DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
* * *
This was the most outstanding pub of the month, especially since we are not able to have a library due to security. Until now, we have only had two sets of Daily Breads, and the current mailings -- which we must destroy when we're finished reading them. What an answer to our needs and prayers! -- Matthew, Claire, Katrina and Maria, China]
Now it's so easy to dig into the Word. From the youngest to the ad
ults, we are all getting into it and reading many Letters which previously we didn't have in our library. -- Gideon, Tamar, John and Joany, Hong Kong
What a phenomenal work of God! Abigail, our eldest daughter, who is deaf, is learning to use the HomeARC and read the Word. -- Happy and Charity, India]
It's fantastic! We were missing one of the Life With Grandpa books, so we had a children's devotions in front of the computer, and having the illustrations is another blessing. It's a dream
come true to have all this at our fingertips! -- Steven, Angel and Simeon, Thailand
The HomeARC is our redemption. Our library was so limited. It's now arrived -- we love it! Whatta tool!!! -- Timothy, Russia
We use the HomeARC daily: for devotions, mail ministry, parent time and personal Word time! I can't tell you how flipped I am! -- Christie, Ukraine
Excellent search routines! Fast! Thanks to everyone who put together this tremendous tool! A terrific Christmas present! -- Oliver
, Liz and Sam, Ireland
ladies and gents
she said: It's sweet when guys are there when you need them, whether it's to help with a heavy load or just for a hug, and they don't act like it's corny or inappropriate when you ask, even if they might think so. I've known a few guys like that, and their little acts of love and kindness are unforgettable.
One guy was teaching me about the computer. I was a real dumbo at first, but he not only gave me a lot of encouragement, but told me to call hi
m whenever I needed help, no matter what it was. I know I asked a lot of dumb questions, but he never treated me like a dumbo and was always there for me. He also had a heavy workload at the time, but he never minded the calls.
-- anonymous female, Earth
he said: For the last few years I've lived in a part of the world where there are very few Family girls my age, and that has helped me to appreciate them a lot more. The things I used to look for in girls were mainly "looks" and "shape." Tha
t's not to say that I don't look for those things in girls now, but over the past year I've come to realize that, yes, there is a whole lot more to girls than that (Wow! Mega-revelation!). I believe every girl has something beautiful about them, whether it's their eyes, their body, their smile, or their character, although they may not be "the perfect gal." I'd say this is especially true of our wonderful Family girls.
I think many of our boys could benefit from learning that, and the girls wo
uld feel much more loved if the boys at least let them know that there is something about them that they like, though they may not be "in love" with them. LHM, I've hurt a lot of girls because they didn't meet my standards for physical beauty, though they had a lot of other beautiful things about them.
That would be something to try, boys. Take a girl that you don't particularly like or get along with well; list all the things that you find beautiful in her, and make sure you let her know. See
what a difference it makes!
-- YA male, Somewhere out there
she said: I think what some of us girls need is vitamin B -- "Be Natural!"
I've come to the conclusion that if I'm really gonna have someone to love, it's gotta be out of real love, with the knowledge that the guy loves and likes me as I am -- character, looks and all. We're talking about real love here. Since the Lord made me as I am, I'm just going to be happy with that and "be natural!"
As far as excessive plastering of your
face with make-up goes, I think the poor guy would get the shock of his life if he were to see his girl without her paint first thing in the morning! Ha!
-- R. (female senior teen), Europen
mama's mailbox
(Unless we have received prior permission from the author of the letter, only initials will be used in this section.)
Dearest Mama,
I'm so glad you're our "mother hen." When new mailings come in, I have this electric charge and excitement that I can hardly contain. I usually end up
jumping up and down a few times for joy! Each of the Lord's Words are so precious. They answer my questions and fill me. The more you give, the more we want. Sometimes I feel so full that I can't absorb any more, but I want more and more. I want to comprehend them fully, to have them written on the tables of my heart. I read all the GNs at least twice when they first come out, and try to take notes.
I've never done anything "great" for the Lord like win a disciple or any kind of shepherding,
but I've seen the Lord's hand in my life day by day in the little things. Such tender care has often amazed me and I feel unworthy of it. He truly is the best Husband there could be!
-- a female YA, Europe
Dearest Mama,
I love you so much! I want to express how much the New Wine has been changing my heart and life. There's an insatiable longing inside of me for more; the feeling I get is like being in love or super hungry. The Word has pulled me through these past months when I had nothing
else to turn to. Every question was answered one after another as each new batch of mailings came. Please don't let it stop! They're life itself to me.
These past months I've lost many things that I loved dearly, but the Lord in His love and mercy has spared my heart from feeling so badly; instead I began to feel peace and hope. The problems are the same, but it's like He's given me an immunity to the distress and discouragement they can bring.
Thank you for your prayers for me and the prop
hecies you sent a few months ago. I still read them and get more out of them each time. It's all being fulfilled.
-- Keiko (20), Russia
your views on issues
Computer and phone security
(From Abner [CRO]:) Since the Charter, security in general and phone security in particular has been pretty de-emphasized (perhaps too much in some cases). With our Homes becoming more open, we have made some good changes which have allowed us to operate, grow and change with the '90s. At the same ti
me, we've noticed that our younger generation can tend to put down or disregard security concerns as their "paranoid elders" clinging to outdated beliefs. In actuality, we're not the only ones with concerns about privacy issues, encryption and data security, etc. Most corporations, and many organizations and private citizens are.
It seems like we need to make it cool to be secure rather than hanging all of our laundry out for all to see. A lot of young folks are on-line in "chat rooms," and wh
ile they affirm they are mindful to not to say things they shouldn't, it's easy to slip. I have been on-line chatting, and while I agree it has its benefits, it is also difficult to keep under control, just like a live phone call. I imagine it all adds up to a fair amount of information in the files of those who are "listening."
It seems it would be beneficial to educate the Family to the dangers of on-line chatting or e-mail (or live phone calls) so they can be more aware of -- and hence more
concerned -- about security (not to mention the expense). Then it would come more naturally to practice "safe phoning" in their on-line communications.
Liberal or radical?
(From Ruth, [17]:) Since the Charter, it seems some people feel freer to let their children try out things like sweets, candy, chewing gum, etc. If the parents have the faith for this, that's between them and the Lord. But I've seen some more liberal parents show a critical or condemning attitude toward the mor
e "radical" parents -- those who "shtick" to what Grandpa has taught us along these lines.
I'm not a parent, but I think it's hard enough for a parent to try to keep their kids away from sweets, without having someone telling them that they shouldn't be so "radical"! It's one thing to let kids "try" something, but to completely open the doors to these tooth-rotters is being a bit too radical to the wrong side, in my opinion!
True bellwethering
(From a VS:) I was encouraged to see the
appeal given in the delegates' meeting videos to the YAs and SGAs to shepherd the younger generation being taken seriously by those in one city we just visited.
One YA said that she wanted prayer against going overboard with sports. She's a sports lover -- loves to play football, basketball and all other sports -- but confessed that this had carried over into too avid an interest in both playing and watching sports on TV. She began getting into the sports page of the paper, the news at night,
knowing the latest on all the players, etc. This love for sports is something a lot of us get tempted with, especially in the States where sports is everywhere.
Seeing her younger brothers and sisters imitating her was the thing that convicted and made her want to reassess what she was spending her time on. She realized that the legacy she was leaving her younger brothers and sisters was mainly that of sports, and it wasn't enough. She stopped for the sake of the kids and tried to spend time
with them in other ways: getting in the Word, praise times, etc., and her relationship with them began to change quickly. That seems a good example of real bellwethering.
Sign of the Son
(From Happy [Simon Peter]:) This Space City sighting by the Hubble telescope is far-out and thrilling (see GN 711)! This could be the beginning of all kinds of visible proof of the Heavenly Kingdom. The book of Revelation is full of angels coming down from Heaven and flying around the Earth, warning
people of what is about to happen; these angels certainly sound literal and visible.
It says the AC is going to "open his mouth in blasphemy against God and them that dwell in Heaven" (Rev.13:6). Why would the AC be blaspheming God, Space City and its inhabitants, if it was not visible to all, or known by all to exist? This seems to paint a picture during the Last Days of Space City and/or angels possibly being visible in the Heavens. This then makes the rebellion of the wicked who follow the
AC completely blatant and inexcusable.
It says in Revelation 17 that the AC and the ten kings "shall make war with the Lamb." It's pathetic to think they believe man's weapons would be any match against the Lord, but maybe Space City being visible in the physical realm leads them to believe that the Heavenly forces can be destroyed by physical means.
now that's funny!
Four engineers were cruising along the highway, when, for no apparent reason, the engine stopped and they coasted to a h
alt on the side of the road. They began musing amongst themselves what the problem could be.
The driver was a mechanical engineer. "I think the problem might be in the gear box," he said. The next was an electronics engineer. "No, I believe your battery must have short-circuited," he argued. The third was a chemical engineer. "Maybe it has something to do with the fuel composition," he questioned. The fourth was a computer engineer. He simply said, "Why don't we all get out of the car, get bac
k in, and try again?"
-- courtesy of Darren (21), WS
what's up?
Through your help
(From Becky, for the China Mail Ministry:) We want to express our gratitude and thankfulness, as your help has enabled our China Mail Ministry to upgrade our equipment. Thank you also for taking the extra step to help Jeremy get out of his difficult situation. (Editor's note: Jeremy is being punished by the government with a huge fine, due to having a second child, which is forbidden in China. See G
rapevine #9 for the full story.) We've been forwarding your support to him, and this has enabled him to pay 10% of his debt so far. Your prayers have encouraged Jeremy's faith and have comforted his heart.
(Excerpts from Jeremy's recent letters:) "My family and I really appreciate all of you, our dear brothers and sisters, who supported us so sacrificially through your prayers and donations. It has been a tremendous blessing. The Word of God has been such a strength to us and encouraged us to
have faith in Him to face our broken lives.
"We also want to thank you for the milk and children's needs you sent us. My four-year-old daughter asked, 'Daddy, where did these gifts come from?' I said, 'They came from the uncles and aunties who believe in Jesus!' 'Where do they live?' she asked. I pointed my finger to the East and said, 'From there!' She looked at the morning sun and thought for a while, then said, 'Oh! I know! They live with the sun!' What a lovely answer, and how true!"
eting celebrities
(From Andrew, Annie Grace and Maria:) We sell vegetables weekly from Andrew's family's farm, and at the same time personal witness to the many people who come to buy fresh produce.
Andrew had a chance to send a package of lit to Elizabeth Taylor when a sweet lady came by our stand asking Andrew to pray over the flowers she was taking to a woman caring for a sick friend. Andrew showed this lady our Reflections about faith, and a poster of Heaven. She exclaimed, "Oh, thi
s is just what I needed for Ms. Taylor! Thank you so much!" We also met and witnessed to "Doc" (Christopher Lloyd) from Back to the Future when he came by looking for pumpkins.
Calling -- for men!!
(From Keiko, Masha, Maria, Sveta:) "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land" (Eze.22:30).
Many of us YA/SGA women in Russia are feeling the need for more young guys to help us get the job done. The guys that are here
are few and far between, and in high demand in nearly every Home.
It's difficult to accomplish certain things because of the lack of men -- and their gifts and talents -- that play such a vital role in a Home. For example, going on the road with just girls won't do in Russia. Traveling is hard, and so is doing shows because we lack musicians; or fixing up our Homes because we lack a handyman. -- And many other things.
Some of us are getting weary in well doing from carrying a big load on our
little shoulders and we miss the support of your strong arms around us to help us. Summer is on its way, and any challenge-seekers will find challenge here in Russia. We'll make a great team together and do our best to take good care of you -- in every way!
Missions day
(From a Home in New York:) Once a week we have a "missions day." On that day our devotions is about missionaries, the kids' schooling is about missionaries, prayer vigil is for missionaries, etc. The children have "ado
pted" other children on the mission fields of China and Russia whom they are pen pals with; they also send them monthly gifts, and use that day to write them. We have begun approaching our contacts, giving them the vision to not only help our work here, but to help towards the work in other fields. This has been an inspiring turn of events in our Home and is very exciting.
New van - new studio
(From the Indonesian Service Home:) On a recent prayer day, we asked the Lord to supply
the remaining $12,500 of the $20,500 needed for the new van that we'd been saving towards for a year. Soon the donations started rolling in: $500, $800, several donations of $1,000, and $3,000 from a friend who got an unexpected bonus at work! Now we only needed another $5,000 to get our van. We could almost smell the new paint! -- Ha!
Then our main supporter got his yearly bonus, and, since we had asked him to help towards the van as well as recording equipment for our local studio, he gave
us $5,000 for the van and another $6,000 for studio equipment! Soon we were driving a 1996 Isuzu diesel van! It has been a tremendous blessing to the work and a proof of what the Lord can and wants to do to supply for His children!
By this time, we had begun building our local language studio. The Lord supplied sheet rock, plywood, insulation, glass, electrical wiring, light fixtures, etc. We met two men who said they would help us in selecting the proper recording equipment, with the best dis
counts in the country. We again went to the Lord and pledged that if He provided the funds, we'd use it to build the best little studio we could for getting the tools out in the local language. About this same time our king gave us $6,000, which was the bulk of what we needed to begin purchasing the equipment.
We went out by faith that day to get the equipment, but were still $1,000 short. While driving downtown we got a message on our pager to call home. Sure enough, one of our supporters sai
d she would give us $1,000 for the studio, not even knowing how much we still needed! Wow! We rolled over to our friend's house and joyfully and thankfully picked up the rest of the funds. We are now set up and the Lord is doing wonderful things to get out our beautiful music in Indonesian to 150 million very receptive people.
Giving university lectures
(From Gideon:) Through a series of events, we met a young Muslim business executive and director of a large business administrati
on college who was so impressed with our witness and the material we shared with him that he asked if I would give a series of eight two-hour lectures to 100 or so students (ages 18-27) on the theme of "Effective Leadership."
He gave me free rein to conduct the course, and the students gained credit for their Human Resource Development requirements. He paid us for each lecture, as a contribution to our work. We have already done four lectures which were well received, using material from our F
amily pubs, management books, and clips from our videos to illustrate lessons about teamwork and communication, etc.
We have found this to be a fantastic way to witness and reach these young intellectuals, so we are considering approaching other educational institutions to see if they are interested in our seminars.
Probation warning
(From a Home teamwork:) Getting a warning from the VSs to meet the Charter requirements or be put on probation was actually a victory for us. Instead of
making excuses of why we couldn't get enough Word time, we started concentrating on giving the kids the two hours per day requirement. It was hard at first, but after a few weeks, they are getting more used to the sound of, "It's Word time!" We're praying that this added Word will cause each of them to grow closer to the Lord.
letters to the editor
I wanted to congratulate L.V. in India on what he/she said on the topic of love (Grapevine #15), that age doesn't make any difference if you
really love the person. For me it was never a question of age. In fact, most of my girlfriends have been older than me, some even up to four years. Look at Peter and Mama. She's older than him, and I'm sure it didn't make one bit of difference, since it was the Lord's will. "What God hath put together, let no (age) put asunder."
-- male (16), Europe
I noticed that in some of the supply testimonies, exact figures were quoted. I felt this was worthy of some caution, and it may be something to
keep in mind when sending in testimonies.
-- Philip Martin, Belgium
(Editor's note: Please be mindful of this when sending in your testimony to the Grapevine. If due to your local situation or security, you would rather exact figures not be quoted, please do not include them in the testimony. However, if you have the faith for it, then we're sure the specifics are an inspiration to all, and more clearly testify to the Lord's provision! Mt.9:29!)
movie ratings
Movies Rated for Senior
Teens and Up
Johnny Depp, Al Pacino
Intense drama/character study based on the true story of an FBI agent who infiltrates the Mafia in order to gather information on their activities. Some scenes of extremely graphic violence; not for the faint-hearted.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
LIAR, LIAR (1997)
Jim Carey, Justin Cooper
Comedy about a lawyer -- a habitual liar with a history of broken promises to his young son -- who is bound by the boy's birthday
wish to tell only the truth for 24 hours. Contains some crude and foul language in places, but also has a good message and lessons.
Tim Curry, Jennifer Grey
Romantic comedy about one of Cupid's assistants, who is assigned to bring a young couple together and then to help them stay together. Good relationship lessons.
Jessica Lange, Halle Berry, Marc John Jeffries
Tense emotional drama involving a custody case between a white family who adopted
an abandoned crack baby, and the rehabilitated black mother who wants her son back. Many interesting points for discussion.
REBECCA (1940)
Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine
Psychological thriller, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, about a young bride who finds her wealthy husband still living in the haunting shadow of his first wife, who is dead. (Black and White)
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
ALASKA (1996)
Thora Birch, Vincent Kartheiser, Charlton Heston
Adventure drama about two young
teens who embark on a search for their father after his plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness. Some bad attitudes could be discussed. It would also be good to explain to young viewers the real-life risks of being in that type of survival situation and around polar bears, which are portrayed as friendly animals in the movie but are actually dangerous carnivores.
Fran Drescher, Timothy Dalton
Romantic comedy about a beautician who is hired to educate th
e children of an East European dictator.
Movies Rated for MCs and Up
Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds
Musical/comedy set in the 1920s when Hollywood first began the transition from silent movies to movies with sound.
Non-Recommended Movies
LITTLE RASCALS, THE (Travis Tedford, Bug Hall; 1994)
RELIC, THE (Penelope Ann Miller; 1997)
rumor mill
Q: I heard that some of the PACRO VSs gave the teens permission to listen to System music as l
ong as they read the Word. I was wondering if that is true or not.
-- Michelle (13), Thailand
A: (From the PACRO Office and VS team:) As far as we know, the VSs have never given permission to any of the young people to listen to System music. One possible way this rumor may have started is from a teen meeting here, where we held a question and answer session.
One question the teens had was whether or not they could listen to System music. We answered by saying that the answer to that questio
n was already pubbed in the "New Music for a New Day" GN, and that it would be up to them personally and their Home to vote on what, if any, non-Family music they could listen to.
We encouraged them to stick to what the Lord said in the "Three Wells" prophecy -- that those who want to serve the Lord in the Family should refrain from letting any ungodly influences into their lives, through music or any other source. We explained that we could neither give nor deny them permission, as that was a
choice that they and their Home would have to make.
Q: We have read that Juan (CRO) and Carmen are married. We are wondering if this is Carmen (SGA) seen on the Summit videos, or is it someone else?
-- Jonathan (16), ASCRO
A:You're right! This is Carmen (SGA) seen on the Summit videos. Juan and Carmen are married, and were just blessed with their second child, Carmen Marice.
Q: I heard that the Family met Michael J. Fox and he wanted to join the Family, but then we counseled him to sta
y as a king. Is this verified?
-- Taiwan
A: Dunno! We haven't heard anything about it.
fruitful fields
* Madagascar -- This could be your place! The people are of a Catholic background and are very receptive. After Peace and our Malagasy live-out won 30 souls in one hour, our goal is the worldwide soul shiner list! Not essential to speak French; Malagasy is easy to learn. We need laborers! -- Eman and Peace
* Turkey -- Though a Muslim country, it is quite open, with cities untouched s
ince the days of the Apostle Paul. If you would like to work with us in close counsel and cooperation, then Turkey may be your cup of chai … I mean tea! Write today. Perhaps you can help with our summer road team vision. Send clearance requests for Turkey via the ASCRO Office.
* Vietnam -- There is a team of only 11 in this promising country. The opportunities seem limitless! Vietnam is much like some cities in China; however, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is being modernized rapidly. Peo
ple are simple, hungry for the truth and spiritually receptive. The only limit to CTP opportunities is time and personnel. Is Vietnam calling you?
ws news
In mid-April, Peter, James and Rebecca arrived safely in Thailand from Japan. God bless the Thai Family, who provisioned rooms in a nice hotel where Peter and team could rest for a few days, in order to recuperate and get some needed rest and refilling after their very full and busy visit to Japan.
Peter and team visited the ASCRO off
ice, and held meetings with the NPC, PPC, Lit-Pic, FED and office teams. These included "strengthen the structure" meetings to discuss ways of servicing the Family better and what adjustments need to be made to our (WS) procedures in order to make their jobs easier and more streamlined so that they can do more for you, our Family! Peter also held a three-day meeting with the ASCRO teamwork, and was able to visit some of the nearby Homes for a time of fellowship and further meetings, both with th
e Homes as well as with the children's groups.
(Peter:) I am incredibly impressed with the Family here in Thailand. In my travels I have heard a number of people comment on how "conservative" the Family here is. I've had people tell me that the ASCRO area is like the "pre-Charter days," that no one has any rights, that leadership runs everything and tells everyone what to do and that the young people are "naive" and "behind the times" and are "so spiritual." Well, I've got news for you, that's
not what I have found at all! I've found very dedicated missionaries who have the vision to reach the Thai people. The young people seem happy and full of the Spirit. They are inspired with the work they do; they are used mightily and are very needed.
I asked them about the so-called "restrictions," like not being able to have long hair or wear earrings, etc. Every one that I talked to explained that long hair, earrings, the "grunge" look and many other Western actions, activities and attitud
es are not well received by the people of Thailand. When they hear that our people are missionaries and volunteers, they look at them like they do the Buddhist monks, and they expect them to hold to a very high standard. In order to reach these people with the Gospel, the Family needs to have a high standard, so they willingly forgo some of the things that others in other countries can do, for the sake of preaching the Gospel. If that is being "spiritual," then as far as I'm concerned, I wish mo
re of our young people elsewhere would be "spiritual."
Our missionaries in the ASCRO area work in very conservative countries which do not accept Western ways. They are not, for the most part, Christian countries, and they have strong Eastern cultures. These countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Burma, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, the Mid-East and Turkey, require dedicated missionaries to reach the people. Those there must adapt to the local culture, they must "bec
ome one," which in many cases means dressing and acting a bit more conservatively than in Western, Christian cultures.
My experience here is that the Family in this area have become one. Many Family members here, both young and old, speak the language and daily go out to do CTP work, preach the Gospel, follow-up, etc. In order to reach the people they make certain sacrifices, but these sacrifices bear fruit. One sweet sister explained to me that she's talked with other Christians who have trie
d to witness to the Thai people and have had virtually no success, whereas our Homes have great success in reaching them. The difference is that we have become one. The local Family has let go of many Western ways and have adapted to the field, which has won the hearts of the local people.
So the next time you hear that the ASCRO area is so conservative, perhaps you can look at it in a positive light rather than a negative one. Realize that those there are sacrificial missionaries who have mad
e a decision to reach their field no matter what the cost, even if it means no long hair, no earring, no "cool" styles, and less "freedoms." They are doing the job, they are reaching their area, they are preaching the Gospel and they are becoming all things to all men in order to win them. My hat is off to them! (end of comment from Peter)
King Peter's birthday
(Excerpts from reports from James and Rebecca to Mama:) The Homes here organized some fun united activities during our stay: we exp
erienced some traditional Thai meals, charades, a rap song/dance presentation from the young people, and touching words of appreciation and love.
On Peter's birthday, we visited the Academy Home, as they had prepared a surprise celebration for him (successfully kept a total surprise)! -- A birthday performance fit for a king! First we went on a short tour, then had a nice buffet style dinner, over which various ones shared outreach testimonies.
There were about 80 people in attendance from t
he Academy and nearby Homes for the birthday celebration. The children's singing group performed a couple ofsongs, one in Thai costumes, and presented Peter with flowers and a beautiful card with prophecies from the DF Home. The teen group also performed several well choreographed songs. They originally started out as a "teen singing group," but they now joke that it's become the "young parents singing group" (ha!), as a number of them are mated and have kids!
Then the lights were turned down,
and Joan (Endureth) came out dressed beautifully, and knelt down next to Peter and held his hand. She read your beautiful letter to Peter. (Note: Mama had sent Joan a personal birthday letter to Peter, which she requested that Joan read to him during this birthday evening.) As she read your letter, Mama, most people were moved to tears by the beautiful and tangible love felt in the spirit. It was such a beautiful evening!
Peter and team also visited three other Homes in Bangkok. At each Home,
Peter held a meeting to share some prophecies the Lord has given for the ASCRO area, and for Thailand in particular. All were touched by the sweet messages of love the Lord gave. Each Home shared about their ministries, and it was exciting to hear how they are so faithfully reaching the precious Thai people. (end of excerpts from reports to Mama)
Peter, James and Rebecca headed back home at the end of April. Thank the Lord for His wonderful protection during this fruitful visitation trip. Ple
ase pray for Peter and team, who are tired and worn after two months of traveling and pouring out continually. They depend on your prayers!
-- News and Do's from the GPU's!
Now we all here at the G. P. U.
Wanna take a little time to share with U
How the Lord is a-workin', oh yes He is!
How the pubs R a buddin', and so is the biz!
We're gettin' great ideas from our Fam out there
The likes of which you ain't heard nowhere!
And we're cookin' things up and prayin' a storm
in' out which ones we can readily form.
We're busy advertisin' your CTPs and good works
We're starting to raise funds, oh, we're workin' like Turks!
Showin' all the Lord's wonders that He's doin' through you
So others can start sharin' and supportin' you too!
In the meantime, yes, there'll be stuff comin' out!
Now that the foundation is laid round-about
So the Word can be rolled, clear and free from all snags
And soon you'll be totin' new tools in your bags!
There's book
number 1, about the signs of the times
Man, it's gonna really rock 'em, give sight to the blind!
And opus number 2 will also make it to you
'Bout Heaven and love beyond, gonna comfort and soothe!
And then there's other stuff comin', in the pipeline now,
Far-out tools that are really a wow!
More books will be comin' like new number 3
'Bout teens and relatin', gonna set'm all free!
We're also doing marketing, surveys, and more
Bro, there are oodles of new projects in store!
From videos re-packaged and revamped for today
To catalogues and brochures for a brand New Day!
But please bear with us, as this ain't no picnic
We're sorting out copyrights (and prayin' for the vic!)
But we're gonna make it, come highwater or, well,
-- Let's just say we'll fight 'til the bell!
So bye for now, we love and need you all so!
Your prayers and inspiration just make everything glow!
It's all gonna happen, so let's stay on the wall
'Till His Kingdom's established
, and we hear that last call!
-- Love, Tim -- to U, from the GPU!
(From the GPU team:) Thank you, everyone, for your active participation in this new venture! Our writing team (of two!) is working on finalizing four new booklets. The first is now completed and heading for the production phase, with the second just behind it. We'll also be publishing a third booklet on relating to and communicating with teens, being written by folks at one of our WS production units, God bless 'em!
r "marketing department" has been busy surveying the titles and covers for both these and other books, as well as a new GP tape/CD. Pray for our survey team, who faithfully approach hundreds of potential buyers of all ages and nationalities for their opinions, to see if we're hitting the mark and reaching and appealing to our "target" audience!
[In a box with "beyond gold" cartoon: (From Lily [of Paul], India:) We are a "joined family" with grand total of 12 children, most of them still youn
g. I would appreciate if our large families and veteran mothers could share how the Lord helped them through these different challenges with their many children. Thanks! (Editor's note: Send them in!)]
Destined -- FTT #9
side a
* We Will See the Day: Nat, Emmanuel / Nat / Nat / Produced by Nat
* Days of Preparation: Vas / Vas / Peter A. / Produced by Jon A., Vas
* Upper Road: Katrina L. / Windy / Windy / Guitar by Philip / Produced by Andrew V.
* You Can Make a
Difference: James Servant / James S. / James S. / Guitar by David Hungarian / Produced by Tim Hungarian
* You Will Always Care for Your Own: Hopie / Hopie, Andrew V., Martin / Hopie / Produced by Andrew V.
* Greatest Hour: Jeremy / Ben Canadian / Ben C. / Produced by Jeremy, Nat
* You're My Light: Simon Black / Produced by Byron
side b
* Don't Put Down Your Crown: Jeff, Andrew V. / John Listen / Guitar by Jeff / Produced by Andrew V.
* Golden Seeds: Katrina / Teddy, Nat / Peter A. /
Produced by Nat
* Walk by Faith: Mark T. / Lead guitar by Pedro / Bass guitar by Pedro Mexico / Produced by Mark T.
* Come Fill Me: Peace Livingstone, Daniel / Douglas / Douglas / Guitar by David Hungarian / Keyboards by Douglas / Produced by Tim Hungarian
* His Love Is Worth It All: Francesco / Jerry P./ Jerry P. / Guitar by Makoto / Produced by Francesco
* Lady Maria: Simon Black / Sax by John Listen / Produced by Philly D.
We want to experiment with a new
Grapevine feature. Along with the articles you've sent in, we've received several appeals for support for your various Homes and projects. Until now, we haven't printed any, but we'd like to try to open a little space for people to send in requests for support.
Undoubtedly every Home in the world could send in a legitimate request for support, and if each Home does, this column will not suffice. However, we wanted to create an avenue for your appeals, so we asked the Lord how to do it. Listed
below is what He said in point form. Please use the following as a guideline, should you decide to contribute to this Grapevine section.
-- support appeals must be kept extremely brief
-- we cannot give any guarantees that all will be published
-- those on poorer mission fields have priority over Western countries
-- if you send an accompanying testimony of your work, it may or may not be published, so your appeal for support must be able to stand on its own
-- send in your postal and
e-mail address, so you can be contacted directly
We wish we could publish everyone's full accounts, but as mentioned above, we will have to limit the number of requests we print due to the space factor. If you want your request printed, please keep it under 30 words. Thanks!
If you have already sent in an appeal for support, please re-send it, in accordance with the guidelines above. God bless all of you who will give to those who request. When we prayed about this column, the Lord said that
"giving is the secret to financial security." PTL!
minor improvements
Personal interest in prayer
A few months ago on a Prayer Day we picked out a few prayer requests from the Prayer Flyer that were appropriate for the OCs to pray for. They took time to hear from the Lord and got some encouraging verses for these precious Family members. They each wrote a letter to one of the people, including the verses, and we sent them off.
Many months passed and we forgot about it, but last week w
e received two return letters from these precious ones thanking the children for their prayers and testifying of their healing. The letters came from two different countries, but both arrived on the same day! It was so inspiring to see how much the children's letters meant to them. The kids wrote them back the next day, and hope to start up a pen-pal type correspondence, since one of these was a child their own age.
-- Christina and Mary, Thailand
System school precautions
One outstanding
feature of most of our kids I've met who go to System school is that they are quite into sports. In some Homes the kids ran in from school, threw down their books and said, "See ya later, Mom. I have to go to football practice." Or, "I have to go to music practice" -- or dance practice. And out the door they go. Then they come home later in the evening, do their homework, go to bed, get up very early and they're off again.
I talked to some of the kids, and most of them say they like their scho
ol studies, but they don't really like to go to school. They preferred having school at Home. However, they all say they like the sports, music and the "extras." Most parents admitted that it was easier for them to turn the children's care over to the school and all its activities, even though they struggled with battles that their kids weren't getting enough Family input.
However, as the days and weeks went by, they found themselves less and less concerned about making sure their children mem
orized or read the Word, or prayed regularly. They knew it was important, but because a school schedule can be so demanding, slowly these things were crowded out of the kids' lives.
I suggested to some parents that perhaps on the weekends they could spend extra time in the Word with their children and keep up with their memory and review and witnessing activities. It also seems important to pray with the children before school and have a cleansing prayer when they return home. Before or after
doing homework, the kids could have a time to read something from the Word with their parents, and talk about how the day went at school, their interactions with other kids, etc.
Overall it seemed that once the kids started school, their schedule was demanding enough that everyone got caught up in it, and extra effort needed to be made to make sure the kids were getting their Word input and Family training.
-- Mary MOM, Europe
Back to the basics
The testimonies from the YAs and SGAs abou
t growing up witnessing in the Family were beautiful and very needed (FSM 303). Sad to say, many of our young people have the wrong idea about witnessing these days, seeing it more as just a method to get funds. Where did they get this idea? Yikes! Could it be that we, adults, have been a bad sample?
We heard that in one Home there was a heavy emphasis on shiner prizes for monetary income. Therefore the kids were reluctant to ever give out a tool as a gift or for a lower donation, even if the
person sincerely couldn't give what was asked. In this case, rewarding the kids financially made the children feel that was the reason for witnessing.
These kids have a battle going out witnessing, and don't have a real vision for our work or what the Family is all about. We asked them one time why we were going caroling at Christmas. They answered, "Because we need the money!" Lord help us! We told them that we didn't need the money and that we wanted them to go out for Jesus and let the worl
d know that it was Jesus' birthday, and that we had the posters sponsored. They were so relieved and did really well -- and the Lord also blessed financially!
We are concerned about this problem of the adults teaching the kids or teens to poster and raise funds, but not really teaching them to witness. If the kids don't have a love for the lost, then why would they want to stay in the Family? -- That's what we are all about!
-- an adult woman, USA
The right motivation
We used to give shi
ner prizes to the children [when out witnessing] which helped them to have a physical goal they could aim for. When we recently took time with the Lord, He showed us that the children needed to graduate from that stage. The Lord encouraged us to feed the children the Word more, and to teach and instill in them the true motivation for why we were going out. After we forsook our shiner system the Lord blessed us with more souls, which was encouraging for the kids and adults!
-- Marco, Tabitha and
Tim, Japan
Preparing for the End
One of the major personal benefits of the new Word is the vision to prepare for the End. Probably like other parents, I have asked the Lord many times to show me how to best prepare my kids for the AC events soon to come. Just as I have had to take baby steps in learning how to implement the new spiritual weapons of the New Word, with more prayer, praise, feeding on the Word, loving Jesus and prophecy, He has shown me how to simply employ all these right al
ong with my kids. That's my responsibility to them, and the greatest influence I can be.
Even though I have been somewhat of a "slow bloomer" in some of these areas, I have found my younger kids readily go for it! At nap time I have taken time with them individually to hear from the Lord for their personal situations. They are eager and excited to participate and ask the Lord their questions. We've asked the Lord about their witnessing plans, what kind of pet to get and for encouragement. They
're new bottles, super enjoy it and look forward to more.
I love how prophecy uses all the new ways of praise, claiming verses in prayer, and listening to His whispers. Maybe this is obvious to others, but I've been very encouraged to see and learn that simply following the new ways with my kids is the best Endtime prep -- for us all!
-- Sharon, Family Care
since the Charter ...
In the two years since the Charter, Shiloh and I have been able to do much more witnessing, including a thre
e- month "Shove-Off" witnessing adventure in Russia. We're now working on returning to Russia, and five young people and another adult in our Home are also preparing to go to other fields.
Since the Charter, one of our main means of outreach has been postering, and the Lord has helped us to be a North American "shiner" Home on a number of occasions, and the worldwide poster shiners in September '96! Thank You Jesus!
-- Phil (of Shiloh), USA
When the Charter came out I was scared at first,
because I thought no one would want to work with me, as I had been a shepherd for years and I was sure I had hurt a number of people. However, as time has gone by, I feel happier, freer and more certain than ever that the Charter is right!
Now I go witnessing because I want to, not because I have to. I have more fun with my children and teens. I read the Word because I know that I desperately need it, not because it's "Word time." I love my brethren more now because I deeply appreciate their
commitment to the Lord; because they have chosen this way of life of their own free will!
-- Michael Jubilance, Finland
I feel we are much better off now, after the Charter, than before. Although we have our difficulties and setbacks, the Lord has done many big and small miracles for us this past year, fulfilling His promises, and making our Home a happy Home.
I think one thing I miss from the pre-Charter days is fellowship. I miss friends who left for other fields and I miss meeting new
people and knowing what's happening in other Homes and fields. I guess that's the price we have to pay for having smaller Homes and scattering into many more cities and countries. But it's a blessing to have the Grapevine now, as it helps to fill this gap. -- And it certainly was an enormous blessing to see the Summit videos!
All this to say that I'm very thankful for the changes that have occurred in the Family, and though we go through some growing pains, where I live, at least, things seem
to be going better than before.
-- Polish Faithy, Poland
Learning to live in smaller Homes has been a blessing, but we are also faced with new problems constantly. On the overall, though, being a smaller team has made things easier for us.
The schedule is very adaptable and can easily be changed at a moment's notice. We still have a lot to learn, but we're thankful that we don't have to learn our lessons in the midst of trying to raise support on a daily basis. The effect of not having to
struggle so much with daily needs, money or food, has had a good effect on everybody. There is less talk of money around the Home; everyone has their needs met; witnessing teams don't need a pep talk to get out and raise funds, but can go at their own pace. Everyone is inspired about this change. We have seen the Lord bring in more funds than we expected, and our food standard has gone up too! Of course, we are having to do a lot of work, but we're glad to do it.
-- Jonas and Trust, Japan
Since the Charter has come into effect we have seen the Lord do marvelous things on our field and for our Home. We have learned needed lessons on unity, yieldedness and desperation. Through our various trials and the daily ups and downs of our communal life of faith, we've had to stay close to the Lord and His Word.
The Enemy has attacked us through sensitivity in receiving things from each other, criticism and negative thinking, etc. But when we attacked these machinations of the Devil head-o
n with honest and loving communication, the Word and united prayer, the Enemy has fled and we have become stronger and more tight-knit as a result. We've realized the importance of going to our brother or sister immediately if we have hurt or offended them, or if there is something building up between us.
-- Service Home, Indonesia
Since the Charter I feel that things are going better than ever, in that everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions and operate according to their
own faith. Even if people are going through trials or having difficulties, this does not always mean that things are going wrong. We usually learn the most from our battles and hard times, and it makes us stronger for what lies ahead.
I find myself busier now than ever, with many things to attend to, new ministries, as well as getting ready to have my 3rd baby. There's a tendency to let the Word get crowded out and to think that it's a luxury to be able to sit down during "work period" to hav
e some Word time if you've missed yours for the day, or for the last three days! But I have found that when I do stop to pray and read something, the Lord gives me tremendous peace and grace for the battles and tests of the day, and makes the work take care of itself!
I believe that everything depends on individuals' decisions and choices, and how much emphasis we put on following the Word closely in our lives. We need to strive to live it, let it change us and work in us, and ask for prayer t
o be able to live it and put it into practice!
-- female (24), Brazil
Do you have any comments on how things have changed -- for better or worse -- since the Charter? Write 'em up and send 'em in!
To all our wonderful Family singers, composers, musicians and studio technicians, from a 46-year-old FTT addict, who's Plugged In and Stirred Up, with a Hot not Cold Heart that's Aflame and Flying High -- THANKS FOR THE FANTASTIC TAPES!!!
P.S..: I'm Boldly 'n' Bravely Breaking Do
wn the Walls, because we're In It Together. -- Tito, Europe
Thanks, Vas, for giving us some alternative relief. "Fifth Dimension" is the coolest yet! We're hoping for more in the near future. Two thumbs up to your style. You and alternative go hand in hand. -- But it's only Jesus, right? Thanks to all the studios for the FTTs. Your efforts are really appreciated. -- Canadian Team in Hungary
Desiring You added spice to life. -- Not only as a tape to help me love the Lord more, but it also
added a touch of vocal variety. It's nice to know that not only are our younger folks getting great music, but our over 25-year-old musical pros of times past are still around and being musically vocal and rhythmic, contributing to this as well as the FTTs. Your music, too, can be classified as "heavy, man" (modern translation: mega-awesome). It's great that you haven't given up in your attempt to create music for this new day. -- Sam (28), Europe
I think the FTTs are real cool! I am real i
nspired to see that the Family is able to put out such neat and on-fire music that turns even the most picky folks on! You are doing a great job! I love the new Desiring You tape. It's beautiful and one of my favorites.
On another note, sometimes we have dance nights and it's kinda' funny sometimes to dance to the Loving Jesus tapes for a "romance night" sort of a deal, so I wanted to put out a feeler to have more of this type of Family music, so we don't have to look around for System music f
or occasions like this.
-- Thai Eastern Seaboard
You guys -- the DC Band --did a great job on Dropped Out -- it's so much fun! Simon Black, I just love your voice and songs, and look forward to hearing you sing more often. A big hand to all you musicians out there! You're wonderful! -- Christy (SGA), Europe
Desiring You is tops! Definitely my favorite Family production so far! It inspires me to love others, to love Jesus, and is great to dance by or listen to at any time! The music gets
better all the time, and I love those sexy and moving vocals on songs like "My Ecstasy" and "The King's Proposal".--Two thumbs up! And thanks, PAS, for "I Feel Your Lovin'!" -- Made me feel it too! -- SGA male, Earth
international want ad
Down in Durban under the African sun
Is a Heavenly Home trying to get the Lord's work done.
There's outreach, children's homes and a prison ministry,
Not to mention Africa's busy PPC.
With so few of us and so much to juggle,
We sometimes fin
d ourselves in quite a muddle,
Are you a driver, personal witnesser? Want to work with needy kids?
Or maybe you just like to hit the road and get out the vids.
Well, if this description seems to fit you,
Then here's what you should get up and do:
Get out your pen and write today,
Do it now! We need you, don't delay!
Yo man! Durban's "in the house," awesome and cool,
Don't forget your swimsuit, 'cause we've got a pool,
Seriously tho', there are so many, many sheep,
And suc
h a ripe harvest the Lord needs you to reap!
Lots of love,
Nat (47) and Esther (41), Ben (21) and Tirzah (20), Lena (19), Tim (18), John (17), Cheryl (17), Jenny (16), Heidi (13) and Amy (10).
Add: PO Box 238, Durban 4000, Rep. of South Africa
E-mail: franz@eastcoast.co.za.
(End of file.)
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family