DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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One time I was praying with a young lady while out witnessing and she was repeating after me. (Me:) "And give me eternal life in Heaven." (She:) "And give me eternal life somewhere in between Heaven."
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Another funny prayer was … (Me:) "Give me your gift of eternal life." (She:) "Give me your gift of eternal lice." And she sounded sincere!
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Sometimes when there's a break between the people we are witnessing to, we have praise time. Some of us have made the same funny mistake … after a nice man or woman puts a donation in our hand, instead of saying "Thank you," like we usually do, we reply with a bold, "Thank You, Jesus!"
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A sweet lady was earnestly asking Jesus to come into her heart and happily repeating the prayer with us. When we got to the "Give me your gift of eternal life" phrase, she repeated, "And give me a turtle life!"
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Not long ago while postering, I felt the need to relieve myself. My partner was already making his way up to a no-nonsense-looking type of woman, so I figured to mention it as soon as we were through with her. Earnestly I told her there was a great message she could read in the bathroom! Oops! I meant to say on the back of the poster!
I was about to begin laughing when she muttered, "Something to read in the bathroom, how nice!"
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One time I was witnessing and I went up to this young guy who had something on his shirt that ended with floor. I was trying to read it at the same time while I was talking to him. I told him that if he liked, there was something he could read on the floor.
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My partner, Maggie, and I were praying with a short, middle-aged lady to receive Jesus into her heart. Maggie was reciting the prayer and the lady was repeating it. When Maggie got to the part of "…come into my heart," she had an itch on her chest and scratched it. The lady must have thought that the scratching was part of the prayer because when she repeated that line she lifted her hand and proceeded to scratch her chest too. It sure was hard for me to keep a straight face!
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A few of us have had the experience that when ending the Salvation prayer, "…and help me to love You and others," the enthusiastic lady repeating the prayer said, "…and help me to make love to you and others!"
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When I was quite a bit younger, we would witness door-to-door a lot. While talking to a sweet lady I was thinking about asking her to receive Jesus into her heart. As she bought some tapes, I was reviewing the prayer in my mind. When she gave my dad the donation I blurted out, "In Jesus name, amen!"
open forum: "How does your Home do it?"
By a fellow follow-up Family member
With the era of action upon us, many of our Homes seem to be getting busier and busier. It's definitely exciting! It's a privilege to be in a Home that's bearing fruit, winning disciples, and following up on new and "old" sheep, etc.! That's what we joined the army for!
I was wondering how all you other busy follow-up Homes manage certain aspects of your schedule, especially how you manage to get enough sleep, as well as united devotions. This may sound silly, but it's a real-life difficulty! With most nights of the week and weekend busy until often long after midnight with Bible studies, ministering to the sheep, nighttime youth witnessing, meetings, etc., it's often very difficult to get to bed until pretty late.
The solution might seem simple: Just have a schedule where wake-up is late enough to ensure everyone gets eight hours of sleep. But there are some difficulties with actually putting this into practice: First of all, kids usually wake up early, and also are at their best for devotions, memory, school, etc., in the mornings. So a late wake-up schedule is either hard on the kids, and/or leaves them on their own for a good while in the morning (which usually doesn't bear good fruit), or necessitates someone/s getting up early with them, even though that someone probably got to bed late unavoidably. And since the best quality sleep occurs before midnight, it doesn't seem that having the children go to bed later and get up later is very good for them, especially in their growing years when plenty of good quality sleep is so necessary for good health, growth, ease and quality of learning, and even their emotional health, disposition, and behavior! (Mine too, for that matter! Ha!)
What sometimes happens is that "officially" adult devotions is scheduled a little later, but as many as are able to sleep later than that do so, as they are just too tired to get up. Then not only do they usually miss devotions, but the Home as a whole misses the unity of praying and reading the New Wine together. And still, almost everybody is continually tired, if not exhausted! The seemingly obvious sleep-in solution also doesn't solve the problem for people whose body clocks just don't let them sleep in! (I'm one of those!)
I'm sure the Lord has a solution, as He promised to supply all our needs, and enough sleep is a legitimate need, as is united devotions! How does your Home solve these difficulties in this exciting era of action? Any ideas?
(Editor's note: In light of the counsel given during Feast 2003, what sort of solutions has the Lord given your Home for challenges such as giving everyone in your Home, from the oldest to the youngest, sufficient Word time? How has the Lord shown you to overcome the obstacles that hinder your times in the Word-such as your Home members being too tired to get up for devotions, or whatever other roadblocks Obstacon puts in your way?
(Obviously every Home is different, and faces different challenges. Some Homes might be able to adopt an earlier schedule in order to get their Word time. While other Homes like this one, due to their ministry that requires them to be up late at night, might need a different plan. But no matter what the obstacles, situation, or difficulties, the Lord has the solutions. He's promised it!
(So please send in any and all ideas the Lord has given your Home that have helped you to put "first things first" and make the Word revolution a reality.)
Solutions: Taking our kids witnessing!
By Shine (of Tim), USA
I believe that witnessing is not only our commission as disciples of Jesus, but also the answer to many of the problems we face in the Family. Witnessing is so inspiring, exciting, and fun. It is my passion, even though childcare is also my job. Sometimes when I am out there in the mall or on the streets the Lord speaks to me, showing me how wonderful witnessing really is!
One thing that I think is really cool about being a full-time witnessing Home is that stores, malls, and places like that are thought of simply as places to witness, not places to hang out and look around for good buys. TTL, He supplies all of our needs so we don't have to worry much about shopping! I think this is really good for us, and is an especially good sample for the kids. There is just something about witnessing … when you're out there looking for sheep and trying to help people with their spiritual lives, the Enemy and the ways he tries to get to people through advertising and materialism is really exposed. It's so good for the kids too, to be there and talk to people with real lives and real problems, not like the movies! They can see how much people are searching because their lives in the System are miserable. Who can stand there, listening to people pour out their hearts to you, so in need of Jesus, and after that want the System's garbage? When you are witnessing and someone says, "Thank you so much for just making sense," you know you've got the truth. When someone pours out their heart to you and says, "I don't know why I'm telling you all of these things that I don't tell anyone, when I just met you!" you know that Jesus is with you.
Imagine, in one day of witnessing, (depending on where you live) you can witness to an upper-class businessman who travels the world. You can give him a classy-looking Activated mag, tell him about what the Family does, and if he's sheepy, he loves it! Then you can talk to a punk who's an atheist, give him a "Who Pulls the Strings" poster and expose the churches and explain how God is love! Then comes a sweet Chinese man who is thrilled over a Chinese tract. Well, I could go on and on with colorful examples, but the point is witnessing is so much fun! For the kids and all of us, there is so much culture and different experiences to be had. It's so good for the children to learn to witness to the upper class, speak well, and get on the same level as those they minister to, and then to show those poor people God's love and encourage their hearts. It's good for the kids to see that there is no reason to be intimidated by those that say "There is no God," for even they are searching for love.
When you are out there witnessing as much as you can it affects other areas of your life too, It makes the Word all the more alive and it makes you desperate for it! You need something stored up in your heart to give to the masses who are counting on you. Life is never boring! There are so many sheep, so many different people to talk to, that the times that are not spent witnessing are few, because if you are not doing something important for Jesus or for others, you know that there are plenty of lost people out there who need you!
I believe that witnessing consistently is a great way to keep the vision of why we are here and to teach it to our children. God bless all of our faithful witnessers in the Family! The Lord must really be proud of you!
By a YA Female, USA
One thing I've been a little concerned about lately is the lack of including the children in our witnessing. If we don't change our mindsets and methods we're going to have a whole crop of children that will be complete strangers to our basic principle of "Go ye into all the world." While some Homes do take their kids out and teach them to witness for the Lord, there seems to be a growing mentality that someone must stay home with them all day while a few "outreachers" carry the brunt of the job (witnessing). There are many sides to this--lack of oversight, sensitive fields, etc. But I believe that witnessing is an essential element in keeping our kids inspired and enthusiastic about following Jesus and really living what we preach.
For many of us second generation young people, that's all we knew when we were young. I look back with fond memories of my childhood because of all the experience I got to have through performing, witnessing, and provisioning. I'm still enthusiastic about the Lord, the Family, and witnessing because I had a parent who put his heart and soul into it. That was (and is) his purpose for being here, regardless of all else. Even when we were stuck in a difficult situation for a while, with nine kids under 10 and only two parents to care for them, we all went out, met sheep we could invite to our house, and won friends to support us.
You can always find a way to include the kids and make the Word and the Letters come alive to them. If you pray and put feet to your prayers the Lord can make a way to train them in this basic and essential element of Family living. Here are some quotes on the subject:
"Every child should be a witness or a witnessing asset. Most mothers have proven to be very successful witnesses with their children, little extra assets. Take the children witnessing and provisioning and use the children. Train them up in the way they should go as a disciple, not as a school product. Children are one of the biggest assets you've got! My children practically put me in business, and yours can do the same for you if you train them right and if you get them out witnessing." ("The Advantages of Having Children," ML #688:13-15, 22, DB 7)
"Don't tell me kids can't witness! I'm just dumbfounded to find the Homes think that kids are a liability and they can't witness and somebody has always got to stay home with them! Our families ought to be our biggest assets. Where did this business begin that we had to have some kind of single shiners to support works and Homes? It certainly wasn't so in my own little family and it wasn't so in the early days. People who had children could do more witnessing than anybody! Who can turn down a little child? The idea that you always have to leave somebody home with a bunch of kids because they can't witness is ridiculous! Every child should be an asset and be taught how to witness and provision." ("Make It Pay!" ML #684:5-9, DB 7)
See also "What is That in Thy Hand."
It would be great to read more testimonies of how others are using their kids for the Lord. Some already are. God bless them!
(Editor: Do you have a testimony along this line or something to share? Write it in and send it to gv@wsfamily.com so we can share it with all! )
mama's mailbox
Dear Mama,
I wanted to send on the following article which I thought might be interesting to you. I was looking through a reference book and stumbled across this article, and as I was reading it I nearly fell off my seat, ha! It was just the most amazing confirmation of the "spirit stories" GN and revelations, in what was a very secular and mainstream book. It's an interesting look at how some other people in the world are even starting to catch on to some of these things that the Lord has revealed to us years ago.
--SGA woman, USA
The Writer's Journey: Themes of the Spirit and Inspiration
By Deborah Levine Herman, Writer's Guide to Book Editors, Publishers and Literary Agents
There are many methods of writing that bring their own rewards. Some people can produce exceptional prose by using their intellect and their mastery of the writing craft. They use research and analytical skills to help them produce works of great importance and merit.
Then there are those who have learned to tap into the wellspring from which all genius flows. They are the inspired ones who write with the intensity of an impassioned lover. They are the spiritual writers who write because they have to. They may not want to, they may not know how to, but something inside them is begging to be let out. It gnaws away at them until they find a way to set it free.
Although they may not realize it, spiritual writers are engaged in a larger spiritual journey towards ultimate self-mastery and unification with God.
Spiritual writers often feel as if they're taking dictation. It is as though their thoughts have a life of their own and the mind is merely a receiver. Some people refer to this as "channeling" and believe disembodied spirits take over and write through them. Although I doubt that Gandhi and other notables have authored as many channeled books as people have been claiming, truly spiritual writing does have an other worldly feeling and can often teach the writer things he or she would otherwise not have known.
Anyone can become a spiritual writer. There are many benefits from doing so, not the least of which is the development of your soul. On a more practical level, it is much less difficult to write with flow and fervor than it is to be bound by the limitations of logic and analysis. If you tap into the universal source, there is no end to your potential creativity.
The same is true for our words. If we try to own and control them like property, they will be limited by our vision for them. We will overprotect them and will not be able to see when we may be taking them in the wrong direction for their ultimate well-being.
The best way to become a spiritual writer is to relax and have fun. Writers tend to take themselves too seriously, which causes anxiety, which exacerbates fear, which causes insecurity, which diminishes our self-confidence and leads ultimately to mounds of crumpled papers and lost inspiration.
If you have faith in a Supreme Being, the best way to begin a spiritual writing session is with the following writer's prayer:
Almighty God, Creator of the universe, help me to become a vehicle for Your wisdom so that what I write is of the highest purpose and will serve the greatest good. I humbly place my (pen/keyboard/Dictaphone) in Your hands so that You may guide me.
Prayer helps to connect you to the Universal Source. It empties the mind of trash, noise, and potential writer's blocks.
If you trust this process of writing and allow the journey to take you where it will, it may bring you benefits far beyond your expectations. (End of article.)
Christmas 2002!
Our Monterrey Christmas Benefit Dinner
--And good lessons on reaching the rich
By French Phoebe, CGO board, Mexico
Our city of Monterrey (about 6 million people) is one of the richest in Mexico, and counts three out of the 100 wealthiest people in the world. We have seven CM Homes in the city.
For the past year and a half, we have been organizing monthly Conéctate meetings. For the first few months, 40 to 70 people faithfully attended, mainly old friends and FM members. Then for a few months we stopped. When we resumed holding our meetings it was a little hard to build up momentum again. Every month we put a lot into the program, and a lot into trying to encourage our friends and contacts to attend. The Home most faithful and successful at bringing their friends actually goes around and picks them up in order to ensure that they will come, GBT!
Miraculously, a few months ago the management of a recently opened five-star hotel agreed to let us use one of their conference rooms for free every month.--A real open door to help us implement the "reach the rich" vision, raise our personal standard as well as the level of friends we are aiming at. We held two consecutive meetings there, and again bringing people was a struggle.
When the idea came up to hold a Benefit Dinner for Christmas, the hotel graciously agreed to give us a complete five-star buffet (French food, mind you!) for a very low price. The only available date was a less than one month away, leaving us very little time to prepare and sell tickets. A bit short, but the Lord confirmed it was His will, and we went ahead.
At our first organizational meeting, we had to rise above the Enemy's doubts that the Homes wouldn't get behind it, and that our friends wouldn't be interested. It was a spiritual fight and the Enemy tried to get in to discourage us in many ways, but PTL, we held on. Opinions varied greatly regarding how much to charge our friends, from the bare minimum to a sizable amount. Realizing that everyone would have to pay, even Family members, gave us faith to charge more, which the Lord confirmed.
As soon as we put feet to our prayers and started to move, made the tickets, and got going selling them, the Lord moved as well and provided everything--first of all a band, with Mexican David having recently moved to Monterrey, Mike (of April), and Romanian Chris who moved just a few days before our event to be able to join the band. The Lord also supplied a professional drummer, Gerardo, the son of dear Active members. So we had the band, and the rest of the preparation was quite easy, as the hotel was basically taking care of everything and we kept the program simple.
The exciting part is that we had to call the hotel every few days to let them know that more people than expected would be coming. At first we had given an estimate of 60 people, and we ended up being 130, including 80 guests. Praise our sweet Lover and the power of the keys!
The Lord anointed the evening and it was a success. Whereas at our regular meetings, the guests would arrive 60 to 90 minutes late, that evening they started to arrive 30 minutes early! It pays to make them pay!
From the different testimonies from the Homes, their friends didn't hesitate to pay, especially when the venue was a five-star hotel. We had a good bait and we learned as a city some good lessons on reaching the rich. Some of us who didn't want to ask our friends to pay ended up buying tickets for them, as a gesture of appreciation. Most of the friends we invited for free didn't come.
One Home shared the testimony of how their most faithful king had never attended a single Family meeting in the more than 10 years he has known them. When he was timidly asked if he would like to buy a ticket, he said yes right away and even brought a friend along! Later on, when queried about why this was the first time he had decided to come, he commented: "You have to make people pay! You have to make them appreciate what you are giving them."--A good tip from a wealthy businessman!
Our program was simple, the band, four different kids' shows (from professional to very cute!), a scrumptious meal, a few Christmas stories, and a Christmas skit. At the end everyone stood up to hold hands together and sing "O Holy Night."
It was a wonderful way to help our friends partake of our dear Lover's spirit on His birthday.
Benefit Dinner in Mexico
By Pedro (CO), Mexico
On December 7th we held a Christmas benefit dinner for the Mexico City area at a restaurant overlooking the lobby of five-star Hotel Nikko. The results were wonderful! The power of the keys through our desperation once again worked to make this event a reality and successful.
We had been trying to sell invitations since early November, but only three days before the dinner we only had 40 invitations sold and had a commitment of a minimum of 100 with the management of the restaurant.
Since many people already had scheduled appointments for that day, our initial push to sell invitations didn't go as well as expected. We heard from the Lord and called on the keys for this dinner and everyone in the city got behind it and we ended up selling another 160 invitations!--120 more in only three days!
Our presentation was very simple. The adult band sang Christmas carols, then we handed out certificates as a token of gratitude to those who supported us throughout the year. We then showed a short video with the highlights of the year, afterwards Jerry sang with the children, and as a closing number the teens danced. We all had a very enjoyable time and our friends loved it!
This event was a very effective way not only to feed and reward our friends, some new and some older, and to introduce the Family to the new ones, but it also unified us as an area. It increased our faith as to what can be done when we pray together and do what the Lord tells us. When we had only 40 invitations sold, we considered canceling the event. When we asked the Lord what we should do, He told us to "walk by faith and not sight," to give it our best shot, shoot for the stars, believe that He was going to do a miracle, and that it would mark an important culmination of a wonderful year full of great fruit and the beginning of a new day for the work here. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened!
Christmas at Maputo Central Hospital
By Martin (of Mercy), Mozambique
We had been regularly witnessing at the Maputo Central Hospital for the last three years and visiting the cancer and orthopedic wards weekly, where we pray with and for the sick and encourage them and their relatives. For the sick kids we've been collecting toys and clothing for distribution and it was a joy to see the happy faces and expressions of the kids when they received their gifts. Mercy had her flannelgraphs with her to explain the Christmas story in Portuguese, and a couple of our outside witnesses were translating into Shangana, the local Bantu dialect for some of the people from out of town. On one of the walls in the hospital there's still a Christmas poster we gave out four years ago. The hospital staff lets us in at non-visiting hours as they're used to us coming to pray for the sick.
We were able to pray with seventy-five people who hadn't received the Lord yet. Some people are there for months and each week look forward to our visit when we bring more lit for them to read or give out Activated magazines. When relatives visit they take off with the Activated magazines so the patients say they often have to hide them so they can read them first. We are very thankful to be in such a receptive and fruitful field.
Christmas party for contacts and friends
By Ruth, Mexico
We wanted to do something special for our friends and contacts this year. Although in a city nearby they were holding a benefit dinner, we didn't feel that we were ready for something like that. We took it to the Lord in prayer and He told us to turn our monthly Conéctate meeting into a Christmas event. It's always so simple when the Lord shows you what to do.
We kept it simple and made simple invitations and printed them out on red paper. We made tickets for a raffle and invited our friends to help the work by buying one. We raffled a set of videos, a collection of four CDs, and four tapes. Many of our friends bought tickets and we used the profits to help toward our upcoming events for the orphanages. Everyone in the area added something to the program, from singing to puppets to Grandfather coming to read the kids a story. It was fun working together.
A friend of ours lets us use her restaurant for these get-togethers. One of our contacts supplied pies for the event and we also baked a cake and had punch. The day before the event we all got together to decorate and practice. Our practice didn't go so well, but the Lord always seems to work a miracle. Of course, He never fails and the next evening the Spirit fell.
Much to our delight we had about 70 visitors. (That was our biggest turnout ever!) It was wonderful as there were many new faces in attendance and each one commented how the evening had been so special for them. More and more we are seeing that by letting the Lord lead everything works out in a wonderful way!
Yearly children's Christmas event
By Ben, Jonathan, Ruth, and Vessel, Mexico
"Oh, so sorry! We won't be able to cook the chickens for you!"
"Oh, so sorry! We didn't get our order of chickens, so we won't know until tomorrow if we'll be able to give you the 30 chickens you need for your event!"
"Oh, so sorry! We won't be able to help you with the tents you need for your event!"
"Oh, no! We need 50 more shirts, sizes, 8, 10, 12, and 14 to be able to give all the orphan boys a shirt in their Christmas bag!"
"Oh, no! What should we do?!"
(Editor's note: Read in full how the above scenario played out … on the MO site! http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/1647)
board happenings
First Northern Mexico CGO seminar
By French Phoebe, CGO board, Mexico
A total of thirty-five brethren from four cities attended our first Northern Mexico CGO witnessing seminar. This being the first time we had organized such an event, we didn't know exactly what to expect, and were pleasantly surprised to see the interest it generated and the great vacuum for input and fellowship it revealed. Some people traveled for eight hours, others for six hours each way in order to attend, God bless them!
The Lord provided a comfortable rustic hall for us completely free of charge, with all amenities included, even a projector for our presentations.
It was a real boost for the area to be able to rally together around the "reach the rich" and the Activated vision.
Phoebe and Josiah led the presentation on "reaching the rich," with how-tos, where-tos, and a little study on making it pay, and Josiah and team did a hilarious skit on raising the standard, which drove the point(s) home painlessly.
Josue, a long-time salesman and veteran of the MSC and Conéctate desk shared helpful tips on sales and marketing and doing business in Mexico.
Mexican Joy delivered the presentation on persecution prep for Mexico; Mexican Ruth gave us a refresher course on teaching Bible classes; and the Rescate Home (a Home of all young people) shared their experiences pushing subscriptions and developing a pledge program in Monterrey. They had everyone in stitches as they acted out how some of their teams manage to sell subscriptions without speaking Spanish, or in very bungling Spanish. But this is not an obstacle for them, and they actually made it to the top of the Mexico shiner list with 101 subscriptions for the three months preceding Christmas. GBT!
We closed the seminar calling on the power of the keys for the different aspects of our witnessing and for the Lord's anointing to embrace Conéctate and the "reach the rich" vision.
Praise our dear Husband for the boards, such a wonderful avenue to unite together behind the vision the Lord is leading us to.
Two pillars unite to host Rio parents' seminar
Sent in by Lily, Brazil
A few months ago the North Brazil FED board was praying about the possibility of holding regular teacher training workshops. In discussing this, the Lord reminded us of some points from "Where to Now?" about the need to make teaching and childcare a respected, desirable profession again in the Family, and about relationships between parents and teachers/helpers.
We felt that some of those points needed to be addressed in a seminar for parents before the teacher training workshops, to help bring some of these issues out in the open in a personal way. After all, who doesn't know of at least one or two wonderful, experienced teachers or caregivers who "dropped out" of teaching for some of the very reasons Mama mentions in that Letter?
Working together
As we discussed this, the realization struck: "Wait! This is getting at least partially out of our pillar!" That's when we decided to ask the CP board (well, first we asked the Lord!) if they would like to work on a seminar like this with us, and they enthusiastically agreed. Our joint effort began with the first united planning meeting a few weeks later. The Lord gave us unity that not only was a blessing in the spirit, causing the many details and decisions to flow smoothly, but also empowered us to offer much more to the seminar attendees than if either board had been working alone.
The seminar
The morning meeting was based on paragraph 89 of "Solutions for Shepherds, Parents and Everyone!" (GN 985) about the need for changing our mindsets and approach with regards to our children's training and discipline. After a humorous presentation illustrating how the way we look at a problem or situation can sometimes be the problem, we had an open forum on the question, "In what ways do we need to change our mindsets?" Many were eager to communicate, and the list of responses on the whiteboard grew and grew.
During lunch break and after the afternoon meeting, attendees were free to browse through our display of schoolbooks from different Brazilian publishers, which we hope was a help in getting an overview of some of what's available to choose from and use in our homeschooling. Another stand that drew lots of oohs and ahhs was dear Faith's (from the CP board) display of Family games and devotions "spicers" that she had so beautifully colored and packaged and faithfully taken care of as they have come out over the years. What a wonderful sample of using to the utmost the treasures the Lord has blessed us with!
The afternoon meeting focused on key points from "Where to Now" regarding ways in which we can improve relationships between parents and teachers and avoid repeating mistakes of the past along those lines. Then Clara (from the FED board) did a "show and tell" presenting the updated, revised academic record forms in Portuguese (Preschool and Primary Report Cards, Scholastic Activity Log forms, and Attendance Record forms) which the North and South Brazil FED boards worked on jointly and which were recently sent to the Homes. She also passed around the beautifully kept portfolio of one of her daughters to give anyone interested a sample of one way to fulfill this Charter requirement. This touched off lots of questions about how to best be prepared (with regards to our homeschooling) for a knock on the door. Two of the dear daddies in attendance are members of the PR board; their input on these issues was invaluable and helped round out the discussion.
Time would fail to tell of the surprise key promises for children taped under each chair to claim during our prayer time, the fun ice-breaking game of teams racing to put together cut-up words to make titles of recent childcare Letters, the meeting notes with further reading given to each attendee (excerpts from recent childcare-related GNs on the topics covered), the precious fellowship. …
Thank you, fellow North Brazil FED and CP board members! Each of you played a vital role in making this seminar happen, from the idea stage through the planning stage and on to the end! And to the dear, sacrificial members of Oasis Home, where the seminar was held, thank you for your time and generosity! You're tops in our book!
open forum: childcare heroes and heroines, part III
By Mercy (24), Romania
Having been in childcare most of my life, I have to say one of the things that helped me the most to keep going day after day was when I knew the parents appreciated my help.--The times when they would bring me some little treat when I had stayed up late with the kids when they were out late witnessing; when they would include me in their family activities; when they let me correct the kids and never contradicted what I was saying to the kids in front of them; when they would try to get me off to a fellowship night, even though our Home was about an hour's drive from the other Homes and our personnel was limited. In short, when I felt I was special to them, that they loved me, that they took me in as part of their family, then I didn't mind being with the kids day in and day out. Those little things really made a difference.
If I can give any suggestion to parents it is to APPRECIATE your childcare helpers. Make them feel like part of your family. And those never ending "thank yous" really make us feel like it is all worth the while!
By a FGA in West Africa
I felt drawn to write up something from my heart after I read the section in the last two GVs "heroes and heroines." Although I have not been in CC for many years now, I am still "close," as both my children and their mates are "in it," having lots of kids themselves and still going for the gold and "sticking" to the field of Africa for years now (seven of my twelve grandchildren were born in Africa).
They also have many other responsibilities like being on the board and having ministries that benefit whole areas, and they're doing all these things cheerfully, but not without their battles either, ha! I am so proud of them and wanted to mention what a great encouragement they are to me. It really helps me to keep going sometimes and has "revolutionized" my prayer life! Ha! They have "kept the faith" and put into practice their upbringing. They are doing such a good job at raising their little "armies." It is touching indeed. And all this not without many struggles and difficulties, both having to fight not only many personal physical ailments but also not always being in easy situations, having to raise finances, and the standard, etc., etc. like many others I know.
I wanted with this note to CONGRATULATE all you SGAs who have "kept the faith" and are determined to raise your children in the way that they should go. It is a tremendous encouragement and boost to your own parents more than you could possibly know, and of course not only to them, but to everyone for that matter.
You are HEROES of FAITH for sure. My prayer is for "more power to you" in this new age of the keys of the Kingdom. May your load feel lighter and lighter. I have a feeling that many more people, young and older, will feel the call of being more involved in CC and being counted in the challenges of pouring into the upcoming young and fresh army, and will want to feel that incredible wonderful feeling of reward that comes with it!
Again, dear SGA parents, you are just wonderful!
* How can we give teachers and childcare workers more prominence in the Family?
By Lili (of Joe), The Gambia
I think one way in which parents can help those who care for your children to not get burnt out or feel useless is to spend quality time with them with the children. Make friends with the one caring for your children. Be there for them when they need a friend. It will help them to have more vision in caring for your kids if you are there for them and are being a friend to them. If they feel used or unappreciated, it will show in their care of the children.
At childcare meetings, show an interest in what the children in your Home are doing and what the teachers and parents are encountering, even if you yourself are not involved with the care of the children. There seems to be a connotation that childcare meetings are boring and only of interest and necessary for teachers and parents. I have to disagree with that, as everyone in a Home, no matter their age or ministry, should be concerned about the child or children in their Home. And don't just spend childcare meetings picking on the kids' problems. Pray for each one, show their schoolwork, hear what they are doing, share some cute kid stories, and let the teachers know how much you appreciate them.
Of course, there are times when there are things that need to be brought up, but if that's the case do it lovingly, especially if you aren't one of those involved much with the kids--in that case you have to be extra loving. It's easier to accept correction about the kids from someone whom you know really loves those kids and shows it regularly, rather than from someone who only gets involved when a problem comes up.
Remember that the singles helping in childcare and teaching are still singles. They need time off to be single. Their time will come when they have children of their own, but until then they do need those breaks to just be single.
Strive for unity within your Home. If you have a problem with the one caring for your children, it will affect the children and all involved. For your children's sake, strive for unity.
I share each of these tips from personal experience and things I have learned, some of them the hard way. Right now I am in a small Home of two couples. The other couple is very involved with the kids and plays with them, talks to them and really cares about them. It is so sweet. It makes you feel truly One Wife. The Lord is helping us as an area to school our children. The children from both Homes school together in their groups, some at our house, some at the other Home. Those with particular gifts have been teaching those subjects to the kids, so pretty much everyone is involved in the children's training. There have been times when things have had to be pointed out to me about the care of the children, but knowing everyone is involved makes it easier to receive. We all have a lot to learn and it is so nice that we are able to learn together.
I want to end this by saying a big thank you to those of you who helped me in times past with my kids. You are in my memories and I love each of you dearly! Thank you Dolly, Julie G., Joanne, Feli, Joy D., Rachel, Christy, Liz, Estrella, Jayne, Elena, Angali, Laila, Maria, Sam, Nicole, Veronica my mom, Ester and mother-in-law, Peace, you were always there for me and the kids! God bless each of you who are caring for our Family kids!
By Chandra (22), WS
Think of childcare as outreach. There's so much in the Letters about the importance of raising children the right way. As eager as we are to go out and reach the lost for the Lord, are we as fervent about making disciples out of the children in our care? Childcare workers are disciple-winners. Childcare should not be thought of in the same light as a dish slot or meal prep turn on the schedule.
In my opinion, the star players of each Home usually tend to be the outreachers, as they're the ones who bring in the funds, provisioning, and sheep, but that's not necessarily how it should be. When I was a young teen it used to bother me a lot that I would stay back to care for someone's children, while they went on outreach, and in the Home they'd be reverenced for bringing in X amount of the month's budget, or getting out so many tools. My desire to give my all to caring for their children was sapped if in the long run things in the Home would be geared to favor them as the fundraiser. Granted, I had a wrong attitude, and I'm not even suggesting that this is the way it is in most situations, but it was something that I experienced, and it dampened my enthusiasm for childcare.
My main point is that everyone in the Home needs to be appreciated at the same level for what they contribute to the Home--whether it's outreach, provisioning, childcare, or shepherding. The commitment level of a childcare worker is making a lifelong impression on the child(ren) in their care. How dynamic a childcare worker's output is depends a lot on the prominence and appreciation they receive in the Home. In my case, my desire to be a childcare worker can be credited to the dedicated childcare workers who gave their all toward my training when I was younger. Those are the ones I wanted to be like; they're the ones who motivated me.
To me childcare is not a sideline job; it's a calling in life--an important one.
By Ben (of Angela), Hungary
I am not a childcare worker but I have some experience in childcare, as I was almost always in Homes where we had numerous children of different ages, so I had my share of taking care of them, and now I have my own.
One point I want to highlight is the importance of keeping the time and schedule (especially with younger ones up to YC age, but even older ones too, I guess). For example, if breakfast is supposed to be at 8 am, parents and caretakers are counting on it. If breakfast is late, it's difficult to keep control of the kids as their routine is interrupted and they feel insecure. So for those in the Home who cook or do anything else that affects the kids (e.g., if the car is to be used for the kids outing at a certain time, the other drivers should be aware of it). Being on time and keeping the schedule is very important, as it makes the childcare personnel's work much easier. The kids are happier too, and therefore the whole Home is happier.
By Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai), Taiwan
It may sound funny, but in times past I have felt envious that the CC department of the Family has had so few seminars and conferences. I would like to suggest that we could have seminars (with a few kids in attendance to practice teaching on) for a certain amount of time with a variety of teachers present. The attendees could commit themselves to a certain period of teaching afterward. The CC TWer or a teacher in the area could be in phone or e-mail communication with the teaching graduate to answer any questions that come up. Videos of such conferences could be made and circulated to get others more interested in teaching. I greatly enjoyed some of the EE CC seminars that I saw a few years back while living in Poland; they gave me a real boost in the spirit to keep teaching on a regular basis.
Or a potential teacher could be a teaching apprentice at a Home that has a teacher who specializes in the age group they feel capable of teaching. The CC trainee could stay for a month or more, and get on the job training and supervision for an extended period of time.
A friend of mine who is 18, told me: "I want to teach, but I don't know how and I don't have the materials." Sometimes people need a way to get training. One of the great difficulties of the pre-Charter days was arriving at a Home to teach a group of kids and finding the teacher gone and no notes or evaluations to go on. Even though I've had a reasonable amount of teaching experience to work from, it would take me a month or two to really get to know my group and help them move forward. Recently a young man came to take over a group of mine who were moving with their parents to a new field; I would assign him articles and CC pubs to read and then I had him watch me teach for two days. Then he tried doing it. First he tackled devotions, conquered it, and then he took on reading and math. This young man had the greatest teaching attribute of all--he was willing. He did very, very well.
A recent teaching apprentice showed me all the teaching equipment and toys she put away because she didn't know how to use them. Perhaps if you have a well-trained teacher in your area, different Homes could sponsor that teacher to visit to help them use more effectively the teaching materials and teaching personnel they do have. Such a visit could both encourage and revitalize the present teachers and encourage some new ones. If some teachers or parents have good collections of masters of workbooks for photocopying, these could be borrowed and copied. Perhaps we could set up teaching pen pals by e-mail.
Sometimes I have seen one teacher trying to juggle between 5-7 grades and teach them all. It is tough on both the teacher and on any remedial learners in their homeschooling situation. Some of the needier students may be lacking the close supervision they need to make solid progress. Sometimes you could rotate the older JETTs or juniors to work with the younger ones and supervise them closely while they do so. If you have a native English speaker with teaching capabilities, you could have them specialize in teaching reading, spelling, and language arts. Other people could specialize in math, the local language, science, and history. Others (young or old) with energy could specialize in get-out. Lightening the load of a one teacher caring for a large age range of students could be essential so that the children would not have to relearn things that they learned improperly. Some Homes offer special road trips to the kids who learn the local language well. In the world, physical education, music, and dance, art, and drama teachers are greatly looked up to. We used to do more of those subjects and we really ought to do so again. One 19-year-old started his own band and began training the 12- and 14-year-olds in music. Now they sing and play together at Activated meetings in English and Spanish.
So if you have the right personnel, you could share the teaching load. Many shoulders don't feel as tired as just two shoulders can feel. Extra and fun subjects like music, art, computer, typing, etc., can be a great incentive to get children to press in and firm up the needed basic and essential subjects. Teaching (and learning) is an immense field when you get into it. For me it's literally a passion!
Teaching can be rigorous, and with teaching can sometimes come a huge fight with discouragement. At times teaching is really tough, but the rewards are really worth it. Mainstream society is always looking for new teachers, too. Once I saw a billboard on a subway train in London that read, "Nobody forgets a good teacher." It's my hope and prayer that there will be more teachers in the Family who will be well trained, well appreciated, and NEVER forgotten.
Witnessing is our heartbeat!
By Christina (of Steven), South Africa
From the smallest to the biggest child, I want them to learn to give the Word to others and enjoy it, to have perseverance and to trust the Lord. I like setting goals when I do outreach, but when I am with kids they are my priority. I've noticed that they have to see me doing the tracting, postering, etc., or they won't do it. My older ones get discouraged here and there, but only because they see us adults battling the same thing. But as we trust the Lord and don't give up, they also learn to walk the same footsteps! There is just no shortcut to teaching kids to walk that path, and I think it's often neglected nowadays. I tell my kids that all that God expects us to do is simply "what we can." I praise them a lot. To teach the kids witnessing and tracting takes a lot of patience, so I try to keep it inspiring.
All my seven kids started at babyhood, and I took them out witnessing whenever I had an opportunity. Now I try to go out with them at least once a week for an hour, and circumstances permitting, house to house in the afternoon.
I have been in childcare for the last 24 years. My oldest, Michaela, was tracting as a little one and when she was restless in her stroller, I quickly bought her a cheap toy to keep her happy a bit longer, so I could continue my outreach. When she was five, she went many places with me, and I taught her school on the way. She practiced her reading and learned her numbers by reading to me the house numbers or doing her math in her notebook. When she was eight, the school vision came out and the adults took turns and each child went on regular outreach every other day. Then we were more in combos and the kids hardly ever went out on outreach. When she was 15, while preparing for the field, she and her brothers and sisters did street witnessing, soul-winning, and restaurant singing as a singing group. On the field, we did a lot of house to house, shop to shop, postering, soul-winning and singing in institutions. Slowly I let her take over on outreach whenever she felt comfortable and I was tired, ha! My youngest now is four and he gives out tracts in between his funny stunts. People are very touched when they see kids tracting and postering.
At the same time, all through the years I had pregnancies, babies, school, plenty of other things that needed to be done, including growing pains with my teens. We parents are anything but perfect and have made lots of mistakes. But I believe that because we had witnessing woven in between the myriad of things in our lives, it always brought back to life why we're living our lives the way we do in the Family. We saw that we made people happy, saw their hope in Jesus, saw that people were made happy by the posters and videos. Souls were saved, people were encouraged that someone cared today about them and they knew it came straight from Jesus. If your kids experience these things on a regular basis, they will know that they are doing the right thing, the most meaningful and best thing they could ever do. (Amen!-That's what we're all about!-Mama)
Now I am here more or less 20 years later. I don't know how I even got here or how I could have been faithful for so many years. I know one thing, though, and that is that after witnessing, I feel the Lord's Spirit so much on me; I feel my soul and spirit glow inside, and I know it's the Lord's blessing for doing His work. It's nothing of myself. I want each of my kids to experience the same incredible thing.
Sometimes while witnessing I ask one of my kids, "Did you see the lady smile?" "Did you look into her eyes and see how happy she was that you gave her the Words of Jesus?" And the kid will say, "Yes." And I ask, "Do you feel like a real MISSIONARY today?" And the kid says, "Yes!" It means a lot to a child that no matter how small they are, they are used of the Lord and a real part of this big missionary work.
My strength through all these years has come from the Word, through love from others and my husband, and a big part comes from the strengthening of the Lord's Spirit through witnessing, and seeing my kids' happiness both while witnessing and during school when they are happy to be able to do something new and to be shiners.
All that to say, that without regular witnessing, we all tend to get quite stale. The kids need it so they know why they are here in the Family. And I need it frequently as a mother and childcare worker. I've noticed a sad thing--that Homes often don't like it when their childcare mommy is regularly interested in taking the kids out on outreach or witnessing. They want to get the most out of her time by keeping her at home with the kids, when by doing so they actually short-change themselves. They hinder the inspiration which helps her to keep the vision and to keep being faithful. She does an invaluable job for you parents, which is to train your kids for the Lord, and that takes a lot of patience and plodding.
The Charter doesn't have a witnessing quota for kids, but if you ask me, they need to get out there at least once a week. Witnessing is what makes us "tick," no matter how hard it gets out here on the field or no matter what kind of attacks the Enemy uses. We are here for the sheep and this, together with the Endtime weapons, is a pretty good defense and safeguard. To me, one of our weapons is witnessing and the kids need it just as much as I do. (Bravo!-One of our beautiful queens with rich rewards in Heaven! Thank God for her sample and her sermon!-Mama!)
tips from you
Text file reader
We recently acquired an IBM program which allows us to hear the text format GNs, etc., read in English. This has increased our Word time unbelievably and has allowed us to repeatedly listen to many of the Feast mailings, resulting in lots of change in our lives. We would like to recommend that this type of program be made available to anyone interested as the fruit it bears is phenomenal! There are different voices to choose from and although some of the intonations and pronunciations are a bit like you would expect from an android (ha!), you get used to it after a while.-Home in USA
(From WS:) There are many programs available for this. If you're interested, go to http://download.com.com/ and search for "text speech." You'll get a list of lots of programs that have this function, some of which are free and some shareware.
Barney (from England), I'd like to be in touch. Love, Liberty. You can e-mail me at: page07@freemail.absa.co.za
Hi, this is Lydia (13, of Simon and Julia, Romania). While fixing our computer most of my addresses got lost. I wanted to ask if my friends could write me so that I can get your addresses again. Thanks! Sara Pla, Lanna B., David, Sana, Lita, Leila P., Aaron (of Andres), Ivan (Oydie). Please write me soon! And of course all new people are welcome too! My e-mail is: happynews4u@wp.pl
Abi in Senegal is looking for French Lara (ex: Aurore, mother of Diamond), may be in the PACRO area? TY for contacting me at: abifr@yahoo.fr
former members and friends - seeking contact
Dear Family: I lived in Krasnodar, Russia and got in touch with Family over there. I was deeply touched by their music, message, and life. I helped them by making a video about their work in Krasnodar. Now I live in the USA, and I would just love to get in touch with those wonderful young people. Their names were Michael (USA), Clara and Tina (USA), and Kristina (from Hungary). It was in the fall of 1995, I believe. Their phone number was: (8612) 61-7761, their house number was #34. Thank you. (You can contact Filipp Y. Z. at: family@thefamily.org)
Hi! Please help me get in contact with a member of your Family named Pierre J. (Peter/Timothy). He used to live in Brazil and I really have to get in touch with him. Please give him my e-mail. It is drawingbird35@hotmail.com. Thank you.--Danielle Dubois
letters to the editor
Re: "Music Era" (GV #144)
By Rayne (20), South Africa
I just wanted to say thank you to Esther WW for the beautiful article "Music Era" that she wrote in Grapevine #144. It's very motivating and expresses the way I feel about music and how songs should be in general. Music is the heart cry of the soul and is very powerful. Thank you, Esther. I definitely want to help in making music for this era to help motivate not only other Family members, but the youth of today. Love you!
By JP (17), Asia
I would like to thank Esther WW (19), Brazil for writing that very inspiring article ("Music Era"). She couldn't be more right! I am now feeling inspired to give it my best shot and write a great Family song! God bless you, Esther. You are an on fire girl!
Re: Grapevine homeschooling corner
By Leah, Thailand
I really like the homeschooling corner in the Grapevine. Being home alone most of the time schooling my kids, it's very helpful to read all the new ideas, comments and tips shared by other moms and teachers. Thanks for taking time to put that together!
Re: Grapevine, answers to prayer
By Lydia M., PACRO
The answers to prayer in the Grapevine are really encouraging to read, as in our prayer vigil we often pray for these requests, so when the answered prayers are published, it makes us want to pray more and be faithful with our prayers for those who need our prayers.
Re: Power and Protection book
By Christina Kinder, Taiwan
I have been asking the Lord to help me to be more faithful with my 11-year-old's daily Word time--especially getting in that second hour on non-witnessing days. We have been going through the beautiful stories in the Power and Protection book. My son loves them, and I do too! I realized I had never really read all the stories in this book. Each one is so inspiring, and I am addicted to reading them now, especially before bed, after unwinding from a busy day. TTL for all our wonderful publications, and for the variety of Word to feed our young ones.
reactions from Activated subscribers
Thank you for being there for me. I can't describe how thankful I am and how much love I feel for you and that I can turn to you with anything and share anything with you. It's wonderful that even though we've never met, I feel so much love and understanding from you. I know the Lord is with me, loves me, helps me, and this knowledge helps me through any difficulty or trouble. I'd like for everybody to know this happiness that I feel because of Him! I will never be able to repay Him for what He's done for me, not even if I give my life for Him. It's so good to belong to Him--I have purpose and goal in my life!
I received the latest Activated magazine and I found it super! I want to photocopy your publications and give it to those who need it. I've been giving them already to more of my girlfriends and they also really, really like them. I know that this is the only way to happiness!
--Monika, Hungary
My name is Iuresc. I'm 36 years old and I'm from Arad, Romania. I'm married and have two daughters. At this moment I find myself in one of the most terrible places on the face of the earth where a human being can be--the Aiud prison. I was sentenced to 16 years for murder. I long to be part of Jesus' flock, but I need help to get there and I hope I will find this help in you, through your support and prayers and encouragement.
My roommate has been receiving regular mail from you for a long time. I had the chance to read some of the letters you sent him and he convinced me to seek out Jesus and write you.
I would also like to be on your mailing list, and this way I hope to know Jesus better and to think about Him all the time, not only when I'm in trouble. I wish you good health and happiness.
--Iuresc, Romania
Thank you for my Activated magazines. I am feeling so great because the mags are so useful to me. I have realized that they consist of chapters that teach me faith and truth--not only that, but also the majesty of power through prayer. This has softened my life compared to how I was before reading your magazines. I am so interested in them. I am enjoying them so much. They're so educative as far as God is concerned. I am ready to receive a year's subscription to the Activated magazines and I am assuring you that I will read them.
--Bagire, Uganda
I have been truly blessed in my life as a physically challenged student who relies on a wheelchair. As an eighteen-year-old teenager, being in a wheelchair is a big challenge and being in high school is a bigger challenge because I have to keep setting myself new goals each term. I used to have a very pessimistic view of life, because I thought that God had abandoned me because of my disability. Your Activated magazines have changed my life completely. I am now the happiest girl in a wheelchair on earth.
The magazines have made it clear to me that God loves me despite my disability. I honestly enjoy reading the magazines, especially the May issue (featuring "Flesh or Spirit") which focused on very important aspects such as setting goals in order to achieve success. The ninth issue is helping me at school and it has strengthened my faith in God. Knowing that God loves me is the most precious gift of all. Thank you for the Activated magazines.
--Olga M., South Africa
Millions of thanks for sending me the Activated magazine. I read the magazine from cover to cover and every page over and over again because Jesus was made more alive. Jesus no doubt is the answer to all life's challenges. He is indeed the Man of Love who went about daily doing well to all. Thank you once again. God bless you.
--S.R., India
This letter is the token of our love and heartfelt thanks for the gratitude you showed us by sending the most valuable magazine named Activated to adorn our library. Your publication is very informative and useful for each one of us.
--M. T., India
I have been receiving your magazine regularly for the past year. My business ended up in a sad note losing to a tune of six lakh (600,000 rupees/US$12,400) last year. Then I suffered a major brain tumor operation. During that time I returned home and started reading your magazines. They really helped me. Now I have left my home and have joined a school as an English teacher and chaplain. I would very much like to subscribe to your magazine. I would not like to miss any issues.
--Madhil, India
I have not disposed of one single copy of the Activated mags. They mean so much to me. I keep them nicely in a file. I reread them and have shared them with my friends. Whenever I go through a difficult time, I pull them out and go through them. I find encouragement and strength from the words and counsel in them.
--Sanny, India
I am very glad to know that you have introduced the magazine Activated.--Anyone who reads the magazine grows spiritually. I happened to come across your magazine in my school library, but I would like to have my own personal copy, so kindly send me details on how I can subscribe. Each issue molds us into a new person and cleanses our hearts. Waiting in anticipation for your reply.
--Binu, India
With great happiness I received the first issue of the new magazine (Activated) and wanted to let you know that I received it safely. For a while I thought that our correspondence would not continue, as I can't afford to pay for your letters, but now I see that you didn't forget about me, and I want to thank you for that. You've always been part of my family, even though I've never met you.
God bless you for your care for me, and probably many others like me, and also for your labors. Your letters and articles are the best I could ever read. Thank you again and please write me more.
--Olga, Russia
Thank you for the magazine you sent me. It's very kind of you and I like the magazine very much. I found your magazine to be very interesting and spiritually uplifting. If you don't mind, I'll be using some of the materials published by you in my sermons. I have been elected a pastor of our church and am in need of help and advice, so that I can nourish the congregation spiritually. The magazine you offer is one of the best Christian courses I have seen yet.
--P., Russia
Your wonderful letter made my day and enriched my life. In the beginning I read it every day until its essence was engraved deeply on my heart. It awoke in me the feeling of importance, unselfish love, faith in myself and people around me, and most important, the richness of the cross and overcoming obstacles through the Word of God.
Thank you especially for the booklet How to Overcome Obstacles. It reminded me of the most important thing--that I'm a Christian, that Jesus loves me and wants me to bear my life's crosses with dignity, regardless of the winds and storms of life. I feel so secure in Jesus' love that lately all I feel is a song, happiness, and endless love.
Just before that booklet I read some psychological book entitled How to Say No When You Think You Should Say Yes. You can't imagine how complicated that book is. There are so many rules about what to do in each situation and it gives an impression that someone gathered all the wisdom of the world and put it on those 250 pages. I felt so confined by those rules that led to some kind of higher level.
But when I read your booklet I was surprised by the simplicity and clarity of sentences and its picturesqueness through which is shown the greatest rule of all--love.
I'm very thankful to Jesus for each letter I get from you because it's priceless spiritual food for me. To me you are my real family, because with you I feel happy.
Still I'm in a whirlpool of problems, but they are not that important to me any more. I accept them with joy and a song as I keep going on forward, ever forward.
--D., teacher in Croatia
I got the magazine and I really liked it. Since reading the magazine I feel better. I read the story "Incredible Journey." It's a beautiful story and after reading it I believe that there is life after death. There is not a day that goes by that I don't pray for forgiveness of my sins.
--Attila, prisoner in Hungary
Your Activated magazine is excellent! I had a glance and read one or two articles. I shall be grateful to you if you regularly send me this magazine and let me know the subscription for the magazine.
--Rev. J.D., Bible Society of India
help wanted
Dear Ones,
We want to ask you, our dear Family, for help. We are a small Home in the heart of China. We opened this Home four years ago and we love it here. We just finished our Christmas outreach which has been quite fruitful. A few months ago the Lord told us to "reach the top" and one avenue is through a puppet show. Over Christmas we did two shows for large audiences. The show is in both Chinese and English. The people love it and through it we are able to reach a whole new caliber of people. We were also able to get out the Christmas message via songs through our kids.
To remain here, Joe has to work part time so our family of seven is able to get our visas. But Joe has not been working since the middle of December and, with the Chinese New Year coming up, he will not have an opportunity till the beginning of March. So with at least two and a half months without work, and being unable to raise funds in other ways, we wanted to ask if anyone would be able to help us over this difficult time.
Also, we want to ask prayers for our son, who is 19. He has been out of the Family for almost two years. Last month, he got in a quick deal of borrowing thousands of dollars, bought computer parts which he planned to sell, but somebody drugged his drink and stole everything from him. He had borrowed the money from some people and when these people found out that he was robbed, they didn't care and gave him one week to pay it back or said they would "kill him."
Needless to say, he was in quite some trouble. He almost took off and didn't tell us about the mess he was in. But one evening the Lord told us something was very wrong with him, that he was going through it, and we went and found him drunk in a bar. We stayed with him till we could convince him to come home with us. He told us the next day what had happened and that he knew it was the Lord's love and mercy that we had found him as he was planning on killing himself or disappearing.
He borrowed money from one of our relatives and we asked him to leave China. (The Lord told us he needed a change and he needed to clear his mind and heart.) We also had to borrow his airfare from one of our relatives for him to leave. (He left within a week of this so-called "quick deal" that almost cost him his life.)
Please pray he can get set up and get a job as quickly as possible so he can pay back the money he borrowed. Pray that he'll know that the Lord loves him and gets back to listening to His voice, and that the Lord will protect him. Pray that the Lord will help us (Joe and Catey) to get some finances also to pay back his airfare.
Thanks for joining us in both your prayers and donations. We need you! Please send any donations via the TRF to CN631. A heartfelt thanks!
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Naseeruddin Shah, Lilette Dubey, Vasundhara Das
A story set in the modern upper-middle class culture of India, where telecommunications and a western lifestyle mix with old traditions. A stressed father, a bride-to-be with a secret, a smitten event planner, and relatives from around the world create much ado about the preparations for an arranged marriage in India.
(Jesus:) This is an interesting glimpse into the world of the upper-middle class in India. It's interesting to see the extent that western influence has pervaded the world, and yet how people do retain part of their own culture and customs as well. This movie is interesting, particularly for those who live or have lived in India. It's a character study and a pretty accurate portrayal of some sectors of Indian society. It's largely a sweet and upbeat movie, though it also touches on some more serious matters. It's got worthwhile insight into relationships as well.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner
After the Enterprise is diverted to the Romulan planet of Romulus, supposedly to negotiate a truce, the Federation soon find out the Romulans are planning an attack on Earth.
(Dad:) I like Star Trek. Not every show is a winner, and sometimes they come up flat, but this one was good entertainment. Nowadays the themes have gotten so wild in order to appeal to the fans, but they still adhere to the principle that good can, does, and will always win out in the end. That's one thing I like about Star Trek--they have always had the good and the evil clearly defined.
This movie wasn't quite as good as some of the other Star Trek movies, but it was interesting and entertaining. Some might find the story a little slow moving, but Star Trek fans will enjoy it. Some may find a few scenes disturbing--though not outwardly gross.
The concept shown in this movie about how you can either let circumstances and the past affect you or rise above instead, is very clear. Two men can be identical in physical attributes but the way they choose to look at life, and especially the Lord's Spirit helping them, can make all the difference.
The idea that the creators of this series portray is that each of the crew of the Enterprise is there because they have chosen to be the best that they can be, and for this reason they often get called upon to do extremely difficult tasks. You, the Family, like the crew of the Enterprise, are highly trained and motivated specialists, who are willing to sacrifice all in order to save others. You are in the war of the worlds and you must commit fully to the Lord, to do or die, to not allow any compromise in your life. This is drawing deep lessons from an "entertainment"-type movie, but you can get lessons out of even the simplest of examples, if you pray.
Mira Sorvino, Ben Kingsley, Fiona Shaw
Romantic comedy based on a French play from the 18th century. In an unidentified country in Europe, a usurper's daughter has inherited the throne and feels guilty about her family's crimes. She learns that a rightful heir exists, but he is kept in seclusion to protect him from her.
(Dad:) This movie has a great theme--love! Love wins. Love triumphs. Love rules! It overshadows all else and really is what makes life worth living. The movie is far fetched and even silly at times, but it does get the point across that God made 'em, male and female, and love is what makes the world go round.
This is a wholesome movie. Though the main character is pretending to be someone else, and she makes a mess and muddle of things, the main theme of the movie is that love wins, that love is the best philosophy. The deception is not malicious or mean, and it does not overshadow the good. Because of the style of the movie, it's very clear what's right and wrong.
It's a fairy tale, a period piece. The main point of the movie is fun, and it's about people and their basic, innate need for love, whether they will admit it or not. It is entertaining and enjoyable, particularly for movie buffs who like to see skill and talent used in an interesting way.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Ralph Fiennes, Jennifer Lopez
A senatorial candidate falls for a hotel maid, thinking she is a socialite, when he sees her trying on a wealthy woman's dress.
(Jesus:) This is a movie with a couple of simple, sweet messages: honesty pays and love conquers all. It's one of those feel-good movies. The ending is inevitable, and the path to it enjoyable.
It's the wonder and magic of love that it can jump from one heart to another, ignoring all prejudices and objections and traditions of man. The movie is unrealistic in parts, but that's just Hollywood for you. This is fine for Family viewing, and overall a pretty wholesome movie.
Real love conquers all, and there is no bridge that enough love cannot gap. Though it might not happen every day and it might seem fanciful, anything wonderful can happen when love is in play.
Whatever one's calling in life, it is what is on the inside that counts. You may meet maids who are princesses in disguise. Look for the heart. You may often find that people's inner life is much deeper and more praiseworthy than their calling suggests; this is a worthwhile theme in this movie.
There are also lessons about honesty, and the message that we all make mistakes, but despite our faults, all things do work together for good.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Bobby Edner, Ron Perlman
1950s-era family drama based on a true story about a courageous golden retriever who protects his young owner and proves his loyalty, but is accused of killing sheep by the boy's vengeful uncle and put on trial.
(Dad:) Drum [the dog] was sure a true friend to the boy. He brought out the best in the little boy. He was like an angel, sent by God to encourage this fellow and help him grow up. Of course, the dog was sort of glorified. It's sad that the little boy only had his dog to mean all the world to him, and it makes you feel like he wouldn't have been able to go on without him. That's one thing you can bring out to the kids when they watch it: how the Lord should really be the most important thing in our lives and how they should pray for children who don't realize that and base all their happiness in a pet.
The movie has lessons about standing up for what's right, and fighting to defend yourself--both physically and in court. It shows people having changes of heart for the better, and all these things are good. Unfortunately, it also shows some bad behavior on the part of some naughty children and others. It should be rated for an older audience as they have a better understanding of right and wrong.
Take note that there is a somewhat scary scene of wild dogs attacking the little boy. This is something that many kids have fearful battles about and some may need this part skipped.
The drawback of this movie is that it touches on a lot of issues and problems in life, but doesn't have many good answers to offer. So if you watch this movie with your kids, make sure to point out the Lord's viewpoint and answers regarding the matters that are brought up.
Healing key: My promises of healing will come to life as you call for miracles to be worked through the power of the keys.
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
By Andrew, Mary, and Michael, Kenya: Thank you for your prayers and calling on the keys of healing for Steve. It seemed like it was an impossible situation, when we were asking for your prayers that Steve be released from the hospital [over the Feast], as he was still receiving antibiotics for his infection, as well as taking morphine to dull the intense pain caused by the sores in his mouth.
The night of the Feast praise ceremony came around, and by a miracle, although Steve was not able to be released entirely from the hospital, the doctors agreed to let him out for the evening, at which time we were able to fit in our praise ceremony, with Natalia, Tola and Tor leading the way, and Steve in our midst as well. "According to your praise be it unto you!" and definitely, because of your prayers as well!
The next day was more of a test, because after our praise ceremony, Steve had to go back and spend the night at the hospital, still under antibiotics, and the sores in his mouth still very much there.
However, thanks to the power of the keys, and your prayers (and praise), Steve was able to come home the following morning, with a clean bill of health from the doctors, and he doesn't have to go back to the hospital, as he is completely healed! This is after being in the hospital for nearly a week, with almost no change in his condition the whole time, up until last night! Even the sores in his mouth, which were so bad the previous day, were completely healed, and Steve starting eating well. Thank You, Jesus!
This is a real miracle, as it looked like an impossible situation, but then again, there are "no impossibilities to the children of David, who take up and wield the power of the keys!" Praise our precious Husband, Lover and Healer, and thank you all so much for your prayers and your faith! We love you and can't do without you!
By the Arcadian Home, Thailand: We would like to thank everyone for desperately praying and claiming the power of the keys for Thai James. Two days after we sent in the worldwide prayer request, a Filipino radiologist friend, who also has a sophisticated X-ray clinic, offered to shoulder all the expenses for an MRI X-ray for his heart and lungs, which normally cost about US$400 and she also squeezed his X-ray appointment in, although we had to come in at around midnight. The day after she did the two-hour MRI X-ray, she also managed to convince her surgeon friend whom she said is the best heart and lung specialist in Thailand, to give James an appointment for the very next day in the most prestigious and expensive private hospital here.
Another miracle was that, while usually this doctor can only give about 15-30 minute appointments to his many patients, with James, he examined and discussed the many facets of his situation with our radiologist friend and with James and Esther, for about two hours. He also came that day just for James as he was actually on a holiday! God bless him and our radiologist friend, too! This surgeon didn't charge us anything, and we were only charged US$1 (yes, only US$1!) for his new hospital card, which our radiologist friend also paid for. (Please see ongoing prayer request for James below.)
By Rose(of John D.), India: Tests showed that my suspected breast cyst is not a cyst, but is only fibrocystic pain, which is not serious or considered by some a disease any more. This is an answer to prayer, and a relief! Thank You, Jesus, for the keys of healing!
By Mama
Thank you so much for your prayers for Peter's left arm and shoulder. Please keep praying, as he's still experiencing a lot of pain. We know that the Lord's going to heal him through the help of your prayers and calling on the keys.
Rose (of John D.): Ovarian cyst and related symptoms.
Abi Fisher: Diabetes and anemia.
Angie: Continued healing from leg infection and operation, as well as a chest infection.
Thai James: Serious heart problems, pneumonia. His heart surgeon is giving him the option of a heart-and-lung transplant only if this is done within a year from now. He is also giving the option to just leave his condition as it is and just pray and hope for the best.
Thai Promise and Thai Maria: Continual muscle contractions in their necks and backs and shoulders.
North America
Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai): Diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia after having had chronic bronchitis and respiratory problems for the last four months.
e-mail of the day, from the GP Web site
As I work for the City of Cape Town, we use a lot of internal envelopes. After moving into someone's office after about four years, I used the internal envelopes and before putting the mail into the envelope, I looked inside to see if there was anything in the envelope, which I normally don't do as I assume they are always empty. In that particular envelope I found two leaflets, one about the Y2K and another about true love. These were enjoyable, thank you! Do you have newsletters that you send out by e-mail?-Raylene
Got the message??…
From an ABM office: How many messages get further than download/filing…?
ABM sending out an all homes message, timely for all to read…
ABM later calls some Homes to see if they have received it…
"Hello, did you get the timely message sent out about three weeks ago?
Sue: No.
Bobby: No.
Danny: No.
Sharon: No.
Better ask the person who checks the mail daily. … Oh yes, we got that about three weeks ago!"
Plea from the ABM: Is it possible to share the know with the rest of the Home members when All Home Messages (AHM) arrive?
Tips: Print out and post for all to see. If you don't have a printer, have someone responsible to make a note in a book and/or verbally inform everyone, say at devotions. Have someone responsible to follow up on the message if needed. Thanks!
Activated reactions and testimonies
By David Joy, India
We have a new live-in disciple, Joshua, who came from the Activated ministry. He progressed from an Activated subscriber, to an Active member, to a live-in disciple--pretty much just by the Lord's leading and calling through the Word! Activated works and the Word is calling out the Lord's sheep everywhere now! Joshua is hungry for the Word and he already has a beautiful prophecy channel with the Lord! It's so inspiring for us to see him witnessing with such boldness, conviction and love for the lost!
By Kristina and Talitha, South Africa
Friday morning it was pouring with rain. We decided to ask the Lord whether we should have a team out or not. We didn't want to have a team out in the rain if it wasn't the Lord's will and He had something better for us to do with our time. The Lord told us to go ahead by faith as there were some people He wanted us to meet. He also promised to stop the rain (that took faith as it was really bucketing down!). So off we went.
It was still raining as we slowly made our way to our witnessing spot. We started un-packing our table and setting out all the tools, and before we were even set up a man stopped by our partially set-up table. He turned out to be a pastor who had been a missionary throughout Africa. He was very interested in the Endtime video. After explaining to him what it was about he ended up taking both Countdown to Armageddon as well as part two, Beyond Armageddon. Not only did we get out two videos before our day had even started, but it had also stopped raining. It sure pays to ask the Lord!
Our day out ballooning/activating started out rather slow. Instead of getting frustrated and discouraged that it wasn't going better, we decided to pray again, claiming the power of the keys. Within the next hour and a half someone came and took an iCD, and at one point we had four different people looking at the tools on our table, all of whom ended up taking something. One of the ladies said, "We must have been sent here today." Her mother has Alzheimer's disease and she was on her way to visit her. She was so happy to be able to take to her mother the How to Be Happy Anyhow tape to encourage her as well as the From Jesus with Love book. We're so proud to have these wonderful tools to offer to people. There is such a tremendous need out there and our tools are the only ones available that fill that need.
By Nat (SGA), Taiwan
I was in an office waiting room, waiting for a follow-up appointment, and noticed a lady reading some junky computer advertisement mag. I went over to her and said, "Here! Try this one! It's a lot more interesting!" I then placed the Activated mag on top of her other mag, and as she was looking through it, my appointment came out, and we proceeded with our Bible class. The lady who had been reading the mag also tuned in and listened, and our Bible class happened to be based on the first Activated mag.
To make a long story short, this lady, who is a Buddhist and who I'd never met before, really liked the Activated and subscribed on the spot.
By the Japan Activated desk
Mrs. I. is an Active member who has, to date, sponsored 44 gift subscriptions. She pays for them out of her own pocket without concern for her own financial state. She has testified that as she steps out by faith and pays for subscriptions, the Lord has supplied her needs through the people whom she sponsors the subscriptions for.
A woman from Fukuoka (on the southern island of Kyushu) phoned us one day. She had found some of our literature lying on the street, picked it up and contacted the listed phone number. She was able to get her hands on some introductory Activated mags and said later, "What I read went straight to my heart." She ended up subscribing over the phone.
There is a Buddhist monk who has been in contact with and is being fed by Family members. He believes in Jesus and led the singing of "Saint Francis' Prayer" during a Tokyo area Christmas party last year. He is now a subscriber to Activated magazine. He phoned in with a request to purchase Activated post card sets to pass out to his acquaintances. It's wonderful to see the Lord's message going out to people regardless of their religion.
(End of file.)