the grapevine
(Issue #15; March 15, 1997)
Copyright © 1997 by The Family
Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.
The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.
The Grapevine
PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
family info
Thai Web page
(From ASCRO:) We've been worki
ng on a bilingual WEB page for Thailand, using parts of the English WEB page. In Thailand the Internet is very much the "happening" thing -- particularly amongst the upper and educated class -- so we anticipate that it will be a tremendous witness.
Brazil booms ...
-- Shelley (18) of Benji, is pregnant with #2.
-- Rebecca, 5th child, born to Joy and Matt.
-- Daniel, 2nd child, born to Joana and David.
-- Daniel, 4th child, born to Ester and Estevão.
-- Kate Rose, 2nd chil
d, born to Crystal and Phil SGA.
-- Paulo André, 3rd child, born to Virginia and Esteban.
-- Nashelly Kay, 1st child, born to Clair SGA (of Jeho and Consuelo).
-- Dustin Allan, 4th child, 2nd son, born to Kristy SGA and Zeb Geppetto.
-- Chalsey Alina, born to Marie and Andrew (SGAs) on February 13th.
-- Courtesy of Angie, SACRO
NACRO nuggets ...
-- Timothy, 10th child, 8th boy, born to Sara and John on December 12th.
-- Savannah Skye, 6th child, 1st girl, born to Lori and Paul Ta
nnish on December 24th.
-- Shawn Kelley, 11th child, born to Hope and Josh on January 9th.
-- Andrea Cherise, 3rd child, born to April and Mike (SGAs) on January 10th.
-- Andrew Nathaniel, born to Clarissa and Ben on January 10th.
-- Jewel Anna, 11th child, born to Rose Dove and Paul on January 14th.
-- Courtesy of Dawn (SGA), NACRO Office
around the world ...
-- Alisha, born to Trusty and Jonas. -- Japan
-- Jamie, 11th child, born to Claire G. -- Japan
-- Carmen Marice, 2nd ch
ild, born to Carmen (SGA) and Juan. -- Peru
-- Victoria Flor, 11th child, born to Paloma and David on January 1st. -- Sweden
-- Amira Praise (means princess in Arabic), 17th child, born to Heidi and Gideon Shondo on January 26th. -- Pakistan
-- Vincent Ryan, 11th child, born to Margie and Jerry Paladino, on February 24th. -- Japan
-- Courtesy of parents
Photos needed
(From the GPU team:) We're so thankful for your prayers, encouragement and enthusiastic response to ou
r efforts here at the GPU. We're very excited about being able to provide you with as many helpful tools as possible, and we very much rely on your continued suggestions and ideas to make this possible.
Amongst the tools we're working on are several brochures and fliers presenting the Family's activities worldwide. As a result, one of our biggest needs at this point is good quality color photographs of these activities.
We'd like to request that those of you who are able, please send us good
quality color photos of your CTP projects, your home schooling, teen/JETT/YA activities, interesting photos taken with your contacts, witnessing shots, etc. As Dad outlines in "Pictures" (ML #104) -- preferably high contrast, interesting content, close-ups wherever possible, with good balance within the picture so as to make it appealing to the eye. Please send us any photos that you think might be good, as we can always crop them once we have scanned them into the computer.
Please try to get
in the habit of taking a camera along as you go about your various outreach ministries and other activities, so you'll be prepared when photo opportunities present themselves.
Thank you very much for your help with this. Please send your photos via the Grapevine postal address (see page 2). Or if you have access to a scanner, you could send photo files by e-mail to "". God bless you. We love you dearly.
PS: If you have already sent or are about to send photos to WS in respon
se to the request in LNF 255:2 for photos for the WEB version of the 1996 YEAR and/or other pubs projects, you do not need to also send copies of those photos to us here at the GPU. The FAR team will scan them and forward the files to the GPU. Likewise, any photos you send to the GPU in response to this request will be scanned and sent to those working on the YEAR and FAR.
Calling you ...
(From the Russian Service Center:) Did you know that ...
-- At least four Homes in Russia hav
e only Russian speakers and are desperate to have YOU come and help them?
-- We just finished printing nearly two million posters in Russian, which are now being shipped throughout the former USSR to "stockpiles," ready to be distributed by wildly willing workers?
-- Many Homes would love to reach their surrounding areas but can't, due to being understaffed?
-- Spring and summer months are GREAT for road trips throughout Russia? -- Real Pandita-Ramabai type outreach situations?
-- You ca
n get a legal "invitation" (required by Russian embassies when you apply for a visa) worked out by the Russian ABM for only $55 for three months or $100 for six months?
If you have clearance and want to come on a "Shove-Off" type mission, join a Home for the summer, or be a road team for a few months, please contact the Russian ABM team today. If you have access to e-mail, please send us your e-mail address along with your PGP/CPY key through your Reporting Office, as we can then be in direc
t contact with you! Spring is soon approaching and summer is almost upon us! We need you -- and you need this wonderful experience! What do you say? Contact us today!
(From Philip and Meekness:) Did you ever fear pioneering? Here's our story: A few months ago, the Lord put it on our hearts to step out by faith and pioneer. We had never done this before, so we didn't have any experience. The key that helped us get started was to take it all to Jesus in prayer! We read L
etters like "Meekness Dream," "Not Willing That Any Should Perish," and MOP sections like "Missionaries," "Pioneering," "Faith and Trust," "Discipleship," etc.
Seven days before our planned departure from Cape Town, South Africa, we still didn't have a car, but we kept on praying and knocking on Heaven's door for the answer. Then we met the owner of a secondhand car business, and when we explained our desperate need, he said, "Come with me, I've got something. Maybe you'll like it." He was sel
ling a station wagon (just what we needed) but the price was too high. We told him we were only able to pay two thirds of what he originally proposed, and he said, "Okay. The car is yours!"
We still needed a trailer to carry our boxes of lit and tools. So with three days left until our "great exodus," we approached a man from a trailer business who let us use a trailer for a few months for free! And our greatest adventure yet had begun!
We have been in Namibia for six months now, and every d
ay the Lord supplies our needs. Our greatest joy is to live and serve Jesus -- traveling, distributing thousands of pieces of lit, feeding the brokenhearted, finding those who thirst for the Word and truth. This is the most exciting thing we've done in our lives! It has helped our faith to grow and has taught us to "pray without ceasing," and to hold on to the Lord for dear life every day! We hope this encourages anyone who may be wondering whether to pioneer or not. When pioneering, God has a c
hance to prove Himself! And now, from experience, we can say it really is a thrill!
[Fact box: Namibia: formerly called South-West Africa, located on Africa's southwestern coast, between South Africa and Angola. Lots of deserts, but also abundant in wildlife. Climate is generally hot and dry. Population 1.7 million. Official languages: English, Afrikaans and German, but there are many local languages.]
(From Peter Bigheart [Latvian] and Esther Love [Russian]:) This month we s
ent two road teams to pioneer new cities and to follow up on some potential sheep -- covering over 7,000 km (4,300 miles) by train!
Petropavlovsk: The precious family we met on our last trip and have been ministering to through our Mail Ministry was at the train station to pick us up upon our arrival. They have five children, and were so excited to receive us for the week. We gave them daily classes, showed them the Treasure Attic videos and had inspiration and bedtime stories with the kids ni
ghtly. We gave them a Key Bible Verses booklet and taught them how to memorize. Their 10-year-old daughter told us, "Next time you come, I want to go back with you and live with the Family!"
Fifteen-year-old Dennis is on fire and sober in his walk with the Lord. We took him witnessing a few times to train him. He memorized all the songs YA Judah had recorded for him on our last trip. When they were about to drive us to the station, their car broke down; we prayed, and they flipped out when all
of a sudden it miraculously started! The whole family then got turned on to prayer!
Life is very hard in this city of 200,000, where no government salaries are being paid, and there is no electricity. We have found people to be very broken, and very appreciative of our help and concern for them.
Kustanai: Our potential live-outs, Aliosha and Natasha, were so happy to see us again, and fed and housed us for our entire stay. Since our first meeting, they had begun witnessing and implementing
everything they learned from the Treasures. We also gave them a Key Bible Verses booklet, and Aliosha memorized two full sections in a few days! He said, "All night long these verses go through my head!" We explained to them more about the Family, gave them some Statements, and encouraged them to be faithful with their praise times and morning devotions.
While there, a local TV station took three of our Kiddie Viddies and three Treasure Attics to air for an audience of 300,000 people!
adventures: From there we went looking for Mail Ministry members living in cities we had never been to before. In one remote village, we had two separate MM addresses. We couldn't locate one girl, but to our amazement, we found her living with the boy from the other address we had. They had gotten married! We spent three days with this precious couple, who live in very difficult conditions with no water, heating or electricity. They had already been postering, as they had received several packag
es of posters from Poland. We left them the remainder of our posters, and they were so thankful!
legal and media
(From Gideon and Rachel, BI Media Home:) Since the media ministry started in this country, our Home has been involved in over 300 interviews for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. Since the ruling (in Pearl's court case), it has been quieter on the media front in England, although we still make the news fairly regularly.
In the summer we were involved in an excelle
nt BBC radio series of four programs called "Cult Fiction." Conferences give us opportunities to get out the meat of the Word. We were also asked to speak on "The Family and the Law of Love" at a conference on "NRMs and Sex" hosted by INFORM in London, which was a wonderful opportunity to explain what the Law of Love actually means. When you hear about the sexual beliefs and practices of other NRMs, it makes you thankful for the truth (and you realize that we are not so weird after all!).
We w
ere asked to speak at another INFORM conference on the subject of "New Religious Movements and Money." That was a good one because we don't have any, ha! Eileen Barker invited us because we have a special ministry -- apparently unique amongst NRMs -- provisioning!
Last year we had 12 groups of students visit our Home to study us and prepare their dissertations for their PhDs. It is a bit like living in a goldfish bowl, but it is all for a good cause, so PTL!
During one busy week, we were ask
ed to: send a fax to the UN to recommend Family members to help in a disaster; write a job recommendation for an ex-member; be interviewed by a national newspaper; answer an inquiry from BBC; help in a research project; help some Christian refugees seek political asylum in this country; help parents of Family members get in contact with their children; help ex-members find their old friends in the Family; answer sheep through e-mail; and explain the "Loving Jesus" revelation to the ACM. Well, it
certainly keeps us on our toes!
(From Paul and Joy:) I recently met the reporter who covered our case in 1992. He had been thinking about us, and said he often went back to his file of clippings from that time. He asked if he could do an article on us ("The Family -- Four Years Later"), and came for an interview and pictures. The article hit the front page of the Northern Herald, which has a circulation of 85,000. It was quite favorable toward us and slammed the Department of Com
munity Services.
(From Dawn [CRO] and Emmy:) Along with Byron and Marie (VSs), we made a weeklong visit to the Home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which hadn't been visited for some time. Our team, along with the teens and JETTs, helped to keep the Home fires burning in order to give the adults an opportunity to watch the Summit and US delegates meeting videos! We also watched part two of the "Latin American News" video, and listened to Breaking Down the Walls.
For lac
k of inspirationalists, we took advantage of our Heavenly "Loving Jesus" songs on tape, and buckled our seat-belts for an exhilarating trip to the halls of Heaven. The Praise Kisses were a beautiful cherry on top of what was already a very rich and delicious cake!
(From EURCRO:) A JETT/junior teen camp was held in Belgium from March 3-13, for 35-40 DO JETTs and junior teens from the Belgium/France/England area. Mary Mom (CRO), Melody (CRO), David (of Crystal) and Andrew D (VSs), led
the meetings, with the help of local adults, YAs and senior teens.
studio news
IVM GP Productions
(From Solomon ["Uncle Jim"]:) Things are continuing to roll within the IVM! Immediately after finishing "Forever Friend" and "The Fantastic Journey" Treasure Attics, we resumed work on editing the EMV (Endtime Music Video), which is now nearing completion. We're all excited about this, as the final edits of the songs are quite powerful and up-to-date! We hope to have it in the hands of the F
amily sometime around May. The Lord has continued to supply all the different tools that we need to finish this. With the Lord's help, we were able to revamp the audio on one of the songs (we won't specify here which one, but will leave it as a surprise!), so that it's more contemporary.
Along with the wrapping-up of the EMV, we are presently working on five new Treasure Attic shows, which we hope to complete the filming of in April. These five new Treasure Attics will bring the Treasure Attic
series to a total of 15 shows. When they are completed, we will discuss whether or not to continue the series.
Some of the current show titles being worked on are: "Around the World" -- a comical and fun show in which a new character, Bunny Bigword's uncle, Bunny Bighop (a world traveler) comes to visit! "Happy and Healthy" has to do with sickness and getting well. A sing-along Treasure Attic show is in the works, and in another upcoming episode, keep an eye out for Peepers' visiting sister!
We feel all these shows will be very much liked, fun and captivating. They're full of brand-new songs which will also be released on GP audio cassettes for children, DV.
We would like to ask for your prayers for these six new GP videos that are in the works (the EMV and five Treasure Attic episodes), and which we would like to finish within the next six months, DV! All glory to the Lord for the many answers to prayer, guidance and inspiration, supply of locations, materials and manpower. Thank
you so much, dear Family, for your continued prayers and support!
what's up?
Turkish Delight
(From Joy [18] and Jim [formerly Bani, "a bit" over 18]:) It all began when we received a message that a few members from the Heart to Heart singing team might come to Turkey for a short time to help us with some programs. We were thrilled, and prayed desperately that the Lord would lead and guide us in setting up the shows. Initially, it was difficult to arrange any solid programs, as t
heir proposed arrival was to coincide with the month-long Muslim holiday of Ramadan. During Ramadan any such musical programs would be considered out of place -- even in westernized, secular and modern Istanbul. But we proceeded by faith in booking some programs.
The team arrived in early January: Jeremy, Christy, Angela and Sunny J., along with Cephas (CRO) and Benny (of Mary, camera and sound man). Together with Paloma, Dolly and Joy from Istanbul, Sam and Claire from Izmir, and aided by Lil
y (of Jim), we were able to put on four shows. We got together to hear from the Lord for His direction and plans, and He indicated that He wanted us to feed His sheep, and to not look on this as a big show, as the work here is still in the infant stage.
One program was arranged by a sweet lady lawyer friend of ours. She arranged a barbecue at a friend's restaurant for the Heart to Heart team and a bunch of us. It was very Turkish and down-home -- lots of fun. After our show, they proceeded to
get us up for some Turkish belly dancing, which was a fun experience for all. We left the restaurant with our stomachs full and our hearts content that we had been able to bring some love and joy to others and brighten their day.
Two other programs were held on the same day. One was for an organization that helps street children, and the other for a boys' orphanage where we regularly teach English and donate fruits and vegetables. C., a wealthy French lady, and Y., a former street kid whom we
met a few months earlier, acquired the use of a large school and arranged to bring in the street children. About 50 street kids made it to the show, along with 40 more orphans. The rest of the auditorium (which held 300) was filled with students from the school. The mayor attended this event as well, and came on stage to make a speech and thank us. A few newspapers and TV channels filmed the show. The reception was enthusiastic and beautiful!
Consider the poor
(From Byron and Mar
ie, for the Indonesian Service Home:) Our Home was invited to perform at a large gathering of orphans, linked with an association that works with orphanages and does other social work. To our surprise, the Minister of Social Affairs was present, along with the vice governor of Jakarta and the wife of the Vice President of Indonesia. About 1,000 people were present for our performance! The night before, we had performed at a large hospital, also attended by the minister and the vice governor, who
presented us with a plaque for our work. All those attending were Muslims, and they were touched that we, being a Christian group, were there to perform for them.
Tools in demand
(From David D. [19] and the Indonesian Service Home:) We prayed for a financially fruitful Christmas season, but weren't prepared for what the Lord had in mind. Through some friends and contacts in Singapore, He not only supplied a 20-foot container loaded with provisioned items ranging from clothing, c
hildren's toys and books to milk powder, canned goods, equipment, perfume and cologne, but He also supplied over three times our budget! We know it was the Lord's blessing for being faithful to witness, as we got out 168 videos, 933 tapes and 2,750 posters in December.
To give one example of the demand for tools here, we met a woman in Jogya (an attractive tourist city in central Java) who bought a few videos and tapes. She flipped over our tools, and later wrote asking us to fill her order fo
r 11 more tapes -- one of each title. We sent her a complete set and shortly thereafter received another letter from her, which to our delight, was yet another order for 23 more!
If you are searching for a field where the tapes, and in fact, all of our tools, are in high demand, you've found it! -- Indonesia is the place!
You never know ...
(From Samaria Red:) A man whom I met once 17 years ago just sent us a large donation. I had written him occasionally and he had helped a lit
tle in the past, but it was nothing outstanding. While in Italy last year, we met again and I showed him more about our work, which turned his key. We began sending him our newsletters regularly. Later, this man sent us $625, and this month we just received $1,250 from him. "Never forget a sheep. Never let a sheep forget you!"
Performance goes "MTV"
(From ASCRO:) Recently the Family was invited to perform for 30,000 people in an "Anti-Narcotics Program" we are involved in. We were
invited for a second time just a few weeks later for a similar program up-country. This time, the DF Home and SGA/YA singing team performed for an audience of 10,000.
An important friend of ours wants to use the singing team to fight drugs via music. In prophecy, the Lord gave us the idea that perhaps Michael Piano's anti-drug song, "Turn Around," could be filmed in Thai and made into an MTV-style music video. This song has been a sensation here and has been aired nationally over the radio fo
r some time.
Our friend was so enthusiastic about this idea that he enlisted the help of the top company that handles live concerts in Thailand. This company arranged the entire evening of the program mentioned above, where we were given an hour-and-twenty-minute slot to perform. They filmed our performance with four cameras, using an on-line editing truck, etc. The evening was sensational and the crowd was the most receptive to date!
A 40-minute segment of this program has been aired on nat
ionwide television at prime time on four different days and on three channels! They'll be passing on the footage of "Turn Around" to our friend to put this together as a modern music video in Thai for possible national broadcasting.
The tracts take
(From Jay, Rose Gardener, Ben and Joy Noel:) The response to the "Christmas Gifts For You" tract was phenomenal. We experimented with how to get out 95,000 tracts and came up with going to large parking lots and putting the tract under the w
indshield wiper of the cars. (Editor's note: You may want to check that this is legal in your country.) The first day, we plastered the parking lot of a huge mall parking lot with about 2,000 tracts. Then we sat in our car clandestinely, waiting to see what the reaction would be.
It was so thrilling to see the response. Many people quietly sat in their car before pulling out and read the entire tract. One mother with several children piled all of her children into their seats and then glanced
at the tract. Then she read the tract to her children before they pulled out. The list goes on and on.
This Christmas, the Lord told us to saturate our local area with these tracts. The children were the main "tract-passers," and they got so turned on about how they were needed to accomplish our Christmas goals.
Miracle phone number
(From Spring:) One morning while waking up, the number 6455 popped into my head. I kept thinking about this number throughout the day, and figured it c
ould be the telephone number of someone the Lord wanted us to reach. I tried dialing it, but it was too short. We prayed and told the Lord that if this was indeed a phone number, then we needed at least two more digits. The next morning I got the number 42. I dialed the combined number, and guess what? An 87-year-old man answered, whose wife had died two days earlier, and he was feeling very low. I told him how I got his phone number and that the Lord wanted to encourage him that his wife is in
a beautiful place and not to worry. He got saved over the phone. Hallelujah!
Fundraising at Ramadan
(From the Karachi Home:) Ramadan, a time of fasting from sunrise to sunset for all Muslims, had always been a difficult month for us. Offices are only open half days and people are often not open to seeing us, as they are fasting. This year we took time to hear from the Lord, Who told us to not be dismayed, but to rather go and "attack the giants in the land of Ramadan." It is at th
is time of year when Muslims give their Zakat [2% tithe of their yearly income], or yearly gifts.
So we made a special request letter in which we listed our community service projects and financial needs, and sent it out to 150 businesses and large companies. It was a bit of work, but we have already received a few sizable donations, positive responses and promises of help in the future from many other companies.
Calling you?
(From Faith Happy:) Poland, a country of 40 million, ha
s only 10 young Family members: one SGA, one YA national, four senior teens and four junior teens. I wish and pray for more young people here, and more families with children who have the vision and initiative to do new things to reach this country. They would need determination to learn the language, but I believe the Lord would make the way for them to bear fruit, if they just stepped out by faith.
It's so sad to hear of some of our young people (and adults too) wasting away in the States, w
hen they could do so much here with their talents! Please come help us to reach Poland! We need people with faith, initiative and courage!
your views on issues
Tolerance double standard?
(From a 20-year-old female:) I'm just one of many YAs who have grown up in the Family. Like many people, I have gone through both hard times and fun times. I have recently become concerned as it seems like a lot of us teens, YAs and SGAs have mastered the art of overlooking all that our dear adul
ts have gone through and how much they have to offer us.
Maybe some of us have gotten turned off by those that "preach" a little too much, and it's understandable to want to "make a mark" in the Revolution on our own, but there is so much that we can learn from others if we would just give them a chance.
For those who might not see the need for the other, I would advise you to take some time to put yourself in the shoes of the adult that you think has not been giving enough, or that you beli
ttle. Think of yourself as having been in the Family for 20+ years, and having fought for its very existence a number of times. Perhaps you haven't been involved in one of those "great" ministries, but nevertheless you have been faithful to follow the Lord and the Letters for years. Then suddenly you're being treated like you're good for nothing.
Even if someone does rub us the wrong way, can't we try to have more love for our brothers in Christ? In some cases, don't you think we tend to be mo
re tolerant of our peers' weaknesses? There are tons of faithful FGAs! I have noticed that no matter who it is, I can learn something from them if I allow myself to remain open to counsel and get close to them.
So what do you say? The only way we can have real fun together is by taking each person as they are and appreciating all the good qualities God has given each one of us. I think as we all reach out and try, we will be surprised to find that our needs for friendship, appreciation, etc.,
will be met.
Our education
(From a female young person:) As a young person growing up in the Family, I have never attended a System school nor been to an English-speaking country. I have only the Family's home schooling to thank for everything I know and have learned. Presently, I am still living with my parents and am trying to finish high school using the Christian Light program. My parents are supportive of me, and they respect what I'm trying to do.
I have noticed, however, th
at some other teens in my area do not have the same scholastic opportunities -- academic studies, not vocational training. I know that a few of my friends are behind in scholastics, yet their parents are too busy to emphasize their scholastic training.
Some of my friends (junior/senior teens) cannot write a letter without several spelling mistakes, not to mention sentence structure and punctuation. They do not have very nice handwriting. Some do not know their multiplication tables, or how to
divide or do fractions. Yet these same teens have had plenty of vocational training, being on staff, meal prep, childcare, nursery and witnessing, and they are a big help in their Homes. These teens don't watch the children out of need for vocational training, but simply so their parents can do something else.
Whether or not these teens like to study -- they need it! It's part of their sample. Some people seem to have the idea that because higher education is not emphasized, that only the bare
minimum is required. I'm not saying we're a bunch of illiterate dummies; I just wish that parents would insist that their teens learn these basic skills which would be very helpful in life.
We teens are great with the Word and witnessing and can do many things System teens have never done. We are God's Endtime prophets and He has given us a special anointing for the task. It would just be nice if we could get our spelling and math right too.
Sharing the load
(From a female SGA:
) The care of our children is so important, yet it is still a battle to make the commitment to tune into the kids. With the exception of very dedicated folks, a lot of us get into what we want to do for the Lord, and our visions and goals are often more along the lines of our personal desires. Many times the kids get left out of the picture, as they are more of a "sacrificial" ministry and not as glorious.
Some of our young single men don't take much interest in the children, and sometimes don
't even take much interest in Home responsibilities. I know that for certain people it is more of a battle, and may not be their forte, but I have a hard time respecting those who leave the carrying of the load in outreach, fundraising, raising the children and keeping up the Home standard -- even in the spiritual sense -- to the women.
I know many brethren are not like this, and those who are may be the minority, and perhaps we women get a bit affected by women's lib attitudes. However, I do
feel that a big part of the load falls on the women, and men often take a hands-off approach in many areas of the Home. On the other hand, sometimes there is an imbalance, in that a man may be very talented in handyman, but is asked to do a lot of cooking and cleaning. We should be yielded and willing, but perhaps we are expecting folks to do things that are not within their ability to do well. I think there is something lacking on both sides.
Shepherding young people works!
(From a Ho
me teamwork:) We had a teen girl come to our Home that had recently rejoined the DO Family from TS status. She truly did love the Lord and had a hunger for the Word, but we soon found out that she had some weaknesses which we didn't want to allow in our Home. She was really into watching videos, and had some pin-ups of her male teen movie idols that she wanted to put up in her room. She was into eating quite a bit of sweets and chewing gum, and had a desire to go and hang out at the mall, etc. S
he was even stubborn about helping out with the things we needed her to do around the Home.
We were tempted to look at all of this and say, "Oh, my! Where is the standard?" But you know what we found out? When we talked to her and explained why we couldn't accept these things, and challenged her to "forsake all for Jesus," she did! We let her know that we didn't want to live less than "radical," and that if she felt we were too strict, maybe she should look for another Home. Instead of doing t
hat, she took up the challenge and went for it!
She is now a changed person, and very dedicated. She took up the one job that she didn't have a burden to do, and has become top-notch at it. She is a better witness and talks about how she doesn't even desire those other things that she used to feel that were "restricted." She now has the vision to live for the Lord. So the problem wasn't her, it was us! We needed to step out and shepherd her and be willing to risk "losing" her, in order to keep
the standard that we wanted to keep. Now we have a sweeter Home, and are all inspired about serving the Lord. This was a result of the counsel in recent Letters about fighting for the standard and not pulling our punches.
When you're overwhelmed ...
(From Magda [VS]:) One day, when overwhelmed with things that needed to be done, I prayed and asked the Lord what to do. In His sweet love and simplicity, the Lord showed me to make a daily and weekly prayer list. I divided all the Russ
ian Homes, projects and pushes into my weekly prayer list. Then I added the requests sent in from individuals via messages, and those from people I've met who asked for prayer. It's so exciting every time I hear of another prayer being answered! There is still so much to pray for, but things are moving forward better and faster. -- And I didn't have to go anywhere but to the "prayer closet."
The day I began these prayer lists, the Lord began to answer. A YA girl had reported that someone broke
into their Home and stole the baby strollers from their basement, making it difficult to take their little ones on outreach and get-out. I thought I should write a message to a Home I knew who had provisioning contacts for strollers, but the Lord reminded me to put this situation on my prayer list. Only hours later, a brother from another field was on his way to this Home -- with baby strollers which were much nicer than the ones that were stolen!
Another Home has been waiting for nearly 10 m
onths for more personnel to help with outreach, and just recently we heard that two people joined their Home! Though I know that others are also praying for these situations, it's so inspiring to see it happen before my own eyes. God is able to answer and provide!
What lit my fuse
(From Stephen [VS, of Joan]:) When reading Jonathan's article, "Not just here for the beer" (Grapevine #11), and "Problems and Solutions! -- Part 4," par. 33,64,67, it impressed on me the need for us youn
g people to help challenge our younger brothers and sisters.
I clearly remember when I got turned on to the Word and studying the Bible. Ever since I can remember, my Dad (Amos O'Test) would teach away at us, giving us classes. I got rebellious when people commented to me as I was growing up, "You're going to become a teacher just like your Dad, right?" All I wanted to do was be a musician and talented young person. -- Teaching classes was the last thing I wanted.
As I got older, I was given
a lot of encouragement to teach, but I never took it seriously. Then I moved to the HCS, and one morning Gabe (SGA, of Havilah) read us Proverbs five. He was all excited about it, had cross-referenced every verse, and looked up neat definitions. -- He was genuinely inspired! That lit my fuse! I remember thinking, "That's how I want to be! I want that!" I began to study the Bible, and even asked my Dad for a copy of all his classes. Now the Word is what keeps me going, and doing a new study stil
l sparks that light in my eyes and heart.
Understanding age
(From Lisa [CRO]:) One Home we visited shared with us lessons they are learning with a dear couple who live in their Home. Both are over 50, and have health problems. They are still active and terrific witnessers, but a busy, noisy house with young children, loads of young people and lots of activity can get to them sometimes. Therefore they often retire to their room to have some peace and rest.
Some of the young people
in the Home didn't think it was fair that this couple didn't participate more on the schedule and in sharing the chores. They also didn't always see the need to show them more consideration by being quieter, or by taking on an extra load when needed.
It seems the tendency with many young people is to want everything to be equal down to the finest detail, often without having much understanding when exceptions need to be made. Consideration for others is a virtue that needs to be developed. I s
ometimes feel we have spoiled our kids by preferring them to the point that this is what they expect, instead of them now turning around and sacrificing and doing the same for others.
More of us will eventually be faced with this challenge (some Home members needing to slow down as they get older) and it would be very interesting to hear others' lessons on this topic. Perhaps we could put together some practical solutions for three-generation communities, so we can be better prepared for this
new challenge and make it work successfully.
Constructive criticism?
(From a female SGA:) When we get new teen tapes or Family Funs, if the Home sits down and enjoys it all together, it can bring about a unified spirit. However, if people are just into seeing, "Wow! What's new? What is new in the teen music? Who's singing? Who's this? Who's that?" then it turns into people starts criticizing the songs that they don't like, and showing very little respect.
If YAs or teens bad-mouth th
e morals that the Family Funs uphold as the Family standard, this will tear down the children's faith. The children pick up on unprayerful comments made about how foolish or ridiculous something is, that it is "pathetic, corny," etc. Then instead of the children getting the lessons out of it, they begin picking up attitudes of what is "cool" and what is "not cool."
rumor mill
Q: It's been going around that Peter Pioneer (of Rachel) has left the Family. Is that true? -- female teen, ASCRO
A:(From the ASCRO Office:) Peter Pioneer returned to his home country of Denmark with the intention of going TS in order to take a break, or for an extended furlough. He is still in touch with his family and children who have remained on the field.
Q: Recently I've heard via the Grapevine about Homes "streetlighting." There was also a testimony about it in the Love Notes (a North American local pub), where it was referred to as "canning."
I know that canning is not prohibited or even me
ntioned in the Charter, but I remember that Dad once wrote a Letter called "Can the Canning." At the time he wrote it, it caused an immediate "no canning revolution" here in the States. There had also been some legal problems associated with canning.
When canning testimonies appear in the North American pubs, I assume that means something has changed and canning is now approved and recommended. Could you clear this up for us? -- Jason, Christy and David Light, USA
A: The Love Charter allows
each Home to decide their own goals and methods and modes of operation, providing it does not contravene the Charter. However, just because a Home chooses to pursue a certain goal, or operate in a certain manner, doesn't mean that it is "recommended."
So the answer to your question is that canning is no longer forbidden under the Charter, but that does not mean it is recommended. We suggest that before any Home decides to use canning as a method of outreach, or before they make any similar dec
isions as a Home, that they heed the following counsel given in the Charter, page 117:D, and seek the Lord for His confirmation on your plans.
"All matters that are not addressed in the `Charter of Responsibilities and Rights' and `Fundamental Family Rules' should be decided upon by the individual and/ or the Home after prayer, counsel, and the reading of the Bible, the MLs and other Family publications.
"As stated above, any matter not addressed in the Charter or in the `Fundamental Family
Rules' isn't a rule. It is up to each individual and/or Home to decide how, or if, other matters should be made rules for their lives or Homes. Of course, you will want to pray about all such matters, counsel about them, look in the Letters and other Family pubs to see the counsel given, but then it's up to you and/or your Home to make a decision on how or whether or not to apply the counsel.
"As you know, there is a wealth of counsel and guidance throughout the Letters and the other pubs whic
h should be adhered to, and if you read and apply this counsel the Lord will undoubtedly bless you. It is, however, up to you to make the decision whether to follow that counsel or not. It is your responsibility to make that decision and to live with the outcome of your choices. You have the right to choose in these matters, and you have the responsibility for your choices." (End of excerpts from the Love Charter.)
ws news
(From Kristy [of Zeb Geppeto]:) Hi, y'all! Ever wonder what goes o
n "behind the scenes" at Family Care? Well, the most recent thing we've been up to is recuperating, regrouping, and reorganizing! Let's backtrack a little:
January was a whopper of a month, culminating our Feast mailing push, during which we put out 204 pages of brand new children's pubs in the form of two HTKs, two MLKs, four "Praisin' U" mags, and 28 activity pages!
As you've already read, shortly before the end of the year we received reinforcements from another WS unit -- right when we n
eeded it the most, in the midst of our Feast-prep fray! (For your interest, the Family Care team is now made up of nine pubs people.)
Now that that's over, we've taken some time to regroup and reorganize with our new personnel, desperately seeking the Lord for new ways to get out more Word in less time! This has resulted in setting some new production goals, with the vision of getting out Hope TKs and MLKs on a regular basis, so that our precious kiddos can be supplied with a continual flow of
New Wine! Lord willing, we'll be shooting to get out one HTK magand one MLK mag per month as "regulars," along with as many "extras" as we can fit in: Kidz Mags, games, activity pages, childcare-related FSMs and EDXs (Educational Excerpts), etc.! We sure need your prayers to help us meet this challenge!
Also in the finishing stages are a few major projects we've had in the pipelines for some time. These are the Teaching and Activity Guide (for teachers and parents of babies through preschool
ers), the Kiddy Cat Book (which, as its name implies, is a Cat Book for the kiddies!), and a "Pregnancy and Nutrition" FSM especially geared to our new young mothers.
As goes without saying, reorganization in our pubs department has also meant reorganization all across the Home and childcare departments. We have recently received one wonderful reinforcement, and are expecting another one or two in the near future. These dear folks are dedicating their lives in order to enable the pubs workers
to work more on the pubs!
Speaking of kids, did you know that our nine (soon-to-be-ten) youngest (the under-five crowd!) are all parented by SGAs? (Not only that, but all except one are BOYS!!!) In fact, our baby factories are so busy that sometimes we lose track of our pass-me-around baby and maternity wear (Say, is that a fifth or sixth generation pregnancy dress you've got on there?).
For your information, as far as young people go, we have two SGA couples, one "mixed-generation" couple,
two single SGAs, three junior teens … and, would you believe it, NO senior teens or YAs! (Where're y'all hidin'?)
We're now in desperate need of a wildly-willing handyman/maintenance man, so any of you strong gentlemen out there (young or old!) who are up for a change of scenery and new challenge, who love kids and want to have a part in pumping out the Word to them, please write us today with your résumé via your ABM! We're waiting to hear from you!
mama's mailbox
Dear Mama,
Thank you
for "World Currents! -- No.82" and "World Currents! -- No. 83." They're super! I'm in charge of showing the TV news here, and a lot of us, of course, have a keen interest in current events and what the Lord has to say about them.
After Dad passed away, I almost wrote in suggesting that Peter, Gary or Apollos hear from the Lord on what's happening in the world to keep the Family abreast on the latest happenings. The Lord showed me to wait, as He had a plan, and said He would keep us informed a
nd envisioned in His way and in His time. I was so thankful for the WNDs during that time, but the latest World Currents" GNs have been an answer to prayer.
It's so exciting seeing the Endtime puzzle pieces fall into place as we get the Heavenly scoop on key countries such as the US, Russia, Israel, Great Britain and Egypt. Also the spiritual spotlight on such principal players and rulers as Netanyahu, Yeltsin, Lebed, Arafat, Castro, Mubarak and King Hussein, to mention a few, has been enlight
ening. We're so privileged! It's awesome and the teens and I are really flipped out.
The teens also recently watched the movie "The Stand." The next day during Word time we put together our own Bible class on conviction, witnessing and standing up for the truth. As we looked up verses in our concordances, we pow-wowed the different characters in the movie, their conviction and how they "stood" or didn't stand up for the Lord. The key reference word was "stand" and we compiled a real feeding cl
ass. It was a great exercise in "picking and shoveling" through the Word, and helped to increase the teens' faith to see that they could create their own class.
-- a male teen shepherd, Japan
Dear Mama and Peter,
Thank you so much for your prayers and letter to our daughter, Vanessa, as well as the beautiful message that you received through Grandpa! Vanessa's healing, we know, is totally the result of all the prayers that have been said on her behalf (see PL 39:70).
The Homes in Seattle
and in California were very sweet and concerned, and one Home even offered to send someone to help take care of Vanessa, which wasn't necessary because she recovered so quickly! Again, we thank you and your Home, Grandpa, the Family and of course, Jesus, for your love, concern and prayers!
-- Isaiah, Faith, Ezra, Chris, Rima, Leilani and Vanessa, Canada
Dear Mama,
(Written by an attendee of the US delegates' meetings:) Here, under the same roof are CROs, VSs, WS representatives, delegates
from Mexico, ex-area shepherds, Home officers and a whole group of idealistic young people. I feel that the Charter and the spirit of it has allowed the old walls of "titles and comparison" to disappear; at least it is at a minimum, and I don't notice it so much. To the contrary, I feel a real bond and respect between all.
Personally, I had been intimidated by "big name" leadership and even not-so-big-name leadership. LHM! In fact, I was almost scared to come to this fellowship because of my
past phobias and experiences with big fellowships. However, I feel a real friendship with my shepherds now; a true unity and bond without having to put up a big front or show.
I feel that for the most part people are happy to exercise their faith under the Charter, and it is a new day. For the past few days for get-out I played basketball with my CROs and VSs. I shared my heart without having to fear "judgment," as I was understood, prayed for and encouraged and challenged to do better and be
a pillar. When it was shared that basically we are all on the same level and everyone can be a channel, it further destroyed any false conceptions of hierarchy or preference. Thank God for the Charter and for the day to march!
-- an adult man, USA
Dearest Mama, Peter and all,
I wanted to let you know that I am okay, and to thank you for your prayers and love. It means the world to me to have you.
I just started my second year being locked up (see PL 29: JD [TS], serving an 11-year prison
sentence) and my prayer for the new year is that I may walk closer with the Lord and bear much fruit for Him. When I look over the last year and all the blessings the Lord has given me, I can honestly say it has been one of my most fruitful years yet. -- Maybe not in the number of souls won or witnessing I've done, but in gaining a clearer understanding of His ways and His Word.
At the beginning of this year, I really didn't think I would make it. My faith was the lowest it had ever been. I w
as so fearful, doubtful and despairing that I didn't believe I would ever see the sun again. That's when I started to realize that circumstances and conditions had little to do with faith, believing, loving and trusting the Lord. I had to forsake all my preconceived ideas about what I thought the Lord was preparing me for, and let Him have His way in my life. I found myself with nothing left but Him and His Word, and trusting Him was the key to victory! Now He has opened the windows of Heaven an
d poured out great blessings.
When you wrote and shared what the Lord gave for me, it gave me the will and courage to live and fight for the Lord, come what may. He has replaced all my fears with trust, my doubts with faith, my despair with love for Him and others. I know that whatever the future holds, I will never lose what the Lord has given me -- these lessons I have had the privilege to learn.
The nearest Family has been a tremendous blessing to me. I am located quite a few hours away,
but they still take time to write me and visit on a regular basis. They keep me supplied with all the tools that I need, both for myself and to feed the sheep. The tapes are having a great impact. The other inmates pass them around and really love them. It's thrilling to see the Lord work in these men's hearts.
Mama, once again, thank you for everything.
-- JD, USA
movie ratings
Movies for Senior Teens and Up
FAVOR, THE (1994)
Elisabeth McGovern, Brad Pitt
Comedy about a married w
oman obsessed with a fantasy of making love to her high school sweetheart. Light entertainment, with lessons on honest communication.
Movies for Junior Teens and Up
Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson
Character study about a young man who is left to care for his mentally unstable sister after their parents' deaths, and her relationship with an equally quirky boarder whom she takes a fancy to. Good sample of "Don Quixote" type people who dare to pioneer things others
think are nuts, and sweet lessons of love. Some unpleasant mental institution scenes.
Movies for JETTs and Up
Patrick Dempsey, Amanda Peterson
Extremely uncool teenager pays one of the "in" girls to pose as his girlfriend, in the hopes of elevating his status amongst his peers. Lessons on vanity and self-image, and good portrayal of the pressure on teens in the System to be accepted by the "in" crowd.
Movies for OCs and Up
Carroll Bak
er, Roger Moore
A young girl is in training to be a nun when she falls in love with a soldier and, torn between her feelings for him and her desire to serve God, runs away from the convent. Dramatic and tense parts may need to be explained to children.
Movies for MCs and Up
101 DALMATIANS (1996)
Jeff Daniels, Glenn Close, Joely Richardson
Live-action version of the classic tale of the puppies who are kidnapped, and the search to get them back. Beware of some scary parts with evil char
acters. Sensitive children might be negatively affected by some parts, so careful previewing and discussion is recommended. Not recommended for repeated viewing.
Non-Recommended Movies
COLONY (John Ritter; 1995)
FATAL ATTRACTION (Michael Douglas, Anne Archer; 1987)
FEELING MINNESOTA (Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz; 1996)
FORTRESS, THE (Christopher Lambert, Loryn Locklyn; 1993)
UNSTRUNG HEROES (Andie MacDowell, John Turturro; 1995)
I didn't know you could sing like that
, Jerry! I really liked your style on Desiring You. Your voice has really improved, ha! I'm "desiring you" to sing more often!
-- Maria (18), Moscow
Breaking Down the Walls is quite smooth and awesome, with some new styles coming onto the FTT scene. I want all of you dedicated musicians to know that your music is absolutely appreciated and a big blessing. You make life for us little individuals a happier experience.
I think the guitar on "Ain't No Sense" is extremely well played, clean an
d exciting. Keep it up! How about some more piano or keyboard solos from some of you veterans? It would set a smile on the face of many a music lover.
A couple songs could have been a bit more tasteful on the presence of a distortion guitar. It can take away the beauty of the song when there's this constant buzz, and almost steals the thunder of the solos. You're doing a terrific job. Keep it up! We love your songs and can't wait for the next FTT.
-- male (senior teen), Earth
Just a few w
ords about rap music. I mean, most of us speak in tongues and we don't understand it. The thing is, we don't need to understand it, we only need to feel it! It's music that causes you to move out -- into something good! If it moves you into Jesus -- more power to you! KGFH!
-- from a 50-year-old, ASCRO-land
Wow! "When Will the War Be Ended" is such a terrific song, definitely one of the best! The lyrics are so powerful. It's like you become a part of what they're singing. Let's have more of
them. -- Keep it up, TAS!
-- YA male, Earth
It would be nice to have a bit more variety with the singers on the FTTs. I realize there's not a vast amount of hot new vocalists in the Family sitting around, but I'm sure there are a few new voices. I'm not saying we should grab any Family teen and get them to record; there should be definite talent involved.
The nicest thing about Family music is that it gets better all the time!
-- Christina Donna (17), Thailand
I'm wondering ...
: When we read an article in the Grapevine that interests us and we would like to encourage the people responsible, it would be nice to have either an address, or an indication of how to reach them, via their ABM or CRO, etc. Thanks. -- Claire, Belgium
A: We agree, that would be nice. However, for security's sake, as well as feasibility and limited space, we simply are not able to print them, nor do we have each contributor's address. If you wish to get in contact with the author of an article
, please do so via the ABM or CRO office of their respective area, who should be able to forward your message on to them.
cute kidz
-- Stephen (4) was complaining one day, so Auntie Lamb asked him, "Stephen, are you murmuring, or what?" Stephen replied, "I'm not murmuring, so I think it must be `or what'"!
-- Gabe (8) was teaching his younger brother Stephen about opposites. He informed him that the opposite of "to" was "fro." Stephen paused for a moment and piped up, "Oh, and the oppos
ite of `three' is `throw'!"
-- Stephen overheard his brother and I mentioning that we had lived in a selah Home for a few months when he was younger. Not knowing exactly what a "selah Home" was, he asked, "Is it made out of selah trash?"
-- After the first "Inspiration Time with Uncle Zeb" came out, Stephen (then 3) went around the house singing, "If you've got God with you you're uneatable no matter how small you are"!
-- The English language can be a bit tricky for anyone, and even more
so for kids who are learning some of the "exceptions" to the rules, in this case the plurals of words. Becky (4) only knew the singular term of "die" (numbered cube), so when there were two on the shelf, she asked her mom, "Mommy, can you please pass me the dead (dice)?"
-- Courtesy of Elise, USA
-- Precious (South African) would like to contact Miriam, and Matthew and Joy (all formerly in Chile). Add: P.O. Box 647, 7571 Eikenfontein, South Africa.
-- Michael and Ruth, Fa
ith would like to get in contact with you. Add: Lea Hudecek, Vestergade 22, 8700 Horsens, Denmark.
-- Precious (16, formerly Joy of Stephen and Lily) would like to get in contact with Clair Dawn (formerly Christina, of Maria Nobody). Contact me via the Belgian ABM.
-- Former Family member Mark (English) would like to contact his son and former wife, Maria (Japanese). They were married in 1984. Contact him through Kenaz and Free via EURCRO.
-- Eman and Peace (Andre and Esther) in Madagascar
are looking for French Patrick who was in Australia in `82 and who grew up in Madagascar. Contact us through EURCRO.
Prayer request
As you've probably heard on the news, Albania is on the brink of civil war. The airport has been closed down, and the main roads leading out of the country are unsafe due to the fighting. BBC has been warning foreigners to leave immediately, and the U.S. is evacuating its civilians. News services report that the capital is lawless, with arms depots being rai
ded by anti-government civilians, etc.
We're not sure how many Family members are still in Albania, and the Home in the capital has no phone at which to contact them. Please pray, both for our Family members' safekeeping and possible departure, as well as for the fair number of Albanian live-outs and catacombers; also for our Albanian DO disciples who are unable to leave, as the government is no longer issuing passports.
letters to the editor
There was a 21-year-old guy (Grapevine #9, p
g. 12, "Letters to the Editor"), a self-appointed journalist, who took it upon himself to conduct a survey from a group of females (we assume in Russia). The conclusion it seems he drew from his extensive investigation is that girls (in general) tend to take to guys at least two years older than themselves. I do see the logic and wholeheartedly agree with him, and in the event that you're out looking for the "perfect lover," this would probably be true.
However, there's one small factor our de
ar friend sadly overlooked -- a little four-letter word -- LOVE! There's a saying: "love knows no boundaries," and I believe if there is real love involved, age isn't a major criterion. Nevertheless, it was very thoughtful of him to try and console our dear teen boys with the fact that there's a new crop of potential girls comin' up.
Since the advent of the Charter, I've heard of at least five instances where love got the better end of the deal, and the girls, though all slightly older (and so
me not so slightly), are happily married -- and most are expecting.
-- L.V., India
Being a faithful reader of the Grapevine, I see many different opinions that people voice. It's good to hear news and views from all over the world, from many people and about many aspects of life. However, I've found that some articles seem a bit pushy or strong. If anyone writes an article or voices an opinion -- even if it needs to be straightforward or to the point -- it would be nice if it were done in l
-- Meekness, Africa
We wholeheartedly agree with the letter the senior teen wrote about teens not being a dead weight in the Family. (Grapevine #12, Letter to the Editor #1). It put into words exactly how we feel. Thanks, girl! We're all in this together!
-- Tally (15) and Melissa (16), USA
We'd like to add our "grapes of thankfulness" to an upcoming edition of the `vine. Sincere "thank-you's" to our sweet Family for their help in making it possible for us to open a new Home in Ro
mania. Especially to John, Ruby and the Orchard Home, Tim, Claire, Ben G., Joy and the Studio Home, Vicky, Philip PPC, Eva Russian and the Ministry Home, the Light House, Luke, Heidi Switzerland and the other Romanian Homes.
Sometimes we hear stories about disunity within the Homes, so we wanted to encourage the Family that for us it is another story! We have felt sweet help and powerful prayers backing us. Let's all back up each other more and defeat the Enemy! Thank God for such a Family!
- Sam, Slava, Daniel, Ema, Matthew and Clara, Romania
deep thought
The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. -- John Ruskin, English writer and reformer
ideas and tips
Having fun
Aside from our weekly video, we scheduled an evening for a united Home activity: dress-up, games, a special dinner or dancing. It's helped us have more unity, and is nice to do things together other than discussing Home problems. We do the same for our
Home teamwork meetings. Once in a while we go out together or have our teamwork meeting in a different place. It makes you feel more like a fun, happy Family.
-- Jessica (19), USA
Reflections book
We bound all the Reflections into a Reflections book, and use it as a gift or follow-up tool.
-- Philip and Meekness, Africa
Chinese by Computer
You can now study Chinese in your Home, using an excellent multimedia computer program called Professional Interactive Chinese. It teaches a good
foundation in Chinese speaking, using clear, well-recorded voices, and computer drawings to teach writing with stroke order. You can order this program via the Hong Kong Home.
-- Jondy, Ruthie and Abigail, China
Cleaner lucre
The managers of a mall where we performed one of our shows offered to give us a donation from their charity program. They clean out their fountains (where people throw coins in) once a week or so and give the contents to charitable organizations. It only took a few h
ours to count, and turned out to be almost $200. This may be a possibility for others to look into.
-- Timothy, Rejoice and Dove, USA
Account attraction
We found that having an account where people can deposit money makes it easier for them to give. We took a lot of blank deposit slips stamped with our deposit number, and sent them to all our friends.
-- Maria, Ruthie and Willing, Taiwan
We have found it helpful to devote the last 20-30 minutes of each day's outreach to
soul-winning. This helped us put more emphasis on this.
-- Harvest Gold, Ben Fisher and Lily, USA
Feasting, fellowship and fun!
We're only seven (all young people) in our Home, and being such a small team, we thought we would miss out on some of the Feast excitement. We teamed up with another Home in the area, and the Lord made it terrific!
The most beautiful part of our Feast was communion. The day before the communion ceremony, we each picked a name out of a bowl, in order to hear fr
om the Lord for that person. We made a nice dinner the next evening and everyone shared their "post-Charter story" and their greatest blessings as a result of the Charter. We learned a lot about each other that we hadn't known.
We then gave each other the greatest love gift we had to offer -- words from Jesus to them personally. It was thrilling to see everyone step out by faith and receive something for another person in the Home; even our youngest teen took up the challenge. It strengthened
our faith in each other and in the Lord's ability to speak through any one of us, regardless of age.
-- Keiko (20) and Masha (Ukrainian), Moscow
The Feast mailings drew everyone together in a spirit of unity and brotherhood, which was a major victory for our Home. There is a greater sense of dedication and commitment. We have been so fed and challenged through this Feast!
-- Indonesian Service Home, Indonesia
The Lord's Spirit fell on every heart, and the Feast was a special and meanin
gful time together. Everyone was flipped out with all those neat birthday gifts -- both for the grown-ups and for the kids. No one had expected such an abundance. Thank you, sweet Mama, Peter, Gary and everyone for putting all that time and work into preparing and planning the Feast. It paid off and we're so thankful!
-- Melody (CRO), Europe
"And for today's weather report: There will be continued rain and thunderstorms, with tornado warnings in parts of the city." This was to be the day of
our area's Family celebration, which we'd been planning for a few weeks to hold in a local park, with Homes attending from three cities. It had been raining for the past few days and we awoke to howling winds and dark gray clouds.
It looked as bleak as the weather report had announced, and it seemed we would have to call everything off! But hey, we hadn't asked the Lord yet! With our tentative fellowship only two hours away, several of us got together to ask the Lord what He wanted us to do.
He gave a beautiful message, saying that He wanted us to have this time of unifying fellowship together. He told us to have faith -- and promised to bring out the sun!
Proceeding by faith, we called the Homes, asking them to help us pray it through. Half-an-hour before our gathering, we saw the sun coming through the clouds, and in a short while it was a beautiful, sunny day! We enjoyed a beautiful picnic and time of inspiration and fellowship together! Just think of all we could have missed i
f we had "resigned ourselves to fate" instead of seeking Him!
-- Elise (29), USA
We were thrilled with the refreshing New Wine; and the photo book of Grandpa was such a treat, not to mention the little booklets, To Jesus with Love and From Jesus With Love. It felt just like Christmas -- all these wonderful gifts.
The highlight of our Feast was the "Come Together in Love" GN, and the communion and love feast afterwards. Everyone was very convicted and moved, and it was a sweet, powerful an
d emotional time as we united together.
-- Delhi Service Home, India
This year's Feast was a beautiful time of celebration, dedication, and loving the Lord and each other. Several people mentioned that this Feast was unique and different from all the others. We're very thankful that our folks here were able to take some extra time reading and fellowshipping with the Lord privately. This, coupled with the communion and love feast, caused us to unite in love with each other, you, and our dear
-- Timothy IVM, HCS
The Feast was very well Worded and so relaxing, reviving and enjoyable! The children were so touched to participate and were not a problem at all -- on the contrary, they soaked up so much of what the Feast and the Family are all about. The beautiful Praisin' U pubs are terrific!
Reveille on the first day of the Feast Day was long-awaited as we knew Desiring You was coming, but, of course, none of us dared touch or open the package, ha! One by one we all came
out of our rooms and were swept along by the beautiful music into the dining room where we sat together in a very cozy atmosphere enjoying our morning coffee, and listening to this new tape. It was like a Christmas morning -- opening the gift of this beautifully anointed tape to love Jesus by.
The end of the year report and outline of the progress made since the Charter, and the victories of 1996 and plans for 1997 served to make us swell with pride to be a part of the most active and earthsh
aking act of God. -- Whatta Family!
-- Ahlai, USA
To get or not to get ... a System job!
-- Reactions to Mama's comments about System jobs in "Summit Letters" Part 3, paragraphs 146-150, and to the videos of Peter's delegates meetings held in October `96.
I was happy to read what Mama said about System jobs. I too felt that some people were prepared to work harder at a System job than they would distributing the tools. I've found that whenever I've been in a Home where we have been fai
thful with tool distribution, the Lord has always been faithful to supply all our needs. However, whenever we were struggling financially, our tool distribution was also low. -- The two are definitely linked!
At one point, we were living with a YA who was raising funds to go to Russia. He was earning $6 an hour at a System job and seemed to be getting nowhere. Whereas, in just a couple of months, the Lord poured out all the funds we needed for our family of 10 to move fields through getting ou
t the videos and posters, and we were able to feed many people with the Word at the same time.
-- A. (42, father of 8), Europe
The recent GNs and Peter's delegates meetings are just what's needed to pull us in the right direction. I was thankful to hear what Peter said about System jobs.
In some Homes, jobs -- often dead-end and low-paying -- are looked at as an end rather than a means to an end. Such jobs should only be a springboard or temporary measure to propel them to a field where t
hey can be a greater witness, or to provide themselves with the resources to begin other more fruitful ministries. Even ballooning or canning should only be temporary or part of a larger plan -- not a way to survive indefinitely.
-- an adult man, USA
About 10 months ago I was working in the poorest field of Europe when the Lord called me to China. By a miracle He supplied enough funds for me to return to my home country of Hungary to prepare for my move to China.
I found out that I needed
a large amount of funds, and since I'm not from one of those "rich western countries," I felt that getting a job would be the only way to reasonably quickly get most of the money I needed.
Note that at this time I wasn't doing great spiritually and was being hit with a lot of doubts, so trying to figure things out with my carnal mind was my first reaction to my problem, instead of turning to the Lord for His solution. I felt uncomfortable about taking that System job, but I felt it was me who
had to earn my support and make my way ... sounds independent; working in the arm of the flesh?
One night I couldn't sleep at all, but I didn't feel like praying, because I had this complex that I was too bad and that I didn't deserve the Lord's care. The Lord very lovingly asked me why I didn't even ask Him to supply my needs. Why did I leave Him totally out of the picture? I felt so ashamed and started to cry and asked Him to forgive me. He sweetly forgave me and then told me to challenge H
im to prove Himself.
I'll tell you, I'm not one of those spiritual giants, but He said that if I was willing to claim His promises and ask Him for all the things I needed, He would supply -- to show that He is very practical and real. He told me if I trusted Him, went witnessing and prayed daily, leaving the "System ways" out of the picture, He would do all that I asked.
I asked Him to help me to find a good team to work with within a month, and to supply everything I need in order to move a
nd work in China. So that night we made a deal -- Jesus and me. It might sound strange to some, but in that stillness I got to know that He is God, and since then nothing else has mattered.
I didn't have to take a System job, because two weeks after that night, I received an invitation from a couple in a wealthier country who also wanted to go to China. Since then we have worked together full-time witnessing -- DTD, provisioning, mail ministry, etc., and next month a team in China is expecting
me to join them!
Jesus let me feel the thrill of living by faith, having adventures in a dimension that I had locked myself out of by my doubts and lack of faith. He did it again and continues to provide day by day!
-- an adult woman, Switzerland
Mama's counsel about System jobs was very needed. It seems some have forgotten that a job is merely a means to an end, and not the end itself! If someone takes on a job to free others in the Home, so they can do more witnessing, then it's great!
But when the witnessing gets lost in the shuffle, I think it's time to reconsider.
-- an adult woman, USA
I agree that there is more money to be made in tool distribution and ministering to the sheep than by holding a System job. One of our local TS brothers is the president and general manager of his own company that markets cellular phones. He told me that if he were to do full-time tool distribution, he would make more money than he is now. Of course, now he's tied up with his business,
but if given the choice, he would prefer tool distribution over selling cellular phones. He was always a shiner on outreach in the past, and I believe once a shiner, always a shiner. Some of us just need to get our priorities straightened out.
-- an adult man, Philippines
Over the past couple of months since closing our house, and our singles & YAs moving on, our Home seemed to go through a real dry spell spiritually, financially and in every way. We went from bad to worse when we turned t
o secular jobs, hoping to find the solution to our financial struggle.
I now see that our main mistake was getting out of touch with the Lord and not asking Him about our every move, but instead, leaning to our own understanding. We decided that we'd try a secular job, figuring it would at least provide some solid income to cover our living expenses. But in the long run, it didn't turn out too solid after all. We slowly noticed that it was doing more damage than good. The job was taking up all
of my hubby's time and leaving him exhausted at the end of each day, and his paycheck was nothing to brag about.
Because his job wasn't paying enough to support the Home, we began looking for other ways to make more money, until all we were thinking of was money, money, money. It was a real work of the flesh. At times it seemed as though we forgot completely about trusting the Lord and all the wonderful promises about Him caring for His own.
About a month ago we had the wonderful privilege
of fellowshipping with another Home located a few hours away. It was as though a cool breeze swept all our cares, worries, frustration and discouragement out the window. We felt re-envisioned and full of new life after seeing our dear brethren and how much faith they had in the Lord's supply. I remember thinking to myself how nicely the Home was kept, how nicely everyone was dressed. They seemed to have everything they needed & more. The amazing thing was that it was all provisioned! The Lord su
pplied everything they had.
Needless to say, we felt very sheepish. Here we are, born and raised Family SGAs, and we fell for one of the most talked-about things in the Letters -- leaning to our own understanding and not having enough faith to trust the Lord!
We are now again on the road! We've gotten back on where we got off, and are now hearing from the Lord and staying close to His Word! -- And hopefully on the way to victory. My husband has quit his job and we are trusting the Lord to su
pply. We've done it before! It may not have always been easy, but at least we had time to love the Lord, each other and spend more time doing our main job -- witnessing!
-- a married female (SGA), USA
Holding a job teaching English has been a learning experience for me. It's a daily test to resist temptation, as I am alone with lots of System influences around me. It's been a chance for me to test my convictions, and see where I stand with the Lord and the Family. I'm seeing more and more
the importance of that personal connection with the Lord. I can really feel it when I don't have it, and it's entirely up to me to get the extra dose of Word that I need.
Often friends will offer me a smoke or to go out with them, but I'm finding that as I stick to my convictions, they respect me for it. I've also been able to personally witness to the other young teachers. Everyone knows I'm a missionary, so there are lots of opportunities to explain about the Family and our work.
-- male (1
9), Brazil
I completely agree with the comments about System jobs vs. distributing Family tools! A System job can be so draining and can sidetrack us easily. It's important to make sure that it's the Lord's will for you to get one.
My husband has held a job for some time now, and it's been a blessing as far as good income. We've been able to witness to those at his work, having them over for barbecues, going to their parties, etc. At the same time, however, we constantly battle comparing a
nd System influences, plus it's very tiring working in the System.
You have to know that the job is worth taking and fruitful, and not just take a job because others are doing it, or because you don't want to get out and witness regularly. One thing that my husband has stressed to others wanting to get a job is, "If you can't make more at a job than in witnessing, forget the job! Witnessing is more important!!"
-- an adult woman, USA
Witnessing can be more fruitful financially than System
jobs if you put as many hours into witnessing as you would into a System job. When you look to a System job, it puts limits on your income.
I don't mean to be critical, but some people only want to witness for a few hours. I know witnessing can be hard work, but sometimes that's just what it takes. However, if you put in the hours and are consistent, you're bound to see the fruit of your labors. You will also receive other rewards such as fulfillment, seeing the Lord work in people's lives, s
ouls being won, and knowing you're being obedient to the Lord.
I believe our main job is to get out the Word and reach people. So if we go full blast on that, the Lord has to supply. I think we need to go out in faith more, expecting God to supply by supernatural means.
In talking with teens who are thinking of getting jobs, it's clear that their motives for doing so are often to help the Home. I think it's important to show them that God will bless witnessing much more, and that the Family
was founded and built on witnessing.
-- an adult woman, Japan
I've often heard, mostly from YAs and SGAs, that the solution to financial difficulties would be to have someone in the Home take a System job. This, in theory, would take the edge off the financial crunch, and we wouldn't have to spend so much time fundraising.
What most people don't take into consideration is that, in most cases, having a job is nothing less than full-time fundraising, 8-10 hours a day and 5-6 days a week, of
ten working shoulder-to-shoulder with ungodly people filled with System values, language and the ways of the world. So to me, to say that you're tired of fundraising and would rather get a job sounds a little like that "Renaissance Man" oxymoron -- "military intelligence" -- it doesn't make sense.
If we put the same hours into preaching the Gospel that would be required of us if we had a System job, we could be way ahead of painting houses or flipping burgers. You have to be a professional wit
h years of education, or hold a high-risk job, to beat $20-$30 an hour at a street light, not to mention the blessings of God for getting out the Word. I think it's a rose-glass viewpoint to say that the solution is to get a job, unless, of course, it is the Lord's will for you.
I'm 49 years old and have been serving the Lord in the Family for 25 years. I have no System credentials and wouldn't qualify for much in the System even if I wanted to. But I do have a job -- preaching the Gospel -- a
nd God has promised that if I do that job faithfully, He will never fail to supply what I need. I'm too old and it's too close to the End for me to consider much other than witnessing and serving the Lord as a lifelong vocation.
I made a commitment to the Lord long ago to trust Him with my life, and I haven't come this far to now settle down, go back and get a System job! I may not always know where the funds are going to come from, but I don't think He's going to start failing me now.
-- an
adult man, USA
now that's funny!
-- computer cracks
-- An exasperated caller to Dell Computer Tech Support couldn't get her new Dell Computer to turn on. After ensuring the computer was plugged in, the technician asked her what happened when she pushed the power button. Her response, "I pushed and pushed on this foot pedal and nothing happens." The "foot pedal" turned out to be the computer's mouse.
-- AST technical support had a caller complaining that her mouse was hard to control wi
th the dust cover on. The cover turned out to be the plastic bag the mouse was packaged in.
-- Another AST customer was asked to send a copy of her defective diskettes. A few days later a letter arrived from the customer along with photocopies of the floppies.
-- Another Dell customer called to say he couldn't get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of trouble-shooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor scree
n and hitting the "send" key.
-- Yet another Dell customer called to complain that his keyboard no longer worked. He had cleaned it by filling up his tub with soap and water and soaking the keyboard for a day, then removing all the keys and washing them individually.
-- Another customer called Compaq tech support to say her brand-new computer wouldn't work. She said she unpacked the unit, plugged it in, and sat there for 20 minutes waiting for something to happen. When asked what happened wh
en she pressed the power switch, she asked "What power switch?"
- - -
Caller: "Hello, is this Tech Support?"
Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"
Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?"
Tech: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"
Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."
Tech: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped. It's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotion
al, at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?"
Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotional. It just has `4X' on it."
At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive!
-- Courtesy of Shar, USA
(End of file.)