DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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A Shake Up in Brazil
By Mama
Dear Family,
God bless you all! I want to explain to you about some major changes that are taking place within the Brazil Family. You'll probably start hearing bits and pieces soon through the Family verbal "grapevine," if you haven't already. You'll be receiving more information about all of this in upcoming GNs.
For quite some time now Peter and I have known that the Family in Brazil has not been doing well spiritually. In recent years, the Lord has given a fair bit of specific counsel to the South American field, including Brazil, which was delivered personally to them when Peter went on the "Latin Loves" tour in March and April 1999. At that time the Lord gave a lot of specific counsel for them, which we published for them in GNs sent only to the SACRO area, entitled, "To My Latin Loves." Despite the Lord's warnings and correction in those GNs (excerpts of which were printed in the KTV GN series) and countless other warnings and GNs of counsel on similar problems which the Lord has given for the entire Family, the work in Brazil has continued to manifest very serious ongoing problems as a result of many sins, such as disobeying the Word, disunity, pride, compromise, gossip, criticism, rebelliousness, selfishness, ungodly behavior, and others.
The Lord has made it clear that these spiritual sins have caused the Brazilian Family to get seriously off track in many areas of their spiritual lives, and has resulted in the entire field of Brazil being weakened and compromised. Many of their young people, Active members, sheep, contacts, and friends have been stumbled and disillusioned as a result of seeing the widespread compromise, division, and lack of living the Word, the Law of Love, and even the basic Christian sample and testimony that we, as Family members, profess to live. In short, these sins and disobediences have pulled the Brazilian Family off the wall of discipleship.
In order to rectify the very serious state the Brazil Family had gotten into, the Lord showed Peter and me that radical, sweeping changes were needed in Brazil. After much desperate prayer, counsel with the SACRO COs, and hearing from the Lord, our Husband gave His message for the field of Brazil. His message was not one of continued tolerance and encouragement, with just a little bit of direction and guidance. It was one of lowering the boom, applying the rod, administering correction and punishment. The Lord's message to the Family in Brazil is very sobering and strong, and He laid it on my heart to deliver this message to the Family in Brazil personally, via video. The transcript of this message is contained in the GN that you will receive shortly called "Woe!"
Before I made this video for Brazil, delivering God's sobering message of warning to the Family there-wearing red sackcloth, a yoke around my neck, and holding a rod-the Lord showed us that Peter should go to Brazil with a team from our Home (Misty and Joy) to counsel with the COs and to spearhead this revolution and change in Brazil. The Lord gave clear instruction that this mission would be one of correction and judgment, and that there would be consequences meted out to the Family in Brazil as a result of their long-term disobediences. The message was clear: All would not continue as it was!
During Peter and team's six-week stay in Brazil in April and early May, they met with most of the SACRO CO teamwork and were able to counsel and pray further about the work in Brazil. Peter filmed a number of videos while in Brazil, explaining in detail the sins that have permeated the Brazilian work, as well as explaining the resultant punishments and consequences, followed by a prayer of deliverance.
A ten-day meeting was also held during this time, with about 30 representatives from around Brazil, and these attendees viewed the nearly 11 hours of video (both mine and Peter's). Many of these attendees then became the Designated Representatives appointed to show these videos to the rest of the Family in Brazil.
Beginning on May 23rd, simultaneous video showings were held throughout Brazil, enabling the majority of the Brazilian Family to view the videos on the same weekend.
We will be sharing the main thrust of the Lord's message to the Family in Brazil with you in the "Woe!" GN and other GNs that you should receive over the coming months, Lord willing. As I said earlier, there are also consequences for the field of Brazil, and I'm including an outline of them for you below. As you read these punishments, you'll see that the Lord is very serious about the revolution and shake up He's precipitating in Brazil, and I hope this will cause you to pray about what areas of your life you might be falling short in.
Many Family members worldwide are guilty of the sins that the Lord is dealing with the Brazilian Family about, so please pray about this personally. Don't point the finger. Pray for your Family in Brazil, and let the news of the punishment they are undergoing now sober you and make you check your own heart and life, and get right with the Lord.
Below is an outline of the punishments that the Lord has set in place for all Family members in Brazil, lasting six months. (The below excerpts are taken from the printed notice that was sent to the Brazil Family, which is why it is directed to them.)
Due to the Brazilian Family's ongoing disobedience, rebelliousness, and division, in spite of numerous warnings, the following blessings will be withdrawn:
1. All Charter members and Fellow members in Brazil will lose their discipleship status beginning June 1st. This period of probation will continue through November 30th, 2003, after which there will be a nationwide re-evaluation, and it will be determined over the course of several months who will be reinstated to full Family membership and at what classification.
From June 1st until you are notified of your new status (which will be sometime toward the end of 2003 or in the first part of 2004), you who aspire to regain your CM status are to concentrate on being or becoming a disciple of Jesus, as per the instruction in the "Conviction versus Compromise" series and in the Love Charter. You who aspire to regain your FM status must abide by the Statement for Fellow Members.
The only exceptions to this loss of discipleship status will be the COs.
2. During this period the Family in Brazil will forfeit the right to read new publications and to receive other productions from WS, unless such things are directly related to this discipline (such as reading lists, instructions for prayer and fast days, GNs related to your field, etc.).
Beginning June 1st, the CM and FM Family in Brazil will suffer the withdrawal of all WS publications and productions. This means there will be:
* No GNs and no other adult publications.
* No children's or teen's publications.
* No new music CDs.
* No new books.
* The new publications and audio sections on the MO site will be blocked.
The one exception to this will be new GP distribution tools.
3. The board structure will no longer be in service in Brazil beginning June 1st. All board members, including VSs, will be dismissed. After November 30th, when the re-evaluation process is completed, the COs will begin to rebuild the board structure with members who have been reinstated as Charter members. Do not expect the board structure to be up and running again before the second quarter of 2004.
4. All Family members in Brazil will retain their right of mobility to change Homes within the country. However, their right of mobility to change countries has been suspended until they have passed through the six months of chastisement, have been re-evaluated and have been reinstated to whatever level of membership they qualify for.
5. You will need to turn in your Home's HER fund.
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Each Family member in Brazil, whether Charter member or Fellow member, will be required to do the following during the period of June 1st to November 30th:
1. Send in a monthly TRF.
2. Tithe: Those wishing to qualify for reinstatement to CM status must tithe their full 14% (that's 10% tithe to WS, plus 1% FAF, and 3% Common Pot gifts); those wishing to qualify for reinstatement to FM status must tithe 10% to WS or $50 minimum if your income is less than $500 US.
3. Fast worldly input for the duration of the chastisement period, from the time you see the videos but not later than June 1st until November 30th. The fast will include the following: movies, TV, alcohol, System music (including instrumentals and Latin music), computer games, novels, Internet browsing (except for business purposes), and parties. (The COs in Brazil will also partake of this fast of worldly input.)
4. Refrain from going on ex-member Web sites, and avoid fellowship with those who talk against the Word, who tear down your faith and weaken you spiritually, whether they be former members, friends, or others.
5. Study any assigned reading lists that will come either from WS or from the COs that reside in Brazil.
6. Have personal prayer of deliverance with your Home members. (The Homes will be responsible to organize a time for all Home members to have this prayer of deliverance. This must happen before the national prayer and fast day.)
7. Make things right with those people you have bitterness and oughts against, and seek forgiveness from those you've hurt, gossiped about, or been a bad sample to, etc. Apologize as needed. This goes for parents to children, teens to parents, older brothers and sisters to younger siblings, adults to young people, young people to adults, FGAs to FGAs, young people to young people, etc.
8. Parents, explain the situation to your JETTs and children.
9. Participate in the national prayer and fast day.
10. Teach your sheep-your contacts, friends, relatives, Active members, or supporters-the Words of David in the form of publications produced by WS. Promote the Activated program. Refrain from teaching material from System Christian books.
11. Actively witness.
12. Comply with any mandatory forms of personal or Home reporting that might be generated by the COs in Brazil.
Those who were previously Charter members or Charter member Homes who wish to return to discipleship as Charter members will be required to:
* Obey the Love Charter and "Fundamental Family Rules," and strive to be a full-time disciple according to the "Conviction versus Compromise" series.
* Live the Word Revolution and fulfill the required minimum hours of Word as per the GN "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" (ML #3433)
* Hold Home teamwork elections on June 15th, and a vote of confirmation on September 15th.
* Get right with the Lord regarding any unconfessed sin or Charter infractions.
* Refrain from having sex with outsiders and those who were Fellow members.
As you can see, dear Family, our brethren in Brazil need our fervent prayers during this time. Please pray that the Lord will be able to use this time of correction and chastisement to turn around the Brazil work and to bring it through this time of purging as finer gold. Our dear Family members in Brazil need a radical turn around and metanoia in their lives in order to reclaim their discipleship, and fulfill what the Lord is asking of them.
The Lord has given wonderful promises of deliverance and hope for each Family member in Brazil if they will do their part-confess, repent, and claim the keys of miraculous change, and then do the hard work of fighting and breaking old habits and allowing the Lord to rewire and remake them. "Nothing is impossible with the power of the keys!"
Peter and I are counting on all of you, dear Family, to uphold your brethren in Brazil in your prayers, and also to get desperate yourselves and seek the Lord about your own personal standard of discipleship and commitment to the Lord and the Family.
With love and desperate prayer,
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Notice: Baby Bonuses
Dear Ones,
We love you very much! After prayer and counsel with our Lord and Lover, He has approved an increase in the Baby Bonus to Charter members for the setup and needs of their knew disciples. The Baby Bonus will be increased to US$200. This will be retroactive to January of 2003, so if you've already received a Baby Bonus of $100 this year, please apply to your Reporting Office to claim your increase. We'll try to continue this new $200 amount through the end of 2003, and as long as the Family Aid Fund can afford it.
Remember, pregnant mommies, that you can claim your Baby Bonus via your TRF in your seventh month of pregnancy, so that you will have it in time to help get your needs before your baby arrives.
With love and admiration for you and your wonderful babies,
Your WS Administration team
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Financial plea for the Homes in China due to SARS epidemic
By Soni, for the ACTON region, PACRO
Dear Family,
We love you! You probably have read at least one or two pleas already from the Homes in China making known the need for financial help due to the SARS epidemic. Schools, offices, and public areas are closing down in order to try to contain SARS, and as a result many teaching jobs that the brethren hold for visa and income purposes have been put on hold.
If you have any extra gifts this month, we wanted to make a plea, asking if you'd want to pray about sending donations to the Homes in China for this particular need. You can direct your gift to PACRO, designating it to "Needy Homes/SARS." We can then assign the gifts to the most desperate Homes, which we are sure will go a long ways.
Thank you for considering this. There are other countries that also need your donations, so we understand if most Homes already have those they give to monthly. We just wanted to make this request known. God bless and keep each one of you!
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board news
Costa Rica fellowship
By Sara and Tirzah, for the Central America VS board
We planned a weeklong trip to visit the three CM Homes in Costa Rica-a beautiful tropical country in Central America. The Family has been in Costa Rica for 30 years or so (check out the photos in the Book of Remembrance). Even though there are only three CM Homes there at present, there are many FMers who have been around for decades-brethren who have worked faithfully in Mexico and other surrounding countries. These same brethren continue to witness and get out the tools, so the number of people who have known the Family in Costa Rica for years is much greater than in other countries in this area.
It was a great encouragement to us to see the fire and inspiration of the young people in Costa Rica. The Word revolution is a reality here, and witnessing has been a key to winning and keeping our youth!
We spent two days in each Home, and then held a CVC seminar in one of the Homes, which was attended by about 35 people. At this meeting, our FED board representative was able to take photos, and collect information for 21 student cards, as well as meet individually with many students about their course work.
On the last day of our visit, we held a fellowship attended by the CM and FM Family as well as favorable former members and friends (a total of about 100 people, including kids!), in a beautiful park where we had a picnic, a soccer game, and a fun time with a united inspiration and skits!
OC/MC camp, Easter 2003, Germany
By Sara, for the Western Europe South national CP board
We recently held another small OC/MC camp in Germany, with nine kids (ages 7-12). In praying about what to do for the kids, we went over several recent issues of the Grapevine and gleaned helpful and fantastic tips from articles written about similar camps and fellowships around the world. We are grateful for all this input.
The Lord had said in prophecy that time was short, and that we needed to make the most of the time with the kids. Before the camp we prepared a little binder for each child attending with a copy of 1Cor. 13, words to "The Song of Victory," paper for notes and a copy of "Do the Humble Thing" (HTK #102). We drew up a simple certificate, which we photocopied on nice cardstock. We passed out the certificate at the end of the camp.
In answer to prayer this camp was very inspiring, and went smoothly. The Lord kept us healthy, protected us and changed the weather from cold and stormy to warm and beautiful. We'd like to show special appreciation to the two SGAs who helped with the cooking, a lot of the dishes, inspiration and so much more. We love you, Jace and Jonathan!
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Peace march … Grim Reaper
By Saskia (SGA, of Dawei), Taiwan
"No, no, no, noooo!!" I launched into mock operatic tones, singing the unhappy tune almost the entire walk to the aptly named Da-An Peace Park. Every once in a while I was compelled to momentarily rise above the depressive feeling that held me vise-like to endeavor to bring to mind every keys promise I could recall from my mental reservoirs.The inevitability of rain hung in the air like a dark menace. The war was almost over, and here we were, executing our offensive strategies so late in the game. I sighed, then quickly started doubling my steps. I hadn't even brought an umbrella.
What else had I forgotten? I went through the mental list. Nothing.-As far as I could tell. As a further mental exercise to prove I wasn't actually sleeping on my feet, I tried to recall the printed slew of actual items needed for peaceful protests outlined in "Demonstrations-A Manual for Activists." There were also all the prophecies about our particular activity that I needed to take into account. And lastly I just hoped people would show up.
Paint! I smelled paint! The cling of some no-doubt toxic substance stuck in my nostrils. Maybe I should've taken that shower after all, but it was so late. Dawei and I had gone to bed in the wee hours of the morning, with our apartment looking like a peacenik's bunker. I vaguely remembered wondering what our neighbors would think when we had opened the door to our apartment to allow some ventilation, granting any curious onlooker a direct visual of the line of sandwich boards and signs strewn all over the floor.
Those weird waiguoren (foreigners) again. What were they up to this time?
Hmm, clearly, the ventilation hadn't been enough. That stuff was playing with my mind. I could still see the white Chinese characters dancing in front of my eyes that I had duplicated ten times on black picket boards: "God is love, and love promotes peace!" Well, at least now I knew I could write that in Chinese if I ever had to.
Rounding the bend before the park's main auditorium where we were scheduled to meet the other Family members joining the event, the sky looked meaner than ever. The heavy drops were splattering and exploding into small rivulets of doom, when suddenly it came!
The keys promise!
Now, in no way am I implying that my prayer alone saved the day, because I'm sure that there was a lot of praying going on, but coincidentally, the culmination of all that came the moment I unloaded my troubles on the One Whose shoulders are broad enough for any of my petty problems and all my picketing paraphernalia to boot! I finally prayed a good, meaningful prayer. So I wasn't surprised when the rain paused, the clouds dithered uncertainly at first, and then slowly vanished. I also don't remember smelling the paint anymore after that. And did anyone show up? Well, let's just say that would be an understatement at this point. We had folks from all over Taiwan, and a few visitors from a few other far-flung places who managed to get in on the act, too.
Things were definitely looking up!
Most notable of the visitors-to me, anyway-was Aaron, who joined us from Taichung. I had been trying to recruit him for the mission for some time. After all my pleading and cajoling (I'm not so good at pleading and cajoling, but not for want of trying), he had delivered the devastating news that he wouldn't be able to make it, due to some other commitments. So on the day, finding him, his lovely wife, Iona and their four children buzzing around the peace park, I had to presume that someone else had done a better job of the begging and imploring than I had. I talked to Aaron very briefly before he vanished, and I didn't see him until after the peace march was over, a few hours later. (More about that later.)
Our media spokesperson, Crystal, was there looking lovely as ever. And darting back and forth between the groups of ready protesters were three pairs of camouflaged legs in baggy fatigue. Lara, Lily, and Maria had gone into high gear to finish the choreography and sequencing of their dance just in time. People looked pretty psyched up, and were already vying for the coveted positions of holders of picket signs and wearers of sandwich boards. After that had been worked out ("You will wear the sandwich board after John and Jamie walk around the park two-thirds of the way or after Suzie's second toilet break!") the Family paparazzi took full advantage of all the Kodak moments.
I hooked up with Joyce, and we started tuning up the guitars and looking over our song sheets for the first time since the protest had been planned. There we were, if you can imagine it, working up a literal trance to effectively block out the noise from a large crowd that had gathered to watch a dance competition going on at the amphitheater behind us. Either that, or they were staring at the horde of foreigners draped in wood and paint. The grade-school girls in their pink and purple leotards hadn't really caught our attention, and we continued the humming and strumming. The blaring music they were dancing to threatened to interfere with our impromptu practice session on the solitary park bench as our concentration came under fire. That, and Joyce kept laughing at me.
And then, we heard it. Could it be possible? There was another large crowd of protesters trying to upstage us on the other side of the amphitheater. We stopped singing, our jaws agape as we listened. A chant was rising, louder and clearer with each syllable…
"War no more, no more war. War no more, no more war…"
"Hey you, guys, the girls are on stage!" At the profound announcement of this sudden development, we leaped from our seats. Joining hordes of other casual park-goers and enlightened Family members homing in on the excitement at the amphitheater, we raced to the front of the stage and watched as the girls (Maria, Lara, and Lily) officially launched the beginning of our rally with an electrifying performance of the song whose popularity hasn't yet started winding down after it was first released in the early '90s-"War No More."
With the song's finish and the girls returning to ground zero, the whole team dispersed into the astonished crowd, giving out "Are You a Peacemaker?" tracts on every side. There was no escape! The move was quick and decisive, and the message was in every one of their faces before they even knew it. We witnessed to those who were interested, and not long afterwards converged again to one side of the auditorium where we joined hands in prayer for the remainder of the protest.
It was all quite literally in circles after that, as our some 30-strong army of enthusiastic sign-carrying, tract-passing, singing and waving volunteers marched around the park. Looking behind me at the impressive sight, all the while trying to lead in singing a song I did not know well, I could only thank the Lord that any of this was working out at all. But here we were, making quite a spectacle, and no doubt getting out the message. Wasn't it great that just little nobodies like us, down at the park, giving out tracts and doing a mobile Holy Ghost sample could inspire the awe and, um, terror…
I froze in my tracks. Could I really have gotten that high off a little tin of white enamel, or was that a fifteen-foot Grim Reaper draped in black and clutching a sinister scythe walking in a deliberate thumping gait through the middle of our peaceful company? He had an American flag wrapped around his forehead, his face was sunken in and he waved his skeletal fingers in the direction of the astonished people we passed. And when Aaron showed up again at the day's end, I detected lines of paint smudging his hairline and a stars-and-stripes bandana in his pocket. I just have to wonder where he stashed the stilts, but I have a pretty good idea.
Aaron may not have been there to help with the singing while Joyce and I wore our throats raw trying to keep participation to a premium, but Johnny and Steven S. were happy to help share the guitar load, and we took our turns charging out of the group for brief forays into the lines of people dotting the walkways to give out our tracts. The dance was definitely more appealing, but for the march itself, the Grim Reaper stole the show.
We know that, "all who live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution," so our day of taking a stand as anti-System, anti-war rebels would not have been complete without some opposition. It showed up in the form of a surprised woman from the park's administration office who couldn't quite hide her embarrassment at having had the whole troupe of us rendezvousing and then standing around outside her very office door for more than an hour before we set out on the move, and doing so undetected and unchecked by them.
I couldn't help but laugh when I thought of the Grim Reaper putting on his make-up outside the office window and them puttering around the office, throwing away their biendang (lunch) boxes and keeping everything in perfect order, all the while being blinded to our presence. My guess is that the Lord totally worked on them and got them into thinking that we were just part of the competition going on outside. But it worked enough to give us some good time in the park before we had to pack things up and get all "selah."
Crystal smoothed things over while we prayed about what to do. The Lord showed us we didn't have to go home and call the whole thing quits, but just to break off into small groups to give out tracts, and later we all met up at another corner of the park that had a smaller stage. There the girls performed again, attracting a whole new crowd that we once again saturated with tracts.
In all, the peace march was a success, and we also learned some lessons on how to do better the next time around. For one, we had wanted to get the whole thing off the ground earlier on when the war first started, but even that was not a defeat, because having had the experience, we could probably get assembled and a whole march planned in much shorter time in the future, and we wouldn't worry as much about the public's reaction or the media, as long as we did what the Lord showed us to do this time and stayed away from the political side.
Thanks to everyone who helped out, traveled to get there, counseled, prayed and got the prophecies, helped with organization, and thanks especially to Maria, Lily and Lara for the fabulous dancing.
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Supporting the board vision
I wanted to say a big thank-you to all board members, and all who have gotten behind the board vision in order to make it work. You are all doing so, so much to care for us, our lives, our hearts, our service, and this is no small task. I love and admire each of you and want to encourage you to keep going, and keep doing all that you are, because it is making a difference.
I'm sure anyone who lives away from their families and loved ones knows what it's like to worry about them once in a while. When they write you about the trials and difficulties they're facing, your first reaction is to want to pack up and go be with them to care for them during this time. Of course, we pray and can trust the Lord to work everything out and that gives us peace. But to know that you guys are there taking care of them is such a comforting, warm thought.
I recently attended a young people seminar in Taiwan and was so encouraged to hear from the different board members about my brothers and sisters back home, their spiritual progress, and of the potential you see in them, even down to the youngest ones. It touched my heart to know that you are there taking care of them and have the vision to see them make it. I love you guys! Thank you so much.
And thanks to all board members who are affecting our lives in this way. It has just once again highlighted the fact that we have such a wonderful Family. Where else could we expect to find this kind of concern? It makes the One Wife vision more of a reality and has encouraged me to do even more for those here in my Home and area-knowing that I can help care for someone else's family and loved ones in the way you care for mine, and that, hopefully, you can be encouraged by it, the way I have been.
God bless all of you who allow your Home members to support the vision in this way, I know you'll also reap the rewards for your sacrifice and giving.
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Cricket World Cup 2003
By Spring Valentine, South Africa
The Cricket World Cup 2003 opening ceremony was held in Cape Town, South Africa, with 14 nations participating in the international competition. Our tracting team did a monumental job of folding 12,000 tracts that we had on hand, but in order to be prepared to witness to those attending the matches all over South Africa, we would need about 150,000 tracts. The tracts the Lord showed us to print in our CGO board meeting were "Are You a Peacemaker?" and "Real Hope for the Future."
We needed a miracle, as the tracts had to be printed and shipped to all the Homes within a few days. As we called on the keys for the printing, the miracle unfolded before our eyes, and we were able to get the tracts we needed free of charge within the week.
Our Family in Cape Town joined together with the Family visiting from Port Elizabeth to form a tracting team of nine people-Leyland, James, John, Rayne (20), Angel (16), Victoria (16), Mariangela (14), Valentina (13), and Steven (12). Marcus, our former member who has been fellowshipping with us for the last month, also came to participate with us in the witnessing. When praying together for our outing, Marcus was the first one to get a prophecy of encouragement. Our two Homes prayed together and called on the keys for the Lord to help us reach the many people that would be attending with His message. We organized three three-man teams that would cover the three major gates at the stadium-two main gates and one VIP gate.
President Thabo Mbeki officially opened the first day, so there was top security around the stadium. One of the major obstacles was to find parking, as they had closed off the whole perimeter of the stadium and you could only park a few blocks away. So we asked the Lord to open the door for us, and He did. We loaded into our trusty white VW van and headed for the stadium. As we approached the stadium to drop off the teams with the bags full of 22,000 tracts, there was a convoy of white vans transporting World Cup officials just ahead of us whose credentials were checked by the security before they were allowed to enter the grounds. So we were anticipating them stopping us there, but they didn't, they just waved us right on through the gate! We went in and the Lord did another miracle and gave us a parking space where only the participants of the World Cup could park! We piled out of the van with our bags of tracts and then had to go through another security checkpoint.
For one team when the security officers opened our bags full of tracts and saw them, they flatly said, "No, you cannot distribute leaflets, and we will not allow you through this checkpoint at all!" We were stunned, but when we walked away, we stopped and prayed. After praying, we got a strong check to go right back to the same checkpoint, but now there were some different security personnel. They opened the bags, saw the lit, but this time they said nothing at all about it, and waved us right through! Marcus was flipped to see how miraculously the Lord opened the doors for us to witness in spite of the security being so tight.
The spot where we were witnessing at first didn't seem to be as busy as the other areas, but we found out later that that was the place where the Lord wanted us to be, because we soon learned that the cricket players from all the 14 competing countries would be passing through that way. There were police, military and special security forces cornering off an area for the cricketers to pass through. James got a check to send Steven (JETT) down to the end at the entrance to the cricket club where the cricketers would be entering. Then the teams began arriving. Steven was strategically located and miraculously able to give tracts to more than 50 percent of the players from every team.
There was a sweet policeman standing next to Steven, who mainly seemed to be keeping all the other security personnel from interfering with his handing out tracts. He even allowed Steven to go and get more tracts when he ran out of tracts. Steven almost looked like the official greeter from the exclusive club that they were entering. Afterwards, we wanted to thank this sweet policeman for making it possible for Steven to get away with doing what he did, but, mysteriously, we couldn't find him! Who knows, maybe he was an angel!
With each little miracle the Lord was doing, Marcus kept saying, "Wow, look at that! Now I see the power of the keys!"
We met one Muslim man who said our cause was a good one, and this message needs to be advertised. After reading our tract, "Are You a Peacemaker?" he started promoting our message right on the spot. He shouted to the crowd, "This is a message of peace. Take this message of peace. Whoever has war in their hearts, take this message!"
One man we gave a tract to after reading through it got super excited and came back to us to get a few more to give to his friends. Immediately afterwards we heard him say to his friends enthusiastically, "You've got to read this!"
Towards the end when we were waiting for the other team and passing out tracts in the meantime, one man recognized our tracts from the World Summit. He said, "The Family! I know you guys. You were at the World Summit, weren't you?" He said he admired what we were doing.
On the second day the Lord did miracles for us, as when we got there it seemed that the hard ground had been watered with all of the Word we'd passed out the day before. The police and security had read our tracts and allowed us to continue our tracting. The security police who had read the "Peacemaker" tract themselves, said, "We are also peacemakers! That's our job!"
Some of the people who had taken the tracts the day before said they had read it and agreed with it. Some even professed that they were Christians and started praising the Lord when they saw us passing out the tracts. One lady asked for a stack of tracts to pass out herself. Some people said, "I read the tract yesterday and it was just what I needed to hear! It's really needed here!"
Another said, "This is good. You should give this to Bush!"
One of the security police told Steven, "You're doing a good job! America is not a peaceful nation. They're perpetrators of war!"
The game on the third day was held in Paarl, a town about 45 minutes from Cape Town, and was a much smaller venue. At first we weren't sure what the security would be like there, so we started off slowly, but then saw it was absolutely no problem for us at all. When one of the security guards was given a tract, he went and called some others for them to get tracts, too. Another of the security guards came over and asked what the tract was all about. He turned it over, read the prayer and said, "Yes, Jesus is the solution!"
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Car accident and a tract
Marina, Japan: Many years ago the average Family member would spend at least six hours daily litnessing. Every occasion was a witnessing occasion; we did it any time, at any place and to anybody. Once when getting out the Word at a secluded nudist swimming resort in Switzerland, a surprised customer exclaimed: "Oh my, it's those guys again! They must be behind every blade of grass!"
Instant witnessing is still the "in thing," but in certain situations I've thought it inappropriate to offer a tract. For example, in Japan you normally would not approach folks involved in a traffic accident, no matter how minimal the damage-interruptions are not welcome in such an event. In this day and age, however, as the keys lead you and Heavenly thought power controls you, anything is possible!
Recently, I was just starting on a short get-out, when that little voice whispered in my ear: "Don't walk the way you usually go-turn right instead!"
As soon as I changed direction-boom!-there was an accident right in front of me! Two cars had bumped each other; they were both sitting in the middle of the narrow road, with the drivers standing talking.
"What now, Lord?" I asked.
"Tracts!" was the immediate reply.
"Are You sure?" I had almost passed the two men and felt awkward to turn back to approach them. Noticing the friendly face of the one nearest to me helped me do it. I handed each of them a "Somebody Loves You!" tract. Wonder of wonders, they didn't shoo me away! Not only did they gratefully receive the pamphlets, but the friendly faced guy was willing to accommodate my far-from-perfect Japanese and prayed to receive Jesus right there, on the spot, oblivious of the two cars still blocking the street! I explained that the Lord's love could solve any problem, and the other man, who had been about to walk away, held on to his tract, saying he wanted to learn about that love, too. Boy, was I ever glad to have obeyed!
"When you call on the keys, things will happen and things will be different; the keys command action!"
A change in racial views
Philip and Meekness, Namibia: Through racial conflict over the years, which is very much "alive" in southwestern Africa, Nelly had learned to hate the whites. Her family had been victims of racial differences, and her experiences had influenced her view on all whites.
We always wanted to show love and care for this dear girl, when she came to our missionary Home. Each time she arrived our children greeted her with a shower of hugs, love, smiles, kind words of appreciation and cheer. Slowly her bitter, negative outlook started to change. She began to love in return!
For her birthday we prepared a special party with snacks, games, and provisioned a bouquet of flowers and added a New Worlds to Discover video for her present. She was so thrilled!
Later on, at a birthday party for one of our children, we invited our friends and students of different races. Nelly was one of them. We could see at first the difficulty and puzzlement on her face, but love chased all those clouds away, and she felt right at home with everyone. After the party she gave hugs to others regardless of their color. She started phoning some of her new friends, and we could see an amazing change happening in her life and heart.
Nelly started to look past the color of people's skin, and Jesus' love is continually changing her life and heart! She is a very different person from the one we first met-her outlook has changed. She is now more open to others and able to make friends with anyone.
She started working on our Correspondent Bible Study Course (CBSC) and recently completed it. She now comes over for personal Bible studies at our Home.
A step of healing faith
Santiago (74), South America: I want to thank the Lord for the good health that He has given me; being the age that I am, I am still in excellent health. However, in the past, whenever I had any small pain, instead of asking for prayer for healing, I would opt to take aspirins, or pills, which is something the Lord had to help me change in.
A little while ago I noticed a little bump on my right eyebrow and I went to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor told me that it was a tumor and I would have to get it analyzed and removed with an operation. I was a little shocked to hear I had a tumor, and without really praying about it, I agreed to the operation that was scheduled for early May. I was pretty convinced that this operation would remove the tumor and I would be healed. However, the Lord had another plan.
A month before my scheduled operation, we had a healing prayer meeting. There were a lot of people in attendance, and at first I was hesitant to ask for prayer. I was a little embarrassed (a.k.a. proud), as I didn't want to explain my affliction to everyone. So I watched the other people go up, until finally at the end I just couldn't take it anymore.-I decided to set aside my pride and go up and ask for prayer.
It was a fight, but I went up and asked the Lord for forgiveness, and accepted that by faith the tumor was healed. Nothing happened at that moment, I didn't see any lightning, nor did I hear voices, but I had inner peace since I had taken that step of faith.
I went back Home and everyone was so sweet and encouraging, but there was one thing missing, something very important that was missing-that full step of faith to show the Lord that I really believed. I decided to cancel the operation. And since I canceled it, the bump on my eyebrow has started going down, and now it is hardly noticeable. I am so happy I made the choice to trust the Lord. I now believe in healing by faith, and I will always put it into practice.
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brief ad
What do a "bad" French girl and a 20-year-old Chinese Australian have in common? Read about it in the second personal testimony FSM!-"A Perfect Place, Part 2."
Don't miss it!
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An Alive Word Revolution
Simon Simple, India: Feast 2003 was the best thing that happened to our Home in a long, long time.
Before the Feast: Devotions were predictable and somewhat sleepy.
After the Feast: We have a devotions committee that works out a weekly devotions schedule. The Lord showed us to have one FGA, one SGA and one junior teen on this committee. We now look forward to devotions! There are skits, songs, inspiring Word studies and a variety of things to read.
Before the Feast: Finding a GN in the Word library was a feat!
After the Feast: We got a carpenter to build a Word cupboard. Now it's a pleasure going to a well-organized Word cupboard.
Before the Feast: We were somewhat struggling financially.
After the Feast: We've started putting the Word first in our lives, and the Lord has been doing amazing things to supply for us. Truly miraculous! We're amazed!
Before the Feast: Hardly anyone in the Home got their Word time first thing in the morning.
After the Feast: We all get an hour of Word first thing in the morning.
Before the Feast: Most of us were on a starvation diet spiritually!
After the Feast: We feel inspired, happy, challenged and fulfilled! We wonder now how we ever got this far without giving the Word the importance that we are giving it now!
Thank God for Feast 2003! It was a lifesaver!
Spring Valentine, South Africa: The emphasis on quality Word time, memorizing, vigils of intercessory prayer, praise times, and being on the attack with safeguarding one another, has completely transformed our Home and gotten us back to the basics in our spiritual life and walk with the Lord. The Lord is blessing our Home in all areas. We are meeting challenges with new faith, there is a new ease in witnessing, we're drawing closer as a Home, we're giving our vigil times priority faithfully.
Our prayers are more powerful since we've been memorizing the keys promises, prophecy times have been lifesavers, and there has been a tremendous boost in the spirit of the Home. The children are also memorizing the keys promises and quote them in their prayer times. Personality clashes are now being washed away as we all get in the Word, and it's very encouraging to see the uniting effect that putting Jesus first in quality time has had on everyone.
The Lord is delivering me from the bondage of the arm of the flesh and teaching me to relax and put Him first before my work and accomplishments. I have a clearer vision now!
David Komic, Thailand: The Feast mailings were radically life changing for our Home-well, our lives had better change, or we're fired! I have personally been so lacking, and I know that it's so worth the fighting to make that time for Jesus alone, so we don't have to bear the weight alone.
I remembered a time many years ago, when I was at a TC (or the TC as we locals called it), for what we called RTP (Really Tripped-off Person-needing-some-special-care-and-personalized-attention-for-a-while) training, and I was away from my mate and kids for quite some months. Some evenings at family time I went through these withdrawals and was quite lonely, but then I'd go off to my room/space/closet/cardboard box, and I started to really dive/delve into the Word, and it was a thrill and buzz. I was sticking quotes up all over the wall, and Word study was very alive! That was then…
For a long time since, though, it's been really easy to squeeze it out, as I'm fairly stretched-busy with pressing concerns, projects pending, swords of Damocles swinging, deadlines looming, cameras zooming, and emergencies booming. (At times I've been like the young CO mentioned in the "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" GN, but without the CO responsibilities.) The new requirements and reminder/warning from the Lord are a really absolutely very much vitally indispensably needed safeguard. So thank You, Jesus, and Mama and Peter for being the shepherds we need-no ear tickling! Just giving us what we need and have to hear if we want to keep on keeping on.-Which we do!
Maria (SGA, of Simon), Philippines: I had come to a point in my life where I was feeling sort of dry and stagnant in my spiritual life and like something was missing. The problems of daily life had been slowly crowding out my time with the Lord. When I had been praying for a New Year's goal, one of my prayers was to be able to come back to my First Love and have more hunger for the Word, so it was an answer to my prayers when the Feast was on this very topic. My prayers were answered beautifully, much more than I could have ever asked for! The Feast gave me the boost I needed to start again and set my priorities straight!
I'm a mother of six (five of which are under eight), and often I'd gotten way too busy putting God's work above God with the excuse that "God's gift is God's work." I'd assumed that if the Lord had given me all these children, then He must understand that they take all my time and more. But as time went on I found that I was lacking in true strength and always frustrated at the kids. Unfortunately, I still didn't have time to do more with them besides taking care of their daily demands, which ended up in a vicious cycle of undone stuff and a constantly frustrated mother.
While hearing from the Lord about my situation the Lord said: "You need to cut out some of your work in order to make time for Me and My Word. I understand that you are a busy mother whose work never ends day and night-you must be there for the little ones. I have given you these children, and yes, God's gift is God's work, but it must be balanced with God's Word. This is very important being that you are a mother, teacher, and shepherd to your flock. You cannot give from an empty shell; as you have experienced it, you end up flustered, upset, and tired and this magnifies the work and the problems of the day because you did not give them to Me. It's a vicious cycle of the Enemy, but you can rise above all this through Me and My Word."
Things have been so much better for me as I soak in His Word, and take that time no matter what. And the rest, well, the Lord takes care of it and it gets done somehow or another. Also the Lord has even been showing me new ways to get the other things done that didn't get done before. So actually more is getting done now.
It's amazing how what the Lord shows us always works out! The answers are all there in the Word, I just needed to avail myself of them and fight the Enemy when he tries to take me away from the life-giving Word.
Samuel Attack, India: I have a suggestion that may help Homes keep their library more organized, and thus be able to have access to the Word without having to hunt for that missing GN, or any pub for that matter. Our Home has been praying for a solution for this problem, as it can be frustrating when one is doing a Word study and is trying to locate a certain Letter or pub and is unable to find it, as it could be on anyone's shelf or under some mattress or just lost in between the piles of assorted mags sitting in the library.
So we started putting the mags into booklets. The Lord supplied us with a hole-punching machine, and we have been able to get a lot of our mags spiral bound into sets of ten, and now it is not so easy to lose a book of a larger size.
Simon (SGA), Kenya: I've heard some people comment that they think all of these new spirit helpers, demons, and things of the spirit world are just too far fetched, and hard for them to understand and relate to. For me though, as a former Star Trek fan, I think it's so incredible that the Lord is making the things of the spirit so real and easy to understand, and even fun!
It's great to be able to picture those evil demons that we're supposed to be rebuking as one of those indescribably bad "baddies," and call on Michael or Gabriel or Tola or Tor or Arcothon to BLAST 'em! I mean, it's so exciting, and it makes fighting in the spirit so much more real! I'm telling you, calling on the specific spirit helpers to damn the specific dirty demons really works!
Just after we had heard about Arcothon, and how he fights Apotheon, and how Arakan, Lethargy, and Pan fight our Word time and P&P time, I was taking time to hear from the Lord about the different questions that He had put forth. All of a sudden I started to feel really sleepy, and like I didn't have the faith to pull down anything. I thought maybe I should just take a nap, and then I'd be better able to hear from the Lord. TTL, I quickly realized that-duh!-of course I was feeling that way! Guess who's trying to fight me?!
As soon as I called upon Arcothon and rebuked Apotheon, Arakan, Pan, and Lethargy, BOOM! I could almost feel this electric zap in my back, like sort of a wake-up call! "Sit up, bro, and quit being lazy!"
Crystal (of Luke), Senegal: We've made it mandatory in our Home to come to devotions with our prophecy books, so that if the Lord wants to talk He can, and we're ready. We've also agreed as a Home that we would only have two showings of news a day, no flipping of channels. We also agreed that if anyone wants to watch TV we will pray about it ahead of time-the TV was having way too much sway in our Home. Also before video night we agreed that we'd always read the prophecy, stick with rated movies as much as possible, but if not we'd agree and preview the movie ahead of time, and really pray after watching a movie, sometimes having a small intercessory prayer before or after the movie.
Thus far we're 110% behind the Word push, devotions are a lot more fun and alive, we've spiced up prayer and praise times, and we have the keys promises posted in many locations in the house and car. Our nights are worked out to invest more time interacting with Jesus; at least two nights are for Jesus, one is a vespers which we already had instituted, and another is for special Word-related games, or something else uplifting, bringing the Lord into our play. The memory work is going well too, on our vespers night everyone had to come with what they were reviewing or memorizing, and it's quite impressive.
Because it's a wee bit difficult sometimes when taking the 30-minute slot of intercessory prayer because some of us space out, I've written down a daily planner for me: One day I pray specifically for Activated friends and sheep, one day for family and relatives, one day for Peter and Mama and their team, and one day against our enemies.
It's been fun and exciting. We've found we've had plenty of time to get everything done that is asked if we seize the day. The Home is buzzing!
Simon, Uganda: Here are some suggestions to make united Word time more top quality:
* After reading a GN together, give a certain time for everybody to reread the GN, studying it carefully, and then at one devotions share together key quotes that stood out and any ideas for applying the Letter as a Home.
* Share memory verses.
* Put up quotes that speak to you.
* Make Word CDs readily available.
* Testify of changes personally made.
* Ask someone to safeguard you.
* Partner up with someone to help make a change such as being faithful to memorize.
Angela, Croatia: The Feast caused a noticeable change in the spiritual level of our Home, as we took time to faithfully implement each suggestion laid out in the Word, and answer every single question from the GNs. We also took the time to pray together as a Home and implement some solutions right away-for example, a Word chart, monitoring everyone's Word time requirements, changes in devotions, and other activities. You can tell that almost everyone in the Home is more desperate to obey.
For a long time we had the usual problems with devotions-familiarity with the Word, and a boring atmosphere (not necessarily because devotions wasn't inspiring, but because all were not participating, nor fully awake both physically or spiritually). We came up with a weekly planner for devotions-the first day of the week after W&R days, everyone brings excerpts of the Word that spoke to them during their W&R day; Tuesday-a Bible study with written tests; Wednesday-prayer requests, excerpts of prophecies people received and communion; Thursday-childcare-oriented devotions; Friday-an Endtime class or review. When we receive New Wine, we read that together, studying it slowly, rather than just reading it through like we used to. Then the next week, we have one devotions just to review and to check on how we are implementing it.
The main key here is that most of the devotions are made up of everyone's contributions and participation, and not just one person having to feed and do everything.
Another thing we do is to appoint a weekly praise and prayer monitor, who leads everyone in prayer at mealtimes. In that way, we are all forced to come out of ourselves and spiritually lead others. So far, this has worked and everyone is much more alert spiritually.
We did have to recognize that one of the reasons some people were very sleepy at devotions was because of their late night schedule, although official lights out in our Home is at 11:30 pm (people were in their rooms at this time, but still continued to fellowship or work on other projects till late). It was good that it was exposed in the Word, and some people asked for prayer.
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A fundraising dinner
By John NZ, Middle East
Due to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the war in Iraq and the general downturn in world economies, the economy in our field is quite depressed, so it was quite a challenge when we were presented with the idea of raising funds for the Palestinian tape project.-The idea being to raise funding for 20,000 cassette tapes that would then be distributed free to Palestinians all over the Middle East. Thank the Lord it wasn't just up to us four little chickens to raise all the funds for this. Many of the Homes in the area worked together on this, and after an appeal went out to the worldwide Family (see GV #149), a good amount of funds came in this way. WS units also passed the hat and sent a generous donation towards this project! What a wonderful Family we have!
But still there were a lot of funds that needed to be raised, so we had a Home meeting to brainstorm fundraising ideas. We also presented the fundraising idea to some of our friends, and they suggested hosting a fundraising event. At first we blew this off, as we are just four adults in our Home. How could we pull something like that off? However, when a few more of our friends suggested the same thing and our shepherd asked us "why not try it?" we felt convicted that we hadn't even brought this idea before the Lord. The Lord gave us a green light, though He did make it clear that we all needed to have the faith for this. So after more prayer we all agreed we did have the faith, and we wanted to give it our best shot.
The preparations for this fundraising event were going on against the backdrop of the massive U.S. and British buildup for the Iraq war. People, naturally enough, were a little apprehensive about what we were trying to do. Their Arab brothers and sisters in Iraq were about to be bombed and possibly killed, and we wanted to host a fundraising dinner at the top hotel in town? If it hadn't been for the Lord's encouragement to go ahead I would have said we were crazy to attempt such a thing at that time. Indeed we did need to postpone the dinner once, as the war broke out the day before we were to host it! But then the Lord showed us to hold it three weeks later instead, so we did.
It was a battle royal as there were all sorts of things happening around us that said it was impossible, that people wouldn't come. Most people were in a state of shock after the sudden collapse of resistance in Baghdad, and several folks who had pledged to come cancelled out at the last minute. Several friends had close relatives pass away, and so they also couldn't make it. However, the Lord encouraged us to go ahead. Although we didn't break any attendance records, still almost 90 people came (we only had seating for 100), and the evening was a success!
We were able to raise a good amount towards the Someone Cares tape sponsorship project. Several local dignitaries came, and the head of one local NGO, who was among the guests, later donated $1,000 towards the project. A reporter also showed up and wrote a positive article on the evening.
Everyone who attended told us how much they enjoyed the evening. One told us that his wife and he hadn't enjoyed themselves like that for years. One elderly local statesman later told us how much he enjoyed it, but he wasn't able to stay until the end, as he needed to take his granddaughter home. It was quite cute coming from him, as he is 84. His wife stayed for the whole program and loved it!
We learned a lot through this experience. I was going to say that it isn't as hard as all that to do something like this, but perhaps we should qualify that statement. We had a lot of help from our friends! The hotel owner is a friend and he took care of many things and supplied a games host, a band, tickets, as well as taking care of the food side of things. The hotel even offered to sell tickets to their regular clients. We agreed to this, but as the time for the program approached we could see that they weren't doing as well at getting out the tickets as we were, so we kept on inviting people and selling more tickets beyond what we had agreed with them. As it turned out about 90% of the folks who came were people we had sold tickets to or invited.
A key to these events is to make sure you sell the tickets ahead of time. Not too many who say they will come and get the ticket at the door actually do this. It's better to sell the tickets and collect the funds ahead of time.
Here are a few details regarding this fundraising event, and how we managed things:
Selling tickets: The tickets we had were divided into three numbered parts. The larger end part, then a smaller piece, and the stub that stayed with the book. We gave the two end pieces to the person who bought the ticket, and when they came to the door of the hotel the receptionist took the smaller piece and they kept the large end piece. The little piece the receptionist took was a record of who came and was also used for the table prizes. All the ticket stubs were put into a container and someone fished out winning numbers.
When selling tickets we were told to keep in mind that it is better to sell in large groups, as you can fit more people in if they sit in groups. Obviously, if they come only by ones then you end up using a lot of tables, and you can't fit so many people in. So we kept this in mind when we got out tickets, and asked people who they would like to sit with. The afternoon before the dinner we sat down with the food and beverage manager of the hotel and arranged the seating. It was good we did this as they were seating their regular customers in the "best" seats, and we had to change this so that the VIPs we had coming were given the best seats.
The program: Initially it was quite a challenging thought to entertain people for about three hours. Our singing team was prepared to sing for about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes max, so we needed to come up with other ways to keep people entertained. This is where our local friends came to the fore. They suggested we have games and prizes, which was something totally new for us, but this is what they usually do at these sorts of functions. At first we had thought of keeping it fairly simple, just a prize for every table, but then with the help of the hotel's game master we expanded this idea to having some actual games, and this turned out to be quite successful. We did check what games he had in mind just to make sure they were acceptable and in sync with our program.
The evening was supposed to start at 7:30 pm, but we knew people wouldn't actually get there until about 8, and as it turned out we didn't actually get started until about 8:15. One of the representatives of the local work introduced the evening, explaining briefly what we were there for, and how the tape sponsorship project got started. Then one of our local friends gave a little speech about our work. We put this in as we weren't sure who was going to show up-like who the hotel had invited-and we felt we should have a little explanation as to who we are and what we do. We also had a simple display of our work and projects on a notice board for people to look at as they came in. We kept the speeches to a minimum though, and soon the Heart to Heart singers were performing their first set, which was 45 minutes long.
As part of the performance we had one of our friends read parts of the text (prophecies for the Palestinian people) from the new tape. We wanted to give the guests a little taste of what the tape would be like. Then the local band performed one number and the game master hosted some games. Time had flown and it was already time for dinner. Right after dinner Heart to Heart performed another set for 30 minutes, and then the game master took over and led the games and gave out prizes.
We were surprised at how we actually had more than enough to fill up the evening!-A balance of meaningful songs and message and fun games with prizes. We left the prizes till the end, and this proved to be a good way to keep people for the duration of the function.
Prizes: For prizes we went around to our friends in the city and told them about what we were planning, and they donated clothes, sunglasses, clocks, free meal vouchers for two to four people at nice restaurants, and other nice prizes. We ended up with more than we actually needed. We found it was good to have more gifts arranged than we needed, as some friends didn't come through with the gifts they had promised. As a backup we were going to use "Motto" calendars as prizes.
Selling tools: We didn't actually set up a table to sell tools, but we did have a special CD of original Heart to Heart songs all in Arabic. We sold 11 of these that night and all the proceeds also went towards the tape sponsorship project. To feed the sheep we distributed a special copy of the Arabic Motivated magazine on comfort. This was particularly appropriate, as most people were quite discouraged about the war in Iraq.
All in all it went very well. It was a teamwork effort. The Lord poured on tons of encouragement, and we're certain He was working behind the scenes to clear away obstacles and to lay it on the hearts of many friends to come. The other Homes nearby also pitched in to help, and many of our local friends were outstanding in how they helped promote this event through selling tickets and introducing us to people. And now we almost have enough funds to produce 20,000 cassette tapes!
If you have an event you need to raise funds for, try a fundraising dinner!
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help wanted
Before anything else, I would like to tell you how proud and thankful I am to be in the Family serving our Lord and Husband alongside each one of you. I have met many of you throughout the 28 years I have been serving the Lord, and would love to meet each and every one! I can't wait to be with you all forever. I am praying for you, your health, your ministry, your children, your supply and the desires of your heart.
My name is Praise (Aurore; Laura). I am French. I wanted to ask if you could help me through your prayers, and if the Lord shows you to help financially as well. My youngest daughter, Crystal (20), is now in New Zealand outside the Family. She has been gone now for one-and-a-half years and she is actually quite isolated. I would really like to visit her in the near future, but I am in a situation where I am not able to raise the funds for this trip. That is why I am asking for your help.
Altogether it would amount to about US$1,500. I know the Lord wants to do it, and I have no doubt that He will bless each and every one of you for your prayers and/or your financial help. If you could also pray for Crystal's protection and that she will come back to the fold in the Lord's time, I would really appreciate it. Since she left, the Lord has put on my heart to pray for all our young people a lot more desperately.
You can send your gifts to French Praise via EURCRO. With your gifts, please let me know your e-mail address, as I would like to thank each one of you personally. Keep up the good work wherever you are!
Much love,
Dear Family,
Greetings from beautiful Pakistan! We are David and Sarah and our three youngest children. We have been peacefully harvesting on the Indus Plains when from over the mountains we heard a call: "Please come to China to help harvest the grain!" We were a bit surprised, but asked the Lord, Who most assuredly indicated that this is the direction that He is leading!
Our eldest daughter and her husband have asked us to join them in China too, not only help reap the ripe harvest, but also to assist in the "maturation of their movement"-four wonderful children.
Due to the inability to raise substantial funds here, we applied for Marco Polo Tours [run by Budget Yak Int'l.], to travel overland across the Palmer Ranges, in the shadow of K2, but with the onset of the Iraqi War, safe passage was not guaranteed, and our tour was canceled. The next step was Chinese Airlines, which we found to cost no more than our Marco Polo tours!
Would you like to help us to "climb our mountain" of impossibilities? We need approximately US$2,500 before the end of June.
If you would like to assist in our neo-Marco Polo Birds' Eye tours, we would greatly appreciate any gift-you will become a part of our miracle!
Please send to PK 06. You can specify for Marco Polo Tours or David and Sarah, Islamabad.) Also please let us know, so we can acknowledge your gift! Thank you! God bless you.
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"Mad, sad, or glad!"
By David (16), USA
I read the inspiring testimonies in the newest Grapevine from the Family in Italy and the PR board in North America about participating in the anti-war marches and getting out the "Peacemaker" tract. Here in Detroit, there weren't any huge protests, but that didn't stop us from delivering the Lord's message. Our dear catacomber, Jeremiah, printed several thousand tracts every week for us to get out during our daily personal witnessing.
We have received some phone calls (we put our phone, address, and Web site on the back of each tract) from people who got them. One guy called to, "Give us a piece of his mind," as he later put it, and asked all about why we had such an anti-America message. Also, he asked why on earth we'd put the name of Jesus at the end. The whole thing ended up being a class on prophecy, the Family, God's warning to this country, etc.
By the end he actually changed his mind. He kept on saying, "Thank you, thank you for talking with me!" He got interested in the Family, and we witnessed to him about communal living and our lives of giving up the System. He was amazed and said he would read our Web site right away.
An angry lady, a church Christian, called and said, "Don't you know that this message is unpatriotic and goes against everything that America stands for?" After talking with her for a few minutes, she was not changed at all. She said, "Let me leave you with one last thought: God bless America!" Like Dad said years ago, one of our main reasons to be a Revolution here is to be a testimony against the church system. So praise the Lord! It's been really fun to get out this truth that must make people mad, sad, or glad!
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The Terrible Twos and the Pope
By Kevin
For years I've heard harrowing stories about the dreaded "terrible twos." But now that I'm a father, I personally haven't found them to be that terrible-at least not for the first year. No, just kidding. The terrible twos actually don't even start until you're about 13, as my parents can confirm.
Seriously, though, the twos are apparently a time of learning and growing for both parents and children. It's the period where a child makes the transition from babyhood to childhood, where he also exhibits traits such as the inability to sit still, stubbornness, the complete inability to sit still, fierce independence, and the utter inability to sit still. In addition, they can finally begin making wise career decisions, such as enthusiastically wanting to operate a garbage truck when they grow up.
But besides all that, it's actually a lot of fun living with and caring for this age group. I'd say my son, Kevin Junior, is a pretty accurate representative of a two-year-old boy, which, as you guessed, means he spends a lot of time running around in circles chanting phrases that are completely unintelligible because he has his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He generally does this until his legs collapse under the weight of his own silliness. He is, in my opinion, the ultimate human manifestation of the word "caffeinated."
If there's anything that I, as a loving father, can do to guide my child through this period of change, it's to communicate with him on the basis of a friend, and show him that I care about his life and what he has to say. However, a notable obstacle is that when he is playing with his toy cars I, unfortunately, do not exist. Here's a typical scenario:
Me: Hi, Son, how was your day?
Kevin Jr.: [Insert childish car noise.]
Me: What did you learn today at school time?
Kevin Jr.: [Nothing to insert.]
Me: Hey, did you know a giant meteor is heading towards Earth, and upon impact will hurl the human race into an apocalyptic stone age?
Kevin Jr.: [Insert childish sound of giant rock being hurled into a dump truck.]
It's at times like these that I decide to apply rule number 1 from a book I may someday write, entitled, Parenthood and the Loony Bin. The rule states: "Interrupt not a child playing cars, or the next time you try to show off his math skills he will pretend he is as intelligent as a retarded earthworm in a coma."
So I waited for the right moment and approached him, armed with a surefire weapon: A small book entitled: That Little Talk Time Book. Okay, okay, so its recommended age level is something like 15, but I figured my son is already showing signs of adolescence, such as wanting to drive the car and refusing to take out the garbage for me. So I posed a number of intriguing questions, and following are his actual answers, none of which I wrote myself or modified in any way-they are 100% his responses.
I thought I'd start with something young people can relate to: Music.
Q: If you had the power to exterminate any type of music, what would you eliminate? Why?
Kevin Jr.: Train music.
Me: What does that mean?
Kevin Jr.: Nothing.
I didn't feel we made a lot of progress with that question, so I decided to ask something about his past.
Q: When is the last time you really laughed at yourself because you did something silly?
Kevin Jr.: I ran around the whole time.
Me: And what did you say?
Kevin Jr.: I said, "Hey! That's my place to run around."
Speaking of running around, I felt we were going in circles, so I posed something a bit more radical in order to appeal to his wild streak:
Q: What activity would you like to do that's "on the edge"?
This should be interesting, I thought. I wondered what radical, mind-boggling, revolutionary answer he would come up with, making me proud to be the revolutionary father of this revolutionary two-year-old. However, his answer was:
Kevin Jr.: Jump off the edge.
He then decided to demonstrate by standing at the edge of his (thankfully) low bed and leaping to the floor with a loud thud, which was perhaps a bit too "on the edge" for those directly underneath our room. So I quickly moved on to the next question:
Q: You were just given one million dollars. Then during an internationally televised interview you're clearly seen serenely picking your nose. How much of the money would you be willing to give to have that part edited out?
All I received was a giggle about the picking your nose part, so to avoid this question coming back to haunt me, I decided to change the subject:
Q: Would you shave your head to prove your love to someone? Why or why not?
Kevin Jr.: No, I won't shave my head. It's silly.
I had to agree. A few more questions:
Q: What movie or TV scene last brought tears to your eyes?
Kevin Jr.: A boring video. I said, "Nooooooooooooooooooo!"
Q: If you could get rid of one type of food, what would it be?
Kevin Jr.: Vegetables.
Q: If you could change one thing in the Charter, what would it be and why?
Kevin Jr.: I'd change into a robot.
The first two questions I could understand, since I feel the same about boring videos and vegetables. However, that robot answer made me realize the only Charter concept he understood was the right of mobility.-Over and over, all day long.
I then decided to approach him with a question that would certainly show his noble side, a trait obviously inherited from his father's side:
Q: If you were head of the United Nations, how would you try to promote world peace?
Kevin Jr.: A piece of what?
Me: Well, "peace" means not fighting.
Kevin Jr.: I'm going to fight the Devil, because he's a bad guy!
Not quite the answer I was fishing for. But it did remind me of what his teacher recently told me: After engaging in some sort of "on the edge" two-year-old activity, Kevin Jr. was sent by his teacher to the bathroom for a correction. However, as she approached the bathroom, she heard him boldly singing, "One, two, three … the Devil's after me."
Score: Kevin 1, Teacher 0
Anyway, back to the questionable questions:
Q: Would you rather be really, really smart, or really, really good looking?
Kevin Jr.: Good looking.
Q: If you could be invisible for a day and no one could see you, what would you do?
Kevin Jr.: Hide.
Q: If you can create one new national holiday, what is it called, what does it celebrate and what date is it?
Kevin Jr.: Dinnertime.
Q: If you could have one conversation with one famous person in history, who would it be? What would you talk about?
Kevin Jr.: The racecar guy.
Me: Who? Er ... okay ... then what would you talk about?
Kevin Jr.: About girls.
I could relate to that, but I had a hard time relating to the next answer:
Q: If you had been the first person on the moon, what would you have said as you stepped onto the surface?
Kevin Jr.: I would have a microphone, and I would say, "Hello, toilet paper!" [Giggle, giggle.]
This was one of those moments when I felt that somewhere I had failed as a father. The next answer was no more encouraging:
Q: If you could accomplish one crazy stunt that would land you in the Guinness Book of World Records, what would it be?
Kevin: Jr.: Daddy.
Me: Huh?
Up until this point I didn't feel we'd had the deep, heart-to-heart conversation I was expecting, so I decided a more religious question would help deepen our conversation.
Q: If you were the pope, what would you do?
Kevin Jr.: I would be a pope.
Good answer, I thought. I mean, isn't that what popes usually do? Isn't that what we'd all do if we were the pope? I was just starting to get a little cocky when I made the mistake of asking:
Me: So what's a pope?
Kevin Jr.: It's when somebody steps on you.
Me: [Long pause.]
I have absolutely no explanation for that answer whatsoever. I then attempted to explain to him who the pope was, but I think that will have to wait for another day because Kevin Jr. noticed, to his horror, that his toy cars had been seriously neglected for several agonizing minutes, and he was soon busy playing and assuming I was simply a recently installed stand-up lamp or piece of furniture.
Though our little talk wasn't quite what I had expected, it gave me valuable insight into the mind of a two-year-old rascally little boy. In spite of the fact that Kevin Jr. would probably not make a particularly good astronaut or Catholic, he's fun, full of energy, and to be honest, makes me want to be a kid again. That way I could have a buzz without coffee, and Mommy would have to take out the garbage.
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Healing key: There is no physical illness or affliction that is impervious to the power of the keys. The healing power of the keys will correct any problem or sickness, as you hold it tightly, expecting miracles.
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
Angie, Mexico: God miraculously delivered me without even the smell of smoke from medical errors! Due to a faulty ultrasound scan, which indicated that everything "was well," and that I was losing my baby in a natural way, the doctors didn't realize that there was another baby in my fallopian tubes which had already burst, and that I was internally hemorrhaging, having lost two liters of blood.
The Lord miraculously protected me, as for two weeks I had intense headaches and felt faint without even knowing what was happening inside my body. The Lord placed a very kind doctor in our path who was able to discover what was really going on, and had me undergo emergency surgery.
It has been three weeks since the last medical intervention and I've been recuperating speedily. Thanks to all of you, my dear brethren, who prayed calling on the keys for me. Prayer and the keys work!
Tiago(4 months, of Madalena), Brazil: The Lord answered our prayers for his kidneys, as one of his kidneys was larger than the other and the doctors thought he might need surgery, but the Lord did a miracle for us, and later the tests showed that there was no problem with Tiago's kidneys. The doctor was the best specialist in child urology and thought it was something miraculous so took photos of the exams to teach his students at the university!
Hepsi Translator(of Jonatas), Brazil: I started having a lot of pain in all the joints of both hands. One day I woke up in a lot of pain and was unable to move my fingers for two days. On the third day I was desperate because I needed to work. We had united prayer claiming the keys. The fourth night, I was struck with fear that I might not be able to ever type again and prayed desperately against that horrible pain. That night I woke up expecting the pain, but it wasn't there! Since then, it's been completely normal and I have been typing fine. I'm so thankful for this miracle and touch of Heaven!
Francisco and Beatriz, Bolivia: Two years ago, our new live-out disciple Carmen was about to have an operation for kidney stones (seven millimeters in diameter) and cysts in her ovaries. We had two different prayer sessions for her, where we claimed the power of the keys, and the Lord healed her completely!
She had two sonograms, and the doctors were so surprised that she no longer had cysts or kidney stones. She is so happy and thankful to the Lord and the Family, as she can finally eat anything she likes, something she was never able to do before.
Europe and Africa
Jerry (of Joy): Jerry had been experiencing excruciating headaches, which miraculously subsided for a time; however, the dizziness and fainting spells he was having continued. We went to a doctor and Jerry had a CAT scan, which showed that there is a tumor at the base of Jerry's head, called meningioma. The doctor said it's malignant and they'll need to remove it. The tumor is on the outer membrane of the brain and not on the inside; it's the type of cancer that doesn't spread to any other parts of the body, which was encouraging. The doctor arranged for Jerry to see a neurologist who will be able to give more information. Please pray for Jerry's encouragement, for guidance concerning the operation and for Jerry's total healing from this tumor. We know we have the power of the keys of healing to claim and to stand on at this time.
Natasha (17, of Steve and Faith): She started to have fevers and blurriness in both her eyes, so we went to the doctor and the doctor told us that she has a mass growing on the right side of her brain, which is pressing on her optic nerve causing the blurriness and blindness in her left eye, and that it is possibly life-threatening. The doctor said she needs an operation. Please pray for Natasha's strength, encouragement, and against any fear or worry during this time as it is very hard for her, and the Enemy can really get in and use this to cause her to get discouraged and fear what lies ahead. Pray that the tumor will not be cancerous and that the operation will go smoothly without any complications, and for the anointing of the doctors who will perform the operation. Also, for extra faith, heavenly power, and strength for us, her parents during this time, as only one of us will be able to go to the States with her for the operation, as we have five other kids who we need to take care of.
South America
Mana (20, of Jose and Clara): Mana was hit by a bus, and was hospitalized for five days. She sustained three fractures in her skull, multiple fractures on her cheek and jawbone, air trapped in her brain and she has lost her hearing in her left ear. After the first CAT scan the doctors said she would require an operation, as it looked like there were three blood clots, and a small lesion on her brain. But thank the Lord He was doing miracles on her behalf. We got a second doctor's opinion, and sure enough, they don't need to operate. The air that is trapped in her brain should be absorbed naturally, the blood clots are gone and the lesion is so minor it won't affect her. She was released from the hospital, which is an answer to prayer, as her condition was initially quite critical.
Please pray for complete recovery for her face, for restoration of her hearing, and for the complete healing of the fractures on her skull and face.
Felipe (of Maria): High fever and blood in the urine; he's feeling very bad and recuperating slowly.
Salome: Diabetes, high blood pressure, against secondary effects of chemotherapy.
Verónica: Large tumor in her stomach.
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Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
X2: X-MEN UNITED (2003)
Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen
The X-Men band together after an attempt on the President's life; meanwhile, the Mutant Academy is attacked by military forces. (Sequel to X-Men.)
(Jesus:) In this sequel, the plot has thickened, and the stakes have been raised. The bad guys are worse and the good guys are even better and more powerful than before. But to keep everyone's attention, of course the moviemakers had to add more action, which in this case means more violence. There are more deaths, and even though you don't see the blood and guts, it's still a big part of the movie, and it taints the story throughout. It must be looked at more prayerfully than the first one. This movie has its good points as well as its bad points.
There are some good things to glean from this movie, as there are from the first one, such as the parallel to the new weapons that are a part of your makeup, and how you, My children, are a threat to the Enemy's world, just like the mutants are a threat to "those in power" in this movie.
The X-Men live a life of service to try to help those of their kind, and to help mankind too. While their methods are not necessarily what I would ask of you, My children, you can watch something like this and be inspired and excited about the Endtime. Their gifts or "mutant abilities" had to be honed, they had to be practiced, and the X-Men had to learn how to use them and be able to control these great and powerful abilities. So must you learn to use, hone, and work with these weapons of the spirit that I have given to you. You are not limited to one ability, but you have many gifts and weapons at your disposal!
They had to learn to work together as a team, too, and use the gifts of their teammates to help them accomplish the goals that they were reaching towards. So must you learn to work together in unity with those you are blessed to work with. While this movie would like to glorify man, allow it to cause you to glorify Me and realize that no such powers are given without My express permission and blessing.
The negative side of this movie is that it glorifies violence, making it look like something "cool." There are times when violence is necessary, mainly spiritually to fight the Enemy. However, watching violence in movies-especially "superhero" action-type violence, as opposed to the more realistic kind-just isn't healthy spiritually, especially for some people. It's exciting, and you get a bit of an adrenalin rush watching it, but it desensitizes your spirit.
There is a comment made inferring a belief in evolution, but My children should be discerning enough to pass over this without giving it much notice, as that is obviously not the truth and you know this.
As with all movies, it's important to pray beforehand to keep the good and eschew the less desirable images.
Bruce Willis, Monica Bellucci
Action drama. A special-ops commander leads his team into the jungle of Nigeria to rescue a doctor who wants them to rescue 70 refugees along with her.
(Jesus:) This movie is Hollywood's overly simplified propaganda of the unethical brutality between warring tribal factions in Africa and America's self-proclaimed role as the world's policeman. The bad guys were woodenly evil and the good guys very American and very military.
This is a graphic portrayal of the brutality and violence of the ethnic cleansing that has accompanied a number of different racial, religious, or ethnic-based wars, and in that respect opens up some very real issues in the world today. This movie is not meant for the faint of heart or the young, as it shows a realistic and gory picture of this type of war.
This movie shows that in war there are men who have human emotions, and can be led to seek for peace and do the right things. I bless all those who help to save others, who fight for peace, even if their choices only affect or help a few. Mostly this movie is just a glimpse of what it's like to be in a war, to be a helpless civilian, or group of civilians, fleeing from an enemy. No matter how you look at it, war is horrific in My eyes.
You should be praying daily for the innocent people in these war-torn lands, and the precious missionaries both in and out of the Family who are risking their lives for the lives and souls of others.
Those who wish to watch this movie can do so, and there are good things in this movie-sweet moments, good choices by those involved. But it's definitely not a "must see."
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Hugh Dancy, Jessica Alba
An eager young Englishman who is dispatched to Sarawak, Malaysia, to become part of the British colonial government, encounters some unorthodox local traditions, and finds himself faced with tough decisions of the heart.
(Dad:) This movie has a lot going for it-romance, an exotic location, interesting tribal cultures and beautiful scenery, an exposé of the hypocritical mores and accepted behavior of the System--not to mention the fascinating system of the sleeping dictionaries. It's set in the beautiful rainforests of the Island of Borneo, back in the '30s, when it was controlled by the British, and I'd think that most people who enjoy this type of movie will find it very intriguing. Our Family missionaries should find it interesting, as they'll be able to relate to it in ways that your average moviegoer wouldn't. That's probably why the movie didn't receive a lot of coverage or make much of a splash with the media.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Liam Cunningham, Brana Bajic, Roger Allam
Based on the classic novel Swiss Family Robinson. Marooned on a deserted island, the Robinsons must discover a way to survive in a place far removed from civilization.
(Jesus:) This story is not nearly as Christian-based as the original Swiss Family Robinson movie, but it is still a good, fun adventure story and has a Christian flavor.
The family's story of the difficulties they go through to survive and eventually make a living stranded on an island brings out some lessons on what things are of true importance and value in life. There is no foul language or graphic violence, which makes their adventure story relaxing and worthwhile to watch.
Sadly, lessons that could have been brought out in this movie of conviction versus compromise were not made clear, and the way the bad characters are portrayed as not really so bad is a negative point. The lack of explanation leaves what could have been an interesting and uplifting storyline weak and unclear. For this reason, it would not be recommended for younger children, though with JETTs you can explain these things and bring out any needed lessons.
Non-Recommended Movies
LILO AND STITCH (Animated; 2002)
(Jesus:) While this movie has a sweet side, the foolishness and inane behavior of the characters, not to mention the brattiness and rebellion of others, is enough to outbalance the lessons learned. This movie is not suitable for children. There is gross behavior, arguing, and many unwise, unprayerful actions, and showing this to your children would open the door to misbehavior. There are better movies out there that engender good lessons and love, so give this one a miss for your children.
(Jesus:) When a movie, especially a children's movie, has everything ranging from African witchcraft (though under the guise of using "special powers" to save the animals) to extreme disobedience and disregarding of parents' wishes without consequence, crude humor, and more, it's not worth watching. It's not edifying or good in any way, and should be avoided.
* * *
A spring venture
By David (23), Sam (21), Rejoice (20), Joanie (17), Meg (16) Aki (15) and Aiki (14), HCS, Japan
As the last traces of winter chill made way for the warm, gentle, spring breeze, it heralded the once-a-year sakura cherry blossom hanami festival season (a.k.a.: SCBHFS), which draws out people from all walks of life, regardless of color, country, or creed to … party! The Lord told us to strike while the iron is hot!
The Lord said that this year He was challenging us to make winning new disciples and labor leaders our priority and that we should focus more on personal witnessing, than on fundraising (which had been more of the focus in years past). He said to win them through the music that made the revolution in Japan. We received many more wonderful promises and words of encouragement that inspired us and gave us the vision, determination, and motivation to just get out there.
However, being in a semi-Service Home with about 60 people, just pulling seven young people out of the schedule, finding a driver, and finding the time to work out the details, wasn't exactly "Mission: Easy." There were obstacles to overcome, but with the help and prayers of our sacrificial, caring, understanding, long-suffering and wonderful Home, we were graciously given temporary leave of our posts.
One evening the Lord led us to a group of young university students who were drinking and attempting unsuccessfully to feign having a good time. After singing our first number they were deeply moved, not by our less-than-angelic voices, but totally and only by the Spirit of the Lord and the meaningful message of the songs. All five of them ended up getting saved, and one 19-year-old boy in particular with bleached hair, who we'll call "Bleached Sheep," was very burdened and concerned about the present world situation, and especially the conflict in Iraq. He expressed his desire and serious intentions of going to Iraq and volunteering his services to help the people. We told him that even if he couldn't go to Iraq, he could begin right here by doing what he could to change and improve the lives of those around him. His friends agreed wholeheartedly as well, as was made obvious by their vigorous and rhythmic nodding of their sheepy heads. They were thrilled, inspired, and excited as their eyes were opened and enlightened by this brand-new concept (at least for them) that love is the answer to all the world's problems, and that true love only comes from Jesus.
As we moved on to the next group of people, "Bleached Sheep" came up and asked if he could join us and help us pass out tracts, and share his newfound faith with all the others-to which we, of course, said yes! He got really excited and was like, "Let's go to that man. … Okay, now that group of people over there!" He was totally enjoying witnessing with us and was basically jumping for joy at every opportunity to spread the message.
"Bleached Sheep" and his friend would go to groups of people and yell at the top of their lungs, "Love and peace!" and tell them that if they had love and gave love, then the world's problems would be solved and the world would be at peace. Their raw enthusiasm sent fiery darts of conviction that hit us, but at the same time it inspired us to do better. God bless them! They were having so much fun!
"Bleached Sheep" and his friend were disappointed and exhibited subtle traces of sadness when everyone in the park had already received tracts, and there were no more "worlds to conquer." It was encouraging, faith building, rejuvenating, invigorating, and amazing for us to see the Lord's prophecy of winning new potential disciples unfolding right in front of us.
On another night, we decided to try singing at the nightclubs around the area where we were staying. After several hours of seemingly unsuccessful, fruitless singing and witnessing endeavors and many closed doors, we were all quite wiped out, exhausted, and ready to go home. But, we stopped to hear from the Lord just one last time, in case we were in danger of tripping at the finish line, and he told us to "Hit the road and get the gold!" So off we went to the next city, and as we obeyed, we were rewarded not only by meeting some precious people, but financially as well.
The Lord also gave us an opportunity to participate in a peace march, where we passed out thousands of tracts and sang "Instrument of Your Peace" to the demonstrating masses. While we were singing, a Canadian man recorded and interviewed us, so we were able to explain a little about ourselves and our work. We were also able to witness and introduce ourselves to a group of politicians, one of which was running for mayor. They really liked our songs and gave us a big donation. Later on we met a group of Christians who had prayed that morning to meet fellow Christians (and we were the answer to their prayers!). It was encouraging for them and us as well.
This was just a few of the many fun and rewarding experiences from our trip. It definitely pays to listen to the Lord and fully rely on the power of the keys!
* * *
former friends-seeking contact
Hello. My name is Mike Tabb and I live in Mobile, Alabama. I am looking for a woman by the name of Joy, who joined the Family a while back and has two children. You had an older teenage son who passed away in the last few years. I believe you may be working in the mission field in Mexico somewhere. I have a friend who knows you very well and may be related to you in some fashion. This person has also had a serious health concern and needs much attention and prayer.
Joy, if you can please contact me at mtabb_2@yahoo.com or call me at 251-490-5753.
The European FID (Family Information Department) is trying to get in contact with the following persons:
David Zapped (Gary C. from Texas). He was in Switzerland in 1978. From there he went to Japan where he also had a brother in the Family. Elaine Foley in Switzerland would like to contact him.
Crystal (Deborah van R.) from Adelaide, Australia. Barak (a.k.a. Steven/Yngve S. from Norway) who legally married her in 1981 in Perth needs to get in contact.
Please send any and all leads to info@thefamilyeurope.org. Thanks!
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"letters to the editor"
Re: Xn #15
An FGA mother, Africa: The other day, I saw Xn #15 lying around and I read it. When I fell on the Blade message "A Jar in Your Closet," it struck me like a revelation-it could be the answer to help my 11-year-old boy make progress. I had him read it and asked him what he thought of it.
At first he was hesitant to respond to the word "sacrifices." He thought that he would be asked to forsake his Lego and games. I explained to him what "sacrifice" could mean for him: It could be any time when he feels like talking back when corrected, but he didn't talk back; any time he didn't feel like doing his job, but would choose to do it cheerfully; any time he refrained from arguing when he felt ready to blurt it out; or when he sees a "rock on the road" and takes the initiative to remove it without anybody asking him, and so on…
He liked the idea, so we placed two jars instead of one and we labeled them "For Jesus with Love" and "From Jesus with Love." The first one for whatever "sacrifice" he would do for the Lord, and the other one was for whatever the Lord did to make him happy.
After three days, my son looked at the two jars and got very convicted. The "From Jesus with Love" jar had quite a few papers in it, while the "For Jesus with Love" jar was totally empty! So he started going everywhere in the Home trying to find where he could help, and he did whatever we asked him to do with all his heart!
So thank the Lord, and thank you for the Xn! It works!
"I want you to do something for Me this year, something that will inspire you when you look back to see all the hurdles you've leapt, and how I truly always repaid you. Keep a big jar in your closet, and whenever you make a decision that seems to you to be a bit of a sacrifice, a bit of giving up something I'm asking you to, something you once enjoyed but now can't spiritually afford, something that requires a bit of bravery and a bit of conviction to forsake-even if nobody else knows about it-I want you to write it on a piece of paper, along with the date, and put it into the jar. You can consider it your special offering to Me, a proof of your love for Me and your willingness to go that extra mile this year to truly grab hold of Me. It will demonstrate your insistence and determination to be fully possessed by Me."
-Jesus ("Jar in Your Closet," Xn #15)
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Activated responses
I just got your letter and magazine. Thank you so much for that! I haven't heard so many kind words from anyone in my entire life, as I've heard from you. In our cruel time you warm up people's hearts, giving them hope and motivation to keep on living. You're doing a great work supporting people in their hardships. I'll always be happy to receive your letters. They usually calm me down, and help me not to worry and stress out.
-Sergei, Russia
I want to thank you for your letter and the magazine, Podkluchis (Activated). I really like it. The subjects in it are very relatable to every Christian.
I also wanted to ask you if you have any new posters. The old posters that you sent me I already gave the children in my Sunday school a long time ago. Now there are 19 children in my group. I also gave each one of them the story about the Prince and the magic power, which you also sent me. The children really liked it and I also made photocopies.
So, thank you for your literature, and your help in my work.
-Valia, Ukraine
By chance I got one of your issues and I was thrilled. Not only have I enjoyed reading it, but also knowing that there are people who think and distribute such messages brought me such a nice, warm feeling. I had to write you this letter, as you've impressed me so deeply, and I want you to know that in this town there's a young Christian girl about to start her own family, who greatly admires you and feels the need to let you know that you're doing a tremendous work.
I'd be delighted to receive from you more such magazines, which like this one, would help me to form a family happy and fulfilled, both spiritually and otherwise, all through the power of His love. I beg you to help me and my fiancé to start our little family on the right foot!
-Nicoleta, Romania
I have never read anything with this much depth. The words go straight to the heart.
-Mel, Philippines
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Shine on-April 2003
TEAMWORK Per Adult Total
Rosita, Mexico 3,250 6,500
Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico 1,625 6,500
Pablo Testificador, Ecuador 929 1,858
Belen/Ezequiel/Rejoice, Brazil 611 5,500
Charity/Happy/Joshua, India 290 1,453
Timothy/Rosa Maria, Brazil 225 901
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India 186 1,682
Peter/Susan, Fiji Island 150 300
Happy/Marcelo/Nina/Silvia, Argentina 133 800
Francesco/Naomi/Priscila/Rebecca, Moldova 121 484
Rosita, Mexico 1,000 2,000
Josef/Mary/Talitha, South Africa 669 4,682
Christian/Maria/Michael, Japan 657 3,946
Spring, Mexico 600 1200
Pablo/Paciencia/Samuel/Sara, Mexico 580 2,900
Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan 563 2,252
Claire/David/Maya/Tim, USA 520 2,600
Heber/Maria/Stephen, Peru 463 3,700
Jeremy/Milah/Sarah, USA 400 2,000
Abel/Feliz/Marie, India 375 1,500
Spring, Mexico 633 1,265
Aneta/Ben/Natalie/Peter, Botswana 400 2,000
David/Dove, UK 125 374
Dan/Hannah/JD/Kathy/Rafael, Mexico 108 970
David/Natalia/Susana, Mexico 104 1,038
Daniel/Dora/Maria/Samuel, Kenya 99 397
Nina/Jay, USA 87 260
Samuel/Clara, Spain 80 160
Davi/David/Madalena, Brazil 78 310
Claire/Joana/Joe, Brazil 76 456
Dove/Maria/Svieta, Russia 36 254
Daniel/Rejoice/Spring, Indonesia 30 183
Amor/Juan/Pablo, Chile 27 135
Christina/Steven, South Africa 26 78
Angela/Elias, Spain 25 50
David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil 23 45
Anita/Jewel/Josiah/Lily/Nina/Sara, Nepal 22.2 133
Alex/Ama/Dove/Jessica, Mexico 22 396
Alissa/Ivan/Virginia, Russia 21 82
Elisabeth/Simeon, Indonesia 20 83
(End of file.)