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grapes of thankfulness #54/GV 150

       I would like to say "thank you" to the Thai Lit-Pic. Without you, it would be so much more difficult for all the Thai disciples. I'm very thankful for you and all your hard work: translating, typing all the new GNs into Thai and other pubs as well. Thank you so much!
       --Thai Marie, SEA

       Glory to our singers and song writers! I am sure that the time will come when our Family's music will be played in the streets and the whole world will hear it with its own ears and know WHO THE BEST IS! `(The mega-volume on my CD player has ensured that my neighbors already know how good it is!)
       Break Away is just that brilliant! You guys are my stars! When I go to Heaven I will take my two sons with me and your CD.--And it will mean Heaven to me.
Damn the world's music! You--Julie, Barry, Vas, Godfrey, Nathanael, Emmanuel, John Keble, Russel, Gavin, Steve M. and of course, ML--are the best!
--Love (a good and calm girl), Heart, Poland

       A sincere, big THANK YOU, lots of love and appreciation to dear Anthony and Talitha in South Africa for being such wonderful "parents," shepherds, and friends to my dear daughter Kristina and "daddy," "aunty," teachers and child trainers to her little girl, Kodie. It was a test of faith for me to see my youngest daughter, a single mom, go to the African mission field a couple of years ago, and it was a great joy to see them both again during a short family reunion not so long ago. They were both wonderful samples to all our relatives and friends during this trip and from the testimonies, lessons, and all that they said and shared it was obvious that you, Anthony and Talitha, had a great part in it, really living the Law of Love, One Wife, and the wonderful principles our Family has been blessed with. I want to thank you both for being there for Kristina and Kodie, and for sharing your lives and hearts with her, making her part of your Home and your personal family, and being such wonderful stand-in parents.
       --Kristina's mom, Praise (ASCRO)

       I just wanted to send a big bundle of thankfulness to all the dear people in Bangalorewho are helping us young people with the CVC program. I know we will all benefit from it in the future.
       --Ben, 16 (of Andrew and Esther), India

       There's a young guy that we really miss around here, but we smile through our tears, knowing that he is busy serving the Lord in new and exciting places. This guy gave of his very best for our Homes' kids for many years, and I mean his very best. He bonded with them and even though it wasn't his top choice of profession, you'd never know it, 'cause to everyone else, including the kids, he looked like he was having the time of his life.
       David Shepherd, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, my hat is off to you, and we all want you to know that we are so thankful for all you did to make everything else possible. Hope you're enjoying your new field and Home!
       --Sara P., Middle East

       Dear Joanne, I just wanted you to know that I feel eternally indebted to you for taking care of my son and all three of our YCs for the many years you did. I don't think "you did a good job" is adequate enough to express the reality of what you did. Thank you for giving your life, time, strength, and energy to the three musketeers. Your reward in Heaven will be huge! You gave so unselfishly and continuously. Thanks and we love you!
       --Sara P., Middle East

       I just would like to inform all the Grapevine readers that the TCD Break Away wuz the best CD ever for me! I have tunz of friends that think the same thing. And boy, Julie Greeneyes has got the nicest and sweetest voice we have ever heard! (No kidding!) Thank You Jesus for making such a beautiful voice. Julie, if you're reading this, then know that the Salvador boiz love you so! Continue making new songs for Jesus and for us!
       --Mig and Phil, Salvador, Brazil

       I want to thank the channel who received the three books in the Seven Keys series. I recently read Warrior Lord after waiting for it for so long after reading Denith's Story. I think these three books are the best of our Heaven's Library books, along with the Blood and Freedom series. Besides being a tremendously exciting and well-written story, the lessons and spiritual principles are just what I needed. The part in Warrior Lord where Hoden is talking to Denith about the doubts he's experiencing hit me just like the Word does when it strikes at the root of a problem. I typed the entire page out and printed it and hung it on my wall to read every day. Whenever I ask someone if they can guess where it's from, they say "Recognizing and Resisting Pan?" I just can't say how much I enjoyed those books. Thank you, our dear channels and Heaven's Library team! WLY!
       --David (15), USA

       We want to say a BIG THANKS to the dearest brethren in Switzerland: David, Heidi, and David of theSKY Home; Jonathan, Priscilla, and David; German PC Home; and Abner, Mary, AJ, and Anita--for all their help during our recent fundraising trip. They gave us places to sleep without any prior notice when we weren't able to provision a hotel, they fed us, they shared their provisioning with us, they made it possible for us to check and write e-mails, and they prayed for us--all of which contributed to a very fruitful trip. A trip that made it possible for us to buy a desperately needed van for our Home in Russia. THANK YOU from all of our hearts! We love you very much!
       --Jan, Faithy, and the Aster Home, Russia

       With all our hearts we also want to send special GRAPES OF THANKFULNESS to our precious friends who sent us donations in answer to our plea: Simon and Naomi; Abe, Love, and the Garden Home; Andrew, Miracle, and the Oasis Home; Meadow Home in France; Sunflower, Pearl Gate, and White House Homes in China; Traugott; andthe ones whose names we didn't receive. Your concern touched our hearts and your gifts made a real difference! We love you very much!
       --Jan, Eva, Gloria, Ben, and Faithy, Russia

       We want to put in lights three wonderful young people: PAWEL (13), MIRACLE (12), and KASIA (10), of Jan and Eva. Due to some unexpected reasons, they were left Home for a month with only Mommy, who was eight months pregnant. So they took care of Mommy, who often couldn't even walk because of serious varicose veins; they took care of their younger brother and sister; they cleaned the house, cooked meals, washed dishes, and faithfully did their school! They passed the test of maturity with flying colors! Thank you for taking up the challenge and giving your all during this time when Daddy and all the other adults had to be away. We love you!
       --Mommy, Daddy, Ben, Faithy, and Gloria, Russia

Re: Taipei city Christmas party 2002!
(See GV #149.)
Special recognition and appreciation to each committee member (Crystal, Johnny, Christina, Mercy, Jason, Mary, Peter, and Maggie) who in spite of their busy Christmas push schedules showed up for the planning meetings and took it upon themselves and their Homes to help see the event through.
       Thank you, dear Johnny, for helping with coordinating so many technical details, driving and helping to find the place along with dear Vicky. Thanks to Mary, Johnny, Maggie, Mercy and all those who helped to provision food and drinks. Thank you, Peter, for helping with the sound system and picture taking
       Dear Crystal, thanks for doing the emceeing.--Great job, by the way! Thanks, Jason, for preparing such a beautiful PowerPoint presentation. And thanks to all those who contributed witnessing pictures for the presentation.
       Thanks to the cute four little angels (Alyssa, San-San, Florence, and Betty) who sang beautifully for all, and to their choreographers Gioia, Lara, and Vicky who emceed their show and helped to prepare the audience for the salvation prayer.
       Thank you, Will, for filming the event and Andy for working on editing it so we can watch it in the near future. Thanks to those who put the program sheets together. Thanks to Sweetie for manning the tools/Activated table! Thank you also to our faithful minstrels: Titus, Dan, Johnny, and Saskia for leading the carol singing.
       And all those who attended and helped out with setting up, greeting, witnessing, cleaning up, etc. Thanks also to all those who stayed by the stuff and thereby made it possible for your Home members to attend and help out. GBY! And a special heartfelt thanks to each Home who contributed financially to make the renting of the room possible.
       --Esther Claire (SGA), Taiwan

       We want to say a huge "hurrah!" to the ones that made the CD Break Away possible. The words of Vas' songs are terrific and have that revolutionary spice that makes our songs so different from other Christians. Thank you, Vas. WLY! Thank you, Gavin, for your style of singing and the words of the song "Invisible Guide," I just love it. Keep it up! Godfrey and whoever helped to make the song "My Little Rose" upbeat--it was super duper! GBY! I liked that idea of using those oldie-goldies songs with more defined beats. Thank you! Thank you, Emmanuel, for your cool music and different styles, yet so in the Spirit; thank you, Julie G., for your beautiful songs too. I love you and thank you all.
       --Maria (an FGA super happy and appreciative of our Family music and inspired Family musicians), Colombia

Re: Monterrey Family serves 3,000 meals
(See GV #149.)
I would like to thank Esther, a special friend of mine (also part of the Rescate Home), for jumping in there and doing all last-minute calls, getting things like the drinks, meat, just those little things! Ha! You have always been there when I needed you. Thank you!
       Also I would like to thank April for staying home with the children and being by herself that day. Thank you for always supporting the different projects and being right behind it. We would never make it without you!
       Amanda, thank you for taking the pictures and for your inspiration, support, and encouragement, and for taking your time to get out all pictures to all the Homes after the event.
       Thank you, Phoebe, for getting the banner and helping to organize things, and taking good care of Kami (a friend). Sammy and Rosita, thank you for bringing the cakes, even though you couldn't be there because you were in quarantine. We love you! Thank you, Jose and Luz, for bringing toys and being such a help.
       Disclaimer: If I forgot anyone it's because I'm getting old! Ha!
       Monterrey Family, thank you!
--Morningstar, for the Rescate Home, Monterrey, Mexico

       We would like to say a big thank you to Paloma (of Dan) who took the time to come and help train our teen girls and children in singing and dancing. The results were happy teens, many souls saved, and grateful parents! We would also like to thank Paloma's Home and husband for sparing her to help us!
       --Paul, Faithy, and Home, United Kingdom

       We want to thank the Lord for raising up the children and young folks in our Home to do a puppet show (which was on tape in Romanian), as well as put together a caroling team. This touched many people's hearts and lives and won many to the Lord this Christmas.
       We want to praise Lisa and Marianne (SGAs), as well as Bex (16), Eva (13), and Jonathan (10) for their many hours of investment in getting this puppet show together without any adults needing to help them. Also Dan and Peter (Romanian nationals) and Nathaniel (11) for their efforts in being the clowns and emcees during the shows. You all did a GREAT JOB and we are soooooooo proud to have such a wonderful team to work with! We love you dearly!
       --Love, Tabitha and Tim, Romania

       Something deep inside me wants to let the Family know that I am so blessed and thankful for my dear ex-mate, Stephane, for his continuous support and care for me and our youngest son. Also, to his wife, Rose, for lovingly and faithfully taking care of the kids. This goes also to Peter and Hannah, Emman and Claire. You made me feel so loved. I am eternally grateful to you, my co-workers in the Lord. GBY!
       --Jessica PI, Reunion

       We want to send a HUGE grape of thankfulness to all the Homes in Chennai and we'll list them by names: Simon and Sunny, Samuel and Sara, Bobby and Faithy, Phillip and Praise, Pauly and Joy, and all their wonderful kids for making our time there very memorable and helping us when we needed them most. We want to make special mention of our appreciation of the Homes' wonderful sample of united, selfless giving and outgoing concern for their brethren in need, to which we're greatly indebted. God bless you guys! We don't know how to repay you but we're deeply grateful and highly impressed by your sweet samples. May our dear Husband keep your love cups overflowing!
       --With much, much love and admiration, Luis, Rosa, and kids, India

       Dear Robby and Michele, we miss hearing from you, maybe your computer is on the blink, but we in our Home wanted to again thank you for your help to the field here in Africa. It goes a long way! We realize it's a sacrifice for you sometimes, but we really, really appreciate your kindness. We'd love to hear from you. Thanks also for your kindness in buying the Scrabble board and the chocolates. What a sweet, thoughtful gift to me. Thanks for staying faithful through the years. We love you!
       --Love, Crystal and team, Senegal

(End of file.)