DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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Important Notice: Education Announcement
By the International FED board and WS CVC desk
As per the Charter Education Amendment ("Charter Amendments 2003" GN 1033), it is now compulsory that Family young people receive an education enabling them to obtain a high school diploma.
As Peter said in that GN, "The Family's goal is to raise our children to be missionaries. Part of fulfilling that goal is to provide them with a quality education. Raising the scholastic requirements will not only help our children and young people to be better missionaries, but it will also better prepare those who might eventually choose to leave the Family for their lives outside of the Family."
(Jesus speaking:) These changes are good because they are in sync with the greater needs of the Family now, and are what the Family needs for the future. These are prayerful changes in step with the need to raise awareness, to raise the educational requirements in the Family, as well as to create an element of greater responsibility to be shouldered by the Home and ultimately the parents of the children in the Home.
The changes you are making are compatible with the majority of Family parents and teachers who have already been diligently looking to the state of their children's education. These conscientious ones are already providing their children and young people with more than the current minimum educational requirements and scholastic study hours required in the Charter. They are already fulfilling the new requirements and they will be thankful to see these changes. With these changes to the Charter you are now bringing everyone "up to the average." (End of excerpt.)
-"Charter Amendments 2003" (GN 1033)
Academic level upgrade in the CVC program
One of the ways to obtain a high school diploma is via the CVC program. The CVC program offers two high school diplomas: 1) Vocational High School diploma, and 2) General High School diploma.
The academic level required for a CVC Vocational High School (VHS) diploma is being increased and will be put into effect September 1, 2003. From that date on, a grade 8 academic level will no longer be sufficient to obtain a Vocational High School Diploma. Students will be required to prove that they have completed two further high school academic levels (grades 9 and 10).
After September 1, students desiring a CVC VHS diploma will need to prove their academic achievement by:
* passing the upcoming CVC Vocational High School exams
* providing proof through CLE (or other) diagnostic tests, or standardized achievement tests, that they have completed a grade 10 level of academic studies
* passing grade 10 of CLE, or another program in the major subjects (language arts, mathematics, social studies and science).
To earn a CVC VHS diploma, students are also required to earn 20 credits in Vocational Studies and 20 credits in Christian Studies. These requirements have not changed. [Note: Some people are mistakenly of the impression that a student needs to earn CVC vocational and Christian certificates in order to apply for a High School Diploma. This is not the case. Students can accumulate the required 40 credits from a variety of vocational and Christian courses.]
This CVC Vocational High School Diploma upgrade will come into effect September 1, 2003. Please check the CVC Web site for any further information about this change. You will need to enter the "Student Center" on the Web site, using your MO site password.
God bless you, our wonderful students, teachers, and parents, as you incorporate these changes into your high school program. We love you!
New Requirements for
CVC Vocational High School Diploma
(effective September 1, 2003)
To be eligible for a Vocational High School Diploma, students must:
a) pass the CVC Vocational High School exams; or provide proof through CLE (or other) diagnostic tests, or standardized achievement tests, that they have completed a grade 10 level of academic studies; or pass grade 10 of CLE or another program, in the major subjects (language arts, mathematics, social studies and science).
b) earn 20 credits in vocational studies courses in the CVC program
c) earn 20 credits in Christian studies courses in the CVC program.
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Notice to all Family Homes (CM and FM) regarding the book printing, June 2003
By the WS Administration team
Dear Family,
God bless you! We love you and appreciate each of you, and the part you play to make this terrific Family what it is. We pray and call on the keys for you all as you reach out with His love and message to so many.
We want to extend a very big "thank you!" to all who participated in the book printing fundraising day. We will be printing and shipping the books to you as soon as possible. We've waited to get back to you with the results of the fundraising day, as some areas weren't able to hold their fundraising day until last month. But now that all areas have participated, we will start working on preparing and then printing the first of the books. Our goal is to print the books in the last quarter of this year, and get them to you by Christmas or the first quarter of 2004. Please pray for this large project.
Thanks to all the Homes who participated, as well as to those who sent some large designated gifts, we were able to raise the majority of the funds needed for the book printing. On the other hand, there were quite a number of Homes, both CM and FM, that did not participate. In some areas, less than 50% of the Homes participated in the fundraising through a designated outreach day or sending in a donation for the printing.
While we understand that some Homes were not able to participate for legitimate reasons, we also do not feel that the burden of paying for the books for everyone should rest solely on those Homes that were faithful to join in on the fundraising day. Many of the Homes that didn't help out are in richer western nations, putting a greater burden of paying for the books for all on the Homes on poorer mission fields.
We can only assume that those Homes who didn't contribute are not interested in receiving the books for different reasons, such as English not being the language you receive your mailings in, or not wanting to carry around a large library of books. In any case, we will only be printing enough books for those Homes that contributed. WS will print a small number of extra copies, which will be made available for purchase (on a first-come-first-served basis) by the Homes that didn't contribute, but would still like to have the books.
If your Home hasn't participated yet, there is still time to join in and be counted among the Homes that will receive the books if you want to do so. You could have a day of fundraising for the book printing over the next month or so, or you could send in a donation based on what your Home averages on a normal witnessing day. Or if you raise your finances through System employment, you could contribute what you would make in a day's work. After we receive your July 25 TRFs, we will calculate the number of books to be printed based on the number of Homes that contributed over the past year, so if you would like the books, please join in now, and send in your contribution with your July 25 TRF!
We understand that there are some situations where it's just not possible for you to contribute. In such cases, please don't feel bad, but please write your Reporting Office and let them know that you would like to be included on the list to receive the books, explaining the reasons why your Home isn't able to contribute towards the book printing fund.
We love you very much and truly appreciate all your hard work, sacrifices, and labors of love that will make the upcoming book printing possible. It would not have been possible without your help. We're sorry that WS is unable to cover the extra cost for all Family Homes to be able to receive the books, but as we've explained recently, WS finances are low, and the total printing and shipping expense would be too much for WS to absorb. So although we are prepared to help Homes that are unable to contribute due to financial constraints or other legitimate hardships, we will not be able to supply the books for every Home without further contributions from those who thus far have not participated.
God bless you and continue to keep you happy, healthy, and well in His service.
With love,
The WS Administration team
"There is a key to unlock every door of good, power, and plenty. I will not withhold any blessing or treasure in the spirit from those who hold the keys close to their hearts in reverence and humility."
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"Read This!-It May Save Your Life!"
-New Endtime tract available!
On the MO site under the "tracts" section, you'll find a new tract entitled "Read This!-It May Save Your Life!" Prompted by the recent SARS threat, this tract highlights the signs of the times-don't miss it! A printed copy of this tract was sent with this mailing.
Regarding the need for such a tract our Husband said:
"Having a tract on diseases, pestilences, and plagues in the Last Days would be a good theme, and could be used at times such as now when the SARS epidemic is a threat. There are many in the world who live in fear of the diseases of this world … people everywhere need a message of freedom from fear, the signs of the times, that man is headed for destruction, and reassurance of life and complete freedom after death."
We continue to pray for you as you distribute His Words to the world.
Much love,
Your WS Family
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Ethan Lee, 3rd child, born to Leina Morningstar on March 24th.-USA
Alexander Dylan Jacobs, born to Amor on March 24th.-Spain
Harlan Chrysolyte, 3rd child, born to Janai and James on April 3rd.-USA
Vincent Kristian, born to Esther and Jonathan Kristian on April 7th.-Norway
Petra Elle, 1st child, born to Ginna Rose on April 8th.-USA
Aurora Antoinette, born to Clair Mariangela and Peter on April 8th.-Bulgaria
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CM/FM new disciples…
Arthur (36, Russian), joined in Russia
Zhenia (22, Russian), joined in the Ukraine
Rose (21, Botswanan), joined in Zambia
Dulcea (20, of Penny and Jesse Davidson) rejoined in the USA
Melinda (32), joined in the USA
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Southern Africa NAFM
By Magdalene (FED board), Chris White (JT board), Gideon (PR board), Rachel (PR board and CGO board), and Noah (ST), South Africa
The vision
Last year at a joint national board meeting we were praying about how to implement the different visions each board in our area had. The JT board wanted to have a camp, the CP board also wanted to have OC/MC/YC camps, the FED board had the burden to hold CVC and homeschooling seminars, and on the list went. We realized that by the time each board had held its meeting, and everyone had traveled to and from these meetings, the year would have come and gone and everyone in our area (which is quite big) would have had to travel quite a bit. We were all a bit stupefied. But the Lord gave us the solution in prophecy: to hold a NAFM (National Area Fellowship Meeting, which in our case includes South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique), where everyone could travel at one time and we could hold all these meetings at one venue.
This would, of course, take a huge amount of work. We formed a committee for this NAFM of Magdalene, Rachel, and the rest of the Home-in co-operation with the other boards. The JT board would prepare all the classes and activities for the young people, as they would be holding a JT camp simultaneously with the NAFM. The CP board would take care of all the Word classes and activities for the kids, and each board would prepare one seminar class to hold with the adults throughout the week.
Our base committee would find the site, make the schedules and prepare the activities, skits, inspirations, and take care of the logistics. The Lord led us to a very sweet man who paid for most of the NAFM site out of his own pocket, and we only had to charge each person less than $10 for the week. Our site was a beautiful resort in the mountains with 20 thatched chalets. We had the use of the entire camp so we could make as much revolutionary noise as we wanted to!
It took a lot of organizing to get 170 Family members from five countries to the site, but the Lord did major miracles all throughout. Most of the food was also provisioned.
General flow
As we knew that it was taking a lot of sacrifice on the part of all traveling to the NAFM, we wanted to make the most of the time that the Lord was giving us together. We started every day with a united rousing inspiration, singing songs that made the Revolution, and proclaiming a war of the spirit. Each day we performed a skit, and after prayer everyone divided into their different groups for Word classes. The adults had devotions together, which was followed by a seminar from one of the boards.
In the afternoon we had united get-out followed by another seminar for the adults and activities for the young people and children. In the evening we had activities such as: Talent night (which was such a hoot), Gypsy dancing (wild and free!), games night, and to end it all, a dance night.
Board features
CGO board: The CGO board had a lovely photo display of all their activities over the last year, including attending and witnessing at the World Summit, some of the cricket World Cup matches, peace marches, etc. They held seminars on Activated and mass marketing, which were not only extremely inspiring but a major breakthrough. The CGO board produced a CD with the 12 Foundations Correspondence Course and Endtime PowerPoint display to give out to the Homes.
PR board: The PR board held a media seminar explaining, step by step, how to present the Family to all their friends and contacts, and gave each Home a media resource CD with everything you could possibly imagine pertaining to legal and media, from Statements to a class on how to rent a flat for teens who have left the Family.
FED board: The FED board had prepared a FED resource folder for every family in Africa, with original copies of all the forms you need for homeschooling, record keeping, CVC, portfolios, etc. The FED team gave a class on how to use all these forms to keep up to date with all the Charter and homeschooling requirements. Along with the resource folder each family received a CD of FED resources full of goodies such as FML screensavers, math dots that flash, flannelgraphs, readers, and the list goes on and on.
The FED board also had a resource center set up with displays and sample books, CDs, and more, which people could browse. We also had a CD burner set up so that people could order educational/Word CDs and have them produced on location so as to cut down on postage costs.
They also held a CVC workshop for all the young people and anyone else who was interested in the CVC. The workshop provided a hands-on class on how to do the CVC, fill out the forms, etc. We set up the student card office while there, and made student cards on the spot for the young people.
CP/JT boards: As well as taking care of all the kids, hosting their activities, and getting to know all the children and young people in this area, these two boards held seminars with the parents where we all shared our hearts, our difficulties, and victories, and had good prayer for the children, JETTs, and teens.
The JETTs and teens had some fantastic Word classes and skits based on getting in the Word and giving the Lord a chance to work in their lives, forsaking all. They also had a commitment ceremony where they wrote out the things they were forsaking or giving to the Lord, and threw them into the bonfire. This was a very moving ceremony for everyone.
Although it was a big project to pull off, and the schedule was tight, it was a huge success! Everyone had a blast! The site management was so impressed by the Family's standard, how the young people conducted themselves that they even wrote us a thank-you letter.
The boards covered all the important points and visions that they wanted to impart to Family attendees. We've made some giant steps forward as a field, and we can't wait for our next NAFM!
"At first I wasn't sure if the boards would really work, but now I can see that they are the future of the Family."
"My best memories as a child were of going to NAFMs, and now my kids can also have those memories."
"I'm so excited about the boards. All that has been poured into us this week is going to change our Home."
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If you're wondering about writing…
By the WS pubs department
When reading over a recent FSM of testimonies, Mama commented, "I don't think these Family writers will ever know what their testimonies have done or will do. Their articles are just tremendous. Whether writing about a miracle or giving a personal testimony, it takes time and can be difficult to do in our busy Homes, but it really is a wonderful thing when they can write for our Family pubs.
"Even if their article just reaches one person and something clicks, the light turns on, and that person grasps something or decides to do the right thing or turns more toward the Lord, then it's worth it, because when one is changed, many more are positively influenced. So writing these articles is part of our Family's witness. It's not a witness to outsiders, but it is a witness within the Family that strengthens people and thus strengthens their personal witness and what they can do to help others, and the effect snowballs. It's a labor of love that takes time, prayer, thought, and energy, and will have far-reaching effects. The Lord highly values these contributions, and so do we!"
In the following message, the Lord gives more reasons why your articles are so important.
(Jesus speaking:) The effect of sharing lessons and victories, miracles and progress, evidence and testimonies in the Family pubs is so great, because it creates a climate of worldwide fellowship-everyone seeing what the other Family Homes and witnesses and provisioners and teachers and disciple-winners and cooks and drivers and singers and outreachers and mothers and fathers and shepherds are doing. The Family needs fellowship, and they get it through the pubs that contain these prayed-through and well-thought-out articles.
The Family also needs encouragement, and in these testimonies from like-minded people, they hear how the Family is going somewhere, doing something, winning victories. They read how people just like themselves got the victory over obstacles, and how I came through for them. They see how others value what I've done in the Family and what I am doing.
The Family needs proof and evidence that My promises are coming true, and that I am doing what I said I would do if they follow Me. These articles provide the facts, the stories, the evidence that all I have told you about is coming to pass, as you obey My Word, call on the keys, expect miracles, pray, praise, love, and believe.
The Family needs inspiration-to see their peers reaching out, happy, finding their life's calling, being challenged, fruitful, and victorious. These articles show the tremendous results of following Me, and what wonderful adventures, excitement, and satisfaction can result.
Writing takes sacrifice, it takes time, it takes sitting down and creating the article. And then it's not over, because you have to send it in. But if you proceed with faith, asking for My anointing on your article, and calling on the keys and their power, I will bless your work and cause it to have repurcussions that are limitless. Many will be strengthened-not just for today or tomorrow, but forever. You will also grow, as you see Me use you through your writings. You will be blessed in many ways, as you make the sacrifice to reach out to others in this way.
You will enjoy rewards in Heaven because of the multiplied effects of your testifying to what I have done, your sharing of tips, and your not neglecting to communicate. It's love, and with such sacrifices I am well pleased. I love you and treasure you, My Family writers! (End of message from Jesus.)
Your contributions are highly valued and their results are infinite! Thank you-all our Family writers!
[Note: If you have a testimony, tip, reaction, or anecdote, please send it in to the appropriate e-mail address today, or include it on your TRF! We love to hear from YOU!]
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Updated WS e-mail addresses
Activated - activated@wsfamily.com
Art contributions - art@wsfamily.com
Computer department (WS) - computer@wsfamily.com
END - end@wsfamily.com
Eve - eve@wsfamily.com
Family Care - fc@wsfamily.com
FAR - far@wsfamily.com
FED/CVC (WS) - fed@wsfamily.com
FSM - fsm@wsfamily.com
GP - gp@wsfamily.com
Grapevine - gv@wsfamily.com
Heaven's Library - hl@wsfamily.com
Kidland - kidland@wsfamily.com
Kidz Biz - kidzbiz@wsfamily.com
Lovelines - lovelines@wsfamily.com
Mama - mama@wsfamily.com
Movies - movies@wsfamily.com
Peter - peter@wsfamily.com
Prayer List - pl@wsfamily.com
Pubs (catchall) - pubs@wsfamily.com
Questions - questions@wsfamily.com
Reflections - reflections@wsfamily.com
TeleTRF - teletrf@wsfamily.com
Web team - web@wsfamily.com
WS business (catchall) - ws@wsfamily.com
WS personal mail - wsmail@wsfamily.com
Xn - xn@wsfamily.com
[Note: You can download the PGP keys for these from the MO site at http://www.familymembers.com/contact/. If you can't find the specific key, you can enclose your file with the wspubs key instead.]
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Now available:12 Foundation Stones in Spanish!
The 12 Foundation Stones are now available in Spanish! You can download them from the English or Spanish MO site, or, if you have a hard time finding them, write the Chile Activated Desk at chilecon@mi-mail.cl and they'll send them to you.
We love you all tons!
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GN recordings available on CD!
You might recall that not long ago several MP3s of readings by Simon Peter (Happy) of some of the recent GNs were made available on the MO site. There are now more MP3 readings posted, including the full MB2K as well as all the keys promises published to date.
With this notice we would like to let you know that these CDs-the MLs, MB2K,and keys promises are also now available for ordering from the SEA FED in Thailand, at the low cost of $2 per CD, including postage. The files are in wave format so they can be played on any CD player. Payments can be made via the TRF to SEA FED - Word CD Series.
Orders can be sent to the following e-mail address: eztel@loxinfo.co.th. We would like to ask that all orders be PGPed, so drop us a line and we will send you our key to close your orders in.
LIST OF CDS AVAILABLE (all wav. files):
MB2K: (Memory Book 2000) (3 CDs)
Key Promises (3 CDs)
"Conviction vs. Compromise" series (4 CDs)
CD 1
-Coming Persecution
CD 2
-The Dangers of Division
CD 3
-Be Ye Separate
CD 4
-Be True to the Revolution
-Keep Fighting
Feast 2002 Series (1 CD)
-Focus on the Power
-Keys Turned to Swords
-Full Possession
-Gift of Heavenly Thought Power
-Vows of Surrender
The Keys Series, part 1 (1 CD)
-What the Future Holds Parts 1 and 2
-Call on the Keys
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news from the Activated desks, April 2003
Tool sales: April has been our best month this year with tool sales.
Mag of the Month progress: Several more Homes joined the Mag of the Month program and other Homes increased their orders. This program is growing slowly but steadily, and we are seeing noticeable progress each month. We are now printing 6,000 mags each month in Portuguese.
Special introductory offer in Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Slovakia: For the past year or so we've been receiving a number of sponsored subscriptions from Homes around the world. These subscriptions have been given to people who were hungry for the Word, but who didn't have the economic means to pay for the subscription themselves. However, for the last couple of months we hadn't received many new addresses from the Homes, even though we have appealed a number of times to the Homes.
So when praying for the Lord's guidance about what to do, the Lord gave the idea (for a limited period of time) of using these funds to help pay for a special "introductory offer." (Any sponsored subscriptions which are specifically designated for groups of people [e.g.: Romanian prisoners, sheep in Bulgaria, etc.] will continue to be used for just that.)
This "introductory offer" allows the Homes to offer subscriptions to sheep for a third of their normal price, so that the Homes can send in three addresses for the price of one. The Lord showed us to combine this "introductory offer" together with a contest and offer prizes for the Homes that would get out the most subscriptions. The prizes were all provisioned, thanks to the team at the Sky Home. The top Home will win a VCR; the second Home a blender, etc.
So far this offer has been going on for one month and already we have seen some Homes really getting behind the Activated program.
Activated meeting: We had another successful Activated meeting for subscribers and potential subscribers at a four-star hotel here in Santiago. This time the subject was on Easter and the people who attended were very touched by the message.
Activated seminar: The CGO board organized a two-day seminar for representatives from all the Homes in England. About 20 brethren attended and we were able to answer questions about Activated, MOTMs, and marketing. We are praying that these seminars will help more Homes to get on board with Activated here in England.
Some brethren have started mass marketing on a small scale, getting the tools into stores and bookshops, but most people didn't really know how to get started. It was a blessing to be able to clarify the vision a bit and offer some tips and ideas.
Abi from the Media desk gave a short presentation on the 12 Foundation Stones and how to use them with new disciples and sheep.
We were able to bring a small stock of tools, and everyone made orders. A lot of people were interested in God on God, and Evolution: Fact or Fable? as these were the two new items that most people hadn't seen yet.
Sales seminar: Seventy-three people from all over India attended the weeklong sales seminar in Goa. The Lord raised up two outside friends who are successful businessmen to come and give talks on salesmanship and perseverance, as well as crazy faith. Other topics covered were tool distribution and methods of outreach.
Prizes: The South CGO board is offering a local area shiner prize for Activated subscriptions on a "per voting member" basis. We feel this should encourage the Homes in that area to get more subscriptions, as well as inspire the young people, as they are also offering a special prize for young people under the age of 21.
Japanese bimonthly Activated (local version): Issue #3 was printed and made available to the Homes for ordering.
New local CD cards: We offered three new local CD cards to the Homes this month, and had a record sale on CD cards, with Children's Day and Mother's Day. We sold a total of 6,272 cards-two and a half times our monthly average!
Sponsor a Book program: The Sponsor a Book program is taking off, and we now have 2,500 books sponsored (Stories to Grow By).
Upping subscription average: It's been wonderful to see new subscriptions, averaging around100 per month!-With one Home getting 34 subscriptions this month.
Chinese Activated: Activated issues 7-11 have been printed, so we now have the first year done. The new printer we started using turned out to be a real sheep and got very inspired about being able to help us; he offered to print the whole magazine in color and use thicker, better quality paper for the same price.
Mag of the Month: Our area Mag of the Month program is now at 5,325 in English and 500 Spanish.
Activated seminar videos: In April we were able to finish the video editing of two Activated Seminar 2002 classes, Dave Goodman's testimony, and a class on preparing and presenting GP seminars.
Winepresses: Our Winepress membership is now at 390, with an additional mailing going to about 65 supporters. One of our supporters joined FM this month and another is requesting FM status. We revamped our "Keep Me in Touch" form to include witnessing stats from our Winepressers and we include it in the monthly Winepress Newsletter, which hopefully will encourage them to get out witnessing more.
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ad: Have you hosted a successful seminar?
We are a small team with a lot of activities, and the Lord has shown us to also prepare seminars as part of our work. We would like to ask if you could help by sending us any seminar material that you have developed so we don't have to "re-invent the wheel"!
If you could send your key to info@itcollege.org.uk we will send you ours to close the files in. Thanks so much for your help!
The Iceland team
[WS: Please also send a copy of your seminar material to pubs@wsfamily.com at the same time! Thanks!]
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board news
Three-day adult camp
By VEC VS team
Good morning, afternoon and evening to all of you faithful GV readers! A three-day adult camp was held for all 80 years and up … oops, typo …18 and up! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the boards have been taking off at astonishing speeds, and we're all trying to keep up with the news flow that keeps pouring in from our field reporters as board and Family members take up the torch to move ahead and progress in all aspects of Family life.
But before I get carried away, I'll pass you on to a SGA reporter residing in Colombia who lived the whole event firsthand:
"I sat waiting, my eyes scanning the horizon from a large glass window in the beautiful Family Home where the meetings were to be held. Located in the outskirts of northern Bogotá, this spacious house is set among the green rolling hills of a picturesque Colombian countryside. As I relaxed, enjoying the view, I suddenly felt a twinge of excitement. Today is the big day in which over 50 Family members, representatives of almost every CM Home in Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia and Dominican Republic, would be arriving and not only that-I thought as I glanced over my shoulder to look at the clock on the wall. They should be arriving at any minute.
"A few minutes later, I caught sight of a green van slowly winding its way up to the front gate. Soon after that other cars, vans, and pickups began pulling up the driveway. I stood in awe as a steady stream of youthful faces climbed out from the vehicles. For a minute I toyed with the thought that I had somehow time-travelled back to the famous teen camp that had taken place in our area a few months before. Or perhaps I had misunderstood 'adult camp' for 'teen camp'? Disregarding those two options quickly for lack of sound evidence, I decided to rather give myself the traditional 'pinch' and then see what would happen. The time-proven 'pinch' worked again as I came to my senses and kicked myself for not having realized sooner that what seemed to be a strange phenomenon is actually a trademark of the Family and a widely-known fact. The fact is that older Family members (a.k.a. FGAs) not only retain their youthful good looks but sparkle with a deeper charm and beauty cultivated through the years.
"Before I knew it I was downstairs, running out the front door, and had joined a happy, 'huggative' (new word in the dictionary of yours truly) crowd. Soon everyone was busy setting up their tents in the garden or settling down in the rooms and make-shift rooms (the large garage was nicely set up with bunk beds, mattresses, and beds for 15 people), while at the same time getting to know* each other and fellowship. (*Note to curious readers: 'Know' is not used in the Biblical sense here.)
"Here is a rundown of the three days of meetings/activities:
Morning meeting: Keynote prophecy from the Lord received for these meetings; class on "Warhorses to the Fray" (GN 957); announcements.
Afternoon meeting: Reach the Rich and Conéctate vision in our witnessing and Homes.
Night activity: Wild and free Gypsy dancing around a bonfire.
Morning and afternoon meetings: How to solve problems the Homes face by looking to the Word and the Charter; the duties of a Charter member, Charter Home, and Home shepherd; what the Lord is expecting of us and our Homes so that we can live fully the era of action and greater works; applying CvsC series to our Homes; the financial state of our Homes.
Night activity: Talent night-including side-splitting skits, the handsome mariachi duo, sexy belly dancing, far-out messages from Ethernal and Rianna played out by two subjects dressed-up in a far-out way, a heart-felt recital from a poet (and we did not know it!), a brand-new song composed/sung beautifully by one of our SGA girls, a sizzling salsa dance, Conéctate quiz, games, jokes, and more!
Morning meeting: Using the new weapons and the keys of the Kingdom to a greater degree-an exciting class in PowerPoint form.
Afternoon meeting: United prayer of deliverance. The Lord poured out beautiful prophecies and visions during this time. Then Zac and Lucero led a prayer for healing and the Lord miraculously healed many from afflictions and illnesses.
"And before signing off, I am constrained to say that these meetings wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for our ever-inspiring inspirationalists (Daniel D., Daniel, and Agustin) who brought the sound of revolutionary music to our hearts during the camp; for Lily and Ruth who helped oversee the kitchen (your role made a vital difference in our lives!); for Juan and Lily taking care of the organizational part of things; Juan (Ecuador) for all the handyman work he did around the house; for Vicky, Esteban, and others who committed themselves to help pick up and drop-off the brethren at the airport and bus stations; for all the ones who stayed by the stuff in the Homes so others could attend the meetings; and for the attendees who came-the meetings would certainly not have been the same without each of you!"
Thank you, SGA-reporter-from-Colombia, for that emotive replay of the events. And now here and live, in paper, is a reaction from one of our attendees, dear Lydia, a beautiful mother of 14 and a lovely representative from the tropical island of the Dominican Republic:
"Thank you so much for allowing me to attend these meetings. It has been great! I don't have the words to describe how feeding, inspiring, faith-building and fun this trip has been!"
And, dear GV readership, stayed tuned for more. Remember that we're in the era of action, led by an ever-active Lover and Lord, living in action-packed Homes full of active kids, teens and adults who are actively promoting Activated and winning Active members and reaping the actual harvest before the great last act takes place in history followed then by 1,000 years of great activity.
OC spring campout
By James Teacher, Mexico
We were able to hold an overnight campout for the OCs in the Monterrey area. Fourteen OCs attended, along with six overseers. One of the Homes has a large property where we held this event, complete with soccer area and swimming pool, as well as tent space.
Everyone arrived around mid-morning so we could start off the day, unitedly, in the Word. We had a class on the Family's heritage using a projector to view photos of the beginnings of the Family. Some of the children here hardly know our roots, so this was a good class to familiarize them with where we came from.
In the afternoon we got busy putting up the tents, playing some soccer and having a swim. After a simple dinner and S'mores we used the projector to watch Ben Hur on the big screen. It's a real blessing to be able to have the use of this projector. It holds everyone's attention for a longer period of time.
It was inspiring to see all the OCs participating in the inspiration, studying their Bibles, and enjoying the fellowship of their peers. In the morning they had an Endtime review of the "16 points." We had another get-out of relays and an obstacle course, and then finished by taking down the tents and enjoying delicious provisioned pizza.
Thanks to the board vision these kinds of events will become more regular. It was a simple beginning, which we hope to be able to continue.
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SCMascot Web site
By Maria, for the ABCP JT board, Chile
The ABCP JT board is happy to announce the creation of their Web site, the SCMascot (South Cone Mascot), geared toward the junior and senior teens of the ABCP area.
Thanks to Gabe (15) and the many hours he put into this project, we now have a tool for all of us to keep in touch and know what's up! Each teen has now received their personal username and password and can access the site in either English or Spanish.
Some features of the site are headlines (important messages, news, etc.), groups (for Word competitions, among other things), private messages and chat (complete with bad language catcher!), weekly polls, announcement corner, and more. We will soon add a photo page, a forum corner, and some games.
We pray this will be a blessing and a great asset to our programs here, as we can be in constant communication with the young people as well as provide a good fellowship option. You can check the site out at: www.scmascot.breezeland.com.
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A missionary life
By a Home in the Middle East
During a recent contact with the UN agency who oversees the many refugee camps here, we were asked if we could provide a computer for one of the disability centers we often visit for food distributions and other programs. We responded that we did not have the funding for it ourselves, but that we would see if we could find a sponsor for this specific need.
To be honest, we weren't really sure how we would go about this, considering our limited time and personnel, and the many other projects in the works requiring funding. We had also been hesitating to visit camps at this time, due to the possible anti-foreign sentiment caused by the war in Iraq.
Amazingly enough, less than a week later, there was a phone call. A young lady, who had accompanied us on food distributions before, said that she knew someone who wanted to spend money to help the poor. They had agreed together that they would buy food and give it to families in that very camp! She asked if we could please coordinate it within a few days and go along with her.
We happily agreed, of course, but also let them know about the request for the computer. A cheaper PC, or maybe a special offer, would cost about the same as the food packages, so we thought they may opt for one or the other. But the next day, they called to say they would donate both the food for 30 families and a high-specs computer, plus a printer!
The UN agency was so touched that the director himself (a gentleman we had never met in our nine years of cooperating with the agency) arranged to be at the camp, along with a number of other officials, to receive the donation. We were received warmly by all and were able to share comfort and encouragement, as well as help with this material donation.
It was nothing short of miraculous to have found a sponsor so fast, before we even started asking!
We also held two more Early Learning seminars. The voluntary group with whom we cooperate on this series of twelve seminars is very thankful for this rotational program, and the response of the participants is very positive.
The seminars, which include practical workshops and a free kit of teaching materials for each center, stress the great learning potential of very young children and introduce early reading, information cards, basic motor skill development and more. The attending kindergarten teachers find them highly motivating and refreshing.
We were also able to coordinate a performance in a refugee camp kindergarten. The 130 children were delighted with the visit, responsive and well behaved. They thoroughly enjoyed the songs, stories, puppets and clowns. We were accompanied by one of our Motivated volunteers (part-time volunteer) who provided excellent emceeing in Arabic. It was her first visit to a refugee camp ever and she later shared how much the poverty and crowdedness had increased in her the desire to be more active and to do what she can to reach out to those in need. Involving local volunteers in our work has been one of our goals, and we are thrilled to see more of them participating and choosing to put their talents to the service of the community. They often comment that they learn a lot from their on-hands participation with us.
We received a surprising and encouraging comment from our landlord this month, when he visited to pick up the money for the rent. He talked about his work, in the management of a large semi-governmental company. He had reached retirement age, but they asked him to stay on longer, which he did. Now, a couple of years later, he moved to a post as consultant. While he was still in active management, he tried to offer as many benefits as he could to the few hundred employees. Even the labor union liked his style, which of course is not so common. Then at the New Year, he thought, "Why not offer a gift to every employee, an agenda or something nice?" So that's what he did, and evidently it was a first in that company. Employees had never received presents from the management before.
He said he felt everyone should be made to feel special and appreciated, and they did. People really liked this simple gesture and were grateful. Then he asked us, "Do you know why I did this?" We said we didn't. He said, "I learned it from you!" He went on, "You always give me things, and it's been so nice. Also, you came to this country to help others, and I thought that I should try to be a little more like you and like the example that you have shown me!"
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In the Limelight
By Gideon, Pakistan
We held a benefit show for 3,000 handicapped and underprivileged children. It was quite an impressive show-the venue, the setup, stage, etc. Our friend who arranged the grounds for us is an influential man and philanthropist. He was very impressed with the show and presentation, and told us that although they have many functions on the grounds of their private club, ours was the most organized and well managed he'd ever seen. His wife, also a well-known and influential philanthropist, sat through the whole program (which he said was a miracle in itself). After the show, she called us personally to tell us how wonderful everything was.
Strings (a top Pakistani group) were our guest artists. All the major media were present, and clips from the event were broadcast on GEO TV and on ARY TV, both large cable stations here that broadcast throughout other ME and Asian countries. GEO also interviewed Sam and me about Family Educational Services Foundation and HeartBeat, our show troupe.
The performance also made the front page of Dawn's city section (the major English-Pakistani newspaper), as well as the front page of Star, an evening newspaper, for two consecutive nights with favorable articles and photos on the event and about our overall work. Several Urdu language newspapers also printed pictures.
Strings did a 30-minute set in the middle of the program, with HeartBeat opening and closing. Strings did a great job, and, of course, all the people enjoyed them. But it was amazing, as many people told us afterwards that they enjoyed HeartBeat even more!
Some TV stations and newspapers also want to come to our Deaf Reach Training Center and do an interview and story about that part of our work, and Dawn Images (Sunday newspaper special section) said that they want to run a feature article on the whole event.
We had a big banner (25' x 8') stretching across the full stage clearly with "Family Educational Services Foundation presents Children's Benefit Concert 2003-What Everybody Needs Is Love!" on it.
We had provisioned snacks and printed handouts, and thus were able to give each child a cold drink, ice cream, bag of chips, box of juice, a "Rock in the Road" tract, and coloring page, which we designed to hand out to each one at the end. We also got 250 videos sponsored, and gave a gift pack to the head of each of the 25 schools present. We called the principals on stage to show them appreciation and present the gift pack (which consisted of 10 videos, a "Mottos for Success," and a year's subscription to Motivated for the school).
We also had 50 volunteers, mainly students, who came to help us, which also made all of this possible. These are some of our regular volunteers that do other CTPs with us, and they also brought their friends, etc., and all were needed to seat the students, hang the banners, pass out all the snacks and handouts, and then collect all the trash and bottles at the end. They did great!
Many of the new volunteers afterwards came to us asking how they can get more involved with us, and were turned on. Some will now start going with us weekly to the SOS Orphanage to help us there, so this kind of event is a good thing to get them turned on and involved. Even our teens' friends whom they play soccer with came to help, which was a witness for them.
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New avenues
By Simon, Renee, and Joanna, Greece
Ken is a Nigerian Christian, who called us up after he had gotten our number from a friend of his. He was so excited about getting in contact with us, and could hardly believe that young people, between the ages of 13 to 15, would go out with their Bibles to personally witness. He wanted to meet us, so he came to our next fellowship and was flipped out!
A couple of weeks later his older sister, Ivy, who is a pastor and evangelist living in London called us and was excited and enthusiastic about our prison ministry here, where we minister mainly to Africans, most of whom are from Nigeria. We talked with her for a long time, especially about how important it is to hear from the Lord, and how the Lord longs for us to have a very personal and intimate relationship with Him.
Through our prison ministry to the Africans we've found it easy to also approach the African embassies. At the embassies, we always meet precious people who we are then able to follow up on. Most of the time they take different Activated materials. Recently we had a little prayer meeting with a public affairs attaché of one of the embassies and hope to have that on a more regular basis and with more attendees.
We also started giving the 12 Foundation Stones classes. It's a small beginning, but we are excited and pray that more will join the class. At the moment the attendees are all Africans from Nigeria, Somalia, and Kenya.
Please pray for the work here especially that the Lord will open the door also to reach the Greeks here, and will send more laborers into this harvest-maybe you? Please feel free to drop us a line at: rayofhopefam@yahoo.com.
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mama's mailbox
Dearest Mama,
I love you so very much. It was such a wonderful privilege to see you and Peter on video, I feel like I have a much closer connection to you now. Thanks for having the faith to talk to us "face to face"; it meant so much to me!
I wanted to pass on a message to you that I received from a senior teen who left a few months ago from Africa to join her boyfriend (who was FM) in Europe. She recently sent me a message and asked me to pass it on to you, so here it is.
Much love and prayers,
An SGA in Africa
Dear friend,
I hope you didn't forget me! I'm sorry I didn't write to you more often. As you probably heard, I'm in Europe and I have a job. I didn't want things to happen this way, and I promised you I wouldn't. Not only to you, but also to the Lord! If you want to know, it's the most painful experience of my life. Living in the System is so empty and cold.
Even though my goal wasn't, and still isn't to do all this, since I didn't choose the Lord's best (and I know it!), He's making me have it the hard way. Of course, all this reflects on my [personal] relationship, and since we don't have much time for Word together, our relationship didn't go so well. I am lost, and I wish I had stuck to my convictions and followed the Lord's first place for me.
I have fallen into a little bit of smoking. Not much and I hate it. I'm doing better now though. A little farther until you fall all the way-horrible! I can't speak any further; it hurts. But please remember me and pray for me.
I'd like to ask you to transfer this message to Mama Maria for me, as I don't have the courage to. I'm so ashamed, and I feel I have failed the Lord. I don't have the right to address His prophetess. Please forgive me. Please don't let go of me! Please don't forget me...
[Note: Here are the words from our sweet Husband to this dear one, which we hope will be an encouragement to you as well.]
(Jesus speaking:) My sweetheart, don't be discouraged and let yourself fall into that pit of self-condemnation. I haven't forsaken you, and I still love you now just as much as I did before. I know that through your choices you've gotten off the path and strayed away from My highest will, but it's making you all the more desperate and hungry to get back to your calling.
I know you feel like you've failed and gotten into a situation that you hadn't intended. You felt like you could still serve Me from there, and you could be happier doing it because you'd be with your boyfriend. But things don't always work out the way you think, and the Enemy can put a twist and appeal on his temptations that make them look pretty good, and like they might even be My will. Some things that appear to be the perfect situation can end up being just the dead end you wanted to avoid.
But don't fall into the despair of the Enemy in thinking you've utterly failed and aren't worthy of Me. My darling, I know your heart. I know your desire to be My disciple. Just because of one detour you've taken, you can't decide that it's not worth heading in the direction of the goal. You can't give up that easily.
Look at the many examples in the Bible of the men of God who got sidetracked and out of My will, but came back around to become even stronger witnesses and closer to Me than ever. That can be a real encouragement to you. You can make it. You can still be all that I want you to be. Even if you can't immediately get back to the field you were in before, or to the place that you feel is the center of My will, you can work towards it with all of your heart. And until then, do all you can in the position that you're in now to reach those you can with My love. You can fight against the worldly entanglements that are trying to latch onto you and bog you down. Call on Me; call on the keys to help you overcome. We can do it together.
Most of all, know that I love you no matter what. You can never be too bad for Me. Yes, there are times when you please Me more, and other times when your actions please Me less, but know that I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will love you and will keep you close to Me, no matter what.
Mama and Peter love you too and are praying for you, and your Family loves and cares about you. Just remember that when you are down and discouraged. We're all rooting for you! Okay? I love you and am right there with you. Call on Me and seek Me for My will in your life and I will lead and guide you as to what to do, and what steps to take next. (End of message from Jesus.)
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Blessings as a result of putting the Word first
Steven Helper, India: Rajan and I had gone to a nearby town for a road trip. On our first day we wanted to get a head start and leave on time and get the most done that day. However, when we brought it before the Lord He told us to have extra Word and prayer time, and instead of our one hour of devotions He said to have two hours. We obeyed by faith and had a feast on the Word.
After that we went to visit a Catholic school where we knew the sister in charge (her name is Natalia). She was busy with different interviews, but asked us to wait for her. After waiting for some time she called us into her office. Right away she pulled out 5,000 rupees ($100) and said, "This is for your work!" Then she also bought seven videos, nine books, and renewed her Activated subscription as well!
At our next appointment the company ordered 250 "Mottos for Success" without us even meeting the director! It was so inspiring to see the Lord do the miracles for us. When we obeyed by putting Him first by having extra Word time, He in turn blessed us tremendously. This also encouraged our faith in the Lord's ability to supply our needs, as we didn't have to try to work it up in our own strength-the Lord did it for us as we obeyed!
Another sheepy person the Lord led us to was a young Sikh man who owns a computer firm. We explained our work to him and then showed him the "Mottos" and the CDs. He was initially a little reluctant to help, saying that his business was not doing that well. We then started talking to him more on a personal level. We told him about our personal experiences in the Family, how Jesus changed our lives, and how Jesus wants to be his personal friend. Afterwards he had tears in his eyes. It reached his heart and touched him. I guess most people don't talk to him like that, as most are only trying to get something from him on a business level, but we were different.
He said the salvation prayer from the book Glimpses of Heaven, and then cheerfully took a CD, a few "Mottos," God on God,and some children's books. The next day when we went to drop off the "Mottos" we could see a visible change in him. He was so humble and had a very sweet look in his eyes.
Throughout the trip I could see the Word coming alive, especially in regards to the reach the rich vision, feeding people spiritually, getting out the meat of the Word, Activated, CvsC, and putting the Lord on the spot and expecting Him to supply. We claimed the keys at every opportunity, had prayer vigils, prophecy time, Word time, and did our best to please the Lord and keep our hearts right with Him, which would bring on His blessings. There were different tests, but the Lord always came through.
Obeying the Word
Josh (of Lilly), India: Once again the new financial month rolled in, only this time our expenses were 30% higher, and to make the situation even graver, we were going to have fewer outreach teams as our main outreach person was away. Nearly all our income comes from outreach and other related sources-but all from the field. The Lord was going to have to take over!
I remember asking Him, "Lord, how are You going to do it this time?"
His reassuring voice encouraged me, "Stand back and watch Me fight! You be faithful to take your Word time, praise time, prophecy sessions, etc., and make sure that [the rest of] your Home members have time for the same, and watch Me do it."
So we majored on Mat.6:33, which for us this month was giving the Word the emphasis it needed, even to the lack of time on the field.
The results: The Lord brought in finances through unexpected sources. People just seemed to come around from everywhere offering us money. At the end of the month we had not only our entire budget, but even some extras!
Payoff of mail ministry
David Joy, India: We went to follow-up on one of our provisioning contacts who had only helped once at Christmas, and we had given him a thank-you card for that. He then surprised us by asking what else he could do to help us. After prayer we told him that we needed a VCR, a computer, a new car, and material for our singing costumes.
Without batting an eye he said, "Okay, I'll drop a VCR and the material off at your house. I'll tell my brother to fix any electronics you have for free. About the computer and car, I'll see what I can do."
Live-outs and quality Word time
Clare (of Stephen), Russia: We read parts of "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" (ML #3433) with our live-outs and discussed it, and they wrote down a few questions to ask the Lord. They were motivated to make sure that they have quality time with Jesus daily and commented how this GN was just what they needed to hear.
A prayer, a vision, and a miracle
Daniel Newlove, Indonesia: Late one afternoon one of our Active members called the Home very upset and crying. She was at one of the malls with her maid and two-year-old son. The maid and son had somehow gotten separated from her, and she couldn't find them anywhere. She thought that the maid had run off and kidnapped her son, and was quite upset when she called.
We tried to calm her down and told her that we would pray for her. We got the Home together and had desperate prayer for our friend and called on the power of the keys for a miracle. Right away Rejoice received a vision that the child was at the car and that we should call our friend and tell her to look there.
We called her back and while we were talking with her on the phone a security guard came up to her bringing the maid and the child with him. He told her that they had been waiting at the car.
Experience comes as you pray
Peter, Romania: "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). That verse speaks to me a lot and reminds me of what my job is. One day I went out with my colleague, Dan, who is a new disciple, like me, to obey this commandment. As it was a very cold day we decided to go to visit a friend of ours in a university dormitory, where we thought to continue reading Daniel 2 with him.
Sometimes it is hard for me to have the courage to give a Bible class when I am not with someone who has more "experience." As we were walking to the dorm I was praying desperately. We stopped and the two of us claimed the power of the keys. After desperate prayer we proceeded to the university and entered the room where our friend was supposed to be. However, our friend was not there, and instead there was his roommate who is studying to be an orthodox priest and is very cold and skeptical of anything that is not orthodox. Also in the room was a friend of his, whom we'd never met, and who is studying to be a lawyer.
My first thought was, "That it's, no class today!" But the religious student invited us in and we started talking and explained to the law student about our missionary work, and then got on to talking about salvation, the Endtime, the things prophesied in the Bible, and other subjects.
It was very encouraging to see how the words came out of my mouth, which answered each question these learned men were asking! I know for sure it wasn't me because they were exceptionally good answers. After answering questions I was marveling at how the Lord was doing the witnessing through me.
After awhile another roommate (who is studying psychology) came into the room. When I heard what he was studying, I was sure he would get tripped off on talking about all this head knowledge and unnecessary questions with the intent of putting himself above us, but by that time I was not afraid anymore. Dan and I then proceeded to give this man all the answers he needed from the Bible and showed him how very simple everything really is.
It was good to see how the power of the keys work, and how experience and the anointing come very fast when you pray!
Using whatever opportunity
Pablo (of Sharon), Chile: There is a program on TV here where several young people participate in a course to show their talents of singing and dancing. One of the participants who left the course gave his testimony of how God healed him from terminal cancer. At the end of his testimony he sang "Peace in the Midst of a Storm."
Hearing his testimony inspired me a lot; if he could witness that way and take advantage of that opportunity in front of the country and give the Lord the glory, God help me! Sometimes I feel that I cannot do much, but I believe I need to take whatever opportunity God gives to give Him the credit.
Seen in a vision
Benjamin, Denmark: I met a sweet lady some months back who had lost her daughter in a car accident, leaving two grandchildren for her to take care of. She told me, "I had a spirit trip to Heaven. And sometimes I feel the presence of my daughter around the kids. If I tell this to the people in my church they will not believe me. They will think I am crazy."
I encouraged her by saying that it was true, that some of us in the Family have had spirit trips and that we believed in the spirit world. She was so happy to meet me!
She got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and took one of our kids CDs and loved the kids posters. When she saw the "Incredible Journey" poster she became silent for a moment, then pointed to the picture on the poster and said, "That is what happened!"
Fruit of the little things
Sunny, India: Our deaf team took part in a program hosted by the governor of Tamil Nadu State. Simon signed the whole program, and our drama team performed a skit, with Sunny narrating, which the governor and his wife enjoyed.
The Airtel Company had requested our help with painting a board to commemorate the occasion. We prayed about it, and the Lord said that this was an important thing for them, and something we could do from our side. Our deaf artist painted a beautiful board, which turned out to be a central part of the program.
This year, we were helped much more by this company than last year, and given the most important place in their program, and we believe this is a fruit of "little things”: The thank-you plaque we made for the managing director during deaf week, and the "Mottos for Success" we presented to him, and other little things we did for the company.
It's paying off!
Abel By Faith, Japan: The Lord has been showing us lately to follow up more on our friends and contacts, and it has been starting to bear more fruit both in tools out and in our friends' interest in Activated and the Word! I think that it has been a change in our attitudes, brought about by more receiving and making an effort to obey the Word. Lately we've been faced with a drop in income as the result of a drop in the number of wedding and English-teaching jobs we've had, so we had to make a choice of whether to use that time for doing witnessing and follow up or to seek after more jobs in order to fill the vacuum. So far, it's been paying off to do more witnessing and follow up.
Worthwhile trip
Simon (of Felicity), China: My JETT son, Pete, and I made a trip to a city where we used to live, and while there we gave out 22 Activated magazines to our friends. One friend told us that she had just found out her father had lung cancer and had only one to two months to live. She was very concerned about him, as he was not yet a Christian. We spent some time with this precious old Chinese man, and he received every word we said. He was very happy to talk with us, and prayed to receive Jesus into his heart.
We have known this precious family for several years. The husband works for a company that makes shoes, and he has been supplying our whole family with shoes since we've known them. They've also recently helped three other big families with shoes.
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homeschooling corner
Budgeting for schooling
By Mercy (of John), Italy
Quite a few moms shared how they don't have the funds for schoolbooks or that their schoolbook orders arrive late, as it takes so many months for them to arrive from CLE or A Beka, or whatever company they might be using.
Something we have been doing for years now and that is working very well for us, is that we have a separate school budget. That budget is a very high on our monthly finances priority list, right after rent and bills, and definitely comes before any other major purchases. In fact, we have not missed one month for years now. We do this as we believe that if we have chosen to homeschool, we must also have the faith to have the proper materials to do the job.
We have a separate budget for the school-aged children, which is what it actually costs to get the needed books, fees, and a few little extras. (With my six school-aged children it comes to €100 a month). We have another smaller budget (€25) for the three toddlers we have in the Home. We give these funds directly to the moms each month, and they can use it as they see fit, but for educational purposes only! This way we have been able to have quite a nice setup of educational games, puzzles, books, etc., for the toddlers.
I might get some little things for the school-aged kids each month, such as a new book, art supplies, pens, and notebooks, but most of the school fund I save throughout the year, so that when it comes time to renew my CLE full program fees and order new books, I have the funds ready, and I don't have to worry whether the Home has funds for school or not. Since I know that it will take usually three months for the books to arrive from the States, I usually order my books for the next year in April, so there is plenty of time for them to come before the start of the next school year.
Having the school fund as part of the Home's regular budget, and having the moms handle it, has really simplified things for us. The moms are free to get what is needed without making a big deal about it each month, or when a large sum is needed for the yearly purchases.
"People from the upper classes, people who are well-to-do and educated, want to be associated with success! … They want to come to your Home and feel comfortable. They want to feel that you can relate to them and their way of life, and that you're well-mannered and intelligent, like their other friends and acquaintances.
"You and your children should also be the kind of people who represent My Kingdom well, with good manners and an appealing presentation of My truth.
"If I have called you to reach the labor leaders, and I have, and therefore to be able to relate to them, then you should and must have the faith to live the right personal standard."
-Jesus, "Reach the Rich" (ML #3400)
Time and planning for CVC students
By Robin, Uganda
We've zeroed in on our two CVC students. We went over their overall goals, checked ways they could accomplish their educational goals more simply, checked into ways they could work together on certain projects to help each other along, and it was very inspiring.
They are both hoping to finish studying for their General High School diploma by the end of the year, and even though their biology and math books are very thick, they have been making good progress on them and the other subjects, so the goal is becoming more realistic and in sight.
We've also discussed their using their time a bit more faithfully, and in all it feels as if they are more focused and are making solid progress.
Can't find a CVC course?
By Marie (of Dom), South Africa
Have any of you felt a little baffled when planning out your General High School diploma, and having a difficult time finding where the actual courses are in your CVC Handbook 2000? The good news is that on the CVC CD, you can just click on the course you're looking for, and there it is! But if you still like to use your book copy, here is a little tip that you might find helpful.
Look carefully at the course number, and there will be your clue as to where you can find it in your book. Say for example, you're looking for the courses under Health and Personal Development. Four of these courses are HPD courses (standing for Health and Personal Development), and three of these courses are LFS courses. You have no problem finding the four HPD courses under the required courses for your General High School diploma, but where are the LFS courses? You know these courses are called Personal Care and Development and General Health and Development. All you have to do is go to the back of the book, page 498, where all the courses for a Health and Hygiene certificate are listed, and there you will find the three courses you need for your Health and Personal Development credits towards your General High School Diploma. But what does LFS stand for, you ask? Look up at the top of the page and there it is: Life and Family Science Department.
And if you'd like to have a wider choice of courses to take for that particular section, the CVC CD offers three other courses you can choose from, worth 0.5 credits each, under "External Courses" for "Health and Personal Development." Happy CVC-ing!
Portfolios encouraging for students
By Dorcas Pioneer, Japan
After the delegates meeting I started to update our children's school records and portfolios! I have eight children's school records to upgrade, so I am very thankful for the dedicated teachers here who help me to do so.
For the kids' portfolios we put lots of nice photos of the outings, excursions, and school-related activities that we've taken the kids on, which makes their portfolios look bright and fun. After all, "a picture is worth a thousand words." I also put the kids' daily school logs, attendance records, and progress charts inside the portfolio, which makes it convenient, as everything is in that one folder. At the local 100-yen store you can buy a variety of nice folders for school records. I use these folders to put each child's tests inside that I can use for a whole year.
My kids' reaction to me putting the effort into making their portfolios has been very encouraging. It is well worth the time and energy. The kids like the portfolios, and they are more confident, as they can see all that they've learned that year. They look at their own portfolio with a feeling of accomplishment.
Sometimes my kids forget or don't realize all of the great training and input that they are getting, so when they see their portfolios it helps them realize, "Wow, look at all the stuff that we're doing!" The portfolios also helped them to want to study more. There are so many good benefits!
Portfolio help for African Homes
Lili (West Africa FED) worked together with Amber (Africa regional FED) to prepare Africa FED Resource Material folders for each family in Africa.
[Note: You can find the Africa FED Resource Material on the MO site at http://www.familymembers.com/fed/catalog/details.php?id=385.]
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jewels from Mama
-at a Home meeting
Every little bit of prayer really counts. The Lord said one time that when we get to Heaven, the thing that we're going to be the most amazed about is the results of our prayers, and seeing what our prayers did-which we have to take by faith here. And He said the thing we're probably going to be most sorry about is that we didn't pray enough, because we'll see what our prayers could have done if we had prayed. So we'll be happy for the times we did pray, but we'll be sad for all the times we didn't.
We just need to keep working at it, keep trying to do it, and keep asking the Lord to show us how to be more vigilant in prayer, more specific in prayer, and more constant in prayer.
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Healing key: In sickness I am your health; in your time of need I am your deliverer. Freedom from any ailment or affliction is yours to claim through the power of the keys.
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
Paul and Lily,India: Rosie, our two-year-old daughter, was born with PFFD. This means that her right thighbone was shorter than half of its normal length, her hip ball was deformed and weak and the doctor's diagnosis was that she would not be able to walk and would have to undergo serious corrective surgery. The overall medical advice was to amputate above her knee and to put on an artificial leg. Talk about a bleak outlook!
Thank God we are not limited by the natural and logical, but we have the power of the keys and the power of prayer at our disposal. Rosie has been on the prayer list, several people laid hands on her since then, and all that know her have continued to uphold her healing in prayer daily. Well, the miraculous on-the-spot healing has not happened yet, but our sweet Husband has been faithful to answer prayer. Today Rosie is a spunky, determined, and fun-to-be-with toddler who walks, runs, and climbs extremely well for her age. Recent examinations have shown that her hip ball is round, strong, and moves very well, her short leg has grown well and she doesn't need medical intervention for now. The doctor was so impressed with her progress that he copied all her medical records and was even questioning if it was a case of PFFD in the first place.
Thank you so much for joining us in fighting for her in prayer. We are looking forward to the day where she will be completely healed and we will be able to share this with you.
David Leland, USA: Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our dear sister and lawyer, V., who had a very serious blood infection for about a month that almost took her home. By a miracle of the keys, she not only survived but so miraculously that doctors were amazed. Nurses came into her room and raised their hands praising the Lord. V. is also praising the Lord, and is now hungrier than ever to read the Word.
On the last day that V. was in the hospital, her principal doctor wanted to help her appreciate exactly what a miracle her healing was, and he said, "Maybe you've read in the newspaper about someone who fell out of an airplane, hit the ground, and got up without even a broken bone and walked off. Well, that is comparable to what you just went through! Sometimes the other doctors and I sit around and talk about your healing miracle-it was very unexpected!"
Thanks to you, dear Family, for your prayers and concern. The Lord and the keys did the miracle.
Homes in China, Taiwan, and SEA: Continued protection against the SARS virus.
Marie: Cyst growing on her upper neck, that it would be benign and that through the power of the keys she would be miraculously healed of it without the need for surgical removal. For the Lord's continual guidance and direction in following Him step by step as He leads us through this situation, as well as for an accurate doctors' evaluation.
Rosie (2, of Paul and Lily): For her right leg which is still about three to four inches short, to grow to normal length and that the missing upper part of her thighbone will miraculously grow. Also that her spine, pelvis, and right foot will not grow crooked to counteract the imbalance.
Spring (SGA): Peptic ulcers.
Europe and Africa
Josh, Joy, Paul, Lilac and Rachel: The government of Guinea unexpectedly suspended the special visa prices for associations and missionaries, which makes the fee go from $50 per person per year to $350 per person per year. For our Home, it means an amount of $1,825 every year for our visas, which is far beyond our reach!
Would you please pray that the Lord does a miracle to change this situation and that we can get free or low-priced visas, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to stay in this wonderful field. Please pray also that we follow the Lord very closely to make sure we don't make wrong moves or decisions, and that He gives us the faith for whatever He has for us.
North America
Gentleness (of Jahmai): Lung and bone cancer. For her strength and encouragement, against pain, to be able to keep down her food and have an appetite, to get sufficient rest and exercise. Please pray also that she can get re-approved for free medical care now that the program is being readjusted; it is an entirely new application so we need a miracle of the Lord's intervention.
Jasper (of Love): Against bowel spasms. Supply of a dentist and wisdom for the doctors and nurses as they make adjustments to the medications that he is on. Also that he can be taken off the Haldol and some of the other psychotropic medications. For strength and faith for Love with her care of Jasper. Financial supply.
Shawn (5, of Jesse and Faithy): Shawn ran into a barbwire fence and cut his neck. Even though there was a pretty big cut and pretty close to the main artery, nothing was seriously damaged. Please pray against any infection, that the stitches will heal up fast and properly, and for a low hospital bill and finances to cover the cost, and for a miraculous recovery and no scar.
South America
Kalen (6 months, grandson of Fe): Very bad case of eczema (dermatitis atopica). The doctors say that the problem is hereditary, that it is an allergy the same as asthma, of which we've had a few cases in our flesh family. I want to claim a miracle through the power of the keys, as I know there is nothing impossible for Him!
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Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Carrie-Anne Moss
Sequel to The Matrix. Morpheus, Neo, Trinity and their allies in Zion continue their fight for freedom from the Matrix.
(Jesus:) Special effects and action scenes aside, this movie continues to have a lot of significance and spiritual symbolism, as did the first movie. There are a number of spiritual principles that can be drawn from the concept of the Matrix, such as about the Endtime, an anti-System message, and parallels of workings in the spirit world. There is depth to these movies. On the other hand, you should be cautious to not read too much into the message in these movies, or think that you have to find a spiritual application or counterpart for every character in the movie. But, if you are prayerful, if you are seeking, if you are in tune with My Spirit, there are good spiritual parallels that these movies bring out, that you can learn from.
In this sequel, there are lessons about faith, fighting, choices, prophecy, and doubt-and there's even an interesting connection to the keys that the Family will get a kick out of. If this movie is taken in through the eyes of the spirit, it can be helpful to some of My children.
The message isn't straightforward Christian, but for those in the world who are seeking to escape from the "matrix" of the dead-end and controlled System around them, it will strike a chord in their hearts and cause them to want to search for the truth.
You, My children, already know the truth and are living outside the System's matrix. Like in the first Matrix, your mission is to go and rescue those who are caught in the System's grip, who don't even know that they're being controlled, and who need to be set free. This sequel can parallel the more open attacks and confrontation with the Enemy of your souls that you will experience when the Antichrist goes on an all-out attack to try to wipe you out and the freedom that you enjoy.
This movie depicts the struggle of good against evil, and you are in a similar struggle. Things will happen that will try and test your faith, and I know that many of you have already experienced such things. But don't give up hope, for there will be a fulfillment of all that I have promised. You don't know what the end of the story of The Matrix will be, and so it is with your life-you don't know how all the details of how your life will play out.
Your choices, My children, are so important. Though the outcome is predetermined as to Who the victor will be, yet how the victory will come about is yet to be decided. And though My victory is predetermined, yours is not, for it is up to the choices that you make right here and now as to whether you will stand with Me in this final battle and win, or whether you will fall.
My children seek excitement and action, and believe Me, if they continue to fight to strive to stay close to Me, they will see lots of excitement and action in the Endtime. It won't be a Hollywood action movie with an unrealistic love story, but it will be a fight to the finish. That's why I'm allowing you to go through various spiritual battles, so that you may rise to the occasion and prepare for your magnificent future.
A caution: The movie does have a fair bit of violence, and some of My children may be negatively affected by it, if they are either prone to glorifying martial arts or are squeamish. So this movie must be viewed by those who are mature enough to take the good and eschew the evil and not be negatively affected by violence. Do not watch it without first praying and asking Me if it is My will for you. And if I give the go ahead for you to see it, then I very much recommend that you discuss the lessons with others and ask Me for counsel on how to apply them to your life.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Robert Duvall, Michael Keaton, Ally McCoist
When the manager of a third-tier Scottish football team is faced with pressure from his American owner, he is forced to bring on a marquee player to improve the fortunes of the team. Along the way, he must deal with long-standing personal issues.
(Jesus:) This movie has a certain depth. It brings out the struggle it can be to change old traditional ways. It brings out lessons of overcoming bitterness that divides people. It shows the value of teamwork and putting your whole heart into doing something. It shows that the only way to win is to work together, and to esteem others better than yourself. It shows the rewards of lifting another person up and helping him live up to his full potential.
Julie Andrews, Edward Atterton, Colin Firth
Comedy, based on a play by Noel Coward. An aristocratic Englishman returns home with his American bride-to-be, an actress, much to the consternation of his mother, who is not happy about the engagement.
(Jesus:) This is light-entertainment featuring British humor. It's asituation comedy with crisp lines and good acting. There is no deep character development, or serious lessons-it's just fun, and also doesn't have any malice or ill will. You can just sit back, relax, and take it for what it is.
Movies Rated for All
When Piglet comes up missing, his friends use Piglet's own Book of Memories to find him, discovering along the way just how big a role he's played in their lives.
(Jesus:) This movie is fine for all ages to watch. There is nothing in it that is frightening or needs to be fast-forwarded. It is simple with a good, sweet message of appreciating others and looking out for and caring for your friends. It also brings out how everyone is needed and even if you are small, you are important. These lessons of love, appreciation, and friendship are simple things that if remembered and followed, would make the world today a nicer place. Younger children may need a little explaining to help them apply it to their own lives.
Non-Recommended Movies
(Jesus:) This cartoon is a waste of time for My children. There is much that is not of Me, and many things that could be frightening for younger children. Even for older children, there is so little that is good and correct and so much that dwells on strange spiritism and mythology that it would be best if it was not viewed. These things can affect the minds and imaginations of children more than you might realize. I would that you protect your Family children from this movie.
(Dad:) This is a ridiculous movie with goofy characters and crass humor, which would be a waste of time for anyone to watch. There are no lessons to get that are worth wading through all the foolishness. It starts out a bit interesting and then degenerates into watching a bunch of dimwitted characters displaying bizarre antics in a weak and unrealistic storyline.
Other Movies
ADAPTATION (Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep; 2002)
(Jesus:) This movie shows both good and bad, beautiful and ugly. It shows the depth of loneliness and sadness and emptiness that many in the world experience-even those who are considered very gifted or who are well off.
Essentially, this is a story about the extreme loneliness and the various pressures in life that drive people to that loneliness. Some people, like the orchid collector, find relief in their hobbies or passions. Others, like the woman writer, find their relief in the form of love, their work, or even drugs. And then there is the main character, the writer, and he didn't really have a clue as to how to take care of his needs, his loneliness, and the ways in which he felt shut out from the rest of the world, even though in worldly terms he was successful.
When people in the System see movies like this, they relate, and they understand those feelings, but in the end they're left with as many or as few answers as are left to them on the screen. But when My children see a movie like this, it's so much more clear to them how very sad the whole experience is, because you know that I am the answer, and that a life of love and service for others is the answer. In so many movies on so many topics, the moral, or at least what you can take away from it is so similar-an understanding of the horrible struggles those in the world endure, and how clear the answer would be if you could only give them Jesus.
This movie holds interest for some, and it has its merits. It makes for an interesting look into the creative process, and is certainly relatable for those who have done writing of any kind. Also the way in which the movie is done, the mix of truth and fiction, is unique in its concept and execution, and there would be those who would be fascinated by it and have a good time unraveling the puzzle and following the story. But overall, the message isn't one that will uplift the viewer. Those with a heart for the sheep will feel for these people, and would wish that they could be reached, and it could be an inspiration to do more for Me, but there are many sad movies like that, and it's not always My will that My children have to wallow in the problems and struggles of the System just to get a heart for them.
There were a lot of subtle things thrown in here or there that were not godly. The writer put a lot of himself up on screen, and used this movie as an avenue to voice a lot of his thoughts, which were full of negativity, as well as other attitudes that are not of Me.
There are also touching moments when some of the main characters reflect on the meaning of life and the value of love, and these are like a ray of light and warmth. Accept My personal love for you, enjoy it, live in it, and then you will be able to love others, as you will be set free from the chains that you forge for yourself when you do not like or do not accept yourself.
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activated news
Direct result
By Joy (of Andrew), India
While out one day concentrating mainly on getting Activated subscriptions, the Lord kept reminding me of a lady I had met going door to door over a year ago. At the time I had given her four Get Activated books for free, as she was very sad and depressed but seemed to have a very sincere hunger. She was also going through a lot of financial difficulty at that time.
I didn't have her phone number, so I just went by faith and as the lady opened the gate, she said, "Oh, it's you! I was just telling someone yesterday about you and showing them those books."
She went on about how much she'd been sharing the books with other people because they had been such a strength to her and had changed her life. She said the Lord had also done a lot to ease the financial problems they'd been having and that things were much better, and that she'd learnt so much from the time of difficulty. She kept bringing out principles from the books, especially Obstacles Are for Overcoming and God's Gifts.
She, her two teenage daughters, and their tenant, prayed to receive the Lord, and she signed up for Activated, giving above the subscription cost as a token of her thankfulness.
She also said that we should go door to door to the whole neighborhood and offered us the use of an upstairs room of her house to give classes in, and to let everyone know they could come for regular classes at her house.
It was very encouraging to see the direct results of the Get Activated books being such a strength and blessing to someone. The books looked really worn, and were definitely seed that fell on good ground.
Signed up via chat
By Shadrach, USA
Pedro, while checking a Web site, which also hosted a chat room, ended up chatting a bit with someone. Pedro witnessed to him and told him about the Activated Web site. A few minutes later the person came back online and said that he had visited the site and thought it was really cool and had signed up for a subscription!
Activating attack days
Rijeka Home, Croatia: On our first activating attack day we got out 22 Activated subscriptions. We had presented the mags on other occasions and got people to subscribe, but we hadn't yet gotten the vision on getting activated.
On this particular day we went to a small town in three teams for the day. We didn't know what to expect, but the Lord rewarded our faith, and we saw many outstanding miracles. One lady who got activated actually followed us into the street as we were walking away, and subscribed right on the spot. We had been in her office, but she was busy so we went away. Her sister who had subscribed a few minutes before explained our work and the magazine to her, and she came after us to subscribe herself. That encouraged us to keep going.
That same week we got out 53 subscriptions in total. Ever since we started our activating attack days we have been able to meet people, get out the subs, and reach the goals we've set ourselves as a Home. We've heard reactions from the people, saying how great Activated is and how their lives are changing. It's all an answer to our prayers and going out believing it can be done.
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activated responses
I love the Activated magazine. The day it comes to me in the mail, I have to read it from cover to cover. No other magazine can keep my interest that long. With other magazines I read little bits and pieces of different articles, but the Activated magazine I read cover to cover! Each article is so interesting that I can't put the magazine down. I always read it in one go on the first day. I especially enjoy the Endtime articles.
-V., India
I would like to know if I could be of any help to your magazine and its distribution. I would be glad to spare my time for this wonderful magazine. Kindly let me know about it.
-A.S., India
I would like to thank you personally because of the information on the Activated Web site. It's really feeding my soul. I love it! I encourage my friends to visit your Web site for information. I am very blessed.
-Joseph, India
When I was first getting the Activated magazines, I didn't give them that much attention. But once I started to read them, my life started to change, and I felt so much more peace, strength, and happiness. My father died recently, and it was quite a sad time for me, but the Word that is in these magazines is what has given me the strength and the inspiration to continue on living-living for others, not just myself!
-M., Kenya
It was cool talking to you in town the other day. I don't know all the different aspects of information regarding a lot of the stuff you were talking about. I was still interested in what you had to say, but when you start talking about Jesus, you got my attention and interest! Talking to you was so cool. Thanks!
I liked the poster and the pamphlet. The Activated mag was really cool. Thanks again! It said on it that it was one of three. Do you know how I could get the others? The Activated Web site is really good; I checked it out. I'll gladly keep in touch with ya!
-James, Ireland
I am very glad that you have been sending me the new magazine. I especially liked the third issue. The "On Fire for God" article really impressed me. Yes, it would happen to me sometimes that I was afraid to preach the Gospel, thinking that people would make fun of me and call me a fanatic, but one shouldn't be afraid of that. The apostle Paul gave us a clear message, how important it is to preach the Gospel. Rom.1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
Having received this grace and God's love, I understand that there's nothing better than telling people about the Lord. Thank you so very much for the spiritual food; I wish you all the best, success, and love. Let the blessing of our God rest upon you and all who believe. Amen.
-B., Russia
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help wanted
This is an appeal from the Son Shine Home in Pretoria, South Africa. For some years now, our Home has been building a teaching ministry, teaching Activated and 12 Foundation Stones course to about 160 people to date. Currently there are 102 people on the course, with more being added every week. We also do seminars and teach Endtime classes. To this end, we have produced an Endtime class in PowerPoint that is very effective, and which we use in conjunction with The Family Endtime videos, to get the truth about the Endtime out to people. We would also like to present this course and the seminars at the local university, schools and other institutions. We have been doing prison ministry for the past six years, with weekly visits to the inmates at Leeuwkop Correctional Prison, north of Johannesburg and would also like to broaden this ministry.
The problem is that for larger groups of people it is very difficult for them to see what is happening on a small computer screen, in fact, almost impossible. The solution is to get a video projector, which we can purchase for about $2,500 (the normal price is about $5,000, but we have provisioned the price down). So we want to appeal to all you folks out there that would like to help with the purchase of a video projector to please send your donations to David, Praise, Alf, Joy and Philip, AF1534, via your TRF, or deposit the funds directly into our account at: David Clark, Account Number - 9260049808, Branch Name - NBS, Branch Code - 44091000, Swift Code - BOLBZAJ
Thank you so much! Your donation could make all the difference in the lives of the many hungry sheep we have here in Africa! We love you!
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former friends-seeking contact
My Bible name was Sunshine and I lived with the Family in Rio and in São Paulo, Brazil, from 1976-1978. I lived with the band and helped with the children. They were David (he had clubbed feet), Happy, and Solly. I lived with Israel (American), Jonathan (American), and Jeremiah (American). There was also Christina and Katrina, they were twins. Leah (Brazilian), Joy (married to Jeremiah, Brazilian) and Ahias (Brazilian), there were others as well, but time has made my memory bad.
Please put an ad in your paper and they can reach me at my e-mail that you have. I was a teenager then, 16-18. So maybe they will not remember me. I now live in Canada, and can be reached at momisone@lycos.com. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon. Prayers, Denice (Sunshine)
Leah Leathe is looking for Mark L. (a.k.a. Jake). Hey, bro. Your sister wants to know if you're doing okay. Please e-mail me at: lleathe@wm.com.
And, hello all friends who remember me from "The Farm" in Ft. Valley, GA.
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I'm looking to get in contact with Michael H. from GV #125, pg.14. It's quite important! Please write me at amber_alt@hotmail.com. Thanks.
Hi, Arthur in Harlingen, Chris told me about you. Write me sometime at delphic_contours09@hotmail.com. Also, Paz (of Meek), please write me. Where are you guys? Love you! Love, Tami
Silas and Cheer are urgently seeking Mat (known then as Matty M.).We lived with you in Novosibirsk some years back. We want to get in touch with you ASAP; we have no idea where you are. If you see this, please, please contact us at: pcdesk@attglobal.net. Attention: Silas and Cheer
(End of file)