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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 147; January 15, 2003.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, CA 92150-0107 USA e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2003 by The Family


       Insight from the Lord about our enemies       page 3
       Judge Marquevich feeling the heat from the media        page 4
       A plea for prayer for the Palestinians        page 6
       Christmas 2002!        page 8
       Board happenings        page 12
       Homeschooling corner        page 14
       Activated desks report        page 16

       Francesco Jordan
, born to Elisa and Paolo on September 1.--Italy
       Mia Natalia, born to Sara and Levi on September 5.--Romania
       Jonathan Helper, born to Heaven and Aaron on September 12.--South Africa
       Fanny, born to Victoria and Christian on September 20.--Hungary
       Daniel, born to Fatima on September 21.--Hungary
       John Micael-Nicolas Knight, born to Francesca and Elia on October 27.--Uzbekistan

new disciples (CM and FM) …
(19, Russian) joined in Russia.
       Mariangela (German) rejoined in South Africa.
       Nikki (19, American) rejoined in Romania.
       Sefora Oasis and kids rejoined in Italy.
       Steve (21, English) rejoined in Ireland.

Great account of the latest in a series of OC/JETT camps, held by Seek and Home in Mexico. Full of good ideas and pictures! Find it on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/1616

       Newsflash! Available now! Broaden your horizon. Deepen your vision. Find new frontiers. Vine 6 & 7. Bottled at Digital Kitchen. Both VCDs yours for only US $5.00 (or US $3.00 each). Reach us now at our new e-mail: thomasowen@ny.com or thevine@mail-me.com. Our mail address is: The Vine, P.O. Box 520, Samsen Nai P.O. Bangkok 10400 Thailand. Don't forget to send us your Home number and mailing address with your order! Thanks! Please send your gifts through your office designated to “The Vine Team” Home #TH28.

Thank you for your Christmas notes
Dear Family,
       Thank you so much for all of the beautiful greetings, prayers, messages from the Lord, photos, and other tokens of love that you sent us at Christmastime. We appreciate each one of you so much, and keep you in our fervent prayers.

       Always in His love,
       Mama and Peter

new tract available
This is to announce that a new tract entitled "Will You Be a Peacemaker?" is now available on this site for downloading. [http://www.familymembers.com/pubspages/search.php3?searchpub=22] While the Lord in this tract is telling those in the U.S. that He is against the looming war with Iraq and pleading with them to take a stand against it, it is not just a message for the U.S., so those of you in other places may want to pass it out as well.
       Please note that there are two versions of this tract: "Peacemaker Tract (U.S.)" for distribution in the U.S., and a slightly different version, "Peacemaker Tract (non-U.S.)," for distribution outside the U.S. This second version has two wording changes that make it more applicable for those outside the U.S.
       Our Husband has confirmed that it is important to spread this message. Obviously the tract will be important to distribute in the U.S., and in other countries where the public is concerned and would be directly affected should this war take place.
       It is helpful to keep in mind that many influential religious groups and personalities have come out against this war. Even in the States, groups like the U.S. National Council of Churches, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons) have spoken against it--so we are not a lone voice in this matter. When we asked the Lord if we should get out a tract on this crisis, or perhaps put something in the END instead, He confirmed that now is the time to put out a tract. Below are excerpts of what He had to say:
       (Jesus speaking:) Be not fearful of controversy, My dear ones, for that is what has helped to make you what you are and has spread your message--My message--around the world! From the earliest days the Family has been controversial--your communal lifestyle, your statements regarding various world conditions, your radical proclamation of the Law of Love, of FFing, of conversations with heavenly messengers, of prophets and of prophecy, and on the list goes!
       In each of these My message has gotten out as well in a very personal way, for as you have met people and they have seen you and talked to you, been captured by your smiles, enraptured by your words, and moved in heart and spirit by the Words of truth you left with them--the tracts or Letters or posters or booklets--they have seen Me and My truth in a different light. Your sample has sold My sermons and won many hearts to Me, and changed the world in ways that you do not realize. The ripples of your impact have spread across the ponds of the nations, the great waters of the people, though they knew not where the ripples originated.
       So yes, I ask you to again be willing to get out My message. Proclaim the truth--the Words which I give you to speak--and fear not the consequences. In some cases it will make enemies, yes, but in other cases it will win you friends, and the latter will be greater than the former. In truth, many of those who will not like your proclamation of the truth regarding America's war plans would not have liked you and My message anyway. The truth must be proclaimed, and even these must be given one more chance to hear My Words and viewpoints on the matter, and to believe, if it is possible, or to be judged for their unbelief and rejection, if it is not. It is always thus with My Words and the witness of My messengers.
       Let My Words be proclaimed, whether they will listen or not, and I will keep you as you proclaim them. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves as you distribute them, letting the truth speak for itself and the chips fall where they may, for they will fall to the furtherance of My Word and the glory of God. (End of message from Jesus.)

       We will be praying for your leading and guidance as you seek Him for His leading on distributing this tract, as well as for your discretion in doing so.

       Much love,
       Your WS Family

Notice: FamilyBirthday2003!--To be read unitedly!

By Mama and Peter

Dear Family,
       God bless you! We pray everyone has enjoyed a refreshing and renewing Feast time. With renewed faith and determination to put first things first, as we put to use our three-in-one power--keeping Jesus, the Word and the keys as our vital companions--2003 promises to be an exciting year!
       We look back over the past year and praise our faithful Husband for the miracles He has done through you, our dear Family. The testimonies that have come in so far from around the world on your Christmas outreach have been phenomenal! Just as our Miracle Man promised, this Christmas season has been tremendous! And, as you will soon read in Peter's upcoming year-end report, 2002 has been one fabulous year!
       These GNs are currently being finalized and should reach you in February--hopefully in time for the Family Birthday. This compilation of news and testimonies is a wonderful birthday present! We praise and give thanks to our dear Husband every day for how He mightily uses each one of you to reach your part of the world for Him! You're wonderful and are well deserving of taking a two-day break over our Family Birthday!
       Often, Dad likes to speak to us on his birthday, and this year is no exception. However, Dad wanted to share this message with you in advance--so here it is: (Note: Please read this message unitedly. Thanks!)

       (Dad speaking:)
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Praise be to the One Who does it all! Praise Jesus, Who is our all in all! Praise You, Lord, for how You work through the Family to reach the world! I know I've said it before, but it couldn't be any truer than now, so I'll say it again: Every year gets better! When you're serving the Lord, when you've said yes to Him, and you're doing all you can to follow Him closely, it just gets better and better all the time! Praise the Lord!
       Well, the Family Birthday time is coming up again, and we certainly have a lot to praise the Lord for! We've got a lot to be thankful for--all the tremendous things the Lord is accomplishing through you, dear Family! You're all doing a wonderful job! Sure there are battles to fight and obstacles to hurdle, but you're fighting the battles and you're jumping the hurdles and that's what counts! You're learning how to wield those keys and it's paying off! You might incur a few scratches, bumps, bruises, and even some deep wounds here and there, but what soldier doesn't? That comes with the territory, as we defeat our Enemy. But I'll tell you, it's worth it all! When you stand before the Lord and hear His "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," you'll have no regrets. You'll never be sorry you gave your all to Jesus. You'll never be sorry you did what was necessary to hold on and fight to the end.
       You all know I love to fight--the Devil, that is! I love to defeat evil! I love to fight, because I know we're fighting on the right side. And you all are learning more and more about fighting all the time. And now, with the latest orders from our Commander in Chief during Feast 2003, as you get your priorities straight, you're going to really take off! There'll be no stopping you now! There couldn't be a more thrilling time in the Family than right now! As you enter more into the era of greater miracles, and if you put quality Word time absolutely first and foremost in your lives every day, there'll be no stopping you!
       Hallelujah! Praise You, Lord! (Dad prays in tongues.) I can't help it, I just had to stop and praise the Lord, because it thrills me to think about it. My dreams come true! They can't stop our rain! You are God's unbeatables! There'll be no stopping you. As you get that three-in-one power cranked up, as you let the Lord, the Word, and the keys lead you day by day, direct every move you make, and lead you in every decision--there'll be no stopping you! There's no stopping our reign! Hallelujah!
       It's marvelous! It's thrilling to look forward to the year ahead! It's absolutely exhilarating from my vantage point to watch this Word revolution take off! You've already given me the best birthday present yet--by embracing the Lord's command to get back to the foundation of the Family of putting the Word first in your lives. As you make this about-face, take up the challenge of Feast 2003 and get in gear, you're going to really take off! Hallelujah!
       You've already come a long way, dear Family. You've already done a tremendous job, and now you're going to do an even better job! You'll be like the athlete who trained with weights, and when the time came to take those weights off and run, he ran and won the gold! I can see it now! As you stay on this track, the future couldn't be any brighter! Praise God who gives the victory!
       I could go on and on about how wonderful you are, but I'll let you read all about it! Peter has been hard at work compiling the good news, and his year-end report is coming your way soon. Don't miss it! Hopefully, these GNs will be in your hands by the Family birthday. And this brings me to just that--our Family birthday!
       I'd like to ask you to please be sure to take the time now, in advance, to ask the Lord how to get the most out of the two days that make up our Family birthday this year! You don't want to miss out on these two days off! You deserve it and you need it. Now, if you don't mind me putting my two cents in, I'd like to give you a suggestion or two on how to get the most out of this time. I've been champing at the bit for Mama to ask the Lord what you should do for the Family birthday--because this year He's given me the honor of giving you the plan!
       So here goes! It's simple, really--I want you all to have fun! You deserve it! Of course, what's the best way to have fun? You got it, by putting first things first. By dedicating a good portion of this time to the Lord, the Word, to prayer and communion with Him. I've always been a proponent of when you find a good thing--something that you know works--you'd be wise to stick to it. So this year I think you'd be wise to stick to a plan similar to what the Lord gave last year for the birthday. I've made a few slight adjustments with the Lord's permission. Here's a rough outline that everyone can follow:       
       (Editor's note: Just as last year, please feel free to take these days off either February 17th and 18th, or February 18th and 19th, according the Lord's leading and what works best for your Home and situation.)

       Day One
: This can be your prime Word day. Take this day for Word and rest. Dedicate the day to personal, private time with the Lord. Enjoy soaking in the Word, loving the Lord, pouring out your heart to Him in prayer, and claiming the keys for whatever you need. This should be a W&R day. Then, after dinner, gather for evening vespers--take time to praise the Lord, thank Him for all He's done for you in the past year, and praise Him for all He is going to do for you in the year ahead. After vespers, wind it up with a fun united Word-based activity. Have inspiration, pass the guitar and have a sing-a-long, or play Word games, watch a particularly meaningful Word-based movie--or ask the Lord or your spirit helpers for other ideas on how you can have a united, fun fellowship centered on the most important thing to you--the Word.

       Day Two
: Be sure to sleep in, if possible, and continue resting and relaxing. Now, seeing as this is my birthday, I have a special request for this day. I'd like for all of you to take some time during the day to check in with the Lord on the following: Stop and ask Him how you're faring in your commitment to put the Word first in your lives.
       Whatever you do, you don't want to lose the momentum of the Lord's call to make the Word the priority in your lives. You know, the experts say that whenever you're trying to establish a new habit, it usually takes about six weeks to get that habit down pat. My birthday will not be quite six weeks after the Feast, but it never hurts to stop and check in with the Lord, touch base with Him, and see how you're faring. The Lord's message to you during Feast 2003 is your lifesaver. You must not let the fire of this renewed Word revolution die out!
       So, as a special favor for me, can I ask you all to take some time out on my birthday to receive a personal prophecy? It would make me happy if everyone would stop and have personal P&P time on day two of the birthday celebration. Matter of fact, to make it easy for you to be good, I've taken the liberty of formulating the question you can all ask the Lord! Here it is:

       *       Personal P&P question for all Family members, day two of Family Birthday 2003:
       How am I faring in regards to my commitment to keep the Word first in my life?
Am I forming the proper Word habits, getting enough quality Word time, sufficiently absorbing and obeying the Word? Is there anything You want to speak to me about regarding the Word revolution in my life? Anything I should be doing that I am not doing, or anything I'm doing that I shouldn't be doing?

       Thank you, dear Family, for taking this time!
There's nothing that will make me happier than to see you keep plugging away at creating good, lifelong habits for quality Word!

       Now, on to the rest of the day! What would a birthday be without a party?
I know you all look forward to the Family birthday party each year, so let it rip! Whether you plan a special outing, a picnic or cookout, a city fellowship or dance, or some other fun inspirational activity, just be sure you get the Lord's go-ahead, then enjoy yourselves and have fun! I'll be joining all of you as we sing "Happy Birthday, Dear Family" together!
       Don't forget to take some time during the festivities to sing and shout praise to our Husband! Thank Him for lighting the fires of the Word revolution in each of your lives. Thank Him for throwing you the lifesaver. Then thank Him for the miracles He is yet to do. Praise Him and thank Him that there'll be no stopping our rain! We're on our way, beloved! Hallelujah! I love each and every one of you fanatical, radical Word lovers for Jesus! Happy birthday, dear Family! Have fun on our special day! Love, Dad (End of message from Dad.)

       Thank you, Dad! And there you have it, dear loves, a Family birthday plan for 2003
that you can pray about how to best adapt to your situation. We have a lot to look forward to! We'll be praying for you as you begin now to pray, prepare, and plan how to best organize these two days for everyone in your Home.

Much love,
       Mama and Peter

Insight from the Lord about our enemies

By Mama

Dear Family,
       I want to share with you a message we recently received from the Lord, which outlines a specific prayer request concerning the workings of those who are fighting against the Family. The Lord highlights one man in particular, within the anti-cult community, who has been fighting the Family for many years. The Lord explains that he is playing an integral role in our detractors and apostates' current threats and attacks on the Family.
       Please add this to your daily prayer list. Call on the power of the keys for the Lord to bring this man's plans to naught, and to break the hold that the Enemy has on him. The keys can work miracles, so let's claim them!

       (Jesus speaking:)
Have no fear, My loves, for these rumblings from the camp of your enemies.
I am faithful to reveal to My servants what is needed to prepare them for what is to come.
       I seek to highlight one who opposes you and is marshalling his forces. There is one who seeks your demise, who is given over to the Devil and yields to his influence. This one has fought you from the very beginning when he rejected the truth of My Word. He seeks those who have left you. He does not seek truth, he seeks sensationalism, the "tabloid" effect. He knows this tactic appeals to the masses who are ignorant and are easily swayed by the media. He seeks recognition.
       Your enemies are actively moving, pursuing, and continuing on in their campaign to sow division, bring about doubt, cause disunity, and gather more into their fold. The Enemy wants to divide and conquer. Division, through any means it can be brought about, is what your adversary and his cohorts attempt to bring about. The advantage you have is to pray against any unity amongst your enemies. Their own division can be their dismantling. (End of message from Jesus.)

       In another message, the Lord also said:

       (Jesus speaking:)
You must pour forth your prayers in the power of the keys turned to swords to overcome those who are leading and orchestrating this attack.
While [a number of ex-Family young people] are key players, it is [this man] who is the power behind them because of the way the Enemy can work through him. He is prodding them on, and the spirits of Pan, Oplexicon, and the Vandari are affecting and infecting others through him, for he serves as a channel, a carrier for these evil spirits. These powerful demons have an open channel in this one. Therefore, due to [this man's] willful yielding to the Enemy and allowing himself to be the Devil's puppet, you must aim your prayers with accuracy and power to bind the Enemy's actions through this man. (End of message from Jesus.)

Here are some specific prayer requests to be added to your daily prayer vigil times:

       *       Against the Vandari and their evil working through anyone who would try to hurt us.
       *       Against the Enemy's attacks through our enemies, specifically against this individual.
       *       Against the efforts of those ex-members who want to fight the Family, especially against their concerted attacks to pull others out of the Family.
       *       For the Family's obedience to "Pray, Obey, and Prepare" so that the persecution can be minimal or fizzle out altogether.
       *       Against requests for law enforcement investigations or legal action, use of media, books, documentaries, etc., against the Family.

new computer department e-mail
We wanted to inform you that if you have computer-related questions you can now send them to computers@wsfamily.com. We will try to answer them in as timely a fashion as possible. Although we would like to be able to provide you A-Z service on a wide range of computer issues, we aren't really able to. Before writing in with your questions, please check the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and the LATEST TIPS AND TRICKS on the computer section of the MO site, as you may find an answer to your question there.
       If you are having problems with your computer hardware you could consider seeing if you would be able to get some "tech support" from the company that you bought your computer from. See if they offered some sort of service along with the purchase of the computer. It's not that WS doesn't want to help you with the questions that you have, it's only that it is extremely difficult to troubleshoot anything but the most basic problems via e-mail.
       Please continue to send any questions concerning the MO or GP sites to web@wsfamily.com and any questions concerning the HomeARC, TeleTRF, Menu-extensions, and CPY to teletrf@wsfamily.com.

       Much love,
       Your WS Computer Department

special offerings to WS
WS would like to send special thanks to all of you who were able to give Special Offerings to WS over and above your tithe. Without these gifts WS would not have been able to meet all of its expenses. We are truly grateful for all you've done to give what you can. Below is a list of those people and Homes giving extra to WS throughout the year. Notice that there are several repeat givers! Thank you so, so much!

Adam/Mary/Mary/Matthew/Rose/Thomas, TH07; Andre/Marie/Mary/Samuel, BB02 (Burmese Litpic); Anna/Nic, PH01 (Sparrow Home) (4x); Aurora/Daniella/David/Miracle, IA17; Daniella/David/Miracle, IA17; Faith/Paul/Steven/Suz, IN07 (2x); IA62; John/Rose, IA11; Josef/Talitha, TH24; TH822 (3x); VT02, Jay/Joan.

Aaron/Esther; Abner/Rosie; Andrea/Maria; Andres/Mary; Andrew/Faith/Sun; Andrew/Miracle/S. #3; Andrew/Shane/Shannon/Tabitha (2x); AnnickNW1281; Anthony/Talitha/Kris; Benjamin/Mary; Catrina/Gabriel/Mich; Catrina/Michael/Timo; Charity Rose; Charity/David/Heidi; Chris, FR649; Chris/Glor; Crystal Faithful, WG765; Daniel/Martin/Mercy; Daniel/Peace/Tirzah/Vincent, GI1547; Daniella/Mercy; Davide/Joan/Sheryl (8x); Delphine/Patrice (2x); Dust/Diamond; Dust/Maria, HO911; Emanuele/Rose/Jose; Emmanuel/Estrella, BS081; Matthew and Gina, EN474 (2x); Esther/Esther/Miguel; Etienne/Heidi/Samuel, FR621; Francis Davidson EN455 (4x); IT1175; IT1181; Ivan/Virginia #1; James Link; Jan/Maria/Paul (3x); Janina/Melody/Zaccheus, HO913 (2x); Jenny/Josiah/Joy (3x); Jenny/Josiah/Joy, RO018 (Phoenix) (3x); Jessica of Bill/Judy, UK; Jo/Joy/Jenny; Joan/Gabriel #1; John/Rose, BS069; Jonas, SD1311; Jonathan/Priscila/M.; Joseph/Rachel, GR804; Juan/Letizia; Juan/Maria; Maria, WS701; Marie Smith, AF093; Martin/Mercy/Daniel (6x); Matteo/Katya/Ivan; Matthew Saved/Gina, EN474 (9x); Micha, FR667; Micha/Christiana/A.; Michael/Mary; Miguel/Maria; MZ1514 (3x); Nadia/John/Priscilla; Nehemiah/Meekness; NW1294; Our kids (RU038); Paul/Faith (2x); Paul/Maria/Jan; Pedro/Lily (2x); Pria/Alexandra; RO018; Rose, BS130; Rosy (2x); Santiago/Sherry; Simon/Natasha; Solomon Shepherd; Steven/Charity/James; Susan/Peter; Svieta/Dove/Maria; Tim Lovebridg, BL282 (11x); Timothy; Traugott; Trust, NW1296; Victor (2x); WG701.

Alf/Sara, Houston, US2005; Brian/Lisa, USA; Byron/Michelle, US3967; Caleb/Mary Merryheart; Crystal/David/Jason/Pet; Eman/Marie/Trust, US2090; Heidi/Rachele/Sharon L., US1092; Ira/Esther, USA; Jim/Joanna (5x); Jordan/Sharon/Shelly, US1092; Josh/Lily, USA; Marianne/Shine/Timothy, US4000 (7x); Peter/Crystal/Joanna/Jim, USA (2x); Philippe/Becky, Canada; Rafael/Carmen, C.R.; Steven B, US4922; Stv/Marie, US4922; US2094, Detroit Home (3x); US4000, Detroit Home.

: Alf/Claire/Free/Phoenix/Tim, JA038; Alisa/Joshua/Kerenina/Mercy, JA004; Amor/Jonathan, TW226; CN602 (10x); Anna/Christina/Marcus/Stephen, TW236 (3x); Belte/Hannah, JA023; Christina/Johnny/Micah, TW238 (2x); Christmas, JA400; CN619 (2x); CN630; CN632; CN604 (9x); CN614 (3x); CN620 (3x); CN625 (2x); CN626; CN632 (10x); David/James/Pandita/Vicky, JA062 (7x); Faithy/Mark, JA006 (8x); CN629 (2x); Hilltop Home, Japan (3x); IA862, Mervyn/Meena; JA004 Josh/Alisa/Mercy/Nina; JA020 (7x); JA021; JA049; Jay/Jeremy/Joan, VT02; Jimmy/Joy/Noah/Tabitha, TW225; CN621; Jonathan/Sarah, JA049; CN608 (2x); Love Fortress, TW225; CN639 (3x); MP3, JA063.

Birgitta/Luis/Johan; BR025; BR056; BR204 (6x); Felipe/Sara; BR248 (3x); Naum; Estevao/Gentleness/Virginia; Francisco/Margarita/Samuel/Sunshine; GT202; MX074; MX947; Sweetie de Papá, Mexico; VE002 (2x); VE004; VE009.

New Wine recordings available

       You can now find MP3s of readings by Simon Peter (Happy) of some of the Lord's wonderful New Wine. These are posted under the audio section on the MO site. So far, the condos of the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series, Feast 2002 Letters, and the "Action Through Prayer" series are available. More will be coming, and CD versions of these ML readings will also be made available in the future. (Ordering details will be published in an upcoming Grapevine issue.) We pray that these will be a blessing and inspiration to you.

Experienced a miracle?
If you've experienced a miracle of any kind, big or small, please write it up and send it in, even if it's just one little paragraph. It's sure to encourage others! Thanks! Send your miracle stories to fsm@wsfamily.com!

Judge Marquevich feeling the heat from the media--Unscrupulous activities exposed!

By Marc and Claire (NA PR board) and Juan Amado (Chile PR board)

       The following is an article from the Argentine newspaper, Clarin, which was sent to us by Juan Amado (Chile PR board), GBH! The article is an exposé on Judge Marquevich [the judge responsible for the Argentine raids in 1995] and his unscrupulous activities. It seems that The Family wasn't the first or last of the innocent people that Marquevich was responsible for imprisoning under false pretenses. He is now beginning to feel the heat from the media that he used to falsely accuse The Family in his attempt to "bring The Family to justice." "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap. … God's wheels of justice grind exceeding slow, but exceeding fine."
       In 1993 Dad said the following about Marquevich: "So we could start praying for his salvation instead! Maybe if he gets kicked and questioned and embarrassed and humiliated enough, he'll start looking up. He must also be suffering from our persecution because he's getting so much blame. The Bar Association and the appeals court are trying to not only disqualify him, but get him completely kicked out--impeached! He's no peach, he's getting impeached. They say he's done several other things besides this that were totally illegal and misconduct for a judge, and his treatment of us was about the last straw. Give the Devil enough rope and he'll hang himself. Praise the Lord!" ("Persecution Jewels #10," ML #2907:41).

Marquevich, a judge with many unprotected flanks

, December 18, 2002, Buenos Aires
       Despite his inclination towards moderation (he is a man of frugal habits in regards to dining, with only a little wine, some comforting whisky at the end of the day), Roberto Marquevich has not been able to escape a certain spectacular nature to the judicial proceedings that he has led. This penchant for the spectacular has not always met with good results, a characteristic that appears to have accompanied him in his nearly thirty years in the Justice system, fourteen of which he has acted as judge.
       He led the investigation of the supposed suicide of brigadier Rodolfo Echegoyen in December of 1990. Echegoyen was the head of Customs, supposedly named due to the influence of Alfredo Yabran. Echegoyen ended up estranged with Yabran, left the Customs Department and months later appeared dead in his office. At the beginning of 1991, the case was dismissed without Marquevich having been able to determine if Echegoyen had committed suicide or had been assassinated.
       Earlier on, he had investigated the case of the files that implicated the then head of National Tourism, Omar Fassi Lavalle. This was the first internal "Menemist" battle that gained public attention. On June 12th, 1990, Marquevich called Zulema Yoma, wife of the president at that time, Carlos Menem, to the stand. She had hunkered down in the presidential residence of Olivos. When the wife of the president returned from Court, she met with the head of Menem's Military guard, brigadier Andres Antonietti, who evicted her. In December of that year, Marquevich acquitted Antonietti in the complaint filed by Mrs. Yoma for illegal privation of liberty. In September 1991, Menem appointed Marquevich as federal judge of San Isidro.
Six months later, nineteen businessmen of the district were imprisoned for supposedly contaminating the Reconquista River. They paid bail for 6,375,000 pesos and were freed under bond. Marquevich sentenced nine of them to "preventative imprisonment" on April 29th. In August, the Federal Court of Appeals of San Martin overturned these imprisonments due to insufficient evidence and because the analyses carried out by the court had "no scientific rigor."
In November 1992, Marquevich accused Dolores Blaquier of drug trafficking. The woman was released in February 1993 by the Federal Court of Appeals of San Martin because "the arguments of the judge and prosecution were insufficient to establish her as a trafficker, but only as responsible for the free supply of drugs."
       In September of 1993, Marquevich ordered the detention of twenty some people, supposedly members of the "Children of God" sect. At the same time, he ordered that the 137 children that lived with these adults be distributed in Minor facilities. On December 23rd, Marquevich's order was revoked by the Federal Appeal's Court of San Martin, which ordered the restitution of the children to their parents. Testing revealed that no sexual abuse existed or any mistreatment of the children. The Court declared null almost all the measures and procedures ordered by Marquevich, and the magistrates spoke of "the arbitrary use of penal power" in referring to the judge's actions.
       In September 1994, the judge prosecuted three biochemists, one athlete and two technicians of the Federal Police for neglect in anti-doping control of a match between Platense and Gimnasia. But on December 1994, the case was archived and no one was sanctioned.
       In 1997, in what became known as "Operation Strawberry," the judge confiscated 2,200 kilos of cocaine hidden in casks supposedly containing fruit pulp. But in 2001, the Oral Federal Appeals Court of San Martin absolved the only two accused and concluded that Argentina had become an "international farce" with Germany (to where the shipment was supposedly headed and where the true leaders were to be imprisoned), due to the manner in which the case had been investigated.
       Marquevich has pending several counts of impeachment. Up until this point, the Counsel of Magistrates has not gathered the two-thirds majority votes necessary to impeach him. Neither were his friends able to have the accusations rejected. For now, they are archived.

a plea for prayer for the Palestinians

By Mama

Dear Family,
       As you know, the situation in the Mideast is tense right now, with the U.S. building up its forces in preparation for what seems like an almost inevitable attack on Iraq. This has been in the news so much that it has overshadowed the situation of the Palestinians and their continuing struggle for survival and statehood under Israeli occupation.
       When we asked the Lord if He could please give us something to help us pray for the Palestinians more knowledgeably and to encourage a spirit of prayer for them, He responded with the following moving message:

       (Jesus speaking:)
Imagine yourself as a Palestinian.
Perhaps you are elderly and you once lived in a cozy little house in your own village in what is now Israel. When fighting broke out in 1948, you fled for the safety of your family, taking just a few clothes and whatever else you could carry in your little battered suitcase. But you've never been able to return, so you sit in your little shack in a refugee camp in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan or elsewhere, dreaming of what used to be--the olive groves you used to tend, the oranges you used to grow, the peace and contentment you used to enjoy, the house without holes in the roof or bullet holes in the walls. It's all gone now, and you and millions of other Palestinians will never be able to go back to it. When they speak of peace in their great conferences, they never speak of you and your plight. You can sit and look at the deed to what used to be your property and dream, but in your heart you know you'll never be able to return to it. All you have left is dreams and despair.
       Perhaps you're middle-aged, or in your thirties or forties, and you were born in a refugee camp. It's all you've known your entire life, but you've tried to make the best of it. You've worked hard to provide for your family, but now there's no work. You can't get into Israel to work like you used to, because of the fences, barricades and soldiers. Your friends used to sneak in sometimes to do manual labor, whatever they could find, but it's too dangerous nowadays. The Israeli army is likely to shoot you on suspicion of being a terrorist, or if they don't shoot you, kill you, wound you or beat you, they may detain you for months at a time, without charges, in isolated camps in the desert where some of your friends have been. Thousands of your countrymen are still held there. Conditions are bad and there's hardly a morsel of human kindness or concern; and it's no wonder the Israelis don't let human rights monitors anyplace near these camps.
       Well, there's not only no work, but you have no money left. You've sold everything you could, and now there's nothing left but destitution. Your friends in various local stores tried to help you out for a while, but they can't anymore. They're hurting too, as are all your relatives who used to give you a little money now and then. All you have left is what you can get in the way of handouts from the UN, but even that is less than it used to be. The West is losing interest in you, considering you and your people terrorists, so there's not as much aid available as there used to be. Yet there are more mouths than ever to feed, so the food rations just have to be stretched, meaning there's a little less food for everyone. There was little enough to begin with, so hunger is your constant companion now. Your wife and children are hungry, and your little grandchildren are malnourished.
       The UN does what it can to help, but it doesn't seem to have much power. The Israelis blow up their food warehouses, shoot their officials and workers, and blame it on you and your people, and if any of their people get too sympathetic to your plight, they get held up at checkpoints for hours, get harassed at border crossings, have trouble renewing their visas, and often have to leave so that someone else can carry on their work, because it's become too difficult for them personally to do so.
       Other groups and organizations used to help you, but they've had to stop too. The Europeans built you an airport and helped you construct your government buildings, roads and infrastructure, but that's either stopped or gone now. The Israelis won't let you use your airport, the government buildings have all been blown up or ransacked by Israeli military forces, along with practically every police station, city hall or factory, and the roads are a mess since the Israelis started using their heavy tanks on them. They've knocked down most of the light poles, broken a lot of the water mains, destroyed the sewer systems, and used any nice-looking building for target practice. People have stopped helping you rebuild because it just gets destroyed.
       When times were better, Palestinians who had a little more money came back from abroad to establish hotels, stores, apartment buildings and the like. But now they're hurting too. No one comes to their hotels because they're afraid. Even if they came, they'd have to stay inside because of the curfew, and if they wanted to go anyplace they'd face roadblock after roadblock and checkpoint after checkpoint, waiting for hours at a time. The new stores and apartment buildings were nice while they lasted and you were proud to look at them, but now they're either closed because no one has any money or they've been damaged or destroyed by Israeli raids.
       Perhaps you're a young man or woman, and when you were growing up there was some hope for the future. Things were getting better little by little, up until a few years ago. Now things are the worst they've ever been. Your grandparents just sit around, consumed by their dreams and their despair; they're withering away, with no hope left. Your father alternates between rage and hopelessness, because he has no job, no money, little food for his family, and he lives in a shanty with a tin roof or a hovel on the outskirts of a refugee camp, with sewage in the street and no running water. He has skills and could do better if he had the chance, but he doubts it will ever come. He's losing hope, and your mother just cries all the time, worrying about her children and grandchildren.
       You used to go to high school or college, but the Israelis closed the colleges or made it impossible for them or any schools to function. There are curfews most of the time, which means you can't leave your house for days on end, except to scurry out once in a while to look for food for a few hours before curfew is clamped down again. Even if the curfew were lifted, there are roadblocks and checkpoints everywhere, which means that you can't get to school and your teachers can't get to you. So mostly you just hang around the house and try to take care of your brothers and sisters. You'd get a job, but there's no work.
       You'd go hang out with your friends, but there aren't many of them left. A few were shot for throwing stones, and they either died or they hobble around on crutches in pain, or they were blinded by rubber bullets and their lives have been ruined. Others became suicide bombers and they either blew themselves up or were killed by the Israelis, and then their houses were bulldozed, as well as those of their relatives. Others managed to find work for the Palestinian Authority as policemen, but their police station was blown up a while back and they were either killed or sent to a detention camp.
       You'd get married if you could, but your girlfriend lives in another village and you can't see her very often. It takes hours dodging roadblocks and traveling cross country, risking your life to do so, and if curfew hits when you get there, you're stuck. Even if you got married, there's no place to live, no work, no money, and you wonder how you would care for kids if you had them. Or, if your wife got pregnant and had to go to the hospital, the checkpoint might not let the car or ambulance through, and she and the baby might not survive. Or if you had kids and they got sick, the same thing might happen. Dreams of a family will have to wait.
       Besides, you're busy caring for your little brothers and sisters. If they throw stones, they could get shot. If they walk in the wrong places, near an Israeli settlement, they might get shot. If they go out at the wrong time, they might get shot. If they open a window when an Israeli car or tank is going by, they might get shot. If a firefight breaks out nearby, with some of the radicals attacking the Israeli forces occupying their city or town, they might get shot. And you never know when the armored bulldozers will come, so if fighting breaks out, you all have to be ready to flee if you can. And they don't understand why things are the way they are, so you have to help them understand why there's no place to play, no toys to play with, no new clothes, and little food.
       My children, these are the lives of many Palestinians, of millions of men, women and children who once had hope, dreams, and a future, but now only see despair, death, destruction and hopelessness all around them. They have no voice to speak for them, no one to turn to for solace and comfort and aid, and they cry out unto Me, saying, "Allah, the beneficent and merciful, show us Your goodness and mercy! Help us or we perish!"
       Will you help them through your prayers? Will you let your heart break for them and their plight, and will you be moved to pray for them? Will you seek and save them through your prayers, through pleading for miracles on their behalf, claiming the keys? Will you shed a tear for these who are so oppressed, forsaken, maligned and victimized?
       Please, dear Family, do not turn away from their needs! Ask and ye shall receive for them, seek and ye shall find for them, and knock and Heaven shall be opened for them, through the power of your prayers! As you stir yourselves with a whole heart to plead for these dear people, I will answer your prayers. You can help them from where you are if you will pray. Pray, My loves, pray! Do not turn a blind eye, like so many others, for they need your prayers. They perish without them. (End of message from Jesus.)

Later, the Lord gave another message on how we can help these people through our prayers:
       (Jesus speaking:) You, My dear brides in the Family, enjoy so much peace, freedom, happiness and supply compared to the poor and needy and war-ravaged of the world, especially these dear people of Palestine. So as you count your blessings this year, and throughout the year, turn your thankfulness into prayers for these who have so little. If you love Me and are appreciative of what I have done for you, then help these poor helpless ones of Palestine.
       You dedicate your lives to helping those in need, reaching out to others and sacrificing for their sakes. Won't you dedicate your prayers as well? Won't you reach out to these people in the spirit, asking Me to do miracles for them and meet their needs? Won't you sacrifice some of your time to pray for them, to intercede for them, to come boldly before My throne of grace for them in their time of need?
       There is little that you can do for them in the physical, but oh, there is so much that you can do for them in the spiritual! Their need is so great and can be greatly met through your prayers! You can supply for the destitute, bring comfort and hope to the downtrodden, send healing to the afflicted and wounded, and convey My peace to many by your prayers!
       You can be a missionary to the Mideast through your prayers. As you let Me move you and stir your heart for the desperate plight of the Palestinians, and you in turn come before Me to move My hand to help them, you are traveling to them, helping them in ways you cannot see or imagine--but which will be revealed in Heaven.
       So be a missionary through your prayers today, and throughout the year. Call on My keys to supply hope, provision, peace, healing and help to the broken in body and spirit. Pray for My angels of mercy and peace to provide comfort and consolation. Pray for your brethren in the Mideast, that they can reach as many as possible for as long as possible, and that they will be greatly empowered in doing so. Pray for their anointing, wisdom and safekeeping, so that they can continue bringing peace in the midst of storm. And pray for yourselves, that you can continue fervent in prayer, for such prayers avail much, changing hearts and lives and situations forever! (End of message from Jesus.)

Christmas 2002!
Christmas in Bali 2002

By Steven (of Faith), Bali

Our band and dancers were invited this year to perform at many functions toward the end of the year. The theme presented "Bali on the Way to Recovery" after the terrible bombings of October 12, when almost 200 lost their lives. We were able to share the good news of Christmas through the songs our band played and dancers performed. It was a witness and encouragement and many of those we met want to stay in contact with us.

Christmas in Pakistan!

By Sarah (of David), Islamabad, Pakistan

       For the last six years, the Family has performed a Christmas program at the classiest hotel in town, where all the visiting dignitaries stay. This year there are now two very classy hotels: So our children performed for both!
       This year our main program was focused on the birth of Christ. With each Christmas song, more Biblical characters made their entry: first, Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus ("Silent Night"), followed by the angels ("Hark the Herald Angels"), then the shepherds ("O Come All Ye Faithful"). Later our regal kings emerged with "We Three Kings." We received such positive responses!
       During our second program at the Serena Hotel (a very luxurious setting!) Pakistan's president was attending a function downstairs, so by happenstance, one of his security guards videoed much of our program! They enjoyed a lively conversation with one of our teens.
       We did two programs at each hotel, each program with different clientele, all speaking highly of the programs.
       For our pre-program warm-up, we performed for more than 1,200 students and staff at a Christian school. The children were so thrilled that the headmistress (a lovely Irish woman who's been here more than 35 years), commented that she's never seen them sit so quietly for so long a time. All prayed with Daniel (our emcee) via a translator (boys' school principal) to receive Jesus. At the time we were praying for funds to give Christmas gifts for our children since our Home had no such money. Although the program was given with no charge, the school gave us a substantial donation, which we put toward the Christmas gifts! We never lose by giving!
       I can honestly say there is nothing like Christmas programs to let our children shine! We have the most wonderful children in the world, and the whole world can see it in these circumstances!

Christmas dinner for the poor ... hosted by us and our Activated members

By Seek, Mexico
When we asked the Lord in October how to do the Christmas dinner for this year, He gave a new idea, which worked out well. We had been putting on a dinner for 3,000 for five years in a row, but this year when we prayed the Lord told us to make it more personal and invite the 250 families who have been attending our CTP classes throughout the year. We also invited one Christian orphanage, a home for abused women and their children, and about 300 people who are helped by our friends at Social Services. This came to a total of 1,200 people.
       We were able to host this event at our Home in the yard and patio, which was really neat as families could sit down at tables and enjoy a dinner with their family while listening to our beautiful Christmas music! This year we had a delicious hot meal. Our friend who owns a meat market cooked all the picadillo in a large pot at his business and others from our Bible study helped out. (Picadillo is a very tasty stew with potatoes, carrots, green peas, and ground meat.)
       Actually, the Bible study group and their friends and family did almost everything once things were set up and ready to go, and we couldn't have done it without them. (A group of friends also came the day before and peeled and diced potatoes and carrots.) We also appreciated the help of a group of students that attended, and also our own children and visiting young people, Stephen, Elaina, Mash, and Laura. Our adult team was Manantial and Nehemiah, Servant and I, and Timmy, Elizabeth, and Andres, children from our two familes who helped out as well. We had a very small team, but the Lord did wonderful miracles, and the provisioning came through in large quantities. GB Manantial who really stuck with the phone until we had everything we needed.
       Restaurants cooked beans, and we made a yummy macaroni salad with cream and ham. Bakeries made beautifully decorated cakes, and we also had bags of candy and cookies for the children, fruit, and drinks for everyone.
       We passed out tickets so that we served 300 at a time and the people came in four groups every half an hour. We started at 12 noon and ended at about 7 pm. All the children received a ball and the girls and mothers each received a new sweater. We had lots of bags of good quality new and used clothes that we also passed out.
       We held a raffle which everyone really enjoyed. We had one large prize for each group, and then we raffled off lots of clothes and extra food (pastries and drinks). We had so much food and clothes left over that a team of Servant and young people loaded up a full van and delivered to a poor area near our Home. The volunteers who helped each took home a complete meal for the next day and we still had one van full of balls and clothes and candy leftover to distribute at the Children's Hospital on January 6--the "Day of the Kings."

The gift of giving

By Joy, Pakistan

       The month of December was a very busy month with preparation for various shows, and we didn't have much time to think about presents for the children. We parents really had to trust the Lord that somehow our children would get gifts as no one had time to provision them nor did we have funds to purchase any. The children must have sensed it or overheard our conversations and concern because during the next few days they started to do the most amazing thing.
       We had devotions dedicated to the real meaning of Christmas, giving, trusting Him, while we do our best for Him with our shows. Over dinners the OCs/JETTs went over our Christmas Tree Event Calendar. On one occasion we pulled names out of a hat for which we were to become their Christmas Angel. The children then started looking in their treasure box/drawer for something of value to give to their "mortal." But it didn't stop there; our thoughtful MC/OC/JETTs took the initiative to make presents for all 24 Home members. They gave their precious cuddly toys, prized jewelry, searching for ideas in the Activity Books, "Yuletide Treasures," creative gift giving, FED material, etc.
       We could not celebrate Christmas on the 24th or 25th due to shows, but days later. So on that exciting day after a yummy brunch we gathered around the tree, where piles of gifts in all sorts of wrapping, including newspaper, were waiting to be distributed. Then the frenzy began and everyone unwrapped three to four gifts each with all the, "Mom, look what I got!" "I always wanted this! How did you know?" or "Wow! You gave me this, your favorite this or that!" Those who received gifts knowing the giver made a real sacrifice to give away his/her "best" or "most favorite item" thanked the giver profusely for his/her unselfishness and generosity.
       The children's simplicity and thankfulness for the "little gifts" was most convicting. Then all received a handmade stocking filled with dried fruits and nuts of all sorts. We closed that most touching Christmas with praises of thanksgiving for such wonderful children filled with His Christmas love.

CDs at resale shops

By Marianne Fighter, USA
I went with a couple of Christmas CD cards to show at a resale shop (they take consignments for clothing). They were really excited about how nice they were. I asked if I could put up a display in their store. They said that they couldn't do it for free, but they wanted to help, so we made up a contract that she would sell the CD cards for $6.95 each and take $1.50, and the rest was ours. Since we did that, the other resale shops have been willing to do the same.

Christmas 2002 CD card distribution victories!

By Andrew, Miracle, and Rose, Europe

       We want to share some of the victories, tips, and lessons learned while getting out the Christmas CD cards during November and December.
       In November we had begun our Christmas outreach by getting mass marketing orders from shops that cater to the foreign community. They would then display and sell them to their customers. One shop made a second and then a third order from us, as the cards were going out so well. He already made an order for next Christmas! He put a small sign on his display, saying that purchasing a CD card was helping our humanitarian work with the children. GBH! We found that many of the foreigners here really do want to do something to help our work, as they know they are making very large salaries, and aren't doing all that much to help the country or local people at the grassroots level.
       Stage two of our Christmas CDing was to set up tables at key locations, particularly outside popular restaurants where the internationals eat lunch. A table would go for around two and a half hours till the end of the lunch hour, and on average we would get out from 50-60 CD cards, along with other tools, tracts, booklets, etc. We had a collage of pictures from our work on a backdrop behind us, and used the rotating wire display that Activated USA had made available, which really helped in our presentation. Before the lunch hour began, we would go around to all the tables in the restaurant (with the manager's permission), and put an A5 leaflet on the tables inviting people to come see our display. We had a bowl of chocolates and homemade cookies ready, and when someone would pass by we would say "Merry Christmas" and offer them to help themselves. This always evoked a good response.
       At these tables we met a lot of very interesting and sometimes important people. We had other tables set up at military bases. Rather than lunch, when the soldiers are usually quick in/quick out, we chose after dinner to set up our table in their cafe bar or recreation area. This worked well, as in the evening, the soldiers are done with work for the day, and coming to our table and talking with us was a welcome break from their otherwise humdrum activities. At one base, a soldier advised us that we had come at the wrong time of the month, and told us that they were going to be paid in a few days. We set up our table anyway (and it ended up going pretty good!), and then made an appointment to come back after payday, which was even better!
       One man who really liked us and our work went around to all of his friends, bringing them to our table by the arm, compelling them to take CD cards. One man took one, and our friend said, "What, just one?" We found it a real advantage to have a good selection of both Christmas CDs: Christmas Treasures and Rhythm of Christmas, as quite a few people, when they saw there were two CDs to choose from, took one of each. Not many people bought a lot of cards to send in the mail, but we got the impression that they were buying them to either listen to themselves or to give as gifts. Our price was 5 Euros per card, which is very cheap for an original CD, and we found that it was very easy for almost everyone to pull out a five (or a 10 or 20!). We didn't make as much profit per card as would normally be made out CDing, but the quantity that we got out made up for it, and it is so much more inspiring to see everyone getting them! Many people would even give extra, or give 5 Euros, but then not take the CD, as they just wanted to help.
       In one city the Lord led Miracle and Rose to get out the cards office to office in the international police station. So many of the policemen just sit at their desks doing office work, and they were very happy to talk to the girls and buy the CD cards. Since each one has his own computer, after CDing down the hallway, you could hear the beautiful songs of our Christmas CDs wafting through the air out of the offices. This was a "crazy" idea, which the Lord blessed in this particular case (we are not recommending to go tooling to police stations!).
       Amazingly, next door was the local radio station, where Andrew went at the same time to get the NuBeat Christmas Special on the air! The Lord can use any circumstance to accomplish His will! A few days later, one of these police officers with two of his colleagues visited our Home and brought a large amount of food for us, as well as sweets for our Christmas gift distribution which we were going to be doing with the poor kids of our area.
       We asked one municipal administrator if we could go around to the offices of his building, but he couldn't let us, as it was against regulations. But he really wanted to help, and so labored over who he could suggest to do it for us. Finally he came up with one lady who was not going home for Christmas, and who he knew would be turned on about it. So I went to meet her to explain about our work, the CD cards, and how we needed someone to help us. She volunteered, and did the "wenting" for us, and got out the 30 cards we had left with her! GBH! She also collected donations for us from those who didn't take cards.
       Ordering large quantities of CD cards takes a lot of faith, as the seed corn comes to quite a big chunk, and you have the fear of getting "stuck" with a lot of leftover stock if they don't all go out. But we found that claiming the power of the keys and planning a good plan, along with being willing to burn the candle at both ends for a few weeks to get the job done, really pays off! We got all of our cards out 10 days before Christmas (as we had prayed), so that we could then shift gears and begin our Christmas programs in schools and institutions, without having to worry about tooling or income! TYJ!
       This has been one of the most fruitful Christmases ever--and we were only three people! Like after every push or project, we are always so amazed at what the Lord has again done. So much more can be accomplished with the help of the keys!

Witnessing highlights--Christmas 2002

By Philip and Meekness, Namibia
The new color version of "Mottos for Success" went like hotcakes this Christmas in Namibia! In one day alone we got out 85 of them, and the next day 15 more. Our friends and supporters all like it so much--both the new design and the daily quotes! Many commented, "It's such a good idea!"
       As a special thank you gift from us this Christmas we prepared envelopes with new Christmas Reflections and CD cards for all our contacts and supporters here in Namibia. We made a few trips around the country and delivered the packages. Everyone was appreciative, thankful, and touched by this special gift.
       Martha is 22 and a student of science at the University of Namibia. She just completed her Correspondence Bible Study Course. We invited her to pick up her diploma and Treasures book at our Home. It was so inspiring to see her so very happy upon receiving her own diploma and priceless Treasures. She immediately packed the Treasures in her little handbag and said, "Look, it fits perfectly. I'll carry it with me wherever I go!" Two of her closest friends already completed their course and had their own Treasures, so she was so excited to have her very own copy! She was going to visit her family up in north Namibia for Christmas, so she said she'll take her diploma and Treasures to show to them so they can see her accomplishment in studying the Bible.
       C. (33) is a precious hungry sheep, our friend, faithful supporter, and a busy businesswoman. She comes twice a week for Bible studies and childcare meetings (she has four boys), and almost daily we communicate over the phone. Her life is changing dramatically since she accepted Jesus into her heart one year ago. She is very hungry for the Word and anything we read with her changes her heart immediately. She's often in tears and so very thankful for the truth we share with her. She tries to put it into action right away and whatever she learns in Word classes she shares next day with her family, friends, and customers.
       This Christmas she inspired her tradition-filled family to not celebrate Christmas just "for themselves" but to make of it a celebration of Jesus' birthday! She said it was the very first time that her whole family did something out of ordinary like that; they did give each other presents, but it wasn't the main focus of their celebration. They had dinner together, talked about Jesus and His birthday celebration and sang "Happy Birthday" to Him!
       The Lord inspired us to get a personal prophecy for C. and when she read it she said, "When I received Jesus into my heart it was very special, but when I read those Words you gave me, it was even more special and very amazing. I felt like I received Jesus into my heart again!" She said she felt so much love from those Words and cried the whole time reading the message from Jesus. She said it also encouraged her to learn how to listen to the Lord!
       She said once: "I want to learn more about my intimate relationship with Jesus." So we shared with her the revelation that we are Jesus' bride and He is our Husband, so close and loving us so personally. She was so very thankful for that and it made Jesus so much more intimate for her.
       Many times when we read together she says: "It's amazing, it's so amazing! Thank you so much!" She is so very touched with the Word. When we read "Child Psychology" at our childcare meeting she commented about Dad: "This man understands just exactly what I feel and go through! This is so true what he says!" She was so flipped out that someone could describe and exactly put into words what she struggles with while raising her four boys.
       She's also a very precious supporter. When our car had to be repaired just before Christmas, she let us use her Kombi for as long as we needed it (local name for VW Caravelle, a mini bus). She often asks if there is anything that we need and then she supplies our needs. For Christmas she bought 50 CD cards from us and gave them away to her best customers at her two shops as a Christmas gift!
       As our appreciation gift we gave her a Treasures, Keys to Parenting five-book set, and a CD with quotes and thoughts--she was flipped out! We packed it in the nice paper and wrote loving dedication words in the Treasures. The next day she phoned and said: "It's such a special surprise. I would've never expected it. It's the best gift I could've ever received! Now I have my Treasures with me and in my home always and it's my own!" She was touched to tears and so thankful!
       She told her husband recently, "I think I would like to become a missionary!" We are praying and waiting on the Lord to see how He will lead her this coming year and what plan He's got for her!

Show for the mayor

By Sara D., USA
Our Home with seven teens and Peter and Topaz made a special presentation before the mayor and City Council of Houston at the City Hall on December 10. City Councilman Gordon Quan (the mayor pro tem) introduced us, saying we have done a lot to volunteer and help the city charities and children. We then had six minutes where I explained the work of The Family, gave them our appreciation, and offered our continued services to the city of Houston. Next Topaz and the teens sang and danced the song "Feliz Navidad," and everyone loved it! It was filmed by city hall.

Activated desks report - November 2002
       Southern Brazil retreat
: The retreat, held in late November, was a big success. This was the largest event of its kind ever held by the Family in southern Brazil. A total of 280 Activated subscribers and other Family members met for three days of inspiration, Word, fellowship, and fun. We had a Contato team and stand to promote the subscriptions and sell our beautiful books and tools. It was a great success.
       New books: Love's Many Faces in Portuguese arrived from the print shop. The first copies have already been shipped to our hungry sheep.
       Christmas push: We helped promote the São Paulo Christmas dinner, which was a real inspiration to the Homes and their sheep. Many new sheep came and were touched by the sample and presentations.
       As part of our Home's Christmas witnessing, we have been keeping the office and phone lines open on Saturdays during November and December. This has resulted in additional orders and subscriptions.
       The brethren from the Niteroi Home confirmed the renewal of 300 subscribers from last year and signed up an additional 300! GBT for their faith!--600 subscriptions in one shot! (The director of a large shipyard is sponsoring these subscriptions for his employees).
       We had a record number of individual tool sales this month as well as a large number of subscriptions (beyond the 600 mentioned above.)

CEAD (Central Europe)
       Christmas mags printed and shipped to Homes
:We got seven languages of Christmas mags done and shipped off to the Homes. Already we have begun to receive glowing reports of how the Lord is helping them to get them out!
       More paper provisioned:For the last year we have been using paper that the Lord has been supplying from Scandinavia (God bless dear Selah, who has been such a help with this), but since it is only 80 LWC paper we are not able to print four colors on it. This means for the covers we have had to buy paper here in Hungary. Recently we asked David and Heidi in Switzerland if they would be able to provision some paper which we can use for these covers and we just heard that the Lord has supplied three pallets of this kind of paper (plus two additional pallets of paper which we can use for other printing projects)! TTL for His bountiful supply which will help us to cut costs on the printing done here in Hungary!
       First Hungarian books back from the printer: This month we got the first two Hungarian Activated books printed (Understanding God's Word and God's Gifts). There are four more in the works which we hope to have during the first part of the new year.
       New versions of Activated in Romanian:God bless our dear Romanian translators (Rebeca, Angel, Mihaela, and Kris) and layout team (Gabe and David) who have been working these past months on translating and laying out the new versions of Activated mags 1-9 (to replace the former "MM mags" which have been getting out in Romania). The work is just about finished and this past month we were able to print mags 5, 6, and 7 in Romania. We are really happy to see this done, and are especially thankful for the contribution of the NewDay Home in Romania who helped to make this possible (by giving a donation which covered the translation expenses).

: The shipments of mags and books to our neighboring countries have been going very well. This is a great victory, as the transport of goods across borders in Spanish-speaking Latin America poses big problems sometimes. In spite of the Enemy's boos we were able to send mags and books to Argentina. A real answer to prayer through the power of the keys!
       "Mottos" rocking: We ran out of "Mottos" and had to order more for New Year's! A team up in the north that has distributed 150 so far reported that people loved the calendars so much that they scolded them for not having more available for sale!

       Magazines going out:
15,000 Christmas magazines were printed in Italian and 2,000 in Dutch in time for the Homes to use them for witnessing during the Christmas season. The plan is to make Contatto subscriptions available in Italian next year. With Dutch, we'll see how things go with the Christmas magazine and then decide the next step.
       Most of our initial run of 5,000 copies of French Activé magazines 1 through 4 have been sold or ordered.


       "Mottos": The printing of "Mottos" here in India is going very well. The company has done a very good job from what we can tell. It is just in time as we have completely run out of stock.

       Mass marketing meeting
: We were able to hold a wholesale marketing meeting with Homes in the area and we covered the following points:
       --The importance of starting on small scale, perfecting your approach and method in order to make it work. We encouraged the Homes to have more of a long-term vision.
       --One thing that was brought to our attention (which we discussed) was the need for sales/display-related items like big signs.
       --Pros and cons of wholesale marketing.
       --Tips and ideas, as well as things to avoid when approaching a retail establishment.
       --Sharing various testimonies from the Homes.
       --Explaining and clarifying our special offers for Homes taking part in mass marketing deals.

       Guadalajara Book Fair:
Josue and Phoebe teamed up with Aurora and the local Homes. We had very good results, as far as licensing deals with local companies.
       Three deals were closed: 1) with a company selling door to door, to produce the Kiddie Viddies as a package with a curriculum and a coloring in a big gift box. We will also be able to buy the package from them at a very low price to sell to the Homes; 2) with a software company to produce an interactive CD of the Kiddie Viddies; 3) with a publisher with distribution to large outlet stores to produce the From Jesus With Love gift book as a paperback, as well as God on God as a paperback.
       God bless Josue who had been following up on these three contacts for years, trying to make this deal with them.
       Productions: We finally received the Perlas de Sabiduria ("Mottos") from our printer, and they came out real nice. They are a big hit with the Homes, and were a best seller at the Guadalajara book fair.

       Subscribers/Chinese Activated
: So far we have 359 subscribers and of all the magazines we have sent out not one got returned.
       International interest in the Chinese Activated is starting to pick up; we've sent 21 free samples to Homes around the world and have received our first overseas subscription from Japan.

board happenings
OC/JETT mini-camp, Cape Town

By Lynne (of Thaddeus), South Africa
On October 28th we held a mini-camp for the JETTs and OCs in the Cape Town area. God bless Meg (JT board), as the Lord gave her the vision for this! Putting together a camp for either age group for the whole South African area would have been a mammoth task, but this kind of mini-scale event is simple and easy, and most importantly, makes a BIG difference in the kids lives.
       For this first "attempt," Seth (18) and Angie (20)--thank you so much--helped with the kids and did the majority of the work, which was an added blessing as I could just oversee and also learn from this shaky beginning.
       The kids, five in all, got together on Sunday evening and started off with a simple loving Jesus type get together. They ended the evening by receiving something personal from the Lord. It was encouraging to see that they all have a sweet and personal connection with the Lord. After that they had a fun time of fellowship while watching the movie The Black Stallion.
       We had planned a sleep-in the next morning, but little did we anticipate the early risers who were excitedly out of bed at 6:30 am. (Next time we will be more prepared!) After breakfast was devotions, led by Seth with praise, prophecy, and memory and review time. After a short break we were off to a nearby farm where we took an hour and a half hike.
       Lunch and Word-based board games followed, after which we had planned to give the kids a bit of swimming/soccer time. The kids were picked up around 5:30 pm, so it was an action-packed day for them and they were all super inspired and thankful for this time, as short as it was. Please pray for future area mini-camps, as with the Lord's help they are beautiful avenues for fellowship, unity, feeding, challenge, renewing of spirit, fun, and inspiration. For the next camp we hope to camp out for the night, climb a mountain, read "Mountain Men" at the top, and more!

Unite and win!

By the southwest Europe VS team

We were praying and asking the Lord how our VS board could help our board area, which includes (in order of appearance, when flying from the lands of the rising sun) Greece, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. The Lord gave us a far-out plan. By "far out" we mean far out of our reach: to organize two CM fellowships, where besides the fun and inspiration of it all, the boards would be able to get to know their field and the field could get to know their interesting and unique board members.
       Around this same time the Lord was leading the JT board to organize a JETT/teen camp for the area. So through further communication between the two boards we decided to have the two run concurrently. Easier said than done. When we actually started putting feet to this idea, our heads started spinning, not to say how our stomachs felt when we wrote down the number of people attending. We're sure thankful we have prophecy and the keys to help us out, 'cause we really used them. The Lord showed us to take it one step at a time (or at least one fellowship at a time), and that's what we did.
The first fellowship was for Spain and Portugal. Being far from our base in Italy, it was a bit difficult as far as looking for a place and the provisioning. So most of it just happened through virtual communication (known also as e-mail). The Enemy really attacked this plan.--Two computers broke down and major data was lost--just two weeks from the appointed date. But miracles also kept happening.--The Lord miraculously provided a very nice place with facilities we would only have thought about while daydreaming. There were bungalows by the playa (beach), swimming pools, playgrounds for the kids, a soccer field, basketball court, disco for our dance night. You name it. It was there.
       The brethren found a hotel that agreed to give us all their leftover food at the end of each day, which supplied quite a buffet at every meal! We weren't sure that the one hotel would be enough for us all, but the Lord miraculously supplied again and provided another hotel to help us as well.
       In Italy we organized the fellowship for the remaining four countries. Since we had already organized previous fellowships in Italy, it didn't seem to be so difficult, but the number of people attending was quite large and the place could only hold 180 people. Through the power of the keys (and the power of love!) we were able to fit over 240 people. The Lord abundantly provided delicious food for each meal.
       At both fellowships we had pretty much the same schedule and order of meetings and events. The first major event was the viewing of Mama and Peter's videos; it was such a privilege and reward for everyone. God bless our dear king and queen for their love and encouragement.
       During the days of the fellowships we scheduled a time for each board to hold a meeting for everyone interested, thus making it possible to present themselves, their goals, and their vision for the field, as well as to get some feedback from the Homes in the area. We also had a media presentation from some members of the media board, and an Activated meeting.
       Thanks to the CP board and all of the willing helpers, most of the parents were able to attend these meetings as the kids were divided by groups and had lots of fun activities prepared for them. There was everything from puppet shows to arts and crafts, get-out and games, and even magic shows! We had a rotating schedule for the helpers so that everyone would be able to participate in the fellowship as well as the meetings. We tried to leave the rest of the time open for people to fellowship. Then in the evenings we gathered for Loving Jesus time, inspirations, and of course, dance night!
       In the meantime the teens and JETTs were kept busy by the board members of their pillar, filling their mornings with inspirations, Word classes, and skits. It was inspiring to see them respond to the Lord, rock out in inspiration to the same songs that started the Revolution, and ask questions about spiritual things that they were sincerely trying to understand.
       In the afternoons we would regroup for fun and vigorous get-outs followed by the afternoon activity. To name a few: Quizorama, open forums, treasure hunts, games, and even dancing in the rain on one occasion! The evenings held more exciting events and excursions. We had a campfire and Gypsy dancing inspiration by the beach; a home movie theater night; an exciting talent night where the stars were the JETTs and teens, and they sure surprised us with their creativity and amazing talents.
       Lastly, we want to thank all of the cooks, provisioners, and all of those who helped make these fellowships possible.

the boards in action
Boards enable us to do things otherwise not possible

By John (of Jasmine), AMBER CGO board member, Europe

       I can see a lot of benefits since the implementation of the boards, such as more unity, better communication, more awareness of what each Home is doing, more inspiration, and a sense of belonging. It appears to me that Homes in general seem to be more motivated to do more for the Lord and to reach the world with His message.
       In my small interaction with some Homes I have seen firsthand how if it was not for the boards being in place, some Homes would have not made the progress they did, as they would have not had the opportunity to receive the input or the suggestions from a board member that could see things from a more objective perspective or offer another side to the picture.
       The boards offer a wonderful platform to get us united, as first the unity began to form between the board members and is now spilling onto others and the entire area.
       Another aspect is that we have been learning to make every decision prayerfully and I guess--I speak for myself--this has had an effect on my Home as well, as slowly we are starting more and more to operate along the lines of the boards.
       The boards have been instrumental in making Activated work in our areas. I personally feel that if it was not for the boards' involvement, that Activated would be much further behind where it is today. Of course, we still have a lot of mileage to cover, but the groundwork has been laid and soon we will hear the mighty God's explosion!

board members needed

By Peter
A big thanks to all of you who have willingly allowed one or more of your Home members to be part of the board structure. We know it's a sacrifice to give of your Home's personnel, but we pray that you're feeling and seeing the benefits of what the boards are accomplishing for your area.
       There are still some vacant positions within the board structure which the COs are trying to find people to fill. Please pray that the Lord raises up those who can fill these positions, and that the Lord abundantly supplies for all the Homes who are giving of their personnel to the board structure. We are praying for you and are confident that the Lord will bless you abundantly for your giving!

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

George Clooney, Natascha McElhone
       Upon arrival at the space station orbiting an ocean world called Solaris, a psychologist discovers that the commander of an expedition to the planet has died mysteriously. Other strange events soon start happening as well, such as the appearance of old acquaintances of the crew, including some who are dead.

It's interesting that they would remake this movie. It was originally such a landmark movie for the Communist regime to make, that it really stood out. Sadly, the remake has lost a lot of that meaning; however, in spite of this, it does carry some of the original goals and messages. The basic story is the same but the emotion, the searching, is very different. In the original movie it was more intense; the whole goal and reason of the movie was to convey the desperate search for God that the Russian people had. Still, it does have a good message--albeit hidden--that there is something greater than science, which cannot be explained or analyzed.
       The original movie was kind of odd and abstract because it was the artist's way of getting a message across and the Lord used that because of the Russian people's mentality at the time. They would accept this more abstract approach, and in fact it was the only way to get this message across without having it censored.
       While this movie isn't as good as the original, it is still a decent movie and okay for the Family to watch. This present-day version follows the original book more, but it was the details not included in the book, but which were added by the producer of the original Soviet movie, that were extremely significant.
       Many will probably want to watch this movie because of what I've said in the Letters about the original version and all that it meant at the time. You should read those Letters either before or after watching the movie.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen
       The second part of the J.R.R. Tolkien epic trilogy. Hobbits Frodo and Sam brave terrible dangers in an attempt to have the evil ring destroyed, while the rest of the fellowship continue to battle the dark forces on various fronts.

This fictional epic has many parallels in the spiritual. The heart is the battleground between the dark lord, the Enemy of your soul, and the forces of good and godliness. The good will eventually triumph over the evil--that ending cannot be changed--but many of the day-to-day battles depend on the choices that men make in their hearts. The battle that currently surrounds you is not unlike the one fought in the movie. You have now moved out of the days of preparation into the era of action and find battles on every side, and sometimes feel that you are besieged, your numbers are dwindling, and you are being confronted with the ever growing threat of your enemies, just like the heroes in this Two Towers movie.
       On the other hand, you must be aware that many things from this movie can affect your outlook on the spiritual, and the things that are presented are not all according to My Word. Evil is depicted as strong--incredibly so--and although this is necessary for the story, it is not the case in the real spiritual world. Ask Me to cleanse you from misconceptions you might take in from this movie.
       You shouldn't take Gandalf the White as a Christ-type figure. His "resurrection" is not meant to typify My resurrection from the dead, but rather he is only a messenger, a prophet who was returned to life because his work was not yet done. This is similar to many whom I have seen fit to raise from a deathbed to continue their work for Me.
       If you're the type that is easily frightened or has nightmares because of visual effects, then it would be better not to view this movie. Ask Me whether or not you should view it, and I will show you what is best for you personally.
       Go into it with prayer, with your eyes open to learn and discern, and also with your spiritual guard up, lest the Enemy use any of the scenes of violence or evil to cause you disturbing thoughts or pictures or dreams later. Those who are sensitive viewers should be especially careful, but everyone should be prayerful. Your spirit does not go untouched by viewing evil--even when it is portrayed and viewed in proper context--and therefore your spirits must be cleansed by Me.
       This second movie is a little darker and dwells a little more on the evil than the first movie of the trilogy did. Overall it has a less inspiring feel to it. In a way this is necessary as things have to get worse before they get better, and the movies follow the mood of the three books: The first book/movie is sets the tone and is intriguing, and you get to know all the characters; the second book/movie is very exciting, tense, a lot of action and battles, and a sense of the darkness getting stronger overall; then in the third book/movie things pick up again, culminating in the eventual triumph of good.
       This movie has to be taken in context of the previous and following movie. It is in a sense the Great Tribulation of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The majority of this movie is about war. It is like the darkness before the dawn. Keep that in mind if you watch this, as that helps to keep it in perspective.
       This movie brings out the importance of staying on guard, of realizing that "the Enemy never sleeps" and therefore you must also not be too secure or smug, nor should you trust your enemy under any circumstances.
       When it's wartime, it's wartime, and sacrifices must be made. It is also a good example of a "David vs. Goliath" scenario, and of those on the side of good not giving up, even when it seemed the odds were so severely stacked against them. The way they came through is an example of the way you can come through. You overcome in spirit not only by your own determination, perseverance, and will to fight, which plays a very big part in the spiritual battle; but it's that combined with reinforcements--in your case in the form of spiritual help from Heaven--that truly wins the battle.
       There is a good lesson in here on compromise, with a parallel showing the danger of the Enemy's deceit and how he will do all he can to keep you from being an active Christian.
       The days grow darker, and iniquity spreads and multiplies across the world day by day. Yet My light will shine brighter. I have ordained that the few who stand on the side of good and who trust in Me will shine brighter than at any time in history. Yes, indeed, this will be a time well remembered, and they will sing songs and recount tales of the time when you took your stand--you, the Children of David. More than all the heroes gone before you--of legend or of fact--you will stand out and be remembered for the great deeds you accomplished through My glory.


Kevin Kline, Emile Hirsch, Embeth Davidtz
       A retired "old-school" classics teacher finds his methods put to the test by a new student, who threatens to undermine all that he stands for. The professor's challenge is to change this young man while maintaining his integrity. (Could also be viewed by JETTs at parents' discretion.)
       (Jesus:) This is a good movie with some good lessons. You don't have to be someone important or hold a high office or position to change the world. You just have to pursue what I've made you for with all your heart and soul. You can't always control the outcome, you can only do your best. The basic message is that it's not old fashioned to believe in truth, honesty, and right. In fact, if you want to accomplish anything worthwhile in life, it'll depend on your resolve to uphold integrity. It's a good exposé on politicians as well. It doesn't have any violence or foul language or perversions. Teachers and parents will appreciate the reinforcement this movie offers.
       Where are the teachers? Where are those who will lay down their lives and give their all, like the very special professor portrayed in this movie? He gave his all--his heart and soul--and poured himself selflessly into the next generation, and the next, instead of living only for himself and personal pursuits or pleasure.
       This is a touching and insightful movie. It's definitely worth watching, especially by anyone who is a parent, or a teacher, or a student, or by anyone who's involved in witnessing or sharing My love with the world. Did I get everyone? I hope so.
       Just as any witnesser has learned, you can't always win, because some will not receive the love of the truth. But you must be true to your conscience and share the truth in love, regardless. There will be those who receive the seeds you plant in their hearts and lives, and because of those, it will be worth it all.
       St. Benedict's, as an academy of higher learning, is a good representation of the price those in the world expect and are willing to pay if they hope to make something of themselves and take their places as leaders of their generation. My young people in the Family have a much higher calling than any of these portrayed in the movie, and if they're willing to pay the price and prepare, they indeed will become the leaders I've called and destined them to be. Yes, it will cost something, but I guarantee you'll be thankful you were willing.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Animated, voices of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brian Murray, Emma Thompson
       Futuristic twist on Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. A restless teen embarks on a fantastic journey across the universe as cabin boy aboard a majestic space galleon.

This is a movie with some fun, excitement, and adventure. There aren't a lot of lessons to draw on--it's entertainment. But that is good and needful in moderation.
       It's the dream of most youth to be able to go off on some great adventure, and this is one of those adventure stories. You, My children, have the promise of new worlds to conquer. You'll be able to fly through the galaxies and stars, yet with the freedom of My Spirit and understanding of it all.
       Even here and now, you can explore universes--the universes of people's hearts. Every person you meet is so unique and different in all of their hopes, dreams, and thoughts, that they are a universe in themselves.
       Reach out to other people's inner worlds and connect with them and they'll love you for it. You can help them to better understand themselves and how I fit into the picture. I am the Maker of all dreams and aspirations. I've put that yearning for fulfillment in the hearts of all.
       Something to watch out for is the underlying message that the bad can be partially good. Whereas in truth, you reap what you sow, your sins will find you out, and you can't escape reaping the results of bad behavior. So even though this is a sweet movie, this one negative message could have a bad effect on younger audiences who don't have a good understanding of such spiritual principles.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie; Voices of Michael J. Fox, Melanie Griffith, James Woods
       This sequel to Stuart Little again mixes live action actors with computer-animated cartoon characters. Stuart Little, a three-inch tall talking mouse, was adopted by a human family. When his "older brother" George starts spending more time with his other friends, the lonely fellow goes in search of companionship.

It's a fun movie, although pretty much just entertainment. It has its exciting moments, and shows a sweet family that love and care about one another.
       The part where George lies to his parents to cover for Stuart is explained quite well, showing that it's never good to lie to your parents. Something that is important to highlight to children is that it's not as if a child can just run away and everything will turn out just great, like it did for Stuart. If children understand that it's very much a fantasy, which is pretty obvious by the talking mouse and other talking animals, they'll enjoy it.
       Some lessons that can be drawn out of this movie are about seeing the silver lining in difficult situations, being honest, and being willing to do things for your family and loved ones that would normally not be your first choice to do. This little mouse portrays perseverance, determination, love for others, courage, bravery, and faith. A lot of the humor in it is geared towards adults. However, it is still a fun, understandable movie for children.

homeschooling corner
Swiss accept CVC teacher's certificates

By Mercy (of Byron), Switzerland

       About four years ago, one cold wintry morning in Lithuania, the Lord told me that I should get CVC certificates in Teaching so that in case I would ever be questioned about the children's homeschooling I would have proof that I was capable of teaching them. Since I had never even finished high school it was quite a feat. I needed to get a High School diploma, then a CC Certificate to be able to get the Primary Teaching Certificate, and a Youth Counselling Certificate so that I could get a Secondary Teaching Certificate as well. All this took about three years.
       But I saw that the Lord had great foresight, because three years after His original request, Byron and I received an invitation to help with a project. This meant returning to Switzerland, our home country, and what's more, facing the System and having our homeschooling legalized. I was amazed at how the Lord had prepared me ahead of time, but also a bit apprehensive. Would they accept the CVC certificates?
       So we returned to Switzerland and started house hunting. Switzerland is set so that each canton has its own school laws, and requests to homeschool had to be applied for in each area where we found prospective housing. I ended up applying in three cantons. In each case the law required that homeschoolers should have the same certificates as regular teachers. I sent in my CVC certificates, and since CVC is not on their list of accredited schools, their next request was that I present the CVC College and send in a list of the courses I had taken. I printed out the Introduction to the CVC Book (pgs.1-11), as well as the explanation on the difference between traditional and non-traditional education from pages 521-522. Along with these, I sent in a list of all the courses I had taken, and it was quite a list. I hadn't realized myself how thorough the CVC courses were until I had to list them all. I sent these to the three different school authorities and each of them accepted them as completely valid certificates and as being on the same level as a Swiss teacher's certificate (which by the way is a university level certificate, since here, to become a teacher, you are required to go to university).
       The Lord did some miracles in that they gave me permission to continue to teach the children in English as long as they are learning French and German as second and third languages. They also allowed me to continue following the curriculum I was using (which is the Family's curriculum) with small adaptations to the local curriculum (mostly local history and geography). Byron and I had two interviews with local authorities and both times they were very impressed by our approach to education and both recommended to the final authorities that we "have what it takes" to educate our children. One of them even admitted that the school system had failed and that children in public school were not learning very much. He was very interested in our homeschooling and wants to come and see how we do it.
       So please, dear Family, don't believe the enemies' lies that the CVC is not up to par. It is. It is above par. The reason we are different than the System in our approach to education is not because we are behind, but because we are ahead. We are pioneers in education and should be very proud of it. I sure am and I want to thank all the precious Family members who worked on the CVC courses. I think you did a great job, and so do the Swiss school authorities!

I think CLE is a really, really, terrific program!

By Vicky Joy, India

This month I finished my high school studies, and received my CLE High School diploma. It's taken a while (three years) and a lot of hard work, but I'm so thankful that I went for it, as I know I've gained a lot of helpful knowledge, not to mention the wonderful satisfaction of having finally completed my schooling and received my diploma.
       I was a bit worried about the testing, as we were told it would be different from the usual CAT tests we do every year, but TTL it wasn't all that hard and I did very well (I received a 12.9 grade average, which was excellent according to CLE). I have a pretty hard time with school (math especially), but it just goes to show that if I did well, I guess anyone could, ha!
       I'm going to be moving to Thailand next month and I'm going to be a CC worker and teacher. I have also received my CLE Teaching diploma, and I think taking the Teachers Course was extremely helpful in learning how to teach children. Even if you don't teach CLE, there were many pointers in there about how to control large groups of children, helping children to work on their level, always disciplining in love, etc., and generally most of their principles very much agreed with the Family's standard in teaching.
       When I received my diploma they also sent me a congratulatory letter which said the following:

       We hope your high school experience with us has also guided you to a deeper commitment to the Lord. Whether you continue to pursue your goals in a career choice or some area of service or ministry, may serving the Lord to your fullest capacity be your ultimate goal.
       If you have not yet committed your life to the Lord, may you make it the number one priority in your life. Your success in life will be meaningless without the Lord guiding your steps. May the Lord be with you as you continue to increase in wisdom and knowledge, building on the foundation you have established during these years of study. Above all, may you seek the wisdom which can only come from the Lord in all of your future decisions in life.

       I know some people find CLE to generally be a bit churchy and sometimes a bit quaint or old-fashioned, but I've been doing CLE from 5th grade right on through high school, and I think it is great. Not only was it consistent, keeping good records and making sure you were up to par scholastically, it also gave an extremely thorough foundation in the Bible (in high school you have to read through the entire Bible and really study and learn it, and although it definitely doesn't replace the GNs, it helped give me a good Bible foundation) which I think is often lacking in some Family young people's education. I've also helped teach my younger brothers and sisters with CLE. All in all, I think it is a really, really, terrific program!

Science Kits

By Sarah I., Thailand
First I want to say how much I like this feature in the Grapevine. It's wonderful to get the wealth of information from our wonderful Family--tried and proven tips to help us teach our children. Here in Thailand we have found all the science supplies needed for children at reasonable prices at the government bookstores that supply schools.
       [Editor's note: We've received similar testimonies from Family members in India who also benefit from their local government bookstores! TYL!]

A hint for using CLE light units

By Maria Obey, Nigeria
I wanted to give a tip for older children who work on the same light unit. I have two kids, one JETT and a teen who work on the same grade level, plus another JETT in our Home who will be needing the same light unit in one year. The first and the second child do all their answers on paper in separate exercise books. Their final test answers go on a separate sheet of paper which I keep as their school accomplishment. Only the last child actually writes in the light unit itself and does the final test on the final test sheet. As the children are older, they don't mind not writing in their light unit. This helps to save cost and transport hassle of shipping extra light units. It also saves on making photocopies, as copiers are not often available here in the Third World, especially for making large quantities.

Using the CC/FED section of the MO site

       Are you having trouble finding what you need in the CC/FED section of the MO site? Here are a few points that may make it easier for you:

       1. Click on CC/FED in the top bar on the MO site.
       2. Once you are in this section, you'll find a multitude of childcare, teaching, and parenting materials that you can download.
       3. Look over what is available, and prayerfully choose what you would like to have. Larger files take longer to download, so part of your decision-making will be based on how fast and how expensive your Internet access is.
       4. Some things you may want to download are on the first page of the CC/FED section. Simply click on the item you are interested in. If it is in the Newswire, Overflow, Questions and Answers sections, you can either read it on screen, or select the text you want to keep and copy it (control C). Then you can paste it (control V) into a file on your computer where you want it.
       5. If when you open an item, you are given the option of downloading it (as in the sections: Children's Pubs, JETT/Teen Pubs, Reference Materials, Latest Kids Audio, and Latest FED Catalog Items), then proceed with that. If you are downloading an item, be sure you have sufficient space on your computer. The size of the item you are downloading will be indicated on your screen before you download.
       6. A specific search of what is available in the FED Catalog can be made by using the FED Catalog Search on the bottom right of your screen. There are six different ways you can search for something:
       Category: Click on the age group you are interested in (or if you are interested in Forms + Notices, or Video + Audio). Then simply move to the bottom of the screen and click on "Search." That will show you all items for that category. Click on the item(s) you want and you will be given more information about it, as well as the option to download them at the bottom of the page. If you want to select more than one Category, then hold the Control key down while you click on several choices. You do not have to click on a category--only if you know specifically what age(s) or category you are interested in. Otherwise, your search can be based on one of the other searches (below).
       Topics: Click on the topic(s) you are interested in finding material for, such as Art, Bible, etc. If you want to select more than one topic, hold the Control key down while you click on several choices. Again simply move to the bottom of the screen and click on "Search." That will show you all items for that topic. If you have clicked on a specific category (i.e., Babies and Toddlers) and a specific topic (i.e., Bible) you will be shown all Bible items for Babies and Toddlers. Click on the item(s) you want and you will be given more information as well as the option to download.
       Language: At this time you can choose between English, Spanish, and Portuguese, as those are the items we have available. In the future, DV, more will be available.
       Produced by: If you know what area produced the item(s) you want to search for, click on the appropriate producer.
       Item Code Search: When you click on any item you will see the ITEM CODE listed, such as 00287WS. If you have previously searched for specific items and remember the item code, if you type it in the Item Code box, the specified item should appear.
       Keyword Search: This may be the most convenient search method for many of you. Simply type in a word related to what you are searching for, and a number of items should pop up. If the word you type is in the item title or in the description, the items should pop up on your screen for you to choose from. If you are not getting the results you desire in a Keyword Search, then make the word more general (e.g., type "baking" or "cook" instead of "making biscuits," or type "cook" instead of "recipes").

       We hope this is a help for those of you who would like to take advantage of the many items available for you but who may not be so "computer literate." If you have any material you would like to share with others, please either upload your file in the place indicated on the bottom left of your screen, or send it to fed@wsfamily.com. Thank you!

       Healing key:
As the greatest doctor in the universe I hold the key of healing in My hand, offering it to those in need; it is the surest remedy, the most effective medicine. Use it, and its power will work the physical miracles you need and restore you to full health.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Elisa East, Italy:
Thank you for your prayers. Stefano, who had an accident seven months ago, is speaking and eating and making enormous progress. The Lord had promised us that he would recuperate to 95%. The doctors had said that he might never talk again, but the Lord promised us that he would, and he does speak and understand everything. Now we claim the power of the keys that he will walk soon!
       Please keep Stefano in your prayers as he still needs an operation on his head to put back a bone that was removed the day of the accident. We are confident that He Who has begun a good work shall complete it to the end.

       By Letizia (of Juan), Italy:
Since we sent the prayer request for our one-year-old daughter Natasha Rose's tear duct to open properly, she's doing much better and she hardly has any problem with it now. Thanks for your precious prayers and the time you all take to pray.

       By Faith, Europe:
About a year ago I sent in a prayer request against frequent herpes outbreaks. At that time I was getting them every month. Since then, this last year I had only one outbreak! TYJ for doing the impossible and thank you, dear Family, for your prayers!

       By Pawel and Melanie, Ecuador
: Thank you so much for your prayers for our son,Marcin Gabriel (2). The Lord has healed him naturally without him having to go through an operation. He couldn't eat normally before because his esophagus would close up, so he was unable to swallow even a grain of rice. Now he eats meat and popcorn! Dear Family, thank you so, so much for praying for our son!

       Thai James
(of Esther): James was born with two holes in his heart and has been a living miracle since. Recently, however, he has been coughing blood more often, which has meant that his heart has been pumping so hard that the blood is being pushed into his lungs. This has made it more difficult for him to breathe, talk and sleep. The daily medication which he has been taking for years has also been difficult to find lately. In addition, James was just diagnosed as having pneumonia. The doctors said that he will need a heart and lung transplant in order to live. Please pray that:
       *       the Lord will have His way and heal James immediately
       *       that if it is His will for James to have the heart and lung transplants, that He will supply the organs needed immediately, as there is a long waiting list
       *       for James' strength, faith, and trust in the Lord
       *       that the Lord will supply the medicine James needs, as well as the finances to pay for his medical bills
       *       the Lord's leading and wisdom for the doctors
       *       for accurate diagnoses and prescriptions
       *       for Thai Esther, James's wife, and their two children, Jesse and Celeste, during this difficult time

Europe and Africa
(2, of Daniel and Tirzah): Chronic malaria; generally weak health.
       Maggie (of Paul): Complete healing of HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, and bronchial asthma.
       Paul (of Maggie): Deteriorating liver, protection for him from all resultant complications such as internal bleeding, coma, and failing kidneys. He is not able to take his HIV meds anymore since his liver is so bad; for protection from all the complications that can come with that as well, and that the doctors have wisdom in treating him.
       Meekness: Complete healing from cyst in left ovary and fibromas (benign tumors) in uterus; against strong pains and that the natural treatment she's taking will help the healing process.
       Noelle (7, of Steve and Ruth): Cysts in her cheeks and neck. Please pray that by a miracle the treatment she has restarted will eliminate the cysts and that no new ones will occur. For wisdom in further treatment of the problem and for the anointing of the doctor and his team, that she'll continue to have a spirit of faith and we can all be a witness to the people this problem leads us to.
       Ruthie: Pre-cancerous cells in her uterus.
       Sheryl (SGA): She just had a laser operation to reattach the retina of her right eye. In the beginning it looked like the retina was getting attached and she had started to see well, but now she's seeing all foggy and distorted again. If her vision doesn't improve, they'll have to operate on it again, but in that case the surgery will be more complicated.

(YA): Pending operation for an ovarian cyst; that the cyst will shrink, and that the operation will go smoothly with no complications.
       Mercy:Diagnosed with cervical dysphasia (pre-cancerous cells on the cervix), for the right medical counsel and for her strength during this time.
(2, of John and Lily): His bladder is still not opening as it should, so he has to urinate through a tube in his abdomen. That his bladder will function normally.
       Nicole: Hospitalized with a hole in her lung, and chest pains. Also for her eight-month-old baby who is being weaned.

South America
(of Dulci): He will need to go back to the hospital to be fitted with a prosthetic eye, for everything to go well, for him to adjust to all the changes and for his family.
       André (4, of Andrés and Virginia): Classic autism; for him to be able to talk, for his movements and brain waves to normalize, quick recovery from his tonsillectomy and against infections.
       David (of Susana): Had surgery to remove his gallbladder and had a lot of stones, one of which greatly damaged his pancreas. He spent two weeks in the hospital and five days in Intensive Care. He is home now, but the stone, which affected his pancreas, caused a great amount of swelling and a hemorrhage. The internal bleeding has killed all the cells around his pancreas and now those cells are forming a big clot. The doctors say they will have to operate to remove it in a couple of months and that it's impossible for it to dissolve naturally. Please claim the power of the keys against the impossible in this situation.

Hola Ivan (Jose Luis M.) y Ester (de España). Soy Maribel Gomez (ahora Trust). Donde estais? Me gustaria muchisimo el poder tener noticias vuestras!! Si hay alguien que conoce a Ivan (de Almeria) y a Ester (de Valencia), por favor enviarme su direccion si la sabeis! Escribirme a: pcdesk@attglobal.net

       Hi Ivan (Jose Luis M.) and Ester (Spanish)! This is Maribel Gomez (now Trust). Where are you? I'd really like to hear from you!! If there is anyone who know this couple, Ivan (from Almeria) and Ester (from Valencia), please send me their address if you happen to have it! This is my e-mail address: pcdesk@attglobal.net
       Hi there, Solo and Gem! This is Micah, Trust, and Eman. We haven't heard from you in a long time! Where are you? Please, write! We love and miss you both lots! We've already become grandparents and Eman a daddy. We have lots to tell you about! Write! If there is anyone who knows this couple, please send us their address if you happen to have it! (Solo is black American and Gem is Canadian). Here's our e-mail: pcdesk@attglobal.net
help wanted
My name is Gloria (Russian national). Ten days ago my dad went to be with the Lord. PTL! He is happy now compared to my mom. She believes in God, but I'm afraid she may become bitter against God, so she needs the power of prayer and the keys to survive spiritually and physically.
       My Home is far away from her city and to visit her for my dad's funeral I've borrowed money. For my dad's funeral she has spent US$700 and in the future there will be more expenses. So we are both in debt. I will visit with her for some time, and the Lord told me to not take a System job, but that He will supply all our needs.
       Dear Family, I know that each one of us needs His great supply but I would like to ask you on my knees for help. I need US$400 to repay the money I have borrowed, and to live here and also buy my ticket to go back to my Home. I need this amount of money in two months and I am claiming the power of the keys for miracles. Any amount of money will be a big, big blessing for us.
       Please send your gift to RU037 (for Gloria). Thank you so much, dear ones.

Dear Family,
       We are David and Dawn and our four sons (ages 11 to 23). Dawn's dad, who is in his 90s, is quite sick and we don't know how much longer he has in this life, so we would like to make a trip to the States to visit with him and her mom. Since they don't have room for all of us to stay with them, we would have to be able to raise enough funds not only for the airfare, but also accommodation while there. Our oldest son is in a behind-the-scenes ministry in the M.E. and it's very hard for him to raise funds. We have been on the field of Thailand for about 22 years now and have visited Dawn's family only once in all this time. Her parents have never met our youngest son (age 11), and they met the other boys only briefly. We need to raise a total of about $5,000 for all of us. This could take us quite a while to raise this amount on these poorer fields. We would really appreciate any help you can give to us towards this trip! You can send your love gift via the TRF to the Bangkok VS Home (TH 28), and you can contact us via the Thailand ABM. Please include a way for us to contact you to thank you!
       Love, David and Dawn and boys


       Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Shine on-November 2002

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Gideon/Magdalene/Rachel, South Africa       2,778       13,890
       Rosita, Mexico       2,250       4,500
       Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       1,903       3,805
Josue/Maria, Mexico       1,677       8,384
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       1,317       9,221
       Aaron/Joyful/Paul/Rosa, India       697       4,879
       Michael/Maria, India       475       1,900
       Gideon/Ruthie, Italy       366       1,100
       David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       310       620
       Ezequiel/Rejoice/Tabitha, Brazil       214       1,500


       Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan       1,293       6,469
       Ariana/Serena/Tommy, Cambodia       1,096       5,482
Rosita, Mexico       900       1,800
Joe/Trusty, Japan       606       1,820
       David/Dove, United Kingdom       561       1,684
       Abi/Crystal/Joy/Luke, Senegal       556       4,450
       Samuel/Sara, Mexico       531       1,593
       Angeles/Joao/John, Portugal       466       2,800
       Daniel/Martin/Martin/Mercy, Mozambique       389       2,334
       Daniel/Dora/Maria, Kenya       360       2,525


       Aneta/Ben/Kelvin, Botswana       1,000       3,000
       Jeho/Consuelo/Dawn, Brazil       606       3,637
       Samuel/Sara, Mexico       217       650
Faithy/Lalo/Ruth, Mexico       183       1,099
       Angeles/Joao/John, Portugal       170       1,022
       Juan/Ruth, Mexico       162       324
       Grayce/James/Janai/Jay/Rose, USA       140       702
       Angel/Erica/Shawn, USA       138       275
       Nina/Jay, USA       133       400
       Hannah/Love/Mark/Tim, Taiwan       132       1,320


       Pablo/Solomon, USA       221       1,326
       Faithy/Lalo/ Ruth, Mexico       87       520
       Pedro Pescador/Daniela, Argentina       61       430
Alex/Ama/Dove/Jerry/Marianne/Philip, Mexico       56       954
       Angela/Elias, Spain       52       104
       Consuelo/Dawn/Jeho, Brazil       44       261
       Emanuel/Joy, Venezuela       35       104
       Meekness/Philip, Namibia       30       60
       Andre/Marie/Mary/Samuel, Burma       25       100
       Heart/John, Taiwan       23       46

(End of file.)