible-type paper, which also contributed to the subst andard quality. (Please pray for those who are working on getting these books printed, and for the printers.)
       The WS print team reports: "Thanks for your prayers, which we know and can feel are helping things go well, and are helping us to have the anointing for the job. We're seeing more and more as this project is progressing that it really is dependent on prayer and the Lord working behind the scenes to ensure everything works out as it should. There are so many little things that can go wr ong, and it seems the Enemy is doing all he can to cause things to go awry whenever possible. Even our printer commented when we were pointing out that DB 11 was too faded and needed to be redone, 'This has never happened to me before. Things like this just don't usually go wrong!' But, thank the Lord, He is doing it and the printing is proceeding steadily."

       Lifelines 19:
Covering MLs #2517 through 2700. 960 pages, cost to print: $7,342. This book was printed after DB 11. The problem with th e filmwork was rectified, and the printing came out much better than the initial DB 11 printing. TTL! The printers are getting more experienced with this paper now, and hopefully the printing of the other three books on Bible paper will be fine. This book was shipped from the printer to the binding company on May 29th, and the binding is scheduled for completion on June 12th. We are producing this with a burgundy red cover and gold lettering for the title.

       Junior DB #1:
The first of three Da ily Breads containing the DB Letters listed in the Word Curriculum for our MCs and OCs. 416 pages, cost to print: $3,466. This has been printed already and is ready to pass on to the binding company on June 9th. The printing of this book came out very well!

       Hope TK:
All the past Hope TKs printed in one book. 736 pages, cost to print: $7,973. Presently being printed and folded. Should be stitched and ready to send to the binder on about June 17th. In looking over some printed sheets, it seems to have printed very well!

       Kidz TK #1:
Reprint of the original. 479 pages, cost to print: $5,316. This book is next on the printer's printing list. The filmwork is made, and it should be printed this week. The filmwork looks fine and should print well, even though we used an old printed copy of this book for the originals. We're planning to use colors as close to the old KTK covers as possible for the reprints.

       Kidz TK #2:
Reprint of the original. 368 pages, cost to print: $4,326. Filmw ork is made and should be printing this week.

       Junior Lifelines:
A book of MLs, including the "Bible for You" and "Psalms for Kids" series, for our MCs, OCs, etc. 512 pages, cost to print: $6,537. We picked up the originals for this book today, and we will take them to the printer on our next visit. He can prepare this for printing right away, as it is on 70-gram paper and should be completed shortly after the Kidz TKs.

       Kiddy Cat Book:
A "Cat Book" for kids, with updated kids' pubs indexe d under various categories. Some of the pubs the Kiddy Cat Book covers are the KTKs, LWGs, MLKs, HTKs, BIP, Family flannelgraphs and tapes, and more, including Bible references!192 pages, cost to print: $3,417. We're waiting to receive the originals. This book can be printed right away once we receive the originals, as it is on 70-gram paper.

       From Jesus with Love:
A devotional book of prophecies (old and new) printed in Daily Might format. This book contains hundreds of pages of new prophec ies that you haven't read yet. 448 pages, cost to print: $9,456. We have received the original files for this book, and will be printing them out this week. The printer suggested that we wait until a little later in the month to bring in the originals for this book, as he won't have Bible paper on hand until the end of the month.

       Lifelines 20:
Covering MLs #2701 through 2855. 960 pages, cost to print: $7,342. We picked up the originals for this today and will take it to the printer a little later in the month so he will have it ready to print once the Bible paper arrives. We are planning to make the cover bright blue with gold lettering for the title.

fruitful fields

       Central America - (From Juan and Marie and "Go Central American" team:) Hey! Are you thinking about moving to greener pastures? A place where the people are receptive, sheepy and beautiful? -- Untouched new areas where you feel like a pioneer again? If your answer was a big YES, then keep reading! If your answer was no, keep reading in case you catch the vision later!
       There are six small republics in Central America. The people are peaceful, have a vacuum for the Word and Family tools, and are sweet to foreigners. We are forming a team to pioneer one of these countries, and would like to extend an invitation to you to come and join us! Mexico add: La Familia, Apdo 24-340, 06701 Mexico DF. Attn: Juan and Marie. Mexico tel: 876-1904. E-mail (USA): Elkmtn511@aol.com. E-mail (Mexico): CorazonMC@aol.com.

Were we a cult?
By John Listen, Japan

       The other day I was talking with one of my SGA friends. She mentioned that if you read the "Keda Letters" (and other radical Letters), it seems we really were a "cult." I replied that, frankly, that thought had crossed my mind, too. Everything's been "up for review" in our new more "free-thinking" post-Charter environment. But here are some things the Lord showed me, in case it's a help to anyone else with the same question:
       There is a very subt le but deadly undercurrent in the spirit of this Age. There are guys who are intent on getting us to see "symptoms" of the "cult-disease" in everything. These are the ones who write the newspapers, make the movies and record songs. They appeal to the natural man, to your independence and to your brain's "right of mobility." If we don't put on the Polaroid glasses of the Spirit to see things properly, we can get sucked right into their cult.
       The fact is, the crazy and unpredictable, the radical and weird are God's field of expertise. He's the One Who led Dad and the Family to do many of our seemingly "strange" exploits over the years. The rap is on Him.
       We had a choice: To be a totally democratic, reasonable, rational, rule-of-the-zombie-majority, Main Street Church of the Dead. -- Or to be God's people, ruled by His free Spirit and holy spirits, led by His radical love and radical prophet, and to be as the wind which we "know not whence it cometh nor whither it goeth."
       Probably t he supposed characteristic of a "cult" that the AC media most plays on is the submission of a person's life, mind, and body to the cult, its leader, or its beliefs. If they can get you to disdain and rebel against that, voilá -- they've done their job. Eventually we'll question and rebel against all submission and all authority, even God's or that of anointed leaders.
       Dad certainly never advocated mindless, thoughtless, unconscious obedience. And now with the Charter, the Lord is trying even h arder to get us to consciously, mindfully, and thoughtfully face situations, find God's will and then decide to do it ourselves with a whole heart and whole brain.
       It's comforting that Jesus never asked His followers to shave their heads, do chants, cut or tattoo themselves, or commit suicide. On the other hand, He challenged people in Spirit, "Well, if you want to, if you count the cost and decide to follow Me, you're going to have to lay down your life, take up your cross, and love others un selfishly." We know Jesus and how He operates, but oh, how the Pharisees must have loved to use that "flesh and blood" sermon to prove that Jesus was completely whacko. They saw it all as a cult. In fact, a lot of things that happened with God's people and leaders in the Bible could be portrayed in a bad light by a clever humanist today. I'd beware of letting the Enemy start tainting the Family's past with this "cult" line.
       We picture "cults" as groups where people are persuaded by someone to do something against their will or good sense. But remember, there is no such thing as mind control. The bottom line is: it's up to you, baby! We need to see in these past situations -- like the "Keda Letters," FFing, etc., -- that it's always been a voluntary call. If you agree and believe, then you submit to the correction, you try the new way of witnessing, the new way of praising, or whatever the current move of God's Spirit is. If you don't believe in it, as Dad always said, "There's the do or!" No one has to stay -- now or then. It's all voluntary.
       The thing that will set our Family apart in the Last Days is that we hear from the Lord (often through God-appointed leadership), and we try to implement what He says. And it may occasionally be contrary to natural thinking. The day we start trying to be a politically correct, completely sensible, acceptable, pleasing-to-man type of group is the day we take the off-ramp to obscurity with other denominations.
       Have the Family and its leadership made mistakes? -- Of course. But God hasn't; He's been there in every situation. So, let us not make Eve's mistake of getting "deprogrammed" by the Enemy's clever criticism of God's ways.

China cry

       (From Abner [VS, of Endureth]:) Imagine living in a country where you can't pick up the phone and provision or freely distribute tools, where you have to buy all your food, clothing and needs, plus stay ahead of your operating expenses, utilities, rent, etc. Imagine that you ca n't let people know you're a Christian right off the bat, or missionaries living by faith.
       This is what our brethren in China are faced with. Being too above ground could bring down their work or get them thrown out of the country. Thankfully, the standard of living inside China is constantly improving, and our brethren there do have nice housing conditions. Yet many items we take for granted, they have to go without; even some basic needs are either nearly impossible to get, or way over their budget.
       Below is a basic budget that a Home of nine people could operate from (most Homes have less people). We wanted to show the Family just how little is needed for the Homes in China to survive. Even your smallest gifts go a long way, enabling them to continue their work of reaching China with the Gospel! Thank you for your help!

       Item              U.S. ($)

       Rent              437
       Food              375
       Utilities              287
       Visas              225
       Transportation       187
       Chinese Tuition       62
       Baby Needs       50
       Communications       15
       -------- -------------
       Total              $1,638 per month

thanking ...

       (From the Heaven's Library editors:) Our latest Heaven's Library story contributors: Ray Jolly (PACRO), Philip (of Faith, Thailand), Peace (ASCRO), Natasha (13, Thailand), Marie, (ASCRO), Victor Angelo (Portugal), Paulo Sol (BLAST), Jonathan Harvest (Orchard, Hungary), John Azi (Portugal), Daniel Dutch, and the "old folks" (of US4903, sorry, no names given!). Thank you for having the faith to send your stories in! Keep 'em coming!

now that's funny!

       In a certain suburban neighborhood, there were two brothers, eight and ten years old, who were exceedingly mischievous. Whatever went wrong in the neighborhood, it turned out they had a hand in it. Their parents were at wits' end trying to control them. Hearing about a priest nearby who worked with delinquent boys, the mother suggested to the father that they ask the priest to talk with the boys.
       The mother went to the priest and made her request. He agreed, but said he wante d to see the younger boy first. So the mother sent him to the priest.
       The priest sat the boy down on a chair across from his huge, impressive desk. For about five minutes they just sat and stared at each other. Finally, the priest pointed his forefinger at the boy and asked, "Where is God?"
       The boy looked under the desk, in the corners of the room, all around, but said nothing.
       Again, louder, the priest pointed at the boy and asked, "Where is God?"
       Again the boy looked all around but sai d nothing. A third time, in a louder, firmer voice, the priest leaned far across the desk and put his forefinger almost to the boy's nose, and asked, "Where is God?!"
       The boy panicked and ran all the way home. Finding his older brother, he dragged him upstairs to their room, where they usually plotted their mischief. He said, "We are in BIG trouble!"
       The older boy asked, "What do you mean, 'BIG trouble'?!"
       His brother replied, "God is missing, and they think we did it!" Ha!

       If Microsof t made toasters, "Toaster '97" would take up to 95% of the space in your kitchen and would claim to be the first toaster to let you control how light or dark you want your toast. Everyone would hate Microsoft toasters, but would buy them since most of the good bread only works with their toasters.
       If Apple made toasters, they would do everything Microsoft toasters do, but five years earlier. The bread would be more expensive.
       If Xerox made toasters you could toast one-sided or double-sided. Successive slices would get lighter and lighter. The toaster could jam your bread for you.
       If Sony made toasters, the Toastman would be barely larger than the single piece of bread it is meant to toast, and would conveniently attach to your belt.
       If MCI made toasters, they would claim their toaster cost less per minute to run than all of the other toasters; only to find out later that you can only toast between the hours of 5 p.m. till 5 a.m. to get your savings.
-- courtesy of Phil (15) an d Simon (14), Canada

the crash

       Year 2000 Syndrome: The world's banking and financial systems are having to spend millions on updating their computer software, as 20% of computers will crash on January 1, 2000. The reason for this is because when the computer industry began, they failed to look far enough into the future. Thus, the basic computer system can only handle up to the digit 1999.
-- John and Rose, Denmark

       (Editor's note: Some older computer operating systems and programs st ore the year in two digits [97] rather than four [1997]; which means the computer can't distinguish between 1900 and 2000 [both are 00]. However, if you're using Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 and programs designed for them, you don't have to worry about the "crash.")


       First cartoon picture
-- Before: Devotions setting, people sitting in a group in a room filled with question marks. Someone is praying:
       "Lord, we pray for a certain unknown studio, in an unknown location and w ith certain unknown musicians, who are producing certain unknown songs for certain unknown tapes. We also pray for some unknown people who are working on various unknown WS projects for various age groups, the details of which may or may not be published at an unknown time in an unknown pub."

       Second cartoon picture
-- After: Same devotions setting, everyone has a copy of the Grapevine on their laps, and the same person as in the above picture is praying:
       "Thank You Lord, that You helped th e JAS studio to complete those 19 songs for the GP and FTT tapes. Please bless their venture into the world of live recording with some great songs. We also pray for the WS book bonanza project, especially the first batch of books which will be shipped to our areas in September. Help the stitching and binding of the Hope TKs to go well. Also be with the production of the other books listed in this article. Please supply the desperately needed finances that we've all become aware of …"

(End of file.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family