the grapevine
(Issue 146; January 1, 2003.)
The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107 e-mail: Copyright © 2003 by The Family
You can measure the value of your accomplishments by what you had to sacrifice to attain them.
Gregory, born to Aissatou on April 16.-Guinea
Baby boy, 2nd child, born to Melissa and Matt on June 25.-Guinea
Pharez Zuch, 1st child, born to Lisa and Fred on August 5.--USA
Florencia Jasmin, 9th child, born to Doveand Tim on October 1.-Chile
Darin Yuta, born to Rejoice and Aaron on October 10.--Japan
Joe, born to Mary Praise and Jeremiah on October 15.--Japan
Justin Darrel, 2nd child, born to Crystal Dear and John on October 18.--India
Jordana, born to Joan Dust and Sam Jordan on October 18.--India
Angelina Ai Foto, born to Liz and David Foto on October 24.--Japan
Julia, 3rd child, born to Esther and Aaron on November 13.--Poland
Emilia Jade, 2nd child, born to Stella and Aaron on November 29.--Germany
new disciples…
Odette (24), joined in Tahiti.-September
John Beloved (35, Indian) joined in September.-India
Joshua (23), joined in India.--October
Eva Rose (22, Austrian) joined in Italy.--September
Eva (19, Kazakh) joined in Kazakhstan.--September
Juan (17, Spanish) rejoined in Spain.--September
Want some key bookmarks? Check out the MO site, where there are 53 keys turned into bookmarks, courtesy of Agnes, Mexico.
Attention show groups: Christmas and other tracks available!
By JAS and the WS Web team
Almost all BMTs and Minus 1s of our Christmas CDs are available as MP3s on the Members Only Web site. This includes tracks for Sing a Song of Joy, Christmas Treasures, Christmas Beat/Little Drummer Boy, and now, Rhythm of Christmas.
You will find these at: toward the bottom of the page. (Note that there are separate sections for full mixes, BMTs, and Minus 1s.)
Within the BMT or Minus 1 categories, just click on "Christmas." There you will find the various Christmas CD titles. Click on them to see their contents. (Some of the older BMTs or Minus 1s may be found in such subsections as "Misc. Christmas BMTs," etc.)
We wanted to mention this because the studios often receive requests for this material. TTL, it's now immediately available to everyone via the MO site. The quality of these MP3s should be fine for live performance. Of course, if you're planning on doing a studio recording, you're welcome to request an original WAV file from the studios, to get even better quality. (Note that Japanese Christmas Minus 1s are also now available on the Web site for show groups doing any Japanese numbers. See the "Japanese" audio section.)
Show groups: You may also enjoy using the lively upgraded track for "This Little Light of Mine." The full mix is found in the section:
"This Little Light of Mine" was updated by John L. for use on the African "Steps" CD project. It is based on the former HCS track from around 1992, but with newer drums, keyboard, and backup vocals. (Michael Fogarty sings lead on the full version.) You'll note that the chorus melody is slightly different. Actually, this is the correct traditional melody. The version we all learned from our "Heavenly Sunshine" tape was slightly "adapted," ha!
One more point from the studios: If you are playing full Christmas tracks on any kind of broadcast or radio show, you'd probably want to supply one of our commercial CDs to the DJ rather than an MP3 version of a song, if possible, to get the best quality. Also, some songs have appeared on both older and newer Christmas tapes/CDs, such as "What Will You Give Me for Christmas," "You Only Left Heaven for Love," etc. Though it may be the same actual recording, the more recent release of a song will sound better, as our mastering techniques have improved with time.
WLY and pray these tracks will be a blessing to you for many Christmases to come!
prayer request for Peter
Dear Family,
We love you very much and are so thankful for each one of you. Over the last few months Peter has been experiencing a lot of pain in his left shoulder, which is at times extremely painful, hindering his sleep, and affecting the mobility and use of his arm. We know the Lord can work a healing miracle through the keys on his behalf, so we'd like to ask you to join us in fervent prayer for him. Thank you so much for your prayers!
"Dispelling the Myths"
Coming soon to a mailbox near you is an FSM with facts, figures, and testimonies about our Family education and homeschooling in general--"Dispelling the Myths!"
We would like to gather more evidence in favor of the education the Lord has given us in the Family, so if YOU have a testimony about how your education has been accredited, recognized, or used in an official sense when needed, please send it in. You may also know of young people who have left the Family whose training or education helped them get a good start in the professions they chose.--This would be helpful to hear as well. Let's spread the good news! Thanks!
Send your testimonies to
Kiddo coloring pages: MO site
For now, due to the fairly high cost of postage in sending out coloring pages in the mail, we'll be posting the coloring pages that go along with various kids pubs on the MO site, rather than mailing them out. Be sure to check out the MLKs and HLs on the MO site to see if there are any accompanying coloring pages that you can download, print, and pass to your kids to color. These are often great pages to put up on the wall to remind the kids of the main message of the pub. So take advantage of them! (You can also run a search for "coloring" in the FED catalog to find them; or select "art" and the age of your children.)
Teacher's Supplement for the 12 Foundation Stones
By the WS GP team
There's some good news for those of you who are using the 12 Foundation Stones classes. A variety of supplementary teachers' aids and other useful reference material is now available on the MO site. You'll find it in the same place as the classes themselves--under the "Activated Training Course" subsection, in the "Activated" section. You'll want to start off with checking out the "read me" file which includes a listing and brief explanation of each item.
Within this package there are two fact sheets to explain the Family in understandable terms to outsiders, sheep, friends, and Activated members. (These were previously included with the Preparatory Class #4, in text format; now a laid-out version is available as well.)
Eventually we will have the 12 Foundation Stones Classes, the 12 Foundation Stones Study Notes, and the Teacher's Supplement, printed and available to order in book form (as three separate books). In the meantime, we pray that making these materials available in this online format will be a blessing to you and your sheep.
(Note: The song sheets, which are mentioned in the 12 Foundation Stones classes themselves, as well as in some of these teachers' supplementary materials, are still in the works. We'll post them in this same section as soon as they're ready.)
Help needed to feed the sheep in the Muslim world
By the Family in the Middle East
The work in the Muslim world is exciting and growing. At the same time there are many, many differences that make feeding the masses quite a challenge. To meet this need, the Lord inspired the creation and production of a local pub for the Muslim world--a magazine called Motivated. This is not a form of Activated, but an entirely different pub, created as a means to feed, encourage, and inspire our dear Muslim brethren to have a closer link with the Lord, and to offer love, hope, and encouragement via these magazines. Lord willing, there will also be a follow-up mail ministry accompanying this magazine.
The Motivated magazines are not being distributed as yet via subscription, but rather as individual issues both in personal meetings or follow up to those we minister to and at a variety of CTPs. We are presently distributing these in three languages (English, Arabic, and Turkish), and the reactions so far to our small beginnings have been quite inspiring.
We would like to ask you, our dear Family, if you want to be a part of getting these magazines out to a "waiting world!" Every $20 gift will enable us to distribute 100 free copies at CTPs in Palestinian refugee camps, orphanages, hospitals and schools, and to others who cannot afford to give a donation to cover the costs.
As we are spread about in several countries, all gifts received for this request will be divided equally according to the number of Homes that are presently distributing Motivated in the Middle East. Thank you for your concern and prayers for this project to reach many that we could not possibly reach personally.
All gifts can be sent via your TRF to ME_MOTIVATED MAGS. Thank you!
Tracts and Reflections online
By Matthew Vernier, Canada
"Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isa.55:1). Yes! It is free and available NOW at
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wished you had that special tract or Reflections page in a certain language for a person but just couldn't find it in your lit closet or have had a hard time locating it online? Are you ministering to people of another language than the area you live in?
Search no more! Simply log on to TRAXORAMA and get what you need in a few simple clicks. Tracts and Reflections are sorted by titles, languages, and topics, and can be viewed or printed online or easily downloaded for further use.
Christmas special: Check out the "Christmas" topic and see the various tracts and Reflections titles available!
P.S. to Lit-Pics, LIMs, PPCs, or SCs: If you have some pubs available that are not on the site, and that you'd like to contribute, please contact Matthew at: Thank you!
(Editor: There is also a link to the above site on the MO site, which can be found at: . Most of these same materials are also on the MO site, in the Pubs section, and you can download them from either place.)
About prophecy…
By someone who recently visited Mama's Home
My perspective on prophecy has changed quite a bit since visiting your Home. The testimonies and lessons that you shared helped a great deal to give me a better understanding of the new weapon of prophecy. After seeing how you and Peter use prophecy and the way you arrive at the answers that the Lord gives, I can see how I have had quite a rigid and dogmatic way of looking at prophecy. You both have such a free and flowing way in how you process the answers that the Lord gives.
It's as if you're holding a conversation with the Lord, instead of just submitting questions which you are expecting specific answers to. It's not that you don't receive specific answers from the Lord, it's just that you keep praying and going back to the Lord as you would if you were counseling in a meeting, only this meeting is between the Lord and the channel. It's helped me to be more open and conversational, so to speak, in my prophecy times, and I've found that I get a lot more out of the time and that the counsel I receive is more thorough and complete. I know that this is all in the Letters, it's just that seeing it in action helped me to gain a better understanding of the principles of prophecy.
Literally life and death
Ginny, Indonesia: The Lord did many miracles to work it out for our whole Home to have a one week vacation in Bali, including raising up a free house and car and driver for our use, TYL!
It just so happened that we were in Bali the very week that the bombing tragedy in Kuta happened. In fact, we were stuck in traffic right outside of the very clubs that were destroyed only a couple of hours before it happened. Because the clubs were centrally located, we passed by them, sometimes several times a day, in the car or on foot, and even more outstanding, our young people had actually been inside both clubs briefly only two evenings before the bombing! Normally our young people never go to clubs, but on this occasion I know at least one of them had specifically asked the Lord if it was okay to go and got a "green light" from the Lord. Also, the timing of the night they went out had been decided through prayer and hearing from the Lord in regards to our overall schedule.
Had the Lord not shown us to arrange our schedule the way we did, it's very likely that they would have gone out on that fateful Saturday night. It sobered us up to realize how important it is to be asking the Lord everything so that you can be sure to be in the right place at the right time. What seemed like such a small decision at the time of where and when to go somewhere, was literally a life-and-death decision.
Tract contest
Tom (CO), USA: Since most of our witnessing is done online, through the mail, or on the phone at the office, etc., we were concerned about everyone continuing to be effective personal witnesses and staying inspired in that way. So we started a tract contest in our Home, which has been great fun and has helped everyone to be more instant witnesses.
We give one point for every tract or magazine or poster given, 15 points for a follow-up visit, and 30 points for a soul. So now instead of just pumping gas at the gas station, everyone finds themselves passing out tracts at the same time, or when shopping, doing business, or running errands. The kids are out more too and everyone is pretty excited about it, and of course, the testimonies also start rolling in as the Word goes out!
Activated reaching the Khmer
Tommy and Serena, Cambodia: Five years ago we started coming to Phnom Penh on road trips, and that is when we first met Mr. N., a famous children's songwriter and music teacher, who is a Christian and also the director of a local orphanage where we used to do CTP. We quickly became friends, and as time went on he started a church with his music students.
He liked our songs very much and translated "Peace in the Midst of Storm," "The Bells Are Ringing in My Heart," and a few others. Each time we would come back to Phnom Penh he would ask me to preach at his church, and when we opened our own Home in Phnom Penh three years ago, he continued to ask me to come preach one Sunday a month. Two of his young students got married and became the new elected pastors of this Khmer youth church. They asked me to continue to come feed the members and so I did.
After the Activated vision came out, we started translating the mags into Khmer. We used them to feed these dear ones regularly. At first it was difficult to stir them up and get them to go witnessing, but the Lord emphasized that it was a small sacrifice of an hour and a half of my time each month, so He wanted me to continue.
Now we are starting to see the fruit of feeding the sheep with Activated. Last Christmas we gave each of the youth a stack of "The Man of Love" posters and Christmas tracts to distribute to their friends, and relatives, and they had fantastic results. The young pastor passed out some posters to the kids of his neighborhood and to this day these same children are still coming to be fed at his house regularly!
Lately some of the young people attending this church have been using our Khmer Activated mags to witness to their friends and feed them and they are all getting turned on by this fantastic tool. PTL!
20 years later!
Precious Keys, Japan: Mrs. K., who subscribes to Activated in Japanese, had spent the summer reading the whole series of Daily Food booklets. She loved them because, as she put it, they answered all her questions. She asked me if we were the Children of God. I said yes, and she told me that over 20 years ago she was in a park in the Atsugi area. A foreigner witnessed to her and she got saved. She was very happy to get saved, but she didn't remember anything else because that was her only contact. However, the seed was sown in her heart until she could get further feeding now. She said that while reading the Daily Foods she felt a familiar feeling and that's why she asked me. Twenty years earlier she had received some lit with a cartoon that was similar to the artwork in the Daily Foods.
Eid/Christmas "Motivated"
Islamabad Home, Pakistan: The Lord provided sweet printers and friends to contribute to the printing of 2,600 copies of the new Eid/Christmas Motivated magazine, plus our yearly Eid and Seasons Greetings card/stand-up calendar. There is also a quote on the other side from the "Mottos" saying: "God's presence can be with you wherever you go, in whatever you're doing. He is always ready to give help and comfort when you need it."
We have already sent out about 350 mailings just in our small city, plus 200 copies to another nearby country (via road trip), and 300 to South Africa! The printer got inspired and said he'd also print the next edition of Motivated as well! Then our team in a nearby country wrote and said that they have now also found a printer who'll donate the printing of the following edition. The Lord is sure pouring it on with His message for the sheep in this part of the world.
board happenings
Rekindling the Activated fire
By Lucas, for the B2B CGO board, Hungary
On September 28th, our B2B CGO board held its first motivational, inspirational Activated meeting in Budapest. (B2B represents the national area which includes Austria, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia). On our last board meeting (in September) the Lord encouraged us to step out by faith and do something to inspire more distribution of Activated magazines in our area.
It was our first such undertaking and we all were very desperate. Our wonderful Husband was encouraging as always, saying that we shouldn't worry as it's the work of His hands and that we don't have to carry the burden.
As we are all quite busy in our Homes, we opted for organizing a short two- to three-hour afternoon meeting, so we invited the CM/FM Homes in Budapest area. God bless the Orchard Home in Budapest for volunteering to host the meeting. Representatives from 11 CM/FM Homes attended.
After a short inspiration we read excerpts from a compilation of Activated pubs and shared testimonies and tips about distributing Activated mags. We finished the meeting with communion and hearing from the Lord.
It was wonderful to see and feel that the vision of many was increased and that the Lord has performed exactly what He had promised. Some could hardly keep themselves from running out of the door and giving out the mags left and right, ha!
It was inspiring and unifying to get together in a meeting like this, so we decided to make it a regular occurrence. It is our prayer that in the future we will be able to organize something like this for our whole area.
Hitting the road…the world was never the same!
By David (YA) and Beth (SGA), South India JT board
Here in Bangalore there is a group of eight junior teens who the Lord encouraged us were and are real powerhouses and have great potential to be witnesses. They just needed that chance to explode and get out there on the road, and through the power of the keys the Lord would do it!
Our South India JT board had long awaited the chance to make this road trip happen, and thanks to Rahul, Carmel, Sam (the other team leaders) and all the Homes in Bangalore, the junior teens were off on a seven-hour drive to the coastal city of Mangalore--a city full of colleges and students from all over the country and from other countries as well, a personal witnessing haven.
It was great to see the junior teens burn free with witnessing, provisioning, and more. It was inspiring for them to see the missionary side of their friends and peers. Although they often meet in the city for classes, camps, football club, etc., fighting together for the lost was a new experience as they teamed up together in twos with just one of us older ones nearby helping them if they needed it.
The teens were able to provision food and diesel all the way, and in the end they got out 1,425 tracts, won 175 souls, got 21 Activated subscribers, 96 Activated mags out, and several books and audio tapes as well, plus lots and lots of personal witnessing and classes and real life practice all packed into three days. In the mornings we had a Word class together and prayed and prepared for the day, and in the afternoons we would go to the colleges. We also had a few other fun activities thrown in.
God bless the Home in Mangalore; they made our time there very special and teamed up with us to help us find our way around. It was a real witnessing adventure!
(Editor's note: To read some reactions from the junior teens to this trip, check out the MO site at:
JETT camp in South India
By Beth (SGA), South India JT board
Location: Outskirts of Bangalore at a friend's farmhouse, complete with swimming pool, clubhouse, tennis court, football grounds, and lots of nature surrounding us.
Occasion: A JETT camp! 23 JETTs in all came from all the South India Homes, and wow, these guys are a real fun bunch of preteens and are the new upcoming disciples and world changers!
(Before writing this. I must acknowledge each JETT who wrote such cool and sweet little notes about their time at the JETT camp, what they liked the most and the special things that they learned. Sadly, after receiving all those from you, my computer crashed and I lost it all. Rather than wait another three months before I get everyone's notes again, I thought that I would try and remember all the things that you liked about it and write up something myself so that this news can get out before 2010!)
Day one
Andrew (of Esther) gave an inspiring class on the power of the keys. We had some heavy competition going on throughout the class and a little "hangman" on the board to keep everyone tuning in and making sure they knew the answers. We talked about what we need to do to activate the keys, what power can we expect through them, and much more. The JETTs were so faithful to call on the keys in their prayers and you could see that they are faithful with it at home too! GBT!
In the afternoon David (YA) gave a class on personal witnessing and the steps to take, how to ask questions, what questions, how to lead a person to the Lord, etc. After that Ho stepped in to give a little input on how the JETTs can be a part of the Activated vision, how to sign someone up (though a lot of these JETTs are already experts in this field!), what goals we need to have, etc.
Day two
We started the day with a Bible knowledge class, going over the basics and learning about the books of the Bible, and why the King James Version. We had some speed drills and quizzes to brush up on our Bible teaching skills. One quiz which was an Endtime speed drill in teams, we had all the adults and shepherds on one team and the JETTs on another, and guess what? … The JETTs won!
In the evening, Ho gave an Endtime class, going through the 16 points of the Endtime and we watched some of Countdown to Armageddon, bringing these verses to life before our eyes! It was awesome!
That night Philip arrived to tell us his stories of joining the Family in the early days, joining in Los Angeles, and his incredible stories of all that the Lord brought him through. It was a good two hours and we were on the edge of our seats the entire time, experiencing moments of time travel while Rejoice and Philip sang some of the oldie goldies that made the revolution. Cool!
Day three
On the last morning, Philip gave the JETTs a class on commitment, highlighting young people from the Bible who made a difference and changed the course of history through the little things that they did. He challenged the JETTs to commit themselves to the Lord, even if it just meant doing a wonderful job in the kitchen or on JJT or with the kids. Afterwards each JETT prayed their prayer requests and shared their lessons in groups.
We gave out a compilation CD of favorite JETT songs from the TCDs, and it had a cool Xn cover as the CD jacket.
That was the end of our three days of Word, classes, fun, and fellowship. Most of the JETTs said how they were so glad that they'd been able to participate, as many had never been to a JETT camp before. They are all such great fun to be with!
GP e-mail reactions
My wife and I are interested in getting into full-time missionary service. We live in the United States, but are praying for a mission field to open up for us somewhere in South America. My wife is from South America and speaks fluent Spanish, of course. My Spanish is okay. We're interested in getting into fellowship here in the U.S. for a while, and then head off to Latin America early next year; we're interested in possible outreach ministries, like going to prisons, hospitals, and wherever else people are hurting and be used to lead them into the Kingdom of God. We've found that going to church every Sunday and listening to a sermon isn't enough, especially when the Bible commands us to "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). Unfortunately, when I tell other people that in our church, I basically get blank stares, and that's very disheartening. I pray that I can get a response back from you soon.
--Love in Jesus' name, Corte
My name is Tania and I am 26 years old with three children. My parents were members of the Children of God for many years and I was born into the commune in France. We also lived in Monte Carlo, Greece, and Puerto Rico, which is the only place I remember my membership and participation in this fellowship. We left the group when I was five, and the reasons I still do not know to this day. However, two years ago I read an article about a woman named Miriam, who was also a member for many years, and she had written a book proclaiming many horrible things. My parents refuse to talk about it, but it still baffles me because my memories are filled with a love and spirituality that I have never found "out here."
I would love to talk to anyone who can answer my questions. I feel so connected to this higher spirit that I do not understand. Why in my heart does He stay year after year when my mind cannot accept His existence, and I have lived a life of one bad decision after the other? Why do I feel I have not been truly happy since that day we left when I was five? Who is this religious group that will not escape my memory? Thank you for your time.
--With love, Tania
I am a student at a Bible college and have a course about the different denominations/religions of America. For my class we are studying the Family of Love, or as it is today--the Family. I think I am pretty good on most of the doctrine and what is believed, but one thing has made me have some questions. If you don't mind I would like to get some more information about this subject to clear up any loose ends. The question I had was about what Mr. Berg said about sexual practices. All I have in class is the February 18th issue of Christianity Today from 1977. It was a discussion with the editor and former leaders of the Family of Love. They said some interesting things and I wanted to get some more information.
I am 18 years old and want a relationship with God, only there are no recruiters here for your Family. I have read about you and learned about you from my friend's computer. You sound like someone who could teach me and help me with my dreams. I need help. I have no parents and want so much to be loved. Can you help guide me in the right direction so I can stop being a lowlife in this world, and stop feeling like I am no good to anyone? I guess it may sound dumb to you, but I have always wanted to feel a part of a family, to raise a family, and not just a small one, so I can love them and be loved. I want to have a lot of babies and be there for them and love them and be a great mother. Like one I did not have. And raise them with the Word of God. But I do not even know where to start. It is so frustrating. I know I am young and have a lot to learn but I have no one to turn to. Will you please help me? Thank you for your time reading this.
Healing key: Like the woman of old, who touched the hem of My garment, was made whole, so as you grab hold of the key of healing, My power will flow through you and you will be restored to full health.
Testimonies of Answered Prayer
By Andrew Blessed Assurance, Turkey: I should've testified about my healing last month, but when I finally decided to put myself on the prayer list for my problems with my digestion and a general lack of energy, there was such an immediate answer that it was very encouraging to me.
Sometimes I've gotten tired of asking for prayer or am afraid people will think, "Oh, it's him again," especially with long-term health problems. But when I sent in my prayer request, the very next day I was full of energy! I knew it was because the Lord had heard my plea, and He was just waiting for me to go to the extra length to publicly ask for help.
Even then the Devil fights the testimony as I wanted to share this on my last report, but it just didn't work out and then this time when I decided to do it I was hit with a sudden bout of indigestion--the very thing I wanted to testify I was healed from. It was just a lying vanity, and lasted only one day. Praise the Lord for His victory and being able to rise above this through asking for prayer!
By Rose, Turkey: After a car accident, in which the car flipped over twice and the roof of the car crushed level with the hood, Kristen (20, former member) had fractured her neck and received large cuts on her head. We immediately sent in a prayer request to some of the Homes in the U.S., Italy, and Mideast, and I know we had a lot of prayer from the start. The doctors in the hospital, one of the busiest trauma centers in the U.S., repeatedly told her that 85% of people in her situation would have been paralyzed, either from the accident, or from the surgery that followed.
They kept telling us, "You don't know what we see every day. You don't realize how blessed you are." Recent X-rays, three and a half months later, showed that her neck has healed up perfectly! The cuts on her head have also healed, and her hair is growing back in through the scar tissue. Another deep (to the bone) cut over her eye has healed up so well that the scar is hardly visible. TTL and thank you everyone for praying.
Jewel (of Josiah): With "Healing" being in the centerfold of the MB2K, mine naturally opens up to that section every time. The first verse being, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all" (Psa. 34:19). So true! I've lost count of all the things I've been miraculously healed of, but I can't think of a time when it wasn't by united prayer. It's so powerful!
This is first of all praise and thankfulness for a particular answered prayer that I'm very grateful for: Ten years ago, I had brain tumor surgery followed by miraculous healing and complete recovery. I know I am fortunate, as two other women in the hospital had the same operation around the same time I did: one did not survive and the other came out partially paralyzed.
Afterwards when I went on the first follow-up visit to my neurosurgeon, I thanked him for his precision and good care of me. Being a God-fearing Muslim doctor, he would not take the credit, but said, "We know it was the prayers of your friends that saved you!" Thank you, dear Family, for upholding me in prayer at that time, especially for everyone who was in Karachi with us then.
Again, I'm in need of your prayers: I am losing sight in my right eye, which is the same side where I had surgery. After a CT scan, plus consultations with eye and neurosurgeons, it seems that the brain tumor might be recurring. Will you please join us now as we pray for my complete healing from the tumor and restoration of the vision in my right eye?
Abi: Malaria; to regain her strength and appetite.
Andrea (18, of Mark and Becky): Was hospitalized due to ulcerated colitis and amoebas, unable to keep food down, and bleeding internally. She had a blood transfusion, and though at first wasn't responding to medication, she is now and has pulled through the difficult part. Pray for a continued positive response to the medication and treatment that she's being given; against pain, and discouragement.
Esther Spark: Muscle spasms and tremors due to cervical spondylosis (inflammation of the vertebrae).
Penny Davidson: Osteoarthritis in left hip; chronic pain.
Tommy (of Serena): Recurring claustrophobic attacks, waves of anxiety, discouragement, and difficulty sleeping at night.
Europe and Africa
Joy (15, of Simon and Joan): Overdosed on Tylenol; for a speedy recovery, no internal bleeding or side effects, to keep her food down; to have the strength to fight the Enemy's attacks in her life.
Presidential elections in Kenya: Held on December 27. At present the country is experiencing daily horrific acts of violence and rioting. Pray for safety, wisdom, and protection for all the Homes, Family, friends and contacts; peaceful campaigns and elections. Supply during this time as the economy is very bad, and people are hesitant to give.
Ivory Coast and Liberia: The Lord led our Family Home in the Ivory Coast to leave the country due to political instability. Please keep the protection and safekeeping of our Family Home in Liberia in your prayers, as the situation there is very volatile and dangerous.
North America
Dave: Skin cancer and Hepatitis C.
Timothy (11, Cephas and Mary): Diagnosed with neuroretinitis, a form of optic disk edema (a.k.a. Cat Scratch disease, which is a swelling on the optic nerve of the eye that affects vision).
Grandpa Jake's Storybook
Q: Why is the Heaven's Library series "Grandpa Jake's Storybook" DFO and not GP?--Svieta, Russia
A: The two "Grandpa Jake's Storybook" series--"Insects Galore" and "Ocean Treasures" were originally printed as DFO, as all Heaven's Library mags are either CM/FM or DFO. However, the WS GP team is presently working on coloring these series and making them into a GP product for distribution. The GP "Insects Galore" series is slotted to go to press in English in the first quarter of 2003, DV, and "Ocean Treasures" in the second quarter of 2003.
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
IRIS (2001)
Judi Dench, Jim Broadbent, Kate Winslet
True story of the lifelong romance between British novelist Iris Murdoch and her husband John Bayley, from their student days through to their old age and her developing Alzheimer's disease.
(Jesus:) This movie is well done and interesting, the way it switches from the young, freedom-loving, vibrant Iris, to the old Iris and her battle with Alzheimer's. The love between her and her husband is also very sweet. This is a true story and this woman actually existed, and realizing that this isn't just something that someone made up makes it more worthwhile. It will give you who are still young, or even middle aged, a heart for the battles of old age, and especially for those fighting such debilitating diseases as this. It's beautiful the way it ended with Iris quoting a Psalm about Me. She did believe in Me, for she believed in love, and I am love. You can go away from this movie with greater appreciation for your loved ones and personal situations.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, Patrick Dempsey
A young woman runs away from her husband in Alabama and reinvents herself as a New York socialite. She finds herself engaged to the city's most eligible bachelor, but the husband she married in high school refuses to divorce her.
(Jesus:) This is a simple and sweet love story, with a positive message about love and forgiveness, bitterness and hurtfulness. It's light entertainment, with some touching parts. It shows the beauties of a simpler life, away from the big rat race of the cities.
There are wrong attitudes, needless to say, like the attitude of the main woman about her husband, and how he wasn't "good enough" in her eyes. There are also good portrayals of learning not to label and judge people, of learning to say you're sorry and turn over a new leaf, to forgive and let go of the past and preconceived ideas. There is a sweet message about true love.
There is an unfortunate element of homosexuality, and although small, I advise My children to pray a cleansing prayer whenever they see homosexuality portrayed in movies, along with cleansing from any other bad attitudes.
This movie shows a slice of life that is pretty close to reality and it helps to give you, My children, an understanding of those in the world. It's not totally accurate and true to life in every way, but the characteristics the people portray and their values as well as their reactions are pretty true to life.
ENIGMA (2001)
Dougray Scott, Kate Winslet, Saffron Burrows
During the heart of World War II, crypto analysts at Britain's code-breaking center have discovered to their horror that Nazi U-boats have changed their Enigma Code. Authorities enlist the help of a brilliant young man to help them break the code again.
(Jesus:) This movie will keep you guessing. As with all good spy movies, you are unsure until the end of what is happening. So in that way, this is an entertaining movie. It's also true to life in many ways about the complications that can happen in one's personal life when he or she joins the world of government intelligence. The life of intelligence intrigues many young people, but this movie shows how the lives of people who become involved can be messed up by the many complications that arise.
Kate Bosworth, Matthew Davis, Michelle Rodriguez
As a hard-core surfer girl prepares for a big competition, she finds herself falling for a football player.
(Jesus:) In most ways this movie is just light entertainment and fun, with fun surfing action and lots of beautiful scenery, but it also had a good message that you, as disciples, can relate to. Of course, the parallel between the main character's life and your life is not exactly right on, but there were some similarities in her goals--of being the best she could be, and giving it her all, the way you as disciples are striving for excellence in your service for Me.
Discipleship isn't always pretty. It can be a hard lifestyle and takes a lot of guts and grit. But it's the challenge of the battle that brings you fulfillment. It's getting on that wave and riding it, even if it's 20 feet over your head and barreling right behind you. True dedication is getting back up and on the board even when you've been bashed and battered and feel almost dead. Real determination means you head out even if the waves are looming and bigger than you expected. You've got to make sacrifices and choices that are hard, but the rewards are definitely worth it.
This movie has a good message about facing your fears and overcoming them, and about sticking to the goal ahead of you and putting your all into it and not getting sidetracked.
It's a somewhat sad picture, yet with a hopeful and happy ending. So many are doomed to a bleak existence, with menial jobs and existences, unless they can find some way to fulfill their dreams. It's a fight to achieve anything. Count your blessings, My loves. You have the clearest view and path to achieving goals and happiness, and the knowledge of the means to achieve it all. Put your trust in Me, work hard, and don't let any excuse hold you back.
If there are those who are willing to give their life for a thrill, for a mere moment of excitement, can't you, My brides, be willing to give your all for something that will last for eternity? This is not the place for half-hearts; this is the big time! Yet even if you don't think you have what it takes to make it, I can and will give you the strength to make it. Don't look at the waves or think about the last time you failed. I will bring you through the high waves and the fierce sea. It will be a thrilling ride, full of danger and excitement, but one that you will never regret!
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Marion Bennett, Sam Waterston, Patricia Phillips
A young girl who possesses mysterious powers hopes to harness her unique gifts for good. Her main mission is to reunite her long-estranged mother and father. (Could be shown to OCs at parents' discretion after previewing and hearing from the Lord about it.)
(Dad:) This is a movie about fighting for love and the truth, and love rules in the end. The spiritual angle depicted in this movie isn't far off. Everybody in life makes mistakes and blow-its, there are people on the other side who want to make things right, and sometimes the Lord lets them do what they can.
As far as the desire to get her parents back together again, you would have to deal with that sort of thing case by case with those who might be affected adversely by watching that sort of theme in a movie. But overall, I would say that the girl's sample of courage and patience and humility is very good. It could be paralleled to the gift you have of "rising above" your circumstances and conditions, and how by focusing on the power all things become possible.
Watching a movie that touches on the tests and trials of life can be a great springboard for talking things out. Some movies are just for entertainment and amusement, some are educational, and some, like this one, are spiritual and touch on feelings and the struggles of life and matters of the heart. Our homeschool-oriented parents can take advantage of watching movies like this with older children or JETTs, and discussing the issues involved would be a great class and very educational and beneficial.
Your kids nowadays are entering into a much more visible spiritual war than in times past. It's not that they will necessarily see ghosts, as in this movie, but they are or will be more aware of the presence of spiritual beings who help them, and even of those who may be troubled.
The movie made spiritual things seem spooky, as that's the way the world often looks at it. But the truth we know shows us that spiritual beings are real, and also that they are not to be feared.
Here are points that could be discussed before watching the movie, without giving away the story:
* There are sometimes people who may work against you and your cause--some obvious, some more secretive.
* Spirits who have passed on from this world may be troubled and need your prayers. (See "Singapore Sailor," ML #1262.)
* Being sweet, helpful and agreeable is usually good, but there are times when more of a fighting spirit is needed.
Here are points to discuss after the movie:
* Different things happen in your life that may seem bad at the time, but which will help you develop more of a fighting spirit against the attacks of the Enemy. Talk about how both Jane and her mother made progress in this area.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Joey Cramer, Veronica Cartwright, Cliff De Young
The year is 1978: Twelve-year-old Joey Cramer, playing in the woods near his home, is knocked unconscious. He awakens and heads home, only to find strangers living there. He also finds that the year is 1986, and that he's been officially missing for eight years.
(Jesus:) This is a simple kids' movie, from a simpler time, and the few bad examples of the two brothers--calling each other names and not getting along--are far outweighed by their appreciation of each other later on. It's a movie from a more innocent era. The parents' sweet and caring attitudes are also a good portrayal, as is the boy's obedience. It's a fantasy story, a simple and fun adventure that only has a few small bad elements that will need to be discussed with the kids. For the most part it is a fun and enjoyable story with a good message and moral.
Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry
(Jesus:) It's amazing how people's appetites have changed over the years, and what the expectations of the audience have come to be. James Bond fans want cool adventures, close calls, pretty women, a predictable plot, really bad guys, and heroic good guys that come out unscathed. They want more action, more adventures, more thrills, and they want each new movie to outdo the last one. That's what they've done here. They've added so many more scenarios, so many more gadgets, so much unrealism, that it's comedic.
This is very much an "entertainment-only" movie, and for those who enjoy this type of action, it's a fun flick. It's not for people who want a thought-provoking, realistic, or deep movie. Still, although the main content of this movie is entertainment, there are also things you can learn if you take the time to look beyond the gadgets, impressive settings, and suave characters. You can get some insight into human nature, and in some ways you as My "special forces" can relate to some of the sacrifices that special agents in the world have to make.
Seeing a lot of violence simply isn't healthy, and therefore movies like this, even if they are okay once in awhile and if viewed once or twice, aren't healthy for multiple viewings. Seeing a lot of violence dulls you to reality and numbs your senses after awhile. You should pray when leaving a movie like this--to be cleansed of its wrong influences and that the careless or foolish attitudes toward life as portrayed in movies with a lot of superhero action and violence won't pollute you or linger and become a part of you.
Looking for Timo Tolboom. Dear Timo, some mail is waiting to be sent to you. The last letters we sent to you were returned. If your address is changed, can you send it to us (IA56)? WLY!
Activated testimonies from you
Activated explosion!
By Maria, India
Two girls from Darjeeling (West Bengal) who study here in Bangalore, got saved in 2000, when they met us in a park. The Lord had given me a check to sponsor Activated for them. Then we didn't have any contact with them for one and a half years. After meeting them again they looked changed and both testify how Activated has changed their life. One of them, a Buddhist, said: "I was fed up with my life. I had a bad temper, and nothing could make me happy. But since I got saved and learned about Jesus through Activated, my life has miraculously changed. I'm amazed, even the anger in me has been subdued, and I don't flare up anymore. Once in a while if I do, I immediately get a check from Jesus, saying that that is the old girl, and I need to go and apologize. I'm so much happier and fulfilled now and have a reason to live. This is really what I have been looking for for so long!"
The second one, although brought up as a Christian, was also unhappy. She asked the Lord to give her someone who could teach her the Word. She too read Activated. She said it helped. However, she needed more. When I got in touch with them, she had sent that prayer off to the Lord that same morning. It happened to be her birthday. The two have been coming over twice a week. They come for fellowship, to the COL on Sunday, and for Bible class on Thursday. They take notes, do their homework, and memorize Scriptures from the Key Bible Verses. They have started to bear their own fruit. They pray with people, activate them, send them e-mails, and give out tracts.
The girls have gone out witnessing in the park with our teens and children. They won 23 souls in 45 minutes. After the witnessing, they went home and prayed with four more people in the hostel. They said they couldn't stop, once they were on fire. At the last COL, they brought four more young people, who got saved and activated. They too liked the class and want to come more regularly.
A reason to subscribe
By Martin, Ukraine
This month we were able to go on a road trip to Ternopil. Besides lots of personal witnessing and soul winning, we tried to meet with some of the people whose addresses were sent to us by the MM. This testimony is about one such meeting we had there. M. is a sweet Christian man who wrote in as a result of reading one of our posters. We didn't have much info on him, so we carefully explained to him who we are and asked him questions about his life and how he got in touch with us.
He told us that he used to be a member of a Pentecostal church, but they excommunicated him from the group because he would sometimes have contact with other Christian groups. He told us he was happy to be out of there, and that he did not find the whole truth with Pentecostals. Then he decided to serve the Lord on his own and forsake all. He said in all these years he felt he never met true brethren, until he met us. We spent time talking and he hungrily took all the lit we gave him, including the Treasures. When we asked him what he had already received from the Family he showed us some lit and first issue of Activated in Russian. We talked to him about Activated and asked him to subscribe. He said when he got the first issue he thought he wouldn't subscribe. Then by accident they sent him issue one again, and he thought it must be God speaking to him to subscribe. And then we showed up and gave him issue 2 and 3. After talking with us he said this was a sign from God and he was sure that Activated is supposed to be his spiritual food from now on. He subscribed.
Reach your contacts with Activated
Sent in by the EAD
We have started working through a file of provisioning contacts collected by the Family over the last decade or so and sending them Activated magazines. We are very encouraged by the positive response and how easy it makes provisioning the next time we need an item from a contact. Our cheese contact loves the magazines and shares them with her prayer group and then puts the magazine in the church library. A transport contact said that after 15 years of helping us, he now has a clearer understanding of what and who he is helping. One lady delivered a set of tires the next day, and another lady gave a second mattress without asking a single question.
The way we do it is to first call the contacts, some of whom have not been contacted for several years, and reintroduce ourselves. In the course of the conversation we explain that we would like to send them an Activated magazine as a token of appreciation for their generous support of our work over the years. A week or so after we send them the magazine we then call them to see what they think of it and if they want us to continue sending it to them. The reaction from most contacts has been very positive and they are happy to continue their support.
"I stop everything when my Activated magazine comes!"
By Prem, New Delhi, India
Recently we went to see S., who is personal assistant to the managing director of a big multinational corporation here in the city. We had met S. one year ago. It was one month to Christmas and our goal was to get out 600 Christmas CD cards. We were practically offering CD cards to anything that moved!
We walked into a gigantic office building and started selling CDs to all the companies there. S. liked them so much she gave us a table and chair and asked us to sell CDs in her office all day. She also booked a Christmas program for her company and all the neighboring companies and also took a collection on our behalf. As a token of our gratitude, we gifted her with an Activated subscription.
A whole year passed and despite many attempts to contact her, we just couldn't! She was either at a meeting or not in the office. Nonetheless, we were thankful that she was receiving her Activated magazine every month and was at least getting fed through the mail.
When we went to see her recently she couldn't stop talking about how terrific the Activated magazine is. She said, "I stop everything when my Activated magazine comes and read it cover to cover! I know there's another employee in my office who also gets the mag and he gets a different issue than the one I get, so as soon as I finish reading my copy, I run across to where he is and we swap copies. This is a beautiful mag and gives me such peace."
Thank God for Activated!
Africa radio ministry newsletter
By Simon, for the Africa Radio Ministry; written November 2002
NuBeat show goes international!
We're happy to announce that WS has approved the idea of producing an international version of the NuBeat show (GV #143). We are currently working on getting 26 NuBeat shows internationalized so that they can be played anywhere at anytime on any radio station around the world. We are aiming at having this first batch of 26 shows ready by the New Year. Please ask the Lord whether He would like you to try approaching radio stations in your town, city, or country to broadcast the NuBeat show. By taking time to book NuBeat, you will also be promoting Activated, because the shows include advertisements for the Activated magazine, as well as referring listeners to the Activated Web site.
NuBeat for the Philippines
Another exciting development is that the NuBeat show is currently being localized for broadcast in the Philippines. Music with Meaning was a major hit in the Philippines, and it was broadcast on hundreds of radio stations there. Apparently some of the radio stations still play those old tapes! Nyx Martinez, who has had some experience as a radio producer and presenter in the Philippines, is working on "Philippine-izing" the NuBeat shows to add local flavor. Some of the Family in the P.I. are working on getting some street interviews to include on this show as well as looking for possibilities of recording Filipino artists for NuBeat in the same way we have recorded African artists. Please pray for Nyx and the team who are working on this.
Pan-Africa NuBeat Show--sponsors needed!
A sample CD containing a NuBeat promotional trailer, two NuBeat shows, plus the hit song "Spend Time in Africa," along with a NuBeat brochure and some tips on how to approach radio stations has been sent to all the Homes in Africa. Thanks to Gideon and Rachel for sponsoring this. Please pray that this pan-African NuBeat show can take off, reach the Lord's sheep all over Africa, especially in countries and areas where there are no Family teams.
Some stations are quite poor, even though they reach a large area. For these stations we would like to have available sponsored sets of the 52 NuBeat shows. Would your Home like to sponsor a set? For only $100, you can sponsor NuBeat to run on an African radio station for one year! That will cover the cost of duplication of the 26 CDs as well as shipping the set to the radio station by some secure means. Maybe you would like to order your own set of shows!--They are fun, entertaining, and feeding to listen to. They cover a variety of different topics, plus some are "specials" on your favorite Family bands and artists in which you can hear them talk about their music and introduce their songs. If you'd rather have these shows on MP3, you can order the whole set of 52 shows for $20, which will come to you on four CDs.
On air live!
As you know, the NuBeat show is a pre-recorded syndicated program, but the Lord has also given us the opportunity to experiment with live radio! In our city there are about 20 different FM stations. Three of these are Christian stations. On one of these, Kampala FM, we produced a breakfast show called "Sun Up." It was on the air for three hours, Mondays through Fridays, from 6 to 9 am. It was a lot of fun, but also quite time consuming, and after three months we cut down to just doing one show a week so as to not take too much time away from our main focus, which is the syndicated NuBeat show. Now we just do one show on Saturday mornings from 7 to 10 am. And since it's a Christian radio station, virtually all the listeners are Christian, so the show is tailored to a Christian audience to introduce them to our unique songs and message.
Being on air live is a great way to enhance your local outreach. You can include phone-ins and talk to people live on air. You can tell your friends, contacts, and the people you meet to listen in and participate. You can advertise Activated magazines on air and make announcements for local meetings and Bible studies and so on.
Every country is different regarding the possibilities for radio. However, there are probably a number of countries similar to ours where it would be relatively easy for someone to start their own live radio program. It's a great opportunity for our younger generation, who feel that they have an aptitude towards being a DJ.
If you'd like to try your hand at live radio, please write us and we'd be happy to give you more detailed advice to help you get started. Also we can give you the pre-recorded jingles and spots that we use.
Something that any Home in the Family could consider is taking some of our hit songs to your local radio station for them to include on their playlist. We'd recommend that you don't give them too many at once but rather a few of the ones that you feel would be popular in your country. Here, right now, "Love Is the Sweetest Thing" and "Love Is the Light" are getting a lot of airplay on the stations that we've given them to.
Other news
Finally we'd like to say farewell and thank you so much to Sims, who helped us pioneer the NuBeat show, who has moved on to new horizons. Working with Kawesa, he has produced some major hit songs that have had a major impact here in East Africa. Also, we'd like to say farewell to Simon Setfree and Ruth, who have moved on to another African field, leaving our Home as the only one currently in Uganda. Also, we'd like to add many thanks to Mark and Faith in Japan for sponsoring a CD duplicator, computer, and other equipment for our ministry.
Our Home now includes Josh, who has been overseeing the ministry in Paidha and Eastern Congo working with Jakisa. We have many NuBeat listeners in that same area, who we'd like to link up with Jakisa and his disciples. We are planning on going up to Paidha to do a live radio show on Radio Paidha to gather and consolidate the harvest of listeners in that area. Please pray for this as the surrounding areas through which we will have to travel are experiencing a horrible civil war. Any sponsorship for follow up-teams to visit listeners in up-country areas would be very welcome.
Below is a listing of some of the CDs you can order from RadioActive Productions. We're sorry that they're not quite as cheap as the CDs you can order from your FED service centers, as we are a regular CM Home, having to raise most of our own support, as well as the cost of CDs, labels, and postage being significantly higher here than elsewhere.
CDs available:
* 52 NuBeat Shows (pan-African version [in real time or MP3])
* RadioActive Hit Songs (17 songs including "Spend Time in Africa," "East Africa--Hakuna Matata,""Soldier Boy," "It's Never Too Late," "My God," and others)
* RadioActive Dance Session
* RadioActive Dramas, Vol. 1(The Greatest of Them All, Once Upon a Planet, The Blind Man and the Elephant; The Camel's Nose, The Selfish Chief, Who Will Help Me?, Saved by a Thistle, Little Pebble, and The Tailor's Secret.)
The price of the CDs are US$5 each or US$4 if you buy 10 or more.
homeschooling corner
"All the understanding and insight of the keys is yours at the moment you ask for it."
Preparing a homeschool portfolio (Web site reprint)
By Shirley M.R. Minster
In all the New England states, homeschooling children must be assessed at the end of the school year to determine that academic progress is being made. One of the options parents have is to present a portfolio for review. The following suggestions will help parents to prepare now for that option this spring or summer.
Start by using a journal to keep track of what your child does each school day. I find it works best to have one journal per student so that you can easily separate each child's work at the end of the year.
There are many good journals on the market, but you can use a simple notebook. Put the child's name and school year on the cover and on the inside of the cover, write the names of the main textbooks/resources and their respective publishers. Use the first page to record the name of the homeschool support group and the contact person's name and phone number as well as any other important numbers you will need throughout the year. It is also a good place to write down the main goals you have for the school year.
For each school day, date the page and record specifics such as "Math: pages 12-13, ex. 1-15" and "Read and discussed chapter 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird." Be diligent in filling in this journal regularly because you are required to keep accurate records. It is also easier to write down while it is still fresh in your mind versus having to reconstruct something at the end of the year. Be sure to add field trips as they occur along with the reason for the trip. The site, address, phone number, contact person, and fee should be included for future reference.
I also recommend that one photo album be kept each year. This should include photos and brochures from the field trips the family takes during the year, and as a way to show projects in the process of construction as well as the final presentations. A picture showing the proud student beside her science project is a great reminder during the portfolio review time.
Keeping a good representative sample of papers from throughout the year can be an overwhelming task if a storage plan is not implemented early in the year. Two possibilities are a file box and a notebook.
The first involves having one file box per child, hanging folders, and tabs for each subject/topic. The student dates papers and projects as they are completed, thus relieving the parent of one task. Simply file these in the correct folder, always placing the most recent ones in the front. At the end of the year, either take the whole file box to the reviewer or choose samples from each folder to present.
The second option is to use a large three-ring binder and store samples of the student's work from the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Make sure to use dividers that are labeled by academic area so that storage can be accomplished quickly.
At the end of the year, a summary for each child should be written that includes the student's full name, address, phone number, birth date and grade. Parent names are also necessary. A list of academic courses, including topics covered and the main resources used and their respective grade levels, and special projects should also be added. An important part to include, are the areas of growth that you have seen in your child as well.
Remember, an organized and complete portfolio presentation helps when you discuss the school year with the reviewer. As we say to our clients, "Relax and enjoy this time of reflection and joy. You have all worked hard this year. We want to enjoy discussing the year with you."
More on Portfolios (Web site reprint, edited)
Why portfolios?
A portfolio is a collection of varied materials that show what one child has learned, experienced, and accomplished. It can be kept for each grade or updated to display the most recent level of proficiency. It can include many aspects of the student's "school" life. Working portfolios can be kept throughout a school year in files or binders; at the conclusion of the school year, the final choices of what to include in the actual portfolio can be made. The end product can then be presented in a folder or binder.
Portfolios can be an alternative or an addition to transcripts for the college admission process.
Visual and performing art schools consider them the best way to measure a student's ability in the arts; they accept them in a variety of formats such as slide shows, videotapes, and photographs.
Items for inclusion in a high school portfolio
(Page numbers below refer to CVC Handbook 2000)
Any of the following could be included in a final presentation portfolio.
* Philosophy of your homeschool
* Student's personal data
* Name
* Birth date
* Sex
* Address and phone number
* Student photo(s)
* Health records
* Height and weight
* Childhood diseases and/or injuries
* Immunization records or statement concerning why student should be exempt
* Attendance records for high school
* Copy of SAT or ACT test results
* Copy of Standardized Test Scores
* Student's academic and career goals (written as a 300- to 500-word essay)
* Student's autobiography
* Record of subjects taught
* Materials used for each subject should be listed (include texts, games, time lines, computer programs, field trips, etc.)
* Grades for each subject and how they were determined
* Test scores for each subject
* Samples of work in each area (this should be the student's best work and demonstrate a variety of his skills)
* Samples of artwork and photography executed by the student
* Photos of science or art projects (this is how you record 3-dimensional work)
* Newspaper clippings highlighting your student
* Tape recordings or video recordings of your student performing
* Compositions (should reflect variety: essays, poems, reports, research papers, published Letters to the Editor, illustrated stories)
* Literature read list, including date completed
* Educational videos watched list, including date [See your area FED Resource Center library listing for educational videos you can borrow.]
* P.E. activities (skiing, skating, swimming, team sports)
* Practical living skills mastered [For ideas, see CVC Educational Inventory, pg. 29.]
* Apprenticeship records [See CVC Vocational Studies section, pgs. 231-492 for areas of study that may be available to you.]
* Student report on experience [You can use the CVC Vocational/Christian Experience Log to record your experience. See also pg. 22.]
* Apprenticeship evaluation by employer [by CVC VTO (Vocational Training Overseer) pgs.21, 58, 64]
* List of extracurricular activities participated in (Bible studies, concerts, plays, [performances])
* Evaluations by other supervising adults (camp counselors, coaches, music teachers, [shepherds, teachers, co-workers])
* Community Service (visiting shut-ins, orphanages; letter writing for nursing home patients, [CTPs])
* Classes (First Aid, CPR, Art and Music lessons, 4-H)
Organizing and assembling
Portfolios may be organized in several ways. Personal data should usually be in the front directly behind any introductory pages (table of contents, etc.). Then the portfolio can be broken down chronologically by high school years or by subjects covered. Another option would be to arrange personal data first, followed by general school information, then samples of work, and end with the student composition of goals.
Binders with clear page covers are popular for assembling a portfolio. Those with access to computer scanners, can scan all information into the computer, format it, and then have it printed out on a high-quality laser printer; these could also be encased in plastic protectors. Computer-generated captions add continuity to the pages, no matter whether they're just photo statically reproduced or computer scanned. Dividers can be used to make the portfolio easier for the assessors to maneuver through. If possible, have the portfolio bound so that nothing can be lost.
A title page is customary and should include the date your portfolio was completed. It could be followed by an introduction; this could be a letter addressed to the reader, or it could also be a "Portfolio Highlights Summary."
You might want to consider adding page numbers and a table of contents. Do not consider these if you intend to make changes to your portfolio in the near future. For college admissions, however, these would be a major plus considering admissions officers are accustomed to simply looking at a transcript and SAT or ACT result. You want to make it easy for them to find what they are interested in rather than becoming disgusted with wading through all your "stuff."
Getting in the habit
To avoid having to learn all about portfolios when it's time for your student to apply for college admission, you might want to get in the habit now with your younger students. Portfolios are very similar to scrapbooks. Your family could create their own annual "Yearbook" or you could have each child work on their own portfolio each school year.
homeschooling comments from our Family
Benefits of testing my teen's scholastic achievement
By Susanna (of Tim), FCF, U.S.A.
I recently tried out a site, I signed up for an inexpensive set of 9th grade tests to evaluate my 15-year-old who was beginning the 10th grade. I was interested to see if he had learned what the System would consider appropriate for his age. I was pleasantly surprised. He did really well in math and reading comprehension and was up to par in everything else. PTL!
It was his very first time to ever take a test with any kind of pressure on him and I think it was good for him to get that experience. If we ever do fall into scrutiny by the authorities I imagine they will test our kids, and I feel it's good to give them some kind of experience in taking this kind of timed test, and to teach them how to do it.
I also learned what his weak areas are and will start working on those to help him improve. I think it encouraged him, too, in a way, as our kids tend to think if they don't get 100%, then they failed in some way. But he saw that he is up to par with all the other students his age who took the same online test.
School inspector visits
By Mercy (of Byron), Switzerland
Today the school inspector came by. He stayed for one and a half hours and watched as I taught the kids, as well as checked on their curriculum, hourly planners, etc. He asked a lot of questions on various topics, thorougly covering all aspects of homeschooling, even asking what my older children are doing now, as he knows they were homeschooled as well. He was impressed that they are all doing voluntary work in Brazil and Romania. The one thing he was most interested in was the teaching of the local languages (the children are currently learning both French and German). In all his questioning, he was not unfriendly or nosy, but just very thorough, which is really just doing his job. But I'm glad I was prepared, thanks to prophecy.
The following are the things he said he was particularly impressed with:
* The schooling is well planned, as each child has a curriculum for his or her own grade
* There is a flowing hourly schedule and it is followed consistently
* The schooling program (a combination of the Family's homeschooling program and the local curriculum) is well rounded and included both academics, and practical things such as sports, music, and life skills
* The lessons are fun, as well as educational, and include games
* The records of tests, pictures of projects and outings are kept faithfully and stored in the computer for easy access. Each child has a large ring-binder where his or her completed work and tests are saved.
He also commented how nice our schoolroom is. (It's set up with a corner bench and table where Isabelle, Gabriel, and I sit; a nice school desk for Elena; a cupboard/shelves combined for the books, school materials, etc.; a display shelf for art projects and a computer. On the wall are some nice framed pictures, a calendar, and a world map. We have installed a fluorecent light for good reading light. It's quite simple, but it looks neat and tidy.)
All in all, he was very happy with his visit and thanked me profusely. He asked me to make sure I tell the children how nice they were and that he was impressed by their friendly behavior, studious attitude, and loving interactions with each other.
P.S.: Later I received a letter from the inspector. Here is an excerpt from it:
First I would like to give you my heartfelt thanks for the friendly reception I received at your home, and again I want to commend you for the goal-oriented, multi-faceted education you give the children, which emphasizes self-responsibility and initiative. ... I wish you all the best.
With my friendly greetings.
Whatta study month!--Your reactions…
By Joseph, Middle East
I think that it is wonderful that the "Sharpen Your Sword" series came out and that the Family, especially the young people, can reread the old Letters on what we're all about. It makes me look at what I am doing and ask myself, "Am I the disciple the Lord wants me to be?"
By Phoebe Firstplace, USA
The study month pubs are so feeding. Even though I have for years studied the older Letters, it was still enlightening. I hadn't realized how much I had forgotten or was out of circulation in my every day thoughts! I believe it's having an effect on our young people in the Home as well. It has rallied our Home into progress and re-envisioned us.
By Brian (22), Kenya
The study month has been so good. Having these compilations of old Letters to read, ready for us makes it so easy and practical. We're all very inspired about sharpening our swords as well as about the chance to take some time to go over these very basic foundation letters of the Family. As an SGA I've known these things all my life, yet it's still exciting and thrilling to be going over these Letters again, as many of them I haven't read in a long time.
I've also never really been in a situation where I had to defend the Family in face of persecution and always wondered how it would be. I often defend my beliefs and life of a disciple when witnessing to all kinds of people, but I've never had to stand up when being attacked by any group or media storm yet. But after this very comprehensive course (which I haven't finished yet), I have full faith to stand whatever storms may come.
This course seems to also be good follow-up material after the CvsC series, as it goes over the very essence of what we're all about, and at the end of the day you're either with us all the way or you're not at all. You either believe that we are the Lord's Endtime movement or you don't.
I also see the wisdom in Mama and Peter's not sending us any new material to read during this time, as there's usually so much new stuff to read (and we love it), and going over old Letters usually takes extra time. So that was so wise of our dear shepherds to get us to stop and concentrate on this during this time. I think it also helped to impress upon us the seriousness of this whole thing and helps us realize how real this threat of persecution really is.
We've also taken this time to pull out our Statements and Bible classes on these subjects and are adding it to this already great review.
Thanks so much, Mama and Peter and all those in WS who helped put these classes together. So, when's our next study month? We can't wait!
By James Harvest, Australia
It's mind-opening to see how these spirits are being revealed and we are faced with new enemies as the Lord empowers us for the Endtime battle. We pray that we can be obedient and yielded to the Lord and His Word to be able to resist these powers of Satan.
By Crystal Hope, USA
The pubs have been wonderful for reading with the kids, to emphasize certain aspects of our beliefs that have not been expounded on at their level of understanding. I have read most of the series with all four of my kids (8-15 years). I am super thankful for this review and clarification of fundamental Family principles, as it is so concise and makes it easy, with study and review to have a clear answer to "give answer to him that asketh us"! Thank you Mama, Peter, and staff for making it so easy for us to be good!
By Maria, India
This message about impending persecution has been a bit shocking, although we are of course always aware that it could happen anytime, anywhere. We recently heard the sad news about David leaving the Family. We are grateful to you, dearest Mama and Peter, for warning ahead of what could happen.
We have been studying the CvsC series and the letter links, and I believe it has helped all of us greatly. It has made us more militant in the Spirit and able to attack the Enemy with renewed vigor. This GN is very vital for us and we want to obey wholeheartedly and incorporate this attack threat into our vigils.
At the moment we are on our yearly witnessing trip in the N.E. of India and we are out attacking the Devil by going to the colleges, schools and promoting Activated. There is a horrifying trend of witchcraft amongst the youth here, as they have become familiar with the churches and are turning away, just like the youth in the West. We were appalled by the news and are determined to make a big dent here by distributing packs of Activated to the students and getting them turned on to the Lord. God knows, maybe this will be the last time, as the Family had persecution here before and we are treading prayerfully, albeit attacking in the colleges. So far, the response has been positive and inspiring.
We also want to prepare our Active members. Some of them already know some of the Statements, but now I believe it is the right time to introduce this and persecution prep. This will also help us to separate the women from the girls and men from the boys. We know that India's hour is at this very moment, so we will ask the Lord to have mercy on this country to bring in more sheep as we feel Activated is just starting to make a name here. So may we obey every point in this series and do our part to avoid as much damage as possible.
By Tabitha Praisemore, UK
It is so good to go over these things and remind myself of what it costs to be a professional. I was here in the BI during Pearl's court case and we learnt so much during that time. The Lord helped us keep a sense of urgency but not fear. We knew we were in a serious fight but it was also exciting to see the Lord do miracles. And we made valuable changes and it had a profound affect on all of us. All for the best, I believe. As a mum I don't jump up and down and say, "Whoopee!--Persecution!" But I am thankful for the Lord giving us this forewarning and also the fact that we can minimize persecution through prayer and obedience--and that we have the keys!
By Spring Valentine, South Africa
[This study month] revealed to me how I had been losing my convictions in so many areas, and I really want to pour out more to others now witnessing. It also strengthened my hatred for the System and its subtle influences toward compromising our convictions in our daily lives. The points about what makes us different from the church was especially good in this country (South Africa), where the church is so strong and where there are so many missionary works. It helps to have it pointed out in what ways we are different and unique. We are not mere missionaries, but disciples of Christ who live communally, practice the Law of Love, and live daily--24 hours a day--for Jesus. I am proud to be a part of this movement. It is such a privilege to be a part of this high calling.
As part of the vision to pray, obey and prepare, our national FED board, of which I am chairperson, hosted a three-day joint meeting of the FED, JT and CP boards at a resort hotel here in Cape Town. It was attended by almost all of the members of each board, as well as three regional chairpersons, and the regional CVC supervisor. With the need expressed by this Letter to more closely monitor the education of our children, we showed parts of the PEP Seminar VCDs, as well as the PEP survey form--which were pertaining to all three boards. Many ideas and lessons were gleaned from these by all attending.
It was unanimously agreed that we should hold a NAFM during which each of the boards can give an envisioning presentation to the Southern Africa Family. This would also serve to tighten the Family's unity and improve our sample so that we will be well prepared for any persecution. The JT and CP boards plan to provide fun, challenging activities for the children, JETTs, as well as teens.
By Crystal (of Luke), Senegal
The New Wine for the study month is great. I was taken by surprise when I started answering the different questions posed at the end of the first edition of "Pray, Study and Obey." When the question came up about spirit helpers and that we were supposed to ask about them right then, ha! I was a little taken back but okay, I wanted to obey, and wow did I have a blast for the next two hours as I typed while different of my spirit helpers talked and introduced themselves to me. We had a blast. It was awesome! Thanks for asking us to ask the question. We're so blessed to have so many helpers from the spirit world!
By Pierre, Canada
It always saddens me to hear that more of our folks will be leaving, but I guess it's just a major fact in our lives. Thank you for taking the time to prepare us. On the other side of things, we are entering a very exciting period of our history. I am excited about the battle. My prayer is that I will have enough time to prepare my flock and myself for the war ahead, because I want to be in on it.
By Thaddeus English, Iceland
The study month is a great blessing to our Home! It is showing us how much we have forgotten or have failed to review or have simply let slip. Sarah and I have been trying to raise the standard, but the Word does it so much more effectively than any number of our words, lectures, admonitions, etc.
We're at a crucial turning point in our work here, as we are about to move to a new apartment right downtown where the young people live and congregate, a lot closer to the university and colleges. When we were just a very small team, it was easy to get funds, but having to raise a large amount of money for the new apartment in a short time is good training for everyone and is helping to strengthen our faith muscles.
Calling on the power of the keys has been our salvation! The Lord has been leading us step by step and individually giving us prophecies that have been almost identical when asking for direction and guidance. He has supplied food so bountifully that we have had difficulty in storing it all. It has taught us a good lesson about not wasting anything He gives us, though, nor getting blasé about His blessings.
We're so very thankful for such a time of prosperity and plenty as we seek to follow closely, yet having to take big steps of faith for financial supply, but most of all, we're looking forward to building our work on a strong spiritual foundation, not just relying on His supply of our physical needs.
The prospect of persecution has taken on a new meaning with these GNs. Far from being a fearful thing, we can regard it as a challenge and an opportunity to try out the new weapons in a real-life scenario.
By Lily (22), Detroit, USA
After getting "Pray, Obey, and Prepare" the Lord showed us that a great way to brush up on persecution jewels and impart them to the younger generation was to read "Victory in Babylon" for devotions. Since I joined recently and hadn't found the time to mull over the kids pubs, I was thrilled with all the up-to-date lessons that were included in this lively story. I found it faith building and encouraging. It offers great insight to the workings of developing of victories and the importance of prayer and the spirit world. It was a refreshing way to start the day. We all enjoyed it, young and old alike.
By David (15), Detroit, USA
Even though I had read "Victory in Babylon" several times when I was younger, I realized there were so many specific lessons that I learned from reading it again. I was in Argentina during the 1993 raids, but I was only six at the time, and I was not involved so much in all of the things that the older ones were. I gained so many helpful tips, especially about getting specific answers and letting the Lord speak through you, instead of worrying about what you will say. Besides being really faith building with all the verses it gives, "Victory in Babylon" kept everyone alert and attentive at united devotions. Other Homes might want to read it too!
By David (of Sara), Pakistan
Thank you, Mama, for the wonderful "Sharpen Your Sword" series. I am so happy to see the basics of the Family reinforced. For various reasons many of us have supposed that basic Family doctrines and beliefs are disappearing. Thankfully the Lord won't let that happen! It is comforting to know that He is our Helmsman and is steering the Family ship through rough waters or smooth. I pray that as a crewmember I will be true to our Captain and what He stands for. I certainly hope I will not be ashamed of anything He has taught me.
During the persecution in Australia, though we generally stood strong, there was a lot of incentive to compromise to create a better image with the public. I found it easier to pretend that certain episodes of our history didn't exists. This becomes more the case as time drags on and one has to face a lot of unpleasant issues over a long period of time. However, ordinary people didn't admire us for becoming conventional; the public respected us for standing up for our undiluted beliefs. Lord help us to be true!
By Stephen Kind, Croatia
It is really refreshing to read through all of those pubs--it's so good every once in a while to review our basic beliefs--not only for persecution prep and to give an answer to those who ask, but just to review who we are, where we've come from and what makes us different from mainstream society and churches! Makes me proud to be a member of this Family! Behind you 100%! I know it's right, my Family!
(Editor's note: To read more study month reactions from around the world, check the MO site at:
The God on God promotional tour of India!
By Scott MacGregor, WS
I have just returned from a mind-boggling once-in-a-lifetime type of trip to India, and I have to keep convincing myself that it was real. The Lord has encouraged us that in these Last Days we are going to do things we hardly imagined, and that the wonderful keys of the Kingdom can do the most amazing things. This is a testimony to what both He and they can do.
I am one of those folks who has spent many a fulfilling year behind the scenes in WS working on pubs. But one day my life was transformed for a wonderful month of miracles. But I am getting ahead of myself in this story and so I will have to take you back a little to set the scene.
At the end of 1999 I was struggling with a particular pubs project. It was, for some reason, not going anywhere, and yet it was one that Mama was encouraging me to finish up. I had been assigned to work on a book in question and answer format covering the Family's beliefs. The idea was to receive it in prophecy, which, as you are all aware, is the standard modus operandi for us in WS. Unfortunately though, the inspiration was just not there.
I was pretty much at wits' end with the project when Dad suggested in prophecy that maybe I could approach it from a different angle and ask God for an interview. Ask God for an interview?! Now that was a crazy idea if I had ever heard one! Besides, I had always thought that we approach God through Jesus, so going to straight to God for something like this seemed almost "illegal" to me. On top of this, the Devil absolutely hated the idea and was loud, constant, and vociferous in his opposition to it. I mentioned this "nutty" idea to Mama in a note and was surprised to hear back from her that she thought I should try it. After much internal debate I stepped out and tried. I passed around a draft of that first interview to several folks in the Home, and they liked the results and encouraged me to pursue the idea. And so I did and the result is now a book comprised of 13 interviews (or chapters) entitled God on God--What on earth was He thinking?
In early 2002, Penguin Books India, the Indian affiliate of the large multinational publishing company, decided to pick up the option to publish the book in India. The folks at Aurora had been taking 'round the manuscript and later some pre-press editions of the book to the various book fairs they had been attending, but it wasn't till they attended the World Book Fair in New Delhi, India, that this breakthrough occurred. And so the book went on the shelves of bookstores in India at the beginning of August 2002. The next month it was listed at number four on Penguin's best-seller list.
The Aurora team had wanted to get a book launch going when the book hit the store shelves, but the financing of it didn't come through and Penguin itself, due to budget constraints, wasn't going to be investing in it. (They publish many books a year and can't afford an actual book launch for each one.) God bless a couple of Homes in India who went on the attack to try to find sponsors for a book-launch. So it was that at the beginning of October I was informed that a company in the leisure and travel business wanted to fly me to India to participate in a book-launch event in Bangalore, India, that they planned to host with one of the leading hotels in the city. This had all come about due to the inspired efforts and faith of Jonathan in Bangalore. He, along with many other Family folks in the city, thought that the book was just what was needed for the Indian market. I had two days to decide whether indeed I would take them up on the offer.
So it was on to the ol' prayer bones for me and others as we asked the Lord if I should go. The Lord answered in the affirmative, and before I knew it I was in the air on my way to India. There to greet me were Andrew, Penny, and MaryAnn from our wonderful Family who, along with others such as Ho and Jonathan, took the job in hand of helping the Lord transform me from lil' Luke from WS into best-selling author and stage personality Scott MacGregor. The next night I met Rakesh, a great Family friend for many years with a background in stage production and performing, who was going to emcee the shows to be held in Bangalore. By now the agenda had increased from the one show in Bangalore to multiple shows in three cities, with stops in New Delhi and Mumbai now on the schedule.
A few days after arriving, I went to one of the leading hotels to meet Raju, the managing director of the company that had sponsored my ticket, and several people from the press whom he had invited to a pre-launch press party. After making each other's acquaintance, Raju ushered me into the hotel's boardroom where six lady reporters were gathered. Setting the chairs in a semi-circle and placing me in the middle alongside him, Raju invited the ladies to fire away and ask me any questions they wanted--that is, after I had presented each one with a personalized and signed copy of the book. And so I had my first encounter with the press, of which there would be many to come. This first meeting with them resulted in five newspaper articles, four good and one, well, let's just say it was good for my humility. Ha!
Now it was on to the big event. A couple of nights later I was up on stage in the grand ballroom of the fanciest hotel in town in front of a crowd from the city's elite. I was dressed in a traditional Indian kurta with brand-new traditional slippers that were killing my feet. Ha! As scary as it could have been, I was having the time of my life. The show began with some songs from the terrific Harvest Moon band of Family SGAs and YAs from Bangalore, and then Rakesh introduced the evening. He read some portions from the book with him playing the role of the interviewer and Raju reading the replies from God while stationed at the sound booth at the back of the ballroom. And then I came on stage and the evening proceeded with Rakesh interviewing me, our banter back and forth being interspersed with Raju and him reading some more portions from the book. Then, after a final song I was ushered from the stage and seated at a table, and the people came up to talk and get copies of the book and have me sign them.
It was amazing! Here I was pinching myself, absolutely bowled over with the positive response that the book was receiving and with myself being treated like a celebrity. I was to pinch myself many more times over the next three or so weeks.
We did two more events in Bangalore, one at a branch of a countrywide music and bookstore chain and another one for friends and Activated subscribers at a beautiful outdoor venue. Rakesh and I were a team for the rest of these events, and on top of this he had me address a combined gathering of his staff from several of the companies he runs. Being able to stand before these crowds and witness to them about hearing from God in prophecy for their everyday guidance was an amazing experience for me.
All too soon I was leaving all the wonderful friends and Family I had met in Bangalore and was on my way to Delhi to repeat the experience. Dear Prem, Ruth, Simon, and their Home hosted me during that time. Juan and Jacintha had arranged for a large hotel to host the event and Penguin had agreed to help and joined in as co-sponsor. I went to the hotel the day before to meet the management, and afterwards had three interviews with reporters that resulted in more press, some of it more on the unusual side, but positive nevertheless.
Like the Bangalore event, the Delhi book launch was exceptional. The folks from Penguin who attended said it was one of the most successful book-launch events that they had ever hosted, and they sold every copy of the book that they brought along! They confided that often at such events they only sell a few books, sometimes as little as just one copy. The fact that they sold so many was all the more amazing since this event was held in the afternoon and at a hotel, while one of the very top in the city, was not in the center of town. Most launches such as this one are held in the evening in a central location. Actually, there had been a few days of panic before this event as Penguin had sold out its first print run and had no more books left in stock! The book had already been in for a second printing but had not yet been delivered. Five hundred copies had to be rushed through the process so there would be copies for both the Delhi and Mumbai events and to fill outstanding orders from bookstores.
The book launch was held in one of the hotel's ballrooms, and then we all transferred to poolside where another Family band, the wonderful Heartstrings, was setup and playing. Simon did a terrific job emceeing the event as he was to do with the two other events in Delhi. At the start, I was seated center stage between the 80-year-old managing director of the hotel chain plus the senior editor from Penguin India, who the Aurora team had originally met at the Delhi Book Fair and who had made the decision to publish the book. There was a moment of panic at the end when the dear old man decided on his own initiative that it would be good to open the floor for questions. We had avoided this and continued to avoid it at later events because we were concerned that this could then degenerate into a lot of theological arguments, especially knowing the fragile state of affairs between the various religious groupings in India.
Well, the first and only question came: "Why does God have so much trouble with His wife?" As you can imagine this was a stumper. The questioner went on to explain that all the Hindu gods had trouble with their wives' fidelity, conniving, or other such things, so they were often killing them or involved in vengeful schemes against them, and so on. Most of the audience was shocked at the question and many went into subdued hysterics over the off-the-wall nature of it.
After laughingly admitting that I did not know He was having trouble and that if the subject wasn't covered in the book I wasn't sure what the answer would be, and offering that I wasn't having trouble with mine if that was any help, everyone seemed content to let the matter drop. That was the first and last question of the only question and answer session. Ha!
In Delhi, we did an event at the local branch of the same music/bookstore chain as I had done in Bangalore. A day later it was followed by a Family-arranged event for their Activated subscribers and friends that was hosted by one of their friends at his family's five-star resort. It was the inaugural event at this beautiful place since it had just been recently been upgraded and expanded, and they were very happy that they could host a Family-based occasion, regarding it as very auspicious.
All too soon again I was leaving many old and new friends behind and this time I was off to Mumbai, the last destination of my India tour. Matthew, Anna, Hannah, Mary, and Chris and all the great folks at their Home right downtown in Mumbai hosted me while there.
The day after I arrived, the Mumbai launch was hosted by Mumbai's premier bookstore. Once again, the Family folks there had been doing lots of preparation work and had arranged for one of Mumbai's senior political journalists, Anil Dhaka, to introduce the book to the Mumbai market. And in true Family fashion we also had music. The bookstore personnel were originally opposed to the idea, stating that book launches were more somber affairs. It took a lot of gentle persuasion to get them to agree to just one number, but in the end they had warmed to the idea so much that they wanted two, one at the beginning and another at the end, both sung by the lovely Hannah, backed up by Charity and Lisa.
The book's relaxed and often humorous style seemed to have struck a responsive chord with many in India, and Anil particularly mentioned this in his introductory speech. I was also joined on stage by a dear Family friend, Urvaksh, who played the role of the interviewer both in the readings from the book and the questioning of me.
TV cameras turned up at this event and snippets of interviews with Anil and me were shown on a popular Mumbai channel. Again, people were incredibly warm and open to the book, and I spent a good while afterwards signing books and talking to people on a deep level.
Only one other event was held in Mumbai, and this was an event for friends and Activated sheep at a local auditorium. My part of the show was preceded and followed by some beautiful singing and dance numbers. Dear Arthur (of Becky) came all the way from Pune to be my partner on stage, playing both the role of the person asking me questions and also the role of God from the book.
While in Mumbai I did an interview on FM radio plus met with another reporter on the day I left.
And so ended my book tour of India. I am now once again squirreled away behind my desk and even the bruises from the constant pinching are starting to fade. It was a wonderful trip and experience, and although it was a dream come true to be able to promote the book and witness to so many wonderful people, the thing that will always take pride of place in my mind are all the terrific Family folks of all generations that I met, lived with, laughed with, and grew to quickly love while there. Time and space does not give me room here to name them all, but I want you all to know that you have each touched my life in profound and wonderful ways. Thank you for your participation, organization, and enthusiasm, and also for your love and prayers. And thank God for the keys and everyone who was praying for me. Those key-powered prayers were the secret behind the incredible success of the trip.
(Editor's note: It has been very exciting to see the great reception God on God has received in India. This is a groundbreaking event as it is the first book of this nature from a Family author to be published by a company such as Penguin. Please do pray for the continued sales of this book. Once you read it, you will see that it covers just about every question people have with regards to God and other issues that you are faced with while witnessing. You can find the text of the book on the MO site [], and printed copies will be available for ordering and distribution next year. Stay tuned for a notice in an upcoming Grapevine with the details once it's available. Please pray also that publishers in other countries will also want to market the book.)
[IN A BOX] "Planet M" (a hip and happening chain of music stores that often plays host to famous musicians) agreed to host book readings by Scott in both Bangalore and Delhi. (Considering there's nothing remotely religious about this place, this was quite amazing!) Not just that, they put a huge ad in the biggest newspaper in Delhi and another in the Bangalore paper advertising the events! At the Delhi event Simon asked Scott a question that instantly got everyone's interest, "But what if someone's having problems with his girlfriend? Does God have something to say about that in the book?" to which Scott read out from the book where God talks about the key to successful relationships after which the audience broke into loud and long applause. [END OF BOX]
[IN A BOX] A long-time friend and supporter of the Family, who, in recent years, had stopped helping the Family for various reasons, also attended an Activated-type meeting where God on God was presented. The next day he called up and said, "The event moved me deeply. I realized that I need to start helping the Family again!" And right away signed us up to start doing a series of seminars on good values for his company. Wow! Another long-time friend of the Family who has always been too busy to come to any of our programs finally attended this Activated meeting and was so moved he's still raving about it. TYL! [END OF BOX]
[IN A BOX] In Mumbai, a very well-known journalist, Anil Dhaka, officially introduced the book to the Mumbai market. In his speech he joked, "Scott has a hotline to God, while most Indians have had to book long distance calls in times past." [END OF BOX]
[Book snippets throughout this article]
Interviewer: Uh … hello! I am very honored to be able to ask these questions and that You are able to take the time for this interview.
God: I am very pleased to be able to. It has taken awhile to get through to you on this and to get you this far.
Interviewer: You mean that this was Your idea?
God: Did you think it was yours?
* * *
Interviewer: You made us to be Your companions?
God: Yes.
Interviewer: I sort of thought that You needed us to worship You.
God: Don't you worship the ones you love?
* * *
Interviewer: So what do You do for fun?
God: Oh, I had a six-day party awhile back and made the universe. That was pretty fun.
* * *
God: I do have emotions and I am not beyond being hurt. Part of love is being vulnerable, and because I am love I am vulnerable to hurt. But the fact that I can be hurt does not mean I can be conquered. I remain invincible, and in the end, all that I have planned will come to pass. True justice and love will triumph; you will see.
* * *
God: Life is not always so hard to bear. Sometimes things go well for you, don't they?
Interviewer: Yes. But those are not the times that we feel we need Your help or an explanation.
God: So I get blamed for the bad, but not thanked for the good?
Interviewer: Unfortunately that seems to be the case…
God: Contrary to popular opinion, being God isn't easy!
[IN A BOX] Just as this Grapevine was about to go to press, we received an article from the Family in India, detailing the above book launch tour from their perspective. Due to lack of space, we're unable to include it; however, don't miss reading it. It's full of interesting details and inspiring testimonies. There are also numerous related photos and newspaper articles connected to the MO site article. Here's where you can find it: [END OF BOX]
help for Family writers
[Note: This is not a WS production.]
Are you a Family writer? A member of our worldwide Family, who writes or wants to write articles, stories, or Heaven's Library books? Here's a place to meet and exchange ideas, experiences, tips, views, opinions, etc.--at "Family Writers Group" in Yahoo groups. Also for anyone who is interested in illustrating and promoting material written by Family members. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to
help wanted
Dear Family!
This is Nathanael and Amada, a YA couple. We were previously in India and came to Canada to get our long-term visas for India. We planned on going to the States to fundraise the US$5,000 we need to make it back to India, but the door was closed and we were denied entry. We really want to get back to the field as soon as possible, but we don't have the funds or the means of raising them. Amada (Mexican) is in a delicate situation with legal paperwork, plus she can't try to go to the States or she will be black stamped as well. Also, we are not in a fundraising situation, and it is getting more and more difficult to fundraise here in Canada because of 9/11. It's easy to get discouraged when the doors are closing, but we are holding to the Lord's promises of supply.
This is why we are writing to you, dear Family, to ask for any donations you would like to send us. We are also looking for home support for when we return to India. If any of you have the burden to support us, with even $10 or $20 a month, it would go a long way in India. If the Lord touches your heart to send a big or small donation to help us return to the field or on a monthly basis, we will be eternally grateful. Please keep us in your prayers, thank you!
Please contact us at:
Or send donations to: Bank: Bank of Montreal; Name: Nathanael Orendorff Knight; Number: 21321 001 3030 469
Hi there! My name's Kirsty (17). I'm writing from the Philippines (where I've been living for the past 12 years). I've gotten a lovely invitation to go to the Middle East and while I'm totally available, the money I need isn't quite as available as me J. I'd like to make a request for help to any of you out there. I need about US$2,000 (half of which goes to my ticket, plus my school, visas, legal work, personal needs, etc.). If you feel a slight tug on your heart to help, by all means, please write me at e-mail: Any gifts--big or small--will be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot! Looking forward to hearing from you!--Kisses, Kirsty!
P.S. If you'd like to get in touch (like, say you've lived with me before), feel free to write. A little information: My parents are Gabe and Marie (formerly "Isaiah and Faithful").
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
By Gabe (of Amy), WS
Not too long ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit the field after spending 21 years behind the scenes. You have to understand that many of us who work behind the scenes are field people. We love the field and would love to be out there, by your sides, fighting on the front line.
Of course, the greatest place to be is in God's will, and if He has called us to be a servant, we certainly don't want to be loosed. So we field people, who have been blessed with a specific talent and called by the Lord to work behind the scenes, feel a sense of obligation not to fail the Lord or you, our wonderful Family. For that reason, we try to be faithful stewards of the gifts the Lord has given us, and use them behind the scenes in pubs, administration, Web work, staff, or whatever. We LOVE to serve our Family.
I was recently blessed with the chance to spend nearly three months on the field of Africa (August-October 2002), which I was extremely thankful for. The timing of the trip was also unique in that I was able to attend the World Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, as well as travel with some of the VSs while they visited the Homes.
Africa-a beautiful mission field
Africa is a tremendous field. It's a beautiful field. People are very responsive. They're very respectful of missionaries. They love you. They treat you with respect as a missionary. I don't know if it was because of the days of David Livingstone or what, but they just have a high respect for missionaries in these countries. The people are very hungry. The majority of the people are receptive and open. So it's just a wonderful mission field. It's very difficult as far as malaria and other diseases, the crime and poverty, but as far as the spiritual needs of the people, there are a lot of them and they're very hungry. I can see why people go there and fall in love with the field. The people that are there love Africa. They're doing a tremendous job. There are 62 Homes in Africa. There's talk of going into more countries and places where they've never gone before. It's very inspiring.
I heard many other wonderful testimonies of what different Homes are doing, but in the interests of accuracy I'll let the Homes write in and share their testimonies themselves. There's so much going on!
The boards
As you can imagine, running the Family is a monumental and complex job. Mama and Peter feel extremely responsible for every aspect of the Family, from making sure each Family member's spiritual needs are fulfilled, to taking care of every last baby. The board vision has put people in place to help the Folks carry the responsibility of the Family.
I was able to attend some board meetings, and it makes me proud to see how each one takes their responsibility seriously, as well as the sacrifices they make to be on a board. We also realize that it's a sacrifice for each Home and member to allow someone from their Home to be on a board, as it puts more weight and responsibilities on the other members of the Home. Your sacrifices to enact the board vision are not going unnoticed, and your labors are not in vain. It has and will result in a strengthening of the Family.
I can't put into words how proud I am of our wonderful Family. I'm so proud to be part of a Family that is so strong on salvation, witnessing, and forsaking all for Jesus. I'm so glad to be part of the Bride of Christ that is so completely and fully dedicated.
Our tremendous pubs
This trip increased my vision of the value of our pubs. While those in WS work on the pubs, we generally don't get to see the pubs in action on the field. We don't see the full effect they have.
One Home I visited had a display of all the pubs. Abner and Esther have a bar in their living room and on the bar is a display of all the GP pubs ever produced. They're a real tooling Home. To start their Christmas outreach they ordered 15 boxes of tools. I know, because I packed the boxes. I went to the PPC with Andy (SGA), who works with Oli (CO), and I packed their order. They're really into tools!
Abner (of Esther, Durban Home) met a Christian missionary and gave him a From Jesus - with Love book. This man read it and liked it so much that he said, "Could I have a few more?" So Abner gave him a few more and he gave those away. Then he asked, "Can I have twenty?" So Abner gave him twenty and explained to him that we have other products. He wanted to see the other products, so Abner gave him the other tools. He said, "You know, I've been looking for publications and tools in my work and I finally found James Dobson and have been using his materials, but now I'm only going to use Family material because they are such good quality and spiritually feeding products." So now this Christian missionary sends in a tool order to Abner. He's so sold on our tools! The value and the quality of our GP pubs are very vision-increasing.
Also seeing the fruit of our Family publications, like the GNs and the Grapevine, etc. People really read them. As I went from Home to Home I could see that the Family is united in spirit because of the pubs. If it weren't for the pubs, we wouldn't have a united vision or a united leadership or a united goal. I only went to four countries in southern Africa, but I believe it's that way all over the world. It's a beautiful thing to see and experience.
Variety in Family Homes
A nice thing about our Homes and our Family--and I guess it's credit to the Charter in that it has created opportunities and a place for many diverse personalities--is that people can get involved in whatever kind of ministry they want to, based on what they have the burden and faith for. We all have a common goal of loving the Lord and trying to reach others with salvation and His love, but people have different burdens as far as what they want to do, and the Family has provided, via the Charter, an opportunity for people to operate according to their own faith and initiative. That's really good. There's something for everybody in the Family. The downside of it is that because people have different goals, and operate according to their personal faith, it's difficult to get several people to work together in unity.
Family strengths
Some of the strengths of the Family that I saw while visiting are the following: We're very strong on salvation and sharing that with others. We're strong on the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We're very strong on forsaking all and going into all the world to preach the Gospel. Because of that, we have many people who have sacrificed a lot and given of themselves to go into all the world.
There are people like Ben in Botswana, and Andrew and Hannah in Zimbabwe, who've been there for seven or eight years. Ben in Botswana says, "I'm going to die here. I'm going to live the rest of my life here. I have permanent residency because of my contributions to the country." I asked him one time what his vision was, and he said, "Well, there are one million four hundred thousand people in Botswana and I want to activate every one of them. That's my goal! That's my vision and I'm not going to stop until they all are activated!" He said, "I pray my kids have the same vision and burden that I have because it's going to take some time." The government loves him so much that they have offered to buy him land, build him a school and other things, if he will just run and oversee it. But he says he doesn't want to get involved in that. He wants to do outreach.
Our precious Family on that field love the African people. They love the field. They're just real missionaries. The fruit of Mama and Peter's leadership, and Dad's obedience to the Lord, is that we have a body of believers that is willing to give their lives serving the Lord.
Another thing that is unique about our Family is our communal lifestyle.--The ability to live together and be willing to live this communal lifestyle for the sake of our goal of reaching the world with God's love.
Next to our booth at the World Summit was a bank, the First National Bank. One man went by and saw the booth of the bank and said, "Oh, I don't need a bank account. I already have one." As he was running by, I said, "But do you have your bank account in Heaven?"
Allan at the bank booth said, "Good line, Gabe. Good line because that got his attention." He came over and said, "Bank account in Heaven … now what is this all about?"
The brethren in South Africa have a beautiful and powerful Family brochure that explains about our Family being an international fellowship of Christian missionaries. It says "The Family" on it. It explains how we have communities in so many countries around the world and we live together, etc.
This guy who came to our booth said to me, "I don't believe it."
I said, "You don't believe what?"
He said, "I don't believe that you can live together communally as Christians."
I said, "Well, this isn't a façade. This is real. Those photos are real. We do live together. I live with 25 people in a community."
He said, "I don't believe it. I'm a former pastor. I know human nature, even Christians, and I think it's impossible that you can get Christians to live and work together."
I said, "Well, some experts claim that according to the rules of aerodynamics, the bumble bee should not be able to fly.. So even if it's not supposed to work, it does work; it's a miracle. With our Family it does happen! We're able to do it." We kind of debated back and forth. I could tell by our conversation that this man knew what he was talking about and he wasn't a pushover.
My point is, we are unique! We are special! We are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, of which I am very proud to be part. I could go on and on about what a deep impression this time made on me and the joy I experienced living and traveling and getting to know so many precious Family missionaries, but suffice it to say, I really do know that we are it. I have tasted of the fruits out there, that we who are behind the scenes take by faith as we work to produce the pubs for you, dear Family.
Keep up the good work, dear Family! We're behind you all the way!
(End of file.)