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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

The grapevine
(Issue 158; July 1, 2003.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2003 by The Family


       PI Activated desk set up              2
       QnAs                            3
       Family Camp, Hungary              5
       Letter from an SGA missionary       7
       Our modern education!              8
       Helping young people to excel       10
       The "Adam" Files, 2              13
       Help wanted                     16

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Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct. Within every setback or obstacle lie seeds of an equal or greater benefit or opportunity.

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       Dylan Phoenix
, 3rd child, born to Nicole and Mark Phoenix on March 3.-Taiwan
       Cassandra Livingstone
, born to Clare and Jonathan Livingstone on March 20.-Japan
       Malcolm Avinash, 1st child, born to Joanna and Michael Davidson on April 3.-India
       Gavin William, 2nd child, born to Amanda and Andrew on April 18.-Mexico.
       Samira Medina
, 2nd child, born to Celeste and Isaias on May 15.-USA

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CM/FM new disciples…
(20), rejoined in Australia
       Marina (18), joined in India
       Matthew (19), rejoined in Thailand

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Notice: Book printing in the works!

By the WS Pubs department

Dear Family,
       We love you so much! In GV #157 there was a notice regarding the next book printing for the Family. Thank you so much, dear Family, for setting aside the time and making the effort on the recent attack day you held to raise funds toward the printing of these books. We couldn't have done it without you!
       Our faithful layout team has been working toward putting together a total of 14 books to be included in the upcoming book printing. However, with the steady stream of pubs coming your way every two weeks, our small layout team hasn't been able to get very far in working on these books. In praying about it, the Lord showed us that it would be worth skipping one mailing in order to focus on getting the books print ready. This would mean that instead of receiving the regular two mailings in August, you would receive one.       
       It's a sacrifice, but one that will help more Word get to you in the long run-and in the form of beautiful books for your reading pleasure! Our goal is to have these books to you by the first quarter of 2004, which will give us the necessary time to compile the books, as well as get them printed and shipped to you.
       Even though we'll be skipping a mailing, you will still be able to find the FARs and Reflections on the MO site to download. Both of these pubs will be included in the following printed mailing, but since many of you may need them for your outreach and mail ministries, we'll be making them available for downloading on the MO site by July 22.
       Please keep this book-printing project in your prayers. It's a big job and we'll need your fervent prayers to get it done right and in the Lord's perfect time. Thanks! And thanks again for your sacrifices and giving which are making it possible to get another large quantity of Word in book form to you! We love you!

With love in our wonderful Husband,
The WS Pubs department

       "I will always come through for you when you put Me on the spot and claim the power of the keys."

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"Shine On" prizes being discontinued

By the WS Administration team

Dear Family,
       We love you! Thank you for your faithfulness to get out the Word to the lost. You do a tremendous job, and the "Shine On" section has been proof of your efforts to get the message out in all the world. God bless you! As you'll see in this Grapevine's "Shine On," four new sections have been added: one for Activated subscriptions sold (as currently found on the Members Only site), another for Activated mags distributed, one for books, and another for tracts. These will now be included in the monthly "Shine On" listings. Also included will be the total subscriptions received from the desks, also as currently found on the MO site.
       Since September 1996, WS has been offering shiner prizes for the top three worldwide shiners for each "Shine On" section-souls, posters, CDs/tapes, and videos. These prizes were going to be issued on a trial basis till February 1997. However, it has now continued for nearly seven years. In December 1999, WS added on prizes to the 10 top Activated subscription shiners. We pray that these have been a blessing to those of you who have received them.
       In light of the recent decline in WS finances and subsequent budget cuts (GV #153), the Lord has indicated that now is the time to discontinue the "Shine On" prizes. In December 2002 (GV #145) WS discontinued offering Activated subscription prizes, and this will now apply also to all tool distribution and soul shiners. Though the shiners listing will still appear in the GV each month, there just won't be any prizes for the top three shiners in each category.
       The top three shiners of July 2003 will still receive their prizes for that month, but starting August 2003 all prizes will be discontinued. That means that the shiners reported with the July 25th TRFs will receive prizes, but after that they will be discontinued, at least for the time being. The "Shine On" section in the Grapevine will continue on a monthly basis for your inspiration and to shine the light on our world tool and soul shiners!
       We're sorry that we're not able to continue to give out these prizes, but we know that the Lord will do His part to bless you for getting the message to the hungry and needy. His rewards are above and beyond anything we could give, and we're claiming the power of the keys of supply and special blessings for all of you faithful outreachers and witnesses!
       Thank you also for your continued prayers for WS finances. We love you!

Love and prayers in our wonderful Husband,
The WS Administration team

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PI Activated desk setup

By Byron and Marie, for the PI Activated desk
We feel so privileged to be here in the Philippines and working at the Activated desk, as the Lord's hand is definitely in this ministry and already much fruit is being borne. We arrived from India in August of 2002, landing in dear Nick and Tender's Home, and spent the first few months getting set up in a new Home and getting a team together. The Lord has met us each step of the way with miracles of supply and provision and great co-workers to labor together with to reach this ripe field.
       It's amazing how sheepy and receptive the people are here, and how much reverence they have for the Lord and the things of the spirit. With the Iraq war happening, and now the SARS virus, people are asking deep questions about the Endtime, the plagues written about in Revelation, and other questions that we have been able to answer from the Word and now the Activated mags. The testimonies are just pouring in from the sheep, and you can see the fulfillment of Dad, Mama, and Peter's vision to be teachers in the Endtime and to be able to use this new weapon of Activated to plough the fertile ground here with the seeds of His Word.
       Thanks to a generous gift from WS for the equipment to get the Activated desk set up, we have been able to get a good computer, laser printer, desks, chairs, electronic weight scale, and office supplies to get our little office here up and running. The Lord supplied a beautiful, seven-bedroom house in a good location to base out of, and He has added the laborers to fill it as we now have a population of 19 wildly willing witnesses.
       When we first started getting out the subscriptions and the cost was rather high for the field with the mailings being sent from Europe, the Enemy really fought us in the form of our old familiar nemesis, "Kent B. Done." But through prayer and prophecy and claiming the power of the keys, the Lord broke through and gave us many promises along the lines of having faith that if we did what we could, He would do what we couldn't! We had some brainstorming and an Activated seminar with the CGO board and the Homes, which really helped, along with our shepherds' faith that we could reach the sky. [Note: Mailings are now mailed locally, allowing the desk to lower the subscription price, PTL!]
The Lord certainly came through, as always! At present, after only three months of full-time operation we have over 300 subscriptions, last month getting well over 100, with all the CM and FM Homes making it a priority in their witnessing to push Activated.
       We don't have a tool stock at our small Activated base, so God bless the Thai PPC, which offered a gift of 20 free CDs for the shiner Home each month if they get out at least 25 subscriptions. The first month this was offered, Michael and Joan and the Cebu Home got a whopping 41 subscriptions-more than what the whole country averaged each month before we had a local desk! So everyone is challenged to Godly jealousy with this nice bonus and is getting activated!
       So, how did we take these great leaps of faith? It started out with the little things-a subscription here and there, and us praying daily for the Homes and doing all we could to help, as the Lord had instructed us.
       We went to the Home in Baguio, where faithful witness Peter Lance was. We went out with him and with John and Sara who had recently come from Brazil. Sara was doing great getting subscriptions at what many of us thought was a high price. God bless her! That helped remind us how the Activated magazines are worth much more than Time, Newsweek, and other magazines which people pay a lot more for, so we started telling people so, reminding them how much a Time subscription costs! As we obeyed our faith increased, the Lord has blessed us, and now we're seeing Him anoint all of us, and the subscriptions are coming in!
       We've made a little leaflet with reactions, called, "What the People Say About Activated," which we show to folks who we offer Activated to. It helps to sell subscriptions!
       We've worked together with Gabe and the CGO board, having monthly meetings with several Homes in the greater Manila area and Baguio to share tips and testimonies, and brainstorm different methods of how to activate our friends and supporters, and also tips on fresh outreach. At our last meeting we had representatives who attended from not only the Metro Manila area and Baguio in the north, but also from other outlying cities. At this meeting we discussed how to follow up on our subscribers, giving Bible classes to our friends, and other church growth and missionary outreach topics, which has been a big help to us to not only teach and learn from each other, but to inspire us in our work of activating this country.
       We can see the fulfillment of the Lord's promise to make disciples of all nations, as Activated goes into all the Philippines to preach the Gospel to every creature. We have subscribers now from as far south as Davao, on the island of Mindanao, up to several thousand miles north, in Baguio. People from every province and even those of other faiths are subscribing to Activated.
       In addition, with those Activated subscribers we can follow up on, we're learning to become familiar with the magazines ourselves so that we can read a section which was written "just for them," or leave a magazine with someone that will speak to them about their specific needs. Our subscribers are already beginning to teach others, sharing Activated with their friends and becoming witnesses themselves as well as helping us to activate others.
       One woman who has a 17-year-old son had gotten Aurora products, and Jenny gave her a mag to read to see if she'd like to subscribe. She said that her son found it, and when he read it he got goose bumps all over his body, and felt that all the answers he was looking for were in the mag. She subscribed for him and said that he sometimes gets up at 2 am to read them-whenever he's afraid or wakes in the middle of the night.
       Some of our subscribers, like a bookstore owner we know, share the Word by subscribing to two Activated issues! He told us he needs one for home and one for his office because sooner or later someone takes it home with them.
Maria offered a young man some tools, and he asked her to call and come back another time, as he wanted the Wings of Prayer CD. She got a check to give him an Activated mag because he was sheepy, so she left an older mag for him to read and told him, "Maybe in the future you can subscribe, as we offer a yearly subscription." She called him a week later and he said, "I really like Activated and want to subscribe to Activated instead of getting the CD. I cried when I read the 'Bamboo' story. It touched my heart."
Our goal is to have 1,000 Activated subscribers by the end of the year, and if we keep at it we may realize our dream, as we know the Lord wants this field to reach its potential. This united push is also strengthening the bonds of love and cooperation in the Family here as we all focus together on our main goal, to make Activated a household word, and to fill the country with the words of David. All the Homes here, big and small, in the larger cities and the smaller, are jumping on the bandwagon, working together, and getting out daily, putting the Activated mags first in their witness, and through it more tools are going out and the Lord is supplying wonderfully as we are obeying.

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More message in the CD cards?
It seems that the Christmas CD cards are very high-end on music and artwork, but maybe a little low on message. I know that a lot of thought and prayer plus work have gone into their design and production, and maybe there's a reason I'm not seeing why they are what they are. Here's an opportunity to say something different and really punchy about Christmas, but it seems we've leaned more towards normalcy here and perhaps out of fear of sounding churchy we seem to have allowed the message in some of the captions to become a little weak.
       Answer: Some of the CD card designs have quite a bit of message; others have less. All of the CD cards, however, include a full CD of Family music, and that's where the main message of this product lies. We've always considered the CD card itself mainly as "bait" to attract people's interest to buy the CD, which is where the main message lies. The main purpose of the card is to provide the packaging for the CD.

Marketing our tools
Is it up to each Home to pray and see how we can get out the most message and the most tools possible? Can we, for example, try and get Christmas CDs out in department stores or discount stores, letting them sell them in their Christmas card stands? Or sell the calendars through our friends and others? Is this up to each Home's faith or does it have to be prayed about by area?
       Answer: Please get out the products any way you can! In most cases, you're free to sell Aurora products to any commercial outlet. In fact, in a number of countries, Family Homes have done such deals with stores or companies to get out tools in quantity. There are many different approaches, such as asking a convenience store or small shop to purchase a quantity of CD cards to put next to the cash register for customers to buy at checkout time, or offering companies to purchase "Mottos" as gifts for their clients or employees, etc. If your Home would like to sell tools commercially, please get in touch with your area's PC for details as to what is feasible in your country, and assistance and advice in how to go about it. God bless and keep you getting out the Word!

Explaining Dad, Mama, and Peter
Could we have a simple explanation of how the Family moved from Dad's leadership to Mama and Peter's, from the Word?-This would be a sort of formal introduction of Mama and Peter, mainly for our long-term friends or former members who are used to Dad, as he's the founder of our group.
       Answer: There will be full explanations and classes, based on ML excerpts, on all major aspects of Family history in the upcoming 12 Bridges course-including Dad and his calling and anointing, Mama and Peter's leadership, etc. The 12 Bridges course is a pre-discipleship course that would be taught to those who have completed the 12 Foundation Stones and desire to go further. Work on it is beginning now, but it's a major project that will take some time to compile and publish. (We hope to come out with a reading list that you can use to feed your sheep until the course is done.) In the meantime, please feel free to research it in the Word, and give your friends a version that's appropriate for them, as the Lord leads you.
       Please keep those who are working on it in your prayers. Thanks!

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Family Camp, Hungary!

By Jude, for the B2B VS board, Hungary
We just completed a super fun five-day Family Camp here in Hungary with 360 people in attendance, coming from countries as far apart as Albania and Russia, and every EE country in between. We also had visitors attending from as far afield as Africa and India. We had an inspiring, fun time together.
       Each day the different boards would host meetings for those who were interested. There were get-outs, two dance nights, a kids' Olympics, a hilarious skit evening, and a jamming room where the music was live and hot! There was also a double betrothal (congrats to Daniel Mountain and Lena, and Brian and Rosa!).
       Everyone that came seemed to have a really good time, and we learned again what a wonderful and precious Family we are all a part of!

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Active members catching the vision
Maria, India:
Our primary witnessing activity this month was feeding our Active members and giving them a further vision for witnessing, tithing and sticking to the job God is asking of them. GBT, they have taken it seriously, and asked the Lord to help them win 200 souls a month.
       New tracts came just in time (thank the Lord for the CGO board's vision) as the Active members were ready to roll! Some are going more for numbers of tracts out and souls won, while others have a vision to seek out specific sheep. Our loving Husband has given them fruit in both ways. This month they went out twice and got 55 souls and one potential new Active member! They are on fire, they see the need, and want to increase the time they spend witnessing from two to four times a month. It's exciting to see that the other Activated members are also catching the vision, asking for classes on how to do better witnessing and are happy to go out.
       We also emphasized wise witnessing, and will address this in an upcoming persecution prep class, as we know the Enemy will try to hinder this venture.
       They testify that they use the keys, and sweet Jesus has granted them their prayer requests such as having good exam results, speedy completion of some of their projects, breakthroughs to get out of financial tight spots, better office schedules, and healing.

"I will bless them that bless thee"

Leyland Valentine, South Africa: Our Home has been printing tracts for the last six years. We lay out selected text from the GP Daily Might, and the GP From Jesus with Love, and use the latest WS tracts. The owner of a printing company, where we had been printing for these six years retired and sold his business to another businessman. His printing company was one of the best in the country, but the first year that our friend retired, the company started losing money and going under. The new owners had been reluctant and didn't want to print for us any more.
We called on the power of the keys and the Lord answered by having the company ask our friend to come back from retirement to take over again and sort things out. He agreed to print for us again, even during this time of company crisis. Within a few months of his being back, the company's business started soaring again. He printed a big order for Christmas for us, but after a short time he retired again completely.
       When the Cricket World Cup was being hosted in South Africa, the CGO board prayed about printing a tract for these games. We would need quite a lot of tracts for witnessing at these games, so we prayed and called on the keys, claiming that the new manager of the company would agree to do this huge order for us. He turned out to be a sheep, and we were able to witness to him deeply about the Lord. He had already gotten saved but had become disillusioned with the church. He agreed right away to do the printing for us, and in the record time of one week. We were able to get all the tracts printed and shipped to the Homes before the games began. What a miracle of the power of the keys!

A move full of miracles
Martin Victorious (of Charity), Costa Rica:
Our little family (my wife Charity, our 10-year-old son Tim, and me) found ourselves in need of a miracle to get to our new mission field. After many years in Russia and the Ukraine, He put a desire in our hearts to go to Latin America. Having clearance, a Home in Costa Rica ready to receive us, and not needing visas, we only needed one last miracle, which was a large amount of funds for our trip. We could not fundraise in the Ukraine, being a very poor country, and we didn't have much time as we had to be in our new Home soon, so the Home could keep enough voting members.
       We set ourselves a goal of being in Costa Rica in a month and a half. When we started we had no idea how much money we had to raise, and it was good we didn't, as the amount might have scared us, ha! Claiming the keys and praying for His plan, we first traveled to Slovenia, my home country, that at the time didn't have any Family Homes. Thankfully this took place during the month of December, so we were "the" Christmas witnessing team in Slovenia, and found people in a receptive mood.
       We went to towns that we visited years ago before going to Russia for the first time, and many people remembered us and gladly took tools, and we found a good number of people who promised to send us Home support if we were to write them faithfully from Costa Rica.
       Having raised enough funds that we held one-way tickets to Costa Rica in our hands, we moved to Switzerland where Charity is from. Our flight was booked for three weeks from the New Year, and we still needed to raise a big amount for landing funds and other expenses. Charity's parents let us use their car and fundraise from their place, which was something they never let us do before. The Lord supplied a lot, but as the day to fly was approaching, we still lacked about $1,000. We asked Charity's parents, who so far had not wanted to help with any donations toward Family purposes. But on the morning of our departure, as we were getting on the plane, they handed us the amount we lacked, TTL!
       We flew off into the morning sun and across the ocean to land in wonderful, sunny Costa Rica. We have been in Costa Rica for a month now and it sure is inspiring to be ministering to the hungry and appreciative souls here.

Blasting "routine" with the keys

Daniel Pioneer (SGA, of Clara), Iceland: We'd like to share a method of witnessing which has proven to be a real blessing, both to us and the sheep. As most long-time witnessers know, it is easy to get into a routine kind of witnessing, where you find yourself just "going through the motions" and at times feeling like your witnessing is not nearly as effective as it could be. This can be quite discouraging, as you know how much you have to give, but feel like you're not using your full potential. You feel like you're becoming a salesman or just "another Christian," when you know you've got something unique-you've got the spirit and the Words of David!
       We began taking the keys promises, and some other devotional material such as From Jesus with Love, etc., out with us and began spending more time with Lord while out witnessing. It's a beautiful experience! After leaving the office or whatever place we were witnessing in, instead of automatically moving on to our next "target," we sit down in some quiet place, or go back to the car and have a nice little love session with the Almighty, read some promises and claim the keys with all our hearts for the next person we're going to talk to, focus on the power, have some praise time and reload our spiritual weapons. It really does take faith, but if this time is given exclusively to the Master, than you can know that it's time spent wisely and it is totally worth it!
       The Lord with the keys can accomplish twice as much in half the time. And you won't feel so exhausted and burnt out! You can rest assured that while you're doing your best and doing the "wenting," the Lord will take care of the rest. If you're obeying the Lord in giving Him a chance to work through you and to fully possess you, you can just relax and know that He'll handle it all!

Women's Day message
       Charity Daisy, Madagascar:
On Women's Day (March 8), I was invited by a prominent lady in our city to a ladies-only gala in the best hotel in town. The Lord had told us in prophecy to get prepared with some reading material and that through this He'd help us reach these influential ladies. Most of these ladies are the wives of important city fathers or influential people in some way. Several ladies, including a couple of ambassadors' wives, took the floor to share a few words. Most of what they shared was rather shallow and drew little response from the audience.
       Then a friend asked me to please share something with the audience, so I took the mike and read from the prepared compilation of anecdotes and quotes on women taken from the MLs, Eve mags and Reflections. At the end of the 10-minute presentation, there was a thunderous applause, and several ladies came afterwards to express how they were touched by what was shared, and want to stay in touch. All these ladies also got a tract or a poster.

Topping our record
Paul Obey (of Maria), Nigeria:
The books are really going out. This month we beat our personal record and gave out 1,188 books. We have friends who are distributing the books in larger quantities to their friends, some buying 50 "Mottos" at a time or 150 books of different kinds. We found it a much more fruitful method than selling to bookshops. These friends are sold on the product and on helping us distribute it, and we don't have to haggle over prices, etc. The book sales are fully supporting the Home and way above, so that we are able to set aside a large seedcorn to purchase larger amounts.
We've been covering different subjects in our Bible studies such as witnessing, and our friends really like our simple and practical approach to Christianity. One of them, Chris (57), after a witnessing class, prayed and went out witnessing with his wife to a hospital. Nothing much happened while there, but when they came out, they met two hungry youths, sat down with them on a bench and started talking and witnessing to them. They used the counsel we had shared during the class and ended up praying with both of them to receive the Lord. One of the youths mentioned that he had been also considering committing suicide before this wonderful encounter. Our friend was so excited and is totally sold on witnessing!
       We were invited to give a class about witnessing and being a missionary at two different churches. People were really turned on after we really socked it to them, and bought large amounts of books from us. One of these churches is also running a school with 500 students, and they invited us to attend their parents/teachers meeting in a couple of weeks where we'll talk to all the parents and sell the Activated books en masse.

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Computer concerns

An FGA woman, Europe: I'm not a person who is into computers much, I just use it for reporting and to write some letters and our mail ministry, so maybe I can be a little critical on the subject. In our Home we have a lot of problems because of the computers, and I've seen the same happen in other Homes that I have been in. We've reached the point where we can't live without a computer; life would be difficult and boring without a computer. We are missionaries, this is our main goal in life, and we use computers for communications and to facilitate things, but to spend hours in front of a computer for many people, I believe is not necessary, and is a waste of time.
       I'm not going to blame only the young people, because adults do it, too. It is very sad because this addiction goes down all the way to the children-if the kids see people sitting for hours in front of a computer, how can we tell them not to do it? They go through battles because they see a double standard.
       Also many Homes have free access to the Internet, and the kids get into that too. Sometimes we are there to check, but many times we don't know what they are doing because they know how to get online when nobody is watching. I've seen a computer as a priority for some people; when going to pioneer or change Homes, the first thing they get is a computer.
       In the Charter it's required to have security in our communications; personally, I don't think there is much security in chatting, and in what some young people and kids chat about. In our Home we check the mail and chats of our two 11-year-olds, and it is surprising what kids at that age and older write. Some of them think that it's cool to write bad things about other people, and there is a lot of gossip. We have been talking with them about it, and also have written to some of the ones that wrote to them, but I'm sure this is a problem in many Homes.
       [When Homes in the past have been under investigation by authorities] they tapped our phone and had all our conversations recorded, and they also had copies of all the e-mails that we sent and received. So I think this is serious. We might think we're just having fun, but we could be putting at risk the security not only of our Home but of others, too.
       I'm not saying no to computers, but just a plea to use them properly. Our e-mails should be in the right spirit and we should be wise [about what we write]. Parents should also check and supervise what their kids are doing online.
       I might be an extremist, but right now I'm kind of tired of it, because I have to face many problems because of it, like people not doing their job because they are on the computer, or not doing school, going to bed late and being tired in the morning. We are working to solve these problems in our Home, but it worries me to think about what is going to happen with our children who are growing up in that atmosphere.

State of the Home?

An FGA male, South America: My wife and I were looking for a new mission field. We wrote several Homes that were looking for personnel, and we put out a want ad. We corresponded quite a bit with the different Homes before we finally had a clear idea of the situation we would be facing in our new Home. In order to get all the information that we needed, we had to ask a lot of questions, some direct and others more indirect.
       Finally we went to one of the Homes, and 50 days later we had to leave because the picture was not as they had painted it. I went there alone by plane for 10 days, and still I did not discover the truth until we finally moved there with our family of six, and then reality struck. Apparently, they had received and changed personnel countless times in the same year!
       When we left there we had a similar experience in another Home, and later a situation was uncovered, that while everyone knew about it, no one told us. Resultantly we had to assume a lot of debts, liabilities, and other situations, and we had only been there for three months.
       There are lots of questions that you often ask yourself, but you don't always ask straight out to the team you are moving in with, and it's not because I am a shy person. I do have a few reservations about asking people certain things like: "Do you live the Law of Love fully?" "Do you share?" "Are the single mothers taken care of?" Those are some of the more touchy questions. So I imagine that for people who are shy it must be very difficult for them.
Maybe we could avoid a lot of misunderstandings and uncertainties if we would simply, when asking for personnel, be willing to send them a full detailed report of our Home when they ask it from us.

       [Editor's note: Yes, folks, please be honest with your potential Home members when they ask you about your Home and the financial situation, and other details.
       And for those of you who are seeking a new Home to join: If you want the most accurate and clear picture of that Home and its members, then your best recourse would be to take your questions to the Lord and get His insight. Ask the Lord specific questions about what you want to know, and have the faith that He will give you the answers, and show you the things that you need to know, and that would be essential to your decision about joining that particular Home or not.]

Contact the board!
Joanna, Japan:
A blessing of the boards is that we can be here to be of service, even though it's taking time for folks to get used to the board vision and take advantage of the help that they can provide.
       One point I think may be particularly helpful to the field, and relevant to the field and the CGO/PR board, is that we often have sheep we want to introduce to the Family in another country when the sheep moves or travels. This is how the boards can be a help and effective on an international level. If you wanted to do that, and you don't know anybody personally on the other field, it might be helpful to instead write the CGO board of that area directly. If you don't know the name of a board member, you could ask the ABM to send it on to the board you need (the MO site has all board e-mail addresses), and then the ABM could send it to a board member living in that area.
       With the CGO board member knowing the field and being focused on outreach or follow-up, it will probably get immediate attention. They know the Homes, and which Homes and people would be good to introduce to your sheep.
       Some people will send an AHM for these types of things, but you'd probably have better and quicker results if you contacted the CGO board of that country/area instead. People can benefit from the board setup as a means of communication and having things taken care of for them easily.

Refused entry into the States
John Faithful, USA:
Recently, on my way to the States, I was refused entry at the border, and I want to share a few lessons that I've learned.
       I was refused entry on two accounts: first, because I was carrying someone else's luggage, which I was not aware is against U.S. governmental regulations. You're not allowed to carry someone else's belongings with you when crossing into the country. The other reason I was refused entry was that they didn't accept the reasons and purpose of my visit. I would be able to return with the condition that I supply, 1) a letter of invitation from the organization I'm doing work with, clearly stating the purpose of my visit and length of stay, and 2) proof of employment and a financial statement.
       This is a lesson to realize that times are changing and borders are getting tighter, and we can't take for granted that everything will be fine. We have to be well prepared for these situations.
       Once they take you aside for questioning, they do ask a lot of questions and go through all your stuff. Although we are not doing anything wrong and we are actually doing a good job, it is good to avoid any appearance of evil in their sight. Be prepared to explain the purpose of your trip and not carry with you what you do not have the faith to explain; for example, any pubs that would be considered controversial (such as the END, for example). I think that sometimes we can tend to be a little naïve and take things for granted, because we have the best of intentions. But nowadays the authorities are a lot more on the lookout for folks that are not mainstream or following the general status quo.
       It pays to pray and be prepared to give an answer to anyone that asketh of you.

Sex-related gossip
FGA woman, Asia:
I am very concerned about gossip circulating among the teens, especially sex-related gossip, such as So-and-so had sex with So-and-so at the teen camp. This was not only hurtful to the person who was talked about, but it's very unwise to talk about those matters freely either on the phone or e-mail.
       This gossip also was spread to outsiders, since one of the JETTs who heard the gossip told her System friends and they were calling our Home to find out if this gossip was true. The telephone number of our Home was given out to this System friend without our permission. Our teens and JETTs need to be more security-minded and shouldn't talk about "inside scoops" to outsiders, much less giving out other Homes' telephone numbers to outsiders without permission.

"Prophecy is amazing!"
Dawn Grace, India:
Prophecy is amazing! There are times when I question whether what I'm getting is the Lord or just me. But when I take the time to hear from the Lord, I realize that there's no way it could be me, because it gives me peace. Even when I reason things out in my mind and come to a good conclusion, though I'm happy that I found a solution, I never have that inner peace. Every time I hear from the Lord, no matter how bad I was feeling previously, I just know it will be all right; I know He'll work it out. I think there is no greater or more perfect feeling than just knowing that the Lord's in control and He's going to take care of everything.

* * *

Letter from an SGA missionary

[Editor's note: This letter was written from an SGA in a non-Christian country to her sister behind the scenes.]

Dear Sister,
       I love you! How are things going for you? I figured it was about time I wrote you. Whenever I write you it's so hard to know where to begin, as there is always so much happening-lessons, changes, witnessing, home life … and so much to say.
       We have a new disciple moving in tomorrow! Exciting! We had a new disciple join our area about 10 months ago; she's a real jewel, and a joy to witness and spend time with. Now we have our own new full-time disciple. The Lord has asked me to help with her training and shepherding, which I have said yes to. I'll be teamworking with another SGA, and of course, the Home, but this will be a first for me. I am not sure of all that it will entail, but I know it's a commitment, so please pray for us.
Our Home just started two new Bible classes a week for our Active members-nine in total! They memorize, personal witness, read the Word every day, and come to the Home to be involved in our home life. It's pretty thrilling! Last week I also met and witnessed to three people. They each got saved, and one said he'd like to start learning more about the Lord.
       Just the other evening on get-out we discovered one of our neighbors sitting outside reading a Bible. He admitted that he didn't understand a lot of it, and so asked us if we could help. We, of course, were more than happy to! In the last week we got some wonderful new sheep who have committed themselves to weekly classes.
I also took our junior teen to our weekly orphanage ministry yesterday, and we had a ball. We acted out some of the KTK stories, played some word/English games, and then I finished up by doing some face painting. It was just the two of us with about 50 kids, so it was a little overwhelming, but we claimed the keys each step of the way, and the end result was a very fun, inspiring, and fulfilling day.
       What else? During our last summer SWIFT, I witnessed to this guy who was in our city for three days, and during that time I saw him every day for a Bible class. He got saved and was so turned on by the Word; he just loved it! I passed him on to the Home in his area, and I just heard that he is now one of their most faithful witnesses and Bible study attendees. They said he comes over twice a week, has gotten all his family saved, including his wife and seven-year-old son, and now brings friends over to the Home for classes. I was so happy to hear that! TTL.
       I also heard from a friend of mine [a friend/supporter of the Family] who I have been writing for ages, but he never had much of a hunger for the Word. I have been praying for him for a long time, and the other day he wrote and was asking all sorts of questions and wanting to know more about my life and service for the Lord. Wow, all this in the last week! The Lord is really working in people's lives; it's so obvious to see. There's just so much fruit; it's bursting out all over the place-the harvest certainly is plenteous.
       I love you so, so much! I've got you in my thoughts and prayers.
       Signing off…

* * *

Our Modern Education!-More CVC Info

Excerpts of a CVC seminar given by Sara, North American FED board
It's common for homeschooled students to excel and graduate early, as they are not bound by curriculums, courses or public school goals, thank God, so they can advance at their own level and pace. Students excel when motivated and enjoying what they study.
       The CVC (Christian Vocational College) is tried and proven. It is a superior course, because it offers a three-pronged education: Christian, vocational, and academic-not academic alone. Thus it's superior to the limited public education curriculum, as it's far better to gain a Christian education that provides life experiences while on the job, along with academics.
       The Family can at times lack faith in something Family-created, but people need to know this study course is a masterpiece! It's awesome how well it's put together! The CVC is a documented, excellent course of studies. Its diplomas are accepted and valid. And if the students and/or Home CVC Supervisor are faithful to keep basic records, they will have impressive and complete transcripts (study records) that have passed many times under scrutiny by schools, colleges, and education officials.
       Why do some young people who leave the Family say, "The Family didn't give me an education"? It may be that they did get educated; they just don't have records to prove it. Another reason is that some young people don't work at getting educated; they hesitate to enroll and get busy with CVC studies, and use personal initiative to get educated, to keep in the Word, to gain credits, certificates, and diplomas.
       The CVC course has been around since 1996, but some haven't used it. We have our own high school and junior college course that works, and we want to promote it so that everyone benefits from its superior godly Word-based education.

New features
The CVC is always being improved upon. It is now simple to use with the CVC Handbook 2000, and each CM young person, 13-17, is entitled to a free copy of this book. FM Homes and those 18 and over can order one for $3 from your SC, or download the book PDF from the CVC Web site.
       The whole course is also on CD, which makes it very easy to do. If the materials for the course are not available in your Home library, you can still read them on the CD, as all the main CM/FM reading materials are on the CDs.
       Each CM Home is entitled to the two CVC CDs, and extra ones can be ordered from your SC or area CVC office for $5 a set, plus shipping.
       (For security reasons, a few CM-only reading items are not on the CD, and students will need to get them from their Home library. FM CVC students are allowed to read any CVC reading called for in the program when they visit a CM Home.)
       And now the CVC CDs are also available on-line! Go to http://cvcollege.com and click on "Student Center." Use the password you use to log on to the MO site and you have the CDs right there!

For contacting your CVC office, see addresses in GV #152 or on the MO site: CC/FED section, QnAs. www.familymembers.com/fed/qna/index.php?fqid=10.

The reason for the records
The work of students who have participated in CVC studies is documented with their area CVC offices, so if you need proof of your schooling, the office can send you an official letter. In this way, your student records are documented and verified, just like they would be by any other central school office, as they are confirmed as being valid and authentic.
       At this time the CVC is mainly for CM/FM members, but even some who have left the Family have applied for and received CVC diplomas and documentation covering their studies and training in the Family.
       SGAs can get their former education documented by CVC and receive certificates or a high school diploma for the studies they have completed. Even adults can get certificates, because CVC gives credit for past completion. (Write your local CVC office to see how to do this.)

Getting credit for what you do
The CVC, of course, takes work and takes time, just like any high school or college course of study. As a student you need to work, read, study, and put in your hours. Each teen or parent will need to keep daily records.
       But by diligently keeping accurate records, you can get credit for every job of your day! And you'll be rewarded for what you accomplish. As much as you get busy is as much as you'll be rewarded. Thus you will be working your way through high school and even on through junior college.
       One adult supervises your schoolwork (the Home CVC Course Supervisor). Some adult in the Home (either the CVC Course Supervisor or the Vocational Training Overseer-VTO) has to verify that you have read the required material and have had the required hours of experience, by putting their name on the record.

More on how it's done
: New students write/e-mail their CVC desk and ask for the student ID cards. Teens can get student discounts in many locations with their student ID card. Ask also for the Junior High Diploma application form, or download any forms from the CVC Web site or the CD, fill them out, and fax or mail them in to the CVC desk in your area.
       Teens can start at 14, but can get credit for school and reading courses done earlier than 14 as well, as long as it's documented and signed by their Course Supervisor. If students start to read the (non age-restricted) CVC courses before they are 14, and keep good records with dates, they can get credit for them once they turn 14.
       Academics: High school students and teachers choose what curriculum to use, whether A Beka, CLE, the CVC program, or others. You then get credit for the textbooks or workbooks you master and pass. Course Supervisors may test you in whatever way they choose to-for example, by oral questions, or by asking you to write a summary or overview. The Course Supervisor then signs your student records to prove the course was completed and passed.
       If the Course Supervisor needs to determine the student's academic level, or if the student finds the book they are using too tedious, the Course Supervisor can create a test by selecting questions from the student's workbook, and say, "If you make an A on this test, I'll advance you." Or if it is new work, the supervisor can say, "Do these problems and let's see how you do."
       We want to help our students get through their scholastics, not be held back by being asked to do every page of every book. If they know the material already, give them a test, and if they pass it adequately, advance them.
       Diplomas and certificates: The certificates and diplomas given are great for proof of your schooling. The CVC offers you Junior High and High School Diplomas, as well as certificates for any of several vocational or Christian topics you choose to study. In other words, you can receive diplomas for completing junior high, vocational high, and senior high school. (See the "Important Notice: Education Announcement" in GV #157, for more on the requirements for a CVC Vocational High School Diploma.)
       In addition to that, there are close to 50 certificates available for completing vocational studies. New teens just enrolling with the CVC will most likely find you are already eligible or nearly eligible for at least one certificate.
       To get a CVC General High School Diploma, students need to prove their academic accomplishment, plus earn 20 credits of Vocational Studies and 20 credits of Christian Studies. You can either do the courses defined in the CVC Handbook 2000, pass grade 11 and 12 in CLE or another course, or you can do the GED exam and send in a copy of your GED certificate, as well as filling in the High School Studies Record with your 20 credits of Vocational and 20 credits of Christian Studies. By the time you finish your high school studies, you will definitely be able to find enough Vocational and Christian course credits in what you have already completed. If you haven't kept records of the training you received in these areas, ask your parent or an adult who supervises your schoolwork to help you write up your past training and experience, send it to the CVC office for verification, and if it's verified by your area CVC office, you will receive documentation of these credits, which can then go towards a diploma or certificate in that field.


       CVC diplomas are available for:
Junior High School
       Vocational High School
       General High School

CVC Proficiency Certificates are available for:

Bible Knowledge
       Christian History and Heritage
       Christian Service
       Christian Outreach
       Christian Counseling
       Christian Leadership

       Child Care and Education Department
Baby Care
       Child Care
       Early Childhood Education
       Primary Education
       Secondary Education
       Youth Counseling

Industrial Arts Department
Maintenance and Repair
       Construction Skills
       Mechanical Maintenance
       Basic Electricity and Electronics
       Family Driver

Home Economics Department
General Home Economics
       Cooking and Food Services
       Domestic and Personal Services
       Sewing and Needlework

Secretarial and Business Department
Office and Secretarial Skills
       Business Management
       Public Relations
       Sales and Marketing

Communications Department
Writing and Journalism
       Audio Recording
       Video Production
       Computer Applications
       Publishing and Printing
       Sign Language
       Foreign Language
       Oral and Written Translations
       Teaching English as a Second Language

Creative and Performing Arts Department
Performing Arts

Survival Skills Department
Home Safety and First Aid
       Disaster Readiness
       Urban Survival
       Wilderness Survival
       Farming Basics

Life and Family Sciences Department
Health and Hygiene
       Sex and Marriage Education

Vocational studies
: For vocational studies, you get credit for hours of training and experience. There are close to 50 certificates to choose from in this field, and it is your responsibility to keep up a Vocational Experience Log in order to earn them. What do you want to learn? Computer, photography, languages?- Learn and be rewarded with CVC certificates. Here are some additional points about Christian and vocational studies:
       *       Students can start reading and studying the CVC Word, schooling, and vocational courses as early as 12.
       *       The CVC gives credit for Word time, reading the Christian courses the students choose (like Bible Knowledge), plus hours on the job for vocational studies (for those 14 and over).
       *       Although the CVC offers a Junior High School Diploma for those under 14, it doesn't offer certificates for students that age, since it's a course for high school and older. But other non-CVC certificates are possible for kids under 14: The MO site and CVC Books CD has the Family Homeschooling Kit with report cards which the parents can issue themselves. You can also look on homeschool Web sites of other individuals or groups and download their certificates to use.
       *       In the CVC book the course requirements are all listed, and there are very helpful appendices in the back: (A) External studies and resources, (B) Supplementary resources, and (C) Forms and records.
       *       After high school, you can continue getting Christian and vocational certificates. Look into taking provisioned or discounted outside classes to spice up your schooling. We've taken drivers' ed, gymnastics, art classes, and CVC gives credit for those as well.
       CVC Junior High tests: If a student of whatever age has passed an 8th grade level in a course that is offered by a non-Family homeschooling program, such as A Beka, CLE, Christian Liberty, etc., he or she can get a CVC Junior High School Diploma by filling out the Junior High School Diploma Application form.
       Students age 12 on up can take the CVC Junior High tests in language arts, math, social studies and science. Even an older teen can take these tests, or another diagnostic test, or pass an 8th grade level of work (such as CLE) to prove they have an 8th grade level of education, and thus get their CVC Junior High Diploma.
       (See the CVC Handbook 2000, page 26, for details, or look at the book at http://cvcollege.com. Go to "Student Center" using the MO site password, then click on CVC pubs, then CVC Handbook 2000.)
       Teachers, tutor your students a bit if they plan to take the tests, to see how familiar they are with the material, and make sure they basically know it. Have the kids read over the CCHB in science and social studies, before they take the CVC junior high tests. [Note: A more detailed Junior High curriculum is in the works.]
       If students only do workbooks for school, they may not do well on the tests. In all schooling, students need someone to closely oversee their work. We need to talk to them, ask questions, get them answering questions, get them interacting and involved in their learning. So prepare them for the testing. They need to learn to communicate verbally and on paper.

More for the teacher
Our goal is to help students learn what they need. Don't let your student suffer from workbook burnout. Let them progress at their own rate-and if they already know the material, then move on! Give them a comprehension test. If they pass with an A, go on to the next unit or workbook. If they know the material, advance them.
       As homeschooling parents or supervisors, we can guide and teach and feed our students what we choose. Get quality input into their hours. Let them move ahead when they deserve to, having already learned the material. Many parents think their kids are behind when they are simply being held back.
       One real beauty of homeschooling is you are free to progress, to change, to encourage learning by helping the students advance at their own rate. Help them to move forward, even to get ahead of their learning level, and watch them light up with hope that there is an end, even a diploma awaiting them. They deserve credit for having learned so much.
       Rather than using only workbooks, we've seen how we need to focus our students more on expressive writing, as in book reports and essays, so they learn how to express themselves both on paper and in public speaking.
       Other needed skills are public speaking, communicating, assimilating what they have learned, and applying what will benefit their life as witnessers, teachers, and shepherds of others. For example, have teens learn to greet visitors politely, provision a meal, teach a Word class, and give a personal testimony.
       When studying with the CVC, the students learn diligence, organizing records, setting and reaching goals. In our Home, our students have scholastics in the morning and in the afternoon do one to two hours of CVC reading. At quiet time our teens have their CVC Word reading list. Teens can read at night, read together, and compete to get it done. The more they read, the faster they get through the courses.
       At some select teen devotions, we'll choose Letters they need to read for their CVC courses, or we'll study the Bible, since that's part of the Christian studies courses. It's been fun to read together, talk about it, answer questions, and research more.

Benefits of Word-based education
The teens can now lead Activated Bible classes, and get credit for it. They can teach the children in the Home the Bible knowledge MLs, and get credit for reading them, plus credit for hours teaching, too!
       Why is it our teens do well on the GED? Because of their MO Letter Word-based education! Every Letter teaches quality ideals, concepts, current events, general knowledge, choice and decision-making, vocabulary, grammar, and on the list goes. Our lifestyle is full of education!
       As a CVC student, you can learn new skills; build study habits; get interested in cool electives and edifying hobbies like musical instruments, languages, and computer graphics. We are "professionals," full-time disciple winners and witnessers. Solid discipleship and missionary training is in the CVC!
       With the CVC course you get a Word-based, fun, interesting, and superior education. You will get credit for what you deserve in vocational and Christian experience, finish high school and get your diploma earlier, keep going into "CVC Junior College," gain multiple certificates, and have an awesome résumé and transcripts.
       Our whole life is a super learning opportunity! With the CVC, you will be rewarded with education excellence!

* * *

Homeschooling corner
Helping young people to excel

By Mercy Simple (of John), Italy
Sometimes the older children and teens may have an interest or desire to learn something that no one in the Home is capable of teaching. One of my YAs is pretty much at a professional level as a watercolor artist and another one paints beautiful paintings with acrylics. Our senior teen is a very capable handyman, in charge of fixing most of the everyday breakdowns in the Home. These are skills that they have, for the most part, learned themselves by studying good books on the subjects.
       When any of our kids have showed interest in a particular skill, we have encouraged them to excel by providing them with good quality materials to practice, and good thorough step-by-step books (adult level) according to their interests. Besides the above, they have studied photography, cooking, music (guitar and piano), and needlework, pretty much on their own, and have excelled far above what we could have taught them. A lot can be studied through CVC! It may also help to make other good quality books available for the teens to study.

More CVC emphasis

By Esther Spark, Philippines
I am so thankful for the greater emphasis on the CVC courses in our teens' education. I've noticed that a lot of their talk about schooling is no longer grumbling and, "Did you hear that So-and-so now goes to college?" Now even our almost junior teen is earnestly planning his CVC studies in advance. "Without a vision the people perish"-and these meetings and study halls are giving them the vision that our Family education is solid and worth striving for.

A CVC testimony and victory

By Clara, Brazil
I always wanted to understand CVC better, and finally did! Even being a member of the FED, I still had a lot to learn about it! But now my daughter and I are both CVC students. We already got our first certificate and are working on our second one! She is 14, and she studied on her own initiative, which made me happy, of course, and it was an extra incentive to get me going too.
       As I started going through the different courses, I understood how complete and well prepared they are! It's not just to give the kids in the Family a little paper; those courses are good solid curriculums. The reading lists cover many subjects and are very rich. I remember when I was in university, how hard it was for us to get books to study our assignments-they were costly or took a long time to get from libraries. But we have it all on CD! Lets go for it! It's easy, good and godly!

Navigating the CVC CDs

By Marie, Mexico
Until recently I had never looked at the CVC CDs at all. I recently opened them up and began to explore them. I was so surprised at how easy it was to navigate through them, and how complete they are.
       Wow! God bless our dear pubs team! The CVC CDs are an incredible tool!

Quiet time reading assignment charts

By French Praise, Thailand
After the Feast the children have taken up the torch to be more faithful with their Word time and are memorizing the keys promises. The quiet time reading assignment charts are a real help! Thanks to the SEA FED and CP boards. It's encouraging to see the kids more motivated to use the keys in their prayers and hearing from the Lord. Our junior teen particularly is keeping up with her personal quality Word time, and memorizing a verse or a keys promise every day. She was with us for every reading session at the Feast, and it's encouraging to see the change in her, her willingness and hunger for the Word.
       [Editor's note: These quiet time charts are available on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/fed/catalog/details.php?id=386. They include charts on the following topics: Discipleship, Endtime, Foolishness, Gossip, Honesty, Importance of the Word, Kindness, Obedience, Our Relationship to the World, Praise, Redeem the Time, Sample, Spiritual Walk with the Lord, Witnessing, and an assignment form.]

A Beka videos

By Titus, Taiwan

       We recently received the video, Seventh Grade School Year, fromA Beka. This course follows the A Bekacurriculum, but is totally taught via video by the teachers at their Pensacola Christian School. So far it looks very good in that it keeps the children moving at a good pace and gives them a well-balanced education along with godly principles. It has made a big difference in the behavioral attitudes of our boys, and has saved a lot of the sweat and tears for their mom!
       [Editor's note: You can find information about these A Beka year videos, at http://www.abekaacademy.org/DVDVHSVideo/Cost/Default.html]

I have given you so much to help you be able to do this job well. I have given you My Word; I have given you My new weapons for today. If you follow all that I have taught you, and if you exercise with these weapons and put them to use in this way, I will more than help you and more than supply your needs.
       Will you be faithful to research and find the best materials that you need for the education of My children, or to counsel about their needs with those who are educating them? Will you pray in all of the finances that you need, so that you may get these materials for your children?
       There is so much that needs to be done to improve the educational input for My children, but I will give the plan for each parent step by step, child by child, and day by day. I will do this so that at the end of your child's course and at the end of your assignment, you will have a mature, responsible, well-adjusted, happy, progressing child. You will have a child who has goals for himself and learns how to achieve those goals, finding accomplishment and fulfillment, and learning how to use his gifts and talents to further My Kingdom and My witness to mankind, in his own particular and unique way.
       Stir up this gift of educating your children. Stir it up well, and you shall find such fulfillment in giving, training, educating, pouring out, and applying all that I supply.
       It is My education. This education is not just centered on academics, but this education is learning and growing in every aspect of the Family's life.
       -Jesus, "How-tos of Home Education" (ML #3153)

Zeroing in on Math

By Gina, China

       One victory has been getting help with the teens' math, as I don't have the time or energy to study all their math books to help them. It is one of the biggest hurdles in our schooling, not only for the homeschoolers, but also for the ones in outside school, who need help with their homework. My two teens in System school find it difficult to keep up the very fast pace of math that is expected of school kids here in Asia, because their foundation in math was not very strong. The two younger ones who are homeschooled have a better foundation in math, and want to keep up with the local syllabus as much as is possible, so the challenge is my being able to explain some of the more difficult concepts to them. (The local syllabus is quite a bit harder than anything I've seen in U.S. or Canadian books, though more on par with the British system.)
       The Lord raised up a university math teacher, who volunteered to help me with the homeschoolers' math once a week. She brings her young daughter who plays with mine and gets to practice English, while the mother goes over my son's math work, explaining any new concepts. She also helped prepare my older daughter for a mid-term math exam.
       Then she helped find one of her best university students to tutor my older daughter several times a week until her graduation exam. We pay for this, but feel it is well worth it, as it is the main obstacle our daughter faces in her graduation exams, and this university student is a tremendous help.
       It seems math is a weakness in Family education, perhaps because it is so technical, and it is difficult to have it fall under any branch of the Word, whereas English, social studies, even science, and, of course, Bible, are all referred to often throughout the Letters.
       Another reason is maybe that math requires a teacher to help the student properly understand, and there are not many Family members qualified to teach upper level math. I have seen many of our teens struggling through CLE math, trying to understand it without the help of a teacher. However, it is essential, no matter what course you follow, that our students are taught properly, and are not expected to learn it for themselves. If the parents are unable to help, one solution could be to try to find tutors from amongst sheep, friends, and associates, as has worked out so well in our case, and lifted a burden from off my shoulders.
       Perhaps higher level math isn't necessary for all our teens, but with some choosing careers other than to be Family missionaries, it's important we help them keep on par with their local peers in the world, at least up to about 10th grade, so that if they do choose another career, they will be well prepared for entrance exams and more difficult studies.
       Math seems to be the single most important subject in outsiders' eyes (at least in Asia), along with language skills, and the one they judge you by in entrance exams. It's not like I'm so gung ho on pushing math skills, but I've seen it loom like a mountain scaring my 18-year-old daughter, who's FM, from attempting to go for some future careers she would otherwise like to try out, and she's not the only one who feels this way. So I would like to see a push to help our young people attain better math results in their homeschooling.

* * *

Ad: School's illusions

       John Taylor Gatto was a U.S. public school teacher for 30 years. He won teacher of the year awards for both the state of New York and for the entire United States. A few months after he quit teaching in public schools, he wrote a book entitled, Dumbing Us Down, which became an underground classic. Here is his Web site: http://www.johntaylorgatto.com.
       He has also written a very informative book called The Underground History of American Education. On this Web site you can read this book up to chapter 8 (and a new chapter is added regularly). http://www.johntaylorgatto.com/underground/index.htm.
       On the MO site, there is a very good letter that Gatto wrote expressing his disillusionment with public schools. Find it by going to the CC/FED section, and searching the catalog under "Home Educator." http://www.familymembers.com/fed/catalog/details.php?id=383.

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       Healing key:
Heavenly relief is yours to claim, if you faithfully call on the key of healing. The man of faith will see miracles, because he believes in the power I readily give My children, through the supernatural, miracle-working keys.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       Victoria, Spain:
My health has been very good, despite my cancer. I'm amazed and people who see me are amazed because of the improvement in my health. I feel strong, and am able to live a normal life. Every day I thank the Lord for His goodness and for taking care of me. I still have cancer, but it is not active and it is a great victory and answer to prayer. It keeps me in prayer constantly, and I'm learning the importance of taking care of myself. I'm sending you lots of love!
       Miguel (VS), Chile: I want to testify of the miracle the Lord did in healing me from a long-standing sickness that I had. For several years, I've had a deficiency in the production of platelets in my blood, which caused me to hemorrhage easily, and on several occasions my levels became so low that my life was threatened. I underwent operations and medical treatment to no avail, and my condition didn't improve.
A few months ago, I got prayer for it twice, and I'm ashamed to confess I didn't regard these prayers very seriously. I kind of had given up hope of getting healed from it. Recently, I had to have blood tests taken because of some dental work I desperately needed, and the readings showed my platelet level was up to normal-something that hasn't happened since 1996! When asking the Lord about it, He told me that despite my lack of faith, He had honored those prayers I received months ago, and honored the faith of those prayer warriors! Thank you so much for not giving up in prayer! Thank You, Lord, for the keys! They work!
       Gabriel and Ruth, Mexico:
We wanted to thank you, dear Family, for your prayers for our son, Andy. His eye operation was a success. The doctor was able to bring the natural oil from Europe to put in his eye to push the retina into place, and after two weeks the result has been very good and he's healing speedily. Please continue praying for his health. Thank you so much!
       Kristy (of Zeb), Mexico: Thank you for praying for Carisa (21 months). Her new therapist is amazed at how well she is doing, and she thinks she will be walking soon with the help of braces and adaptive equipment. (Carisa is paralyzed from the waist down.)
       Adriana (friend), Argentina: She was diagnosed with malignant cancer and sent a prayer request a couple of months back. The next time she went for a checkup, her cancer was gone! She and her husband are so thankful, knowing it is a total miracle.
       Clara Valiant, Brazil: The doctors had diagnosed me with a rare virus that could harm the baby, and cause me to need a Cesarean. After putting this on the prayer list, I had another set of tests and the results showed the virus was gone! Thank you for praying, dear Family!

Europe and Africa
(of Joy): Despite a previous diagnosis, the doctor believes that the tumor (meningioma) most likely isn't malignant, meaning it doesn't grow into the brain but stays on the outer membrane. There isn't any room for the tumor to keep growing inside the cranium so the doctors say it needs to be removed by surgery. If the tumor isn't removed, the doctor said that Jerry's health will deteriorate, and within six months he may not be here with us.
       We'd appreciate your continued prayers for his complete healing from the meningioma, and for faith and trust in the Lord's healing promises and the power of His healing keys. Jerry stopped taking the steroids that the neurologist had prescribed because of the adverse side effects they were having on him, so we'd appreciate your prayers against these side effects and against any withdrawals from stopping the steroids. He is now experiencing fevers and headaches.
       Paul (of Maggie): Paul was hospitalized due to a fever of 104oF on and off for three days, pain in his stomach, and problems breathing. The doctors are not sure what is causing the fever, as it could be from his liver, AIDS, two ulcers in his stomach, and/or the gallstones that they cannot treat, as he is too weak for surgery.
(15, of Andrew and Lily): Leukemia, second round of treatment. The doctors have given him 35 days to respond to the treatment, so please pray that his body will respond positively, and that the Lord will totally heal him. That we will be able to find a matching bone marrow donor for Steve, whether it's one of his brothers or sisters, one of us, or even a match from the bone marrow database in the UK.
       Please pray that Steve's eye will totally heal. So far the chemotherapy is not making much of a difference in the condition of his eye, and the doctors are considering doing radiotherapy on it. Pray that he would not need radiotherapy, and for a complete and miraculous healing! For supply, wisdom, faith, and the Lord's leading and guidance.

South America
(toddler, of Andre and Ana [SGA]): Angelina was taken to the hospital due to very strong convulsions, which caused her heart to stop temporarily. The doctor said that there is nothing that they can do other than raise the dose of her medication.
       Please pray for Angelina's health, as well as for Andre and Ana's encouragement and strength. Also for Ana who is pregnant, and needs extra strength and grace.
       Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela: For the political and civil situation in Peru, as there have been many protests and strikes, and widespread discontent. Peace in Venezuela, as there is a possibility of confrontations as a result of the leftist tendencies of the government. That everything will be resolved peacefully. For the overall political and economic situation in Argentina; for supporters and protection for the Homes. Please keep our Family in your prayers in these countries.
(21 months, of Zeb and Kristy): She continues to have recurrent urinary infections. Please pray for a solution, and that her kidneys will not be affected. For her physical therapy to have good results, for Carisa's cooperation, as although she is making progress, she dislikes the work and cries during the entire session.
(20, of José and Clara):She was hit by a bus and suffered severe head injuries. That she'll regain hearing in her left ear. Also that she will be able to eat well, for a fighting spirit, and against fear. For wisdom in dealing with the company that owns the bus that hit Mana, and that they will pay for the medical services that Mana will need. For wisdom and discernment concerning the doctors and tests she will need.
       Also pray for Olivia (18) who was with Mana at the accident, and is struggling to get the pictures out of her mind. That the Lord will comfort her during this time and remove all mental pictures of the accident.
       Joana: Strong pains in her body and bones, possibly caused by the radiotherapy she is undergoing for cancer or a recent blood transfusion.
       Rute (of João): Suffered a clinical death. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her, so she came back home. However, the pain in her head increased the following day. Please pray that the Lord will deliver Rute from whatever it is that is causing this problem.

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The "Adam" Files, Part 2
(continued from GV #154)
Frozen Mouth Disease!-The Full Story!
GV contributor decides to tell all about "adolescent courtship rituals in the seventies" while he can still remember them

By David Komic, Thailand
The symptoms of FMD were as follows: When I was around I-like-you-as-a-friend girls I was as completely relaxed and normal as I could possibly get. My conversation was intensely relaxed and normal. I slipped effortlessly from laid back, easy listening conversation through weather forecast and life-changing philosophical dissertation through to candidly caustic political analyses. No conversation in those ideal conditions was beyond me.
       But then, if I liked a girl in "that way," disaster instantly struck and I contracted FMD. Instantly!
The first time I was smitten by FMD was the first time I was smitten by Jennifer Capistrano. Jennifer Capistrano was, in my unbiased adolescent opinion, your basic goddess, although, like the legendary Achilles and his legendary heel, she had a weakness, a flaw. She showed an adolescent courting ritual interest in me-a mere male mortal.
Our first time going out together was on this wise: We cycled together to a very romantic, scenic and secluded location, which could only be described as a hill. This hill had a magnificent view of another hill, and beyond that yet another hill. (I secretly hoped that Jennifer might have a thing for hills and that by sitting together in plain view of a lot of them that this could somehow work in my favor.)
However, obviously, just sitting and looking at a lot of hills would not be enough on which to base a lifetime of commitment and shared mutualness. Clearly, I would have to say something to her. … Many things!
Unfortunately words were not flowing. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth like a Velcro tennis shoe strap. A flurry of words ricocheted off the inner lining of my cranium like frenzied bees in a jar, but no two words would join themselves together to form even the most basic of compound words, let alone a coherent phrase. Panic engulfed me. My mouth hung open helplessly like the back end of a Hercules transport plane as I looked pitifully into Jennifer Capistrano's totally perfect, deep-pond, crystal-clear, goddess-like eyes.
       She stared into my awkwardly gaping mouth, hoping that perhaps some words would come out of it. But alas, none did.
       But even after this first disastrous hilltop rendezvous, Jennifer Capistrano inexplicably agreed to see me again.-On another day, on another hill. Sadly however, moist-eyed GV reader, the second meeting followed the same strikingly silent pattern as the first, as did the third and final mute and mouth-muffled courting ritual non-event.
       There wasan upside, however, to this Capistrano Caused Catastrophic Communicative Clam-up, as it resulted in my first religious experience.
Not having had the privilege and benefit of knowing God at that time, I went out into the garden that evening, looked up at the vastness of the night sky and "prayed" a special "first" of a prayer, which was thoroughly lubricated by the drool of anguish. The prayer went something like this:
"YYarblegrvnge … aaaaaaaaaargh!!!" Roughly translated from the Groanings That Cannot Be Uttered it meant: "God, if You are real … aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!"
       Life went on.
       Jennifer Capistrano went through a series of similarly unsuccessful adolescent courting ritual experiences with a further 17 suitors ... all held in the savage grip of FMD, until she eventually tied the knot with Motormouth Mike MacGillicuddy, a horse-race commentator and political hopeful, who sealed their courtship with a non-stop nine-hour and 35-minute proposal that only stopped when his jaw unexpectedly dislocated, thus giving Jennifer the opportunity to say yes.
       Youthful reader, take heart! If you feel the symptoms of FMD creeping up on you,here's what to do:
       1.       Grab a copy of Kevin Kanwayte's Xn #16 article and reread his tips drawn from real life experience!
       2.       Pray against and resist the yucky Self-Consciousness Monster!
       3.       Pray for a really talkative spirit helper.
       4.       You may think that this is like not only a tired old cliché but a veritably hospitalized, ICU bound, intravenously-fed, on-a-life-support-system, blip … blip … bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep cliché, but-really showing genuine love and concern for someone and genuine interest in them as a real person is a wonderful, wonderful thing!
       5.       And finally … whatever you do, don't try to be someone you aren't! Try instead to be someone you are and work up from there!

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Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Morgan Freeman
A guy who complains about God too often is given almighty powers and challenged to take on the big job and see if he can do it any better.

Like with most movies, there is some good and some bad in this one. The main message of this movie is good and is something that this world needs to hear-that I am just and loving and really want you to love Me back, and that prayers prayed from an unselfish, loving, desperate heart get answered. It shows that I know best-which I do-and it's good to see people saying that in a world that is so full of pride and self-reliance. It's got lessons of learning to trust Me, learning to find My will, learning yieldedness, and finding true happiness.
       This film explores the famous "what if" question-"What if I were God?" This film does the subject justice-for the world. You, My Family, have the straight Word and know the truth, but this film can be useful in your witness to others. It will get a lot of people in the world thinking about Me and realizing that God is fair and God is good, even though it doesn't always look like it. If people you're ministering to have seen this movie, you could get good mileage out of discussing it with them.
       What type of God would you make? Would you do things better? Do you want the job? Look what happened to this man when he got My powers. His evil, selfish nature was amplified-just as Adam and Eve's fallen nature would have been immortalized had they been allowed to remain in the garden and partaken of the tree of life.
       This movie shows that you reap what you sow-that the things you do, the way you behave, the way you treat others, comes back to you. In this case, things ended up well enough, but it's not like the main character got off scot-free. He had to go through a few things in the school of hard knocks to see how off-center he was, and get his priorities and focus straight.
       It has a generally good portrayal of God as being loving, wise, caring, and also very personable, with a "human" side if you will, a side that is fun to be around and interesting to talk to. I like seeing that portrayed in movies.
       Now for some of the flaws in this movie that taint it somewhat: The selfishness and self-centeredness of the main character, the revenge and "get even" tactics are obviously wrong. It shows the lesson, you get the point in the end, and you see a change, but just sitting and watching someone be so unloving and selfish and such a "jerk" can be draining.
       Some of the scenes are taken just a bit too far in the crassness department. There's also a fair bit of foul language.
       Watch out also for some more subtle, twisted truths in the movie. I don't take vacations as portrayed, and I'm not lethargic and laid back or lackadaisical in My care of mankind. I would never say that, "too many people look up" to Me. In fact, it's just the opposite; I want you to look to Me in all things, to not make a move without asking Me.
       This movie has a pretty good message in it, especially for the world. While it's a message that the Family or some Family members can benefit from, or use in your witnessing, it's not a message that you who know Me so intimately already really need. You know that I have a plan. You know that it pays to trust Me. You know that I have a purpose for things. You know that I know best.


Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor
       Comedy set in the '60s about a best-selling female advice author and feminist, and a sly journalist playboy.

This is a period piece of the '50s and '60s era movies, and it might appeal to some people that enjoy that type of movie. It's mostly just entertainment and fancy sets and costumes.
       There are no movies that are "all good" or that every single angle of the message is right on. But in this one there are no blatantly evil attitudes or messages included, there's no violence, there's no ugly sex, there's very little bad language, and it's not like many of the movies of this day and age that you walk away from feeling soiled and dirtied from the Devil's propaganda.
       This is a "relationship" movie, but the issues it deals with are simple ones. It's not something that people will be led astray by, as it's pretty far-fetched. Sometimes the more playful movies that are not realistic, that are not set in today's time and that are exaggerated spoofs, are much less harmful, as people aren't as apt to emulate the behavior, pick up the language, and take on the mindsets and attitudes.
       Something that I didn't like much about the movie was the show of independence on the woman's part. It's not that it's bad for women to work, or to assert themselves, but at the same time it has gone to the extreme, to where many women don't want to have children because they're too selfish to stay home and care for them. They'd rather have a glamorous job and be footloose and fancy-free. In some ways the movie clarifies itself and shows that that spirit of feminism isn't where it's at.
       I wouldn't recommend it for those who are young, or young in love and experience. The games of manipulation and playful revenge that the main characters play to get their way are not My way of loving. They're not the way of humility. I never promote deceitfulness or conniving in order to get your way, and for those who try to do things that way, things rarely work out. Those who are wise and have been "around the block" in life and love relationships will recognize this, and will have a good laugh.
       If you really want to know how to get ahead in relationships, pray and seek Me, and ask Me what the key to the other person's heart is. Then obey what I show you in humility, being willing to take the low seat and sacrifice to make others happy, and then true happiness will find you.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

William H. Macy, Helen Mirren
       Drama based on the true story of salesman Bill Porter, who came into contact with many people during his decades of knocking on doors. Porter, suffering from cerebral palsy, didn't allow his condition to stop him from pursuing a career, and his story touched the hearts and lives of many of his customers.
       [Note: The main character's overly liberal viewpoint toward homosexuality is something that may need clarifying to teens.]

This is a real fighter movie. It has a lot of good lessons on how to overcome and not let your handicaps become an excuse for why you can't do things. It shows how with determination, willpower, and hard work, you can rise above all obstacles. It doesn't talk about Me, but the lessons are still very good. Although the main character is handicapped, he has a very good attitude, he's very positive, and that makes the movie enjoyable.


Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Vavasseur, Julianna Margulies
       Drama based on a true story about an Irishman in the 1950s fighting for the right to raise his three children by himself after his wife left him.
       (Dad:) You know how much I admire a fighter, and this dear Irishman was a real fighter, someone whose story and gutsy sample should inspire the Family. He might not have been anything special in the eyes of the world, just a little nobody. He could hardly even find work. But he had guts and conviction, and the faith of David against Goliath. What he lacked in financial and worldly esteem, he made up for with fiery, obstinate faith.
       He was a real sinner, a typical Irish Catholic, but he was willing to take on church and state, the whole System, to fight for his God-given right to raise his own children, in his own house, according to how he saw fit.
       Sometimes people tend to shy away from stories that deal with kids being taken away by the System, but this story plays out in such a way that it is inspiring and even enjoyable.

Other Movies

Alan Arkin, John Turturro, Matthew McConaghey
       The lives of a lawyer, an actuary, a housecleaner, a professor, and the people around them intersect as they ponder order and happiness in the face of life's unpredictability.

This movie is a good character study, with good acting, and it shows you what a sad state the world is in, in its pursuit of happiness without Me. Because of that, it does give you a heart for reaching poor lost souls.
       It's a very realistic look at some sad lives, and shows the hopelessness that many feel. Therefore it can be helpful to some as a good look at life in the System-especially for those of the younger generation who don't know what it's like out there.
       This movie is very worthwhile for some people, and very much not worthwhile for others. It really depends on the person, your mood, your needs, and what type of lessons and/or entertainment you need personally.
       For those needing insight into the hearts of those in the world, for those who aren't very aware of the suffering people go through, for those who are smug or content in their blessed and happy lives with Me, this movie is useful, as it provides this insight, and it shows the way things really are for some people-so shallow, so empty, so devoid of life and light.
       For others, those who know and understand these principles, who know the ways of the world and its emptiness and darkness, and who are thankful for My love and salvation and truth and aware of how wonderful these blessings are, this movie could in some cases be no more than a downer. Those who have had a long, tiring day of pouring out and working hard and who need some recreation and relaxation may find this movie draining. Those who are battling or struggling with depression or sadness personally may find seeing all the sadness in this movie too much to bear.
       It's a movie that has a lot of good in it, but it isn't necessary for a lot of people to see, because the good that's in it is something they're already aware of and they have better things to do with their time. It is, however, a movie that I would lead some to watch, and in some cases even encourage them to show their teenagers as a message-movie.
       I have made people with a void in their lives for Me to fill. Many people try many things, and those things-whether success, or relationships, or money, or even a supposedly good, fulfilling job-will fail them, if they aren't seeking Me.
       In this movie, you see people trying different ways to handle life. Those who keep their eyes focused upwards are the ones who have some peace. They find joy in simple things. Those who look to success in their jobs or to relationships for their happiness are either building their joy upon the sand to be knocked away by a storm, or are constantly seeking joy, never to find it. True joy comes only from Me.
       It's a very deep movie, a movie that makes you think, and the majority of the conclusions that you who know the truth are left with, are right. It shows how faith and a positive outlook pay off, whereas selfishness and a negative outlook just make life worse. That is brought out quite clearly. But then there are other "doctrines" thrown out in the comments different ones make or the attitudes they are left with, which imply that life is all just random happenings, that there's no plan, no Planner, no purpose, no real destiny-it's just a matter of "things happen and you have to deal with them." It's true that bad things happen, and it's true that learning to deal with them is a big part of life. But it's not true that you're just left to fend for yourself, to deal with them on your own, and that nobody cares for you or is looking out for you. I am always looking out for My children-including those who know Me, and those who don't yet know Me but who in their hearts yearn for Me and seek Me.
       Continue to seek out My sheep. Let not even the hardness of some hearts discourage you, for the ray of love and hope that you have to give them through receiving Me will turn them around. They might not listen to you the first time, but down the road they'll look back at your loving sample, and it won't return void. My love keeps working in the lives of those who need Me, and always bears fruit.


Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro
       An FBI deep-woods tracker captures a trained assassin who has made a sport of hunting humans.

This movie is very typical of the run-and-chase type of movies that have gone before. It has no real spiritual or moral value, or even any real art or beauty to it. Sometimes a movie isn't especially meaningful, but it's fun, it's sweet, or it has some enjoyable aspect in a pure or natural way. This doesn't have that. It was mainly a whole lot of action, without a whole lot of plot or point. It would have been a better movie had the motives and intents of the characters revealed a bit more, rather than just focusing on the action. The emphasis on violence and the knife fight scenes is overdone.
It does show the horror of war, not only in the loss of life, but in that it messes up the minds and spirits of those who are involved. It can drive them to insanity and turn them into unnatural creatures who do that which man was not ordained to do.
One of My commandments was "thou shalt not kill," and those who break this commandment suffer for it, mentally and spiritually-and often physically, because those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.
       Another thing about this movie that I do not appreciate is how they open and close it with the reading of a Bible passage about Abraham and Isaac-that is misapplied because of the strange slant that is put on it. It's not something that would make My children in the Family stumble, because you have an understanding of what this Bible story was really about, and you see that the moviemakers are just using it for shock value. But still, it's not positive, uplifting, or faith-building in any way. I don't approve of people using My Word in that way.

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Activated responses

       I just got the seventh issue of ContactS (Hungarian Activated) mag, with those wonderful articles that are able to take away the anger and sadness and show the way to the true light.

-A., Romania

       One day I came home and found my wife reading the Activated magazine and crying. When I asked her what was wrong she answered, “Nothing is wrong, just everything is so right. I had such a hard day, but when I read 'From Jesus with Love' on the back, He was speaking to me and He really does love me!”

-Ben, Philippines

       I like Activated because it makes Jesus so simple. Now I feel He really is my Friend.

-Ann (student)

       Before regularly reading the Activated mag I never realized how much a part of my life Jesus could be.

-Rey, Philippines

       These little capsules of Word I get throughout the day from reading the Activated magazine are exactly what I need in helping me keep the love and patience for the children in my care.

-Diane (daycare operator), Philippines

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Help wanted

       Recently Heidi (of Gideon) gave birth to her sixteenth child, a little baby girl. The baby was 29 weeks, premature by 11 weeks, and only weighed 1.4 kg. The baby has been in ICU, and has been making daily progress. The doctors say that she might have to remain in the ICU for some time, perhaps several more weeks. After that, they will admit Heidi back into the hospital to live with the baby for four to seven days in a normal hospital room, under observation. If the baby is doing okay at the end of that time, both mother and baby can go home.
       This whole process could take up to a month, and the hospital bill could end up anywhere from $3,500-$5,000. The FAF is covering part of the bill, but we need help to cover the rest, as we don't have these funds ourselves. We are trying to see what we can do to ask friends and family for help, but quite frankly, nothing looks too promising at the moment.
       [Editor's note: If the Lord lays it on your heart to help with this situation, you can send any donations to Gideon and Heidi, Karachi, Pakistan via ASCRO. Thank you, dear Family, for your faithfulness to help those in need. We know the Lord will bless you for your giving.]
Thank you again for all your help and prayers. We love you!

       Much love,
       Gideon, Heidi, and all the Karachi Home

* * *

Hello! This is Leila (13, of Paul and Charity) in Madagascar. I'm looking for Dawn (of Eman and Peace), last heard of in Australia. I miss you tons, girl! Write me soon at pacha@wanadoo.mg. Waiting to hear from you! Love you!

       Hi! This is Claire in Madagascar; I'm trying to get in touch with Patrice, his wife Delphine and son (I forgot your name … sorry!) last heard of in France. My mom Faithy (a.k.a. Christine) lost your address. My address is ckeispooky@hotmail.com or pacha@wanadoo.mg directed to Ckei. Love you! Hope to hear from you soon!

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Former friends-seeking contact
Former members, Chiara (23) and Maria (20, of Santiago and Italian Esther) would like to get in touch with Nieves(of Lydia and Esteban). They knew her in Chile from 1990-1998. You can get in touch with them through either aurora_veneto@yahoo.it or kokorinoyami@hotmail.com. Thanks.

* * *

Shine On-May 2003
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Rosita, Mexico       2,500       5,000
       Josue/Maria, Mexico       2,198       13,189
       Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       577       1,154
Alissa/Ivan/Virginia, Russia       478       1,910
       Juan/Marie/Ruth, Mexico       323       1,290
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       192       1,732
       Daniel/Lily/Melanie/Pavel, Brazil       175       701
       Natalia/Salomon, Mexico       163       650
       Peter/Susan, Fiji Island       155       310
       Lily/Rose/Steven, Cameroon       136       953

       Steven Ascribe/Tabitha Japan       5,164       10,328
       João A., Brazil       5,000       5,000
       Tim May, Peru       4,000       4,000
Heber/Maria/Stephen, Peru       2,948       23,580
       Maria Fiel, Mexico       2,567       15,403
       Jonas/Michael/Paciencia, Chile       2,000       12,000
       Serena/Tommy, Cambodia       1,860       3,720
       Dulce/Matthew/Perola, Brazil       1,667       5,000
       Abraham/Daniel/David/Victoria, Mexico       1,429       10,000
       Felipe/Marcos/Paulo/Vitória, Brazil       1,305       7,830

       Aneta/Ben/Natalie/Peter, Botswana       600       3,000
       Kathryn/Mark/Renee, India       514       5,138
       Serena Spring, Mexico       497       497
Dominic/Paloma/Rose, United Kingdom       366       2,560
       Shemaiah Servant, USA       308       308
       DeDe, Japan       303       605
       Rose/Shine/Timothy, USA       290       3,474
       Angie/Isaac/Ruth, Burma       184       920
       Maria Fiel, Mexico       179       1,072
       Claire/Ginna/Marc, USA       170       1,021


       Joy/Kristy/Phinneas/Zeb, Mexico       1,956       9,780
       Pablo/Paciencia/Samuel/Sara, Mexico       1,800       9,000
       Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan       1,215       6,076
Daniel/Dora/Maria/Samuel, Kenya       1,187       4,750
       Christian/Maria/Michael, Japan       1,170       4,682
       Rosita, Mexico       1,005       2,010
       Spring, Mexico       930       1,860
       Meekness/Philip, Namibia       750       1,500
       Rose/Shine/Timothy, USA       649       7,784
       Eric/Promise/John, USA       525       1,050


       Aneta/Ben/Natalie/Peter, Botswana       451       2,255
       Sweetie, Mexico       305       610
       Jonas/Michael/Paciencia, Chile       214       1,286
Steven/Mariangela, Venezuela       101       202
       Faithy/Lalo/Natalia/Robin/Sarah, Mexico       91       547
       David/Dove, UK       74       222
       José/Esperanza, Peru       74       370
       Josiah/Linda, Mexico       71       142
       Francisco/Joana, Brazil       70       139
       Pablo/Paciencia/Samuel/Sara, Mexico       64       321

       Abigail/DavidDream/Lovely/Simon, Italy       173       692
       Esther (de Ezequiel), Brazil       150       150
       Jan/Maria/Paul, Nigeria       117       466
Crystal/Peter, Taiwan       108       215
       Faithy/Lalo/Natalia/Robin/Sarah, Mexico       99       595
       Chatity/Happy/Joshua, India       87       607
       Gideon Servant, Italy       66       66
       Angie/Isaac/Ruth, Burma       64       320
       Victor & Maria, Lebanon       57       172
       Eternity/Sarah/Thaddeus, Iceland       56       393


       Jonas/Michael/Paciencia, Chile       127       760
       Amor/Juan/Pablo, Chile       54       270
       Chris/Paula/Rejoice, USA       42       506
Daniel/Rejoice/Spring, Indonesia       36.3       218
       Ester/Fiorella/Juan, Brazil       36       290
       Kristia/Peter, Thailand       33       101
       Alissa/Ivan/Virginia, Russia       27       108
       Daniel/Charity, Brazil       25       150
       Bathsheba/Esther/John, Indonesia       23       71
       Gideon/Gracia/Heidi/Mary/Sam, Pakistan       22       226

HOME NUMBER       Total

       IA40 - Rose Garden Home        98
       IA42 - Bangalore Service Home        55
       CT0002        50
       RO0018        48
       PH0025        35
       IA21 - Mumbai DF Home        35
       PH0022        30
       JA0020 - Hilltop        26
       PH0005        26
       IA38        23


       Activated Desk       March       April       May
Brazil       159       137       NA
       Chile       4       18       7
       Colombia       4       21       NA
       EE and Russia       77       222       220
       Europe/Africa       NA       134       176
       India       319       244       440
       Japan       39       36       46
       Mexico       27       33       11
       N. America       30       29       16
       Philippines       82       116       108
       Taiwan       69       94       73
       Total       810       1,084       1,097

(End of File.)