DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
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Notice regarding WS finances, April 2003
Dear Family,
Recently WS income has not been able to cover all of WS outgoing gifts and expenses, so we've sent out the below notice to all WS gift recipients worldwide notifying them of a possible/probable cut in WS budgets starting next month, May. This will likely mean a cut in WS services to you, dear Family, because our WS units and Family production centers will have to live within their reduced budgets. We'd like to ask any of you who come upon windfalls or any extra funds at all, to pray about possibly sending financial help to WS with your next TRF.
We'd also like to ask you to please pray desperately with us and claim the keys that the Lord will supply the funds that are needed. Thank you very much, dear Family!
Love and thanks,
Your WS administration team
Notice to all WS units and WS gift recipients, April 2003
Dear Loved Ones,
We love you very much and are so thankful for you our mates who have dedicated your lives to our Lover and Husband, and who do so very much for Him. We truly admire you and are honored to be serving our great Family by your sides.
As seems to happen every so often in the Lord's service, we have to reduce our expenses in order to stay within our income. Recently with so many different projects and areas being financed by WS, our expenses have risen above our income, and though we've tried to diligently maintain the budgets, our income hasn't been meeting our outgo. It's gotten to the point where we can no longer sustain the current outgo unless our income increases, or our expenses decrease. We prayed about cutting the budgets down 10% this month, but the Lord said we should wait one month in order to give everyone worldwide time to prepare for a possible budget cut next month.
So this note is to let you all know that unless income picks up drastically, next month we plan on having a 10% budget cut on all WS gifts across the board--WS units, production centers, Activated desks, translation centers, music studios, missions gifts, everything. This will more than likely result in decreased WS services as well. We're sorry to have to do this, but we must stay within our income.
Please desperately pray with the keys for the Lord to increase our finances right away. We know He has the power to do it. We will issue the budgets at 100% for April, but starting May, unless there is a major increase, all WS units and gift recipients will need to take a cut, which will have to continue until income picks up sufficiently to lift the budget cuts. Thank you so much for your understanding, and for your prayers.
We pray this will give you enough time to prepare by praying and counseling about ways to cut down your expenses in order to manage.
Besides your fervent prayers, we'd like to ask that if you know of anyone who receives an inheritance or windfall, or if you hear of anyone who has a large amount of funds, to ask them to consider giving to WS, because unless we get some windfalls or the Homes increase their giving, budgets and services will have to be cut. Thanks so much for your prayers and for your asking--both of the Lord and others.
We're sure the Lord will see us all through this, but for now we'll all have to tighten our belts until either our expenses get back within our income, or our income rises to meet current expenses. When we prayed about it the Lord told us that He can and will do a miracle if His people will get desperate and pray. He said the cattle on a thousand hills are His and that He will give them to whom He wants, but first He must see desperate and yielded hearts.
Thanks so very much for your prayers for the Lord to abundantly supply. There is nothing that the keys can't do, and we know they will release their power of supply as we ask. Thank you again for your diligent and faithful efforts on behalf of the Family. We continue to pray for you, too, that the Lord will supply for each of you, make up for any amounts that WS might not be able to supply, and give you the wisdom on how to proceed financially in your situation.
With much love and prayers,
Your WS administration team
"I have promised to supply every need through My riches and the keys of My Kingdom. There's nothing you need that I won't happily give you. Put Me on the spot, prove My promises, and expect abundant supply, regardless of how big or small the need may seem."
"Whatsoever you ask in faith and in the power of the keys will be given you. You face obstacles and you have needs, yet My promises are as good as money in the bank--even better! Stretch your faith and claim more than you're used to claiming. I will honor My promises and supply what you're asking for."
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A.T.T.S.--Activated Teaching Training Seminar
By Aaron Actor, Africa
We recently held an Activated Teaching Training Seminar for southern Africa. Our goals were to find the keys for the Family in southern Africa to help them live the New Wine in the area of outreach, turning people on to feeding the sheep deeply, developing an outside church, and getting out the meat of the Word. In the program we also covered other aspects of follow-up and zealous witnessing.
Our team and the young people's team in Johannesburg had just been on a four-month Activated seminar project in a number of African countries. So we had testimonies and recent experience that brought the seminar to life.
The most exciting part of the program--and also the most scary--was when each of the attendees was asked to prepare a 10- to 15-minute mini-class to teach the rest of the attendees. This, of course, kept everyone desperate and humble during the entire program and was a key to helping everyone learn from one another and see where they were at with regards to feeding sheep.
This seminar has borne wonderful fruit! It was so encouraging to see the response with over 60 people coming, over half being SGAs, 22 FGAs, and the rest YAs. Young and old, they all wanted to learn how to teach and how to share the Word more powerfully than they have ever shared it before. We've received testimony after testimony of lives changed from the program.
We found by having this program that the most important area that our younger and older people can grow in is having confidence that the Lord's Spirit can move through them to teach others the Word. It also creates a hunger in their hearts to know more Word, and it brings the Word to life in a way that's very special. All were convicted as we read through the Word for devotions, most of the Word being over two years old, talking of things that have not yet been put into action in their Homes.
The seminar has had an immediate effect on all those that attended, with them seeing where they as individuals have to strive for a more Word-based outreach, as well as setting goals, so that step by step they can start really living what the Word is saying.
The major victory has been giving the Home members a chance to believe that they have something to offer as teachers of the Word and feeders of the sheep. This meeting gave them a venue to start to practice, as well as encouragement to help those gifts begin to come to life. It was great to get out our Bibles and dust off the MO Letters and get back into the habit of feeding His sheep.
Everyone did so wonderfully, putting their hearts into this learning process, and everyone testified of getting hooked on teaching the Word.
[Editor: Transcripts of portions of the seminar can be found on the MO site, as well as some of the testimonies highlighting the impact it had on the lives of the attendees.]
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news from the Activated desks, February 2003
Subscriptions up: We had 60 more new subscriptions this month than in January and a few more than in February of last year. This was in spite of February being a short month with the Family birthday break and the Brazilian carnival.
Mag of the month progress: Each month more and more Homes are joining the "Mag of the Month" program--the Homes now order a total of 3,000 mags a month!
Provisioned paper comes through: God bless David and Heidi and David--the faithful provisioning team in Switzerland--for all of their help in getting this last shipment of paper to us. In total we received four pallets (almost two tons) of A1 size paper. This will help to cut our production costs of the mags.
Second year of Croatian mags: After communicating with the Homes in Croatia, we have started to produce the second year of Activated mags in Croatian.
Generous donation: God bless YA Lisa, who after receiving an inheritance decided to give a generous gift towards helping with the Activated printing for this area.
Subscription a week: We are challenging all the Homes in the area to set themselves the goal of getting one new subscription a week. It's not a high goal, for a country just starting out with the program, but it's one that any Home can attain.
Sold out of French Activé: All 5,000 issues of French Activé 1 through 4 have been sold to the Homes so we need to reprint! Due to increased demand we will be reprinting 10,000 issues of these first four issues as well as 10,000 of issues five, six and seven. At the same time The Future Foretold is print ready so we will be printing 10,000 of those as well. The demand for French tools is beginning to snowball!
Free shipping on a regular basis: Oli and the team in South Africa provisioned free shipping of tools to several countries in West Africa and Réunion Island on a regular basis. They also provisioned a free one-time shipping for Activé magazines to the EAD.
Activated in German to printer: Two issues of Activated in German were submitted to the printer this month.
Italian Contatto on the roll: Issues 1 through 12 of Contatto (Italian Activated) are ready to print and are only waiting for some last minute red tape details to be sorted out before going to press. The Italian Homes all responded enthusiastically to witnessing with the Christmas Contatto magazine and are all raring to go with offering subscriptions.
EAD Activated flyer: We designed, translated, and sent files of the EAD Activated flyer to several countries so that they could print them for their own use. This enabled us to include local contact details.
Subscription renewals: Our subscription renewals were at an all-time high of 74 this month.
Activated flyer: We are working on a Japanese Activated magazine flyer.
Bimonthly magazine: We are also working on a Japanese bimonthly magazine issue #3. Bimonthly magazine Issue #2 and Bible course magazine were sent out to all subscribers this month.
"Peacemaker" tract: "Are You a Peacemaker?" tracts are going out like hot cakes. Since we started offering them, almost 90,000 copies have gone out.
Packaging fair: We attended a packaging fair in Monterrey, and got some good ideas, information and contacts for packaging of tools and displays.
Appeal project: As an appeal project, we put together a "Sponsor a Book Program" to raise donations to do a printing of the Stories to Grow By books to distribute for free in poor neighborhoods in Mexico. We are offering companies, clubs and schools the possibilities to put their logo and a "sponsored by so-and-so" message on the front of each book as an incentive to sponsor more than 1,000 books. The goal is to raise funds to print 10,000 books.
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Tracy, born to Kerenina Faith on February 5.--Germany
Yushi Marty, born to Phoenix Sunshine and Tim Whitestone on February 6.--Japan
Kevin, 3rd child born to Katrina (Kitty) and David on February 8.--Japan
Rachel Lynn, born to Dina and Josuè on February 8.--Italy
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new/rejoining CM and FM disciples…
Andrew (18, of Peter and Heidi Free, British), rejoined in England
David Lourenco (19, of Barney and Joanna, USA), rejoined in Romania
Davide Joaquim (18, Mozambican), joined in Mozambique
Emmy (20, Dutch) and kids, rejoined in Ireland
Eva (23, Ukrainian), joined in Ukraine
Gabriel (24, of David and Maria, Portuguese), rejoined in South Africa
Ivanna (20, of Rufus and Dulce, USA), rejoined in Romania
Jonathon, (19, of Jonathan and Ruth), rejoined in the USA
Matthew Patient (27, Polish), rejoined in Romania
Michael Joshua (20, of Peter and Lily Thankful, British), rejoined in Scotland
Shine (23, Russian), joined in Russia
Steven and Vanessa (SGAs, American), rejoined in the USA
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What is an Active member?
Q: When filling out the TRF we write in how many Active members we have. In the Charter it says who are live-outs and catacomb members, etc. But who can you count as an Active member?--How active should the person be? Is coming to Bible studies and giving tithe enough? Or does that person have to go witnessing or take some part in Home life, etc.?
A: For the time being, an "Active member" would be someone who fulfills the Charter definition of "live-out" or "catacomber." This will change in the future, as currently new and clearer guidelines and standards for "Active members" are in the works, as well as definitions for other levels and categories of Family membership.
In the meantime, though, a person who would have formerly been called a live-out or catacomber should be reported as an Active member on the TRF. (The terms "live-out" and "catacomber" no longer appear on the TeleTRF.)
Pub for those in their "golden years"
Q: I thought that it would be great to make a book with large print for the elderly. In it could be some quotes on old age and Heaven and about passing on their legacy to the next generation. It could be passed out to old folks' homes that we visit.
A: We've recently created a new special book of "From Jesus with Love" messages for the GP, titled From Jesus with Love for the Golden Years. The main focus of its content is along the lines of the suggestion described above--lots of encouragement, comfort, messages about Heaven, etc., all in Jesus' own personalized words. (See Aurora 2003 catalog, which you should have received recently in a WS mailing, for a picture of the cover.)
This book has just gone to press (in English) and should be available through most PCs within a couple of months. (It will be printed in Spanish later this year, and possibly in other languages.) Your PC will notify you when it is available in your area. We pray it's a blessing to many!
Interested in STEPS?
Q: I read someplace that there was a Bible story/activity/planner made specifically for Africa in the works--complete with activities, CD with songs, etc. Is this already finished? And when it is, will it be "to order" or sent out to all the Homes in the Africa area? I think it sounds awesome, and can't wait for it to come out!
A: The STEPS program, as mentioned in the 2002 year-end GN, is at last completed! For more insight about the STEPS program, what it is and how it came about, see GN 980 and Grapevine #97.
For information on how to go about acquiring the STEPS program in Africa, you can contact the Africa regional FED board at: afr.fed@famboard.com.
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Thank you for praying for Peter
By Mama
I love you so much and am so thankful for your faithfulness to pray and stand on the Lord's promises. This is a big thank-you for your faithful and fervent prayers for Peter's shoulder. Since publishing the prayer request for his shoulder, the pain in his shoulder has begun to subside, and it's been doing better overall.
Thank you also to everyone who wrote to Peter and sent in prophecies for him, and also those of you who sent in testimonies of how the Lord healed you from a similar affliction. We really love you and thank you for your prayers!
Please do continue to keep the complete healing of Peter's shoulder in your prayers. Presently, he's on Family business and could use the additional prayer power for his shoulder and his health overall during this time.
"By the power of the keys, the healing power of My elixir is released with more potency than ever before."
We love you!
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anti-war rallies
Hollywood anti-war rally, USA
By Julia, San Diego, USA
The Lord led us to participate in an anti-war rally in Hollywood. Six young people from our Home went, along with one of our Active members, and we were joined by teams from two other nearby Homes. We got to the start of the march at Hollywood and Vine Street and marched for two miles, all the while passing out the powerful "Peacemaker" tract.
All together 30,000 people showed up for the rally, ranging from war veterans and hippies to students, parents, grandparents, children and babies. The march ended about three hours later in front of a United Forces Recruiting Department where several featured speakers gave speeches, including actors Christopher Lloyd and Martin Sheen, who gave a beautiful message, praying St. Francis' prayer.
Our Home distributed around 1,000 tracts, which were very well received. We even got a call several days later from a man who had received our tract at the rally and wanted to order more to pass out.
Peace march, Tokyo
By Meg, Japan
We participated in two peace marches, and it was great! We passed out over 2,000 tracts. Three or four other Homes in the area were there too, so all together there must have been at least 10,000 tracts given out!
We marched for about two and a half hours, and some of us even got to go to the van up front with the megaphone and talk. Lots of photos were taken of our tracts (we blew them up on sandwich boards) and we sang the "The Prayer of St. Francis" twice, up on the stage that the high school students and university students had set up.
All the young people were pretty active and the stations were packed! It was really fruitful, and we flooded the place with tracts, even the policemen took tracts from us at the end! We also won five souls!
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brief ad
Coming soon: "World Currents 101," with messages about the U.S. attack on Iraq and the Lord's insight into the "Asian flu" (SARS). We hope to post this GN on the MO site shortly, and it will follow in print!
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Activated news
You never know!
By Lily Happy, India
A couple of months back we started a push of following up on the people who are subscribed to the Activated magazine. Generally people are very thankful for the magazine.
Recently I met a lady who subscribed to Activated and was willing to meet, but as soon as I stepped in she made sure I knew she would not change her religion and would not renew her subscription.
I replied, "Of course you don't need to change your religion." But as soon as I finished saying this, her younger sister who was looking at us with big cheery eyes, said: "But I really liked the magazine. I think it's wonderful." You never know who reads those magazines and how far their witness goes.
Another young man, after asking him how he liked the Activated mag, replied, "I'm a Hindu and wanted to know more about the Bible and Christianity. I visited many churches and liked the beautiful songs, but there was no one around to give me more insight into the Bible. I guess no one had time. This magazine is the best magazine in giving insight of Bible knowledge."
Another of our friends who subscribed to the Activated magazine said that two years earlier, before he met the Family and got the magazine, he had lost hope and thinks he wouldn't have made it without us. "God sent you to my door," he said.
We also have a sweet sheep, Shams, who is planning to join the Family. He used to have a lot of family problems at home, but since he started coming for Bible classes and reading Activated, he completely changed, to the point that his friends are asking what happened to him. Today Shams doesn't stop saying how much we all mean to him and that we are all like his family, that he has found love here with the Family. He loves Activated and he keeps going on about how good the magazines are and that everyone should get them. He is very on fire and he can't stop witnessing!
Just the other week we were invited to attend Shams' brother's engagement, and we took this opportunity to make our first contact with his parents. His father told us, "I don't care who you are, or what name you have. Since my son met you, I can see the good fruits in his life. It's the answer to our prayers, as we didn't know what to do with him anymore." It's like Jesus said about the Activated program, that people would come to us--the Family--and ask for answers, not caring by what name we are called, because they know we have the answers!
Decide as a Home
By John Peter, Mexico
We have in the past offered the Activated mags with the other materials. Lately, however, we have changed our strategy to basically just promoting Activated. We are getting out more that way and feel more satisfied knowing we are feeding the people more deeply. The receptive ones still take tapes or other materials.
We realize this may have been said all along, but for us it is becoming a reality. Some of us tried to do it this way individually, but it wasn't until we decided as a Home to do it that it really started to take off. Our main ministry is door to door, and we thought that we had just about covered the area near and far from our house, but with Activated we realize we can go to the same areas every month or two and offer the next issue or get people to subscribe.
Becoming more active
By Daniel, Argentina
When Activated first came out I'm ashamed to say I didn't really have too much faith in it, probably because I never took the time to read one. Silly old fool, always jumping to conclusions, LHM!
For the last year or more, every week we've been sharing Activated with our contacts in the market. Ever since we've been doing this I've seen such a change in our friends. The sheep are growing and making a lot of progress and changing. The lukewarm have disappeared. The new people we meet love the Word we give them. Everything has just become a lot more active!
"Can we become distributors?"
Sent in by the Japan Activated desk
Mr. and Mrs. K. run a language center in Tokyo. Mr. K. is the host for an English teaching show on TV, and the author of a book titled If You Can Understand the Bible, You Can Understand English and other books. Mr. and Mrs. K. have been Christians since their school years. They don't currently attend any church, but consider themselves missionaries and run an open office and home where they hold combined English/Bible classes regularly, free of charge.
An Activated subscriber and friend showed them a copy of the magazine, and after they read their first issue, they commented: "The Activated magazine is something anyone can understand. We'd like to help out in any way we can. Can we become distributors?"
Open the book…
By Elimelech, Venezuela
The books From Jesus with Love and My King and I are touching so many hearts! I offer them to people, saying, "Let's see what message the Lord has for you." I pray for them and then they open the book, and the result has been tremendous! The Lord gives exactly what people are going through at the moment and they get so amazed. Some of them cry.
One lady said, "This book speaks straight to my heart." Then another lady who was sitting next to her said, "If that book speaks to you, I want that book too." At this time here in Venezuela these books are comforting so many people who are full of fear and tension.
"Almost hard to get"
Sent in by the European Activated desk
Some brethren who were fundraising in Finland came across a company that supplies libraries in Scandinavia who were interested in the Treasure Attic videos. We filled an order for about 90 videos and this is what Aaron and Dulci said about it: "We've been following the library's Web site and it's exciting to see that the TAs have been getting borrowed and are almost hard to get from the library's shelves."
"You've got the best material!"
By John, Rose, and Lily, India
On February 11 through 13 we were part of the baby and kids book fair that took place in our city. The organizers insisted that we attend this fair and wouldn't take no for an answer. They said, "You have the best books and tools for children and parents. Often parents don't know how to handle their children, so we thought to organize a fair in which to present parents with material and tools on how to raise their children. You have the best material!"
In the beginning we couldn't afford the stand, so they cut the price in half. Then we told them that we still couldn't afford that much. After they thought for awhile, their first reaction was to give us the smallest stand for the money we could afford, but then the organizer said: "You have such good material and so varied that a small booth is not enough for you. You can get a middle-size stand."
We decided to put God on the spot. We told Him that if He wanted us to participate to this fair the organizers had to lower the price even more and also help us find a friend who would sponsor the fair. Both were provided!
The main impression from people around us was that our booth was the most visited and they liked the way we interacted with the customers.
Gift voucher certificates
By Joan, Philippines
We have been praying for ways to get out more Activated subscriptions, so we made a gift voucher certificate for Activated subscriptions that people can take and give as gifts for friends and colleagues. Some have already gone out, and we pray that this coming month more will go out.
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Excerpts on keys memorization from Mama
Dear Family,
I love you and am praying that you are faithfully memorizing your keys and using your key power. I have explained to several folks in my Home, a couple of things that I do that enable me to better memorize the keys, and they have suggested that this might be something I would want to tell everyone. Maybe some of you are doing just great, but I have a few little things that I do, that might help some of the rest of you who are having a difficult time with them.
As you know--or I think you know by now--I'm a little simple, and normally have a pretty poor memory. I try as much as possible to make things as uncomplicated as I can--not only for me, but for others. That's why I made some suggestions in the "Introduction to the Keys Promises" GN to show you that you could combine, cut down, modify, or use different words when memorizing and quoting the keys, if it was easier for you.
Here are a several other tips and pointers, which I don't think I mentioned in that introduction:
1. There are many key promises--in fact, it seems, most of them--that use the phrases, "Claim the power of the keys," "Claim the keys," "Claim the power of the keys of the Kingdom," "Claim the keys of the Kingdom," "Call on the keys," "Call on the keys of the Kingdom," "Reach out to the power of the keys," etc., etc. If I had to try to memorize each of these verbatim, and attach the word-for-word phrases to their proper quote, I would be so totally confused that I think I would give up right away. But instead, because these phrases all mean exactly the same thing, I just use whichever of those phrases comes to my mind, and I don't worry about getting the identical wording that was originally given for that particular key.
Our Husband wants us to claim His promises. That's the most important thing, and whatever way we do it, is fine with Him as long as we get the full meaning of it.
2. Several people have told me that it's very difficult for them to memorize the keys, because there's no reference to refer to. The key promise escapes their mind completely, and they don't even remember the first word, which makes it hard to then go on and review the entire quote. I have that very same problem, so I made a list that consists of the first word or two or three of each key so that I'll have a reminder of each key promise that I have memorized or am memorizing. On another list I keep the corresponding, complete keys promise. This second sheet of paper is numbered with the same numbering as my first list that only consists of two or three words, so that if I have to look at it and refresh my memory, I'll know exactly where to find it.
With some key promises, you have to have quite a few words to remind you of the promise, because many of them start out pretty much the same. But, even at that, it's a very great help--at least it has been to me, and several other people have already been happy to do the same.
Here are some examples of the beginning phrases of some of the key promises that I've been memorizing, that help to jog my memory:
"Greater works…"
"Prison doors…"
"Claim the keys of beauty…"
"Every knee shall bow…"
"Turn the keys…"
"Nothing is impossible…"
"Ask in faith…"
"Your loving Husband…"
"If you ask anything in My Name…"
"Call on the power of the keys and your faith…"
"Call on the magical power…"
"Rebuke the Enemy's attacks…"
"Relief from pain…"
"You can rise above…"
"There is no bad habit…"
"The secret to change…"
"Anything you need…"
"All the Devil's plans…"
"The keys energize you…"
"The keys unlock all doors…"
"All fear…"
"Every evil oppression…"
"Nothing can stand…"
"The power of the keys is enlightenment…"
3. It has also been helpful for me to memorize as many short keys promises as possible, so don't feel bad if you want to start with those. Having more shorter keys promises memorized on a number of topics, rather than just a few longer ones, has been encouraging for me, and helps me to use them more in my prayers.
4. Another tip for memory is this: If you will use the keys that you are memorizing at every opportunity, it will not only be an excellent review system, but will encourage others to memorize also, when they see you doing it. Every time you fellowship or chat with someone, you can quote a keys promise, even if it doesn't relate to what you're talking about. It will help you to think about the keys and also memorize and review them. Every time you pray together in the presence of someone or someones, you can quote a keys promise in your prayer or at the end of it. Again, if you don't have one that relates completely, just quote whatever key it is that you can think of. A good key promise that covers everything is, "Anything you need, you can claim through the keys." So if you don't have one that fits exactly, you can use that one.
Every time you pray privately, you should quote a key. This is not only in obedience to the Lord's Word, but it is good review for you as well. Anytime you write a letter you should quote keys within it or at the end of it. Try to think of more ways that you can use the keys so that you will be bringing them constantly to your attention, and the attention of others.
Okay, those are just some tips that may help some of you who, like me, have difficulty memorizing things. If you have any additional tips, please send them in so that all of us can benefit from them.
Thanks for listening. I love each of you, and appreciate so much your love, prayers, faith, loyalty, and support. Don't forget: "The keys can energize you with fresh power that was not available to you before!"
Much love,
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Starting our own deaf institute
By Martin, Lahore, Pakistan
About 14 years ago, when we were first living in Lahore, Gideon and Heidi and their family came to live with us. Their eldest son, Zion, (now Timothy) is deaf, and this was my first contact with anyone who was deaf. I found it quite fascinating watching Zion communicate with his brothers and sisters through sign language. I learned sign language, and then later after moving to Karachi became quite involved in the deaf ministry we started there.
After the Charter, we decided to re-pioneer Lahore. So as part of our CTP outreach, we volunteered as teachers in deaf schools, visited deaf clubs, organized deaf outings, etc., much the same as we had been doing in Karachi.
In the meantime the deaf work in Karachi was taking off, and they had opened a training center for the deaf, teaching sign language, English, and basic computer skills. We saw the potential for opening a similar center in Lahore, and started praying for open doors and supply in order to be able to do this. We made appeals in our local newsletters, approached people in the business community, and started putting feet to our prayers.
At first nothing seemed to be happening, and it wasn't until about a year or so later that things started to materialize. Out of the blue, someone who we had only met a couple of times called up and said they had an office they wanted to rent to us. We saw the premises and felt it had potential to be converted into a fairly decent institute.
After praying about it and getting a confirmation from the Lord we went to meet the owner at his office to "clinch the deal." This was a real test of faith, as at the time one of the families in our Home, long-time and faithful missionaries, had just moved on, and we were finding it hard to make ends meet.
I was walking up the stairs to his office and I was having a real battle wondering if we were doing the right thing. We were having difficulty paying our own rent, let alone taking on another one. The reality was beginning to hit me--what were we going to do once we got the premises? How were we going to get students to come? How would we teach them? How would we finance it? And the myriad of questions that I just didn't have the answers to.
The general vision was to make it an IT center, but how on earth were we going to get all those computers and then the work stations to put them on, and how were we going to teach them computer skills? I hardly knew anything about the subject myself! All these thoughts were going through my head as I was walking up the stairs to this man's office and my legs were getting heavier and heavier. But I felt like someone was pushing me up the stairs from behind and I could hear this voice saying, "Go on. Go on."
The meeting went well and the owner said we could take the office for a very reasonable rent, plus there was no need for a deposit or advance payment. We could pay the first installment when we had it, which is unheard of for renting a commercial premise; the standard policy is two to three months security, plus one year's advance, after which the contract is renewed. So to get such easy terms was a miracle, and when he said, "Just pay me when you have the money!" well, it was pretty much an offer we couldn't refuse!
Almost right away the funds started coming in. One man paid to have the whole office painted and decorated. A local electrical company donated all the fittings and lighting, and we had the place totally rewired. Someone else pledged to pay the rent monthly, and is still doing so after almost two years. Someone else donated the wood to make all the furniture needed. Someone else supplied a carpenter to make the furniture, and on and on it went. In only a few months we had a good standard, well-furnished center.
Our next problem was deciding how we would run the school. Determining where the students would come from, what we'd teach them, and a host of other small details. We also still didn't have the computer and other equipment that would be essential to an IT teaching center. It was time for another miracle!
One day I pulled up outside the office area where our institute is located and noticed two deaf boys standing on the street signing to each other. The one saw me and came running over smiling and signing my name. I asked him how he knew me, and apparently he had been in a class of deaf students I had been teaching at a local deaf college about five years before. His name was Junaid, and he told me he had now learned all about computers and was teaching some deaf boys at a nearby computer college. I couldn't believe it! I took him to see our center and he flipped. He immediately said he wanted to come and teach for us, and he would bring all the deaf students that wanted to learn computer. That was pretty much when it started.
When we opened we only had one computer, but within a short time, for which we can only give the Lord the glory, we had a fully equipped IT lab consisting of 18 computers, along with a server and network.
Mike, my son, learned sign language and was instrumental in helping to get things running. Apart from Junaid who took care of the computer training, Mike and I did all the teaching. We now have three teachers--two deaf and one hearing--who pretty much run the institute without too much involvement from me.
We have on average about 50 students to whom we teach communication skills, English, Urdu, and computer literacy. We also have lots of extra curricular activities for the students. We've provisioned treats for them, taken them for picnics, outings, arranged free five-star meals, and in general have tried to broaden their horizons and experience.
Through this ministry we have also been able to provide many of these young deaf adults with jobs in the local community; this is a very credible service and something very special that they couldn't accomplish by themselves, giving them a better shot at life and the opportunity to be self-supporting.
This being a Muslim country we have to be somewhat careful about our witness, but these deaf boys and girls are always giving God the glory for our center when some miracle of supply takes place. Often when we face any difficulty or have an urgent need they will point upwards and nod reassuringly.
Last year when it was so hot and we needed an extra air-conditioner I suddenly received a call from someone I had never met, and still haven't to this day. He called me up out of the blue saying he had heard from a mutual friend that we needed an AC. Apparently he was just visiting Lahore from another city and said he didn't have time to come and visit us as he had a plane to catch, but asked for our address. Within an hour a brand-new air conditioner was delivered to our doorstep. All the deaf boys just stood around and praised God. What a miracle!
Our whole center has been just that from the moment we started it--a total miracle! It has been a testimony and witness to everyone that knows us that God is a God of miracles and He always blesses us when we reach out to help others.
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board news
"All aboard the board vision!"
By Lili (of Jo), The Gambia
Once again the Lord did many miracles to bring us all together. And let me tell you, traveling anywhere by any method in West Africa takes a miracle to be sure. However, it adds to the excitement in living for the Lord in this fertile field. Besides the 13 board attendees, four other people also were able to attend, and two children. We also had the added blessing of having the regional chairperson for each of our boards attend the meeting. Hence a total of 23 people made it by plane and road to the meeting point of Enugu--where a hotel resort was made available to us completely free of charge by a young man, Sven, from South Africa. He has been helping the Family in Nigeria with their many projects.
We were treated like kings as we ate three bountiful meals a day, and enjoyed spacious rooming and meeting rooms for our meetings. We had dinner in a private lounge with Sven who soaked up all the love and fellowship he could, amidst his busy schedule. Upon presenting him with a CD card and a "Mottos for Success" with all of our signatures inside, he gave a touching speech of how our time there was very special to him.
The scheduling of the meetings was an intricate piece of work, as many board members are on several boards, including Lisa who is the regional chairperson of both CP and VS boards. After having our initial meeting on the first morning we all split up for individual meetings within our respective boards. Amber gave us all a fantastic tour of the CVC program, showing us how easy and simple it really is. Each one went home with renewed vision to see the CVC put into practice in their Homes and areas. Thank you, Amber!
The Lord did a lot during the weeklong board meetings, and the link was made between our national boards and that of all Africa. It helped us to see more of an overall vision, as we were filled in on the inspiring happenings of the other boards in our regional area.
The board vision is just what the Family needed and a lot of ideas are flowing within the grassroots of the Family and things are moving in each different area of our work for the Lord. The meetings went smoothly, and it was a beautiful time together as we were able to pull down ideas and ways to put them into action straight from Heaven.
Thank you, Christy (ABM), Lisa, Andrew, Amber, and Phoebe for coming all the way from South Africa for the meetings; it was so wonderful to meet you all. Thank you for all the input you were able to give during this meeting. To Yana, who came from Senegal, Elene, from the Lagos Home, and Sharif (of Joanne, PR board), thank you for being there. And of course a big smile to the little people, Tristan and Carmen (of Joanne and Sharif). Then there are the indispensable folks who gladly stayed by the stuff!
National board meeting via newsgroup chat
By Amber, South Africa
This month I attended the first national FED board chat since meeting via the newsgroups! I was so impressed and inspired at how well it worked! Of course, it took some effort on the part of the board, as it was a pioneer effort. God bless the West Africa FED team, they're really on the ball and went the extra mile to make it work and the Lord blessed it, and it was very fruitful.
The night before our scheduled cyber meeting, Lili posted all the agenda points, one after the other. She also made a section for decisions made/"belling the cat," and re-listed the agenda points one after the other. There was also a post included for prophecies received regarding each decision. We all dialed up and got our list of agenda points, then got offline, and systematically went through the list of points answering each one. Then back online to post and synchronize, and on and on.
Joanne, the secretary, let everyone know that when they felt a point had reached a conclusion and no further discussion was needed, they could just say so, and if all agreed, she'd post the concluded decision under the decisions section. Then later, everyone could go to that section and hear from the Lord on each decision and post their prophecies for all.
It was really inspiring for me to be able to attend this meeting from right here at my desk in South Africa! A lot was accomplished and discussed, and we had it all in print to read over later too! And thanks so much to Blake and all those who put the chat site together! It's inspiring to see it being used more and is a solution to some of the financial difficulties in holding board meetings, especially in West and East Africa.
The way the FED board in West Africa held their meeting so efficiently and with all participating, I feel that it sufficiently took the place of a face-to-face meeting. Of course, face-to-face meetings are good and needed, but if they were to only have two of these a year and have the other two meetings via the chat site, I feel they'd be fulfilling their requirements sufficiently and keeping the FED progressing unitedly.
Some of it depends on how much the board members are willing to put into a chat meeting, as to how well and organized it will go, etc., and these girls really got top score in putting their all into it, beginning the meeting with a written prayer and prophecy. God bless them!
Of course, the Enemy did fight, with Maria's electricity going off due to a storm and having to use the generator, and Joanne getting stuck in Lagos traffic on the way to the cyber café. But the Lord did it and they got the job done!
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Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace
By Steven and Teiko, Japan
The tenth Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace was going to be held in Vientiane, Laos, from February 19-21. Since Teiko had witnessed the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 at the age of 11 years old, we shared her testimony with the Japanese delegation who then invited us to attend this conference.
The conference consisted of Buddhist monks and representatives from Mongolia, Russia, North and South Korea, China, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong, consisting of approximately 100 people. The conference was conducted in English.
There are quite a variety of different types and styles of Buddhism throughout Asia, the ones of SEA being the most conservative it seems. It was interesting that Teiko and the Japanese translator for the Japanese delegation were the only females to attend this conference, and the conservative monks of that area are forbidden to shake hands with or look at a female, but on the whole Teiko felt an appreciation from them.
We had heard that Laos is a Communist country where Christian witnessing is prohibited, so the Lord showed us to make colorful business cards with a picture of the two of us and the words, "Let's Activate a Better World with Love!" giving our address, telephone number, and e-mail. We distributed 82 cards.
The second day of the conference Teiko was asked to give her testimony of witnessing the Hiroshima bomb and the effects that it had had upon her and the people of her village near Hiroshima, which led into her sharing her full testimony of being chief nurse of Osaka University Hospital and her retirement after 30 years of service without finding any feeling of peace or satisfaction in her life, until she received Jesus into her heart, which melted away a lifetime of bitterness regarding her past experiences.
The conference was televised. After this we gave out Teiko's testimony entitled, "From the Hiroshima Bomb to Heaven on Earth!" which was reproduced by the conference staff for us to distribute, and had the salvation prayer on the back. Many of the delegates really appreciated our talk and gave us their name cards so that we can remain in touch with them.
Blessed to see the fruit
By the Rose Garden Home, India
We are a large Home with a large budget, and for quite some time now the budget was dictating how we'd schedule our outreach teams. Recently we started sending out our JETTs and teens witnessing on Fridays. At first it seemed like a sacrifice as we were getting less teams out to get out the tools and raise funds. But now we are convinced of how much the Lord is blessing us doing more well-rounded outreach.
The teens and YAs have gotten very inspired to see the response of people as they give out the "Are You a Peacemaker?" tract. This has led to a lot of deep witnessing and souls won. Now the JETTs look forward to witnessing. They realize that they have their day to take up the torch for Jesus on the field and the Lord is doing many mighty miracles for them and their partners.
Another very big blessing we have seen is how the Lord has blessed our income on that day! With fewer teams out the Lord does special miracles of supply. Long overdue checks have suddenly come in the mail, and an order for 50 "Mottos" came through.
So besides the spiritual blessings of seeing our young people being used of the Lord to give out the Word and winning souls and witnessing, we have seen the Lord also supply our physical needs.
When God knows better
By Kristia (of Peter), Thailand
Recently, in the space of two weeks, we had angels working overtime to facilitate some precious miracles on our behalf. We were on a trip to Singapore where our son was to be enlisted in mandatory military service for two and a half years. When we weighed our last suitcase before departure, we realized that we were 10 kilos overweight on our luggage. The airline we were to travel on had already graciously offered us an excess of 20 kilos. We couldn't ask for more. In praying about it, the Lord showed us to go ahead by faith and He would take care of it.
So, claiming the power of the keys, we passed our check-in bags through security.
"You've got a lot of bags!" exclaimed a passenger in the queue.
I proceeded to tell him that it was because my son was moving to Singapore where he was to be enlisted in the army.
"Tag on the extra to my ticket," he gladly offered, as he checked in just a small carpet roll.
Our new friend, Mr. Kim, then took us to lunch at a nice restaurant in the airport. Though we parted ways at our destination, we were pleasantly surprised to see how and why the Lord had initiated our meeting.
On Chinese New Year, Mr. Kim called us up and invited us to his house for his annual open house for friends. We had a warm reception, meeting his wife and sons as well as his friends who are all well-placed businessmen. Before we left, he offered to help us with whatever we needed.
Not long after this, we found a very good deal for a digital camera we could use for our work, and decided to take him up on his offer. True to his word, Mr. Kim kindly came through with a donation to cover the cost of the camera. In another turn of key power, we saw how so much more can be done if we just trust the Lord.
A friend offered us three blocks of cheese, a total of six kilos. As it was quite far away, we asked our friend, Rick, if he could help take us there as he has three vehicles--a small car, a taxi, and a large lorry. On the morning of our appointment, Rick arrived at our house with the huge lorry. I commented that we really didn't need something so large as we were only picking up these small blocks of cheese. He laughed and said the truck was the only choice that day.
When we got there, our contact gave us the cheese. Being somewhat embarrassed about the large lorry, I was about to say something about it when a forklift drove up loaded with cartons of yogurt.
"Where do you want this?" the driver asked.
"Is this for me?" I asked, hardly believing what I saw and heard.
There were 67 cartons of a well-known brand of Australian yogurt in six flavors; each carton had 36 cups of yogurt.
Rick and I looked at each other, now realizing the wisdom and hand of God in sending the lorry. Weighing more than two tons, the yogurt could only be transported in a truck as large as what Rick had brought.
"I'm going back to Thailand on a plane, not a ship," I joked with my contact. As these cartons were 10 days to expiry, they would otherwise be destroyed. So then, we had the awesome task of finding ways to distribute the yogurt as soon as possible.
By nightfall, we had given away more than half to friends, supporters, Bible study cell groups, etc. I then called some institutions, to distribute the yogurt to them as well. They happily came by to receive yogurt for their residents.
It was our first CTP in Singapore in recent times, and it was well documented with letters from the institutions and photos. It was great PR work for us and led to a connection with some of these institutions we were previously unfamiliar with. We returned to Thailand with just 50 cups and heartfelt gratitude for all the Lord's goodness and His miracles.
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Activated responses
I have learned a lot from Activated. Now I can believe in Jesus and I can feel He is with me. I will try my best to be the kind and benevolent person that Jesus wants me to be. I will give His love to the world.
--J., England
I've read page nine in Activated issue two and I can relate to it 100%. It showed me what I've been looking for.--It's the Holy Spirit! That is how I've come to feel a difference in my way of thinking and what's giving me the strength to go on and succeed. I have asked God into my life. Now I believe my cup has water in it and now I want it to overflow. Once again, nice one for putting me on the path of knowledge!
--G., England
When faced with trial after trial, I began to think that there was no faith or strength to be had. But then I read Activated and now I too, like the Family, want to have great, overcoming faith. When I read Activated it makes me feel good! It's very strange but I actually feel "activated" when I read Activated! I really dig into it and I feel as if my life is fuller by the day. I can't describe it.
Is there anything I can receive on top of the Activated magazine subscription? One magazine a month is not nearly enough! If there is anything that you feel I would do good by reading, please let me know because I am very interested. I would also like to meet someone from the Family to hear about their faith. Is this possible?
--S.Y., Japan
I have been activated and encouraged by my group to write to you and tell you how your Activated mag has helped others and me. From the time I started receiving your magazine, thanks to a friend, it has motivated me in many ways. I was so depressed and hurt after dropping out of school due to finances.
I have formed a support group that has a total membership of 43, and we all thank you most sincerely for keeping us activated with your mags. They really have helped us. Together as a group we meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday to discuss the loving kindness of our Lord and Savior, using your mags, of course. I don't think we as a group could have been in existence had it not been for your mags and ideas. As we are able with our small resources, we visit the sick, feed the poor--especially street kids--and clothe them.
--Joe S., Zambia
I don't even know where to start, but I'll start by thanking you so much for the love and help you gave me last year through the Activated magazine issues you provided me with. I have learned a lot since. I love the Activated issues; they are a great help to my family, my friends, and me! When my husband comes home from work on the weekends, he always asks me if I have a new issue. He has gone through all the issues and books you have been sending me and I have seen changes in my home. This is all because of you!
--Scholastica, Kenya
Thank you very much for the Activated magazines that you started sending me. It is truly refreshing to read them, and they give me a sample that I can follow. I think a lot about Panajot (mentioned in an article in the Christmas 2002 mag), probably because our lives are so similar. It's very important for me that you look at me as an equal and not as an exile. I try to live up to it and think as the Word teaches. It's very hard to give up my previous life, but I feel with the Lord's help it's possible.
Thank you for taking me with you into a world that satisfies my faith. I hope that I can get to know God's Word better, and that the only thing occupying my heart and thoughts will be a deep respect for God and His Son Jesus.
--Joseph, Hungarian prisoner
I received the Lord my Savior in 1998, and all this time you were helping me grow in the Lord's Word, according to His will. Thanks to your spiritual and moral support, my outlook on life has changed totally, for the better, and not only am I changed myself, but I also help others--my friends--change their lives, and to get to know the Word and the will of God for all of us.
Your literature has always been of great help to me. After my sentence, if it's the Lord's will, I will be doing missionary work for the Lord. That's why I really need your lit--anything you can send me--so I can teach others and lead them in the Lord's ways.
--Sergey, Ukrainian prisoner
Your magazine is a source of spiritual blessing to many who are regularly reading it. Through it, we are coming to know many spiritual truths and insights. It is motivating and strengthening many spiritually. Thank you, with much gratitude!
--Dr. James, India
Thank you for sending me the Activated magazine, and thank you for writing to me. The magazine was very inspiring to me. The article "Answers to Your Questions" is just the one I needed! What I like about your magazine is that it gives hope to live life without worry.
--Kiran Babu
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homeschooling corner
Dad on our children and their education
Remember, we are not training just for now till the Lord comes, what little time we have left here, we're training for the future! There's not a bit of this training that is ever going to be lost.
It takes a lot to take care of children! It takes a lot of time and hard work and real genuine feeding of the sheep spiritually, classes and teaching and courses, etc. It takes a lot!
Our children are going to rule the world! They are going to run cities and counties and provinces and governments and countries! What are we doing with them now to prepare them for that? What are we doing? (Weeps.) I don't think we're giving them enough time and attention! I don't think we're paying enough attention to their training and their education to prepare them to rule this world.
"What is that in thy hand?" How about those children?--Are we giving them enough time and doing enough to train them to prepare them to rule the world? Are we doing our children justice? Are we doing them right by what we're doing and the way we're doing it? Or could this be the time in which God is giving us an opportunity to give them some training that will give them proper preparation to go out there and do a bigger job than we have ever done and could hardly even dream of doing!--Carrying the Word to the billions!
The Lord is trying to show us how important our children are and how important their education is.
Thank You for the wonderful children You've given us! Thank You, Lord, for the marvelous children You've given, beautiful children, good children, really saved and dedicated Spirit-filled children, Lord, wise children, wiser far beyond their years, wiser far beyond their peers, wiser far beyond the worldly adults. Capable! Inspired, Lord!--Who could reach, can reach and will reach the world, Lord, if we do the job right now to take care of them, to train them, to teach them, feed them, strengthen them and give them the attention that they deserve! ("The School Vision!" ML #2430).
Social studies/current events--a godly perspective from recent pubs
By Ammi, SEA
I want to pass on some things I've been doing with my OCs lately, in an effort to give them a balanced understanding from a Godly perspective on recent events.
Some of the Grapevines of recent months have been a tremendous boost to the kids' (8, 11, 14) daily Word and scholastic studies. The article on the Family's presence at the World Summit (GV #146) was fantastic. I read it over with my MC/OCs, stopping to highlight the fulfillment of prophecies given in "Reach the Rich" and how it's part of our destiny to proclaim God's message before kings and rulers. I also highlighted the fact that prophecies were given to so many heads of state and international delegates, which reinforces the need to hone our prophecy skills, and be ready to let the Lord use them when it's His time. It was also a good springboard to take a quick overview look at some of the African nations listed in the article and find them on the globe or bring up interesting things about either the leader, or the history of that country, based on the Letters.
At each of the highlight testimonies, such as the way the Lord engineered their entrance to the opening ceremony, or the reaction of the Brazilian and Japanese representatives, I would pause and develop the theme a bit, either emphasizing how the Lord can do miracles to put us in places where we need to be as long as we are humble, desperate and available, or to touch on world current facts, such as the Brazilian soccer team's witness for Jesus at the end of the World Cup, etc. My eight-year-old son said, after our class was over, "That's the most inspiring testimony I've ever read!"
The article "Christmas in Bethlehem"(GV #149)was also tremendously moving. We read it together during family time, and then the following day for devotions we read some of Dad's prayers for the Palestinian people and related Letters from the Junior DBs such as "He'll Care for His Own," and "Why Disasters?" We had desperate prayer together for the Palestinian people and have made it one of our daily prayer requests.
One thing I highlighted from this article was how in the face of domination by evil forces, God gives His children faith to hang on to what they know is right, looking forward to the better world that He has promised His children of faith. We talked about why Dad's vision for getting out posters depicting Heaven, as well as giving a clear overview of Endtime events was so important and necessary, and how the Family has been distributing millions of them for years to instill faith in people as the world grows darker. This was also a good link to review the 16 points of the Endtime, and the polarization that is happening between people of faith versus the forces of the Antichrist.
Most recently I read them the "End summary on Dad's comments during the Gulf War" (END #61), and the application to this present war on Iraq. Along with this I excerpted key portions of news articles. I chose ones most fitting for my eight- to eleven-year-old audience, mainly those that put the issue succinctly or in direct terms. Then we brought out the globe and had an overview of the history between Iran and Iraq, the fall of the Shah, Dad's visions about that happening in a dream before it actually did happen, Dad's general feeling about Khomeini, (including a picture of him from the older volumes), and how the U.S. had been so supportive of Iraq back then, but then fought them in the Gulf War.
We discussed the 10 years of sanctions against Iraq and how the current crisis evolved. As a follow-up we read from the Junior DB Letters like "Why Wars?" "Give us Our Sons," and others, and have had daily prayer for the protection and deliverance of the innocent, and for some leaders to make a stand for peace. These topics would also be a good launch for studies of UN resolutions, the coming World Order, etc.
Without trying to make things too heavy for my kids, I felt compelled to at least give them an understanding of the issues and events, so that they will realize even more importantly the role that we have as "they that understand among the people shall instruct many," and why we must be faithful witnesses, why the power of God's love is stronger than the power of hatred and why it will be so thrilling to be standing up for Jesus in these days since we know the victorious end of the story already! The Lion, Dragon and the Beast tape, by the way, is a big favorite for us and we often listen to it, singing along at the tops of our voices, and then discussing the meaning of some of the verses as applied to today or the near future.
These kind of extended social studies/devotions do take longer than the usual time slot, and on days when we've done this we end up with a little less workbook time. I hasten to add that I am a firm believer in keeping up with scholastics and have also made sure that our school records, report cards, etc., are up to date. However, sometimes I feel that it's important to adjust the daily routine of "so many pages of CLE today," in order to pass on to the young ones the importance of seeing the Word fulfilled and to open up the Letters and Scriptures to them in such a way that they get excited/motivated about it and their calling and place in it all.
[Editor: Mama recently emphasized the importance of grounding our children in the Word when she said: "Whether you're with your kids full time or they get much of their education and daily life instruction from teachers or others, you're still responsible for their training and grounding in the Word. What are the activities you do together with your children based around? Is your activity of choice for Family time or free day watching a movie or playing a computer game? Or is it doing something fun and inspirational together based around the spirit?--Such as reading through a Heaven's Library book together, playing a Word-based game, going witnessing or on follow-up, provisioning a meal out and witnessing to the manager, learning graphic design and using computer time to work on the mail ministry or a local publication for your sheep, or having an evening with one of your contacts and their children, where your children can witness and pour out to the children of your friend and give some of what they have received! Our children have a huge future in front of them, and if they're going to be prepared for it, they need a good, solid foundation in the Word, in the basics of witnessing and our life for the Lord, and in the ways of the spirit" (ML #3380:79, 80).]
"It's been life changing!"
By Praise, Romania
It's been life changing to enroll in the CVC. After 19 years of homeschooling and parenting my own kids (half the time as a single mom), and feeling more like an old mom, a whole new world opened up for me. I had never had the faith to even get close to the CVC. Just being able to use a computer and encrypt e-mail took me two years to learn. But after getting the encouragement from the FED board at the FED meeting to enroll in the CVC and give it a try, and the explanation of how it works, I am now studying Youth Counseling, because I have four teens and need counsel about them.
Five days a week I get up before the kids do, and dive into this whole new experience of counsel, guidance, ideas, explanations, soul feeding, MO Letters, compilations of everything you've ever asked yourself and wondered about being confronted with these young people. Also the idea that I will actually end up with a certificate has been a very positive thing in my life.
I take it seriously, I feel younger again, like there are new worlds to conquer again in the world of a mom, and I think if we are ever questioned by the authorities about the Family and what we are doing in our mission fields, I can show them that I am qualified to counsel and help young people. They will take us seriously and also our group, as that's what they look at.
Moms, there are new worlds to conquer in all spheres of the CVC! Like learning about music. Are you stuck in the kitchen? Try some new recipes from the CVC books CD, start studying cooking; it will change your life too!
CVC is booming!
By Stephanie Scott, Mexico
We are having an explosion here after seeing the Mama and Peter VCDs! Mexico and Central America--our regional area--now has, since November 2002, 101 new students! These are nearly all first-time students! We had 44 sign up in February alone!
We have had several CVC meetings and we do a Q&A type of newsletter, called "From Your CVC Supervisor," about twice a month. I send out the news to every Home plus a personal copy of the news goes to every student who sent in their e-mail address. Plus in our little CVC news we have a "Student of the Month" corner where the one who receives the most certificates or finishes the most courses gets special mention.
Portfolio input (taken from West Africa FED newsletter)
By Joanne (SGA, of Sharif), Nigeria
Let's look at one little but very important thing that often gets missed--keeping portfolios, scrap books and school diaries. (These are not attendance records, report cards, or schooling planners I'm talking about here. This is the more colorful log with the kids' best artwork, nicest schooling pages you keep, photos of trips, excursions, etc.)
Unless your kids are really little they can do it for you, and you hit two birds with one stone. As well as keeping the school portfolio, it can be counted as art, language arts, social studies, geography or even CVC credits.
You can do it just about any way, but one way I tried with great success went something like this: We got a big scrapbook, and every Friday afternoon we'd add another page or two to it. The kids did short write-ups on trips they'd taken, things they'd done, etc., or short captions interspersed with photos, drawings, pressed leaves and flowers. If it was about a PE or science topic, we included sketches, or the ticket stubs of the places they visited. The point is to make it as colorful as possible. Let the kids take real pride in it.
Each year that we'd put that year's scrapbooks away and start a new one. The kids have so much fun looking at the scrapbooks from previous years, seeing all the things they accomplished in the past, and also being able to see how their portfolios are getting better and better, and more professional.
Looking over scrapbooks is like looking at old photo books, it brings back so many good memories, and helps the kids remember all the fun things they've done in school over the last few years. Sometimes it even gets us all on our toes about the need to do more fun things, or keep better records of them with photos, etc.
Even little kids will love seeing their portfolios with photos and pictures they've drawn in times gone by. So make it fun, make it regular, and let the kids get into it, saving you hours of putting them together for your kids, plus you capture all of their individual artistic talents and personalities in each one.
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Healing key: I will perform instant and supernatural miracles for those who call on the power of the keys. I delight in answering the prayers of My children.
Prayer request against SARS
By Soni for the ACTON Region, PACRO
We need your prayers, dear Family, against SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which is continuing to spread in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada. Please pray that it will not spread into neighboring countries, and that through the keys the Lord will create a bubble of protection around our Family members who are living in these areas, and make a way for them to be able to comfort those who are becoming fearful.
Also pray that those involved in investigating this virus will find a cure to this disease as soon as possible. "The keys of the Kingdom can touch and heal any ailment. There is no sickness immune to the keys' power."
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
By Penny Davidson,India: Dear sweet Family, I want to thank everyone for their prayers for me. The Lord did a miracle and healed me shortly after I sent my prayer request in! I was in a lot of pain, but as soon as I made the effort to send in my prayer request the Lord honored it!
By John(of Rose), India: I sent in a prayer request for a pain I have had in my lower abdomen for the past six months. The day I sent it in it started getting better, and within two weeks, the pain I had been experiencing for nearly six months had virtually disappeared. I really believe it is an answer to the power of the keys! I also believe the Word revolution requirement of having to have a daily half-hour of prayer time was also a major healing factor. As I started to apply this in my life, I believe the Lord answered my prayer for healing as I spent more time praying for others.
Actually, spending more time in prayer for the more serious requests for healing on the Family prayer list made me feel ashamed that I wasn't doing more to labor in spirit for my brothers and sisters who need healing. I feel that the Lord also had to give me this "touch of pain" to get me more stirred up to pray for others. I pray I won't forget this lesson and always remember the verse, "Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you" (1Sam.12:23).
By the Emerald Isle Home, Taiwan: Thank you so much for praying for 12-year-old Brian, who broke his femur bone at the end of August last year. The "set" bone slipped in the cast, causing a bowing of the bone. With the power of united prayer, and everyone's claiming the power of the keys, Brian's leg has healed miraculously. Every few weeks we have seen a definite "remodeling" of the bowed bone to an almost perfectly normal position.
Since Brian is so young, the remodeling was in his favor, but it is such a miracle to see the Lord's hand move and answer our prayers so specifically. And thank you once again, our wonderful Family, for making our desperate cry your own as well.
By the Fire Cracker Home, Japan: Thank you for your prayers for Leika. The Lord answered each of our prayers--her operation was successful, and her ovarian cyst was not malignant. She is on her way to full recovery. The Lord used even this serious situation to lead us to two top doctors in their fields, one of whom has come over to visit us, and has subscribed to Activated. Both of the doctors were very open to our witness and particularly interested in our way of life and Leika's upbringing in the Family.
By the River View Home, Japan: Thank you all for praying for Nana. She has been free from seizures for the past few months. She also had very encouraging dreams in which her spirit helper came to let her know that the healing process is on the way and that the Lord has not forgotten her. It was a real encouragement to her as it has been quite some time that she has been afflicted with seizures. At times she felt like she will never be healed. But now with the encouragement from the spirit world, she is really fighting for her healing. Thank you all for praying for her and please do continue to pray for her.
By the Far Out Home, Japan: Thank you so much for praying for our son, Joshua, who was sick with Kawasaki disease. At the last checkup, the test result showed that he was completely healed from it! We are so thankful for all your prayers claiming the power of the keys.
Cambodia: For peace and stability in Cambodia before and after the elections in July and that the anti-Thai sentiment will subside. For our Family's protection in the country and while witnessing.
Esther (of Aaron): Pregnant. Having very bad pain in her back as a result of falling down the stairs a few months ago. Also having extreme migraine headaches. For complete healing of these afflictions. For the pain to disappear and for a healthy baby.
Europe and Africa
Ruth Setfree (of Simon Setfree): Weakened body due to malaria attacks and having to take subsequent medications. Suffered a heart attack several months ago. Experiencing waves of hot flashes, panic attacks, burning sensation in her chest, numbness, fatigue, and vomiting. Doctors can't find out what's wrong. Please pray for deliverance from fear, for her nerves and hormones to regulate, for peace, and for a complete healing.
Steve (15): Steve's vision in his left eye hasn't been improving, but has deteriorated. The doctors are concerned that it's possibly leukemia cells trapped or hidden in the optic nerve. Please pray that this is not the case.
The doctors are talking about the possibility of radiotherapy, and are treating it as if it is already leukemia in his eye, even though they don't know for sure. However, they will not go through with any of these treatments unless there is more substantiating evidence that it is indeed leukemia.
On the positive side, some other doctors have told us that there have been other patients with the exact same problem, and that it wasn't related to leukemia at all, and that it actually totally cleared up in those instances. Please pray that this will also be the case with Steve.
North America
Luke Q. (of Phil Q. and Esther), USA: Luke was hospitalized and underwent surgery for a collapsed lung and four broken ribs after a soccer accident. It will take about six months to recover completely. He has a tube in his lung, but he is breathing on his own with his functioning lung, although shallowly. Pray for complete healing without complications.
Nicky (12, of Steve and Chris): Took a bad fall when snowboarding and ruptured his spleen. Being that a ruptured spleen is life-threatening depending on the rate of internal bleeding, they had to helicopter him down the mountain to the closest hospital able to do a splenectomy. Without a spleen you have a lower immune system and more of a tendency, without the Lord's protection, for infections. They held off on the operation, and we kept praying, and thank the Lord, he has been able to recover. He's home now and it will take six to eight weeks for him to heal. He's in a fair amount of pain, but gradually getting off codeine and is able to walk some. Thanks for your prayers for his complete recovery.
Crystal:Staph infection caused by a cyst in her back, which also may require surgery; very low iron level in her blood.
Natsumi (2, of John and Lily Captain): Serious kidney and bladder disorder which causes most of the urine to stay in the organs during urination. He has had several operations to alleviate the problem partially, and these have worked for a while, but there have been problems. Now the doctors want to perform an even more risky procedure, but this has a far greater risk of infection inside Natsumi's body. For the Lord to completely heal Natsumi of the main problem so that he won't have to suffer any more tinkering by the doctors.
South America
Pedro WW: Experiencing pain in his left arm and in his heart.
Francisco (of Beatriz): Hospitalized due to kidney stones, against the intense pain.
Juan Isaac (16, of Josiah and Linda): Cataract inside his right eye. The cataract has become quite opaque and Juan's sight has deteriorated to about nil. He barely sees anything with his right eye, and very soon he'll be blind. The doctor advised to operate. The operation consists of removing the cataract and lens, and replacing it with an artificial lens.
Gabriel (19, of Aaron and Angela): Acute glaucoma. The pressure in his eye went up to 50, when the normal is 17. He is taking a serum to help it go down. Please pray specifically for the pressure in his eye to go down and to stay normal, for him not to feel so much pain and discomfort and for it in no way to affect his vision.
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So, Lord, where to next?
By Meg White (SGA, of Chris White [SGA]), South Africa
Chris and I have been in South Africa now for three years. We have five children, ages nine, eight, seven, five, and two. We've never felt that our children have held us back from traveling around or doing exciting things; to the contrary, they are an asset! So far we have served the Lord together with them in eight countries.
As part of our witnessing and fundraising in South Africa, Chris and I do a lot of children's entertainment and Christian clown shows. Over the last three years while here we have become quite well known and in recent months have been on a kids' TV show twice a week. We also have a kids' song and dance troupe called Kid Power (consisting of four of my children and two of my younger brothers and sisters), who have been doing shows about once a week, and more recently performed at the World Summit here, including singing for the President of South Africa.
At the beginning of the year we were contacted by the Office for Foreign Affairs to make an all-expenses-paid trip to the UAE to represent South Africa in the category of children's entertainment. They wanted to take our clown/puppet show "Miles of Smiles" and our Kid Power show for a month.
There would be 25 countries participating in an international winter festival with more than 650 participants coming. We were very excited about the prospect and the Lord gave us the go ahead. We only had one week to prepare and we were able to put some Arabic songs into our show and also prepare our clown show to be half in Arabic as well.
Together we performed our two shows every day for a month. The reception we received was tremendous! We stood out like a shining light amidst so much other entertainment, as all our songs and shows had a message.
While there we were in the newspaper six times, more than any other group, and we were also picked to be on two live TV shows. We were already quite well known in the Middle East as we had been on a children's TV show in Lebanon that was broadcast by satellite all over the Middle East for three years.
Our UAE overseer told us after one of our shows, "It is so good that you are here, as you are the only ones who have something meaningful for the children."
The children's show contained songs such as "Spend Time in Africa" and "The Spirit of Africa" with African fusion dancing, and also Arabic numbers such as "Just Try Love." The Lord did so many miracles during our stay there and led us to His sheep who we are following up on. They would also like to invite us back for their summer festivals.
So who says you can't have an exciting life for the Lord when you have small children! What is that in your hand?
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Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Steve Martin, Queen Latifah
A lonely lawyer meets a woman on the Internet who proceeds to wreak havoc on his middle-class life.
(Jesus:) This is a culture- and class-clash comedy. Lessons are learned because of the clashes between the two main characters--the uptight, insensitive lawyer and the street-wise gal.
It has a couple of good messages to it, though the plot line and outcome was highly predictable. One message was that of the workaholic parent learning to take time to understand his young son and teenage daughter, and the other was about not judging people too quickly or shallowly, but seeing the good and possibilities regardless of social status, class, or culture. In its overly simplistic manner, the movie suggests that transcending society's racial barriers will provide the answers to caring for your teens, patching up your marriage, freedom, individuality, and personal happiness--not really accurate, to say the least.
The overall theme and story are fine as light entertainment, nothing too deep or profound. It is a vehicle for the stars to show off their talents.
There are a few scenes that are a bit foolish or crass, and there's a bit of deception going on, so as with all movies, you need to choose the good and eschew the evil.
I love reconciliation. I like to see how people react to different situations--whether they dig themselves deeper into the mire or whether they let the light of love show them the way out of the pit. When you're out amongst the people, know that each one you pass by carries many weights--so let your sample encourage them--even if it's a smile or a kind hello--and be especially open to those whom I bring across your path who will be open to My message of salvation.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser
A British journalist, resentful of American colonialism in Southeast Asia in the 1950s, vies against a young American for the affections of a Vietnamese beauty.
(Jesus:) This is a very real movie--about real people, real feelings and emotions, real places, real events in history. It's not glittery and flashy with a Hollywood ending where all the loose ends tie together in an unrealistic "happy ending." It's bittersweet. It's a slice of life, and a slice of history. It's a movie with meaning.
The times depicted in this movie were sad ones for the poor Vietnamese, and they only got worse. Vietnam was such a marvelous place--a beautiful place, with beautiful people. Poor Vietnam. For years, it's been like a bone, being fought over by so many ravenous dogs. The Vietnamese people themselves have been nothing but cannon fodder, used and abused by one owner after another. They really need My love and salvation.
This story shows the friendship and joy that having a sharing attitude can bring; but it also shows the negative effects when that falls apart into jealousy through distrust and fear. People's actions are often shaped by the events around them, which they are swept along with, without thinking about all the consequences of what they intend to do. They don't have Me to steer them in the right direction and guide their paths. So they base their actions on their own perceptions of right and wrong, which are sometimes good and sometimes disastrous.
Some of the characters in this movie are very wise, gentle, and careful in their personal relationships and interactions. How much more do I expect of you, My children, who have been given the truths of My Word, to handle your feelings and desires in wisdom and love--putting My will above your own as well as putting the feelings and needs of others above your own. The essence of true love and true friendship is to care about another more than about yourself, and it's spiritually healthy to see examples of this in any shape or form.
International journalists like the main character of this movie are some of the most cynical people in the whole world. All they see is hypocrisy and lies. From one government after another, one strongman after another, one country after another, wherever they're sent, regardless of the type of government in power at the time, they know it will be just like the government before it, with the same promises and the same disappointments.
It's heartbreaking to see how people become trapped within the political systems and ideologies of this world, and how in the end they hurt others or themselves because of it. It's a sad and messed up world, and no government or political party has the ability to make things "right." The heart of man is what needs changing, far more than the governments ruling over them.
You can feel a sense of hopelessness after watching a movie like this, thinking that for some people, or some countries, or whole areas of the world, there's really no way out--and right now, in many cases, there isn't. But hold on to hope, for one day I will fulfill My promise to return and to govern the world in righteousness and love. You as My children are blessed to have this insight; you can watch a movie like this and feel for the sorrow of those in the world, and yet not be overwhelmed with that sorrow yourself, for you know that there is still hope.
Gwyneth Paltrow, Aaron Eckhart
A pair of literary sleuths attempting to unearth the amorous secret of two Victorian poets find themselves falling under a passionate spell.
(Jesus:) This is an intriguing love story.This movie brings out the beauty of love and how it's worth taking risks to love, and even only having love for a little while is better than being so afraid of it that you never find it at all. It also shows on the other hand how "wildfire" love, also known as obsession, can really consume you and take you somewhere you'd rather not go. It's bittersweet, but it's an interesting look at a certain time and situation, and a fairly well-developed character study of some interesting characters.
It shows how, because of the British culture and the mores of society at that time in history, people were a lot more careful about what they did, and took their actions a lot more seriously. They didn't just go and jump into a relationship with someone whenever they felt like it. They really weighed the consequences. In the case of this movie, even though they did take it seriously and try to be cautious, some of the consequences along the way were sad; but on the overall, the characters acted fairly wisely, considering their strong feelings and considering the circumstances.
The movie also shows how all love must be tried by the trials and tribulations of life. True love will come through even stronger, whereas selfish love will be burned away as dross.
There a fairly predominant lesbian relationship involved. It's not "in your face" or portrayed with too strong a feminist spirit either, and the selfish weak points of this type of relationship are exposed as well.
It's a movie that's nicely free of violence and foul language. It's a movie about people, emotions, and choices. Those who are mature and prayerful will be able to get good things out of it--insight and understanding.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Emily Schulman, James Stevens
The adventures of an 11-year-old tomboy growing up in the Wisconsin frontier of the 1860s. Based on the children's book.
[Note: Caddie was a real person--the grandmother of the author of the book that the movie is based on.]
(Jesus:) This movie is wholesome and lesson filled for children--something that they can watch without negative influences, without seeing naughty children or bad samples. It has a sweet message of being loving even to those you may feel are unlovable. It also shows how love is not something to give only when it is applauded by everyone, but even in the face of ridicule, no matter what other people think. This is a good message for the kids in the Family, because this is their job--to go into all the world and show love to everyone they meet on their way.
This movie is simple but has a plot to it, and it illustrates some of the problems and issues of life: comparing, pride and humility, racial prejudice, abuse, love and consideration, and death. It's nice to see a movie that's pretty wholesome, without naughty children or bad samples.
CHICAGO (2002)
Renee Zellwegger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere
(Jesus:) The acting, singing, dancing, sets and costumes in this movie are very well-done, especially if you like musicals and jazz music. It's an entertainment spectacle. The downside to this movie, however, is that all of its main characters are villains--people who lie and cheat, people who care only about themselves--even murderers.
The film chronicles a real event that happened in Chicago in the 1920s, and gives a glimpse of what life was like at that time in this city. It shows how fleeting fame is with a fickle public, but at the same time it can give the impression that crime pays. It shows how the media can be manipulated and how much influence it has on people's lives.
In a way it's a very well-done spoof of the legal system and what a farce it is--and it wasn't just like that back in the '20s, it's still very much like that now. If you have the right lawyer and the right "friends in high places," you can get away with murder, literally. It's too true that, as portrayed in this movie, many of the world's courtrooms have become a circus, a spectacle--show business!
In a way it glorifies the people who get away with crime, but on the other hand it also shows how it doesn't really satisfy or make things better to have all that fame and be loved by the world and the System--and how these people, behind all the razzle-dazzle, were just empty shells of humanity, with no purpose, no love, no meaning, no joy in their lives.
It's really a sad statement on the condition of humanity, in a way, showing how the world's system turns on greed and corruption rather than on love and integrity. It's a movie to go into watching prayerfully, realizing that you're going to see some messages portrayed that are wrong; yet other aspects of the movie, in their own satirical manner, get across some very true messages against the world's legal system and its hypocrisy.
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Mail-ministry feeding program
Daniel and Sarah, India: For a while now we have been very concerned about how to sufficiently feed our flock more deeply. Our problem is that they are scattered over about 20 towns in six states in the northeast. This has kept us very desperate, as we've wanted to obey the counsel in the Word. After the Feast the Lord gave us a very clear call to adapt the 12 Foundation Stones into a mail-ministry feeding program. This has been very exciting and challenging for us.
The Lord told us that this would bear a lot of fruit and would help consolidate our flock scattered all over the northeast! It is so exciting to get a few responses to just our introductory letter. Two of our members excitedly told us on the phone how they are looking forward to the 12 Foundation Stones course. Our first class on the Word is ready for mailing.
[Editor: WS is also working on a prepared version of the 12 Foundation Stones for correspondence use, and it will be made available soon, DV.]
Word for the wise
Cherry, China: We have increased our Word input by about 50 percent by downloading ReadPlease, a text reader program that is freeware from the same Web site as the name. It's easy to use and understand, and could be a blessing in a busy Home or where readers are few and far between.
The reading is very monotone and takes getting used to at first, but once you do it is a great way to get in extra Word while working on JJT, projects, cooking, or when you are just too tired to do anything but lie on your bed. You can select, copy and paste from any text on your computer--new mailings, old Letters, Grandma Letters, etc., and have it read to you from your computer. Especially here in China where we cannot have printed mailings, it is a super blessing.
Mothers' prayer chain
Lily (of Peter), England: Though I've never been able to establish a prayer system between the moms here, Joan (French) and I have been faithfully sending each other prayer requests each month. Perhaps you might want to organize a prayer request system in your area or city for moms, kids, and other related subjects that you could send to each other each month. That way you can all being praying for each other at the same time. I think this would be a good idea in light of the required intercessory prayer slot each day.
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open forum question
Persecution prep for kids?
We've continued to receive a number of questions regarding persecution prep for kids, and I was wondering if this would be a good topic to be covered in a Grapevine open forum.
--SGA mother in Hungary
[Editor: Do you have any points regarding discussing persecution with children, and preparing them in this way? If you do, please send them into the Grapevine. Send your comments and thoughts to gv@wsfamily.com. Thank you!]
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help wanted
An Arabian Plea
There was once a tribe living in the land--
The land flowing with milk and honey.
They used to call his Home the "Oasis,"
But that, my friend, t'was when he had money!
Alas, now his tents have started to wane;
His camels and pockets grow thin.
For he's sent his most trusted fundraiser
To another land to help his other kin.
Five have left--one our only outreacher.
So now our wells have started to dry,
Our pockets and coffers empty,
While bills still reach the sky.
As if matters could not get worse,
War broke out all around us.
Tribes and nations torn apart,
All because of America.
The scene right now is one of sorrow,
With so much to do, and scarce the dollar.
We can't go out and ask our friends,
So our tribe needs you, and gives a holler.
So now, my friend, we Bedouins need ask you.
Would you not help a friend in need?
Just like the wise old saying,
Give and you shall receive!
And I know that Allah shall bless you!
For in helping us you are helping Him;
Every little small and tiny coin is valued,
So that necessities we shan't have to trim.
And we'll pay you back one day for sure,
At least with our prayers, whenever the chance.
But if you'd like to pay us a visit,
Our women would offer coffee 'n' a belly dance!
So that to you, my friend, is our plea.
We trust in God, and do not fear.
Whatever you offer we receive gladly,
And say to you, "Shukran Ikteer*!"
(*thank you)
All that to say, dear Family, we really need you and your help! With the war going on now, and it having direct effects on us and our fundraising, any and all donations, even just your 1%, could make the difference and help us to continue reaching the ripe and ready fields of the Middle East.
We love you, and can't wait to hear back from you! You can contact us via ASCRO.
--ALP Home, Middle East
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letters to the editor
Re: "Mama's Birthday, 2002," ML #3445, GN 1030
By Catherine, Brazil
We got so inspired studying up in the Old Testament about some of the spirit helpers and other things that came out in the prophecies in this GN. Recently, the Scriptures have been coming more alive, especially since we know the Lord much more intimately. It seems that things are easier to understand in light of our new spiritual powers and understanding because of the keys.
As a Home we looked up all the references in the Thompson Chain on the Urim and Thummin. What a wonder! These stones were considered one of the main ways of knowing divine revelations in those days. Well, maybe others knew this, but we didn't, and it was quite amazing and interesting studying the Old Testament again. It was fun reading about dear Jeremiah, too!
We now have a burden to keep soaking up the Bible as well as the New Wine. It's all good!
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Cassia would like to get in touch with Peter and Priscilla in Switzerland. My e-mail: cassiabr211@escelsanet.com.br
Meek (of Eman), could you please write Peace at pcdesk@attglobal.net. Thanks!
Hey, Ana Banana (of Ivan and Becky) where did you go? This is Virginia looking for you. I miss you tons! You can write to my e-mail: sozcat@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot!
Pat (of Richard), I used to live with you in Zambia, could you please contact me, Rayne, as I miss hearing from you. You can write me at cape1@xsinet.co.za till the end of April, after that please contact me at szia82@yahoo.com. Please write. Love, Rayne
Richard (of Peter and Esther) who lived at the HCS. My son, Fran, is trying to contact you. Please write Naomi (Fran's mom) at jejedolly@yahoo.com.
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Also included with this file:
Peculiar People (By Zeb)
Caption 1 (Sign on door: W&R please do not disturb.) Open the door! Open the door!
Caption 2 Now what could be so important?
Caption 3 What did you want me to open the door for?
Caption 4 For me!
(End of file.)