DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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Catapulted to the top!
By the Taiwan Activated Service Center
For six days in February our Home manned a booth at the Taipei, Taiwan, International Book Fair, displaying and selling our wonderful Family products, and establishing contacts with many other publishers and book shops for mass marketing and retail sales.
In our lives of living by faith you never know when or where a miracle may cross your path or form before your very eyes. Sometimes these exciting events sweep you up and carry you along on their path as you ride them like a surfer who has caught "the big one"! So it was for us when the e-mail arrived inviting us to the book fair. It was the small swell of a long line of water that was building into our next exciting wave.
As a Home we were busy with various Home duties, fundraising, childcare, and managing the Taiwan PC and Activated desk. Christmas was a very busy time not only with shipping tools to the Homes, but also a lot of Christmas outreach. We had to move out of our house by February 16 and the book fair was set for February 11-16, so we weren't sure if we could manage.
The secretary who asked us to attend the Taipei Book Fair called again, so we explained that we were missionaries and didn't have a lot of funds. She said she visited our Aurora booth at the Frankfurt Book Fair and was very impressed with our products, so she discussed our situation with her boss and called us back offering us a 60% discount! We took this to the Lord and He encouraged us to catch the bus of this golden opportunity. The Lord also encouraged us to put everything into our Christmas witnessing, promising that He would work things out. So we proceeded by faith and had a terrific Christmas witnessing season.
In January we began house hunting, found an ideal location for our new Home, and moved in on January 18th! We had time to set up and prepare for the book fair following the Lord's timetable.
The Taipei International Book Exhibitionis the biggest and the foremost international book fair in Asia. The Asian region consists of more than half of the world's population. The Taiwan Book Fair is the gate to the Asian publishing market. There were 925 publishers from 49 countries, 107 publishers from Asia, and 414 local Taiwan publishers in 2,092 booths. More than 240,000 visitors came to the event.
At the beginning of the book fair we received a special invitation to a dinner. We thought it was to be a big banquet held in the typical Chinese style with many of the other booth personnel attending. Imagine how surprised we were to find we were among a few select publishers attending representing Taiwan. We sat at a table with several distinguished and famous publishers, and they were just as surprised to see us. Ha! We had a very good evening in their company and were able to explain a lot about our work. Afterwards we received invitations from some of them for follow-up visits.
The first two days of the book fair were for professionals only so we had a chance to meet many other companies and introduce our products. We have quite a few name cards for follow up meetings in the months ahead. The last four days opened the fair up to the public and we were able to introduce our products and sell them. We lost count of how many visitors came through our booth or stopped outside to watch the Treasure Attic show on our TV display. There were quiet times in the booth, but there were times when we had more than 20 visitors packed in watching the Treasure Attic iCD, viewing the CD cards and CDs or reading and browsing through our many books on display.
We sold or distributed 84 Treasure Attic VCDs, 1,000 Activated flyers, 1,000 tracts, 26 Activated mags, 30 books, 22 Treasure Attic iCDs, 82 Christmas Secret books, 79 CDs, 45 CD cards and 5 "Mottos for Success."
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TeleTRF tips
By the TeleTRF team
Q: How do we count the number of pages in "Mottos for Success" and the "Start Early"poster set?
A: For "Mottos for Success" calendars: Apply the standard "A5 or smaller counts as A5" rule, so, it's 365 pages.
Start Early children's quote poster set: Count it as the equivalent number of A5 pages. Thus, since the "Start Early" set has 40 posters, A4 size, printed on one side, it would be counted as 80 pages.
For more information, see the "Special Instructions," "Stats Questions and Answers" section of the TeleTRF helps. You can get to this section via the TeleTRF helps Table of Contents, or press F1 on the monthly stats screen, click on "Pages Distributed" at the top of the screen, then "Stats Questions and Answers" (a green hyperlink in the first paragraph).
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brief ad
Dear Family,
If you have tips on making the time for the Activated push, follow-up, fruitful outreach, reaching the rich, effective witnessing, classes, and shepherding your sheep, please send them in so we can share them with all!
You can send them to fsm@wsfamily.com. Thank you so much!
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Linux for the Family?
By the WS computer department
From time to time we've been asked why the Family doesn't switch to Linux to avoid various problems that Microsoft Windows has. While we are aware that the various flavors of Windows can have problems, we have found that since most people are familiar with Windows and how it works and there are plenty of Windows programs, it seems to work pretty well for most of the Family most of the time. Generally speaking, people can find help and support for the Windows OS pretty much everywhere in the world. This isn't the case with Linux and Linux applications at this point in time.
While there could be certain advantages to using the Linux OS and the various Linux desktop suites that are out there, we're not sure that the advantages for Linux outweigh the advantages for Windows at this point in time, at least not for the average Family user. It seems that although the potential is there for Linux to be a good alternative to Windows, from what we have seen, Linux still has a ways to go before it would be a viable alternative for the average Family user.
This isn't to say that this might not be an option in the future, but for the time being we have no plans of suggesting that the Family switches to Linux and we have no plans to put together a Linux distribution. Of course, we are not saying that if people have a burden to try using Linux that they shouldn't, but WS is not offering any sort of technical support for it.
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February 15 peace march in Rome
By Simon (of Vicky), Italy
Touched by the Lord's prophecy in the new tract "Will You Be a Peacemaker?" and by the announcement on the back of Grapevine #147, our Home and other nearby Homes decided to participate in the worldwide Anti-War Peace March held on February 15 here in Rome that was attended by more than two million people. Thanks to the help of the Italian VS Home, who provisioned the printing of the "Peacemaker" tracts, we were able to distribute about 10,000 copies of it.
A few days before the march, some of us got together to pray and ask the Lord for instructions on how to reach the multitudes of hungry sheep on the streets. He inspired us with the idea of making big signs with large printed Bible verses on the theme of peace, such as, "Jesus is the Prince of Peace!" "Blessed are the peacemakers," "From whence come wars?" "Love thy enemies," "The meek shall inherit the earth," etc. Little did we know the impact that such signs were going to have, appearing on global TV, major Italian networks, newspapers, etc.
It turned out that we had some of the very few signs in the peace march, as most of the other demonstrators just carried peace flags. As we walked along with the rest of the crowd and distributed tracts, some of the demonstrators would ask us who we were, and of course we were happy to tell them that we were local members of the Family. Of course we were there not only to sympathize with their cause for peace, but also to reach out to them and to let them know that Jesus loves the peacemakers, and many were moved, even singing along with us, while we carried guitars and sang some classic oldie goldies.
The best moment of the march was when SGA Andrea got the idea to carry his sign right in front of the main stage, where politicians and important personalities were addressing the crowd from, immediately followed by the rest of us. So the whole front of the stage, where all the TV cameras were focusing, was covered by our signs. They also had huge TV screens everywhere, for people who were too far away to be able to see what was going on at the stage, and our signs kept appearing all the time so everyone was able to read them.
At one point, one of the speakers, a Catholic priest, while addressing the crowd and the TV cameras, started to read one of our signs--"The meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in peace"--and then gave a whole speech on that verse.
It was an exciting day! We all came back home exhausted after 15 km of marching, singing and distributing tracts, but it was worth it!
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"Peacemaker" tracts hit the nation's capitol!
By Marc, Claire, Ginna, Joseph, Katrina, and Kevin, NA PR Home
One of our close friends who has been involved in organizing the anti-war protests, both here in the U.S. and abroad, invited us to the protest that was to be held here in D.C. at the Washington Monument followed by a march around the Whitehouse, the Department of Justice building, etc. We hurriedly printed up 7,000 "Peacemaker" tracts for the rally and were off to the "tract races" with our small team. "Little is much if God is in it!"
The morning before leaving for the rally we read Dad's "Prayer for Peace!" (ML #2662), to give us the Lord and Dad's vision for our mission of bringing His Words to the people. The Lord gave us the following messages to encourage us in our commission:
(Jesus speaking:) A city that is set on hill cannot be hid. Let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Go forth, shine, give out My Words, be a light, be a beacon to the people. Be the tower, let the people see Me in all that you do, give them My Words. … Don't hesitate to give My Words, don't hesitate to share My love, don't hesitate to give My thoughts on this matter.
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I have called you as My prophets and prophetesses, to proclaim My Words in the midst of this dark and perverse nation among whom I will cause you to shine as lights. This is your calling, My loves; this is your mission. It is a special calling for there are so few who are willing, who have the faith to receive and give My Words for the world today. These are My Words ("Peacemaker" tract) for today, My loves. These are the Words that I wish to place in the hands of each and every person who I bring your way. These are My Words of truth, and they will help many to see the truth and to understand what is taking place.
There will be those who will scoff and mock, and even some who will be offended, but this is the proof that you are Mine and that you walk in the footsteps of My prophets and prophetesses down through the ages who loved Me enough to go forth and proclaim My Words, looking neither to the left or to the right but keeping their eyes stayed on Me and the mission that I had given them to fulfill. … This is the time that all My prophets and soldiers of the faith have looked to and have desired to be a part of, and they are a part of it, My loves, for they are with you, helping you, guiding you, and leading you in the way that you shall go.
Do not let the Enemy minimize the importance of your witness at this time, for you, the children of David shall step up and take your rightful role in these Last Days as I have promised. So be not faithless, but believing. Focus, reach out and take hold of and wield the mighty weapon of God accurately, faithfully, and boldly. For there is no greater rush, no greater accomplishment, no greater satisfaction than that of knowing that you have accomplished My will. And this is My will, that you proclaim My Words to the people. (End of excerpts of messages from Jesus.)
Once we arrived at the protest we began getting out the tracts as fast as we could. Although there were mixed reactions, for the most part those who received the tracts were appreciative and thankful for the message. After receiving a tract many people began to immediately read it as they continued walking. Several people commented on the picture, saying the picture alone carried a powerful message. As we continued to get the tracts out during the march around D.C., many people told us that they had already received a copy, PTL!
There was a large Palestinian presence at the rally, their flags waving, etc. It was sad, but at the same time inspiring seeing the fight and conviction these dear people continue to show in spite of the oppression that they suffer. We met a group of young Palestinian men who received the "Peacemaker" tracts, and we told them that we are praying desperately for them and their country, and about the great burden that Dad and Mama have had for them over the years. It was heartbreaking to see how hopeless and discouraged these young men were. One of them commented, "Thank you for your prayers. That is all we have at this time, as there is no one else to help us, only God. We are a nation of refugees. When will it end?" We often hear about the plight of the Palestinian people, but when you come face to face with these broken souls, it leaves a lasting impression, one that causes you to pray more fervently and to keep on praying.
One group of young people (punk/biker) who first received the tracts but then seeing Jesus written on the back, said, "Hey man, we don't want any of this religious shit! No Jesus for us!" and proceeded to hand them back. Not wanting to let these young whippersnappers get the best of us, we went on the offensive giving them the most radical anti-System, anti-churchianity message we could call down via the fire power of the keys, and this really blew their hair back and shut them up real quick. After finishing our blast they all said, "Give me what you have and I'll read it. Do you have your Web site on here?" Ha! Becoming all things to all men that we may win some!
There were multitudes of placards/signs protesting the war, which really told the story of how people felt. One of the best signs read, "Frodo failed … Bush has the ring!" This was written underneath a large poster of the evil eye of power from the Lord of the Rings.
An interesting point regarding this rally is that over 25 different anti-war groups with different perspectives and agendas put their differences aside to join together to make it happen. We found out that this is not always the case, but because of the desperation of the situation and of the Iraqi people, as well as their hatred for what Bush and the U.S. are doing, they were willing to do whatever it took to make this a success. We need to continue to pray for those who are raising their voices in protest, and that many more will continue to join their ranks. And most of all that the Lord will use these gatherings to get His Words for today in the hands of as many as possible that they too may be saved and know the truth.
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Making "Activated" a household word!
By Ben and Aneta, Botswana
Our Home has committed to ordering one thousand copies of the mag of the month and so far the response has been great. At present we have:
Two up-market hotels ordering Activated mags on a monthly basis (98 mags). Their clientele includes businessmen from all over the world from some well-known companies, who are investing here.
* Nine pharmacies buy and distribute the Activated magsas well as other products such as "Mottos for Success," Stories to Grow By, CD cards, etc.
* The "Mottos" calendar is slowly becoming a standard feature in many offices; they are on the desks of the most prominent people of the country. (We can hardly wait for volume two!)
* One of our doctor friends buys our CD cards and then puts them for sale in his reception area at a marked-down price for his clients. After they have all been sold, the proceeds from the sales are given to the Family. So basically he not only buys them, but he re-sells them and pays us again. This is how much the Activated products are appreciated here in Botswana. The gem of this story is that this doctor is not even a Christian, but a Hindu.
* Other outlets that distribute the Activated MOTM are a KFC type of outlet. When the lunch crowd comes they are sure to receive an Activated mag with their chicken. (This is real "chicken soup for the soul," folks!)
* We have an international accounting firm that orders 100 Activated mags per month for their staff and pays us in advance for the whole year.
* Two optometrists (a Muslim and a Christian) take CD cards in bulk and give them away to their customers as presents.
* Five-star hotels are putting CD cards in the bedrooms with a personalized note and a little chocolate, thanking customers for their patronage.
* Restaurants are ordering the CD cards and present them with a meal to their clients.
This is only the beginning! We are looking at various possibilities and regularly calling on key power for fresh ideas and new ways to market our Family products. As always, the Lord always comes up with something new!
Our goal is to make Activated as popular as Coca-Cola is to Africans--a household name.
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board news
Professionals 2003 seminar
By Genai (VS), Hungary
We're all professionals, as we continue to choose the high calling of serving the Lord in the Family, but for this particular time of strengthening and feeding and seeking our Love together, He asked us to call in some of our professional EE nationals. We had a five-day seminar for 37 attendees, mostly national disciples from Hungary with some others from Poland, Romania, and other EE countries.
The theme of this camp was getting God's answers to some "common problems" that we've encountered during visitations. The Lord really poured down and gave us so many tailored messages, making it so easy for all of us. Besides having five to six hours of classes a day, we also benefited from open discussions, lesson sharing, united prayer, inspirations, spirit helpers, special dinners, and ended with a dance.
It was a real blast and a victory for all those who attended. The Lord supplied a beautiful hunters' lodge in an outskirt area near Budapest, for the 37 attendees and staff. We were able to unitedly find the answers in the Word to the things the Lord wanted us to cover together relating specifically to the B2B EE fields.
Some reactions from those who attended:
"It was great to be able to look into the eyes of others in this field and know that we are winning the country together. Often due to business we don't spend the time working together with the other Homes as much as we could. I feel really different after these meetings."
"I was able to get the time with the Lord that I needed. I saw how I needed to apply the Word more clearly. It's not always the right thing to wait for the 'ideal' moment, but I see how I need to seize the day."
"It was the first time I ever attended any kind of meeting besides babes' camp. I enjoyed all the classes, especially those on seeing 'the God factor' in my life and in things that happen. It was also great to see how those organizing it really laid down their lives doing extra things to make sure we were cared for. They truly worked 24/7!"
Of course, in order for this seminar to take place it required a lot of help and sacrifice from all those that stayed home with our kiddos and kept the many home fires burning during those days. Thanks to all of you for letting those in your Home attend! We really love you and look forward to doing more things like this in the future!
Combining meetings and fellowship
By Sara, Pakistan
This month we were able to convene the Pakistan area FED and CP boards for meetings here in Islamabad.
Both meetings were inspiring. The greatest victory was being able to share testimonies about what has worked (or hasn't worked), discuss difficulties and either hear tried and proven solutions, or hear from the Lord about the topic.
From the CP board emerged the suggestion of the OC/JETTs producing an area-wide newsletter to which all the children of the area can contribute, including testimonies, poetry, short stories, artwork, etc.
The OCs had a mini-fellowship during the meeting as well. The young people rarely see each other since each city is thousands of miles apart. They were thrilled to have fellowship!
Another idea is to have the OC/JETTs glean quotable quotes from their daily devotions and compile these into a game, where they have to match the quote to its ML partner, etc. One person will set up the format, and then each Home will pass these to each other, combining each group's efforts into one fun Word game!
The meeting was a wonderful way to get new input and fresh inspiration from each other, and the Lord, and to get the children's schooling in proper order.
Tested … working well!
By Jemima, Brazil
The CP board organized a two-day camp with the OCs from the south of Brazil. It was encouraged to start a Word plan based on vespers and Bible studies, memory work, etc. This eight-week study was already tested in Rio very successfully, and the Homes here are very enthusiastic about following it. Our children took it very seriously and they have already started to study it in Portuguese. It's so nice to hear the OCs' conversation between Homes about it, the verses and keys that they have already memorized, etc. It's easy to follow our Word Revolution with a program like this.
C.A.M.P., Taiwan
By Christy, Taiwan
The local CP board, along with a number of cheerful and dedicated volunteers, organized an island-wide, four-day OC camp, with 25 OCs in attendance. The Lord supplied a beautiful camping place near the beach for free! We divided all the OCs into teams of three or four to a tent with their room captain--a young person--who stayed with them the whole time.
The Lord even gave us the camp's name in prophecy during one of the board meetings we held to organize the event! The camp's theme was using the keys. We had some power-packed Word classes on a variety of subjects, focusing on using the keys, hearing from the Lord, and rising above. During one part of the class on the keys Nat YA came out dressed as a shinny golden key, jumping and cartwheeling all over the place to demonstrate that the keys are alive and always moving. All the kids got a real kick out of that one.
To further prove the point, Aaron SGA did a magic trick where the keys were placed into a magical bag and--poof!--out came a sword! Everyone really went the extra mile to make the Word classes fun and alive.
Our memory project was the children's key promises, and we even had a memory contest at the end.
The teams all picked their own names and some were quite original.
Besides the Word classes our days were packed with never-ending fun, including going to the beach, having get-out, and doing arts and craft projects. We even got to spend one day at the big water park. God bless Anna and Tabitha for all they did to make it all happen. It was a miracle!
The grand finale was a dress-up dance party, the theme being "around the world." Everyone had to dress up as someone from a different country. The CP board members were the judges and the OCs were graded on presentation, creativity, and the speeches that they gave.
Some interesting costumes included Taiwan's president, a cave man from the Stone Age complete with an animal skin, Forrest Gump, an Indian in a sari, and an African tribe member, nose ring included! There were prizes for all, but first, second and third places had two winners from both the boys' and the girls' teams, who took away a special prize! All the faithful room captains got an appreciation award of chocolate for the girls and cookies for the boys!
As a special memento for each of the OCs, John Berry made some very cool and original diplomas which were written like a newspaper article in full color and laminated for safekeeping. They also each got to take home a group photo.
Needless to say it was a very special and fun time for all involved. The CP board is especially thankful for all the Homes who were wholeheartedly behind us and very supportive! We hope this is only the beginning of such fun and unifying activities!
Contributing in your own small way
By Will, Taiwan
I need my thesaurus for writing this first sentence, "The new board vision is a big blessing." I'm sure it's already been said many times! Let's see … for "big" we could replace it with "real" … ummm … and for "blessing" we could replace with "help" or "benefit," etc. Well, you get the point, I guess--it's hard to find words that adequately describe the help that the board vision is. I don't think our imaginations are creative enough to foresee the tremendous ministry these boards will become.
I somehow found myself on the FED board for Taiwan. Now that's funny! I'd laugh really hard at that, except I'm sobered by the responsibility. I'm not a real teacher or childcare-type guy. But someone, and apparently with encouragement from the Lord, felt I had potential. I am truly humbled by their faith, and as much as I feel their hopes and belief in me are misplaced, I know they pray about decisions, so it seems the Lord didn't say anything like, "What?! Will on the FED Board?! Are you crazy?" Actually He's encouraged me to keep going with it.
One thing that makes me want to keep going is all the wonderful ideas that are flowing! It seems that there is no end to the inspiring things we can do for our children's education. When I hear these great ideas and see the earnest desire of my fellow "board-ites" to help, well, how can I give up? Maybe little 'ol me can contribute in some small way. So thanks and praise to our wonderful Lover!
Thanks for having faith in us, Mama and Peter. I guess you must have faith in the whole Family to come up with such a far-out idea!
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God's timing and protection
By Steve (15), England
I've always thought it would be really neat to be able to see all the different times the Lord protected us because we prayed, and all the different things that didn't happen because of our prayers. When I get to Heaven it's something I'd love to see on one of those 3D machines.
Well, something happened to me the other day that showed me how much the Lord does protect us and gave me a little peek into all the different times He has saved us from bad things happening without our even knowing it.
On Saturday I went to the hospital to remove my Hickman line. It was taking awhile and I ended up staying there for a couple of hours. Whenever I have to go to the hospital, or stay overnight (which I often have to do), we always really pray for the Lord's safety and protection, against any accidents and any evil depressing spirits, etc. This Saturday was no different. We prayed before leaving and while there we continued praying, asking the Lord to help everything go smoothly and keep and protect us. Around 2 pm we were all finished and headed back home.
Next week on Tuesday I had to go into the hospital again, so my dad and I went up to Ward 27 (which is the children's cancer ward) only to find that it was closed down. That's weird! I thought. We asked around and found out that the ward had been moved to Ward 5. We asked why and were told the roof broke.
"What, the roof just broke?" we asked.
"Yep!" was their reply and they didn't say anything more.
So we looked around and found Ward 5 and once there we asked the nurses what had happened.
One sweet lady told us: "Last week in the afternoon a mental patient from upstairs escaped and came barging into our Ward. He started throwing needles at us and anything else he could find. He then locked himself into the treatment room and jumped on all the sinks, breaking them, etc. Finally, trying to escape he lifted up the boards in the roof and jumped up and tried to crawl through the roof, but the roof gave way and he fell. We were then able to get him under control, but he caused a lot of damage and right now the Ward is in repair."
"When exactly did it happen?" we asked.
"Some time on Saturday," she told us. "It was in the afternoon. I don't remember exactly, but some time around mid-afternoon."
Wow! From what she told us, it happened just after I left the hospital. Thank the Lord He protected us from having to witness such a horrible scene and protected us from getting hurt as well.
The Lord really does take such good care of us and all those prayers that we pray every day really do keep us safe from harm and danger. Sometimes because we don't see the protection clearly, at least for me, I can get a bit familiar with the Lord's protection or not be as desperate as I should. But after hearing what happened and seeing so clearly how the Lord protected us it made me really thankful. It also made me want to continue to stay desperate and keep on calling on the power of the keys for the Lord's protection.
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Contacting the CVC in your area
Following are the mail addresses and e-mails of the CVC Instruction Coordinators (ICs) of each area. Unless a different arrangement has been made in your region, these are the addresses to write for information about your CVC studies, and to send applications for certificates, diplomas and student cards. GP CVC contact addresses can be found on the CVC Web site http://cvcollege.com.
Mailing Address:
Christian Vocational College
P.O. Box 796263,
Dallas, TX 75379
Phone: (972) 931-9335
Fax: (972) 380-6923
U.S. Toll-free Number: 1-888-871-8388
E-mail: cvc@cvcollege.com
Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 37720
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
(Attention: Patricia)
E-mail: sa.cvc@cvcollege.com
Mailing Address:
Casilla 56 - T
Agencia Tajamar
Santiago, Chile
E-mail: chilefedrc@terra.cl
Mailing Address:
C. Stoe
P.O. Box 19
Monterey Tower P.O.,
Bangkok, 10323
E-mail: afed@abmc.net
Mailing Address:
Education Department
Chiba - ken
Kanamari 4359-94
Japan 294-0023
E-mail: pafed@orcap.net
(includes Russia and former Soviet Union)
Mailing Address:
Suite 99,
Private Bag X3,
Westville 3630,
South Africa
E-mail: cvc@eurcro.org
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Further insight into the plight of the Palestinian and Iraqi people!--Please continue to pray!
By Marc and Claire (NA PR Board)
The following are excerpts from Ramsey Clark's book, The Fire This Time-U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf, which is a stinging exposé of the oppression, deceit, and horror that has been unleashed and perpetrated by the U.S. and Israelis on the Palestinian and the Iraqi people.
Ramsey is an outstanding man who has dedicated his life to championing the cause of the oppressed and needy at the risk of his own reputation and safety. In his book, Ramsey reveals the horrors he witnessed while traveling through war-torn Iraq during and after Desert Storm. The LA Times stated, "He risked his life by traveling for three weeks through Iraqi cities in an old American sedan at a time when the U.S. was staging 3,000 bombing sorties a day."
From a review in the New York Times, "A strong indictment of the war and especially of the needless deaths of civilians caused by the bombing. Based on research conducted in more than 20 countries as well as eyewitness accounts, his book is a devastating refutation of the deluge of misinformation emanating from the corporate media and official government sources."
As we read through the book, the Lord brought to mind all that Dad had taught us over the years regarding the situation in the Middle East and how the foresight and insight that the Lord had given him was so precisely confirmed through the facts and documentation that Ramsey Clark compiled. One very striking fulfillment was Dad's analysis (which is being prophetically fulfilled at this time), regarding how the U.S. has both planned, and is now carrying out the plan, to take over and dominate the Middle East. Dad said in 1990 before the first Gulf War, "Bush has to eliminate Saddam Hussein and Iraq, that's the only thing that will satisfy them. … So what do you bet they're going to have a war and try to wipe out the Iraqis? The U.S. has never listened to anybody before, they've always gone ahead and done what they pleased, and nothing will satisfy the U.S. and Israel … but to eliminate Saddam and virtually take over Iraq. That's what they'll try to do, and then remain in the Mideast. Israel and the U.S. would take it over; the U.S. for the oil, Israel for safety" ("World Currents!--No. 51," ML #2643).
A U.S. government spokesperson, when asked recently by Ted Koppel as to what comes after Iraq, boldly stated, "Well, then Iran."
We have included two excerpts from the book which highlight the plight of the Palestinian and Iraqi people, which should cause each of us to pray desperately for the peoples of these lands as the Lord and Mama recently highlighted in GV #147: "There is little that you can do for them in the physical, but oh, there is so much that you can do for them in the spiritual! Their need is so great and can be greatly met through your prayers! You can supply for the destitute, bring comfort and hope to the downtrodden, send healing to the afflicted and wounded, and convey My peace to many by your prayers! … So be a missionary through your prayers today, and throughout the year. Call on My keys to supply hope, provision, peace, healing and help to the broken in body and spirit."
Repression (of Palestinians) in Kuwait
(Note:As is brought out in the following excerpt of Ramsey Clark's book, the Kuwaiti regime is much like that of Saudi Arabia, an oppressive and corrupt monarchy run by the rich. As Dad said, "Saudi Arabia [is] a kingdom that the whole Arab world knows is one of the most cruel and absolutist kind of monarchies, where there's no freedom whatsoever and almost everything pleasurable is forbidden! … One of the most absolutist, dictatorial, intolerant governments in the whole world … they're totally undemocratic, a totally oppressive dictatorship of the rich over the poor!" The following is the story of the persecution of the Palestinians (and other peoples) that took place in Kuwait after the first Gulf War in 1991. Taking into consideration that Kuwait was under U.S. control at the time, Ramsey Clark states, "Kuwait's actions went hand-in-hand with U.S. policy in the region. The American press reported U.S. soldiers watching, or even protecting, Kuwaiti groups as they assaulted and killed Palestinians and others. Press members who tried to interfere were themselves threatened.")
Before the war [1991 Gulf War], Kuwait denied basic human rights to citizens and immigrant workers alike. Only some 750,000 of its population of about two million were Kuwaiti citizens. Political parties were banned. On the rare occasions when Kuwait held "elections," only Kuwaiti men whose forebears lived in Kuwait before 1920 could vote. Kuwaiti women were denied suffrage. Searches of homes, arrests without warrants, summary deportations, torture, imprisonment, and executions without judicial process were normal in prewar Kuwait.
Workers from other countries were denied citizenship, even if they were born and raised in Kuwait. Non-Kuwaiti children, on turning 18, lost the right to live in Kuwait even if their parents were working in the country. In most instances, immigrant workers were not allowed to bring their spouses and children into the country.
Before the war, more than 300,000 Palestinians resided in Kuwait, and much of Kuwait's economy and government depended on their labor and expertise. These Palestinians were major providers for their families, who either lived under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza or were displaced by the Israeli occupation and resided in Lebanon, Jordan, or elsewhere.
During the war about 150,000 Palestinians left Kuwait. Most went to Jordan because the Israeli government wouldn't allow them into the occupied territories. Tens of thousands of Palestinians from Kuwait have become refugees, living in tent camps in Jordan or being confined in virtual concentration camps in mine-infested desert strips within Kuwait.
After the war, Kuwait became a living hell for the remaining Palestinians, Iraqis, Bedouins, Jordanians, and others, many of whom have toiled in that country most or all their lives. The government canceled residence and work permits for all non-Kuwaitis, who then had to reapply for residency. For a Palestinian to be considered for a residence permit, he had to obtain signatures from at least five Kuwaiti citizens who would vouch for his character.
Tragically, the Palestinians lost whether they stayed in Kuwait or left. Almost all those who left were banned from reentering Kuwait. In many cases, Kuwaiti landlords confiscated their property. The 150,000 Palestinians who remained in Kuwait at least for a time after the war were collectively accused as "collaborators." Based on reports in newspapers, by human rights organization and fact-finding teams, and from hearing testimony, the Commission estimates that as many as 200 were summarily executed. Others were tortured by the Kuwaiti police, military, and government-backed paramilitary squads. Today only an estimated 30,000 Palestinians remain in Kuwait. Palestinians living in the occupied territories are losing an estimated $100 million in remittances per year from family members who no longer work in Kuwait. The impact, aggravated by other losses arising directly from the war, has been devastating for the families and for the economy of the occupied territories.
The London Times reported on March 26, 1991 that the roads leading into Hawalli, the largely Palestinian section of Kuwait, had been blocked at the end of the war. Gun-toting teenage Kuwaitis checked the credentials of anyone entering or leaving the area:
What better way to begin the obliteration of a people than by blacking out the road signs which lead to its home district? Hawalli, the Palestinian district of Kuwait City, becomes harder to find each day. And locating Hawalli is not the same as entering it, because its access roads are blocked with concrete slabs and wrecked cars. … There seems to be only one entrance, through barriers into the guns of teenage Kuwaitis, who may or may not be soldiers…
Middle East Watch was allowed to send two fact-finding missions to Kuwait after the war. According to MEW's September 1991 report, "A Victory Turned Sour: Human Rights in Kuwait Since Liberation," hundreds of Palestinians, stateless Bedouins, Iraqis, Sudanese, Egyptians, Tunisians, and others have been tortured, murdered, or deported, have suffered loss of property, and have been confined in camps under harsh conditions.
Kuwait unleashed a deadly and unrestrained vengeance on Palestinians and other oppressed groups in Kuwait. … New York Newsday reported on March 29, 1991 that according to Western diplomats, "members of Kuwait's ruling family were involved in the killings of Palestinians and other people suspected of collaborating with the Iraqi occupation."
Preface: Witness to the Fire
(Note: In the following excerpt, Ramsey Clark conveys what he witnessed firsthand in Iraq after the first Gulf War. During a recent visit to Iraq, the Minister of Health told Ramsey that if there is another war, the hospital/medical situation will be much worse due to the lack of medical supplies which have been depleted because of the sanctions.)
That first night we met the Minister of Health, a military officer who had set up temporary headquarters in the administrative offices of a major hospital. There was little he could tell us in the near-dark of his crowded quarters, and it almost seemed we had as good a grasp of the situation as he did after one day on the streets, an hour with the Red Crescent (the Red Cross affiliate in Muslim countries), and talking with families and people at bomb sites. The minister's communications and command chain were completely disrupted, and he was relying on couriers to bring in reports. Asked his priorities to save life and protect health, he named three without hesitation: water, water, water. He described contaminated water as a threat to the entire nation, and estimated that at least 3,000 were dead, 25,000 were receiving some medical care, and a quarter of a million were sick from drinking polluted water. We were thankful for all the bottled water we had brought with us, as to be severely nauseated, plagued with diarrhea, dehydrated, desperately thirsty, and have nothing to drink but the water that made you sick is a terrible misery. The minister believed all the municipal water systems of the country had been destroyed. A year later, when I returned to Basra, I found all the drinking water there was being brought in by trucks, and people waited in long lines to fill buckets for their homes.
The minister arranged for us to be taken to one of the wards in the hospital. What greeted us was a scene somewhere between Dante's Inferno and M-A-S-H. Cold and dark, with two candles for 20 beds, the room was crowded with patients, families, health professionals. Sobbing, murmuring, urgent instructions from doctors, occasional shrieks of pain, and the wail of grieving relatives filled our ears. One middle-aged woman had about 30 shrapnel wounds over her whole back. A 12-year-old girl whose left leg had been amputated near the hip without anesthetics was in delirium. A semiconscious woman who had been seriously injured when her house caved in had not yet been told that she was the sole survivor of her family of seven.
A surgeon who had just performed radical surgery on a young man's arm came over to us. He was exhausted and near despair. Trained in England to be a surgeon, he was now working 18-20 hours a day. He told us there was no anesthesia, so patients were held down by aides during operations. Gauze, bandages, adhesive tape, and antiseptics were exhausted. He held out his bare hands and said, "These are my tools to heal the sick. The few hours I have to sleep I wake up to find myself rubbing my hands. I have no clean water to wash them with, no alcohol to kill germs, our glove supply was exhausted a week ago. I move hour after hour from the open wounds of one person to another, spreading infection. I cannot help my patients." (End of excerpts from The Fire This Time.)
Copies of Ramsey's book can be purchased at the following Web site address:
Ramsey Clark--Attorney general of the United States (1967-69). After serving in the federal government as assistant attorney general in charge of the land's division (1961-65), deputy attorney general (1965-66), and acting attorney general (Oct. 1966-Feb. 1967), he was appointed by President Johnson to succeed Nicholas Katzenbach as attorney general. Clark proved to be a vigorous defender of civil liberties and civil rights; he opposed the use of government wiretaps and initiated the first northern school desegregation case.
After leaving the government, he taught law and later became active in the anti-Vietnam War movement, visiting North Vietnam in 1972. In 1974 he was the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York, but was defeated by Jacob Javits. Subsequently he practiced as a defense lawyer in New York and continued his political activism.
Clark wrote Crime in America (1970). For an account of his career as Attorney General, see Justice by Richard Harris (1970).
("The Plight of The Family" by Ramsey Clark can be found on in the Pubs section under Media on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/pubspages/media.php3.)
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One of God's marvelous meetings
Sarah (of David), Islamabad, Pakistan: How many of you have heard of the biography by Bilquis Sheikh, I Dared to Call Him Father? We were given this book in 1982 in India to read, and later we purchased a copy in Australia, which we lent to friends and contacts. For those who are not familiar with this beautiful testimony, Bilquis Sheikh was a well-to-do woman of Pakistan who, although coming from a very traditional ancestral heritage, experienced a miraculous touch of the Divine and began a desperate struggle, which culminated in Jesus becoming her dearest Friend. This part of her life spanned the '60s and '70s, the book being written in the late '70s.
Since arriving in Pakistan, two and a half years ago, I have wanted to see Bilquis Sheikh's famous rose garden, which is located about 60 km away from where we live. Unfortunately we have never had opportunity to visit there, one difficulty being that the small town of Wah is within a military restricted area, only accessible with authorization.
At Christmas we were able to perform at the two most prestigious hotels in the city, where diplomats and other prominent people meet and reside. During one of these programs a seven-year-old girl, Natalia, and some of her friends became our "fan club," coming to as many of our programs as she (and her mother and brother) possibly could. She would call daily, asserting that Arthur was her best friend. (Arthur is 14 and usually does the lead voice for the popular Urdu songs.)
One weekend Natalia had insisted we go with her family to the mountains. Our schedule was already full for the weekend, so instead we invited Natalia and her mother to our house. Her mother is very friendly, and lived for some time in the Hudson Valley area in New York. Over that weekend, Natalia's mother gave a little background on herself. It was quite an amazing story, including the fact that her husband, Mahmud, who had been raised in the States, twenty or so years ago returned to see his father, and suddenly became chief of a certain area in Pakistan as his father passed away shortly after his arrival!
Charity and Joy listened intently, quite amazed since much of the story they'd already heard. They weren't surprised when the mother concluded with, "This actually was written in a book called, I Dared to Call Him Father. (The book ends when Mahmud is only about fifteen years old.)
After two months of knowing Natalia, we discovered that Natalia's father is Mahmud and that she is great granddaughter to Bilquis Sheikh. (And we plan to visit their garden one day soon!)
Rod Stewart receives "To You, With Love"
Len and Joanie, UK: We have been trying as much as possible to put into practice the New Wine, calling on the keys, asking Him everything, etc. Of course, what goes along with that is that we then have to be willing to do it, even if it may seem crazy at the time. So when the Lord said, "Go to Harrod's!" we were a little surprised. Harrod's is not a store that we would go to on any ordinary shopping day, as it's a famous exclusive store, and I wouldn't exactly call it a prime witnessing spot. Anyway, we had committed ourselves to obeying the Lord no matter what … so off we went.
As usual, when we're trying to obey, the Enemy will try to hinder, and we ended up going in the wrong direction and having to retrace our steps. Well, we finally made it, and since Harrod's is a pretty interesting place we spent some time there looking around, but as there didn't seem to be anything happening we decided to leave. Just as we were walking out, however, we saw Rod Stewart walking in with his bodyguard. But by the time we got our lit out he had turned the corner and disappeared. Oh dear!
At times like this there is only one thing to do, so we called on the keys, telling the Lord if it was His will for us to give Rod Stewart the lit then He should make it possible for us to see him again. We went back in and walked around a bit, and there he was at one of the counters. After shooting up a quick prayer, I went up to where Rod Stewart was looking at some stuff, and handed him the lit, asking him to please take time to read it. He stood there looking at it for some time, and then said, "Yes, thank you very much!" PTL!
I used to be a fan and I still enjoy the sound of his voice, so that was a real treat. Boy, were we glad we'd obeyed the Lord's leading!
He wanted it … we got it!
Andrew, Mary, and Michael, Kenya: The Lord showed us that we should hold an appreciation/Activated meeting for all of our friends and contacts whom we have activated over the years. Some of the people we've activated don't know us that well and some do. We wanted to get them all together, thank those who have been helping us on a long-term basis, and also explain more about who we are, what we do, etc. to the rest of our friends.
After going through our database we realized that we had over 500 people altogether. Wow! That was exciting, but then the next question was how we were going to find a place for over 500 people. The city we wanted to hold the meeting in is a very expensive city and finding a nice place to hold all those people was going to take a real miracle.
So we prayed, claimed the keys and asked the Lord to do the miracle. We asked one man who owns a big banqueting suite; it's a very nice place and was perfect for the kind of people we wanted to invite. This man agreed but he said, "I can only help for about 50 people; if you want to bring more then you'll have to pay."
Our hearts sank a little, but the Lord said that we shouldn't worry, and that He would do the miracle. We began inviting our closest friends and continued to knock on other doors to find a place to hold the rest of the people.
Meanwhile this dear man began to get a bit more generous, 100, 200, and in the end he said, "It's okay, you can invite as many people as you like." Wow! That was so amazing. He also offered to give dinner for the first 100 and for the rest he charged only a very small amount.
Getting this place for free was a huge miracle, as normally this hall costs about $10,000 a night. "Where God guides, He provides!" The Lord wanted us to hold these meetings and as we stepped out by faith to obey He made a way.
Bible school--give it to the junior teens!
Catherine, Brazil: On Wednesdays, we have a Bible class here for four ladies. One of them has an eight-year-old daughter so we wanted to invest in her as well. We asked Clarisse (14) to be in charge of this, and she is doing a really good job. She follows a curriculum that some brethren put together, but she's also added skits and acts out the songs, and makes sure the activity is ready.
So give those junior teens responsibility, and you'll see they do better than you!
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Hapless Handyman Hall of Fame Hopeful Has Humiliating Hammer-Related Mishap
By David Komic (who has nothing whatsoever to do with REUTERS or AP), Thailand
A wise man once said, "Na grozjshnyi cac shnyablzyzski krashjnya … ski." Unfortunately for me, I can't speak Polish, so I have no idea whatsoever what it was that this wise Polish man had in mind when he said that. HOWEVER, I suspect it was in every way as wise as ANOTHERwise saying, which states: "ART IMITATES LIFE!"
Which brings us to the "Ask Adam" cartoon in Grapevine #142 in which FGA Hughie (of Hughina) in Honduras hits himself in the forehead with a hammer while dismantling some shelves. A disturbing rumor has begun to circulate amongst the crème de la crème of the GV comic-reading community, that the idea for this cartoon came after the artist (in this case, me) inadvertently, yet with a stunning stroke of dextral precision, struck himself (in this case, myself) between the eyes with an actual hammer.
I am forced to now come out with this official WS-overlooked statement:
No, I would NEVER, EVERhit myself between the eyes with a hammer … again!
Believe me, once was enough. The incident occurred many years ago when the Home I was in was totally bereft of any real handyman talent. I was given a hammer by the then Home shepherd (who was subsequently removed from all shepherding responsibilities and sent to the Deliriously Happy Soviet People's Collective Tractor Factory Number 38 in Upper Gradnograd), and I was asked to dismantle a large and sturdy wooden bunk bed which was ingeniously comprised of two single wooden beds ingeniously placed together one on top of the other with sturdy metal pins to form a large and sturdy wooden bunk bed.
The bed was no longer needed as a large and sturdy wooden bunk bed but as two single beds. Why, you may ask? Oh, it's simple! The large and sturdy wooden bunk bed had to be moved to another room and there was no way the large and sturdy wooden bunk bed would fit through a single door, so thus the request for me to dismantle the large and sturdy wooden bunk bed.
As I set to work I decided, in a moment of wild and carefree abandon, to pioneer the daring away-from-bunk-bed-towards-head hammering stroke, instead of the conventional, BEATEN PATH away-from-head-towards-bunk-bed hammering stroke. Things were progressing nicely until the ill-fated "terminator" stroke, in which the hammer completely missed the bunk bed and began its rapid approach towards my totally defenseless forehead. Impact was inevitable.
I will now allow you to imagine the next two seconds of the event.
As I lay on the floor between the completely intact bunk bed to my right and the imperceptibly snickering hammer on my left, I took some quiet moments of temple time and contemplated the ceiling and its myriad latent handyman possibilities. Then, in an act of almost superhuman mental athleticism, powered by the strongest and deepest of the survival instincts I had available in my inner-survival-instincts reserve, my dazed mind focused itself into one single survival-instinct-driven thought: I hope no one saw that!
And what does this all mean to you, GV reader? What lessons are there for you to glean from reading of an unfortunate brother smiting himself senseless with a blunt handyman tool? Well, to begin with, the sharper of mind amongst you may deduce that my prayerfulness levels were not exactly at full throttle at the time.
Others of you may want to play the (good) comparing game and take solace in the fact that it didn't happen to you.
Or perhaps you CAN relate and something like this HAS happened to you and you can take comfort in knowing that someone else has been there, done that and has a feeling for your infirmities. Someone understands. I understand.
I CAN relate to YOU, the weary childcare person who thoughtlessly smacks yourself between the eyes with a lump of purple-gray play dough. I understand you, the flustered kitchen deacon, who has just--to your own UTTER amazement--slammed a zucchini into your forehead. Oh, I've walked in YOUR shoes, you the harried Home business teamworker, who has poked yourself in the eye with your ballpoint pen in a moment of ballistic book balancing.
And the conclusion of the whole matter? It is this: If God can use ME He can certainly use YOU. And if He can use YOU, then, reciprocally, He can use ME. And it stands to reason that, if He can use US--and we've already established this fact--then for sure He can also use THEM. And if He can use THEM (and we both know what THEY can be like) then He can, of a certainty--use US. Now doesn't THAT make us feel a whole lot better!
Comfort ye one another with these words.
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No need to worry
By Angela (YA), South Africa
Recently I had to make a visa trip to a neighboring country. When praying about it the Lord sweetly reassured me that this was His will for me and that He would take care of me each and every step of the way.
The trip started well. The other passengers were quite nice for the most part. In one town the bus stopped to take on more passengers. I wasn't paying too much attention, but as I looked out the window I noticed that one of the new passengers seemed to be wearing a gun in a holster under his jacket. He had a very bad spirit, and when he boarded the bus he took the seat directly opposite from my brother, facing me. He sat there staring at me with a very aggressive threatening spirit, like he was angry at me for noticing. I hadn't said anything to him and had barely even glanced at him when he boarded, but I guess the spirit bears witness. I kept on praying and calling on the keys for our protection. At our next rest stop I called home to ask for prayer.
About five minutes after I hung up, I felt a dramatic change in the spirit. He was still there, but I felt protected, like the bus had just filled with many powerful protectors and angels. It was encouraging to experience such a direct answer to prayer.
On our return journey, I was very nervous about coming back into the country. The Devil was very active, trying to get me to doubt the Lord's promises. As I sat there looking out the window the Lord's voice broke through my gloomy thoughts and said, "You worry that they won't let you in, that you won't get home. Satan thinks that he can stop that from happening, but he can't. I have you in the hollow of My hand so just sit back, relax, and enjoy your trip." And you know what, I did just that.
I sat back, went to sleep and before I knew it, we were at the border. I spent the whole time in the queue praying and calling on the keys, and guess what?--I have never had such an easy time passing through the border. The official barely looked at me or my passport, asked me how long I wanted, and within two minutes I had my visa, all thanks to our wonderful Answer Man and the keys.
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A joyful witness or a tired clown?
FGA man, Africa: We recently had to go to a neighboring country to do some legal work and shopping, as some things are cheaper there than in our country. We decided to visit two malls and see where we could get the best prices. We put all the kids in a shopping trolley and started to move around. It was then that we noticed two Family clowns ballooning at the entrance of a large supermarket.
The clowns spotted us a mile away, as we had four kids all under five. I guess we were potentials and soon we were shown all these pretty balloons, with different shapes and sizes. I realized that they didn't know who we were even though we hinted that we were from a neighboring country, as they asked if we had a business up there. We went along just for fun and bought all the kids balloons. However, once the balloons were paid for, that was it. I was waiting for a witness or a mag of the month, but lo and behold, nothing.
Although all our kids were happy, we moved along rather disappointed that nobody had cared to witness to us or even mention that they were missionaries raising support.
After getting a few things, we moved on to another mall and spotted a rather sad-looking clown. She had ready-made balloons that were already priced. We observed from a distance and things didn't look very inspiring; she looked tired and uninspired. On another occasion we found Family clowns fast asleep, smack in the middle of the shopping center.
This made us kind of wonder, with all the great Activated products that we have in the Family, do we really need to clown around? What if I never knew Jesus and this was the only time that I would meet The Family and all I got out of it was "hot air"?
Being the right person
Talitha (of Anthony), South Africa: Do you ever wonder where all the people are who are writing all the testimonies that you read in the pubs? Where are those dedicated, 110%-ers that you'd just love to invite to come and work with you to help you turn your Home around and start really accomplishing something for Jesus? I can let you in on a secret. I've found some, and there's more where they came from. They're hidden all around you in your brothers and sisters.
You know that auntie who has a hard time waking up in the morning? She also loves to teach the little ones, and they love her crazy antics as she enacts their favorite Bible stories. You know the uncle who wants his coffee "just so"? He's also a great witness, and goes out of his way to help the young people have a good time. You know those young people who listen to the TCDs too often and too loud? They're also the ones who are full of new and fresh ideas for getting Activated rolling, and they're never too tired to keep going.
Sometimes the secret of finding the right personnel is being the right person. Isn't it wonderful to have such a wealth of personnel all around us? I just love the Family and admire each and everyone who has decided to give their all to Jesus. Sure, we have problems. Sure, we have idiosyncrasies. But look at Jesus, isn't He wonderful? He can change anyone into anything at a moment's notice. Great, isn't it?
Traveling minstrels?
Francisco, Josue, Luz, and Vida, Paraguay: We had an idea and at the same time a suggestion to set up a team or committee of musicians and brethren who have a talent to hold retreats, that could travel around and visit different areas, and hold small retreats, and get the sheep together. It would be a blessing as some Homes don't have a musician and don't have the talent to host these types of meetings.
Computers and Internet usage
FGA man, Romania: I want to share a simple lesson I have learnt with computer and Internet use in our Home, especially the need to routinely check the usage of the computer that the children have access to (if it is linked to the Internet). In our Home we have four computers networked and online all the time. Our children also have their own PC that is hooked up to the Internet; it is used mainly for school purposes and they are monitored in their use of it, but as it is a fairly good computer, it is sometimes used by visitors or Home members.
On one occasion a Home member was on the Internet and was looking at an ex-member site. However, she was unaware of how to delete her searches from the browser. She was good enough to ask me how and I was able to show her, and we deleted the history of her searches.
We all realize that surfing those types of sites are not good for any reason, but to do it on the kids' PC was quite bad. Normally I've been careful to warn people that they cannot download anything from the Internet or view sites that are of a questionable nature; now, however, I routinely check the history folder. I also keep the kids' computer disconnected from the Home network and Internet access.
If your children are using a computer that is used for Internet use by Home members, it's wise to ensure that the access of files or Internet searches are not going to be viewed by your children. Also make sure that all Instant Messenger chat programs are switched off (if people have been chatting on different forums, messenger chats can appear while the children are using the PC, and sometimes these messengers are of a questionable nature.)
As more and more Homes choose broadband Internet use (cable or DSL links), as the usage becomes faster and easier, the need increases to ensure that our usage is prayerful and careful.
Taking it with a calm spirit
Kristina (SGA), South Africa: Last month I had to go a trip to a nearby country. I make this trip regularly, but I have a hard time relaxing during the preceding days and especially on the trip itself. This time that was especially the case, as I had to travel alone with my three-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Before going I was able to get some encouraging prophecies and the Home received confirmations about my trip as well. So I left armed to the teeth with prayer and keys promises, which I claimed the whole time. I specifically prayed for a smooth trip and that I would have real peace and be able to trust the Lord. The Lord answered that prayer, just not exactly the way I had expected.
To start off, the bus was almost two hours late, which was okay as Kodie was able to get some extra wiggle time. Then we were on our way, when it became apparent that the air-con on the bus wasn't working. It was so hot outside that the air-con just couldn't keep up. Thankfully there were latches on the top of the roof that let in some fresh air; the only problem was that they were above us, so we got the sun but no wind.
Everything just seemed to be going wrong. Kodie got carsick, we had a sticky time with the border official, etc. Now we had a long night ahead of us till we arrived at our destination and I was praying and asking the Lord what had happened, and why were all these things happening.--And then it just came to me. Even though all these things came up, I never got frazzled about it. I was able to take everything with a calm spirit, which isn't me at all. I tend to get all worked up and try to work things out myself, but this time I was able to trust the Lord and stay calm. I then realized that that was what rising above is. Things may not always go just perfectly, but the Lord will give us the strength and peace to make it through.
A few days later I had to come back into the country, which is always a test of my faith. We didn't cross the border till 3 am, so I was praying and claiming keys promises and such until the Lord finally told me, "I have done it already. Just trust Me now. Stop praying and every time you think about your visa, just praise Me instead. Thank Me for the victory I have already won. Go to sleep and rest in My arms." So that is what I did, and it really helped me get my mind on the victory instead of the problem.
When it came to crossing the border it went really smoothly and I got longer than they said they could give me. All I could do was thank the Lord for the gift of prophecy as well as the wonderful keys.
Knowing the reason why
Kristina Firstlove, Russia: Our son Daniel got sick and the doctors couldn't figure out what it was. He was in the hospital for four days by himself as parents are not allowed to stay at the hospital in Russia, though we visited him every day. The Lord showed us that we could use this opportunity to witness and by doing this, could also have extra time with Daniel. So I went there and together with Daniel we went from room to room making balloons for the kids, and Daniel was giving tracts to the kids.
In the room where Daniel was staying there were six other boys and one more boy from another room joined us. All seven of them repeated the salvation prayer after me and I was so happy that Daniel could see and feel what it's like to be a missionary. He was very inspired!
When I was about to leave, a twelve-year-old boy from Daniel's room came and said, "Thank you for visiting not only your son but all of us. You made us so happy today with the balloons. And thank you for praying with us." His words were such an encouragement.
Now when we think about why the Lord allowed Daniel to get sick, the main reason that comes to our mind is that it was for those souls that got saved and all the kids, parents, and workers who received tracts with the Christmas message. Daniel recovered as well, thanks to all the prayers of our Family.
Feast every day!
Catherine, Brazil: The Feast was so wonderful! We decided that one of the times we could use to add more united Word to our day was having daily evening vespers, just like we did at the Feast. Around 9 pm most of our Home is able to get together for some Word-based time together. It is only half an hour, as the kids go to bed after that and people have other things to do. However, unless we have a Bible study here at the house, and we are all involved, we try to do it at least for the children's sake.
We made a schedule for leading the evening vespers that includes the OCs and up. So far, it has worked really well. We have done quite a few "acting out songs," and either drawing a keys promise and the others guessing it or acting out a key and having them guess. For the kids, the more action the better, but we also spent one time just receiving prophecies for King Peter's shoulder and once praying for the week and having communion. So it can be varied and still fun.
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brief ad
Happy Easter!
For Easter projects and activities for kids and your whole Home, search for "Easter" in the CC/FED section of the MO site, or go to http://www.familymembers.com/fed/catalog/list.php
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Q: I want to send a big thank you for the new MB2K! It's such a blessing and I was especially impressed with the nice suggested review system in the back. I have a question, though, about why the verses showing that David is our Endtime prophet have been omitted? After all, although he is no longer present with us in the flesh he is still very present in just about every GN, and our new disciples' foundation is still built on the words of David!
--Gentleness, Ukraine
A: While the David section was dropped, the verses about David and his being our Endtime prophet are still very important and the majority of verses from that section are still in the MB2K. Of the six verses that were in the David section, four are still in the MB2K. Two are in "Other Special Verses," one is in the "Last Days," and one is in "Prophecy."
When we were putting this book together we had to combine or drop sections in order to add new sections and verses, while at the same time keeping the total number of verses to around the same as the original Memory Book. We also took into consideration the fact that some verses are quite difficult to learn, especially for children. Of course, David our Endtime prophet is still very important and a cornerstone of our beliefs, and the important verses about him weren't removed and can be found in the above-mentioned sections.
--WS pubs team
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Healing key: Claim the miracles of healing and restoration of body that you need through the power of the keys, and that power will be unleashed, bringing the miracles you need.
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
By Sheryl (SGA), Italy: I wanted to thank all the precious Family who prayed for me after I underwent surgery on my right eye. At first the prayer request wasn't very specific. I was a bit skeptical, wondering how the Lord could give me the detailed answers to prayer that I needed when not many knew the "whole deal." But, TYJ, He is faithful, and my eye is doing so much better thanks to all your prayers! Please keep them coming.
I can already see a lot better, and the Lord has promised full recovery through our prayers combined, and the power of the keys. Thank you so much for taking the time. Please don't think that the shorter prayers won't do much good. One thing I'm learning is that fervency is the most important thing!
By Filippo, Fe, and Angelo, Bolivia: All four of our prayer requests from last month were answered! We found a teacher who comes to our house, everyone stayed in good health, the violent disturbances in the country calmed down and are coming to a peaceful settlement, and the economic situation of our Home is better, with more contacts, souls, and witnessing.
By Victor (of Jasmin), Czech Republic: Thank you all for your prayers for me, as without them I don't believe the results would have been so encouraging! The doctors ran many tests for all sorts of heart ailments (I won't go into details), and have come to the conclusion that I didn't suffer an actual "heart attack" but more a heart muscle infection. I am still receiving treatment for this, as it isn't completely healed up yet.
By Tim (of Thai Joy), Ukraine: A big thank-you to all who prayed for me. In the last month we weren't even sure what it was that was growing inside and were wondering if it was a cancerous prostate tumor when we sent in the prayer request. We did get the diagnosis and it was a serious intestinal hernia instead, and since then we have gotten different counsel from medical sources, and after receiving the Lord's counsel, went with the operation. It went smoothly and recovery seems so far, so good. Again thanks for all the prayer!
By Esteban(of Virginia), Brazil: I had a thorn in my toe that became infected from one day to the next and it was a mess. The doctor told me to soak it five times a day, but being a daily outreacher, that was impossible. On the third day, I laid my hand on the painful toe claiming the keys of the Kingdom; the inflammation began to disappear and by that afternoon it was totally healed!
By Emanuel and Joy,Venezuela: We want to thank the Lord for healing Joy's father of cancer. His request has been published in the last three prayer lists and he is now confessing the Lord as his healer. He had cancer in the optic nerve, the cheekbone, and in the brain. Since we prayed for him, the brain cancer has disappeared and the other two have been reduced 50 percent!
By Crystal (of Habakuk), Australia: Thank the Lord and all of your prayers for my surgery to remove my ovary and uterus. It all went well except for a few complications and allergies to the medications. But now, two months later, I am all healed and feeling much better. A few doctors and nurses got saved also and many received the witness--thank You, Jesus, for these "special " witnessing adventures where you get to meet people that would have been difficult to meet any other way.
I was told by my doctor that I would be able to hear everything that happens in the operating theater when I had my surgery, and that it is a good idea to ask the doctors and staff to speak very positively during my surgery and after, as my subconscious would be aware of the outcome of the surgery and I would respond accordingly. To combat that, I decided to have the Mama's Quotes on Comfort tape playing continually during surgery, with the staff's permission.
I woke up from the surgery wondering after my wonderful sleep if they were ready to operate on me. From the drips and painkillers available to me when I opened my eyes I realized that the surgery had already been performed. Hab wanted to talk to me when he saw I woke up and asked if he could turn off the tape. I practically yelled, "No, I'm not ready!" I couldn't break the connection for another hour.
So thanks, Mama, for coming with me and whispering to me during my surgery. I really appreciate you! I am fully recovered now and preparing to leave for our new mission field.
By Joanna, Japan: I have suffered intensely from migraines for a few years, which lasted sometimes as long as 72 hours, with other symptoms as well. I put my prayer request on the worldwide prayer list. I am happy to say that during the last five months I've only had one or two very mild migraines, compared to battling them every single week.
I also wanted to say thank you to a sister who had suffered the same and had been healed and wrote me a letter of encouragement. I know that she probably prayed a lot for me, relating to it. It's very nice to get encouragement from our brethren.
For our Family worldwide to find the time to focus on follow-up, reaching the rich, evaluating outreach methods, seeking out new sheep, teaching classes, etc., amidst all there is to do.
Elixir (8, of Poornima Chosen): Unable to breathe properly through her nose due to a cartilage growth in the nasal passage; proper diagnosis and complete healing.
Europe and Africa
Steve (15): A couple of days ago Steve was telling us that things were blurry in one of his eyes. When we took him to the hospital, the ophthalmologist said that there is a chance that the leukemia has appeared out of hiding, so to speak, and that there could be leukemia cells in his eye. They explained that the whole brain/head area is known as a "safe" area, where the chemotherapy sometimes doesn't reach as well, so there is always a possibility with every patient that leukemia can "hide" and then re-appear.
We need your desperate prayers for Steve during this time when things can look very bleak, as he is quite hit with discouragement. But we know that the Lord's promises still hold true, and we are trusting Him for the victory!
North America
Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai): Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and given four to six months to live. The cancer has metastasized and spread to her bones. Please pray for the Lord's miraculous healing; against the heavy congestion and phlegm buildup, extreme tiredness and shortness of breath; against pain, especially in her back and chest; for the Lord's leading and care in the natural supplements she is taking; most of all for strength, encouragement, and a great measure of faith and trust.
Mike: Frozen tube in his heart leading to his lung; had four heart attacks the past month.
Joshua (4, of David and Joan): Complete healing from Kawasaki disease, as at the last checkup, the result of the blood test showed that he still has an infection.
Melody: Excessive bleeding; that her hemoglobin count will rise even higher than average (it's 10 now, and the bottom average is 12 counts), for her blood pressure, which has been reading at 180/90 to go back to its normal range of 110/85.
South America
Adriana (granddaughter of Boz and Ruth): Convulsions; for her chest and lungs to be strengthened and build up her resistance to infections.
Cristal (18, of Salomon and Belen): A tumor was found in her intestine; for her complete recovery.
JoyfulMorning: Liver problem that causes chronic pain and fever. An ultrasound detected a possible calcification; that this stone or tumor will completely dissolve.
Luz (13, of David and Lily): Degenerative illness of her central nervous system; for her body to be strengthened and not to shake so much, for her nervous system to recuperate and that she can recover all of her body movements to full and normal capacity.
Michael Ryan (14 months, of Pierre and Renee): Brachial plexus (his shoulder was damaged at birth and he cannot use his arm, hand, and wrist); that his shoulder, arm, hand, and wrist muscles will all work and grow to their proper length. It can be helped through surgery, and there is a doctor who is willing to do it for free, but they need the hospital; pray that the Lord will work out all the details and supply for the operation. That he can learn to walk, eat by himself, learn how to use his right shoulder, arm and hand properly, and that his brain will acknowledge it, and for his exercise and daily therapy to go well.
Robin (20 months, of Faithy): To recuperate swiftly from a virus and a secondary infection with high fever that left him weak, fearful, and moody.
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letters to the editor
Re: "2003, Here We Come!" (GN 1021)
By Tender Joy, Islamabad, Pakistan
Thank you so much, dear Peter and anybody else involved, in putting this GN together. It has been very inspiring, strengthening, faith building, and somewhat awesome to read and see "proof" from this compilation of what the Family has accomplished during this past year.
Sometimes it can be easy or tempting to "drown" in the everyday details and battles and wonder if we really are making any significant progress. But, boy, oh boy, when getting this overview, yes siree, we definitely ARE making big progress! No wonder the ol' Punk is on the warpath. We just have to keep our eyes on Jesus and the victories and keep plugging along day by day doing what He is showing us to do. And then as a body in whatever form of ministry we are in, we are going forward and making progress.
Everybody is needed, whether big or small, whether with a big "title" or not. The main point is to stay faithful and loyal to the calling the Lord has called each of us to fill and He will do the rest!
Re: "'Uncle P.' speaks out" (GV #150)
By a young person, USA
I happen to be a great fan of Shakespeare's and just about anything archaic and old fashioned. So please don't feel you've got to lump us altogether. Really, though, I understand your point and appreciate all your efforts to relate to us and help us find our place. I've found that the more you are yourself and don't put up any fronts of self-proclaimed youth-relatedness, the more they'll feel they can open up themselves with you. It's the same basic ingredient in relating to anyone. The more they feel you care about and really love them, the more they'll be apt to forgive and overlook the occasional "when I was your age" dialogue.
By the way, the Huntington Beach era is something I think of as one of the most exciting times in Family history, and I would to God we will do our part to make it happen today through the Activated vision. Then our fellow young people won't look down in scorn at "those good ol' days," but will look to the future with excitement at all that is in store. I believe that this will be a key to casting out the last barriers that are between us that we may be fully one in spirit.
Re: "Pray, Obey and Prepare!" (GN 1007)
By Faith PI, Thailand
I'm writing this to support what Mama and Peter suggested in "Pray, Obey and Prepare!" (GN 1007), where they said that it would be better if we didn't have to read our detractors' tales because they are very discouraging, depressing, and can be very damaging to our spirits.
Logically, many of us might be tempted to think that we have to know the details of what our detractors have said about us so that we can prepare and know how to fight back. This was exactly what my thinking was when we were under severe media persecution back in 1993 in the Philippines. Contrary to what was counseled to us who had to face the media, I insisted on reading what all the dailies had to say about us, thinking I was "strong enough to take it," and that I needed to know what their accusations were in order to prepare myself with the answer.
Although I tried to get cleansed and strengthened with the Word afterwards, the Devil's words prevented me from absorbing the Word because the lies and negative things just kept popping in to my mind. I wanted to absorb and take in as much Word as I could to be able to know how to refute the lies and accusations, but sad to say, I found out I wasn't strong enough to take all the lies. At one point, after reading the lies and negative things said about us, although I didn't believe them, it still got me to a point of intense discouragement and loss of strength to fight the battle.
Thank God I came to my senses and finally obeyed my shepherds' counsel to not read all the details of the negative articles that were coming out. I just had to know the general drift of their accusations and then spend more time researching and reading and memorizing the Word to support our stand on those issues. Then I was able to regain my strength, both physically and especially spiritually. It was only when I concentrated on soaking myself in the Word and got my strength and power from it that I was able to continue on through the intense battles of that time.
So, Mama and Peter's wise counsel to stay away from getting weakened and dirtied by the lies, but instead to just get filled with the Word is the best thing to do if we really truly want to prepare for the battle!
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Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Jeff Daniels, Stephen Lang, Robert Duvall
Lavish, four-hour historical drama charting the early years of the Civil War and how the campaigns unfolded from the first Battle of Manassas to the Battle of Fredericksburg. (Prequel to Gettysburg, another famous movie featuring the Civil War, by the same director.)
(Jesus:) This movie is watchable and has some merit. There are lessons and some meat to it. There are also a lot of gory battle scenes, which make up a large part of this movie. This movie gives you a bit of insight into history and the Civil War, and helps you become acquainted with some of the main figures during that time. But don't take everything you see in this movie at face value. Don't take it all as the directors and writers present it to you, though, but ask Me how you should view the events unfolded in this movie.
It shows the horrors of war and the heartache and shame it brings. It shows how pride and stubbornness can set brother against brother and father against son. It was a sad time for America. The American Civil War, like all wars, was such a shame, a pity, and an abomination in My eyes. In this terrible conflict, more Americans were killed in proportion to the population than in any other war in the United States' history. America has such a sad history. And it's not over for them yet. They are still a warmongering nation and have war in their hearts.
There is no "right" side in a war. Man's wars are usually fought for selfish reasons, for glory, money, power, and pride.
You can learn from the experiences of others, stay away from the pitfalls they encountered, and try to learn from history. But since your war is a war of the spirit, the main things to do in order to be a successful general, or corporal, or private in the war for men's hearts and minds are: a) live in the Word and let it filter in and become a part of your very nature, b) use the new weapons of the spirit and the keys of the Kingdom, c) stay in the center of My will. If you follow this strategy, victory is guaranteed, conquest is predetermined, and casualties will be minimal.
(See ML #2548, "The Way the Wars Went" and other Letters from Dad for more insight on the American Civil War.)
James Nesbit, Olivia Williams, Timothy Spall
Under the leadership of a small-time bank robber, inmates hatch a plan to escape by staging a musical.
(Dad:) This is a British character study with its touching moments and some humor. It's a story where love wins out in the end. However, it's also one of those stories where the prisoners are portrayed as the good guys and the ones the audience is expected to identify and sympathize with. Some parts are pretty unrealistic, like the mostly lighthearted prisoners in a relaxed prison atmosphere. But overall it's an okay movie with the message that love has creative power and can change people. It also brings out how words are real things and can lift up or tear down.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Ian Holm, Iben Hjejle
An exiled Napoleon devises a plan to retake the throne. Fictional account, based on some historical events. (A brief study of the actual history surrounding these events, before or after the movie, may be helpful.)
(Dad:) This movie shows what the truly meaningful things in life are--how power and fame pale by comparison to love and kindness. It also shows how the Lord blesses if you try to make the best of whatever situation you find yourself in.--Including learning how to be abased after you have abounded much of your life. It reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar and how he said, "Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the King of Heaven, all Whose works are truth, and His ways judgment: and those that walk in pride He is able to abase" (Dan.4:37). And Paul said: "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need" (Phil.4:11-12).
The film also brings out a point about who we are, about true identity.--Are we the images or memories we carry in our mind, or are we what others see us to be? After you view the film, you will understand more what I am saying here. The Lord's children don't need to accept a fixed identity of what they used to be, but rather can take on being what the Lord wants them to be.
Movies Rated for YCs and Up
Animated, voices of Haley Joel Osment, John Goodman
Mowgli, missing the jungle and his old friends, runs away from the man village unaware of the danger he's in by going back to the wild.
(Jesus:) This is a good kids' movie with a sweet spirit. The original movie was good and this is a well-done sequel. Of course, to make it appeal to a modern-day audience they had to add in a lot more action and a few more tiger scenes, and parents may need to fast forward those parts for young children. There are some things that need to be explained--such as Mowgli's dislike of rules and work and things that are just part of normal life. This is something that shouldn't just be overlooked, but should be addressed and talked about a little with children who watch it. You might even want to do a Word study about that either before or after watching this.
DAREDEVIL (Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, 2003)
(Jesus:) Daredevil is a fantasy--the story of a handicapped hero trying to save his city and righting wrongs. It's too good to be true in the sense of the hero's abilities and special powers, his good looks, and his abilities to keep his life together. It's entirely unrealistic, of course, being based on a comic strip. That's to be expected.
There isn't a particular outstanding quality or moral to this movie that makes it really worth watching, considering the violence. While the main character is good and trying to do good, and in a sense sacrifices his own life, energy, and strength for the good of others, aside from that, the movie is riddled with typical comic-strip-turned-movie violence. It's not feeding or even that inspiring.
Because of the fact that the "hero" hangs around a Catholic church, it gives you the impression he's godly and being used of Me. But as he himself questions, can you fight evil with evil? The path that he takes is wrong, as vengeance is Mine, but those who don't know Me often try to take things into their own hands. Of course violence begets violence, and hate and bitterness can only hurt and destroy.
No matter what the problems of the world, My love is the answer. That's why you, My physically weak brides and ministers of love, can do much more to change the world than any so called "superhero" ever could. They try in their own might to make things right, but that path is usually the path of violence, and in the end, the root of the problems aren't solved.
My children should pray and seek Me before taking in such input.
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sponsor a mag
Hi, everyone in Grapevine land!
All of us at the Activated India desk send lots of love and heartfelt thanks for your continued financial help towards subsidizing the costs of the older Activated mags! In an earlier Grapevine ad, it was noted that we've been selling these magazines to the Homes at a subsidized price. In essence we have been selling them at a much lower price than we paid, believing that the Lord would make up the deficit, which is slowly but surely being done! PTL!
As noted in the GN "2003, Here We Come!" the Lord did miracles in helping the Homes get out most of these mags. Though we still have a ways to go in covering the costs, we are very encouraged that the Word is going forth into the hands of the needy.
If you would like to send a donation towards the cost of these magazines, please mark clearly on your TRF: Discounted Mag Sponsorship to Activated India Desk (IA77).
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We also wanted to thank everyone who has been helping with our subscription sponsorship program. We are receiving more and more requests as the magazine gains popularity. Following is just one of the many letters we receive every month from people who ask us to help them with a complimentary subscription:
Dear Priya,
I received the first issue of your Activated magazine. Thanks for the same. I am unable to subscribe now, as I lost my job six months back. I am in a wreck with no money to study further. I have only little knowledge in computers, which is not sufficient for any job placements. So please excuse me for the time being. Financial problems are haunting me daily. If only there was some help from someone--some sponsors. Everything is possible with God.
With thankful and prayerful thoughts, I remain yours.
--Lovingly, Jacqueline
We also receive some beautiful letters of appreciation from the recipients of the sponsorship program like the one from Dr. James below:
Very loving greetings in Jesus Name, We are writing to thank you for being kind to send a copy of your published magazine to our free Christian Library. Your magazine is a source of spiritual blessing to many who are regularly reading it. Through it, we are coming to know many spiritual truths and insights. It is motivating and strengthening many spiritually.
Thank you with much gratitude.
If you would like to send a donation towards sponsorship of a subscription, please mark clearly on your TRF: Subscription Sponsorship to Activated India Desk (IA77).
Thank you so much for your help. We really appreciate it.
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help wanted
The Family Missionary Institute and Literacy Center, South Africa
For four years here in South Africa, we have been faithfully teaching literacy classes in a squatter camp to adults denied an education either because of Apartheid or because as children, when tragedy struck, our students had to become the breadwinners of their families. We have also built a food garden out of a rubbish dump in the middle of a squatter camp and now vegetables flourish and feed the hungry where before there was just tin cans and rubble.
We have a Bible study group of around 40, and 10 people have just finished the 12 Foundation Stones course. We have a Sunday school of 30 children, some of whom are young teens who are eager to do something for Jesus. However, we labor under very difficult circumstances and our water and electricity supplies are uncertain and we have no toilet or proper washing facilities and we borrow classrooms for our lessons.
We would like to ask you for help! We have the opportunity to set up a permanent Bible school and literacy center in Diepsloot where we work. It will be totally upfront "The Family," and we will use the center for all our projects including our feeding program, which helps over 120 families three times a week. It will also act as a shining example of The Family to academics, visitors and the hundreds of people we are following up on from the World Summit. It will also act as a center for the distribution of Activated, as well as training national Activated distributors.
Would you like to help this extremely worthy cause? We need to raise $3,000 for a modest property, with electricity, running water, toilet and washing facilities. Your gift will help to transform hundreds of lives both physically and spiritually.
Can you help with whatever you can and send it to: Gideon and Rachel, Meg, and Chris (AF1513) designated "The Family Missionary Institute."
We need your help!
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stats facts
In December 2002 the Family personally witnessed to 1.3 million people, won a quarter of a million souls, and distributed 1.8 million pieces of lit and tools (32.9 million pages).
During November and December, the Family distributed a quarter of a million tapes and CDs, half a million posters, and 25,000 videos.
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funny things do happen!
Sent in by the Family in Spain
Esty recently was making a newsletter to give to our provisioning contacts, and she wrote in Spanish the verse Mat.25:35: "Porque estuve desnudo, y me vestisteis" (I was naked, and you clothed Me), but she accidentally wrote "visitasteis" instead--I was naked, and you visited Me!
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Shine On-February 2003
TEAMWORK Per Adult Total
Rosita, Mexico 3,100 6,200
Josue/Maria, Mexico 1,611 16,105
Joy/Pauly/Phillip/Praise, India 1,500 9,000
Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico 1,219 4,875
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India 538 3,768
Faith/Josh, Thailand 535 1,070
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven, India 285 1,140
Kristina/Yanek, CIS 250 500
Bernabe/Luz, Mexico 200 600
Esther/Maria/Matthew, Kenya 162 648
Abel/Feliz/Marie, India 1,145 4,580
Christian/Maria/Michael, Japan 970 3,880
Rosita, Mexico 900 1,800
David/John/Libertie/Love, Japan 760 3,043
Spring, Mexico 650 1,300
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven, India 607 2,430
David/Lea, Venezuela 600 1,200
Daniel/Dora/Maria, Kenya 571 4,000
Claire/Joseph, Italy 560 2,240
Andre/Maria/Martin, Mozambique 540 2,700
Dust/Eman/Perla/Smile, Botswana 401 2,005
Bernabe/Luz, Mexico 140 420
Claire/Joanna/Joe, Brazil 134 672
Davi/David/Madalena, Brazil 111 333
Cephas/Melody, France 97 193
Josiah/Joy, USA 95 190
Christina/Johnny/Sunny, Taiwan 82 411
Tim/Aurora, Spain 80 160
Francisco/Joana, Brazil 77 153
David/Dove, UK 76 227
Chris/Ginny/Pablo/Paula, USA 83 747
Clowns Home, UK 37 149
Joy/Matthias/Mike/Tiago, Brazil 32 255
Ahlai/Dust/Joni/Vas, Mexico 28 165
Angie/Isaac/Ruth, SEA 24 122
Elisabeth/Simeon, Indonesia 22 91
Flower/Gabe, Hungary 17 34
Lily/Daniel/Samuele/Ester, Brazil 15 73
Dove/Maria/Svieta, Russia 14 96
Charity/Happy/Joshua, India 13 68
(End of file)