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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 150; March 1, 2003.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2003 by The Family

FAQs regarding the Aurora Catalog 2003 … page 2
       Notices and requests … page 3
       Have you lost the "high"? By Mama … page 4
       Feast 2003 reactions … page 5
       "Uncle P." speaks out … page 10
       Your Activated testimonies … page 12

, born to Nicole.--Japan
       Michael, born to Paul and Crystal on December 18.--PACRO
       Brian Ajani, 9th child, born to Marie and Oli on January 12.--South Africa
       Maryangela, 3rd child, born to Victoria and Jonathan on February 2.--PACRO

       Samuel Francis and Marie Claire
tied the knot on May 11, 2002.--Thailand

GP European Family Web site--now online

       Visit www.thefamilyeurope.org to find pubs and news in around 24 languages! The site is a work in progress but we're already getting inspiring reactions. Do encourage your friends to visit!

Free Activated mags 1-3?

By the WS GP department

What's the deal as far as giving the first three Activated magazines for free? Originally the offer was that anyone who got saved could get mags 1-3 for free, and then we'd send their address to the Activated desk. I heard that might be changing?

In counsel with the GP board and the Activated desks, and after hearing from the Lord about it, we have discontinued the policy of giving three free mags to those who don't actually subscribe but who just send in their address. The reason for this is that after analyzing the stats for the last few years, we realized that very few of those who receive the three free mags end up subscribing by mail (as we originally hoped they would). Because we've tried to keep the subscription price as low as possible in each area, financially it isn't feasible to continue to send out three free mags to those who don't subscribe. The extra cost would have to be figured into the subscription price for those who do subscribe, raising that figure.
       From our research, it's been evident that the personal contact by a Family witness/salesperson is usually what is needed to get people to subscribe. That is preferable anyway, because it means that the person subscribing is being personally witnessed to and followed up on by a Family member, not just left to subscribe on their own if they remember to get around to it. That person is also then more likely to be further fed by future visits by the Family member who subscribed them to witness to them and sell them tools, etc.
       Some Activated desks have already discontinued making the three free mags service available, and the others will be discontinuing it soon.
       (Note: If someone subscribes to Activated, they do still get three free mags as a "bonus," since the first year's subscription includes a total of 15 issues rather than just 12 issues. The second year and subsequent subscriptions are for 12 issues.)
God bless and keep you Activated!

God on God
available for Family distribution!

By the WS GP department
By now you've probably heard via the Grapevine and the "2003, Here We Come" GN, about how God on God has been selling in India via Penguin Books, India, TTL! We are hoping to get it out through other publishers in other parts of the world as well, and it is now being made available for Family distribution. It's a terrific witnessing tool, and if you haven't read it yet yourself, you'll want to! It's a fun and feeding read!
       You can contact your PC to find out whether it will be available to order from them (not every PC worldwide will carry it since it's currently only in English). If your PC won't be carrying it, then you can order copies from the EAD (contact them at: orders@getactivated.co.uk).
       If this book isn't suitable for distribution in your area, either because you live in a sensitive country or because it's in English only, you may still want to order a few copies for your Home and closest friends (who read English). (Note: The text file is posted on the MO site for your reading pleasure: http://www.familymembers.com/pubs/ab/en/39/txt/ab_39.txt.zip.)

New GP book on Evolution

By the WS GP department

       We've recently completed and printed a Get Activated book titled Evolution: Fact or Fable? including lots of interesting insight, updated information, and convincing scientific arguments on Creation vs. Evolution. It's a great tool especially for university students, and anyone interested in evolution.
       You can contact your PC to find out whether it will be available to order from them (not every PC worldwide will carry it since it's currently only in English). If your PC won't be carrying it, then you can order copies from the EAD (contact them at orders@getactivated.co.uk). (Note: The text of this book is posted on the MO site for your reading pleasure: http://www.familymembers.com/pubs/ab/en/40/txt/ab_40.txt.zip.)

       Q: Could we have shiner lists for Activated mags? They're much meatier publications than posters, tapes or videos, which Homes get mention for.

We agree that credit should be given for distribution of Activated mags, as much as or even more so than for the distribution of our other tools. The only reason why we haven't yet been able to publish these stats is because, while the TeleTRF program has a place to log these stats, the program which the offices use to compile the stats from the TeleTRF is still being updated. We are working on updating this office stats program, and as soon as it's possible to do so, we will start publishing shiner stats for the distribution of Activated mags.--Then all you wonderful Activated distributors will start getting the recognition you deserve for obeying the Lord's call and getting out those meaty mags!

PGP your newsletters, please!

Dear Family,
       GBY! We would like to ask a favor from all our on-fire missionaries.
       We sometimes get power-packed e-mail newsletters with testimonies and pictures, and we appreciate them a lot. However, our Home is in a Muslim country where these types of activities are prohibited, and where it can mean the closing of the work! Other Homes around the world are probably in a similar situation.
       Would it be possible for those who would like to send their newsletters to us to please make sure you close the file in the recipient Home's PGP key? If they do not have our PGP key, we would be happy to send it to them upon request, for the sake of security. Please put yourselves in our shoes. TYSSM! WLY!
       --a Home in Turkey

Bible class activity

       Victoria (21, of David), Brazil: We had an inspiring one-day fellowship with our young Active members and catacombers (16-21). We invited them over for the evening and enjoyed a sandwich/salad dinner together. After dinner we had a fun inspiration, singing songs that started the Revolution, followed by Loving Jesus songs. We also prepared a skit, performed by Tiago (20), Jeremias (18), Peter (17), Alissa (15), and David (13), taken from the tract "What People Get High On," by David Komix.
The next morning we had a special breakfast laid out for our guests (French toast, chocolate sauce, milk, coffee, etc.). Next we got together for devotions, with lots of inspiration and praise songs, followed by a Word class on the power of prayer and hearing from the Lord, prepared and led by Susana (20). The rest of the day was followed by barbeque, get-out, and personal time with some of them.
       Of course, all this would not have been possible without our backup help in the kitchen, cleaning, organization, etc. BIG thanks to Jenny (FGA), Diamond, David (23, of Victoria), Steven (11), James (9), and all those mentioned above.
       It was a whole lot of fun! You should try it too!

* * *

Have you lost the "high"?
By Mama

Dear Family,
       I love each one of you so much. Peter and I are so proud of you for taking the Lord's challenge in Feast 2003 seriously. We've been hearing from all quarters how you're committed to making this Word revolution a reality in your lives. I know this doesn't come without sacrifice for nearly everyone, and because of that, I appreciate your obedience to the Lord all the more.--And just think of how happy you're making Him!
       Many of you are beginning to testify of the wonderful fruits that taking daily, quality Word time is bringing into your lives. We're very inspired to hear how the Lord is fulfilling His promises as you do your part. Of course, it's also a fight, and I imagine that many of you are struggling to maintain your personal commitments to the Lord in this regard. It is difficult. It is a battle, and the Enemy is fighting hard to try to keep you from making this Feast's focus a solid habit in your life. He wants to pull you away from the Word. It's his greatest enemy!
       Another ploy the Enemy loves to use is to tempt you that you're not "feeling fed" or "inspired," and thus, what's the use of devoting all that time to quality Word anyway? You may have initially felt a spiritual high or special connection with the Lord during the Feast days, but now that you're back to the daily battles of regular life, you might wonder if you've missed the mark somehow. Maybe you wonder if you're the only one having to take it by faith. After all, everyone else seems to be inspired and refreshed.
       Sound familiar? If so, this personal prayer and prophecy, received by one of my staff members, will be an encouragement to you. Take heart, dear ones, and keep fighting to put our wonderful Husband and time with Him first, even if you don't "feel" anything! Don't let yourself be buffeted by the Enemy's lies! And as the Lord says, just keep obeying! He will bring the victory and you will be strengthened in spirit as a result of the quality daily time you spend in His Word.
       Claim the keys of perseverance, focus, concentration, determination, and obedience to make your Word time an unbreakable habit. It's your priceless personal time with Jesus every day. Don't miss it!

With love in our Husband,

(A staff member's prayer:)
Yesterday and today I just haven't really felt like I've been super fed from my times in Your Word. I've done it, I've obeyed, but I've lost the "high" I felt during the Feast and the first few days after. Is there something wrong with me?
       [Our shepherd] shared a comment from someone who said, "I just wanted to let you know how absolutely WONDERFUL and FANTASTIC it's been so far this week!! It makes me really want to get up early and have that quality time with the Lord in the Word! It's like a reward to be able to sit down and do that first thing in the morning! Now that we've had that yummy butter on our sweet potatoes, we don't want to give it up! Really, it's made such a difference, in light of this new Word revolution, and I don't want it to stop!"
       I have felt inspired, and I have had the feelings of being fed, refreshed, and strengthened through Your Word most of the time. But the last few days have been very difficult, and it's honestly all been by faith. I've obeyed by faith, even though I haven't felt a big difference. Is there something wrong with me that I'm not feeling this constant "high"? Is it an attack of the Enemy or something I'm doing wrong?

(Jesus speaking:)
At this time, the Enemy has been allowed greater power to tempt and hinder. After the Feast, he came before My throne, accusing you, My children, as the accuser of the saints that he is. He stood before Me, gloating, snickering, demeaning and belittling the Feast, the beautiful time you had in My Word, and the strengthening of spirit it caused in the Family.
       He accused you, saying to Me, "What makes You think Your children are going to obey this time? What makes You think they're really going to change, that the Word will become a solid part of their lives? They've had so many warnings before, so many revolutions, and yet they continue to neglect You. What makes You think that this time it will be any different? They're going to fail. They're not going to make lifelong changes."
       He sneered and ranted and raved in My presence, telling Me that My children wouldn't make it. And so I granted him more leeway to test and try you, My children, to prove your determination, resolve, and faith. Just like I allowed him greater power to test and try Job, so has he been allowed greater power for a time in the area of attacking and testing your resolutions to put My Word first, to make lasting changes in your lives. I allowed him extra leeway because I have faith in you, and I know that you will obey Me no matter how hard he tempts you.
       You've felt his increased attacks and tests, My love. If it's not one thing, he'll attack with the other. He's attacking with circumstances beyond your control that tempt you to neglect some of your Word time. He's tempting with feelings of not getting much from My Word, of clouding your mind to where you don't feel the Word's effects so evident in your life. For some he's making their times in the Word a much more difficult struggle to be fed, with more obstacles to overcome in the spirit.
       Right after the Feast you were on a high, and you were feeling the solid effects of the Word in your life and putting Me first. But today and yesterday you have felt like it was a real struggle, and you didn't feel the good effects of your time with Me in a tangible way. It felt like it didn't help or make a difference. This is the Enemy's attack, for he has been allowed the increased opportunity to test and try and tempt My children.
       He thinks that by tempting and trying you, that you will give up, that you will lose your resolve, that you will allow this precious gift to slip from your grasp. But he has no idea how deep your conviction lies, how strong you are in Me and that you will grow even stronger through resisting his attacks, through passing the tests, and through continuing to take in My Word. Your muscles will grow stronger. Your determination will be fortified, and your habits will be even more firmly etched in your life.
       So the Enemy, in fighting you, in testing you, in tempting you, is being your helper. And after his purpose has been fulfilled, after he has helped to strengthen you, and once he sees your resolve and determination to fight, to not give in, to establish good habits and fight on to victory, his specific attacks in this way will lessen. So don't feel bad just because today and yesterday you didn't "feel" the effects of taking your time with Me. The removal of the feelings of strength and power from the Word is an attack of the Enemy, not your own fault.
       He is only allowed power to diminish the feelings, not the facts. The facts are that no matter how you feel, whether or not you feel inspired or refreshed or strengthened, you are, if you are being obedient to Me and taking time in My Word. So don't give in to your feelings, or rather lack of them, but stand strong on My promises, stand on My Word, and know that your obedience is bearing fruit. The Word is strengthening you, whether you feel like it or not.
       These attacks of the Enemy are not going to last indefinitely, but I have allowed him a time-frame to specifically test and try My children, for in doing so I know that it will serve to strengthen them--just as his tests will strengthen you, My love.
       There's nothing wrong with you. You're not doing anything wrong--in fact, you're doing everything right. You're obeying even when you don't feel like it. You're putting My Word first even when you don't feel the effects. This is exactly what the Enemy doesn't want you to do. Each time you obey even if you don't feel like it, each time you put My Word first even when you don't feel like it's making much difference, the Enemy is defeated. Every time it's a loss to him, a sting and thorn in his side, a bucket of cold water on his fiery attacks.
       So the key is to keep obeying. When he sees that you're determined to do My will no matter how hard he attacks, whether or not you have the feelings of inspiration or elation, he will recognize defeat. He will pull back. As you resist the Enemy through your daily obedience to this Word revolution, his attacks on you will be thwarted. He will realize you're a "lost cause" and he'll know he's not going to get you to forsake the priceless treasure of your time spent with Me and in My Word, so his attacks on you will dwindle and diminish. (End of message from Jesus.)

* * *

feast 2003 reactions

       [Note: Some of these Feast reactions were taken from your personal letters to Mama. In those cases, names have been omitted.]

Bringing in the "Word tithe" gets immediate results!
By Abe and Mercy, Taiwan
The Feast 2003 Letters caused a big revolution in our Home. Lord help us, we had been guilty of not giving the Word its proper priority. So after studying through all the Letters together with our teen and our two JETTs, we knew we just had to do it. Everybody needed to have their required minimum amount of Word time, from the oldest to the youngest. Each one was assigned some P&P questions on how to re-arrange our schedule so everybody could get their time in the Word, and then we had a very fruitful Home meeting.
       Up until now our children had only averaged one hour of Word daily instead of the two hours they should have because we have put their schooling and Chinese study first, Lord help us. But now we have switched things around and everybody has to get their Word time first in the morning, before they start on their schoolwork. Those who go to Chinese school (about four hours a week) take some Word time before they go, and then they have the rest as soon as they come back instead of starting right away on their homework.
       It is a huge step of faith for us, as right now we are a single-family Home, already stretched, but we know the Lord will bless it if we give Him and His Word first place. It is so exciting to make these changes all together and the kids have really gotten the vision to dig into the Word. They all asked for their own Word notebooks and are busy writing down quotes and pasting things from the Word into their notebooks. We are grateful for the Lord's love and mercy and that He has allowed this chance to change our course.
       Well, it has only been one short week since we started our Word revolution, and the Lord in His kindness, wanting to encourage us, pulled off a number of miracles. By faith we had skipped a few outreach days to be able to concentrate on the Feast and the follow-up needed afterwards. Monday came around and a lady called and said she wanted to buy some children's CDs. She even came to our house to deliver the money and pick up the CDs. Later on she called us and was so turned on about the Treasure Attic series that she is introducing it to some of her friends.
       On Tuesday, our building's guard called us, saying that somebody delivered some boxes of clothes and fruit for us. On Wednesday a school contacted us to hold a childcare seminar. The next day we got the final okay from an amusement park that wanted us to do a number of shows over the Chinese New Year. Then, as if that wasn't enough to reassure us that we were doing the right thing, on Friday we were finally able to meet with one of our friends. We had arranged two previous meetings with him some months ago, but each time he forgot about it (he is somewhat absentminded). This time he not only remembered, but we were able to spend an hour ministering to him and when he left he gave us a large donation, almost enough to cover a month's budget.
       This showed us that even though in the physical it looked impossible to make time for the Word in our schedule and still do all that needs to be done, the Lord is able to engineer things in such a way that we can give Him first place and still do the Master's work. After all, He is more concerned about His work than we are and He'll see to it that it gets done.

By an FGA woman, Thailand
The Feast was a wonderful time of feasting on the New Wine. It is a very needed revolution in my personal life, as I had been going on in my life for the Lord, just like the guy in "Leadership Lessons, Part 1," always saying, "Once I get this project done, then I will have quality time with You, Jesus." But then as soon as I would have that project done, Obstacon would remind me of the other things I needed to get done, and so the cycle would go on. I am not saying I didn't have Word time. I did. I would have devotions and hear from Him most every day, but to get that real quality time and personal connection was rare, sad to say.
       This Feast was a wake-up call to me and a call to arms that I needed to change my ways and habits that are deep rooted. As a Home, on the second Feast day we came up with a schedule change for our Home, which includes time on most days where people can get two hours of Word--one hour private and one hour united. This means we all have to get up earlier, but when we do things together as a Home, it makes it much easier.
       I am one of those people who is a late-night owl, so for me, it is a commitment to go to bed earlier and to trust the Lord that the work I would before do at night will still get done. But as I put the Word first in my life and call on the power of the keys, He has promised that everything else will fall into place. This is very much appreciated by my dear husband who has tried to get me to bed earlier for years now!
       On the practical side, when I asked the Lord what I needed to do to be able to live in the Word more, He told me to set up a folder with my Word, memory and review system, prayer vigil book, prophecy book, checklist and pens, etc. This way I have everything together so I don't waste precious time, but first thing in the morning I can start my time with my dear Husband and Lover without having to collect all these things.
       Even though it has only been a couple of days, I already feel the difference of that extra quality time with Jesus. It makes everything go better. I am memorizing again, which I had started to do after the videos where you, Mama, had instructed us to do it, but I am ashamed to say I was not too faithful. However, now with this Word revolution and prayer to be able to be faithful in all of these areas of my spiritual life, calling on the keys for help, and praying against Lethargy and Obstacon, I believe things will be different.
       Thank you so much for putting all this down for us so clearly and for sharing with us all that a drastic change was needed in the Family, as I know it was needed in my life. I just memorized a quote from "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" to help me stay close to His Words: "Only the Word will keep you. Reading, absorbing, and applying My fresh new Words is what makes everything else in your life for Me possible and fruitful. So in that sense, it is literally the most important thing you have to do."

By David (of Liberty), South Africa
       Having been in the Family since '71, I can see the changes that have happened over the years. We have made tremendous progress in many ways, but in some areas we could do well in going back to some of the values we had in the early days.
       In the early days we had that real sense of excitement, because like that Reflections issue about riding the tandem bike with Jesus, Jesus was truly in the front seat. When somebody joined the Family, it was everybody's gain; if somebody left it was everybody's loss.
Life was tough, but we were propelled by the excitement of winning disciples. When our teams returned from witnessing we were all there to listen to the testimonies and meet the new disciples. Despite the hard work during the day, we all looked forward to inspiration time in the evening. It was where we met new people, saw some go off to departing fields, heard the latest news from abroad, got the latest info and New Wine. But most of all, as in the Letter "Have Fun with Jesus," we enjoyed our terrific inspirations together. Many of us learnt guitar in those times, not by some fancy tutor, but just watching the other brethren as they played and copying the chords.
When we went out into the streets and parks we made news and we were changing the world, visibly. The verse I used to get and sometimes now it comes back to me and helps me stick it out through the tough times is, "For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing, Are not even ye in Christ?" This brought home to me that we are one body and we need to take care of each other and appreciate each other--most of all love each other. As we take care of each other and look after each other, we are doing this as unto Jesus and He is happy.

By an FGA woman, Mexico
I always look forward to the Feast and this year was no exception, especially as I had been so very busy, and was starting to feel the results of having neglected my time with Jesus over the past few months. I was waiting for the Feast to "catch up." Little did I know that I wouldn't merely be catching up, but be challenged to revolutionize my whole life. This challenge was my heart's desire, although I didn't know it. I longed for something to happen to "force" me to get back on a more dedicated track with Jesus, and the Feast was exactly what I needed.
       It was also what our Home desperately needed, as our time with Jesus has been a weakness. In the last eight months, sad to say, six young people left our Home, and three of them left the Family. None of them were strong in the Word. All our attempts to rectify the situation were in vain, but this present call to arms and call to revolution was taken very seriously by the young people in our Home. I have been impressed by how soberly they have been reacting to it, and how sincere and deep their prayer requests were. God bless them. I was getting discouraged about the state of our young people, but their reaction to the Feast was a big encouragement.

By A. (male), Europe

       This year's Feast was especially meaningful for me, as the subject of quality Word time is one that Lord knows I have been pretty much a shamer with. I have always been an "accomplishments oriented" Capricorn, and would always find it hard to sit still for very long to get quality Word time. When I did get the time, my mind was often not there, as I was thinking about what I needed to do, problems, etc. LHM! My one salvation was my sweet wife who is totally the opposite of me, and she did her best to help me along these lines.
       The emphasis now on keeping better track of what Word we are getting, and even differentiating between what is quality and what is not is really helping me, along with the peer pressure and the chart on the wall, which keeps me convicted if I begin to slip. Best of all, though, is that I'm not just doing it out of duty, but am really looking forward to my Word time, which was one of my prayer requests.
       Memory work is another area that I had for all intents and purposes given up on, and although my aging memory is not quite what it used to be, I am again on the attack and scraping all the rust off of those beautiful verses and promises that I had stored in my heart long ago.

By Simon [Happy], Uganda

       After re-reading some of the old Letters, like "The Weakness Revolution" and others since the Feast, you realize that this message has been given many times before, but for some reason, this Feast I personally finally got the point about Word time, about taking actual quality Word time and actually getting deeply fed, and to go slow and read and mark and study. I haven't done that for many years and I realized that I have just kind of glossed over a lot of the GNs. I read them one time in devotions, I might miss half of it but I haven't been going back; maybe I would re-read it but not really study it and not get the real deep points out of it or apply it in my life and actually do something about it. Because of that and because the spiritual warfare is getting more intense and stronger, I was actually backsliding, I realized. I was getting weaker and weaker because my Word input was not sufficient. I was getting weaker and weaker, and if it had not been for this Feast I could have well dropped off.
       Having my Word time regulated, as well as my prayer time, to where I've just got to do it and have got to make that quality time every day--I just feel so different! I feel stronger spiritually than I have for many years. I'm very, very thankful for this emphasis on the Word. I think it's going to be tremendous for the whole Family. It's the one thing that can save us and give us the strength to keep going forward and to fight the battles that are ahead.

By M. (female), Europe
This Feast was the best ever! It has borne so much fruit in the lives of all the members of our Home. We have been very faithful with the charts, memory, Word time, and the Lord has taken the time to straighten out our problems and even many long-standing NWOs. He has also helped us to face new challenges with new energy and learn to truly rise above the problems, having His mind, being there for each other, helping to see the spiritual warfare and being able to really fight in the spirit. Life in general has taken a turn for the better. We've had our tests and battles, even disappointments, but we clearly see that when the foundation is right we are able to rise above.

By Tender Joy, Islamabad, Pakistan

       The Feast mailing has given me a big boost for the Word. I had a desire for the Word before, but it feels different now. It's like I have a stronger vision, increased motivation, bigger desire, and a greater drive to be and stay in the Word as much as possible.
       It's not always easy to fit everything in that we are supposed to do (1.5 hours of Word time, personal prophecy time, memorize verses, review verses, memorize keys promises, review keys promises; 30 minutes of intercessory prayer, etc.), as there is still lots of work to be done, children to take care of (well, you know what I mean), but now I am more aware of those "blank spaces" in my life that can be used for intercessory prayers. Those moments do exist and instead of dwelling on my own petty little trials (especially when compared with the brethren who may have long-term afflictions!), I have started to use those moments to pray for others more, and in the process my own problems have shrunk, or some have even disappeared.
       I now have a little notebook where I keep tabs on what I am able to do every day--reading the Word, intercessory prayer, memory and review, personal prophecy time, etc., as I want to give my all! I don't always hit the mark, but at least I see where I flopped and try to do better the next day. TTL for the Word that keeps us stirred up and going in the right direction! I am so thankful for this "kick in the pants"!

By an FGA man, Japan

       The Word revolution is great! This Feast was the greatest one for me with the most ground gained. Reading and absorbing the Word has not been my weakness, but doing and applying in some areas of my life was. Through this Word revolution, I've gotten a great victory over some things that greatly hindered my effectiveness for years. I'm so happy about it. It wasn't an easy victory, but so rewarding.
       The Feast GNs were greatly sobering, convicting, and just so great! It's been the best Feast ever, and we are going on the attack in many areas to implement immediate change!

By Maria, Colombia
The introduction to us of Tola and Tor was quite a pleasant surprise for me, especially Tor. A few years ago, as a Home, we decided to have a special activity in which everyone would have time to read the Word on spirit helpers, spirit beings, etc. We also were inspired to ask and investigate about our spirit helpers, guardian angels, and so on. We then got together and shared the things we found out. Most of us already knew the name(s) of some of our spirit helpers, but the idea was to find out if we had new ones at our disposal. It was a fun and edifying activity as we delved into the Word and Heaven.
       At that time, I personally received a bit more information regarding a long-term spirit helper that has been with me and helping me practically since I joined the Family. But then the Lord introduced me to another spirit being, a new spirit helper called Tor. Jesus told me that He had assigned Tor to me as a help during my time living here, in Colombia. The Lord told me that Tor was a great warrior, a mighty one, and because my time here in this land was a time when I would face many dangers, strong fights, and battles (how true, ha!), in answer to my many prayers for help and protection, He had sent me (and the Home) the help of Tor.
       I shared this with my Home, and besides the different happy and thankful comments about what the Lord said, someone mentioned that the name Tor sounded like the Norse god Thor--the god of thunder. The person that made that comment wasn't trying to question my prophecy or veracity of it, but the Enemy used that comment to make me doubt if indeed I got that name and/or the help of that mighty spiritual warrior. LHM! I went to the Lord again and asked Him about the name, if I was totally off track when I asked Him about my spirit helpers, and so on. I got an inspiring prophecy and Jesus explained more on the subject, and also gave me a small and loving chiding for my unbelief. LHM!
       Since then it's been quite clear to see in my life the mighty protection and guidance that this spiritual warrior has given us. The country where we live is one of the ten countries in the world with the highest rate of crime, kidnapping, and violent acts committed on a daily basis. We've been going witnessing in places where angels fear to tread. Because of that constant fight with worry, fears, and whatnot that people here (and some times we!) have to face, we have to be very skilled with the use of the new weapons, including the teamworking with our spirit helpers. I'm totally sure that it's been because of that heavenly help--Tola, Tor, and so many other ones--that we've made it thus far. TYJ!

By M. (male), Asia       

       Thank you so much for the Feast materials. Once again the Lord is changing my life through His Words and through bringing me back to it.
       After the Feast, my Word times and prayer vigil became so feeding and inspiring. Our united devotions also has changed a lot, and the Word is becoming more and more alive in our lives. Even in this short time I can see the Lord changing and remodeling me. It's wonderful!
       It is amazing how now when I re-read some of the Letters, it feels as if I am reading them for the first time. The best part of it is that now it doesn't seem so difficult to do what the Letters teach us.
       Our prayers for deliverance and against Obstacon really did the job! It is a revolution! It is so nice to spend that time with the Lord. It is so beautiful and strengthening. I have been taking my prayer vigil first, as this was what I used to skip the most in the pre-Feast days.
       Taking that time to pray for others and to talk to the Lord is such a powerful way to start the day. I feel like intercessory prayer is not only the most effective thing we can do for others, but is also one of the most sacrificial and giving forms of love, as we give our lives and time for others without others even knowing about it. It is like a secret heroic act of love only known to Jesus and us.

By R. (female), Eastern Europe
Thank you very much for putting together this year's Feast reading material. To be honest, in a way I was relieved that we didn't get another one of those earthshaking revelations (not counting getting to know another demon in quite great detail). It's not that I don't like or believe in new revelations, it's just that I'm one of those people who is still working on making all the past revelations a greater part of my life. So the subject of getting into the Word was a very welcome part of getting back to the basics, which I was trying to do already in order to cope with, believe in, absorb, apply, and make a habit of some of our new truths. It was very inspiring and obviously very needed to get re-envisioned and re-strengthened in this area.
       I've always liked to get into the Word, but my main weakness was the quality part of it--really studying the Word, praying about it, praying about its implementation, and then putting it into practice. Sometimes we would have a push in a certain direction as a Home, or even personally, when the Lord would convict me about something, I would go on the attack for a few days, a week, or one month maximum, but then slowly the conviction would fade and that would be the end of that particular "revolution."
       I'm praying that this Word revolution will bring lasting changes in my Word habits. I want to adopt the attitude that the Word and time with the Lord comes first before everything else, and I want that attitude to stay. I believe that with everybody being his brother's keeper and reviewing our progress every so often as a Home, this revolution will become a reality.
       Hearing from the Lord about all the questions He's asked us to was quite a bit of work, but it was definitely worth it. The Lord spoke wonderfully, with lots of specific details, promises, and words of encouragement. Now all I have to do is just do it. You can only have so much reading, praying, and discussing, but then it comes down to simply doing it. That's always the hardest part, but so far so good! I can already tell a difference in my life since the Feast.
       I can see the power of the Word manifested in my life. It's like the changes happen as a result of reading, absorbing, and applying the Word. I can't explain it or understand it, but it works. As one of the keys promises says, "As you desire the milk of the Word and absorb it, you will be transformed and your mind will be renewed through the keys." It's only Jesus and the working of His Spirit.

By David (15), USA
I really want to thank the Lord for Feast 2003. It has caused such a change in my life and walk with Jesus. When we first read "What Is Jesus Worth to You?" I was very convicted and quite excited about all of the changes that this new revolution would bring into our Home. However, the Enemy began to lie to me, telling me that I already had a lot of Word time, and that I shouldn't have to sacrifice my free time to spend more quality time in the Word. I became very discouraged and a very heavy feeling set in my heart for a few days. I asked the Lord about it and He told me that this revolution would cause such a change in me and I would be so happy as a result, that the Enemy was attacking me, attempting to make me feel too weak to change.
       So I called on the keys, rebuked Obstacon and Pan, and determined to take my Word time no matter what. I put the Lord to the test, and I am so happy! Our united Word times are now so inspiring! We have one and a half hours of feeding and quality Word time each morning, followed by personal P&P time. Then, later in the day, I make sure to fit in extra reading time, memory and review time, praise time, and the inspiring requirement of 30 minutes of intercessory daily prayer vigil! I feel so much freer in the spirit and have a real desire to get back to the basics of the foundation of the Family--the Word and the freedom of the Spirit that comes with it.
       Of course, I have a long way to go, but I just wanted to share my testimony so that if anyone feels that there's too much to do, or you feel you'll have to make some personal sacrifices, don't worry! Just step out by faith and the Lord will bless your obedience and you'll be very happy!

Ideas to get more Word time--quality Word time

       *       Do you find it difficult at times to decide what to read?
       *       Got any tips that you've found work for you in getting better quality Word time?
       *       Any schedule tips toward everyone getting daily Word, prayer, and prophecy time?
       *       And anything else on the topic of this cool revolution!

       Share your ideas, lessons, and tips with all of us! Let's all help each other in making this new Word revolution a reality! [END OF BOX]

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subscribing and tooling testimonies?
It would be nice to hear more detailed testimonies about subscribing people to Activated or tooling in general, and testimonies outlining how to do it. It's great to hear that people are doing it, but knowing the ways in which they do it would help us all to do better too. We need more practical tips on what people have found to work.--By a Home in Eastern Europe

Editor: Please write in with your testimonies, tips, and/or how-tos on getting Activated subscriptions, and how you get out our wonderful tools, especially the newer ones! Include as many details as possible--and photos too! Send your articles (long or short) to fsm@wsfamily.com! Thanks so much!

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testify of your Family education!
Do YOU have a testimony about your Family education--how your CVC diploma was accepted? How you found you were more qualified than you thought? How outsiders have commented on how well-informed and insightful you are? Young people, especially, we need to hear from you! (FGAs are also welcome to write.)
       Write us at fsm@wsfamily.com today!

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reactions to the boards

By Heidi, Eastern Europe
The good news is that we're already feeling the positive effects of the board vision on a local level. Our Home and area meetings are being run more like a board meeting with more prophecy before, during, and after, and more and better fruit is being produced, with a sense of greater unity. TTL! If anyone's wondering what the bad news is … there is none! Hallelujah!

By an FGA woman, SACRO
In our area, in spite of the different personal frictions, adjustments, and personality clashes we have been through, the boards have done a lot to strengthen our work and unity. We have done much more as an area, and the work is greatly benefiting and growing because of it. The boards are a real blessing!
       For me personally, being on the CGO board has been a wonderful blessing. It has helped me channel my vision and energy, stretch my limits, and learn many new things. It has increased my faith in so many ways, as I have seen the Lord do miracles. It has taught me, and is teaching me, many lessons on teamworking, humility, sharing the credit with others, communication, etc. It is nice that in our area quite a few people get to be on the boards, and can partake in this training in leadership. Besides the challenge, the much sought-after lessons, the fruits, etc., being on the board has been a huge amount of work. We were just a few of us on our CGO board. In fact, for many months we were just two people, and it generated a lot of work.
       I like work, and I love pioneering and organizing and pushing, so I got into it with everything I had, helping organize the monthly Activated meetings, the area CTPs, the weekly Bible classes, the witnessing seminar, and finally a Christmas dinner; all this on top of my Activated desk responsibilities (which I neglected), and my own witnessing and follow-up. Things were working and were successful, but I started to neglect my time with the Lord. At first it was just a little neglect, but as things seemed to be working anyway, without taking extra time to counsel with Him, and to confirm everything with Him, I started to feel that maybe it would save time to just keep going that way. My steam was carrying me, the works, the accomplishments (the devices of Obstacon are so rightly exposed in "Obliterate Obstacon") and I started to neglect my dear Love more and more.
       When I say things were working well, I am aware that they could have worked a whole lot better, especially as far as communication and teamworking go, had I relied on the power of the keys and on Jesus more. Anyway, after a few months of intense work and little intimate communion with Jesus (I remained faithful with my Word time, but my prayer time and personal prophecy time suffered a lot), I started to feel the dryness and the drain and the squeaking in my communication with others. Praise the Lord for the Feast, it was my salvation! I am determined, by His grace, to not stray again, but to strive and put forth the effort to have a solid quality time with Him every single day.

       Editor: Have anything to say about the boards and how they're working in your area? Write in and let us know! Send your comments, ideas, thoughts, suggestions, and appreciation to gv@wsfamily.com!

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letters to the editor
Re: WS book printing attack day

By Micah 6:8, Thailand

       I just wanted to write a short testimony re: the "Attack Day" for WS. We used the "Mottos" as our main tool that day and one of the friends we approached was so turned on by them that he took 100 right on the spot, so we were able to send 10,000 baht (US$230) from that to WS. TTL! We know that He really anointed that day and we can't wait to hear the results of the Attack Day worldwide.

       [Note from WS: Thanks to those of you who've taken part in the book printing attack day. One area will still be having their attack day and some results are still coming in from other areas. So far it looks like we might hit our goal, God bless you. As soon as all the results are in we'll print them in the

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       Healing key:
Intercessory prayers combined with the power of the keys becomes an unstoppable force to answer the requests of those in need of healing, supply, strength, and faith. I will answer the prayers of My children and bring forth the needed miracles in their lives.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Martin and Angela; Argentina:
A friend asked for prayer one day for her 17-year-old cousin, Fatima, who has had five operations on her heart. They have put in numerous pacemakers, and the last time one of the pacemakers failed, so for about a year she had suffered from an infection that was diagnosed as terminal, but they couldn't operate due to this infection. Fatima didn't have the financial resources to have another operation, or for new pacemakers.
       So I told our friend, "Let's pray and claim the power of the keys for a solution." The following morning, the infection was gone, and the doctors couldn't find an explanation for the sudden healing. Then the Lord used someone to take Fatima that same day by plane to Buenos Aires, where she was admitted into a special heart clinic and had new pacemakers put in. In less than 48 hours the Lord had answered all of our prayers! Thank You, Jesus, for giving us this power. We will be known as the people of the keys!
       By Ben and Dove (update on Abi):
Dear Family, God bless you all that have been praying for our daughter, Abi, in jail for the last one and a half years. The Lord has been keeping her in answer to your prayers and she was finally granted her extradition to Canada, and was told she should be there in no more than three months. This is a real victory as the law in Canada is more lenient, and she can be out on parole shortly after she gets there instead of having to stay in prison for three more years in São Paulo. PTL!
       We know this was a real answer and victory through the keys and we would like to ask every one of you to please continue to pray for complete victory and total deliverance for Abi--protection, perfect timing in her extradition, the right location to go to in Canada, easy adjustment to the new situation, right spirit and positive frame of mind, to find her calling with music, and most of all a thankful heart full of His love and happiness.
       Also for her friend in jail--for the Lord's supply for her ticket and needs and a miracle for her legal situation to get worked out so she has a place to go and doesn't need to go to jail again in her home country. Pray also that through all the miracles the Lord will do, her friend will get saved, and that their faith will be strengthened as they're touched by His love.
       We know the Lord has started a good work and through the power of the keys will perform it to the end as we continue to pray. Thank you for fighting with us for Abi and her friend. We love you so much and truly appreciate your love showed by your prayers!
       By Libertad, Venezuela: For eight months I'd been having strong pain in my heart, and I would have to lie down most of the time and wait for the pains to pass. During the Feast I asked for prayer to be healed, a week later I went to the cardiologist who did an electrocardiogram and said, "You don't have anything wrong." From that day on I've been completely healed!
       Another healing miracle was that for two years my hips had been very painful, as I had three herniated discs. My prayer request came out often in the prayer list, and I got a letter from Mama with some prophecies from Jesus and Dad, who promised my healing (this was in June 2002). At that time I would have to take two pills every day to relieve the pain, which sometimes didn't work. Then in October 2002, one day I noticed that I didn't have the pain, and I hadn't taken the pills to relieve the pain. TYJ! To this day I still have no pain; I am healed!

Europe and Africa
(of Christina): Heart pains, pulsating headache in the back of his head causing nausea and dizziness; liquid in his knee.
(outside member in Zimbabwe): Imprisoned for 18 months on false charges. Pray that a lawyer takes up his case and that he survives his prison term without getting infected with HIV.
       Emanuel (of Daniella): Undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C; for strength and energy. He is already feeling better, thanks to all of your prayers. When he saw the doctor recently, the doctor said that he has had some of the very best results of all his patients. People also keep telling him that he doesn't look sick at all, which is a miracle, since the treatment is pretty rough. His diabetes doctor said that he is among the rare 10% who are controlling their diabetes.
       Sharon (22, of Andy): I wanted to ask for special prayer for my fourth pregnancy, as it will also be my fourth C-section. The doctors are afraid of giving me another C-section as they say there's a very high risk. The baby will have to be delivered a lot earlier in order to prevent too much danger to the uterus, but they're still very reluctant in letting me have it. Even my doctor told me that all I can do is pray and leave it in the Lord's hands, 'cause they can't do much about it.
       The Lord said that a lot would depend on prayer and the power of the keys, and how much we wield them. The Lord said that He has a special plan and that He wants to use it as a testimony of His power and the keys that override the doctors' conclusions. I'm also praying that it will be a major testimony to my relatives and grandparents as they're all freaked out about it and are asking me to abort, as they talked to different doctors to see how risky it is, and they're not very happy about it. I'm trying to speak faith to them and am telling them that I'm trusting the Lord, but of course they don't see it that way.

South America
(4, of Cristal and Phil): Calcium deposits in her brain causing convulsions and blackouts.
       Carisa (17 months, of Zeb and Kristy): Spina bifida, paralyzed from her waist down. That her shunt (tube to drain fluid from her brain) will continue operating well so that she doesn't need an operation. For her kidneys and bladder to function properly, against worsening hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidneys) and against recurrent urinary tract infections. For a good orthopedist and physical therapist to donate their services and for supply of the different lab tests and medications.

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Sending a special gift? Send your e-mail too!

       Dear Family,
       God bless you all! The TRF "special gifts" are such a wonderful means of support for many Homes around the world. And those Homes that faithfully send off their monthly gifts to needy mission fields should know that they are accomplishing more than just supporting a Home for food that month, or receiving the Lord's blessing for giving. Special gifts are many things! For example, they encourage the receiver, especially during time of financial difficulties. They make people feel that Jesus really cares, as those gifts have an uncanny way of arriving at just the right moment. They, of course, make one feel closer to those that send them, and it is for this reason we would like to make this request.
       We are one such Home that benefits greatly from the special gifts sent to us by other Homes. We try our best to thank the Homes that send us their love gift, as soon as the gift arrives. However, we have found it difficult to thank some Homes that help us with special gifts. If we don't know the e-mail address of these Homes, we have to send our thank-yous via the ABM's, but often it's hard to tell if the Home actually received the thank-you. We would like to encourage Homes to send in their e-mail address when they send off their special gifts so that the Homes on the receiving end can make extra sure that the gift was acknowledged.
       We love you and wish to thank all the Homes that send special gifts to needy mission fields each month, or any month for that matter. May God richly bless your faith!
       --Love, the Home in Liberia

       [Note: In the TeleTRF, when logging in a special gift, the field called "Our Name(s) or Home" can be edited to add in your e-mail address, if you wish.]

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Looking for Jeho and Consuelo's Home phone number. Need to get in touch. Thanks.--Ezekiel Son. My e-mail is: ezejasper21@yahoo.com.

, who was in the NUT Home before, you left a suitcase in Dresden. I still have a small box with pictures AND video camera cassettes from you. Do you still want them? Please contact Crystal at: ch-sturm@t-online.de or anybody who knows about her. Thanks!

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help wanted
Hi! I'm Angelique (18). I've lived in Thailand all my life and now the Lord is leading me to move on to the Middle East.
       I am currently living in a Service Home where we have over 20 kids and I've been a full-time childcare worker. I was invited to the Middle East to join a "behind the scenes" Home, and also to help with childcare. I'm hoping to move in March, but I would need some kind of miracle to raise the funds, about US$900, as I'm with the kids every day.
       If you would like to help me in any way possible, I would really appreciate it! Please contact me via the Thai SC. Thanks so much! God bless you!--Love, Angelique

Dear Family,
       WLY and feel privileged to be working alongside you, in this last great move of the Lord's Spirit. Thank you for all your love and prayers and encouraging samples--they help us very much!
       We are a newlywed FGA couplewith a baby on the way! At the Lord's leading, we just joined forces with another couple and are in a pioneer situation in a sensitive field. The Lord has been leading us step by step, and we've already begun to meet some precious sheep here who've never really had someone share Who Jesus is to them!
       We wanted to put out a "plea" along with our prayers for any "gifts" towards our baby fund for Melissa's upcoming doctor visits, hospital stay, delivery, etc. We're in a very expensive place, and all the funds we're getting now are being directed towards our pioneering efforts. Thank you so much for considering it!
       Please send any gifts via your TRF to Pierre and Melissa at CN646. If you'd like to write us, you can send your e-mail (and PGP key) to pcdesk@attglobal.net and note that the e-mail is for Pierre and Melissa at CN646. WLYSM!
[Note: Due to the sensitivity of this country, pen names have been used. To ensure that your gift sent via the TRF or the PCDesk reaches the intended recipients, please be sure to include their Home number. Thanks!]

Hi all!
       Much love and greetings from sunny Botswana. My name is Kelvin Zambian, based in the fruitful field of Botswana, Southern Africa. I've been here for about a year now and have been blessed with a wonderful team to work with. TYJ!
       In light of expanding our work here, we have need of a small car to get around in. We go out every day pushing Activated and we distribute 1,000 Activated mags a month and are getting more and more people to subscribe. We distribute tools, do CTPs, and give Bible studies at the university of Botswana. We want to ask you, our dear Family, who might have the burden to help the work in this part of the world to help us. A car has been offered to us for US$2,500. Any amount will be highly appreciated toward meeting this need.
       We need your help! If you can't be here, can you help us to reach Africa? Is God speaking to you? If so, then don't hesitate. We look forward to hearing from you!
       Funds can be transferred to:
       Name: N.Patel
       ACC Number: 4023230
       Branch: Broadhurst Industrial, Gaborone, Botswana
       Or sent via TRF to the Botswana Home. Our Home number is: BO #1513, Gaborone, Botswana. Attn: Kelvin.

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"Uncle P." speaks out!

       It was one of those moments of crystalline revelation that often happens to me in kitchens. (Like when I was praying about how to prepare the carrots for dinner and the Lord told me, "Grater works than these shall ye do. …")
       In this case, the epiphany occurred while I was attempting to "bridge the gap" with seventeen-year-old Ranika (name altered because of security). Clambering clumsily down off my FGA pedestal for a while, I was attempting to engage in nonchalant, non-confrontational conversation and predictably the subject matter turned to movies.
       She mentioned she liked the movie Ten Things I Hate About You. Hastily summoning all my Generation X language I blurted out:
       "Oh yeah, cool, like wow... awesome. I liked that one too. Did you know it was based on a Shakespeare play, 'The Taming of the Shrew?'"
       Just the mention of Shakespeare produced a perfectly executed eye-roll-accompanied-by-short-exasperated-sigh.
       "Yeah, well, when I was your age,*" I parried lamely, "I actually enjoyed reading Shakespeare." *(Probably the worst possible phrase one can use to begin a sentence to an under-twenty-year-old, but we never learn, do we?)
       She replied: "Yeah, well that was when you were young and Shakespeare was, like, still popular."
       That's when the lightning bolt of revelation struck me. Now I knew why only a few days earlier JT Stan (named altered because of security) had said to me that he thought Clarke Gable was probably the most popular actor when I was young.
       Suddenly I saw it so clearly! In dear Ranika's mind, there is very little or no distinction between 1975 and 1575. It's all part of the same time period. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Moses, Clarke Gable, and me all belong to the exact same historical epoch. The pre-nineties. Even the nineties are now on the verge of fading into the mists of the dawn of time.
       A few days later I was comparing notes with an FGA buddy, an eminent professor of teen-YA psychology, having several offspring in that age bracket.
       He asked me if I thought the beginning of the Second World War was a long time ago.
       "Ages ago," I replied without a second thought.
       "Well," he went on, "for a fourteen-year-old in the Family, the Huntington Beach Jesus Revolution is exactly the same number of years before he was born as the beginning of WW2 was for us."
       That was a sobering thought. No … devastating.
       I guess there just comes a time when we FGAs (which by the way doesn't stand for Fat Graying Antediluvians) have to admit that things are different now. Language changes at an alarming rate. For example, one of J.S. Bach's most famous compositions is the ethereal "Air on a G-string." If he called it that today you would think he composed it under inspiration derived from his girlfriend's stunning lingerie.
       But I would like to hereby cautiously venture out and say that I think there are a few things we have in common, that don't change with time. A lot has been written about whether it's more difficult for the young people or the older people to commit to serving the Lord. Being an older person I guess it's hard to tell, and I'll never really know exactly how it feels to have grown up in the Family all my life and be burning with curiosity about what the outside world has to offer.
       I would definitely say that the worldliness you guys have to fight against is much better than the worldliness we were up against. I mean worldliness today is so much more professionally produced than it was when we were young. Try watching the scary part of an old movie, like when the wall falls on Danny Kaye's leg in White Christmas. It's not exactly Saving Private Ryan.
       Nevertheless, worldliness is still worldliness. Maybe for us it was listening to Gerry 'Atrick and his old-time swing band, while for you it's listening to the BACCHUS-Street Boys on your PAN-asonic Discman.
       It's not like Christianity suddenly became more user friendly with the digital age. Sure, lots has changed, but I would venture to say that the cross we're supposed to pick up and carry every day is not a state-of-the-art virtual cyber-cross with all the latest cool plug-ins upgrades and downloads, such as Cross-Carry 2002 lite from 4sake-all.com.
       I think when young people hear us ancients share our glowing euphoric testimonies of the good ol' days and the joy of dropping out, they may come away with the impression that we blithely skipped away from our old lives with all the carefree glee of St. Francis denuding himself in front of the corrupt and corpulent bishop of Assisi. (Did you ever thank the Lord that the bishop didn't feel led to follow suit?)
       But I don't remember it being exactly easy to walk away from my cherished career dream, or have old friends laugh at me, or parents rail on me, or be asked not to visit my brother's house because his wife was afraid I would corrupt his children. Somehow I think the tough times and the blessings even out in the end.
       And there's another thing which I think will tend to make us have a bit more in common with the passage of time.
       Researchers at the Institute for the Development of Inconsequential and Obscure Theoretical Sciences (I.D.I.O.T.S.) have reportedly observed a subtle attitude shift in the younger generation of the Family. The fact that Jesus hasn't come back yet and the covenant hasn't been signed (though it's obviously on the way, just not as quickly as we all hoped) is causing not a little consternation in some circles.
       There is one case I personally know of a twenty-year-old girl, Billie (name changed because of insecurity), who is praying desperately for the AC to arrive within the next three years because she is absolutely terrified of turning thirty, and wants to be sure that Jesus will come back when she's only twenty-nine. I was also hoping that He will come back, to you know, like, end world hunger and war and the oppression of the poor by the money-hungry, power-obsessed, capitalistic, imperialistic, military-industrial complex, but hey … whatever reason is good enough. … Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
       But the point is when the SGAs start to realize that they might have to one day deal with the freedom-loving, boundary-testing TGAs, then it may cause them to start being a wee bit more sympathetic to us Uncle and Auntie Methuselah's. …
       Ranika, Billie, and others like you, when I see you keep hanging in there when your best friends or brothers or sisters leave, even sometimes your parents; when I see you choose to go to a difficult mission field and give serving Jesus your best shot even though it means forsaking some of your favorite people and things; when I see you plugging away at a tedious ministry day after day when you are absolutely sure that 99.9 percent of the world's population everywhere else are definitely having much more fun … then I think I know at least something of what you're going through, and I have to say I am so proud of you--that you are willing to pay the price of being a disciple.
       Because in the final analysis, I truly believe that even though mine may look to you like Columbus' clipper ship (another of my honorable contemporaries) and yours may resemble something out of Speed 2 … ultimately we are in the same boat.
       With love, and boundless admiration for our incredible second generation!
       Uncle P.

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Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Christina Ricci, Hank Harris
       A group of college sorority girls plan to impress the school council with their charity work--coaching mentally challenged athletes. Then one of them starts to develop an unexpected friendship with one of the students.

This movie is an exposé in a tongue-in-cheek style of the shallowness of certain lifestyles, specifically the sororities. It's also a sweet and touching story about seeing past the outward appearance into the heart. The main character in this story seemed to "have it all," but was seeking the deeper things of life, the meaningful things, and ultimately true love.
       So many have so much of their life planned and figured out, or think they do, that they can't handle the detours that come along. Sometimes the detours are really just My love putting them on the right track. Shallow, frivolous life as it is so often lived in the world today, totally misses real heart and what's important in life. The rush and peer pressure to "be something" causes so many to miss the beauty around them.


Robert DeNiro, Billy Crystal
       Comedy about a psychiatrist whose number one patient is an insecure mob boss.

This movie is acceptable as relaxing entertainment for those so inclined. It makes fun of many facets of the System--from the mobster lifestyle to that of the learned doctor of psychology, and people's screwy relationships and relationship problems.
       One of the main characters being a mobster is of course not as "innocent" as it appears, and things such as people dying and killing each other shouldn't be made light of, but since the movie is obviously a spoof, it's in a way mocking the way Hollywood makes violence that's so unrealistic and ridiculous--when it's really not that way in real life. There is also a fair bit of foul language.
       Something sweet about this movie is how it shows that "the heart of man is the same" anywhere in the world, and in any class of society. Everyone, no matter what their line of work or class in life, has problems--loneliness, fear, and sadness. Everyone needs love. Everyone needs someone to really care about them. And you can't always help people through conventional means either. Everyone has their own "key" and their own special approach that works to reach them. Thankfully you who are My children don't have to experiment and work "hit and miss" when you're trying to help people, like the poor psychologist in this movie. You can actually know what you're doing and get it right from the start if you seek Me and follow what I show you.


Robert DeNiro, Billy Crystal
       Sequel to Analyze This. After a stint in prison, Mobster Paul Vitti is released into Dr. Ben Sobel's care.

This is an entertaining movie, with some good humor and even a few lessons, along similar lines as the first movie. It provides a chance to relax and have a good laugh, and it's well acted. It was done in good taste, in that it is funny but does not make fun of people in a hurtful way.
       Like the first movie, there is a fair bit of bad language, there are references to violence, and there are also some sexual jokes, and therefore this movie isn't necessarily suitable for all teens.
       If you're in the mood for light entertainment, this movie, like the original, is one to consider.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Al Pacino, Colin Farell
Suspenseful drama about a group of young men and women undergoing CIA espionage training, and beginning their careers.

For those who enjoy a good plot that keeps you guessing, and are interested in the world of spies and espionage, this movie is a good choice. It's not real violent, and it doesn't have a lot of blood and gore.
       Some good lessons and parallels are brought out. It's an example of how you can never trust anyone in the System, because you never know who is really on your side. Thankfully in the Family you don't experience that because while you're all human and make mistakes, there is a basic bond of trust between all of you that makes it possible for you to live and work for Me.
       The theme of this movie that is repeated over and over that "nothing is as it seems" is a very good one for you, My special forces in spirit, to realize. You can't put your faith, your belief, or your decisions in your senses, or your carnal reasoning.
In the case of the CIA recruits in this movie, there was no defining point that could let them know with assurance what was right and what was wrong. They could try their best to read between the lines, to consider all the possibilities, or to determine through their training and their conscience what was right or true--but really when it came down to it, there was no foolproof method of certifying anything.
On the other hand, you have the ability to know for a fact what a person's true intentions are, or what is truth in a confusing situation. You have My Word, My Spirit, My guidance through prophecy, the discerning power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the keys. With these by your side, you need never fear that you will find yourself in a situation where you are unable to determine truth from falsehood or be unsure of what is the right thing to do--for the Word, the keys, My voice and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Joshua Murray, Gerard Parkes
       A look at rural Canada during the 1950s, seen through the eyes of 10-year-old Will, who is perfectly happy as a "country boy" when his parents announce their impending move to the city.

This is an old-fashioned coming-of-age film, with some great lessons of love, forgiveness, and belief in something other than the temporal and tangible things of life.
       The main character is very resistant to his parents at first, but his bad attitude and the subsequent lessons are clear and easily explained.
       It is a movie that can help the Family kids to relate a little to System kids who have lived in the same place all their lives and don't know the joy of change like Family kids do. The kids in the movie don't have the Lord to hold on to, they don't have that anchor, so have a difficult time accepting change; it also deals with forsaking things you love and are used to. It's not easy for anyone, but with the Lord it's much easier than it is for the boy in this movie.
       There is a spiritual element regarding a white horse that will need to be explained. I wouldn't recommend repeated viewing of this movie since it does have some bad attitudes. Make time to discuss questions that might come up after your viewing.
       (Editor's note: Don't forget to both preview and ask the Lord about the movies you plan to show to your children, to make sure it's good for your children, in particular.)

(Judge Reinhold, Julia Sweeney; 2000)
       (Jesus:) There would be no useful purpose in showing this to your kids. It is quite senseless, the kid is very disrespectful, the parents don't stand for much, and the two stupid pranksters ruined the movie.

Aidan Quinn, Bonnie Hunt, Kevin Pollack
       In 1976 Chicago, a Catholic boy concludes that converting Jews to Christianity is his ticket to Heaven.

This movie shows the simplicity of a believing child's faith as opposed to the mess the church system has made with its complicated rules and doctrines. It portrays some messages that are very right on, such as the beautiful simplicity of the little boy who really wants to witness to others. It's sad, though, that he doesn't even really know how to get to Heaven himself--but still it's admirable that he goes out of his way to reach others.
       The father in the movie is like a caricature of many misguided old-bottle flatlanders who call themselves by My Name, but don't know Me at all. They mean well, but they are so dull in spirit, so lacking in understanding of what it means to even be a Christian, much less a witness. The father does have a good heart and some measure of faith, and that comes out in crucial moments. His little spiel about who God lets into Heaven was pretty right on, much in line with what you know about Me and My workings. If the movie had ended there, it would have ended more on the right note than it did. I judge by the heart, not by the person's "religion"; and I do give a chance even to those like the "Eskimo at the North Pole" that he used as an example. Of course they don't get to Heaven automatically just because they're "good people," but only if they choose to accept Me in the next life, if they didn't have a chance in this one.
       The good message in this movie is one about simple faith, and how if you want to please Me and bring others to Me, I will show you a way. It's also a good message against organized religion, and how real belief, real faith, and a real connection with Me isn't in a particular method of worship--and that's the truth.
       What is brought out in this movie that isn't true, however, is that it doesn't matter if you believe in Me or not, that My Name is just a symbol, and any symbol will do. That's what they bring out as the conclusion, and that's way off. But you, My Family, know that and that's obvious. It's not like you will be misled or develop new doctrines based on a movie like this.
       It's a good movie for some people in the Family to see for insight into how some people in the world look at these issues. It's also a good personal witnessing class in a way, showing how, if you take whatever opportunities you have, one person can have a lot of effect and a little love can go a long way. It's a sort of "change the world" lesson.
       Imagine if this little boy knew as much truth and had as much Word and training and faith as some of your children have! He could have really gone far! This movie should convict you to see how much you have, and how much you could be doing with it. You have both the truth and understanding of Me and My love and My plan of salvation; and you also have the training, wisdom, and experience to know how to lovingly present My message, even to those of other backgrounds or faiths, to show them how My love is without boundaries or borders, and there's nobody who can't get to Heaven if they really want to and if they're willing to accept Me. It's so simple! And the beautiful thing is that getting to Heaven is not a works trip, like the poor little boys in this movie think it is.
       Overall this movie is touching and convicting, but it's also a movie of mixed messages--some right and some wrong--and it's not something that you'd want to show to your children or young teens, or to friends or sheep who aren't solid in their understanding of Christian doctrine. You who know the truth so well and won't be deceived by such things, can choose the good and eschew the evil; you can enjoy the sweetness, the good examples, and the right values and points that are brought out, and while the downside of the wrong message that's getting out through this movie might sadden you a bit, it can also make you rejoice in that you do have the truth and you have the wonderful and privileged commission of sharing that truth with the world!

* * *

FAQs regarding the Aurora Catalog 2003

       Q: Will I be able to get every product included in the Aurora catalog from my PC right away?

When a new product is created and either produced by Aurora or made available to the PCs to produce locally, each PC needs to evaluate how and when it can fit into their tool stock for servicing the Homes. This depends on several factors: One is the demand there is or would be from the Homes. Often a PC will poll the Homes in their area to attempt to assess the demand. This can take some time to determine. Not every product is well suited for all countries and cultures, so there might be demand in one part of the world for a certain product but not in another. Another factor is obviously finances. If a PC doesn't have the funds on hand to invest in a new product (keeping in mind that they have to continue to stock the other items which the Homes are expecting them to carry), they may have to wait some time until they do. Another big factor is language. Often it's only worth a PC investing in a product in the local language, which may take several months longer--or more depending on the availability of translators and other resources needed to put the product into the local language--to produce than it did in English.
       Q: If a product is marked in the catalog as "available in June 2003," does that mean my PC will have this product in stock at that time?

The available date is when we plan to have a product print ready as well as available for commercial companies or PCs who may be producing it locally (some products the PCs produce locally, others are produced centrally by Aurora and sold to the PCs). However, sometimes though the product may be print ready, the actual print date is delayed beyond that date in order to allow for co-edition printing with commercial companies. (A co-edition printing is when the same product is printed in several languages at the same time, in order to save money. Sometimes there are delays in getting the translations or finished product ready in the various other languages.) The product may be ready in English in January, but we may not print it for the PCs until February or March in order to get the product ready in other languages to be printed at the same time. After that, we then need to allow at least a couple of months from the time that the product is printed to the time that it is packed, shipped (usually by sea freight), and in the hands of the PC, ready to send out to the Homes.

If a book is listed as being available in more than one format, such as hard cover and soft cover, will my PC have both? Or which will they have?

Sometimes we'll list a product as being available in several formats, because when dealing with commercial clients we want them to realize that we're versatile and have the ability to package it in different ways for different types of markets. Sometimes we'll also print in more than one format for the PCs, depending on the demand (we have done this, for example, with the Discovering Truth books in English, which are available to the PCs in both hard cover and soft cover formats). However, each PC may choose to only carry one format or the other, depending on the demand from their area and their financial ability. At other times we'll only do it in one format overall. For example, we are at first only planning on producing Grandpa Jake's Storybook in an economical soft cover format. It's listed as being available in hard cover as well, and it will be print ready, but we will most likely only actually print it in that format if there was demand for it either from commercial companies or from Family PCs. That's because it's a more expensive investment and it's necessary to make sure there is a market for it first. Oftentimes a product will be produced in one format first, and then once the Homes or commercial companies see it, the demand comes for other formats.

When will the new "Mottos for Success" number two be available?

"Mottos for Success" number two will be printed some time in 2003, but we will start with only printing it in India, for sale in India. The Family in India has sold over 82,000 "Mottos" so far, and there's great demand from the Homes and the public there for more. Many of the Family's sales have been in large quantities to companies to give as corporate gifts. In order to approach those same companies again, they need a new version. In most other countries, the first "Mottos for Success" has only recently started to take off distribution-wise. It has also been translated and printed in 12 new languages during 2002 for the first time. If a new version of a product is released, most people will switch over to the new version instead of the old version, even if the old one is still just as good. So in order to get the full mileage out of both "Mottos" number one and then number two, we will most likely delay on printing number two for other areas besides India, until the following year.

* * *

subscribers react
I have been receiving Activated magazines for a few months now, but had not honestly paid much attention to them. One day my niece, who is not the religious type, told me she had been reading them from my bookshelves, unknown to me. That's when I personally took interest, happily discovering how nice, simple, and revealing they are, and such a blessing to share with my friends and relatives. I now even use them in my Bible studies. I am so blessed to receive this special magazine.
       --Josie, Philippines

       I really hope that your efforts will bear fruit. I'm cheering for you, or to put it in your own words: I'm praying for you that you will be able to direct all your positive energy in that direction. You know, I have to admit that while proofreading Activated mags I absorb much of their contents, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Because of that I understand the religion much better and I can easier cope with everyday life. Actually I think I have become religious.
       --S. (professor, who is proofreading the translation), Croatia

       I am back home and in good health. I was in Kabale [up country]. But the bad news and why I have not communicated has been due to the sudden loss of my beloved wife, Maria. It has been hard for me to recover. But God has brought me back to life with your help and the Activated magazine which has been reaching me every month. I thank you very much for that. As the motto of the Activated magazine says: "Change Your Life. Change Your World." As Isaiah 45:22 says, "Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other."
       --Ssewakka R.C., Uganda

* * *

your Activated testimonies
Terrific response to "Mottos for Success"

By Mary Dear Fighter, India
We have been regularly supplying one of the largest insurance companies in the world with "Mottos for Success" here in Bombay. They have many branches all over the world. One of the directors had taken a few gift items from India to his London office, one being our "Mottos." Of all the items he gave them in London, they loved the "Mottos" the most and to our pleasant surprise ordered 1,000 more just for their London office.

our best seller

By Talitha Dawn, South Africa
The From Jesus with Love book is definitely our best seller. Many people who get one come back for more. One of our Activated members bought copies to give to friends and relatives for Christmas presents. She had loaned out her copy to different people and always had such a hard time getting it back that she decided to give people their own booklet. We originally gave it to her as a birthday present. We usually give our close contacts one of our books for a birthday present and they usually end up wanting more copies to give to others, as well as wanting to see what else we have that they might want for themselves.

A CD that has changed lives

By Andrew, Mary, and Michael, Kenya
We had given some friends of ours a quote CD (Thoughts to Live and Love By from "Mottos for Success") as a gift of our appreciation for all of their help and support over the years. About a month later we were visiting this couple again and we asked the wife how she liked the quotes CD.
       She said: "Who is the woman who is talking on that CD? Her voice is so powerful, soothing, and that CD has really changed people's lives." She works at a mental institution and brings the CD to work with her. Every day, they sit all the patients together in a room and play something for them to listen to, either soothing music or something that will relax and help them. She decided to play the quotes CD for all of her patients and the results were positive.
       "After listening to your CD, all of the patients were happier and calmer. They liked the CD so much. One lady came up to me after the CD was finished and told me, 'I have to leave now. I can't stay here any longer just thinking about myself. I have to take care of my children.' She then asked if she could have the CD, which I had been playing and left our institution and has not been admitted again. After she listened to your CD, she changed. She has come back for checkups and is doing very well. She told me that every day she closes the curtains in her room and listens to your CD, and it's those quotes that are helping her to make it."

Fruit of Activated

By Simon (SGA), Mideast
We have a Muslim friend who regularly helps us with fruit and veggies. Here are a few testimonies that he shared with us about the effects of the Activated mags in his life, and the lives of those around him:
       "When people come into my store and start telling me about their problems and difficulties, I am able to share stories and tidbits with them from the mags that you've been giving me! It's been really great, and people really appreciate it.
       "Even my kids are getting hooked on the mags! I was trying to tell them something the other day--sort of a lesson--and I was using a story from the Activated mags to try to illustrate my point, when all of a sudden the kids said to me, 'Oh, Dad, we know where you got that from. You got it from Activated!--We've been reading it too, you know!'"
       Come Christmastime, we went to this family's store to do our weekly pick-up, and they had waiting for us a beautiful Christmas card, a bottle of wine, and some chocolates to boot! It brought tears to our eyes, as they already do so much for us and give so much, but they said, "Well, you are like our family, and you are the ones who have given us so much in the way of your prayers, all that you have given us to read, and just your love and God's presence in our lives!--So this is just a small token of our appreciation to you!"

New ways and means

By Meek Shunamite, Slovakia
We've been trying to pioneer new ways to get out the Activovany (Activated) mags in Slovakia. We have a friend who works at the national radio station, doing programs for young people. We got her interested in reading some of the selected articles from the mags (starting with "Change the World"). She mentioned that there is a religious program on the station, and then took a set of the magazines to give to the program organizers. She also offered to give the contact number and e-mail address over the radio for anyone who would be interested in receiving a subscription to the magazine. We're getting free advertising for Activated over the radio!
       We visit offices with CDs, talk to them about our work, and leave them with an Activovany to read. The next week we follow up on them and ask if they would be willing to take a subscription.
       We've also started an Activovany club. We made up flyers offering "free English discussion meetings" with our number and e-mail included. When someone contacts us, we have our first meeting at an agreed location, such as a café. On the first meeting we give them a couple selected Reflections, then on subsequent meetings we follow up by reading selected articles from the Activovany together, reading in English, as well as giving them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Slovak translation. After they have taken the magazines, we ask them to offer sets to their friends.

It can work anywhere

By Sasha, Ukraine
While studying together as a Home on the subject of witnessing, follow-up, and tool distribution, we felt really convicted to go out and try to reach the middle and upper class with our tools.
       We got together tools (a lot of videos) and we ordered new tools in Russian--Christmas Activated mags, children's books, audiotapes, new videos, CDs and "Mottos for Success" in Russian. In four days of going shop-to-shop we sold 21 books, five Activated mags, three videos, four audiotapes, eight "Mottos for Success," eight CDs, and 10 postcards. We met some very sweet, sheepy and potential people to follow up on in the future.
       There was this mindset for a while that selling tools in Ukraine doesn't bring in fruit or income, but we can see that with the power of the keys the things that were impossible before have become possible.

Nothing's missing now

By Peter, Italy
It was such a blessing this Christmas to distribute our first Activated mag in Italian--the beautiful new Christmas mag! I gave one to all of my contacts and sheep and they appreciated it so much! Sometimes I've felt like something was missing, even if I did give out a video or a tape and got a really good donation, especially at this time of the year. But I don't feel that way any more now that we have Conttato.
       Also, when it comes to a donation, people usually give no less than 2 euros for a mag, which is the equivalent of six mags! I'm all for it! Let's push the Activated mags! It reminded me of when we used to distribute the MO Letters on the streets for a donation. We gave out so many in one day and the Lord was really blessing it because the message was getting out by the hundreds and thousands!

"Mottos"--a great success!

By Abel, Japan
This year the "Mottos for Success," especially the English-Japanese version, was one of our most popular tools! We got them out to friends, students, businessmen, and just about everyone likes this wonderful tool. One of my friends who is an English teacher and an Activated member wanted me to do his wedding for him, as well as for our local band of Francesco and Cryssy to perform. When I showed the "Mottos" to him and his wife, they flipped out and said it would be the perfect gift for all the guests at his wedding party, so they bought 40 of them. When we approached a businessman friend and his wife about how they could help our work during the Christmas season, they right away took a liking to the "Mottos" and wanted 10 of them for their friends and customers as well as CD cards.
       It is inspiring to see such a wonderfully feeding and Word-filled tool be so attractive to so many people! God bless Mama and World Services, as well as the translating staff here in Japan and the printing staff in Thailand, for doing such a great job! The "Mottos" really are a success!

is doing the job!

By Daniel and Sarah, India
Recently, when following up on our sheep and Active members in the northeast, it was exciting to see that quite a few of them have started witnessing by themselves. They are also sharing their Activated mags with others or helping get others activated. We are so thankful for this feeding magazine that makes our follow-up easier!
       We have been giving out Activated mags in sets of 20 to our Activated members as a tool to help them reach others with the Word. These mags are going further inland where we have not been able to go as yet ourselves.

* * *

An Ode to My Adams

By Dawn (CO), Hungary
Last night as I was lying with my honey in bed,
       I commented with jest at the latest "Adam" I'd read.
       You know the one about the lock-jaw kiss (see GV #139)?
       And our conversation went something like this:

       Well, first he planted a nice one, real tender and soft
       Right on the lips that were about to scoff
       And take up the spirit of the "Adam" theme
       That set me back. How could I be so mean?

       But I persisted, and tried to hold mine against his--
       Lips that is--but it still didn't fizz.
       He pulled gently apart, then I made my call,
       "That wasn't 20 minutes! Is that all?"

       I said kind of mockingly, and made ref to dear "Ad."
       He said, "Those are sexist jokes, they make me a bit mad."
       She: "But David K.'s a guy, not a girl making fun."
       He: "Be that as it may, he's still got it wrong."

       Me: "I know, but it's funny, and kind of true,
       Don't you think there's a little of Adam in you?"
       Him: "Maybe, but no more than you've got some Eve.
       Hey, what a great comic that'd turn out to be!"

       Well, the jest turned to laughter and then we just hugged,
       And kissed and caressed, and loved up and snugged.
       He proved he's no Adam in the primordial sense,
       He's not fat, slow or sloppy, and certainly not dense.

       He's sweet, loving and tender, sensitive and cares,
       He's thoughtful and giving, as his life he shares.
       His name is Phillip (nooo, mine starts with D!)
       He's the real Adam; the one just for me.
       But he's not the only one--I'm surrounded by them!
       Wonderful and loving and full-of-faith men!
       Jo and Mark and David and Sam,
       Pat and Frank and Gabe. But where's Adam!?

       Well, they're all Adams to me, but ­­not the kind in the mag,
       These guys are tops, and I'm one to brag!
       The komic's a laugh, but the real thing's the best,
       And dear David K., you're up there with the rest!

       (Editor's note: The memorable "Adam" comic strip has come to a close … but keep your eyes peeled for 2003's new series!--Coming soon!)

* * *

Shine On--January 2003

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Rosita, Mexico       2,500       5,000
       Josue/Maria, Mexico       1,252       11,270
       Charity/Happy, India       973       4,865
Elias/Mancedumbre, Mexico       500       2,000
       Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       229       458
       Faith/Josh, Thailand       155       310
       Gabriel/Jason/Mercy, Philippines       133       532
       Aaron/Angela, Brazil       113       1350
       Timothy/Windy, Colombia       100       300
       Andrew/Mary/Michael, Kenya       92       740


       Aaron/Becky/Lisa, Tanzania       1,250       5,000
       Rosita, Mexico       1,075       2,150
       David/John/Libertie/Love, Japan       879       3,517
Christian/Maria/Michael, Japan       673       2,695
       Bernabe/Luz, Mexico       667       2,000
       Elias/Mancedumbre, Mexico       625       2,500
       Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan       499       2,499
       Juan/Letizia, Italy       420       1,680
       Carole/Nora/Sharon, South Africa       400       2,000
       Spring, Mexico       400       800


       Aneta/Ben/Kelvin, Botswana       400       2,000
       Lily/Mateus/Paloma, Brazil       321       2,570
       Consuelo/Jeho/Juan, Brazil       256       1,025
Angelo/Crystal/David/Dawn/Peter, USA       228       2,277
       Erica Francis/Shawn Harvest, USA       200       400
       Francisco/Joana, Brazil       153       305
       David/Esperanza, Peru       125       500
       Clara/David/David, Portugal       97       965
       Angeles/Joao/John, Portugal       88       700
       Davi/David/Joyfull/Madalena, Brazil       79       316


       Jose/Ester, Colombia       22       66
       Ester/Joy/Matthias/Tiago, Brazil       21       167
       Pablo/Samuel/Sara, Mexico       18       90
Isaac/Angie/Ruth, Burma       17       88
       Cephas/Melody, France       17       34
       Dmitry/Irina, Russia       16       32
       Andres/Virginia, Brazil       16       31
       Elisabeth/Simeon, Indonesia       13       53
       Joao/Clara/Joana, Brazil       12       35
       Flower/Gabe, Hungary       11       22

(End of file.)