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grapes of thankfulness #56

       A great big thank-you to all the Homes in Western Europe who made it possible for their YAs and SGAs to attend a training seminar in Italy. Some had to take on extra duties in order to free their YAs and SGAs. Others volunteered to take care of the YA/SGAs' children, so that they could be free to attend the seminar without their little ones. Others of you helped with the provisioning for this big event!
       A great big thanks to Lily, Emanuel, and Lovely who helped as staff and produced three delicious meals for us each day, even going to the market to provision the fruit and vegetables, as well as taking care of the myriad of other details. And thank you to your Homes for allowing you to help!
       And a great big hand to the following Homes for their help with provisioning food and other items for this event: Pescara, Rome, Verona, Modena, Brescia, Napoli, Tuscany, Ravenna, and the Swiss provisioning Home.
       Special appreciation goes to all the wonderfully willing drivers, some doing literally thousands of kilometers to pick up and deliver people, plus having to do second rounds for those who missed their planes! Gabe, James, Jace, Silas, Luca, Jonathan (of Ruth), Andy, Aaron (of Rose), Giovanni, Mike (of Simona), and a few others who helped for short trips.
       We love and appreciate each of you, and are so thankful to be working alongside such wonderful Family members like yourselves!
       -Much love, the West European VS board

       Dear Ivan and Libby in India, though it's a long time in coming, we wanted to thank you for all you've done for us. While we were with you, we experienced a real One Wife vision, concern and care. You helped our transition to a new field to be much easier. When it came time for us to part ways, you went out of your way to be helpful. You helped with the shifting, gave us a gift, and lent us furniture to get us started. Then even after we were in our new Home, when our computer stopped working, you gave us one of yours.
       We also wanted to thank you for the MC fellowship you organized and hosted last year. You put so much effort in to make it fun; it really was special! We know the Lord will continue to bless your acts of love to your Family and to this field.
       -Much love, David and Tania, India

       Thank you to Jonathan and Amy, who live by themselves with their many children, yet they manage to share very generously of their provisioning with others, help on the CP board, take in others' kids for the weekend, when they come for a cookout at another Home as their facilities are small, they always bring enough food "for whoever else" might happen to show up, and the list could go on and on.
       Recently they lent us their van for moving some items that we could not fit into our car. It took longer than expected and instead of calling on us to help them transport Jonathan and their kids to an activity and back with our car, they sweetly worked out alternative transport themselves, seeing we live at a considerable distance from their Home. Wow, that was truly going the extra mile!
       Thanks! I love and appreciate you very, very much!
       -Jenny, Brazil

       Dear David and Angel (now in Australia), we will always remember how much you went out of your way to help our Home when you were in Bombay. You were always willing to help us in whatever way you could. Lifts to fellowships, provisioning pickups, lending us your Jeep when we needed it-even at your own expense. All this you did and many other deeds of love without ever expecting anything in return.
       We are truly thankful for you and love you very much. It's our sincere prayer to the Lord that you will make it back here to the field soon, where you are sorely missed and needed.
       -Love, David and Tania, Jonathan and Faith, India

       Well, the world definitely needs to know about my sweet Home! I am talking about the TC Home in Thailand. God bless you all for what you do every single day, the hard work, and the love and concern you show to each Home member. I am very happy to be living with you all, and I want to thank you all for giving me the chance to grow and learn in many areas and ministries too-especially childcare!
       Thanks so much for the love, patience, counseling, shepherding, and encouragement each and everyone of you showed me during this year-and-some that I have been working with you, including my four little students, who are faithful in showing me love and appreciation.
       God bless you all for dedicating your life, your wishes and desires to be the vessels the Lord has asked you to be. I can't help it; I need to make you all known!
       Jeremy and Angel, thank you for being such sweet and loving shepherds, and a sample of love and dedication. John and Sarah for always being ready to do whatever the Lord asks of you. Mark and Christina, Andrew and Praise for your dedication and sacrifice for the field and each other. Chris and Ruth for being faithful with outreach, and our friends. DJ and Faye for giving your all to the Home, in every task you are asked to do.
       Angela, Panda, Nat, Juliana, Joy, Tim, VJ, Mike, thanks for always being faithful with the care of the children, the house, handyman projects, kitchen, JJTs and for always being available when the Home needs you, even if it cuts into your personal time, or WNRs.
       You are all very precious and I love you all very much. We couldn't do it without you!
       -Much love and prayers, Michele, Thailand

       Greetings from the Middle East! Yup, I finally made it here! All this wouldn't have been possible without the help of Faithy and Mark, Gabriel, Lily, and Lydia, Gateway Home (Japan), Daniella, Stephan (of Rose, Reunion), Faith, and last but absolutely not the least, the teens from the Cebu Home in the Philippines.
       Also to Joy PI in the Philippines for letting me stay at her Home for almost two months! And Flor and Chris too! Byron and Marie (also in the Philippines) for helping me with the last minute details. And to Auntie Joan (from the Cebu Home), thank you very, very much for always being there for me especially when I needed someone!
       Thank you all, oh so very much for everything! Wish I could hug you all in gratitude, but I guess this lil' thank-you note will have to do! :) Luv you all!
       -Kisses, Kirsty, Middle East

       There were two Homes who played a HUGE part in helping us have an inspiring witnessing trip this spring. They took us in graciously on short notice, and treated us royally. They fed us, supported us, prayed for us, helped us, sang with us, encouraged us, read Word with us, told life stories to us, hugged us, kissed us, and gave us a place to sleep. They made us feel so loved, supported, and a privileged part of this wonderful Family.
       These two fabulous Homes are (drum rolls, trumpet sounds, crowd whistling and cheering) the JSC and David and Liz's Home! Guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH! We couldn't have won all those souls and reached all those people with His love, without YOU! We really enjoyed the time we spent there.
       To the JSC: It was great fellowshipping with all of you, and we also had fun singing in the rain with you fabulous guys-Chris and Isamu.
       And to David and Liz: Thanks for taking the time to tell us your life story. It was so inspiring and interesting!
       Greg and Elixir, thanks for joining us in our singing effort. You livened up our team, and it was lots of fun having you. You guys are all the best!! And were a vital part of our team.
       We also wanted to say a big thank-you to our Home, the HCS, as well! To everyone who filled in for us, coached us (singing), bore with the "de-rusting" of our "froggy chorus," shared your ideas, supported us, encouraged us, prayed for us, and made it possible for us to go. We love you and need you!       
       -Love and kisses, David, Sam, Joicy, Joanie, Meg, Aiki, Japan

, a woman with a heart of gold,
       She gives her all, her life to the fold.
       Thank you, dear Virginia for the training you gave,
       Even though I did not always behave.

, a true shepherd is he,
       Loving and kind, and a father soon-to-be,
       Thank you David,my man, for fighting with me till the end.
       What you taught me through your sample I'll never forget, my friend,

-here is a woman who is a real fighter!
       Her continual praise makes everyone feel lighter.
       Thank you, dear Susana for having faith in me,
       Even when the truth was not so easy to see.

, a mother of such love and sacrifice;
       Her kind words and encouragement have no price.
       Thank you, sweet Tabitha,for being a true friend,
       Someone on which I could depend.

       Pedro Emanuel
, man, what a cool guy!
       Even though his life can be tough, you hardly hear him let out a sigh.
       Thank you, Pedro,for showing me a new way to think,
       Even though you didn't know it your words did sink.

, even though young she may be,
       She is an example of faith, dedication, and spiritual maturity.
       Thank you, my dear friend, for doing what you could
       To make my life as easy as possible, and turn out as it should.

, a more willing a sacrificial guy there has never been.
       Well, at least not that I've seen!
       Thank you, , for although we didn't always see eye to eye,
       You helped me the best you could-you really are a great guy!

is a shy quiet soul,
       But she loves the Lord and works hard, and fills a great hole.
       Thanks, Priscilla, for that all you did.
       To me you'll always be special; your kindness to me will never be hid!

, is truly a sweetheart,
       Joining the Family, she has a great head start.
       Thank you, Jennifer, for all you did for me.
       Keep fighting and one day you will be free!

       And that's it ladies and gents,
       My dear and true Family,
       Without them lost I would surely be.
       They will always have my love and respect.
       Through them I learned to praise God through my tears,
       Value more then ever my calling, dispel my fears.
       No matter what may keep as apart
       They will always have a special place in my heart
       I thank you all from the depths of my soul;
       You'll be with me wherever I should go.

       -Nick (18), Brazil

,thanks for just being all-around wonderful! For being our sexy, smart blonde, and getting all the tabemono prepared so we wouldn't starve. You're such a fun witness!
       To our handsome, calm, sweet, funny, intelligent but goofy, witty and sexy boys: Jeremy Japanese, thank you for driving the bus and taking us safely to our destination without being distracted by our singing practice (a.k.a. screeching and giggling). David, thanks for spending those long hours toiling over finding "that speck" on the map while we were sleeping, and driving us there. You're wonderful! Sam, thank you for having patience with us and our weirdness and lack of singing abilities. :) Thank God at least one person on our team could actually sing!! We love your voice!
       Aki, thanks for coming along with us and using the tracts to touch every girl's heart. Yes, yes, don't worry, we know that you were faithful with everyone else too. You're our "tracter"!
       Aiki, thanks for saving the day, putting yourself on the spot and singing that solo. It's always fun having you around!
       Oh and boys, thanks for receiving that song for each of us-we're touched by the effort you put forth. We owe you one! We just wanted say that we really love you, and it's exciting serving the Lord with you!
       -Much love, the girls (you know who), Japan

       The brethren we were working with in Chennai, India recently wrote us and let us know that we have been receiving gifts the past few months from our very dear Family members all around the world! We were so touched and thrilled to hear about it and how sweet everyone is to think of us. We had put out a request for help, as we needed to return to the U.S. and Canada in order to help our older children there, and to have a furlough after spending many years in the Indian subcontinent. It was quite a wrench for us to leave our precious India and all our loved ones there, including a daughter and her family, but the Lord is helping us to adjust and is doing many miracles for us. We are going mobile so that we can visit our children and relatives and be able to live more economically.
       We wanted to let all you sweet folks who sent love gifts to us know that it touched our hearts very deeply that you thought of us! We don't know if we will be able to thank all of you personally, as we don't know all of your addresses. Please do continue to pray for us on our mission here!
       We love you so much and are so thankful for such a wonderful Family!
       -Philip and Hannah, North America

       I would like to send a great big grape of thankfulness to Victoria, Simeon, Rosa and Home. They have been true friends to me, the kind that know you well and love you just the same. They have helped not just me, but the whole area with provisioning at their own cost, paying a truck that delivers it to their house and then they give it freely to all. They have entertained my kids for special activities at their own cost and loved them as they have loved me-without any preconceived ideas.
       When our Home was out of water, they regularly washed my laundry for me! When we needed a driver to help us transport some goods that didn't fit into our car, they right away offered that someone in their Home could help.
       I am so proud to have friends like them who live up to their convictions at their own cost, even when others sometimes don't understand. They give to others until it hurts, not just of their material goods, but of themselves, their love and their time. Thanks! It is people like you who make the Family a place worth serving the Lord in! I love you!
       -Jenny, Brazil

       THANK YOU … Steve, Celly, Mary, Andrew, Bernie, Chelie, Martin, Tommy, Peter, Praise and Home, Drew, Chloe, Evye, Jesse, Meeya, Kalina, Claire, Francois, Elisa, Catherine, Amelie, Cherie, Christy, Benny, Michelle, Joey, Brian, Phoebe, Gabe, Angelique, Sam, Hobbs, Josh, Matt, Peter, Mary Heart, Tiago, Leah, Matthew, Faithy, David, Rose, Adam, Mary P., Susie, Greg, Sparrow, Jim, James, Caleb, Marie, Tom, Chantal, Kat, Benny, Mary K., Panda, Lynne, Kathy, David, Vicky, Tender, Nic, Anz and Home, Joan, Jerry, Sunny, Angel, Dad, Mom, Melita, Jonny, Cathy, Florence, Tessie, Chris, Nina, Mandy, Zella, Angela, Jozen, Steven, Eman, Tammy, Collin, DK, Sofie, Love, Steff, Reuben, Randy, Rick, those "anonymous," and the RadioActivated Home here in Uganda for the gifts, cash support, moral support, prayers, and love. I wouldn't have made it here without you.
       If I didn't list you on this round, I'll get you on the next one…
-Nyx, East Africa

(End of file.)