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the Grapevine
(Issue #19       May 15, 1997)

world news

Humanitarian aid seminar
       (From Nat and the St. Petersburg Family:)
Despite many setbacks, the humanitarian aid seminar organized by the Family and held on April 14th went perfectly. It was held in a provisioned five-star hotel conference room, and 120 people from 75 different organizations attended, including representatives from the Red Cross, World Christian Radio, the Salvation Army, the Norwegian Consul, and the NGO (non-gover nment organizations, i.e., humanitarian relief organizations, etc.) Development Center, various reporters, etc. The seminar provided valuable and timely information for people working on humanitarian aid projects in Russia, and the attendees were very impressed.


       (From Marc and Claire:)
We attended the annual American Muslim Council's conference, which turned out to be a very good opportunity to get to know members of the Muslim community better. We were well received, tho ugh somewhat suspiciously scrutinized at first.
       Jeff Hadden (an academic) also invited us to give our semesterly presentation to his religious studies class at the University of Virginia. The day before, we had received the GN and tract about the Hale-Bopp comet, so we were able to give them out to the entire class (40 students). The YAs sang a few songs and handled most of the questions asked during the presentation, mainly in regards to the Law of Love, FFing, etc. The students were very liv ely and interested, and after class we continued talking with many of them.


aren't they adorable?

       -- Phebe (of Stefan) pregnant with #10. -- USA
       -- Sharon (43, of Jacob) pregnant with #13. -- USA
       -- Fe (23, of Valiant) is pregnant with #6. -- USA
       -- Shelley (SGA, of Andrew River) pregnant with #4. -- USA
       -- Tomas, born to Esperanza and Angel. -- Colombia
       -- Kevin, 4th child, born to Ester and John. -- Brazil
       -- Andres, born to Vicky and Eliseo. -- Brazil
       -- Vivian B eatriz, born to Sara and Barz. -- Portugal
       -- Jimpei, (boy) born to Teresa and Jimmy. -- Japan
       -- Mika, (girl) born to Rejoice and Andrew. -- Japan
       -- Brandy Shana, born to teen Faith. -- Japan
       -- Mikael and Andreas Gabriel, born to Mary and Ben. -- Denmark
       -- Kevin Leaf, born to YAs Crystal Lily and Francesco. -- Japan
       -- Sylvia Heather, 7th child, born to Joan and James. -- Denmark
       -- Baby (no name given) born to teen Terah (of Dom and Lily) in March. -- USA
       -- Keanu Adreinne, 3rd child, born to Lisa (SGA) on March 3rd. -- USA
       -- Andres, born to Marie and Ezekiel on March 11th. -- Mexico
       -- Cheryl Anne, 1st child, born to Christina (SGA) and Danny (YA) on April 9th. -- USA

unto some are given double portion ...

       -- Mercy (of Abe) is pregnant with twins! -- Taiwan
       -- Ruthie (of David) is pregnant with twins! -- Taiwan
       -- Libertie (of David) is pregnant with twins! -- Japan
       -- Julie (of James) is pregnant with twins! -- Pakistan

tidbits ...

Ben (19 , of Matt and Joy) and Lily (18, of Tim and Renee) are tying the knot this summer! -- And are expecting their first child in August. -- U.S.A.
       -- Joshua Romanian (20), joined the Family in Bucharest, Romania.


       (From Abner and Endureth:)
We had about 50 delegates (ages 16 and up) attend the four-day Taiwan bellwether meetings. Many made resolutions to be better samples to their brothers and sisters, and to minimize System influences in their lives.

       (From PAC RO:) The CROs and VSs held a two-day meeting in Tokyo for 45 senior teens, YAs/SGAs, discussing witnessing, and the need to show the younger ones that it is exciting to serve the Lord. The YAs, SGAs and teens in Tokyo have started a youth music club for their sheep, where they play live music, have Bible studies, etc. Thirty visitors came the first time!

       (From Philip:)
Dawn, Slovenian Christina and I have begun visiting some of the Homes in Moscow, as well as the Russian Service Cent er. We will also be visiting Homes in Siberia, the Ural Mountains, and on the Caspian sea coast.

       (From Abner:) We held a three-day "Family Camp" in California, showing the delegates' videos, with about 200 people in attendance. We ran simultaneous junior teen, JETT and OC camps, along with planned activities for the MCs and YCs, while holding meetings for the senior teens and adults. Each Home covered their own camping, travel and food costs. We're planning our second Family Camp in Cal ifornia for May 19th, and our third will be in the Northwest around June 9th.

       (From Jeff:)
A week-long YA/SGA meeting was held in Sydney. Eight young people have volunteered to help with the JETT and junior teen meetings coming up soon. Out of the 24 young people at this meeting, 20 have plans to go on to other fields and are working on raising their funds!

       (From Melody:)
From May 3-13, we held a 10-day teen/YA/SGA meeting for 40 young people (ages 16-25) from Eng land, Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland, at which we showed the delegates' videos, had open forums, etc.

       (From Miguel [of Cherish]:)
Meeky, Cherish, Vas and myself attended a three-day JETT camp in Canada. It went well, and there was a night and day difference from our last camp nine months ago, which proved to me that the effects of these camps are much more long-lasting than I had realized.


       (From Cefas, Maria, Rebeca and Juan:)
Our faith trip to Nicaragua was perhaps one of the most inspiring and outstanding that any of us have had in our time in the Family, besides traveling in Russia. We left Mexico City, crossing through five central American countries, and arrived a week later in Nicaragua. We stopped to visit the Family Home in Guatemala, who expressed their need for more laborers, as the harvest is quite plentiful. It is a paradise! Wanna go?
       El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, but the most densely populated. This country was involved in a long civil war which brought lots of destruction and poverty to its people. However, the day we spent there showed us the tremendous vacuum for love and the Word that exists in that country. Our first day there, we met the managers of a restaurant in downtown San Salvador, who did everything to help us. They fed us breakfast, lunch and dinner, bought tapes from us, and finally in the evening when we didn't have a place to stay, they took us into their house. The L ord supplied every one of our needs during our trip, including meals, gas and hotels.
       When we arrived in Managua, we were accommodated in the house of the pastor of the group that was organizing the event we were taking part in -- distributing a nice meal and toys for thousands of Nicaraguan street kids. None of us had ever seen so many poor street children gathered in one place. The program began with lots of Christian songs and everybody was happy. We put on a puppet show, which the children just loved. It took hours to feed everyone and to pass out all the toys, but we can still remember their smiles. And on our adventurous journey we won over 6,000 souls to the Lord!

North Africa
       (From Gabriel and Luz Angela:)
While preparing to move to a Muslim field in the CIS (former USSR), the Lord led us to make a three-week trip to North Africa for some practice in witnessing to Muslims, as well as to feed some sheep we had not seen for many years.
       After a pleasant nine-hour boat tri p across the Mediterranean, we arrived at Melilla (a Spanish city on the Mediterranean coast of northeast Morocco). The Moroccan town of Benienzar and the port of Melilla were both full of witnessing opportunities. When I (Gabriel) was a teen, I had lived in the Almagreb region for nearly two years, witnessing in Algeria, Morocco and Melilla, so we decided to visit some old friends. Imagine the shock when they opened the door and saw me -- 18 years later!
       One person we visited was Alfred. He h ad sent us several donations years ago without even knowing us. I was surprised to see how much he knew and remembered about me from the newsletters we had sent him. I never realized the impact those photocopied newsletters from faraway fields can have -- though often not very good quality productions.
       The Lord led us to stay with some of Alfred's friends, who live in the poorest part of town. He introduced us to a sweet young couple with four kids who gave us dinner -- they live on food donat ed to them by the Red Cross -- and let us use the master bedroom while they moved to the living room. This couple had been witnessed to by Alfred and had some Family materials. Both had recently been released from jail, and had stopped taking drugs after coming to know the Lord. Soon we learned that these weren't the only sheep Alfred had been ministering to.
       Just imagine, this man met the Family 15 years ago and has not seen any of us for 10 years. He stood up for the Family during the Spanis h persecution, without even knowing where the Family was. Now he has a blossoming ministry. In a different home every day, he gets together with a group of believers (Christians and Muslims) to sing Family songs, pray, read and have communion together. It's amazing how in the middle of the present uprising of Muslim fundamentalists in North Africa, this group is actually leading many Muslims to the Lord. Although they suffer some light persecution from both Muslims and Catholics, the bishop said that their three-day-a-week jail ministry is the only good thing that happens there.
       We distributed many Arabic To You -- With Love! tracts on our trip, and went witnessing and tapenessing to the Muslim businessmen and shopkeepers, who were faithful to Muslim generosity. And to top it all off, we provisioned a first-class room on the boat back home.

cute kids

       -- While reading the "Praising You" mag during the Feast, I asked the kids if they could praise in tongues. "Of course we can! T hat's easy!" a few of them said. "Okay, if you say so!" I replied. When I looked at them again I saw Ana (6), Francielle (7) and Joshua (8) with their mouths wide open -- shaking their tongues. "What are you guys doing?" I asked in amazement, wondering why all of a sudden they were acting so weird ... "We are praising in tongues!" -- courtesy of Sharon S. (16), Brazil
       -- Premika (6) and Priyanka (4) were coloring some flannelgraphs. Priyanka asked Premika, "How old were Mary and Joseph?" Premi ka said, "Mary was 16 and Joseph was 50." I asked, "How do you know Joseph was 50?" She replied, "Well, Daddy has a mustache and he's 40. Joseph had a mustache and beard, so he must have been 50." -- courtesy of Lilie (13), India

comments on the delegates' videos

-- From viewers in Mexico (ages 16-25)

       We just have to love Jesus, love the Word, have faith in prophecy and be bellwethers, and He will help us stay on the right track. -- Michelle

       I've always been independent, and it's tim e to do something about changing. It's time to pray to be more friendly, more communicative, to forget about my own problems and live and enjoy the moment with another, loving and caring for others. -- Paciencia

       The Lord has given me the gift of prophecy, but many times I haven't given what I've gotten because of pride. It's really humbling. I need to practice so that when the real war comes, I'll be ready. I want to return to my Home changed! -- Rebecca

       I've got to get close to the Lord and hold onto Him, 'cause that's the only way to keep going. We've got to leave vanity and get away from material things, because they prevent us from having the Lord's Spirit. -- Aaron

       I can honestly say that I feel like a new disciple that just joined the Family. -- Esther Joy

       I've been quite familiar with that phrase: "You're being trained for the future." I never quite realized that we're now living in the "future" that we've always waited for. It's time for us to realize that it's our responsibility to make those changes. -- Nicole

       The need to implement the Loving Jesus revelation and the gift of prophecy today is the point that has been driven home to me! Until now I haven't been practicing either one, and hadn't accepted the Loving Jesus revelation. After hearing King Peter talk about it and how it has helped many people, it made me say, "Hey, maybe that's what's missing." I have made the decision to try it. -- Gabe

       The two key words from these videos are CHANGE and NOW! -- Madi

what's up?

In the Arab world
       (From ASCRO:)
Florence, Samir and Matthew, working with some of the singers at the National Music Conservatory, were able to record and finalize five songs in Arabic for Fantastic Friends #1!
       A team worked very hard to prepare motivational seminars for the teachers of handicapped kids in refugee camps in different parts of the Middle East. Two of our Arab sisters presented a series of three seminars over the last two months, travelling all over to do so. These were very well received by all.

You visited me
       (From Dust and Trust, Bangkok DF Home:)
The Lord has supernaturally opened doors for us to witness at several of the maximum security prisons here in Thailand.
       Try, if you can, to picture these prisoners in a hot, steamy, overcrowded cell with little bedding and poor food. They are unable to sleep due to noise and the lights never being switched off. They are surrounded by negative influences, violence, selfish ness and tension. Fear, remorse, uncertainty and condemnation overwhelm them. They are often forsaken by loved ones and family. On top of all this, their sentence may range from 40 to 80 years! Most have been given the label of "unreachable" by visiting missionaries.
       Through the rough patches, Dad's Letters were an incredible strength to help us persevere ("Pawn," "Real Love Never Fails," "Dirty Dishes," etc.). A key with these folks is the fact that we keep coming back, that we are concerned about them and their families, and we don't preach hell and damnation! Our more radical doctrines like the Law of Love and the fact that some of us have suffered imprisonment for our faith helps them to believe that Jesus must be radical and far-out enough to understand them. They see we are not typical church missionaries (ha!), and they love our materials.
       We were able to perform at the main jail, which houses 5,000 inmates. Four hundred of them attended our first show, and we have received 60 letters from these men to date. We've also sung in the prison hospital, and for detained illegal aliens from many surrounding countries.
       A major inspiration for us and the sheep has been the Lord's Words through prophecy. This has confirmed Jesus' personal care for each life, as when we've shared what the Lord has given for them, they could not deny the supernatural guidance and care, as many things were deeply personal about their lives, childhoods and secret longings -- things that only H eaven could have seen!

Share your experience
       (From Priscilla Sol and Tiago da M.:)
We live in a city in Brazil which, because of drug problems, is considered the "capital of AIDS." We have an open door in schools to work on a drug-prevention program but we have no experience. We need the help of experienced Family members. Please send ideas (via your CRO office to SACRO) for skits, suggestions and tips of what has worked for you. Thanks.

There's no outgiving God
       (From Jo nathan Handyman [formerly Tiras Seeds]:)
A few months ago I received a donation in the mail of $40 (US), and put it aside towards a new pair of tennis shoes I desperately needed.
       One day our Home was low on funds, and the Lord laid it on my heart to give this $40 to the teamwork and trust the Lord for my shoes. I felt so good about giving, even though it was only a little.
       Two days later, my son Shawn called and said he had two provisioned pairs of new tennis shoes set aside for me. They fit me perfectly and are expensive, good quality shoes. You can never outgive God!

Miracle connect
       (From Daniel:)
We had to get in touch with another Home quite a distance away. However, our phone had gone dead, and it so happened that their phone was dead also. I picked up the phone, praying it would work, and heard a sister from the other Home saying "Hello!" She happened to pick up the phone at exactly the same time and -- with no dialing at all -- we were connected! An absolute mi racle!

If …
       (From Maria:)
If you are discouraged and wondering what you're doing with your life; if your interest for movies and amusements is growing and your love for your neighbor seems to be waxing cold -- come to the mission field!
       If you are overweight from eating too much of that abundant provisioned food -- the cookies and jam you get weekly -- come to the mission field!
       If your teens and JETTs are unchallenged and thinking of leaving the Family because they don't know w hat to do to satisfy the anxiety they feel inside -- come to the mission field!
       When you step out of that airplane and feel the cold wind freezing your nose; when you don't understand a word that people are saying; when you look at those dirty halls and streets, and your first thought is "I want my mommy!" -- just hang on!
       After you meet the sweet teens that come to pick you up and help with your luggage; after you get to know the large families giving their lives for a vision, a promise, a reward; after you meet the nationals and see how dedicated and mature they are; after you see YAs and teens pioneering, listening to the Lord in sweet faith, and launching into thrilling witnessing adventures; after you go out witnessing and give out thousands of posters, with people waiting in line to have one and reading them on the spot; you won't be able to keep yourself from thinking, "I'm in God's will -- and it feels so good!"
       It's a struggle! You feel a bit lost in the beginning, missi ng the comfort of your cozy Home and feeling powerless because you don't speak the language. The Devil tries to discourage you -- so you go to the Word and you draw closer to Jesus. Hey! Isn't that what you always wanted?

English camps
       (From Sonny:)
A company here organizes English camps aimed at the richer "new Russian" children, which we have been helping with. An average of 65 kids come, and the camps are held at a sanitarium in the middle of the Russian Ural Mountain forest. Not only can we enjoy the recreational activities at these camps, but the organizers pay us for teaching English to the children, and doing activities with them. We sing, teach, tell our testimonies, organize skits and dances, etc. It's a great chance to witness, and at the two camps we've helped with so far, all the children received the Lord.

movie ratings

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Eddie Murphy, Michael Rapaport
       Action-comedy about a policeman negotiating a hos tage situation. Beware of scenes of violence. Entertainment only; not to everyone's liking.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche
       Drama/character study set during WW2 about an injured man struggling to remember the secrets of his past. Almost three hours long. Beware of a couple of gory scenes.

Val Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue
       Action-suspense movie about a professional thief who gets involved with the Russian M afia.

C. Thomas Howell, James Earl Jones
       Comedy about a teenager who masquerades as a black youth in order to attend Harvard Law School on a scholarship.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Chevy Chase, Daryl Hannah
       Comedy about a man who is rendered invisible and finds himself running for his life. Light entertainment.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Rick Moranis, Marcia Strassman
       Comedy sequel to " Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," where the absent-minded scientist accidentally enlarges his two-year-old son.

Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke
       Musical comedy classic about a nanny who brings new life to a sober-minded upper-class family. Some foolishness and unrealistic situations can be explained to young viewers.

Non-Recommended Movies

LAST UNICORN, THE (Animated; 1982)


Graduations and prayer requests
       From now on, due to limited space, and because they ar e covered in the Prayer List, we won't be announcing the graduation of Family members in the Grapevine, neither will we include prayer requests for afflictions and sicknesses. We love you!

       To those of you who send us mail,
       Whether by (cartoon of modem) or whether by (cartoon of snail):
       Thank you kindly for all you're sending
       Oodles of news, views, tips, and pending.
       This is your mag, so let's keep in touch
       But sending to Texas won't help us much
       'Cuz soon they're gonna shut the d oor
       Saying: "Grapevine mail don't go here no mo'."
       We love your mail, but thought we'd warn ya'
       That if you don't send paper mail to California
       It could get lost or returned to the sender
       And sadly (sob, sob!), it may reach us never.
-- From Yvonna, Grapeland


-- By Jaz, Free Zine country

       After I sent Jenna my last "Babymania" column, she wrote me back and said, "Yikes, you're almost scaring me out of it, ha!" Realizing how very impressionable non-parents are to the i ntricacies of the baby-full life, I thought I had better balance out the tales of woe with a few glowing accolades. And so, here is a tender word in praise of one of my favorite subjects.

       What a tender beauty glows
       In little babies' eyes
       Looking out around their world
       In innocent surprise!
       What a sheer delight it is
       To see them at their play,
       To watch their lives unfold and grow
       More lovely by the day.
       Some may say "Too busy" --
       Of their lives -- "for baby-care!"
       But thos e who've ever had one,
       Why, they know they'd rather share
       All those busy-busy moments
       With a lovely one like this --
       And the sacrifice required
       Is repaid with total bliss!

       I think it would be interesting to hear from you, our dear readers, about the outstanding moments in your life as a parent. You know those times when you think, "Ah, this has been worth it all!" Those special moments float in and out of our lives, but if we could just immortalize a few of them and record them for others to share, I think it would give us new appreciation for these treasures we hold in our hands -- while many others could partake of our joy as well.
       What do you think? If you have something to contribute, send it along, and I'll try and add something too. See ya another time! (How's that for a nice short column? The Grapevine editors very sweetly asked if I wouldn't mind being a little less long-winded, since, after all, we can't devote the entire Grapevine to the baby craze!!!)
       Oh, b efore I go! Here are a few fractured ML titles from the "Reflections on Parenting" list, which I thought you might like reading over! Such is life!!

       Serfs, Supers and Super-Poopers
       Taming the Baby
       Sounds in the Night
       Change the Girl
       Stop Crying and Listen
       The Rash
       Let My Nipple Go


       -- Sunny James (of Timo) would like to hear from Noella (Virgo, lived in England, and in Japan with Micah and Merry's family), and Jesse (Austin accident). Add: T279, 1-16- 3 Benten, Urayasu-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan. c/o Sunny.
       -- Brazilian Genesis left the Family in Sao Paolo (1988). Anyone who knows her whereabouts, please contact Esteban via the Chile ABM.
       -- Lily (Italian) wants to contact Joy Bellaviti (of Martin and Nina). Last saw you in Florence, on your way to the Ukraine. Add: Lily Oldani, Casilla 18-0641, Lima 18, Peru.
       -- Former members Autumn (22, of Jesse and Katrina Youngblood) and Anaik (21, of Jared and Rebecca) would like to hear from the follo wing people: Cherish (of Miguel), John PI, Josiah (of Mary MOM), Ezra (in Japan), Gabe Moonshine and Tim West, please contact Autumn. Nat and Flame, Steve and Dina, James B. (Oliver), Joy (Neshe), Gabe Moonshine and Tim West, please contact Anaik. Both can be reached at: 218 1/2 E. 5th Street, Duluth, MN 55805. E-mail: CHIMARKIT@aol.com.
       -- Praise (from Venezuela) would like to hear from Paloma Blanca Colet (of Samuel and Ana). Add: E. Myers, Apdo. 5-993, Guad, JAL. Mexico CP #45042 (Attn: Pra ise L.).
       -- Meeky YA is looking for Emmanuel Valenzuela. He's 23 or 24, and was in Thailand a few years ago, then moved to the US and eventually left the Family. Anybody know where he is? My add: P.O. Box 53, Pratunam, Bangkok, 10409 Thailand.

A wee word from the Editors ...

       You might send in a find-a-friend request to contact "Eleazar," since you have no idea where he is. However, we might happen to know that he lives in the SACRO area. So to save precious Grapevine space, we forward y our request directly on to the SACRO office, who will pass it on to "Eleazar." So if you've noticed that your find-a-friend request was not printed, or it wasn't printed in its entirety, that's most likely the reason why. Of course, there's always the chance that we didn't get your find-a-friend request! If you don't hear from whoever you were trying to contact after a couple of months, then go ahead and send your request in again, as a double-check. Thanks!

deep thot

       Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.

mama's mailbox

Dear Mama,
       I'd like to tell you about something very touching that happened a short while ago. A young man in the area asked me for a date and said he'd received something from the Lord for me. He said the Lord showed him to read the message to me a certain way during our date. I was, of course, extremely curious as to what this special "presentation" would be. During the date he was so kind and gentle and we had a ver y nice time loving each other and Jesus.
       He then knelt down before me, explaining that the Lord showed him that he was to represent Jesus kneeling before me giving me this love message. When he read, needless to say, tears streamed down my face as I heard what the Lord said. I was equally touched to see my peer demonstrate so much love, humility and willingness to "be Jesus" to me. Isn't that the sweetest thing? I think it's one of the most special things a person has ever done for me. I'll ne ver forget it. It made me want to have that much love and humility to show to another.
-- a female SGA, Europe

Dear Mama,
       I cried as I read through the "Winning the Gold" FSM. I had just found out that I was pregnant with #2, and while happy, I was having a few PG blues. These testimonies so touched my heart.
       When "Go for the Gold" came out, my husband and I had full conviction to go for the gold as a couple, and we wouldn't go back on that. I'm learning now to accept the fact that I may just be a mother for the next 20 years or so -- except should the Lord come back before then -- and it is a responsibility.
       I really admire my parents, who had nine children. When you look at the whole picture, it's easier to have the faith that the Lord won't give me any more than I'm able to bear. It's one thing in theory, but when you actually start "baby booming," it can be a little scary. Thank the Lord for the Word, as that gives me something to trust in and hold on to. My hat goes off to all our dedicated and revolutionary mothers! I pray for you and your children!
-- from a married SGA, Thailand

your views on issues

Chasing shadows
       (From Joy:)
I've felt burdened for my teen/YA/SGA friends here in the States. Many have been battling discouragement and are wondering if they truly are missionaries, or if it is just a hoax to raise funds. Consequently, a few have gotten System jobs, because: "It's all just fundraising anyway." But that seems to only compound the pr oblem, as then material things are more accessible financially, and the desire to attain a more sophisticated image can be quite tempting! I know from personal experience, because I've lived it!
       I was out of the Family for a few years. I enrolled in school and got a well-paying job on the side. I had a lot of friends and maintained an easy lifestyle, but still it wasn't enough to satisfy me. There was always a new trend to follow, new software, new sounds breaking the charts, and I constantly felt like I was lagging behind. There was no peace as long as I tried to buy everything and have everything, because I was attempting the impossible.
       Now in the Family, I see my friends trying the same worldly things I got into, and it breaks my heart. One of the great things about the Family is we're not in competition with each other, so it's fine to be yourself. That setup is a rarity in a social world that thrives on excluding those who don't conform. Each of my friends is beautiful and un ique, so it's sad to see them futilely chase what they think will make them more attractive or more fulfilled.
       I think it's fine to wear what makes you feel good, or to have nice things. The Lord doesn't want us to be Puritans! But "setting your affections on things above" would be a good method to safeguard yourself from the pull of materialism.

I admire ...
       (From John:)
I want to give a hearty cheer for our teens! I live in a Home with two large families, a childless couple, a senior teen girl and a junior teen boy. I have to admire them for staying on track in our somewhat quiet Home with all of us older folks, two of whom are their parents. They have their weaknesses, but they are a lot of fun, and I sometimes feel like I get more life from them than anything I could offer them. I don't know what things are like elsewhere, but the teens here do more than their share of JJTs, time with the kids, etc. God bless them!

In the boonies?
       (From Sharon, 16:)
Us young people say this a lot: "I wonder what so-and-so is doing out 'in the boonies'"? I got to wondering whether this actually made any sense. Could it be that those "in the boonies" are in the Lord's highest will for them, giving their all in the field He has led them to, forsaking their own desires for more fellowship with their peers to win the lost?
       In my opinion, you are "out in the boonies" when you are out of the Lord's will -- away from the place He wants you to be. Jesus loves us all the same and He'll bless us even more when we are in the center of His will -- no matter where that may be. We should ask ourselves: "Am I in the boonies, or am I in the center of God's will?" I sure hope you aren't "in the boonies!" Ha!

Both guys and girls
       (From a junior teen girl:)
I feel in many Homes the junior teen guys are not expected to do as much as the girls. Most of us have had a ministry (like childcare) since we were 12, yet it seems guys of the same age are n ot expected to do much. Childcare may not be their forte, but it isn't for some of us girls either. It would help if they could pitch in more.

doesn't cut it
       (From Anaik, 21:)
A close friend and I were discussing a YA boy who just left the Family from her Home. We both agreed that although he's not with us any more, he's "still very sweet." That's when I realized that -- although it's nice and all -- just being "sweet" isn't enough to cut it these days! (And no one is suggest ing that just because someone leaves the Family, they're not still sweet.)
       I have close friends and acquaintances who have left the Family. My love for them doesn't change even though we have chosen different paths for the time being. But the fact remains that it takes more than just being "sweet" to serve the Lord. It takes daily saying "yes" to Jesus, yielding to His will, having a constant intake of the Word, using the new weapons of praise, loving Jesus and prophecy.
       Another friend of mi ne told me about a YA girl who was making some difficult decisions in her life. Her boyfriend had just left the Family around the same time she discovered she was pregnant. My friend said, "You know, I think it's cool [meaning okay] even if she goes to be with him. She loves the Lord and I don't think anything will change that." I thought, Is that the point? I had to search my heart.
       Everything is "cool" these days and we -- especially us "second generationers" -- are into being "broad-minded. " It's great in some ways. It helps us be more tolerant of others, to lose some of our self-righteous idealism and narrow-mindedness, and to open ourselves up to things of the spirit. But there are certain spiritual anchors that we don't want to lose, like believing that the Word is what sustains your spiritual life.
       I have plenty of my own little SGA "theories" about things, but whenever I have a serious question about an issue that's unsettling me, seeking the answers in the Word has never l eft me disappointed. I used to think I had read basically everything worth reading in the Word, but the more I dig (and these days with the HomeARC, "digging" takes only a few seconds), the more I find new and amazing truths! Also, being able to ask the Lord for tailor-made, personal counsel via prophecy is a blessing beyond description.
       We should be careful not to become so "broad-minded" that we begin to think we're infallible spiritually, and that we don't need the Word or the fellowship of our comrades-in-arms, by thinking that so long as we're "sweet" or "love the Lord" we'll be cool.

Health vs. junk
       (From Marc:)
We recently had to vote "no" on our Home Checklist about keeping the health food standard in our Home. We realized that when out, it had become quite common to go for the junk food instead of the more healthy foods that are available. There always seems to be some reason, such as, "Well, there was nothing else available," and, "The healthier foods are more exp ensive," etc. The fact is, there are so many health food drinks available here in every store right next to the Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, and other drinks, that only cost a few more cents.
       While living in the States may be easier in some ways, it is more difficult in others, as the Enemy has placed every piece of playground equipment imaginable here [see ML# 3082:64, 65] and certainly uses it to cause us to compromise our convictions.

this is how it happened ...

       (From Katrina [28 ]:)
I had been praying desperately for a daddy for my four children, and I told the Lord I'd do whatever He wanted to get one. He told me to write a want ad! It was humbling for me, and I thought maybe no one would answer, but I wrote it -- and am now very thankful because the Lord gave me my heart's desire!
       About three weeks after my want ad came out in the FUN, I received a letter from Andrew (Latvian) in Russia. I thought "Wow! That was fast!" In Andrew's first letter, he told me he wanted to go to China, and offered to help for six months with my kids. I wasn't sure what the Lord was doing, so I told Andrew that since he had already been working his way to China, perhaps he should go ahead. But then the Lord did so many miracles to bring him here, and I'm so thankful I had the faith to finally "claim the land" to receive what the Lord had for me and my kids.
       After 10 years of being a single mom, I am so thankful for a sweet daddy and wonderful mate. All the heartaches were wort h it and each trial we pass through will always be rewarded by the Lord. I pray for all our single moms, that each one will find a good daddy or the right situation in which to raise the precious kids the Lord has given you.

(From Andrew:)
Getting mated definitely wasn't one of my priorities. My mind was behind the Great Wall of China until one day I read the FUN -- and then the real fun started!
       I was surprised to see a want ad from a 28-year-old girl asking for a daddy and mate. I did a W ord study about what Mama had said on the subject of single moms, and the Lord convicted my heart to do something to help. I was looking at this as a test of yieldedness from the Lord, so I wrote a letter to Katrina, offering to help with her children for six months (that's how long I could get a tourist visa for in Brazil). I wasn't even expecting to receive an answer from her, thinking that the Lord wouldn't ask more of me than that. But surprise, surprise! As I prayed and followed, the Lord l ed step by step into a closer relationship with Katrina.
       Finally one day I had to make the decision of whether to stay with Katrina or to go on to China. I even thought, "What have I gotten myself into?!" I don't want to give the impression that the Lord was forcing me to do His will. But deep in my heart I knew what the best was, and I didn't want to miss the mark. The Lord said: "Andrew, what you think is a sacrifice is actually a blessing for you."
       After living with Katrina and her four c hildren for a few months, I'm so thankful that I yielded to the Lord's best. The Lord is adding blessings and soon we'll have another disciple straight from Heaven!


       Desiring You
is the most galvanizing, breathtaking tape yet! I can't get over "Eternal Love." "I Feel Your Lovin''" is so catchy. You hear it playing somewhere, and you know what's gonna be on your mind for the rest of the day. -- Estrella (15), South America

       It's a blessing to have a real alternative to the other trash I used to listen to. The DC band live concert is really "da fogo" (great, fantastic).Who wants that System trash anyway?!! -- anonymous

       All our songs have two great things in common: the Spirit of God and the message of David! -- Benjamite (19), USA

       "Revolution Medley," "Drop out Now" and "Irresistible Simplicity" have great beats and lyrics. -- female (14), Planet-X

       Dropped Out
: Unplugged, unrefined, live sound. Powerful melodies. Great vocals. Total spirit, total life. -- So nny Harper (SGA), Russia

Breaking Down the Walls
-- ASCRO comments:
       -- Terrific! All the variety keeps my ears musically aware of what's going on. -- Tim (20)
       -- Not too weird, not too mellow. We love "White Sails" and "Want Every Bit of Your Love." -- Faithy (15)
       -- Great voices, guys, really great. I enjoy these tapes almost too much. -- Suzy (14)
       "Close Your Eyes," "When I'm Lovin' You," and "Ain't No Sense" are quite the vision! -- Libby (14)

How the studios saw it ...

(On the music seminar hosted by Peter at the HCS, as reported in Grapevine #17.)

       (From Andrew V.:)
A first in the history of the Family! --Studio representatives from Europe, Peru, Brazil, Thailand, D.C. and Japan (I'm outta breath!) gathered at the HCS for a week of meetings with King Peter, to shorten the cord between the studios.
       Major guidance was given by the Lord on the direction that the FTTs and music ministry should be going. The musicians had a few workshop days where we discussed production tips and ideas on how to improve the quality and quantity of our musical output. It was far out to finally meet our fellow producers that we have been communicating and working with all these years. We've now left the "pen-pal" stage and have become good friends!

(From Michael Piano:) I used to suffer from comparing with other studios, and when they would come out with a real hit song I would sometimes get discouraged, but now I see the picture differently. All the studios ar e on the same team playing against the enemy, System music and its damaging effect on people's lives. When one of the studios produces a hit song, a goal is scored by the team, and we all rejoice together!

       (From Pedro:)
In receiving songs, the key is to stop, ask, wait, listen, say it, record it (or write it if need be), believe it, act on it -- and it works!
       It was inspiring to see how much emphasis the Lord put on us staying in tune with Him, listening to His tunes, and how in doing so we become His channels to feed others. If we really go for it, lie in the bed of love with our dear Lover, dive in and revel in the New Wine, strip off our garment of pride (one we musicians wear often, ha!), we can expect more wonderful music in the days to come!

       (From Vas:)
We were all asked to receive a song for a new loving Jesus tape. I prayed, of course, but was still leaning on the old way of doing things. Finally I decided to go the "new way" with the Lord. It was a lit tle scary, but I put my guitar aside, got a dictaphone, pressed record and began praying desperately. Then these tongues that I've never gotten before started coming almost uncontrollably. They sounded Russian. I then started to get an interpretation which rhymed and came with a tune! A new song was born!

       (From Jason, for the EAS team:)
If we musicians will put forth the effort to listen, the Lord promised to give us beautiful music and lyrics that will excite us beyond our wildest drea ms! We were challenged by the Lord and Peter to write down what the Lord says in personal prophecy or the GNs and put it to music. We've started with a new fresh outlook of how to put more Word-based lyrics into our music and to make our songs as spiritually feeding as possible. We hope you'll hear this in the upcoming tracks soon to be released.
       Thanks to our dear shepherds for organizing this uniting of the "bands," and for teaching us to pray and hear from the Lord about the direction of th e Family's music. Our Gospel train is on the right track and moving forward!

letters to the editor

Owed to a shepherd
       To the author of "What lit my fuse" (Grapevine #15, page 3): At 13, I found myself in a tough pioneer situation in Eastern Europe. I had zero motivation in my life, bad attitudes, and almost no interest in the Word. I didn't think I was going to make it in the Family, but at the time I couldn't have cared less. Another JETT/teen shepherd was the last thing I wanted. -- Bu t that's exactly what we got.
       An SGA couple moved to our Home from Japan to help shepherd us young people. After receiving shepherding training at the HCS, I felt having to shepherd us "nobodies" must be extremely discouraging for them. But our shepherd treated us as if we were the most important responsibility he had ever had. We had fun together as a group, and he respected us as individuals. Instead of feeling rebellious, I wanted to live up to his expectations of us and prove myself worthy of his trust. His inspiration and motivation was really all that some of us needed.
       I will always be grateful to him for instilling in me a love for the Word. He gave us the greatest Bible classes. His enthusiasm was catchy and we couldn't help getting excited too. Today I have a joy in studying the Bible myself, and giving others some of the same classes he gave me.
       I never thanked him. -- Dumb, isn't it? But I guess that's what this is meant to be. I hope it brings a smile to his face to know that there are guys getting turned on to the Bible here in my Home. I hope that by sharing this love for the Word with those around me, I can in some small way continue what he started. -- Thanks, Steve [of Joan]! You are still a shining example to us all!
-- Danni J., Europe

       I was both disheartened and inspired by reading Paula's letter to the editor (see Grapevine #16). -- Disheartened to hear that any young person in the Family would discourage one of their peers from going to a mis sion field, but inspired to hear from a young person with guts and vision like Paula, who decided to pioneer Nepal. God bless those who encouraged her in her decision. Where would the Family be today if it weren't for the early disciples and Dad's kids being willing to give up their "comfort" and spread the Gospel to the world?
       As for people who discourage others from going to a poor mission field: it's one thing not to have the burden, faith or self-sacrifice yourself, but it's another thing to try to dissuade someone else who does. If you must stay behind, offer to go out once a month on an attack day and send whatever you make to that Home on the mission field. Perhaps instead of buying that new, bigger stereo or faster computer, you could send the money to a field like Nepal, where they could use it to print posters in the local language and get the salvation message to thousands. At the very least, be encouraging, respectful and supportive of those who have made that commitment.
       All that to say: A big hurray for people like Paula who have given up the "easy life" in order to live out the Great Commission. It's people like that who make the Family what it is. Go for it! You're tops in my book!
-- Toby (22), Free Zine country


-- 30-word limit

       -- China is calling our family of (nearly) seven! We need nearly $15,000 for our move/home support. Please send donations along with your TRF to Andrew and Katrina (Brazil, BR006).
       -- To financially support the China Mail Ministry, Jeremy and other Chinese brethren, please send your gifts to "Chinese Becky for the China Mail Ministry, in care of PACRO."
       -- Small Home pioneering island of Mauritius seeking adoption. Low cost of living. Will work closely with sister Home. E-mail: alvin@bow.intnet.mu. Add: PO Box 113, Curepipe, Mauritius. -- Michael and Lydia.

open forum -- the generation connection

(From Jenna:)
Here go your thoughts, ideas and tips on the melting of the generations! To refresh your memory, here were the original questions. Thanks for responding! -- And it's great knowing who wrote in; thanks to those of you who shared your names with us all!

       1) Young people, how do you overcome familiarity with your parents or other adults?
       2) Adults, any tips on how to relate better to young people, or gain their respect?
       3) Young people, any tips on how to relate better to the adults, or gain their respect?
       4) Adults and young people, what is the most important thing that you would like the "other generation" to understand about you?
       5) Have you found any "keys" to resolving generational differences? Has your Home been able to successfully "merge generations?" Share your tips with all!

       If we work alongside the adults and prove we're here because we want to be here by pulling our weight, they'll see us as mature and responsible disciples. It will help them to trust and respect us, and realize that a good majority of us aren't just "here for the b eer." Young people like to do fun and crazy things, and sometimes adults may see it as foolish and immature. But if we balance this out by giving the adults the respect they deserve, and by being serious when it's time to be serious, it will help them to remember how it feels to be young, wanting to assert your individuality, defy convention, and be radical and spontaneous.
-- female (17), USA

       The adults who gained my respect easily were the ones who were able to admit their faults and take the blame for things they did wrong. I had a harder time taking correction or advice from adults who brushed aside, laughed off or ignored obvious mistakes they made.
       Some years back I had an adult blow his top at me for something I did wrong. If he would have left it at that, I don't think I would have ever listened to him again. But later he apologized for how he had acted and confessed that he should have been more loving in correcting me. Because he did that, it gave me a genuine respect for him, and I had no trouble getting along with him from then on.
       I think adults and teens could get along much better if they were more open about each other's faults. It's when we try to cover them up in a self-righteous way that the walls of generational differences grow and we lose our respect for each other.
-- F., (15) Africa

       The most important thing we adults can do to better relations between the two generations is to learn to listen and treat the younger ones with respect. The W ord tells us that the young people deserve our respect for many reasons: They are fighting a heavy spiritual warfare that we adults don't even understand, and they have a very special anointing, even if they haven't come to recognize it yet. Our responsibility as adult members -- to quote an old saying -- is to "help them realize their potential."
       It reminds me of the movie "Renaissance Man," in which the boy always believed his father had died a hero, and finally got to be there when the trut h was presented to all that his father had truly died as a war hero. Even if our kids don't necessarily respect us or see us as heroes now, one day, when the crowns are handed out, they will. But do they have to prove that respect for us now, when they have so many other worries? Are we adults so insecure that we need lots of respect to help us believe in ourselves?
       Though sometimes difficult to take, I've learned some of the most valuable things about myself as a result of my YAs "bawling me out." Who else has been observing me my whole adult life, and who can better know my faults, failures and weaknesses than they? Even if they aren't always kind about it, shouldn't I be willing to hear and respect their observations, and won't it help to open a stronger line of communication between us?
-- Lynn Clear, Bolivia

       I would like for adults to be more understanding of the need for young people to try out new things. Unlike most adults, we young people are not settled down yet, and w e still have lots of experimenting to do. Lots can and should be learned from the mistakes of others, but sometimes it's nice to have a little elbow space and to be able to try something yourself without any strings attached. Of course we'll make mistakes, but that's how you develop tastes, likes, and even personality. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
       Along the lines of respect: I think everyone should have a mutual respect for each other, and not listen more to what an adult would say, as co mpared to someone who is from the second generation. I think we should give everyone a fair shot. You might be surprised at what we all can do together.
-- Mike Eric (16), Romania

       I admire the adults for all they do for the Lord, but sometimes they expect us to have the same priorities that they have, and to a certain extent (for me), that is virtually impossible. But I'm learning to see things through their eyes and am trying to understand their feelings. It's not the easiest for me, but b y the grace of God I will learn slowly.
-- 16-year-old, Europe

       I am an adult who has spent most of my time in the Family working in childcare. During the last few years, I often had difficulty working with the SGAs on an equal level. I couldn't figure out why, but it just wasn't flowing and the younger people were frustrated. I felt bad and really wanted a victory.
       A few years ago, I decided that I needed a change in my life and I began working more outside the Home. I accepted the job he re of pioneering the slum project in Sao Paolo with Paulo (Moises, 20). He had been working in CTP ministries for over four years, and I didn't have much experience. So when Paulo and I started working together, I naturally took a lower seat in many of the decisions and followed his ideas. I found that yielding to Paulo's ideas and following his counsel was a real key in us having a balanced working relationship. I have learned to enjoy the fact that I don't have all the answers.
       I realized th at in my latter years in childcare, I felt so responsible to have everything go perfectly, and consequently got pushy with my own plans and quenched the initiative of the YAs. It's obvious that the Lord took me out of a comfortable ministry to learn the needs of the second generation -- what makes them tick and produce and be inspired.
-- Catherine, Brazil

       I've learned over the years that no one is perfect! I think it would help if we could all learn to cut each other some slack sometimes, and remember that everyone has some secret battle or trial almost all the time! -- Tolerance. If we could learn to accept people: "grouchy" adults, "fritzed-out" teamworkers, "out-to-lunch" teenagers, or "bratty" kids with a little more patience and understanding, putting ourselves in their place, life would be easier to cope with.
       Believe it or not, most of my best friends during my "growing-up" years have been adults! I guess it just takes a little sacrifice of our time to become special to a confusing teen. By God's grace and that sample, I'm going to try my best to be that person to someone else. To the adults who took time with me and made me feel special: Your efforts definitely paid off. And you know? I consider my Mom to be one of my best friends!
-- Amendoa L. (20), Brazil

       One auntie who was rejoining from TS status tried to behave really good around us. She expected our behavior to be a photocopy of the Letters, and when we weren't like that (coming-near-to-perfection teens), she got very disappointed about us. Then she saw that we were just normal teens who had dreams and hopes just like she did when she was young, and that we liked doing crazy things, having parties and fellowshipping with other young people. So she began to take us on witnessing activities, out for fellowships, etc. We felt we could talk to her and ask her about things we didn't understand.
       Sometimes us teens just need an adult to take time with us, to love us, and to consider us as disc iples. Recently I've heard some adults make rather unloving comments about us teens, and it really hurts. Maybe that teen is really trying to give his/her best, and then an adult makes a cutting remark, and it can really blow your day. We need more love and understanding in our Homes -- not only the adults toward the young people, but also us young people toward the adults.
-- Miriam (17), a planet

       Our teens and JETTs need love and assurance from parents and the older generation. The Lord c onvicted me, as I more often tend to correct them on their NWOs, and I know I need to show more outgoing love, interest and concern.
       We, the first generation, need to trust, love, respect and even admire our younger generation for the many battles and testings they go through. On the other side, I also believe that our second generation members need to look to the older generation with respect and admiration as well, for many of the victories won, lessons learned, and different revolutions tha t we partook of in helping to pioneer the Family.
       A key to more unity between generations would be a mutual admiration society! If we all were willing to give more of the Lord's love to one another, and appreciate and respect one another, I am sure that would be a good foundation and building block to establish close unity between the generations.
-- Jim (of Lily), Turkey

       Overcoming familiarity: When I look at my parents and other adults' photo albums, I think, Hey! They were just like me ! -- Weird Jesus freaks hooked on winning the world. -- And hearing about all those tough training courses, the RNR, pioneering the world, etc. -- They knew what they were getting into, and they've been through a lot to be where they are today. It's admirable.
       How to gain adults' respect: I've never had much problem with "the gap." Adults can make some of the best friends. I'd say show yourself worthy by faithfulness with responsibilities, decisions, etc.
       Understanding each other: We may be unrealistically idealistic and a little (or a lot!) naïve. We're young! Sure you can give us your advice, but more often than not, we've gotta try it for ourselves.
-- Joanna Claire (YA), Vladivostok, Russia

       I lived for a while in a Home where the generations were pretty well merged. I think a key was that we all considered each other as equals in our jobs for the Lord. The adults wanted to hear our opinions at Home Councils, and put our ideas into practice. That's one thing I like: for the adults to consider us young people part of the decision-making process, and also come to us for ideas and counsel. In that particular Home, some of the adults didn't have the gift of prophecy, so they would ask one of us to hear from the Lord.
       One thing I would like adults to understand about me (and all young people) is that although I've grown up in the Family, I have grown up. Some adults seem to consider me as a child still, and prefer telling me what to do rather than asking, like they w ould another adult.
-- a female YA, Czech Republic

       Us young people often expect more from the adults than we do from ourselves. Often we want the adults to give us more space and opportunities to stand on our own, etc., but how much space are we giving them? How much are we giving them to build their trust on? They may already feel like we're taking over in some ways. As young people, we owe them our respect no matter if they're right on every issue or not; as if it wasn't for their forsaki ng all and starting the Family, none of us would be here.
       Another thing we should remember is how privileged we are to have the kind of adults we have in the Family (in comparison to System adults), and how well they put up with our crazy ideas, changes, and characteristics. Look at how well they've adapted! I think it's very commendable.
-- Dita (16), USA

       Adults and teens getting along together? -- It all comes down to love and humility; being able to accept things from each other withou t getting offended! I really don't like being told what to do. In fact, it completely turns me off! But, when someone asks me to do something, boy, I'll do it -- even if just for the sake of seeing the person that asked me happy! I know we teens can be a real pain in the brain, but the adults must realize that they too were once teens, and we need a lot of understanding, shepherding and most of all patience.
       This isn't a complicated problem to solve. It's not that we teens need to do any big t hing to gain the adults' respect. It's just a matter of we respect them, and they in turn will respect us! Respect is simply love, and love begets love. We are a Family of love, aren't we? Thanks to all you adults for putting up with us teens! And I think I can say for all of us, we'll be doing our best to "merge generations"!
-- Ruth (17), Portugal

CVC accolades

       The CVC sounded great, but after a few hours of sitting down with the book and feeling unclear as ever, I realized that it was not a good idea to try to read this book in reverse. So without skipping around, I began at page one and it landed me where I am today; buried in the most impressive certificates and diplomas. Some of which you've probably never heard of -- well, almost.
       Having experience -- past, present and continuing -- in childcare, I hit the EDU department first. The 240 hours of practical experience took about five weeks, having one of the SGAs act as VTO (Vocational Training Overseer), signing all my e ntries as they were completed. Since there is no limit to the number of courses you can start, why stop there? I cruised into four of the available departments: BUS, OS, COM and ART. This started looking like a lot of stuff to fit into my free time, but I came to a workable solution -- the Survival course! No, just kidding. It gets to be a lot of fun once you know where you're heading with the program and how to get there.
       A tip: Try working from a folder (instead of the CVC book) and keep tra ck of all your progress in one impressive package, by dividing it into the different departments.
       Signing off as a satisfied student -- with a thank you to those who must've spent a lot of time putting this together. It's terrific! Best wishes to all counterparts in the CVC endeavor.
-- Esther (17, of Peter and Mary Heart), Thailand

       Being in a Third World country, sometimes it's difficult to find good training facilities or outside school programs for us young people to attend [for the vo cational training to earn a CVC diploma]. The Lord inspired us with the idea to ask one of our friends in the automotive repair business if he wouldn't mind the teens coming from time to time to help in the shop, sort of like an apprentice job. We've begun going one day a week as part of our schedule, and spend the day working alongside the mechanics in the garage. We young people are very thankful for this opportunity, and we feel we are really learning something that supplements our CVC and CL E courses.
       -- Aaron Shondo (17), Pakistan

       (From the Home Teamwork:) This opportunity has been a blessing for our YAs. They feel that we are trying to make a way for them to get what they need in their schooling. Besides this, they also have two nights each week dedicated to school, which has helped them to be more challenged in other areas of the Home.

       I'm starting to get the hang of the CVC, and am finding that there is so much you can do with it! I began with the Educational inventor y, and decided to go for some certificates. I chose childcare, babycare and music, plus some in the Christian studies section. There's lots to read, and certain certificates will take me longer than others, like the music section. I'll have to play 120 hours of guitar! I'm sure looking forward to these certificates, though! I'm starting to put together different portfolios with corresponding photos, forms and all. It's nice to get credit for the things you do too, ha! I'm quite excited about the CVC!
-- Libby (14, of Caleb and Marie), Thailand

       In order to start the CVC program with the teens in our Home, I had to dive in myself and try it out. -- Now I'm hooked! Some young people think they are going to have to relearn everything, or are not turned on if after a long day, their nights are scheduled for CVC study. When I got my first certificate, I was thrilled and started telling them about it. This began to whet their appetite and get them interested.
       We worked it out for each teen, YA and SGA in our Home to have a half-a-day per week slotted for CVC. This has shown them it's something that we feel is worth setting aside time for. It's beautiful to see them excited about the CVC course. They're realizing that they can receive a wonderful education in the Family, and that they don't have to go out to the world to get an "education."
-- From Elise, USA

       My son became a junior teen this month, and began the CVC program. Before, he wasn't very interested in learning v ocational skills, as he wanted to concentrate on his scholastics. Now, since he is able to get CVC credit for vocational projects, he is eager to learn more and is a blessing around the Home, helping more cheerfully in various Home duties such as cooking, typing, etc.
-- Dawn (of David), Thailand

       The CVC is very easy to follow. I usually take one subject a day, and before I go to sleep, I study for one hour. Though I am a Russian national and finished System school, I found this program far more "educational" than a System one. The Christian studies are giving me a wonderful opportunity to have a better knowledge of the Word and putting it into practice makes of me a better tool in the Lord's hands.
-- Philip (20), Siberia

       Our teens want to study to come up to a certain level, and at first they were looking totally toward the more "established" systems or university, but after going over the CVC, it finally clicked! They are now confident that they can feel "up to standard" w hen being asked about their education.
       The CVC is a gold mine! It has been so inspiring to see the young people digging in and getting their studies through Word time. They are all inspired about being able to get a diploma so easily through the study of the Letters, many of which they have already read. It is a masterpiece!
-- Lily, Piper, Victor and Maria, Mideast

ws news

Up-and-coming wedding bells!

       We're happy to announce that our dear Prime Minister and longtime WS bachelor of 15 years, Gary, is heading down the marriage aisle! He met his lovely bride-to-be, Sharon (24, of Arthur and Becky), then a single mother with three children, in California about nine months ago, while on a GPU business trip. After some months getting to know each other during visits (since they weren't in the same Home), and receiving confirmations on their union via prophecy, they are beginning their Charter engagement period.
       PS.: Not only are they an inter-generational couple, but they are also a ready-made family!

Family Care
       (From Kristy [SGA, of Zeb Geppetto]:)
Another bustling month has gone by at Family Care, as we keep doing what we love best -- pumping out the "New Milk" (a.k.a. "New Wine") for our younger generation!
       We are inspired with how the Lord is helping us to get much of the adult New Wine digested for our young people in the way of new comics! We now have all the steps -- editing, proofreading, illustrating, laying out, and approvals -- flowing smoother than ever, which means you and your kids will continue receiving a steady flow of ready-to-drink New Milk (DV)! PTL!
       At present we have 35 texts in various stages of the pipeline. Coming soon are MLKs with such titles as "The Seven Spirits Prophecy," "The Lit Library," "The Endtime Race," and HTKs: "I Need Fighters," "Peter the Waterbearer," and many more! Some of the new MLKs will also be flannelgraphs, and some will come with new activity pages.
       Speaking of MLKs, have you ever wondered ho w the acronym "MLK," meaning "MO Letters for Kids," is pronounced? We have heard it pronounced in various ways, so we asked the Lord if He had a preference, and we're glad we did! He said:
       (Jesus speaking:) It's the "milk" in the Dispenser Dream! [See ML #2638.] The Word is the "milk," and the kids will understand that term better. They [the MLKs] are the Words simplified for them, for the kids, and something they can relate to and enjoy. It implies it makes them strong too, and healthy. It sh ows they need to drink it up, not just glance at it, but drink in, believe, "Pisteuo," and grow thereby. 1Peter 2:2 -- the MLKs!
       I want them to fully imbibe the Word, and look forward to it like a yummy snack or shake! Some kids don't like their milk, but they can learn to like it, and the more you give them in all the new ways, the more their appetite will grow and improve, and the better off they will be! Now the kids have all flavors coming--all kinds of new MILKs! Good for you [at Family C are] to be helping out at the "dairy farm" there and for asking Me what to do! Call'm MILKs--as that is what they are! The kids now have milks, and grass and grain too! A whole diet from Me, the great Chef! (End of prophecy.)

Love 'n 'Life

-- By Marv and Misty (just pen names, but at least a handle for you to use)

       Whether you're married or not, you might find this column of interest since ... we all are involved in relationships! -- Relationships or interaction with a mate, a friend, a l over, a parent, a child, a peer, a co-worker. Whatever your case may be, undoubtedly you've at one time or another found yourself in a situation where something seems to have gone awry. What are you going to do about it? Who do you talk to about it? Hopefully, there's someone nearby that you love and trust, and with whom you can talk, counsel and pray, and hear from the Lord with in order to get the answers to your questions and solutions for your problems. Additionally, you're more than welcome to write us with your questions, problems and dilemmas, and the solutions the Lord's given you -- so all can benefit.
       We can't promise to give you the divine key to your personal life, since Marv (FGA) and Misty (SGA) are by no means the new marriage gurus or personal interaction experts of the Family (ha!), but we thought it would be nice to share some different tips and experiences in this column that might be a help to you and others in the Family with questions or problems along this line . Hopefully after seeking the Lord directly for His counsel and searching His Word for answers He's already given, we'll be able to share some general counsel and tips with you on what's good to do, what's bad to do, and what you might find helpful. We're all men and women of like passions, so don't be shy!
       Hopefully, this column can also be an avenue for any of you out there to write in and share solutions that have worked for you, whether in relationships or in your general interactions with others!
       Here's our first scenario:

"My husband, Fred, and I love each other, but recently he seems to be somewhat attracted to one of the women in the Home. I understand this and accept it, as at times I've been attracted to others too. The problem is that he is a bit insensitive to my feelings and seems to spend a lot of time talking about her, which puts me through some trials. How should I handle this?"-- Susie

       One word comes to mind right now. It's a long word, an involved word, b ut a key word when it comes to love, relationships and marriage -- communication. (Trust us, guys, you'll win her heart through it!)
       Communication spells time, love, caring and understanding. In modern-day English, it means that the two of you are going to have to sit down and do some genuine heart-to-heart sharing. You're going to have to ask the Lord to take your own thoughts and emotionally charged feelings and set them aside during the time that you discuss and hear from Him about whatever situation you find yourself up against.
       And it's so important for each of you to pray beforehand. -- To pour out your heart to the Lord in private, because you don't want to hurt your partner unintentionally. You don't want to get together to talk, and have something slip out of your mouth that you'll later wish you hadn't said. So pray to see things as the Lord sees them. Pray for a spirit of calmness and love before you talk about sensitive affairs of the heart.
       Only then should you sit d own and relax together somewhere quiet, and express to each other how you feel. Of course you have to be honest, but you have to be prayerfully honest, and you have to be wise. In this case, Susie, you need to share your heart concerning your insecurity and trials, and Fred, you need to be sensitive to Susie's feelings and communicate with her. Ask the Lord to help you understand her feelings in this situation. And in doing so, you might learn that continually bringing up the situation is not so mething Susie appreciates, as it makes her feel insecure in your love.
       You may think, "Talking about this subject together will only make matters worse!" But if you both truly communicate and seek the Lord together, and make a commitment to put forth the effort to be loving, understanding and patient, then it will bear good fruit and relieve some of the strain and stress. If you'll both be civil, loving and kind about it -- even if the subject matter is painfully difficult -- you'll be amazed at how honest communication and seeking the Lord together for answers and guidance will increase your love and admiration for each other.
       We in the Family have the best possibilities for happy marriages because we have a third mate--Jesus--working with us and strengthening us. But there must be communication--between us and the Lord and between ourselves. Magic doesn't make relationships work; prayer and hard work does. When there are positive results, it is because of two people working toget her in teamwork with the Lord one step at a time.
       "But to do good and to communicate, forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased" (Heb.13:16). Communication does wonders. It's an art. -- Learn to master it, and you'll be on the road to success in any relationship!

rumor mill

I heard a rumor that Mama Maria and other people in her house still FF. Is that true? -- Nick (17), Canada
No. When FFing was banned in 1987 for the entire Family, it stopped for Dad and Mama a nd their household as well.



In Grapevine #18, page one, in the World News section, the Thai WEB site address was incorrect. The correct web address is: http://www.thaifamily.org.

I'm wondering ...

The movie ratings are such a blessing. I was just looking at the 1995 Movie Guide that came out, and in it, it says that WS wants to send one like that out every year. This would be great, as to find one movie rating, you sometimes have to look through 20 or m ore FUNs and Grapevines. --Clair, Poland
(From the movie rating team:)
Yes! We are now working on putting together a new list incorporating not only all the movie ratings that have been printed in the FUNs and Grapevines since the last Movie Guide, but also around 200 additional older titles that are not listed in the 1995 Movie Guide. Please keep this big project in your prayers; we hope to have it out to you within the next couple of months, DV!

I have a question concerning the tw o-thirds majority needed to decide certain Home matters. In a situation where there are, let's say, eight or ten voting members, what is the definition of two-thirds? Do you go up or down? With eight Home members, would two-thirds be six, or would it be five? Or with ten Home members, would it be six or seven? -- Cephas, Russia
Two-thirds majority means a minimum of two-thirds, so if it's not 67%, it's not two-thirds. So the answer is that you would round up. If six out of ten Home members vote a certain way, that's only 60%, which is less than two-thirds. So with ten people, seven would constitute a two-thirds majority, not six. With eight members, since five is only 62%, to get a two-thirds majority you would need six votes.

ideas and tips

Birthday might
       We have collected all our friends' and contacts' birth dates, and send them a card and Daily Might on their birthday. They seem to really appreciate it.
-- Amor de Jesus, Chris Newman and Joy Dove, USA

Specific is he lpful
       When writing want ads in search of a new Home: be specific. Some ads do not give enough information to be able to make a decision. They need to be short and to the point, but it's helpful to send in as much personal information as possible.
-- David, Ruth and Steven, Poland

Save big bucks
       If you have an air-conditioning unit, the filter needs to be cleaned regularly (vacuumed) or replaced weekly. To replace a filter is very cheap, but if it's not cleaned or replaced, the AC will ge t clogged with dust and work very inefficiently, running up your electric bill.
-- Servant (of Seek), USA

now that's funny!

The children's Sunday school class was studying Heaven, and the teacher opened up the discussion by asking if any of the children had any impressions about Heaven.
       Johnny piped up: "Well, Miss Jones, I don't know too much about Heaven myself, but I know my mom is pretty anxious to get There."
       "Really, Johnny, why do you say that?"
       "You see, last night when I wo ke up and went for a drink of water, I passed my parents' room. I heard my mom screaming, 'Lord, I'm coming, I'm coming!' If Dad hadn't been on top of her trying as hard as he could to push her back down, I think she would have gone straight up through the ceiling!"
-- courtesy of Mary, Taiwan

true accounts

       After receiving several notices about software to be used to run the HomeARC, one exasperated mother wrote in: "I don't get it. Isn't 'software' plastic plates, spoons, cups, etc.? Wh at does that have to do with an electronic library?"

       software: computer programs (series of instructions) that control the functioning of a computer and direct its operation.

Stats page:

Country Shiners! -- For the 1st Quarter, 1997 -- Top 30 countries.


430.3       Kazakhstan
330.2       Albania
218.7       Moldava
192.0       Bolivia
158.5       Venezuela
149.9       Ukraine
149.7       Mexico
122.1       Paraguay
101.0       Madagascar
91.8       Colombia
85.8       Croatia
78.8       Tahiti
76.8       India
72.2       Philippines
6 0.7       Chile
55.8       Russia
53.2       So. Africa
48.8       Zimbabwe
43.4       Romania
42.9       Ecuador
41.2       Italy
36.5       Brazil
35.6       Peru
29.7       Belgium
28.2       Guatemala
23.3       Costa Rica
23.1       United Kingdom
20.1       Thailand
18.5       Vietnam
17.5       Mauritius


9,053       Kazakhstan
7,146       Estonia
4,769       Moldava
2,067       Ukraine
1,903       Lithuania
1,831       Russia
1,497       Namibia
908       So. Africa
708       Czech Republic
652       Portugal
583       Poland
496       Romania
451       Puerto Rico
445       Slovakia
395       Paraguay
384       Zimbabwe
350       USA
304       Ireland
299       United Kingdom
288       Belgium
287       Mexico
262       Albania
259       Japan
247       Italy
207       Croatia
204       France
204       Bolivia
194       Slovenia
168       New Zealand
151       India


108.8       Costa Rica
53.5       Belgium
52.5       Portugal
51.8       Guatemala
49.2       Philippines
44.1       Spain
36.9       Albania
31.8       Colombia
30.6       Paraguay
30.2       Taiwan
29.9       Czech Republic
28.5       Italy
26.8       Switzerland
26.7       Chile
23.3       Mexico
22.5       Indonesia
21.2       Puerto Rico
19.0       So. Africa
18.2       Nepal
17.9       Bolivia
17.7       Br azil
17.2       Venezuela
17.0       Thailand
16.4       Slovenia
15.6       Peru
13.6       India
13.4       Ecuador
13.2       Zimbabwe
13.0       Croatia
10.0       Russia


46.0       Namibia
36.0       Paraguay
32.6       Ecuador
30.7       So. Africa
25.4       Kenya
22.4       Taiwan
17.9       Bolivia
16.7       Hong Kong
16.0       Zimbabwe
15.7       Colombia
15.1       Slovenia
14.9       Peru
13.7       Venezuela
13.0       Brazil
11.9       Sweden
11.5       Mauritius
10.6       Pakistan
10.4       Costa Rica
9.7       Malaysia
9.5       Indonesia
9.2       Belgium
7.2       Thailand
7.1       Nigeria
7.0       Philippines
7.0       It aly
7.0       Palestine
6.7       Chile
6.5       India
6.1       Poland
6.0       Greece

Time in the Family -- YEAR GROUPS

135       1.4%
3,055       31.6%
4,074       42.1%
2,418       25.0%
Total       9,682       100.0%


3,861       39.9%
659       6.8%
1,236       12.8%
704       7.3%
3,222       33.3%
Total       9,682       100.0%


1,344       40.6%
299       9.0%
463       14.0%
149       4.5%
1,052       31.8%
Total       3,307       100.0%

Numbers represent percentages of tickmarks checked by Homes in each area to indicate their best Ministries-Supporters.

N.America       17.8       11.9       9.6       6.3       5.9       20.3       0.2       11.3       4.6       12.1
S.America       10.8       16.1       21.6       14.2       4       19.8       0       5.8       2.4       5.3
Europe       5.4       11.1       13.3       11.7       8.3       20.4       0       3.4       11.1       15.3
ME/Africa       5.3       8.8       22.8       14       1.8       21.1       1.8       3.5       12.3       8.8
India Area       0       8       27.6       25.3       0       10.3       0       2.3       25.3       1.1
S.E.As ia       0       7.8       20       26.7       1.1       15.6       0       11.1       12.2       5.6
Pacific       9.6       8.4       9.3       14       5.6       17.7       0       17.4       6.5       11.5
WORLD       10       12       15       13       5       19.1       0       9       8       11


10,364       WORLD

4,585       S.America
1,794       Europe
1,119       Pacific
802       N.America
793       S.E.Asia
788       M.E./Africa
483       India Area

22,452       WORLD

6,914       S.America
5,928       N.America
4,447       Europe
2,054       Pacific
1,817       S.E.Asia
931       India Area
361       M.E./Africa

625,397       WORLD

370,801       Europe
120,560       N.America
47,617       Pacific
41,917       S.America
25,679       M.E./Africa
12,770       S.E.Asia
6,053       India Area

11,734,646       WORLD

4,231,083       Europe
2,719,333       S.America
2,190,546       N.America
1,351,186       Pacific
464,020       M.E./Africa
460,858       S.E.Asia
317,620       India Area


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family